irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050123

00:00.02firestrmJmanA9, and your extensions are in a different context
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00:00.56JmanA9firestrm: what do you mean, whats wrong with the registering?
00:01.16twistedManxPwr, not at home?
00:01.24ManxPwrtwisted, Nope
00:01.25*** join/#asterisk Logan (
00:02.01twistedManxPwr, having fun? :P
00:02.12ManxPwrtwisted, Not with a bouncing DSL link
00:02.19*** join/#asterisk greendisease (~jack@greendisease.fedora)
00:02.19twistedlooks like the IP changed
00:02.22firestrmJmanA9, look in you sip.conf, there is robbly a context=sip somwhere where it should point to you to you context for handling extensions
00:02.29hermietwisted you been watching the show?
00:02.34twistedhermie, show?
00:03.15JmanA9i have context=sip for each of the definitions for my phone
00:03.35JmanA9thats the only place it is in sip.conf
00:03.47mengerJmanA9, well that points to a context in extensions.conf
00:03.50firestrmJmanA9, and in you extensions.conf, where do you define your differetnt extensions?
00:03.50ManxPowerJamesDotCom, context= in sip.conf points to a [place] in extensions.conf
00:04.13JmanA9down at the bottom
00:04.28JmanA9do they have to be under general or global?
00:04.43firestrmJmanA9, no they have to be under [sip]
00:05.01ManxPowerJmanA9, No, context=sip in sip.conf points to a [sip] section in extensions.conf
00:05.39*** join/#asterisk DaGrim (
00:05.42firestrmJmanA9, you can do include => general in your [sip] context, allthough probbly not the best way
00:06.14DaGrimHey.. anybody know any tips/tricks to get * to allow you to use two 866 DIDs from Nufone on the same server?
00:06.50Moc_DaGrim, that basic
00:07.21DaGrimyea it will only let me use one or the other it seems
00:07.23Moc_DaGrim, just make 2 entry in your ext..conf of the incoming context from nufone
00:07.46Moc_1 with the 866111111 the other with 866222222
00:08.09DaGrimCan it have the same username [NuFone] for all for times in iax.conf ??
00:08.26JmanA9in extensions.conf, i have exten => 1,1,Dial(SIP/phone1,20,tr)
00:08.29JmanA9for my first phone
00:08.32DaGrimand.. in extensions.conf i have an [inbound] and a different one for the other number.. and i have them going to the correct contexts..
00:08.34JmanA9is there something else i should be having?
00:08.51firestrmJmanA9, pastbin your extensions.conf and i'll take a look
00:08.53Moc_DaGrim, make a [inboundnufone]
00:09.07Moc_exten => 8665551212,1,Dial(dsfds...)
00:09.23Moc_exten => 8667607272,1,Dial(someone else)
00:09.39Moc_and make incoming call from nufone go to the context [inboundnufone]
00:10.52DaGrimbut i have two dids
00:11.26DaGrimdo they need to be binded to different ports??
00:11.35DaGrimin iax.conf
00:11.38Moc_8665551212 is YOUR NUMBER.
00:11.45Moc_just change it to what ever you want
00:11.51*** join/#asterisk sabre (
00:12.03DaGrimokay.. but they are on two different nufone accounts
00:12.04Moc_you can have as many entry you wish in inboundnufone
00:12.16Moc_why did you made 2 different acocunt ?
00:12.17DaGrimtwo diff usernames/passes
00:12.27DaGrimBecause I HAD one for work but I was let go yesterday..
00:12.31ManxPowerDaGrim, You stop using type=friend
00:12.31DaGrimand the shit is in my name
00:12.39DaGrimoh ok
00:12.46DaGrimso just take it out or change it to user?
00:13.05ManxPowerWell you need to set up user/peer for each inbound/outbound account for NuFone.
00:13.12DaGrimright.. i did
00:13.26Moc_yep, and you can send both to the same context thought
00:13.50Moc_you added another registry line for your second account ?
00:16.22veto_I can't find anything on voip-info about dialing both cell and sip phone at once, does anyone here do that?
00:16.49hermieveto_ I highly doubt it isn't in the wiki
00:16.56firestrmDaGrim,  you have your ex employers 18xx number in your name... NICE!! revenge time :)
00:16.57Moc_veto_, you cao do dial(SIP/phone&SIP/Proviuder/Cellphone#)
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00:17.00ManxPowerveto_, Dial(SIP/668&Zap/1/5551212)
00:17.13ManxPowerHOWEVER it will NOT work with analog Zap FXO ports.
00:17.25Moc_ManxPower ?
00:17.31fileindeed, as they do not provide call progression... it'll immediately be flagged as answered
00:17.32Moc_oh your right hehe
00:17.38filethus your call to SIP will be terminated
00:17.50Moc_veto_, you could just use my patch for confirmation on answer
00:18.03Moc_it not in CVS yet
00:18.05veto_btw, manxpower and file...remember all that nat stuff I was fighting?
00:18.11fileit was your callerid
00:18.22markitanyone got the new native assisted transfer working?
00:18.24veto_that's right, you were online.
00:18.30ManxPowerveto_, I have the attention span of a gnat.  No, I don't remember.
00:18.55ManxPowerOh!  Shiny thing!
00:19.16veto_i was fighting what I thought was nat for 2 days, couldn't ring 1111, but could call out...turned out it was my callerid="John Doe <1111>" due to quotes....i feel dumb ;p
00:19.49ManxPowerveto_, That's why you comment out EVERYTHING you do not need when troubleshooting.
00:19.58ManxPowerveto_, Using a Cisco phone, huh?
00:20.07CpuIDManxPower: sarp
00:20.15hermieGo to and look at their header graphic... there's something funny in it...
00:20.15veto_indeed manxpower, that's how I found it.  no SPA841's
00:20.51CpuIDmmm the tunes are going well on this morning i must say
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00:27.40hermieleonardo, what a charming hostname
00:31.10firestrmthis is scary,, im actually learning enough about * to help others.. i guess it means i cant hide under the newby clause anymore :)
00:31.43harryvvmodules for es1370 failed to load when in boot mode
00:31.53harryvvsound modules celebus
00:32.18CpuIDok...anyone here used the cisco phones with sccp at all yet? just curious on a few of the files that the phones want on the tftp server atm
00:32.42*** join/#asterisk thefallen (PolarBear@thefallen.user)
00:33.05nitramCpuID: just talking on one
00:33.26CpuIDactually, sec
00:33.36CpuIDi think its all about that SEP(MAC) file
00:33.43derfersomeone know where i can build personal menu ?
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00:33.57CpuIDasterisk got error messages from the handset and all, saying file not found, and i think i just found an example on
00:34.12firestrmi have someone whi has a bunch of old panasonic pbx phones, is there any way to get those to work with asterisk, or will it only work with panasonic hardware? (probbly a dumb question, but i have to ask anyways)
00:34.17derfersomeone know howican build personal menu ? ^^
00:34.37CpuIDfirestrm: if the handsets are ip, using either sip or h323 theres a possibility you could get them to work i guess, maybe
00:34.52CpuIDbut if their not ip...youd have to do some nice hacks to get them working probly :)
00:35.24firestrmCpuID, hmm i will have to research more, i know they have an rj45 jack on them and they are supposed to be digital.. so maybe..
00:35.44asjoynerderfer is looking for a good example dialplan - anyone have a link to one in the wiki?  I'm looking for one at the moment
00:36.24CpuIDhmm k, interesting
00:36.33CpuIDplug them into an ethernet switch and see if the light comes on, lol
00:36.33asjoynerhere's what I was looking for:
00:38.26*** join/#asterisk AgiNamu (~AgiNamu@
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01:02.57Darwin_35ok is astralinux out yet ?
01:03.16derfereveryone have example ivr sript for make a menu ? pls help me
01:03.30Darwin_35what type of menu
01:03.43Darwin_35for billing/tech/sales /
01:03.52Darwin_35queues ?
01:03.59derferput 1 for english or put 2 for French
01:04.19derferwhen user put 1 call phoneA and put 2 call phoneB
01:04.31derferi search sinds 5hours :p
01:04.37Darwin_35thasthats a basic  script
01:05.11derfermaybe but i am a newbies
01:05.18Nixdefer: did you look in the sample extensions.conf ?
01:05.38Nixit has almost exactly that already there with comments..
01:05.48InfraRedprobably stupid question; does asterisk open a port per channel ? or is it one TCP port for all?
01:05.49derferi check taht
01:06.07InfraRedi am trying to use skinny protocl
01:06.22CpuIDInfraRed: your using chan_skinny?
01:06.29Darwin_35defer hold a min
01:06.35InfraRedCpuID: trying
01:06.39CpuIDhaving any luck?
01:06.47CpuIDi just got chan_sccp2 compiled in last night myself
01:06.52InfraRedbut i didnt read all the docs
01:07.01CpuIDso far so good here, ive just gotta copy over a SEP(MAC).CNF.XML file now
01:07.04CpuIDlol, docs are good :)
01:07.04InfraRedi am trying to figure out if port 1720 handles all the channels
01:07.13InfraRedthe examples i find are asking for port 2000
01:07.17CpuIDhmm, well from memory, port 2000 is used ya
01:07.18Darwin_35defer read the wiki pages
01:07.25CpuIDnever heard of 1720 being used anywhere yet
01:07.40derfernot clear
01:07.45CpuIDso far ive got my phones getting their own dhcp allocation from my dhcp server, and they get their tftp server attribute and all
01:07.55QwellSo, these cisco 7960's say that you can upload firmware with CallManager.  Is that also what the tftp server on them is for?
01:08.04CpuIDi must admit, the sccp firmware on cisco phones gives a bit more debugging output, since it throws any config file errors to asterisk to spit out on the console
01:08.07CpuIDi was amazed to see that
01:08.11InfraRedQwell: yes
01:08.17CpuIDQwell: you run your own tftp server
01:08.21InfraRedQwell: google for OSX79XX.TXT
01:08.25CpuIDand tell the phone to pull files from the tftp server
01:08.30QwellInfraRed: I'm writing that down.  Thank you.
01:08.38CpuIDya that txt file is good lol
01:08.49InfraRedthats what you need on your tftp
01:08.55InfraRedsadly my 7910 doesnt ask for it
01:08.59InfraRedthe bastard :/
01:09.05QwellIs that the actual filename?  google lists two results
01:09.05CpuIDthat sux
01:09.10Qwellor should the x's be replaced?
01:09.12CpuIDive got 5 7960s and a 7940 here atm :)
01:09.16InfraRedmaybe without the X
01:09.26InfraRed7910 follows different setup
01:09.28CpuIDand hopefully ill be able to use sccp with the lot, which should be fun
01:09.37Qwellahh, os79xx
01:09.38InfraRedthey shouldnt have called it 7910 it should be different series
01:09.40CpuIDseeing as the cvs head of chan_sccp has been maintained a little more lately
01:09.57firestrmexten => _011NXXXXXXXXXXX,1,DIAL(SIP/${EXTEN}@terracall,30) should match international number but i get a fast busy, nothing for debug in the cli.. any ideas?
01:09.58*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
01:09.59InfraRed7910 only supports skinny :/
01:10.10CpuIDer, isnt sccp the same as skinny? lol
01:10.14CpuIDi wasnt aware there was a diff :)
01:10.15InfraRedit is
01:10.19CpuIDthought so lol
01:10.25InfraRedbut you know what i mean
01:10.30drgalaxygetting the 7910s to run right is a little bit hard if you get ones that don't have newest firmware
01:10.32firestrmoops.. nevermind, just found where i was going wrong..
01:10.34InfraRedif it supported SIP it would made my life easier
01:10.38Goshenthis is exciting...  a way for everyone to share their phone line and get free calling
01:10.41drgalaxythey have to bootp from dhcp
01:10.45InfraReddrgalaxy: how do i upgrade the firmware
01:10.47GoshenJeff is great :)
01:10.54InfraRedi have the 2 files
01:11.00*** join/#asterisk florz_ (
01:11.00InfraRedbut cant figure out how to push it
01:11.08drgalaxyInfraRed I don't remember...  lol I think you have to run a dhcp server to provide bootp service
01:11.09InfraRedtried it as a botofile but that failed
01:11.19drgalaxyin the dhcpd.conf you must use the next-server to point to your asterisk box
01:11.39CpuIDhmm anyone know how to get in contact with czmok?
01:11.41InfraRedasterisk and dhcpd are the same machine
01:11.42drgalaxyand you have to have a dns entry for cc-callmanager-1.something for the phone to find the call mgr
01:11.44CpuIDhe use irc or anything?
01:12.27InfraRedi dont have call maanger
01:12.38drgalaxyInfraRed * is your call mgr
01:12.48CpuIDya, what drgalaxy said
01:12.54drgalaxywhat do you think * does?
01:12.59robin_sok, I am handing a set of extensions from one box to another over IAX2 and the dialled number is say 6003, I get Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach '6003@'on the far end .. I presume the extra @ symbol is stuffing it??
01:13.00drgalaxyit manages calls pretty darn well
01:13.01CpuIDchan_skinny/sccp/sccp2 emulates a callmanager
01:13.05InfraRedso let me get this straight
01:13.17InfraRedto upgrade firmware i bootp it ?
01:13.26drgalaxyphone has to get an ip from dhcp and it must have a dns server assigned to it
01:13.30InfraRedthe bin or sbn file?
01:13.35drgalaxythe phone connects to some weird dns name
01:13.42InfraRedi fixed that
01:13.54InfraRedit picks up the * as CM ip
01:13.56drgalaxyInfraRed those are for loading new firmware I think.. can't remember how we did it
01:14.05robin_smy extension link looks like: exten => _6XXX,1,Dial(IAX2/myserver:password@red/${EXTEN},30,r)
01:14.23drgalaxyand you have chan_skinny.conf set up right and an extension set up for the channel you create?
01:14.36robin_sI guess I need to trim tha extra @ sign off the dialled digits??
01:15.05InfraRedneed to find how to upgrade from old to new firmware
01:15.17InfraRedall the docs are for CCM upgrade
01:15.24InfraRedand 2 lines about the tftp upgrade
01:15.38InfraRedCisco IP Phone Model 7910/7940/7960 Alternate Firmware format
01:15.38InfraRedThe Cisco IP Phone Model 7910/7940/7960 Firmware version 5.0(5) is also supplied in a zip file, as an alternative in case a Cisco CallManager is not available to run the executable installer program.
01:15.38*** join/#asterisk Brian (
01:15.43InfraRedAfter unziping the firmware files, they should be manually copied to the appropriate directory on the TFTP server.
01:16.15InfraRedthats all it says
01:16.17InfraRedany ideas?
01:16.26robin_sooh, this is so close now .. i have 2 servers, * set up, one registered with the other, meetme working .. just this dialplan thing now
01:16.31drgalaxynot positive.. but I think it looks for its firmware on a tftp server that is specified by dhcpd.conf after the directive 'next-server'
01:17.29drgalaxyInfraRed I believe that the phone tftp's into the next-server host and attempts to dl a file named its mac address
01:17.40InfraRednice one
01:18.02drgalaxyrun a cmd line tftp server with appropriate options and tell it to not fork to daemon
01:18.10drgalaxyso you can read the access attempts in stdout
01:18.19drgalaxyboot the phone and see what file it tries to dl
01:18.34drgalaxygeeze if this isn't on the wiki I can't imagine how I figured this out a year ago
01:18.37InfraRednice one dude
01:18.40*** part/#asterisk Brian (
01:18.48InfraRedi'll try
01:18.56Darwin_35bkw you around
01:19.09Darwin_35I want to see a copy of astralinux
01:19.27drgalaxyInfraRed if you get it working wanna work on a wiki page with me on it?
01:19.36Darwin_35how small have you gotten it
01:19.54Darwin_35I got slack down to 60 megs with otu asterisk
01:20.03Silik0nits small compared to other linux distro's but its not a micro dist
01:20.21InfraRedi will write a big page about getting 7910 to work with *
01:20.25InfraRedsince it seems to be a FAQ
01:20.47InfraRedfrom A to Z
01:20.47Darwin_35well I have a mini slack distro and with asterisk added it should be about 80 megs
01:21.00drgalaxywell at a cursory glance it appears to be supported.. but it really is a game of trick the phone
01:21.43drgalaxyInfraRed if I recall, JerJer wrote alot of chan_skinny
01:22.08Darwin_35I am trying to get it down to about 70 megs with asterisk and voice prompt
01:22.16Silik0nI have a asterlinux box I have been dev'ing on... all * related stuff onit and its only using 3G of disk
01:22.16InfraRedits getting the phone working part
01:22.26InfraRed* is fairly well documented
01:22.33InfraRedalthough docs are all over the place
01:22.35Silik0nbut that has all kinds of extras on it
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01:22.58Darwin_353 gig is to big
01:23.00Silik0nit could be smaller, but hey disk space adn ram are cheap
01:23.16Darwin_35I have this on a 510 mb hd
01:23.16Silik0nthats like 2.5G of stuff for dev
01:23.33Silik0nasterlinux will fit on that with asterisk and space to spare
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01:24.11Silik0nbesides that I have openbsd running off 32M flash cards
01:24.18Darwin_35yeah the rest is for voicemail and logfiles
01:24.43*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
01:24.57Silik0nthe thing is, if you have a 500M HDD you are using, do you really trust it for a production box? i mean thats an old HHD and stuff
01:25.36Darwin_35I have a stack of 75 of them right from ibm
01:26.08Darwin_35used for less then 2 months then put n the shelf
01:26.19Darwin_35and left for dead
01:26.43InfraRednot worth the cables you're ghonna connect to them
01:27.13Darwin_35I have all the conncets
01:27.22Darwin_35I get them at 10c a piece
01:27.32Darwin_35the 44 to 40 converters
01:28.11*** join/#asterisk NTJOCK (
01:28.15NTJOCKhey gang
01:28.17InfraRedwhat is the wiki address
01:28.19Darwin_35with power connecters
01:28.44jskcranyone with suse 9.2?
01:28.48NTJOCKI'm in the process of configuring my first SIP phone... I'm seeing a message "chan_sip.c:7531 handle request ... registration from blah blah failed."
01:28.55NTJOCKWhat is the cause of this error?
01:29.42Darwin_35wrong ip wrong user name wrong password
01:29.43Corydon76-homeYour username/password are incorrect, maybe?
01:30.03NTJOCKok, I'll check
01:30.41dan2I have 2 fxs cards as channels 1 and 2, and an fxo card as channel 3
01:30.53dan2I can't receive dial tone on 2
01:30.59dan2and I ensured I set it up correctly in zapata.conf
01:31.34CpuIDgot chan_sccp working so far :)
01:31.39CpuIDcan call out and everything
01:31.47CpuIDhavent setup my extensions.conf to test incoming calls yet tho
01:31.52CpuIDbut it pretty much just worked, lol
01:32.03dan2anybody have any idea?
01:32.15dan2asterisk can't detect at all the channel 2 when i pick it up
01:33.23ManxPowerdan2, What happens when you plug a regular analog phone into line 2
01:34.19*** join/#asterisk jskcr (~jskcr@jskcr.user)
01:34.42CpuIDand nice, incoming calls work :)
01:37.38dan2ManxPower: yeah, nothing by asterisk, I don't quite see the issue
01:37.50dan2ManxPower: I copied exact config from digiums documentation
01:38.10NTJOCKdoes anyone else in here have a Polycom 500 ?  I need some hints on how it should be setup in sip.conf and extensions.conf.  :)
01:38.21ManxPowerdan2, If you don't get dialtone when plugging a phone into the line going into port 2 then its a line problem not astetrisk
01:39.31dan2ManxPower: ztcfg isn't giving any errors
01:41.06CpuIDManxPower: you ever used cisco phones with sccp yourself?
01:41.18CpuIDi must say, so far so good hey :)
01:41.31ManxPowerCpuID, no.  I'm not that crazy
01:41.39ManxPowerdan2, what does zttool show for that channel?
01:42.40CpuIDcrazy, you do know theres been quite a bit of work being done lately on sccp2? :)
01:42.56CpuIDi made myself a gentoo ebuild of it from cvs yesterday, and its working nicely :)
01:43.03CpuIDwith asterisk 1.0.4
01:43.24CpuIDjust spoke to someone a min ago, they said this 7960 is sounding clearer than my sip 7940 did
01:43.33CpuIDbwidth usage is about 83kbit each way
01:43.39CpuIDwhich isnt too bad, compared to sip
01:43.46CpuID(used on lan only anyway)
01:43.53CpuIDmy next test will be sccp with g729 i think heh
01:45.09ManxPowerLast I heard The SCCP channel in asterisk didn't support any codec except ulaw (and maybe alaw)
01:45.31*** part/#asterisk harryvv (
01:46.00CpuIDoh interesting
01:46.07CpuIDill have to see how things go there
01:50.35*** join/#asterisk jetscreamer (
01:55.35CpuIDhrm anyone got any idea on the reboot key combo for the 7960s with sccp?
01:55.41CpuIDi knew it was * 6 settings on sip firmware
01:57.36CpuIDok nice, got my xml services working, including phone directories
01:57.39MavvieI tell them "don't change the admin password"
01:57.52MavvieWhat do they do? They change it, and they forget it.
01:58.20Mavviefor give away: three grandstream BT-100 phones. Admin password unknown.
01:58.31CpuIDfun :s
01:58.35Mavvie(unless I find a way to recover it before somebody takes them)
01:58.53ManxPowerMaveric, Call GS
01:59.07*** join/#asterisk HjemmeRoyK (
01:59.12MavvieManxPower: that's probably going to happen on monday.
01:59.58Mavvieaha, page 38 of the printed out manual.
02:00.01*** join/#asterisk mtqh (
02:00.43Moc_Anyone have the Sipura provisioner tool ?
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02:01.26DaLion~jbot rboc
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02:01.56CpuIDhmm, whats the story with switching ringtones on the 7960?
02:02.13CpuIDseems like it must be different to the sip firmware RINGLIST.DAT thingo
02:03.15bjohnsonanyone have an example of answering a call and allowing use of outgoing lines for matching callerids or some other kind of authentication?
02:04.59*** join/#asterisk MonaLisa[gambler (
02:05.11Darwin_35ok got it
02:05.24robin_scast it into a context and have your normal dialout plan with an Authenticate(secretnumer) ??
02:06.48robin_sbusiness card CD!
02:07.09hermieDaLion, you say it like ~term for jbot
02:07.13jbotextra, extra, read all about it, rboc is a Regional Bell Operating Company, also known as a "Baby Bell." Examples include Verizon (Bell Atlantic and NYNEX), Southern Bell, and SBC (Southwestern Bell, Pac Bell, and Ameritech).
02:07.26hermie(I thought...)
02:07.39Moc_RBOC, Royal Bank Of Canada ;)
02:07.46Moc_jbot seem slow rightnow
02:07.48Mavviegambolputty: too late, figured out how to do a factory reset.
02:07.54hermiebugbot is cooler :)
02:07.54bjohnsonhow about .. anyone use fax/data/phone switches to route faxes to fax machine before getting to a fxo port (ie keep faxes out of the voip system)?
02:08.41Darwin_35now to make it a bootable cd
02:08.49Moc_hermie, hehe yea
02:08.52Darwin_35thats a good idea
02:09.33*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes_ (
02:09.37tzafrir_homerobin_s: businesscard is 50MB, IIRC
02:09.44fearnorthat movie is awesome
02:09.52fearnorparticularly old-school phreakin'
02:10.03Darwin_35i was going to make a cf drive
02:10.12fearnorand  young robert redford owns
02:10.38*** join/#asterisk Funbags (
02:10.51hermieI just watched a movie with Parminder Nagra (chic from ER)... good stuff
02:11.05*** join/#asterisk WifiFred (
02:12.30Darwin_35no i have to make this distro with a pkg updater
02:13.42hermiefearnor: Yeah, Redford was a good Sundace Kid
02:15.12Chujidammit, gmail has been wacky all day
02:15.32ChujiJust me who can't get to it?
02:16.24*** join/#asterisk implicit (
02:16.39iMediaxworks for me
02:17.41Chujihmm, must be some nasty cookies
02:18.53*** join/#asterisk ta[i]nted (
02:19.02ta[i]ntedwhere can i get a list of all country / city codes?
02:19.40*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (~chatzilla@
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02:20.26ChujiHeh, gmail sure don't like lynx
02:21.06shmaltzI never tried gmail with lynx, but I can imagine with all that client side codeing, that it doesn't work too nice
02:22.21CpuIDthat woudl be a nice mess :)
02:22.47ChujiOhh hell no. It doesn't do anything
02:24.29tzanger~seen kram
02:24.33jbotkram is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 1 messages.  Is idling for 5h 57m 29s
02:24.34*** join/#asterisk djMax (
02:24.43tzangerjbot's slackin
02:24.48CpuIDso tempted to go get this good cd of music from downstairs in the car
02:24.52CpuIDgettin over my collection atm
02:25.02CpuIDok fuckit, brb ppls
02:26.00DaLionso wheres lowest did yet ocnduits ?
02:26.02djMaxquick q.  So I send callers into VM with Voicemail(su1000).  Where does the line that lest them login to that mailbox go?
02:26.05DaLionmeant conduits ?
02:26.28tzangerdjMax: into the voicemail app?
02:26.45djMaxwiki says that the extension 'o' is called when the user hits 0, but I don't understand where that line goes.
02:26.58djMaxyeah, I want to send them into VoicemailMain I guess
02:27.00filein the context you're insane
02:27.02fileer in
02:27.07tzangerdjMax: o extension
02:27.13tzangeras in exten => o,1,DoSomething()
02:27.23fileexten => o,1,MakeMuffins(blueberry)
02:27.23tzangeror exten => o,1,Goto(main,0,s)
02:27.34tzangerdamn your * box makes blueberry muffins?!
02:27.36djMaxwhere, in voicemail.conf or extensions.conf?
02:27.39tzangerhow did you interface to the mixer?
02:27.44tzangerdjMax: extenisons.somc
02:27.45filetzanger: serial!
02:27.54fileand a PIC in the mixer.
02:27.55tzangero is an extension just like s or i or t or h
02:27.59tzangerfile: sweet
02:28.00fileuses the muffin protocol
02:28.05tzangerI'm looking at PIC DRAM interfaces right now
02:28.10tzangerit's about time I learned how to do it
02:28.17djMaxok, that I got, but was just really confusing as to which context it should be in.
02:28.17tzangerI've only been doing embedde dsystems for a decade
02:28.26tzangerdjMax: the current context
02:28.37tzangerthe same context the user was in when they hit voicemail
02:29.21djMaxAhhhh.  Ok, so it "returns" from VoiceMail to the 'o' extension.
02:29.37tzangermoreso it goto()'s the o extenison in the same context
02:30.08djMaxexten => s,1,Voicemail(su1000)
02:30.09djMaxexten => s,2,Congestion
02:30.11djMaxexten => o,1,VoicemailMain
02:30.23tzangerI really don't think you want to go to voicemailmain on o
02:30.27tzangero is when they dial 0
02:30.31tzangera is when they dial *
02:30.40tzangerwhen someone dials 0 they typically want the receptionist
02:30.51tzangeror at least to jump back to the start of the IVR
02:30.57djMaxok, I put a instead
02:31.06tzangeryou don't *have* to it's just a suggestion
02:31.25djMaxyou're right, was just trying to understand the overall logic.  Now to get it to login automatically depending on CID
02:31.43ta[i]ntedanyone want to sell me their e164 list?
02:33.07DaLionwat does e164 list do
02:33.35ta[i]ntedlisting of international country and city codes
02:37.19*** join/#asterisk w0w0 (~w0w0@
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02:39.55bjohnsonI ring some extensions on incoming calls.  Is there a way to allow employees to bypass that and yet not delay the answering for customers?
02:41.04djMaxhow do you define "employees"?  CallerId?
02:41.14*** join/#asterisk elric (
02:42.06bjohnsonhmm .. I'm just trying to define what the system should do.  Maybe I should check callerids .. but also have another number for them to use for incoming
02:42.07Funbagsanyone using debian w/asterisk source
02:42.20elricwhat extension will i have to make to let an IAX softphone on my network to dial a number on Zap interface?
02:42.22Funbags*from source
02:42.27bjohnsonthe idea is that authenticated users could get access to internal extensions and also use outgoing lines
02:42.32puluFunbags: I'm using stable with some backports with asterisk from cvs..
02:43.03bjohnsondjMax: is there a way I could check a bunch of callerids without having a long list of gotoif's?
02:43.23Funbagspulu, I am trying to figure out why i keep getting a termcap error.. I install termcap-comat.. any idea's
02:44.07djMaxhmmm.  If you use the "other incoming number" approach then you're fine.  As far as a list of CIDs I suppose that probably needs an AGI or something
02:44.15puluI don't have it installed, it never did that for me... Is this when you're compiling it?
02:44.18*** join/#asterisk flok420 (
02:44.35Funbagspulu, yes when i am compiling it
02:44.35bjohnsonI guess I could use dbget and do a table of callerids that are authenticated .. but I haven't got into db use with * yet .. and the best place on my system to store that info would really be in the ldap tree
02:45.26InfraRedchan skinny is now working
02:45.32InfraRedwe have a winnar
02:45.51bjohnsonis there a sound file included in the default install that would be suitable to tell the authenticated caller to select an extension or start dialing the outgoing number?
02:46.27Prestonbjohnson, just write a quick function to do it, and store then in a hash
02:46.28puluFunbags: do you have the libncurses5-dev installed?
02:47.13*** join/#asterisk cyberlord (
02:47.17bjohnsonbeen solved at
02:47.23Funbagspulu, bingo you rock
02:47.55bjohnsonI have no idea how to do that.  I thought this situation might already have a prepared solution from someone
02:48.12PTG123bjohnson, well are the callerids even stored right now?
02:48.22djMaxJan 22 17:59:36 WARNING[28572]: Wait failed (Resource temporarily unavailable)
02:48.30djMaxI think this was coupled with a disconnect
02:49.02djMaxbjohnson, on Preston's theme, you could just make a big long string and do a substring match.
02:49.19PTG123djMax, ick thats slow :)
02:49.59derferthx for all
02:50.03derferit's work now
02:51.03djMaxyeah, I guess that depends on how many employees. :)  But under 100 I bet it's faster than a db lookup.
02:51.24PTG123heh thats true
02:51.26PTG123what did he need this for?
02:51.48djMaxless manageable and totally ugly, but hey. :)  He wanted to switch on "employee/non-employee" to play different prompts
02:52.27PTG123ah yah a db lookup, or a hash would be the best bet.. If he has realtime installed its probably pretty simple to do
02:52.37PTG123how about this solution
02:52.42bjohnsonPTG123: not stored anywhere .. I'm just starting to add this concept
02:52.44PTG123have the employees call a different number
02:52.51PTG123that sounds alot more simple :)
02:53.14PTG123since caller id can be faked, plus employees can  be using diff phones
02:53.14djMaxthat's gross too.  Making the telco do work that the system should be able to do.
02:53.22*** join/#asterisk jeofrey (
02:53.33djMaxreally, how is callerid faked? (as I write the code to allow home automation access by CID)
02:53.36jeofreyhi everybody
02:53.44PTG123what are dids these days, less then $1
02:53.47jeofreyi am new user of asterisk
02:53.57jeofreyim having a lot troubles
02:54.00PTG123djMax: simply give me your #, i will call it from any # you want
02:54.02djMaxyeah, if he has a PRI then absolutely.
02:54.11djMaxthat's scary.  Ok, guess I'll need a code then.
02:54.13jeofreyis there anyone there can help me
02:54.25PTG123thats my favorite feature about using asterisk :)
02:54.57bjohnsonit would probably be about 30 numbers if I do it that way
02:55.08PTG123if you did it what way?
02:55.10PTG123caller id lookup way?
02:55.39bjohnsonyes callerid
02:56.21bjohnsoncallerid check is the easiest for the user and therefore most likely to be used
02:56.29jeofreyany idea why the asterisk keep on shutdown?
02:56.48djMaxanybody know off hand if you can just delete vm files from disk and vm will do the right thing?  Or does the set have to be number from 1 continuously?
02:56.55bjohnsonany kind of a dial in menu system to dial out or a callback system will likely leave them bitching about the change from Ma Bell
02:58.28ChujidjMax : Yes, you can delete from disk. Just make sure you get the associated .txt file
02:58.49djMaxcool.  asp vm interface here I come!
02:58.50elricmy outgoing calls are made through [outgoing] context, does include => outgoing in context [internal] let my internal extens make a call outside?
02:58.57Chujijeofrey : Whu?
02:59.17ChujidjMax : There is already a php one, just improve it!
02:59.27pulujeofrey: what does it say when it shuts down?
02:59.42bjohnsonI could maybe do a dual system of callerid and a callback system for use with unknown numbers .. but getting a number for users to call in on is a pita since voip 800 isn't available in our area yet and I would need numerous local numbers to cover the area .. although I guess it could callback without answering and ask for a pin
02:59.43Chujielric : yes and no, that depends on the context of the phones
02:59.50jeofreyhi pulu
03:00.13bjohnsonelric: yes .. subjet to any conflicts you may have creates
03:00.33Chujielric : If your phones have their context in [internal] then yes, they will also be able to use [outgoing]
03:00.50jeofreybecause i a sip ip phone connected to asterisk but if i try to dial a number once it ring the asterisk will shutdown it self
03:01.02PTG123bjohnson, you in canada or something?
03:01.05elricok thanks, i will give it a shot, my internal phones are IAX softphones
03:01.20jeofreythe asterisk is turn off itself
03:01.29pulujeofrey: start it with -vvvvvc and see what's the last thing it says before it dies
03:01.45jeofreyok hang on
03:02.06jeofreyDisconnected from Asterisk server
03:02.07jeofreyExecuting last minute cleanups
03:02.07jeofreyAsterisk cleanly ending (0)
03:02.47Chujijeofrey : show version
03:02.49bjohnsonPTG123: yes
03:03.30jeofreyAsterisk CVS-HEAD-12/17/04-04:24:01, Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Digium.
03:03.30jeofreyWritten by Mark Spencer <>
03:03.30jeofreyConnected to Asterisk CVS-HEAD-12/17/04-04:24:01 currently running on aliyap (pid = 16539)
03:03.30jeofreyVerbosity was 5 and is now 6
03:03.49PTG123bjohnson, ah damn you would think you could get 800 #s there
03:04.01Chujijeofrey : Kind of old there man, might want ot upgrade
03:04.12Chujijeofrey : Is there something you need HEAD ver for?
03:04.16CpuIDjeofrey: move up to like 1.0.4 or something
03:04.20Chujijeofrey : Get yourself a stable version
03:04.32bjohnsonthe voip ones are $0.08/min .. but I guess a callback system wouldn't actually use the minutes .. would it?
03:05.01CpuIDbjohnson: not really, if i get what your trying to do
03:05.10jeofreywhere can i get that version
03:05.13*** join/#asterisk ajunge (
03:05.15*** join/#asterisk upsite (~upsite@
03:05.17jeofreyi am new in this thing
03:05.22CpuIDjeofrey: goto download, its in the ftop
03:05.31CpuIDon the ftp*
03:05.46jeofreysomebody solve this asterisk to me
03:05.50jbothmm... mirrors is at or available via apt-setup or at or or
03:05.56jeofreybut now he never support me already
03:06.06CpuIDsolve? or sold?
03:06.20Chujijbot mirrors is
03:06.21jbot...but mirrors is already something else...
03:06.25Nixwho? and how much? :-)
03:06.49NixCpuID: nothing illegal about selling GPL software...
03:06.51bjohnsonwell .. it's turning into 2 systems.  1. callerid checking on the normal incoming lines to auto-answer and give access to all extensions 2. unpublished phone number for callback system.  User then plugs in pin and gets acces to all extensions
03:07.08CpuIDyes...that statement is nice and true heh
03:07.10jeofreyhe sold to me $500
03:07.22Corydon76-homejeofrey: so ask for your money back
03:07.25jeofreyhe install to my server
03:07.38jeofreyi cannot get him already
03:07.41Corydon76-homejeofrey: we're volunteers here... we're under no obligation to you
03:07.43Nixthat sounds reasonable for a server install as long as it does what you asked for
03:07.52jeofreymy problem now is how to install it back
03:07.58PTG123bjohnson, you k now i can get canadian 800#s
03:07.59*** join/#asterisk ajunge_ (
03:08.04CpuIDwell, of course theres nothing illegal about charging for your time to install asterisk i guess :)
03:08.08jeofreyi really dont know how to install this
03:08.10CpuIDas long as he wasnt trying to sell asterisk itself lol
03:08.11bjohnsonPTG123: ?
03:08.11Chujislow ass bot
03:08.17Nixjeofrey: why are you trying to reinstall?
03:08.21PTG123bjohnson, want me to get you some pricing on them?
03:08.28Chujisomeone sold you a CVS version huh?
03:08.45CpuIDhehe, that on the other hand is weird tho, selling a cvs version :)
03:08.54CpuIDeh, ive done it once before
03:08.57CpuIDall good :)
03:09.05NixCpuID: the GPL specifically allosws you to sell GPLed software.. I dont even know why you are bringin it up...
03:09.10bjohnsonPTG123: sure I guess.  I got some pricing before but it was either higher than telco .. or they were not really available.
03:09.11CpuIDof course the cvs version i installed worked properly so :)
03:09.15Corydon76-homeNothing wrong with selling someone CVS, as long as you're around to support it
03:09.28CpuIDi didnt even realise lol
03:09.48NixCorydon76-home: that is ONE possible idea ;-)
03:09.49PTG123bjohnson, what kind of pricing did you see?  And it hought the telco doesn't have them?
03:09.58Corydon76-homeAnd it's nothing to do with GPL... it's just bad business practice
03:10.07bjohnsonPTG123: what voip provider?  I seem to be starting a new hobby .. collecting voip providers
03:10.19Nixjust because someone pays you to install a server does NOT mean they pay you for a support contract.. It depends on the agreement doesnt it...
03:10.30czeroNix exactly
03:10.31Nixjeofrey: are you still here?
03:10.32CpuIDmakes sense
03:10.35bjohnsonPTG123: nufone said they could get them but they didn't think I'd want them since high price due to regulations
03:10.40CpuIDim off reading some docs now about all that
03:10.45Corydon76-homeNix: you'd be dumb not to negotiate a support contract.  It's where all the money is
03:10.47czeroI do alot of design work for large netowrks
03:11.01*** join/#asterisk Lethol (~lethol@
03:11.01czerosupport is anoher charge casue it is a diffrent job
03:11.06Letholsup sup
03:11.09PTG123bjohnson, well i am not sure on the provider, i don't  handle that part..  but they are betetr network then nufone :) and i doubt it coul dbe that expensive.. what do you payt per minute for ld now?
03:11.11bjohnsonPTG123: I think livevoip or had them advertised but you couldn't actually sign up for any .. said were unailable
03:11.17NixI charge to install Cisco too.. doesn't mean that I dont charge again if they break later...
03:11.35czeronix exactly
03:11.37PTG123yah well i go direct to the bigger providers.. so its not them :)
03:11.50czerocisco charges like 10-12% of the harware cost for support
03:12.03tzangerwhat the fuck good is a snowblower that doesn't want to start in the cold?
03:12.06Nixthats not onsite suppor tthough
03:12.16tzangerit's not a frozen gas line, I can drop some gas into the chamber directly and it still wont' fire
03:12.19bjohnsonPTG123: $0.049 for telco LD and I have I currently use voipjet as primary outgoing.  I use aleph-com for DID, incoming, and backup outgoing
03:12.36tzangerit's like it's too coold ot generate spark but that doesn't make sense...  I mean a magneto doesn't give a shit
03:12.36czerohell last place I was we paid 250k a yr for ACS support on top of hte millions for regular support
03:13.14tzangerChuji: hehehe
03:13.16czerochi be glad your not here tonight then
03:13.29DaminBellster kicks ass..
03:13.32ChujiNot exactly warm here, but no snow
03:13.47tzangerwhat's bellster
03:13.47Nixjeofrey: You appear to not be listening anymore, but if you are still here I suggest you ask the person for the exact source that created your install. He is required by law (the GPL) to give this to you
03:13.48ChujiDamin : I'm a skeptic
03:13.58DaminChuji: Seems to work really well so far..
03:14.07ChujiDamin : If I had a PRI without CID, I'd do it
03:14.14*** join/#asterisk syslod (~sysglod@
03:14.20ChujiDamin : I don't want people going out my pots lines though
03:14.21tzangerPRI without CID?  is that even possible?
03:14.26jeofrey <----- im inside here which file one i download
03:14.36Nixjeofrey: That means that if he did a decent job and installed a debian package or an RedHat/SuSE rpm, then he MUST give you the source packages as well
03:14.41PTG123bjohnson, well i doubt your gonna get them as cheap as voipjet, but probably alot hceaper then your telco
03:14.42Chujitzanger : Yeah, on PRI I can set my CID
03:14.48bjohnsonso I don't have to go through them all .. is there a sound file in the * samples that just asks the caller to dial an extension?
03:14.52Daminjeofrey: I haven't updated those packages in a while..
03:14.54tzangerChuji: yeah I can set CID number *and* name :-)
03:14.57jeofreyim using fedora linux
03:15.22Chujitzanger : what telco give you CID name support?
03:15.25syslodsup ppl.
03:15.28Daminjeofry: My RPMS aren't for Fedora.. they are for Redhat 7.3 and 9.0
03:15.31Chujitzanger : you have une's?
03:15.32tzangerwhen I first got the PRI I called my ex with a number from kitchener and the name "HINDI HOTTIES"
03:15.44Daminjeofry: You are much better off just getting everything via CVS for Fedora.
03:16.14Chujiclecs here won't give us that access
03:16.14Nixjeofrey: alternatively you could install SuSE 9.2 which comes with Asterisk rpms on the DVD.. you just have to select Asterisk from the Software install menu :-)
03:16.18tzangerChuji: no
03:16.22jeofreyNix: he just give how to set the prefix and id
03:16.28tzangeryou need to be a CLEC to be able to get UNEs
03:16.33jeofreyhe never give any source code
03:16.43syslodUNE's are going bye bye
03:16.47Nixjeofrey:  he MUST by law
03:16.59Nixif you ask for it
03:17.07Daminjeofrey: Who didn't give you source code?
03:17.17tzangersyslod: yeah?
03:17.21jeofreythe guy who install the asterisk
03:17.42Nixits not illegal for him not to give it to you if you dont ask... if you ask he has to supply it.. exactly the same as you have installed...
03:17.42syslodtzanger: switched UNE has about 11 months left in the US.
03:17.44Daminjeofrey: Just to be clear, English isn't your first language correct?
03:18.05tzangersyslod: hmm so how does one get DIDs without PRIs?
03:18.09ChujiYeah, clec's are running around like crazy
03:18.11Daminjeofrey: So.. did someone install MY RPMS on your box?
03:18.23syslodtzanger: U can still get a PRI just not a UNE-P rate.
03:18.38jeofreyinstall in my fedora linux
03:18.38Daminjeofrey: Well, if you want the source, get the SRPMS...
03:18.41djMaxexten => s/15556667777,1,Goto(resident,s,1)
03:18.57djMaxthat should go to resident when 15556667777 calls right?
03:19.10syslodtzanger: A UNE-P switched PRI is like $250 monthly.
03:19.12Daminjeofrey: Hang on.. I'll past the link..
03:19.17jeofreyDamin: where i can get it
03:19.23djMaxman, I wish I could get a PRI that cheap
03:19.26jeofreyoks thanks
03:19.41*** join/#asterisk soundguy (
03:19.46ChujidjMax : no
03:19.52fearnorsyslod: err...i think you are very very confused.
03:19.57fearnorUNE-P has nothing to do with PRI.
03:19.59syslodUNE-P access is being phased out.
03:20.03Daminjeofrey: BTW.. if you are using the Fedora RPMS, those are based on mine, but were done by Joshua Thompson.
03:20.08fearnorlike, really, nothing.
03:20.10ChujidjMax : you don't need that s/
03:20.17bjohnsonanyone using ldapget?
03:20.31fearnorUNE-P is the unbundled switching on a POTS loop
03:20.32syslodfearnor: We were discussing UNE-P purchased PRI's I
03:20.43syslodI'm not confused at all.
03:20.46fearnorsyslod: there aren't any.
03:20.48djMaxso: exten => /15556667777,1,Goto(resident,s,1)
03:20.50jeofreyi see i will try to download firts
03:20.53fearnorif its PRI, it's not UNE-P
03:21.00jeofreythanks damin
03:21.03syslodUNE-P is alot more than just POTS.
03:21.15Daminjeofrey: You are welcome..
03:21.19syslodIts the ability to sell switched access
03:21.24fearnorsyslod: it is *platform switching* but it makes *no sense* to apply that to a PRI
03:21.25ChujidjMax : lose the forward slash
03:21.33Daminjeofrey: I just find it funny that someone charged you to install Asterisk and used my RPMS. ;)
03:21.39jeofreyDamin Should i Download this tree files
03:21.43djMaxhow is that going to switch on caller id?
03:21.45CpuIDok i think i must say, im liking this chan_sccp2 module right now
03:21.49syslodUmm.  PRI is in every UNE-P interconnection aggremnt I have :)
03:21.51fearnorin other words, if you order a PRI to a carrier, it makes absolutely no sense for that carrier to purchase "une-p" in the serving CO
03:21.55CpuIDsccp is just plain cooler than sip for cisco phones :)
03:21.59CpuID(as long as its working course)
03:22.04CpuIDwhich it is lol
03:22.08fearnorcompared to getting inter-office transport for that PRI into the local switch
03:22.11tzangersyslod: yeah you can get DIDs over PRI but also over OC3 or whatever you like, no?
03:22.26ChujidjMax : ex-girlfriend logic on the wiki
03:22.32*** join/#asterisk NTJOCK (
03:22.37fearnori doubt anyone is silly enough to do UNE-P on PRI. it just doesn't make sense.
03:22.39syslodfearnor:  PRI's are purchased all the time at UNE-P inconnect rates.  Thats how CLECS that don't have switches do PRI.
03:22.40djMaxyeah, that's where I got the original line, just that it's not working
03:22.45NTJOCKhey gang, I'm still getting this registration failure message
03:22.50*** join/#asterisk _Sam-- (
03:22.56syslodtzanger:  Thats right.
03:22.57_Sam--hey does anyone know the current status of chan_dialogic
03:22.58NTJOCKI think I have my polycom IP 500 misconfigured
03:22.59djMaxeven though when I look at Master.csv, I see that CID (though with a bunch of name junk)
03:23.02ChujidjMax : Make sure it's in the right context
03:23.03NTJOCKbut I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong
03:23.06fearnorsyslod: in that case...those carriers should go away. :)
03:23.28fearnori think in this specific instance, UNE-P is not in spirit of competition at all
03:23.47syslodWell those carriers are going away in about 11 months.  So are the pots, much of the DSL sharing, and everything else that was regulated UNE-P switched access.
03:23.51ChujiI'm going to go curl up on the
03:24.07fearnorsyslod: don't lump in dsl-line-sharing with UNE-P
03:24.11fearnorone has nothing to do with other
03:24.20syslodI'm not lumping it the RBOCs are.
03:24.41fearnorhonestly, i'm in the camp that thinks UNE-P fulfilled a role but isn't strictly necessary for competition...
03:25.19syslodI'm in the camp that can't wait till it all goes away cause I'm getting all those customers fleeing the UNE-P LEC.
03:25.52fearnoralthough line-sharing-disappearence is fuqd
03:26.08syslodBut the point is you can no longer just become a CLEC and UNE based PRI switched services at wholesale regulated rates which got us into this conversation to begin with.
03:26.30syslodYou will now have to pay the going rate for a PRI.
03:26.43fearnori think there's more than healthy competition for PRIs
03:26.48fearnorfrom clecs
03:27.16fearnoreureka here was doing 100 PRIs for 10000$ promo ;)
03:27.22syslodAlot of bigger clecs out there don't have there own switching so its gonna take some of that away which is good.
03:27.32fearnorsyslod: i agree
03:28.05syslodThe LECs in most of the areas we serve are at like some outragous rate like 1200 + for a PRI.
03:28.27fearnorsounds about rihght
03:28.34syslod99% of the CLECS are switchless. Thus the very large smile on my face right now.
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03:29.42syslodMost CLECs we see having huge problems are the ISP dialups that became CLECs to get PRI UNE-P for dialup.  Now thats disappearing so most are shutting their doors.
03:30.07syslodfearnor: U a CLEC?
03:30.31fearnorsyslod: not yet
03:30.42syslodfearnor: What market u in?
03:30.51fearnorpilosoft telekom inc was incorporated Jan 2nd 2005 though
03:31.00fearnori'll be soon, working on CPCN in NY
03:31.12syslodOuch NY is a tough market.
03:31.21syslodColo hotel?
03:31.25fearnorall of them ;)
03:32.05syslodNice.  Wanna interconnect in DC when u get class 4 working?
03:32.27fearnorsure ;)
03:32.39fearnori am doing clec stuff right now for a few legal reasons
03:32.43syslodThats what this business is about now, interconnects.
03:32.47fearnornothing to do with real switching or anything just yet ;)
03:33.05syslodU offering transport?
03:33.29fearnorin NYC over my dark fiber, yes
03:33.51syslodHow much fiber do you have?
03:34.08InfraRedanyone knows of good voip termination companies
03:34.18fearnorsyslod: pair at some routes, a single strand on another
03:34.23hermieInfraRed, yes someone does
03:34.51syslodwhat provider?
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03:35.11fearnorsyslod: gwdm (ghetto wdm, my own invention :) on some routes
03:35.25fearnorcubeoptics cwdm on other
03:35.28fearnorcubeoptics > *
03:35.41fearnorgwdm = 1310 & 1550 wdm using beamsplitters and zx/lx gbics
03:36.02fearnorcubeoptics is real proper cwdm ;)
03:36.04syslodWe've got some wild stuff here using 7 lambdas
03:36.21fearnorsyslod: trash what you have, get cubeoptics ;)
03:36.30fearnorwell, if you already have, its fine
03:36.44djMaxchannel sent into invalid context 's' in context 'incoming' --- why?  Isn't s always valid?
03:37.06syslodWe have 48 fiber with spare duct just about everywhere.  WDM out to GA, IL, NC, SC and VA
03:37.09fearnorbut with cubo, i can make full 8-wave system including gbics and all for ~8k$ per location.
03:37.24syslod8K including power?
03:37.26fearnor8k$ per *two* locations
03:37.32fearnorsyslod: passive optics
03:37.44fearnorcubo is a beamsplitter (prism)
03:37.59syslodLong haul PO?
03:38.14fearnorno, it isn't longhaul.
03:38.20syslodWe love PO here but it seems to tap out at around 14km.
03:38.29fearnorthat's not really longhaul :)
03:38.39NTJOCKwould someone share a SIP.conf for a polycom 500 ?
03:38.41syslodI need like 300 miles.
03:38.43fearnori thought you meant longhaul as in 1000 mile spans with raman DFAs and stuff
03:38.46NTJOCKI'm having a tough time getting mine to work.
03:38.54fearnoryep 300 miles would be longhaul
03:38.59djMaxntjock, what's breaking?
03:39.06NTJOCKit won't register
03:39.07fearnorcubo would work fine for 50mile spans
03:39.17syslodU mean the stuff that cuts the bucket off the hoe when they dig into it?
03:39.17NTJOCKI keep getting failure messages
03:39.36fearnorheheeee,i wish
03:39.49syslodI'm waiting for that technology.
03:40.22djMaxwhat makes you think it's sip.conf?
03:40.22hermiedid either of you ever see that old NANOG t-shirt
03:40.23fearnorsyslod: do you have access to regen huts on the route?
03:40.23fearnorhermie: i have one ;)
03:40.23hermie"Backhoes on Tour"
03:40.24NTJOCKit's an SIP failure message
03:40.24fearnorhermie: backhoe in a crosshair ;)
03:40.29NTJOCKit's giving me a 7531 failed handle_request
03:40.55NTJOCKcould be the phone too
03:40.58fearnorsyslod: who do you get DF from?
03:41.04hermiehere it is:
03:41.05Silik0nanyone have any good phone icons?
03:41.06NTJOCKIt's not *exactly* a simple configuration
03:41.10fearnoror your own right-of-way and conduits and shit?
03:41.25fearnorspeaking of nanog
03:41.31fearnoranyone here going to nanog-33-vegas?
03:41.51syslodWe are a LEC and LD carrier. We have drills, plows etc and own most of our local infrastructure.
03:41.51djMaxyou know it's downloading all the right stuff from the boot server?
03:42.00fearnorhermie: is one i have.
03:42.14syslodLong haul is either PSNC or Duke energy.
03:42.16NTJOCKwell I have the "SIP" version of it... so it shouldn't be downloading
03:42.20fearnorsyslod: proper
03:42.26Silik0nAlcoholics Anonymous NANOG?
03:42.26NTJOCKat this point I'm trying to get into a testing mode.
03:42.28fearnorrespek and all
03:42.33NTJOCKi.e. just get communication between asterisk and the phone
03:42.40hermieSilikOn: NANOG is based in Ann Arbor, MI
03:42.41NTJOCKso I'm using the web-admin on the phone to configure it
03:42.46Silik0ni know
03:42.52Silik0ni was being a smart ass...
03:42.57fearnorhermie: you mean, MERIT is. nanog isn't ;)
03:43.10Silik0nnanog might as well be based w/ merit
03:43.12fearnorand hopefully, nanog will be divorced from merit come this nog.
03:43.22syslodfearnor: We like controling the last mile.  It works well for controling the middle and first mile purchases from us.
03:43.24hermiefearnor: you know what I mean :)
03:43.34djMaxany log messages on the asterisk side?
03:43.37fearnorsyslod: indeed, its the best way to play
03:43.47NTJOCKwell, just the console message about failed handle request
03:43.49NTJOCKevery 1 seconds
03:43.50fearnorsyslod: unfortunatley every other overbuild carrier failed
03:44.02fearnorso i wish you luck :)
03:44.09fearnorblingbling is considerable
03:44.47syslodoverbuild carrier?  All I have seen are the ones that tried to build like 1000 miles then get customers.  We've been around since 97 doing this.
03:45.31syslodAny examples of last mile carrier that didn't work out?
03:45.44CpuIDwhoa nice, just segv'd my asterisk me thinks :)
03:45.46NTJOCKI guess where I'm starting from I figure that there should be an entry in SIP.conf that matches the configuration ont he phone.  am i right?
03:45.50Silik0nsyslod memphis networx
03:46.00fearnorsyslod: hm, i dunno, hard to think of a last mile carrier that *did* work out
03:46.09djMaxI still don't get how Goto(s,1) fails
03:46.10NTJOCKsip.conf is set to dynamic, and I've assigned an extension, and a few other basic things.. including set to friend.
03:46.11fearnorsyslod: and that isn't an incumbent cableco
03:46.27fearnorRCN is *nearly* fucked but they managed to survive somehow
03:46.35fearnoreven though they were incumbent cableco at some markets
03:46.37NTJOCKand on the phone side, I have the registration stuff set to hit the server and login as that extension.
03:46.40djMaxohhh, you mean sip.conf on *.  yeah, ok, here's mine:
03:46.49syslodsilik0n: that looks muni.
03:46.55Silik0nevery competative last mile carrier in memphis has gone tits up... and the one that has all those assets now is headed that way
03:47.14NTJOCKthe only confusing point... is it seems like sip and registration on the phone side do similar things
03:47.16Silik0nsyslod: memphis networx is private but heavily backed by MLGW which is muni and even so its going tits up
03:47.18fearnorsyslod: teligent, winstar, heh
03:47.36NTJOCKbut no pwd under the sip menu tree... so seems like the sip menu is for proxy and stuff.
03:47.37djMaxcallerid=Dan <1004>
03:47.46fearnori don't think anyone tried to do a real buildout in NYC
03:47.54fearnoreurekanetworks somehow survived, so did intellispace
03:47.56fearnorbut just *barely*
03:48.09Silik0ndjMax next time please use a pastebin instead of flooding the chan
03:48.16fearnorover here, landlords are as much of a pain in the ass as ilecs
03:48.24syslodmemphis and teligent seems transport centric.
03:48.30djMaxsorry, I'll google pastebin since I don't even know what it is. :)
03:48.42fearnorie even if you have fiber in the vault next to building, it's going to cost you arm and a leg to penetrate into building
03:48.46syslodGuess we're doing something right.
03:48.50fearnorand then anothter arm and a leg for riser rights
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03:49.01djMaxntjock, yes you have to configure phone and server separately and with agreeable data
03:49.22trepakanyone know of a wholesale DID provider?
03:49.27syslodHmm. In our markets landlords come to use when LEC tells them they will only provide telephone.
03:49.32fearnortrepak: level(3)
03:49.37fearnorsyslod: and you provide what?
03:49.38Silik0nmemphis is mainly transport centric, but they are also trying to complete in bandwidth and dialtone and it aint flying
03:49.39Zawdo any of you have a recommended vendor for buying fully redundant rack mount servers from (for voip boxes running asterisk) ?
03:49.46fearnorzaw: dell.
03:49.50trepakfearnor, yep theyre good
03:49.54trepakbut a bit expensive
03:49.57syslodLocal VOice, data, LD and transport.
03:50.13Letholcan anyone gimme some few pointers on running sip clients behind nat and having one way audio?
03:50.16fearnorsyslod: eh, and lecs don't provide ld and dsl and shit? ;)
03:50.23fearnorsyslod: i wish i had your ilec over here!
03:50.29Silik0nMemNet has a large data center here in town... but they want some crazy ass prices for colo space...
03:50.46Silik0ni could rent space in Manhatten with better connects cheaper
03:51.00syslodThe do some DSL but its not real good.  LD sucks and business support is non-exsistant with the LECs.
03:51.01fearnorsilik0n: before taking space in manhattan, come talk to me ;)
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03:51.50syslodI pick markets that LEC had to take to get the metro.  They just do what they have to do universial service.  No more sometime less.
03:52.12fearnordoesn't 'universal service' mean *everythign*?
03:52.20syslodNo it means POTS.
03:52.30syslodThey have to provide you POTS
03:52.31Silik0nfean: i have space in NH ;) full cage
03:52.35fearnorbut if its a rural backwater that needs universal service...
03:52.45fearnordoes anyone there need anything other than POTS?
03:53.04Silik0nlotta rural spaces need PRI and DSL/Cable still
03:53.12syslodI stick with business customers.
03:53.17fearnorwow, interesting. i didn't think that.
03:53.20Silik0ni was at a place about a week ago that couldnt even get T1 services
03:53.32syslodPletty of PRI and data customers in rural communities that hate the LEC.
03:53.32fearnori actually doubt that, silik0n
03:53.34tzangeroh my god that first comment is soooooooo funny
03:53.42fearnorwhy wouldn't you be able to get a t1?
03:53.43Silik0nfearnor: BFE mississippi...
03:53.49fearnorjust drop some repeaters along the copper loop
03:53.53fearnor*lots of repeaters*
03:53.54syslodfearnor: T1 service from LEC is not avaible in most of my markets.
03:54.07fearnorsyslod: not for any money or just prohibitely expensive?
03:54.10syslodThey aren't willing to groom miles of plant
03:54.10Silik0nyeah they could do that but the costs were very prohibitive
03:54.20syslodLike 100,000
03:54.27Silik0nenugg to make it no worth it
03:54.34fearnorwell, my *understanding* (i'm not an OPE guy)
03:54.48fearnoris that T1 is really provided as HDSL loops with repeaters every 6000 ft
03:54.58fearnorand even if you have shitty 26awg loops
03:55.00syslodHad a customer last week they quoted 100,000 to groom about 14 miles of cable.  No facitites were avaible was the reason they gave them.
03:55.02fearnoryou can still deliver Ts
03:55.37fearnor14 miles = 14 repeaters
03:55.39syslodIts more than that U need even spaced repeaters and the S screen cable. Most cable round here is super old.
03:55.39fearnorkinda strange.
03:55.48Silik0ndo you really want to be resposible for a T delivered 15+ miles from the CO?
03:56.10syslodI don't.  I just talk to the muni they are in and get grant money to build.
03:56.28fearnorthat's my taxes at work, supporting people like YOU!@##$
03:56.32syslodAsk them do you want latest technology in your town? most say yes.
03:56.49fearnorbetter you than ilec.
03:56.54Silik0nhell I'm in a cream suburb... this particular place was 2 hours from anywhere
03:56.59syslodIf you live in those town yes.  And thanks for the new boat last year.
03:57.54syslodSince 1997 its been win win for towns, us, and customers.  They are in a little competition now and econonmic development in those markets have really taken off.
03:58.18syslodIts the natural gas model.
03:58.46tzangerI need competition up where I am
03:59.18syslodtzanger: Prices are high?
03:59.48tzangerno clecs even return my calls
03:59.53fearnortzanger - where you at?
03:59.53tzangerBell's the only game in town and they know it
03:59.55tzangerat least ofr voice PRI
04:00.03tzangeryou can get POTS from allstream (AT&T)
04:00.04syslodDo you have business in your market?
04:00.11tzangerListowel, Ontario, Canada
04:00.18jeofreyDamin: I have download your files already
04:00.27fearnortzanger: no local munis like bc hydro or something?
04:00.29syslodCanada confuses me.
04:00.37tzangerfearnor: not in a town of 5300
04:00.48fearnorsyslod: area of canada have shitload of fiber thanks to utilities like bc hydro
04:01.06fearnori mean, shitload. something we could all dream of in US.
04:01.09syslod:) Not gonna get enough to justify a switch with only 5300 residents.
04:01.15fearnorfiber available cheap and stuff
04:01.23freatis there a way to remove the end off an extension that's dialed (not the beginning)
04:01.36tzangerfreat: yeah there is... Cut I think?
04:01.36freatlike {EXTEN:1} but from the end not beginning
04:01.37fearnorsyslod: no need for a real switch, get a GR-303 mux ;)
04:02.00Silik0ntzanger: why dont you build you're own * cluster and start you're own clec hah
04:02.14tzangerSilik0n: because the cost of PRIs are too high
04:02.47hermieSS7's whatcha need
04:02.50fearnortzanger: well, you just gotta get *some* transport out of your podunk town
04:02.52syslodU a CLEC in US you won't use PRI.  ISUP trunks are like $185 or less.  Free in some cases where you have fiber to the interconnect or mid span.
04:03.26tzangeryeah but it's hard to justify the buildout to get SS7 and I'm positive the legal costs in getting CLEC status would take 25 years to pay off
04:03.30syslodI have like 18 DS3's to bellsouth and don't pay a dime cause its bill  and keep.
04:03.40fearnorbilk and keep baby
04:04.15fearnorsyslod: i may go through all of this soon. if i decide to really get into local voice and shit.
04:04.18syslodOn the non-bill and keep I just build to them and co-lo and let the stupid bastards pay me recept comp.
04:04.42hermieconsulting sucks
04:04.48fearnorprobably not tho - i don't have all that much of traffic and i can get my PRIs for dirt cheap anyway
04:04.51syslodfearnor: It took us about 2 years to really get going with voice.  Its a pain in the ass but once you make it its really sweet.
04:04.56Silik0nhermie i can understand that
04:05.11Silik0nhermie try working for a CPE/Cabling provider
04:05.18syslodhermie: Where u live?
04:05.23fearnorsyslod: do you pay them proper access tariff for LD calls you terminate on them?
04:05.25hermiesyslod: MI
04:05.34fearnoror you er...classify that as local ;)
04:05.56hermieSilik0n, I've done my share of cabling, thank you much!
04:06.12Silik0ncable monkeys of the work unite!
04:06.43syslodIXC traffic is there problem. They get that thru CABS from IXC.  I think thru the years we may of had like 10,000 CDR lines that hit the IXC tandem.  The rest use our LD or direct links.
04:07.42syslodhermie: We are working with * to get further into VOIP.  Once we complete testing we may have a few job openings.
04:07.48syslodCarrier Access Billing.
04:08.01fearnorsyslod: well, say, intralata calls from your customers to ilec
04:08.02hermieSilik0n, I don't do much cable monkey work anymore, unless the customer is important and his boss tells him too
04:08.09fearnorsyslod: bill and keep or access tariff?
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04:08.41Silik0nhermie I only do minor cabling repairs...i'm the network engineer for the VoIP CPE we seel
04:08.55syslodDepends on the LEC.  I'm in many latas and some latas have multiple LECs.  The big ones are VZ and bellsouth.  VZ is tariff and BS is bill and keep.
04:08.56CpuIDhmm, quick question ppls
04:09.09CpuIDis it possible, with something like AGI, to for instance, make an agent active on a queue?
04:09.20Silik0nBS just that BS
04:09.21syslodSilik0n: VOIP CPE?
04:09.24CpuIDim thinking, of making something using the services button on our cisco phones probly
04:09.28Silik0nyeah IP-PBX stuffs
04:09.31fearnorsyslod: any interest in selling termination to your LATAs ? ;)
04:09.33hermiesyslod lemme know...:)
04:09.43Silik0nlotta ShoreTel... altho I'm trying to get * in the door
04:09.50fearnorwhere you can legally do bill&keep
04:10.23syslodfearnor: Sure.  I've bounced aroudn the idea of a * IAX rate engine for doing just that but not enough ppl are interested.
04:10.42fearnorsyslod: i'm interested
04:10.59fearnori can do 0.5c in lata 132/224
04:11.13fearnorif you, me, txlink get together, we might get something done...
04:11.33syslodI think thats the next step.  DUNDI like system and IAX to go-round RBOC owned SS7 network.
04:11.45fearnori'm not a big fan of iax or dundi though.
04:11.52syslodMe either but its a start.
04:12.00fearnorsyslod: do your switches speak either? :)
04:12.27syslodgateways are working but I don't see any in-skin IAX anytime soon.
04:12.36fearnorhell will freeze over when telica supports iax for example ;)
04:12.54Silik0nDUNDi + IAX can make some interesting deployments in a enterprise environment
04:13.20syslodtake a look at RAD>  We have some partners we deal with that we have alot of traffic over IP.  Its SS7 based and works great.  Little expensive though.
04:13.39fileohhhhhhhhhhhh Damin
04:13.50fearnorsyslod: as in
04:14.02syslod* would be gold if it develops a little further and get some exchange features.
04:14.19fearnorsyslod: frankly i doubt it.
04:14.28fearnorits still a pbx
04:14.45fearnori use SER for my switching needs
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04:15.20gabrielshas anyone been able to get callwaiting callerid working with an adit 600?
04:15.32syslod* still needs DS3, OC3 cards, DSP capability and better CDR.
04:15.50tzangergabriels: it works with a TDM430P, I can't imagine it not working with the cadillac of channel banks
04:15.50syslodHow do you get SER to your switch?
04:15.58CpuIDhmm, anyone here used DeadAGI?
04:16.02fearnorsyslod: i don't have a switch. i have a TNT :)
04:16.11uunotsyslod, why 18 DS3's? Why not a mux'd OC12
04:16.17tzangergabriels: I haven't actually tested it with any of my adit600s though
04:16.18fearnorTNT uses SIP as call-control...sort of.
04:16.48gabrielstzanger: hrm, i have callerid working and callwaiting working, but can't seem to get callwaiting callerid working.
04:16.58fearnorin other words, call comes to TNT channel 1, TNT asks SER "wtf should I do with this" - ser says "send this call out over channel 7"
04:17.00sysloduunot: Most my markets the DS3 is the handoff size. You could mux but its easier to manage at the DS3 level.
04:17.15syslodTNT is VOIP?
04:17.19fearnorsyslod: yeah :)
04:17.20uunotaha, got it
04:17.22djMaxis there a way to get out of voicemailmain to leave a message instead?
04:17.36syslodI need to pickup a TNT just to play with it.
04:17.42syslodI've never seen one.
04:17.47fearnorsyslod: they are cheap.
04:18.01syslodI see them all the time on ebay.
04:18.10fearnorget one from ebay, from sphyrna
04:18.17DaminAnyone have a TE405P for sale?
04:18.20syslodAnything I should look for?
04:18.27hermiepersonally, I gotta say the device/softswitch seperation is the wave of the future... * doesn't need DS3 cards, it needs TNTs :)
04:18.27fearnordamin: i heard digium does.
04:18.52Daminhermie: TNTs need IAX2.
04:18.55fearnorsyslod: 11.0 hashed shelf controller
04:19.27fearnorhermie: thing is, the SIP protocol as exist now *sucks* for this purpose
04:19.33syslodIn reallity my switches already have SIP and SIP-T but I really want IAX to a * PBX.
04:19.39hermiefearnor: I agree
04:19.52fearnorfor example, once TNT has switched the call, no way to do dtmf or barge-in or anything like that.
04:19.59syslodNAT + SIP = all sort of customer problems.
04:20.05fearnorsyslod: not even that
04:20.10fearnorsyslod: check out IPDC
04:20.23fearnorIPDC is proper way to control a media gateway
04:20.26uunotis digium actually working on a DS3 card?
04:20.28fearnorTNT *wants* IPDC
04:20.34fearnorTNT *loves* IPDC
04:20.49fearnorbut the only IPDC capable switch is "lucent softswitch" aka LSS
04:21.01fearnorwhich is blingbling and i think not really support
04:22.02fearnorin general, SIP needs to be enhanced so, for example, while media path doesn't go through SIP proxy, SIP proxy needs to be "copied" on rfc2833 dtmf
04:22.04hermiefearnor: if only there were a media gateway control protocol
04:22.07hermieoh, wait :)
04:22.12syslodRIght now our optical network allows DS1 drops to our PBXs but I'd like to deliver the same thing over my partners ethernet service to customers with the same result.
04:22.18fearnorhermie: indeed :)
04:22.30fearnorhermie: IPDC is extension of megaco. sort of.
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04:22.50fearnorsyslod: give it up. fax is broken over that kinda configs.
04:23.04hermiefearnor: well, go ahead and implement it then :)
04:23.16fearnorhermie: not documented ;)
04:23.33syslodfearnor: Look at RAD they have Fax .
04:23.54fearnorsyslod: sure, but then you need CPE
04:23.58syslodfearnor: If I had a large DSP platform I could handle fax at the CO.
04:24.06syslodI have to have a CPE anyways.
04:24.06fearnorsyslod: t.38 and stuff
04:24.13fearnorthen i guess you can do it ;)
04:24.16uunotsyslod, whats the name of your company?
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04:24.21Groobyhey guys..can someone help me out regarding transfering phone calls via x-lite and analog phone
04:24.28Groobyin xlite, i can push # and transfer calls
04:24.36Groobybut on my analog phone via SPA 2000, when I dial #
04:24.40Groobythe system is not picking it up
04:24.48hermieeven a DS3 mux that could do IAX would be a step up
04:24.49Groobyis there something I need to modify on SPA 2000?
04:25.07hermieor an IAX pairgain <evil smile>
04:25.35syslodWhen I asked digium about a DS3 card they asked why would you want to do that?  I assume that means DS3 isn't coming anytime soon.
04:26.15PTG123i woudlnt' want one box handling a ds3 anyhow
04:26.20PTG123asterisk can not handle that
04:26.25hermiesyslod, I think the wave of the future is in seperating gw and switch...
04:26.30Qwellhow many lines on a DS3?
04:26.31syslodDS3 could be done with ULAW to ULAW.
04:26.41hermieit could handle a DS3 if it had DSPs
04:26.55hermieand if it was big iron
04:26.56PTG123i don't know it woudl be tough
04:27.01syslodhermie: Actually all softswitches I have are doing in-skin VOIP.
04:27.12elricI can make outgoing calls from my IAX softphone but cant receive any, asterisk says "No channel type registered for IAX"
04:27.18elricbut it lets me make calls...
04:27.32*** join/#asterisk shepherd (
04:27.35hermiethere was a PM email discussion a while ago about getting Asterisk to run on SGI/Sun/IBM big iron to facilitate stuff like that
04:27.38DaLionelric need context in iax
04:27.38elricam i doing something wrong?
04:27.41fileelric: IAX2 not IAX
04:27.49fearnorseparate the MG and MGC
04:27.52hermiefearnor: and so is nortel and lucent
04:27.55DaLionso in iax.conf you put context=something
04:28.03elricDaLion i have.
04:28.11fileuse IAX2 not IAX in your Dial line
04:28.17elricor i wouldnt be able to make calls.
04:28.18elricok file
04:28.24shepherdhermie: this is at digium
04:28.34hermieI've seen their Altix
04:28.38DaLiondidnt see he used that
04:28.53elricfile: or Dial(IAX2:${EXTEN}) ?
04:28.56*** part/#asterisk gabriels (
04:28.58elrici mean
04:29.03elricfile: or Dial(IAX2/${EXTEN}) ?
04:29.12DaLionhmm so 1.50 is lowest i got 800 # yet
04:29.18DaLionplus 1.59 /min
04:29.51fearnordalion: that's pretty good
04:29.59PTG123DaLion, who is that with?
04:30.03hermieGPU support would be nice too, but nobody was really volunteering to help :)... that'd make Asterisk a nice class 4 or enterprise PBX
04:30.06DaLionlol someone
04:30.23PTG123the GPU expert, said transfering from card to memory was slow, and didn't make it worth it
04:30.49elrichrm i get no such host 1001, 1001 being my IAX2 extension
04:30.54hermiePTG123... that wasn't quite the sme conditions
04:31.04hermiesyslod: the chip on a graphics card
04:31.10fileelric: it's your name in iax.conf, and it's a peer?
04:31.14DaLiona 80/20 RBOC/NonRBOC inbound toll  is ok right ?
04:31.24hermiesyslod: it's been said that GPUs could handle codec work
04:31.32bjohnsonanyone know if the SPA 2000 or 3000 can do failover from one voip provider to another if the first is not available?
04:31.36PTG123he was the only one who ever knew anything about it
04:31.39elricfile: its a friend.
04:31.45elricah hang on i got it
04:32.16freatfigured it out... {EXTEN:-11:10}
04:32.24DaLion~jbot RBOC
04:32.25jboti heard rboc is a Regional Bell Operating Company, also known as a "Baby Bell." Examples include Verizon (Bell Atlantic and NYNEX), Southern Bell, and SBC (Southwestern Bell, Pac Bell, and Ameritech).
04:32.32uunotDaLion: for what, PPM? NonRBOC doesn't really say much
04:32.40DaLionjbot: RBOC
04:32.41jbotextra, extra, read all about it, rboc is a Regional Bell Operating Company, also known as a "Baby Bell." Examples include Verizon (Bell Atlantic and NYNEX), Southern Bell, and SBC (Southwestern Bell, Pac Bell, and Ameritech).
04:32.46elricmy username in iax.conf is "kavit" and i am using regexten=1001
04:32.48jbot[rboc] a Regional Bell Operating Company, also known as a "Baby Bell." Examples include Verizon (Bell Atlantic and NYNEX), Southern Bell, and SBC (Southwestern Bell, Pac Bell, and Ameritech).
04:32.52file80/20 is pretty standard
04:32.54fearnordalion: in general, yes, that ratio is normal
04:33.09hermieDaLion ~term is how you ask
04:33.24filebut if you get a lot of NonRBOC calls, royally screwed...
04:33.26hermiejbot is solw
04:33.47DaLionso whats RBOC .. like..
04:33.53hermieyup, calls to the East Ass Bend Farmer's Telephone Cooperative of Kentucky are cheap
04:33.54uunotfile: not necessarily, plenty of Class1 non RBOC's out there
04:33.58DaLiontemrination of 800 ?
04:34.31fileuunot: I meant for billing from his provider, they may charge more if his patterns are actually NonRBOC oriented
04:34.51filecause NonRBOC costs are rather... high...
04:34.56DaLionso RBOC ~USA pots right ?
04:35.08elricsame error Unable to create channel of type 'IAX2'.
04:35.10DaLionor what could generaly define one
04:35.11hermieno, RBOCs are the big phone companies
04:35.21uunotfile: hmm, guess it depends. funny to not get a blended rate to an end users though...
04:35.24DaLionok like BELL
04:35.36hermieDaLion, did you read what jbot said?
04:35.38fileuunot: true
04:35.38DaLionhow can i know list of RBOC /nonRBOC beforehand
04:35.44DaLionyes.. herm
04:36.11DaLionbot said 3 times .. sure i dint miss it
04:36.17filewe got bit by a NonRBOC thing... call center went for 80/20... but their patterns were mostly NonRBOC...
04:36.20filethousands of dollars...
04:36.32hermiefile: ouch!
04:36.42uunotRBOC = Verizon, Bell South, Qwest and Pac West
04:36.45filestrangely it all mostly came from one distinct place in the US... it was odd
04:36.47uunotNonRBOC = all the rest
04:36.58hermieuunot: you're forgetting a few
04:37.11uunotyeah probably, it's late
04:37.24DaLionand Bell atlantix
04:37.24hermieDaLion, nope that's Verizon
04:37.46uunotwho am i missing?
04:37.48hermieand for rate purposes, the big indies might as well be ROBCs
04:37.53DaLionso how to filter and no get raped like file did
04:37.53hermieuunot: southen bell
04:38.07*** join/#asterisk sudoer2 (
04:38.09hermieuunot: and Cinci bell, sorta
04:38.11fileha, I don't pay the bills
04:38.13uunotsouthern bell != bell south ?
04:38.27hermieyep, whoops ;)
04:38.47DaLionso basicaly that ermination right ? if temrinated on a RBOC net
04:39.10hermieCinci Bell was never owned by AT&T, so I'm not sure whethere I'd call it an RBOC or not...
04:39.10sudoer2does firefly cliend have * in middle when sending IM messages?
04:39.10DaLionso how to know if temrinated on RBOc.. not to overflow the 80/20
04:39.25hermieDaLion, buy a list of NANPA?
04:39.52sudoer2or is it between clients?
04:40.17DaLioni mean lets say 8666664444 how the hell can i know if RBOC or not
04:40.20fileI forgot, I have NANPA database access...
04:40.20DaLionthats the main question
04:40.35DaLionfile from where
04:40.37hermiefile: LERG?
04:40.40sudoer2or do you all not now?
04:40.53fileour routing database has everything in it
04:40.55jbotrumour has it, lerg is local exchange routing guide
04:41.15hermieDaLion, you're going to want to google that
04:41.25hermiethan it's LERG
04:41.32DaLiontelcordia right
04:42.06filesweet it works
04:42.20fileright down to the NXX
04:43.17DaLionwell that ok for npas' but 800's ?
04:44.25hermieDaLion: WATS is different
04:44.53fileI wonder if the international is in here
04:45.25DaLion~WATS ?
04:46.07*** join/#asterisk shidan (
04:46.34filenah international isn't filled in
04:46.53hermieit's not an ILERG file :)
04:47.30fileI mean international is in routing, but the extra details like country and stuff isn't... how sad
04:47.30DaLionwell dont want to get raped like file did
04:47.37*** part/#asterisk sudoer2 (
04:47.50shidanhi for anyone thats worked with astcc, is the cdrs table supposed to get populated for some reason mine is empty,
04:51.00*** join/#asterisk goatmilk (
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04:52.02shidananyone has any pointers ??
04:52.53shidanor does anyone know of any other calling card apps?
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04:54.18DaLionshidan debug the log
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05:06.56fearnorthere are a few large non-RBOC ILECs which are *generally* tariffed as under RBOC
05:07.19*** join/#asterisk GreyFoxx (
05:07.39fearnorold GTE is one
05:07.42fearnorsprint (where ILEC)
05:09.11hermieand non-podunk CenturyTel
05:09.56Silik0ncenturytel is ass
05:10.42fearnorgood boy
05:10.43file[laptop]and how is the quality?
05:10.50fearnori'm sure voipjet is getting fucked on those.
05:11.14fearnordamn :)
05:11.30hermiebut if I ever do have a lot of nonrboc, I'll give it to them
05:11.31file[laptop]if you two knew what I knew...
05:11.44hermie...we'd be demented
05:11.50file[laptop]nah, you wouldn't bother
05:12.30hermiebut,but they have _two_ servers!
05:12.47Silik0n2 servers? w0w... thats a lotta processing power!
05:12.52file[laptop]omg Becky!
05:12.54*** part/#asterisk sudoer (~sudoer@
05:13.08hermieAND they have TDM interconnects!
05:13.21file[laptop]you're funny
05:13.25Silik0nhermie: they are trying not to over build too fast like the .coms did
05:13.32freat[laptop]I used voipjet last night... call quality was perfect... low latency. I just put 10 bucks onthe account to try it out
05:13.39file[laptop]you're use of 'they' is interesting
05:13.53fearnorhermie: i don't think they even said they have TDM interconnects
05:13.53hermieok, HE has TDM interconnects
05:14.13fearnoryou meant NAC
05:14.17Silik0ndidnt HE used to hang out in here?
05:14.38fearnorwho is HE? :)
05:15.10freat[laptop]I guess you guys don't like voipjet eh? huh. experience has been fine for me so far, but then I've only called a few countries
05:15.17hermiehere's a quote: "You've paid for VoipJet Tier 1 telco termination and G.711 lets you fully enjoy it."
05:15.31fearnorhermie: says nothing about tdm ;)
05:15.31hermiefreat: uh, they're a little sketchy
05:15.45hermiefearnor: no, that's farther up the page...
05:15.55hermiefearnor: but it doesn't say _they_ have TDM :)
05:15.57fearnorfreat: uh well, no proper merchant account, paypal-only
05:16.11fearnorservers at ghetto-colo-of-the-day places
05:16.16hermieand let's not forget that they can't be making a very large profit
05:16.34file[laptop]hi brc
05:16.48freat[laptop]yeah but the way they work, I bet that telemarketers shops are using them quite a bit
05:16.50hermiefreat[laptop]: because when you call somebody who's not an RBOC/big ILEC, they're loosing money
05:16.51brc_I went to the apple store today
05:16.53brc_in chandler
05:16.59*** join/#asterisk Duckbizkit (
05:17.04brc_they kicked me out
05:17.07fearnorfreat: why?
05:17.18file[laptop]brc_: did you try to have sex with a Mac Mini?
05:17.34fearnorskeeted over it! ;)
05:17.35mikegrbfile[laptop]: likely
05:17.39brc_they said something about not wanting drool all over the powerbooks
05:17.44freat[laptop]a lot of telemarketing shops just set up for a short time, and don't really want a proper merchant account
05:17.54freat[laptop]I worked for several while in college...
05:17.57*** join/#asterisk intruzi0n (
05:17.58freat[laptop]they were scams
05:18.18fearnornaw, they'd use a ILEC or someone who'd give them terms
05:18.25fearnorwhich they won't pay ;)
05:18.39*** join/#asterisk Slothbag (
05:18.46shidanis anyone having probs right now with voipjet or livevoip
05:18.47hermiebrc_ is now known as the person making all my tabs turn red :)
05:18.51brc_nb_ubuntunew powerbooks on the way
05:18.56shidani think they are down right now
05:19.05brc_nb_ubuntuif you read the various forums you'll find reports from all over the globe that powerbooks are out of stock
05:19.17Duckbizkitanyone here ever used I3 PBX sw?
05:19.19freat[laptop]well, I really don't care. voipjet quality has been fine for me for placing international calls to friends in Europe and Australia
05:19.36freat[laptop]I was just interested to see if other people have had problems with their service
05:19.45trepakonly 1.3cents to US? wow
05:20.02freat[laptop]yeah and 1.86 cents to australia
05:20.13shidanim happy with both of them
05:20.21freat[laptop]I put 10 bucks on the account and it lasts several months. I only use it for international calls
05:20.22shidanbut i just want to know if they are down today
05:20.48hermieshidan: lot's o' outages tonight for emergency patches
05:20.57shidanah ok
05:21.04hermieespecilly the people w/o redundant carriers, like...
05:21.19Umarohermie: emergency patches?
05:21.34hermiecore router stuff... don't know the details
05:21.54ta[i]ntedfearnor how do you weed out fraudlent customers
05:21.59ta[i]ntedi'm sure you get a lot of crackheads
05:22.35hermieta[i]nted: go read, then you'll know how to deal with crackheads
05:23.27hermiebest quote goes something like... Customer: "I'm on welfare, you know"    Gord: "I can tell"
05:24.01*** join/#asterisk dant (
05:24.14ta[i]ntedhermie actually i read that website years ago
05:24.31ta[i]ntedhermie what 'real' providers do you use?
05:24.41ta[i]ntedi'm having some serious problems with gafachi
05:24.43jeofreywhat is doxygen?
05:25.47hermieta[i]nted: I like nufone, but there are others that are decent
05:25.59hermiejeofrey: perhaps you could ask Google?
05:27.01*** join/#asterisk djMax (
05:28.30djMaxanybody know how to make a call from asterisk to the FXO port of a Sipura-3000?
05:29.23NTJOCKwhere can I found out what teh cause of error 8094 in the messages log is ?
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05:30.39trepakdjMax, not sure, but I guess like any other analog/PSTN number you'd want to call
05:30.56djMaxI keep getting 404 back no matter what extn I try.
05:30.59NTJOCKdepends on what interface you have it on.
05:31.08NTJOCKshould be Dial (interface/port)
05:31.09djMaxBut if I dial on 5061 (the PSTN port), I can get out fine.
05:32.05djMaxbasically it's unclear to me how to address the FXS port rather than the FXO port...  With the FXO the extension is the "destination number", but not sure what it should be for the FXS.
05:33.52*** join/#asterisk pulu (~chatzilla@
05:35.28trepakhrmm... i think you'd have to go through the VoIP -> PSTN gateway to get to the SPA3Ks FXO line
05:35.48trepakor hrmm
05:36.33djMaxthat would be a big bummer.  And I would think it would be the same as if I was using broadvoice or something.
05:36.34trepakthe VoIP line has to register with asterisk sip if u want to call it
05:36.42trepakno i think im wrong on the gateway thing..
05:39.01trepaksip.conf  i believe
05:40.08djMaxok, I have it registered in sip.conf
05:40.21djMaxI tried dialing SIP/username@ip but it didn't like that
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05:42.54trepakbeen a while since i played w/this... but extensions.conf needs to have info about the device i guess
05:43.09djMaxgot it, thanks!  it's confusing, but I have to call the user I have labeled as the "outgoing" line.
05:43.25djMaxi.e. the user in "Line 1" not "PSTN", which makes sense I guess.
05:43.34trepakahh right
05:43.36djMaxexcellent.  Wake-up calls here I come!
05:43.38trepakyeah makes sense
05:43.48*** join/#asterisk Free (
05:46.53trepak3ks are neat
05:49.32*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
05:50.07BoRiSWhats up?!?!?
05:50.11file[laptop]oh nothing, you?
05:50.15*** join/#asterisk Hakan (
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05:50.34BoRiSJust finished watching a movie... Cellular ... .Very good movie
05:50.54mikegrbhad planed on watching that
05:50.54file[laptop]well ic
05:51.20BoRiSWhy? Have you seen it?
05:51.34file[laptop]always watching movies
05:51.37file[laptop]and always going out to eat
05:52.03BoRiSSo what did you do today?
05:52.10beto75hello guys
05:52.23file[laptop]BoRiS: I don't really remember
05:53.05BoRiSYou dont remember? What type of drugs are you on?
05:53.07BoRiShehe :)
05:53.20beto75can someone here can help me how to write in a file os somewhere the CAUSE of a busy (busy, congestion,etc) becuase I have low ASR and I want to send some to a failover service provider
05:55.04BoRiSToo much muffin mix
05:55.28file[laptop]all you have to do is reach into the bag between my legs and get some
05:55.47BoRiSYou've been corrupted!
05:55.58file[laptop]indeed dear
05:56.03*** join/#asterisk DaGrim (
05:56.55file[laptop]oh BoRiS, never change
05:57.06DaGrimCall 1.866.800.9785 .. any ideas on how to make the skipping (almost cutting out) .. go away? Ive tried everything ;(
05:57.30trepakDaGrim, jsut that number?
05:57.31BoRiSfile: In time!
05:57.55trepakerr well skipping sounds like a congestion issue at one of the ends
05:58.24DaGrimonce a call through nufone is handed off completely to them.. its fine..
05:58.27DaGrimso its on my end im sure
05:58.39DaGrimand my softphones sound great
05:58.58DaGrimits just on the menus .. and only when you call my nufone DID
05:59.06DaGrimand the music on hold, etc etc..
05:59.16DaGrimthis is the only major problem ive ever had with *
05:59.21jskcrwhat codec are ya useing?
05:59.25DaGrimand havent ever been able to correct it
05:59.33DaGrimIve tried them all! heh
06:00.07DaGrimwhen I made the nufone account.. i selected allow all codecs on their sign up form..
06:00.22DaGrimso that account allows them all..
06:00.40BoRiSfile: Hey file, That creapy show should be on tonight
06:01.48jskcrhave your tried running something like ethereal to sniff the packets and rule out the network layer>?
06:02.07BoRiSLets see when it on again....What channel was it on again?
06:02.08DaGrimnot sure what that is?
06:03.07file[laptop]BoRiS: TLC
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06:04.03BoRiSChecking TLC....Doesn't seem to be on tonight... Probably tommorrow tonight
06:04.14file[laptop]ha :p
06:04.23BoRiSYour lucky......
06:06.09beto75guys is there an easy way to see asterisk CDRS via web?
06:07.44file[laptop]I should sleep
06:08.18BoRiSnighty file!
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06:12.16ta[i]ntedfree ~ free fallin ~ yea i'm free ~ free fallin
06:14.46InfraRedanyone here used chan_skinny for firmware upgrade?
06:14.52InfraRedcan it do that?
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06:32.49PrimerDoes anyone have the URL that lists pulver dialin numbers in the major US cities?
06:35.00*** part/#asterisk \Grooby\ (
06:35.04firestrmPrimer, there are FWD dialin numbers?  COOL!
06:35.15PrimerI have the LA number
06:35.18PrimerI use it all the time
06:35.33firestrmPrimer, i wonder if there are any canadian numbers
06:35.33PrimerI have 3 fwd numbers registered on my *
06:35.41Primerone forwards to a sip phone in Brazil
06:35.49Primerfor my mother-in-law
06:35.56Vetofyi, the spa841 has a weak spkr-phone mic.
06:35.57*** join/#asterisk Grooby (
06:36.40firestrmPrimer, im trying to do the same, for my mom who is forced to live in cancun for the winter.. ive been trying to find someone who can supply me with a cancun did
06:37.23firestrmbrb.. phone
06:38.36Groobyhey firestrm, any luck?
06:39.56Vetofile[laptop], are you ever offline?
06:40.21QwellWhen upgrading, what all do I need to remove?  /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/*?
06:41.55Vetogoal: 10-15sec of ring, then ask 1=vmail, 2=ring cell.  would I dial(,,15) then bgrd() and option?
06:43.57PrimerIs there a hardware phone that can plug into a windows PC and do SIP by using the windows' box internet connection?
06:44.00mx3Interesting Veto, i've been looking into doing the same myself.
06:44.18mx3I belive USB phones can do that, Primer.
06:44.40Primermx3: happen to know of a make/model?
06:44.51mx3One sec.
06:45.24PrimerI'm thinking of getting one and sending it to my mother-in-law, so she doesn't have to use xlite and a crappy PS2 Socom headset
06:45.31Primerthe echo on that thing is terrible
06:45.40Primerthe mic is way too sensitive
06:45.42mx3Ovislink has some USB phones Primer...
06:45.56Primerok, I'll google for that, thanks
06:46.33PrimerI'd like to send her an ATA, but only her windows machine connects to the internet
06:46.44Primerand I'm too sure how well windows can do NAT
06:46.45mx3yeah, problem there.
06:47.10Primerhrmm, maybe an IAX there such a thing?
06:47.56Letholmmh IAXy
06:48.51firestrmPrimer, thanks.. thats great!!
06:49.51*** join/#asterisk pulu (~chatzilla@
06:51.40firestrmGrooby, any luck at ?? mexico did's? no.. not so far
06:52.13Vetoso how do I re-1,2 option after 1,playback() and then 2,macro(stdexten,,) and ask in stdexten for 1 for vmail, 2 for cell(fwd)?
06:52.15Letholmexico dids are a long way to go
06:52.36postelPrimer: just get an ATA (cisco comes to mind), hook up a DECT on it, push the utp to a small switch port and your mother in law wont even have to see the m$ box to use the phone
06:55.57blitzragethe plane didn't crash!
06:56.10blitzrage(the one I was on)
06:56.26Silik0nhow was the "training"
06:56.28postelbetter luck next time
06:56.35*** join/#asterisk peted20 (
06:56.38blitzragepretty good I think
06:56.54blitzrageIt was the first time it was run, but I think it was a success!
06:56.56Silik0nworth the price tag?
06:57.12blitzrageWell, everyone who came left happy, so I guess so :)
06:57.34ManxPowerwhat training?
06:57.45blitzrageManxPower: dCAP training.
06:57.55Silik0ndont lie... he when to submisive training
06:58.02firestrmLethol, Im coming to this conclusion.. too bad. i wanted to set one up for my mom to be able to call me..
06:58.24blitzrageSilik0n: ?
06:58.25firestrmblitzrage, where did they hold the training?
06:58.37postel"get down to your knees and lick my PRI"
06:58.39blitzragefirestrm: Kansas City, MO
06:59.04kramwow, it's snowing
06:59.15Silik0nin birm?
06:59.18firestrmblitzrage, i want to do the same course, but i have to wait till it is heald somewhere in the pacific north west
06:59.27kramin hsv
06:59.43Primerpostel: well, she's rather's a miracle she's on the internet at all with the machine we sent her...
06:59.51Silik0nits f'n cold and windy here in mem
06:59.52Primerso doing that could be challenging to say the least
07:00.08Silik0n21F w/ a 8F windchill
07:00.17blitzragefirestrm: yah, there should be one there at some point.  I think there was talk of one out west
07:00.28firestrmblitzrage, i can see why you would be nervious about flying from kansas, MO. they have some of the worst cases of windshear and microbursts anywhere.
07:00.47postelPrimer: with the above setup it doesn't matter, she knows how to use a dialpad? thats good enough, thats all about she's gonna get
07:00.51Groobyhey firestrm, did you fix your problem?
07:00.59blitzragefirestrm: wow.  I must have got there on a good day because the landing was picture perfect.
07:01.04*** join/#asterisk wasim (~wasim@
07:01.07Silik0nwidshear is fun
07:01.12Veto~jbot: airport code austin, tx
07:01.13firestrmblitzrage, i cant wait till they do it here.. how much was it? did it include cert?
07:01.15blitzragewasim: !!!
07:01.29blitzragewasim: I haven't seen you here for quite a while.
07:01.45wasimblitzrage: true, how are thee?
07:01.56Vetojobot: airport code austin, texas
07:02.09wasimblitzrage: i was having too much fun in *-drunks
07:02.11firestrmGrooby, ive had many problems :) i so far i have iconnect working but terracall is still a train wreck
07:02.31tzangerlong time no see
07:02.34blitzragefirestrm: ummm... you can just take the course, or you can just cert (or both).
07:02.54blitzragefirestrm: don't quote me, but I think course was $3000 and cert $300...
07:03.03Vetoanyone here a RHCE?
07:03.04blitzrageor somewhere along those lines
07:03.07wasimtzanger: guilty as charged
07:03.31blitzragewasim: oh cool :).  Didn't know about *-drunks :)
07:03.41firestrmblitzrage, $3300.. hmm steep but would be nice to have standardized training..  do you feel it was worth it?
07:03.43Vetorhce: what a waste, i just ran into 2 dudes who took it and know -0- about nis, dns, ldap.
07:04.14blitzragefirestrm: I believe so.  I've been doing Asterisk stuff for over a year now, and I learned a lot (and I thought I knew a lot
07:04.52blitzrageIt was very well structured, LOTS of documentation (new) and very good labs.
07:04.56blitzrageThe test wasn't easy either.
07:05.08firestrmblitzrage, i need to get up to speed in general telephony.. im still lerning new basic telephony stuff every day...
07:05.13blitzrageThis time around 121 questions - next time at least 150
07:05.14tzangerVeto: that's because unless you're looking for a job requiring it, certifications are useless
07:05.17blitzrageplus a practical
07:05.56blitzrageUse of TDM400P, TE100P, IAX2 trunking and all the dialplan stuff.
07:06.11*** join/#asterisk ta[i]nted (
07:06.16tzangerblitzrage: piece of cake... just don't ask me anything about SIP or MGCP or DUNDi :-)
07:06.27wasimtzanger: :)
07:06.27firestrmblitzrage, do they explain DUNDI?
07:06.36tzangerwasim: how's farfon?
07:06.48wasimtzanger: i've been sitting on 45 sets since end-nov
07:06.49Vetotzanger, agreed 100%...but the rhce is more useless than any I've seen.  so you can admin a standalone box...yea.
07:07.17wasimtzanger: stupid PK customs wouldn't let them out, we hope to be able to ship them this week now that the holidays are over through DHL
07:07.20tzangerwasim: I am waiting for it to ship to me :-)
07:07.25wasimtzanger: its been the worst bloody two months of farfon's life
07:07.37tzangerVeto: heh
07:07.38Vetotzanger, these guys were single admin'ing 85
07:07.46tzangerVeto: yeah that's a little funny
07:07.59tzangerI am set to use nss_ldap with what, 5 boxes?
07:08.31Vetotzanger, 85 fucking /etc/hosts, no autofs...what a fucking nightmare.  good for us, but WTF?
07:08.55tzangerI'm not a fan of autofs myself
07:09.58tzangerhow big was this company that they had 85 linux servers??
07:10.04tzangerthat seems large for anything
07:10.10firestrmif i have 2 nics on my * box, on outside firewall/nat one inside.. possible security holes aside, does that work with asterisk.. im trying to find a solution to the whole sip nat thing
07:10.15blitzragefirestrm: dundi?  have you read my draft paper?
07:10.28firestrmblitzrage, no but i would love to.
07:10.40blitzragefirestrm: I think :)
07:10.56wasimfirestrm: IAX2 is the solution to the whole SIP thing :)
07:11.05blitzragefirestrm: you can basically get connected to dundi via my website.... I think :)
07:11.07tzangerwasim: AMEN
07:11.23tzangerfirestrm: yes it works
07:11.26tzangerI am doing exactly that
07:12.08firestrmtzanger, that going to be my task tomorrow.. any landmines to watch out for?
07:12.14tzangernope not really
07:12.17tzangerI am using IAX2 though
07:12.25tzanger* listens on udp/4562 on both nics and it just works
07:12.35firestrmwasim, yes i know.. now if only i could get terracall to use iax...
07:13.32*** join/#asterisk labo (
07:13.57firestrmblitzrage, what does dundi give me.. (in a nutshell) i have no clue what is is other than some form of peer-peer iax
07:14.00peted20Does anyone know if it is possible to connect old phones from a pbx (at&t partner) to * through a channel bank (adtran 750) and have the phone's buttons (DND, HOLD, TRANSFER, Line status) work?
07:14.14Vetotzanger, one 64 node cluster (2xAMD64) + workstations.  we work in  o&g...lots of science stuff there.
07:14.21tzangerahhhhhh okay
07:14.28tzangeryes clusters will eat up a lot of systems all at once :-0
07:14.29tzangerer :-)
07:14.35tzangerand they're not using NIS on that?!
07:14.41tzangeryou're fucking kidding
07:15.29Vetodude, I couldn't believe it.  we asked as "the outside consultants" and they were like, "rhce says do this to /etc/hosts", etc.
07:15.46tzangercrazy crazy crazy
07:16.36tzangerdepending on the type of science I don't think I'd even have hard drives in those things -- boot from network and mount / based on NIC and overlay all the common parts
07:16.39VetoI've run a 450 machine shop (solaris, irix, aix, linux and old sunos) and we had 8-10 configs...they had eighty fucking five configs.
07:16.56Vetohence, rhce == the ass
07:18.02firestrmblitzrage, im reading your paper, it looks very cool and very complex.. it kind of scares me at my point of education..
07:18.05Vetonot even a central rhost/ssh machine, so 85 fucking /etc/nsswitch.confs...i mean everything was independant.
07:18.12VetoSorry, I'm ranting...nmb
07:18.16Vetonm me
07:18.25tzangerdundi is cool, we need something similar for billing though
07:18.28blitzragefirestrm: its basically a telephone number lookup service much like ENUM but decentralized.  You peer with me and can now do lookups on PSTN numbers that people advertise.  When you do a lookup on an advertised number, you are returned a line like IAX2/dundi:<large password><number you looked up>.  However, that is all done automatically int he dialplan so you just have to use DundiLookup()
07:18.35tzangerdo an end-run around traditional PSTN
07:18.40*** part/#asterisk beto75 (~hav@
07:18.44tzangeror at least the traditional PSTN SS7
07:18.47*** join/#asterisk Grantbow (
07:19.14firestrmblitzrage, so if i advertise my number ppl can call local out my pstn line and they will allow me to do the same..
07:19.17Vetoso can I use dundi to find a iax->iax connection instead of using iax2/ termination?
07:19.22blitzragefirestrm: now, if you want advertise a way to access numbers you own, then you have an Asterisk box setup to advertise to those peers (and everyone on the network) the ability to lookup your number and connect to you via the Internet to say your desk phone or something.
07:20.19blitzragefirestrm: that is a misconception.  You *could* do that (by forwarding it out a PRI you own).  You can only advertise for numbers that you own.
07:20.35tzangerblitzrage: well that's just in the agreement
07:20.41tzangertechncially you could advertise anything
07:20.41blitzragetzanger: ;)
07:20.45blitzragetzanger: true
07:20.56blitzragetzanger: you have to be able to provide access to that number.
07:21.11tzangerbut yes, if you wanted to set up a DUNDi network where you wanted to say "I can reach X" and X is not LOCAL PSTN hopoff, you can do so...  I would just not use your network
07:21.15blitzragetzanger: however that may be.  I could advertise your number, but I'm not supposed to forward it to my desk :)
07:21.22tzangerblitzrage: but you could.  :-p
07:21.36blitzragetzanger: yep - but thats what GPA Agreements are for :)
07:21.53firestrmblitzrage, by advertise a number, does that mean sending information on how to connect to an extension on my * box?
07:22.04wasimthou shalt not advertise number thou has no access to
07:22.06tzangerfirestrm: more or less, yes
07:22.23blitzragewasim: well said
07:22.34firestrmok that makes send.. its allmost over my head.. my eyes are still sticking out :)
07:23.03firestrmbut i sort of grok
07:23.13tzangerfirestrm: think of it as a way to look up how to connect to remote extensions DYNAMICALLY
07:23.22blitzragefirestrm: its not that bad, but does that make sense?  Yes, you are essencially advertising a number which can be accessed via your Asterisk box.
07:23.52blitzragetzanger: yes, dynamically.  Thats a key workd.
07:24.18firestrmblitzrage, ok i think i understand.. probbly a little complex for me yet.. baby steps.. I still celebrating getting my * to use iconnect for long distance..
07:24.32tzangeras the routes change your dialplan does not have to -- every time you want to get from A to B you DundiLookup() it and connect to where it says
07:24.45tzafrirGood morning
07:25.24blitzragefirestrm: thats good :D
07:25.28firestrmtzanger, that sounds handy when you are controlling many extensions
07:25.40Vetoanyone have a boilerplate of a s-NOANSWER to do vmail/cell phone forwarding?
07:25.45blitzragefirestrm: if you get a chance, read my paper - I love hearing feedback (good or bad)
07:26.13blitzragefirestrm: it should have a few examples at least
07:26.47*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
07:26.58firestrmblitzrage, i thought so.. i have it set up to decide if it is a 411,911,local or long distance with failover to pstn.. i felt quite engienous when i got it to work..
07:27.18tzangerwait until you start discovering the magic of the macros
07:27.27tzangersuddenly really complex things become trivial
07:28.12firestrmblitzrage, im printing your paper now..
07:28.24tzangerhear that blitzrage?  You're being published!  :-)
07:28.53wasimAdvanced Dialplan Tricks 501 ... Prof T Zanger
07:28.57blitzragetzanger: first printing!
07:29.05wasimblitzrage: :)
07:29.16blitzragehehe, thats neat :
07:29.23tzangerwasim: actually I am writing up some documentation I plan on submitting ot the asterisk documentation project
07:29.35blitzragetzanger: woohoo!  I'll be reading it
07:29.44blitzrageI have a TON of docs to go through
07:29.48tzangerblitzrage: you going to
07:29.49firestrmi like my documentation on trees..
07:30.04wasimyeah, i'm waiting for a "in this scenario we faced this unsurmountable problem, till we did X in xxxx.conf and voila ... see * rocks
07:30.20blitzragefirestrm: yeah, Jared (the other co-founder of ADP) really likes his stuff printed out as well
07:30.47blitzragewasim: hrmmm... good idea :)
07:30.57firestrmblitzrage, i like to read just before i sleep, that way i dream about it and somehow it makes sense in the morning..
07:31.13wasimfirestrm: i usually end up getting nightmares
07:32.26firestrmblitzrage, i started doing that when i was studying for my air law portion of my commercial pilot license.. i scored %100 percent on that portion of the exam.. apparently according to Transport Canada, in that office a First
07:33.17firestrmwasim, the nightmares go away after a while.. its just your brain getting used to incorporating information in that way
07:34.06tzangerI too use my unconscoious to help
07:34.09tzangeroften thinking about a problem at bedtime nets me a solution in the morning
07:34.44tzangeralthough I *hate* the lucid dreams I have where I know the solution is in a book and I pick up the book only to discover I can't read... the title is there or the text is there but I can't read it
07:34.48tzangerfrustrates the fuck out of me
07:35.25wasimdid you guys ever write out your dreams in a notebook as soon as you woke up ...
07:35.41firestrmtanzer, ive had the wierdest invention dreams.. I even solved room temperature fusion one.. but forgot before i could get it all down on paper :)
07:35.50wasimits really wierd, a week or so later of doing this, you're in so much control of your dreams it gets scary
07:35.57tzangerwasim: yup I love it
07:36.00tzangerthat's why I do it
07:36.37firestrmtzanger, ever listen to classical or world music when sleeping.. VERY lucid dreams
07:36.54Vetois there a zaptel 1.0.4?
07:37.02tzangerfirestrm: yup, expressvu's got awesome "radio" stations for hat
07:37.04tzangerer that
07:37.21*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
07:38.00firestrmtzanger, im a xm-radio kind of guy. channel 77, night vision.. very cool for sleeping..
07:38.42*** join/#asterisk gopinsurg (
07:39.10firestrmtzanger, i had to cram for an Instrument exam once, so i recorded the classroom session, and looped it into headphones at a very low level with soft music.. VERY effective..
07:40.11firestrmtzanger, it was like having an additional 8 hours of classroom while i slept
07:40.15tzangerI will have to try that sometime
07:41.03firestrmtzanger, i used CD but i imagine MP3 player would be even better for that..
07:41.27blitzragefirestrm: hrmmmm... thats kind of cool.  I can't wait until I can just plug information into my brain either :)  However then I'll officially be a robot.... scary :)
07:41.36firestrmbeethoven and mozart are great if you need to math tune your brain
07:42.14firestrmmozart, the punk rocker of the music world :)
07:42.24firestrmer...classical music world
07:42.57blitzrageok.  So I predict that humans will always be smarter than the robots as we will be able to keep up in brain processing speed.  By the time robots become smart enough to think on their own, we will have developed interfaces into our brain.  At that point our brain just becomes a different kind of CPU core.
07:43.02blitzrageAs compared to the robots.
07:43.37firestrmblitzrage, little tricks i have learned to help me remember all the useless trivia you need to know as a comercial pilot that you will only need in the rare instance that you have an "incident"
07:44.24blitzragefirestrm: hrmmm.  Well thats kind of cool.  You basically read, then sleep and let it absorb or "save" :)
07:44.44firestrmblitzrage, pretty much..
07:44.55firestrmit more like writing to eeprom
07:45.23tzangerfirestrm: amen... those fuckers are SLOW :-)
07:45.32firestrmno need to give the sub consious time to perform write cycles
07:46.21firestrms/no/you.. can seem to make finger work
07:46.35blitzragefirestrm: makes perfect sense
07:47.40*** join/#asterisk pulu (~chatzilla@
07:47.57firestrmif you partially hide the information say in soft music. it workes even better.. the sub consious if very curious it want to know what is being hidden. thats why subliminal programming works
07:49.12firestrmbut dont start playing it untill you are fully asleep.. a timer works great for this.. otherwise you consious mind will become too confused by it and you'll never get to sleep
07:49.51blitzragefirestrm: ok, so you're saying I should read, then go to sleep, then during sleep have music turn on?
07:50.11blitzrageor have something read to you over music while you sleep?
07:51.06blitzragefirestrm: I'm interested in trying your techniquies
07:51.17firestrmyes that works good.. but you have to choose the music you listen too depending on the type of learning (mostly an experimental personal thing) for example i find mozart/beethoven best for math and logic, while chopan is best for arts
07:51.48firestrmsoft electronica works best for programming problems
07:52.01blitzragefirestrm: haha, it all seems to make so much sense :)
07:52.10tzangerexpressvu's ambient channel is great for that
07:52.21blitzrageI really like Groove Salad lately
07:52.23firestrmtzanger, exactly!
07:52.34*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
07:54.04firestrmblitzrage, if you REALLY need to cram, you can mix a recorded track of the information say a lecture, with appropo music.. i find a 60:40 ratio of information to music works best. but preclude it with just music first otherwise it will be too confusing and you'll never sleep
07:54.56blitzrageso music then lecture after sleeping?
07:55.00firestrmblitzrage, and if your into psycotropics.. Melatonin helps me ALOT.. mostly to reach REM and stay there longer and qucker
07:55.24firestrmblitzrage, music then music/lecture blend while sleeping
07:55.39blitzragefirestrm: I sent you a /msg, hope you don't mind...
07:55.55blitzragefirestrm: thats awesome.  I'm going to write all those suggestions down and try them out for sure
07:56.16blitzragefirestrm: I was really into self hypnosis for a bit, so that is all very related types of things
07:56.48firestrmblitzrage, sleep is a from of self hypnosis..
07:57.04pului just tried this self hypnosis thing, and i always fell asleep but i have these recurring images of going down stairs all the time, and quite frankly, it's a little annoying
07:57.20pulucause the thing was all, DOWN DOWN DOWN
07:57.51tzangerthe problem with psychotropics is that the absorption into the blood from the stomach is so pitifully low (with the exception of things like [I think?] tryptophan) and also that you have to take them for a long time (months) before you see effects
07:58.05tzangerpulu: music that helps there is Billy Idol
07:58.11tzangerAdam in Chains
07:58.19tzangerI use that imagery it works very well
07:58.21tzangersteps down
07:58.25*** join/#asterisk Nukemizer (
07:58.28posteldamn, is that #asterisk or #mushroomy?
07:58.52firestrmtzanger, i find that tryp does help.. but Melatonin does work for me. maybe as a placbo who knows, but it works..
07:58.59tzangerone thing that helps me get to sleep is to (in my mind) feel my body spinning slowly counterclockwise (imagining looking donw on myself)
07:59.13tzangervery slow spiral I can catch myself falling asleep that wya
07:59.17tzangerpostel: hahaha never done mushrooms
07:59.31postelgood job dude, keep it that way
07:59.51tzangerfirestrm: hey that's the great thing about placebos... they're often as effective as the drug itself -- proving once again that the mind is unbelievably powerful
08:00.30tzangerspeaking of which
08:00.31tzangerit's 3am here
08:00.33tzangerI should be sleeping
08:00.42tzangerI used to listen to a lot of Tangerine Dream
08:00.54tzangerin fact I have a bunchof their CDs just to the right of me in my CD rack
08:01.44firestrmtzanger, if you want to have very trippy acid dreams, while you are lying down comfortable in bead, and in the dark, with you eyes closed. concentrate on seeing beyond your eyes.. often i find myself in a lucid vivid dream state, where i control what i see..
08:02.30firestrmtzanger, ive never listen to tangerine dream.. i will have to look for them.. Enigma fan
08:02.50tzangerthey are enigmaish but without the chanting or "steady" drum machine
08:03.01tzangerthey're much airier, they do a lot of soundtracks
08:03.10firestrmtzanger,  i will definatly have to chek them out
08:03.16tzanger"the private music of tangerine dream" is nice
08:03.18tzangerrockoon as well
08:03.42*** join/#asterisk dg1nsw_ (
08:04.04tzangerI'm ust listening ot "Exchange" on expressvu's newage channel... they reminded me a LOT of tangerine dream
08:04.13tzangerthe song was A change in perspective
08:05.01puluIs this expressvu a website?
08:05.13tzangerBell ExpressVu is equivalent to your Dish networks (satellite TV)
08:05.28tzangerin fact it's so equivalent that the hardware is interchangeable after a flash update
08:06.06blitzragetzanger: quite true - exact same hardware
08:06.22pulutoo bad, need more streaming audio, there's nothing at all aside from the net music wise around here
08:06.44tzangerthere are some good trance/ambient streams online
08:06.46tzangerI forget the names
08:07.28*** join/#asterisk Tili (
08:08.45puluhah, how funny, most of the channels i listen to are digitally imported but i've never been to the website before
08:09.13tzangerthat was it
08:09.30tzangerahh same site as
08:10.37*** join/#asterisk invi_ (
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08:18.08*** join/#asterisk ozJames79 (
08:19.02*** join/#asterisk dontmsgme (
08:19.13dontmsgmeXlite lets you control 3 lines at once, any other sip phone lets youdo more?
08:19.22ozJames79Hi all can anyone tell me why my dial plan is not blocking certain numbers that i ask it to work it sends them out via my broadvoice connection
08:19.23dontmsgmeVoicepulse lets you open how many at the same time?
08:20.19ozJames79dontmsgme: Voicepulse allow 4 according to the wiki
08:20.30twistedVoicePulse connect allows as many as you can handle
08:20.30twistedso HAH
08:20.39Silik0nXPro does 6
08:22.14dontmsgmeSo what program is like xlite where I can have access to10-20 lines
08:22.25dontmsgmeSo if Im in a bad mood and want to busy-out someone's phone for an hour
08:22.31dontmsgmeI can sit there clicking away like Im playing tetris
08:22.48drumkilladontmsgme: asterisk  :p
08:22.58dontmsgmeI mean SIP phone
08:24.21*** join/#asterisk shidan (
08:24.22dontmsgmeXlite has a "line 4" and "line 5" button, but is grayed out?
08:25.04twisteddontmsgme, go read some.
08:25.13twisteddrumkilla, how was da party?
08:25.15dontmsgmeI dont fancy book learnin' =(
08:25.36twisteddontmsgme, perhaps you should just read anyway, and then you can come ask more informed questions :)
08:26.10Silik0ndontmsgme XLite has those greyed out so you can see some of the shit you can get in the commercial version
08:26.29puludontmsgme: if i'm in a bad mood i'd like a program so i can automatically send 2 msg's to anyone in irc that has anything along the lines of "don't message me" as their nick... it might need a bit of ai
08:26.29dontmsgmeSo it maxes at 6 lines?
08:33.22dontmsgmeI must be tired i just realized [00:20] <Silik0n> XPro does 6 ... answered my questions 5mins before I was still asking it
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08:37.19implicithilariousity is kicking in
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08:40.12wasimeid mubarik astmaster
08:40.52kramelfa shookran
08:41.10krameid mabarik leek
08:41.51tzangeralways has
08:43.11tzangerit has the right mix of airy and beat to just get me working
08:45.12BoRiSurl tzanger?
08:45.35*** join/#asterisk jskcr (~jskcr@jskcr.user)
08:48.04*** part/#asterisk mortehu (
08:48.21tzangerBoRiS: is the eurotrance stream
08:50.13JamesDotComanyone here good with postfix?
08:50.25firestrmtzanger, Yello?
08:50.36tzangerfirestrm: ?
08:50.41tzangerJamesDotCom: what's up
08:51.06JamesDotComJan 23 16:42:56 lenny postfix/virtual[18958]: fatal: gethostbyname: Operation now in progress
08:51.07tzangermmmm happy hardcore
08:51.09JamesDotComthis seems to kill virtual
08:51.13tzangerstream 2025
08:51.19tzangerer 2005
08:51.20JamesDotComthen mail queues but doesnt deliver
08:51.29tzangerwhat's the log say
08:51.45JamesDotComthis is debian + postfix + postgres + sasl
08:52.08tzangerJamesDotCom: what's the log say
08:54.03tzangerJamesDotCom: I'd say you have a very basic problem
08:54.11tzangerfirst things first: can the host resolve itself?
08:55.01firestrmtzanger, do you listen to Yello?
08:55.03tzangeror a problem in your virutal file
08:55.04BoRiSNice song
08:55.09tzangerfirestrm: as in the old old old band?
08:55.18tzangerBoRiS: which stream
08:55.23firestrmtzanger, as in the granddaddy of techno
08:55.33tzangerfirestrm: heheh I didn't know they put out anything else
08:55.47tzangersome would say that blue monday was the first song of that genre
08:55.51tzangerwell of dance anyway
08:56.03BoRiStzanger: The link you had posted :)
08:56.06firestrmoh yes.. last one was in 2001 i think.. pocket universe.. very trippy
08:56.08tzangerthe first one
08:56.54tzangerhmm this one playing right now on stream 1024 is a little tripy
08:56.56tzangerer trippy
08:57.15tzangerI like 1026 right now
08:57.19tzangerprogressive house
08:57.22tzangerbut it ain't house
08:57.29tzangerI don't like house, it's too "funky" for me
08:57.36firestrmtzanger, no way... yello solid pleasure 1980..
08:57.37BoRiS1026 is good
08:57.51firestrmway before blue monday
08:57.59tzangerI don't know my music history
08:58.15tzanger1025's good too (euro hard trance)
08:58.21tzangerbut they just switched to something that kind of blows
08:58.48tzangeractually it's improving quickly
08:58.50BoRiSnice beat though
08:58.52firestrmtzanger, stella,flag, zebra,hands on, and pocket universe are my favorites
08:58.55tzangeryeah I just was gonna say that
08:59.06tzangerfirestrm: interesting :-)  I'm gonna hve to look up some of these
08:59.28firestrmtzanger, start with either pocket universe or flag
08:59.53firestrmtzanger, i have the entire collection ripped to mp3..
09:00.08tzangernice maybe I'll find you on emule :-p
09:00.50tzanger1024 just got spiffy
09:00.51firestrmtzanger, yep look for alben lame
09:02.20*** join/#asterisk Suspect` (~jterrero@
09:02.23BoRiS1025 is getting nice
09:02.50BoRiSugh, nm
09:03.02tzangerI was just gonna say
09:04.08tzanger1065 is kind of interesting
09:04.13*** join/#asterisk jeofrey (
09:04.59tzangerI'm likin it
09:05.16*** join/#asterisk Tili (
09:05.33jeofreyhello all
09:05.34firestrmtzanger, my favorite is XM radio Audio vision.. chan 77
09:05.46tzangerfirestrm: yeah but I have no xm receiver nor sub
09:05.48wasimhalla jeofrey
09:06.00jeofreyany one can help for installing the asterisk 1.0.3
09:06.08firestrmtzanger, i think xm is streaming on the web for free now
09:07.06jeofreyi always got this error messege .... checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) works... no
09:07.06jeofreyconfigure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables.
09:07.06jeofreymake: *** [editline/libedit.a] Error 1
09:07.21tzangeryup you're right
09:07.23tzangernot free though
09:07.32Corydon76-home~weather 37013
09:08.20jeofreyanyone know how to solve this error
09:08.28Corydon76-homeHmmm, jbot must be lagged...
09:08.41wasimjeofrey: check perms
09:09.01jeofreywasim what is perms?
09:09.10wasimjeofrey: permissions
09:09.19jeofreysorry i am really new in linux
09:09.44tzangerjeofrey: that is more likely that you do not have gcc installed
09:09.51wasim~weather opla
09:09.53shidanHi anyone here ever had problems with the cdrs db for astcc
09:09.55Corydon76-home~weather KBNA
09:09.55tzangeryou need to make sure you have a development environment installed if you want to build from source
09:19.02*** join/#asterisk jbot (
09:19.02*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || DUNDi: #dundi || 1.0.4 Released
09:19.20Corydon76-home~weather kbna
09:19.33tzangermy mom's ex bf was flying aorund a curve and on the bind side was a cop in teh middle of the fucking highway doing speed checks... my mom's ex-bf nearly killed him, pulled over and bitched hiim out for being so blatantly STUPID...  the cop was most certainly in the wrong
09:19.55pulu~weather nftf
09:20.00letherglovthat's a good reason to be your mom's ex bf
09:20.09tzangerletherglov: eh?
09:20.21letherglovbitching out cops is never a good sign, even if it's warranted
09:20.37pulu~weather nftv
09:20.53tzangerletherglov: I dunno I imagine on occassion it's alright but yes it's certainly very discretionary
09:21.07letherglovpulu, I'm surprised you got anything for htat though
09:21.12Corydon76-home~weather km91
09:21.27letherglov~weather kpao
09:21.31pululetherglov: reckless driving and driving with a susp license...  i was a kid
09:21.33Corydon76-homeDamn, can't find springfield, tn?
09:21.45pulubut not under 18, unfortuantely
09:22.00tzangergoing to bed
09:22.05tzangerit's only 5 hours past my bedtime
09:22.14puludoes anyone know about these phones that can be reflashed to do iax2?
09:22.22tzangerleaving this vocaltrance on though
09:22.51*** join/#asterisk jterrero-home (
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09:24.19tzafrirpulu, softphones? iaxy?
09:25.11puluno, i just saw something on the biz mailing list about hardphones that supposedly can be reflashed to support iax2
09:25.18pulubut there's not a whole lot of info
09:25.32pului bought an iaxy and it sucked, but i have serious nat issues
09:25.49tzafrirwhat's the NAT router?
09:25.49letherglovwhat didn't you like about your iaxy?\
09:26.14*** join/#asterisk calisto (
09:26.40puluit required me to have a linux installation to set it up which was a bit annoying because i was away from my main systems, and after it rang the first time some component on the inside of it melted to the top of the box and it didn't work after that
09:27.16letherglovsounds like a serious engineering problem
09:27.24letherglovI havn't had any problems like that with mine
09:27.30letherglovthe downside is the lack of all compression
09:27.32letherglovgsm or otherwise
09:27.46letherglovso I have to reflect it off a local asterisk install to a remote one (where the channel back and fxo ports live)
09:28.05pululetherglov: it seems like it's 50/50 between people who's work perfect and people who have serious problems, but i can't afford the time to play with it anymore
09:28.36*** join/#asterisk ozJames79 (
09:28.47pululetherglov: I have to do that with alot of things because of sip and nat anyway... that's why i want to look at these phones, iax2 and ilbc
09:29.19*** join/#asterisk HjemmeRoyK (
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09:30.08jeofreyi am logon as root already im my linux but i still cannot install the asterisk 1.0.3
09:30.18jeofreyim using fedora linux
09:31.08ozJames79Hi all can anyone please tell me why when i try and call the USA i get a 404 error as if its not finding the dialplan  the plan is clearly in the default context and i can call germany ok which is within that same context thanks in advance
09:31.33jeofreychecking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) works... no
09:31.33jeofreyconfigure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables.
09:31.34jeofreymake: *** [editline/libedit.a] Error 1
09:32.01jeofreywhat is that means?
09:32.26jeofreywhat i have to do in this problem?
09:32.36puluozJames79:  where's the _1NXXNXXXXXX,1?
09:33.30jeofreyany one can help me please about this kind of problem...
09:33.56ozJames79pula i have it as 2 cause i want it to process the blocked numbers first
09:34.13puluthey are seperate extensions
09:34.26puluto make it do the blocked ones first you have to have another context and include it
09:34.33puluit's funny i was just doing the same thing last night
09:35.01ozJames79so all the block numbers then include => usa   for example
09:35.13jskcranyone setup asterisk with vonage sip softphone?
09:36.11pului actually set mine up with sep contexts by the length of the prefix and then included them sev six five four three two one
09:36.23twistedin alabama.
09:36.35twistedthe end is neigh
09:37.12*** join/#asterisk delphiuk (
09:38.35hermietwisted, how much?
09:38.48twistedi dunno
09:38.50twistedit's still coming down
09:38.53jeofreyhello all
09:39.15jeofreyanyone can help please
09:39.51hermieI almost wrote that I got 7" last night... that sounds bad :)
09:40.13jeofreyi have a problem in installing of asteris1.0.3
09:40.14HjemmeRoyKhermie: nice....
09:40.39hermiebut then again, I don't live in Alabama... I expect these kinda things :)
09:40.46jeofreyhow i change the permision in linux
09:41.00jeofreyso that i run the installation of asterisk
09:41.17pulujeofrey: i'm not a c expert but i think your error means you're missing development libraries... specifically the main one
09:41.19tzafrirjeofrey, what distro?
09:41.40tzafrireither no gcc, or no glibc-devel/libc-dev/whatever
09:42.02jeofreywait i will paste here the error messege
09:42.06HjemmeRoyKjeofrey: no
09:42.10HjemmeRoyKjeofrey: use the pastebin, please
09:42.10puludont do it
09:42.17jeofreychecking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) works... no
09:42.17jeofreyconfigure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables.
09:42.17jeofreymake: *** [editline/libedit.a] Error 1
09:42.17jeofrey[root@aliyapp asterisk-1.0.3]#
09:42.27jeofreythat is the error
09:42.41HjemmeRoyKjeofrey: you prolly need some libs, don't remember what, though
09:42.42tzafriryou've already pasted it.
09:42.51tzafrirwhat is your distro?
09:42.55jbotit has been said that pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
09:43.11hermiejeofrey: when 27 people tell you to use the pastebin, please consider it...
09:43.30tzafrirhermie, it was before he could read it
09:43.36HjemmeRoyKhermie: it was only 4 lines....
09:43.38jskcrCOOLNES I just routed my vonage sip softphone to my *
09:43.40jeofreysorry im still very new in this
09:44.22jeofreywhat is distro means?
09:44.33tzafriroh, you use Fedora. yum install glibc-devel
09:45.00hermiejeofrey: is LD_LIBRARY_PATH set?
09:45.09jeofreyi see
09:45.32jeofreyshere i can get it please
09:46.03jeofreyi have just buy this asterisk
09:46.13jeofreythen they install to my pc
09:46.19jeofreynow is not working
09:46.19delphiukhi, in sip.conf (or any .conf file for that matter), does if matter if their is a space between the filed and value? i.e. username = blah?
09:46.24tzafrirjeofrey, distro means distribution. your is Fedora
09:46.59pulujeofrey: how much did you pay for this asterisk
09:47.05hermiejeofrey: there should be a file called 'config.log' in your asterisk/editline/ directory... kindly pastebin that
09:47.08jeofreyi pay $500
09:47.21puluI need to start selling gpl programs
09:47.24jeofreybut it never work
09:47.31tzafrirjeofrey, please run the following command and paste its output:
09:47.39delphiukpulu, that probably includes a PC as well?
09:47.40jeofreyand now i cannot get the person who install
09:48.17jeofreywhat are the commands <tzafrir>
09:48.18tzafrirecho 'int main() {return 0;' >test.c; gcc test.c; ./a.out
09:48.36tzafrirecho 'int main() {return 0;}' >test.c; gcc test.c; ./a.out
09:49.00tzafrir(this is essentially the configure test that has failed)
09:50.30jeofrey[root@aliyapp asterisk-1.0.3]# echo 'int main() {return 0;}'' >test.c; gcc test.c; ./a.out
09:51.10hermiejeofrey, you've got an extra '
09:51.26jeofrey[root@aliyapp asterisk-1.0.3]# echo 'int main() {return 0;' >test.c; gcc test.c; ./a.out
09:51.27jeofreybash: gcc: command not found
09:51.27jeofreybash: ./a.out: No such file or directory
09:51.27jeofrey[root@aliyapp asterisk-1.0.3]#
09:51.57tzafrirjefrey, then run: yum install gcc
09:52.17tzafriror whatever package manager front-end you like to use
09:52.52HjemmeRoyK#fedora perhaps.
09:53.30tzafrirOTOH, are there decent Fedora packages of Asterisk?
09:53.44tzafrirWith decent dependencies or build-dependencies?
09:54.27jeofreyits downloading now
09:54.40*** join/#asterisk tsimshatsui (
10:01.48jeofrey<tzafrir> after finish the downloads i can run already the installation of asterisk?
10:02.22Suspect`what distro are u on ?
10:02.45jeofreyfedora linux 3 i think
10:03.01HjemmeRoyKhm. those fpm-*.mp3 files under sounds/, is that free MoH?
10:03.20HjemmeRoyKthey suck big time...
10:03.42jeofreythen i have asterisk 1.0.3
10:05.58Suspect`eww... go gentoo
10:06.47HjemmeRoyKSuspect`: gentoo is not for newbies....
10:08.09Suspect`jeofrey : is this ur first time using *nix?
10:08.26jeofreyyahhhhhhhh i am
10:08.43jeofreyeven those commands i dont know yet
10:09.12Suspect`so i dont suggest u using asterisk until yoou understand how linux works
10:09.20Suspect`go to
10:09.24Suspect`get urself some linux books
10:09.35Suspect`and read for the next 3 months
10:09.45Suspect`then install gentoo
10:09.53Suspect`and start working with asterisk
10:09.54jeofreythats why i buy the asterisk to somebody
10:10.04Suspect`huh ?
10:10.48jeofreybut after i pay he just install the asterisk and run away
10:11.19jeofreybecause i am using the quintum
10:11.34jeofreyand he suggest to use also asterisk server
10:11.35Suspect`and you where expecting him to configure the pbx for you? was that the deal you worked with him
10:14.06tzafrirSuspect`, or use Rapid?
10:19.00modulus_wth the eggshell came off all in one piece
10:22.17jeofrey<tzafrir> after finish the download and upgrade i run make clean; make install then i have thi messege comout bison ast_expr.y --name-prefix=ast_yy -o ast_expr.c
10:22.17jeofreymake: bison: Command not found
10:22.17jeofreymake: *** [ast_expr.c] Error 127
10:22.17jeofrey[root@aliyapp asterisk-1.0.3]#
10:25.05jeofreydo i still need to download somefiles
10:25.25*** join/#asterisk thefallen (PolarBear@thefallen.user)
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10:28.37HjemmeRoyKjeofrey: yum install bison?
10:29.24*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
10:29.52jeofrey<HjemmeRoyK> how i can get bison?
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10:32.23sjaak1My first IRC test
10:33.01HjemmeRoyKjeofrey: I just told you
10:33.11jeofreyyes sorry
10:33.15jeofreyi got it already
10:34.53*** join/#asterisk sjaak1 (
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10:41.22jeofrey.... /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lssl
10:41.40*** join/#asterisk KleinJonp_____ (
10:41.40jeofreyhow to get the -lssl please
10:41.50visik7install ssl
10:42.11*** join/#asterisk eivindtr (
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10:43.22jeofreyNo Match for argument ssl
10:44.57jeofreyi run yum ssl and that is the result
10:45.16visik7quite strange
10:45.17jeofreywhat should be the command
10:45.20visik7openssl ?
10:45.21puluit's going to be openssl something
10:45.27HjemmeRoyK~seen coppice
10:45.29jbotcoppice <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 21h 12m 56s ago, saying: 'suma: do you have the right tone set configured for yuor location?'.
10:45.54pulu~weather nftf
10:46.10HjemmeRoyKjeofrey: perhaps it'd be easier if you just installed an asterisk package
10:46.27jeofreycollect2: ld returned 1 exit status
10:46.27jeofreymake: *** [asterisk] Error 1
10:46.27jeofrey[root@aliyapp asterisk-1.0.3]#
10:46.49*** part/#asterisk Grantbow (
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10:48.50*** join/#asterisk KalD|Work (
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10:49.47jeofreyyappppppp i am installing the asterisk from the package and i got those problems
10:54.04*** join/#asterisk Nivex (
10:57.04*** join/#asterisk NeroLabs (
10:57.13HjemmeRoyKjeofrey: paste the entire error message on, please, not here
10:57.34NeroLabswhat is the rate for 1GB of data transfer these days from an ISP with around 4000GB a month?
10:58.04jeofreyok thanks
10:58.30visik7NeroLabs 1/4000 ?
10:59.05NeroLabsvisik7: haven't bought by the gigabyte transfer in a while... just wanted to know the range of rates these days, doing some cost calculations
10:59.33*** join/#asterisk Nivex (
11:02.07*** join/#asterisk oN (~LaDy15-@
11:02.39jskcranyone tried amp yet for a asterisk management?
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11:12.21jskcranyone alive
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11:24.02*** join/#asterisk jbot (
11:24.02*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || DUNDi: #dundi || 1.0.4 Released
11:24.41tzafrirlet's try it again
11:28.59*** join/#asterisk Gh0sty (
11:50.10jskcrtry what?
11:53.21wasimlag ...
11:53.36Mother_hi all
11:53.49Mother_any preferences as to IAX2 softphones?
11:54.01wasimMother_: asterisk
11:55.03Mother_that would be the pbx, I have that in place, I mean client softphones
11:55.07Mother_for Win32
11:55.49Mother_I'm looking at the options in the voip wiki, but there's quite a few, and I don't feel like installing and trying them all, specially on a sunday :)
11:57.05wasimeww ... win32
12:01.41visik7Mother_ what protocol ?
12:02.19Mother_basically I have 10 remote users that are behind NAT on DSL lines, and the * box is also behind it's own NAT on a phat DSL
12:02.25wasimthe mother of all protocols!
12:02.48Mother_so rather than playing with tunneling SIP etc. I'd go for IAX which uses single ports
12:04.01visik7so use iaxcomm
12:04.29Mother_better than IAX Phone?
12:04.39visik7it's based on IaxComm
12:05.18empire667Is there a iax softphone for windows?
12:05.54Mother_there are a few
12:06.13*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
12:06.14visik7btw all Iax phone for windows are based on IaxComm
12:06.39Mother_really, they all use the OCX....nice....
12:07.05empire667how's the bandwidt usage of iax
12:07.17Mother_from what I've read, quite low, some 3KBps
12:07.50empire667with relativly good audio?
12:08.26wasim9.6 kbps
12:08.30wasim9.4 even
12:08.46Mother_that low?
12:08.56*** join/#asterisk Flipp-Flopp (
12:09.04wasimnot including the payload
12:09.07wasimthats the IAX2 overhead
12:09.11Mother_kilobits yes? some people tend to confuse kb and kB, just checking
12:09.37empire667What do you mean by payload?
12:09.53wasimwell, you have to carry the voice encoded
12:10.18wasimVoIP is a PROTOCOL (like IAX2/SIP/H323) and a CODEC payload (like g729, iLBC, g711)
12:10.20Mother_payload + overhead == total bandwidth
12:10.24empire667Is it going to work with one end client on a 28k8 modem
12:10.53empire667thanks wasim
12:12.06empire667what is your gues about a 28k8 modem
12:12.23wasimthat has somewhat more accurate details
12:14.05empire667what do you think about the following setup:
12:14.24empire667at both ends an asteriks server
12:14.52empire667both locally connected to the phone line(useing a normal modem)
12:15.25empire667And then just phone locally to the remote side
12:16.08empire667So asteriks uses the optimal encoding
12:16.18empire667and less bandwith
12:17.05empire667Is that a good/worable setup?
12:18.36empire667anyone, an idea??
12:24.25wasimempire667: thats fine except the modem bit
12:24.46wasimempire667: most normal voice modems are simplex
12:25.05wasimempire667: you're better off with digium's fxo offerings
12:25.13wasimempire667: spend a little money, save a lot of headaches
12:27.38empire667wasim: what do you suggest of digium?
12:28.11wasimempire667: digium rocks
12:28.33wasimempire667: how many phones lines do you need connected
12:28.42empire667wasim: just one
12:29.05wasimempire667: any phone sets (extensions?)
12:29.36empire667wasim: allso one
12:29.45wasimempire667: get a TDM11 then
12:30.19empire667wasim: where can i order one(cheap) ;)
12:30.31wasimempire667: digium or one of their resellers
12:30.44wasimempire667: if you're in pk or nearabouts, we can get you one
12:31.05empire667wasim: i'm in holland(netherlands)
12:31.26HjemmeRoyKmore pot heads
12:32.05empire667wasim: what is de function off the TDM11
12:33.37wasimempire667: it provides a single FXS and a single FXO
12:35.12empire667wasim: do i then need 2 asterisk servers??
12:35.42wasimempire667: if you want them in two separate locations, then yes
12:36.02*** join/#asterisk RuN (Poor@
12:36.11empire667wasim: oke so i do need 2 TDM11
12:36.49wasimempire667: yep
12:37.21empire667wasim: which linux distribution can you suggest
12:37.31wasimempire667: gentoo
12:37.43wasimempire667: although whatever you're most comfortable with will work
12:38.03empire667wasim: the long way of gentoo(already compiled)
12:38.18empire667wasim: or the other easy one
12:38.43wasimempire667: stage3 should be ok to start off on, then you can compile stuff yourself, and upgrade it
12:41.02empire667wasim: but how will i get the asterisk server on the phone line so that i can call the asterisk box with my mobile and then connects me to the other side?
12:41.48*** join/#asterisk Yoda-BZH (~yoda-bzh@
12:41.49wasimempire667: with the fxo port on the tdm11
12:42.42empire667wasim: so i need a linux box with a network card and a tdm11
12:43.05wasimempire667: affirmative
12:44.33*** join/#asterisk BLanD (
12:45.39empire667wasim: as a phase one: can i just setup one asterisk server and use 2 softphones?
12:45.51wasimempire667: yes
12:46.02wasimempire667: or just use softphones connected to iaxtel
12:46.25empire667wasim: what is iaxtel?
12:46.43jbotmethinks iaxtel is A free service to * users to connect via VoIP to other iaxtel users.  URL:
12:47.02wasimempire667: iaxtel is an iax2 registration service from digium
12:47.36wasimthank you, laggedbot
12:48.01empire667wasim: sounds great!!
12:48.15wasimempire667: oh asterisk rocks!
12:48.21wasimhail IAX2!
12:49.01empire667wasim: i'm also technical so i am very interested setting my own asterisk server
12:49.43HjemmeRoyKanyone that knows how I could hack rtp.c to monitor packet loss_
12:49.47empire667wasim: which softphone do you suggest for using iaxtel?
12:49.52wasimempire667: asterisk
12:50.04Yoda-BZHLe bonjour je vous souhaite / Hi ppl
12:53.46*** join/#asterisk Nix (~Nix@
12:54.40empire667wasim: thanks for all the info
12:57.24HjemmeRoyKdd if=/dev/urandom of=wasim bs=1M
12:58.24*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
13:03.56CleanerXany got knowledge of e1 cabling?
13:04.13CleanerXI'm going nuts with our pbx and *
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13:05.25*** join/#asterisk scubasteve (
13:05.29scubasteveGood morning!
13:06.14scubasteveI'm trying to figure out how ringtones work on the Sipura SPA-41.  Does it support custom ringtones?
13:07.07wasimCleanerX: 1245
13:07.33wasimCleanerX: straight through, just use any old ethernet patch lead
13:07.43*** join/#asterisk Crim1 (
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13:08.50cypromisif not straight than use the folloein guide for a e1 crossover
13:09.44cypromist1 and e1 crossovers are the same
13:10.49HjemmeRoyKanyone here that knows their way around rtp.c?
13:11.00CleanerXwell i got this: I'm crossing the cables on the pbx side, enabling pbx hardware which after a while gives me a L2 error
13:11.12CleanerXthat's fine so far
13:11.33CleanerXI disable the device and put on a selfmade cable
13:12.13CleanerXconnected to *, then zaptel gives me a green light - although the device is disabled on pbx side
13:12.40CleanerXthen I enable the device and I get a yellow alarm
13:14.33CleanerXI'm corssing the cables means I short circuit 1-5 dn 2-4 (I think)
13:17.37Nixwhy would you make a crossover for E1?
13:17.55CleanerXto connect a regular pbx with asterisk
13:17.59Nixuse a standard cable and tell Asterisk that is it Network side not customer side...
13:18.06Nixdont change the cable
13:18.12Nixchange the asterisk config..
13:18.27wasim1-4. 2-5 also, btw
13:18.44CleanerXthe pbx runs in client mode
13:19.07jskcranyone have any suggestions for * management gui or receptionist software?
13:19.27CleanerXwasim, yeah just checked the colors and I connected them that way
13:20.12*** join/#asterisk RafaeL (~BaDNicK@
13:20.31CleanerXNix, standard cable won't work for me, cracked the end of one cable and saw that siemens is doing non standard shit with its db15
13:20.36*** join/#asterisk Pantanero (
13:21.10Nixis the other end the same?
13:21.18Nixcolours are not always standard...
13:21.44CleanerXthey use db15 pins 1,9, 8,15,  and short circuit 7-14 and 3-10 , 12 is used for shielding
13:24.00CleanerXwell whatever I cross it should be this way: cross any fullcolored cable a half colored cable of another color
13:25.21CleanerXcurrently I've got wrong cabling but I get a green light
13:25.53CleanerXI used pinouts 1234 and not 1245
13:25.54*** join/#asterisk Yoda-BZH (~yoda-bzh@
13:26.45CleanerXit seems that all remaining pins are grounded
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13:56.37sniffeAnyone here?
13:57.12wasimnope, just us bots
13:57.25sniffeI having trouble with the switch => thingy again.. Sometimes my SIP clients just get stucked when switched over to the other asterisk-server..
13:58.09sniffeIt dials, and when converation is finished it just never seem to properly hang up..
14:01.00*** join/#asterisk kpfleming (
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14:16.27*** join/#asterisk fishboy1669 (
14:16.41fishboy1669anyone running asterisk on suse 9.2?
14:16.52jskcryes fishboy1669 I am
14:17.02fishboy1669thak god
14:17.02*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
14:17.02Nixfishboy1669: yes
14:17.16NixSuSE 9.2 even comes with asterisk rpms
14:17.23fishboy1669did u have any issues installing zaptel and asterisk for a x100p
14:17.41Nixno.. as long as you use udev...
14:17.45Nixare you using udev?
14:17.52jskcrIm using it with sip not zaptel devics.
14:17.57fishboy1669i have a feeling i have installed it using the installer and its confilicting with my source install
14:18.09Nixmake install in zaptel will not work on suse
14:18.16Nixdid you read the error message?
14:18.23fishboy1669yes i did the udev stuff and also make linux26
14:18.32fishboy1669aha nix tell me more
14:18.44fishboy1669why does the make install not work
14:18.52*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
14:19.26fishboy1669its the zapell stuff that messes up
14:19.39fishboy1669i can run the * with out zaptel
14:19.57fishboy1669but try getting it working with x100p zaptel its a ball ache
14:20.15fishboy1669when i first boot up and do a ztcfg i get
14:20.47fishboy1669zt_chanconfig failed on channel 1: no such device or address (6)
14:21.01fishboy1669but if i do modprobe zaptel modprobe wcfxo
14:21.05fishboy1669i get error
14:21.31fishboy1669error inserting wcfxo
14:21.46fishboy1669unkonwn symbol in module
14:21.54fishboy1669or unknown parameter
14:22.17*** join/#asterisk upsite (~upsite@
14:22.19fishboy1669then if i rmmod the zaptel and wcfxo and modprobe then again it all seems fine
14:22.22fishboy1669nix u there
14:23.14jskcrhave you tried useing the asterisk & zaptel rpms from suse?
14:23.32fishboy1669im used to the source
14:23.40fishboy1669i guess it would make sence using the rpms
14:23.46jskcryes it would
14:23.53jskcryast and search for asterisk
14:23.57fishboy1669its lightly that the rpms are installed and they are causing the conflict
14:24.18fishboy1669where is nix he sounds like he could help me
14:24.28fishboy1669nix is a big tease lol
14:24.50fishboy1669nix come back ill send u a virtual beer lol
14:25.05jskcrlol I just installed AMP on suse 9.2
14:25.15jskcrfor a asterisk management gui
14:25.16fishboy1669jskcr just booting x now to get to yast
14:25.21fishboy1669whats AMP?
14:25.35jskcrits a web gui management frontend to asterisk
14:26.07jskcrit lets you build the menu structures and config extentions via web gui
14:26.51jskcrI got it running under suse 9.2
14:27.17jskcrIm thinking about building a live cd  asterisk distro.
14:27.33jskcrIm just looking for a nice frontend to it.
14:27.57fishboy1669im supposed to be demo int this box for cust next wed
14:28.05fishboy1669need fxo though
14:28.16fishboy1669and stuck in a rut been working on it solid 3 days now
14:28.27*** join/#asterisk Nivex (
14:28.38fishboy1669cant find asterisk in the yast
14:28.42fishboy1669any ideas
14:29.54fishboy1669dont leave
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14:30.33jskcroops lol
14:30.43jskcrthe asterisk suse 9.2 rpms are there.
14:30.59fishboy1669i need to know if its already installed and if thats what confliction
14:31.13jskcrrpm -ql asterisk
14:31.24jskcrif it echos files then its installed :)
14:31.52jskcrI also rolled my own cvs rpms :)
14:32.11rtcgChilly Greetings everyone!
14:32.29fishboy1669it says not installed
14:32.36wasim11C is not that chilly
14:32.37fishboy1669hi rtcg
14:32.47fishboy1669tidy rpms
14:33.05fishboy1669jskcr nope there are no asterisk and no zaptel rpms installed
14:33.07wasimnow Corydon76-home at 20F is chilly
14:33.11*** join/#asterisk tarantul (
14:33.11HjemmeRoyKrpm is evil
14:33.12fishboy1669god i hate life
14:33.17HjemmeRoyK~kill fishboy1669
14:33.21jbotACTION shoots a inverse pseudotachyon gun at fishboy1669
14:33.21rtcg11*2+30 = 52* not too chilly.
14:33.21fishboy16693 day on this and still no closer
14:33.22jskcrk then its not a rpm problem
14:33.38HjemmeRoyK~nickometer fishboy1669
14:33.38jbot'fishboy1669' is 86.000% lame, hjemmeroyk
14:34.31fishboy1669ok why when i reboot does lsmod show zaptel when i havent done a modprobe on it yet?
14:34.32tarantulAnyone use asterisk with Intel phone gateway (SIP version)?
14:34.54Drukenintel has a phone gateway ?
14:35.47scubastevefishboy1669 - why not just build * from cvs like everyone else?
14:36.03jskcrfishboy1669 or go grab the rpms from the address I gave ya
14:36.09rtcgWell, I'm still stumped on this  iax.conf configuration issue with softphones.  If softphone does NOT register with * server, then softphone can call an * zapata channel and voice communicatins work. If softphone 'regsiters' then each side can contact each other, yet softphone receives no voice audio.
14:36.32jskcrrtcg run a packet sniffer
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14:37.01fishboy1669i have built from cvs
14:37.01scubastevertcg Got any firewall/NAT stuff going on?  Sounds like something is filtering/mangling the RTP packets.
14:37.07fishboy1669its not working
14:37.10rtcgWhat is different 'port-wise' when a softphone registers ?
14:37.19scubastevefishboy1669:  What isn't working?
14:37.21rtcgboth softphone and * server are on the SAME SEGMENT!
14:37.24fishboy1669or zaptel is not working to be procise with my x100p
14:37.28wasimno rtp in iax ... thank god
14:37.32jskcrfishboy goto and grab the rpms they have a zaptel rpm too
14:37.42scubastevefishboy1669:  Hm.  Is it a "real" x100p ?
14:37.58fishboy1669ztcfg says its fine after the modprobe but * says cant find channel
14:38.02Drukendid someone break jbot?
14:38.03scubastevefishboy1669:  I've set up dozens of * boxes with x100p cards and never had  a problem.
14:38.16fishboy1669yes propper x100p and it woked in my old box using sam configs
14:38.32fishboy1669try a brand new dell with suse 9.2
14:38.36fishboy1669it dont liek life
14:38.43scubastevefishboy1669: /msg me the output of ztcfg -vvv or put it on pastebin
14:39.07*** join/#asterisk ZmIRC (
14:39.10Drukenscubasteve: feel like sending me a few of those x100p's? :)
14:39.25scubasteveDruken:  Get them on Ebay for $12 each including shipping .. :)
14:39.55Drukenoh crap.. whoops... wrong model number
14:40.00wasim$12 for real digium x100p's ?
14:40.04Drukent100p :)
14:40.08Drukenmy bad
14:40.13scubasteveDruken:  ah :-)  Different animal!
14:40.40scubastevewasim: They're the same card, not purchased from Digium though.  Recognized as OEM hardware though.
14:40.50Drukenscubasteve: i already have 6 zaptel ports on my system... hehehe
14:42.36Drukentarantul: they are all discontinued....
14:42.40scubastevefishboy1669: How's it coming?
14:43.13tarantulDruken: I don't have other gateways. %(
14:44.09tarantulbtw, How I can increase asterisk debug level?
14:44.21fishboy1669scubasteve here is the paste bin
14:44.26scubastevefishboy: Standby
14:44.38fishboy1669anyone else any good with susi zaptel and x100p please help
14:44.50Drukenwhere'd you get those? they were all discontinued july 30 last year
14:45.35scubastevefishboy:  On my FC 3 system I have to remove some modules before I modprobe ...
14:45.38*** join/#asterisk cursor (
14:46.03sniffeThis "switch => " thingy is no good.. Makes all kinds of weird things to happen.
14:46.13fishboy1669even when i remove the modules to get zaptel working * still throws errors
14:46.27Drukenfishboy1669: paste me your lspci -v
14:46.36scubastevefishboy:  I do... rmmod hisax .... rmmod isdn ... modprobe zaptel modprobe wcfxo modprobe wxfxs ... THEN run ztcfg.
14:46.50cursor(sniffe) What sort of weird things happen?
14:46.53jskcrfishboy1669> have you run yast to update your suse 9.2 box?
14:47.08fishboy1669jakcr no
14:47.12scubasteveAlso I want to see /proc/interrupts
14:47.20fishboy1669just installed of cd this morn for 7 time
14:47.22jskcrfishboy you may want to
14:47.28*** join/#asterisk Fire (PerfStats@
14:47.34jskcrtheres been about 2 kernel revisions since you installed.
14:48.01scubasteveFishboy ... sheesh man, I would have gone with one of the Asterisk + Linux install CD's linked from voip-info instead of wasting so much time..
14:48.12sniffecursor: SIP channels does not hang up properly so SIP-clients get stuck. Sometimes extensions does not work, but when I remove the "switch => ..." it works perfect..
14:48.35sniffecursor: I have made sure it is not looping, but still.
14:48.38scubastevefishboy looks ok to me
14:48.43fishboy1669scuba its for a production dev so really needs to be custom bilt
14:48.48cursorI thought switch was an IAX thing
14:49.02fishboy1669scuba i know thats wats annoying no clues to fault
14:49.08scubastevefishboy rmmod any modules you think shouldn't be there and then modprobe zaptel, wcfxo, wcfxs and then do ztcfg.
14:49.19sniffecursor: Yeah, but SIP clients dial an extension and get routed to another * server via IAX-trunking.
14:49.52fishboy1669scuba any suggestions which ones i did the zaptel and the crc_ccitt
14:49.59fishboy1669couldnt see any othere
14:50.20scubastevefishboy: ok, try modprobe on the modules I pasted in the order I pasted, then run ztcfg -vvv
14:50.45cursorso you have: sipphone -> asterisk (sip) -> IAX trunk -> asterisk (sip) -> sipphone
14:51.16cursorYou'll probably find that the remote asterisk's SIP will try to reinvite the calling phone
14:51.19Drukenfishboy1669: do you have more then 1 port setup in your zaptel.conf ?
14:51.25cursorwhich might fail if you have firewall/nat issues
14:51.26*** part/#asterisk tarantul (
14:51.29fishboy1669just the one
14:51.41sniffecursor: More like: sip-phone -> * (sip) -> IAX trunk -> * -> ZapHFC channel
14:51.58fishboy1669scuba the ztcfg -vvvvvv is ok afte i do the rmmod and modprobe
14:52.06scubastevefishboy: Start *
14:52.10fishboy1669its the * error after thats stopping it now
14:52.39sniffecursor: I have no firewall/NAT issues with this, or at least I should not have any :P
14:52.42fishboy1669same error as in first paste bin
14:52.44scubastevefishboy: Your zaptel.conf should have 3 lines... mine is loadzone=us, defaultzone=us, fxsks=1 ... is yours similar?
14:53.05fishboy1669yes zaptel.conf and zapata.conf are off my working system
14:53.44*** join/#asterisk WizardOne (
14:53.47cursorYou might have to examine an ethereal trace to/from the SIP phone to see if any reinvites have been issued
14:53.54cursorand set canreinvite = no
14:53.57fishboy1669how do i find what is loading these modules that i dont want so i can stop them from loading at boot
14:54.03cursorBut it shouldn't be inviting in that case
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14:54.17cursorI assume you're using the latest v1-0 from CVS
14:54.27scubastevefishboy: I just have my init rmmod them and modprobe the right ones.
14:54.40scubastevefishboy: Show me   lsmod|grep wc
14:54.53sniffecursor: I'm using 1.0.3 from source tar.. And I have reinvite=no in sip.conf ..
14:55.09fishboy1669if the zaptel rpm is not installed why is there a the a zaptel module after boot
14:55.35fishboy1669lsmod|grep wc
14:55.35fishboy1669wcfxo                  11808  0
14:55.35fishboy1669zaptel                176772  1 wcfxo
14:55.36scubasteveFishboy: Why are you not building from sources?   Don't mess around with RPM's or packages.
14:55.45cursoras a test, have the SIP phone register with the remote Asterisk server
14:55.45fishboy1669i am building from sauce
14:55.49sniffecursor: when doing 'sip show channel xxxx' " Last Message:           Rx: BYE"
14:55.51cursorjust set up one test phone
14:55.54fishboy1669stupid susi puting crap in there
14:56.33scubasteveFishboy: mine is different... on fc3:  wctdm                  33088  0  wcfxo                  13216  0  zaptel                206980  8 wctdm,wcfxo
14:56.36fishboy1669im trying to find out where susi is initiating the cram rpm package install so i can get shut of any conflictin stuff
14:56.40cursorAlso, why are you doing a switch instead of just a Dial() ?
14:56.42sniffecursor: When sip-client are registered with the remote * server (which has the ZapHFC channels), there is no problems at all. Everything works like a charm..
14:56.54cursorI'd just dial an IAX2 address and let the remote server figure it out
14:57.03fishboy1669i dont have a tdm card
14:57.10fishboy1669thas why yours is different
14:57.15scubastevefishboy1669:  All I have is an X100P.
14:57.34wasimscubasteve: i once wrote a song that started with that line
14:57.43scubastevewasim: LOL
14:57.47sniffecursor: Switch seemed like a nice thingy, just designed for this purpose. It seems that when using dial everythings is OK. So I'll guess I'll end up with that.
14:58.18sniffecursor: Dial(IAX2 .... that is..
14:58.35fishboy1669god i loosing the will to live lol
14:58.52fishboy1669ok time for a break and some food befor i collaps
14:58.53cursorI'd use Dial()
14:59.26fishboy1669thanks for the help scuba if u think of anything else pm me
15:00.18scubastevefishboy: NP.. will do.
15:01.03*** join/#asterisk dg1nsw_ (
15:02.30sniffecursor: thanx anyway :)
15:03.54[Sim]drumkilla around ?
15:04.57fishboy1669jskcr tell me more about the susi 9.2 * rpm so i can track them down and remove them
15:06.24cursor(Sim) he's here according to my list
15:06.36cursorbut then, so are 100,000 other campers
15:06.47[Sim]yeah that doesnt really mean much
15:06.52[Sim]thanks anyway :)
15:06.57jeofreyany can help me please
15:07.11jeofreywhere can i edit the firewall of linux
15:07.29scubastevefishboy: Scrap SuSE and install something else like Fedora Core or an old RedHat.
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15:08.11jeofreyi have grandstream and i want to connect in asterisk
15:08.17jeofreyusing sip
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15:12.45*** part/#asterisk wsuff (~wsuff@ when half of a conversation doesn't work, what does one look for in the packet sniffer logs to show what the problem is?
15:13.29*** join/#asterisk DrPete (
15:14.12scubasteveAnyone got a Sipura 841?  Can it do custom ringtones?
15:15.06DrPetescubasteve: are you actually a diver?
15:15.19DoT|cobainHas anyone here got a sample lddefault.txt file for TFTP configuration of a Cisco 7905G ?
15:15.43scubasteveDrPete: No.  My wife watched "Big Daddy" and thought the name was cute.
15:16.32DrPetescubasteve: hehe, sounds like my wife, lol.  Ahh well.  Its a good film
15:17.07DrPeteAre teh sipura out yet? I need to get an IP phone
15:18.17scubasteveDrPete: Yes.  See
15:18.31scubasteveDrPete:  Looks like the best price I can find is $89 on
15:19.35DrPeteare you in the US?
15:19.55scubasteveDrPete: Yes.
15:20.20HjemmeRoyKthe LandOfTheNotSoFreeUnlessYouHaveAShitLoadOfMoney?
15:20.37rtcgso..can anyone help me with SEARCH TERMS I can use?  (concerning only one side of a converation  being received in an IAX call?)
15:20.39scubasteveHjemmeRoyK:  Pretty much.
15:21.11scubastevertcg: Still sounds like something is garbling the RTP stream or a codec mismatch.
15:21.13rtcgHjemmeRoyK: that would make it NOT free at all.
15:21.46rtcgHjemmeRoyK: the unless is usless in that sentance :)
15:22.03rtcgHjemmeRoyK: useless...sorry..
15:22.10rtcgHjemmeRoyK: not USless...sorry.
15:22.20HjemmeRoyKrtcg: :)
15:22.23DrPetescubasteve: do you know any websites in the US that will ship to the UK.  Things seem cheaper there, will the exchange rate and all
15:22.36*** join/#asterisk jskcr (~jskcr@jskcr.user)
15:22.53scubasteveDrPete:  Hm.. Not that I know of.
15:22.54*** join/#asterisk Jatha (~jatha@
15:23.44rtcghey wow! I'm getting a clue!
15:23.52Jathai'm a newbie about linux. I'm an windows telecommunication technician. But my boss told me to use asterisk.
15:24.00rtcgthere is no DATA attached to the packets that are sent to the softphone!
15:24.04Jathai installed
15:24.07rtcgthe packets are there...but no data!
15:24.21JathaI couldn't start the Manager
15:24.24JathaHow can I?
15:24.45DrPetescubasteve: so is the 841 better then the budgetones
15:25.12*** join/#asterisk Othello (
15:25.19scubasteveDrPete:  That's the general impression I got... I don't have either phone yet, so I don't know which I'd prefer...
15:25.36scubasteveDrPete:  I have a couple of 7960's ... they're fantastic under *.
15:26.30scubasteveDrPete:  Am looking to pick up a few 841's to give to family so we can all do meetme and call each other...:-)
15:27.57DrPetescubasteve: great idea, hehe.  The 7960 look good, however they are not cheap.  What makes them worth the cash?
15:28.58scubasteveDrPete:  Well... You can pick up new 7960's for $250 now.  That's not *that* expensive.  It's a rock-solid phone, the display is gigantic... speaker phone is wonderful... It has 6 "lines"...
15:29.19rtcgooOOoooo 6 lines!  I want one for the house.
15:29.24JathaWill anybody answer me? :(
15:29.37Jathanot me :D my question :)
15:29.41rtcg<HjemmeRoyK> rtcg: :)
15:29.41scubasteveJatcha:  I've never used any management consoles, so I can't help you.
15:30.12JathaHow can I manage the Asterisk without management console?
15:30.16DrPetescubasteve: Sounds good. are there any models I should avoid etc?
15:30.36scubasteveDrPete:  If money were no object, everyone would have a 7960 and there wouldn't be any other IP phones on the market.
15:30.56DrPetescubasteve: hehe.  what does the dispay do then?
15:31.02rtcgJatha.  why don't you have a management console?
15:31.11*** join/#asterisk RevK-Laptop (
15:31.19rtcgJatha: use asterisk -cvvv to start it in console mode...OR
15:31.23scubasteveDrPete: It can load images (BMP) and display them.  There are gigantic menus too.
15:31.40rtcgJatha: use asterisk -rvvv to reattach to an asterisk daemon already running.
15:31.47scubasteveDrPete:  Make sure someone in the * community says it works well, and hopefully find config examples.. look on
15:32.00rtcgJatha: the three 'v's are just for verbosity and aren't required.
15:32.06DrPetescubasteve: nice. is there any kind of directory on iy
15:32.11rtcgJatha: does THAT answer your question?
15:32.12scubasteveDrPete:  Avoid Avod Avoid any SwissVoice product.
15:32.18*** join/#asterisk Luhiwu (~marsosa@
15:32.25DrPetescubasteve: oki
15:32.30Jathayes thanks...
15:32.33rtcgUness the SwissVoice phone is a CHOCOLATE phone.
15:32.36scubasteveDrPete: Yes, and you can write your own apps that use XML..
15:32.37Luhiwuhi all
15:32.48rtcgAll left earlier.
15:32.54scubasteveSwissVoice phones are garbage under * ... they work OK in VocalData though.
15:33.12DrPetescubasteve: hmm, sounds great, anyone selling one second hand, heh
15:33.36DrPetescubasteve: does the directory work via the server, eg it can be used on many phones
15:33.45Luhiwuanyone knows if is it possible to play music on hold on channels other than Zap?
15:34.11scubasteveDrPete:  If you had a 7960 you can map a button on the phone to something like
15:34.21scubasteveDrPete:  And read RSS feeds directly off the screen on the phone.
15:34.23*** join/#asterisk FlippFlopp (
15:34.55DrPetescubasteve: nice
15:35.11rtcgHey wow.. I actually helped someone.
15:35.19rtcgbye Jatha!
15:35.28rtcg<-- feeling good about himself.
15:35.44rtcgStill un-talkful...but feeling good none the less.
15:35.48scubastevertcg nice work
15:35.52jskcrI got asterisk to connect to vonage earlier last night that was fun :)
15:35.58CleanerXafter hours of testing I finally connected our siemens pbx with asterisk
15:36.12scubastevejskcr: Through their ATA with something like an X100P card or directly with SIP?
15:36.17CleanerXd-channel is up - thanks for all help
15:36.18*** join/#asterisk Nix (~Nix@
15:36.24jskcrDirectly with sip.
15:37.08scubastevejskcr:  Cool.  Do you think they'll notice and get upset?  Can you do more than 1 call simultaneously?
15:37.12jskcrrouted a incoming sip soft fone as a asterisk extention :)
15:37.29scubastevejskcr: I know Packet8 gets a little pissy with * people for doing that...:)
15:37.41jskcrI dont care lol
15:37.50scubastevejskcr:  Understood!
15:38.07jskcrIm paying for a softphone with x amount of minute, what I do with it and how are my biz.
15:38.19*** join/#asterisk JmanA9 (
15:38.32jskcrThey should kiss my ass in macy's window since they dont support crap under linux.
15:39.43jskcrI tried routing the vonage sip back out over aix to digiums iax test and the quality was great.
15:40.23jskcriax lol
15:40.23DrPetewhat are some cheap online US IP phone suppliers?
15:41.13HjemmeRoyKDrPete: as in hardware?
15:41.25HjemmeRoyKGrandstream Barbietone
15:41.27scubasteveDrPete:  My advice is to join the asterisk-biz mailing list and ask for quotes shipped to the UK.
15:41.27DrPeteHjemmeRoyK: yea, etc
15:41.36HjemmeRoyKDrPete: it's not a very good phone, but it works
15:42.11DrPeteI just wanted to checkout the prices on the US sites, see if its worth it
15:42.35*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
15:42.52rtcgwell, guys..I'm running out of time to work on this furthur.   I'll have to explore why the * server is sending packets that contain no data.
15:42.57scubasteveDrPete:  Pulver's prices aren't terrible..
15:42.57rtcgbut that'll have to wait.
15:43.15rtcgat least I have some search terms now..and a better definition of the problem.
15:43.37scubasteveDrPete: Also look at Voxilla:
15:44.38DrPetescubasteve: okoi
15:45.03*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (
15:45.39scubasteveDrPete: And hit Ebay too!  Search for "ip phone"... make sure what you're buying isn't locked to a specific provider.
15:46.12file[laptop]hrm it's freezing in my room... did I really turn the temperature down that much...
15:46.40scubasteveDrPete:  7940 Cisco phone should be pretty much the same feature-wise as the 7960 except it only has 2 lines.
15:49.00file[laptop]oh it'll work
15:49.00*** join/#asterisk djMax (
15:49.51scubastevefile:  I kinda figured.  I'm looking very forward to messin' with it... I was going to buy the Mini thingey for myself until they told me the laptop was on order.
15:50.01scubasteveI'd never pay that kind of money for a laptop though.  Geesh.
15:50.16djMaxAny clues? Jan 23 10:45:57 WARNING[29797]: file.c:1058 ast_waitstream_full:  Wait failed
15:50.29scubastevefile you should help djmax on that one :-)
15:50.36Drukenscubasteve: i figure once i'm done paying for my laptop.. it'll be about 4 grand
15:50.43Drukenbut i'm paying it over 2 years
15:50.48djMaxI see some mention of it on google, but nothing definitive.  Very sporadic errors.
15:50.59scubasteveDruken: Yeah, the one they ordered for me was $3800.  That's freakin nutty.
15:51.34scubasteveI guess I'm too cheap.
15:51.37Drukenscubasteve: true... but they are handy to have
15:51.45DrPetescubasteve: yeah, there is a guy selling alot of them in the UK, I am tempeted, but I dunno.  It seems alot for a phone.  Are they quite future proof, I want a phone that will last me a while, not one that is obsolete when a new stand comes out etc
15:52.11scubasteveDruken: I have an ancient Dell P166 that does the job if I'm camping or traveling..  All I need is ssh and a browser ultimately..
15:52.16Drukeni want to get a cell that does the whole gps thing, and do vechicle tracking, and map following
15:52.35scubasteveDrPete:  I'd think Cisco phones are a wise investment if you're eyeing towards the future.
15:52.45scubasteveDruken, get a $99 GPS.
15:53.01Drukenscubasteve: yeah i could do that too
15:53.30scubasteveDrPete:  Cisco phones have support for every major IP protocol, except the 7970 which seems to only support SCCP ("Skinny") at the moment.
15:53.44Drukenscubasteve: but i have several trucks on the road, and want the cells, so i can use the data service to send the gps data say every 5 mins, to my server.. hehe
15:53.53Drukenthen have the little blips on a map
15:54.02scubasteveDrPete: You might also want to look at the PolyCom phones... but they're at least as much as the Cisco stuff.
15:54.14DrPetescubasteve: oki.  Dont the cisco phones need a special firmware?
15:54.25djMaxthe polycom phones are super cheap.
15:54.28djMaxIP500 for < $200
15:54.32scubasteveDrPete:  You'll want to load the SIP firmware.
15:54.45scubastevedjMax: I think the 500 is discontinuted now.
15:54.52*** join/#asterisk Legend (~legend@
15:54.53DrPetescubasteve: Can I download it?
15:54.54djMaxwow, what did they move to?
15:55.01djMaxI just bought one a month ago
15:55.23scubasteveDrPete: I think you'd be able to find it online.. but you can get a license+support from Cisco for $10/yr per phone and be legit (I believe)
15:56.14scubastevedjMax: I might be mistaken... they killed something when the IP600 came out.
15:57.53DrPetescubasteve: ahh, i see
15:58.24DrPetescubasteve: are there different versions of the 7960
15:58.57*** join/#asterisk DaGrim (
15:59.22DaGrimSo whats the tt-weasels, tt-monkeys,tt-somethingwrong files orig. for? lol
15:59.29scubasteveDrPete: Yes the 7960G has a different button, but I think that's the only difference.
15:59.30DaGrimthanks =)
15:59.39DaGrimI need one.. feel like crap..
16:02.18DrPetescubasteve: oki.  I am looking at some US sites, with the exchange rate to the UK, US stuff is like half price over here, as long as the shipping is not too high
16:02.54cursorThe USD has fallen through the floor
16:03.06cursorGBP:USD is about 1:1.9 or something
16:03.12InfraRedshipping from us is quiet expensive
16:03.14cursorit was almost 1:2 a while ago
16:03.15scubasteveDrPete: Don't you have to play around with import duties or VAT or something?
16:03.23InfraRedyou're liable to pay vat
16:03.39DaGrimif you live in the US you do not pay vat
16:03.51InfraRedwhen it enters the uk you have to pay vat
16:03.57InfraRedand sometimes import tax
16:04.16DaGrimYou only pay vat if you live in the UK and you buy something from there..
16:04.17cursorShipping CDs from the USA to the UK is still cheap - even when you pay postage, import duty and VAT
16:04.19scubasteveDrPete:  If you're looking to get a SPA841, I'm probably buying a couple today.. if you want to get in on one, we might be able to get the multiple discount on voxilla...
16:04.21file[laptop]file? where did you go? YOU COMPLETE ME!!!
16:04.35scubasteveCursor, what about "gifts" or "samples" ?
16:04.47scubastevefile .. lol
16:04.49cursorMost places won't mark packages as gifts
16:04.58scubastevecursor: Savages!!
16:05.06InfraRedi got away with buyying some small stuff off ebay
16:05.09cursorYou have to find someone in the USA to collect the goods and then re-ship them as gifts for you
16:05.13scubasteveCursor .. So if I sent DrPete a phone as a "gift" .. ?
16:05.20InfraRedif they mark it as 'obselete hardware'
16:05.24scubasteveCursor: Ok, that's what I figured.
16:05.26*** join/#asterisk jlewis (
16:05.32*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:05.33DrPetescubasteve: sounds not bad. I know there in import duty etc, however I was thinking of getting a firend in the US to send it over for me
16:05.36DrPetescubasteve: brb
16:05.36Suspect`6xc d+
16:05.48Suspect`go to
16:05.54*** join/#asterisk devi0us ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:06.09scubasteveDrPete:  As I said, I might be doing an 841 order today... Am thinking at this point 1 for a relative in California and at least one for me...
16:06.15*** join/#asterisk Mavvie ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:06.21InfraRedDrPete: 16:05 < InfraRed> if they mark it as 'obselete hardware'
16:06.26*** join/#asterisk moonwick ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:06.30InfraRedsave 17.5% :)
16:06.49InfraRedactually the stuff i bought was junk
16:06.49cursorUntil the VAT man kicks your door in
16:07.11InfraRedibm thin client with Pentium 233 processor
16:07.11scubasteveDrPete: Hopefully can get the wife to let me get a couple extra for the house.  Might be able to order 4 without too much hassle from her.
16:07.27scubasteveDrPete: Price drops $10 per phone when you order 5.
16:07.38cursorLook at the Pundit-R "bare bones" machine
16:07.40*** join/#asterisk Othello (
16:07.44DaGrimWhat phones u all tgalking about?
16:07.45cursorIt's very cheap for what you get
16:07.51scubasteveDaGrim: Sipura 841.
16:08.13DaGrimahh right on
16:08.43scubasteveDaGrim: Kicking around what would be involved in getting 5+ phones in order to get the $10/phone discount at Voxilla.
16:08.56scubasteveMay as well pool resources! :)
16:08.59DrPetescubasteve: thats impressive
16:09.53scubasteveDrPete:  If you want in on it... I have no issues marking the package as "gift" or whatever ... and would only charge you whatever it cost for shipping to re-ship it.
16:10.11*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
16:10.39file[laptop]blitzrage.... I sense his presence
16:10.54cursorUse the source
16:12.10*** join/#asterisk eivindtr (
16:13.56*** join/#asterisk trig ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:15.59ZX81hello scubasteve
16:16.17ZX81ne1 got news?
16:16.36ZX81morning file[laptop]
16:16.48krampingtel said asterisk has a "proprietary architecture" whatever that means heh
16:17.10ZX81hi kram
16:17.26blitzragefile[laptop]: you scare me
16:17.27*** join/#asterisk amir ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:17.41file[laptop]blitzrage: good
16:17.45file[laptop]kram: they're funny
16:17.49*** join/#asterisk NoCarrier (~NoCarrier@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:17.56blitzragekram: proprietary?  lol
16:17.58markithi kram. btw, in mantis about atxfer I'm not looking for assistance, just for documentation of it's usage to keep testing it (bug 3403), since I can get it nowere
16:18.01blitzrageSuspect`: zup
16:18.11file[laptop]Welcome home!
16:18.15blitzragefile[laptop]: thanks!
16:18.25blitzrageZX81: I woke up like 3-5 mins ago :)
16:18.30*** join/#asterisk LOT ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:18.31*** join/#asterisk PyroSteve ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:19.00DaGrimZX81: 4am? Where the hell are you? lol.. Its 10:18am here..
16:19.13blitzrage11:18 here
16:19.15file[laptop]he's in NZ
16:19.20file[laptop]New... Zealand!
16:19.25DaGrimahhhhhh i see
16:19.28file[laptop]12:18 here
16:19.38ZX81lunch time?
16:19.45file[laptop]wakeup time for me.
16:19.54file[laptop]had a dream I was in the musical Cinderella
16:20.00Suspect`++, kkiiiiiooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooi]}~~~~ xj,i
16:20.01*** join/#asterisk [jas] ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:20.06ZX81Suspect`: ??
16:20.20blitzrageSuspect`: lol.. you're sleeping on your keyboard again
16:20.52Suspect`\\\\                                                              89i9i                                         ``` 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999~~~ -*'
16:20.58*** join/#asterisk angler_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:21.01ZX81I'll get him this time
16:21.05blitzrageanyways, I'm going to grab breakfast and do the morning routine.  I'll be back in a bit
16:21.06ZX81/ignore Suspect`
16:21.18ZX81eat something for me
16:21.21file[laptop]blitzrage: you do that.
16:21.27blitzragefile[laptop]: I will
16:21.39blitzragethen I have a ton of math to do... ugh
16:21.54ZX81finished what?
16:22.02ZX81finished life?
16:22.12ZX81wouldn't it be a little late to quit then?
16:22.44file[laptop]you're all crazy
16:24.08file[laptop]have you had coffee?
16:24.14ZX81and no coke
16:24.15file[laptop]bad bad bad
16:24.21DaGrimhmmm.. time for a bowl of.. something.. lol
16:24.25markitanyone here using the new native assisted transfer? (cvs Head)
16:24.58ZX81markit: not yet no - I just use flash
16:25.04file[laptop]I don't drink coffee!
16:25.05DaGrimis version 1.3 the newest?
16:25.14ZX81file[laptop]: ah well - I'm screwed then
16:25.15DaGrimerm.. 1.0.3 rather
16:25.21ZX81DaGrim: nope
16:25.32DaGrimguess ill do cvs then
16:25.36file[laptop]ZX81: you seem hyper
16:25.39*** join/#asterisk cbachman (
16:25.55ZX81listening to music
16:26.05file[laptop]you need DDR
16:26.26ZX81Maybe I should go for a skate
16:26.33ZX81but then the courier would show up
16:26.36ZX81while I'm gone
16:26.41file[laptop]I think it's a curse
16:28.02*** join/#asterisk tla (
16:28.39*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
16:29.02ZX81I'm lagging hard
16:29.08ZX81whenever I don't talk
16:29.25ZX81how did you find out?
16:29.29HjemmeRoyKrm -f file[laptop]
16:29.32ZX81now my cover's blown
16:30.05ZX81not sure how good that'd taste!
16:30.54ZX81~ping pong pang
16:30.56jbotpong pong pang
16:31.07ZX81~ping fish
16:31.09jbotpong fish
16:31.23ZX81~ping file[laptop] smells
16:31.25jbotpong file[laptop] smells
16:32.41*** join/#asterisk Suspect` (~jterrero@
16:33.12DaGrimSo whats a good way of keeping track who uses x many minutes per month.. day.. whatever.. on the long distance context only??
16:34.12fishboy1669y called
16:34.58*** join/#asterisk redder86 (
16:35.04ZX81DaGrim: cdr?
16:35.13ZX81fishboy1669: what did he say?
16:35.33*** join/#asterisk Grooby (
16:35.51fishboy1669ping fish
16:36.05Groobypong cat
16:36.47DaGrimSo CDRs are automatically created ??? or no?
16:36.51DaGrimHow do I view them?
16:37.12GroobyI dunno..I cheated with *@home
16:37.20Groobyso it compiles everthing including amp
16:37.27Groobyand I view it via AMP
16:39.07ZX81DaGrim: yes
16:39.13ZX81~ping pong
16:39.16jbotpong pong
16:39.38ZX81you need the cdr-mysql thing
16:39.46ZX81for that areski stat viewer
16:39.56ZX81but the text files are created automatically
16:40.24DaGrimHmm.. so I have to have mysql running then..
16:40.34ZX81tail /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/Master.csv
16:40.48ZX81DaGrim: mysql if you want to use the pretty php stat viewer
16:40.55ZX81not if you just need the info
16:41.00DaGrimahh i see
16:41.23DaGrimwell.. thing is.. i cant ever get mysql to work very well or stay loaded in the background on slackware.. ugh
16:41.36ZX81and...don't forget to read the Daily Asterisk News :)
16:41.39jbotsomebody said adn was the Asterisk Daily News - for HTML and for RSS
16:41.54*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
16:42.37*** part/#asterisk flok420 (
16:43.01*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
16:43.15Groobywhat's daily asterisk news?
16:43.31file[laptop]Grooby: exactly what it means.
16:44.21ZX81Asterisk News that comes out - wait for it - every day :)
16:45.31*** join/#asterisk subx (
16:45.37Groobyis there a url or we talking about the mailing list here?
16:45.37ZX81is it always this quiet here during the USA day?
16:45.47ZX81Grooby: watch jbot
16:45.50jbotrumour has it, adn is the Asterisk Daily News - for HTML and for RSS
16:46.07cypromisquietness of the ulaw land
16:47.03Groobyi am scared of the rss feed
16:47.25ZX81you need an rss feed reader for that
16:47.32*** join/#asterisk YoYo (
16:47.40ZX81for example if you bookmark the rss feed link in FireFox
16:47.48ZX81then SineApps will be a folder
16:47.55ZX81with the news as links inside
16:48.06Groobyi was gonna add it to mythtv
16:48.45YoYojbot: seen bkw_
16:48.46jbotbkw_ <~brian@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 17h 41m 47s ago, saying: 'you have got to be joking me right'.
16:48.52ZX81oh yeah
16:48.58ZX81you guys are on Sunday too!
16:49.14*** join/#asterisk flok420 (
16:49.25*** part/#asterisk flok420 (
16:49.30wasimyou can't be on monday already
16:49.38ZX81monday 5:50am
16:49.39wasimlike wee early hours
16:49.46wasimyeah ... way too bloody early
16:49.46ZX81nearly 6
16:49.53ZX81was up at 4
16:50.31ZX81wasim: how are you doing?
16:50.45wasimZX81: trying to figure out what to get the cook to make for dinner
16:50.55redder86~seen coppice
16:50.56jbotcoppice <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 3h 18m 23s ago, saying: 'suma: do you have the right tone set configured for yuor location?'.
16:51.19Groobymarkit, US
16:51.39QwellSilly question - why is mpg123-59r needed?
16:51.49wasimQwell: for MoH
16:51.49ZX81because the options changed
16:51.50YoYobecause later versions are bunk?
16:51.53ZX81after that version
16:52.00QwellZX81: any idea how?
16:52.07markitGrooby: acc.. was looking for a PAL user
16:52.10ZX81command line options renamed
16:52.31QwellSo one could fairly easily submit a patch then?
16:52.39ZX81you could try
16:52.52*** join/#asterisk dweazle (dweazle@
16:52.59*** join/#asterisk file (
16:53.03DaGrimwhats the user group for root in slackware? wheel? or root?
16:53.50bjohnsonsaved my superdial macro for review at
16:54.30fishboy1669anyone any ideas why i get this error
16:54.58ZX81fishboy1669: you got the latest version?
16:55.16bjohnsonwhat is the easiest way to record a custom gsm?
16:55.29wasimbjohnson: record()
16:55.52fishboy1669been fighting this for 3 day now
16:55.53ZX81hmmm, sorry dunno then
16:56.03fishboy1669i have tryed with older version as well
16:56.17ZX81so you using:
16:56.28ZX81released on Friday...
16:56.33ZX81Friday USA time
16:56.52ZX81and bug reporting here:
16:57.09fishboy1669aha cheers
16:58.29Qwellnah, too lazy
17:01.32Groobymarkit, were you able to get mythphone to work with asterisk?
17:02.58filehi Moc
17:02.58*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
17:04.13Moc_hi file
17:04.41fishboy1669zx is that fix for an x100p card
17:05.32Moc_finally, I did it hehe ....
17:05.36*** join/#asterisk simo (
17:06.08simohello, can anybody give me some advice on what hardware to buy to have a small Asterisk installation'
17:06.19Moc_simo, it depend of what you want to do
17:06.22fishboy1669zx can u help me with the fix u suggest
17:06.24wasimsimo: how teeny?
17:06.26simoI have ISDN lines coming in (Eruope) and would like to have a pair of phones attached
17:06.40wasimsimo: how many lines, and what type of phones?
17:06.49simowaddy, 1 ISDN line in
17:07.00simoat least 2 analogue phones
17:07.03ZX81fishboy1669: don't know much about it - is for ISDN4Linux cards
17:07.30fishboy1669so how does it fix my problem
17:07.41fishboy1669mine is a x100p zaptel card
17:07.53wasimsimo: get any capi support isdn card, or a quad-bri from junghanns, and tdm20 from digium for the analog phones
17:07.55fishboy1669i cant get in the bugtrack
17:07.58fishboy1669to read
17:08.06wasimsimo: now, what do you want to do with these phones, voip?
17:08.27redder86fishboy1669: where did you get your x100p ?
17:08.42simowasim, well local phones are ok for local calls, I want voip to route calls when I'm out of the offcie but connected to the internet
17:09.04wasimsimo: ok, just a couple of calls?
17:09.37ZX81fishboy1669: sorry, your error said something about ISDN for linux
17:09.41*** join/#asterisk kore (
17:09.46wasimsimo: just about anything should work, even a p1
17:10.11simowasim, yeah I just want to know what hardware I need for the phone connection
17:10.24simowasim, Is there a card that does both isdn and pots ?
17:10.35wasimsimo: i think the quad-bri do NT mode
17:10.45*** join/#asterisk Flipp-Flopp (
17:10.56wasimsimo: or maybe the capi's do also, but best ask kapejod or someone more bri aware here
17:10.58simowasim, what's quad-bri ? any pointer?
17:11.14wankelit's like a bri, but four of them.
17:11.38simowankel, and what's bri ? :-)
17:11.46wankelbasic rate interface ISDN connection
17:11.50fishboy1669basic rate intrecae
17:11.54fishboy16692 channel isdn
17:12.20simoah ok, sorry but I'm not familiar with phone sector :)
17:12.23fishboy1669anyone got a solution to this error
17:12.34wankelincludes two 64kbps B channels and one 16kbps D channel
17:12.43simowasim, I have a single BRI, why should I get a quad bri ?
17:12.56wasimsimo: coz they don't make a single bri version?
17:12.57redder86fishboy1669: where did you get your x100P?
17:13.17QwellWhats a BRI generally cost in the US?
17:13.22simowasim, I do not know, just asking :)
17:13.38wankelqwell: about as much as a pri, nowadays :)
17:13.48QwellWhats a PRI generally cost in the US? ;]
17:14.13wasimQwell: about as much as a bri, nowadays :)
17:14.22wankel150-2500, depending on where you are, where it comes from and what kind of service you want on it.
17:14.40Qwelldamn, was that a typo?  Why such a large range?
17:14.49redder86services vary, areas vary
17:15.30redder86if you're in the boonies and want a PRI it will likely cost more than if you're downtown
17:15.48fishboy1669redder its a propper one and has worked in past
17:15.59Qwelland who do I call, just my normal phone provider?  Verizon for instance
17:16.02fishboy1669i am installing on new dell box with susi 9,2
17:16.05redder86fishboy1669: revert to when it worked in the past
17:16.25YoYoQwell, verizon will charge you an arm and a leg for a 2-way PRI
17:16.31fishboy1669that means going from dell 2.6 gig to a p2 233
17:16.34redder86fishboy1669: are you using the same Asterisk version and Zaptel versions that you used before?
17:16.43wankelespecially in nyc.  verizon manages to charge $600 just for the loop in some areas.
17:16.48QwellYoYo: nobody else is in my area, heh
17:16.53redder86fishboy1669: it's obvious then that there is a hardware issue
17:17.05fishboy1669but all the zaptel stuff works
17:17.14redder86fishboy1669: then what's the complaint?
17:17.15wankelelsewhere you can get one with unlimited net access for like $600.  it all depends.
17:17.47fishboy1669astersik doesnt play with it
17:17.55fishboy1669i get the error in above pastebin
17:18.05fishboy1669what u mean so
17:18.10fearnoractually BRI is not-distance-senstive, wankel
17:18.18fishboy1669so asterisk doesnt have a fxo if it dont work
17:18.36redder86same software but different hardware and you have a problem... something's wrong with the hardware.  If you try with current CVS-stable and have the same problem, then it's hardware.
17:18.40wankelfearnor: didn't say it was
17:19.04bjohnsonis record() in stable?  I get WARNING[2803]: app_record.c:117 record_exec: No extension found
17:19.05fileI stay, I pray, I see you in heaven... far away!
17:19.32fishboy1669so how do i fix it
17:19.41redder86fishboy1669: try different hardware
17:19.54fishboy1669i just bought new box specilly for it
17:19.56wankelfor PRI pricing, it depends on where it comes from.  if you're on MFN fiber and so is the other end, it's cheap.  if you have to cross a CLEC and an ILEC's networks and maybe backhaul it across a couple of LATAs, it costs more :)
17:20.04redder86fishboy1669: so, it doesn't work
17:20.25PTG123redder86, no nec hardware.. could be config of machine
17:20.35redder86PTG123: yup
17:20.48fishboy1669is anyone here usning a x100p in a dell dimension 2400c 2.6 gig celeron
17:20.50redder86PTG123: could be kernel stuff
17:21.22fishboy1669so how do i trace if its kernal stuff?
17:21.28redder86PTG123: by the way, coppice said the pseudomodem stuff was in the latest release of libunicall, and it looks to be correct.  There are no instructions on how to use it, though.
17:21.32wasimfishboy1669: i could if you send me the dell
17:21.49redder86fishboy1669: did you compile your own kernel?
17:21.52fishboy1669ill stick it in pastebin
17:22.07fishboy1669no its a standard suse 9.2 install
17:22.16redder86PTG123: look for libt31
17:22.17fishboy1669others say thay are working on that
17:22.22wankeloh, that's the problem!  you're not cool if you don't compile your own kernel!
17:22.25PTG123redder86, you going to try and figure it out? :)
17:22.28redder86fishboy1669: build your own kernel
17:22.31*** join/#asterisk ckruetze (
17:22.35fishboy1669lol wankel cheer
17:22.46redder86PTG123: yeah, but I may not get much further today
17:23.05fishboy1669come on there must be an easyer way
17:23.14fishboy1669i have had this working on 3 other boxes
17:23.17wankelfishboy: what kernel are you running?
17:23.21fishboy1669and im running out of time
17:23.23redder86fishboy1669: with Suse 9.2?
17:23.27wasimfishboy1669: there is, send me the dell!
17:23.27wankelWHICH 2.6?
17:23.35PTG123redder86, aw how come? :)
17:24.06redder86PTG123: my day is already full of other things... :-)
17:24.26PTG123redder86, heh thats ashame :)
17:24.27fishboy1669i have to get it working for wednesday
17:24.33PTG123redder86, we really need t38 too dont' we
17:24.35czeroits too damn cold to go walk my dogs wonder if I can tolite train them today
17:24.49fishboy1669does anyone have any gems of wisdom where i can start
17:24.52redder86fishboy1669: did you install your other working systems with this same distro and same kernel version and same everything software-wise?
17:25.05PTG123czero, thank god for my yard :)
17:25.06wankelwhat kind of chipset?  2.6.8 isn't very close to the newest.  isn't there a newer kernel for suse?
17:25.22redder86PTG123: t38 would be great.  Steve's working on it eventually, I expect.
17:25.25czerothis is onew of the downflass of condo living
17:25.26wankelwe had to move to 2.6.10 to get even basic support working for the chipset on a motherboard we have that's from last may
17:25.31fishboy1669i have also tried rh9 and susi 9.1 but they came out with different errors and i want to chase just one error
17:25.40PTG123redder86, well we still have the issue with using ulaw connections from the host the the box right?
17:25.43wankelrh9 is an _ancient_ kernel
17:25.56fishboy1669but i know it works
17:26.01fishboy1669rh9 that is
17:26.05wankelnot on modern hardware
17:26.09fishboy1669aha ok
17:26.15wankelnor does it have complete security patches available
17:26.25fishboy1669but surly if the zaptel checks work then the hw is ok
17:26.32redder86PTG123: if this pseudomodem stuff works then, no, there will be no ulaw, just an emulated modem device
17:26.47wankelif suse doesn't have a vaguely recent kernel available as a package or whatever they use, you'll need to build your own.  it's quite possible that linux doesn't support whatever chipset is on your motherboard yet.  like i said, the intel chipset we have from last may still doesn't work right in 2.6.10 :(
17:26.54fishboy1669but security patches ant going to stop * working are they
17:26.56redder86fishboy1669: I wasn't implying that the x100p was broken
17:27.12wankelfishboy: no, just get you pwned by the first script kiddy that scans your box, but that's okay for now.
17:27.17redder86fishboy1669: who knows what they put in those security patches?
17:27.32wankelwhat'll really hurt you is that the device support in a kernel that old sucks for current machines
17:27.43fishboy1669wankel i got a seprate fw so not too worried
17:27.57redder86fishboy1669: you need *same*everything* to test with to make sure that the x100p is compatible with your newfangled computers
17:27.59fishboy1669it seems to find all stuff ok
17:28.19fishboy1669i tried that with the rh and the suse 9.1
17:28.29wankelsure.  dos 6.22 will seem to find everything, too.  it just wont' make very good use of it.
17:28.53fishboy1669they gave different errors didnt want to chase every * error down
17:28.58fishboy1669though id just stick to this one
17:29.06PTG123redder86, well if you get your dids from an asterisk provider, between your provider and you us ulaw
17:29.07wankelintel's been mucking around with all of the io and interrupt controllers a lot the last couple of years and they're having a hard time keeping up with the changes.
17:29.15fishboy1669and seen as 9.2 is lates i though it would be closer to haind newes drivers
17:29.27PTG123redder86, so only if you have direct pris, do you not need ulaw
17:29.39PTG123redder86, but if you use someone like level3, gblx, etc you use ulaw via sip
17:29.45PTG123unless you have t38
17:29.50wankelfc3 comes with a way newer kernel than that, but whatever.  any distro should work.  does it show any problems while booting?
17:30.10fishboy1669whats latest kernal im on 2.6.8-24
17:30.19PTG123suse is all about making sure it works, not having the latest buggy build :)
17:30.37wankelPTG: that's great if your hardware is supported :)
17:31.01wankel2.6.10 only just got SATA stuff mostly working right on current intel chipsets.
17:31.10wankeland the performance is still worse than old PATA chipsets
17:31.22wankelfishboy: if the dmesg shows any warnings about APIC or IDE, you could have all sorts of problems
17:31.33fishboy1669i aint got sata so its not that
17:31.44fishboy1669cool cheers wankel thats usefull
17:32.15wankellook in dmesg, figure out what chipset you have, and check the linux-kernel mailing lists for any reports of similar problems
17:32.35PTG123i learned a long time ago not to have the newest greatest hardware inside my server :)
17:32.55wankelyeah.  always check all the devices on it for full support in your kernel before buying.
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17:33.31fishboy1669wankel u are a star check this
17:33.40wankelour hardware vendor is supposed to do that, but they sent us this new motherboard and our IDE performance dropped from 40MB/s to 2.5MB/s.  both pata drives, but the new chipset includes a sata controller that's not supported well yet.
17:33.51fishboy1669can my issue be the kernal tainting stuff
17:34.01wankelkernel tainting just means you're making RMS cry
17:34.07freat[laptop]2.5MB/sec ouch!
17:34.20fishboy1669baking powder whats rms cry?
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17:34.43fishboy1669wankel is there anyting there that is an error then
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17:34.50wankelfreat: yeah, 2.6.8 couldn't figure out how to get the controller out of PIO mode.  2.6.10 runs it in DMA mode but we still only get like 20MB/s
17:35.09freat[laptop]what controller is it?
17:35.22wankelsome ICH6-R thing in an intel chipset from last may
17:35.53freat[laptop]ahh... hmmm... is getting a 3-ware card an option?
17:35.57fishboy1669wankel can u explain more
17:36.34wankelfreat: we do that in our high-end boxes, but these are the low-end appliance we ship to customers
17:36.43wankelwhere low-end is 3.something xeon, but still
17:36.51wankelfishboy: that all looks clean
17:37.00wankelthe ACPI and ICH stuff all loads clean
17:37.25freat[laptop]so are you doing on-board mirroring or anything like that?
17:37.26wankelit just says the drivers taint the kernel because it's not officially supported linux driver code
17:37.28fishboy1669why does it repeat about the wildcard so much it looks like it loads it 3 times
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17:37.41wankelno, that's just straight access to a seagate 7200RPM pata drive
17:38.01wankelsame drive that's in the old box with the old 2.8GHz mobo that does twice the performance
17:38.21fishboy1669come on guys one of u must have some nugget of info on why my * dont work
17:38.35wankelwhat's * do?
17:38.37fishboy1669whos gonna take up the ultimate challenge lol
17:39.33ZX81did you modprobe the wcfxo?
17:39.34fishboy1669on start up
17:39.55ZX81and what does ztcfg -v show?
17:39.59fishboy1669modprobe and ztcfg all clear
17:40.08wankelwhat's in dmesg after that happens?  any message from the kernel about spurious interrupts or anything?
17:40.12fishboy1669and the other zaptel tools run on it
17:40.13ZX81pastebin your confs
17:40.24fishboy1669u just looked at the dmessage
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17:40.35wankeloh, that was after the * error?
17:40.36ZX81scroll up
17:41.05fishboy1669the pastebin u looked at abouve
17:41.12ZX814630 is not dmesg!
17:41.12fishboy1669for both * error and dmsg
17:41.34fishboy1669above that
17:41.34ZX81it will be a prob in zapata.conf
17:42.38fishboy1669it cant be im using a working zapata.conf from a workign box
17:42.57ZX81need zapata.conf
17:43.11ZX81pastebin the zapata.conf file
17:43.16psywarare the debian packages for asterisk functional?  I couldn't make zaptel kmods for some reason.  Reinstalling OS now.
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17:43.25ZX81psywar: nah use cvs
17:43.37ZX81rapidly changing project
17:44.12obsidian-studioshello all, what is the pattern to make the * numbers like *69 or for call forwarding 72#
17:44.18fishboy1669its on two working boxes though
17:44.37ZX81fishboy1669: yeah
17:44.37fishboy1669wankel any more ideas?
17:44.39ZX81it's ok
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17:45.10wankelfishboy: i'm not sure about the two messages from ACPI when the drivers are loading.  i don't normally see those, but i'm not sure what they mean either.
17:45.11ZX81what's this?
17:45.12ZX81module zaptel unsupported by SUSE/Novell, tainting kernel.
17:45.23wankelthat means that module isn't supported by suse/novell
17:47.15obsidian-studiosin patterns when using # do you have to proceed it with a _
17:47.16wankelzx81: pastebin an lspci
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17:47.23wankelerr, fishboy
17:47.43fishboy1669thats all fine
17:48.03wankeli'm trying to figure out which card acpi is having a problem with.  i need the lspci output.
17:48.32wankelunless you know off the top of your head what 0000:01:04.0[A] is
17:49.11fishboy1669aha ok
17:50.31fishboy1669the tiger jet card!
17:52.34wankelpastebin a cat /proc/interrupts ?
17:55.45fishboy1669its mad it should all work
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17:56.12fishboy1669only thing i can think of is if suse has instaleld some shite somewhere thats conflictiong
17:56.26wankelhmm.  try taking out the tiger card.
17:56.26fishboy1669maybe i should move the pci card to another slot
17:56.46fishboy1669ok im gonna put it bck in old machine check it works there
17:56.55fishboy1669back in a bit
17:57.00wankeljust trying running this box without the tiger card
17:57.09fishboy1669btw thatnks for the help wankel
17:57.19fishboy1669ok gonna take it out now
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18:03.05fishboy1669ok card is out now what
18:03.25wankeldoes it work? :)
18:04.08fishboy1669wich makes sence
18:04.29fishboy1669* starts when i take out the config for the zaptel
18:04.47wankeloh, that's the zaptel card?
18:05.43wankelhmm.  that explains the interrupt mapping message.  especially since it showed up twice, once each time you loaded the driver.
18:05.53wankelthat all looks healthy on the kernel side, then.
18:06.10fishboy1669if only there could be a sign
18:06.30fishboy1669right trying card in old box where it worked befor to check its not the card at fault
18:06.36wankeli guess just make sure the card works
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18:07.13wankelit definitely appeared to be generating interrupts
18:08.06fishboy1669card works fine
18:08.12fishboy1669old box loves it
18:08.44wankeldunno.  that's an old chipset and the kernel seems plenty happy.  you sure the build of * and zaptel you're using is good?
18:09.10fishboy1669i have tried 2 differetn
18:09.20fishboy1669the one off this old box and brand new cvs
18:09.42fishboy1669beets me what it could be
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18:09.58fishboy1669this new dell box of susi 9,2 seems to be key
18:10.22fishboy1669dammed if i can figure it
18:10.23wankelyeah, new hardware and a new kernel.
18:10.35wankelusually when somethings not working right there's some evidence of it in the kernel logs, though.
18:10.47fishboy1669but i tried susi 9.1 which is what this old box is running on and that didnt work either
18:11.57fishboy1669fuxing thing
18:12.06*** join/#asterisk Tili (
18:12.25wasimeid mubarak Tili
18:12.45Tilikhair mubarak wasim
18:12.57Tiliwasim: how have you been doing
18:13.03Luhiwuanyone knows if is it possible to play music on hold on channels other than Zap?
18:13.32wasimTili: doing well mostly, and you?
18:14.11Tiliwasim: I have been busy in my studies lately
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18:14.41duldinhi, does anyone here know how to unlock the pap2?
18:16.12nestArbe better off buying a SPA-2000
18:16.28duldinhow come?
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18:16.54ManxPowerdude_where, The PAP2 is locked.  Either figure it out yourself, or buy a device that is not locked.
18:17.29ManxPowerI've never seen anyone here actually provide information on how to unlock the PAP2 (I don't even really believe it can be done)
18:18.36fishboy1669hi manx
18:18.38fishboy1669hows things
18:19.09*** join/#asterisk PCadach (
18:19.12ManxPowerI'm waking up.
18:19.21ManxPowerMornings should be outlawed.
18:19.38Qwellsleeping should be
18:19.43QwellThen mornings won't be an issue
18:20.06QwellDo calls usually sound like absolute shit from the console?
18:20.23Qwelleven the demo, just sounds awful
18:20.48wasimQwell: prolly a sample rate mess up
18:21.34Qwellwish I had a mic, heh
18:22.36wasimno, no, thats NTJOKE
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18:29.00Luhiwuany musicOnHold expert here? :)
18:29.26DrukenWrkdo you have a zaptel card installed?
18:29.38Luhiwume? yep
18:29.48DrukenWrkk, wuts yer problem ?
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18:30.08fishboy1669anyone any idea about this error
18:30.08LuhiwuI get this message: res_musiconhold.c:354 moh0_exec: Unable to start music on hold (class '') on channel SIP
18:30.16PTG123anyone know how to update the locate database on linux?
18:30.24fishboy1669locate -u
18:30.24LuhiwuPTG123, updatedb
18:30.53PTG123great thanks
18:31.03dchi all.. one question pls
18:31.14DrukenWrkLuhiwu: do you have a default in musiconhold.conf ?
18:31.25wasimdc: have you met ac?
18:31.41LuhiwuDrukenWrk, yes, "default => mp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
18:31.42DrukenWrkdc: why only one question ?
18:31.51dccan i create centrilised h323 scheme on asterics
18:31.56DrukenWrkLuhiwu: do you have mp3's in that directory?
18:32.28LuhiwuDrukenWrk, yep, i have a few
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18:33.06dcpicture #3 right part
18:33.38dcsorry for russian page..  :)
18:33.44DrukenWrkLuhiwu: where in your dialplan is this happening?
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18:35.03arzwodezwohello, does the Asterisk really not work as SIP Proxy?
18:35.03LuhiwuDrukenWrk, i've put s,1,Answer and then s,2,MusicOnHold() and it happens when it reach the 2nd line
18:35.53ManxPowerLuhiwu, What version does "mpg123 -v" show?
18:36.28ManxPowerLuhiwu, You need MusicOnHold(default)
18:36.42Luhiwuoh, ok, i thought "default" was the default :-)
18:36.50DrukenWrkthanks for jumpin in there ManxPower :)
18:37.01wasimLuhiwu: it is as long as you don't do (), i think
18:37.06ManxPowerLuhiwu, Only if you don't set it.
18:37.11zimdogHello Room
18:37.22Luhiwuthanks a lot, i'll check that out now
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18:38.00wasim~seen room
18:38.01jbotroom <> was last seen on IRC in channel, 167d 17h 52m 48s ago, saying: 'hi'.
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18:38.57DrukenWrkManxPower: do you have any expreince with pap2's?
18:39.19QwellWill moh loop recursively through directories?
18:39.23Qwellsorry, I should rtfm
18:39.35zimdogI decided to upgrade from the x100p-s100u dev package to a tdm21b and am having some problems with the zaptel.conf and ztcfg
18:40.04wasimzimdog: define problems?
18:40.15ManxPowerDrukenWrk, Why would I waste my time on a product the mfgr obviously doesn't want me to use?
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18:40.55wasimzimdog: you need to load zaptel and wcfxs modules
18:41.14zimdogwasim: the orderign does not seem to be correct. ztcfg gives me failed on channel 2 did you forget to set fxo signalling
18:41.48zimdogwasim: I would like to have channel 1 and 2 as FXO and 3 and 4 as XFS
18:42.09zimdogwasim: I am using the X100p as 1 of the channels
18:42.24wasimzimdog: ah ... ok ... so load zaptel, then wcfxo, then wcfxs
18:42.44zimdogDoes the layout of the modules in the TDM400 matter as far as what channel they are
18:42.54wasimzimdog: affirmative
18:43.18dan2how do I get asterisk to invite my sipura music on hold boxes to a conference
18:43.21zimdogWhen it shipped it had 1-2 has FXS and 4 as FXO
18:43.35zimdogI moved 4 to 3
18:44.02zimdogbut wouldn't think that would change channel 2
18:44.50dan2ManxPower: you told me I could do this didn't you... but you didn't say how
18:45.22ManxPowerdan2, I don't recall.
18:45.38ManxPowerI certinally don't know HOW to.
18:46.12zimdogwasim: right now in my zaptel.conf I have fxsks=1-2 fxoks=3-4
18:46.41arzwodezwosry, for stupid asking, but can somebody explain the procedure to me: i send a SIP URI in a Invite-Header to the asterisk -> the asterisk takes this Invite Message and tells me the IP Adress of the wanted contact, isnt it like that?
18:46.47zimdogSo maybe it is loading the X100p first?
18:47.26wasimzimdog: that depends on how you load the modules, the tdm doesn't require wcfxo, iirc
18:48.29zimdogOn the web it says it uses a new module or the old wcfxo I have not been able to find the new module
18:48.45dan2ManxPower: ok
18:49.01dan2so all I need to do is be able to invite my sipura music on holds
18:49.08dan2then throw them in a conferences
18:49.10PCadachdc: Of course (koneshno).
18:49.17zimdogright now if I run zttool it shows a red alarm on the wildcard and the tdm400p unconfigured
18:49.28ManxPowerdan2, That's not a simple thing.
18:49.38ManxPowerI don't even know where to suggest you start looking.
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18:50.02zimdogI am working with a clean install of asterisk @ home right now and have only modified the zaptel.conf
18:50.11ManxPowerBTW, is there anyone here that's NOT on the Asterisk-Users mailing list?
18:50.29QwellManxPower: I
18:50.33Qwellaye?  whatever
18:50.35ManxPowerzimdog, Red Alarm means "no line detected"
18:50.54ManxPowerQwell, you are not on the mailing list?
18:51.06gopinsurgnot on the mailing list
18:51.06ManxPoweranyone else?
18:51.20cripitoanyone with a rate to cuba decent? :D
18:51.47wasimManxPower: i'm not on -users
18:51.48ManxPowerSo you are the only two people not on the mailing list, out of 321 people
18:51.57QwellManxPower: something like that :p
18:52.07gopinsurgshould i be on the list?
18:52.22arzwodezwoManxPower: me
18:52.26gopinsurgput me on the list
18:52.39Qwellgopinsurg: go sign up
18:52.47ManxPowerA few people at least
18:52.51zimdogManxPower: I have not seen anything from the users list in a while now that you mention it just the dev list
18:53.19dcPCadach: po russki mogem?
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18:53.37PCadachdc: ICQ #15135374
18:55.48gambolputtyjohnny carson is dead
18:55.51gambolputtyaccording to nbc news
18:56.07wasimwe're up to 321? neat ...
18:57.06zimdogManxPower: Just resubscribed
18:57.10PTG123hey anyone have a sample entry for a device in sip.conf?
18:57.43ManxPowerPTG123, You means like sip.conf.sample in the Asterisk source dir?
18:58.39arzwodezwois somebody in here SIP expert..?
18:58.40PTG123ManxPower, well tried one of those, its not working, been using realtime so long i can't get a vanilla entry working
18:59.46dan2ManxPower: maybe I an write an application to do bait and switch
18:59.54ManxPowerOh!  It might help to mention that in your initial message
19:00.23dan2kram: ping
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19:09.33DaLionthat the tsunami coming back
19:09.33ManxPowerztcfg -vvv will give you at least some info
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19:09.35zimdogManxPower yea it gives me some info. I was able to define the modules different in the zaptel.conf and get them to work. I just want the channels in order
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19:10.00psywarokay, anyone else have troubles compiling zaptel on debian?
19:14.25psywarI've spent 4 hours reinstalling only to find that wasn't the problem
19:14.25psywarIn file included from zaptel.c:42:
19:14.25psywar/usr/include/linux/kernel.h:72: error: parse error before "size_t"
19:14.25psywarlots of stuff like that
19:14.25psywarit worked fine on FC1
19:14.25psywarsomeone mentioned that it was broken for a module to #include from /usr/include/linux, that it should go to /lib/modules/$KERNEL/something-or-other
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19:14.57webguywow big split
19:14.58niZonthats been happening allot lately..
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19:15.23DrPetewhat do you all think of the cisco 7960 phone?
19:15.39niZonexpensive :P
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19:16.12DaLionbig waves indeed
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19:19.45webguyI'm only used the cisco phone in an all cisco shop (cisco labs) so I'm sure it was tunned :)
19:21.31bjohnson_is there anything other than mpg123 that will play a stream for * moh?
19:21.31DrPeteniZon: heh yeah your not wrong
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19:21.31shmaltzjust finished digging myself out of almost 2 ft of snow
19:21.50czero-laptopand there is the reason I'm glad I live in a condo :)
19:22.56PTG123message me :)
19:23.03shmaltzwell i'm glad I had to dig myself out, b/c if this is the payout it still pays
19:23.18Makenshibjohnson_, if you encode your moh files to gsm, you can use a simple shell script and `cat`
19:24.57bjohnson_that wouldn't work on an audio stream
19:25.47bjohnson_I'm trying to use slimserver as audio stream source.  I keep getting problems and I think it is mpg123.  Sounds like others have the same problem from what I read
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19:27.28tzangerletherglov: jeez what'd ya do, sleep in?  :-)
19:28.23bjohnson_any one using an auto fax/modem/phone switch in front of *?  I need to find an Ultraswitch 100 manuall to find why it isn't sending callerid through or find a switch that WILL send callerid through.
19:28.57tzangerbjohnson_: can I ask why you're not letting * do the switch?
19:29.08subxanyone know the code to watch things like incoming calls?
19:29.43DaLionsubx: man ?
19:30.01subxspecifically SIP i.g. Broadvoice
19:30.30bjohnson_tzanger: I thought * could handle modem calls
19:30.36bjohnson_err .. couldn't
19:30.42subxno in asterisk something like asterisk ccccvccc  something like this.
19:30.50tzangermodem calls... no... I thought you were tlaking about fax
19:31.17bjohnson_subx: just watch the cli
19:31.18bjohnson_subx: try set verbose 3
19:31.18Makenshibjohnson_, do you actually have mpg123 installed and not mpg321?
19:31.21bjohnson_tzanger: fax and modem
19:31.23Makenshimpg321 makes a symlink for mpg123
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19:31.29psywarhas anyone got zaptel to compile on debian?
19:31.29tzangerahh yes the modem side will be problematic
19:31.33bjohnson_Makenshi: yes .. built from asterisk source Make file
19:31.34tzangerapp_rxfax can take care of the fax calls htough
19:32.10PCadachtzanger: modem just requires fine DSP coder.
19:32.26subxno I remember seeing someone say something about this command which looked like asterisk cccvc  cccccccc
19:32.33tzangerPCadach: yes but our fine DSP coder is busy :-)
19:33.10bjohnson_tzanger: I already had a Ultraswitch 100 that we have used for about 5 years .. but I just discovered it is not sending CID through.  It is supposed to from references I find on the net but I can't find the damn manual (even online) to troubleshoot (some limited programming ability is available within the device)
19:34.12PCadachtzanger: Most of the problems with software modems is modulation handling. Other parts (LAPM/V.42/V.42bis/V.44) more simple than QAM handling.
19:34.38tzangerI thought the more troubling parts involved the fine art of patent-dodging
19:35.26tzangersubx: asterisk -vvvvvvddddddgc ??
19:35.31subxthank you
19:35.43tzangersubx: do you understand what that command is doing?
19:35.52tzanger'coz if you don't, don't run it
19:35.58subxnope but it certianly gave me a great deal of info
19:36.14tzangersubx: first things first... DO NOT run commands without understanding what they're doing!
19:36.23tzangerI could have given you rm -rf / vvvvvvvggggc and you'd have run it
19:36.23subxwhy what is this doing, could you explain a bit?
19:36.39subxwell I would hope you wouldnt do that
19:36.41bjohnson_subx: try set verbose 3
19:36.50tzanger-v = verbose, more v's, more verbose
19:36.55tzanger-d = debug, more d's, more debugging
19:37.00tzanger-g = allow remote connections
19:37.04visik7what's the difference between chan_misdn and chan_modem_i4l ?
19:37.07tzanger-c = use colour where appropriate
19:37.22tzangertypically I run my servers as -vvvvgc
19:37.29bjohnson_ooohh .. color !  I haven't tried that
19:37.32tzangerif I need more verbosity I call it up with set verbose
19:37.49DaLionyeah and -n no color
19:37.56DaLionsinc eits too dark on my station
19:38.01tzangerwhy would there be an -n if there's a -c?
19:38.06tzangerif you don't want colour, don't use -c
19:38.19subxwell thanks for the info, now I know...  where would I have accessed that info outside of here?
19:38.30tzangersubx: I *think* asterisk -h gives help
19:38.42tzangerand I think
19:38.54PCadachtzanger: Do you know something about patenting rules for V.34/V.90/V.92?
19:38.57tzangerand of course the asterisk handbook draft that's in PDF form on the site
19:39.01DaLionanyone seen where i can get a wipe
19:39.07tzangerPCadach: not a clue...
19:39.11DaLionyou can get a wipe on
19:39.18jbotSecure deletion of files from magnetic media.. URL:
19:39.31subxvoip-info is great but not very forth coming with the examples I need in order to help with allowing incoing calls on SIP specifically Broadvoice.
19:39.43tzangersubx: first off, dont' use broadvoice
19:40.27subxwell they seem to be the most reasonable in regards to pricing and in my area
19:40.27tzangerit's the *only* VOIP provider with a complete sub-thread on asterisk-users asking if it's broken again or where the patch is and why are calls acting funny
19:42.18markitanyone here using the new native assisted transfer? (cvs Head)
19:43.55zimdogDoes an empty module port on a tdm400p still get seen as a device?, nufone, hell even voicepulse connect are better choices IMO
19:43.56tzangerI am exclusively nufone for my outbound VOIP.  Hav enot had an issue with them in over a year and they're technically sound people
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19:49.26PCadachtzanger: have high prices to Kazakhstan. :(
19:49.27PCadachtzanger: And didn't provide toll-free 800-KAD-ATCH... ;-)
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19:49.51czero-laptopzimdog some are
19:49.51czero-laptopwe have a very large base (msotly in SoCal)
19:49.51czero-laptopbeen doign VoIP for a few yrs now
19:49.52zimdogAny recomendations from the list? There are ogoing to be a lot of voip customers needing a solution by June
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20:01.03*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || DUNDi: #dundi || 1.0.4 Released
20:03.08mtqhDoes anyone know if an ATA can be configured to auto answer?
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20:04.09bjohnson_* can be
20:04.14cursorCisco ATA?
20:04.38shmaltzmtqh: I believe that it will have to support ADSI to be able to do that, or at least off hook.
20:04.54mtqhother way, I call the ata and the ata picks up and plays whatever input it has comming into it (say a radio shack 1/4 mono to telephone)
20:05.16Silik0nsomethings gotta tell the analog phone/device attached to the ATA to go off hook... i
20:05.41shmaltzmtqh: the ata will have to support off hook connections (like the Dialogic boards do)
20:05.47Silik0nthen you'll need a bridging device that detects the ring and automagically picksup...
20:06.00mtqhsilik0n: like?
20:06.11Silik0ngoogle... theres plans for them all over the internet...
20:06.14shmaltzSilik0n: I believe that ADSI phones can do that
20:06.35cursoror set up some sort of music player and dial that instead
20:06.40Silik0nADSI phones can
20:06.44Groobynow all I have to do is set * to do my HW
20:06.51shmaltzSilik0n/mtqh: I don't think that any ATA supports either (ADSI, or off hook)
20:07.07mtqhThanks guys, I goto run
20:07.23shmaltzu mean gata run
20:07.23Silik0nADSI support is dependant on the ATA... if you want to get right down to it, CID is ADSI
20:08.07shmaltzSilik0n: you are right, but we are taling about extednded features that are usualy only found on digital lke E&M or SIP
20:09.02shmaltzSilik0n: I don't know of any ATA that supports fancy features using ADSI, they usualy all do thru DTMF, but not on screen and on hook
20:09.17cursorWhat are you trying to do?
20:09.35shmaltzcusor: have an ata support auto answer
20:09.39Silik0ni understand that... but you'll have to get some kind of adapter to answer the ATA when it sends a ring then impedance match between the audio source and the ATA... back in the day ghetto bridge plans for phreakers ran rampant on the net... usually pretty simple to build w/ radioshack parts
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20:10.46shmaltzSilik0n: ok, I got it, viking or valcom, both make deivces that will not care about the ATA and answer on a ring and do almost anything you want, bake muffins and the like
20:11.25cursorIt all depends upon what you're trying to do
20:11.36Silik0nif you want to buy something defiantly look at both of those 2... they have devices for everything...
20:11.40shmaltzthose phreaking days are almost over, look what 2600 looks like now
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20:12.21cursorVoIP phreaking will be the new frontier
20:12.24shmaltzmtqh has left already, I think that viking and/or valcom has the solution for him
20:12.35bjohnson_cursor: mtqh is trying to feed a sound source into the voip system from a 1/4 mono jack
20:12.47shmaltzcusor: since VOIP is done by phreakers I doubt that you are right
20:13.03cursorUse a sound card
20:13.18cursorput it in a conference
20:13.28cursoranyone who calls the special extension enters the conference
20:13.30shmaltzcusor; sound card is the obvoius solution, but he wants auto answer over VOIP
20:13.31cursorlisten only
20:13.53bjohnson_shmaltz: * could do the hook up
20:13.58Silik0nhell set up a softclient with auto answer
20:14.00cursorauto-answer callers and send them to the conference
20:14.07shmaltzbjohnson_ what do you mean?
20:14.37shmaltzhook up between what and what?
20:14.44bjohnson_shmaltz: he didn't say but I think he wanted an extension to dial for the sound source.  So * could handle the conf call setup and transfer of caller in .. as suggested by cursor
20:14.49shmaltzcusor: but he is using an ata
20:14.58cursorso what?
20:15.03cursordump it and get a sound card :-)
20:15.12cursorAn ATA would only allow one person to listen at a time
20:15.18bjohnson_shmaltz: likely he was trying with an ata because he didn't know of another way
20:15.24cursorbecause the FXS would be in use when the second person calls
20:15.40bjohnson_it's academic at this point anyway
20:15.51Silik0nhe's prolly trying to figure out a way to pipe in MoH from a radio
20:15.54shmaltzbjohnson_ / cursor: the sound card and the dial is a good solution but not when you are 2000 miles away and you want to initate the call from the * side to be auto answered on the remote side to do music
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20:16.14cursorstream from a remote http:// mp3
20:16.29cursorthe remote server can encode to MP3 from a sound card live
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20:16.42shmaltzcursor; streaming wouldn't work either
20:16.43bjohnsoncursor: you have any luck with that?  my mpg123 keeps dying
20:17.14bjohnsonprocess doesn't die but just silence coming through
20:17.14cursorI use mpg123 for MOH
20:17.24bjohnsoncursor: from a stream?
20:17.28cursorI haven't tried
20:17.32DaGrimyea i never could get it to do that myself
20:17.47cursorI understand that it works when streaming from a SlimServer
20:17.49shmaltz* -> internet VOIP -> remote ata
20:17.52shmaltzhow do I get music on the remote ata side without picking up the phone, thru *
20:18.40cursorThe phone will have to be "picked up" before the audio will be allowed to be exchanged
20:18.44shmaltzwith my Cisco 7960 there is a feature called auto answer that allows me to do it, how do I do it with an ATA
20:18.45cursorotherwise we'd all be making free calls
20:19.10shmaltzthe answer is get a Viking or Valcom box to answer for you
20:19.33ZX81auto *Answer*
20:19.35shmaltzand use speakers or paging system to stream the * music over on your side
20:19.43Chujior build something
20:19.46cursorI'd get a small server at the remote end - shove Asterisk and a sound card on it and send incoming calls there with Dial()
20:19.51cursorvia an IAX2 trunk
20:19.58shmaltzZX81, answer will only work when coming in to the * not out
20:20.03Chujix10 rather
20:20.19shmaltzChuji, hese devices are way to cheap to bother building one
20:20.30cursorWhat is it that you're trying to do
20:20.33DaGrimwhats the mode (for chmod) to allow anyone on root/wheel to have r+w ??
20:20.40shmaltzcursor; this will cost $430
20:20.42cursorI know how you're trying to do it, but what is the application
20:20.57cursorused PC = $50 with sound card
20:20.58*** join/#asterisk guillebe (
20:21.16DaGrimyea i run mine on a pII i got for like 10 bucks on ebay.. works pretty good... lol
20:21.43shmaltzcusor: where do you get a used PC for $50 ?
20:21.44DaGrimIts like a 666.. 256 ram..
20:21.52bjohnsonDaGrim: shipping was $50?  Damn I hate when hipping is the major cost
20:21.59DaGrimschmaltz: go on ebay and search under seller
20:22.07DaGrimbjohnson: Shipping was $15
20:22.20DaGrimbjohnson: $45 if i wanted a free monitor
20:22.22shmaltzanyhow those computers make noice and need room on/under my desk
20:22.27cursorSomeone sent me a P4 1.5 the last week
20:22.34DaGrimit was a small form factor too
20:22.42cursorThey were complaining about all the PCs they had stacked up
20:22.44shmaltzVikings is around $50
20:22.44DaGrimlike size of a text book
20:22.56cursorI made a throwaway comment like "well, if you want to get rid of one..."
20:23.01shmaltzand is the size of around 5x5 inches
20:23.09cursorand a courier arrived at my door a couple of days later
20:23.11bjohnsoncursor: do you figure they have anymore?
20:23.19bjohnsonDaGrim: how do you search for a seller?
20:23.20cursorI can ask :-)
20:23.26cursorI sent a thank you note
20:23.41cursorI was surprised to find a courier with a big box at my front door
20:23.45cursorI hadn't ordered anything
20:23.48DaGrimbjohnson: hmm.. search.. advanced search.. and try searching for something like.. Compaq deskpro SFF DPEN
20:23.59DaGrimthere is prolly some one there for $.99 right now
20:23.59bjohnsoncursor: yes please
20:24.03shmaltzwho else overhere was busy digging out 2 ft of snow?
20:24.12cursorThe machine is going to be my new MythTV back-end server
20:24.30cursorI've ordered a 200MB disk and an ethernet card for it
20:24.36cursorwhich haven't arrived yet
20:24.41shmaltzmy typing is very slooooooowwwwww b/c of the snow digin
20:24.48cursor200 is ok for my use
20:24.54Chujicursor : which vid card you using for myth?
20:24.55bjohnsonDaGrim: cn't get it using advanced search .. can you give me an item # to search from?
20:25.00DaGrimhey.. ANYBODY.. whats the mode (for chmod) to allow anyone on root/wheel to have r+w ??
20:25.01cursorand I can make it up to 600 with a couple more disks
20:25.14cursorHauppauge WinTV PVR-250
20:25.17cursorx 4
20:25.21*** join/#asterisk tinky (
20:25.28bjohnsonDaGrim: chmod u+rw *
20:25.47cursor#mythtv-users channel
20:25.50niZonDaGrim: you could have tried the manpage :P
20:25.54tinkycan somebody help me with small asterisk problem
20:26.02cursordepends how small it is :-)
20:26.12*** join/#asterisk pdracevich (~pdracevic@
20:26.19pdracevichhi all
20:26.20tinkyi have problem with ringback
20:26.24DaGrimniZon: It doesnt have a list of modes on it .. and google couldnt find any actual lists either.. UGH lol
20:26.41DaGrimi was thinking it would be a ### .. lol
20:26.42shmaltztinky, what do you mean by ringback?
20:26.49tinkywhen i place outgoing call with isdn I can't hear ringback
20:26.57cursorring tone?
20:27.08tinkyyes ringtone
20:27.13shmaltzgtg, c ya all l8r
20:27.18cursoradd the 'r' argument to Dial()
20:27.25cursorthat will fake a ring tone
20:27.34pdracevichI want to put each, one of my extension setup, phone numbers into a mysql database, any hints would be a great help
20:27.36tinkyI did that and it works but...
20:28.02cursorit rings for a moment and then switches to a busy tone?
20:28.17cursoryes - horrible
20:28.33tinkynot horrible but annoying
20:28.56cursorThe ISDN interface should provide status information, such as "ringing" etc.
20:29.04tinkyis that normal or should i get normal ring tone when diling out on isdn
20:29.21tinkyso it is isdn driver problem...
20:29.37cursorOn an analogue line, the ringing is actual audio generated by the far end
20:29.43cursorDigital is different
20:30.07cursorPerhaps there's something wrong with your ISDN setup
20:30.14cursorAre you using PRI or BRI?
20:30.17tinkydo you know is this a problem on all isdn cards?
20:30.30cursorNo idea
20:30.37cursorI've seen the problem a couple of times before on VoIP links
20:30.51cursorI don't have ISDN here
20:31.07DrPeteare all the 7960 the same, or should I avoid models?
20:31.09cursorI know that it works ok using cheap Fritz BRI cards
20:31.32tinkyI'm using even cheaper Dynalink/AsusCom IS64PH
20:31.37tinkyhisax driver
20:31.40cursorwell, I only know because I know someone who uses them and they said so
20:32.15cursorSorry - I've never heard of that one
20:32.31cursorsee if there's anything special you have to do to get it to detect the ringing status
20:32.50tinkyWinbond W6692 chip, very common on cheap isdn cards
20:32.51cursorit's probably a card/driver setup parameter in that case
20:33.14*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
20:33.17tinkyI'll try, but I don't know where to look
20:33.53pdracevichI want to put each, one of my extension setup, phone numbers into a mysql database, any hints would be a great help
20:35.02*** join/#asterisk clive- (
20:36.30tinkythanks for the help cursor
20:36.40cursorno problem
20:36.43visik7pdracevich check the wiki
20:36.58*** join/#asterisk FryGuy (
20:37.59*** join/#asterisk LigHt (
20:38.01*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
20:39.13*** join/#asterisk scrubb (~scrubb@OCI-19-41.OneCall.Net)
20:42.29pdracevichwhats the command to find out which asterisk version i am using?
20:43.02cursorshow version
20:43.03pdracevichand what gui interface, do u like the best
20:43.57*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
20:44.29Bentleydoes anyone know if callgroup and pickupgroup settings work with iax extensions?
20:44.46*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
20:46.48ZX81I give up - I've run out of money, the courier hasn't turned up with my orders for customers and noone pays their bills.  Oh and noone has made a donation via the paypal button
20:47.21ZX81Bentley: no
20:47.23ZX81only zap
20:47.39file[laptop]poor ZX81
20:47.49ZX81ah I'll be okay
20:47.53ZX81it's just monday morning
20:47.59file[laptop]oh right it's Monday for you
20:48.02jbot[monday] when everything breaks for no apparent reason, creating so many problems that it takes you until friday to get back to normal. at which point one more thing breaks that takes you the whole weekend to fix
20:48.15*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
20:48.23file[laptop]there it is
20:48.31ZX81haven't seen that one b4
20:49.39*** join/#asterisk Manipura (
20:49.41*** join/#asterisk file (
20:49.59fileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek hi
20:50.20DaLionis there a way to assign a value on timeout fo read function ?
20:50.59DaLionlike READ(blah|somtgsm|1) and if nothing entered assigns a default 0
20:52.53ZX81courier on its way
20:52.58ZX81guy who hasn't paid sent email
20:53.13ZX81what happened to your laptop?
20:53.32ZX81DaLion: AGI maybe?
20:53.36filemy laptop is elsewhere
20:54.00drumkillawatch out!
20:54.01ZX81didn't know you had one
20:54.05drumkillafile means business!
20:54.34ZX81yay courier is 40 mins away
20:54.56fileyou should have a nap
20:54.57ZX81are bkw and anthm ok yet?
20:55.06letherglovyou expecting something awesome?
20:55.07ZX81I should
20:55.11*** join/#asterisk gopinsurg (
20:55.13ZX81but I have to wait
20:55.23ZX81TE410P's etc for customers
20:55.30Manipuraif 95% of my calls are getting sent to my provider as sip. Should I register my phones as sip? Would it do any harm to have my phones register iax?
20:55.31letherglovah, gotcha
20:55.33letherglovby courier?
20:55.42ZX81from Australia
20:55.42letherglovI feel sorry for your customers :-P
20:55.49ZX81tell me about it
20:55.53filedarn cellphone, keeps going to Analog
20:55.58ZX81worst was customs
20:56.00letherglovwhere you live?
20:56.03ZX81they're retarded
20:56.05ZX81New Zealand
20:56.08letherglovah, gotcha
20:56.16letherglovof course
20:56.17fileEVERYBODY DANCE!
20:56.34letherglovyou're asking government officials to do something with an ever changing volume and type of stuff
20:56.38letherglovwhat else do you expect?
20:56.43ZX81heh yeah
20:57.00scrubbok, ill bite file.
20:57.07scrubbwhats up?
20:57.09ZX81don't bit file
20:57.17*** join/#asterisk aokaze (
20:57.34ZX81hi Moc_
20:58.52robin_szmuffin the mule
20:59.09robin_szI think ive seen that on a website ;)
20:59.16markitanyone here (except ZX81, that does not for sure) using the new native assisted transfer? (cvs Head)
20:59.36ZX81~seen Bkw
20:59.38jbotbkw <> was last seen on IRC in channel #freedesktop, 45d 6h 28m 41s ago, saying: 'when doing startx I get lots of Symbol _mesa_Uniform2fvARB from module /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libGLcore.a is unresolved!   lines'.
20:59.38scrubbnot even sure what that is.
20:59.38ZX81~seen bkw_
20:59.39jbotbkw_ <~brian@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 21h 52m 40s ago, saying: 'you have got to be joking me right'.
20:59.42*** join/#asterisk tekati (
20:59.51ZX81from features.conf
20:59.58ZX81and one touch recording i fink
21:00.00ManxPowerWhy not just ask on the mailing list?
21:00.01DrukenWrkattended trasfer
21:00.25scrubbjbot's a little laggy today.
21:00.28ZX81bkw gone for two days
21:00.34ZX81mega laggy
21:00.46ZX81I fink he's calculating g729 calls
21:01.44fileargh Adobe crashed IE, again
21:01.55ZX81don't run IE
21:01.57ZX81use firefox
21:01.58markitZX81: have a look at 3403, so you will understand in what situation I am :)
21:02.03fileoh be quiet you two
21:02.15DaLionwhat ports does socket_read from chan_iax2.c 5307 try to bind to
21:02.21drumkillacursor and file ... what a cute match
21:02.23freatfile: delete your temporary internet files
21:02.27cursorI don't like firefox
21:02.46fileDaLion: IAX2 uses 4569 and only 4569, UDP that is
21:03.44*** join/#asterisk ardor (
21:03.50ardorgms is also g711 ?
21:04.05DaLionfile:  then why would * complain on socket_read error resource temp unavail\
21:04.11*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
21:04.39ZX81DaLion: running as root?
21:04.42DaLiona netstat -l
21:04.45DaLionudp        0      0 *:4569                  *:*
21:04.50*** join/#asterisk Slashology (
21:05.05DaLionrunning as root => yes
21:05.30SlashologyDo you guys know what the script is to add a voicemail account, i caint seem to find it
21:05.46fileSlashology: you put an entry in voicemail.conf and all the script is done automatically
21:05.46ZX81haven't seen one
21:05.56ardorlooks like my phone doesn't support gsm.
21:05.57filethat's deprecated
21:05.58ardorwhat sucks
21:06.21fileardor: I've seen no phone that supports gsm for hardphones
21:06.40fileit's sad :(
21:06.44SlashologyAhh ok thanks
21:06.51DaLionin */src/contribs/scripts
21:06.55fileit's deprecated
21:07.01DaLionbah it works
21:07.06fileasterisk automatically does it :)
21:07.32Slashologyahh ok cool thanks guys
21:07.56clive-file the pa1688 does
21:08.48clive-yes, not all firmware versions
21:08.52ZX81the pa1868 does IAX2!!!
21:09.36clive-yup...they recently relased the iax2 version
21:09.43ZX81yay for them!!!!
21:09.49clive-havent tested it myself
21:11.31*** part/#asterisk pigdog (
21:11.57*** part/#asterisk mitcheloc (
21:12.58DaLioncould it be coz im forwarding 4569 to * box on lan from router.. and i got 2 iax soft phones on same lan ?
21:13.00ZX81you didn't say go to toilet, pulldown pants
21:13.02ZX81damn you
21:13.10ZX81now what am I going to do about this mess?
21:13.21DaLionwould * complain on socket_read error resource temp unavail\
21:13.45DaLionthen i shouldnt forward and let nat or upnp do it
21:14.08ZX81if you don't need to receive iax calls
21:14.11DaLionlol jsut realized i can have xpro login to multiple sip accoutns at same time
21:14.12ZX81such as:
21:15.38DaLionweird.. iax to sip shows callerid ok ..bu if iax to zap id doesnt .i see zap on cell phone
21:15.44DaLioninstead of source iax id
21:16.03ZX81I gotta run
21:16.52zimdogCan someone help me with the zaptel.conf and the module loading order for a tdm400 with 2 fxs modules and 1fxo module and an x100p
21:18.16DaLionok i nooped the callerd its ok
21:18.22zimdogThe 2 fxs modules are currently in banks 1 and 2. Bank 3 is open and bank 4 has the fxo module.
21:18.28DaLionthen setcallerid({$CALLERID}|a)
21:18.37DaLionthen dial/zap/1/xxxxxxx)
21:18.45DaLionbut i still see zap callerid not iax
21:19.41DaLionmaybe f opion of dial
21:20.47file[laptop]DaLion: what type of zap channel? what hardware are you using
21:21.03file[laptop]you can't set callerid
21:21.07DaLionah shit
21:21.09DaLionwhat i need
21:21.19*** join/#asterisk Hakan (
21:21.21DaLiontdm ?
21:21.26DaLionand a pri ?
21:21.33twistedyou cannot set your callerid on normal fxo lines
21:21.52DaLiontryues since telco has that info
21:22.09DaLionok what just pushing my luck
21:22.13DaLionbut hey it works
21:22.23*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
21:22.35twistedsup Z
21:22.50DaLionif my iax wont answer and sip i push to cell from home zap.. since my telco asked to get 1 number always free for cell.. i put home
21:22.56DaLionso i dont pay anymore cel charges
21:23.09DaLionand i cant dial out from home to zap
21:24.28*** part/#asterisk NeroLabs (
21:24.52ZX81you good?
21:25.13Qwelltwo LANs, LAN1 is an internal corp LAN, LAN2 is a small LAN full of IP Phones.  There will be a few phones on LAN1, and about 8-10 on LAN2.  I don't want LAN1 to ever know about LAN2, but I want LAN1 phones to be able to call LAN2 phones.  Possible?
21:25.27zimdogNo one is using the tdm400 hardware? How about where to get accurate info with this hardware and * v1.0
21:25.43Qwellzimdog: the wiki, probably
21:26.25zimdogQwell:I looked in the wiki it mentined modules I do not see so figured it was working with a cvs
21:27.42QwellDid you install the zap stuff?
21:28.16zimdogI just bought this from Digium and figured it would come with the sample configs liek they did with the old dev-lite kit
21:29.24terrapenVoicePulse + speex = still broken
21:29.24shmaltzzimdog; I have installed 2 tdm400 the last 2 weeks
21:29.26*** join/#asterisk white-wolf (
21:30.14white-wolfhello, can anybody help me with compilation of chan_oh323 ? i get the following error: /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/3.3.5/include/stddef.h:213: error: syntax error before "typedef"
21:30.23fileFOOD POISONING!
21:30.26zimdogshmaltz: Is * 1.0 suppose to have  a wctdm module
21:30.27white-wolfand after this, hundreds of other errors
21:30.36Qwellzimdog: You need the zap stuff
21:30.48zimdogQwell: I have that installed
21:30.55shmaltzI think not, I use HEAD anyhow
21:30.57ManxPowerzimdog, Read the README in the zaptel directory for what driver goes with which card.
21:31.00QwellThen you should have the drivers
21:31.01Manipuraif 95% of my calls are getting sent to my provider as sip. Should I register my phones as sip? Would it do any harm to have my phones register iax and send it out as sip?
21:31.56white-wolfi think i'm going insane...
21:32.16shmaltzzimsog; it uses something like wcfxs
21:32.24zimdogManxPower: which readme? I have been looking in the wiki. Also at the page as directed by the sheet that came with the hardware
21:32.49ManxPowerzimdog, when you downloaded the zaptel source code there is a readme file in that directory.
21:32.56shmaltzManipura; the less conversion the less cpu power it needs
21:33.42*** join/#asterisk oN (
21:35.17zimdogManxPower: There is nothing in that readme. But I was frustrated this last time so I loaded asterisk@home ditribution as I figured a canned solution might be easier
21:36.10DrPeteare all the 7960 the same, or should I avoid models?
21:36.32QwellDrPete: supposedly, 7960G is slightly different, in that the buttons have graphics instead of words
21:36.44zimdogshmaltz: It shows the wctdm module also does 1.0 support this
21:37.02DrPeteQwell: ahh oki. I was thinking of getting one, they are not cheap thou
21:37.16zimdogshmaltz: Are you running 1.0 or a current cvs
21:37.17QwellDrPete: yeah, for some reason the G's are quite a bit more expensive, from what I've seen
21:37.29shmaltzzimdog cvs
21:37.42zimdogwhich module do you use?
21:37.52ManxPowerzimdog, wcfxs           TDM400P - Modular FXS/FXO interface (1-4 ports)
21:37.57shmaltzwctdm wcfxs is now a symlink
21:37.58ManxPowerDirect from the readme
21:38.40shmaltzzimdog, what problems do you have?
21:38.43ManxPowershmaltz, zimdog is using 1.0.  Stop giving him information that only applies to 1.0.x
21:38.49*** join/#asterisk pointer-gaim (
21:38.56ManxPowerthere is no fucking wctdm in 1.0.x
21:39.06shmaltzI know I told him this
21:39.07*** join/#asterisk Duckbizkit (~jcunningh@
21:39.22DaGrimOk.. so for the CDR db .. I have mysql all setup.. and made the databases the way it wants them.. etc etc.. now how do I finally view my billing info?
21:39.22ManxPowerBut if he has read the README he would have seen the line I just posted.
21:39.32DaGrimHow to I send the cdr to mysql?
21:39.35DaGrimor is it automatic?
21:39.52shmaltzManxPower relax, goto to sleep if tired, drink something if you have to. watch the snow if it helps
21:40.16DaGrimhmmm ok
21:40.20terrapenwho is a good IAX-capable provider with instant online activation?
21:40.29ManxPower*shrug*  I just get annoyed when 1) people give wrong information and 2) they don't read the docs.
21:40.31terrapenbesides voicepulse
21:40.59shmaltzManxPower, I can't disagree with you
21:41.00zimdogManxPower: Sorry but the readme that comes with Asterisk@home does not contain thsi info.
21:41.16shmaltzManxPower; have played around with the SPA 841 a bit more?
21:41.20ManxPowerzimdog, We can't help you with Asterisk@Home.
21:41.30ManxPowerWe can only help you with the official Digium stuff.
21:41.53ManxPowerObviously Asterisk@Home is modifying the source code and removing documentaiton.
21:42.03ManxPowershmaltz, I have not even been home in a week
21:42.20shmaltzy? u stuck in snow?
21:42.27zimdogManxPower: I understand. I
21:42.30Duckbizkitany programmers in the house have a second to answer a question?
21:42.52DaGrimZX81: Then what? Phpmyadmin?
21:43.21*** join/#asterisk shepherd (
21:43.33MavvieZX81: according to my mobile phone, the call isn't answer while playing the music during ringing.
21:43.42Mother_I have to say that the docs I found in the sources and the wiki have been very helpful
21:43.45DuckbizkitDaGrim you just setting up the MySQL CDR db?
21:43.53DaGrimDuckbizkit: yep
21:44.02ManxPowerMother_, For Asterisk@home?
21:44.12Mother_nonono, for *
21:44.13DaGrimDuckbizkit: And ive setup mysql.. and all.. and cdr_mysql.conf .. now I just need to know how to view the mysql db i guess
21:44.23DaGrimDuckbizkit: So I can print out bills
21:44.24Mother_I've not looked at Asterisk@home
21:44.25shepherdmysql :)
21:44.30Duckbizkitso i take it you have a remote terminal on the box
21:44.35QwellDaGrim: lots of ways.  phpmyadmin, mysql control center, or the mysql commandline client
21:44.37DaGrimDuckbizkit: Yea
21:44.43Duckbizkitmysql commandline would be easy on a terminal
21:44.46Duckbizkitor phpmyadmin
21:44.52QwellI like mysql control center, but...damn them for killing it
21:45.05shepherddid they kill mysqlcc?
21:45.07DaGrimHow would I view a users data for billing from the mysql prompt?
21:45.14Mother_I still don't know why asterisk won't load the TDM400 on a SuSE 9.2 install from CDs, whereas if SuSE is installed from DVD with the Asterisk binaries that come with it it works just fine
21:45.17f00b3rits no longer being developed
21:45.21Qwellselect your,data from your_table
21:45.23shepherdoh well.. i use navicat anyways
21:45.30QwellDaGrim: You'll need to know a little sql
21:45.34shepherdnavicat #1 (although you have to pay for it)
21:45.46DaGrimQwell: hmmm.. but phpmyadmin is easier? lol
21:45.51shmaltzanybody here that played around with SPA 841?
21:45.53QwellDaGrim: You still have to know sql
21:45.59Qwelland, I highly prefer mysqlcc
21:46.05Qwellshepherd: yeah, damn shame, isn't it?
21:46.07DuckbizkitDaGrim you could always use MyODBC and pull the data into Excel or Access
21:46.33Duckbizkitif you are more comfortable with that
21:46.38*** join/#asterisk jack_horse (
21:47.12Duckbizkitalthough if you have access to phpmyadmin on that box it would be a little easier
21:47.32Duckbizkitbut Qwell's right a little SQL knowledge would be handy
21:47.50Duckbizkityou can pick it up fast, though, SELECT statements aren't that hard really
21:48.01robin_szanyone from xorcom?
21:48.05shepherdwait.. i think they just renamed mysqlcc
21:48.17shepherdMySQL Query Browser
21:48.18Qwellshepherd: nope, its dead
21:48.20Mother_any reason why the S100I/IAXy has a (quote) "strict limit of 10 per customer" when ordering from Digium?
21:48.24Qwellthats something entirely different
21:48.26zimdogThanks for the help ManxPower and shmaltz
21:48.42shepherdQwell: does the same stuff
21:49.16DuckbizkitThat is odd, Mother_.....what if you were building a 48-seat callcenter and you needed them. That would suck ;)
21:49.23Qwellshepherd: query browser is immature
21:49.35Moc_Mother_, call them and see
21:49.41Silik0nany requests for features in a Native Windows GUI client for the manager service?
21:49.47zimdogDoes Jeremy McNamera still hang out on this list
21:49.56Mother_Duckbizkit: I agree totally, it's my case, I have 15 remote offices where there is NAT on both ends, so this would come in quite handy
21:50.01Moc_Silik0n, urm..
21:50.05Mother_Moc_: will do :)
21:50.25Moc_Silik0n, you have sample I can look ? maybe it might inspire me
21:50.26DuckbizkitSilik0n, got any more details on the Windows GUI client?
21:50.30Moc_or it in the building up stage ?
21:50.59DuckbizkitI want to start up a client app project like the I3 PBX client, I may just be able to contribute
21:51.24Silik0nI'm working on the UI part right now
21:51.35jack_horseAny one familiar with good sites, how to install asterisk and test it without use of digium hardware?
21:51.38DuckbizkitWhat are your goals for it, Silik0n?
21:51.40Moc_well, a dockable on windows would be nice
21:51.58Moc_a pop on bottom left (configurable) for configurable event would be cool
21:52.10shmaltzSilik0n; you working on a gui?
21:52.14Silik0nOperator Console at first followed closely behind by an individual (single user's extension) console...
21:52.28Silik0nshmaltz for the Manager interface not config stuff
21:52.39shmaltzLike FOP?
21:52.49Silik0nyeah but native windows in c#
21:52.51Moc_Silik0n, beable to see MWI indicator + count + beable to see MSG informations
21:53.18shmaltzlike WAMi?
21:53.36Silik0nall the other ones for windows look like bad GTK ports
21:53.42DuckbizkitSilik0n, I want to make this:     for Asterisk
21:53.51shmaltzthere have been problems reported by running too many clients on the manager api
21:53.58DuckbizkitRun an app on  the server
21:54.03Duckbizkitsingle interface to the manager api
21:54.08Duckbizkitthen the app does the client interface
21:54.24Mother_not a bad approax
21:54.27Mother_approach even
21:55.12markitDuckbizkit: insn't available a manager proxy? I remember it
21:55.28DrPeteIs there a free softphone for PDA?
21:55.35Mother_how does it communicate with with the manager, via TCP?
21:55.49Mother_I need more time to read...
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21:56.06Duckbizkitmarkit  i'm not sure what you mean
21:56.07Silik0nthats why whent here are a ton of clients you need to use a manager proxy
21:56.59Duckbizkitmanager proxy wouldn't be that bad, you could roll in permissions and security groups into the manager proxy
21:57.15PTG123the only reason you should need proxy is b/c it stores all the clients ni a link list right? :)
21:57.28markitDuckbizkit: maybe I've misunderstood you... but to avoid too many clients interface to the manager, I'm sure there is a piece of software for asterisk, taken from the Flash Panel operator, that acts as a proxy, so you have Manager --- one connection---> proxy ==== many connections ==> clients
21:57.30PTG123so parsing a huge list is the problem?
21:57.54Duckbizkitoh there probably is markit
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21:58.28Duckbizkitbut the manager interface isn't that complex really, it wouldn't be too much of a PITA to reinvent the wheel this time
21:59.18ardorcan someone help me with this, I dont understand why its not working.
21:59.29PTG123Duckbizkit, manager is very simplistic right now..
21:59.40markitwould also be great make the Manager work without those flaws.....
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22:00.23shmaltzardor; what is the error?
22:00.43Duckbizkityeah PTG123 and I don't really mind, less is more sometimes
22:01.00Silik0nwell the manager API sends all events to all clients based on the security flags set in manager.conf... and sever things in a good "station" manager are not implemented in the manager protocol (yet)
22:01.10ardorThe error is that $AGI->set_variable('VAR', 'my_name_is_var'); doesn't Change the Value of VAR
22:01.23DuckbizkitSilik0n that would be a good development for a manager proxy
22:01.25PTG123i already started work on a replacement
22:01.47ardorshmaltz I'm think its that i dont have access or something i dont know
22:01.53zimdogIs anyone using Mandrake 10.1 Official with *
22:01.54Silik0nyou cant put calls on hold (unlessyou do something off the wall like put all the calls into a muted meetme with one extenstion in there playing MoH... then redirect the call from there back to an extension...
22:02.01shmaltzcan't help you there
22:02.37DuckbizkitPTG123 i'd like to help if possible
22:03.13Duckbizkitthe IC client for I3 EIC is one of the best features it has, I'd like to introduce something as capable to Asterisk
22:03.14ardormaybe i never installed the AGI for perl.
22:03.20ardorAnyone know the way to check for that?
22:03.27PTG123Duckbizkit, you a programmer? :)
22:03.45Duckbizkitno experience in anything other than C++
22:03.46zimdogshmaltz: Which distribution do You use for your installs?
22:03.55PTG123Duckbizkit, how much experience in c++? :)
22:04.40DuckbizkitI worked on Quake3 mods a lot, I've been reading up a lot lately because of my idea tho
22:04.49zimdogshmaltz: Any issues with it ?
22:05.04DuckbizkitI was actually going to pay my friend in VA to help out since I had no clue where to start
22:05.09shmaltznot that I can say have to do with FC3
22:05.12f00b3rardor:  do 'perldoc Asterisk::AGI'
22:05.35shmaltzI did have a problem with some TDM400 but I think it had to do with the phone company
22:05.36f00b3rif docs don't come up you don't have it
22:05.47PTG123Duckbizkit, heh pm me
22:05.54shmaltza restart was the only thing that helped
22:06.03ardorf00b3r: No documentation found for "Asterisk::AGI".
22:06.10ardorwell i guess thats why its not working.
22:06.17f00b3rthen you don't have it ;)
22:06.21tzangerwerd y'all
22:06.24Silik0nDuckbizkit thats my goal is to implement a client liek that with multiple looks... a) Operator Console, b) User Console, c) Queue Manager console
22:06.44Duckbizkityeah I3 had a Client interface and their "Admin" interface
22:06.46zimdogDoes FC3 have an update tool for security patches. Like urpmi or up2dae?
22:06.59shmaltzyep up2date
22:07.01f00b3rup2date is still in FC3
22:07.05DuckbizkitAdmin interface could move users from queue to queue, modify system configuration, add users and blah blah blah
22:07.10Silik0nDuckbizkit I got the idea for shoretel... they ahve a nice interface
22:07.12Duckbizkitit was lacking in many ways but it was convenient
22:07.30shmaltzSilik0n; can i speak to you about this private?
22:08.15PTG123Well my stuff is also replacing the user system for add/deleting/editing sip and iax users.. as well as the extension management
22:08.17Silik0nshmaltz sure
22:08.39JonR800Anyone else having trouble with the latest stable and the polycom buddies feature?  I'm watching 'failed to authenticater user "xxxx" for subscribe' scrolling on by
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22:13.15zimdogshmaltz: Nay problems with the cvs veriosn you are uisng and the tdm400?
22:13.32Luhiwuhi again, i still can't make MusicOnHold to work, always the same message: " moh0_exec: Unable to start music on hold", anyone can help?
22:14.11DaLionzap show channel 1
22:14.18DaLionEcho Cancellation: 128 taps, currently OF
22:14.24DaLionis that bad ?
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22:14.47letherglovI've always wondered why asterisk defaults to that many taps
22:14.55letherglovthe commercial echo cancellers only do 8 ms or so
22:14.56shmaltzI'm not sure zimdog
22:15.20DaLionhwy the hell is when i uze zap (phone port) and i receive a call on zap .. it overlaps same call instead of saying zap/1/ byusy
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22:16.47xachenMy Asterisk seems to be pooping out
22:16.52xachenany ideas why?
22:17.08zimdogshmaltz: Thanks. I think I will try the cvs at least when the module sload I will know which is the tdm and which is the x100p
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22:17.42Darwin_35who has the src code for the register tool for g729 ?
22:17.58ManxPowerDarwin35, I don't think there is source code available for it.
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22:18.08ManxPowerBut if there was it would be on Digium's site.
22:18.09adnansxachen: the /dev/dsp error?
22:18.09DaLionmeaning on X100P /.. if i pickup phone attached to it i DONT want * to run [local] .. is that doable ?
22:18.26xachenI think thats it
22:18.34letherglovDarwin35, it's commercial software
22:18.35shmaltzzimdog, why dont you use cvs all the time?
22:18.36adnansxachen, that just means that you don't have a soundcard (or driver ) installed
22:18.43DaLionAnyone ?
22:18.48xachenbut why is my asterisk dieing?
22:18.49letherglovyou expecting to mess with some stuff in the register tool and instantly have g.729 for free?
22:19.05xachenOuch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
22:19.07xachentahts the last thing said
22:19.09adnansxachen, how are you starting it up?
22:19.13file[laptop]DaLion: asterisk doesn't do that to begin with
22:19.15xachenjust asterisk
22:19.19xachenit worked on my BSD box
22:19.22xachenbut not on CentOS for some reason
22:19.27file[laptop]DaLion: the phone attached to your X100P is directly connected to the port
22:19.38bjohnsonDaLion: what's the question?
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22:19.39xachenits Linux
22:19.46xachenbased off Redhat
22:20.07adnansxachen, try: asterisk -vvvc .. should get you to the console at least
22:20.10zimdogschmaltz: I was until 1.0 then I figured I would stick with something stable.
22:20.31PTG123hey anyone here use voicepulse?
22:20.35bjohnsonxachen: couple of people using taolinux for * .. I think that's ame idea as centos .. RHEL clone
22:21.09xachenWARNING[13228]: loader.c:302 __load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: AST_A2LIN
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22:21.12xachenJan 23 16:20:58 WARNING[13228]: loader.c:510 load_modules: Loading module failed!
22:21.15xachen[root@toto root]# Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
22:21.15xachenat the end
22:21.17xachenthats what I get
22:21.57DaLionbjohnson: well on X100p context=local.. if i use phone attached to card and i recieve a call.. and answer with phone.. blah blah.. then * still asnwers the channel even fif i unhooked the phoen attached ot it
22:22.06DaLionoverlapping what its doing and my normal convo
22:22.18kramxachen: do a make clean ; make install, might need to rm -rf /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
22:22.27xachenlemme try
22:22.50file[laptop]DaLion: if you don't want it to answer then put it into a context that simply has a Wait with a large number
22:23.19Qwellfaxing works with a tdm400p, right?
22:23.36DaLionfile:  i mean ii want * to answer IF normal phoen attached didnt
22:23.47file[laptop]DaLion: doesn't work like that.
22:23.49DaLionor else would take for ever for * to answer
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22:24.28DaLionso if local wait(10) i can still do it ? or after 10 secs * will come along
22:24.41file[laptop]try and see, I doubt it'll work though
22:24.41bjohnsonDaLion: you need a fxs for that concept to work .. it will not do that on that port
22:24.56file[laptop]the phone port is directly soldered to the line in
22:25.04file[laptop]asterisk has no concept of it, it knows not of it... knows not the status
22:25.05bjohnsonDaLion: * would still answer after 10s in that case
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22:25.36Luhiwuhi again, i still can't make MusicOnHold to work, always the same message: " moh0_exec: Unable to start music on hold", anyone can help?
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22:26.20xachenLuhiwu: do you have mpg123 installed?
22:27.02Kazurhi i'm having a few mgcp issues can anyone help me?
22:27.07Luhiwuxachen: yes, version 0.59r
22:27.08B0ngFrOganyone have any ideas why my handytone will not output dtmf tones???
22:27.35xachenLuhiwu: Do you have any MP3s in /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
22:27.50Kazuryou see there'
22:27.54Luhiwuxachen: yes, i do have some, with good permissions
22:28.34PTG123no one uses voicepulse?
22:29.24xachenwell I really hav eno clue then
22:29.27terrapeni do
22:29.29xachenI'm new to this too Luhiwu
22:29.29terrapenbut not for long
22:29.33Kazuris a company named HyperMedia thats builds custom gateway based on AudioCodes hardware and i'm having a few problems trying to work it out. does anyone has any knowledge of how to use audiocodes products or even hypermedia's products?
22:29.34terrapenim trying to find another provider
22:29.46Luhiwuxachen, i've solved it just now, i had to unload
22:30.02terrapeni need to find a non-voicepulse IAX2 provider
22:30.20Manipurahas anyone got realtime mysql iax running? Or at least have the table structure
22:30.35DaLionthis anygood ?
22:30.57bjohnsonB0ngFrOg: check dfmt tones settings in both * and device (I do not have a GS so don't ask me how)
22:31.28bjohnsonPTG123: I guess not
22:31.59terrapeni use voicepulse
22:32.01Kazuri guess thats a no on my mgcp q ha?
22:32.05B0ngFrOgbj - info on the handytone and rfc2833 in sip.conf
22:32.27terrapenptg, whats your issue
22:32.29xachenI'm getting the same error as before
22:32.38bjohnsonterrapen: nufone, voipjet, teliax,
22:32.54terrapenthx bjohnson
22:33.05terrapeni need one with good web admin interface like VP
22:33.09terrapeni'll look at those
22:33.11bjohnsonterrapen: there are plenty more too
22:33.26bjohnsongood web admin interface to do what?
22:33.39DaLionok i thnk resource problem is with notofys
22:34.14bjohnsonI don't think any of those provide much user control .. just usage checking
22:34.18terrapenwhat is it called when you have, say, 4 IAX2 connections with 2 DIDs?
22:34.35terrapenvoicepulse didn't really have a clean way to set up multiple IAX2 connections
22:34.37bjohnsonterrapen: it's isn't called anything specific
22:34.54terrapenin other words, i need six "lines" but only two DID numbers
22:34.54bjohnsonterrapen: most you just dial multiple times
22:34.58terrapendoes that make any sense?
22:35.18terrapeni want two 1-800 numbers but 6 actual available lines for incoming callers
22:35.28terrapenbut i don't know the proper terminology for this :()
22:35.30terrapenerr :)
22:35.48bjohnsonmost of the per minute pricing plans allow numerous concurrent outgoing and usually up to 4 concurrent incoming on a DID
22:36.13terrapeni wonder if anyone with do > 4 per DID
22:36.15bjohnsonyour internet connection may be the controlling factor
22:36.24terrapeni mean, you're still getting the per-minute price
22:36.28terrapenbj, i have a T1
22:36.35terrapen(data t1)
22:36.44bjohnsonterrapen: that type of info you usually have to ask each voip provider individually
22:37.00ST-3terrepan: I dont think iconnecthere caps it
22:37.17terrapenim setting this as a testbed PBX... i want to set up six IAX2 lines with two 1-800 numbers...and when that works, i'll hook a voice T-1 into my * box
22:37.29blitzragey0 y0
22:37.47bjohnsonterrapen: talk to nufone
22:38.00terrapenST3, do you have to set up each additional IAX2 connection in asterisk or does it happen automagically when you have 1 set up
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22:38.19terrapenbj, yeah i think i will. i've heard good things about nufone
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22:39.26blitzrageDarwin_35: tuh?
22:39.28terrapenif you wanted to identify, to your phones, which DID an incoming call was directed at, you would rewrite the CallerID name, correct?
22:39.37Darwin_35and they dont have iax  trunking
22:39.45blitzrageDarwin_35: lots of IAX trunking
22:39.55terrapendarwin, voicepulse claims to use Speex but its currently br0ke
22:39.59terrapenand they do use IAX2
22:40.08blitzrageI'm pretty sure NuFone does, simpletelecom does
22:40.10f00b3ris speex really worth using?
22:40.17f00b3rI haven't tried it yet
22:40.18terrapenf00, it works pretty good for me
22:40.26blitzragejust use ulaw
22:40.30terrapenbut i want to get some licenses for (i think) g.729
22:40.30f00b3rcomparable to g729?
22:40.36f00b3rI don't have the bw for ulaw
22:40.40JonR800speex is adjustable.
22:40.43f00b3rI wish I did
22:40.45blitzragef00b3r: speex is variable bitrate, you never know what you're getting :)
22:40.53terrapendunno, im waiting for my Cisco and Polycom phones to arrive
22:40.54file[laptop]BoRiS: de nada
22:40.58Kazurcan anyone help me with mgcp?
22:40.59file[laptop]BoRiS: u?
22:41.05f00b3rright, thats what I thought
22:41.11f00b3rthanks guys
22:41.11DrPeteI am thinking of getting a dect phone and plug it into an ata.  I am new to all this, I wondered as asterisk will act as voicemail etc, i wont need an answer phone on it?  I was just going to get a base model, is there anything worth getting on it? Can you surgest a model?
22:41.13JonR800f00b3r: try g726 if you don't have room for ULAW.. GSM is g726 doesn't cut it.
22:41.16BoRiSfile: Watching some vampire folklore story on tv and eating cookies.
22:41.29file[laptop]BoRiS: mmm cookies
22:41.34bjohnsonterrapen: a single dial command will work for multiple connections using one voip account
22:41.35JonR800ergh.. GSM if g726 doesn't cut it
22:41.39terrapeni should have ordered a headset as well, when i ordered my 7960
22:41.45f00b3ryeah I think thats what I'll try next
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22:41.51f00b3rI've played around with g729
22:41.55BoRiSfile: Would you like some? :)
22:41.58f00b3rnot sure if its worth the money yet
22:42.05file[laptop]BoRiS: yesssssssss
22:42.12f00b3rand license mgt is a PITA
22:42.15terrapenbjohnson, i was more worried about the register => command
22:42.16Darwin_35all the sip providers I find with set rate billing like broadvoice with 19.95 unlimited callin they dont have iax2 trunking and half the time the inbound does not work
22:42.19bjohnsonterrapen: look at the superdial macro on the wiki for a method to dial multiple accounts in sequence untill one goes through (it's useful to have a backup provider on a pay as you go plan)
22:42.47terrapenthat's nice idea bjohnson
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22:43.29terrapenof course, if my voice T1 provider goes down, you can damned sure bet my data T1 went down as well :)
22:43.45f00b3rand screwed either way
22:43.51bjohnsonterrapen: one register command will give the voip provider your IP address so incoming calls find you
22:44.06xachendoes anbydoy know how to fix that?
22:44.08xachenso asterisk loads
22:44.12terrapeni was confused about that, bjohnson
22:44.16xacheni've recompiled many times
22:44.19terrapenso they find you, not vice versa
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22:45.39bjohnsonterrapen: you find them for outgoing
22:45.54bjohnsonterrapen: you tell them where you are (via register command) for incoming
22:46.47bjohnsondifferent voip providers have different ways for you to track which DID the incoming call was from .. you should talk to them directly
22:47.11pointer-gaimanyone know of a provider that can do better than 18.7c/min to the Philippines?
22:47.20implicithow much traffic do you have
22:47.27robin_szits neat in that it opens a 2 way tunnel, even out of your NAT'd enviroment to the VOIP provider
22:47.31bjohnsonterrapen: that superdial would also let you dial out backup analogue pstn lines if you have them hooked in
22:47.31terrapenthanks for the info
22:47.37terrapeni'm starting to really love Asterisk
22:47.47terrapenthe learning curve was daunting, even for an old unix hack like me
22:47.53terrapenbut its quite fun once you get going
22:48.07implicitpointer-gaim: i know of one who can give you somewhere around 12c/min if you have the traffic
22:48.40terrapenwell, backup PSTN lines would be damned near worthless for us...we are a mail order company.  if our incoming 1-800s die, we are dead in the proverbial water :P
22:49.11implicitlaptops for a * server lol
22:49.21pointer-gaimimplicit: this would be retail, sorry :-\
22:49.21terrapennot bad for client demos tho
22:49.37f00b3rhehehe, a laptop
22:49.38terrapenyou could take a PBX in a suitcase
22:49.39implicitpointer-gaim: sorry
22:49.41bjohnsonPIII 900 256M RAM with screwed screen for $125
22:49.43f00b3rcali brownout server
22:49.51bjohnsonimplicit: kram has a xbox for one
22:49.58DrPeteI am thinking of getting a dect phone and plug it into an ata.  I am new to all this, I wondered as asterisk will act as voicemail etc, i wont need an answer phone on it?  I was just going to get a base model, is there anything worth getting on it? Can you surgest a model?
22:50.00tzangerterrapen: yeah except those damn PCI-PCMCIA CardBus adapters are sooooooooo fucking expensive
22:50.01implicitbjohnson: that doesn't make it a good idea
22:50.04pointer-gaimI just bought an xbox for a mythtv frontend
22:50.06terrapentake two Cisco 7960s, a laptop, and a little switch
22:50.16terrapenwhy would you need a cardbus adapter?
22:50.24tzangerterrapen: laptop
22:50.26bjohnsonimplicit: totally depends on application .. would be suitable for low volume/low extensions
22:50.36terrapenjust any old laptop with an ethernet port would work
22:50.40terrapenusing an IAX provider
22:50.41tzangerterrapen: no I mean for zap
22:50.47tzangerI dislike VOIP phones
22:50.56terrapenah, nah, i wouldn't do zap for a client demo
22:51.06implicitbjohnson: it would be useful for beinga crap server, yes
22:51.23implicitbjohnson: so would almost any device you can put linux on
22:51.29terrapenbesides many clients will have PBXes themselves and it won't be any fun trying to hook your FXO to theirs
22:52.03ardornugget around?
22:52.05terrapeni wonder how many IAX/SIP connections my Soekris net4801 would reliably handle at the same time
22:52.24ardorHey NUGGET!!! =) you there?
22:52.47DaLionwhat is purpose of having agents ?
22:53.11bjohnsonto get acting work
22:54.02Mother_so that three-letter agencies don't die
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22:57.05bjohnsonanyone know if I can connect to vonage to call a vonage user without being a vonage account holder myself?
22:57.23ardorthis right here isnt working for me any idea why?
22:57.28tessier__bjohnson: I highly doubt it
22:57.33f00b3rI don't think you can bjhonson
22:57.41bjohnsonyes, that's what I thouht
22:57.46f00b3ryou just have to dial their DID
22:58.01f00b3rvonage locks everything else out thats not vonage
22:58.11ardorthose nazi
22:58.13bjohnsonardor: where shall we start
22:58.24mikegrbbjohnson: freedialup
22:58.30bjohnsonardor: doesn't setvar need brackets?
22:58.33ardorbjohnson, Nugget told me it would work. but it doesn't =(
22:58.33robin_szso, multiple calls to the same incoming number?? how do you go about *that* ..
22:58.48bjohnsonmikegrb: fwd dials to vonage
22:58.54mikegrbbjohnson: it can
22:58.59niZon**2431 Vonage
22:59.09mikegrbbjohnson: **2431
22:59.14mikegrblike niZon said
22:59.32ardorbjohnson did you look at my pastebin ?
22:59.41mikegrbrobin_sz: nufone can do that
22:59.57mikegrbrobin_sz: but from your speach I'd imagine you want uk numbers?
23:00.19bjohnsonthnx guys
23:00.31bjohnsonthink I might call my brother for a few hours tonight
23:00.37UmaroHey guys, I am putting in a * box in malaysia.. Digium's T1/E1 cards aren't "certified" there, so I have to find a different brand to use. Do eicon's E1 cards work with *?
23:00.43robin_szmikegrb: probably UK for now, us, and .ch in future
23:01.12robin_szUmaro: cant you just get a certified sticker?
23:01.19bjohnsonardor: doesn't setvar need brackets?
23:01.21Umarorobin_sz: huh?
23:01.48ardorbjohnson: nope that line works fine, it just doesnt goto the ones below it.
23:02.14ardorbjohnsonL it sits there and then times out
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23:02.29robin_szUmaro: does it matter that they arent certified? will anyone actually care?
23:02.32mikegrbrobin_sz: if you don't find a place, email the asterisk-biz list, you are sure to get plenty of suggestions
23:02.34ardorhi dima
23:02.59robin_szmikegrb: yeah, will do nearer the time .. I have till may to sort this out :)
23:03.12Mother_umaro: unless the * is going somewhere official, or you plan in selling a lot of them, nobody will usually even flinch
23:03.31dima_Sorry for that silly question but, how is it possible to redirect a call if the machine called is busy to another one? Im really really new to this whole stuff.
23:03.35Mother_here in Spain you see uncertified equipment from Taiwan all the time
23:03.48UmaroMother_: hmm
23:04.01robin_szbuffer over flow: 32 bit brain
23:04.02Mother_but they do crack down when shops sell stuff in volumes i.e. are easily targeted
23:04.03*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
23:04.05ardordima: you would need a hunt group from your Teleco Provider.
23:04.07bjohnsonardor: just try using brackets to see if that is the real problem
23:04.22ardordima: if your pbx system is busy and cant even grab the call.
23:04.32bjohnsonshow application setvar
23:04.34ardordima: or you can get call forward busy from your teleco providor.
23:04.50ardorbjohnson: ok
23:04.52dima_ardor: german telecom is too dumb for that.
23:05.07dima_ardor: no. The PBX is never busy
23:05.12dima_just one of the machines
23:05.15bjohnsondima_: look at the superdial macro on the wiki
23:06.22ardorbjohnson: still sits.
23:06.26bjohnsonallows you to try a bunch of calls and uses the next one if one is busy
23:06.42bjohnsonardor: try 'show dialplan'
23:07.30*** join/#asterisk Nukemizer (
23:07.41bjohnsonI assume onsite, localarea, and longdistance are config'd properly in sip.conf or iax.conf
23:07.52bjohnsoniax.conf I guess since using IAX2/
23:07.52ardorya they are
23:08.15bjohnsonhave you increased the verbosity and watched a call?
23:08.21dima_bjohnson: thanks a lot. Its not quite easy to understand this during one day. Never did anything like that before, but my boss wants me to do that. ;)
23:08.49ardorbjohnson my show dialplan doesnt look good.
23:09.09Faithfulmorning all
23:09.12ardorbjohnson: yes, it sits and waits for the timeout after it sets the variable.
23:09.18bjohnsonmight be other probs .. eg this starts at 200 .. I've always started a dial plan at 1
23:09.45bjohnsonardor: I haven't done that but it looks like it should work
23:09.49ardorbjohnson: it doesnt start at 200. thats just the part that is broken.
23:10.16ardorbjohnson: maybe if i add _XXXX instead of XXXX
23:10.38bjohnsonoh shit yes
23:10.40dima_thanks a lot guys. now time for bed.
23:10.56ardorits working now thanks bjohnson you got me there.
23:11.01bjohnsonardor: for each of lines 2, 3 ,and 4
23:11.20bjohnson'_' denotes a pattern match
23:12.34NukemizerDoes one need to have a sound card in the Asterisk server to make intercom calls ?
23:12.48DaLionAnyone have a formal => We are aossry the volume of expected call is higner then usual.. please leave a message and well get right back to you
23:13.06DaLionor is there one already built in ?
23:13.09terrapennuke, you just need a computer with a soundcard on the network
23:13.20terrapenand an IAX client like Firefly
23:13.43Nukemizerbut my server must have a sound card ? or just the clients ?
23:13.51QwellDaLion: look in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/
23:13.59Nukemizersound card is for MOH right ?
23:14.19terrapenwell, you'll need a sound card if you want to hear your conversation :)
23:14.25terrapenhow else would you communicate...braile?
23:14.30Nukemizerwell there you have it  :)
23:14.49terrapenthe server does not have to have a sound card at all
23:14.50Nukemizerso does that far in the catagory of " there is never a stupid qustions " ?   thansk
23:15.21terrapennuke, im glad it was a question stupid enough for me, the newb, to answer
23:15.28terrapengood job
23:15.49Nukemizeri will keep trying then.
23:15.55Mother_I have the sound card in the MB disabled, aswell as other things such as serial & parallel ports, etc.
23:19.02*** join/#asterisk jbot (
23:19.02*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || DUNDi: #dundi || 1.0.4 Released
23:19.22*** join/#asterisk DomiNo (
23:19.33Mother_I wanted to explore building a POE to run all phones on the local segment, but it's on a napkin so far
23:21.13*** join/#asterisk jbot (
23:21.13*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || DUNDi: #dundi || 1.0.4 Released
23:21.28terrapeni want to write a little POE app to keep track of the status of my servers and network and interface with it via AGI
23:21.54terrapen"Web servers is...optimal"
23:22.31terrapen"Calls received in the last hour....twenty"
23:22.56Mother_nice idea
23:23.03terrapen"Shop dog status.....hungry"
23:23.25tzangerterrapen: hahaha
23:23.49terrapenbut with our shop dog, the status will always be "hungry"
23:23.54terrapenso i can just pre-record that one
23:23.59terrapenhard code it
23:24.04terrapenhe's a labrador
23:27.07terrapenwiki says they want large customers only
23:27.15terrapentheir webpage offers $5 accounts
23:27.45Mother_hmmm...any particular reason why the PSTN is not hanging up when the VoIP client hangs up the call
23:27.56Mother_I have the hangup command in the extension
23:28.26terrapenwhat do your logs say
23:29.08*** join/#asterisk denon (
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23:29.44Mother_well I get --Hungup 'Zap/1-1' but the line stays up on the PSTN side
23:29.52Mother_this is on a TDM400 with four FXO ports
23:29.59terrapenl8est code?
23:30.10filejbot: good bot
23:30.10jbotfile: :)
23:30.35Mother_well...that I should check but I may not be, it's the version that came with SuSE 9.2, the latest CVS with a clean SuSE wouldn't work
23:31.35Mother_modprobe wasn't seeing the card
23:31.49terrapenbah, my pings to VoipJet are fl4ky
23:31.53czero-laptopok I've put one of my guys to work at making a FAQ from all the Q's htat have been asked on the mailing list
23:31.58terrapenthe search continues
23:32.12czero-laptopterrapen waht are you looking for
23:32.15terrapentry debian :)
23:32.36DaLionhow to know if soundcard
23:32.38Mother_yeah I'll prolly end up dumping SuSE and going for something "lighter"
23:32.38terrapenczero, a good voip provider for ~6 lines with good web UI and reasonable billing policies
23:32.47*** join/#asterisk Life (
23:32.56terrapenmother, debian works like a champ here.  im a *BSD guy and i like it ok
23:32.59*** join/#asterisk iceyp (
23:33.01iceyphey guys
23:33.05iceypZX81 you in?
23:33.08czero-laptopmy UI is about 2 weeks away but the rest I can do for you today :)
23:33.18terrapenan en-zed person
23:33.43terrapenczero, what's your server's ip
23:34.19czero-laptopterrapen I PM'd it to you
23:34.24Mother_can I compile the latest asterisk CVS and leave zaptel and libpri as they are?
23:34.34modulus_no that's against the rules
23:34.53terrapen25 packets transmitted, 25 received, 0% packet loss, time 24269ms
23:34.53Mother_terrapen: I'll go for debian then
23:34.53terrapenrtt min/avg/max/mdev = 69.323/69.552/70.069/0.280 ms
23:34.58DaLionhmm wondering
23:34.58terrapeni like the stdev
23:35.01Mother_OK thanks
23:35.11DaLionif you set cid in vonage xlie.. to another users u get his voicemail ?
23:35.33modulus_i think someone needs to reverse engineer vonage
23:35.55robin_szseems to work, and I couldnt find a later zaptel that woudl compile on debian for a 2.6 kernel
23:36.05DaLiontheres a bug in *
23:36.07DaLionhw tcp v4 csum failed
23:36.11DaLiongettign this on dmesg
23:36.12Mother_yeah, this is a 2.6 kernel too
23:36.20Mother_and I had problems with zaptel
23:36.40robin_szMother_: lots of module_init undefiend messages in compile?
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23:37.01robin_szMother_: yeah, it seems to be screwed as standard
23:37.03Mother_and then modprobe would fail totally
23:37.11robin_szMother_: yeah thathst the one
23:37.14*** join/#asterisk sarumont (
23:37.38Mother_robin_sz: thank goodness that I'm not the only one, I was feeling like a noob already :)
23:37.44robin_szMother_: thats the way zaptel is is standard it seems ...
23:37.54robin_szMother_: is this debian?
23:38.14Mother_robin_sz: nope, SuSE - the RPMs that come with the DVD install work like a charm
23:38.22robin_sz'k ..
23:38.28Mother_minus the line not hanging thing et al
23:38.31robin_szMother_: but htey are old right?
23:38.40Mother_robin_sz: let me check
23:38.45*** join/#asterisk bratner (
23:39.11terrapenmother, go get debian on there (the unstable) and CVS the latest asterisk
23:39.14terrapenand you should be good 2 go
23:39.22robin_szterrapen: stop kiddinghim
23:39.43bratnerhow strong a machine i need to be able to handle 300 concurrent SIP(GSM) sessions?
23:39.59robin_szterrapen: zaptel CVS does NOT build on debian with a 2.6 kernel
23:40.17terrapenoh, nm
23:40.20terrapenim on 2.4
23:40.27terrapenLinux asterisk 2.4.27-1-686 #1 Wed Dec 1 19:57:47 JST 2004 i686 GNU/Linux
23:40.32Mother_terrapen: I was about to ask you that
23:40.39terrapencjs@asterisk [37] 23:37:22 [/etc/asterisk]-> cat /etc/issue
23:40.39terrapenDebian GNU/Linux 3.1 \n \l
23:40.41terrapenforgive me
23:40.43terrapeni'm a BSD user
23:40.48robin_szheh :)
23:40.51terrapeni haven't run linux since 1995
23:41.09terrapensince it was installed with floppy disks
23:41.15Mother_SuSE's RPM is zaptel, asterisk
23:41.28*** join/#asterisk DrukenHME (
23:42.20robin_szMother_: you'll find plenty of folks on here who will tell you zaptel and * build fine on debian .. theyve done it hundreds of times .. followed a /msg that they are a consultant and will do it for you for $$$ .. ;)))
23:42.45YoYoterrapen: if you're a bsd guy and need to install linux, I got just one word for you:  gentoo
23:43.06Mother_robin_sz: I know the feeling :D
23:43.07robin_szMother_: I just beat on it for 3 days till I got a combination of mkefiles that worked :)
23:43.36terrapeni didn't like gentoo
23:43.41robin_szMother_: I used the older zaptel off the xorcom site, with a current cvs *
23:43.49Mother_robin_sz: maybe I should just use a 2.4 kernel - is there any advantage in terms of asterisk?
23:43.58Mother_advantage in the 2.6 kernel that is
23:43.58terrapendebian felt closest to me
23:44.08robin_szfor me yes, I use ztdummy to drive conference room timer
23:44.21robin_sz2.6 is hardware independent
23:44.26Mother_hmmm OK
23:44.33f00b3rand you need ztdummy to do IAX2 trunking
23:44.33robin_sz2.4 relies on usb_uhci for that
23:44.33terrapenhas anyone built a SIP or IAX2 benchmark application?
23:44.41f00b3rif you dont have zaptel hardware
23:44.42terrapenie, something that opens a bunch of sessions
23:44.52terrapenand tests the server's capacity
23:44.54Mother_I'm going to need IAX2 trunking in a nearish future
23:45.07Mother_but I have zaptel hardware...
23:45.13DaLion~search OAX2 benchmark application
23:45.16YoYoterrapen:  if you're not transcoding, then you'll be limited by IO
23:45.17f00b3rthen you shouldn't need ztdummy
23:45.18bratnerrobin_sz: cvs-zaptel on 2.6.9-mm3
23:45.20robin_szMother_: well use 2.4 or 2.6 then
23:45.23Mother_f00b3r: thanks
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23:45.34f00b3ras long as the drivers build
23:45.43f00b3rzaptel hardware will provide timing
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23:45.54terrapeni think i'm gonna run my Asterisk server on an SGI Indy
23:46.03iceypi'm trying to peer with a mate of mine in south africa via IAX2, i have a config on my side, simular to that of what would be used to connact to nufone.... what does he have to have on his end
23:46.38YoYoterrapen: if you only need iax and sip, just do it on BSD
23:46.48YoYothe only reason to use linux anymore, is if you are dependant on zaptel hardware
23:46.55f00b3rand if you don't need g729 as a codec
23:46.59f00b3rthats the other killer
23:47.04YoYothere's ways around that
23:47.08robin_szbratner: either its not debian or not cvs-zaptel
23:47.21bratnerrobin_sz: debian sid
23:47.27YoYonot for public consumption though :(
23:47.43f00b3rnot for production use?
23:47.44Mother_so, could we have a vote on favorite linux distro for running *? (in production mode)
23:47.46bratnerrobin_sz: the kernel was compiled by hand
23:47.48terrapeniceyp, he has to do his config upside pomu
23:47.57robin_szbratner: why is it looking in /usr/src/linux-2.6.9??
23:48.14robin_szthat not where debain puts its kernel sources
23:48.14terrapenoh wait.
23:48.15YoYohmm... dunno... I only installed and tested
23:48.17f00b3ranother stupid question if anyone can answer it
23:48.18terrapenyou are both upside down
23:48.18YoYonever put it into production
23:48.19bratnerrobin_sz: it's the source dir for my kernel
23:48.26YoYomy production box is still gentoo
23:48.28f00b3rcan you compile zaptel drivers on sparc64 hardware?
23:48.45terrapenYoYo, somebody told me that Asterisk on FreeBSD is unreliable, zaptel aside
23:48.50terrapenwhich seemed wierd...
23:48.56terrapenbut im such a * n00b
23:49.08Mother_terrapen: same here :)
23:49.09robin_szbratner: well, with a debain kernel image and a debian kernel source it fuxxors real bad
23:49.13YoYoterrapen: most of that instability is related to all the debug code that's just now coming out of 5.3
23:49.29robin_szbratner: make linux26 right?
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23:49.41YoYoI'm guessing that by the time 5.4 is released, it'll be stable enough for asterisk
23:49.56iceypwhat what does this mean ..... Jan 24 12:48:01 WARNING[61571]: Call rejected by No authority found
23:49.56bratnerrobin_sz: oh, ok. i got it - the problem happens only with "debian" kernel packages.
23:50.09iceypthe remote end receives ..... Jan 24 01:49:36 NOTICE[17396]: chan_iax2.c:5471 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach '0313031531@'
23:50.18YoYoI'm just now getting to the point where I'm toying with RELENG_5 for production use
23:50.18f00b3rseems to be taking awhile for 5.X to settle down
23:50.22terrapenYoYo, i really hope so
23:50.24robin_szbratner: well, i aint tried a virgin kernel
23:50.29Drukeniceyp: it means you broke something, and the passwords don't match
23:50.30YoYof00, a HUGE while
23:50.33terrapenwe use tons of FreeBSD here
23:50.35f00b3rits so different from the old 4.X model
23:50.45YoYobut, from what little I've read on it, there is a TON of new stuff under the hood
23:50.49robin_szbratner: but I did try every which way with a debian kerenel source
23:50.52bratnerrobin_sz: i'm not using virgin one it's 2.6.9-mm3
23:50.58f00b3roh yeah
23:50.58terrapeni think OpenBSD would make a nice Asterisk platform
23:51.03terrapenhow does it run under OpenBSD?
23:51.16YoYoit was different enough that dragonfly got forked off
23:51.22f00b3rhaven't trued it
23:51.28terrapeni should try it, i guess
23:51.29robin_szbratner: and you are supposed to build against /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build for 2.6 kernel modules anyway
23:51.30f00b3rer tried it on openbsd
23:51.35YoYodunno about open.. I only ever installed OBSD a couple times and didn't much like it at all
23:51.37iceypdoes anyone have a good how-to on peering with iax2 where one end is terminating calls?
23:52.24YoYojbot: wiki
23:52.27*** part/#asterisk Nix (~Nix@
23:52.28bratnerrobin_sz: want me to 'insmod' one of those .ko files just for fun? i don't have any hardware thugh. name the module
23:52.31YoYojbot! wake up!
23:52.34f00b3rthere's something like that on the wiki
23:52.42f00b3r'connecting 2 servers' or something like that
23:53.00robin_szbratner: ztdummy
23:53.14robin_szbratner: modprobe it
23:53.58bratnerrobin_sz: i'll 'make install' first
23:55.02czero-laptopsweeet warmed up to -21!
23:55.17czero-laptopgotta walk the dogs b4 it cools off again
23:55.38czero-laptophey Druken
23:55.38robin_szczero-laptop: leave em out there, theyl keep well
23:55.44YoYowhy not just leave them outside?  dogs shouldn't be kept cooped up in the house
23:55.48Drukenhi czero-laptop
23:55.55czero-laptoppair of rotties I don;t worry bout them its everyone else I worry about
23:56.07Darwin_35./register G729-########
23:56.07Darwin_35./register: Permission denied
23:56.12czero-laptopdogs need to be in the house they are pack animals
23:56.15robin_szbratner: did it work?
23:56.18czero-laptopthey need to be withth e pack
23:56.20bratnerrobin_sz: yes
23:56.27Darwin_35i HAVE A KEY
23:56.32terrapenchmod 755 ./register
23:56.47tzangerDarwin_35: we need that exact ####  ;-)
23:56.49robin_szbratner: coo
23:57.06czero-laptopok off to tend to the dogs and grab some food anyone else up for a McDeal :)
23:57.16tzangerczero-laptop: I had that already
23:57.21f00b3r@#%@^@% qwest
23:57.22tzanger1/4 pounder rocks
23:57.25Drukeni'll take an apple pie :)
23:57.27f00b3rcant order dsl on a sunday
23:57.36robin_szbratner: I struggled for days with that and debian
23:57.48Drukenewhh.. and a tripple thick chocholate shake
23:57.53Darwin_35yeah right
23:57.56bratnerrobin_sz: i would suggest grabbing a fresh one from
23:58.21Darwin_35but now I have a issue alls aasteriskwith the regitry program and the way fbsd inst
23:58.33bratnerrobin_sz: do you think that theese modules will work if i will have the hardware?
23:58.37Mavviewhat is AST_A2LIN ?
23:58.44Darwin_35need src for the regitser program to point it to the new right dir
23:59.12robin_szbratner: the whole idea of distros os not having to brew your own
23:59.15Mavvieline 423
23:59.27robin_szbratner: yeah, if they compile and insert clean, i thnk you will be fine

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