irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050122

00:00.12zigmando you want to talk about that.. i'd love to listen
00:00.40Nethabshe's not here, that was for effect
00:00.47sudoerhermie, so can polycom phones not use the consultative transfer method?
00:00.56Nethabassisted transfer?
00:01.00eKo1Has anybody done a 'select distinct(disposition) from cdr' on their cdr table and noticed some funky values in there?
00:01.04hermiesudoer: no
00:01.21*** join/#asterisk LUTOR_ASI (
00:01.24sudoerwhile im talking to someone, i just want to dial 101(extension) and press transfer and thats it
00:01.27drumkillaeKo1: there was a change regarding that recently
00:01.42drumkilladocs indicated it was supposed to be a string, but it was actually using ints
00:01.47drumkillaso it was fixed to use strings
00:01.49Nethabi don't know if that's possible
00:01.55sudoerthe old people are having a real hard time  pressing 'trasnfer,101,dial,transfer' to send a call
00:01.56drumkillain stable, it still uses ints
00:02.11Juggiewhen i download a cvs tarball from sf all the files have ,v at the end, theres a command to fix that, anyone know off hand, i forget...
00:02.12drumkillaeKo1: this was all for cdr_odbc by the way
00:02.16*** join/#asterisk Corydon-w (
00:02.17redder86hrmmph, this is very good
00:02.20sudoerwhich is kind of a pain in the ass
00:02.22zigmaneKo1 NO ANWSER, BUSY, FAILED and ANSWERED
00:02.31eKo1drumkilla: So you're saying that these weird values I'm seeing is because fo the that?
00:02.37LUTOR_ASISomebody knows how to choose a specific codec when dialing an extension in the dialplan..?
00:02.39eKo1drumkilla: I posted that bug by the way.
00:02.54drumkillaeKo1: ha.  so you knew all that.  sorry :)
00:03.09drumkillaI don't know if that's it or not, I was just making sure you knew about the change
00:03.18eKo1So if I change the column to an INT, it should be fine right?
00:03.22sudoerhermia, thats how transfers are on your phones also?
00:03.36*** join/#asterisk HjemmeRoyK (
00:04.10Nethabyes my phones you hit transfer, then dial the number, then transfer again
00:04.26xkevdk, do you comprehend translate.c?
00:04.33sudoerNethab, you dont find that as horrible?
00:04.47ManxPowerLUTOR_ASI, "show applications" and README.variables
00:04.50Nethabthat way if the other party doesn't answer you don't push transfer and don't lose then
00:05.11Nethabno that's the way my nortel phones have worked for years
00:05.15eKo1The values I have in there are 1,2,4,1092636494,1465077313,1498633538. I don't see an 8 anywhere so I guess those large values correspond to an 8?
00:05.44Groobyi want FIOS to my house
00:05.47*** join/#asterisk Lethol (~lethol@
00:05.54ardorwhats FIOS?
00:06.03Groobyverizon's fiber on something something
00:06.05Nethabsudoer: it's the same with conference, you push it, then dial, then when the other person answers you push conference again to join all three parties
00:06.06Groobybasically fiber to your house
00:06.08tzangerFiber In Oriface Service
00:06.09ardorFirst IN out Second
00:06.10Grooby15mb down and 2mb up
00:06.21xkevdrumkilla, I'm having some issues redirecting calls, and it seems ast_translator_build_path() is doing something silly
00:06.22Groobythen i can get all my family onto my *
00:06.24sudoerthey are having a very hard time with conferences
00:06.26Groobyno need for long distance
00:06.28Nethabsudoer: otherwise you conference in a ringing tone, and that's annoying
00:06.28Groobytee hee hee
00:06.30Killohurtzhow come I keep getting "Unable to request echo training on channel 1"????
00:06.31eKo1Isn't fiber to your house called FTTC
00:06.48Nethabfttp fiber to the premises
00:06.55Groobyno clue
00:07.00eKo1fiber to the curb
00:07.05Groobyi am just quoting verizon
00:07.11Nethabif it's to the curb then it's not to your house
00:07.12xkevfttc ftth fttp, all the same thing basically
00:07.12Letholi know i shouldnt be asking here.. but can someone set me up with a 7905 sip firmware image?
00:08.00Groobyi just pull/tug it a little
00:08.04Groobyand it'll be in my house
00:08.43*** join/#asterisk pimpwell (
00:08.54Nethabsome of us only have FTTN fiber to the neighbors
00:09.14greg_workGrooby: this is supposed to be a family channel
00:09.25Groobyblink blink
00:09.33Nethabpull it tug it, get it?
00:09.35GroobyGreg, get your head out of the gutter because i have no clue what you are thinking
00:09.56greg_workhey, i just looked in here and saw that line :p
00:09.57sudoersome of us wish we lived in japan where 100 mb fiber to your house is a option for everyone and costs less than cable
00:10.20Groobyand all the hentais you can get?
00:10.25Groobyi mean gadgets
00:10.27Groobynot hentais
00:11.52eKo1hentai!? where?
00:12.11eKo1I get fiber to my office.
00:12.36eKo1It's under-used though (only 2 Mbps).
00:12.39Groobyfiber, it does the body good
00:12.43freatI've got fiber at home for networking... cause I need it
00:13.15Nethabi've got fiber in my stereo system, but that's kinda a waste of bandwidth
00:13.17eKo1I checked out the cable. The actually fiber makes up only 2 percent of the whole damn cable.
00:13.27freatproblem is my drive speed ends up being a bottlenexk
00:13.48Groobythe only fiber I have are the oranges I eat in the morning
00:13.52wankelscsi rarely provides better performance than modern ATA drives
00:14.03freatyeah but unless you've got fast drives on both ends of the connection it doesn't do you any good
00:14.10Nethabor raid
00:14.22Nethabnot to be confused with black flag
00:14.24wankelide raid is definitely the way to go.  cheap, fast as hell.
00:14.26freatI run RAID-0 on two WD Raptors and they are still too slow
00:14.35||Smuggsyo ardor u said to use fc2 because fc3 has troubles.  i just start asterisk and i'm sitting steady at a CLI> prompt? "Asterisk Ready"  Im sure that means no problems
00:14.37wankelfreat: what kind of controller?
00:14.48Nethabthe ports are working, but your client sent a bad request
00:14.50freatno way
00:14.51eKo1Are you talking about fibre now?
00:15.03LUTOR_ASIManxPower: can you explain me what i have to do with show applications, excuse me for my ignorance but i'm new to asterisk.
00:15.04freatit's the intel chipset that is off the southbridge
00:15.04Groobycheck your registry string
00:15.10Groobyand your proxy=
00:15.14freatso you're not bottlenecked by PCI bus
00:15.23wankelbottlenecked by the PCI bus?
00:15.27freatheck yeah
00:15.28LUTOR_ASIManxPower: could you please give me an example..
00:16.03freatwankel: 32 bit pci bus will max you out at around 130 Megs / second
00:16.20wankel32-bit, sure.  wtf uses 32-bit pci for storage?
00:16.41eKo1Aha! Asterisk is storing a BFN instead of 8. I knew it.
00:16.55freatwell, my home box ain't a 64 bit pci bus... nor have I updated to PCIX
00:16.58tzangera BFN?  Big Fuckin Number?
00:17.23firestrmGrooby, the proxy= is a new one to me.. Ive check rechecked, and checked again the registry string.. its verbatum what terracall says it should be.
00:17.26tzangerI had a call number of -5834191425 once... it crashed out shortly thereafter :-)
00:17.38wankelfreat: that sucks.  be better off with hardware raid off 64-bit pci :)
00:17.39eKo1Looks like I'll be up late tonight.
00:17.42tzangerwell a 64 bit NULL is pretty fuckin big  :-)
00:18.12Groobyi mean host=
00:18.17Groobyi am retarded
00:18.17Juggieheh, theres a contract comming up soon for 175,000 voip phones from within the CDN gov, i wonder if anyone with an asterisk soulution has the balls to apply.
00:18.19freatwankel: sure, gimme some $$ and I'll build it in a heartbeat. 3 ware controller... whole bunch of WD Raptors... mmm
00:18.34Mother_and why not?
00:18.57firestrmGrooby, thats ok.. i feel the same way right now..
00:19.14Juggiedoes any company exist that can support asterisk & sip at that lvl
00:19.58firestrmGrooby, that one is also exactly as terracall states it should be.
00:20.00buddahthat is a shit load
00:20.06*** join/#asterisk exonic (~exonic@
00:20.07Torqneed IAX termination in manila,phillipines. anybody??
00:20.13wankelunfortunately, storage performance is getting hard to improve.  the only thing that's caused storage performance to improve lately is huge increases in bit density.  that can't continue for long, though.  spindle performance hasn't been improved much at all lately.
00:20.24ardori know VOCAL scales pretty good. I like asterisk.
00:20.25JuggieeKo1, not 1v1, lvl aka level
00:20.30wankelso we'll just have to keep stacking on more heads and spindles 'til something better comes along.
00:21.04eKo1HD technology is bound to change soon with all the flash memory everywhere.
00:21.18wankelflash is slow as balls, though.
00:21.25*** join/#asterisk johngalt (
00:21.30eKo1For writing only.
00:21.35eKo1Reading is snappy.
00:21.47wankeland for reading, too, unless you're doing sequential reads.
00:21.57firestrmeKo1, nand flash backed ram drives.. at least thats what is being pushed lately in embedded circles
00:22.28eKo1Actually the future of HD technology is in AFM.
00:22.43sudoerNethab, can i see a sample of one of your dialplans for polycom phones?
00:22.48wankelfirestrm: yow... well, that'll work for stuff that tends to rewrite the same stuff a lot, where the write-back will really help.
00:23.06wankelthree-d holographic opto-magneto-tronic memory!
00:23.08exonicHey guys
00:23.18johngaltcould someone please call my fwd nbr - 577298, I seem to be having problems getting this setup
00:23.18BoRiSJuggie: Where?
00:23.32eKo1AFM is more promising than holography.
00:23.43wankel'twas just joking.
00:23.44Nethabsudoer: you mean to dial one?
00:23.51wankeli've been waiting for holographic memory for decades :)
00:24.00Groobyfirestrm you see my msg?
00:24.08exonicAnyone in here familiar with festival? I would like to have asterisk stream festival data on the fly? Is there a way to exec Festival() and have it sent to the open channel?
00:24.14wankelthe latest goodies from the UK will probably have expired patents by the time they commercialize it
00:24.15firestrmGrooby, just noticed
00:24.54*** join/#asterisk rodmaez (
00:25.02||Smuggscan some1 give me their FWD so I can test this
00:25.33sudoerNethab, on some of  the phones here i cant transfer to 101, but others i can, im not sure which part of config that is
00:25.51Mother_is the recommended kernel still 2.4 for production?
00:26.12LUTOR_ASISomebody has dial out from X-PRO to PSTN succesfully? Please i'm desesperate.. i don't know what to to..!
00:26.15Mother_thanks - I got * running on SuSE 9.2
00:26.18eKo1But I'm using 2.6 in a production environment.
00:26.30Mother_are you finding it stable?
00:26.44sudoerthe phones are  all using the default configs they had
00:26.47Mother_I've been running tests and so far it works quite good
00:26.52Nethabsudoer: you mean the dialplan inside the polycom phone?
00:27.05wankeleko: hmm.  is there any hope for reasonable write speeds with AFM?
00:27.12sudoerNethad yes
00:27.15sudoerNethab yes
00:27.16ChujiHmm, what would make bridging a Sip to Zap channel work, but a Zap to Zap not?
00:27.23Nethabi've never had to change mine
00:27.30Nethabmine are the default too
00:27.32JuggieChuji, it should
00:27.49ChujiJuggie : Yeah, indeed
00:28.06Juggiewhats the msg?
00:28.27ChujiJuggie : I just get an immediate hangup
00:28.40Juggiewhat card are you using for your zap lines?
00:28.55Chujion the same span
00:29.07*** part/#asterisk Torq (
00:29.09ChujiChannels work fine, It's a T1
00:29.13NethabPBX power monitoring cards are giving errors, need to clear alarms.
00:29.16Juggieyah i have rthe same card
00:29.32Nethabwhat does that mean
00:31.18*** join/#asterisk marlowe (
00:31.37Chuji-- Attempting native bridge of Zap/24-1 and Zap/1-1
00:31.40sudoerNethab, I have one more question about conference calls
00:31.43ChujiThen boom, done
00:31.51Juggiewhats your dial look like
00:32.05sudoerwhat is the procedure you go through if you are on the phoen with someone and you want to have a 3 way call
00:32.06ChujiIt's out of an AGI
00:32.21*** join/#asterisk lattice (
00:32.22sudoerthe conference call seems overly complicated also on polycom phones
00:32.41ChujiBut the same Dial line works fine if the originating call is Sip
00:32.55Chujiwhich makes me believe it's somehting going on with the Zap channels
00:33.14*** join/#asterisk HjemmeRoyK (
00:33.25Juggiewhats the agi doing
00:34.54ChujiJuggie : It's just a quazi calling card app. The dial string looks like so
00:35.03Chuji$AGI->exec("DIAL Zap/g1/801$phonenum");
00:35.33Chuji801 is the prefix on my switch that pulls a a local trunk group
00:36.09Juggiewell, the switch rejecting the call is one thing that could cause what is happening
00:36.33ChujiYeah, but that doesn't explain why Sip works
00:36.58Juggietry echoing the dial string
00:37.06Juggiesee if it changes between sip to zap or zap to zap
00:37.14Juggieshoudnt but you never know
00:37.16ChujiI wonder if the "Native Transfer" thing has anything to do with it
00:37.40Juggienative transfer?
00:37.40Chujinative bridge
00:37.42ChujiI meant
00:37.44||Smuggscall me?  576021 i promise u good times
00:38.07Juggieshould be fine
00:38.21*** join/#asterisk inezk (
00:38.22ChujiIs it trying to bridge the two zap channels natively?
00:38.27Chujiwithout * in the middle?
00:38.36Juggieare you running 1.0.4 of everything?
00:38.47Juggielibpri/asterisk & zaptel
00:38.49inezkanybody implemtn h.323 or other voip protocol in own aplication (in c# maybe) ?
00:39.15ChujiGuess I could upgrade, but this seems pretty elementary
00:39.29sudoerNethab: the conference call seems overly complicated also on polycom phones
00:40.32sudoerNethab: what is the procedure you go through if you are on the phoen with someone and you want to have a 3 way call
00:41.04sudoeris that considered a conference call? I've having the users do conference calls for 3 people
00:41.17*** join/#asterisk Nukemizer (
00:41.24faceki am new in asterisk
00:41.36jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
00:41.36facekcan somebody give me an accoutn. i want to test x-lite.
00:42.06facekChuji: yes, of course. I have already read it, and now i am waiting for hardware.
00:46.14*** part/#asterisk beto75 (~hav@
00:47.18Chuji-- Starting simple switch on 'Zap/24-1'
00:47.54*** join/#asterisk doushanes (
00:48.16hermiedamn shame that they are actually the best wireless carrier
00:48.24hermieor i'd drop em like a bad habit
00:50.34sudoeris there a wa yto make or emulate 3 way calls with asterisk?
00:51.01Juggiebridge two lines?
00:51.10Juggieu can do a flashhook if you are on analog lines
00:51.36hermiesudoer: a meetme()?
00:51.44modulus_nigga wuuuuuuT!?
00:51.48modulus_jbot g-g-g-g?
00:52.12hermiejbot forget g-g-g-g
00:52.12jbothermie: i forgot g-g-g-g
00:52.25hermiejbot g-g-g-g is what crackas say
00:52.26jbothermie: okay
00:52.44modulus_jbot g-unit?
00:52.45jbotg-unit stands for "Guerilla Unit". It's members are Tony Yayo, Lloyd Banks, Young Buck, and the leader 50 Cent. Their official DJ is DJ Whoo Kid. Also see
00:53.46hermiethe whole 50 cent/ja beef was just too much
00:53.48hermieor hip hop
00:53.53*** part/#asterisk forrestc (~fwc@
00:54.05hermiewhatever you want to call the random arrangement of clicks and whistles
00:54.13*** join/#asterisk aspworld (
00:54.14||Smuggssomeone get 50 cents phone number so we can talk tuff to him over the internet
00:54.29||Smuggsi can use VOIP
00:54.31||Smuggsi am sooo cool
00:54.36*** join/#asterisk laloo (
00:55.04*** join/#asterisk subx (
00:55.41lalooGuys. Can someone please help me? We installed a new TDM400P card a few days ago. Things were going fine for a while. Today, when we rebooted the system, we get an error "No ISA Tormenta card found at d0000" What gives?
00:57.11subxanyone wiling to help with CentOS issue and the chan_sip.c?
00:57.52subxa make command is blowing errors in regards to chan_sip.c
00:58.13eKo1I'm trying to write a logrotate entry for *. Will a reload cause * to reopen the log files for writing?
00:58.15wankelwhat errors?
00:58.32firestrmhas anyone ever gotten terracall to work?
00:58.36subxchan_sip.c: In function `handle_response':
00:58.36subxchan_sip.c:6784: duplicate case value
00:58.36subxchan_sip.c:6769: previously used here
00:58.41*** join/#asterisk FryGuy- (
00:58.44DrPeteis dtmfmode=rfc2833 inband or out of band?
00:58.48wankelsubx: cvs head?
00:58.53subxyes sir
00:58.54*** join/#asterisk SimonR (
00:59.01Chujiyeah, same thing
00:59.26wankelhold on, lemme update
00:59.50subxis this common, I made sure I used the stable cvs
01:00.05wankeli've had stable break a few times
01:00.08*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
01:00.17wankelusually just trivial stuff
01:00.25*** join/#asterisk Smuggs (
01:00.51tessier_Man lawyers suck. They think they can threaten and scare people into doing stuff.
01:01.04wankeltessier: generally, they're right :)
01:01.17*** join/#asterisk mm29955 (
01:01.19tessier_Not in my case. First thing I do upon hearing from a lawyer is call my lawyer and let those two hash it out.
01:01.23tessier_Not my problem.
01:01.32tessier_The only lawyer who isn't an asshole is your own lawyer. Funny eh?
01:01.44wankeloh, he's an asshole, too.  just not to you. :)
01:01.44tessier_He's really an asshole too, it's just that they do anything for money.
01:01.57hermietessier_ Of course, your lawyer must drag the negotiations out...
01:01.59tzangertessier_: so what's that lawyer want you to do?
01:02.11*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
01:02.18tessier_tzanger: eh, best not to discuss legal issues on IRC. :)
01:02.29tzangertessier_: heh well no need for specifics
01:02.32tessier_I think he really wants me to suck his cock.
01:02.47wankel"Sir, it's about the incident with the dog"
01:02.50*** join/#asterisk mm29955 (
01:03.04Groobyfirestrm: good luck.  I am headin gout
01:03.06laloocan someone please point me in the right direction? Is it possible that the card just went dead on us?
01:03.34wankelsubx: hmm.  it just built clean for me.
01:03.57subxinteresting...  lemme check
01:04.07wankel-rw-rw-r--  1 petro petro 428948 Jan 21 21:05 channels/chan_sip.o
01:05.02wankelevil clowns
01:05.03subxok I just tried to remake, nada
01:05.11subxsame error.
01:05.13wankelwhat kind of a freak wants to put on makeup and play with children?
01:05.23subxgot a chan_sip that I have?
01:05.26hermiewankel: is there another kind/
01:05.50subxthat I can have excuse me...
01:05.53wankelsubx: you checked out -r v1-0?
01:05.54eKo1wankel: That's what happens with overpopulation.
01:06.38hermie"Stay all night to save the population"
01:07.48hermieor is it "Stay all night, we'll save the population"? I think so...
01:08.26*** join/#asterisk DaviD (sinemm_@
01:09.10sudoeris there a way to simulate or do 3 way calling with *
01:09.16*** join/#asterisk florz_ (
01:09.22sudoermeetme isnt the same
01:10.38sudoerfor the polycom to have a '3 way calling', i have to call user, press hold,dial 4000(for conf), press dial,press transfer, make another call to someone, press hold, dial 4000, press dial,press transfer,dial 4000,press dial
01:11.26paulccan't you do 3 way calling on the Polycom itself?
01:11.48wankelis 1.0 still really considered the latest stable?
01:11.48freatI have a polycom ip 500... it has a conference button that works
01:11.49eKo1Question: Does are reload on the CLI reopen log files?
01:12.01sudoerpaulc, i dont know if you can, i dont think so
01:12.14freatsudoer: yes you can
01:12.15wankelsubx: okay, head builds clean here, too.  hmmm... what version of gcc do you have?
01:12.29freatsudoer: we just bought 14 of them
01:12.41sudoerfreat, can you tell me how to iniate one?
01:12.48wankelthat doesn't sound like a C99 problem but you never know what kind of trip the parser will get on when it gets lost
01:12.49sudoerim using the 300 here
01:12.55*** join/#asterisk file (
01:13.11freatdial a number. once in the call, one of the soft button labels is "conference"
01:13.23freathit that, dial the second number, then hit conference again
01:13.36paulcsudoer: Dial a number.. press Conf.. dial the second number.. hit conf.. done! :-)
01:13.49*** join/#asterisk Othello (
01:14.09sudoeroh ,that is the way i am doing it, but the conference call button started acting up last week, i have to use transfer right now for some reason
01:14.30freatacting up?
01:15.21freatsudoer: sounds like you have another issue...
01:15.28sudoeri dont know how its acting up either since i have never changed their config files via ftp, etc
01:16.13*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
01:16.14hermiesudoer: you have polycom phones, right? they can do 3-way
01:16.27letherglovwhere can I get a three way?
01:16.33*** part/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
01:16.38wankeltry #hottub
01:17.19Primerztd-eth.c:90: warning: implicit declaration of function `eth_hdr'
01:17.38wankelit's c.  you're supposed to ignore warnings. ;)
01:17.59Primermy bad, wrong line
01:18.02Primerztd-eth.c:90: error: invalid type argument of `->'
01:18.09*** join/#asterisk dontmsgme (
01:18.19dontmsgme[17:17] <dontmsgme> 69-175-230-122*CLI>   == Everyone is busy/congested at this time
01:18.28dontmsgmeWhat does this mean, everytime it tries to dial my SIP phone it says this
01:19.12MavvieI could msg you the answer, but then I would offend you.
01:19.24dontmsgmeIm a grown up, try me
01:19.28wankelyeah, i was gonna tell him, but he clearly didn't want me to
01:19.41wankelprimer: what release is that?
01:19.41freatdo 'sip show peers' at the console to see if it is actually registered
01:19.56freatI doubt the phone is actually registered with the server correctly
01:20.05Mavvieanyway, the error is in dial_exec.c
01:20.11Mavvieit says it can't dial the sip-phone.
01:20.13Mavviedoes it exist?
01:20.15dontmsgmesip show peers
01:20.15dontmsgmeName/username    Host            Dyn Nat ACL Mask             Port     Status
01:20.15dontmsgme12345            (Unspecified)    D   N  0        UNKNOWN
01:20.21dontmsgmeIt shows reigstered and it will make phone calls
01:20.32freatyep, the server is not seeing it
01:20.36wankeldoesn't look very registered to me
01:20.38freatHost should show the IP
01:20.40wankelsince it has no ip or port
01:20.43dontmsgmeWhy would that change over night?
01:20.48Mavvieedwin/edwin    D   N  5060     Unmonitored
01:20.51Mavviethat's what you need.
01:20.52Primerwankel: 1.0.3
01:20.52freatuhh.. sun spots
01:20.57wankelcosmic rays
01:21.06dontmsgmeTurbulence =(
01:21.11dontmsgmeAir pockets =(
01:21.21Mavviegravity fluctuations.
01:21.24freatcan you ping the phone?
01:21.26dontmsgmeWhat am I supposed to do
01:21.39*** part/#asterisk eKo1 (~bernd@
01:21.57wankelsit the phone down, point your finger at the asterisk server and say very firmly, "Go register."
01:22.10dontmsgmeIalready did that the phone just told me to come inhere
01:22.16freatdamn phones need to learn how to behave
01:22.17paulcsudoer: I'd be half inclined to clear the phone config and set it up from scratch again
01:22.23wankelsounds like your phone needs some discipline
01:22.35freatbad, bad phone
01:22.45dontmsgmeI havent changed sip.conf at all
01:22.49Mavviedontmsgme: stop/start asterisk.
01:22.50dontmsgmeNor has my PBX IP changed
01:22.51Umarotell it if it doesn't behave, you'll reflash it to a earlier, less functional firmware version.
01:22.56hermieI think the word for this map ( is circuitous
01:22.59wankelreboot the phone and see what the console says when it tries to register
01:22.59freatdontmsgme? can you ping the phone??
01:23.13dontmsgmeI started and stopped, show peers, and it is the same
01:23.18dontmsgmeHow do I ping?
01:23.35Mavvieactually, ping(8) here.
01:23.36sudoerpaulc, can i set these configs up without using ftp?
01:23.46wankeldon't confuse him with the (1).  he doesn't have the manuals on the shelf and the shell will bitch about it :)
01:23.51sudoerunfortunately i dont have ftpd installed on any boxes here
01:24.12freatsubstitute your phone's IP address where the is
01:24.13sudoerpaulc freat: can i see a sample of one of your configs
01:24.15jontowwee, got my script working :)
01:24.22jontowturns out.. there is an easy way to make it work..
01:24.23paulcsudoer: Yeah - You can do a lot of the config through the phone and/or web interface, but the real power with the polycoms comes from editing the xml files
01:24.29freathey sure what's your email?
01:24.48paulcsudoer: give me a few minutes cos I'm just setting up a new IP600.. but I can probably send you a template file
01:24.52jontowmake an extension to dial that you can use as Local/###
01:25.08jontowthe extension can't Answer as priority one, it has to Dial() the outbound number aspriority 1
01:25.14dontmsgmeYes it is pinging
01:25.20dontmsgmeWhy isntit registered?
01:25.27jontow.. as, if it answers, it'll bridge to the internal extension and then hangup when the gsm file finishes
01:25.29Mavvietry sip debug and reload the phone.
01:25.30wankeldontmsgme: how often does it register?
01:25.40dontmsgmeI duno
01:25.47sudoerpaulc, the otherproblem  i have is i cant pick up the handset and dial 9areacodephonenumber, i have to keep handset down, then dial and pickup, i guess that is part of the xml config too
01:25.48dontmsgmeHow do I stp this ping?
01:25.51wankelif you just restarted asterisk and you're not saving your presence data in a database and the phone hasn't re-registered...
01:25.52cbachmanhas all the SunOS pages on his shelf
01:26.01*** join/#asterisk imagmo (
01:26.11freatdontmsgme: do you see messages on the server console that it is trying to register?
01:26.23Mavviehmmm... can't turn off the ping if I'm not mistaken, you have to reboot your system.
01:26.24jontowso now, when httpd drops on my webservers, i get a call with a prerecorded message saying what dropped and on what server :)
01:26.48freatdontmsgme: if you do not see messages that it is trying to register, then the phone is not seeing the server. check the IP of the server and what your phone says
01:26.48jontowgrandstreams once an hour too
01:27.06wankeljontow: and it's probably more intelligent than a noc monkey
01:27.07freatdontmsgme: make sure to reboot the phone so you force it to attempt registering
01:27.21freatdontmsgme: is your server on a static IP?
01:27.29dontmsgme-- Registered SIP '12345'
01:27.36dontmsgmeI can make calls
01:27.39wankeldoes it show in peers now?
01:27.39dontmsgmeIt just doesnt take SIP calls
01:27.56dontmsgmelemme check
01:27.57sudoerok, thanks paulc
01:28.01dontmsgmeYea it does now..
01:28.10freatthen you need to set up sip.conf correctly if it can't receive calls
01:28.10jontowwankel; sure as hell is more intelligent than ours ;)  which also happen to be our 'network techs'
01:28.13wankelokay, so you probably restard asterisk and the phone hadn't re-registered yet.
01:28.17freatlook on the wiki for documentation on your phone
01:28.19dontmsgmeWow now its working...
01:28.29dontmsgmeI got the magic touch I guess
01:28.46jontowhere, they take a reactive monitoring approach.. so they only know about trouble when a customer has noticed and is already pissed off and talking to someone at our call center
01:29.00wankeljontow: watching mrtg graphs is hard!
01:29.04freatwell, that ping command is really powerful. probably did the trick
01:29.09jontowwhere the people in the call center have no ability to do anything, except say "we'll get ahold of someone" or lieing and saying "yep! we're working on that right now"
01:29.15jontowi'd rather know before the TSRs
01:29.21jontow.. and more importantly, the volatile customers
01:29.47freatand if ping doesn't work, use 'zuperping'
01:29.47jontowi'm actually building tools for people to use to do their jobs
01:29.54dontmsgmeHOw do I stop this ping flood?
01:29.56freatit is really powerful
01:30.01jontowvs. just giving people a script that says "hold on while i escalate this issue"
01:30.04freatturn off your computer
01:30.14freattry ctrl-c
01:30.21jontowand bothering network techs who have no time as is with simple issues like "you've gone over your quota.. remove some files"
01:30.22dontmsgmeThat worked
01:30.27jontow.. its retarded, all around.
01:30.35wankeljontow: of course.
01:30.58wankelyou don't expect to have clued people in the noc when they get paid $25k/yr, do you? :)
01:32.37imagmohello, has anybody received a TDM04B card with RJ45's instead of RJ11's?
01:32.49freatyeah just plug the rj11's into it
01:32.57*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
01:32.59Vetois there a 1.0.4 of zaptel?
01:33.13freatimago: I had the same question a while back
01:33.29imagmofreat, so the pins match?
01:33.35freatsomething about making with rj45s was cheaper
01:34.02imagmoi'm doing this install on the wire, so I can't look at it myself.
01:35.16lalooCan someone please help me? I just need to be pointed in the right direction
01:35.35jontowi don't get paid $25k/yr
01:35.37jontowand i'm clued
01:35.38jontowwtf :)
01:35.48wankelyou get paid less than that?
01:36.38Vetojbot who is martin
01:36.40jbotI think you lost me on that one, Veto
01:36.54jontowyes, yes i do
01:36.55Vetojbot why is martin always busy?
01:36.57jbotVeto: what are you talking about?
01:37.02jontowand its decent pay for around here
01:37.03wankeljontow: damn.  you need a new job :)
01:37.17jontowyeah, yeah i do.. know anyone that'll hire a 20yo with no college degree and lots of skill?
01:37.18wankelwhere?  rural india?
01:37.22jontowupstate NY
01:37.34wankelhmm.  we might have some SOC openings.  not sure.
01:37.58*** join/#asterisk Marlow (~marlow@
01:38.07jontowplenty of UNIX experience (5+ yrs senior admin with many flavors, less with others), quite a bit of networking, little cisco but enough to get around, quite a bit of asterisk experience
01:38.17jontowsome C, lots of shell scripting
01:38.51jontowthe only reason i make $12/hr vs. the $8.25/hr from before is because i could script my way out of HP-UX even :P
01:39.21Nukemizerwith a basic install of * is there any special requirements to having my * behind the Firewall ? can I just forward ports to *   ?
01:39.43wankeldepends on what's trying to talk to the * box
01:40.07jontowif its SIP .. good luck
01:40.22Nukemizeryep SIP
01:40.27jontowyikes :(
01:40.38jontowany chance you can get SER on the outward-lying machine?
01:41.11Marlowjontow : if he could get ser on there, he could just install asterisk there instead :)
01:41.16wankeljontow: hrm.  no SOC openings.  security engineer openings, but you said not much cisco knowledge?  do you know any firewall or ids products?
01:41.33wankelsoc will take smart geeks and train them on the products, but the engineers have to come in knowing one or two
01:42.02jontowi've played with snort, ipfw, a bit with ipfilter
01:42.26jontownothing too serious because i spend too much time putting other people's fires out
01:42.41wankeloh, wait.  there's a soc analyst position
01:42.54lalooWhat does this message in Asterisk log mean? " Requested 8000 Hz, got 48000 Hz -- sound may be choppy"
01:43.04*** join/#asterisk MrEntropy (
01:43.19MrEntropydoes anyone know a good program for encoding IVR's in g729?
01:44.01wankeli think i get some piddly $500 award if i refer you, too :)
01:44.25jontowi should kill both of my copies of mozilla and firefox and restart them
01:44.40jontowmethinks 20+ tabs in each window is a bit much with only 256MB of RAM and another 190 processes also :(
01:44.43UmaroAnyone know how to do a 2 way outbound call? I want both sides of the channel to be outbound
01:45.14wankelthat's just working in the SOC but you can get to know the products and we have lots of engineering openings you can apply to transfer to once you have the expertise.
01:45.43wankelthe SOC actually has a cool manager now.  total asshole for a while but he's long gone.
01:45.48MarlowUmaro : with a .call script ?
01:46.38MarlowUmaro : that should do it ... just throw a .call file and let it do the two calls
01:47.09PTG123anyone in here know how to make it so you can listen to calls live?
01:47.22UmaroMarlow: well yeah, but sorry.. I didn't phrase my question correctly.
01:47.28PTG123like easedrop
01:47.30jontowwankel; i am not qualified for that job.
01:47.36MarlowUmaro : you get what you ask for :o)
01:47.38UmaroMarlow: Basically, I have a * in EU and a * in NY
01:47.40wankeljontow: you are :)
01:47.54DrukenPTG123: that is illegeal
01:47.57wankelptg123: zapscan/zapbarge
01:48.02jontownot per the requirements
01:48.06UmaroMarlow: my calls from NY to EU are less than my calls from EU to EU
01:48.08jontowi also don't know how i feel about more tech support
01:48.11jontowi got out of that on purpose :)
01:48.41MarlowUmaro : so you want to do callback ..
01:48.53UmaroMarlow: yes, but an automated callback
01:48.55wankelyeah, it sucks.  definitely advancement opportunities here, but you're not qualified for the engineering jobs without expertise in at least one security platform.
01:49.07jontowbut what do you consider a security platform?
01:49.07wankelwhat are you missing?  the cisco cert?
01:49.11UmaroMarlow: I don't want the caller to know it's doing a callback underneath
01:49.14jontowmost definitely the cisco stuff.. all of it
01:49.21MarlowUmaro : that won't work ..
01:49.26UmaroMarlow: why not? :)
01:49.33cbachmanhas a similar issue.  Is in a good job position but no advancement opportunities, unless the boss quits.
01:49.44jontowmy cisco experience exists in a few illegal entries into piddly routers in 1999, and a 2511 that i stole from the spares rack here a week ago to fuck with
01:49.47MarlowUmaro : you can't revert a call, that allready is inbound to outbound without hanging up
01:50.02UmaroMarlow: Except if I redirected it via the manager interface, right?
01:50.22MarlowUmaro : no .. it's still inbound ....
01:50.31jontowsounds like another one where they sit you in a call center at a windows pc with a couple webforms and a lot of books
01:50.36MarlowUmaro : it can only get outbound, when the initiator hangs up and is called back
01:50.46jontowwhich .. btw, happens to be "a lot of books" more than the job i got out of here :D
01:50.57*** join/#asterisk pauldy (
01:50.58jontowi think i would not mind it, but i don't know :/
01:51.08UmaroMarlow: well no, there wouldn't be any hanging up
01:51.23UmaroMarlow: they would just kind of... wait until the callback call came and got transferred to them
01:51.24MarlowUmaro : exactly .. so not possible ..
01:51.35subxanyone got braodvoice incoming call issues not out going that works just fine...
01:51.44jontowim not horribly proficient with firewalling, though i get my own thing done, and a few other people's
01:51.46MarlowUmaro : if somebody calls you ..
01:51.50pauldyok newbie question trying to find a service provider like vonage or lingo for use with an asterisk server any suggestions
01:51.51MarlowUmaro : from a landline ..
01:51.52wankelyeah, like i said support always sucks, but if you're smart and want to get out of the soc we're desparate for third-level engineers.
01:51.56jontowmy main skills are sysadminning and odd problem solving in the unix environment
01:52.01wankeland existing employees get first crack and all opennings
01:52.06MarlowUmaro : it's not in your hands to change the billing on that call ...
01:52.08pimpwellmy main skills are paying someone to do it
01:52.12wankelyou know IP well, though?
01:52.20pimpwellPI and MP
01:52.21MarlowUmaro : only if you call them back ..
01:52.51jontowi'd say so.. im not proficient with the OSI model, i can't explain every protocol up, down, and through, and i couldn't explain the command to apply a cert to an apache/linux server
01:52.55JerJerdamn, that is a wise concept...  calling people back
01:52.55UmaroMarlow: no, no.. not from a landline
01:53.06wankelif you know *nix really well and IP fairly well i think you'd have a good shot at it unless we're suddenly seeing a glut of applicants.  last i knew they were desparate for smart people.
01:53.08UmaroMarlow: from a sip phone on my EU * server
01:53.25jontowbut .. i've looked at the OSI model, played with an awful lot of protocols, and applied a cert to a freebsd/jailed apache2 server, with documentation from your site ;)
01:53.29wankelanyway, if you want to talk to someone i can have the recruiter for our office call you.  if not, oh well :)
01:53.29pimpwellyou need to be able to hand code a TCP/IP packet
01:53.30*** join/#asterisk file (
01:53.30MarlowUmaro : eh ? .. then i don't get the concept of two outbound calls ..
01:53.38MarlowUmaro : i mean your conecpt ?
01:53.43UmaroMarlow: I don't want it to go VoIP to NY, I want it to go TDM from NY to EU
01:53.48jontowi am curious, thats for sure
01:53.55jontowi know that i can't make it to college anytime soon, here..
01:54.11UmaroMarlow: I don't want it to go VoIP to NY and then VoIP to EU, I want it to go TDM from NY to EU
01:54.14jontowi don't get paid enough to save the money i need to do that.. so i need to find something that pays more
01:54.26MarlowUmaro : ah ..
01:54.30pimpwelljontow:  start your own business
01:54.31wankelwe've got typical edu reimbursement and such.  $3500/yr won't pay for, but you can get through URI or something local that way.
01:54.32jontowmy biggest problem is.. im not willing to leave my gf, and she's in a similar boat with less unix experience than me.. but more cisco experience
01:54.33MarlowUmaro : that's a different story ...
01:54.49jontowpimpwell; that doesn't make you more money to go to college, it puts you in debt, just like college
01:54.52wankelhmm.  yeah, hard to move with two people.
01:54.58MarlowUmaro : that would be a background callback from your US server to your EU server ..
01:55.07UmaroMarlow: yes!
01:55.09MarlowUmaro : should be possible ..
01:55.14jontowhowever.. she also has more call center experience than me, and could very well apply and be a better candidate for the job than me.
01:55.26jontow.. we work together now ;)
01:55.41MarlowUmaro : hang on for a sec
01:55.46subxAnyone want to take on an incoming broadvoice issue?
01:55.49wankelguess she could apply for security engineer ;)
01:55.59wankelhmm.  those requirements are silly.
01:56.15pimpwelljontow:  write a bunch or essays on why republicans are always right,  and send them out to scholarship agencies
01:56.16jontowyou know.. im curious.. i really am
01:56.20pimpwellor = of
01:56.20wankeli know most of the SOC staff couldn't come close to them.  operate a protocol analyzer?  yeah, right.
01:56.36wankelthey could probably figure out how to RUN tcpdump with enough googling, but wouldn't have a clue what it means.
01:56.36jontowim gonna bookmark the page and related, and show it to her
01:56.39jontowmaybe we'll head to RI
01:56.40jontowheheh :)
01:56.56wankelRI isn't super-exciting, but hell, you're in upstate :)
01:57.13jontowdon't know what the company policies are regarding dating a coworker though.. but as long as they knew up front and were ok with it, i'd deal
01:57.54wankelwe have a few married couples.  i don't know what the official policy is.  at most place it's as long as one of you isn't the boss of the other
01:58.12jontowthats what it is here.. and we work on separate halves of the building
01:58.41UmaroAnyone had experience with large amounts of VoIP from US to EU?
01:58.58*** join/#asterisk czero (
01:59.10subxok I am giong to pull every last hair on my head
01:59.24subxmaybe I'll pull i tout too
01:59.48pimpwellcam it
02:00.05subxok can I have a comment about braodvoice,
02:00.14PTG123hey czero
02:00.27subxpimpwell: thanks, I'll hook that up after I am done throwing the server across the room.
02:00.41pimpwellim trying to win my auction on ebay for an IDE to USB cable
02:01.41czerohey PTG
02:01.48greg_workpimpwell: you can get complete usb drive enclosures for $40cdn new
02:02.33MrEntropypimpwell: IDE to USB? that's abominable
02:02.45Veto* seems to keep some state information between runs, I assume it's in /var/spool/asterisk.  If so, can I clean it out via a careful rm ?
02:02.57greg_work... a case that fits a 3.5" (and they make them for 2.5" as well) ide drive and has a power supply and plugs into usb
02:03.15UmaroMarlow: whadya think? :)
02:03.21greg_workand you can get them for 5 1/4" drives as well. in fact, i have a usb 2.0 cdwriter sitting beside me that cost like $80
02:03.38pimpwellya but I have like 14 120gig seagates right here
02:03.43pimpwelland a laptop
02:04.08pimpwell(that is almost full)
02:04.09greg_work.. and you're going to connect them all with usb ?!
02:04.15pimpwelljust transfer
02:04.22pimpwellas I accumulate
02:04.27greg_workwhy dont you just build a NAS system
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02:04.50pimpwellit's all weird movies about the government etc
02:04.53pimpwelljust garbage
02:04.57MarlowUmaro : i have seen a script for that somewhere ..
02:05.04MarlowUmaro : but can't seem to find it right now ..
02:05.11UmaroMarlow: awesome, i'd love it
02:09.59*** join/#asterisk cripito (
02:15.51subxhello has anyone had luck with broadvoice incoing configs?
02:22.14*** join/#asterisk gopinsurg (
02:23.15cripito:) yes... subx
02:23.38*** join/#asterisk AgiNamu (~root@
02:23.46labo2/dns AgiNamu
02:25.18AgiNamuI'm buying a new Xeon
02:25.23AgiNamushould I get RHEL with EMT64?
02:25.38AgiNamuor is that just when you need mre memory? i..e, it's nothing faster..
02:27.11UmaroMarlow: still haven't found it?
02:27.35MarlowUmaro : no .. the only thing i could find again bases on the lcr for i4l ..
02:27.38Umaro~jbot root
02:27.43jboti guess root is not a Good Thing to use when using IRC. Please use a different account. You will probably not be able to speak until change your user account.
02:27.47MarlowUmaro : and that is quite unlikely to help you
02:27.56AgiNamuyea, i know, but its a new machine
02:27.58AgiNamuno logins
02:28.04MarlowUmaro : but what you are looking for is basically LCR in asterisk
02:29.45*** join/#asterisk doughecka_ (
02:29.49UmaroMarlow: I am?
02:29.55MarlowUmaro : you are :)
02:30.10UmaroI thought LCR was just picking your cheapest rate
02:30.19MarlowUmaro : no
02:30.39*** join/#asterisk Guills (
02:30.42MarlowUmaro : lcr involves also handling different ways of connecting to those rates
02:30.55MarlowUmaro : call by call prefix, callback etc.
02:31.03MarlowUmaro : goes all under the term "LCR"
02:31.46Marlowdidn't get too much sleep today
02:32.08Guillssleep is bad for you
02:32.18Guillsplay mmorpg games instead ;)
02:36.48*** join/#asterisk fishboy1669 (
02:36.57fishboy1669hi guys
02:38.17cripitois u sleep much u lost weight :P so sleep is bad for hearth :D
02:41.06freatanyone here running * on 64 bit?
02:41.29tzangerwhere is matt's libpri cvs repo?
02:41.30tzangerlibpri-matt isn't on the normal cvs server
02:42.18QwellCan anyone tell me the differences between a 7960 and 7960g?  I'm sure this has been covered before, but its a fairly difficult google query
02:42.48QwellI even checked the product lists at, and it had no mention of 7960
02:42.54Qwell(without the g, that is)
02:43.06laboIf you look at them, the g is for global, which means that has images and icons instead of english text on the buttons.
02:43.16labobut its the same thing actually.
02:43.18Qwellthats literally it?
02:43.29QwellWhy is the g like 30-60 more?
02:43.44labothat i dont know.
02:44.01hermieroyalties on the artwork :)
02:44.16Qwellhermie: I hope you're kidding, heh
02:44.57QwellSo, spending the extra money is definitely not worth it, if my entire team speaks (pseudo)English?
02:45.09*** join/#asterisk ccfiel (~chatzilla@
02:46.12hermieQwell: Engrish or Indlish?
02:46.37fishboy1669any of u guys got any pointers at this issue
02:46.39Qwellhermie: both?  indlirish?
02:46.47Vetofuck sip and nat...fuckit fuckit fuckit.
02:46.52Vetooh, evening everyone.
02:46.55hermieQwell: Ingrish maybe?
02:47.01fishboy1669my ztcfg come back ok but asterisk bitches when i try running
02:47.09fishboy1669just put a x100p card in
02:47.09Qwellhermie: If you can add spanglish in there, you win
02:47.32hermieQwell: Spingrish! :)
02:47.32fishboy1669error is unable to get parameters
02:47.40QwellThat works.
02:47.43fishboy1669unable to register channel 1
02:47.56fishboy1669load_module failed
02:48.00fishboy1669any ideas
02:48.08fishboy1669been messing for ages and fed up
02:48.09Qwellhermie: and, of course, 2 or 3 of us that speak plain old English
02:48.11hermieQwell: there are advantages to heartland america ya know ;)
02:48.50Qwellhermie: I'm in Southern California, this is the mix we get. :p
02:49.06fishboy1669yo guys could do with hand here
02:49.10*** join/#asterisk NTJOCK (
02:49.13fishboy1669anyone got any ideas
02:49.26hermiewhere "culture" is defined as fights... I don't live _that_ far from where the Pistons play
02:49.40hermiethe ironically named Palace of Auburn Hills
02:49.46fishboy1669its 2:49am and i want to go to bed :(
02:49.48*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
02:51.13hermie0h a 1337 d00d!
02:51.27NTJOCKhey guys
02:51.44NTJOCKWhere is some good documentation on how to get a polycom phone working with Asterisk?
02:51.53hermieNTJOCK: the wiki
02:51.56NTJOCKI finally got my system up an drunning
02:52.01NTJOCKI'll check there
02:52.52hermie1337 d00d, u 5p311 600d
02:53.28gabriel1what would cause 2 iax2 clients on a local network to not see each other?
02:53.55gabriel1or rather an iax2 client not to see asterisk.
02:54.48Marlowfishboy1669 : what hardware ?
02:55.05Marlowfishboy1669 : zaptel.conf and zapata.conf correctly configured ? ztcfg run ?
02:57.11fishboy1669brand new dell box
02:58.09fishboy1669suse 9.2
02:58.25fishboy1669and i have done the udev stuff adn the linux62
02:58.44r0d3nt|mPCIX slots ?
02:58.57*** join/#asterisk imagmo (
02:59.10fishboy1669whats a pcix?
02:59.19Marlowfishboy1669 : what kind of dell box ?
02:59.56Marlowfishboy1669 : and what does ztcfg -v say ? does it find your card ?
03:00.25fishboy1669dimension 2400c
03:00.40fishboy1669yes no errors from ztcfg
03:00.43*** part/#asterisk gabriel1 (
03:01.03Marlowfishboy1669 : that should be ok .. pci-x is 100mhz/133mhz pci slots, but that's only in the servers, not dimension boxes
03:01.14Marlowfishboy1669 : but does it show the card ?
03:02.46fishboy1669shows the card no errors
03:02.47Marlowfishboy1669 : then you probably didn't configure zapata.conf correctly
03:03.09Marlowfishboy1669 : did you put fxs_ks there ?
03:03.12fishboy1669i copied the one off my old bx
03:03.23fishboy1669and i also tried editing new copy
03:03.31fishboy1669as the cvs is diff time checkout
03:03.55Marlowfishboy1669 : doesn't matter where you got it from, it still needs to fit your setup :)
03:04.21Marlowfishboy1669 : that one channel, that you have in zaptel.conf and is configured there ..
03:04.43Marlowfishboy1669 : that one channel is the only one, that you should configure in zapata.conf .. everything else is rubish
03:05.20redder86anyone here have a color fax machine?
03:05.21fishboy1669yes fxs_ks is in there
03:05.46Marlowfishboy1669 : try to pastebin the output from the console during the call
03:05.58Marlowfishboy1669 : during the fail, i mean
03:06.49Marlowfishboy1669 : and include your zaptel and zapata.conf
03:10.24UmaroMarlow: debian?
03:10.57UmaroMarlow: I haven't used debian in like, 5 years.. probably the same stable packages as I used back then, LOL
03:11.03MarlowUmaro : 1.0.4 + bristuff + some others ..
03:11.17MarlowUmaro : unlikely .. i roll them myself :)
03:11.31UmaroWhen did this happen, and why didn't I hear about it? :(
03:11.33MarlowUmaro : asterisk-stable and asterisk-head
03:11.55ChujiUmaro : Can't you keep up with the mailing list?
03:11.57MarlowUmaro : i have a repository with custom debian packages for asterisk
03:12.08MarlowUmaro :
03:12.20fishboy1669marlow how do i pastbin
03:12.31UmaroChuji: lol, no. I can only bear to read asterisk-users once a week, and I only get about 50 mails in before I have to stop
03:12.36Marlowfishboy1669 :
03:12.58ChujiUmaro : Yeah, I feel you. I respond to about 5 a day
03:13.00Chujithat is my limit
03:13.16Nethabit's in the channel topic silly 1.0.4 released
03:13.19ChujiI let Critch get the rest
03:13.19fishboy1669that link dont work can u check it
03:13.33UmaroNethab: damn! 3 days ago!
03:13.37fishboy1669ok got it
03:13.45Umarosheesh man :/
03:13.59Umaro1.0.4 does realtime, then?
03:14.15Nethabi've found when i call people silly instead of dumbass it gets through a lot of barriers
03:14.22MarlowUmaro : dunno ..
03:14.56UmaroNethab: you can call me dumbass next time, I can take it.
03:15.43UmaroPeople who take personal offense to someone else being smarter than them have no place in the open source community, I say. ;)
03:15.56MarlowUmaro : i also just realised it today, when somebody mailed me, asking, when i'm going to update the packages :)
03:16.17MarlowUmaro : should have seen it before on the mirror-logs
03:16.17Umarothey need a release mailing list
03:16.18Nethabglad to see i'm in good company then
03:16.40Nethabi've got a nice autoload = no modules.conf going
03:17.09Marlowfishboy1669 : ok .. now add your zaptel.conf and zapata.conf to that ..
03:17.34Chujiumm, where is zaptel? It's not on
03:17.53Chuji1.0.4 that is
03:18.02*** part/#asterisk Nethab (
03:18.02MarlowChuji :
03:18.29cripitohi guys.. did anyone have issues with deadlock in cvs head
03:18.39MarlowChuji : the faster choice :)
03:19.12ChujiMarlow, is there a username/pass for that?
03:19.32ChujiI tried that earlier
03:19.45ChujiIt wouldn't let me get past the root
03:19.50Chujias anon
03:20.00fishboy1669any ideas?
03:20.11MarlowChuji : that should just let you in, anon ..
03:20.19MarlowChuji : and you can also http to that site
03:20.38ChujiI tried, if I go a level deeper than root, it asks for pass
03:20.47Marlowfishboy1669 : zaptel and zapata are rubbish ..
03:20.56fishboy1669in what way?
03:21.28MarlowChuji : but if you use IE, you can forget ftp :)
03:21.35MarlowChuji : IE ftp is broken
03:23.12Marlowfishboy1669 : you didn't specify signalling in zapata.conf
03:23.33Marlowfishboy1669 : signalling=fxs_ks
03:23.43Marlowfishboy1669 : you did do it in zaptel.conf though
03:24.46fishboy1669is my old conf that worked
03:25.23fishboy1669on old manchie but not on this one
03:25.38fishboy1669the copy didnt copy all the guff on th zaptel.conf
03:25.40bjohnsoncripito: must be something specific to your hardware .. too many big installs use asterisk for this to be unknown
03:25.49fishboy1669sory zapata.conf
03:26.02fishboy1669i did specify the signalling further up
03:26.52Marlowfishboy1669 : i searched for it, couldn't find it ..
03:27.05fishboy1669check the 4561 settings
03:27.30fishboy1669ye dont bother with the other configs from elyer i cat the fiel but still didnt get all of it to copy paste
03:27.43fishboy1669its putty from a win box
03:27.48Marlowfishboy1669 : check
03:27.58Marlowfishboy1669 : that's a simple one ..
03:29.30MarlowChuji : bet my ass, that you used something crappy like IE :)
03:32.05MarlowChuji : IE is majorly broken in the way it does anonymous ftp
03:32.13fishboy1669still same errors
03:32.36Chujimarlowe: Yeah, I just flipped over to ncftp
03:32.40ChujiI got it now
03:33.29MarlowChuji : some muppet removed my mirror for not being avail ..
03:33.34MarlowChuji : from the wiki ..
03:33.46MarlowChuji : and I bet he checked availability the same way
03:34.15MarlowChuji : funny enough was it me, that created that page initially
03:34.43MarlowChuji : because allways was overloaded, not avail etc.
03:35.05fishboy1669any quick new ideas befor i call it a night?
03:35.23Marlowfishboy1669 : yeah .. pastebin the output from ztcfg -vvvvv
03:35.27Marlowfishboy1669 :)
03:38.11fishboy1669looks fin and dandy to me? :(
03:38.46Marlowfishboy1669 : indeed ..
03:39.20Marlowfishboy1669 : the only thing might be the order in /etc/zaptel.conf, loading tonezone first, but i don't think that matters
03:39.35Marlowfishboy1669 : so basically this should work .. dunno what the trouble is ..
03:39.45fishboy1669arse poo
03:39.50Marlowfishboy1669 : are the zaptel drivers new enough ? new enough libpri ?
03:40.00fishboy1669brand new
03:40.07fishboy1669cvs check out yest
03:40.24fishboy1669and the config fiels are copies of a working machine
03:40.27Marlowfishboy1669 : and no old crap flying around ?
03:40.42fishboy1669no fresh linux install yest
03:41.01Marlowfishboy1669 : that sounds odd, indeed
03:41.01fishboy1669only thing i did wrong was make install the zaptel with out doing make linux26
03:41.07Marlowfishboy1669 : ah .. wait .
03:41.14fishboy1669but did a make clean on everyting and re did um all
03:41.17Marlowfishboy1669 : what about rights on the devices ?
03:41.25fishboy1669as in the udev
03:41.28fishboy1669done that
03:41.37fishboy1669don all the udev changes
03:41.41Marlownah .. then i've got no clue :)
03:41.51fishboy1669thanks for trying mate
03:41.55fishboy1669valient effort
03:42.14fishboy1669at least im am trying right things
03:42.26fishboy1669such an arse as its nearly there
03:42.28Marlowfishboy1669 : tomorrow is a new day ..
03:42.43fishboy1669mmm and a day closer to dead line
03:42.56fishboy1669have a gud un
03:44.32bjohnsonthe wiki page for gotoif shows this example but I get a syntax error .. is this right?  exten => s,1,NoOp(${CALLERID})
03:46.06*** join/#asterisk autobus (~autobus@
03:47.05autobushi people
03:47.10autobusi speak from portugal
03:47.14*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (
03:47.18autobusits possible help me?
03:47.45Qwellfile: y0 y0 y0
03:49.36file[laptop]autobus: private messaging me is not a good thing
03:49.51bjohnsonhmm .. that wasn't the line that caused errors .. this gives me errors: exten => s,3,GotoIf($[${ARG7} = ""]?macro-superdial,s,5)
03:50.35bjohnsoncan someone tell me correct syntax to check if ARG7 fed to a macro has a value?
03:51.07bjohnsonahhh ... missed the quotes
03:53.45*** join/#asterisk brc_ (
03:55.54autobusoutside of my networks, the extencions not register
03:55.58autobuswhat is a problem
03:56.31autobusi open 5060 port
03:56.39autobusbut not solve
03:56.48bjohnsonalso 10000-20000
03:57.45bjohnsonI want to goto another context based on certain callerids.  Do I have to use a gotoif for each callerid or is there a cleaner way of doing it?
03:58.13autobusthe context is correct
03:58.32autobusi creat one context for outside extencions
03:58.39autobusof my network
03:58.39bjohnsonautobus: also ports  10000-20000
03:58.53autobusi trie now!
03:59.21brc_solder resistor between lines 2 & 3 - Shuffle grows full color OLED touch-screen!
03:59.24bjohnsonI have never been able to get sip to go through a NAT router .. it may be hardware dependant
04:00.50bjohnsonbrc_: this is better: stick bent paperclip in headphone jack - Steve Jobs comes to your home and cleans your car!
04:01.05brc_I'm going to buy ten!
04:01.11brc_does it work more then once?
04:01.18brc_or does the magic smoke get out after the first time
04:01.46bjohnsonmaybe you just need to do this first: open Shuffle and cover circuit board with cream cheese, insert in USB slot - $500 USD springs from CD drive!
04:02.01*** join/#asterisk iMediax (
04:04.12bjohnsondamn .. * is getting the ID of my Sipura fxo port instead of the telco line call
04:04.28hermieare there more Laws & Order now or CSIs... so many spin-offs
04:04.46bjohnsoncan someone help with callerid issues?  I know this line has telco provided callerid
04:05.53tzangerhermie: yeah
04:06.00tzangerthey were cool at first but now
04:06.08Marlowautobus : the thing with the callerid's is quite simple ..
04:06.15tzanger<-- watching gone in 60 seconds
04:06.28*** join/#asterisk robbie (~rob@
04:06.29PTG123<-- watching stargate sg1 :)
04:06.38PTG123Tonight is the best tv night ever :)
04:06.43robbiehey Faithful
04:06.51robbiei finaly got the time
04:06.56PTG123Star Trek Enterprise, Stargate Sg1, Stargate atlantis, BattleStar Gallactica and Monk
04:07.55Marlow<-- watching the gumball 3000 movie
04:09.12hermie<--- has a mouse in the attic
04:09.26bjohnson<-- actually trying to configure *
04:09.53hermiebjohnson, what do you think this is, #asterisk? Oh wait....
04:10.10VetoMy extension in Dial looks like SIP/jdoe, what does my cell look like? IAX/1xxxxxxxxx?
04:10.13bjohnson<-- has a callerid problem
04:10.39bjohnson<-- has no idea what Veto is trying to ask
04:10.56cripito:D me neither
04:11.06VetoWhat does a external call look like in Dial?
04:11.09cripitobjohnson what is the prob with caller id?
04:11.19bjohnsonVeto: how does it get to the pstn?
04:12.22bjohnsoncripito: * is getting my SPA 3000 id instead of the incoming call pstn CID .. maybe I should doublecheck my sip.conf
04:13.16hermiebjohnson, I believe the wiki holds your answer
04:13.19bjohnsonVeto: dial(IAX2/username:account@hostname/5551234)
04:13.42hermiebjohnson, you must persue the 8-fold path of Google and Wiki
04:14.01bjohnsonhermie: spa specific?
04:14.23hermiebjohnson, you have just missed my point
04:14.35hermieI won't hold your hand, but your answer is there
04:14.48cripitowell frustrated with a deadlock issue going 2 bed
04:14.49bjohnsonhere is my answer .. I set callerid in sip.conf
04:14.52cripitotomorrow is a hard day
04:15.00hermiein fact, you can probably use the "i'm feeling lucky" button
04:15.36bjohnsoncripito: good night
04:16.42bjohnsondamn .. nope
04:16.48bjohnsonmust be a spa setting
04:17.00hermiebjohnson, I believe the wiki holds your answer
04:17.21hermiebjohnson, I searched and found it on the first page
04:18.00Vetobjohnson, thx
04:18.02bjohnsonI love playing this game
04:20.01hermieJuggie: it's a sip channel
04:20.23hermie~google sipura asterisk callerid
04:21.05Vetobjohnson, I get a "everyone is busy", but if I dial direct the call goes through to 12223334444.  verbose=9 they look the same.
04:22.52*** join/#asterisk psycodad (~obiwan@2001:4060:4419:b1:0:0:0:2)
04:22.57bjohnsonhermie: I have been following the last post at but I am NOT getting the callerid .. I'm getting the display name and User ID from the SPA fxo
04:23.55bjohnsonVeto: must be something that is different.  I haven't seen a "everyone is busy" error before
04:24.12Manipurabjohnson, JR168S, $150 on top of the price for the phones when buying 7 of them.
04:24.34*** join/#asterisk Brixius (
04:25.00ManipuraHaving troubles getting gsm to work
04:25.06*** join/#asterisk Suspect` (~jterrero@
04:25.24ManipuraHaven't tried getting IAX to work yet.
04:26.41*** join/#asterisk jero (
04:27.15iMediaxcan't get callerid from where?
04:27.37bjohnsonManipura: 150 total or 150 each
04:28.05*** join/#asterisk drkool (~drkool@
04:28.06Manipura150 total.
04:28.20tzangerCall out Gouranga be happy!!!
04:28.20tzangerGouranga Gouranga Gouranga ....
04:28.20tzangerThat which brings the highest happiness!!
04:28.22bjohnsoniMediax: callerid from Bell line isn't getting to my *.  * seems to be getting the SIP device name.  Now playing with wait times
04:28.26tzangerwhat the fuck kind of spam is that?!
04:28.37tzangernothing odd in headers, no attachments...
04:29.03iMediaxok... was just going to suggest throwing in a Wait
04:29.45bjohnsoniMediax: I have a 2s answer delay on the SPA and thought that would do it ..
04:29.50bjohnsonnow adding a wait to *
04:30.06hermiebjohnson: do a sip debug and pastebin what you get, along with pastebinging relevant sip.conf... wait() in Ast won't help
04:30.08drkoolhi all when using "moniter" to record calls and mixing with SOX all i can hear is a very scratchy sound. listining carefully i can make out the actual phone conversation in the back ground. but the disturbance is very loud. Any ideas on how to eliminate
04:30.14hermiebjohnson: callerid is in first packet
04:31.16drkooli am at my wit's end .Hoping some here can help
04:32.37bjohnsonhermie: should I put SPA answer delay back to 0?
04:33.44bjohnsonshould exten => s,2,NoOp(${CALLERID}) show the pstn supplied callerid?
04:33.59*** join/#asterisk naouri (
04:34.01hermiebjohnson: no... at least if you're using Bellcore/Telcordia/(Whatever the hell they're callingthemselves now) CallerID, which comes between rings 1-2
04:34.12hermiebjohnson: pastebin that SIP debug
04:34.15*** join/#asterisk DigiTaL (~BaYt@
04:34.23hermiebjohnson: and we'll see what the SPA is sending
04:35.41Juggieyou may as well see if asterisk sees the callerid, before u try sending it to your sip phone
04:37.08hermiehuh? he's going PTSN -> SPA -> Asterisk
04:37.18hermieso what he needs is a sip debug
04:38.02jontowhmmm, ok.. now im 100% confused again
04:38.21jontowsay i have Originate working from the manager API for SIP channels.. and Local channels.. when they're SIP
04:38.33jontowso, say i Originate with Channel: being Local/668
04:38.39jontowif 668 is this:
04:38.53jontowexten => 668,1,Dial(${TRUNK}/15555551212|60)
04:38.59*** part/#asterisk cbachman (
04:39.10jontow... why exactly would the PRI catch a hangup about 1 second after executing that?
04:39.50jontowbig point being, if i call the extension from a SIP phone it works great, but if i let the Manager API do it, it fails with a Hangup
04:40.10jontowi had it working earlier and now it doesn't and i'm just plain confused..
04:40.28*** join/#asterisk coppice (
04:41.07jontow-- Executing Dial("Local/668@default-3a9b,2", "Zap/G1/15555551212|60") in new stack .... -- Called G1/15555551212 ... -- Channel 0/23, span 1 got hangup
04:41.14bjohnsongeez .. how do you clean up all the crap that debug spits out?
04:41.41hermiebjohnson: just thow it all up at
04:41.56hermiebjohnson: just everything you get between incoming all and answer
04:42.58jontowheh.. oh
04:43.01jontowthats a dumb one
04:43.08bjohnsonI'm trying to find those .. /var/log/asterisk/messages is 227MB and I'm remote to the * server via ssh over dsl
04:43.10jontowcallerid is invalid, so it doesn't give an error, it just silently dies..
04:43.21jontowmy cellphone doesn't accept it if it isn't numerical :)
04:43.34jontowmy cellphone is the 15555551212 in question
04:43.36jontow(lame) :)
04:43.47hermiebjohnson: ok... get into the cli, run 'sip debug on' and paste the output of that
04:46.32jontowneat exercise in futility that was.. but at least my host monitoring works :) .. tested on 5 hosts now
04:48.07jerocan the CALLERIDNUM be non digit-only ?
04:48.48jeroie. can I do SetCIDNum(1-800-111-2222)
04:48.48jontowjero; .. going out a PRI, it seems that it can be digits only, here..
04:48.48jontowi *just* had that issue, describe above.
04:48.59jontowi had callerid set to "svcmon machinename"
04:49.08hermiebjohnson: SPA isn't passing callerid
04:49.11jerookay thanks :)
04:49.21jontowit worked great for internal VoIP calls (to SIP phones, at least..), but when i tried to send that to my cell, the PRI silently hungup after 1 second of trying
04:49.30jontow.. it dialed the number, sent the data (silently) and failed.
04:53.46*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (
04:56.32*** join/#asterisk C11- (
04:57.05*** join/#asterisk PTG123 (
04:57.07*** join/#asterisk PTG123_ (
04:59.04*** join/#asterisk PTG123 (
04:59.26*** part/#asterisk PTG123_ (
05:01.22SmuggsI installed asterisk and configured it to work with IAX at FWD.  I need to configure a laptop on the same network through a linksys router to use a frontend to connect with other IAX networks
05:02.54bjohnsonthe SPA 3000 is not sending the pstn cid to * .. it is substituting it's own userid.  I give up for tonight.
05:04.14Juggiebjohnson, what are you trying to accomplish
05:04.33Juggieare you trying to get the incomming caller id from a PSTN call on your sip phone?
05:04.44Juggieor are you trying to send caller id to an outgoing call
05:05.43Veto<-- confused.  Direct dial to a # works, but a Dial in an extension comes back as "Everyone is Busy/Congested"
05:06.00Smuggsyo Juggie  im poor.  i have asterisk installed on this fc3 machine.  i was under the assumption i would be able to use a software phone (headset) to make calls
05:06.10*** join/#asterisk implicit (
05:06.21JuggieSmuggs, you are able to yes.
05:06.34Juggiexten as a sip client should do the trick
05:06.34Smuggsok cool... just wondering if its another program seperate from askerisk
05:06.43Smuggsim sure ill find it if i keep reading
05:07.00Nuggetasterisk can use a local soundcard as a device, but that's more of a novelty than anything.  you'll really want to use a seperate softphone app.
05:07.14bjohnsonJuggie: trying to get callerid from sip SPA 3000 fxo port to * to send certain caller to a different context
05:07.28Juggieyou will need to get a sip client, xten is decent (its windows i assume u have a windows box) you'll need to configure sip.conf for your sip client, as well as xten and then make your call.
05:07.36bjohnsonthe SPA 3000 is sending the device info assigned from within it's web config
05:08.04Juggieis SPA3000 a sip phone?
05:08.16bjohnsona dual fxo/fxs unti
05:08.55bjohnsonit's something within the device config .. but I can't find it.  It is supposed to work according to the voip wiki
05:08.59Smuggsi have two machines.  one fc3 w/ asterisk and one laptop winxp pro.  i wanted to make calls through the network to the asterisk box then out to somwhere else
05:09.02bjohnsonI'm going to bed
05:09.19Chujibjohnson : when you wake up tomorrow
05:09.23Chujibjohnson : try this
05:09.33Chujibjohnson : Works fine on my spa3k
05:09.50Chujibjohnson : the bottom example is what you are after
05:10.16JuggieSmuggs, where is your outgoing conection comming from do you have a modem or whatnot in your asterisk box?
05:10.28SmuggsNugget, I was reading about the pulvor.communicator.  wondering if im on the right path trying to use this app on the winxp laptop
05:10.57Smuggsmodem > router > astericks box + laptop
05:11.13jbotit has been said that xlite is at download xlite at: | and see sample configs at, or xlite is a free SoftPhone (software phone, requires no hardware) from xten inc,
05:11.18NuggetI have no idea what's available for a linux desktop.  in win32 I hear that x-lite and sjphone are decent.
05:11.22Nuggetlinux is poo.  :)
05:11.33Funbagsanyone know why I am getting a really annoying clicking sound on my sipura 2000, even at dialtone
05:11.53brc_faulty hardware
05:12.06brc_try another phone, then replace the sipura
05:13.06SmuggsJuggie, i can install a modem.  i have a few lying around.  I figured I'd be able to configure it to work with the asterisk box
05:13.19Smuggsread somewhere its hard though because i need to know AT commands
05:13.24JuggieSmuggs, you need a special modem
05:13.30Juggienot just any modem will work with asterisk
05:13.32Smuggsjah i read about special modem
05:13.45Juggieyou will have to search the wiki on that one
05:13.55Smuggssome dood said its possible to setup but spending $100 on special modem > 3 days of trying to config modem
05:13.57Juggieyou need to get asterisk answering calls first
05:14.06*** join/#asterisk firestrm (
05:14.09Juggieit requires a special chipset
05:14.19Juggieor a certain chipset i should say
05:15.25brc_which has been discontinued
05:15.46Juggieyou cant even get them from digium?
05:16.22firestrmJuggie, what are we discussing?
05:16.23Vetowhy does CLI*> dial 1111 work and from the SIP phone at 1111, 1111 fails (thinking to myself)
05:17.17Vetowho won the Ind vs. Mia game?
05:17.27Juggiefirestrm i have NO idea i dont remember talking to you
05:18.02firestrmJuggie, you were discussing chipsets.. i was curious.. sorry..
05:18.09*** join/#asterisk asjoyner (
05:18.16*** join/#asterisk labo (
05:18.37Juggieoh, i just said asterisk requires a special modem which has a certain chipset
05:18.53Juggieyou can get it from digium, you might find one that will work if you dig around but i dont know anything about that
05:18.58Juggielook on the wiki
05:19.13firestrmJuggie, oh, ya, you can get them for 29.00 if you know which one.. they are available.. i just bought one
05:19.19asjoynerIn the latest stable build, just compiled and installed, asterisk is crashing when it tries to play music on hold (with custom: ... rawplayer) -- Is anyone else seeing this behavior?
05:19.20Nuggetdigium isn't selling those cards any more.
05:19.33*** join/#asterisk odieflocon (
05:19.38odiefloconhello all.
05:20.32JuggieNugget what do they sell now just the 4 port boards?
05:20.36firestrmNugget, no but lots still do.. they re just recognised as clone cards. If you have an orig digium card you can clone the serial eeprom which contains the pci information over to the clone cards, and they will come up as orig hardware
05:21.05Vetojbot: last paulc
05:21.19NuggetJuggie: correct, only the TDM400P now.
05:21.40Nuggetfirestrm: there aren't lots of digiums, just one digium.  and that's all I was saying -- digium doesn't sell those cards any more.
05:22.12Juggie~seen paulc
05:22.13jbotpaulc <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 3h 57m 25s ago, saying: 'sudoer: give me a few minutes cos I'm just setting up a new IP600.. but I can probably send you a template file'.
05:22.19Juggiesee easy
05:22.29Vetothx juggie
05:22.37firestrmNugget, mine was made by encore.. $29.00 down the street at the local computer shop. as far as i can tell. digium just had special data put into the pci ident eeproms
05:22.51NuggetI'm aware that the clone cards are still available.
05:24.16firestrmim know somone who is in the process of cloning the txm400 fxs cards.. apparently there is nothing to them, although i have never seen them so this is just second hand knowlege..
05:25.02Juggiethats fine but please support digium
05:25.09tzangerfirestrm: do you feel that they're too expensive?
05:25.21NuggetI've never heard of a txm400.  is it just a single port fxs?
05:25.22tzangeror do you just want to bite the hand that feeds you?
05:26.03Juggiei have a 4span t1/e1 card and a 1port t1/e1 so i'm in the clear ;)
05:26.06JerJerprolly pulling another atacomm
05:26.15firestrmtzanger, the reason i dont own one is that they are too epensive for my budget. maybe for medium size business, but im doing this on my own coin to learn..
05:27.22firestrmtzanger, perhaps when i learn enough, i will show digium my appreciation by purchasing their hardware for any of my customers.
05:27.43tzangerfirestrm: a TDM411P is what, $150?
05:27.53firestrmbut for now i need to be able to do this on the cheap.
05:27.55tzangerI bet your video card cost more
05:28.01Smuggsjah im poor. teach me the way firestrm .. im just some dood in my basement trying to set this up
05:28.04firestrmnope.. $40.00
05:28.07tzangerVOIP and cheap hardware don't mix
05:28.15tzangerI am just some dude doing this too
05:28.26Juggiework pays for my shit :)
05:28.28tzangerif you want to start playing, get a Sipura
05:28.29Smuggsyour just some dood w/ more money than me
05:28.46coppiceour food budget pays for my shit :-)
05:29.26tzangerfirestrm: exactly.  Find a PAP2NA or something then
05:29.38Juggietzanger. if someone is ACTUALLY under a budget which doesnt allow for a 150 expenditure i can understand that, so long as they support the cummunity thats fine by me
05:29.40Vetohmm, dial <extension> works as root but not as user asterisk.
05:30.06Juggiemore people learning asterisk isnt a bad thing
05:30.07tzangerI understand that too
05:30.16tzangerbut asking to clone the card isn't cool
05:30.25tzangerit's not a rebranded card, it's one of Digium's own design
05:30.33firestrmif someone is going to offer me the same card as a tdm400 for $50.00 sorry, I'll take it.. that just market competition.. monopolies never last.. especially with engiunus ppl in places like china and india, who are willing to do anything for a buck
05:30.46Juggietzanger, the original card was just a modem with special drivers
05:30.47tzangerfirestrm: I agree
05:30.55tzangerJuggie: that's the X100P and it's FXO
05:31.11Juggietzanger, thats all you need to learn
05:31.23firestrmbut for a business.. i probbly would stay on the safe side a go digium.. i dont want to fix some clone hardware at 3:00am
05:31.30tzangergenerally the same guy who will buy it on the cheap "to test it" is also the guy who'll clone the card to maximize profits
05:31.41tzangerfirestrm: but you *just* asked for a clone TDM400P FXS module
05:31.43tzangerso which is it
05:31.58tzangergo clone because it's cheap or go digium to get the support
05:32.26Juggietzanger, i dont support cloneing stuff that is digiums design
05:32.37Juggiehowever if someone wants to fin the X100P thats not digiums to learn
05:32.38Juggiethen go nuts
05:32.42tzangerI understand your position, firestrm, I do.  But you either need to save your nickles if this is something you really want to get in to, or start with something cheaper like the PAP2
05:32.46firestrmfor myself, i would take a clone, but if someone was paying me.. i would either have to have alot of sucessful field tesing of that clone board, or i would go with somehing else that has, like digium
05:33.07Smuggsok mr. tzanger  u sold me on this pap2 thing.  what is it
05:33.10tzangerfirestrm: yeah but what if they come to you and say "gee this is neat tech but it's just too pricey, are you sure there's nothing cheaper?"
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05:33.29tzangerthen you are faced with losing the sale or doing an end-run around digium
05:33.45Smuggswow your right
05:33.49Smuggsim evil
05:34.05tzangerand I'm telling you from experience that the customer who's nickle and diming you at the start is ALSO and WITHOUT FAIL the same customer who will want your support and not want to pay for it
05:34.19tzangerjbot google PAP2 asterisk
05:34.52tzangerSmuggs: I never said you were evil
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05:35.01tzangerbut this is a numbers game
05:35.02Smuggsi was just letting u know
05:35.13firestrmtzanger, let me put it this way.. im a pilot.. thats my day job. now if i have to fly instrument, and im by myself, i'll take a single engine aircraft. but if im flying passengers.. its not my risk..multi engine no exceptions.. same as business.. yes there is cheaper, no i wont sell it to you because im the guy who is responsible for its reliablility (at least for a yean anyways)
05:35.55tzangerfirestrm: understood, and if this is true it is commendable
05:36.01Juggieanyways support the hands that feeds you
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05:36.26Juggiethats all, i can understand testing, but production you go legit
05:36.34tzangerNot being a pilot myself I was under the impression that all multi-engine aircraft were flown more by instrument than visual
05:37.18tessier__tzanger: Multi? no.
05:37.31firestrmJuggie, i'll try.. i just wish digium would cut us learners some slack.. its to their benifit that more learn. i think that they should allow someone to buy 1 (and only 1) card of what ever they sell as a student package, at cost..
05:37.37tessier__tzanger: Even airliners are usually IFR but not necessary. I fly twins VFR all the time.
05:37.48Vetoany reason "*CLI> dial 1111" would work as "root" and not as "asterisk" if /var/spool/asterisk, /var/lib/asterisk, /var/run/autodial.ctl and /dev/zap were asterisk:asterisk?
05:38.10tessier__firestrm: Where do you fly?
05:38.16Nuggetall flight above 18000 feet is technically "instrument" flight, but no, there's nothing inherent in a multi-engine plane that makes it more difficult to fly under visual flight rules.
05:38.21tzangerfirestrm: $150 for an FXS+FXO+support is not a bad deal
05:38.28coppiceI used to design bits of aircraft
05:38.30coppicenever trust one :-)
05:38.44tzangerI never knew there wer eso many * pilots
05:38.46firestrmtzanger, no we even fly heavys visual <180000 feet if weather permits.. its much easier, and it takes strain off of an allready busy system..
05:38.54tzangercoppice: hahaha lots of softdsps in them eh?  :-p
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05:39.27Vetofirestrm, that's mighty fair of you @ 180k ft
05:39.43Juggie18k perhaps
05:39.47Juggie180k is a little high
05:39.55Brixiusfirestrm: What cost, someone put hard effort and time in designing that card, people forget that, they think the "cost" on a card is what it takes to have a circuit board made and componants mounted on it, that's not the case.
05:40.00coppiceit use to worry me watching the fitters put cabling into the ducts with their boots.
05:40.00firestrmtzanger, if  $150.00 is true then they have dropped their prices.. last time i checked for what i need, i was looking at $280.00 by the time i get it into canada..
05:40.14firestrmveto.. sorry typo, 18k feet
05:40.17tzangerfirestrm: the dev kit light?
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05:40.50Vetofirestrm: lol, no worries...I've been chasing typos lately!
05:41.09firestrmtzanger, dev kit lite, last i checked, landed in canada would cost me $280.00
05:41.13tzanger$195US sorry
05:41.40tzangerif you don't need the FXO interface it's cheaper
05:42.04Juggiefirestrm. why not just use a x100p you can get one for 20$
05:42.15tzangerFXO ports are always expensive and I'm not sure why, I don't think Part68 is that hard to achieve nor test for (I work for an industrial motion control manufacturer, we do UL testing all the time)
05:42.20tzangerJuggie: he wants the FXS
05:42.27Juggieoh woops
05:43.09odieflocondoes anybody know if Digium is going to make analog boards with more ports then 4?
05:43.10firestrmtzanger, im still concidering it.. im just i just moved, so things are tight right now.. but i want to play with my new toy..
05:43.25Smuggslet me play w/ it too
05:43.32Vetofirestrm: what do you fly?
05:43.43coppiceodieflocom: they did some work on one a long time ago, bit I think they dropped it
05:43.56Smuggsveto a better question would be "what gets you high"
05:44.02odiefloconit would be nice if I could get a board with 8 or 12 ports on it.
05:44.04tzangerfirestrm: I hear ya
05:44.09firestrmveto, anything i can log time on :) but usually you see me in the right seat of an AC-A320
05:44.19InfraRed05:43 < Smuggs> veto a better question would be "what gets you high"
05:44.27InfraRedi can think dope
05:44.27Vetolol smuggs
05:44.33Juggieodieflocon. for more ports you add another board or get a t1/e1 board with a channel bank
05:44.33coppiceodieflocom: quite. 4 is a bit limiting
05:44.44firestrmveto, i started off with CMA flying a beech 1900d
05:44.51firestrmthem moved to AC
05:45.04Vetofirestrm: my brother flies a319 as cpt
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05:45.14odiefloconjuggie, but I can only add 4 boards to a system.
05:45.23firestrmveto, what airline?
05:45.32Vetofirestrm: AmWst
05:45.40Brixiusfirestrm: how about a sipura 2000 it has 2 fxs ports and is only $75, or the 3000, 1 fxs and 1 fxo it's $99
05:45.44odiefloconor I have to get a $1,000. Channel Bank.
05:45.51Vetofirestrm, sorry...saw the a320.
05:46.19odiefloconthe thing that bugs me is that these cards are limiting.
05:47.01odiefloconit would make my life alot easier if I could put 8 ports on one card.
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05:47.28coppiceodieflocom: they were working on a full length PCI taking 12 or 16 (forget which) of the little FXS/FXO modules. I think that would have suited a lot of people
05:47.50odiefloconthen I could build a nice soho box. a whole lot cheaper.
05:48.00chrisf0rdI have a very interesting question
05:48.09odiefloconI could sell a lot of those.
05:48.14chrisf0rdI have Voice pluse working on the inbound side
05:48.18chrisf0rdI can call in
05:48.30chrisf0rdbut I have had nothing but trouble configuring my out bound
05:48.44chrisf0rdI can not seem to get passed All Cirtus are busy
05:48.56blankmanodieflocon, you can look at some of the other boardvendors for higher density ...
05:49.04chrisf0rdcan anybody lay some info on me
05:49.14odiefloconyeah, but I would really like to support digium.
05:49.33coppiceblankman: like what other vendors?
05:49.52chrisf0rdAny advise would be well recieved
05:50.13odiefloconthere are others out there if you look
05:50.17chrisf0rd3 hours at this and still cannot figuare it out did everything Voice pluse said to do on thier web site
05:50.20odiefloconon the * website
05:50.46odiefloconl8r all
05:50.54odieflocontime for World of Warcraft.
05:50.57coppiceodieflocom: voicetronix have a larger card, but it has some limitations. I don't know any others
05:51.01blankmancoppice, I forget the name, but there was two or three other vendors that came through the lab here when we were testing...
05:51.51blankmancoppice, there was a 12 and 16 port version. The issue is that not all the features of * are supported then ... and you have to monkey with stuff alot more ... Least we had to when we did testing ... We ended up buying 1 and 4 port t1 boards from digium.
05:52.39blankman~seen drkool
05:52.40jbotdrkool <~drkool@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1h 21m 24s ago, saying: 'i am at my wit's end .Hoping some here can help'.
05:53.00coppicethe 12 port dialogic is sort of supported, but I would be crazy to use one
05:53.13chrisf0rdAm I voiced can you see what I am typing
05:54.02blankmancoppice, yeah, crushing an ant with a cannonball :-)
05:54.31blankmanHas anyone gotten the new IAX encryption to work?
05:54.35coppiceno, its latency just sucks
05:54.47blankmanI was messing with it today and couldn't get it working * to *.
05:55.17blankmanWhy is Mark encrypting the "whole" packet instead of just the signaling?
05:55.35coppiceblankman: i don't think it is intended to work yet. as far as I know it is just some plumbing right now
05:55.46chrisf0rdI set up Voice Pulse today and am getting in bound calls but I cannot make outbound calls is there a switch I am not using right
05:56.17chrisf0rdI keep getting All Circuts are Busyy
05:56.20Brixiusblankman: when you say whole packet, you mean data portion of packet, correct, not ip headers too?
05:56.54blankmanBrixius, yeah, the payload for the frame or mini frame as the case would be ...
05:57.55blankmanHas anyone heard of a provider for VoIP that is provider agnostic yet?
05:58.21blankmanMeaning they let you choose which PSTN provider to use on-the-fly?
05:59.25chrisf0rdWhen somebody gets a chance I need help please..I am dying here. (-; I am completely stumped
06:00.26Vetoso I can direct dial a number on my sip phone XYYYZZZNNNN, but if I put a Dial XYYYZZZNNNN in my extensions.conf, i get an error from my IAX provider.
06:01.05VetoI picked a bad week to stop sniffing glue...
06:01.29BrixiusVeto, what do your 2 dial command's look like?
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06:02.20VetoIf anyone has a chance, it's extension 1113...I've cut my extensions.conf down to the minimum: (brixius)
06:02.36Vetoline 39
06:02.45jetscreamergreetings my minions
06:02.51Vetodirect dial work for that same number brixius
06:03.35Brixiusveto, why the extry 2 comma's at the end of the dial command?
06:04.12Vetobrixius, trying to make it work...same effect with none or even with a Dial,XYYYZZZNNN
06:05.01Vetobrixius, I was trying to fully qualify the call (with empty args)
06:05.56Brixiusveto, what happens if you change it to goto(default,12815387577,1)
06:06.01freat[laptop]exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,2,Dial(IAX2/XXXX@voipjet/${EXTEN})
06:06.22freat[laptop]my prio 1 just sets the CID
06:06.46firestrmVeto, sorry we were talking about your amwest flying brother when i got a phone call.. I dont know much about flying for amwest, they are mostly southern USA are they not?
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06:08.17Vetobrixius, it F**King work, thx!  why does that work and not the dial, if you have a sec???
06:09.02Brixiusnot sure, I don't know why your dial string isn't working, let me test something simlear on my box.  I just figured that would be a work around.
06:09.06Vetofirestrm, biggie...I just saw the a320 in your bird string and it set off a buzzer.
06:09.24coppiceVeto: one of the *really* big nasties in * is when you do the wrong thing it never ever gives you a clue what you did wrong
06:09.58firestrmcoppice, tell me about it.. i spent 4 hours on a typo today..
06:10.00Vetocoppice, indeed.  I will not even APPROACH my nat issues...we're staying to basics.
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06:10.41beto75hello guys
06:11.16BrixiusI've spent many hours tring to fix something, going on many tangents just to find a type in my origional config hours later.
06:11.32Brixiussometime's day's later
06:11.56beto75excuse me , guys I have heard horror stories about motherboard compatibility and the TDM400 stuff,, I need to have some of them , but ,, what motherboard suits?  can i put several of those (3) in the same board?
06:12.39firestrmbeto75,  from what ive "read" the more important issue with mobo's is irq sharing..
06:12.39Vetobrixius, I was on the right track with the orig, right?
06:12.42pimpwellwhat's TDM?
06:12.58NukemizerCan you have Astrisk be un NAT'ed  but use SIP softphones offsite behind routers being NAT'D ?
06:13.02VetoTime Division Multiplexing?
06:13.24Vetopimpwell, that's from memory...may be wrong.
06:13.47coppiceNah, TDM is just short for tedium
06:13.47firestrmbeto75, some of the cheaper boards, will do stupid things like irq miltiplexing.. those are the ones to stay away from
06:13.49VetoNukemizer, maybe...i've had hell with it.
06:14.22Nukemizerso really SIP is only good on the LAN ? yikes
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06:15.07Brixiusas far as I can tell, I'm setting up the same type of thing with voip jet on my system to see what happens.
06:15.21firestrmbeto75, when everything starts up and post display's irq useage, you want all the digium cards on different irq's , and ESPECIALLY dont share irq's with nic cards..
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06:15.32firestrmthats all know..
06:16.17Vetonukemizer, it's just weird.  I have nat'ed sip phone@1111.  I can dial my DID (IAX) and get my phone, can dial <num> from phone and get <num>.  Can't dial myself.
06:16.53Vetonukemizer, and 1112 can't dial 1111, but both can dial the world.
06:17.11Brixiusveto: it works for me, I have exten => 6048,1,dial(IAX2/nnn@voipjet/18005551212)
06:17.23NukemizerVeto: that is odd
06:17.48Vetobrixius, I get: (sec to get msg)
06:17.57beto75firestrm: I only have 1 NIC on a dual processor ,, I thinnk is not those cheap board,, I hope it may work :)
06:18.37Brixiusveto: I've seen some weird things in the past, try deleating the entire line, then recreating it.
06:18.45Vetoexcuse the 4 lines:
06:18.50Veto-- Call accepted by (format ulaw)
06:19.57wolfsondid you mean to call 1?
06:20.30coppiceof course they are all busy/congested. its winter. they all have flu :-)
06:20.56Vetowolfson, that's apparently a voipjet channel or such...get same/similar (1-4) on a direct dial that completes.
06:21.03BrixiusI have a feeling there is some weird character in the line, perhap's something that's unprintable in vi or whatever editor you are using.
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06:21.35wolfsonveto, can you paste the cli log of the dial command?
06:22.07NukemizerIf one were to attempt port forwarding, what port ranges are required.
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06:22.46Vetobrixius, :set list in vi shows nothing weird.
06:23.11Vetowolfson, completed direct dial from sip or failed via Dial(xxx)?
06:23.47Brixiusveto what does the called line on the console show, (the line just before the call accepted line.
06:27.13Brixiuswolfson: the iax2/voipjet/1 means it's the first channel to voipjet, not the # dialed.  mine show's iax2/voipjet/5, but the called # shows the full # passed to them.
06:27.27Vetobirxius, wolfson:
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06:28.43Vetofirst is sip -> extension 1113 via Dial(XXXXXXXXXXX), second is via direct dial from sip phone to XXXXXXXXX
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06:29.27Vetobirxius suggestion of goto(default,xxxxx,1) works for extension 1113.
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06:31.03Brixiusit works, but it's really a work around, not really a fix per say.
06:32.36Vetobrixius, I retyped the exten => 1113,1,Dial(IAX2/XXX@voipjet/12815387577) by hand and same issue.
06:34.01Vetoso the workaround says, goto default and do what you need to do for this (xxxyyyzzznnnn) number @ 1st step, which happens to grab my voipjet stuff?
06:34.32Brixiusif you didn't want to set callerid you could goto step 2 instead
06:35.14Vetogotcha...but something is still fuxored in my extensions.conf if it works for you and not me. (1.0.4 on rhel3)
06:36.33BrixiusI'm running CVS-HEAD-01/12/05-12:28:13 on rh9
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06:37.26Brixiusdoes your show dialplan show it correctly?
06:37.29VetoI need to redo my extensions.conf anyways...I've been mangling the sample one for a week.  only way I made the postbin readable was with a  grep -v "^;"
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06:38.08Vetobrixius, emm...I'm to noob to know how to find/show/report my dialplan.
06:38.27Brixiusshow dialplan from the console
06:39.07Brixiusex: mine shows   '6048' =>         1. dial(IAX2/834@voipjet/18005551212)         [pbx_config]
06:39.55Brixiusyou can't use it with out the hash anyway's
06:40.01Vetomine looks like: '1113' =>         1. Dial(IAX2/123@voipjet/12815387577)         [pbx_config]
06:40.30Vetoright, it's 256bit anyways(?)
06:41.24Vetojust habit on your/my part...and that's a partner of mine who's out on the town (the number) so we can call him and if he answers...make fun of him =P
06:41.28Brixiusya, and it's md5
06:41.48Vetobtw, that's with your goto fix.
06:41.59Vetolet me see without.
06:42.46BrixiusI don't see why it won't work, have you tried any other phone #'s in the dial command to test it with?
06:42.47VetoI lied, that was with Dial(), this is with your fix:
06:43.19VetoDial() fails, goto works...who knows.
06:44.44BrixiusI don't have any clue as to why that would be, and I can't do alot of testing on my system cause it's in production and if I break it, people start to get mad really fast....
06:45.21Vetohey man, thanks a ton for the help.  I was stumped with what I thought (and apparently is) proper semantics.
06:45.56Vetoif you need any sendmail/postfix/bind help...let me know...I owe you one.
06:46.57BrixiusI reinstalled my test/lab system on fedora yesterday and don't have it all set back up yet.  I'm thinking about upgrading my prod box to fedora, but have to make sure there are no gotya's in the process.
06:47.51Vetoor nis/nas/firewall/etc...but not * :)
06:48.21Vetojust had some issues with deploying a fc box as a stopgap, ended up rolling back.
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06:50.33Vetoif you use autofs (which we do quite a bit), be likes to export with --no-report-v2 and --no-report-v3 (or the like)
06:50.54BrixiusVeto, what firewall's do you work on iptables/ipchains for the most part?
06:51.15Vetoiptables, but have experience with pix
06:51.52Vetowell, i've had to deal with most of them...but I don't know them.
06:52.10Brixiusok, I havn't really used iptables, and I have some exp with pix(I don't like them), I usually use Checkpoint
06:52.32Vetowhich ckpt?
06:52.44Brixiusngai r55
06:53.10Brixiusor edge for the soho's
06:55.15Vetoi'm a bigot, I admit.  I really like OSS FW's.  I like FBSD ipfilter and linux iptables.
06:55.43sumai'm having problem with TDM400P
06:56.08sumawhenever i receive call, once the call is finished, it is not automatically hanging up
06:56.09Vetoi deal with customers pix as required: since most of them think PIX = my world is safe.
06:56.53Brixiusthey've been mislead by cisco and drank too much coolaid...
06:57.21Vetobut the cisco coolaid runs strong in the pix line Luke.
06:58.45Vetosuma, I'd love to help...but I don't know jack about your issue :/
06:59.11coppicePIX was bought in by cisco, so it was probably cisco drinking the pix coolaid that made them buy it in the first place :-)
06:59.14nullogicthe one thing positive i can say about the pix (well fwsm) is that they have the port density issue solved...
06:59.42Vetocoppice, indeed.  I still think it's bsd on the floppy/boot device!
06:59.55Brixiusthis is true, I hear that cisco has some new stuff comming out with there self defending networks, I'm kindof anxious to see what it's all about.  A friend of mine who worked for CP and hated cisco pix was drawn away becsuse of some of the stuf he saw in the new cisco geer.
07:00.27nullogici work with both and can say that cisco is finally getting into the security game..
07:00.37coppiceself defending networks? The new seven samurai line?
07:00.40nullogicsome real neat stuff coming soon..
07:01.38subxANyone want to help with a broadvoice system?
07:01.58nullogichelp how?
07:02.10subxwell I can not get calls in or out
07:02.26subxand when I try to update the chan_sip.c it blows errors
07:02.44nullogici a real newbie but asterisk -vvvvvv -g  -dddddd -cr has really help me
07:03.29subxI got the ATA186 to connect with the system but no broadvoice connection, yet
07:04.12BrixiusSomeone e-mailed me a bunch of saying's Here's one I like "Some people are like Slinkies.....not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs. "
07:04.46subxhey that is how I feel about myself at this moment! ')
07:05.15Brixiusthis one is good too.  "In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal."
07:05.36nullogicsubx, what does the the logs show?
07:05.37subxkeep'em comin'
07:05.56Brixius"Men have two emotions: Hungry and Horny. If you see him without an erection, make him a sandwich! "
07:06.00*** join/#asterisk ptblank (
07:06.42nullogicok, I have a weird problem.. When I dial my cell, I get the following: -- Executing Dial("SIP/9993-ef0d", "Zap/g1/6725687319") in new stack
07:06.42nullogic-- Called g1/6725687319
07:06.42nullogic-- Zap/1-1 is ringing
07:06.42nullogic-- Channel 0/1, span 1 got hangup
07:06.42nullogic-- Hungup 'Zap/1-1'
07:06.44nullogic== No one is available to answer at this time
07:07.56BrixiusAnd on that note, good night all
07:08.36nullogiccmon you asterisk wizards..
07:09.04Vetonight brixius, thx again!
07:09.52Vetonullogic: I think I have your fix.
07:10.35sumaVeto: I'm from the UK it is connected to BT line, do you need any info
07:11.02Vetonullogic, try this: goto(default, XXXYYYZZZZ,1) instead of the Dial().
07:12.10Vetosuma, I really don't know anything about tele hardware :/
07:12.34nullogichuh? shouldn't this exten => _NXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial,Zap/g1/${EXTEN} ; handle all outbound calls?
07:13.51VetoUgh, you would think so...but I just went through this for an extension.  I had exten => 1113,1,Dial(<Number>), which failed...while 1113,1,Goto(default,<number>,1) worked.
07:14.35VetoIn your case, it's quite different...that IS your outbound, not an extension.
07:15.24nullogicits weird, I get inbound calls and can call local sip to sip but get the above when I dial out
07:16.12VetoI had your same error while using the Dial(<num>) until I changed to the workaround of Goto(default,<num>,1).  It drove me crazy as my semantics were correct.
07:16.30Vetobut you don't have a redirection to apply it to.
07:17.23*** join/#asterisk af_ (
07:17.58Veto~seen paulc
07:18.00jbotpaulc <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 5h 53m 12s ago, saying: 'sudoer: give me a few minutes cos I'm just setting up a new IP600.. but I can probably send you a template file'.
07:19.18nullogic~seen Shido6
07:19.20jbotshido6 is currently on #asterisk (15h 9m 2s).  Has said a total of 6 messages.  Is idling for 13h 55m 59s
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07:27.27nullogicany suggestions?
07:28.46Letholcan someone hook me up with a 7905 sip firmware? pls msg me if possible
07:31.23twistedthat was a long movie.
07:31.29twisted* twisted is back (gone 156:07:55)
07:31.34twistedoh well.
07:33.59*** join/#asterisk Sitxu (~sitxu@
07:35.39puluwhen you guys make extensions for large numbers of diff. international countries, do you usually stick each one in their own context?
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07:47.18subxnullogic, I can now make calls...
07:47.48subxdid you add the informaiton in your extensions.conf
07:47.59subxthat did the trick for me in regards to placing calls
07:48.54nullogicno i did not.. that was not the right answer
07:55.33subxI am not receiving any information using asterisk -vvvvvv -g  -dddddd -cr when I try to call into the system, what could that be?
07:56.12subxI should have prefaced that, I am using a broadvoice SIP connection.
07:58.42Vetowhat did you watch twisted?
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08:05.40firestrmanyone know why i would be missing the first 1 sec of audio from a playback command?
08:06.08VetoI get that sometimes, do you have a Ring or a Wait in there?
08:06.15firestrmits very consistant, and doesnt matter if i do a wait first
08:07.05firestrmalthough is i play 5 sec of blank audio, it wil not lose the next playback command
08:07.21VetoI've heard it, no idea why, I'd guess it's something to do with answer,wait,ring?
08:07.44VetoIs it your initial .gsm?
08:07.52firestrmits very strange, allmost like i need 1 second of blank audio in all my sound files.
08:08.01Vetoor all your files?
08:08.22firestrmyes the inital one does it.. as long as i do a playback after playback.. no loss in the second, third etc
08:09.08firestrmand it seems to be consistant over all interfaces, zap/iax/sip
08:09.09VetoI get it in my intial .gsm, fixed it with (sec) Wait,1 then Answer
08:09.42firestrmso your doing wait(1) wait(1) playback ?
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08:12.16Vetoactually, I'm doing:
08:12.18Vetoexten => s,1,Ringing
08:12.18Vetoexten => s,2,Wait,1
08:12.19Vetoexten => s,3,Background(gcg-menu)
08:13.08firestrmhmm, i dont know the ringing command.. im doing the same thing except answer rather than ringing
08:13.26firestrmVeto, a friend sent me a very cool datasheet on a SIP<->GSM gateway. you can use any gsm cellphone with asterisk..
08:13.48firestrmnow how cool is that?!
08:14.02VetoI put the ringing in so they hear something familiar when they call, a ring, before they hit the menu.
08:14.10Vetofirestrm, whoa!
08:14.40firestrmMavvie, no url, just hard copy datashher, he is going to get set up as a dealer..
08:14.54VetoANY gsm phone? Cingular, T-Mobile?
08:15.34firestrmany phone, apparently it sends the imei as the callerid, so you can use that for access control in you extensions.conf
08:16.08Vetoso it requires work on the phone, which isn't a bad thing.
08:16.19firestrm5W approx 5km radius
08:16.36Mavvieoh, that way.
08:16.53Mavvienow you have to make your own SIM cards :-)
08:17.01Vetooh, so it's an RF interface.
08:18.15firestrmyes it handles all of the gsm gprs signaling and registration and handoff.. its basicly the same equp as mobile provisers use, the only catch is that it can only handle 5 users at a time..
08:18.31implicitgsm does not do 'gprs' signalling lol
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08:18.37firestrmyes i know i cant spell.. its my keyboard.. i swear :)
08:18.46implicitss7 map (mobile access part)
08:19.04coppiceGSM-A actually.
08:20.32firestrmok, well i dont claim to understand all about gsm.. hey im a pilot.. you want expertise lets talk aircraft:) but i do know that you can use a regular gsm cellphone to talk to an * box with it, and it says it has handoff and GPRS capibilities
08:21.11coppicefirestrm: there are a lot of things that say they do that. most are just GSM modems
08:21.28coppiceto be legal they would have to be
08:21.40Vetobah, I've been good this week, wife is 'with child', it's late, she's asleep, I've been to find some pr0n.
08:21.45implicitfirestrm: to be nice they would have to not be
08:23.07firestrmmy friend claims to have one being shipped to him.. so i will test and report back once hardware is in hand..
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08:24.55firestrmhey i did find a url on the datasheet,
08:26.28coppiceseen those before. they are GSM modems.
08:27.04firestrm is the exact model i have ds for.
08:27.30firestrmcoppice, so it wont work for gsm calls?
08:28.04coppicedepends what you mean. It lets a VoIP channel call into a public GSM network.
08:28.37firestrmcoppice, but not the other way around?
08:28.41Vetocoppice, you dealt with many sip+nat issues?
08:28.50firestrmgsm phone -> *
08:29.20implicitipv6 is the way to go
08:29.27Vetofirestrm, so it's using a gsm /modem/ to be a hardware device to *, like GSM/1 ?
08:29.29coppicewell, it lets you go both ways. its just a GSM modem with a VoIP interface tacked on.
08:29.33firestrmi was ready to slash this afternoon over sip+nat
08:30.16Vetofrom *CLI> dial 1111 works, from 1111 dial <world> works, from 1111 dial 1112 fails...I'm going nuts.
08:30.46firestrmVeto, i think so.. but not mobile savy enough to really know.. the guy who is importing them, is expert at wireless and gives me the impression they are VERY cool
08:31.40firestrmcoppice, so i wonder how they get the handoff to other modem capibility, or if that needs to be on the server..
08:31.43Vetofirestrm, that would be handy for med/lrg business to deploy as long as it didn't jack their normal phone operations.
08:31.45coppicesomeone selling them tries to make them sound cool. that sounds kinda familiar :-)
08:32.00Vetodoes it take a seperate SIM?
08:32.19coppiceof course it takes a SIM. its a GSM modem
08:32.35Vetoright, but a * "adjusted" sim?
08:32.48firestrmVeto, no, at least thats what im told.. but who knows..
08:32.51*** part/#asterisk newmember (
08:33.16coppiceyou gets the SIM from the carrier you subscribe to. nothing adjusted about it
08:33.29firestrmVeto, thats why we need to buy hardware to play with.. you can never believe the salesman/datasheet
08:34.50coppicesome people are using those units in .eu to link * and ISDN PBXs to the GSM networks. I was told they work OK.
08:34.50firestrmis there not some sort of lock on gsm phones to lock you to the carrier though,, that might be the hitch in the plan.
08:35.16coppiceonly phones sold the in the US, and a couple of other places, are locked. A GSM SIM works in any phone that is not locked
08:35.22Vetodammit, back to pr0n and beer...I've had enough *+nat+sip this week.  later dudes !
08:35.33pkwongunlocking phones is not difficult.
08:35.58pkwongcontrary to popular belief, if you have one unlock code, you can unlock all the phones of the same model..
08:36.16pkwongat least it works with the .eu motorolas..
08:36.19coppicedepends on the model. the info for many models is easy to get
08:36.31firestrmpkwong, i thought they did it by using the imei as the seed for the key
08:36.32veto_as signoff, I hear gsm treo 650 is avail jan-26
08:36.42pkwongfire: that's what i thought too..
08:36.48coppicethe locking is brain dead
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08:36.57pkwongi bought an unlock code for my v525 and used the same code to unlock 3 phones.
08:37.10pkwongso who knows..
08:37.46redder86coppice: hi.  looks like you've been busy.  I notice recent releases.
08:37.52firestrmthats like the seed/key on vehicle ECM's.. (which i like to hack) they use the same seed/key for every vehicle of the same year/model
08:38.19pkwongyeah.. there are lots of little tricks with all that stuff.
08:38.22pkwongfor example..
08:38.33pkwongford vehicles with the stupid little keypad on the door..
08:38.44pkwongya know how to get the unlock code?
08:39.02delphiukdoes the username entry in the sip.conf file get used if you are using a budgetone 100 phone?
08:39.20pkwongstick your head under the dash on the drivers side.. there's a big sticker with the code attached to the firewall in 24 point.
08:39.34redder86coppice: pre10 doesn't have any of the pseudomodem stuff, does it?
08:40.16coppicedo you mean the stuff for letting HylaFAX attach?
08:40.16firestrmpkwong, lol, i know.. isnt it stupid.. i guess they assume all crooks are retards
08:40.25redder86coppice: yeah :-)
08:40.52pkwongi bought my truck used.
08:40.55coppicefirestrm: no. they assume most customers don't care enough for it to matter
08:41.51firestrmpkwong, you can set mileage on a ford speedo using a serial port.. its just rs232
08:41.53coppiceredder86: the core modem emulation is in there. The channel driver code to make it talk with Hylafax is a unicall module, which is also on my FTP site
08:42.08pkwonghah.. nice.
08:42.36redder86coppice: oh, that's great
08:42.57firestrmpkwong, i know someone who built a speedo zapper so he could turn back the milage before going into the dealer for service.. save on leasing charges..
08:42.58redder86coppice: so I should be able to use it, then?
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08:43.02coppiceits rather preliminary, and there are no instructions for how to use it yet
08:43.31redder86what are the instructions?
08:43.33pkwongheh.. now that's nice.
08:43.59implicit~seen ozjames79
08:44.01jbotozjames79 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 7d 22h 52m 57s ago, saying: 'think i will go with php'.
08:44.20elrichow would I implement this set up? IAX Softphone ----> Asterisk -----> POTS, i want to make calls from my desktop to the outside world through my asterisk box.
08:44.20firestrmpkwong, he gave me the info on how to do just about every manufacturer/model/year right up to 2003 in a big database..
08:44.31*** join/#asterisk infinii (~wchan@
08:44.33pkwongheh.. nice.
08:44.55firestrmpkwong, doesnt do me much good though, my truck has analog odometer..
08:45.10elrici have a digiumtdm400p card with 2 fxo and fxs ports.
08:45.41redder86elric: with the dialplan?
08:45.50firestrmpkwong, woops, now how did that propritary manufacturers database get out..
08:46.26elricredder86, alright
08:48.04firestrmpkwong, you know on the z-somthing bmw's with the launch control.. in this database it shows how to turn off recording number of times its used.. apparently if you do it more than 3 times the warrenty is void, but this disables counting
08:48.18pkwongyou're kiddin.
08:49.13infiniidoncha hate obd-2?
08:49.13pkwongobd-2 is good and bad.
08:49.13firestrmpkwong, its some sequence that if done right will launch the beemer at max exceleration.
08:49.14pkwongi was thinking of getting a beemer..
08:49.17firestrmpkwong, just wait for obd-3.. big brother WILL be watching..
08:49.26pkwongahh. yes.. as if they don't already.
08:50.37elricwhat would cause this --> Jan 22 19:41:31 NOTICE[6637]: chan_iax2.c:5405 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from
08:50.40firestrmone of my regular fliers, is vp of somthing a bosch automotive. he is telling me that the insurance companies are lobbying and will probbly get an interface to "bill" you for every time you speed
08:51.10redder86elric: a firewall
08:51.41firestrmthey will plug in when you renew, and bill you for everytime you exceed the national max speed limit (110kph in canada)
08:51.46pkwongthat's gonna be a tough one to pass.
08:52.05pkwongso i have an * question..
08:52.22pkwongwhat's the benefit of using a digiumesque card over a cisco as 5300?
08:52.32pkwongi can't think of any.
08:52.32elricredder86, i dont have one... i dont have ipf or ipfw filtering on the FreeBSD box * is running on.
08:52.38firestrmpkwong, they dont have to pass anything. if the capibility is there, they just make it a condition of insurance discounts.. dont want to be read, dont get the discount..
08:52.51pkwongheh. ok.
08:53.13pkwongi'm still grappling with the t1 card vs. media gateway hardware solution.
08:53.26pkwongit seems that the t1 cards aren't really cheaper per port.
08:53.27redder86elric: a firewall on
08:53.34delphiukelric: the client iax connect specifying an invalid context in it connect string
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08:54.11pkwongi got clocked doing 177 in a 65 this summer.
08:54.34pkwongand i didn't go to jail! talk about lucky.
08:54.34elricalright, i will check both
08:54.56firestrmpkwong, my record 205 mph in montana..500.00 fine (yes they will fine you in montana for that fast)
08:55.03delphiukof it's a firewall issue, would it not reach * at all?
08:56.07firestrmi still have the ticket.. that was when i was much younger, returning my boss's car from being shown at sema.. it was a very short trip
08:56.45implicitwas it worth $500? :)
08:56.59redder86how did they catch you at 200 mph?
08:57.02firestrmyou bet... i was racing my boss at the time too :)
08:57.04pkwongso.. anyone here have any opinions of the digium t1 cards vs. the cisco as 5300?
08:57.09impliciti'm surprised they caught you
08:57.21firestrmredder86, radio'd to the next county..
08:57.25implicitas5300 sounds quite a bit better
08:57.28elricit registers properly and iax2 show peers lists it.
08:57.29implicitand it does everything in hardware
08:57.40pkwongyeah. i agree.
08:57.55pkwongi just don't know if there's a reason why anyone would go with the card.
08:58.31*** join/#asterisk burton27 (
09:00.02coppicewhat's the launch control in a BMW?
09:02.19firestrmcoppice, you rev up the engine and do some sequence of events, and it changes the shift pattern for a nice smokeshow with max exceleration.. but you only get to do it 3 times and you warrenty is void
09:03.59coppiceso you only get three attempts to get laid? :-)
09:05.14firestrmor you know someone who can reset the counter
09:08.02coppiceso, there should be even more dead BMWs lining the motorway shoulders
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09:11.38firestrmtime for sleep, long day..
09:12.56sumahi any help here for my tdm400p ?
09:14.29sumawhen i receive call or place call using tdm400p, it is not hanging up the line when the other party hangs up the call
09:14.42sumait was working perfect when i use my x100p card
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10:12.47sumafamilier with tdm400p ?
10:13.16abbas_have a little knowledge              ask me   if i know  i will tell u
10:13.28sumawhen i receive call or place call using tdm400p, it is not hanging up the line when the other party hangs up the call
10:14.56abbas_show me dial plan
10:15.23sumaexten => s,3,Dial(SIP/12345,60,t)
10:15.38sumaexten => s,1,Dial(SIP/${CALLERIDNUM})
10:15.38sumaexten => s,2,Wait
10:15.38sumaexten => s,3,Dial(SIP/12345,60,t)
10:16.18abbas_mmm   u have not added  hangup
10:16.37abbas_just a minute
10:16.44sumais that compulsory ?
10:17.08*** join/#asterisk Vahram (
10:17.52VahramHi people, anyone have success story building h323 channel on Fedora Core 3?
10:20.45abbas_exten => 08449869305,6,HangUp
10:21.32abbas_suma    exten => s,4,HangUp
10:21.42sumais it not optional one ?
10:21.50abbas_suma    exten => s,4,HangUp                      put this in dial plzn
10:22.49sumathanks abbas
10:23.04abbas_u r welcome
10:25.21*** join/#asterisk Tili (
10:25.38pauldyI'm here hoppping for suggestions on sip providers that offer did and unlimited nationwide long distance in the us for a reasonable price were I can use asterisk
10:26.06pauldyhit me up if anyone know of a good one besides broadvoice I did find that one on my own
10:26.13pauldynufone supports asterisk?
10:26.23pauldykewl I will have to check that out
10:27.27abbas_pauldy    can u pls help me to test a calling card application
10:27.44abbas_i tell u a accessnumber and u need to make a test call
10:28.03pauldyI don't have phone line access
10:28.14abbas_Suma       u
10:28.17pauldythus the need for phone service
10:28.31pauldyall I have is broadband internet no voice
10:29.04abbas_Suma   u there ?
10:29.26pauldyyea and nufone doens't do unlimited
10:29.51postelpauldy: well, try get some PSTN access, at least for emergency access
10:29.59abbas_i dont know    but they used to do
10:30.28abbas_postel      can u pls   make a test calll?
10:30.29postelpauldy: if your house start burning most likely elec would go down after the wiring melts
10:30.29pauldypostel thought about a cell phone for that
10:30.40postelabbas_: depends, on what?
10:30.55pauldyif my apartment burned down I would just hop through a wall they are paper thin
10:31.17abbas_i tell u  a US number    i m using it as access number of my calling card platform
10:31.47pauldyplus I would rather have a cell phone without service for emergencies
10:32.03pauldythat way I don't have to use it inside the apt while it is burning down
10:32.32pauldywhich doesn't make sense to have a dedicated pots line for that scenario either but if it helps ya sleep at night I guess
10:39.37*** join/#asterisk abbas (~nid@
10:41.18abbaspostel  u still there?
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10:50.16sumahi abbas
10:50.18sumau there ?
10:50.33sumai tried with hangup
10:50.38sumait doesn't help
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10:51.46abbassorry  i dnt know else
10:51.58abbascan u help me in testing my caling card platform
10:52.07abbasu need to dial a US access numbee
10:52.55sumawhen i try calling my ip phone connected to  tdm400p through my mobile it answers, when i hangup my mobile, then i get busy tone on my ip phone instead of hangup
10:53.00sumayes tell me abbas
10:53.17sumacan i call anywhere in the world for FREE ?
10:53.42sumagive me some offers
10:53.43abbasi will ask u to dial another US number  only
10:53.50sumathat will encourage me to test right ;)
10:53.52abbasthats just a test
10:55.21sumasip calls not accepted ?
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10:57.17sumai dunno
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11:04.58puluabbas: stupid question, but why can't you dial it yourself?  is it your only phone line?
11:06.50abbaspulu  have not other line
11:07.04pului hate when that happens
11:07.58abbasso anyone gonna help  me in testing?
11:08.36puluwell even with the magic of asterisk it's still gonna cost all of us to do it, but i need to test something else anyway, so give me the area code and 2 min so I can set it up with diax
11:10.48markithi :) I opened but 3401, mark closed it as fixed, but I've found that it does not work :( any bug-marshall here to assist me?
11:15.13*** join/#asterisk HearT (~Man_in_BL@
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11:18.14syperNeed help setting up an SPA-2000. I can get a dial-tone, but cannot dial-out.
11:20.42pulusyper: if you do sip debug from the console what shows?
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11:40.58syperpulu: how do i do sip debug exactly?
11:41.22pulusyper: from the console type "sip debug" without the quotes
11:41.34postel"how do i get the console"
11:41.48syperwhat he said ^
11:41.49postel"what is asterisk"
11:41.56syperi am not using asterisk
11:42.02postel"who am i"
11:42.17postel"why does it always rain on me"
11:42.24syperyou aren't helping postel, please go back to idleing
11:42.30pului don't think an spa-2000 has alot to do with anything around here without asterisk
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11:43.17pului have two spa-3000's sitting on my desk waiting for me to take them out of their boxes and set them up, but that will be with asterisk
11:43.25puluwhich of course is the title of this channel
11:43.30pului'm not being very helpful either
11:43.32pului better idle
11:43.45*** join/#asterisk DoT|cobain (
11:43.53DoT|cobainHello everybody
11:43.56syperwell maybe you can point me to a more specific IRC channel? I assumed if you can set up asterisk you would know a fair bit
11:45.16DoT|cobainis there anyone who knows about chan_sccp ?
11:46.59*** join/#asterisk kentster (
11:47.18*** join/#asterisk Dibbler (
11:48.56DoT|cobaindid anyone here set up a cisco 7905G phone with chann_sccp oder chan_skinny ?
11:53.45*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
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11:56.20*** join/#asterisk franck (~franck@
11:57.37franckwhen I start asterisk, it takes over my sound card and I cannot play anything. How do I stop asterisk to use the sound card
11:58.02RaYmAn-Bxfranck: make it not load oss/alsa modules
11:58.26franckRaYmAn-Bx: do I remove the config files or I rem all the lines?
11:59.24RaYmAn-Bxjust put change load to noload for the chan_oss and chan_alsa modules in modules.conf
12:00.49*** join/#asterisk ckruetze (
12:02.41DoT|cobainok... i have the following problem: i set up asterisk with the chan_sccp module and the 7905G is able to register with asterisk an shows text and all this, i can call the phone from my softphone (SIP) on the computer and it also shows my callerid in the display, but i cant dial on the 7905G, i hear a dialtone an the dtmf signals of the keys... but it wont dial and simply play the busy tone
12:02.48franckcool, working! thx
12:03.34DoT|cobainafter the dial procedure and the busy tone the phone shows "Network congestion or error"
12:05.45*** join/#asterisk cjk (~cjk@
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12:15.35markitanyone here using chan_mISDN?
12:16.23*** part/#asterisk franck (~franck@
12:16.59visik7markit what's the difference between chan_misdn and chan_modem_i4l ?
12:17.54*** join/#asterisk h4mm3r` (
12:18.35*** join/#asterisk HjemmeRoyK (
12:21.08HjemmeRoyKmorning, morons
12:22.05coppicewhy are you talking to yourself?
12:22.25coppiceI have another problem with your ATA box
12:24.31*** join/#asterisk gopinsurg (
12:24.59gopinsurgGood Morning
12:26.07HjemmeRoyKcoppice: ok?
12:29.55*** join/#asterisk chachoo (~root@
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12:30.37coppiceRoyK: I make calls. I chat. Everything is fine. I press the start button on the FAX machine. The ATA crashes. No pinging. No browsing. Nothing until I power cycle the ATA :-)
12:31.56*** join/#asterisk Tommmo (~tps@
12:31.56coppiceto be more specific, I press the start button. about 2 seconds of calling tone passes. then it crashes
12:31.56Tommmohi, i'm trying to use asterisk with openH323.
12:31.56*** join/#asterisk kaffemand (
12:31.56Tommmowhen i place a call, i get the following:
12:31.56TommmoJan 22 22:08:33 WARNING[30146]: channel.c:1901 ast_request: No channel type registered for 'OH323'
12:32.23*** join/#asterisk Che (~A--she@
12:32.33Tommmoin extensions.conf I'm using : exten => 132000,1,Dial(OH323/132000@
12:32.40Tommmodo i need to somehow define OH323 somewhere else?
12:33.52*** join/#asterisk Leland (
12:33.54Lelandhi all
12:34.42Lelandanyone available for a quick question?
12:36.53HjemmeRoyKcoppice: is that a normal analog fax you're having?
12:37.25*** join/#asterisk ard (
12:38.01coppiceyeah. I plugged it into the ATA, and made voice calls with its handset OK. when I press the start button to transfer a fax, after about 2 seconds of calling tone BOOM!
12:38.24HjemmeRoyKthat never happened to me....
12:38.33coppicehave you sent faxes?
12:38.42HjemmeRoyKlet me check
12:38.49HjemmeRoyKI haven't sent any faxes. no t.38 support.
12:38.49sumawhen i try calling my ip phone connected to  tdm400p through my mobile it answers, when i hangup my mobile, then i get busy tone on my ip phone instead of hangup
12:38.52HjemmeRoyKbut no hangups
12:38.56coppiceI tried it several times. same thing every time
12:39.38*** join/#asterisk fishboy1669 (
12:39.43fishboy1669morning guys
12:39.48coppicewell, it doesn't hang until you try to send a fax. I used it for quit a while with just voice
12:40.30sumafax ?
12:40.41sumaMy TDM is connected to my landline
12:40.49sumawhen i call my landline, it rings and i can talk
12:41.01sumaif I hangup my call from the mobile
12:41.11Lelandhaving a bit of an issue with asterisk between the voip provider and Cisco ITS/CME ... the inbound call from the provider hits asterisk, which passes the call to the Cisco .. the phone rings, but there is no audio .. same for outbound calls.  Both peers are configured with canreinvite=no ... any ideas?
12:41.18sumathe TDM400P should also hang up right
12:41.30sumainstead i get busy tone on the phone
12:41.40sumawhich is annoying !
12:43.24HjemmeRoyKcoppice: try this the b release
12:43.32HjemmeRoyKcoppice: iirc the first release was a brown paper bag
12:49.27coppiceRoyK: I upgraded. same thing
12:49.58*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
12:50.18HjemmeRoyKcan you send me an email about it please, along with an ethereal dump if you get that far? I need to email Yoda
12:50.43coppicetry ethereal, I will
12:53.31sumawhere will i get support for tdm400p ?
12:53.37sumai was very happy with x100p
12:53.59sumabut i have been recomended to buy tdm400p
12:54.06sumanot ended in stupid issues
12:54.23HjemmeRoyKsuma: four analog lines?
12:54.35HjemmeRoyKsuma: tdm400p is supported in *
12:54.57sumabut it is not hanging up when the caller drops the line
12:56.00sumai hear "hang up tone" on the phone instead of phone hang up
12:56.06sumai use cisco 7960
12:56.29sumai have connected only one analog line
12:57.36HjemmeRoyKin your dialplan, do you Hangup() or just Congestion?
12:59.43sumaexten => s,1,NoOp(${CALLERIDNUM})
12:59.43sumaexten => s,2,Wait
12:59.43sumaexten => s,3,Dial(SIP/12345,60,t)
12:59.43sumaexten => s,4,Hangup
13:00.05sumaThe application is still executing Dial application
13:00.17sumait is not returning to the next priority
13:02.15HjemmeRoyKexten => s,105,Hangup
13:04.16*** join/#asterisk HjemmeRoyK (
13:04.29*** join/#asterisk Luhiwu (~marsosa@
13:05.06Luhiwuhello, i'm having problems trying to park calls, anyone can help?
13:06.46*** join/#asterisk loick (
13:07.11kaffemandhey .. I'm trying to get asterisk to autodial out, but when I place a file in spool/outgoing, I get "Unable to open /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/outgoing.tmp: Permission denied, deleting" in the log
13:07.47kaffemandI've tried to chmod it to 666, and to chown it to the asterisk user
13:08.19kaffemandhow should I set up the permissions?
13:09.03fishboy1669hi guys anyone any idea on this
13:09.19fishboy1669its not the config fiels udev or make linux26
13:10.15fishboy1669how do i check what irq's stuff is using
13:12.00markitsuma: AFAIK, if the call is answered, the flow is not to the next priority, it exits the context. But if you provide hangup priority (as HjemmeRoyK suggested), THEN the flow goest there
13:12.29markitsuma: is something that confused (and confuses) me a lot also :)
13:20.01*** join/#asterisk Nuttah (
13:20.07Lelandhas anyone ever tried the Bicom administration front-end to asterisk?  (PBXware)  -- or indeed has anyone ever gotten a response from Bicom about their product pricing ??
13:20.11Nuttahheya guys
13:20.35Nuttahanyone give me a hand with asterisk_addons?
13:21.22HjemmeRoyKDas Leben des Jesus :)
13:21.33HjemmeRoyKI hope there is an English translation of that
13:22.33Nuttahdo I actually have to compile asterisk_Addons?
13:22.57pimpwellwhat is a wiki
13:23.04pimpwellis it an acronym?
13:23.15pimpwellor just a stupid word for help file
13:23.27sumamarkit: i want to hangup the call, nothing else, a simple x100p does brilliant job. I spent $130 on this and a real ***
13:23.34jboti guess wiki is
13:24.03HjemmeRoyKpimpwell: a wiki is a documentation site where everyone can change/add stuff
13:24.06markitsuma: hang up by code? hanging up the phone is not ok?
13:25.00sumaomg, how to explain this
13:25.13sumawhat asterisk will send to a SIP phone to end the call ?
13:25.23sumaBYE , SIP msg  right ?
13:25.49sumai'm saying the rtp stream in still with asterisk rather than the BYE msg
13:26.06HjemmeRoyKFUCKOFF SIP/2.0
13:26.35sumathe TDM400P card begs whatever the sound it gets from ZAP line
13:26.52sumarather than the end call msg
13:27.04coppicesounds like the perfect SIP response to telemarketing calls
13:28.19sumaHjemmeRoyK: You had good ?
13:28.23sumaHjemmeRoyK: You had food ?
13:28.32pimpwellif I want the worst quality call, for volume calling,  what protocol to use?
13:28.45pimpwellless bandwidth
13:28.58pimpwellthe most economic
13:29.05sumadon't use TDM400P cards
13:29.11sumathat is a stupid card
13:29.29pimpwellI don't think I need a card for what I am doing
13:29.31*** join/#asterisk datareactor (datareacto@
13:29.36coppicesuma: it has nothing to do with the card. the cards are all dumb
13:29.56sumaasterisk is stupid in this case ?
13:30.12coppicemaybe its just you.
13:30.13sumai mean asterisk with TDM400P is stupid ?
13:30.39sumacome on
13:30.52sumai was nicely playing with X100p with just $5 card
13:30.59sumait was working brilliant
13:31.04Chujipimpwell : lpc10
13:31.04pimpwellWeb Interface >>> Asterisk >>> T1 >> VoicePlus   is my setup
13:31.16coppiceYou want it to hang up on busy detect. have you actually bothered to configure it thus?
13:31.22gopinsurgweb interface??? wtf?
13:31.32pimpwellya, PHP
13:31.39Chujipimpwell : But don't use it. You sound like darth vader
13:31.48gopinsurgDid you write it yourself?
13:32.00sumacoppice: busydetect=yes in zapata.conf ?
13:32.03pimpwellI havent even setup anything, I'm all theory now
13:32.14pimpwellbut, I figure I just drop a message in spool when it's time
13:32.19Chujiheh, hope you aren't busy for a couple months
13:32.24pimpwellI'm doing all automated calls
13:32.30pimpwell.mp3 or whatever
13:32.33coppicesuma: do you have the right tone set configured for yuor location?
13:33.01sumaloadzone=uk <----- i'm in the UK
13:33.25datareactorcan i forward sip calls to other voip server
13:33.43*** join/#asterisk rtcg (
13:33.45pimpwellchuki:  what will take a month?
13:35.13Chujicreating a viable asterisk solution
13:35.17gopinsurgHow is everyone using * ?
13:35.33sumacoppice: do i need to verify anything else ?
13:36.01rtcg'Mornin everyone! Has anyone ever had firefly work in all aspects save the passing of the actual voice traffic?
13:37.57datareactorrtcg cannot get your question ?
13:38.30pimpwellconnectivity via SIP and IAX...   SIP and IAX are defined as "Terminators?"
13:38.39pimpwelland lpc10, etc are codecs?
13:39.28Chujiiax2 and sip are protocols
13:39.33Chujias is h323
13:39.48Chujibut yes, lpc10, g729, g711u etc, are codecs
13:40.32datareactorcan i forward sip calls to other asterisk server
13:41.07Chujidatareactor : Yes
13:43.08datareactorcan you give example exten => will look like ?
13:44.37*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
13:45.19Chujidatareactor : Well, it's not that straight forward, you need to use dial the second Asterisk server and have it issue a reinvite
13:46.09ChujiSo your dial string would be nothing more than a Sip call. Then the second asterisk server would take the reinvite and contact the originating device directly
13:46.54ChujiNow, if you want true routing/forwarding you might look at SER too
13:47.05Chujibut that's a different animal all together
13:47.54*** join/#asterisk ta[i]nted (
13:48.37datareactorChuji thanks for the explaination
13:49.51datareactorbut should i users should be made on both servers ?
13:50.01pimpwellchuji, you don't think setting up my asterisk server will be easier then most?
13:50.12markitsuma: are you using asterisk CVS head or stable?
13:50.36markitsuma: I remember something about UK problems listed in mantis... you could check
13:50.37pimpwellall I am doing is sending a mp3 to stream t voiceplus
13:51.21pimpwellI have customers who need the call
13:51.26pimpwellat certain times
13:51.43Chujiwon't be too bad
13:52.07pimpwelljust trying to decide the lowest bandwith way
13:52.10ChujiThe thing about * is that you start with one idea, then you end up finding all of the other things that it can do....
13:52.18Chujiand poof, there goes many months of your life
13:52.45rtcgChuji: HAHAHAHA that is so true.
13:52.57pimpwellI'll keep that in mind
13:53.03Chujipimpwell : Well, voicepulse is only going to support so many codecs
13:53.18Chujipimpwell : gsm may be your best route with them
13:53.26Chujipimpwell : That is cell quality
13:53.31pimpwellheard of clearpath?
13:53.46pimpwellthey contacted me cause I left a message on the shoutout board on voip-info
13:53.55pimpwellregarding multiple calls at once
13:54.05ChujiNo, I haven't actually
13:54.43ChujiAre you using voicepulse because they are local numbers?
13:54.51ChujiCuz voipjet has the best rates right now
13:55.01pimpwellno, because I need to send mulitple calls at once
13:55.13ChujiHah, yeah, I would have forgone putting up a site at all rather than what they did
13:55.14pimpwelland they seem to be the only one who will work with me
13:55.51ChujiWell, any per minute co will allow multiple calls. i.e. voipjet, nufone,
13:55.51pimpwellI can't daisy chain the calls, I need possibly to send 50 at the same moment
13:56.08Chujilook at those other three too
13:56.39Chuji/msg jerjer with your idea
13:56.47Chujihe'll quote you some rates
13:57.07mortehuWhy does iax_get_event stop returning new events after while, even though I can see in the strace output new packets are coming in?
13:57.34jbotmethinks nufone is Visit for an excellent, native IAX termination service.
13:58.12*** join/#asterisk derfer (
13:58.15rtcgwhere is port 4569 specified for use in the * code?  I can't find that port listed ANYWHERE in my config files.  Is it hard coded?
13:58.21pimpwellchuji:  my idea was to not have to pay a phone bill and just a service like voiceplus per call.   I got the idea because I saw the little softphones and thought to myself, I will never need a copper line again and pay a monthy stipend.  Am I thinking correctly?
13:58.32fishboy1669hi guys anyone any ideas on this i been at it three days now and getting down
13:58.40rtcgwhat is port 4569 used for? (if anything?)
13:58.53fishboy1669x100p card done the udev and the make linux26
13:59.06fishboy1669and configs are right as they are off a working system
13:59.28fishboy1669think is someting to do with compile but have deleted everyting and copletely re insatlled
14:01.20rtcghmm.. 4569 appears to be
14:01.35rtcgused in the iax.conf
14:01.46Chujirtcg : yeah, you can set it there
14:01.46Nuttahfish, what does ztcfg -vv give you?
14:01.55rtcgI must've changed my default to something else.
14:01.57fishboy1669nuttah comes back fine
14:02.10fishboy1669just noticed when i do a make clean in zaptel i get error
14:02.26Nuttahwhats the error?
14:02.28fishboy1669i did mess up first time round and did make with out linux26
14:02.28Chujipimpwell : Yes, you still have to pay "per call" though. All of the per minute plans are like that. There is no monthly base rate charge
14:02.43fishboy1669got a feeling there is the first make make isntall stuff lurking somwhere
14:02.43pimpwellya, so I'ts perfect for m
14:02.49fishboy1669god know where though
14:02.58Nuttahpastbin the make error
14:03.02pimpwellI just need to be able to send many out at once, and load share once it's too much for my system
14:04.31fishboy1669i did read this which looks same issue
14:05.00fishboy1669? home u are refering to the error code as usefull!
14:05.26Chujipimpwell : Yeah, shouldn't be a problem.
14:05.30Nuttahand that archive is 2 years old
14:05.30fishboy1669guess i need to go through the makefile and see if i can figure where it puts everything can and clean it all out
14:05.36*** join/#asterisk HD (
14:05.53Chujipimpwell : There is a company at my colo that streams all of the nascar races over nextel phones
14:06.05Chujipimpwell : He's doing the same thing with a streaming mp3 server
14:07.37Nuttahfish: what versions are you trying to compile at the moment?
14:08.25fishboy1669straight from cvs
14:08.37Nuttahso latest everything?
14:08.39fishboy1669new checkout last night and new agin this morn
14:08.46fishboy1669asterisk zap and pri
14:09.00Nuttahdidnt think you had any e1 or t1 cards
14:09.10fishboy1669i dont
14:09.23Nuttahi'm no using 1.0.4 yet, just recompiled 1.0.3 zap and asterisk
14:09.30Nuttahthen dont install libpri?
14:09.57fishboy1669i have a bri does that need pri i guess not else it would be libbri lol
14:10.12Nuttahisdn card?
14:10.17fishboy1669just install it from habit
14:11.02Nuttahi'd suggest staying on 1.0.3 personally.
14:11.04fishboy1669the zaptel makefiel has some stuff i can play with at the end
14:11.20fishboy1669how do i cvs check out that ver?
14:12.18Nuttahnot sure, but you can download the tarball from
14:12.28Nuttahits has older versions
14:13.08*** join/#asterisk marlowe (
14:14.25fishboy1669whats the command for checking if i have confilicting irq
14:16.33postelfishboy1669:  cat /proc/interrupts
14:18.08fishboy1669aaaaaaaaaaggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh irq 11 used by uhci_hdc and wcf_xo
14:18.15fishboy1669will cause issue?
14:18.20*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (~info@
14:18.29PakiPenguinhello everyone
14:18.44fishboy1669sorry uhci_hcd
14:19.31*** part/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
14:20.07markitanyone here using chan_mISDN?
14:21.24derferhello i am student and i need help for make a demo with asterisk someone can help me pls ?
14:21.53jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
14:22.02PakiPenguinhere you go derfer
14:22.54rtcgWell, I guess I don't need BOTH sides of the conversation!  Firefly can pass voice traffic TO the TDM40 but voice FROM the TDM40 doesn't make it to the firefly client.  This is all INTERNAL - no public IPs in use here.  It's all on the same network so there shouldn't be any..firewalling issues.
14:23.17rtcgany pointers as to where I should look?
14:27.00*** join/#asterisk BBRodriguez (
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14:31.13*** join/#asterisk BBRodriguez (
14:31.45mortehuCan it be right that my sound card plays back at 7817 Hz even though I asked ALSA for 8000 Hz?
14:32.16mortehuWhen I stream from Asterisk, I need to drop a lot of packets to not fall too far behind.  I time Asterisk's data to 8000.73 Hz.
14:34.50*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (
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14:38.01rtcgDoes 'reload' reload the iax.conf too?
14:42.26derfersomeone know sip software for win32 ?
14:43.05derferxlite work with asterisk ?
14:43.16Chujisure, any sip phone will
14:43.24Chujiwell, that's not totally true
14:43.27Chujibut most yes
14:44.03ChujiHere is a nice list
14:44.34rtcgok, I STILL don't get why sometimes port 5036 is referenced and sometimes 4569 is referenced!
14:45.18file[laptop]there were two different versions of IAX, IAX1 and IAX2
14:45.24file[laptop]IAX1 used 5036 and IAX2 uses 4569
14:45.29BBRodriguezHi people
14:45.30rtcgwhat gives with this one sided conversation......
14:45.33*** join/#asterisk SIPMAN (
14:45.34rtcghi bbr my iax.conf should use port 4569?
14:45.56fishboy1669hi rtcg
14:46.02file[laptop]it will use it, you can't override it
14:46.06rtcgcuz it's currently set to 5036.
14:46.17rtcgGreetings everyone!
14:46.30BBRodriguezI have lots of outgoing SIP channels, in dialplan i need to check the next available channel and dial it, does anybody know how to do that ?
14:46.34rtcgGreetings and salutations! some terrific pig.
14:47.05SIPMANi have problem with Asterisk and Snom Proxy Server
14:47.27SIPMANNAT retransmition problem
14:47.31SIPMANany idea?
14:47.57*** join/#asterisk JmanA9 (
14:48.27JmanA9in order to place a call, do you have to have a sip phone, or can you use a microphone?
14:48.43rtcgGreetings Jman
14:49.19rtcgJust a plain microphone in thin air works wonders.
14:49.36Chujirtcg : You can use the mic on yoru linux box
14:49.44*** join/#asterisk zoa (zoa@
14:49.59JmanA9ok, i'll give it a try :)
14:50.04rtcghee hee heee. :)
14:50.04Chujimeant JmanA9
14:50.19ChujiJmanA9 Check out
14:50.42rtcgJmanA9: check out too.
14:50.52JmanA9thanks :)
14:50.59ChujiYeah, a MUCH better solution ;)
14:51.27rtcgYeah, someone special posted that link a while back..
14:51.29nullogicJmanA9: I use firefly ( ) for simple tests..
14:51.29*** join/#asterisk pimpwell (
14:51.52rtcgnullogic: do you get two way conversations on your firefly? cuz I don't. :)
14:51.56JmanA9i just don't want to have to spend any money if i don't have to, which is why i probably woun't buy a voip phone just yet
14:52.10rtcgJmanA9: go after a softphone till you get it working.
14:52.25fishboy1669jman xten xlite is ok
14:52.30rtcgYou can use your mic, but you'll STILL NEED A PHONE (hard or soft)  I perfer hard myself..but that's another topic.
14:52.53fishboy1669lol carefull wat u say rtg
14:52.54JmanA9so there's no way i can do this without a phone?
14:53.09rtcgphone can mean manythings
14:53.17rtcgcomputer software phone = phone.
14:53.30JmanA9well, i just downloaded firefly, i'll give that a go
14:53.40fishboy1669jman with out some sort of phone how u gonna speak?
14:53.53JmanA9microphone's the wave of the future.
14:54.31fishboy1669does * have telepahy module yet?
14:55.25BBRodriguezI have lots of outgoing SIP channels, in dialplan i need to check the next available channel and dial it, does anybody know how to do that ?
14:55.56*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (~bernd@
14:56.39cripitoBBR i am interested on that too.
14:57.47BBRodriguezcripito: we need a dialplan
14:58.24HjemmeRoyKdialplans are for chickens
14:58.39rtcgbock bock
14:59.49cripitoyes or an appl that do the work for us
15:00.01bjohnsonwell .. I've reviewed , , and .. but I just can't get my SPA 3000 to forward the CID from the PSTN to *.  I guess next step is to plug in a CID phone and confirm I'm getting the CID service I'm paying for (although I checked this a while ago)
15:00.01BBRodriguezHjemmeRoyK: how do you recommend to handle it ?
15:00.03cripitoi am thinking more in a appl with the channels in db
15:00.36Chujibjohnson : Yeah, that is fore sure
15:00.39*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
15:00.45Chujibjohnson : I have mine passing cid without problems
15:01.03Chujibjohnson : Did you follow those directions I told youlast night?
15:01.19HjemmeRoyKBBRodriguez: exactly what are you trting to do?
15:01.23bjohnsonI also have a second SPA 3000 that I might test to see if it is device specific
15:01.48bjohnsonChuji: yes .. that is one of the links I provided .. the voxilla ones are the source for that wiki post
15:02.07BBRodriguezHjemmeRoyK: have over thousand outgoing sip channels, need to check the next available channel, before dialing
15:02.31bjohnsonI can't get into the office till later so I'll have to put it off for a while
15:03.23BBRodriguezcripito: there's ${AVAILCHAN}
15:04.24HjemmeRoyKBBRodriguez: is this to an ITSP or something?
15:04.36BBRodriguezHjemmeRoyK: yes
15:07.01*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
15:09.47bjohnsonBBRodriguez and cripito: I made a superdial macro that I will post to pastebin that I think will do what you guys are looking for
15:10.04cripitothanks bj
15:10.49cripitousually what happen is that u have $ in certains sip channels and the system must be able 2 pick the ones that are available...
15:11.09*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
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15:13.05bjohnsonwith that macro .. in extensions.conf for an outgoing call you just list multiple lines like: exten => s,1,Macro(superdial,IAX2/voipjet/${tfnumber},,,,voip,${MAXVOIPCALLS},,,voipjet) and it will take the first one that is available
15:13.27bjohnsonit also works for incoming like so ..
15:13.43bjohnsonexten => s,3,Macro(superdial,${PHONE3},15,Ttm,,pstn,${MAXPSTNCALLS},,,,u${GENERALVM})
15:13.48bjohnsonexten => s,4,Macro(superdial,${PHONE1},15,Ttm,,pstn,${MAXPSTNCALLS},,,,u${GENERALVM})
15:13.53bjohnsonexten => s,5,Voicemail(b${GENERALVM})
15:14.27rtcgOK..well it AIN'T firefly, cuz now may other IAX phone that WAS working is now unworkful.. only one side of the conversation there too.
15:14.46bjohnsonand then goes to u vm if one times out .. otherwise tries next extension (eg if busy) .. if all are busy or unavailable .. it gets to the last voicemail busy
15:14.56bjohnsonnow I have to go till tonight
15:18.52cripitothanks bj
15:18.59cripitoi will see the macro
15:26.35eKo1These Clipcomm FXO gateways suck donkey balls.
15:26.36rtcgWhat search terms should I google for when only one party can talk on an IAX connectiont?
15:27.26freatrtcg: what's happening?
15:28.05freatrtcg: is it basically one-way audio? is it the called person who can't here the callee?
15:28.52rtcgThe IAX softphone client can send audio to the hard phone connected to the FXO ... but the softphone never receives any audio.
15:28.53freatrtcg: if Asterisk is bridging then releasing the calls, try keeping * in the middle by putting notransfer=yes into their settings in iax.conf
15:30.19freatthat softphone may have trouble talking directly to the hardphone. putting notransfer=yes in there will keep asterisk in the middle
15:30.22rtcgook... adding notransfer=yes to the context in iax.conf
15:30.44freatI had that same problem
15:31.27rtcgwell, the thing is, I *HAD* it working with Steven sokhol's(sp) IAXphone.  then this AM I tried firefly....
15:31.37freatwhen * bridges calls, it actually tries to get the two clients to talk directly to each other. kinda cool... but not always what you want
15:31.43rtcgfirefly had problems.   So I messed with ports in firefly and IAX.CONF
15:31.57freat'messed with ports'???
15:32.09rtcgeverything SHOULD be back to the way it was. (only played with one line)  only NOW not even iax phone works.
15:32.23freatdid you restart * ?
15:32.25rtcgteh sokol one doesn't even work any more.
15:32.37rtcgheck yeah...all the way down to the wcfxo drivers
15:33.06freatare you sure that your softphone is configured right?
15:33.14rtcgmodprobe -r wcfxo
15:33.14rtcgmodprobe -r wcfxs
15:33.14rtcgmodprobe -r wcfxo
15:33.14rtcgmodprobe -r wcfxs
15:33.14rtcgmodprobe -r zaptel
15:33.14rtcgmodprobe zaptel
15:33.16rtcgmodprobe wcfxs
15:33.18rtcgmodprobe wcfxo
15:33.20rtcg#screen -c /etc/asterisk/screenrc
15:33.22rtcgsleep 3
15:33.25jboti heard pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
15:33.25rtcgasterisk -cvvv
15:33.28*** join/#asterisk oDin (BuLuT@
15:33.56rtcgUm... it was configured correctly before (sorry about the paste) it was small tho.)
15:34.05freatrtcg: sounds like you just need to get yourself back to the original setup.
15:34.26rtcgok....attempting to verify that I am on the original setup. bbiab.
15:34.36freatrtcg: you don't ever need to modify that port= in the [general] of iax.conf
15:35.06freatrtcg: that doesn't really get used anyways, from what i hear the IAX2 port is hard-coded anyways
15:35.26HjemmeRoyK~lart rtcg for not using the pastebin
15:38.17rtcgI don't even know what lart is.....(IRC NOOBIE after 3 years of off and on use)
15:38.29*** join/#asterisk Mehmet (
15:39.00rtcgI did figure out enough to get the "I'm too lame to read the BitchX docs" off my config....AND I deleted all the vulgar signoffs...PHEW.
15:40.03wankelquite a list of accomplishments for a mere three years of your life
15:40.11JerJerwhen in doubt, whip it out
15:41.20rtcgOh yeah. I figure a year per project....that should be enough.
15:41.22tzangertired of the same old crap, eat more corn!
15:42.28wankelheh.  that's great.
15:42.28subxThis ihas to be the most social channel I have ever seen.
15:42.38rtcgIt are not.
15:42.47tzangerhow about broccoli?
15:42.48wankelreally?  it's pretty on-topic for irc :)
15:42.51subxlol thanks
15:43.00tzangersteak and eggs... not a bad breakfast
15:43.05tzangerI prefer the southern breakfasts
15:43.16fishboy1669bacon sandwich
15:43.29wankeli think my usual channel is on-topic maybe 1% of the time.  then again, we don't let anyone come in to ask stupid questions anymore, so that helps :)
15:43.32tzangerbacon, eggs, saussage, grits, orange, coffee, orange juice, pancakes, biscuits and gravy...  fuck man I need a southern Belle
15:43.53fishboy1669you let me get away with asking stupid questions!
15:43.54wankelmmmmm, gris.
15:43.58wankelgrits even
15:43.59rtcgwe all need a southern belle.
15:44.04wankelfishboy: this isn't my usual channel :)
15:44.41rtcgWell I'm back to my original config and I am still southern belleless.  I mean untalkful.
15:45.01fishboy1669i just want anything in a skirt
15:45.11fishboy1669within reason of course
15:45.19rtcgYou know..... this isn't all bad.. this way I can call home and tell the wife...THINGS...but I won't be able to hear her reply.
15:45.27fishboy1669jacky stallone is out of the question
15:45.34wankelrtcg: sounds ideal
15:45.36eKo1Somehow, 'southern belle' reminded me of Bellsouth.
15:45.38rtcgLOL hairy scottsman!  eeeewwwww
15:45.59rtcgHA!  in those three years... I also learnt how to clear the screen.
15:46.11fishboy1669thats a kilt man kilt not a skirt
15:46.11rtcgfor wife related purpleses.
15:46.27file[laptop]no food for file, darn
15:46.28wankelhave you figured out how to turn on the crypto signing for your messages yet?
15:46.43rtcgyou who?
15:46.49wankelrtcg: you
15:47.36rtcgI am unclueful as to what crypto signing is.  And which messages would I want to be puttful on?
15:48.05wankeljust to make sure everyone knows they're really coming from you.  just switch to signing mode to by typing "/sign 2"
15:48.20wankelsigning mode 2, that is
15:49.00rtcgwell, /signing mode 2 isn't workful.
15:49.12wankelno, just "/sign 2"
15:49.28wankeli don't think the bitchx idiots could figure out how to spell signing out the whole way
15:49.56wankelaw, hell.  stupid bitchx.
15:50.01rtcghell ya
15:50.04rtcg! I agree!
15:50.50markitwhat does disconnect => *0 in features.conf is mean to do? I thought was for hangin up, but seems not to work.. is it a bug, or does it does something different? cvs head
15:50.54rtcgcool!  My eastern belle just brought me sustinance.!!!
15:51.05*** join/#asterisk FryGuy (
15:51.12rtcgI don't know what it is...I just eat without's better that way.
15:51.25fishboy1669btw just so u all know judge jules rocks
15:52.06fishboy1669tried and tested euphoria
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15:52.51fishboy1669wow fit bird with well good legs just walked past my window shorteste denim skirt ever and its january here
15:52.54rtcgok....working softphone configure and tested outside this network USED to work.  Gonna POTS them and get them to test inbound callage.
15:53.51karbonwhats up moonwick!
15:54.59tzangercallage?  who do you think you are, Pauly Shore?
15:55.10rtcgprolly not.
15:55.39*** join/#asterisk LUTOR_ASI (
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15:56.54LUTOR_ASIi have a noise between pstn and xpro, and then get no comunication,
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15:57.05LUTOR_ASIi'm using alaw codec,
15:57.36LUTOR_ASIwhen i dial from pstn to xpro i can listen perfectly , but in the other way, i get no sound ...
15:57.40LUTOR_ASIcan somebody help me..
15:58.51fishboy1669check your phone.conf and your sip.conf for codec settings
15:59.07ChujiLUTOR_ASI : Anything sit between xpro and Asterisk?
15:59.16Chujii.e. NAT, Firewall, etc
15:59.17fishboy1669do u have any nat stuff in there
16:00.43LUTOR_ASIno, xpro is my lan..
16:01.09ChujiThen as fishboy1669 said, make sure there is no NAT settings in your sip.conf
16:01.53Chujido a sip show channel <chan> and zap show channel <chan> while they are connected. Make sure they are using the codecs you think
16:02.04LUTOR_ASIi have my phone.conf mode=inmediate, format=slinear, echocancel=medium
16:02.09beto75Leland I did receive information from Bicom , in fact I was on a demo of their softswitch product
16:05.12LUTOR_ASIi get from the zap show channel, default law=ulaw
16:06.13*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (~bernd@
16:06.13LUTOR_ASIsometimes i get comunication, and then lose it, but i usually  get no comunication
16:07.40*** join/#asterisk ta[i]nted (
16:12.23ChujiLUTOR_ASI : Try another softphone
16:12.34ChujiLUTOR_ASI : Could be a PC error, not Asterisk
16:14.54LUTOR_ASIbut if would be a PC error, why do i get a perfect comunication dialing from PSTN to xpro
16:15.24LUTOR_ASIbut from XPRO to PSTN i get no sound..
16:18.54*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (
16:19.16drumkillafile[laptop]: !!!
16:19.25Qwelldrumkilla: !!!
16:19.28file[laptop]drumkilla: !!!
16:19.30drumkillaQwell: !!!
16:19.36Qwellfile[laptop]: !!!
16:19.49file[laptop]Qwell: !!!
16:19.52drumkillagroup hug!
16:20.18markithi drumkilla, I've re-opened bug 3401... maybe the patch is ok, but doesn't solve the problem
16:20.20drumkillafile[laptop]: you see my message for you in the 1.0.4 email?
16:20.30drumkillamarkit: yeah, I saw that
16:20.56Qwelldrumkilla, file[laptop]: Where do you guys go when you need to get new phones and stuff?
16:21.12drumkillaheh ... depends, I guess
16:21.18file[laptop]drumkilla: ah yes that, saw it
16:21.35QwellThe only two places I know, suck
16:21.38file[laptop]Qwell: depends, I usually call in favors and get stuff cheaper
16:22.15drumkillaI use mostly Zap stuff at home ...
16:22.18wankelanyone know if there's a reason mwi and qualify don't work with realtime or if it's just work that hasn't been done yet?
16:22.43Qwellmy work is gonna be getting a couple 7960's, no clue where to go to get them though
16:22.44file[laptop]wankel: it's because the stuff from realtime doesn't stick around
16:22.57file[laptop]Qwell: oh I go to Jon Putnam @ for Cisco phones
16:23.05wankelright.  is that intentional, desired behavior, or is it just not well integrated yet?
16:23.07file[laptop]he's treated me well...
16:23.25drumkillaI wish i had money to buy a Cisco 7960  :(
16:23.29NuggetI don't want to buy hardware from a website that has music.
16:23.39file[laptop]wankel: the MWI and qualify stuff has to be modified... or realtime has to be expanded... it's just the way it is
16:23.53wankelokay, so no one's against the idea of it working, then.
16:23.56file[laptop]wankel: MWI and qualify count on the info of the peer sticking around in memory, with realtime - it doesn't
16:23.57eKo1drumkilla: You want one for yourself?
16:23.59Qwellfile[laptop]: Do I actually have to call to get pricing and such?
16:24.11drumkillaeKo1: yeah, i don't have any SIP devices
16:24.12file[laptop]Qwell: just e-mail him... the prices change as he gets stock and stuff
16:24.29wankelis anyone working on it, or should i?  i'm kinda screwed without it :)
16:24.43markitI'm using VoiceMailMain().. the vm-login seems not good to me... "Asterisk Mail.  Mailbox?" should be "Asterisk Mail.  What mailbox number do you want?" or something like that.. or am I wrong?
16:25.03Qwellfile[laptop]: Can you PM me an address?
16:25.12file[laptop]markit: it says, "Comedian Mail. Mailbox?"
16:25.21file[laptop]Qwell: yes
16:25.41markitfile[laptop]: it says what I wrote, if you read sounds.txt from CVS head
16:25.55file[laptop]markit: ooh did we get new sounds?
16:26.10gambolputtyas if Chris Rock or Gallagher are going to be using * voicemail anytime soon.
16:26.17markitfile[laptop]: are you using "stable"? there are new sounds in head, of course :)
16:26.47file[laptop]at any given day I go through stable and head a few times
16:26.52markitin any case, the message should be better... you don't know what is required... seems to wait for a "yes" or "no" ;)
16:27.05file[laptop]markit: then replace it with one you like
16:27.34wankela terse "Mailbox?" is typical for VMB systems
16:27.42markitfile[laptop]: of course I know I can do whatever I want, just discussing the item here... I want to know if my error, or I should file a bug to mantis
16:27.43wankelthat's what meridian mail says
16:28.00file[laptop]you people are crazy
16:28.07file[laptop]utterly, utterly, crazy
16:28.45markitwankel: I was trying that command after some time, and I did not remembered what I had to enter...
16:29.01drumkillafile[laptop] is the crazy one ...
16:29.11markitwankel: I was wondering "do I have to enter 1 for yes, 0 for no?"
16:30.00wankelseems obvious enough to me :)
16:30.12file[laptop]in the asterisk world, nothing is obvious
16:30.21file[laptop]when an error spits out the reason, people still don't catch on
16:30.35*** join/#asterisk loick_ (
16:30.36mikegrbobviously markit has never used any voicemail system or has an amazing stellar IQ
16:30.38file[laptop]drumkilla: I'm very bitter... I'm turning into Brian
16:30.57drumkillafile[laptop]: that's what happens when you hang around here too much
16:31.03file[laptop]drumkilla: indeed
16:31.09markitmikegrb: thanks, from your reply, I can guess we have the same IQ, but I'm more polite than you :)
16:31.23mikegrbmarkit: I doubt it
16:32.49markitadding a simple "number" (like "mailbox number") would greatly make thing easier to remember, a lot more user-friendly
16:33.09file[laptop]I've never had someone who couldn't understand to enter their mailbox number
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16:33.34wankelfile: yes, but when was the last time an asterisk error message actually included the reason? :)
16:33.55markitfile[laptop]: mmm maybe, since I'm providing the italian translation of the sounds, in italian sounds less obvious
16:34.17file[laptop]wankel: if you read the message and think, you figure it out
16:34.35wankelso far i've figured it out after reading the source, most of the time :)
16:35.00file[laptop]I've never had to read the source to figure out an error, unless it's a huge critical error that should never happen
16:37.27QwellHow would an IP phone work over a VPN?
16:37.38HjemmeRoyKI'm try to set it up right now.....
16:37.45HjemmeRoyKwith an ATA that supports simple ipsec
16:38.11*** join/#asterisk sarumont (
16:38.26wankel@$^T@#$ cable modem
16:38.31[Sim]qwell: if you have enough bandwidth and little latency/jitter it will just work over a vpn :)
16:38.36wankelfile: i didn't find "auto-congesting" or "no path to translate" immediately obvious the first time.
16:38.55[Sim]type of vpn (tcp/udp, crypto etc) may have effect on quality ofcourse
16:39.10Qwell[Sim]: I'm almost certain it'll be insanely tricky for me.  The tunnel runs in Windows(which is in VMWare)
16:39.13file[laptop]wankel: no path to translate? you really didn't clue in on that?
16:39.20wankeli used openvpn with no crypto and the additional latency wasn't noticable
16:39.27[Sim]qwell: yikes! :-)
16:39.39Qwellgonna have to hack up some ugly routes
16:40.06*** join/#asterisk fafnir (
16:40.22wankelfile: no path to translate what?  the sip uri?  the rtp stream?  no, i didn't know what it meant.  was plenty clear in the source, though.
16:41.03Qwellhmm, I could have a * install locally on the Linux box, have the phone connect to that, and do IAX to the primary?
16:41.41wankelqwell: if the other end supports iax, sure.
16:41.49Qwellwankel: I'll own the other end
16:42.08[Sim]that will make things easier if NAT is your problem
16:42.25*** join/#asterisk lele (
16:45.14bjohnsonQwell: definitely .. I do it all the time.  My SIP fxs ports connect to * and * uses iax to connect to my home * or my voip providers
16:45.49Qwellbjohnson: the routing is still gonna be fairly tricky for me, since the tunnel is in vmware
16:46.48*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@
16:48.43BBRodriguezHi people, does anybody know why ChanIsAvail kicks the call out of context ?
16:49.33bjohnsonBBRodriguez: did you look at my superdial macro?
16:49.48BBRodriguezbjohnson: where is it ?
16:50.11*** join/#asterisk Hakan (
16:50.15elricwhen I try and make a call with my softphone iax2 debug gives me an error saying, No Authority Found.. what might be causing this?
16:50.16*** join/#asterisk HenryTheBIG (
16:50.27bjohnsoncheck your irc logs back 1 hour 30 minutes for pastebin link and usage instructions
16:50.35*** join/#asterisk Nukemizer (
16:50.47BBRodriguezbjohnson: I desperately want to look at your superdial macro !!!
16:50.57bjohnsonelric: you don't have a matching secret/config in sip.conf or iax.conf
16:51.12bjohnsonBBRodriguez: check your irc logs back 1 hour 30 minutes for pastebin link and usage instructions
16:51.30elricbjohnson ok i will check on that
16:52.23BBRodriguezbjohnson: Thank you, looking at pastebin
16:52.25bjohnsonelric: to start .. just make a guest account .. should be one (but commented out) in the sample configs
16:52.51*** join/#asterisk fearnor (~alex@
16:53.26bjohnsonBBRodriguez: if you like it, do everyone a favour and post it to the wiki (with usage instructions) so I don't have to take the time
16:53.53*** join/#asterisk MuRat (
16:54.22Zeeekwhat does it do?
16:54.25Nukemizeris there a way to make asterisk start on boot, and still get  CLI  access ? or must asterisk alwys be started from command line ?
16:54.39ZeeekNuke see safe_asterisk
16:54.46Nukemizerthanks :)
16:55.00Zeeekbj what does this incredible macro do ?
16:55.22BBRodriguezbjohnson: I like it and i'll post it, but you don't check for next available channel in your superdial
16:55.35n00b101When I use a 7940 hold feature it takes 30 seconds for the musichold to be heard
16:55.55Zeeekthe band has to warm up and smoke a joint first!
16:56.08n00b101if i do it on a xten softphone it works instantly
16:56.22BBRodriguezHi people, does anybody know why ChanIsAvail kicks the call out of context ?
16:56.23n00b101What is causing the Cisco phone to delay
16:56.26Corydon76-homeYeah, well, the Cisco phone is a piece of shit, to put it mildly
16:56.45Corydon76-homeI'd call it a boat anchor, but that would be insulting to boat anchors
16:57.17n00b101I like it - using SIP image, though
16:57.33wankelgood.  don't use the skinny images.
16:57.59Nukemizermight disolve the phone quickly, making the phone unacceptable for even boat anchor
16:58.06n00b101SIP image works fine, except for thje delay using musiconhold
16:58.25BBRodriguezPlease, anyone ? ChanIsAvail drops the call out of current context, does anybody know why ?
16:58.44Corydon76-homeYeah, Grandstream works fine, too, except it doesn't have that delay
16:58.44BBRodriguezdoes anybody have a working example of ChanIsAvail usage ?
16:59.05Corydon76-homeand the GS doesn't cost more than an industrial blender
16:59.22wankelheheh.  my customers would laugh at me if i tried to sell them a grandstream
16:59.47wankelthings looks like a $20 radio shack PSTN phone
16:59.50Corydon76-homeOur customers cut us out of the loop and just buy Grandstreams directly
16:59.52wankelerr, POTS phone
17:00.00Nukemizeris there a way to have the status of active phones show on a console like an auto-upateding  "sip show peers" ?
17:00.24JonR800your customers buy GS phones??? you need new customers.
17:00.30Corydon76-homeNukemizer: show channels
17:01.09Corydon76-homeNew customers?  What for?
17:01.12*** join/#asterisk renato (
17:01.29JonR800Because they're obviously cheap
17:01.32Corydon76-homeJust because they aren't willing to drop $500+ on a Cisco doesn't make them bad customers
17:01.57Corydon76-homeIt just puts more money in their budgets to buy programming from us
17:02.03JonR800black market prices wankel.
17:02.10bjohnsonBBRodriguez: that's right .. you just list the next channel to check in your exten priorities
17:02.19JonR800they're buying them from columbian drug lords.
17:02.21Corydon76-homewankel: yeah, most businesses won't buy from eBay... retail only...
17:02.36wankeljon: ah, that explains it.  they probably have coke packed into the handsets.
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17:02.50Zeeekanyone hooked up the Bellster yet ?
17:03.02*** join/#asterisk ctooley ([U2FsdGVkX@
17:03.12bjohnsonCorydon-w: IP500s are $180 retail
17:03.29Corydon76-homebjohnson: Yeah, that's Polycom, not Cisco
17:03.34*** join/#asterisk fafnir (
17:03.38bjohnsonciscos are about $220
17:03.39*** join/#asterisk Smuggs (
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17:03.41Corydon76-homebjohnson: and we have customers with Polycom's too
17:04.04ctooleybjohnson, no IP500's are $279 retail, the going rate for them is $180-$190
17:04.07Corydon76-homebjohnson: on eBay maybe
17:04.08*** join/#asterisk nathano (
17:04.24wankelyou don't pay $500 for a cisco direct from cisco.
17:04.49wankelwell, not unless you're an idiot.
17:05.03Zeeeknathano lo
17:05.07Corydon76-homewankel: yeah, that's why I don't buy Cisco phones
17:05.27Corydon76-homeBesides, they're pieces of crap
17:05.46wankelwhy, exactly?
17:06.14*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (~info@
17:06.18bjohnsonctooley: .. ip500 for $180
17:06.22PakiPenguinhello everyone
17:06.28Corydon76-homeThey're impossible to configure correctly by using the phone console
17:06.28Zeeekhey pki
17:06.35Zeeekup late ?
17:06.48wankelbjohnson: right.  that's what he meant by "going rate."  the MSRP (which no one ever pays) is like $280
17:06.50PakiPenguinnah Zeeek: been busy with family all day
17:06.50nathanoI am new to Asterisk and was wandering how one could make calls using an Option Globtrotter PCMCIA GSM card and Asterix
17:07.01JonR800phone console?
17:07.22nathanoI think so the Phone connects via a PCMCIA port
17:07.36wankelcorydon: i've set several up from the console alone, but no one sane would try to scale that.  that's what the tftp server is for.
17:07.46Smuggssup i got asterisk working
17:07.57Smuggsany magic numbers i can call to test it?
17:08.01wankelwhen you have 5000 phones, you don't want to configure them all by pressing buttons.
17:08.03Corydon76-homewankel: everytime we've tried to configure it, most options are grayed out
17:08.05JonR800bingo wankel .. i wouldn't set more than one up from console.. lol
17:08.16wankelcorydon: mehehh.  did you read the manual?
17:08.25Corydon76-homewankel: yep
17:08.32wankelevidently not all of it
17:08.41Corydon76-homewankel: yep, all of it
17:08.51wankelokay, did you _understand_ what you read?
17:08.57Corydon76-homewankel: yep
17:09.02wankelthen you can't follow directions, i guess.
17:09.13Corydon76-homeWe unlocked the phone, tried it, still greyed out
17:09.16pulupeople are so friendly in this channel
17:09.47wankelpulu: he didn't ask "how do i make the greyed out options on a cisco work?"  he came in saying "ciscos are total pieces of shit."
17:09.57wankelapparently because he can't figure out how to work them
17:10.23nathanoSo is it possible to make voice calls using a Option Globtrotter PC GSM card with Asterix?
17:10.24ctooleybjohnson, I realize that's the going rate, that's what I sell them for too.  That does not make it retail
17:10.29Corydon76-homeAnd if a genius can't figure it out, maybe it's a piece of crap
17:11.13wankelthe simple often eludes the genius
17:11.45ctooleyGenius usually need not declare itself either.
17:11.59Corydon76-homectooley: yeah, well
17:12.07drumkillaCorydon76-home has submitted *a lot* of code to the asterisk code base ...
17:12.24nathanoany takers on the globtrotter GSM card and Asterix?
17:12.29renatoHi! Newbie question: The only option I have to connect normal phones on a Asterisk PBX is throuhg the TDM400P whith FXS modules?
17:12.45Corydon76-homectooley: I don't necessarily agree with the practice of attaching the word "genius" to an IQ range, rather than attaching it to accomplishments, but that's how it is
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17:12.58ctooleydrumkilla, submitting software to the project does not make a genius, nor someone cable of administration of equipment.  I know all to many people capable of one and not the other.
17:13.00Qwellrenato: You could also use something like a Sipura SPA-2000, but the TDM is pretty good
17:13.36renatoQwell: I'm concerned about prices. Which is the best option?
17:13.43Qwellrenato: I'd go with the TDM, really
17:13.44ctooleyI'm not trying to infer that Corydon76-home is an idiot or anything of the light, but arrogance gained through one accomplishment does not ensure success in another.
17:14.04nathanorento: So its not possible or would a new channel driver be required?
17:14.10bjohnsonBBRodriguez: (with usage instruction included
17:14.49Corydon76-homectooley: that's certainly obvious in this channel
17:15.02Nukemizersince sip phones do not like NAT ( from what i have been watching here)  do IAX phones fair any better when looking for a  phone that supports NAT ?
17:15.14NuggetNAT blows goats.
17:15.20renatoQwell: In this case, I'll have a cost of near $75 dolar per phone. This is considered a reasonable price for a PBX solution? Whe have hundreds of extension in my company
17:15.29Corydon76-homeIAX was specifically designed with NAT in mind
17:15.31Nuggetbut yeah, IAX is generally less of a pain in the ass with NAT than SIP is.
17:15.38Qwellrenato: hundreds?  Why not just get IP phones then?
17:15.52Qwell(and $75 is pretty damn cheap, AFAIK)
17:15.59renatoIP phones are expensives also
17:16.14Corydon76-homeQwell: because IP phones are all more expensive than $75?
17:16.27QwellHow many PCI cards do you think will fit in one system, exactly?
17:16.36Qwell6 tops?  6*4=24 phones
17:16.38NukemizerSWEET !
17:16.38wankeldeploying ip phones may also require infrastructure upgrades... new switches with QOS support, new cabling, etc.
17:16.40fearnorrenato: if you have lots of extensions, t400p+channel banks+ADSI phones = excellent solution.
17:16.51fearnorqwell: welcome to "channel banks". google it.
17:16.54fearnorthanks bye.
17:16.55renatoQwell. I was considering migrate from our proprietary PBX solution.
17:16.57Corydon76-homeQwell: that's why you use T1 ports and channel banks
17:17.13NukemizerNugget, Coryddon  - Thanks
17:17.18QwellHey, I was answering the question he asked, no need to flame me
17:17.20Nuggetglad I could help!  :)
17:17.31renatofearnor: many tanx I'll google it
17:17.42Nukemizeryou guys are awsome -
17:17.48Smuggsyo could u please post a few test numbers I can use with asterisk.  im excited i got it working w/ "dial 500" but no one answered.  i'm wondering if someone can actually hear me using my mic
17:17.55Nuggetwithout me it's just "awseo"!
17:18.21renatoQwell: many tanks too
17:19.17QwellNugget: aweso>
17:19.31Corydon76-homeSmuggs: nobody answered, because it's Saturday, and Digium is closed
17:19.45Smuggsjah i know that
17:19.50*** join/#asterisk AgiNamu (~AgiNamu@
17:19.57nathanowhat FXS modules can be used with a GSM PCMCIA card to make calls
17:19.57SmuggsCorydon-w, gimme your number i just wanna see if this worx
17:20.02ZeeekSmuggs sign up for FWD or IAXTEL
17:20.02QwellSmuggs: You could get FWD account or something, and call an 800 number
17:20.06Smuggsoh ok
17:20.09*** join/#asterisk calvinhp_ (
17:20.18Zeeekgreat minds and all that...
17:20.18Qwellerm, iaxtel is the one that does 800, isn't it?  whichever
17:20.34NukemizerI have one pc with a test phone on it and it keeps doing this - Peer '203' is now TOO LAGGED!   then seconds after - Peer '203' is now REACHABLE!
17:20.36Zeeekbetween those two, ât least one is usually up
17:20.52Nukemizerthe lan is good the PC is an HP -  POS  ( new i mide add )
17:20.59QwellI haven't had luck with fwd yet
17:21.02Nukemizer(might add)
17:21.18Corydon76-homeNukemizer: point of sale?
17:21.22ZeeekQwell in what way? It works, mostly
17:21.27AgiNamuDid someone here want to talk about my IAX2 ATAs / Phones?
17:21.38PakiPenguini want some :p
17:21.43Nukemizerpiece of Sh..
17:21.43Zeeekhas anyone used Bellster yet ?
17:21.44QwellZeeek: dunno, I only tried it for a day or two, and couldn't get out anywhere.  I forget exactly
17:21.59renatofearnor: Is this possible to use  t400p+channel banks+common telephones? I whant to proceed the migration with minimun adicional cost.
17:22.08ZeeekQwell I just use it to test. Echo test, time test, 800 numbers, calling myself etc
17:22.25QwellZeeek: Thats what I was doing.  Didn't have a mic for the echo test, and I couldn't hit 800
17:22.32ZeeekPaki talk to Farfon
17:22.44fearnorrenato: yes
17:22.49Nukemizerwith XP no less , can not keep then in Linux . always bitching "can not run our games"   arrrgg
17:22.49Zeeek18005551212 -tell me
17:23.15renatofearnor: tank yoy. I'm going to study this
17:23.17PakiPenguinZeeek: yes i will , theycost too much :p
17:23.31Zeeek*no shipping tho' :)
17:23.46PakiPenguinZeeek: convergence is shifting to Lahore now
17:23.49fearnoranyone here has a contact at chiwanese cointract manufacturing company? ;)
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17:24.01ZeeekPaki where is that?
17:24.09Nukemizerif you use the FXO modules versus the T1 won't you be getting a whole bunch of echo when making phone calls ?
17:24.14PakiPenguinits around 400KM from their current place :p
17:24.30fearnornuke: adit 600 channel bank, done/done.
17:24.35Zeeeksince all I k,now is my phones are stuck in OUTGOING customs!
17:24.37fearnorno echo problems ever since i switched to adit
17:24.54PakiPenguinZeeek: customs needs a lot of bribes here , how may did you order?
17:25.04Zeeektwo for the moment
17:25.12Zeeekthe bribes are on them though, not me
17:25.21PakiPenguinyour location Zeeek?
17:25.46PakiPenguinah, you should've told me before ( a cousin of mine just left, he could've carried those for you)
17:25.51PakiPenguinno customs :p no shipping
17:25.54Nukemizerif you have POTS lines to begin with where would you be puttin the channel bank ?
17:26.07ZeeekPkai BLOODY HELL!!!
17:26.18Zeeekyou have many cousins, yes?
17:26.42PakiPenguinlol , not that many , but one lives in paris and works for nestle :p
17:26.52Zeeekah ha
17:27.06wankelthe problem with VOIP hardware is that you can't just put it in a condom and get someone to swallow it before going through customs
17:27.13Nukemizeri guees i should have asked in this way, if you are strting with POTS and use FXO your going to get echo ? right ? unless you use the T1 interface ?
17:27.16PakiPenguinpeire or something is the brand he manages i dont know :p too non-geekish for me :p
17:27.33Zeeekwankel if its small it wont cause problems though
17:27.42Zeeeklike an IAXy, that's pretty easy
17:28.26wankelyeah.  5300s were harder to get through customs sometimes.  luckily, switching the voip blades with mica modem blades usually did the trick
17:28.48fearnorlike customs has any freaking idea what mica and voip blades are
17:29.09Zeeekthey loved my woodwinds synthesizer
17:29.12wankelthey seemed to in the caribbean
17:29.17wankelmuch to my surprise
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17:29.19fearnorwankel: neat
17:29.46wankeli guess cable & wireless gave them a hit sheet of things to look for or something
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17:30.00PakiPenguinlol, they do here too :(
17:30.25wankelthe dumbass US customs people just wanted to pull things apart with crowbars to look for bombs
17:30.52ardorif i want to use gsm only its
17:30.55Zeeekwankel coming in?
17:31.06wankelreturning, even
17:31.06ardordisallow=all ... then allow=gsm     ?
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17:31.44Zeeekyears ago I had to register an advanced radio I took to Europe and then brought back
17:31.56Zeeeksame with all out instruments
17:32.08Nukemizerfearnor: looking at adit 600 - that is a pretty serious echo solver. you use that for small applications ?
17:32.35Zeeekwho has heard about the new Sipura cheap SIP phones? Are they working well with * ?
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17:33.54Zeeeksomeone had one - wondered how well it worked
17:35.03PakiPenguinZeeek: link me to it please
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17:35.53Zeeekdunno just go to sipura - I think voxilla has them on offer
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17:36.50wankelfearnor: you just use the adit as a channel bank?  what's up with the voip features?
17:38.07wankelah, voip gateway is new in 9.0 and not covered in that older pdf
17:48.07bjohnsonzeeEK: ManxPower has one
17:49.25wankelmanx said nice things about them.  i'm still waiting for mine.
17:49.26Smuggsi have modified default extensions.conf and iax.conf to register with IAXTEL networks. iax.conf (register => Smuggs:**** Though when i launch asterisk (asterisk -vvvvg) I get a registration errors (chan_iax2.c:6466 socket_read: Reg of Smuggs rejected: Reg refused).  Wondering what ports if any I need to open on my routers firewall.  Possibly if you have an account I'd be able to substitute so I can properly test this out
17:49.30bjohnsonNukemizer: I use SPA 3000 and X100P for fxo and do not get echo
17:50.22bjohnsonwankel: I think Aginamu's would be similar .. but his are IAX
17:51.06bjohnsonSmuggs: Iaxtel has been unreliable for me for weeks .. and I coulnd never get it to do 800 numbers anyway
17:51.29Smuggsbjohnson, ok so I guess FWD is my only other choice for testing
17:51.43wankelnot sure i want to push IAX all the way out to the desk
17:52.13bjohnsonwankel: why not?  It would sure be easier for external users too.
17:52.38wankelnot real happy about the density it seems i can get with asterisk
17:52.48wankeli'd rather just use it for services where possible
17:52.56bjohnsonhow come nobody is oohing and awwing at my superdial macro?
17:53.17*** join/#asterisk Tili (
17:54.43bjohnsonSmuggs: there is always other choices .. and * box at home for instance
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17:54.47ManxPowerGave one what?
17:54.52ManxPowerHave one what?
17:54.57wankelnew spa
17:55.05ManxPowerAh.  Yes.  Two of them actually.
17:55.23bjohnsonzeeek was looking for an evaluation .. but he left
17:55.32rtcgWell I figured it out!!! in an unsolutionful way..
17:55.42ManxPowerBut at the moment I'm trying to figure out why iptables is NATing everything except the SPA-3k
17:56.00rtcgWhen I have the IAX softphone REGISTER with the * server, the TDM zap ports can't send audio to the softphone.
17:56.13bjohnsonManxPower: port 5061?
17:56.34rtcgIf I don't have the softphone register, everything seems to work fine.
17:56.49*** join/#asterisk FaithX (
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17:57.53ManxPowerI only have one iptables rule.  MASQ everything.
18:01.56rtcgSo, does anyone have a clue as to why * would stop sending VOICE traffic to  a softphone  if the softphone registers with the * server?
18:02.32ManxPowerrtcg, Is the phone behind NAT?
18:02.59rtcgthere are no public IP addresses in use.
18:03.40rtcgThe asterisk server in question is behind a firewall and the softphone is behind the same firewall.
18:03.59rtcgThe asterisk server in question is NOT the firewall nor is it the default gateway on the network.
18:05.33Schismanyone have an update about astricon europe / astricon training there?
18:05.50freat[laptop]rtcg: didn't you say yourself that you had it working earlier, then you messed with the config files and now it doesn't work?
18:06.17ManxPowerrtcg, no idea then
18:06.45rtcgwell..I have it working again... what BROKE it was having the softphone REGISTER with the * server.
18:07.08rtcgNow that I'm no longer REGISTERing the softphone with the * server...I have two way communications again.
18:07.24freat[laptop]rtcg: it sounds like you don't have a lot of customizations in your files. archive your configs to another folder then make the samples again
18:07.55wankelniiice.  24-30" here tonight.  should be a fun one.
18:08.11rtcgwell...I actually DO have * in use heavily..I'm just trying to add this softphone feature.
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18:08.54rtcgI have an extensive extensions.conf and zapata.conf to do distinctive ring detection => context$x
18:09.06rtcgbut I can TRY the default configs just for grins....
18:09.19rtcgshould I still try the default configs?
18:09.25*** part/#asterisk loick_ (
18:09.50freatI think you should... get the soft phone working that way, then start rolling back the changes you made until it breaks
18:10.08rtcgSoftphone NEVER worked when registered.
18:10.16rtcgSoftphone worked with NOT registered.
18:10.28freatwhat softphone are you using?
18:10.29rtcgEarlier I was unclueful as to WHY it used to work and not now..
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18:10.57rtcgSokol IAXPhone workes unregistered.  Firefly does NOT work either way (registered or not)
18:11.26rtcgwhat piece of the * configuration deals with the registering of softphones?
18:11.32freatdid you follow the directions on voip-info for those phones? there are some good documentations there
18:12.22rtcghm.. I'm on the pages aBOUT each of those phones. but...
18:12.25rtcglet me go there.
18:12.43freatsoft phones are devices, like everything else...
18:13.00freatif it's IAX, then you set it up in iax.conf
18:13.04freatif it's sip....
18:14.30rtcgit's IAX... and I've been in and out of the iax conf MANY times today.
18:14.32Letholanyonw know whos selling $8-$10 cisco service contracts?
18:14.40BBRodriguezPlease, someone tell me what am i doing wrong ?
18:14.56freat[laptop]pastebin your iax.conf file
18:15.30czero8-10$ cisco contracts?
18:16.04freat[laptop]then post the link here's a stupid issue that I'll eventuallyhave to deal with.  During all my restarting of asterisk (unload kernel modules and reload...start *) my FXO zap channels got line two was line one and line one was line two.
18:16.27Letholczero: the wiki talks bout them, but trying to get one from CDW didnt work
18:17.28Letholim stuck trying to get a cisco 7905 sip firmware..
18:18.17rtcgGREAT!!!  Now firefly works as long as it does NOT register.. So I have *2* working softphones....but only so long as they don't register with *
18:18.56rtcgonce they's game over until I restart *
18:19.08BBRodriguezChanIsAvail() always returns the same value, please someone check my dialplan out
18:19.24freat[laptop]what does 'iax2 show peers' tell you?
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18:20.26freat[laptop]rtcg: do "iax2 show peers" at the server console. you should see your soft phones there
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18:20.41LUTOR_ASIi 'd like to configure asterisk to call from xpro to pstn..but i have a problem
18:20.53LUTOR_ASIi only get one way communication..
18:21.40wankelyeah, good luck getting ahold of one of the cheap cisco contracts :)
18:22.17mitchelocuse and contact someone there, i'm pretty sure they can help with the contract
18:22.18rtcgI only get one way communication too. :)  iax2 show peers shows me that my softphone has registered it's ip address on port 4560 and it's unmonitored.
18:23.16Smuggshehe it works. fwd 4 life nigga
18:24.02wankelthe contract does exist:
18:24.26wankelCON-SNT-CP7960 8x5xNBD Svc, IP Phone 7960, Mgr Set (w/User Lic) N/A $8
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18:25.13eschvocaAnyone know how to ring with a different tone for long distance?
18:25.14Qwell7960 license?
18:25.18*** part/#asterisk nighty- (
18:25.52wankelyeah, lethol was looking for one
18:26.00wankelcdw couldn't find it, apparently
18:27.36rtcgeschvoca: are you talking about distinctive ring? oh...if the incoming call is long distnace THEN do a distinctive ring!  oh...
18:28.00eschvocartcg, yes
18:28.09mitchelocthey've got the best prices on everything
18:28.11*** join/#asterisk ta[i]nted (
18:28.47eschvocartcg, if incoming is long distance (I know the expression for that), then Dial an internal extension with a different kind of ring!
18:29.08eschvocaThere is Playtone but how does it interact with Dial?
18:29.27mitchelocanyone buy a 7940 lately? i'm wondering what they go for now?
18:29.47mitcheloci bout a bunch a long time ago for less then $210
18:29.56mitchelocso i was wondering if they are cheaper now
18:30.07netsurferanyone know of a good call center module, like ICD only with decent documentation ?
18:30.11*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
18:30.36BBRodriguezChanIsAvail() always returns the same value, please someone check my dialplan out
18:31.24wankelmitcheloc: they want 3xMSRP for the support contract :P
18:32.15netsurferBBRodriguez - im quite a n00b to this, but shouldnt u have , instead of &
18:32.37netsurferactually, ignore that.. im wrong
18:34.31*** join/#asterisk oFf (~Hale22__-@
18:34.47BBRodrigueznetsurfer: & is the needed character, i think, after first run, $AVAILCHAN doesn't get updated
18:35.27BBRodriguezChanIsAvail() always returns the same value, i think my dialplan is wrong somehow
18:36.18mitchelochas anyone received this error while modprobeing wcfx0??? nmi received for unknown reason 31 on cpu 0
18:36.22visik7what's the difference between chan_misdn and chan_modem_i4l ?
18:36.57mitchelocmy problem is very similar to this
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18:41.27wankelmitcheloc: yep, looks very similar.
18:42.12mitchelocwankel: sorry? do you know how to fix it?
18:42.20*** part/#asterisk bkw_ (~brian@
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18:43.04wankelnope.  i suspect it's an issue with the kernel support for your chipset, or possibly a zaptel driver issues with it.
18:43.36Lelandevening... anyone know of a common reason that an inbound call would ring fine, but there's no audio?  If I set the phone itself to talk to the provider directly it works fine, but not via asterisk.
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18:44.54freat[laptop]Leland: is it SIP?
18:44.54Lelandboth the phone and the sip provider peer lines in sip.conf are set to "canreinvite=no"  (which I saw on the wiki somewhere.. but that didn't appear to fix the problem)
18:45.17Lelandfreat[laptop]: the phone itself will do SIP or H323... same behaviour on both... provider is SIP
18:45.35freat[laptop]Leland: sounds like a NAT issue.
18:45.41Lelandno nat involved.
18:45.56freat[laptop]your phone has a public IP?
18:46.13wankelany firewalls involved?
18:46.29Lelandat least not affecting the IPs concerned
18:47.19rtcgwow....Leland's problem sounds....somehow familiar.
18:47.20*** join/#asterisk JmanA9 (
18:47.22Lelandit's as if once the call is setup, the RTP is trying to go direct from the phone to the provider rather than relaying through asterisk
18:47.45Lelandbut I don't have a facility to trace to see if that's actually what's happening, unfortunately
18:47.50wankelrun ethereal on the asterisk box and take a look at what's going on
18:47.55freat[laptop]does * release the call?
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18:48.08rtcgwhat about the notransfer=yes    is THIS a good place for it?
18:48.20rtcg(I'm not wise...just likewise)
18:48.30rtcg(and even THAT is debatable)
18:48.34Leland* does not release the call
18:48.58freat[laptop]yeah sounds like your RTP is getting messed up
18:49.10LelandI take it that means that after it's setup, the call is trying to go direct peer to peer from the phone to the provider then ?
18:49.30freat[laptop]yeah but I think that only applies to IAX protocol...
18:49.58pimpwellis this what I need:
18:50.05pimpwellthats the main installation?
18:50.29netsurferyes pimpwell
18:50.51Lelandfreat[laptop]: so any work-arounds that you're aware of ?
18:51.01netsurferpimpwell - depending on ur hardware u may need more
18:51.21freat[laptop]I'm not sure what the problem is...
18:51.23pimpwelljust a debian box
18:51.36*** join/#asterisk Umaro (
18:51.39UmaroHey guys
18:51.44LelandI get exactly the same thing if I use H323 between the phone and asterisk as well..
18:51.58freat[laptop]like wankel suggested, sniffing traffic would be a good idea
18:52.13netsurferpimpwell - try: apt-get install asterisk
18:52.17netsurferworks great
18:52.27netsurferu wont get 1.0.4 though
18:52.58netsurferpimpwell - debian testing release has asterisk 1.0.2 in apt
18:53.39Umarotrying to compile current CVS.. wish me luck! ;)
18:53.49Umarotoo bad 1.0.4 doesn't seem to have realtime in it
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18:54.23Lelandblah.. the UK debian mirror keeps changing their flipping directory structure... totally screws up the sources.list
18:54.24drumkillaUmaro: realtime will be in the next major release - 1.2
18:55.03Umarodrumkilla: :(
18:55.16drumkillait won't be too long
18:55.34mitchelocdoes anyone here know anything about a kernel error saying that perhaps i have a strange power mode enabled? similar to this other asterisk users problem:
18:55.41Umarodrumkilla: not to make you promise, but do you think the current CVS is stable enough that it won't reduce my * to a puddle of telephony goo?
18:55.59f00b3rhowdy Umaro
18:56.08Umarof00b3r: hey :)
18:56.09freat[laptop]Umaro: running HEAD is not recommended for production
18:56.17drumkillaUmaro: I wouldn't recommend running head in production unless you're willing to have problems
18:57.06netsurfermaybe thats why my moh isnt working :o\
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18:57.32afrosheenhey gang
18:57.43Umarowankel: yah.. I guess i'll have to wait though.. my client might not understand the benefits of realtime if the * crashes :/
18:57.48freat[laptop]is realtime where you put iax users in a db?
18:57.54drumkillaUmaro: agreed
18:58.00wankelput various things in a db
18:58.19f00b3rdamn, that will be so nice
18:58.25wankelmy only other option is to generate static config files from the db and kick asterisk every time something changes
18:58.34UmaroI've been looking at figuring out SER
18:58.37drumkillayou can do it in 1.0, but it's limited
18:58.41drumkillaand you still have to issue a reload
18:58.48Umarofor a frontend to my * servers.. pretty cool stuff
18:58.53blitzrageyo yo yo
18:58.55freat[laptop]yeah that's the next step I want to go to... use odbc to connect to a custom db. provides for excellent application integration possibilities...
18:59.04afrosheenUmaro: AMP is pretty nice now
18:59.13blitzragedrumkilla: !!!
18:59.17blitzragefile[laptop]: !!!
18:59.35wankelumaro: i've had some problems with nat using ser.  asterisk likes to talk directly back to phones, and the firewall only has NAT open for the ser proxy port
18:59.43mitchelocanyone know about that issue? it's with an fxo's acting stupid =/
18:59.45file[laptop]blitzrage: ???
18:59.45f00b3rI was planning on trying out AMP this weekend
18:59.53*** join/#asterisk firestrm (
18:59.54f00b3rof course my office got broken into thursday night
18:59.57blitzragefile[laptop]: you ??? my !!!'s?!
18:59.59afrosheenf00b3r: it's come a long way in 3 months
19:00.01f00b3rthat seriously put me back a few days
19:00.03file[laptop]blitzrage: yesssssssssss
19:00.10afrosheenit supports zap, sip and iax trunking now
19:00.11blitzragefile[laptop]: I challenge you to a dual!
19:00.12drumkillahow dare you?!
19:00.15file[laptop]hold me hold me hug me hug me!
19:00.20afrosheenblitzrage: a dual processor?
19:00.23drumkillablitzrage: I think you mean duel  ;)
19:00.26blitzrageafrosheen: yes.... :)
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19:00.34blitzragedrumkilla: yes... yes I due :D
19:00.44wankelso i'm trying to just have the phones tlak directly to asterisk now, but asterisk's nat keepalives don't work with realtime... so now i'm digesting chan_sip.c
19:00.55blitzrageyes... I used the wrong word on purpose :D
19:01.08file[laptop]blitzrage: welcome to the club
19:01.19blitzragefile[laptop]: do I get fringe benefits?
19:01.20firestrmmmmmmmm... ipod...
19:01.21f00b3riPod is like crack
19:01.26f00b3rI can't leave home without it
19:01.27file[laptop]blitzrage: you get a hug!
19:01.29afrosheenno, crack is cheap
19:01.31blitzragefile[laptop]: lol
19:01.34*** join/#asterisk _tekati_ (
19:01.36wankelheh.  i won another ipod at work thursday for sitting through a four-hour all-hands meeting.
19:01.47blitzragefile[laptop]: shhhh... I'm a dCAP now
19:01.53mitchelocwankel: send it here if you have an extra
19:01.55afrosheenwankel: ebay it
19:02.00mitchelocafrosheen: shhh
19:02.02file[laptop]blitzrage: eeek
19:02.06wankelwhich is good, i suppose, since my current ipod is permanently wired into the truck's 12V power since the battery lasts about 12 minutes.
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19:02.28mitchelocwankel: nahh you want to give it to a friend
19:02.35drumkillawankel: like me!!
19:02.46mitcheloc* mitchel
19:03.01wankeldrumkilla: would nat keepalives magically start working with realtime? :)
19:03.22drumkillawankel: We might be able to work something out, haha
19:03.31afrosheenanyone know about linux permissions and mounting
19:04.30drumkillaride the waaave!
19:04.30wankelholy netsplit, batman
19:04.31mitchelocheh teh zelazny server went down
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19:04.31wankeli haven't seen one of those since i stopped using efnet :)
19:04.33afrosheenthis happens every saturday
19:04.46mitchelocheh why?
19:05.18afrosheenit's beer and pizza day at the freenode complex
19:05.19robin_szafrosheen: trains.
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19:05.43robin_szafrosheen: they have to split the net in Ohio, wher eit crosses a train track, due to a train every saturday
19:06.04afrosheenrobin_sz: lol
19:06.16mitchelocare you serious?
19:06.16afrosheenwireless cantenna link
19:06.21afrosheenINCOMING WHOO WHOOOOO
19:06.46mitchelocthats weird...why don't they just raise the antenna a little higher
19:07.01afrosheenfcc regulations
19:07.14firestrmafrosheen, faa regs
19:07.16afrosheenmichael powell himself complained about it
19:07.30afrosheen'this pole is too high, we fine you 2 million dollars'
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19:07.39mitchelochide it in a tree
19:07.52afrosheenwhere birds will nest in it? naw
19:07.52robin_szthey tried that
19:07.52f00b3rthe little blinkey light on top is expensive
19:07.54mitcheloctrains aren't that tall
19:07.55firestrmafrosheen, cant have aircraft flying into the network.. imagine the netspit that would cause ::)
19:08.01robin_szit upset the local enviromentalist groups
19:08.16robin_szworried about RF radiation and nesting birds
19:08.27afrosheenit's cool, you get free fried eggs
19:08.51firestrmhard boiled i think
19:08.55afrosheenSee here, it's perfectly harmless...pass the salt
19:09.15f00b3rPETA dosen't like fried eggs
19:09.16robin_szweirdest thing I ever saw was in finland ... bridges for cars on the ice that they have to pull out of the way when a ferry comes past
19:09.19f00b3rand they look at you funny when you offer it to them
19:09.28mitchelocany tall enough buildings in the area? damn, that really sucks...they should have two then, one a mile down the tracks so they can switch between them when the train comes
19:09.58robin_szmitcheloc: tall buildings? in ohio?
19:10.01afrosheenrobin_sz: an ice bridge?
19:10.07robin_szmitcheloc: you are lucky they have lectric!
19:10.11firestrmrobin_sz, there are many wierd things in finland..
19:10.36robin_szafrosheen: yeah .. on the frozen sea in the Aaland islands ..
19:11.05robin_szthe mark roads out and put aluminium or wooden bridges over the broken ice where the ferries come through
19:11.17robin_szthey have to move them when a ferry wants to come past
19:11.54firestrmrobin_sz, it may be cold, but finnish women are hot :)
19:11.59wankelNYC still has a few rotary bridges
19:12.05robin_sznow, that bit is true
19:12.13wankelthe whole bridge turns parallel to the river around a pivot when something is passing
19:12.38robin_szfirestrm: finnish women are scary. yes they are hot, boy .. do NOT argue with them
19:12.49blitzragerobin_sz: lol
19:12.56file[laptop]blitzrage: who got them, WHO
19:12.59firestrmrobin_sz, lol i know..
19:13.04blitzragefile[laptop]: Steve and Olle
19:13.11file[laptop]blitzrage: ah
19:13.11blitzragefile[laptop]: they are very cool
19:13.16file[laptop]blitzrage: where are you?
19:13.22blitzragefile[laptop]: Kansas City, MO
19:13.31firestrmrobin_sz, im married to a danish girl.. same things.. dont mess with vikings...
19:13.39*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
19:13.41blitzragefile[laptop]: Steve just installed the development tools and is attempting to get Asterisk installed on it
19:13.42robin_szfirestrm: eek :) quite.
19:13.48blitzragefirestrm: thats true :D
19:14.00file[laptop]blitzrage: ah
19:14.25robin_szfirestrm: do the danish do the 'molten tin' ceremony at new year?
19:14.27file[laptop]it only takes a minute girl, to fall in love! to fall in love!
19:14.49blitzragefile[laptop]: a minute girl?  hrmmmm...
19:15.00blitzragefile[laptop]: never met one of those, lol
19:15.09firestrmrobin_sz, is been reffered to but ive never seen it.. but i have been forced to eat lootfisk
19:15.18robin_szfirestrm: and survived?
19:16.12*** join/#asterisk RDF (
19:16.13firestrmrobin_sz, for the most part... the best part is the schnaps afterward.. and then lighing the alchol left over in the bottle to let the ghost out
19:16.44robin_szfirestrm: how unusual, a nordic custom that involves alcohol ;))
19:16.51blitzragerobin_sz: lol
19:17.18robin_szfinland is famous for winter sports
19:17.37blitzragehrmmmm... is it too early to start drinking?
19:17.41RDFAnyone seen a case where a .msg or .wav can be recorded played and included in a Background dial plan but does not play and get a return error of Unable to open greeting.wav (format unknown): No such file or directory
19:17.42robin_szthe top 3 are drinking, wifeswapping and suicide ... usually in that order
19:18.14file[laptop]RDF: don't put the extension, just use greeting
19:18.17RDFIt is there with the rest of the gsm files in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
19:19.28blitzrageRDF: yah, what file said
19:19.52RDFI dont knowwhat you mean it is a s start line in s,4
19:20.06file[laptop]you're using Background(greeting.wav)
19:20.10file[laptop]just use Background(greeting)
19:20.10blitzrageRDF: s/Background(greeting.wav)/Background(greeting)
19:20.14RDFexten => s,4,Background(greeting)
19:20.15wankelhe means leave ".wav" off of it
19:20.19RDFThats what i have
19:20.31blitzrageis it in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds?
19:20.37freat[laptop]if I got asterisk stable from CVS, I'm getting the latest thing right? 1.0.4 ? and cvs update keeps it the latest and greatest stable right?
19:20.40blitzrageoh yah, you said that already
19:20.40RDFi can play it
19:21.09blitzragefreat[laptop]: you're getting the latest changes to the stable branch - post 1.0.4
19:21.14RDFI wonder if some other service is interfearing with it playing when asterisk is running
19:21.30freat[laptop]blitzrage: thx
19:21.34RDFI can though punch in the extensions and thay work
19:21.39*** part/#asterisk mitcheloc (
19:22.44blitzragewiki isdown
19:22.59blitzrage~asterisk wiki
19:23.00jbotasterisk wiki is, like,
19:23.11blitzragehrmmm... doesn't jbot report back a status somehow?
19:23.15RDFin fact, let me try one of the existing built in gsm files and see what happens.
19:23.24*** join/#asterisk _RaYmAn_ (
19:23.32firestrmrobin_sz, my best dont mess with danes story was from before i married my wife, i had to move a 30 cubic foot freezer.. i was waiting for a bodybuilder friend to help me move it onto the truck. My wife to bee said, lets just move it ouselves.. i snickered and said sure.. what the heck. imageine my suprise when she succeeded in picking her end up.
19:23.48blitzrage~wiki irc
19:23.49freat[laptop]silly question... but I've seen the wiki go down before. not a big deal to me, but, is it backed up?
19:23.59robin_szright .. so having found a Makefile that can build and install zaptel on debian (unlike the currrent one) ... hermie maybe?
19:24.06robin_szfirestrm: hehe
19:24.07*** join/#asterisk Frantic (
19:24.12firestrmrobin_sz, i only realized later that she had picked up the apprentice end.. Danish women are surprisingly strong for their size..
19:24.15blitzragewiki returns! :)
19:24.43firestrmrobin_sz, i know imediatly that i was in serious trouble if i EVER messed with her..
19:24.59freat[laptop]blitzrage: you run the wiki?
19:25.05blitzragelol, no :)
19:25.16file[laptop]blitzrage runs around in circles
19:25.18robin_szfirestrm: yeah. my mate is married to a finn ... I know exactly what you mean
19:25.41blitzrageits true(tm)
19:25.46freat[laptop]anyone know if the wiki is backed up or at least on RAID-5? it would be a shame to lose all that info...
19:25.46Franticanyone knows about this: ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 2: No such device or address (6)
19:26.03firestrmrobin_sz, when they are mad enough for violence, they dont just slap you.. they mess you up..
19:26.12blitzrageFrantic: you don't have zaptel.conf or zapata.conf configured right
19:26.15file[laptop]wifi going, insane
19:26.34robin_szfirestrm: exactly.  the phrase "too hot to handle" comes to mind
19:26.38firestrmfile, ask wifi if i can go too
19:26.50blitzragefile[laptop]: I hate pineapples - so I suppose that is a valid weapon
19:26.59Franticblitzrage: I have- digium was able to fix it once- if I take the card out and put it back it works ok- they say something about VendorID change they did
19:27.13RDFplay filename.gsm right from / it should play? the path should be set and is required?
19:27.33blitzrageFrantic: oh I know how to fix that.  Open zconfig.h and near the bottom you can tell the card to use all the VendorIDs
19:27.40blitzrageFrantic: I think that'll fix it anyways
19:27.40Franticblitzrage: I just re-did zaptel with 1.0.4
19:27.53firestrmrobin_sz, Im the only one who has the keys to unlock the garage deadbolt... for a good reason, its my bunker for when my wife is mad
19:28.02file[laptop]blitzrage: VON?
19:28.05blitzrageFrantic: open zconfig.h and find that section, you'll have to comment it
19:28.06Franticblitzrage: wow- let me check
19:28.12file[laptop]I can't remember who is and isn't going now
19:28.13blitzrageuncommen it *
19:28.29freat[laptop]break it
19:28.50firestrmrobin_sz, not that that happens much, but just like Nukes, it only takes one event to mess you up :)
19:28.59blitzragefile[laptop]: ummmm odd... where did I mention VON?
19:29.00freat[laptop]breaking stuff is cool
19:29.16file[laptop]blitzrage: nowhere, it was a question as towards whether you will be there or not
19:29.28blitzragefile[laptop]: you know what is REALLY freaky?  I was just about to say that I think I might be going.
19:29.34blitzragefile[laptop]: that scares me
19:29.38file[laptop]blitzrage: I'm psychic
19:29.49robin_szfirestrm: they are fun creatures in the summer, but in the winter .. something changes .. they go .. dark. best avoid upsetting them
19:29.59file[laptop]blitzrage: I've gone to hell two times at the exact same time as Brian, it was freaky
19:30.05blitzragefile[laptop]: actually, I have more of a feeling that I can communicate my thoughts to other people and not that you're psychic.  Its my skill, not yours
19:30.14file[laptop]blitzrage: nope - all mine
19:30.25blitzragefile[laptop]: perhaps a combo skill then
19:30.44file[laptop]blitzrage: perhaps
19:30.44firestrmrobin_sz, lol, you have true understanding of the creature in question.. kinda like the shadow creatures in bab5 :)
19:30.45blitzragefile[laptop]: I was talking to Olle last night and he might try to figure out a way to get me down to VON
19:30.59file[laptop]blitzrage: excellent
19:31.09blitzrageFrantic: let me know if that thing works for you
19:31.18robin_szfirestrm: yeah, but at least that had the decency to look mean. these one just look blonde and babe-like :)
19:31.23blitzragefile[laptop]: sounds like it's going to be a really good time :)
19:31.28file[laptop]blitzrage: it is.
19:31.28blitzragefile[laptop]: all sorts of people there
19:31.46freat[laptop]where are you guys going?
19:32.05blitzragehopefully San Jose
19:32.07Frantic<blitzrage> I make clean and building- now restarting
19:32.18Frantic<blitzrage> I'll let you know in a minute
19:32.30file[laptop]blitzrage: paulc is going too :)
19:32.33firestrmblitzrage, which von? toronto? if so i might be trying to fill an aircraft for the trip across canada.. the VON bus !!
19:32.40freat[laptop]anyone here in Chicago?
19:32.53file[laptop]firestrm: Spring VON in San Jose, CA
19:33.09file[laptop]in the month known as March
19:33.15*** join/#asterisk dontmsgme (
19:33.18file[laptop]between the days known as the 7th and the 10th
19:33.38firestrmfile(laptop) even better.. i'll fly the SJ Von bus :)
19:33.56file[laptop]my flight is just peachy
19:33.59blitzragefirestrm: personally, for VON Canada, I wouldn't bother.  I went this year and it sucked
19:34.18blitzragefile[laptop]: sweet!  I want to meet paulc
19:34.29firestrmblitzrage, good to know.. it will be my first VON, i dint want to get a bad impression
19:34.30dontmsgmeIs there a website for VON in san jose
19:36.03*** join/#asterisk jbot (
19:36.03*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || DUNDi: #dundi || 1.0.4 Released
19:36.15blitzrageFrantic: can you email me the info of the errors you were getting before?
19:36.16ardor~jbot whats up
19:36.17jbotnothing much mate, you ?
19:36.26Frantic<blitzrage> sure
19:36.35Frantic<blitzrage> what's your email
19:36.48blitzrageFrantic: leif (at) leifmadsen (dot) com
19:36.50firestrmi would stop in seattle for customs, so i could pick up seattle ppl.
19:37.08file[laptop]I get to fly... Moncton -> Toronto -> Denver -> San Jose
19:37.13RDFblits, something is wrong with my files being played in Background(filename) I can replace my working sound file in place of the built in ones included in /asterisk/sounds and it will play. I create my own sound file names and its dead silence. Ever seen a case of this?
19:37.15blitzrageanyone know about faking a zaptel timer on OSX?
19:37.30RDFblitzrage  so this is a little strange.
19:37.34file[laptop]blitzrage: good luck?
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19:37.40blitzrageRDF: is it mono, 8bit?
19:37.48RDFhow do I know?
19:38.06RDFby default rec is recording in what mode?
19:38.11blitzrageRDF: good question - I'm going to assume its not then.  Use sox to convert the file to the appropriate format.  Check the wiki
19:38.32blitzrageRDF: if you're using Astersk Record() you shouldn't hvae to do anything though
19:38.36RDFIt should be mono,8bit ?
19:38.38freat[laptop]blitzrage: also, don't mp3s have to not have id3 tags I think...?
19:38.45blitzragefreat[laptop]: yep, thats also true
19:38.48RDFits used sox rec
19:39.03blitzrageRDF: sorry, not positive.  Check the man pages
19:39.25freat[laptop]RDF: are you just recording stuff for menus? if so, there's some directions on the wiki about creating an extension to dial to do that
19:39.32blitzragesheesh, with the number of questions I"ve been answering lately I should have op status, lol
19:39.54RDFstill, you are saying it should recorded as mono, 8bit?
19:40.01blitzrageRDF: pretty sure
19:40.03file[laptop]blitzrage: you don't know the magic? all you have to do is ask.
19:40.04freat[laptop]wiki wiki
19:40.08RDFgood enough
19:40.18firestrmi have been issued a challenge by my wife.. she has many deaf friends(she does sign language interpretation) and she want me to make my asterisk TTY aware..
19:40.25firestrmany ideas?
19:40.26blitzragefile[laptop]: just kidding around.  Having op status just means people /msg you more :)
19:40.37file[laptop]people msg me regardless
19:40.37blitzragefile[laptop]: although I'd like to be able to change the topic... thats about the only perk I see :D
19:40.40file[laptop]crazy buggers
19:40.42blitzragefile[laptop]: yep, me too
19:40.55freat[laptop]firestrm: that's a cool idea
19:40.55blitzragefile[laptop]: I need to implement one of those message queueing scripts or something
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19:41.14firestrmfreat(laptop) i thought so too..
19:41.35file[laptop]ahhhhhh I have Monday off
19:41.40file[laptop]and Wednesday, and Thursday
19:41.42file[laptop]and then Monday and Tuesday
19:41.57freat[laptop]firestrm: if you use a lossless codec, will TTY get passed from one phone to the other via * ?
19:42.46firestrmfreat(laptop), it should, its more of a problem detecting that its TTY, vs fax voice or modem
19:43.32freat[laptop]firestrm: would be nice if it could recognize the TTY so that you could code extensions for TTY
19:43.32blitzragefile[laptop]: I'm more like a carrot - good for the eyes, lol
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19:43.58file[laptop]blitzrage: blasphemy
19:44.13hacimat the moment, what is the cheapest card I can get to hook my PTSN line up to my computer so I can participate in bellster? ;)
19:44.20firestrmfreat(laptop) i agree.. it has usefulness for business too, no more seperate line for TTY
19:45.00blitzragehey, if anyone needs Asterisk consulting, check my website :D
19:45.10freat[laptop]firestrm: integrate * TTY recognition with instant messaging...
19:45.29f00b3rblitzrage:  seriously, what is your website?
19:45.30firestrmfreat(laptop), Carol (my wife) thinks that she might even be able to get funding do develop such a thing
19:45.33file[laptop]I've gotta stay... can't run away...
19:45.36hacimanyone know where I can get cheap Analog Line/FXO cards?
19:45.40f00b3rkeeping some consultans queued up if I fail misserably
19:46.00firestrmfreat(laptop), awesome idea..
19:46.08RDFBTW, can any other modem other then a x100p be used?
19:46.09blitzragef00b3r: - still working on the site as I'm in transition so its a bit of a mess, but my contact info is there
19:46.17freat[laptop]firestrm: yeah for a business, you could have * ring agents the same way it normally does, except that if it's TTY, they communicate with an IM window that pops up
19:46.30f00b3rcool thanks
19:46.42blitzragef00b3r: thank, you!
19:47.00LUTOR_ASIwhat codec a PSTN line uses?
19:47.00firestrmfreat(laptop), could even do mailbox for TTY that way
19:47.07pimpwellwhats the best way to check if asterisk installed correctly?
19:47.14blitzragefile[laptop]: you know whats funny, I guess I'm dCAP #1 (#3 if you count Olle and Steven)
19:47.25f00b3rconnect with a sip phone and dial 1000
19:47.27file[laptop]blitzrage: and what does it get you?
19:47.28f00b3rif the demo is enabled
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19:47.38freat[laptop]firestrm: I'm starting to work on a project to integrate * and instant messaging for the university... would be good to keep in touch as we're gonna be looking for ideas for funding some projects as well
19:47.38blitzragefile[laptop]: ummmm.... cheap entry to Astricon? :D
19:47.38file[laptop]a potato!
19:47.51pimpwellany software way of checking?
19:47.53file[laptop]no no no, a potato!
19:48.02blitzragefile[laptop]: I could go for a baked potato with diced tomato's, chives and sour cream right now
19:48.17file[laptop]blitzrage: then go get one you lazy bugger
19:48.20*** join/#asterisk waddy (waddy@
19:48.20f00b3rpimpwell:  sure, use a softphone
19:48.24freat[laptop]firestrm: shoot me an email so i've got yours. rsenykoff (at) harrislogic (dot) com
19:48.57firestrmfreat[laptop], will do..
19:49.11blitzragefile[laptop]: I'm not in my own house
19:49.30czeroMmmmmmmmmmmm food
19:49.37czerothikn I need to venture outside
19:49.44file[laptop]blitzrage: that's why you run out the door screaming, "POTATO!", and head to the nearest venue of consuming food
19:49.45czeroblitzrage is the storm bad over your way
19:50.06freat[laptop]We've had quite a bit of snow here in Chicago so far
19:50.14freat[laptop]can't get the car out of the alley
19:50.15blitzrageczero: not here in KC, MO, but I'm afraid of my flight getting cancelled tonight
19:50.31czeroMmm yeah I'd saw no fly home tonight :)
19:50.38blitzrageczero: crap
19:50.42czerowe've got aboput 3inches down and -30
19:50.57blitzrageczero: eeeeesh!
19:50.59Schismhey, if I am setting up a trunk to broadvoice, do I really need their patch?
19:51.00blitzrage-30C right?
19:51.05czeromy wife went to NC yesterday and they where saying on the AC webside ALOT of flight would be canceled today
19:51.07file[laptop]so come on baby do it to me do it to me good now do it to me slowly
19:51.11czeroblitzrage: yeah
19:51.20freat[laptop]-30 C or F?
19:51.26blitzrageeither way thats damn cold
19:51.29*** join/#asterisk h4mm3r` (
19:51.30blitzragefile[laptop]: LOL
19:51.32freat[laptop]ahh ok
19:51.37firestrmfreat(laptop), message sent
19:51.40czeroyeah after -20(c/f) nothing matters :)
19:51.43wankelno snow here yet
19:51.48wankel~metar kpvd
19:51.49czerowankel where r u
19:52.13*** join/#asterisk Umaro (
19:52.16wankel-9C here
19:52.27file[laptop]-20C here
19:52.35czeronever as cold near water
19:52.40Schismthis is great about the weather, but isn't this the * channel?
19:52.41firestrm~metar cyxx
19:52.42blitzrage~metar yyz
19:52.49*** join/#asterisk dant (
19:52.52wankelyeah, the water keeps us a bit warm
19:52.55czerowankel they have a dealer ship in RI or you have to go up to PEabody?
19:53.14wankelthe dealership here is evil.  i got to
19:53.26firestrmwankel how you get jbot to give metar?
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19:53.35file[laptop]all along the shore, we sit together in the calm of a summer breeze
19:53.38wankel~metar cyyz
19:53.40czeroI _had_ a range rover got it in Peabody when I lived in NH
19:53.43file[laptop]I move a little closer, and I slip my arms from you arms
19:53.44firestrmnevermind jbot was just slow..
19:53.45wankelyou have to give the full four-letter ICAO code
19:54.00czerobut have a 99 disco now
19:54.02file[laptop]and hold me tight in your arms... tell me that you love me too knowing that you care
19:54.03wankelyeah, i dunno why it's so slow
19:54.05file[laptop]makes me feel alive
19:54.20wankeljbot's mostly a functioning infobot, but whoever hacked it broke karma
19:54.24firestrm~metar CYYJ
19:54.49czero~metar CYHZ
19:54.59wankelyow.  i'm surrounded by canadians.
19:55.05file[laptop]yes, yes you are
19:55.21blitzrage~metar CYYZ
19:55.26firestrmits an invasion.. all your asterisk belong to canuck
19:55.27blitzrageczero: thanks, checking
19:55.31wankeli just did toronto!  pay attention! :)
19:55.39netsurfer~metar EGAA
19:55.40blitzragewankel: oops! :)
19:55.47blitzragetoo many windows, lol
19:55.58*** join/#asterisk mrempire (
19:56.02wankelmetar's not that hard once you get the hang of the unspecified bits at the end
19:56.03Schismas long as someone can
19:56.08Schismhey, if I am setting up a trunk to broadvoice, do I really need their patch?
19:56.11*** join/#asterisk securAX (
19:56.14file[laptop]MY GENERATION!
19:56.28firestrmwankel, what is karma?
19:56.44czerokarma is what kicks my ass on a daily basis :)
19:56.56czero~metar EBUD
19:57.07wankelwith a normal infobot, you say things like foo++ and foo-- and it accumulates karma points for foo
19:57.20wankelbut this one's not working except in private messages for some reason.  it seems to be the ~ hack
19:57.24file[laptop]blitzrage: never ending story! POTATO
19:57.43file[laptop]turn around... look at what you see... in your face the mirror of your dreams...
19:57.44firestrmwankel, i see
19:57.46wankelit'll look up codes by itself, actually
19:57.53wankel~airport code for south bend
19:57.55blitzragewankel: yes... karma would be VERY nice in here
19:58.16file[laptop]ooh it's almost 4PM, I wonder what's on
19:58.18wankelwow.  people must be pounding the noaa web sites
19:58.42blitzragewankel: I started on compiling for infobot - but stuck at the point when I need my Google API code - their servers were down, so now its just sitting at the screen waiting for me :)
19:58.44wankelhmm... no, other infobots are still fast.
19:59.07wankelblitzrage: you can just leave the google plugin out
19:59.13*** join/#asterisk Spooch (
19:59.19blitzragewankel: yah, but I want it :)
19:59.24wankel'tis handy
19:59.25RDFwankel, why
19:59.25blitzragewankel: so will just wait for google
19:59.34blitzrageI'm in no rush for it
19:59.36wankelrdf: why what?
19:59.37mrempirecan anyone tell me  what hardware i need to make voip calls at both ends?
19:59.44blitzragemrempire: none
19:59.54blitzrageother than a computer
19:59.54RDFwankel, why do you think noaa site is being pounded?
20:00.13blitzragemrempire: use Asterisk and softphones, no HW required (ok... speakers and mic too)
20:00.14czeroblitzrage: on the GTAA site most flights depayed not canceled so u have a chance
20:00.16mrempirewhere do i connet my phone then
20:00.29*** join/#asterisk drgalaxy (
20:00.33wankelrdf: well, jbot's weather module is slow as balls, and it is snowing a lot.  i deduced (incorrectly) that noaa's web sites were running slow.  it must just be jbot, though, because other bots are pulling the noaa data way faster.
20:00.33blitzrageczero: coolness.  I have a site here I'm going to load up here with status of my flight
20:00.35f00b3rmrempire:  use a softphone
20:00.52RDFmr, how new are you to this?
20:01.10mrempireMy mother cannot use the softphone
20:01.20RDFwankel, there is no nation wide events other then the snow storm to my knowledge that would be bogging down noaa web site.
20:01.40wankelrdf: me either.  i assumed it was the snow storm.  like i said, though, it seems to just be jbot.
20:01.50mrempireCan i have a normal phoe setup at one side
20:02.07*** join/#asterisk thefallen (PolarBear@thefallen.user)
20:02.09czerobluetooth worked pretty good
20:02.13wankelmrempire: if you pay for PSTN access from an ITSP
20:02.14drgalaxyI am looking for a way to wire my cell phone's headset jack to an FXS.  Can anyone provide any pointers?
20:02.37wankelgalaxy: uh... google for "hybrid interface"
20:02.38RDFwankel, personally you ask people on the street what noaa is and thay say...dont know. I really dont think its a function of the snow storm. most people just turn on the tv to see what the local weather report is.
20:02.42PatrickDKdrgalaxy, you don't
20:02.47wankelgalaxy: but really, just go buy a $10 phone at radio shack
20:02.48PatrickDKbut you can get an adaptor
20:03.11Umarodrgalaxy: do NOT buy a $10 phone at radio shack
20:03.13wankelrdf: yeah, no one cares much about science in government anymore.
20:03.14Umarobuy the $20 phone
20:03.16RDFdr you need to know what FXS stands for before asking a question like that :)
20:03.16drgalaxyyou are missing the  point... want to use one cell phone to call the other and access my * box
20:03.22Nivexheck for $20 you can get a cordless from Wal-Mart with a 2.5" headset port on it
20:03.25mrempirecan I connect the phone to asterisk wankel
20:03.33drgalaxyhave free mobile to mobile calling.. can get free voip calling if I can call a 2nd phone
20:03.37PoWeRKiLLevening :)
20:04.01wankelempire: if you want to call your mother, you can use a softphone on your end and call out through asterisk, through an ITSP like nufone, to your mother's normal phone.
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20:04.21Moc_Im back... damn power faillure hehe
20:04.30wankelempire: or, you can get a hardware IP phone like a sipura and connect it to asterisk with your ethernet switch, and then do everything else the same
20:04.52drgalaxyfree mobile to mobile + asterisk + voip account == FREE ANYTIME CELL
20:04.52mrempirethe rates at nufone are more expesive than my telco
20:04.54wankelOR you could get a sipura for both yourself AND your mother and have them both talk to your asterisk box, though you may have NAT problems
20:04.59RDFdrgalaxy you cannot interface cell to cell with asterisk. thats what cell towers are for :)
20:05.34drgalaxyRDF: I can call one cell with the other and hand off a data call.
20:05.46wankelrdf: nono.  he wants to set his cell up to auto-answer and plug the headset into asterisk.
20:05.56RDFdr, there is no such thing as free in the cell bissiness. All cell frequencies are regulated by the FCC and are OWNED by varios commerical providers though a bid process.
20:05.59drgalaxyRDF: you can buy GSM to PBX interfaces.. but they are like $500
20:06.17Lelandwell.. finally got the audio to work right.. now just need to work out why the heck dtmf isn't working
20:06.20drgalaxyRDF: I have a cingular plan for my family.. we all have free mobile to mobile calling as long as the other side is cingular
20:06.23RDFBut still cell frequencies are regulated
20:06.24markitblitzrage: are you aware of the existance of mini-itx boards?
20:06.24file[laptop]A-Tuin[Play]: will you shut that off?
20:06.41blitzragemarkit: yeppers
20:06.42file[laptop]A-Tuin[Play]: page
20:06.47Nivexwell, you can interface a cell phone to an FXS port on an ATA with a cellsocket
20:06.54czerook off to McD's biab good luck with your flight blitzrage
20:06.56RDFdr, sure...but you cannot create your own...and again its not free. you are still paying a monthly fee.
20:06.57Nivexbut those are well over $100
20:07.07Lelandfile[laptop]: for information, the way I got the audio stream to workw as putting "nat=yes" in the sip.conf for both peers, even though they're not really nat'ing.
20:07.07blitzragemarkit: but the Mac Mini was just released today, so it has that coolness factor
20:07.11blitzrageczero: thanks, lates
20:07.11*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
20:07.15drgalaxyRDF: $10/month more per extra phone on the plan
20:07.26drgalaxyNivex: thank you for a positive answer! so much negativity
20:07.31file[laptop]Leland: hrm? ...okay
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20:07.37Lelandweird.. but still
20:07.38RDFdrgalaxy, that plan is cheaper because of marketing.
20:07.43wankelleland: if you had to put nat=yes in sip.conf, then they're either being nat'd or they're misconfigured to use the wrong IP address in their headers.
20:07.52mrempireWankel , i will ahve a look for sipura
20:08.01veto_hmm, why am I getting a 407 proxy authenticaion required from * to one of my phones on 5060(sip)?
20:08.06drgalaxyRDF: yes, but you can add "free calls to other cingular customers" for cheap ($10/mon)
20:08.07file[laptop]BoRiS: nada, u?
20:08.27Lelandwankel: all devices are on external network with public IPs and there are no natting devices in between them
20:08.31file[laptop]veto_: asterisk is saying, "hey! give me authentication details!"
20:08.36BoRiSJust waking up, waiting for my lunch to be delivered :)
20:08.42wankelleland: something's misconfigured, then.  nat=yes means "use the ip address you got this packet from, not the address in the packet"
20:08.49file[laptop]BoRiS: mmm food
20:08.56DrPeteanyone use debain with asterisk?
20:09.00wankelif you run ethereal on the * box you could track down who's putting the wrong address where
20:09.06file[laptop]DrPete: yes it works fine
20:09.19RDFwishes his stepdad had actually invested in McCaw Cellular in its infancy when it was the only cell company in the world. Craig Mccaw was the godfauther of the cell biz. Step dad told me he was with Craig when thay turned on the first cell test site in Chicogo in 1978 :)
20:09.35Lelandwankel: yea.. that makes sense.. what appeared to be happening was sip provider was using its own IP and IP phone was using it's own, but I wanted asterisk to link between both in the middle.. like a proxy
20:09.36veto_file[laptop], okay, but why?  How do I turn that off?
20:09.42RDFhe has some very very interesting stories to tell about it.
20:09.45file[laptop]veto_: you don't, it's the way SIP works
20:09.53wankelleland: normally, asterisk does.  it bridges the two calls.
20:10.06DrPetefile[laptop]: Yeah, I have it running now, I just wondered if you use the debian package or you compliled it?
20:10.08Lelandso the call setup would go fine, but it would then attempt to get the phone and the sip provider to talk direct to each other.
20:10.10file[laptop]veto_: initially your device sends no username/password or anything, asterisk challenges for the data, your device then resends with an Authorization header which contains the username/password
20:10.15Lelandwankel: that's the problem.. it wasn't bridging
20:10.15Schismhey, if I am setting up a trunk to broadvoice, do I really need their patch?
20:10.15file[laptop]DrPete: always compile it from CVS
20:10.17RDFImagine being at the first cell site in the world that would be cool.
20:10.23wankeleven if it wasn't... well, you said there were no firewalls, so the ITSP and the phone should be able to talk directly to one another.
20:10.34file[laptop]I pray, seeing you in heaven... one day!
20:10.51Lelandwankel: they can talk directly to each other if I configure the authentication on the phone for the provider...
20:10.57veto_file[laptop], it's registering to make the call on top of just plain being registered as a sip peer?
20:11.02Lelandauthentication to asterisk is different usernames etc.
20:11.08Lelandhence the desire to bridge.
20:11.09RDFbtw, anyone here has worked in the technical aspects of cell?
20:11.11file[laptop]veto_: it's not registering when you make a call
20:11.15*** join/#asterisk jarrod (
20:11.17DrPetefile[laptop]: ahh, oki.  I was thinking of doing that, but I have a backport running now.  How do you surgest I do it?
20:11.21wankelleland: the RTP isn't authenticated, afaik.
20:11.25jarrodyo.. should I run ext2 or ext3 on my asterisk filesystem?
20:11.31Lelandno but the sip session is
20:11.33file[laptop]veto_: just the way SIP works, it has to send the username/password so asterisk verifies it... but SIP doesn't work like that
20:11.42RDFjarrod, it should not matter. Im running ext3
20:11.52file[laptop]veto_: SIP initially sends the packet to start a call with no username/password, so asterisk has to ask the device "uh... send your username/password too"
20:11.54PatrickDKI much perfer reiserfs over ext3
20:11.56BBRodriguezHi people, i want to limit number of outgoing calls thrue sip channel using setgroup, but the conecpt escapes me, can anybody point me to an example ?
20:12.06RDFPatrickDK why is that
20:12.06jarrodare you pushing a lot of traffic through your *, rdf?
20:12.08PatrickDKdon't run ext2, unless your doing some kind of 50megs or smaller partition
20:12.09wankelleland: the sip sessions were all to asterisk.  if it was trying to get them to talk to one another, all it would change is the rtp endpoints.
20:12.10file[laptop]DrPete: just compile it from CVS...
20:12.20PatrickDKrdf, reiserfs handles inodes alot better
20:12.22RDFjarrod, no traffic :)
20:12.47Lelandwankel: then I really don't know what the problem was ... maybe just a fluke (or a bug)
20:12.49wankelreiserfs is getting fairly stable but i'd still trust ext3 more for production.
20:12.57PatrickDKbasically, if you have a few large files, ext3 is better
20:12.58wankelleland: hard to tell.  gotta look at the packets.
20:13.02DrPetefile[laptop]: I guess what I am asking, is, will it update my current install, or do I have to remove the package and compile the csv
20:13.05PatrickDKif you have tons of small files, reiserfs is better
20:13.12file[laptop]DrPete: it'll overwrite the installed files
20:13.20Lelandneed to work out this dtmf problem now..
20:13.22file[laptop]DrPete: you can keep your configuration though
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20:13.28Lelandtried all dtmf modes and none of them work
20:13.29veto_file[laptop], okay I see.  first INVITE goes out, 407 comes back, ACK's with info then resends the INVITE, which completes.
20:13.33PyroStevehey guys
20:13.43RDFhas anyone tested the range of wifi phones yet?
20:13.51PyroSteveare there any Voice Pulse COnnect techs here
20:14.01file[laptop]veto_: your problem is elsewhere if that's going fine
20:14.01LelandRDF: I've used one of them
20:14.03PatrickDKrdf, I get about 1/4mile out of my wisip
20:14.05wankelrdf: i managed to throw mine about 100 feet, but i don't have a very good arm.
20:14.21RDFLeland  which one was it line of sight?
20:14.49Lelandcan't remember the model.. it's the one sold by Communitech for Net2PHone (but I don't use it for net2phone)
20:15.03*** join/#asterisk Penfold (
20:15.07RDFPatrick..really thats impressive. Line of sight? nothing in between the handset and your base?
20:15.08veto_file[laptop], still trying to debug why I can't dial extensions through NAT so I broke you ethereal. (spa841's)
20:15.22Lelandit works okay when it works.. but after about 15 mins or so, if it's idle, it stops sending/receiving IP entirely so it just sits there.
20:15.28PatrickDKrdf, just shingles
20:15.34file[laptop]veto_: there's info out there about NAT and stuff... just voip-info...
20:15.36PatrickDKantenna mounted in attic
20:15.41Lelandif it's not idle, then it works fine
20:15.47RDFPat, how high up?
20:16.00RDFwhat was the Gain of the antenna?
20:16.02PatrickDKbut then I was using 12db gain antenna, and a 500mw amp/28db receive gain, around 35 feet high
20:16.30RDFPat, thats fairly impressive but I can see why.
20:16.44veto_file[laptop] oh yea, I've been all over it...believe me.  nat=yes, canreinvite, qualify, forwarding SIP ports, setting RTP range, forwarding RTP range, etc.
20:16.45PatrickDKI know, the antenna's on the phones suck
20:16.55RDFPat, who makes the reciver and antenna?
20:16.56LelandI get the impression that cisco's version of rfc2833 isn't really rfc2833.. since it doesn't seem to work with anything else using rfc2833
20:16.57PatrickDKyou reallyshould use a amp/preamp on them
20:17.07PatrickDKhmm, highgain I think, let me check
20:17.50RDF12 db is really high.
20:18.06blitzragemy friend has 15dB antennaes
20:18.10file[laptop]didn't Pulver bring down the price on 'da Wisip?
20:18.12blitzragefor wifi
20:18.13drgalaxyeach connector is .5db loss and each 20-25 feet is 1 db
20:18.20file[laptop]yeah down to $199... haha
20:18.24RDFwhat coax is used?
20:18.29PatrickDKdrgalazy, depends on what cable ya use
20:18.36RDFahh thik rg-8
20:18.37drgalaxytrue, thats just a general rule
20:18.49PatrickDKI am using Times LM900
20:18.49RDFI hav 100 feet of rg-8
20:19.25RDFBut the best for those frequencies is Hardline.
20:19.48drgalaxyRDF: how is that better than RG8?
20:20.28JerJerLMR is designed with very high frequencies in mind
20:20.33blitzragesomeone kick A-Tuin|work
20:20.37blitzrageerrr... A-Tuin[Play]
20:20.44file[laptop]I haven't the power Captain!
20:20.55blitzragefile[laptop]: another advantage for an @
20:21.08*** join/#asterisk WizardOne (
20:21.13twistedwhat's up?
20:21.16filetwisted, TWISTED!
20:21.19filetwisted: kick A-Tuin[Play]
20:21.23twistedfile, why?
20:21.25drgalaxyis there a noticable difference between LMR900 and RG8 for wifi?
20:21.29blitzragetwisted: y0 y0
20:21.34twistedhey blitzrage
20:21.36filetwisted: because his away system is flooding the channel every now and then
20:21.37Moc_hi twisted
20:21.44PatrickDKah, there it is, the RF LINX 500mw 2.4 APC amp
20:21.51filequiet him!
20:21.52PatrickDK23db receive gain
20:21.52Moc_patch is working... I find it very cool...
20:22.02twistedfile, ah.
20:22.07wankelthbbt.  500mw.
20:22.08PatrickDKgot it from
20:22.09*** mode/#asterisk [+q A-Turin[play]!*@*] by twisted
20:22.11veto_just to verify, sip:jdoe@ is valid, correct?  I saw somewhere that said the jdoe part needed to be a number.
20:22.18twistedproblem solved
20:22.26PatrickDKwankel, I only needed it to cover 5acres, not the whole city
20:22.30RDFdrgalaxy, hardline is used for VHF and above. It has the lowest db loss of any coax for those frequencies. It is used alot in cell towers. It is also very expensive and hard to bend. Very stiff outer aluminum coat and is over one inch in thickness.
20:23.05JerJerthat's the worse thing you can do
20:23.08twistedi hate trying to make this decision
20:23.10RDFwank, i have my licence to. Also have my FCC licence.
20:23.11PatrickDKwankel, anything over 1w has to be apc though
20:23.22twistedit's cold as all get out outside
20:23.28twistedi need to take out the garbage and go to the store
20:23.28JerJeryou ampilfy the good with the bad
20:23.42f00b3rhardline is a motherfucker
20:23.44PatrickDKyep, the point of installing filters
20:23.51f00b3rI did cell tower installations for 3 years
20:23.53JerJertwisted: its 9 degress and 8 inches of blowing snow out here
20:23.56f00b3rback in my electrician days
20:23.58Schismunlicensed is unlicensed
20:24.00RDFf00, I have not worked with it but can imagine how frigen stiff it is.
20:24.00twistedJerJer, yah, but are you going outside?
20:24.01wankeli was shopping for ones with channel-selectable filters
20:24.08JerJertwisted i've done two wireless installs today
20:24.15PatrickDKchannel selectable? that is just silly
20:24.15twistedJerJer, heh
20:24.30f00b3rRDF:  yeah, it sucked, especially for dense systems
20:24.32wankelfilters out only one channel, auto gain control, etc.  should work fairly well.
20:24.36f00b3rlike 9 cambles per sector
20:24.39f00b3rer cables
20:24.41nullogichow do I set the ani on a outbound call?
20:24.43RDFfoo, you mean with little room to work around.
20:24.51wankeloops.  starting to snow.  better go run get food and water so i don't have to go out tonight or tomorrow.
20:25.13f00b3respecially in some of the places we built these things
20:25.16f00b3ron buildings
20:25.21f00b3rinside grain silos
20:25.22drgalaxyI could wear a short sleeved shirt outside here
20:25.26f00b3roin church steeples
20:25.52JerJernullogic:  |a
20:26.34drgalaxynullogic if I remember.. the CO sets the ANI for calls coming into them
20:26.49JerJershow application SetCallerID
20:26.59blitzragekram: !!!
20:27.04kramhi blitz
20:27.14blitzrageJerJer: you need more enthusiasm on your _next_
20:27.27JerJerthat takes too much work
20:27.34RDFf00, but the nice thing with that type of work is you feel a sence of acomplishment :)
20:27.39blitzragekram: how are you?  I'm still at Steven's and hoping my flight back to Toronto doesn't get cancelled
20:27.41JerJerthat caps lock key is sooooo far away
20:27.47blitzrageJerJer: lol
20:28.07f00b3rbut I sure as hell dont miss waking up at 4am
20:28.10f00b3rin pain
20:28.12f00b3rduring the winter
20:28.14wankeljerjer: you could make it a script, but that's waaaaay too much work.
20:28.16markitkram: any hope of having more information about how to setup/use the new "native" assisted transfer? I need them to keep testing it
20:28.22RDFblitzrage we are sending the rain from BC to Toronto :)
20:28.28f00b3rdoing VoIP in a warm office is the way to go ;)
20:28.28RDFin the form of snow
20:28.33JerJerquick everybody pile on kram   :)
20:28.51blitzrageRDF: unfortunately its now frozen and a blizzard
20:29.10JerJerwhoever is tracking this channel needs to see who says 'kram' the most     *evil grin*
20:29.18RDFit has rained and rained and rained from the pinapple express. The jet stream was carring it into alberta.
20:29.36blitzrageJerJer: hrmmmm... I actually wonder :)
20:29.42blitzragefile: damn you!
20:30.27blitzragesomeone needs to install one of those channel stats programs for #asterisk
20:30.33JerJer327 people in many bots?
20:30.43DrPetefile[laptop]: Oki, thanks, so I dont need to bother removing the package?  Should i backup my config files? Will it overwrite them?
20:30.44twistedfile[laptop], excellent idea
20:30.46freat~jbot weather
20:30.46JerJerblitzrage:  there is one somewhere
20:30.48chipigdon't look at me, Im not a bot.
20:31.02scrubborder some for me
20:31.20JerJeryeah let the poor chinamen freeze his rice off
20:31.39f00b3rdude, chinamen is not the prefered nomenclature
20:31.41twistedJerJer, i can offer him some sake
20:31.57JerJerok how about slant?
20:32.04Nuggets nugget@dazed:~/irc/#asterisk>zgrep kram * | grep -v "<kram" | cut -d '<' -f 2 | cut -d '>' -f 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -4   14:31:56
20:32.08f00b3rit was a movie quote
20:32.16f00b3rThe Big Lebowski
20:32.24file[laptop]Nugget: try muffin
20:32.38*** part/#asterisk securAX (
20:32.40blitzrageJerJer: you know where that site is?
20:32.59Nuggets nugget@dazed:~/irc/#asterisk>zgrep muffin * | cut -d '<' -f 2 | cut -d '>' -f 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -4                   14:32:38
20:33.00JerJeri just remember i made the list for some reason
20:33.27twistedNugget, do tiwsted :P
20:33.30twisteder twisted
20:33.39twistedi'm curiouis
20:33.47JerJeryeah n00bs like to pile on twisted, i've notced
20:34.06veto_motherfucking son of a bitch, my 2 days of NAT issues were resolved by commeting out callerid="blah"...all that work for something so stupid.
20:34.06blitzragecheck blitzrage t00
20:34.12Nuggets nugget@dazed:~/irc/#asterisk>zgrep twisted * | grep -v "<twisted" | cut -d '<' -f 2 | cut -d '>' -f 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -4
20:34.31JerJerveto_:  callerid has nothing to do with NAT
20:34.55JerJerbkw_ is winning all kinds of awards and he's not even here to accept them
20:34.57*** join/#asterisk freat (
20:35.09twistedJerJer, you beat me to the punch :)
20:35.14twistedabout cid/NAT
20:35.18veto_jerjer, I know...I have NO idea why commenting that out works...I had callerID="John Doe <1111>" and commenting it out makes the calls complete.
20:35.28file[laptop]veto_: wrong format
20:35.34file[laptop]"John Doe" <1111>
20:35.34veto_jerjer, I probably haven't had a nat issue since the first was my damned sip.conf
20:35.38JerJerperhaps whomever you are sending them to requires a valid CID format
20:35.45*** join/#asterisk mrempire (
20:35.53veto_i feel dumber for doing all that when I didn't have a nat issue.
20:35.53twistedor none, in the case of privacy
20:36.16*** join/#asterisk kuj (
20:36.18NuggetYou don't need the quotes when you set callerid.
20:36.27twistedsure don't
20:36.38ardorexten => _X.,1,blah
20:36.38ardorexten => XXXX,2,blah_4_Digits
20:36.38ardorexten => XXXXXXX,2,blah_7_Digits
20:36.42ardorsould that work?
20:36.43twistedi have many a line like callerid=Some Dude <555-555-1212>
20:36.51Nuggetardor: yes.
20:37.00JerJerbut blah is not an application
20:37.09ardorNugget: Freaking awesome
20:37.15NuggetI use that trick for console logging
20:37.21Umaroardor: _
20:37.22Nugget; Incoming calls from voicepulse account
20:37.23Nuggetexten => _.,1,NoOp(Incoming Call from voicepulse ${CALLERID} for ${EXTEN}@${SIPDOMAIN})
20:37.26veto_thanks for all the help ove rthe last few days whileI pulled my hair out...I now have a working phone system!
20:37.26Nuggetexten => _NXXNXXXXXX,2,LookupCIDName
20:37.28Nuggetexten => _NXXNXXXXXX,3,Goto(default,inbound,1)
20:37.31Nugget^ like that
20:37.53mrempirewankel, is it possible to connect 2 asterisk at both ends trough the internet and each asterisk is then connected to local telco
20:38.10*** join/#asterisk freat[laptop] (~freat[
20:38.45twistedwell crap - i still need to go to the store
20:38.46Silik0nthats like one of the main ideas behind VoIP
20:39.13jarroddo most with multiple pris have multiple servers terminating sip sessions and then those boxen communicating with the asterisk server with pri cards via iax?
20:40.01Silik0njarrod theres a variety of solutions that work in the situation and it depends on # of PRIs vs Number of SIP peers
20:40.22jarrodterminating hundreds of sip phones with ~15:1 ratio on pri channels
20:40.35*** join/#asterisk kaffemand (
20:40.47*** join/#asterisk sudoer (~sudoer@
20:40.53sudoerdoes anyone use firefly?
20:41.26sudoerdo the actual IM messages go through the main * server before goign to reciever or is it direct
20:41.32kaffemandhey ..
20:41.44Silik0njarrod: i'd prolly have SER do the SIP part...
20:42.05freatsudoer: there's directions for firefly on the wiki
20:42.22bjohnsongod damn!!
20:42.26jarrodill check that
20:42.36Silik0nthen have the PRIs spread out on a couple of boxes... for redundancy sake
20:42.51kaffemandI've got some trouble .. When I dial out from my budgetone, through my asterisk to my provider, the connection is made, but disconnected after less than a second ..
20:42.54bjohnsonmy callerid problem is from my Ultraswitch 100 fax/phone/data switch that is supposed to forward through caller id info
20:42.57jarrodits only 3ghz xeons with a single quad card in each
20:45.51bjohnsonanyone familiar with Ultracom Ultra 100 fax switches?  I need a manual.
20:48.26*** join/#asterisk ta[i]nted (
20:49.41*** part/#asterisk eKo1 (~bernd@
20:52.21RDFfound out somethign very interesting. asterisk is interfearing with sox play.
20:56.26ManxPwrRDF, Well if you use chan_oss or chan_alsa then other apps won't be able to open the sound device.
20:56.41markitanyone with asterisk cvs Head, that know something about "disconnect => *0" in features.conf?
20:57.36mrempirewhich software can i use on windows to create call via aterisk
20:58.12mrempiretelnet? How can I talk audio then?
20:58.15Silik0nor are you looking for a softphone client for windows
20:58.25mrempireYes softphone
20:58.40mrempireDo you know a good one
20:58.41Silik0ncreating  calls doesnt require a softphone, but in that case ytry firefly
20:58.42RDFManx, yea thats what I figure.
20:58.44Silik0nor x-lite
20:58.57markitmrempire: you can put a well formed text file in the spool that asterisk uses for outgoing calls, or interface witht he telnet protocol to asterisk "manager" and issue the apropriate command sequence (I to this way with Delphi)
20:58.59Silik0nfirefly is good for IAX and SIP calls, X-Lite is sip only, both are free
20:59.02PTG123is the best one i have found, if you don't mind spending $30
20:59.16jbotmethinks firefly is
20:59.42PTG123firefly does sip?
21:00.01mrempireWhich one uses less Traffic?
21:00.02RDFManx, can you explain why when recording a gsm file and use it as a background it will not play? I can play it with the play command. also, when replacing that in the Background app with one of the built in gsm files it does work when i call the zap channel. I suspect it has to do with sample rate? I have some warning messages about it.
21:00.05*** join/#asterisk Smuggs (
21:00.19RDFgoogling Unable to open greeting.wav (format unknown): No such file or directory
21:00.25RDFerr thats not it.
21:00.28mrempireOn one side I have a 28k8 modem
21:00.39PTG123mrempire: which softphone?
21:00.41RDFsox: Unable to set audio speed to 8000 (set to 8018)
21:00.46RDFyea thats it :)
21:01.08PTG123mrempire, xpro uses g729, not gonna get less bw usage then that
21:01.10mrempireYes whicj softphone with what protocoll for less traffic
21:01.19PTG123mrempire, xpro is the one you want
21:01.24*** join/#asterisk jero (
21:02.33*** join/#asterisk Nukemizer (
21:02.34mrempireThanks PTG123, I will go and look for it now
21:02.48drgalaxyRDF did you use sox to resample your files?
21:02.59mrempireis it free?
21:03.02drgalaxyRDF I had the best luck using standard mono wav files and resampling
21:03.04RDFdr, no im creating a new greeting file.
21:03.23PTG123no, but if you need to use it from a modem its probably the one you will n eed
21:03.24RDFit is in my start application when a call comes in.
21:03.24drgalaxysox wavefile.wav -r 8000 outfile.gsm resample -ql
21:03.26PTG123you can try xlite with the GSM codec
21:03.32PTG123on the same website
21:03.36PTG123but g729 is gonna work best
21:03.41Silik0nmrempire X-Pro is like $30... g.729 is not a feww codec....x-lite works just fine with GSM
21:03.53RDFdr, are you saing I should first record as a wav then convert it and it will work?
21:04.15drgalaxyRDF : that is the only way I could get audio files from my recording studio (nuendo) into the PBX
21:04.15mrempireIs g729 codes the best compression?
21:04.24Nukemizermy Digium cards did not come this wekend and I wanted to test a card, dos anyone know if a Dailog
21:04.31Nukemizercard would work
21:04.43drgalaxyRDF : you cannot confuse GSM encoded wav files with a raw GSM stream
21:04.56*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
21:04.57PTG123mrempire, by far, and the best quality
21:05.11PTG123mrempire, GSM uses like 50% more bandwidth, and its not as good of quality
21:05.30RDFdrgalaxy okay I will give that a try. this is all fairly interesting :)
21:05.31PTG123mrempire, next best one is speex, quality ok, bw usage double to triple that of g729
21:05.53*** join/#asterisk letherglov (
21:06.05mrempireA have a limited bandwith(28k8) is that enough?
21:06.19PTG123i have done testing with g729 on modems, worked suprisingly well
21:06.23drgalaxyRDF what are you using to record your audio?
21:06.27PTG123so if you want to pull it off, spend $30 on xpro
21:06.34letherglovthe DVSD modems use G.729
21:06.37RDFdrgalaxy rec on the command line
21:06.50*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
21:07.06drgalaxyRDF teeheehee  you can spice it up with (for free)
21:07.18drgalaxymix in some creative commons music.. make you sound like a movie star
21:07.21mrempireI wiil go and check the site, Thanks
21:08.00RDFdr, sure but for now would want to get this going :) my wife who is a audiophile would love it when I eventually show her.
21:08.29drgalaxyRDF cool.  be sure to check out "convert wav audio files for use in Asterisk" on the wiki
21:09.39veto_anyone know if the YAP usb headset is a true usb audio device? (which could be used with another softphone)
21:10.16drgalaxywikis have brought about a new term.. RTFW
21:11.03Drukenlmwo ?
21:12.42mrempirexpro costs $60 now?? thta's not $30!!
21:15.52hermiekram round?
21:16.51PTG123what does LNP stand for?
21:17.52robin_szLuser Numbering Protocol?
21:18.32*** join/#asterisk ` (
21:18.44drgalaxylugubrious neutered packrats
21:18.45PTG123Local Number Portability perhaps
21:20.34*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
21:21.14robin_szso ... having failed to get a conference set up on one omachine at location A, I managed it at location B, presumably I can just set up an IAX link between the two boxes, and convince * to route call to the conference over to box B right?
21:21.15bjohnsonanyone use fax/data/phone switches to route faxes to fax machine before getting to a fxo port (ie keep faxes out of the voip system)?
21:23.20*** join/#asterisk lancey (
21:23.22lanceyhi guys!
21:23.25Schismbjohnson: like an auto detect box?
21:23.46lanceyanyone knows what that Cisco ATA debug message means : Failed to extract UID from RxMsg
21:23.56lanceyi don't get any sound using SIP to connect it to Asterisk
21:24.12lanceyconnecting it to another asterisk works, though, what could be the reason?
21:25.25Schismcodecs configured the same on the * machines?
21:25.42lanceysip.conf is absolutely the same
21:25.46lanceyfirewall was turned off....
21:25.51*** join/#asterisk vexorg (
21:25.56Schismsame ver of *?
21:26.06lanceyslightly newer cvs
21:26.16lanceyboth are cvs-head
21:26.31Schismdo you see anything on the * console?
21:26.37lanceyeverything is normal
21:26.42lanceylike a normal call
21:26.51bjohnsonSchism: yes
21:27.30Schismbjohnson: never used one w/ *, but using it as intended, they never seemed to work right
21:27.31lanceyi do see "anything", too :)
21:27.52*** join/#asterisk tih (
21:27.55Schismthat's about as far as I can troublshoot * :-P
21:28.06lanceyme too :))))
21:28.11Schismwhat other WARNING / NOTICE messages u get?
21:28.40lanceyeverything is fine :)
21:29.13Schismhave you tried calling your ata186 from the console?
21:29.24*** join/#asterisk ctooley ([U2FsdGVkX@
21:29.41Schismthat might eliminate some variables
21:29.42ctooleyhow od I turn off CDR's all together?
21:29.46RDFManx, are you here? Audio quality is okay its to bad the conversion sounded a little better :)
21:29.52robin_szxorcom++ # highly amusing
21:29.58lanceySchism how would i hear anything
21:30.04lanceythe * box is 500 km away from me
21:30.07lanceyand with no sound at all :)
21:30.22SchismI thought you couldn't get a call to complete
21:30.25RDFlancey, whats the problem?
21:30.39robin_szand bugger me, it does what youd expect
21:30.59lanceyRDF: when connecting Cisco ATA to *, i don't get any sound
21:31.02lanceyusing SIP
21:31.10lanceyconnecting the ATA to another * is fine
21:31.11RDFi see
21:31.36lanceyboth with same sip.conf
21:33.19Schismanyone have any luck w/ using a broadvoice trunk?
21:33.24RDFlancey well you are further then me :)
21:33.35RDFgetting my fricken greeting to work is a pain.
21:33.40Umarook guys, who here is using SER with NAT?
21:33.55lanceyauch, ser
21:34.00lanceyauch, nat :)
21:34.19lanceyi hate both of these 3-letter shits ;)
21:35.31RDFmy gsm file problem :)
21:36.17lancey[23:33] <RDF> lancey well you are further then me :)
21:36.30lancey001 Jan 21 13:28:28 WARNING[904]: format_wav.c:159 check_header: Unexpected freqency 8018
21:36.40lanceytrying to use windows-created .wav file?
21:36.57lancey007 Jan 21 13:28:38 WARNING[904]: file.c:790 ast_streamfile: Unable to open greeting (format unknown): No such file or directory
21:37.05lanceyis the file in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/ ?
21:37.13lanceycan the asterisk process access it?
21:37.52RDFlancey, dam I have the same problem as you!
21:38.14RDFlook at my pastebin same thing.
21:38.23lanceyRDF: i'm looking at it
21:38.29lanceywhat do you think i'm talking about?
21:38.36lanceyi don't have such a problem
21:38.40RDFI was away looking at asterisk site.
21:38.46lanceyjust suggesting some things fo you :)
21:38.58RDFyes the file is in /asterisk/sounds
21:39.24RDFI can play the built in sound files though Background application when dialing in via zap but not my own.
21:39.46lanceyhow did you create the file?
21:40.01RDFI have done what Manx sugested by converting a wav file to gsm with his aproach but nothing helped.
21:40.20lanceythe file is .wav /
21:40.38lanceyas far as i see
21:40.43RDFrec greeting.gsm -r 8000 vol 1.5
21:41.17RDFthen what manx wanted me to do was...
21:41.39RDFsox greeting.wav -r 8000 greeting.gsm resample -ql
21:41.44RDFThat did not work
21:42.00lanceyso what did you do next?
21:42.23lanceyas far as i see from the pastebin, you DO have a .wav file
21:42.24RDFMy very first time I recorded was doing a rec greeting.gsm -r 8000 vol 1.5 and that did not work.
21:42.35RDFI know
21:42.39lanceyhow did you create it?
21:42.58RDFrec greeting.wav -r 8000 vol 1.5
21:43.03*** join/#asterisk xcoyote (~coyote@
21:43.26lanceycould you send me that file
21:43.55RDFohh i can also play those files and hear them though my headphone.
21:44.01xcoyotei have a problem while trying to use my own function in extensions.conf it returns 'pbx_extension_helper: No application 'IVRMusicRequest' for extension .... any suggestion about this kind of problem
21:44.08lanceyprobably it's not in 8 KHz
21:44.33RDFI was thinking the same. what switch is needed to set to 8khz?
21:44.44lanceyxcoyote obviously * doesn't now anything about such application
21:44.49lanceyRDF: dunno, never used rec :)
21:44.54lanceyrec --help ?
21:44.57RDF-r 8000 should be it
21:45.08RDFlancey what do you use?
21:45.20drgalaxyRDF why don't you install sox and convert your file?
21:45.23lanceymaybe -r 8192
21:45.35lanceyRDF: i record them on windows :)
21:45.38RDFdrgalaxy  because it already is and has been done.
21:45.53pimpwell100 minute long calls a day,  using SIP adds up to how much transfer a day?
21:46.11xcoyotei know that
21:46.29xcoyoteany better suggestion about this kind of message?
21:46.46lanceyxcoyote nopez :/
21:46.49RDFokay what about esd?
21:47.11lanceyRDF: could you send me that greeting.wav?
21:47.20lanceyDCC or mail?
21:47.52RDFlet me make another one for your vieing it has some personal info on it.
21:48.14lanceymail it to root[at]
21:48.26lanceyor dcc-send it to me
21:50.43*** part/#asterisk xcoyote (~coyote@
21:51.57BBRodriguezdoes anyone know how to use SetGroup/CheckGroup for outgoing channels ? Please ?
21:52.12BBRodriguezpoint me to an example, please
21:52.41RDFlancey, check your mail
21:53.30lanceystill not here :)
21:54.02RDFlet me put on tcpdump and see if its going out.
21:55.10BBRodriguezCan anyone please tell me, how to use SetGroup instead of outgoinglimit=X in sip.conf ??? please
21:58.03BBRodriguezhow do i restrict the number of outgoing calls on single SIP channel ?? anyone ? please
21:58.04RDFlancey, are you running the channel? because when I send you mail I see this in the channel 3:55:41.259923 IP > . ack 424 win 5840 <nop,nop,timestamp                         1152422 510905381>
21:58.09DrPetewell I am having a go at compliing asterisk, heh. Is it safe run stable? I mean keep upgrading?
21:58.15markitRDF: my wav are created with Kwave, a 44.100Hz sampling, 1 track, no compression, resolution di 16 bit, ?linear two's complement?
21:58.20RDFno i mean i see the uiu  You have new email
21:58.37markitRDF: then sox file.wav -r 8000 -c 1 outfile.gsm resample -ql
21:59.11RDFmarkit manks did not show me the -c 1 part. I will try again.
21:59.32bjohnsonanyone have an example of answering a call and allowing use of outgoing lines for matching callerids or some other kind of authentication?
21:59.35*** join/#asterisk ta[i]nted (
21:59.56markitRDF: but do you have the correct wav? not all wav are the same... (i.e. the "linear two complement" is important, AFAIR)
22:01.02Moc_hi kram
22:01.38twistedkram :)
22:01.56lanceyRDF i was out for a while
22:01.58lanceylemme check
22:02.31Schismanyone get any of the digium drivers working on OSX yet?
22:02.58RDFlancey, wierd. okay let me try what markid said and hope this works.
22:03.03*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
22:05.03RDFdoes not work.... sound file playing.
22:05.33markitRDF: I produce the italian translation of the asterisk sounds... there must be something wrong in your setup
22:05.41markitRDF: do you have kwave?
22:07.13robin_szhmmm .. as I join an empty meetme, I get "you are currently the only.. " etc then abut 20ms of on-hold music ... where the rest of it gone?
22:08.05RDFokay hold on....does Background application play the wav by default? it is complaining is it not present but its there. Why in the world do I feel there is some kind of sharing violation.
22:08.27RDFno, I do not have kwave
22:09.09lanceyRDF it first says the header is not ok
22:09.10derferexten => 206,1,GotoIf($[${CALLERIDNUM} = 303]?3:2)
22:09.30derferi can remplace variable by another function ?
22:09.34RDFlancey yea so what would that mean?
22:10.00derferexten => 206,1,GotoIf($[Answer = 303]?3:2)
22:10.14derferi will make my if
22:10.28derferif user press 5 on the phone
22:10.33derferfor make a menu
22:10.34lanceyRDF i think the .wav file is weird
22:10.49RDFUm, I would agree :)
22:11.07RDFLancey, again it would play built in native gsm files but not my own.
22:11.31RDFI have a es1370 sound card. Running slack 10.1
22:11.44lanceythis has nothing to do with it
22:11.47lanceythe file is not OK
22:11.54RDFI know thought I would mention it.
22:11.54lanceyit's probably not 8 KHz
22:11.56lanceyor is windows-style
22:12.27RDFI think there was some mention of that on a google search.
22:12.32markitRDF: gimme your e-mail, I will send you a wav file that works for sure (in italian) so you can do some tests
22:13.36RDFI wonder if there is a sound related channel on this network :)
22:16.53*** join/#asterisk zeek (
22:18.20derferpls how i can receive value preset of user on the phone ?
22:19.03derfersorry for my bad english
22:19.18derferi will make gotoif on a variable
22:19.28RDFi have sb128 es1370
22:19.32derferthis variable contain a value
22:19.48derfervalue preset on the phone by on the user
22:20.07RDFmarkit, need to take dog outside brb okay ?
22:20.22markitRDF: ok
22:20.34RDFbrb in 10-15
22:20.45gopinsurgDo you guys think I could use a P3 350 to install and test a the IP features with * ?
22:21.01markitRDF: ok, but I'm not a sound/linux expert.. I had help from others to make my sb work
22:21.02filesure why not
22:21.07fileasterisk can run on a P75 fyi
22:21.34gopinsurgwill I get bad audio quality on it?
22:21.42fileyou'll be fine
22:24.56lanceyanyone knows anything about Cisco ATA saying Failed to extract UID from RxMsg
22:25.02lanceyand not willing to send the voice
22:33.46PyroSteveI need help with VP COnnect account !!
22:34.04PyroSteveMy incoming calls wont work anymore
22:34.13PyroStevemy account balence was $000
22:34.19PyroSteveso I added money to it
22:34.26PyroSteveand it still wont work
22:34.36PyroSteveit gives me a fast busy
22:34.42PyroSteveoutgoing works fine
22:35.07*** join/#asterisk Nix (~Nix@
22:35.07PyroStevehelp !
22:35.47lanceybe more descriptive, please
22:36.12lanceywhat happens on the console
22:36.14lanceywhat does it say?
22:36.17yashaxtwisted: are you there? i had a quick question for you. Trying to remember if you were the one that told me that you live in georgai?
22:36.23lanceydo you get incoming call from VP Connect?
22:36.34PyroSteveit cant be on my end
22:36.36*** join/#asterisk patdk (
22:36.38PyroSteveits been working
22:36.42PyroStevenothing has changed
22:36.49lanceywell the problem is probably with VP Connect
22:36.54lanceywhy not contact them?
22:36.54PyroSteveplus my account balence was 0.00 !!
22:37.07PyroStevecause they dont work on weekends
22:37.31PyroStevei was hoping to find an employee here
22:37.58twistedyashax, no. i do not live in georgia.
22:38.48*** join/#asterisk rikstahh (
22:39.09PyroSteveis there any voice pulse connect admins hanging around ?
22:39.39yashaxtwisted: thanks, sorry, There was someone who was a speaker during the last conference and we spoke then and I forgot his name, trying to get a hold of him for a small job in Atlanta
22:39.47lanceylike VoicePulse?
22:42.36czeroyashax lots of qualified people here though if they don;t have to be local to Altanta
22:43.01*** join/#asterisk heLp (FaTHeR@
22:46.11lanceybe sure it's VoicePulse
22:48.39*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
22:50.42zeekI have done this but still I don't get music on hold
22:50.42zeekI have the mpg123 installed. What do it need to check?
22:54.14*** join/#asterisk JmanA9 (
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22:55.25BBRodriguezhow do i restrict the number of outgoing calls on single SIP channel ?? anyone ? please
22:55.35*** join/#asterisk cursor (
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22:59.20uunotBBRodriguez: investigate setgroup() and checkgroup()
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23:00.59dontmsgmeIf you make your own VOIP service how much does each DID cost you
23:01.15JmanA9whats a good guide on setting up * for freeworlddialup?
23:01.24JmanA9i've tried the guides on the support page, but it just doens't work for some reason
23:01.54asjoynerdontmsgme: depends on where you're getting your DIDs from -- in the case of a small to medium size ISP getting DIDs over PRIs, in the neighborhood of $0.25 a piece
23:02.33uunotasjoyner: course the PRI is a litle more than $0.25 ;)
23:02.42czero:) just a bit more
23:02.46asjoyneruunot: he just asked about the DIDs  :)
23:02.55BBRodriguezuunot: I'm looking for working example of SetGroup
23:03.00uunotah, innocent omission :)
23:03.18uunotBBRodriguez: tried the wiki?
23:03.27BBRodriguezuunot: but the one in wiki is for incoming calls only... the concept of using it for outgoing escapes me
23:03.58*** join/#asterisk Sitxu (~sitxu@
23:04.10uunot? works, pretty much, the same way. just put it in the context for the outgoing dial plan.
23:05.50derfersomeone can help me ?
23:06.18Sitxuhi, how do i test * 1st time, without fxs/fxo?
23:07.10asjoynerquick question for someone familiar with any of the various VOIP providers (ala Broadvoice, Voicepulse, Vonage, etc) - how many concurrent outbound calls do they allow?  just 1?  2? more?
23:07.52RDFgood question
23:08.11asjoynerof course I mean with particular reference to their "unlimited" plans
23:08.13RDFBut most importantly it may be more a factor of bandwith.
23:08.35asjoynerRDF: at least on my end (and I doubt on their end), bandwidth is not a factor in my equation.  :)
23:08.59robin_szah ha! ... I have a small firewall problem .. I can see udp packets passing inwards over my NAT router, but they fail to escape
23:09.15*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
23:09.29asjoynerrobin_sz: sounds like you don't have any particular rule that will allow them to come inwards
23:10.02asjoynerrobin_sz: particularly if you're not explicitly allowing it, and it's.. ah I always confuse them, symetric NAT vs <insert other type of NAT here>
23:10.25asjoynerrobin_sz: some NATs will handle passing RTP streams with out any real mangling, Linux and most NATs do not
23:11.14asjoynerrobin_sz: but don't take my word for it alone, I am going mostly on my impression from reading / other conversations, not actual practical knowldge in this case
23:11.21robin_szasjoyner: well, I have a rule to pass them from the external ADSL line into the box on the internal net
23:11.34asjoynerrobin_sz: then your rule is incorrect?  :)
23:11.49robin_szasjoyner: I can see them arriving and leaving again with tcpdump on the box
23:11.51RDFmarkit did u send it?
23:12.11robin_szasjoyner: I guess it is ... hmmm
23:12.14RDFmarkit, also did you make that gsm file?
23:12.16asjoynerrobin_sz: okay, by that you mean packets come in one interface, and go out the other interface... so what pray-tell is the problem, then?
23:13.06robin_szasjoyner: packets from the big wide world come in, hit the NAT box, get passed to the * box, they leave the * box, but never make it to the big wide world
23:13.37asjoynerrobin_sz: are you sure the asterisk box knows where to send them?
23:13.45robin_szasjoyner: which is odd, because softphones make it out
23:14.11robin_szasjoyner: yeah, tcpdump shows them addressed to the righ thost
23:14.21asjoynerrobin_sz: and they hit the internal interface and then get dropped?
23:14.30robin_szseems so ...
23:14.43asjoynerrobin_sz: what specifically does your firewall do with outbound traffic that it doesn't know what to do with?  default of drop?
23:14.57robin_szdrop I suspect
23:15.04asjoynerrobin_sz: what type of firewall?
23:15.32robin_szAlcatel 'speedtouch pro' adsl modem/router
23:15.38robin_szlinuxy thing underneath
23:15.44uunotasjoyner: if you interested, i use teliax, they've been great
23:16.02asjoyneruunot: know their policy on concurrent outbound calls?
23:16.21asjoynerrobin_sz: how are you configuring the rules?  iptables "underneath", or some web interface on top?
23:16.42derferhow i can make a macro who respond you have push 9985140 if user push on the xlite 9985140
23:16.44uunotasjoyner: think it 2 on the res plans, 4 on the corp, and no limit on PAYG
23:16.51derfersomeone can help me ?
23:16.53robin_szasjoyner: some command line thing on the router
23:17.36asjoynerrobin_sz: ah, not something I'm familiar with, but if I had to guess it's probably related to the fact that it's not creating a "reverse" allow mapping for that incoming rule that allows the RTP traffic through to *
23:18.20RDFsince when does vi use 50% of cpu resources.
23:18.44asjoynerderfer: exten => 9985140,Macro(yourmacro)   for more information check
23:18.49robin_szasjoyner: thats what it looks like to me as well ...
23:19.04markitOT: beware paypal messages about your incomplete data, there is a link to a fake site that steals your password!
23:19.19robin_szno? really
23:19.24asjoynerrobin_sz: my condolences.  You should throw away that router, and use iptables firewalling, with the * linux box as your gateway  :)
23:19.59robin_szasjoyner: would love to ... if I ever get transparent bridging to work on it I'll bypass the b*stard :)
23:20.06markitrobin_sz: I know it's a well know problem, but I've got that e-mail right now, and I think I'm not the only one they sent it, so...
23:20.35asjoynerrobin_sz: alcatel DSL modem / router, right?
23:20.40robin_szmarkit: I get upwards of ten of those a day ...
23:20.43robin_szasjoyner: yeah
23:20.49markit(and I know a lot of people uses / likes paypal here)
23:21.08markitrobin_sz: really? it's the first one I've got
23:21.09asjoynerrobin_sz: chuck it and buy a Zoom, do half bridging so it can do PPPoA (or PPPoE if godforbid it's required) and chuck the alcatel junk  :)
23:21.09robin_szmarkit: but this is a geek channel, geeks dont fall for that stuff
23:22.05*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
23:22.10robin_szmarkit: at least 10. and ebay ones ... and bank ones .. and ... over 3000 spams a day (thank $deity for spamassassin!)
23:22.15asjoynerrobin_sz: I work as the sysadmin for a medium sized ISP, deal with these issues all day long.  :)  Most of them can be remedied by using a better DSL modem  :)
23:22.16markitrobin_sz: geek can easely ignore my warnings, but some newbie could he here... just he is not reading the channel, since it's already in that fake site entering his info ;)
23:22.37robin_szasjoyner: yeah, I can imagine :)
23:22.40QwellI get those ones from capital one, etc, at work, and I work for a competing bank
23:22.47RDFI need to creat some kind of voip-pstn dial in account. Calling my zap via cell for testing is getting a little expensive.
23:22.51Qwellnever gotten a fake from "my bank" though
23:22.56*** part/#asterisk cursor (
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23:23.52robin_szmarkit: whatever. if everyone reported every phishing scam on every IRC channel .. the place woudl grind to a halt .. I expect anyone interested would be on #phishing
23:25.00*** join/#asterisk Preston (
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23:29.07RDFmarkit recived your italian :)
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23:32.14markitof course, I told you
23:32.21markitit's for testing
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23:35.42RDFmarkit, it plays them all
23:35.55*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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23:36.03markitRDF: ok, so what is the problem?
23:36.05RDFbut not when asterisk is excepting a incoming zap call
23:36.11DrPeteDo you guys restart apache every day?
23:36.36RDFBackground will not play MY gsm files but plays default ones with the install :)
23:36.36markitRDF: are you setting some language=xx somewhere?
23:36.44*** join/#asterisk hermie ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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23:37.13markitRDF: xx= your country.. I've language=it, for instance
23:37.27markitRDF: but since you ask, I guess you don't have that set ;)
23:37.44*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
23:38.03RDFhow does that have anything to do with playing the start script Background file?
23:38.03markitRDF: you mean that if you substitute a standard asterisk file with one of yours (same location, same name), it's not played?
23:38.06*** join/#asterisk kajtzu ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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23:38.20RDFthe default included gsm files do play. my own does not.
23:38.30*** join/#asterisk atmel ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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23:38.31RDFin Background ()
23:38.33*** join/#asterisk Qwell ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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23:38.52markitRDF: I mean, if you take a default file that plays, and overwrite it with your own, does it work or not? just to be sure
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23:39.22RDFmarkit, no never done that before and why would I
23:39.28markitRDF: (are you running asterisk as root, or do you have the right read permission for your gsm files?)
23:39.36*** join/#asterisk rikstahh ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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23:39.49RDFrunning asterisk as root
23:40.23*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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23:40.26RDFmarkit, i can hear slight hising of the it is playing
23:40.32markitwhat is the exact Background() command you use?
23:40.41*** join/#asterisk fgkjasldkjfalksd ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
23:40.44RDFexten => s,2,Answer()
23:40.44RDFexten => s,3,NoOp(${CALLERID})
23:40.44RDFexten => s,4,Background(greeting)
23:40.44RDFexten => t,1,Goto(s,4)
23:41.25markitif you use my gsm file, does it work?
23:41.48RDFhave not tried. this is eating up my cell cost with these test calls ;)
23:42.11RDFbut will give it a shot
23:42.16RDFthis one time
23:42.21JmanA9i'm having a problem calling extensions using firefly
23:42.26markitRDF: ? if you use an extension to call a context with that, does it work?
23:42.30JmanA9in the terminal, i can type dial 1 or dial 2, and the phone rings
23:42.46JmanA9but in firefly, if i try to call 1 or call 2, it says no authority found
23:42.53JmanA9anyone know whats wrong?
23:43.30*** join/#asterisk ast_user (
23:44.35ast_userhello, i am having some problems with asterisk, chan_h323, IAX and codecs... i am using GSM codec for transport between two asterisk boxes (IAX) and G726 codec for h323 endpoints...
23:44.44ast_userit seems that no codec translations are made
23:44.53hermieast_user, running an IRC client as root is a _really_ bad idea
23:45.03ast_usersorry for that
23:45.18ast_userany ideeas concerning my problem ?
23:45.19hermieast_user, don't be sorry to me, I'm not the one who'll get hacked
23:46.17markitanyone got the new native assisted transfer working?
23:46.38RDFmarkit, your gsm worked on Background
23:47.33markitRDF: so I think your recording level is too low, it happend to me also, sound boards are tricky, are you using alsa?
23:50.43RDFsnd                    30852   0 (autoclean)
23:50.43RDFwcfxo                   8384   0
23:50.43RDFzaptel                175904   0 [wcfxo]
23:50.43RDF3c59x                  25648   1
23:50.44RDFes1370                 24716   1
23:50.46RDFgameport                1420   0 [es1370]
23:50.47RDFsoundcore               3396   4 [snd es1370]
23:50.50RDFagpgart                43940   0 (unused)
23:51.29RDFchannel die?
23:51.45markitRDF: you have some problems with your irc program also
23:51.53*** join/#asterisk [Sim] ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
23:51.57markityou start pasting in a private window, and you end int his channel one
23:51.59RDFruning bitchx :)
23:52.16markitRDF: they will fire you for not using pastebin,so beware not to do it again
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23:57.05drgalaxyRDF hasn't got his wav file playing in ast yet I see
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23:58.22firestrmlots of netsplits today
23:58.47JmanA9well, i was fiddling around with my softclients, and they are perfectly registered
23:59.06JmanA9but when i try to call a working extension, i've tried using 1 and *1 for extension 1, and this message appears in the console:
23:59.06JmanA9Jan 22 18:58:22 NOTICE[9282]: pbx.c:1335 pbx_extension_helper: Cannot find extension context 'sip'
23:59.12JmanA9anyone know what's causing that?
23:59.42firestrmJmanA9, your sip is registering in contect sip..

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