irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050121

00:00.07Vetonat with spa will be the end of me...dammit!!!
00:00.29freatGrooby: most everyone here is at some level using * with a VoIP provider
00:00.31stevekstevekzoa: that will for many, but not all cases where you want jitterbuffering.
00:00.32Groobyhehe..well..i if broadvoice support 3 way does that work with asterisk and my phones?
00:00.40zoayeah i know
00:00.42Groobyis it still "flash, and dial out?
00:00.45Groobyor am I SOL
00:00.50zoabut it would for all our cases, except the voicemail
00:00.53zoaand recordings
00:01.24stevekstevekhmm, but it would also be after transcoding..
00:01.35stevekstevekso you couldn't use codecs' native interpolators.
00:01.37freatGrooby: I'm not familiar with Broadvoice, but I've seen quite a bit of discussion about it in the asterisk-users mailing list.
00:01.59Groobyi thought i sign up for that..but haven't receive a single email
00:02.03Groobylet me go sign up again
00:02.08stevekstevekand you wouldn't have network information..  (i.e. tools to tell the customer their network sucks)
00:02.12fearnoryou always want jitterbuffer when you are doing voice over *internet*
00:02.13Groobyfreat, are there a log that I can go read on too?
00:02.20Groobylike mailing list backlog somewhere?
00:02.27fearnorunless you control the IP infrastructure, you want jitterbuffer.
00:02.27freatGrooby: yeah I think so...
00:02.38stevekstevekfearnor: right: but he's talking about having it on the zap side of calls coming from IP.
00:02.40freatGrooby: you've been to, right?
00:02.46freatthat's the main source of info on *
00:03.11stevekstevekGrooby: yeah, the mailing list is searchable via google..
00:03.13Groobyjust doesn't know exactly how to word my question in the search
00:03.19freatalso, just googling for "asterisk broadvoice" should get you somewhere
00:04.28Groobyfound the mailing list logs
00:04.29Groobythanks guys
00:04.35*** part/#asterisk forrestc{hm} (
00:05.18zoaim off to bed
00:07.06*** join/#asterisk kietlak (
00:07.15steveksteveknite zoa
00:08.17blankmanHey, has anyone seen lenny t lately?
00:10.38coldshadodoes anyone know what brands of modems have the 537 chipset? i'm looking to purchase a couple for testing before buying a TDM and moving over to a T1