irclog2html for #asterisk on 20041227

00:00.09robin_szvi. the one true way
00:00.14Strom_TMis that different from postvert?
00:00.21robin_sznot a lot
00:00.37PTG123it rocks :)
00:00.39ccfielbkw_ : what range of port is RPT uses? :)
00:00.58PTG123we should just delete pico and vi from every box in existence, so they are all forced to conform
00:01.05Nuggetbkw_: no, everyone should use iMacs  :)
00:01.05robin_szanyway, emacs is not the best newreader out there, there are better.
00:01.38robin_szwait, silly me. emacs isnt a newsreader
00:01.44robin_szits an email client
00:01.53bkw_ccfiel go google
00:02.11NuggetI think emacs would be a great operating system if only it shipped with a decent editor.
00:02.20Slimeyrobin: emacs is a news reader, iirc
00:02.55doolphtheres nothing usefull to help us configure sip.conf and extesion.conf
00:03.06doolphlike add sip phones, configure dialplans
00:03.09syslodYes a text editor.
00:03.22robin_szSlimey: my point was its a newsreader, email client, developemnt enviroment .. so many things these days .. once upon a time, it was an editor, i think they dropped that bit though ;))
00:03.44doolphI can use text editor, but people that dont know nothing about that wont
00:04.07Nuggetwe can't we not care about people who don't know nothing?
00:04.08syslodYour doomed if they can't use an editor.
00:04.20robin_szwell, then they shouldnt be fiddling under the hood
00:04.25SlimeyI can use emacs, if I have to
00:04.28sysloddoolph: I assume you want a provisioning tool?
00:05.13owhZX81: Know anyone around here who knows how asterisk puts stuff onto the wire?
00:05.55Strom_TMmagic particles :)
00:05.55bkw_emacs on windows is nice
00:06.03bkw_very nice might I add
00:06.28doolphfor what is emacs
00:06.30PTG123any idea how i make xemacs in cygwin format c properly.. seems to be not using the lisp file
00:06.32Nuggethttp://ftp... is just wrong.  :)
00:06.46bkw_thank the good guys at gnu for that one
00:06.57doolphwho does need emacs
00:07.05bkw_I love emacs
00:07.27robin_szick. windows.  cygwin. emacs. ick ick ick. wahts wrong with a nice linux platform you prevert?
00:07.33doolphemacs sounds e-mac's
00:07.46Strom_TMrobin: i don't believe "prevert" is a word
00:07.51robin_szit is too.
00:08.00Nuggetthe idea of distributing windows ports as .tar.gz is also a bit puerile.
00:08.10Strom_TMrobin: try spelling it "pervert"
00:08.19bkw_no its native
00:08.31PTG123well since iaxclient only compiles works in cygwin :)
00:11.36robin_szStrom_TM: I know how to spell "pervert" .. "prevert" is a quote from the film Dr. Strangelove ...
00:11.56Strom_TMoh, ok
00:12.05robin_sz"I think you're some kind of deviated prevert. I think General Ripper found out about your preversion, and that you were organizing some kind of mutiny of preverts. Now MOVE!!"
00:12.08Strom_TMI haven't seen the film, so I wasn't aware of that :)
00:12.16robin_szheh .. :)
00:12.28robin_szI think it might have been in Waynes World also
00:12.38robin_szif not, it should have been :)
00:13.02PTG123bkw: how do i change the background color of windows emacs?
00:13.11robin_szeasy ...
00:13.16robin_szpull the power cord
00:17.55bkw_PTG123 get
00:17.59bkw_put that in c:\.emacs
00:18.08bkw_that also has all my map stuffs in it too
00:18.12justinnnnnnwhat is this you spk of
00:18.53bkw_(set-background-color "black")
00:18.54bkw_(set-foreground-color "white")
00:18.54bkw_(set-cursor-color "white")
00:19.24bkw_i just do ctrl+alt+p for putty
00:19.29bkw_and ctrl+alt+e for emacs
00:19.32PTG123yah finally figured that out, it would be nice if i could get a list of fonts
00:20.01PTG123unix emacs seems to have alot more features :) like i can actually list fonts when editing preferences etc
00:20.18bkw_I luv emacs
00:20.25bkw_i'm so glad anthm made me start using it
00:20.31PTG123i think i like the menu layouts better though
00:20.57bkw_how can you really use those menus in a term?
00:20.58bkw_on unix?
00:21.10bkw_I usually do everything by keys and don't bother with menus
00:22.39*** part/#asterisk eKo1 (~abc@
00:23.34PTG123i use remote x for everything, and xemacs
00:23.39PTG123xemacs has a bunch more features too :)
00:24.00PTG123humingbird exceed is what i use, but i just saw i think they ported x to windows at, so you can use that for remote x
00:24.01bkw_haha guess i'll have to set that shit up
00:24.26PTG123its pretty damn awesome, 3 monitors on my windows box, but i can mix unix and windows seamlessly now
00:24.37PTG123have little Eterms up on my desktop from my freebsd box
00:24.42PTG123and little xemacs windows as well :)
00:24.54denonI still dont understand what people need to do on 'nix that they cant do within securecrt (or putty for you cheapskates)
00:25.10robin_szI have my windows and unix enviroments set up in a really handy way.
00:25.18PTG123denon: heavy codin wiht cut and pasting between windows, and mouse editing is a must
00:25.20syslodwinaxe works too.
00:25.40syslodWhy use windows at all?
00:25.44PTG123that mouse has more of a function then just games
00:25.52robin_szI have a unix workstion and wireless laptop, several 'headless' boxes runing suse/debian etc .. and a windows box downstairs for the kids to play on
00:25.58PTG123syslog: because windows cut+paste support and windowing is still superior
00:26.00denonPTG123: you can move code blocks pretty fast with keystrokes
00:26.13denonand you can use a mouse without X
00:26.16syslodNah.  KDE works just fine.
00:26.38NirSstrom, just wanted to say thanks before I head back home for tonight
00:26.40PTG123not between two windows that you want to view both at once, i don't know i am a windowing type guy i have atleast 20 windows open that are visible right now
00:26.45syslodcut and paste work too
00:26.56robin_szheres a clue: if you end up doing a lot of cut and paste in your coding, you have a problem
00:27.03denonhehe I was thinking that too
00:27.06denonwasnt gonna say it though
00:27.13robin_szI was :)
00:27.14syslod:) very true robin_sz
00:27.15NirSI used Festival according to your recommendation, I must admit that it defeats the purpose of app_festival, but hey, it works, and I can't argue with that
00:27.20PTG123i think windows handles my windowing better, besides alot of apps are better on windows.. like trillian is better then gaim  in my opinon etc :)
00:27.29NirS~seen strom
00:27.30jbotNirS: i haven't seen 'strom'
00:27.36denonPTG123: Trillian rocks, nuff said.
00:27.43bkw_RIGHT ON
00:27.46NirS~seen strom_tm
00:27.47jbotstrom_tm is currently on #asterisk (4h 52m 2s).  Has said a total of 67 messages.  Is idling for 15m 39s
00:28.19PTG123i wish i had the source for trillian so i could make irc better though :) tab completion of nicks would be nice for starters
00:28.24NirShey guys, anybody wanna see my IVR Message Push engine at work ?
00:28.39denonPTG123: there's a decent API
00:28.49PTG123denon: is it easy to ch ange stuff like that? :)
00:28.50robin_szI'm using eclipse for most of my coding at the moment, it seems to rock. it has most of what you need for a OO IDE
00:28.55denonPTG123: and if you want something exposed via API, I'm sure you could get them to do it
00:29.00robin_szpush down, encapsulte etc
00:29.06denonthey're pretty flexible
00:29.20PTG123well sgi workshop was the best development tool ever, its ashame they went down :)
00:29.35PTG123its support for memory and thread debugging is still superior to anything i have found on unix yet
00:29.49robin_szok, im outta here .. thansk guys, I'll be back to refine my dialplan soon :)
00:29.54bkw_would be nice ot have an IDE thats 3d
00:30.17*** part/#asterisk robin_sz (
00:30.38PTG123would be nice to have a easy to use gui memory debugger :) for memory overruns, etc :)
00:30.58PTG123on unix you really learn to be a better programmer, you have no choice,, heh
00:31.38bkw_valgrind is da bomb
00:31.56implicitbkw_: i know it is bomb
00:31.58PTG123valgrind: isn't very friendly, besides it only supports malloc leaks
00:32.01jbotrumour has it, valgrind is : a GPL'd system for debugging and profiling x86-Linux programs
00:32.07implicitPTG123: good enough
00:32.12PTG123if i do static structures, it won't find the problems
00:32.17denonbkw_ doesnt worry about thread debugging .. he just spawns a new one for each routine and lets reboots clean em up
00:32.25implicitPTG123: nobody cares
00:32.51implicitbkw saying 'that aint riiight'
00:33.14denon"that aint right .... but man, what a good idea"
00:33.17ZX81nething intersting in 66666666666666666666?
00:33.23bkw_hold on
00:33.25bkw_i'll be back in there
00:35.02bkw_i'm in 996/666
00:35.05bkw_but nobody is there with me
00:35.24ZX81soz one sec
00:35.31tzangerthat's the funny thing
00:35.32redder86PTG123: wanna sell any more SG1 seasons? :-)
00:35.38tzangerI love working with asterisk, but I can't stand being on the phone
00:36.06Slimeytzanger: You're not the only one
00:36.10Silik0ntzanger: sounds like a programer i used to work with that hated computers
00:36.18bkw_sip works.. moh works
00:36.21denonyou know .. a nice headset makes phone time more bearable
00:36.25PTG123redder: hah i don't know if i have any more, how did your wife like the gift? :)
00:36.28Silik0ntzanger: of course this is the same programmer that saw The Matrix and "didn't get it"
00:36.35tzangerSilik0n: acutally I'm one of those too
00:36.40tzangerI love technology but computers suck
00:36.46PTG123nice plantronics headset and a softphone is a mans best friend :)
00:37.07denonsoftphones blow
00:37.18Silik0ndood but x-lite just rules
00:37.19bkw_no it doesn't
00:37.26bkw_not if you have the nice plantronics USB thingy
00:37.30PTG123id pay even more for my softphone if it could blow
00:37.37bkw_ya really
00:37.42PTG123i have a plantronics usb headset and xpro, and the quality is superior :)
00:37.44tzangerSilik0n: I never liked the plantronics headsets
00:37.48tzangernow my motorola bt headset...
00:37.56denonbkw: what difference does that make, when your whole pc is soaked for cpu for some reason, and your call freaks out
00:37.58PTG123i wouldn't recommend one into the soundcard though
00:38.07bkw_denon no it doesn't
00:38.09Silik0ni have a logitech headset that lives on my head all the time...
00:38.26denonbkw: how bout when you're coding while you're on the call, and you accidentally core dump somethin' bad
00:38.27Silik0nnow if I could just find an adapter to let me use my jabra headset with the peecee i would be happy
00:38.29PatrickDKheh, I love logitechs headsets
00:38.34redder86PTG123: wife loved 'em
00:38.39bkw_denon I don't code on windows
00:38.40bkw_you ninny
00:38.44bkw_I code on my linux boxen
00:38.46syslodlogitech makes a nice headset for computer.
00:38.47PTG123denon: thats why you use remote x on windows :)
00:38.53redder86PTG123: but now she wants the rest of the seasons.
00:38.54PTG123so your unix box doesn't disturb your call
00:38.56syslodI use pana IP phone that has the 2.5 works with jabra.
00:39.07denonbkw: well, I was thinking of a laptop scenario, out on the road ..
00:39.13PTG123redder: they are getting rid of macgyver in the new season, i am disappointed :)
00:39.16denonwhile im at home or at office I use 7960s anyway
00:39.30Silik0nPTG123: latest news was he;s gonna be in a few eps
00:39.32kramwell everyone, boris bkw...
00:39.33PTG123bvut i guess its better then them canceling the show, like they were lpanning
00:39.36redder86PTG123: he was the producer.  Is he still going to produce them?
00:39.41krami just wanted to apologize for that little chan_sip disasterisk.
00:39.48kramglad we all got it worked out
00:40.03PTG123redder: they film in canada, and he wants to spend more time with his family, which is why only a few episodes, but its not offical yet, so perhaps he will stay :)
00:40.09cryzeckOkay, i have this problem
00:40.10cryzeckhere goes
00:40.12bkw_kram its team work
00:40.14PTG123redder: his character is still suppose to have a key roll, how is that possible
00:40.17bkw_and I enjoy that
00:40.23Silik0nptg123: between that and a knocked up amanda tapping... the first half of that season is gonna suck
00:40.41bkw_sip fixed... moh fixed... man
00:40.41cryzeckI have configured asterisk with my sip provider, i get the number registred, and i get the peer "unmonitored"
00:40.46PTG123sil: yah i am excited about the new scifi night, 3 great shows in a row :)
00:40.51bkw_kram if we can get that codec order stuff in iax
00:40.54PTG123you know atleast one of them is gonna be good each night
00:40.59cryzeckStill asterisk does not seem to "get the calls"
00:41.00denonhuh wha? macgyver is gonna be off of stargate?
00:41.02kramhave they talked about it on -dev yet?
00:41.03bkw_and the parse allow/deny stuffs
00:41.06PTG123denon: yep
00:41.11ZX81no way
00:41.12bkw_kram nobody seems to be intrested in it
00:41.13denonaw man!
00:41.15bkw_nor is anyone talking about it
00:41.17Silik0ndenon: yeah that even made /. hah
00:41.17bkw_only a few comments
00:41.19ZX81does he have another project?
00:41.27denonSilik0n: say it aint so
00:41.28bkw_tony was pissssssssssssssssssssssed off about that nobody seems to care
00:41.29PTG123no wants to spend time with family
00:41.33PTG123he travels too much to canada
00:41.37PTG123where they film it
00:41.38bkw_so I say break it.... and see how fast people care :P
00:41.52PTG123why they have to film in canada i don't understand, they are always indoors :)
00:41.55Silik0noh yeah and they are adding Ben Broder to the cast
00:41.57bkw_they would crawl out of the woodwork fast
00:42.00Silik0n(name ap>)
00:42.00Connor_I would love to codec order and generator fix for VAD back ported to 1.0.x branch.
00:42.01denonPTG123: I knew something smelled funny about atlantis
00:42.07denonI knew it didnt have his touch.
00:42.15PTG123denon: atlantis was suppose to replace startgate
00:42.17echinosCanada is cheaper to make films in
00:42.26PTG123i am glad it didn't :)
00:42.29denonno doubt
00:42.33denonbut eventually
00:42.35justinnnnnnthe cops are looking for u!
00:42.40Silik0ncanada is WAY cheaper to make films in... tons of stuff are film in and around VC
00:42.42PTG123maybe not, they just announced 2 more seasons
00:42.45Connor_Been Browder suppose to be coming to SG1
00:42.45denonjustinnnnnn: for me huh? I didnt do nuffin'
00:42.47justinnnnnnkangaroo sex is frowned upon! and i did tell u that!
00:42.54cryzeckCould anyone help me with that please?
00:42.57denonjustinnnnnn: you have me mistaken for bkw
00:43.00Silik0nConnor_: he's already been signed
00:43.01justinnnnnntheres baby denon's jumping around now
00:43.04justinnnnnnits all over the news!
00:43.04ZX81so how do kangaroos reproduce?
00:43.06echinosSilik0n, you a canadian?
00:43.09PTG123cryzek: your in the stargate channel, the asterisk channel is around the corner
00:43.18Silik0nechinos: no I just watch way too much tv
00:43.22denonPTG123: so he's not gonna be in the new season at all? or just a few eps?
00:43.22justinnnnnnzx81: well first denon seduces them with some soft music
00:43.34Silik0ni wouldnt wish being canadian on anyone
00:43.37PTG123denon: just a few, but thats not confirmed, maybe he will stay a key person..
00:43.42PTG123they are in negociations still
00:43.56PTG123lilo: i like them, they work pretty well.. good support, etc
00:43.58denonman .. hold him to his contract!
00:44.03Silik0nbesides you know the U.S. has a 51st state right? its called Canada
00:44.06PTG123i think his contract is expired
00:44.10liloPTG123: do they handle IAX?
00:44.11denonwell rewnew!
00:44.25PTG123lilo: yah they do, they will give you alot of help setting up your stuff too..
00:44.32PTG123lilo: what state you looking for?
00:44.42liloPTG123: I'm in Texas
00:44.55ZX81justinnnnnn: lol
00:44.55echinosBeing Canadian is like being an American that isn't hated by most of the planet because of the government. ;)
00:44.56PTG123lilo: yah they should support texas for you, try them out.. tell him i sent you :)
00:45.17denondon't even start with that political BS here.
00:45.19PTG123heh we aren't hated by most of the world, just most of europe :)
00:45.21liloPTG123: do you get any sort of referral fee? if so, pass me more info 8)
00:45.36PTG123lilo: heh no, but here i'll talk to you in pm
00:46.25cryzeckI really cant get this thing to work
00:48.05bkw_file 666
00:48.30file[laptop]I'm listening to music
00:53.43bkw_nobody loves me
00:53.46bkw_nobody is in 666
00:53.48bkw_COME ON GUYS
00:53.53bkw_don't leave me here all alone
00:54.01echinosNeed more lurkers?
00:54.04*** join/#asterisk MrBelvedr (
00:54.55file[laptop]bkw_: I much prefer my iPod
00:55.41ZX81not vnice
00:55.44file[laptop]singing song of the cheer Christmas is here
00:55.49file[laptop]merry merry christmas
00:55.53ZX81maybe your parents should have kept it!
00:55.54bkw_come on file
00:56.00file[laptop]bkw_: noooooooooooooooooooo
00:56.03file[laptop]iPod loves me.
00:56.08kramnitey nite all
00:56.09bkw_so do I
00:56.15file[laptop]good night my muffin man
00:56.33ZX81so, now kram's your muffin man
00:56.57file[laptop]ZX81: well yeah, bkw and I sent him a mini muffin basket
00:57.09PTG123shit windows emacs doesn't highly as it searches how come? :)
00:57.35bkw_60 mini muffins
00:57.42bkw_wasn't it?
00:57.53ZX81where's mine?
00:58.05file[laptop]oh come ye, oh come ye to asterisk!
00:58.26file[laptop]oh come let us compile it.... oh come let us compile it...
00:58.37file[laptop]oh come let us compile it!!!! that is... asterisk!!!!!!
00:59.28*** join/#asterisk showtime0 (
01:04.34MrBelvedris the deadlocking problem with the manager api definitley fixed
01:06.29PTG123i am gonna rewrite that manager api if its the last thing i do ;)
01:07.12ZX81so what's the first thing you'll do then?
01:07.17showtime0hi all
01:07.21ZX81MrBelvedr: no prob for be
01:07.49PTG123right now i am tackling iaxclient :)
01:08.25ZX81for vc?
01:08.38ZX81still "not right"?
01:08.41PTG123heh, already done the dll to make it work in vc :)
01:08.53PTG123now i am adding features to make it friendlier to work in delphi and vb :)
01:09.14PTG123hoping to be done with that in the next hour, then its onto finishing my delphi componnet :)
01:10.01showtime0can i use asterisk for calling cards and a external voice termination service like level 3 for example?
01:10.27PTG123zx81: what was your softphone in you were trying to do? :)
01:11.18PTG123oh thats right you were using the vb components?
01:11.18ZX81just text msging with ast_frame_text
01:11.30ZX81that was for astwinpeers
01:11.48ZX81now kinda working on a receptionist's console
01:11.53ZX81and a texting prog
01:12.00ZX81to go with phones that can't do it
01:12.02PTG123heh what language you using for your stuff now?  Ah yah i am trying to build the recept console into my softphone
01:12.05PTG123so it can be used for both
01:12.17PTG123whats your recpt console in, vc or vb?
01:12.29ZX81not started really
01:12.33ZX81but vc
01:13.11PTG123heh well i need someone to help port my stuff to vc and vb :)
01:13.22ZX81can try
01:13.26PTG123tbw recpt thing is why i want to redo manager api
01:13.38ZX81it's harsh yeah?
01:13.45ZX81use simpleproxy helps a little
01:13.57PTG123yah its not very well done for mutiple apps using it
01:14.23ZX81yeah, simpleproxy is, but only for LAN
01:14.29ZX81needs auth really
01:14.34ZX81might add some
01:14.44ZX81it's all open...
01:15.19PTG123its ok, thats my next project :)
01:15.59PTG123its quiet in here now
01:28.22*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
01:28.28cryzeckDec 27 02:24:24 NOTICE[24498]: pbx.c:1318 pbx_extension_helper: Cannot find extension context 'default'
01:28.34cryzeckhow can i fix this?
01:32.11cryzeckanyone here?
01:32.14ZX81add an extension context default
01:32.24cryzecknow i cant start asterisk :-(
01:32.32cryzeckerror code 1
01:32.41ZX81asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
01:34.06*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (~bjohnson@
01:34.21*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
01:35.20ZX81I reckon nows a good time to kick everyone
01:35.28ZX81get rid of the lurkers
01:35.35bjohnson? I just got here
01:36.04Penfoldah, but by saying something you stop being a lurker.
01:36.07cryzecknow i get "sip" command not found?
01:36.16Drukenis anyone here doing voip in northbay ontario ?
01:36.27cryzecksip show peers
01:36.41cryzecktells me that sip command doesnt exsist
01:38.23*** join/#asterisk florz (
01:39.42DA-MANcryzeck, are you in the asterisk console (asterisk -r -c)
01:40.24cryzeckdo i have to activate any modules to get it working?
01:40.47DA-MANdunno, did you deactivate any? i didn't have to load sip for example, it was default
01:40.50*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
01:41.05*** join/#asterisk grant_A (
01:41.19cryzecki didt not do a make sample
01:42.48DA-MANthen look over the sample files available and see whats default
01:42.57DA-MANi think thats load chan_sip
01:47.47PTG123hey bkw you awake?
01:50.26PTG123nevermind, i had a c question but figured it out
01:50.51PTG123thanks anyway
01:50.55*** join/#asterisk lilo (lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)
01:51.26*** join/#asterisk telme (
01:52.43lilohey telme
01:54.26*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
01:55.45*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
02:02.18NormAstbwk:  Can I ask you a quick C question?
02:04.37NormAstbwk: It's about asterisk modules.... :)
02:05.14file[laptop]what's up
02:06.12*** part/#asterisk telme (
02:13.28PTG123yay iaxclient.dll done :)
02:14.19PTG123hah not a fan of dlls? :)
02:14.26ManxPowerThey run on Windows.
02:14.36PTG123heh so does most of the world :)
02:15.24file[laptop]what's up?
02:15.28drumkillanot too much
02:15.41drumkillajust being lazy for once
02:15.45*** join/#asterisk qwerp (~abc@
02:16.07qwerpanyone here knows how to patch/enable app_chanspy ?
02:17.55drumkillahm ... Mark put in a patch into libpri that automagically showed up in stable
02:18.29NormAstPTG123: Open source DLL?
02:18.45PTG123norm: ya
02:18.53qwerpanyone knows where to get patch for app_chanspy?
02:19.05NormAstPTG123: What Lang did you create it in?
02:19.09*** join/#asterisk tekati (
02:21.30PTG123its in c, now in the process of making a delphi component for it
02:22.21*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
02:23.20ozJames79Hi how does a person start a 3way call on asterisk?
02:24.32Darwin35dial the fist call click the hook button andook flash and all 3 are linked dial the 2nd call then h
02:26.18qwerpChanSpy help, anyone
02:26.21NormAstPTG123: Delphi ... I am a delphi person as well.  Created MGCP Voicemail system using Delphi.
02:27.41bkw_poose menis
02:27.58PTG123whats MGCP?
02:28.33*** join/#asterisk twisted (
02:28.33*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
02:28.41NormAstIt basicly does the same thing as SIP.
02:29.33PTG123what does it interface with?
02:29.47NormAstAsterisk... AudioCodes...
02:29.59NormAstsee chan_mgcp.c
02:30.20PTG123heh what does your program do essentially?
02:30.25ManxPowerPTG123: SCCP and MGCP are quite similar from the standpoint that they both expect the VoIP server to do most of the work.  i.e. the PBX handles the dialplan, conferencing, dialtone, callwaiting tone, etc.
02:30.29Silik0nsqueel likea  pig boy
02:30.36ManxPowerBut they are both very NAT unfriendly.
02:30.55NormAstIt's a IVR application, menu's etc.. and streams out to MGCP devices.
02:31.06NormAstThe RTP layer will work with sip...
02:31.12ManxPowerI MUCH prefer the idea of MGCP.
02:31.36NormAstManxPower: I like the way MGCP did dialing, and a few other things.
02:31.39PTG123so its basically a way to control the server?
02:32.11NormAstIt's a way to setup calls and tear down calls..
02:32.30PTG123does it do the calling to?
02:32.46PTG123so is it basically another sip
02:33.09NormAstIt like it better than sip.
02:33.10PTG123so why it and not sip? :)
02:33.15ManxPowerPTG123: SIP devices to a lot more stuff on the phone
02:33.28PTG123manx: what do you mean?
02:33.51NormAstPTG123: It was written to do voicemail for a 3rd party call controller.
02:33.58*** join/#asterisk jradford (
02:34.26PTG123norm: so it actually records messages, controls menus etc?
02:34.57NormAstYea... I was using it to emulate a Primus Voip gateway... :)
02:35.09NormAstIt did menus... etc.
02:35.20NormAstMGCP sent DTMF as messages..
02:35.24PTG123heh so why not asterisks built in voicemail system? :)
02:35.36NormAstThey wanted windows.
02:35.43NormAstI make money
02:35.55PTG123good enough i suppose ;)
02:36.08NormAstWhy did you build a IAX.dll ?
02:36.15PTG123you haven't found any good windows sip implementations yet have you
02:36.30PTG123norm: because i cna't find any decient iax or sip libs for windows to base my softphone, call control software on :)
02:36.46ManxPowerI would just have made a Windows boot screen and a windows-like window manager
02:36.47NormAstnope..  Your better off creating someting your self.
02:37.02NormAstManxPower: Good IDEA!
02:37.16NormAstManxPower:  What about the crashing problems?
02:37.25ManxPowerNormAst: put in some bad ram.
02:37.51ManxPowerActually I just don't normally accept jobs that deal with Windows
02:38.17NormAstManxpower: I've only been playing with Asterisk for about 3 to 4 months now.
02:38.45NormAstPTG123: Where do I download your OpenSource IAX?
02:38.54ManxPowerI've been for 15 months or so
02:40.54NormAstIf I call mysql_init(&mysql) more than once does it over write the Variable if not null?
02:41.00PTG123normast: hit me up tomomrow, i will probably have something worth downloading
02:41.13NormAstPTG123:  COOL :)
02:41.24PTG123i am writing all the dll load functions now for delphi
02:41.25PTG123to test my c
02:42.16NormAstPTG123: Dr. Bob created a program call convhead that convert a .H file to a delphi pas file, with all the DLL load stuff.
02:44.15DA-MANdoes mailbox= work with iax
02:44.57ManxPowerDA-MAN: Yes, but only for phone devices.
02:45.26PTG123normast: uses old style dll loading, and doesn't work well for me either :)
02:46.08NormAstPTG123: Oh well.  It was worth a try.. Saves time..
02:46.32cryzeckis there a way to configure asterisk to answer a call and then playback a music file?
02:47.21NormAstcryzeck: What format is the music file in?
02:47.37NormAstconvert it to ulaw and just use the play command
02:47.46NormAstless cpu power to.
02:47.53cryzeckhow do i convert and how do i play it to the caller?
02:48.11NormAstAre you a linux or Windows person?
02:48.19cryzecklinux :)
02:50.56NormAstI think lame will convert it from MP3 to ulaw.
02:51.45cryzeckbut how do i configure asterisk to play the file?
02:52.02NormAstexten => 100,1,Answer
02:52.06Nugget"or"?  jeez.
02:52.18Nuggetthere are more than two operating systems, you know.
02:53.02NormAstExten => 100,2,PlayBack(/path/filename.wav)
02:54.03NormAstcryzeck: If you dial exten 100 on your sip phone it will play the file.
02:54.26cryzeckokay :) thanks :)
02:55.41MrBelvedrcryeck there are a bunch of sample sounds in gsm format already included in the asterisk installation
02:55.58MrBelvedrif you want to try to get it working quickly just use those sample sound files
02:56.11PTG123normast how do i pass the pointer to a variable in delphi?
02:56.47PTG123the actualy pointer to the memory location
02:58.18ManxPowerDoesn't Playback automagically answer the channel, or is that only Background?
02:58.41NormAst@Var is what your talking about?
03:01.27PTG123well basically in the dll
03:01.29PTG123its declated
03:01.31PTG123int *devices
03:01.39PTG123and i need to pass it the pointer of my integer, so it can update it
03:01.41PTG123any ideA?
03:02.01qwerpis there a way where i can store client's ip address in the CDR table?
03:02.54NormAstpvar: ^Integer;
03:03.13NormAstyouvar: Integer;
03:03.15cryzeckbut if i want to play a mp3 file is it the same way to do it?
03:03.21cryzeckcause that didnt seem to work
03:03.31NormAstpvar := @youvar;
03:03.40NormAstthen you pass pvar.
03:04.17cryzeckNormAst: is it the same way for mp3 files?
03:04.48NormAstcryzeck: WHAT???!?!?
03:05.08cryzeckis it the same PlayBack(file) if i want to use mp3 files too?
03:05.40PTG123this isn't working right
03:05.45PTG123gonna make it more friendly :)
03:06.09*** join/#asterisk Davey1020 (~dave@
03:06.49ozJames79hey guys i am running redhat with mpg123 installed and working  how can i set it up to play this feed when i dial 401
03:06.49ozJames79exten => 401,1,Answer  exten => 401,2,MP3Player,
03:06.53ozJames79hey guys i am running redhat with mpg123 installed and working  how can i set it up to play this feed when i dial 401
03:06.53ozJames79exten => 401,1,Answer  exten => 401,2,MP3Player,
03:07.11ozJames79sorry didnt me to paste that much
03:07.48*** join/#asterisk soulz2 (
03:08.48NormAstcryzeck: See the bottom of the page.. I would personal convert the MP3 to ulaw first and then play the file to lower the amount of transcoding.. But that's me.
03:10.19ozJames79ohh ok
03:10.21ozJames79thank you
03:10.26NormAstozJames79: Is the techno live?
03:11.01ozJames79yep  they hve some live events
03:11.56*** join/#asterisk syslod (~sysglod@
03:12.49D1ng0okay how does one checkout * 1.0.3 from cvs
03:13.43syslodman cvs
03:14.38qwerphow can i record users ipaddress into the CDR table?
03:15.01*** join/#asterisk af_ (
03:15.04NormAstD1ng0: Why do you want to?
03:15.22Silik0nok some riddle me this... whats the fscking modprode to scan a buncha net drivers and load the right one? heh
03:15.38Silik0nits like modprobe- sometring net/*
03:18.28qwerpcan someone help me?
03:19.16*** join/#asterisk juice (
03:19.30Corydon76-homeqwerp: read doc/README.variables
03:20.33qwerpbrb.. (off to read)
03:21.24PTG123wow my ddll actually works :)
03:22.33NormAstPTG123: GREAT...
03:22.47D1ng0NormAst, nevermind i got it
03:23.59PTG123normast: you understand windows messaging?
03:24.01qwerpafter reading README.variables, still nothing to do with capturing ip address..
03:24.15PTG123normast: i need my c function to trigger a windows message so the delphi module can get it, any idea?
03:24.22Corydon76-homeqwerp: SIPDOMAIN
03:25.03syslodPTG123: Event?
03:25.36Corydon76-homeqwerp: and see the apps SetAccount or SetCDRUserField
03:25.38PTG123syslod: well here is the deal, the dll can assign a c function, and call it when a call comes in for example.. but how do i make this universal.. i think right now its using windows messaging
03:25.42qwerpisn't SIPDOMAIN = server's ipaddress?
03:25.50NuggetSIPDOMAIN is the domain of the target for the call.
03:26.12Nuggetit's your server's host or address if the call is for your server.
03:26.18qwerphow about the caller's ip address?
03:26.30Nuggetthat will not be in SIPDOMAIN.
03:27.01qwerpbut in CLI when u use show channel XXX (detailed)
03:27.02syslodPTG123: There are a lot of ways thru the years to handle that. Back in the day it used to be DDE. Is that the process you are using?
03:27.08qwerpyou can see the caller's ip address..
03:27.26Corydon76-homeYeah, there's many things you can see that aren't in the CDR
03:27.54qwerpso, i just wondering is it possible to record that in some way?
03:27.58tzangerthere's lots of things in show channel which don't belong in CDR either
03:28.15NormAstPTG123: Check out the PostMessage api.
03:28.24PTG123syslogd: i am not using anything yet.. however i know the wiax2.dll that steve sokol wrote uses windows messaging
03:28.30syslodPTG123: Are you wrapping delphi with?
03:28.32Corydon76-homeYou could probably alter the CDR code to log it
03:28.38PTG123syslog: you want to write the code in c to do it? :)
03:28.50PTG123i know nothing ab out api calls in c on windows, i am a unix guy
03:29.04qwerpi am actualling looking at it. but i dunno where to get the caller ip addr in the first place..
03:29.11syslodPTG123:  Most likely somebody will have to write a current windows lib for IAX.
03:29.26PTG123already have the windows lib for iax done
03:29.29PTG123as well as the dll :)
03:29.34PTG123i just need the messaging for this
03:29.42PTG123extern "C" __stdcall __declspec(dllexport)  void iaxdll_set_event_callback(iaxc_event_callback_t func) {
03:29.49PTG123right now it calsl a function, but i do't think i can pass it a delphi function
03:29.52PTG123which is the problem :)
03:30.50PTG123either of you have ideas?
03:31.35syslodI'm thinking get the lib in current enviroment .NET so it can be easily used with current tools.
03:31.48NormAstPTG123: Have you DLL send your componet a windows message about the event.
03:32.51PTG123yes exactly normast
03:32.53PTG123thats what i am saying
03:32.55PTG123so how?
03:33.11PTG123syslogd: it pretty much can be easily..
03:33.21NormAstCheck out this:
03:33.37Corydon76-homeqwerp: See the corresponding code in chan_sip.c which prints the IP
03:34.27PTG123whats a wndproc?
03:35.10PTG123looks like his dll triggers that
03:35.24PTG123and passes it  WMUSER+201;
03:35.31PTG123make sense?
03:35.53PTG123how do we do that syslogd in c?
03:37.13Corydon76-homePTG123: sounds like a massive buffer overflow
03:37.25*** join/#asterisk newmember (
03:39.33syslodwndproc is WindowsProc
03:40.06NormAstPTG123: Here's how to post a message in C :
03:40.36NormAstPTG123: And here's how to trap a message in delphi :,1410,16487,00.html
03:41.59syslodIsn't MFC cwnd class for window?
03:43.03PTG123what would you pass to WPARAM?
03:43.32PTG123basically i would call
03:43.40D1ng0anybody seen this before ???
03:44.06PTG123i am not surew hy there is a lparam and a wparam
03:44.21*** join/#asterisk sudhir492 (
03:44.26sudhir492Hi all
03:44.56sudhir492Are you there JerJer?
03:45.17*** join/#asterisk MrEntropy (
03:46.01sudhir492yo MrEntropy
03:46.12*** join/#asterisk david (
03:46.35sudhir492Anyone using Linksys PAP2 or PAP2NA with asterisk ?
03:53.59*** join/#asterisk thekernel (~shaun@
03:54.52*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
03:59.36thekernelhas anyone had any issues when using cvs HEAD with apps/app_while.c compiling?
04:00.40NormAstMy Linux box has hung... WHY?
04:00.46*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
04:01.10NormAstIt's total locked up...
04:01.35file[laptop]sudhir492: I use an NA
04:02.21PTG123must be bad hardware
04:02.21NormAstI must go down stairs and press the reset button..  :(
04:02.32PTG123overheating most likely
04:02.47NormAstPTG123: Must be mysql program I am working on.. Dev. machine.
04:05.08NuggetLinux is poo.
04:05.30sudhir492file[laptop]: what is the admin login for that device?
04:05.41NormAstOkay.. Reset button works...
04:06.11NormAstNeed a CHEAP watchdog board... Long walk downstairs.
04:06.21PTG123find out the hardware problem
04:06.27PTG123like i said most likely cpu
04:06.31PTG123er heat
04:06.47file[laptop]sudhir492: the NA is blank by default
04:07.03NormAstIt's only been doing this since I started playing with mysql asterisk module that I am writting.
04:07.09*** join/#asterisk Brixius (
04:07.18BrixiusHello Everyone!!!!
04:07.22PTG123does ctrl+alt+delete respond?
04:07.29sudhir492file[laptop]: about a month ago, I purchased PAP2 from Staples, thinking that I might subscribe to Vonage. I never did that and now am trying to use PAP2 with Asterisk
04:07.40file[laptop]PAP2 is different
04:07.46syslodNormAst: I'd be concerned if it was caused by mysql or *.  I'm hoping its heat.
04:07.47file[laptop]I know nothing about it
04:08.01PTG123it can't be used with anyone but vonage
04:08.03PTG123its locked
04:08.10PTG123take it back, or call vonage
04:08.21sudhir492file[laptop]: when did you get your PAP2-NA?
04:08.26file[laptop]many months ago
04:08.27NormAstGoing to try the app. on a second box.
04:09.22thekernelThere's a problem in apps/app_while.c in CVS head
04:09.57syslodWhats it doing?
04:10.01thekernelthe LOCAL_USER_ADD() macro comes before some other variable declarations and we get code before all the variables are declared
04:10.17thekernelIt's a complining problem with my GCC 2.95
04:10.30*** join/#asterisk offroadgeek (
04:10.31sudhir492PTG123: I see that it is locked. apparently, some people have figured out a way to unlock it and use with Asterisk
04:11.01sudhir492maybe bkw_ can help
04:11.36thekernelSomeone who has CVS write access can move LOCAL_USER_ADD() to the end of the declarations around line 60 of apps/app_while.c
04:11.57file[laptop]thekernel: very few people have cvs write access
04:12.53thekernelas it should be
04:13.06thekernelI'm just hoping one of them is here
04:13.11syslodProlly post a bug/patch.
04:13.50syslodSeems to compile here with no warnings.
04:14.05thekernelare you using GCC 2.95.4?
04:14.19thekernelI'm working on a patch.  I always forget diff syntax
04:16.54ozJames79hey guys i have just complied ztdummy ( iedited the makefile etc) where will the module be so i can loadit
04:17.31*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
04:21.32MrEntropyozJames79: did you make install?
04:22.09ozJames79make clean ; make install
04:23.02MrEntropyozJames79: so it'll be in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/misc/
04:23.19*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
04:24.59ozJames79k andi need to be in that diretory in order to load it
04:25.28thekernelwell, the patch is out
04:25.42MrEntropyozJames79: i can't remember whether zap actually depmods...if it does, then modprobe it, if not insmod
04:27.43*** join/#asterisk CoaxD (
04:29.16ozJames79still dont appear to have
04:29.28ManxPowernodprobe the card specific drivers.
04:29.33ManxPowerand modprobe it too
04:32.53ozJames79modprobe: Can't locate module ztdummy
04:33.08ozJames79i am not sure what i am doing wrong :(
04:33.11ManxPowerozJames79: then it's not been built.
04:33.16ManxPowerozJames79: You are on Linux, right?
04:33.28ManxPowerozJames79: I assume you uncommented it from the Makefile?
04:33.30*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
04:33.50ozJames79yep thats right
04:33.53ozJames79took ou tthe #
04:34.10ManxPowerThen you have to run make and find out why it's not building.
04:35.23*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
04:35.34thekernelis it possible to just drop h323 support?  My asterisk is dumping on loading citing an undefined symbol ast_pthread_create
04:35.35ozJames79that is what it says on screen
04:37.44thekernelwell that was easy...  It's dirty, but deleteing worked to get asterisk running
04:40.20ManxPowerozJames79: you don't have the kernel source installed
04:41.04PTG123NormAst you alive?
04:43.30ozJames79i need to locate and dopnlaod that n:) thank you for your help ManXpower
04:50.42*** join/#asterisk Hyper_Eye (~MWoodJ@hyper-eye.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
04:51.56NormAstPTG123: Yea... Testing some stuff....
04:57.18D1ng0okay really dumb question here :)
04:57.45D1ng0i need a debian person ... any around ?
04:58.13adaynah, whats up?
04:58.15adayi use it
04:59.11NormAstI try and use it :)
05:06.48BrixiusDing0: try #debian
05:09.02mmlj4kphone is talking to asterisk on my box, according to the console... but dialing '#' ("demo-thanks") gives no output from my sound card... what gives?
05:10.21*** join/#asterisk alphaque (~Alphaque@
05:11.10ozJames79after compling zaptel do i need to recomplie asterisk?
05:11.59Brixiusit sound's like vonage is using asterisk, the voice prompts are just like asterisks
05:13.05Brixiusopps, sorry, wrong window
05:15.42Brixiusanyone know if it's possible to unlock the motorola ata's? I had a vonage line and want to reuse the ata if possible.
05:17.12denonBrixius: call vonage, they'll unlock it for you for a few bucks
05:17.58Brixiusok do you know how much $$ a few bucks is?
05:18.11denondunno, I think 15 bucks
05:18.17file[laptop]yeah I think 15 too
05:18.26Brixiusok, thanks
05:18.31denonbut its more hassle to unlock it yourself -- this conversation happens every day of the week
05:18.37denonand people all think its a quick 10 second deal
05:28.47file[laptop]LA BAMBA
05:30.40*** join/#asterisk harryvetch (
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05:37.30ozJames79Hi i am having a problem getting  conference calling to work  can someone please have a look at this
05:38.40file[laptop]ozJames79: you need to have done a make install in zaptel, and then recompile asterisk so it knows to build the zaptel stuff
05:38.41file[laptop]like meetme
05:39.42harryvetchwhy when i type ztcfg I get a echo reply of Registered tone zone 6 (spain) ?
05:40.42file[laptop]because it registered tone zone 6 spain?
05:40.59harryvetchi have no idea what that means.
05:41.09file[laptop]so why ask?
05:41.14file[laptop]it's a normal thing
05:41.23file[laptop]if it was an error it would say error
05:41.27file[laptop]if it was a warning it would say warning
05:42.26ozJames79i am recompling now
05:45.51harryvetchcd /usr/src
05:45.51harryvetchcvs login - the password is anoncvs.
05:45.51harryvetchcvs checkout asterisk-addons
05:45.59harryvetchIt does not take anoncvs
05:46.06harryvetchanyone seen this as a problem?
05:46.18ozJames79i used the cvs just b4
05:46.20ozJames79it was fine for me
05:47.00harryvetchmm connection refused on that one two
05:48.00harryvetchyea, since my changed something is not working on zaptel.
05:48.51*** join/#asterisk dano_ (
05:50.08*** part/#asterisk showtime0 (
05:50.43*** join/#asterisk pbd (
05:51.10pbdEvening, all.
05:51.27pbdQuestion for those still awake- anyone have personal experience with
05:53.06JamesDotCom4:52pm, i'd hope i'd be still awake ;(~
05:54.58harryvetchpdb, what cards u run
05:55.36*** join/#asterisk juice (
05:56.24pbdCards?  I don't need no stinkin cards..
06:02.21*** join/#asterisk Godlike567 (
06:03.12Godlike567Anyone here familiar with DISA? I can get asterisk to answer the call but I get No dialtone and when I dial a number it just sits there and does nothing.
06:05.56Godlike567Everyone asleep?
06:06.29algorithmnnot yet
06:06.43dano_it's post-holidays "omfg I'm so fat" nap time.
06:06.49NuggetI boiled some eggs as a midnight snack, but they're still too hot to eat.
06:08.09lilocan anyone call me on fwd and help me test my adapter? 8)
06:09.43implicithi lilo
06:09.45*** join/#asterisk newmember (
06:10.29harryvetchhi implicit
06:11.12*** join/#asterisk B4 (~B4@
06:11.50*** join/#asterisk pchenry (
06:11.51implicithi harryvetch
06:12.14*** part/#asterisk dano_ (
06:12.27lilohey implicit
06:13.28soulz2lilo: what is ur number?
06:13.58NuggetI'll bet it's a 1-900 number.
06:19.16implicitSilik0n: hi
06:19.20mitchelochey don't give out my number yo
06:20.51*** join/#asterisk djin (
06:29.07file[laptop]BIG BROTHER WATCHES.
06:36.57*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
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06:46.09*** part/#asterisk qwerp (~abc@
06:46.46_Vilerm -rf file
06:50.34WilliamKfile is too cute to be fm -rf'd =)
06:50.42WilliamKerr rm -rf'd
06:52.11BoRiSHi File!
06:52.18*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
06:52.24*** join/#asterisk maksim (~max@
06:54.31file[laptop]watching TLC
06:55.06BoRiSThe Hauntings
06:55.11file[laptop]freaking me out
06:55.16BoRiSI know...its VERY well done
06:55.30BoRiSMr Gordy
06:56.03BoRiSbkw would drool over Mr Gordy.
06:57.29file[laptop]so - once a whore?
06:58.18Silik0ndd if=/dev/random of=/dev/hda
06:59.01BoRiSalways a ......
06:59.11implicitSilik0n: :)
06:59.18implicitBoRiS: hey man
06:59.24BoRiShi implicit
06:59.34implicithow's it going?
06:59.52impliciti just got some mango juice
06:59.56implicitwas thirsty
07:00.01implicitjust got back from the store
07:00.01BoRiSDoing ok....Getting home and now relaxing watching tv with file :)
07:00.16file[laptop]BoRiS: this is still freaking me out
07:00.18file[laptop]just that dark figure
07:00.25impliciti am going to code for a while in java
07:00.26BoRiSWith the hoodie
07:00.33implicitit's been a while since i java'd
07:00.37implicittoo much C lately
07:01.06implicitBoRiS: just going to do some fastagi stuff in java
07:01.11file[laptop]BoRiS: I hope they get that Dr. Roll
07:01.18Silik0nwheres the working apache package
07:01.23implicitSilik0n: on my box
07:01.49BoRiSGive him a heart attack
07:02.26file[laptop]HE'S LEAVING?!?
07:02.34file[laptop]he explained it, didn't make it go away
07:03.14file[laptop]years? wow
07:04.44file[laptop]eek sinister
07:06.05file[laptop]freaks me out totally
07:07.17*** part/#asterisk maksim (~max@
07:08.59BoRiSCommercial Break :)
07:09.20BoRiSQuick....Get a drink :)
07:09.41harryvetchnothing like christmas and its vacation time :)
07:11.46BoRiSIt'sss baaaaaaaaaack
07:11.47file[laptop]haha nice warning on this
07:12.10file[laptop]uh oh
07:12.57harryvetchwhats that?
07:13.08file[laptop]ghost thing
07:13.23file[laptop]uh oh, now she's seeing stuff
07:13.34file[laptop]this music too... argh
07:15.30BoRiSVery Creepy
07:16.16file[laptop]when is this over?
07:16.36BoRiS45 more minutes
07:16.40file[laptop]oh god
07:16.49file[laptop]ooh commercial
07:17.01file[laptop]no wonder this is on in the wee hours
07:17.05BoRiSWhere's that Dark Shadow?
07:18.04BoRiSwith the hoodie
07:18.15file[laptop]I hope far away
07:18.25*** join/#asterisk FryGuy (
07:18.30*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
07:20.30jbotfrom memory, banana is a fruit, or, or
07:20.41jbotorange is, like, not apple
07:20.52jbotapple is a "different" computer company :). They are currently known for the iMac, eMac, PowerMac, XServe, iPod, iBook, and Titanium Powerbook. Their computers use (motorola) PowerPC processors, of the G3 (750) and G4 (74XX) nature. the G4 processor has vector processing known as "altivec". Apple can be found at, or apple recently adopted the ...
07:21.12file[laptop]their growing fear? I'm fearful now
07:21.23drumkilla~thwack ZX81
07:21.25jbotACTION beats ZX81 on the eye with a AS/400
07:21.50denonjbot, you're retarded
07:22.06denonwhat, no retort jbot?
07:22.21denonjbot: no retort?
07:22.50jbotsomebody said drumkilla was the Asterisk v1.0-stable maintainer.  ph33r him.
07:22.51drumkillajbot: talk to denon
07:22.56denontruth hurts, eh codeboy?
07:23.21drumkilla~kill himself
07:23.23jbotACTION shoots a super-inverse electron gun at himself
07:23.38denonah well, all good things must come to an end
07:23.59file[laptop]BoRiS: did the dark shadow get you?
07:24.50file[laptop]I'm scared to go out of my room
07:24.59drumkillayou should be
07:25.10drumkillai paid the monsters to haunt you tonight
07:25.18file[laptop]jbot: file?
07:25.19jbotFile type identification utility. URL: or
07:25.35jboti guess implicit is fun
07:25.58jboti heard denon is de non
07:26.07implicit~file asdf
07:26.27Silik0nseen naked_women
07:26.51file[laptop]I should switch channels
07:27.37jbot[king] Dessimat0r
07:27.41implicitking kong
07:28.06jbotACTION is broken
07:28.09naked_women~fork me
07:28.12jbotbroken is, like, ->  or screen shots are at or that's sid for you.
07:28.17BoRiSFile :))
07:28.21BoRiSSo many commercials
07:28.25file[laptop]BoRiS: this is where it gets interesting
07:28.26jbotNo devices specified to be checked!
07:28.31jbotfuck is, like, You should probably try a replacement word like fetch
07:28.32impliciti mean
07:28.35jbotNo devices specified to be checked!
07:28.37jbotmethinks sex is updatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; apt-get install condom; mount; fsck; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; apt-get remove --purge condom; make clean; sleep
07:28.54naked_womenpenis is at jbots house
07:28.59jbotpenis is probably esperanto - past tense of the verb to struggle or fight.
07:29.10naked_womenwhere can i find penis?
07:29.18naked_women~where can i find penis?
07:29.19jbotextra, extra, read all about it, penis is esperanto - past tense of the verb to struggle or fight.
07:30.02mitchelocoh crap
07:30.08mitchelocignore that
07:30.13implicitdrumkilla: hi
07:30.19drumkillahey there
07:30.29implicitdrumkilla: i'm going to pm u, got some ?s for u
07:30.32mitcheloclol i just kidding, did that on purpose
07:30.40drumkillaabout to go to bed ...
07:30.58ZX81what is bed?
07:31.05file[laptop]I dunno
07:31.06mitcheloc~what is bed?
07:31.07jboti heard bed is a thing programmers have never heard of, ask me about shower
07:31.08file[laptop]BREAD! BED IS BREAD!
07:31.15mitcheloc~what is shower?
07:31.16jboti guess shower is something that if done more than once a week, loses you serious hacker points.  ask me about hygiene
07:31.26mitcheloc~what is hygiene
07:31.27jbotI dont know a guy named Gene, so why would I tell him hi?, or  Hey.  I think its time for bed.
07:31.31file[laptop]gah spelt wrong
07:31.47mitcheloc~what is hygiene?
07:31.48jbotI dont know a guy named Gene, so why would I tell him hi?, or  Hey.  I think its time for bed.
07:31.52file[laptop]BoRiS: oooooooooh a psychic
07:31.54mitcheloc~what is bed?
07:31.55jbotsomebody said bed was a thing programmers have never heard of, ask me about shower
07:31.59mitcheloc~what is asterisk~
07:32.01jbotI think you lost me on that one, mitcheloc
07:32.01ZX81oh dear
07:32.05ZX81~lart mitcheloc
07:32.06mitchelochow sad
07:32.13jbotfrom memory, asterisk is a PBX (Private Branch eXchange) and telephony toolkit.
07:32.16mitcheloc~~lart jbot
07:32.24mitcheloc~lart jbot
07:32.25ZX81~lart mitcheloc
07:32.30mitcheloc~lart ZX81
07:32.39ZX81I only have a cat
07:32.50mitchelocthats cause jbot threw your dog off a cliff
07:32.58mitcheloc~lart ZX81's cat
07:33.16drumkillathat's pretty rough
07:33.19file[laptop]BoRiS: Gordy?
07:33.29BoRiSI think so
07:34.04ZX81file[laptop]: you need a bot to report your progress in DDR
07:34.09ZX81so we can all listen along
07:34.27mitchelocfile: how far did you get asterisk for windows?
07:34.45file[laptop]mitcheloc: well I could call voicemail via SIP
07:34.48file[laptop]anywhere else and it went KABOOM
07:36.12mitcheloci say someone ports the zaptel drivers over so we can ditch this linux wishwashiness
07:36.21mitcheloc~looks @ jbot
07:37.04file[laptop]BoRiS: thank god for that commercial
07:37.08file[laptop]I was about to flip out
07:37.16BoRiSWhen that light was turned off and the music
07:37.29mitchelocwhat would be cool though is a cd based distro of asterisk that'll run any configuration, and store the config files to the hard drive...mmmm my 2gb drive could get some use
07:37.52BoRiSa few people are doing that already mitcheloc
07:38.02mitchelocpsh i know i know
07:38.47mitchelocthings take too much time to develop though, it's no fun
07:39.58mitcheloci got me an xbox that needs to run asterisk
07:41.00*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
07:42.03file[laptop]BoRiS: ugh
07:42.10BoRiSkinda cute but bald.
07:43.15file[laptop]Gordy is protecting
07:43.27implicithi BoRiS
07:44.39BoRiSHey implicit, did you finish your drink?
07:44.46file[laptop]this is insane
07:45.40*** part/#asterisk isam (~isam@
07:46.11*** join/#asterisk justinnnnnn (
07:51.59Mocwhat going on ?
07:53.46file[laptop]BoRiS: eekness alert
07:53.52BoRiSIt moved
07:54.42harryvetchsome day asterisk will be as reliable as irc :)
07:54.55af_no, please!
07:55.06Moonwickheh.  meaning that a 12 year old with a grudge can take it down?  :)
07:55.16harryvetchas many headachs getting mine working heehe :)
07:55.37harryvetchwell at least irc works! :)
07:55.45Silik0nharryvetch at least its more stable then efnet
07:55.49*** part/#asterisk tzafrir (
07:55.58*** join/#asterisk implic1t (
07:56.56MocI got someone trying to register to my box via IAX for weeks
07:57.12Mocit starting to bug me..
07:57.25harryvetchexample, went to load in modules.conf and reloaded...asterisk froze. could not kill it. well, shutdown -r now on my server it hanged on asterisk process. hard reboot could not work. so reset the pc.
07:57.49harryvetchohh and lost the cli :)
07:57.56harryvetchi rebooted it and it works now.
07:58.35Mocthere, iptables -I INPUT -s -j DROP
07:59.46file[laptop]BoRiS: I just went outside my room, in total darkness
07:59.50file[laptop]it was horrible
08:00.00harryvetchgetting random error unable to open , specify and register channel 1.
08:02.01*** join/#asterisk porche (
08:02.24file[laptop]stargate is on
08:03.02BoRiSWatching Simpsons
08:04.53harryvetchfile, the outdoor sceens of sgsg1 are filmed in my town across the way.
08:05.44harryvetchyea, might go down there tomarro with my wife and by chance see them filming.
08:05.57harryvetchsmallville is filmed in my town to.
08:06.01harryvetchpart of it is.
08:06.36mitchelocwhat city
08:06.52mitchelocoh what state?
08:06.57harryvetchBC canada
08:07.04mitchelocoh yea nice
08:07.11mitchelocyou sure smallvilles taped up there? kind of far
08:07.16mitchelocfrom hollywood i mean
08:07.22harryvetchdown the street from my work Fantastic4 just ended shooting.
08:07.36mitcheloci lived on vancouver island for about 9 months =)
08:07.38harryvetchMicheal Chicalas is going to be the Thing
08:08.49harryvetchis channel => 1 considered legal?
08:08.57harryvetchor =1
08:09.01harryvetch= 1
08:09.22harryvetchi get these random errors and mabey this guys demo is wrong.
08:09.38*** join/#asterisk progcaribou (
08:20.34*** join/#asterisk darby__t (
08:20.49mitcheloci think both are
08:20.52*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~eeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
08:20.58mitchelocbut use =>
08:21.21harryvetchwell, i switched it anyway did not make a different in my channel 1 errors.
08:22.30harryvetchdid a lspci this is what I have for the card.
08:22.33harryvetch0000:00:09.0 Communication controller: Tiger Jet Network Inc. Tiger3XX Modem/ISDN interface
08:23.32Zeeekthis is what I have
08:23.33Zeeek02:09.0 Communication controller: Tiger Jet Network Inc. Intel 537
08:24.22harryvetchyou got your x100p directly from digium?
08:24.29Zeeekyes sir.
08:24.57harryvetchcan i see your configs?
08:25.05harryvetchjust the basics.
08:25.27harryvetchlike /etc/asterisk/zap and /zap
08:25.38Zeeekfxsks = 1,2
08:25.38Zeeekfxoks = 3,4,5
08:25.38Zeeekloadzone = us
08:25.38Zeeekdefaultzone = us
08:25.52harryvetchohh you have more then one.
08:25.54Zeeek2 x X101P and 1 TDM400P
08:26.09Zeeekor 100
08:26.24Zeeekwhat is your card? clone?
08:26.59harryvetchwell, i bid on it on ebay said it was a digium x100p and came with paper sheet on its specs. what did yours come with?
08:27.05Zeeekhere is /proc/interrupts
08:27.20Zeeeka sheet I think
08:27.31Zeeekdid you check IRQ sharing?
08:27.37harryvetchyea, mine for somone reason is sharing a usb. but rmmod that off.
08:27.52Zeeekso no IRQ confict at all?
08:28.05harryvetchit was sharing with usb-uhci
08:28.25Zeeekbut you removed that
08:28.25harryvetchi removed that and reloaded still getting the missing channel 1 zap error.
08:28.42Zeeekwhen you ztcfg ?
08:29.09harryvetchokay did that and that worked.
08:29.09*** join/#asterisk scanna (
08:29.20Zeeekwhat does it say ? ztcfg -vvvvv
08:30.01harryvetchZaptel Configuration
08:30.01harryvetchChannel map:
08:30.01harryvetchChannel 01: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)
08:30.01harryvetch1 channels configured.
08:30.13Zeeekisn't that all you have?
08:30.37Zeeekthen you start asterisk and it doesn't see the channel?
08:30.50justinnnnnnwho wants to give me money ?
08:31.01justinnnnnnor i'll staple your face to a door ?
08:31.11justinnnnnnu have been saved :)
08:32.06Zeeekharryvetch here is your minimum zapata.conf:
08:32.07Zeeekchannel => 1
08:32.29Zeeekmaybe language=en for good luck ;)
08:32.39harryvetchzeek, i modified the modules.conf to make the alsa from a unload to load option then reloaded asterisk it now has no cli
08:33.04Zeeekwell I'd go back to having a CLI
08:33.25Zeeekwhy d'you want alsa?
08:34.08ZeeekI want to know if anyone has any issues with recent Grandstream BT100 phones?
08:34.20Silik0nok anyone wanna answer a stoopid awk question?
08:34.30ZeeekThere is a major change from .11 that seems to break my DNS
08:34.42harryvetchmmm multiple sessions of asterisk running and some cannot be killed.
08:34.54Zeeekyou better kill them all now
08:35.01harryvetchyea doing so
08:35.12*** join/#asterisk schurig (
08:35.15harryvetchcan you kil based on pid name?
08:35.23Zeeekwhile testing asterisk --vvvvvvvgc
08:35.41Silik0nharryvetch: look at killall
08:35.42justinnnnnnwho wants me to get this guy to help them with asterisk
08:35.46justinnnnnnu have to give me moneyt tho!
08:36.00Zeeekps aux | grep asterisk
08:36.07Zeeekand kill -9 nnnn
08:36.31ZeeekI want someone with a BT100 to tell me their firmware version
08:36.48Silik0nor kill -9 `ps auxwww|grep asterisk|awk {'print $1"}`
08:37.17Silik0nmake that last double quote a single quote tho
08:38.01ZeeekBoRiS I've tried 15,18 and 20 - all of them have broken DNS?
08:38.02modulus_grep -v grep is better
08:38.24Zeeekif I put the server ip in SIP proxy, works. If I put domain name, no go
08:38.37harryvetchdid not work. when i went to do a shutdown -r now for the debian server the pcrosses would stop on each one untill it reaches asterisk then it hangs.
08:38.40BoRiSMine works no problem
08:38.43Zeeeksame setup works in .11 which eliminates shit like wrond DNS, router blocking etc
08:38.47Silik0ndamn it what the right flag for awk to include both whitespace and : as delimiters
08:38.52harryvetchalsa is to blame.
08:38.57Zeeekyou have a fixed ip ?
08:39.06harryvetchstatic but it does not change.
08:39.30ZeeekBoRiS asterisk on fixed ip?
08:39.39harryvetchzeek, you run debian?
08:39.44Zeeekno, slackware
08:39.49BoRiSI have in my sip proxy
08:40.03BoRiSand it resolves it no problem
08:40.03ZeeekI wonder if it expects FQD with two dots?
08:40.15ZeeekI have
08:40.23Zeeekhmmmm worth a try I suppose
08:40.29BoRiStry and see what happens
08:40.51Zeeekyea well I'll have to go make the domain happen and all and I'm running late
08:40.51harryvetchwell darn it. might have to put unload back in modules.conf and then reload asterisk because its causing it to lockup
08:41.01Zeeekgood idea harry
08:43.26harryvetchDec 27 03:43:05 ERROR[16384]: chan_zap.c:6195 mkintf: Unable to open channel 1:
08:43.26harryvetchNo such device or address
08:43.26harryvetchhere = 0, tmp->channel = 1, channel = 1
08:43.26harryvetchDec 27 03:43:05 ERROR[16384]: chan_zap.c:9130 setup_zap: Unable to register chan
08:43.26harryvetchnel '1'
08:43.26harryvetchDec 27 03:43:05 WARNING[16384]: loader.c:334 ast_load_resource: loa
08:43.28harryvetchd_module failed, returning -1
08:43.30harryvetchDec 27 03:43:05 WARNING[16384]: loader.c:429 load_modules: Loading module chan_z failed!
08:44.06harryvetchi think 1, reinstall asterisk all over again or the OS or 2 replace the card. Ohh forget the card. Just go buy two IP phones.
08:44.23Zeeekharry calm down
08:44.33Zeeekmake sure zaptel is the right version
08:44.48Zeeekmake clean; make; make install zaptel
08:44.54Zeeekcd ../asterisk
08:45.02Zeeekmake clean; make ; make install
08:45.04harryvetchthis is debian
08:45.05Zeeekand try again
08:45.19Zeeekwe all have our sins to bear ;)
08:45.41harryvetchyou mean /etc/asterisk
08:46.04Zeeekwell yopu would normally be in /usr/src
08:46.17Zeeekso make zaptel first.... cd zaptel
08:46.29Zeeekmake make clean etc then ../asterisk and again
08:46.39Zeeekcause your card looks like it is working
08:46.42harryvetchdont see any asterisk in there
08:47.22harryvetchbtw, this is not your standard asterisk install.
08:47.27harryvetchits xorcom rapid
08:47.30file[laptop]T-Minus 1 hour 3 minutes.
08:47.51BoRiSfrom what?
08:47.57Zeeekrapid is rapid + three days of fucking around apparently
08:48.35Zeeekme too insanity - my 15 year old niece is coming to stay with in in about 2 hours
08:48.53Zeeekand I AM a dirty old man
08:49.17Zeeekspeaking of which I'd better shower - it's almost 10
08:50.32harryvetchzeek no asterisk in ur src
08:50.36harryvetchusr src
08:51.16Zeeekif you're not using a standard cvs or tarball I can't help ya. Sorry
08:51.31Zeeekfind / -name asterisk
08:51.34Zeeekmight work
08:52.08Silik0nfucking pile 0 shit
08:52.56*** join/#asterisk heka (~heka@
08:52.58*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
08:53.09zoaharryvetch: did you do ztcfg ?
08:53.47hekaI have an asterisk box connected to a analog pbx throught tdm. but to get the outside line I have to dial 0 first and then type the number
08:53.52hekahow can I do it with asterisk?
08:54.20hekais it posible to make Dial(Zap/0#{EXTEN:1})
08:54.38tzafrirheka , look at the example extensions.conf. There is is with 9. look for _9
08:56.05hekayes all is OK. but my analog pbx is programed for pressing 0 for outside line
08:56.17harryvetchzeek, this is a not the traditional install of asterisk.
08:56.55hekaso Im wondering to know how can I make asterisk to send the 0 first and then the number I want to dial
08:57.36tzafrirI figure you can configure asterisk to send the original number when the number begins with a zero to that zap line, yes
08:57.58justinnnnnnor woteva it is
08:58.18hekabut I want 0(wait 2 seconds)${exten}
08:58.56hekaam I clear enough?
08:59.23justinnnnnnso it dials 0 then waits then the number
08:59.31justinnnnnndunno sorry :P
08:59.48hekaanybody knows?
09:00.06ozJames79just reading about the canreinvite option would it be wise to put can reinvite=no on all cisco ata18x that connect to my server?
09:00.17ozJames79considering that they dont handle reinvites well
09:02.42harryvetchzeek, going to do it your way.
09:06.19harryvetchwhats one command to remove all directories with the word asterisk in it
09:06.30harryvetchrm -r / -name asterisk ?
09:09.52Zeeekerrr no
09:10.35Zeeekharry why you wanna remove them?
09:11.43Zeeekmethinks he may have removed the filesystem
09:13.08*** join/#asterisk DJ-Pyro (
09:13.19Zeeekharryvetch saw this:
09:13.24ZeeekXorcom Rapid is a Debian/Asterisk distribution program that includes an auto-install and special auto-configuration features. It quickly and effortlessly converts any PC to a functioning Asterisk PBX.
09:13.46Zeeek"quickly and effortlessly" being the keys
09:14.36ZeeekTzafrir you have something to do with this?
09:15.31Zeeekharryvetch when you have installed you new files system.....
09:16.24*** join/#asterisk scanna (
09:16.59*** part/#asterisk mitcheloc (
09:18.17*** join/#asterisk banaan (
09:20.57ZeeekBoRiS FQDN didn't help FWIW
09:23.59*** join/#asterisk datareactor (~datareact@
09:24.04datareactorhi all
09:24.20datareactori get this message on console  No D-channels available!  Using Primary on channel anyway 3!
09:26.21hekais it posible to to dial zap/1/0(wait 2 seconds){exten} ?
09:29.19*** join/#asterisk omer (~omer@
09:29.36datareactorheka try this out
09:31.37omertry what ? ;)
09:32.16datareactoryou joined late
09:33.23datareactoranyway i was pasting   exten => s,1,Dial(Zap/2/ww5551234)  ; Wait 1 second then dial 5551234 on channel 2
09:35.37*** join/#asterisk fonzai (
09:36.44*** join/#asterisk kfz1981 (
09:37.26kfz1981hi all
09:38.24*** part/#asterisk kfz1981 (
09:42.33*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
09:45.21file[laptop]T-Minus 10 Minutes.
09:45.43file[laptop]till I sneak out of my parent's house and go to Futureshop
09:45.51file[laptop]first stopping at Tim Hortons and devouring huge amounts of caffeine
09:46.07file[laptop]while simultaneously exploding
09:47.04BoRiSthat does sound crazy
09:47.24BoRiSand fix the signup... lol!
09:47.34file[laptop]BoRiS: guess what... I don't work in that department! HA
09:48.19mak_could you tell me what should I do to dont get messages : chan_sip.c:683 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call ... and why does it happends ? :)
09:48.41file[laptop]eek a shadow
09:48.46file[laptop]T-Minus 7 minutes.
09:49.08BoRiSHave fun :))
09:49.13BoRiSWhats on your shopping list?
09:49.27file[laptop]BoRiS: 17' LCD, digital camera, and whatever else catches my eye
09:50.05BoRiSYour gonna love the 17" LCD...I got one for christmas and for some reason, It looks bigger then my 17" CRT and much brigher colours
09:50.16file[laptop]on sale for $249.99 CAD
09:50.27file[laptop]T-Minus 5 minutes.
09:50.32BoRiSThats SUPER cheap
09:51.15file[laptop]now you know why I must go early
09:51.18BoRiSwell, i hope you get everything
09:51.44file[laptop]it's gonna be crazy
09:52.56BoRiSHere's my CC #
09:53.08BoRiSHave fun
09:55.04BoRiSlater file and have fun shopping :)
09:57.53*** join/#asterisk jonas (
10:08.25datareactori get this error on console and i could call to pstn
10:08.56Moonwickhmm, here's a nice off-the-wall question
10:09.10Moonwickwhat's the longest caller ID number one is likely to ever see?
10:10.06datareactorcould not call to pstn
10:10.50RoyKMoonwick: 923 digits?
10:11.04Moonwickthat sounds a bit high.
10:11.29*** join/#asterisk ozJames79 (
10:11.35RoyKyou prolly won't find anything higher than that....
10:11.51Moonwickseems like 15-18 might be a good number, but I'm wondering if there might be a country that's an exception
10:12.10Moonwickperhaps a country with really long phone numbers.  I dunno.
10:14.51*** join/#asterisk h4mm3r` (~h4mm3r@
10:24.01*** join/#asterisk inspired (
10:25.58*** join/#asterisk shaZwaz (~lukyali@
10:26.31shaZwazhello everyone
10:29.05*** join/#asterisk Mike_TK (~Mike_TK@
10:29.51jbotmethinks echo is Displays the given arguments on the screen. Syntax: echo (arg1) (arg2) ..(argN). Where arg1 through argN are the arguments to echo. Example: echo "Hello World" displays the string "Hello World".
10:30.08*** join/#asterisk lters (
10:32.51ozJames79hi can anyone help me with g729 i download it to  /usr/lib/asterisk/modules and it has a diff file and a sh file i run the sh file and i get a lot of ./ line 23: ./ No such file or directory
10:34.04ozJames79i download from here and the readme isnt too much help for a newbie not sure what i am doing wrong
10:37.25*** join/#asterisk pif (
10:38.35finnjetIs somebody arround here who could give me a hint what kind of problem I´m experiencing here: ast_retrieve_call_to_death
10:39.04finnjetI´m trying to get asterisk to work with the zaphfc driver!
10:39.26finnjetIt came all togehter in the bristuff 20 package!
10:40.15shaZwazfinnjet: did you follow the instructions at the wiki
10:41.14finnjetAt ? Yes!
10:42.09shaZwazcheck the user lists then
10:42.11finnjetI downloaded the file that is linked there and then i unpacked it and started the after uncomenting the make sample line!
10:42.58finnjetWhat is the user list?
10:43.33shaZwazgoogle this <your search>
10:44.50shaZwazwhere y located in germany ?
10:45.15ozJames79hi can anyone help me with g729 i download it to /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
10:45.15ozJames79and it has a diff file and a sh file i run the sh file and i get a lot of
10:45.15ozJames79./ line 23: ./ No such file or directory i download from here
10:45.15ozJames79 and the readme isnt too much help for
10:45.15ozJames79a newbie not sure what i am doing wrong
10:45.59shaZwazozJames79: it says To install the codec move .so file into /usr/lib/asterisk/modules directory
10:47.55shaZwazits already a binary you need only to build it if you are using a platform other then intel
10:48.24ozJames79ok so i just move it and i am set?
10:49.05ltersFlippFlopp: you there?
10:49.27ozJames79in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules i put
10:49.27finnjetThe probö
10:49.45ozJames79and i dont need to recomplie  :) that almost sounds to easy
10:49.54finnjetthe problem is that the search string ast_retrieve_call_to_death gives not a single hit at all!
10:51.40shaZwazdid you configure the bri properly ?
10:53.26ozJames79hmm i now get chan_sip.c:2764 process_sdp: No compatible codecs!
10:53.36*** join/#asterisk Gh0sty (
10:53.44finnjetI edited ans copied the config file of the hfc Kernel Module!
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10:55.38Chotairemorning all, one easy question.. what's the best windoze program to convert .wav to .gsm?
10:56.08*** part/#asterisk eye69 (
10:56.33ltersChotaire: if you can get linux prompt, why not do it there?
10:56.54ltersChotaire: the wiki shows how to use sox to do it.
10:56.57Chotairewell, maybe because I do all audio on windoze maybe ;)
10:57.08lterswhy do you want gsm?
10:57.15Chotairefor asterisk prompts?
10:57.30ltersand your asterisk runs on winder$s?
10:57.35Chotairenope, linux
10:57.49ltersso, you have prompt ehe :-)
10:57.56isamChotaire, there is a windows and a linux version of it
10:58.16ltersof sox you mean?
10:58.47Chotairelters: I have been using console for more than 10 years now, I still wanna do all the stuff on windoze BEFORE i transfer it to the linux box. thanks isam for help.
10:59.48ltersI tried to get wav to gsm on windows and finally decided it was not worth it...
11:00.11ltersit seemed the quality did not sound good.
11:00.51Chotairewell it seems I have no other choice than using gsm format for asterisk prompts, hm?
11:00.51ltershas anyone tried tweaking the kernel for better sound quality with *
11:01.14ChotaireI found out that mp3 playback sounds much better than .gsm sounds.. however, last time I tried, I couldn't use mp3 for prompts (background).
11:01.39ltersbut you wan use a wav file or no?
11:01.54lterscan I meant
11:02.05Chotaireif asterisk can do that, I'll be fine with wav.
11:02.17Chotairefrom what I remember, I had a problem with specific codecs if the format was not gsm.
11:02.19Chotairethat's a year ago.
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11:03.52finnjetHas somebody arround here a suggestion how to get Asterisk, a HFC-S Card in the NT-Mode and SIP to work? especially which versions of the programms to use in order to have the least possible trouble?
11:04.15ChotaireYou just recorded a fabulous audio file to use as you main voice menu. Then you realize that Asterisk does not use WAV format audio for the Playback or Background applications. So what do you do? How can you convert your WAV files into GSM files that still have good sound quality?
11:04.20Chotaire(This is accually false, Asterisk can play anything it has a format and codec for. Including wav, gsm, g729, g726, wav49 all of which can be used for Playback and Background)
11:04.28Chotaireso what now? can I use wav/mp3 or not? ;)
11:05.14shaZwazfinnjet: you not using linux ?
11:06.38finnjetI´m using Debian Stable with the 2.4 Kernel (of course because it´s the stable)
11:07.09*** join/#asterisk Othello (
11:07.37Yoda-BZHle bonjour je vous souhaite / hi ppl
11:10.27shaZwazhello Yoda-BZH
11:10.56*** join/#asterisk bratner (
11:11.31ltersChotaire: I think you can play the wav
11:12.02ltersChotaire: And you can use the MP3Player to play the mp3, but that may not work with Background.
11:13.42SlimeyI think anthm did an mp3 codec
11:14.03ltersI was looking for it, but could not remember how to use it...
11:14.29SlimeyI think it was part of his native moh patch
11:14.47ltersyeah, but not mainstream cvs?
11:16.38Chotairemust audio be 8khz for asterisk?`
11:16.49shaZwazI think its also part of the cvs now
11:17.47Chotairelters: I found out I can save a mono wav file with 8khz and that will wo rk.
11:17.59Chotaireit sounds better than gsm.. but would 11 or 22khz also work?
11:18.39ltersphone audio can do better than 8 or can it...
11:19.10bratnerphone analog audio suppose to be 300hz-3000hz bandwidth
11:19.16ltersshaZwaz:what is the moh patch called or how would one use it.
11:19.50shaZwazhave to compile it
11:21.28Slimeyah, format_mp3
11:21.32Slimeyin asterisk-addons
11:22.09Chotairebratner: that's ok, but how much would asterisk play? even if 8khz would exceed any phone line capabilities, it will still sound better when putting a phone handset to a speaker than using an 8khz file ;)
11:25.13bratnerChotaire: I hope Asterisk can do better then 8khz.
11:25.49Slimeythere was a thread about that on asterisk-dev recently, check the archive
11:26.55bratnerWill asterisk be a good IVR ? lots of pre-recorded data so the caller will be able to navigate through it?
11:27.26ozJames79Hi all i want to use g729 codec but inband is not support yet it works  do you think its a problem that i have  lots of warnings like this Inband DTMF is not supported on codec g729. Use RFC2 flyin up the screen?
11:28.48bratnerWhat kind of line i need to handle 100 concurrent calls?
11:29.35ltersozJames79: surely there is a fix the inband stuff?
11:29.58ltersbratner: are you doing voip or pstn?
11:30.17bratnerpstn with option for voip
11:30.36ozJames79i tried different combos but nothing :(  the only way i have access to ivrs is ifi have it set to inband
11:30.38bratnervoip i can handle - pstn is a dark forest for me
11:31.06ltersget a quad t1 card ( 4 t1s with 24 channels=24 calls * 4 = 96 calls)
11:31.28ltersso you would need to buy 4 t1' from your telco.
11:32.00ltersUnless you have lots of bandwidth and can use a voip provider that gives you lots incoming calls via the network.
11:32.01bratnerlters: thanx. could my telco give me a single phone number for all of these lines ?
11:32.32ltersor as many numbers as you pay for.
11:32.51ltersand than * can tell what # was dialed and act acoordingly.
11:33.38ltersivr works fine as long as bandwidth and cpu/motherboard are not overloaded.
11:34.41bratnerwhat kind of hardware will i need to handle 100 concurrent calls? Dual Xeon 2.4 2GB Ram enough?
11:35.03schurigbratner: usually yes
11:35.44ltersI don't see cpu usage go high.
11:35.45schurigbratner: when the calls are with SIP, then Asterisk is only doing the PBXing, but the data for the calls don't pass the server
11:35.58schurigbratner: in this case, a single AMD with 1 GB would be ok as well
11:36.20ltersand would not be limited to 100, right?
11:37.00sd-tuxHello, i have last CVS and i have a problem with incomming calls from now! in mailing list i found : "Asterisk matches peer's on IP, meaning that the
11:37.00sd-tuxfirst peer it finds will match" this don't happen to my incomming calls!  i need quick help  :( 20-30 users can't receive calls and i don't want to downgrade if it's only a configuration mistake
11:37.10schurigbratner: however, if the 100 calls are between SIP and an T1 or other TDM line, then things might be different
11:38.53bratnerschurig: my system will recieve PSTN calls on multiple T1 lines and just play back pre-recorded audio according to caller's decision
11:39.06shaZwazsd-tux: pastebin
11:39.15shaZwazur sip conf
11:40.22schurigbratner: if you pre-record the sound in the same format as the T1 link uses (forget if this is alaw or ulaw), then the CPU doesn't need any transcoding
11:40.37schurigbratner: in this case, interrupt load due to your multiple T1 cards might be the only issue
11:41.06bratneraccording to lters all i need is one quad T1 card
11:41.24schurigbratner: I think so, too
11:41.35schurigand you brobably don't need a dual Xeon
11:41.38sd-tuxshaZwaz: ok mompl...
11:43.11bratnerschurig: i wan't as strong a machine i can get. In the future i might want to introduce a "chat room"(conference) service.
11:43.37schurigbratner: having more power is seldom a problem :-)
11:43.52schurigbratner: and you can use the server as a replacement to your central heating anyway
11:44.11bratnerschurig : :-)
11:44.39bratnerschurig : ye right - it's chilling 25(c) outside :-)
11:45.03*** join/#asterisk Fabe_ (
11:45.04schurig25 degrees centigrade is not chilling ...   maybe in Equador or Singapur, but not here
11:46.24bratnerschurig: it's funny you mentioned central heating - i don't have any.
11:47.37schurigbratner: hmm, you can also replace your oil oven, or wood stove or whatever. I don't think that russians do heating only inside of themselves (vodka). Too unhealthy in the long term ...
11:48.57sd-tuxshaZwaz: same thing happens to calls from my SER ... SER ip is in sip.conf in [SER] friend but the calls come to context defined in GENERAL
11:48.58bratnerschurig: russians that live in the middle east tend to get weird
11:49.05schurigsd-tux: you need a section [From-STUSTA] in your extensions.conf with an entry for 8006312
11:49.39schurigsd-tux: or you need an entry for an "i" extension (I=invalid)
11:49.58schurigbratner: americans that conquer middle east ARE weird
11:50.21shaZwazsd-tux: do you have a register line for sipgate ?
11:50.28sd-tuxschurig: :) i need to handle sipgate incomming calls separately ....  and i need sipgate calls to go to context=From-Sipgate
11:50.43sd-tuxshaZwaz: yes ~20
11:51.33shaZwazare you using the sipgate domain name or IP ?
11:51.33sd-tuxshaZwaz: I'm doing a proxy from sipgate, , bluesip, because the network here don't have NAT to internet
11:51.41sd-tuxshaZwaz: domain name
11:52.35shaZwazuse the same for host line
11:52.46sd-tuxshaZwaz: i have the same problem witn calls from my SER and i have IP in [SER] and it don't work too so i don't think that it has something to do with DNS
11:53.42bratnerschurig: i'm not a prophet (INAP) therefor can't predict what will be next.
11:54.22shaZwazuse a fromdomain=
11:54.34sd-tuxshaZwaz: ok i'll try it now
11:55.53sd-tuxshaZwaz: same ...
11:55.56sd-tuxVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKc13c.a6172081.0
11:55.56sd-tuxVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKc13c.e0134bb7.0
11:55.56sd-tuxVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK0d130343
11:55.56sd-tuxFrom: "01791157196" <sip:01791157196@>;tag=as5bcb786d
11:57.33*** join/#asterisk JayJay (
11:57.39JayJayHi people
11:58.10JayJayjust setting up the final set of my Asterisk server, just before i copy the conf files, just want to check something
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11:58.35sd-tuxshaZwaz: also i see: Executing SetAccount("SIP/", "01791157196") in new stack it has to bee SIP/SIPGATEIN-abcd....
11:58.57shaZwaztry using the IP in the host
11:58.57JayJayi'm with PIPECALL for my VOIP service, just wondering what i need to do to recieve calls from it, or rather how i tell asterisk where to point the calls?
12:01.41shaZwazsd-tux: whats ur registerion domain ?
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12:14.30sd-tuxshaZwaz: !
12:15.19sd-tuxshaZwaz: everything worked OK 1 year long ... i have a problem 1-2 days now
12:15.47sd-tuxwith all incoming call -> peer lookup
12:16.48shaZwazmaybe its not from sipgate !
12:17.18sd-tuxshaZwaz: :) Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKc13c.a6172081.0
12:17.32sd-tuxI'm calling my own sipgate number :)
12:17.35shaZwazok this is from sipgate
12:17.43shaZwazbut the other ip
12:18.18sd-tuxit was always other IP because thay just forward the call ! something like canreinvite=yes
12:18.32sd-tuxit's their PSTN gateway
12:18.44shaZwazmake the register and the host same
12:19.25sd-tuxshaZwaz: thay are same... too
12:19.59shaZwazdid you sip reload ?
12:20.06sd-tuxi need asterisk to detect too .. like it was doing last 1 year :)
12:20.17sd-tuxshaZwaz: :) yes
12:20.58shaZwazwhat do you get now ?
12:21.10shaZwazin the via is it
12:21.17sd-tuxshaZwaz: is not he only one problem!!! i have a SER server here, same problem !
12:21.34sd-tux<sd-tux> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKc13c.a6172081.0
12:21.34sd-tux<sd-tux> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKc13c.e0134bb7.0
12:21.34sd-tux<sd-tux> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK0d130343
12:21.34sd-tux<sd-tux> From: "01791157196" <sip:01791157196@>;tag=as5bcb786d
12:22.08shaZwazyou using compactsipheader=yes ?
12:22.21sd-tuxis it default ?
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12:22.35andrewsbenhello all
12:22.59sd-tuxshaZwaz: it's comented out ... i don't know if it's default=on
12:23.16shaZwazuncoment it and set it to no
12:23.50andrewsbenim having trouble with sound when connecting a sjphone pda (sip) to a outbound phone (iax voip provider). can anyone give me some advice
12:24.33sd-tuxshaZwaz: :( i tried yes and no but same result
12:25.15shaZwaztry commenting the STUSTA section
12:26.16shaZwazis STUSTA the last section ?
12:27.07sd-tuxshaZwaz: :) why ? STUSTA not the default context... default is From-SIP which includes From-Stusta
12:27.29shaZwazand yes try using host=dynamic and  a user= lines
12:28.00sd-tuxshaZwaz: ok I'l try now
12:30.02shaZwazsd-tux: are you terminating calls to PSTN thru ur * ?
12:30.35sd-tuxshaZwaz: no .. i'm forwarding them to internal SIP phones registered to SER
12:30.51sd-tuxshaZwaz: and rom SER -> asterisk -> sipgate too
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12:31.32sd-tuxSER -> asterisk goes in default sip context instead from-SER too :(
12:32.00shaZwazwhat abt sipgate now ?
12:32.07sd-tuxok I'll do manual header check now and if it's sipgate than GOTO-> From-SIPGATE
12:32.25sd-tuxshaZwaz: sorry .. .abt???
12:32.42shaZwazthe change I told you
12:33.25sd-tuxI'll try to see what changed in chan_sip.c last days ...
12:33.43shaZwazsd-tux: the problem is the via header doesn't contain the sipgate ip
12:34.26shaZwazI think host=dynamic sh'd work in this case
12:35.53sd-tuxhost=dynamic but what user? have i to ask sipgate to register at my asterisk server :) ?
12:36.19shaZwazandrewsben: I think its some rtp ports problem check the sj lists
12:36.33shaZwazsd-tux: I think its ur number
12:37.19shaZwazthe one you use in the register line
12:37.22sd-tuxshaZwaz: i have 20 my numbers :)
12:37.48sd-tuxshaZwaz: i tried it already
12:38.00shaZwazuser=your-number ?
12:38.11sd-tuxi tried one which i was calling
12:38.28shaZwazno the one you have in the register line
12:38.32sd-tuxi tried the callerID as user too :)
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12:38.53sd-tuxshaZwaz: i have 20 register lines for sipgate
12:39.09kfz1981hi all
12:39.19shaZwazoh i c
12:39.24sd-tuxi have 20 outgoing peers and only one incomming :)
12:40.07shaZwazdoes the call come from everytime ?
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12:42.21kfz1981anybody in for a newbie question ? ;-)
12:43.07jbotDon't Ask To Ask. Just ASK
12:43.13kfz1981Ow ok
12:43.21kfz1981I have a tdm400p
12:43.25sd-tuxshaZwaz: no :( i think sipgate has more than one PSTN getway.. sirect calls from sipgate users have dynamic IP
12:43.47*** join/#asterisk RES2 (
12:44.00kfz1981and i do a hook flash it takes to long, so the line gets disconnected
12:44.06shaZwazsd-tux: I think you need a template
12:45.00shaZwazkfz1981: be more specific
12:45.07sd-tuxshaZwaz: i'll filter incomming calls in default context ... i can do sipgetheader ... :)
12:45.08RES2I hope, anyone can help me: I call a external SIP-address trough my SIP-telephone trough asterisk, but there is no response. How i should configure asterisk to accept dialing external SIP-addresses?
12:45.40kfz1981shaZwaz: ok, i have 2 tdm400p's one eith 4 fxo modules
12:45.47kfz1981and one with 4 fxs modules
12:45.48shaZwazsd-tux: but you get a diff PSTN gateway ip each time
12:46.17kfz1981What i want to do, is that when someone calls..
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12:46.35shaZwazkfz1981: go ahead
12:46.49kfz1981that he gets "flashed" to aother external nr, (my mobile for exp)
12:46.59kfz1981So i used the Flash command
12:47.13kfz1981but when i do that tje line gets disconnected
12:47.41shaZwazflashed or routed to an outgoing line ?
12:47.42kfz1981i think that the hookflash takes too long
12:47.52kfz1981flashed, not routed
12:48.53RES2Can you call external SIP-addresses trough asterisk?
12:49.00kfz1981so i searched google for changing the hookflash times...
12:49.39kfz1981and i found something, but it appears that that works only with T1 cards, not with te tdm400p
12:50.17kfz1981(i hope my english in clear enough ;-)
12:50.58shaZwazif you have an anlog extension you can setup call forwarding on it manually
12:51.01shaZwazsd-tux: you register * as a user agent for the number you get incoming on
12:51.39shaZwazkfz1981: are you tryin to forward incoming calls to ur mobile thru another outogoing line ?
12:52.04kfz1981shaZwaz: yes, but then over the same line
12:52.35kfz1981that is a feature the dutch telco's offer; )
12:52.52ozJames79Hello :) i run a asterisk server here in australia, my dad connects to it in the uk we use broadvoice
12:52.52ozJames79when he makes a call to a pstn via broadvoice would his voice traffic go from him to the broadvoice proxy or via the
12:52.52ozJames79asterisk box to the proxy?
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12:54.14shaZwazkfz1981: can you do that with you ordinary phone ?
12:54.40kfz1981yes shaZwaz
12:54.56shaZwazand it works with the flash
12:55.01kfz1981With a ordinary phone, when somecalls, i pick up.
12:55.14kfz1981eys shaZwaz
12:55.19kfz1981yes shaZwaz
12:55.36sd-tuxshaZwaz: yes as SIP UA
12:56.05shaZwazsd-tux: then put the same number is the user= line
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12:56.25kfz1981With a ordinary phone, while calling i press the flash button, then i get a dialtone, then i dial person2's nr. Then i hang up, then person1 is "transferred" to person2
12:56.26shaZwazkfz1981: let me check
12:56.27sd-tuxone of the last 2 patches broke "Record-Route" handling
12:56.53kfz1981ok shaZwaz
12:56.56sd-tuxshaZwaz: it's a BUG in chan_sip... i'll downgrade now
12:57.26sd-tux26.12.2004 was the last call from sipgate wich got through
12:57.29shaZwazare you using the CVS head ?
12:57.29shaZwazthen proply it is
12:57.33sd-tuxshaZwaz: yes
12:58.03ozJames79i am using stable and my sipgate connectionis working fine
12:58.26shaZwazsd-tux: use a stable one
12:59.01kfz1981shaZwaz: I already found the prewink time and flash time in zapata.conf, but that doesnt work with the tdm400p only with t1/e1 cards
12:59.20shaZwazyes they do
12:59.31shaZwazwd the T1/E1 I mean
13:00.19wiseguyanybody in
13:00.27kfz1981but now i need something like that for the tdm400p ;)
13:02.38shaZwazkfz1981: did you try it with *0 ?
13:03.22kfz1981yes shaZwaz doesn't work either
13:03.37shaZwazkfz1981: what * ver ?
13:04.00kfz1981what version of asterisk u mean?
13:04.04shaZwazkfz1981: have transfer=yes in zapata.conf ?
13:05.03kfz1981yes shaZwaz
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13:05.59shaZwazkfz1981: whar version of asterisk are you running ?
13:06.16kfz1981shaZwaz: i also found out that when i flash with a ordinary phone it takes some milliseconds, flashing with asterisk takes about 1,5 second
13:06.31kfz1981shaZwaz: latest CVS downloaded and compiled today ;)
13:07.05shaZwazkfz1981: be it stable
13:08.21kfz1981tried stable version 2 didnt work either
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13:10.48shaZwazwhats are ur extension lines ?
13:10.58shaZwazexten =>
13:11.19kfz1981shaZwaz: just a moment copying-pasting them
13:11.28shaZwazexten => 70,2,Flash
13:11.28shaZwazexten => 70,3,Wait,1
13:11.28shaZwazexten => 70,4,SendDTMF,102
13:11.31shaZwaztry it
13:11.55kfz1981shaZwaz: ok just a moment, trying it now ;)
13:13.26kfz1981shaZwaz: Doesn work
13:13.40shaZwazSendDTMF sh'd have your number
13:14.17kfz1981shaZwaz: u want mu number?
13:14.21kfz1981shaZwaz: u want my number?
13:14.39shaZwazput in the number you wanna dial in the SendDTMF line
13:14.53kfz1981i did shaZwaz
13:15.16kfz1981it rings  for 1 time, then asterisk hangs up
13:15.35shaZwazmay be something to do with busydewtect too in the zapata.conf
13:16.10shaZwazkfz1981: search the maling lists
13:16.13shaZwazgotta go
13:16.18shaZwazlater guys
13:16.20kfz1981ok, thanx anyway shaZwaz
13:17.14ozJames79Hello :) i run a asterisk server here in australia, my dad connects to it in the uk we use broadvoice when he makes a call to a pstn via broadvoice would his voice traffic go from him to the broadvoice proxy or via the asterisk box to the proxy?
13:17.30*** part/#asterisk RES2 (
13:18.09ltershow does he connect to your *?
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13:18.36ozJames79details in his sip phone
13:19.22ltersis yr bv connect via sip?
13:19.46ltersand your revinvite, how is it set for yr dad and for bv?
13:20.12ozJames79i have set them t o yes
13:20.43ltersif your dad can see bv, and bv permits it, reinvite may work.
13:21.10lterstcpdump might show you what is happening, and or use nload to see how much traffic is on your nic.
13:23.17kfz1981anybody knows how to change the hookflash timing with a tdm400p?
13:24.39*** join/#asterisk jpritikin (
13:25.13jpritikini got asterisk running for the first time.
13:25.53jpritikincan i call into asterisk with kphone or gnomemeeting?  i can't get either to work.  i tried to follow the instructions at -- no go
13:26.03wiseguyany one
13:26.08wiseguyfrom 21c3?
13:30.13ltersjpritikin: kphone works. You have to setup an entry in sip.conf
13:31.51jpritikinlters: kphone 4.0.5 ?  ok, i tried
13:32.01jpritikinlters: but kphone refuses to register
13:32.55ltersjpritikin: are you watching your * prompt to see if there are errors?
13:33.12jpritikinyah, i am watching the CLI.  i even turned on debug
13:33.48jpritikinquestion -- the host part of the SIP URL should be my asterisk host?
13:33.50*** join/#asterisk zigo (
13:34.23ltersat the cli do sip show peers
13:34.26jpritikinkphone tries to register and it even gets SIP/2.0 200 OK
13:34.30ltersis it registered?
13:34.37jpritikinbut it still keeps retrying
13:35.05jpritikinkphone/kphone      D  5060     Unmonitored
13:35.09zigoHi !
13:35.18zigoI'm trying to use my x100p new hardware.
13:35.23jpritikinasterisk seems to think that kphone is registered but kphone doesn't believe it
13:35.23zigoAsterisk keeps saying: Dec 27 14:34:59 NOTICE[940]: app_dial.c:803 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 0)
13:36.00*** join/#asterisk symlink (
13:36.00jpritikinkphone says "registration fail: request timed out"
13:36.03zigoWhat can I do ?
13:36.05ltersjpritikin: did you restart kphone?
13:36.15jpritikinlters: yah, about 100 times
13:36.33lterszigo: that means * can not see the zap device.
13:36.37symlinkI want another one now
13:36.53jpritikinthere's no NAT stuff either.  kphone is on and asterisk is on
13:37.18ltersgo over your settings in sip.conf. Make sure usernames etc are right.
13:37.28ltersreload or restart asterisk
13:37.40jpritikinusername should be what?
13:37.54ltersI would do like 101 same as ext
13:39.08zigoI'm trying to use my x100p, it's registred using modprobe, why can't it see my zaptel card then ?
13:39.24zigolters: The 600 works...
13:39.25ltersdo zap show channels
13:39.56lterszigo: 600 ?
13:40.08zigolters: The "demo" stuff for testing with echo.
13:40.12*** join/#asterisk cmslaght (
13:40.14zigo(logged in with xlite)
13:40.23zigozap show channels
13:41.02jpritikinlters: what else can I check?
13:41.39lterslet the kphone optional fields blank...
13:41.44ltersmost of them.
13:41.52cmslaghtDoes anyone have any suggestions on a VoIP phone that can show who is on there lines (Line Appearance??) for a console or operator extension?
13:42.07jpritikinlters: all kphone optionals are blank
13:42.38lterscmslaght: flashpanel
13:42.52zigolters: I've put the foolowing in my extentions.conf:
13:42.53zigoexten => _0[1-568]XXXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/1,,)
13:42.59lterscmslaght: I am going to try the snom 220, supposed to work.
13:43.01zigoShould be ok for france...
13:43.14cmslaghtI already use that and it works great but I am looking for a phone with a indicator lamp that lights up when extensions are busy.
13:43.35zigoBut still, it doesn't want to connect even the hardware driver is shown USED (when lsmod) by asterisk when I start it.
13:43.43cmslaghtsnom 220... I will look at that.
13:44.52lterszigo: start * in console mode "asterisk -cvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv"
13:45.00ltersand watch all the stuff for errors.
13:45.26*** join/#asterisk JayJay (
13:45.58jpritikinlters: if I add a secret to sip.conf then kphone reports SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
13:47.16Zeeekzigo you are in France ?
13:47.41ltersjpritikin: sounds like a prob there.
13:47.55zigoI don't see any error.
13:47.58zigoZeeek: Yep !
13:48.03Zeeekme too
13:48.24jpritikinlters: should I try kphone 4.1 ?
13:48.24ZeeekI was trying to get SMS to work but have't succeeded yet
13:48.26zigoZeeek: Trying to use the freebox phone line connected to fxo at a customer place ! :)
13:48.37Zeeekzigo problems?
13:48.38zigoZeeek: Did you ever try that ?
13:48.57zigoZeeek: Yes... it says app_dial.c:803 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 0)
13:49.06Zeeekah no but since the phone is unlimited... is it not?
13:49.06jpritikinlters: my asterisk is 1.0.2 which should be fine
13:49.09zigoI don't know why...
13:49.25Zeeekthat isn't your dial string above is it?
13:49.40JayJayhi people
13:49.40zigoWhat ?
13:49.53Zeeekzigo the Dial you typed above, that isn't all is it?
13:50.05ltersjpritikin: set the pass in the sip.conf, issue the sip reload command
13:50.19ltersjpritikin: set the pass in kphone, close kphone and reload
13:50.22zigoNo, I've dialed my bouygue mobile in 0663...
13:50.23ZeeekJayJay I have a funny answering machine tape that begins "hi, my name is J.J. and I'm the upstairs maid..."
13:50.52JayJaystill having fun.... i'm trying to register my Asterisk server on to PIPECALL, but its saying operation timed out...
13:50.53Zeeekzigo what is the exact dial command that give you that message
13:51.06cmslaghtwow the snom 220 is expensive!
13:51.21zigoexten => _0[1-568]XXXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/1,,)
13:51.26lterscmslaght: I want to test it today..
13:51.38Zeeekif that is it exactly, there is no number to dial
13:52.02jpritikinlters: i changed the hostname to a numeric IP and now kphone is asking for login/password
13:52.07zigoOk! :)
13:52.07cmslaghtlters: you already have one.  Do you have the keypad  220 also?
13:52.09zigoTrying !
13:52.12Zeeekno spaces no trailing commas
13:52.19file[laptop]LCD displays are beautiful, so very very beautiful
13:52.36lterscmslaght: I order one keypad to test.
13:52.39Zeeeklike people some are, some are less
13:53.21zigoUnable to create channel of type 'Zap'
13:53.30cmslaghtlters: can you either post your results on the wiki or email me?
13:53.31zigo(cause 0)
13:53.39zigoStill that...
13:53.42Zeeekdid you remove the commas
13:53.49jpritikinlters: now I get SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden even when I enter the correct user/pwd
13:53.55zigoNo, I didn't.
13:54.29Zeeekwhy are you dialing 66 when your extension deals only with numbers beginning with 0 ?
13:54.31zigoShould I add a 0 ?
13:54.32ltersjpritikin: set the pass and user to 101 in kphone and sip.conf to test
13:54.43zigoZeeek: That what I saw also...
13:54.57Zeeekdial a 01 number
13:55.08zigoShould I dial instead: exten => _0[1-568]XXXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/1/0${EXTEN:1},,)
13:55.22Zeeekyou should read a few docs
13:55.26ZeeekHere are two good starting articles:
13:55.26ZeeekThe answers to the questions you've been asking are probably here:
13:55.26ZeeekDownload the latest PDF
13:55.38jpritikinlters: now it doesn't ask for a user/pwd, it just fails with 403 Forbidden
13:56.16zigoI've read a lot... but didn't suceed ! :(
13:56.35ltersjpritikin: do you see this on the cli?
13:56.45jpritikinDec 27 19:26:09 NOTICE[-1221039184]: chan_sip.c:7571 handle_request: Registration from '"Joshua Pritikin" <sip:101@>' failed for ''
13:58.04Zeeekzigo try something simple to begin, like this (if you MUST dial a 06): exten => _06.,1,Dial(ZAP/1/${EXTEN}) and see what happens
13:58.31Zeeekor even _.,1,Dial( etc)
13:59.09ltersjpritikin: try adding/removing stuff from the kphone optional fields.
13:59.24ltersI tried once at least and it seemed towork fine.
13:59.35ltersmaybe clear the kphone settings and start over.
13:59.57ltersworst case you can do sip debug on the cli (hate to see all that tho)
14:00.52zigoZeeek: It does exactly the same but dialing correctly with 0 this time.
14:01.16zigoExecuting Dial("SIP/xlite1-11fa", "ZAP/1/0145xxxxxx")
14:01.22zigoUnable to create channel of type 'ZAP' (cause 0)
14:01.23Zeeekthen I'd guess that the phone line is not giving a normal setup somehow
14:01.38Zeeektry this:
14:01.44zigoI'd better go to the place then...
14:01.52jpritikinlters: any more ideas?
14:01.54zigoHow can I check that the card is correctly connected ?
14:02.09Zeeekexten => 0,1,(ZAP/1)
14:02.26Zeeekthat should pick up the line and give a dial tone
14:02.34zigoZeeek: Using cli ?
14:02.37zigoHow ?
14:02.43zigoJust understood ! :)
14:02.55Zeeekexten => 0,1,Dial(ZAP/1)
14:02.58ltersjpritikin: I'm thinking...
14:03.01Zeeekdial 0
14:03.33zigopbx.c:1278 pbx_extension_helper: No application '' for extension (default, 0, 1)
14:03.46Zeeekno dial command
14:03.48ltersjpritikin: let me install kphone here so I can see it.
14:03.51Zeeektry to understand
14:03.53*** join/#asterisk fantomax1 (~fanto@
14:03.55fantomax1hi all
14:04.41ZeeekI corrected the line further down
14:04.43*** join/#asterisk DonnieNL (
14:04.45fantomax1can anyone tell me if in the last asterisk release , there are new codec available as 729 and 723 '
14:04.47DonnieNLHello all
14:04.59*** join/#asterisk kpfleming (
14:05.38DonnieNLI really need some support with chan_capi ( 0.3.5) I can't get it compiled, and nobody seem to know why
14:05.38jpritikinlters: shall I try kphone 4.1?
14:06.28*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
14:08.26DonnieNLI used the patch that is available for chan_capi but nothing seems to help :( it looks like my compiler isn't right or something, anybody familliar with chan_capi here?
14:09.49*** join/#asterisk zoa (zoa@
14:11.09Zeeek[yo yo]
14:12.06*** join/#asterisk oej (
14:13.01zigoIt doesn't help, I'm still stucked... :(
14:13.25zigoI've bought that digium card, they give phone help, what is the number I should call, does one of you know ?
14:13.29Zeeekzigo a regular phone is plugged in to this normally?
14:13.36zigoZeeek: Yes.
14:13.44zigoIt works...
14:13.46Zeeekand hasz someone used it before?
14:13.48zigoI just tried this morning.
14:14.14Zeeekand can you call in and is the line busy or is the call detencted on teh W100
14:14.26Zeeekdetected on the X100P
14:14.29zigoDidn't try to call...
14:14.30zigoI can !
14:14.38Zeeektry it and see
14:14.52Zeeekand the CLI should show something too
14:14.58Zeeekeven before the first ring
14:16.03*** join/#asterisk d1zzy (~dizzy@developer.user)
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14:19.39zigoIt does not tell... :(
14:19.48zigoI'll go there have a try !
14:19.54ltersjpritikin: I can't register it either :-)
14:20.00zigoI don't trust the employee there...
14:20.59Zeeekin France NO employee can be trusted anywhere
14:21.36Zeeekexcept to fuck off, strike and then ask for salary during strike
14:21.53jpritikinlters: now I feel better
14:21.59jpritikinlters: which version?
14:22.04ltersjpritikin: 4.0.3
14:22.15lterscould you try xlite?
14:22.25zigoI just phoned, she said "I was needed it for a call"...
14:22.34zigoI spend my time for nothing !
14:22.51Zeeekdman employees
14:22.57zigoEven she said she replug it, I'm almost sure she didn't do it correctly.
14:22.58Zeeekplus, it was a.... woman
14:23.05zigoEven it's soooooooooooooooo easy...
14:23.09Zeeekwomen don't know how to insert
14:23.17Zeeekthey aren't made for that physically
14:23.25Zeeekbut we digress
14:23.59DonnieNLyep, there is only 1 thing good on woman, but you need to insert it by yourself :p
14:24.13jpritikinlters: uh, where is xlite for linux?
14:24.23Zeeekif you can find it!
14:24.27fonzaiHi all! in November there was some talk on the list about creating a bounty related to shared line-appearance (w/ Polycom phones). I just wonder if someone has been working on that one lately?
14:24.40ltersjpritikin: well, I have heard it can be made to work with wine/linux
14:25.09jpritikinlters: ick , maybe i'll wait until my Grandstream BudgeTone arrives
14:25.47Zeeekor get a MAc :)
14:26.12*** join/#asterisk mrunix (
14:26.13zigoBy the way, thanks, I'm mooving to the company to have a try MYSELF...
14:26.19jpritikinZeeek: uh yah :-)
14:26.47Zeeekisn't OS-X a flavor of unix?
14:27.44ZeeekI have a weird Grandstream issue
14:28.11Zeeekfirmware more recent than .11 does not resolve the SIP server name using DNS
14:28.20Zeeekeverything else seems to work
14:28.44cryzeckAnyone who want to help me configure VoiceMail?
14:28.49ZeeekMac users are so special
14:28.56cryzeckthanks alot :P
14:28.59Zeeekwe had an intern with an I-mac
14:29.16cryzeckos-x is based on freebsd(darwin)
14:29.22Zeeekshe got a prompt, hit a key and the entire OS started to upgrade itself
14:29.32Zeeekbeginning a nine hour download :)
14:30.12Zeeekthe Mac may have some nice features but the users seem to be proud of their total ignorance of what a program (or even and OS) is
14:32.09jpritikinlters: well, thanks.  bye
14:32.56*** join/#asterisk MadCamel (
14:34.53ltersjpritikin: still there?
14:34.53MadCamelcould someone give me a sip debug log for a successful outgoing call via broadvoice? It would greatly help me in the process of figuring out why it isn't working for me
14:35.36*** join/#asterisk sergiovel (~sergiovel@
14:36.04sergiovelmorning everyone
14:36.28MadCamel*sips on his coffee and grunts a good morning back*
14:38.38d1zzyhas someone any idea where I might find people with OpenH323 knowledge and experience ? (I mean on IRC)
14:40.46MadCamelI know how to get ohphone to work through a linux nat router if that's your problem
14:40.47cryzeckcan i use my softphone to connect to asterisk and call?
14:40.52sergioveldizzy> I have been playing with h232 myself for a while but Im definetly not an expert
14:41.04sergioveland still havent been able to make it work the way I wanted
14:41.27*** join/#asterisk sabre (
14:41.46sergioveland for some reason this list is not h323 friendly :)
14:41.56d1zzysergiovel: can you explain to me what gnugk routed mode does at all ? what is the difference between non routed and routed :)
14:42.37d1zzyMadCamel: ah no, I got gnugk and asterisk-oh323 working nicely. Im just trying to fill some gaps in my knowledge about this stuff
14:42.44sergiovelfirst time I hear that, sorry, where did you read that
14:42.59d1zzygnugk can be configured in "normal" mode, routed mode and proxy mode
14:43.16d1zzyit is my understanding that proxy mode is best for NAT because it proxies everything, h245 channels, RTP channels, etc
14:43.16sergiovelhmm, what is gnugk
14:43.26d1zzyso then I wonder what does routed mode do... what does it "route" :)
14:43.57sergiovellet me check, like I said, I am still struggling to make it work
14:44.24*** join/#asterisk david (
14:44.59sergioveloh, yes I had been there, that is to make a gatekeeper talking h323
14:45.34DonnieNLI used the patch that is available for chan_capi but nothing seems to help :( it looks like my compiler isn't right or something, anybody familliar with chan_capi here?
14:45.50d1zzy"Starting the gatekeeper in routed mode means that the gatekeeper uses "gatekeeper routed signalling" for all calls. In this mode the gatekeeper all signalling messages go through the gatekeeper and it has much greater control over the calls."
14:45.58sergioveldizzy do you have * connected to an h323 gatekeeper and working?
14:45.59d1zzysignaling means call initiation and termination or what ? :)
14:46.06d1zzysergiovel: yes, works nicely
14:46.34sergiovelhmm, can you briefly discribe your setup?
14:46.42*** join/#asterisk bsd1 (~bsd@
14:46.52sergiovelusing h323 that comes with * or the other one?
14:47.10d1zzyI use gnugk with asterisk-oh323 and gnomemeeting (plus hundreds of SIP clients with chan_sip) because gnomemeeting is the only VOIP client that allows me to use ALSA and "default" device (which is configured by me to allow full-duplex multiaccess at the same time)
14:47.11bsd1Hi, all!
14:47.26d1zzysergiovel: I am using oh323. that one that does not come with asterisk
14:47.50sergiovelI see, I you didnt have any problems compiling it?
14:48.18d1zzywell you need to have proper pwlib and openh323 libraries and asterisk installed, fill the paths right in Makefile and it should work nicely
14:48.35d1zzyhowever, I also tried 0.5.9 version which was broken. then I tried latest stable, 0.6.5 which worked since first try :)
14:48.51cryzeckhow can i configure asterisk to allow my softphone to call through asterisk?
14:49.14d1zzycryzeck: what protocols does your softphone knows ? SIP ? IAX ?
14:49.53mmlj4cryzeck: which phone?
14:50.09bsd1d1zzy: Is oh323 better than *'s h323?
14:50.30d1zzybsd1: dont know, I have not tried h323. but from some mailing lists it seemed so. however I am happy with oh323 :)
14:50.59d1zzymy gnomemeeting/oh323 setup is temporary. gnomemeeting CVS already does know to make SIP calls. so the next release will also mean I am dropping oh323 usage from my asterisk
14:51.22bsd1my gnomemeeting was working fine with * 1.0.1, but not with 1.0.2
14:51.33*** join/#asterisk darby__t (
14:52.15d1zzybsd1: I have gnomemeeting 1.2 + asterisk 1.0.3 + oh323 0.6.5
14:52.50cryzeckmmlj4: i use sip
14:52.52bsd1d1zzy: can you make calls by GM to *?
14:52.54cryzeckxite phone
14:53.51d1zzybsd1: yes, every call I make from my GM goes through asterisk. I make calls to local SIP phones, another GnomeMeeting agents or even to the PSTN provider through my zapata card on the asterisk
14:54.28bsd1d1zzy: that's good
14:55.23bsd1shows nothing
14:55.33d1zzyit couldnt do any other way because I am not registering to gnugk any gwprefix or alias for asterisk. I just declare asterisk as my oh323 gateway in gnomemeeting
14:56.04d1zzyhowever I also register my gnomemeeting alias with gnugk because I want to be called (and I am called :))
14:56.20*** join/#asterisk goatmilk (
14:57.05*** join/#asterisk D1ng0 (
14:57.40bsd1me too am doing the same, * accepts the call but no answer (demo)
14:58.57cryzeckgah.. i dont get this working
14:59.18d1zzycryzeck: enter console, set verbose 4 and check what happens
14:59.38mmlj4cryzeck: on the asterisk wiki, there is probably a page that will tell you exactly how to get your phone working... you have to register it with asterisk... after that, you just dial
14:59.47mmlj4for outgoing calls, anyway
15:00.10cryzeckmmlj4: well, i cant seem to find out how to configure it, i dont find help on how to do it on
15:01.51MadCamelI need to find someone successfully using broadvoice with *
15:02.12Zeeekcryzeck look at the freeworlddialup configs for X-Lite and adapt it
15:02.45ltersMadCamel: I likely can't help here, but, I saw the other day where someone posted their bv register from sip.conf and it was strange.
15:03.05*** join/#asterisk bsd1 (~bsd@
15:03.13mmlj4cryzeck: is your phone listed here: ?
15:03.18ltersMadCamel: looked kinda like this:
15:03.20*** join/#asterisk Pryk (
15:03.21DonnieNLcryzeck: check here, it worked for me :)
15:03.50MadCamellters, yeah.. I think that was me and knight trying to get it working, wish he wasn't idle I could really use a sip debug dump..
15:03.53ltersMadCamel: it looked like a double registration
15:04.02goatmilkhello asterisk peoe!!!
15:04.17ltersah, I thot you had it...
15:04.32MadCamelno problems with registration, can take all the calls I want.. it's just outgoing that's being a real puta :/
15:05.06goatmilkyou sad a badword
15:05.16MadCamelyeah, tried the stable branch and ccvs head with the same problem
15:06.44bsd1d1zzy: will you help me a bit? please
15:08.05ltersMadCamel: the info on voip-info is no help?
15:08.17d1zzybsd1: what's up ?
15:08.49ltersMadCamel: oej looks to be online too. He should know.
15:08.59bsd1d1zzy: I will show you my h323.conf
15:09.26d1zzyhey dont paste it in here
15:09.31bsd1allow=all                       ; same as bandwidth=high
15:09.53MadCamelit was a help, then I switched to the exact same config and version of * as someone who has it working (with my own username/pass), took my * out from behind nat, still doesn't work, even tried a different BV account that a friend uses with * no problem so..
15:10.16d1zzybsd1 anyway, going home, talk tommorow
15:10.31MadCamellters thanks
15:10.44ltersMadCamel: n/p
15:11.19ltersoej: why will kphone not register using only numbers. Using username of letters works. Numbers only it rejects.
15:11.30*** part/#asterisk bsd1 (~bsd@
15:11.58cryzeckOkay, now i got the xite phone up working
15:12.02MadCamellters, I remember discusing traffic shaping with ya the other night, I finished my docs+examples,
15:12.11cryzeckbut now when i try to call, i get "404 not found"
15:12.58DonnieNLwhat do you try to call?
15:13.15DonnieNLin sip.conf you need to register some 'users'
15:13.39cryzeckbut, when i call in to asterisk
15:13.44DonnieNLlike [2000] = john and [2001] = doe
15:13.51Zeeekyou could just add a demo extension or two like this:
15:14.00*** part/#asterisk Pryk (
15:14.03Zeeekexten => 10,1,Directory()
15:14.13DonnieNLZeeek tha man 8-)
15:14.19Zeeekin extensions.conf and then dial 10
15:14.23*** part/#asterisk darby__t (
15:14.33Zeeekexcept there won't be a lot for Allison to say fi there's no users :)
15:14.34cryzeckwell, i have added exten => 100,1,Answer and 100,2,VoicemailMain
15:14.41cryzeckbut that does not work
15:14.49Zeeekin what context?
15:15.12*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (~abc@
15:15.13Zeeekand is general the conbtext for tyour phone user?
15:15.22Zeeek(minus the extra letters)
15:15.36ZeeekI need to put my fingers on a diet or something
15:15.37cryzeckaha, now i understand
15:15.38cryzeck2 secs
15:15.49Zeeekok, now we're cookin' wit' gas
15:16.02Zeeekas they used to say in the last century
15:16.25DonnieNLZeeek, you're familliar with chan_capi?
15:16.33goatmilkeveryone knows its better to cook with coal.
15:16.34Zeeekis asterisk Y3k compatible by the way?
15:16.45ZeeekI'm getting nervous about this issue
15:16.49cryzeckahh, now it worked!
15:16.57cryzeckthanks :D
15:17.02cryzeckBut, one more question
15:17.07ltersMadCamel: I have a bad time with quality...
15:17.11cryzecki have a account with a sip provider
15:17.27cryzecki have configured asterisk to answer and play a file
15:17.41cryzeckbut how can i configure asterisk to forward the call to "2000" which is my softphone?
15:17.48ZeeekHere are two good starting articles:
15:17.48ZeeekThe answers to the questions you've been asking are probably here:
15:17.49ZeeekDownload the latest PDF
15:17.56ZeeekYou need to do some READING now
15:18.25*** join/#asterisk sudhir492 (
15:18.28sudhir492Hi all
15:18.30ZeeekDonnieNL, sadly, no
15:18.38sudhir492Hi JerJer
15:18.48MadCamellters, if you have a linux box at the head of your network the examples+docs at my site should get you started in prioritizing your voip traffic :)
15:18.48DonnieNLok, np Zeeek =)
15:18.58Zeeekbut ask JerJer, he knows!
15:19.17ltersMadCamel: do I need to use 2.4 series kernel for it to work right?
15:19.24Zeeekand there is a saying, "he who says doesn't know, he who knows doesn't say..."
15:20.10MadCamelI havn't tested on newer 2.6, I tried it on 2.6.2 and it broke horribly (kernel panics) so I use 2.4 since routers need to be rock stable.. it has all the neccisary options you could give it a try.
15:20.26Zeeeklters that question is now asked daily and while I don't know, the answergiven by others is usually "you'll have a better chance with 2.4"
15:20.45ltersZeeek: talking about qos or *?
15:21.13Zeeeksorry if I misread your quest.
15:21.20ltersZeeek: I am thinking of QoS probs..
15:21.28Zeeekyea, my apologies
15:21.41ltersI run * on the 2.6 and it seems to be fair, but maybe it would better on 2.4.
15:21.50MadCamel* works dandy on my 2.6.9 machine, and I have to say they've really gotten SMP right.. my dualie pIII/850 felt like a new machine after upping to 2.6
15:22.05Zeeekdunno, I don't have the balls (or the need really) to change kernels
15:22.50Zeeekare there ever any women in here by the way? I shouldn't talk about having or not having b***s I s'pose :)
15:23.34MadCamelif there are they probably have more b***s than half the guys here ;)
15:24.03D1ng0* works fine on 2.6.10 also
15:24.12ZeeekThere was a very nice looking woman at the Paris meeting with Mark last week
15:24.16D1ng0even the CVs HEAD version
15:25.09ZeeekI remember going to a PHP/mysql seminar and noting there were about 3 females for 200 people
15:25.44*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
15:25.49Zeeekthen I went to a .NET seminar and there were several beautiful AND intelligent women there. Hard to say why.
15:26.07*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
15:27.07goatmilkpeople who develop for linux tend to look odd.
15:27.13goatmilkfor example: gcc developers
15:27.17eKo1i don't look odd
15:27.25ChotaireFile type 'gsm' is not known
15:27.27eKo1although i act odd
15:27.28Chotaireanyone ever had this warning with sox?
15:27.48goatmilkeKo1: you're in denial.  go see a therapist.
15:27.51MadCamelI get oogled and groped more at OSS meetings, it comes down to the fact that guys that work on software for the love of it don't get out much, their too wrapped up in their projects..
15:28.20Zeeekthen they need to glue some pubes around the disk drive
15:28.22eKo1goatmilk: actually, i'm based what i said because of what other people have said
15:28.46Zeeekthat's the advice I was given as a young geek
15:28.48goatmilkeKo1: sounds like you have surrounded yourself by an entire group in denial.
15:28.53MadCamelHey if you want to keep GCC developers away, just hang up a spider plant in your entryway. They have all inherited RMS's illogical fear of spider plants ;)
15:28.56goatmilkeKo1: group therapy.
15:28.58cryzeckis there a help file on the Dial() function in asterisk?
15:29.00eKo1goatmilk: yes, yes indeed
15:29.08cryzecki found out that i could Dial(SIP/2000,20)
15:29.11cryzeckto forward the call
15:29.13Zeeekshow application dial is your friend
15:29.15eKo1they all need therapy except me
15:29.23Zeeekthat and reading tthe three documents I recommended
15:29.35goatmilkeKo1: group therapy over asterisk.  start a conference call and have every one dial in
15:29.45DonnieNLcryzeck: from cli do 'show application dial'
15:29.50Zeeekhard to dial with only one hand
15:30.23bkw_NEVER FEAR BKW IS HERE!!!
15:30.27Zeeekoh oh
15:30.37goatmilkhurrah bkw
15:30.39D1ng0bkw_, YO
15:30.54bkw_we spent like 6 hours tweaking asterlinux lastnight
15:30.55cryzeckwell, i cant seem to find the technologies
15:30.57DonnieNLbkw_ for president
15:31.14bkw_Silik0n and Moc both gave great input and helped
15:31.29MadCamelI don't like to be too repetitive.. but with new people becoming nonidle every once in a while.. anyone have broadvoice working that'd be willing to give me a sip dump?
15:31.34Zeeekcryzeck... could you consider going and reading those docs which contain ALL the answers to every question you have asked?
15:31.46mmlj4i have * and kphone on the same box. Any call I try to place give me "retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call ..." in the console and kphone hangs and  gives me "res_search: NO result !" and "UDPMessageSocket::SetTOS: Operation not permitted"
15:31.56D1ng0bkw_, you ever seen this /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ symbol errno, versio
15:31.56D1ng0n GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file with link time reference
15:32.16bkw_oh ya
15:32.24D1ng0bkw_, how to fix
15:32.28bkw_did you compile the .so on a diffrent box?
15:32.37D1ng0same box
15:32.44bkw_something is very wrong then
15:32.57*** join/#asterisk gdb (
15:33.01bkw_too bad asterlinux comes out of the box with tx/rx fax workin
15:33.05D1ng0odd cuz its a fresh install
15:33.15pifhi, how can I escape * transfer when I need to send a # outside?
15:33.16D1ng0i mean fresh debian and all
15:33.17bkw_Moc tested it lastnight.. took him 10 min or so to get it working
15:33.28D1ng0bkw_, well send it to me :)
15:33.39bkw_I have to finish it up today
15:33.51bkw_he even received a fax via SIP without problems
15:34.03pifis the "double ##" still a patch?
15:34.08D1ng0bkw_, everything works on this box but the fax stuff
15:34.23bkw_D1ng0 what libtiff ?
15:35.00*** join/#asterisk guugmember (~nachoramo@
15:35.12redder86there is no libtiff v4
15:35.15guugmemberI have a question, a Sipura SPA-3000
15:35.15guugmemberSingle FXS, Single FXO VoIP Gateway
15:35.15guugmemberSIP Analog Adapter
15:35.30MadCamelonce I get my system working.. I have plans to bolt a perl interpreter on to * to replace the extensions.conf logic, has anyone else done anything like this?
15:35.32guugmemberis an equivalent of a Digium IAXy?
15:35.44ZeeekIAXy has one FXS
15:35.45*** join/#asterisk MrBelvedr (
15:35.55bkw_I think the 4 was a typo
15:36.19D1ng0just apot-get install libtiff4
15:36.33bkw_apot? hehe no wonder
15:36.47bkw_I was trying to be funny
15:37.10D1ng0fingers arent working yet this morning
15:37.12bkw_when moc gets around i'll ask him the libtiff version
15:37.23mmlj4apt-get upgrade brane
15:37.23redder86where do distros come up with these numbers?  There was no such thing as libtiff 3.6.3
15:37.37redder86libtiff went from 3.6.1 to 3.7.0
15:38.13inspiredwill libtiff4 from debian testing work with spandsp?
15:38.28eKo1there probably was a 3.6.3 but that quickly became 3.6.4 and so on until they stopped at 3.7.0
15:38.52bkw_I think moc used 3.7
15:38.56Zeeekguys since there is all this talk of spamdsp, which version works with 1.0.3 ?
15:39.07Zeeekerrr... spaNdsp
15:39.09redder86eKo1: never heard of that theory
15:42.08*** join/#asterisk yogurt2ungue (
15:42.08goatmilkredder86: some people number things internally.  sometimes causes confusion externally because of that
15:42.37redder86goatmilk: well, there was no 3.6.2, either, so why pick "3.6.3" ?
15:42.57goatmilkmishehu: tasty, actually.
15:43.23goatmilkredder86: I remember some windows programs kinda picked and chose they-re numbering scheme as well
15:43.29mishehugoatmilk: /whois me, you'll see what I mean.
15:43.51goatmilkholy moly i need one of those addresses
15:46.24mishehuheheh thought so
15:46.24goatmilkdoesn't look as good as my .mil address though
15:46.44mishehuwhats your .mil?
15:47.03goatmilkwouldn't you like to know!
15:47.13mishehuand thought they verified .mil's
15:48.02goatmilki'm sure they do
15:48.34sergioveldizzy, sorry I had to leave to a meeting and left you talking about h323...
15:48.37sergiovelIm back
15:48.45sergiovelthanks for the feedback on gnugk
15:49.18sergiovelIm thinking to implementing the following scenario...
15:49.58sergiovelan * box to talk to sip and iax customers...and then connect the * box to gnugk taling h323 to the carrier
15:50.03*** join/#asterisk lcruzie (
15:50.08sergiovelwhat do you guys think about that?
15:50.16*** join/#asterisk TheLostOn (
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15:51.34*** join/#asterisk hmmhesays (~hmmmhesay@
15:52.12lilois there any way to do remote provisioning on a Sipura FXS adapter, other than buying enough units from them to be allowed to use their proprietary utility? 8)
15:52.56Connor-lilo, the utility is just needed to encrypt the packets.
15:53.19hmmhesaysanyone tried the asternic flash panel? it looks pretty good
15:53.48liloConnor-: well, the point is, is there any documentation on doing remote provisioning, or should I just avoid buying any more of the things? 8)
15:54.19*** join/#asterisk zigo (
15:54.27zigoZeeek: Still there ?
15:55.24Zeeekya but not for long
15:55.48Zeeekjust got done reading some newsgroups
15:55.57Zeeekabout SMS in France with fixed line
15:56.03zigoIt still does the same, even it's checked it's connected.
15:56.09echinosOn installing a fres copy of *: Should I go with the latest stable release, or the newest? Are the debian packages OK to use?
15:56.09zigoUnable to create channel of type 'ZAP' (cause 0)
15:56.15zigoSo I have some questions...
15:56.29ManxPowerzigo: What Zap card?
15:56.30Zeeekwhen you call the number whathappens on the console?
15:56.46Zeeekah, Manx you were sorely needed a while ago
15:56.47zigoManxPower: x100p just bough at digium.
15:57.07zigoModule is up and running, and asterisk uses it (it's shown used when doing lsmod)
15:57.09ManxPowerzigo: That means the card is not configured correctly.
15:57.13D1ng0hrmmm if there was no 3.6.3 why does aptitiude show it as 3.6.3
15:57.32zigoManxPower: What should I put in /etc/zaptel.conf ?
15:57.36ManxPowerzigman: Can't create channel type Zap means Asterisk is not able to use the port.  For whatever reasons.
15:57.43*** join/#asterisk syslod (~sysglod@
15:57.51zigoI have a fxsks=1
15:57.54ManxPowerzigman: ztcfg -vvv will tell you if there's a problem with /etc/zaptel.
15:58.04ManxPower/etc/asterisk/zapata.conf is what Asterisk uses.
15:58.35zigoztcfg -vvv replies "Channel 01: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)"
15:58.43hmmhesaysso has anyong tried out the flash panel ?
15:58.56ManxPowerhmmhesays: Yes.  It works.
15:59.03syslodIt didn't work well for me but it works.
15:59.17hmmhesayscan you recommend a better operator gui?
15:59.28ManxPowerhmmhesays: I've never used any other operator GUI
15:59.31zigoMaybe my /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf is wrong...
15:59.41hmmhesaysManx did it work well for you?
15:59.46ManxPowerzigo: Your /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf is wrong
15:59.59ManxPowerhmmhesays: Well, what little I used it, yes.  Our operator uses it all the time.
16:00.01zigoWhat should be in it then ?
16:00.12hmmhesaysmanx: thanks that's what I needed to know
16:00.17zigoShould I take all what's in /etc/zapata.conf and override the one in /etc/asterisk ?
16:00.18ManxPowerzigo: You'll need to fix zapata.conf
16:00.35zigoManxPower: I already spent 5 hours doing some tries in it.
16:00.40ManxPowerzigman: Well since /etc/zaptel.conf is not used, I think that might be a good idea.
16:00.43Zeeekzigo have you read this?
16:00.44zigoMaybe I missed something.
16:00.57zigoYep, I did !
16:01.07ManxPower/etc/zaptel.conf is used by the card drivers.  /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf is used by Asterisk
16:01.38Zeeekread it again and see there is a link in it too:
16:02.00Zeeekwhich answers your question
16:02.46zigoI'll try that config then !
16:02.58Zeeekremove anything that doesn't apply
16:03.56echinosOn installing a fres copy of *: Should I go with the latest stable release, or the bleeding edge?
16:04.16Zeeekthe latest bleeding edge seems to really be bleeding
16:04.30Zeeekfrom the recent chatter
16:04.45echinosAny significant functionality missing from stable?
16:04.57echinos(Or bugs in it?)
16:05.46echinosI guess I'll do stable and then make the jump later if I want...
16:05.56ManxPowerechinos: There are lots of new features in CVS-HEAD, HOWEVER, CVS-HEAD should not be expected to always work.  If you want a stable system, then oddly enough, you should use the stable verison of Asterisk
16:06.01Zeeekprudent choice IMO
16:06.05*** join/#asterisk Strom_TM (
16:06.16Fabe_the builtin Wait() function returns immediately if you pass it a value bigger than an int..(overflow in pbx_builtin_wait()) is this the expected behaviour? or should it at least throw an error to the console ?
16:06.49ManxPowerFabe_: report it on
16:07.21Fabe_i thought about it. but this is trivial.. i wanted to add an fix as well but i'm unsure of what to do if the value exceeds the range
16:07.21*** part/#asterisk kpfleming (
16:07.48Fabe_just an error message? wait longest possible time ?
16:07.57echinosWhere would I find a changelog, other than downloading the latest stuff?
16:08.36echinosI don't need to do anything fancy anyway, just a home install.
16:08.39ManxPowerechinos: You down the stuff
16:08.47ManxPowerdownload that is
16:09.05echinosOkie. Thx mucly.
16:09.10echinosEr, muchly.
16:11.35ZeeekMy name is Dr. Mbuto M. Mbuto and I am the former head of the ministery of asterisk pbxes in Nigeria. Iwas given your name as a person who might be interested in contributing to our bug fixes fund
16:11.45ManxPowerechinos: See #asterisk-stable for talk about 1.0.x without all the clutter of CVS-HEAD stuff on #asterisk.
16:14.56echinosNow to install linphone.
16:15.01*** join/#asterisk dano_ (
16:16.04echinos(And compile *)
16:16.36zigoZeeek: you have a x100p card right ?
16:16.52zigoThe plug called "phone" is for what ?
16:16.58zigoAnd the one "line" is for what ?
16:17.06zigoI'm not 100% sure...
16:17.19Zeeekthe phone is for a phone and the line is for errr the line!
16:17.28zigoYes ok...
16:17.37Slimeyline is what you plug into the wall
16:17.38zigoNothing special then... :)
16:17.55Zeeekin =fact there's no need to unplug the phone, plug it into the jaclk marked PHONE
16:18.17zigoZeeek: And it wont use asterisk, just use the phone line directly right ?
16:18.20Slimeyyou can plug a phone in the phone socket, but (if I understand correctly) the phone is only working if the card isn't working
16:18.32zigoGreat !!!
16:18.37Zeeekya ziigo
16:18.59zigoThen there is still a problem...
16:19.09zigoBecause I can make phone call, but not asterisk... :/
16:19.22ManxPowerThe phone and line jacks are hardwired to each other so that even if you lose power any phone plugged into the port will work.
16:19.43ManxPowerThe card does not allow you to use the second port for anything except a hardwired passthru port.
16:19.59ManxPowerzigman: PASTE your Dial line.
16:19.59zigoManxPower: Ok, that's fine.
16:20.13zigoAt LEAST I can be sure the connection of the wires are ok then.
16:20.28zigoI use exten => _.,1,Dial(ZAP/1/${EXTEN})
16:20.52ManxPowerzigman: Did you install zaptel before you installed Asterisk?
16:20.54RoyKno checking whatsoever :)
16:21.08ManxPowerzigman: Use  exten => _X.,1,Dial(ZAP/1/${EXTEN})
16:21.13RoyKwriteln("Hello asterisk");
16:21.23zigoManxPower: The wcfxo module is USED by asterisk when I launch it.
16:21.38ManxPowerzigman: That was not my question.
16:22.31zigoManxPower: Then the answer is that it should be up and running.
16:22.50zigoRoyK: I'll check your test...
16:23.05ManxPowerzigman: If you install Asterisk before you install zaptel asterisk will not be able to dial out until you reinstall asterisk
16:23.32*** join/#asterisk anthm (
16:23.33ManxPowerzigo: What is the output from "zap show channels"
16:23.56RoyKzigo: wot?
16:25.28zigo*CLI> zap show channels
16:26.36zigohow do I reach digium hotline ? :( "contact us"
16:27.00*** join/#asterisk plantseeker (
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16:27.14Godseythis is off topic but I found it really funny after the guy posted on Exim mailing list:
16:27.25Godsey  <- example of what not to write to generate sales I think :)
16:27.26Zeeekmaybe kram will make a house call - he's in France right now
16:27.34echinosFor the record: Asterisk compiled 1st time, Debian 2.4.18, stable CVS release.
16:27.44Godsey...French citizens are welcome to read whatever they want here and the Government of France can go fuck themselves.
16:27.50Godseyfunny :)
16:29.30ManxPowerThey are sponsored by a company that sells pot seeds
16:29.55pifit is perfectly legal to talk about hitler in .fr, what is forbidden is to promote nazism
16:30.26plantseekerecchinos how did you do it? Did you have to compile the kernel?
16:32.44*** join/#asterisk Druken (
16:33.02mrunixGodsey: that's totally 1995 webdesign there
16:33.11Godseyya :)
16:33.23Druken95 design ?
16:33.26Godseyhe posed this to list
16:33.41Godseyyes 95, that color band is straight out of corel draw :)
16:34.05plantseekerechinos I have been trying to did for 1 week.
16:34.07Drukenthat's a no nothing about webdesign using a free wedbased cheap ass editor to create webpage
16:34.09Godsey"So Perkel", you might ask, "What the hell do you do that makes your spam filter so damn good?
16:34.09mrunixat least it's not horribly straining on the eyes to read
16:34.21mrunixand there's no spinning "e" for email
16:34.45Strom_TMthe spinning "e" would be a relief compared to, say, the 3D spinning envelope
16:35.02Drukeni remember those
16:35.08Zeeekwhat about the feather wrting on the envelope?
16:35.18GodseyI liked the animated postal mailbox that would open
16:35.25ManxPowerRetro E-Mail: It's the Next Big Thing!
16:35.49*** join/#asterisk zigo (
16:36.03Zeeekon IRC no one knows you're stuck in 1995!
16:36.23Drukenirc is stuck in 1995
16:36.36Godseyhe and many others use a dumb trick w/ having a high prioroity mx server defer all mail
16:36.38mutilatorand it's a damn good thing too
16:36.42Godseythinking spambots won't retry
16:36.50Godseythe problem is people like yahoo and hotmail don't retry
16:36.53mutilatorno one wants flashy oooey gooey crap all over when talking
16:36.58Godseyand they'll remove you from yahoogroups over a defer :)
16:37.02*** join/#asterisk Jammy (~jammy@
16:37.20Godseywhile it's bland, I like
16:37.30echinosplantseeker, on Debian?
16:38.15*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (~linux@
16:38.56GodseyI paid for 2 mephis downloads and a steak dinner :)
16:39.09*** join/#asterisk wolfson (
16:40.36Mocmorning everyone
16:43.23Mocit aint noon yet
16:45.24plantseekerin the uk it nearly 5
16:45.38Zeeekit's 6 here
16:46.04Zeeekand pitch #000000 outside
16:47.08Mocha ok in UK, we dont count that ;)
16:53.08*** join/#asterisk plantseeker (
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16:53.34goatmilkhey everybody
16:53.35*** part/#asterisk plantseeker (
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16:53.40goatmilkasterisk is wonderful
16:53.56drumkillagoatmilk: !
16:54.17ManxPowerAll hail drumkilla, the 1.0.x STABLE God!
16:54.18ManxPowerAll hail drumkilla, the 1.0.x STABLE God!
16:54.42*** join/#asterisk abombss (~abombss@
16:54.56drumkillahehe, thank you ManxPower :)
16:55.20goatmilkdrumkilla is no god.
16:55.30goatmilktitan is a fitting word though
16:55.50goatmilki do believe i used that word the other night :)
16:56.21ManxPowergoatmilk: If you ever switched to CVS-HEAD from 1.0.x stable when CVS-HEAD was broken, you too would consider him a god.
16:56.41*** join/#asterisk n4y (
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16:57.02goatmilki really can't see myself friends with a god... that'd just bizarre me out
16:57.30ManxPowergoatmilk: I'm the center of my universe.  friends with a god doesn't bother me at all
16:58.14goatmilkbuddy jesus...
16:58.23drumkillabuddy christ
16:58.27drumkillaget it right
16:58.50GodseyI grew up w/ lots of zealot christians
16:58.52goatmilkdon't push your luck
16:58.54PTG123they got to break things every once in  a while, so you can appreciate it more when its fixed :)
16:59.00GodseyI shut them up pretty quick tho :)
16:59.12Godseythey're all wounded knee over jesus being crucified
16:59.23Godseymy take on it is "Shut up, Karma's a bitch"
16:59.29Godseyand they look at me bewildered
16:59.45Godsey"God killed all the first sons of Egypt, so Jesus had to die"
17:00.01Godseyit's all right there in the first testament eye for an eye :)
17:01.40Godseyand seriously, if I was god, that would have called for another flood :P
17:01.59mishehudid I just walk onto the #700club channel?
17:02.18Godseymaybe I'm the special blashphemer guest star
17:02.28goatmilkmishehu: how do i get one of those hostnames
17:02.35drumkilla* is the second coming
17:03.15kramhey someone pointed out to me that * is ASCII 42 decimal
17:03.26[Sim]duh :)
17:03.29*** join/#asterisk jsharp (
17:03.43mishehugoatmilk: combina
17:03.55jsharpSomeone help with SIP realtime config?
17:04.01mishehu~theanswer kram
17:04.03jbotkram: 42
17:04.30Godseymaybe that's why * is so good about recording calls?
17:04.37mishehukram: what a coincidence
17:04.59mishehuI'll name my next asterisk server "DeepThought" and then the even more powerful one after that "TheEarth"
17:05.20mutilatorand i'm going to name my baby jupiter
17:05.39drumkillajbot has nothin'
17:05.40Godseymishehu: TheCosmos
17:06.15mishehuand any CDs/DVDs I use I'll name "HeartofGold"
17:06.17Godseyand put out a press release that in addition to routing sip calls, you can render the big bang real time :)
17:06.36drumkillaooh, nice
17:07.34Godseybut you have to take the next logical step
17:08.24Godseyoh bad :P
17:08.32Godseymind melted 1984 and hitchikers guide
17:08.41GodseyI haven't read them since middle school :P
17:09.40mishehuthat's for your mental fondue.  ;-)
17:10.33*** part/#asterisk plantseeker (
17:10.33Godseyand for some reason was thinking ibm's chess super computer and japan's earth simulator :)
17:10.53GodseyI need sustance, my mind is slipping :)
17:11.33goatmilk~theanswer goatmilk
17:11.35jbotgoatmilk: 42
17:11.53goatmilkjbot is right
17:12.02drumkilla~thwack goatmilk
17:12.04jbotACTION bludgeons goatmilk on the head with a Cisco Manual
17:12.45mishehuGodsey: dip some fruit into your mental fondue...
17:12.54jsharpI'm having trouble with failed registrations when using sipfriends realtime.  Any suggestions on where to poke?
17:12.55mishehuor whatever ppl dip in fondue cheese
17:14.25goatmilkthis projector we bought has "worship" listed under the Uses section.
17:14.43goatmilkI love the dualality of that... use it in a church OR worship our product.. m hm
17:15.01goatmilkthat's marketing for you right there
17:15.18mishehu"oh gawds of computer technology, grant unto us..."
17:15.29mishehubkw_: we don't want to know.
17:16.15goatmilkbkw_: i'm sure you're refering to asterisk
17:17.05drumkillagoatmilk: this IS #asterisk
17:17.10drumkillaof course that is it
17:17.14*** join/#asterisk doolph (doolph@
17:17.18doolphwhat is chan_sip.c:701 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call 76c8b5683acc76b1588b1c7c62682d8b@ for seqno 102 (Non-critical Request)
17:17.40Drukenif asterisk had a dick, bkw_'d be blowing it 24/7 :)
17:18.23goatmilkI think we might need to go to the ref on that play
17:18.37drumkillaok, ok, let's keep that talk to the 'alternative' asterisk channels
17:19.23ManxPowerblowjobs are not mainstream?
17:19.28bkw_druken you're on my list now
17:19.29*** join/#asterisk davey1020 (~dave@
17:19.32doolphwhat is chan_sip.c:701 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call 76c8b5683acc76b1588b1c7c62682d8b@ for seqno 102 (Non-critical Request)
17:19.44*** kick/#asterisk [Druken!] by bkw_ (BLOW THIS BITCH!)
17:19.44*** join/#asterisk Druken (
17:20.29Godseybkw: Isn't it "come on girlfriend give mr happy some sugar"?
17:20.38bkw_um no
17:20.52bkw_got shit to fix
17:21.05Godsey*cry* my day is w/ out purpose then
17:21.20bkw_get your ass on the bug tracker and grab a bug and beat the shit out of it
17:21.29bkw_hmmhesays in the eye no less
17:21.35doolphhi who is in UK
17:21.41hmmhesayslook out for infection
17:21.43bkw_doolph lots of people
17:21.49*** join/#asterisk philquinney (
17:21.59doolphwho can call me to test
17:23.46*** join/#asterisk pbd (
17:24.11pbdAnyone out there have any personal experiences they can share about
17:24.13goatmilkyo pbdiddy
17:24.34goatmilkdude, i was drunk, it had been awhile
17:24.41goatmilkshe swore she'd never tell
17:25.03pbdThe secret's out goat... time to tell your side.
17:25.10goatmilkbkw_: yea, /g for your entire life story
17:25.10philquinneyHi everyone, can I ask what the status of outbound proxy support is in Asterisk CVS-Head? The sample configuration files show that it can be configured using outboundproxy= but there is nothing on the wiki that I can find. Any help would be appreciated!
17:25.13doolphhi who want to chat with me
17:25.19goatmilki gotta go to the airport
17:25.20goatmilkbye all
17:25.29philquinneydoolph: a fellow uk asterisk user?
17:25.49doolphI want to ask something to an expert
17:26.11bkw_I don't think we have anyone thats certified as an expert in here
17:26.12GodseyI'm an expert of something
17:26.28*** join/#asterisk l-fy (
17:26.31pbdUnless someone can tell me it's a really dumb idea, I'm about to get a DID off of I'll pull an 800 off of Nufone in the next few weeks, but I'd like a local DID to Ill.. and sells a good story, but there's no talk about it.
17:26.32jbot[h323] like, unsupported in asterisk. Don't use it! There are other solution that support H.323 better that can also talk IAX, for instance Yate.
17:26.35doolphI consider you an expert bkw_
17:26.45bkw_jbot forget h323
17:26.45jbotbkw_: i forgot h323
17:27.02bkw_that is about to change
17:27.05pbdjbot- you soo silly.  I use it daily in production.
17:27.15Godseypbd are you going to do pay per minute or unlimited local
17:27.24GodseyI was looking around for local did yesterday
17:27.36jbotmethinks yate is Yet Another Telephony Engine, see
17:27.37pbdGodsey- could go either way.  I'm starting a biz, based on Asterisk..
17:27.50drumkillajbot: forget yate
17:27.52drumkillaoops, hehe
17:27.59pbdI eat my own dog food, so whomever I go to is likely to get a recommendation, unless they stink.
17:28.01l-fydrumkilla > ok
17:28.08jbotwell, yate is Yet Another Telephony Engine, see
17:28.08drumkillal-fy: :)
17:28.18drumkillajust playin'
17:28.24l-fydrumkilla > i will remeber that next time when i will see you
17:28.29Godseypbd I am going to get the pay per minute one
17:28.30bkw_get him
17:28.36pbdGodsey- out of
17:28.39Godseyand also use my pots line into the fxo port
17:28.43Godseyya I think
17:28.46*** part/#asterisk l-fy (
17:28.52bkw_ding dong the bitch is gone
17:29.01bkw_jbot forget yate
17:29.01jbotbkw_: i forgot yate
17:29.02GodseyI was going to do broadvoice unmetered world thing but they don't have a local # for me anymore
17:29.09Godseywhich sucks, they used to have 3 local towns :)
17:29.11pbdGodsey- have you heard anything about them, or are you just succumbing to the marketing trash like me?
17:29.13Godseymaybe they ran out of dids
17:29.29goatmilkdrumkilla: you know me :p
17:29.35RoyKbkw_: is there a love story with you and l-fy?
17:29.39doolphI am about add sip phones, but do i need add everything to extension.conf ? theres nothing like variables that work
17:29.43*** join/#asterisk Strom_TM (
17:29.43bkw_RoyK no, not really
17:29.57bkw_she trolls in here trying to get support for Yate
17:30.25pbddoolph.. define 'variables' that you need? You also need sip.conf, which carries most of the auth stuff.. extensions.conf handles the routing/dialplan.
17:30.26Godseypfn said their 800# sounded like garbage
17:30.29RoyKtrolling is bad
17:30.38MrBelvedris broadvoice reliable with their uptime?
17:30.42Godseyand when I called them yesterday, it had alot of audio artifacts
17:30.44RoyKbut Yate _is_ better than * on H.323
17:30.57bkw_RoyK how can it be it still uses OpenH323
17:31.11doolphpbd if you have any good another idea?, I just want to add phones with a simplest way
17:31.15GodseyMrBelvedr: they were off line for about 6 hours for 1 day last month
17:31.16Strom_TMbkw_: magic dust
17:31.17RoyKseems to me chan_h323 is full of shit
17:31.25bkw_chan_oh323 works
17:31.28Godseythe company I'm at uses them for doing long distance
17:31.29bkw_but soon boyz
17:31.33bkw_a new chan_h323
17:31.36Godseywe've had them for about 5 months now
17:31.39bkw_will be unleashed onto the planet
17:31.41Godseyonly outage
17:31.44pbdRoyk: * has two different h.323 engines, both are functional, but thanks to the 'openness' of h.323 implementations, there's no guarantee that any one works better in all cases.
17:32.08RoyKpbd: I know there are two, but both of them are full of shit
17:32.15RoyKimpossible to run in production
17:32.20bkw_not really
17:32.38RoyKanyone running asterisk h323 in production?
17:32.40pbdroyk:  I'd disagree- I've had both working in production.  but there are somethings they just don't do yet.. like Cisco Callmanager trunking.
17:33.02pbdI've got chan_h323 running in production, handling a meetme implmentation, today.  No hitches.
17:33.15RoyKpbd: have had them running, or hav run them in a production environment?
17:33.23MrBelvedri am shopping around for business service, so uptime is my #1 criteria. WHo has the best uptime record?
17:33.26pbdbkw:  If you're looking for betas of a new chan_h323, I'm all ears.
17:33.36pbdroyk: In production.
17:33.40bkw_pbd not yet :P
17:34.19nestArMrBelvedr: your local PRI provider. :)
17:34.28Godseyis there a way w/ irssi to have it load the chat log into a new window if one is on disk?
17:34.28pbdroyk:  For well over a month now.  I've hammered it with 25-30 simultaneous calls (no impact, in other words, I can't load it up enough to really break it), but it handles 5-6 party conference calls with no problems on a daily basis.
17:35.00pbdbkw:.... please? ;-P
17:35.25RoyKpbd: perhaps then you should detail your config and setup and document it so that all those people struggling to make h323/asterisk work can use it
17:35.32pbdbkw:  The code aspect of the h323 drivers is still just out of my reach.. but I've beaten the crap out of it.
17:35.47GodseyI'm trying to get PacWest to terminate voip for me on their managed modem platform
17:36.05Godseyso I can pay per port and get both dialup and voice in their service area
17:36.27pbdRoyK:  I'm waiting on one critical aspect of it- my setup is all stock configs, works for what I need.  Once I have a complete two way implmentation of a Cisco CCM H.323 trunk using OpenH323 and *, it's going in the wiki- I've already promised it on -users.
17:37.50RoyKdd if=/dev/urandom of=pbd bs=1M
17:38.56*** join/#asterisk gwynpen (
17:39.03pbdRoyK: Having a bad day, or just hate the fact that H.323 is so nice- because it has so many standards to choose from!
17:39.59Godseyif both ends are using OpenH323 isn't that a bit easier? :)
17:40.16RoyKpbd: h.323 is good. no problem with that
17:40.18bkw_no its simpler to remove h323 and install IAX or SIP
17:40.24RoyKh.323 == isdn over ip
17:40.27RoyKor something :)
17:40.47ManxPowerI think it's actually ISDN on LSD over IP.
17:40.52pbdRoyK: I wish it were that simple.
17:41.06RoyKI still want to transfer variables with IAX
17:41.16GodseyI knew I hated h323 when I saw it was sending my internal ip out w/ tcpdump
17:41.19ManxPowerRoyK: Isn't there a patch for that?
17:41.25Godseyand that was many many years ago
17:41.30Godseybefore I thought of voip :)
17:41.34ManxPowerCome to think of it, I think it's already in CVS-HEAD
17:41.41RoyKManxPower: perhaps...
17:41.43RoyKit is?
17:41.46pbdThe problem is, the folks who did the ISDN spec defined a *complete* spec, and h.323 followed it.. but you don't *need* more than a few 931s and an RTP stream to do h.323.. so most folks implement it badly.
17:41.47bkw_Godsey you must not know much about it then :P
17:41.57RoyKany ideas when 1.[12] is meant to come?
17:41.59ManxPower_ or __ will transfer the variable over IAX, I think.
17:42.31ManxPowerRoyK: Last I heard it was 2029, the same year we send all the lawyers into the sun
17:42.45Godseybkw: 9 yrs ago I didn't have any bandwidth at home to play w/ :)
17:43.19*** join/#asterisk mogorman (~mogorman@
17:43.34*** part/#asterisk philquinney (
17:43.37Mochi bkw
17:43.50RoyKManxPower: ok. better use cisco, then :)
17:44.28mutilator2029 is when the meteor will hit!
17:45.10ManxPowerMaybe it was/will be 2023  I'll check
17:45.34modulus_jbot c11h17n2o2sna?
17:45.35jbotC11H17N2O2SNa is the chemical formula for Sodium Pentathol
17:46.05mutilatorthey upped the probability to 2.7&
17:46.07Slimey~Sodium Pentathol
17:46.08jbotSodium Pentathol is the chemical name for Truth Serum
17:46.08mutilator2.7% rather
17:46.12mutilatorthat it'de hit
17:46.15*** join/#asterisk philquinney (
17:46.19ManxPower<Geordi> "It can't be. All the Lawyers were rounded up and sent hurtling into the sun in 2017 during the Great Awakening."
17:46.35jbotit has been said that h.323 is a voice over ip protocol for the routing of calls in near-realtime.
17:47.14philquinneyHi everyone, sorry to ask again but what is the status of outbound proxy support is in Asterisk CVS-Head? The sample configuration files show that it can be configured using outboundproxy= but there is nothing on the wiki that I can find. (Apologies if this is a double send)
17:48.08NuggetHi philquinney, sorry to be a prick but what is your actual question?
17:48.35philquinneyAre outbound proxies actually supported?
17:48.51ManxPowerphilquinney: Did you check sip.conf.sample in the Asterisk source code?
17:48.53*** join/#asterisk oej (
17:49.12ManxPowerphilquinney: Well update the Wiki when you figure it out.
17:49.17philquinneyYes: and the documentation is there: outboundproxy and outboundproxyport
17:49.24abombssis there anyway to load chan_oss or chan_alsa on Darwin or OSX?
17:49.40ManxPowerphilquinney: Why do you need an outbound proxy?  Thousands of Asterisk installations have gotten by without it since the beginning of time.
17:49.48oejphilquinney: QUestions about outbound proxy in chan_sip cvs?
17:49.59MadCameldoes anyone have * working with broadvoice that would be willing to send me a sip debug of an outgoing call?
17:50.12oejManxPower: In some SIp providers networks, you need it. Check FWD
17:50.16philquinneyMr Johnson: the producer of all chan_sip2! Hello!
17:50.21abombssbtw -- I am sitting on a beach in ixtapa mexico and the view is beautiful
17:50.28oejManxPower: Or if you are running a SIP proxy in your firewall
17:50.31ManxPoweroej: Uh, People have been using Asterisk with FWD for yearss.
17:50.41oejpihlquinney: Johansson, close enough :-) Hello!
17:50.44abombssi would love to make a phone call from the beach
17:50.52oejManxPower: Not with Asterisk behind NAT :-)
17:50.53philquinneyThe reason I need outbound proxy support is to to work with BT Communicator
17:50.58wolfsonanyone had issues with a cisco 7960 stop playing custom ringtones, have to go in, pick another, then go back to the first. Works for a few hours, then stops.
17:51.08philquinneyI have it working great with X-Lite, so I know the settings
17:51.19NuggetThe benefit of outbound proxy is apparant to anyone who wishes to do SIP URI calling in a secure environment where the SIP clients cannot directly communicate with external hosts.
17:51.19oejThe outbound proxy support in chan_sip cvs is very alpha
17:51.30NuggetI'm not going to set up NAT just for asterisk.
17:51.31oejThere is a more complete patch in the bug tracker
17:51.34philquinneyFrom what I found you have a seperate patch
17:51.51philquinneyBut I couldn't get it to apply against CVS from yesterday
17:52.00Nuggetthankfully, it's not difficult to make asterisk do that without outbound proxy support.
17:52.00philquinneylet me recall the problem
17:52.01oejphilquinney: It may need updates
17:52.11Nuggetalthough that would be a simpler and cleaner solution
17:52.36philquinneyThanks manxpower: I've been through that, and even emailed Peter Whisker (the post author)
17:52.54pbdGodsey- Well, I've just become an customer.. We Shall See.
17:53.03abombssBetter yet, any good soft phones for OSX -- Is X-Lite the best?
17:53.12Nuggetabombss: yes
17:53.32ManxPowerphilquinney: Ah, OK.
17:53.44philquinneyI even have that too ManxPower: still no go.
17:53.45ManxPowerISn't Peter using chan_sip2?
17:53.52abombssNugget, is it pretty easy to get sip working... I have never used sip before
17:54.04Nuggetabombss: within x-lite?  yeah, sure.  painless.
17:54.15philquinneyMy hope was that if I know outbound proxy support is there in asterisk I can just transplant the values I have working in X-Lite into asterisk
17:54.22*** join/#asterisk net_foxx (
17:55.13philquinneyI'll fiddle about a bit more and see if I can get anything to work
17:55.30abombssNugget, within *.  I need to setup XLite to connect as sip client to my local * install
17:55.38Nuggetphilquinney: for what it's worth, you can approximate the behavior of a sip proxy using dialplan hacks.
17:55.53MadCamelI had it working ok with siproxd anyway.
17:56.07philquinneyNugget: I did think about using siproxd or ser as an intermediary
17:56.25philquinneyNugget: can you elaborate more?
17:56.26Nuggetyeah, I considered that too, but the dialplan approch seemed like the simplest solution for me.
17:56.42Nugget^ I documented what I did
17:57.20*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
17:57.23oejphilquinney: YOu can get some ideas from my broadvoice setup -
17:57.27ManxPowerNugget: You don't find the 7 second delay annoying?
17:57.37Nuggetwhat 7 second delay?
17:57.51ManxPoweror is it a 3 second delay.  Whatever the default DigitTimeout is.
17:57.57NuggetI have no idea, ManxPower, what it is about URI dialing that makes you so grumpy.
17:58.09ManxPowerNugget: using . requires Asterisk to wait for DigitTimeout before proceeding
17:58.12Nuggetevery time this subject comes up you get really agressive about why it's a terrible idea.
17:58.41Nuggetcan't you just accept that many people don't share your view on the issue?
17:58.45philquinneyoej+Nugget: thanks for all your pointers: I'll give things another go.
17:58.50ManxPowerNugget: You apparently know what you are doing with regards to URI dialing.  I just get grumpy when people that don't know any better use it.
17:58.56philquinneyManxPower: thanks for your help too
17:58.58Nuggetfair enough
17:59.00*** join/#asterisk Pantanero (
17:59.00MadCameloej, ah.. maybe you can help me (havn't had outgoing service in a week!) .. I'm using your exact broadvoice config with no luck, I also doublechecked and tried someone else's .conf files with their account.. I can't get it to work and could really use a sip dump of an outgoing call to see what the deal is
18:00.03ManxPowerNugget: Good to see that you have exten => h.  That at leasts makes _. not do bad things.
18:00.09modulus_eric clapton is neat
18:00.18ManxPowerWell not horribly bad things, at least.
18:00.26modulus_wouldjoo knoowwwww mah nehmmmm?
18:01.15NuggetI think that anything asterisk can do to encourage people to make direct SIP-to-SIP calls in lieu of unnecessarily routing over PSTN links is a good thing.  I don't see why it's a good idea to have two asterisk boxes on the net route through nufone, or voicepulse, or whatever.
18:01.23ManxPowerNugget: n00bs expect URI dialing to use peers/friends in sip.conf.
18:01.35Nuggetany progress in that direction in good progress, imho.
18:01.59RoyKManxPower: when was that IAX vars implemented in HEAD?
18:02.02ManxPowerI prefer handing calls off to the PSTN as close to my server as I can.
18:02.18ManxPowerRoyK: I dunno.  Go read the -cvs mailing list.  I just vaguely recall that it might have been.
18:02.30Nuggetpbd: in my case I need a proxy because there is no nat.
18:02.43Nuggetthis is not an uncommon scenario
18:03.33ManxPowerRoyK: Specifically I recall some patch that allowed you to transfer variables between channels by prepending one or more _'s to the variable name.  AND I've seen messages about ALERT_INFO not working without a leading _ so logically there's a good chance that variable transfer over channels might be implimented.
18:04.18ManxPowerPersonally I think _ is a terrible way to do it.  We have SetVar and SetGlobalVar, why not SetChannelVar or something similar.
18:04.25Mocbkw_, im trying to get RT to work... will let you know of what needed to do
18:04.40goatmilkManxPower: you got the idea, now own the patch!
18:05.30RoyKManxPower: I agree
18:05.47ManxPowergoatmilk: A patch that duplicated functionality will never be accepted.  I'm also very unqualified to do more than 1 line patches.
18:06.18goatmilkyou don't duplicate functionality.
18:06.22goatmilkyou reuse code
18:08.30goatmilkthat's the trick to good programming
18:08.39goatmilkeveryone got really quiet...
18:09.06denonyou're using all the available lines with your enter-enter style of talking. :)
18:10.24goatmilkdon't hate the newline char.  you know you use it too
18:10.35Godseyif I want to do something like DISA but no password if the person's caller id matches, would I be better just making a dialplan and Background(dialtone) for this?
18:11.18*** join/#asterisk Derkommissar (
18:11.36Derkommissar:-/ Why Music on hold is Choppy for queues ?
18:11.58GodseyDerkommissar: I don't seem to have that problem
18:12.22GodseyI have my share of queue problems tho :)
18:12.23PTG123anyone know where there are any pictures of the recent tsunami?
18:12.28Godseydo you use agentcallbacklogin?
18:12.36GodseyPTG123: Nanog had some
18:12.59Strom_TMPTG123, ask google
18:13.11PTG123asked can'g find any :) didn't have any pictures of the tsunami?
18:13.38MocI really hate perl..
18:13.47goatmilk23,000 people... wow
18:14.00goatmilkMoc: congratulations!  you're normal.
18:14.00pbdMoc:  You're preaching to the one-person choir here.
18:14.08daminI really need to be able to send PRI Facility messages w/ LibPRI so that I can set CallerID name.
18:14.30pbdPerl is a 4 letter word.
18:14.41Mocdamin, I think that NI3 can do it
18:14.50syslodPTG123: MSNBC has some video with incoming waves.
18:15.02daminMoc: NI3? You mean NI2?
18:15.03Mocdamin, mark told me just to send him the specs and he will check if it easy to added them fast
18:15.14PTG123syslod: the actual big one?
18:15.53syslodPTG123: I don't think its the hardest hit but the waves look to be 10 feet or so going inland.  Taken from the top of a building.
18:16.10GodseyI don't want to see picutres
18:16.21PTG123yah wasn't the first one like hundreds of feet?
18:16.25sysloddamin: QSIG spec or NI2?
18:16.33daminsyslod: NI2
18:16.38GodseyAbout 170 children at an orphanage were feared dead after tidal waves pounded it in Mullaithivu, the Web site said.
18:16.38syslodPTG123: I think they are saying 30 feet.
18:16.43Godseysad stuff
18:16.44daminsyslod: And I need to do it on a per DID basis.
18:17.01daminsyslod: I.E. in the CallerID statement.
18:17.03sysloddamin:I need the same thing for QSIG and NI2.
18:17.10PTG12330 ft does that much damage?  you get that during a hurricane
18:17.31ManxPowerdamin: What makes you think the terminating switch will even accept the name?  Doesn't the terminating LEC just look up the name based on the number?
18:17.44sysloddamin: I have a protocol tools and the specs if someone is willing to add it to libpri.
18:17.56daminManxPower: Not if you send it in a facility message...
18:18.17hmmhesayshmm, now why can't this user join a queue
18:18.28syslodManxPower: A lot of LEC including us will use the sent name cause its cheaper than doing a DIP on the SS7 network.
18:18.34daminManxPower: If you just send it in the regular call setup, it'll look at it's own CallerID data, but that can be overridden (at least according to X/O) at the facility level.
18:18.52GodseyI got the caller id info for all the #s in my local area :)
18:19.01syslodMost lecs are supporting caller presentation on the PRI facility.
18:19.26GodseyI dialed my own number spoofing caller id
18:19.34syslodIts useful in large pbx with DID to have caller pres on both name and number.
18:19.35GodseyI never answered just logged caller id info
18:20.06GodseyI'm not able to send my name out of our PRIs
18:20.07daminGodsey: You are one evil fucker..
18:20.08Godseyjust a #
18:20.18Godseydamin: it started as an accident
18:20.25Godseyall my lines called themselves
18:20.30Godseyand I noticed the logs filling w/ caller id :)
18:20.36GodseyI was like "ah ha"
18:20.47Godseyso I wrote a scirpt :P
18:21.03*** part/#asterisk yogurt2ungue (
18:21.03Mocdamin, sorry no NI3, GT over here require NI3 to get outgoing caller name
18:21.04hmmhesaysdamnit, warning app_queue unable to join queue
18:21.05Godseyforeach $num (0..9999) {
18:21.38Godsey} :)
18:21.57daminBad Bad Bad..
18:22.33GodseyI had ~~ 600 lines calling a bank of 600 :)
18:22.35*** join/#asterisk NormAst (
18:22.58Godseyit's easy you make
18:23.02NormAstHi all...
18:23.03Godsey[spoofcid] in dial plan
18:23.18*** join/#asterisk lters (~lters@
18:23.21Godseyset your callerid based on extension dialed
18:23.52Godseyso _NXXNXXXXXX,1,SetCallerID(${EXTENSION})
18:24.12Nuggetbetter to use setcidnum so you don't blow away the callerid name.
18:24.20Mocdamin, use my setcidnamefrommoc411 app ;)
18:24.34Godseynugget maybe but the name never passes
18:24.38Godseyat least for me
18:24.47hmmhesaysargh, someone give me a reason a iax client can't join a queue, something so basic i'm missing it for sure
18:24.51NuggetGodsey: it's a good habit, though.
18:24.58philquinneyolle+Nugget: are you both here???
18:25.07GodseyI can Break caller id, just not set it aparently :)
18:25.12*** join/#asterisk enzo123 (
18:25.44Godseylike if I set it to "Joe, Smith & Company" 5551212000 it breaks
18:25.49GodseyI think it doesn't like the , and & :)
18:25.50philquinneyNugget: It works: outbound proxy works! I can now use BT's Communicator service (which allows you to make voip calls and have them charged to the BT account) through asterisk
18:26.32NuggetGodsey: with angle brackets, though, right?
18:26.45Godsey<555...> yes sorry
18:26.48Nuggetok.  :)
18:26.58bkw_Moc -rw-r--r--    1 root root  3753214 Dec 27 09:18 postgresql#7.4.6-r1.pkg.tar.gz
18:27.08Nuggetjust making sure.  I've never tried to use commas or ampersands, but I'd hate for your problem to have been missing brackets.  :)
18:27.16ManxPowerSome carriers REALLY don't like quotes in the name.
18:27.40Godseymy script was really foreach $ac (360) { foreach $pfx (555) { foreach $num (0..999) {
18:27.43Godseybut you get the idea :)
18:28.17Nuggetwhen I was looking through the code trying to figure out if it was feasible to send an url as the callerid (it isn't), I saw that asterisk has code that attempts to strip off the quotes.  Doesn't seem like it's successful, though, since I've seen plenty of callerid names with quotes still present.
18:28.23Godseyand the # you dial should simply be:
18:29.49GodseyI noticed most voip ld companys don't let you specify your callerid per call does.
18:30.32ManxPowerOur's would if we didn't use account codes.
18:30.39PTG123any of you c guys awake?  a pointer takes up how much memor?  equivalent to a short?
18:31.25Mocnufone does too
18:31.31pbdPTG: That would be an OS dependant question.
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18:31.40Moclookieloo does... sixtel does..
18:31.40ManxPowerI was referring to a PSTN LD company
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18:31.43tessier_My tdm400p is still malfunctioning and digium still offerse no useful tech support. :(
18:31.46Godseyit's not that I want to spoof, I just want to resell long distance
18:31.48Nuggetos or architecture?
18:31.53Godseyusing my own inbound stuff
18:31.59Godseyand setting cid to my customer's #
18:32.02PTG123pbd: intel
18:32.36NormAsttessier: Diguim just replacement my Quad PRI card.. No Questions asked... Are there any problems that they over looked?
18:33.04tessier_NormAst: The big problem is that they have not looked.
18:33.04MocI beleive the TDM400 have a design flaw...
18:33.14tessier_I have been unable to get ahold of their tech support for ages.
18:33.21tessier_They promise to call and never do etc.
18:33.34ManxPowerAll 7 TDM400Ps that I have are totally stable.
18:33.37NormAsttessier: I asked to hold until they are done.
18:33.45tessier_ManxPower: Mine works for a few days and then quits.
18:33.51tessier_No inbound or outbound calls.
18:33.58ManxPowertessier_: I had that at one point.
18:34.00tessier_Does not detect ring, does not produce dialtone on the outgoing line
18:34.01pbdPTG: Last I checked, Intel didn't make an operating system.
18:34.03Mocmine dies after 2 or 3 week without reloading the zaptel module
18:34.03NormAstManxPower: I am getting HDLC errors.. on mine..
18:34.06tessier_I unload/reload the module and the problem is fixed
18:34.13Mocalso gain level and echo are problem
18:34.14NuggetI've had no troubles with my tdm400p.  the zaptel drivers have been a bit flaky, but the hardware is solid as near as I can tell.
18:34.23tessier_I used to think it was because of an interrupt sharing issue but it is not sharing any interrupts.
18:34.28pbdPTG: Generally, a pointer is a longint.. but that's all dependant upon your compiler, your OS, etc...
18:34.32tessier_ManxPower: Do you recall how you might have resolved it?
18:34.34ManxPowertessier_: I replaced the machine (different motherboard/mfgr) and never had a problem with it again.
18:34.44tessier_This client isn't going to be me $10k until the machine runs perfectly.
18:34.45pbdEssentially, it has to be big enough to reference all the memory that the Os is willing to provide.
18:34.56tessier_This is a perfectly good and brand new Dell rackmount box.
18:35.04MocI love the idea of the card, and hope it will work fine someday, but this FXO low gain and gain level used to be different on incoming and outgoing calsl !!
18:35.09tessier_If it won't work in this box it is broken.
18:35.11NormAsttessier: That's what I am using
18:35.17NormAstDell PowerEdge 1750
18:35.18pbdTessier:  There's your problem.. it's a Dell.
18:35.23ManxPowertessier_: "brand new" and "sucky chipset" can go togather.
18:35.28QwellThere is nothing wrong with PowerEdge's...
18:35.28tessier_The client is going to ask for a refund on the whole works and I'll be bankrupt.
18:35.32tessier_And that's not exaggeration.
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18:35.34ManxPowertessier_: Have you played around with the PCI device priority settings?
18:35.39tessier_ManxPower: No.
18:35.45MocPowerEdge are good cheap server
18:36.03ManxPowertessier_: You didn't prototype and test the system first?
18:36.05pbdYou get what you pay for.  Dell's quality, box to box, is iffy.
18:36.05NormAstMoc: Not that cheap.. Dual 3.0hz, 2Gigs ram..
18:36.08MocIf I had the money, I would get a Compaq DL380 thought
18:36.27tessier_Dell makes good boxes. I have run tons of them.
18:36.40MocNormAst, I got a Dual xeon 2.8 1mb cache, 1 gig ram, RM.. it the system design is cheaper than compaq design
18:36.48mishehuI have the tdm400 unload-reload issue on a compaq proliant...
18:36.53Strom_TMDual 3 hz?   wow, my wristwatch beats it by leaps and bounds :)
18:37.04NormAstI just wish diguim whould say "Buy this and this, and use this distro"
18:37.08tessier_mishehu: Please let me know if you resolve it
18:37.21MocCompaq DL380 are nice 2U machine
18:37.26mishehutessier_: I am in line for replacement fxo modules.
18:37.27Mocbut expensive
18:37.30pbdNormAst: Now, what fun would that be?
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18:37.37mishehutessier_: digium thinks it's a hardware issue.
18:37.41mishehuon the tdm's
18:37.58NormAstpbd: Why won't they?  They sell the hardware. (Cards)
18:38.06tessier_mishehu: Are they going to replace the tdm then?
18:38.10ManxPowerMy asterisk servers are on ASUS, Intel, and Compaq systems
18:38.16MocI got this PowerEdge 1850 dual xeon 2.8ghz 1 gig ram, 2x36gig 10kRPM scsi + Mirror for my home server ;)
18:38.29Moccosted only 2400$ so..
18:38.32nestAri hope my T100P's work ok on this dell
18:38.41nestArbox was five grand
18:38.45mishehutessier_: I don't think it's the card itself, it's the modules.  that's what the word around is.  the replacement modules aren't ready yet for prime-time use though.
18:38.48Mocyea my x100p and TDM400 can't work on my dell hehe
18:38.52pbdNormAst:  For that, you'd have to ask them.. I'd be happy if they qualified the PCI chipset only.. frankly, Im' not loking to build a key system, but to have a really flexible architecture.
18:39.06tessier_mishehu: That is majorly bad news.
18:39.08MocnestAr, We get good specials in canada on dell server, I had 25% off the special price
18:39.08tessier_mishehu: If true.
18:39.13GodseyI no longer buy SMP for my servers
18:39.22mishehutessier_: yeah, I know.  means a lot of replacing to go on...
18:39.27GodseyEXCEPT for my virus scanning machines
18:39.41lilohmmm, apparently is running asterisk
18:39.48tessier_mishehu: I am pretty tired of the whole asterisk/digium scene. This is the last asterisk phone system I will be selling to a customer. Just too many troubles.
18:40.05MocI got a Dual Xeon 3.06ghz, Dual Xeon 2.8ghz, Dual Athlon MP 1900+, Dual P400, and a Dual Celeron 500 ;)
18:40.20Godseylinux doesn't do smp really well
18:40.21MocI love them all
18:40.28mishehutessier_: it's the hardware I have problems with.  not really the software.  (I normally use stable release on a production system)
18:40.29Godseyand most software/libraries are not thread safe anyway
18:40.54liloGodsey: hmmm, I've never seen issues....if you have a decent multitasking load the issue pretty much takes care of itself
18:41.12tessier_mishehu: I haven't had a whole lot of luck with the software either.
18:41.22liloGodsey: not sure about threading but I don't normally use it
18:41.24tessier_mishehu: Not entirely asterisks fault but partially.
18:41.30mishehutessier_: what size offices are you supporting?
18:41.48MadCamel2.6.x does smp sooo much better is my observation
18:41.57ManxPowertessier_: TRY replacing the system.  You have to have some decent systems laying around.
18:42.00mishehuMadCamel: I'd have to agree.
18:42.28Godseyyes 2.6.x does :)
18:42.33Godseybut doesn't asterisk enjoy 2.4? :)
18:42.50pbdI've had no problems with * under 2.4 or 2.6.
18:42.50MadCamelI upgraded the kernel, blinked a few times, then took the cover off to make sure someone didn't sneak a faster set of CPU's in there..
18:42.54GodseyI think I get more bang for my buck buying lots of systems
18:43.02mishehuMadCamel: I'd estimate between 10-20% performance increase on my dual proc xeon 2.8/800fsb system when I went from 2.4.x to 2.6.x
18:43.12tessier_ManxPower: The customer is gonna shit. We ordered this box especially for this. There have been a number of problems already with this deployment. I'm going to have to think about how to approach them on this.
18:43.31Godseywe have 10 Dell 400SC machines w/ 1gig ram acting as our front end MX hosts
18:43.38mishehulilo: I've not run into many 2.6.x specific issues, but I"m not completely enlightened as to all the ones that there might be.
18:43.44Godseyeach allow 35 connections
18:43.50pbdTessier: Knowing what I know about dell, I'd suggest first RMA'ing the Dell box and exchanging it.
18:43.58pbdTell the customer that the Dell server was defective.
18:44.08NormAstI am considering getting a ipVolution TDM120
18:44.10tessier_pbd: They aren't idiots. They are unlikely to buy that.
18:44.17tessier_pbd: Everything else on the box works just fine.
18:44.28tessier_pbd: How could the dell being defecting cause only the tdm400p to malfunction in this way?
18:44.41tessier_They own a ton of dells and they have been very good boxes.
18:44.49MadCamelpci bus clock out of spec
18:44.57pbdtessier: But I know that Dell is anything BUT consistent- you could have an iffy bus chipset or capacitor failing.  How much other PCI do you have in this particular box?
18:44.59mishehuGodsey: for me to slap together my own smp system with raid5, etc., it cost me what uniproc proliant would have cost me with raid5, half the ram, and half the hd space.
18:45.11GodseyI pay $320 for the 400SC w/ 1gig ram
18:45.17Godseythey have an 80gig drive
18:45.22PTG123isn't a 400sc a lexus?
18:45.24mishehuthe only issue I have is that the digium card causes PCI PERR...
18:45.32Godseymy wife drives a 430sc :)
18:45.33MadCamelplus that excuse sounds good. gotta bofh it up y'know..
18:45.41pbdTessier- I'm sure you've got some sort of other manufacture box there, somewhere- drop the digium card into it, and see if it works.
18:45.42tessier_MadCamel: They'll see right through that.
18:45.50PTG123i wonder how much ram my corvette came with
18:46.22tessier_I am just going to make a script to restart asterisk every night.
18:46.29GodseyI think lexus uses sc430 tho :)
18:46.29tessier_I need to get paid on this.
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18:46.47PTG123tessier: is that a memory leak fix? :)
18:46.48tessier_If this is the best digium can do right now I'll just have to accept it.
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18:46.54mishehuGodsey: 2x2.8Ghz/800fsb xeons, 1gib ecc reg ram, 3ware 9500 sata raid w/128mb cache, hsc for hd's, 3x200gb sata's... and of course the mobo, all for a bit under $2000.
18:46.55pbdtessier: Also, yank as much IDE out of the box as you can- it very well could be timing, or a failing component loading you with interrupts.
18:47.08GodseyI'm to fat to fit in her car tho :P
18:47.12GodseyI'm all cramped up :)
18:47.15pbdTessier- don't be so hasty blaming Digium- they can't test in your particular machine.
18:47.16mishehuand chassis
18:47.21Godseyhave to have the top down or my head won't work in it :)
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18:47.29tessier_pbd: Nobody else has problems making pci cards work in this machine.
18:47.36tessier_I have never heard of such a problem before.
18:47.36MocLook for personal or small buisness, I would go with a Dell PowerEdge RM server
18:47.43Godseymishehu: I don't use raid controllers
18:47.44Mocunless it special setup
18:47.49GodseyI use jbod
18:47.52pbdTessier- this *particular* machine, the same model?
18:47.55tessier_Someone asked how big this office is 20 phones.
18:48.17MocMy Dual xeon 3.06 have 5x250gig HD + 3x36gigHD 10kRPM SATA
18:48.18Godseyplus the dells have a 4 hour on site replacment waranty for 3 yrs
18:48.29Moca poweredge for the same setup would have costed me alot
18:48.32pbdGodsey- I can get that from anyone.
18:48.35tessier_That's another thing...if the box is bad, how am I going to prove it to Dell?
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18:48.55Mocreplacement parts are hard to get something that will work at 100%..
18:49.13pbdTessier- New box.  Doesn't work.  RMA, now.  If necessary, loosen a few chips up before you return it.
18:49.28MocI had a replacement contract for a Clone server, and they sent me new models of MB and stuff.. but I want the SAME OLD ONE I HAD..
18:50.12Godseylike I said I use them as throw away
18:50.23goatmilksome asterisk files include header files twice
18:50.25mishehuI'm using 7200 type satas, and even so, my speed as reported by hdparm is still higher than scsi320 on a similar config.
18:50.30GodseyI put their mac into dhcpd
18:50.31Mocpbd, my Brother had problem with IBM server and SUPPORT..
18:50.33Godseyboot w/ my install cd
18:50.53Godseyit grabs the current sysimage and configs for that server
18:50.55pbdMoc:  I've never had one problem with their support- they'll stay up all night for you if you need.. (seen it).
18:50.55MocHe didnt had problem with compaq but compaq is expensive.  And he love Dell rightnow
18:51.05Godseywhich I store on master machine under cvs
18:51.23Godseyreplacing a bad server for me is a 90 minute ordeal
18:51.24pbdMoc: Have you looked under the hood of an HP lately? They fired the compaq engineers, I think.
18:51.31Godseyfiguring out which machine broke is the hard part :)
18:51.45mishehuGodsey: you obviously don't have lots of data on these servers...
18:51.49Mocpbd, our lastest compaq server had looked nice
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18:51.52Godseyof course not
18:51.59Godseythey are front end servers
18:52.07Godseydoing virus scanning and various other tasks
18:52.12Mocand compaq buisness desktop still look EXCELLENT
18:52.31pbdMoc: A *compaq* server is nice.  An *HP* server looks like crapola.  And their desktops.. made me switch to IBM.
18:52.32Mocwe had problem with DL360 thought
18:52.34tessier_Dell/Compaq etc is like Ford vs Chevy or vi vs emacs.
18:52.48Godseytessier: not really
18:52.54MocWe run ofer 2500 compaq desktop and we have no problem
18:52.55tessier_Completely useless debates usually based on nothing more than anecdotal evidence.
18:53.08Godseymore like kia vs bmw
18:53.10pbdCompaq doesn't exist anymore, folks.  An older compaq is a nice box- but the new HPs are really junky.  Seen them- got scared.
18:53.14Connor-Moc, check pvt msg please
18:53.23Mocwe have about 150 compaq server without failed hardware( except IBM fiber network card@!!!!)
18:53.25Godseyhp owns tandem :)
18:53.38Godseytandem non-stop computers Hymalays(?) are really nice :)
18:53.46pbdtessier- Seriously, I'd suggest trying a different physical frame, even another dell, and see if the card acts better.
18:54.03Godseytessier: you tried different slots?
18:54.09pbdGodsey- I think they kept the Tandem engineers- no one else could *understand* those beasts.
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18:54.46Godseyback end data storage is my single point of failure right now
18:54.54GodseyI'll be fixing that w/ solaris
18:55.01Godsey2 fail over nfs servers
18:55.18Godseyand 4 front end hosts w/ failover amd
18:55.33pbdMoc: Soo.. you took cards engineered for IBM servers (remember, quirky but consistent), and shoved them into a competitor's version of a Ford.. hmm.  I'm surprised the HP's didn't seize up. :)
18:55.50goatmilk  i'm not a big letterman fan, but this is good.
18:56.02MocHP didnt, the IBM card die after 8 month of usage..
18:56.09MocWe had to remove them all of production
18:56.25pbdMoc: See my previous note about consistency.  They all failed- that's consistent.
18:56.29Mocwe got some cheapo Fibercard from I dont know who and it worked fine since then
18:56.52pbdMoc:  I would have started cheap, or used an IBM frame.
18:57.13MocI never liked IBM server
18:57.34pbdMoc: To each their own.
18:57.42MocI love compaq, and I dont despise Dell (Dell Home stuff SUCK....)
18:57.51jesse_132Moc:  but IBM service is unf*cking believable!
18:57.56Mocbuisness desktop suck. Only their server that arnt that bad
18:58.01Godseyibm has some nice servers
18:58.06Godseybut very expensive
18:58.24Godseyhardware level fail over on the x440 I think
18:58.34MocOf course they do, but the resonable priced server are junk
18:58.34DA-MANi work on an ibm blade center
18:58.39DA-MANthe blades die a lot
18:58.49GodseyI have a low budget
18:58.53jesse_132I'm setting it up on a xSeries quad ia64 ... (well getting linux going then comes asterisk... )
18:58.54Godseyand do pretty good w/ it :)
18:59.06DA-MANcorrection, the ibm blades die a lot. we have blades from other companies as well and they dont have any issues
18:59.11pbdDa-Man: Can't say I've had that problem.. and the problems I've had.. IBM support is absolutely top-notch.
18:59.48pbdDa-Man: You've got to keep the blades up to the latest BIOS revs, though.
18:59.56mishehuwe are proving again today...   that opinions are like assholes...   we all have them...
19:00.29Godseythe other kind of trivial thing I like about dell 400sc is they're so damn quiet :)
19:00.34DA-MANpbd, dunno, maybe they see you as more of a priority or something but if a node dies we gotta find a way to get it going again, flash the firmware and then reproduce the problem before they even talk to us
19:00.52jesse_132anyone run * on ia64?
19:01.15GodseyI would like to move to amd64 platform to have more ram
19:01.23Godseybut I'll wait till I can get them for $300 :)
19:01.32pbdDa-Man:  Can't say I have any good priority- but we do tend to ride them on the phone until they break.. helps that we've had IBM service for a long, long time- we know how to ask. :)
19:01.42NormAstGodsey: Dell 400SC 5 Volt PCI only?  How much do you expect to pay for them?
19:01.59Godseyhumm I don't know what voltage it is :)
19:02.23DA-MANpbd, yeah we only had them for almost a year. but we only have 2x 180 node blade centers and thats not a big customer for ibm so we get the shaft a lot hehehe
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19:04.28pbdDa-Man: I've only got two myself.. remember, squeaky wheels get greased.
19:04.58Godseygeesh I don't even know how to tell what voltage they are :)
19:05.04GodseyI'll look for the owners manual
19:05.06NormAstgodsey: What's the Diff between the 420SC and the 400SC?
19:05.16hmmhesaysthis flash operator panel has horrible documentation
19:05.33Godsey420SC kinda sucks
19:05.39goatmilkhmmhesays: i'll drink to that!
19:05.42Godseythe plus is they come w/ an SATA drive
19:05.50Godseyand DDR2 ram
19:05.57hmmhesaysgoatmilk have you worked with it much?
19:06.00Godseythe 400 has 2 onboard ATA100 and 2 SATA ports
19:06.14hmmhesaysahh, i'm hoping to find someone that has
19:06.14Godseywe ordered 50 of the 420sc too
19:06.21goatmilkbut i hate darn crappy docs
19:06.24Godseybut we're going to resell them all because we like the 400s better
19:06.48Godseybase price of 400sc w/ 128meg ram and 80gig drive w/ 3.2g p4 is $194 in lots of 100
19:06.59Godseyoops sorry 2.8p4
19:07.04Godseyand $320 for 1gig and 3.2g
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19:07.32PTG123got a website address?
19:07.44PTG123who makes them?
19:08.37Godseywe're dell resellers
19:08.44Godseytho we only use them for internal use mostly :)
19:08.47PTG123i didn't know they sold in volume :)
19:08.59Godseyya it's pretty neat
19:09.16Godseythey'll give you all online coupon discounts and rebates w/ out having to use them
19:09.24Godseyyou just call your rep and they'll bump the price down :)
19:09.39Godseyso you find good stuff on slickdeals and they'll apply it to an order of 100 :)
19:09.41PTG123we use to buy servers from dell
19:09.50PTG123but never liked the quality, eventually switched to supermicro
19:10.07GodseyI like lots of other brands better if $$ isn't an option :)
19:10.16PTG123i don't like dell ever since i went to b uy two $5k notebooks, and they wanted to chck my credit in order to allow me to use direct withdraw from my checking account
19:10.29PTG123they wanted to pull my credit so i could use cash :)
19:10.31GodseyI just don't think you can beat $320 for 3.2g p4 80gig drive and 1gig pc3200
19:10.32PTG123figure that one out
19:10.58Godseyyou have to know someone there :)
19:11.13Godseya friends boyfriend works for them and services huge accounts
19:11.20GodseyI ordered my wife's laptop through him
19:11.35Godseyand the receipt I got said I had a credit line of 150K :)
19:11.40PTG123i hung up and called compaq :)
19:11.43Godseythat was packed w/ the laptop
19:12.10Druken150k ?
19:12.22PTG123does dell make any tiny notebooks with high res screens?
19:13.03SlimeyI am using a dell x300 at the moment
19:13.12shankygood afternoon, anyone knows if is there any project to translate into spanish the asterisk documentation?
19:13.15Slimeyit's a small laptop, with 1024x768 screen
19:13.18shankythe handbook i mean
19:14.08PTG123i want higher res then that
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19:14.34NormAstGodsey: What could you sell them for 400SC / 420SC
19:14.53ltersanyone know if this patch/stuff: improves voice with *
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19:15.32jasonkhappy holidays all
19:15.58PTG123just run bsd :)
19:16.28jasonki have been pouring over the wiki and cant find something
19:16.42hmmhesaysis there  a gui out there for loggin in agents?
19:16.55jasonkcan you specify a particular context across an iax2 trunk?
19:17.18GodseyNormAst: 420 will sell for around $410
19:17.23Godseywe're an ISP :)
19:17.31Godseywe send out "specials" w/ invoices
19:17.46jasonklike Dial(iax2/other-server@${EXTEN}@context ?
19:18.34NormAstGodsey: CND ?
19:19.20NormAst:(  What kinda specs?
19:19.27enzo123anyone know what this is
19:19.33enzo123app_queue.c:322 changethread: Can't change device with no technology!
19:19.44Godsey420 have 512m ram and 80gig sata drive w/ 3.2g p4
19:19.46GodseyNO os
19:19.50ltersseems to only happen with the new cvs code.
19:20.00mishehuno os is good
19:20.09enzo123ive got a 420 at home
19:20.15enzo123running *
19:20.25enzo123noone knows that the error is ?
19:20.34enzo123google has nothing
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19:20.52Godseyenzo123 I think I've seen that before
19:21.09tzangerenzo123: what's the dialplan using that line look like
19:21.32enzo123it may be trying to dial a device that is offline
19:21.59Godseyyes I think I saw that when queue was trying to call memeber
19:22.09Godseyand I had member => SIP/1200 and there was no 1200 connected
19:22.31ltersGodsey: do you have a url for your 420's?
19:22.51Godseywe didn't buy them for resell but we just don't like them
19:22.57Godseywhich is why we'll be selling them eventually
19:23.03GodseyI don't handle that portion of the business
19:23.12GodseyI just run the sql, mail, www, and * machines
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19:27.46wiseguydoes anyone come to bcc, 21c3?
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19:28.42GodseyI setup ipkall
19:29.00Godseycan I just point it directly at my asterisk machine?
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19:32.27sektor195how do I make asterisk monitor sip peers?
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19:32.51sektor195sip show peers shows the status as unmonitored
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19:34.23net_foxxhey everyone
19:34.24NormAstthat will monitor the sip peers.
19:34.54redder86you just gotta think that 99% of these SG1 DVDs on sale at eBay coming from China are pirated
19:35.25sektor195thank you.
19:35.27Godseyhow can you pirate dvds? they're copy protected!
19:36.11Corydon-wGodsey: heh
19:36.22sektor195Normast I can just add that to the sip.conf file and it will go for all sip peers, even though the extensions and what not are stored in a mysql database?
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19:38.41NormAstHmmm: Try it...
19:38.46lterssektor195: are you using the realtime stuff?
19:39.04*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
19:40.13ltersyou should be able to add a field to your table called qualify
19:40.33ltersthan put the time like 1000 in the rows of the peers you want monitored.
19:40.53sektor195ok thanks
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19:47.18goatmilkare not
19:47.32mutilatorare so
19:47.47goatmilkwrong again!
19:47.55mutilatoris to!
19:48.33goatmilkverb preposition exclamation!
19:48.52*** part/#asterisk n4y (
19:49.10Atacommlol, Digium saying one has a larger booth at a VoIP tradeshow, larger than MS, isnt that  I'm surprised Microsoft even has a booth
19:49.35Atacommits like saying you have a larger booth than Toyota at a pet show
19:49.46mutilatorthey have those robot dogs!
19:49.49zoaMS is actually focussing on voip now
19:49.56cryzeckI have a question if anyone could care to help me :)
19:50.04implic1tzoa: not really
19:50.04Godseyms wants to own voip
19:50.15modulus_i think everyone does
19:50.16mutilatorcause they're smart
19:50.19modulus_and their brother
19:50.20mutilatorwhy wouldn't they
19:50.20wiseguyis what?
19:50.23Godseyyes they do, they want to integrate voip into their server platform
19:50.24cryzeckWhen i call from my softphone, i want to redirect the call so i can use my softphone to call out
19:50.28cryzeckis that a possibility
19:50.31*** join/#asterisk poseidon (
19:50.41cryzeckI have a SIP provider, and i can call in to the softphone, but i can not call out
19:50.43Atacommgodsey, thats far from doing it.
19:51.02Atacommtheir reliability hasn't been all that great for softswitch providers that run on Windows to begin with
19:51.03Godseynot hard
19:51.20Godseyall they have to do is buy cisco's callmanager :)
19:51.44TripleFFFhi all
19:51.49Atacommalmost a year ago we almost had a big order from Microsoft, they wanted SIP gear, but only gear that supported TCP SIP
19:51.59mutilatorugh callmanager.. i installed that and the mssql exploit hit the server before i could evne do window updates on it
19:51.59TripleFFFguys think someone already made a voice changer app for sip an *
19:52.04Atacommthey were working on some SIP project on WinCE
19:52.11goatmilkhey guys
19:52.18goatmilka keynote speaker at the 2005 VON
19:52.20goatmilkDr. Robert Pepper, Chief of Policy Development, FCC
19:52.36implic1tgoatmilk: damn
19:52.43implic1tgoatmilk: sucks
19:52.45goatmilkDr. Pepper!!!
19:52.50wiseguyhellow anyone uses cisco 17xx with bri?
19:53.00mutilatordr pepper rocks
19:53.11implic1tSER rocks
19:53.40Godseysip over tcp is easier to manage w/ firewalls right?
19:53.48Godseyfor connection tracking
19:55.40*** join/#asterisk heka (~heka@
19:55.43implic1tTripleFFF: you mean catching the rtp stream in the network and changing it?
19:56.00TripleFFFyes or xten plugin or something or asteirsk * based
19:57.15jasonkbye everyone
19:57.16implic1tTripleFFF: give me an hour & we'll talk about it
19:57.21*** part/#asterisk jasonk (~Jason@
19:57.25Godseymutilator: I don't let windows live on the internet :)
19:57.28TripleFFFimplic1t heeh
19:57.34TripleFFFimplic1t ok
19:57.53TripleFFFinstalling that enterprisse thing.. at 10k a pop it beter be worth it
19:58.15Godseyhah :)
19:58.26Godsey10k for stats :)
19:58.49pbdFor 10K, I'd expect the stats to print out in gold foil.
19:58.49Godsey"You over paid for meaningless information."
19:58.59TripleFFFthey do in fact
19:59.06Godseyweb stats are mainly worthless :)
19:59.09TripleFFFi remmeber being in the adult biz 10 years ago
19:59.18TripleFFFi changed one thing and my sales double
19:59.29pbdGive me webalizer and a decent DNS query, and I'm set.
19:59.29TripleFFFgoing form 20k per week to 40k per week byt that might just of been luck
19:59.30Godseywebtrends is a lame product for that
19:59.33Godseytry splithit :)
19:59.51pbdHmm.  If I change the statistics, my sales increase... I like that theory.
19:59.59pbdCan you turn a loss into profit that way, too?
20:00.10mutilatorGodsey: good philosophy
20:00.28wolfsonwebalizer is fast, small, and pretty much fool proof
20:00.52mutilatorwebalizer work on iis logs?
20:01.00pbdI've used webalizer once a month for 3 years.. on IIS logs.
20:01.12TripleFFFno i mean while looking at stats i figured what to change in my coding
20:01.21TripleFFF60% didnt have javascipt at the time
20:01.27TripleFFFso taking it out doubled my sales
20:01.28wolfsoni pushed a 10GB log file through it last night with no issues
20:01.37pbdThe windows version I've got (3 years old now, I look to change it but never get around to fixing what works) doesn't do DNS queries, but aside from that, is perfect.
20:01.40TripleFFFbut hhow to know then coudnt complete form coz of it was just a paiun
20:01.48Godseyand you needed stats to know javascript/flash/quicktime sucked? :)
20:01.56Moonwickand then he accidentally tapped an unknown market for porn involving rakes.
20:02.29GodseyTripleFFF: something you may want
20:02.34modulus_it's ok if you're a muslim
20:02.37Godseyalways design for the lowest common denominator
20:02.38modulus_a christian or a jew
20:02.46modulus_it's ok if you're agnostic and you don' know what to do
20:02.55modulus_an all-inclusive celebration
20:03.00modulus_no contractual obligation
20:03.06modulus_happy christmahanakwanzakuh to you!
20:03.46Godseyhappy? not merppy?
20:04.10mutilatormy entire website is pulled from Default.asp tho
20:04.23mutilatorlast i used webalizer was forever ago
20:04.36mutilatordoes it handle query strings well?
20:04.38GodseyI don't use stats anymore
20:04.45GodseyI do useability studies up front
20:04.52Godseyproactive, not reactive
20:05.15pbdGodsey- let me guess, you fire up ethereal and watch the port 80/443 HTTP requests as they stream? ;-)
20:05.29GodseyI do paper mock up sites
20:05.39Godseyand let people rate them and take notes about whats good/bad
20:05.53pbdGodsey- where do you get these 'people'?
20:06.04Godseymainly relatives
20:06.09Godseynot computer savvy people
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20:06.21mutilatorwe need to get some stats
20:06.31pbdin my experience, most of my 'people' tend to steer the wrong way entirely, since they don't know the biz.
20:06.32mutilatorsee how well our television ads are affecting webtraffic
20:06.35mutilatorand radio ads
20:06.40mutilatorand other kinds of stuff
20:07.13Godseydo you use special urls in ads?
20:07.30Mocdo you make the caller ID show in your enterprise ? with the 9 in front of the # or not ?
20:07.43mutilatorwell if i see 100,000 hits within 3 hours of an ad
20:07.45mutilatori know it's working
20:07.50Godseyno you don't
20:08.07mutilatorif i see my daily avg averages going up as a result of more advertising i know it's working
20:08.09Godseyunless your purpose is only to drive traffic to site
20:08.17Godseythe only numbers I care about are ROI
20:08.25Godseywhich means tracking ads w/ sales
20:08.30mutilatorwell everything happens on the site
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20:08.39mutilatorpeople signup & get their info via the sites
20:08.56Godseyso you mean 100k signups w/ 3 hours?
20:09.20Godseyhow do you seperate 1 ad from another?
20:09.27Godseysay people watch it on tv w/ tivo
20:09.38mutilatori live in northern michigan
20:09.41mutilatorno one owns a tivo
20:10.15TheLostOnI do mutilator... own a tivo
20:10.49mutilatoryou're also not going to be calling up our website
20:10.55mutilatoror phone number
20:11.50GodseyI don't think you need stats :)
20:12.04mutilatori don't need em
20:12.06wolfsonclients like pretty graphs
20:12.06mutilatori create em
20:12.17mutilatorother people look at em
20:12.28GodseyI had happy times w/ Kim in Pigeon Michigan :)
20:12.35Godseymet her on fidonet :)
20:12.50mutilatorthat fukin phone company is so gay
20:12.53tzangerthere's some memories
20:13.02tzanger1:519/221.77 or something like that
20:13.04tzangerI forget
20:13.11GodseyI was 1:3401/1
20:13.17tzangerI was a point
20:13.25GodseyI was a hub
20:13.30tzangerI thought I was 1408.77 or something
20:13.39tzangerI forget I was sure there was a 221 and a 519 in there but that's too many numbers
20:14.24tzangeryup 1:221
20:14.37mutilatorthat was before my day
20:15.00tzangeroh wow
20:15.13tzanger1:221/177 is K-W amateur BBS (was) -- that's where I first got my point
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20:15.46mutilatori was.. like 9 livin in a trailer house and our telephone was on a 'partyline'
20:16.15GodseyI had multi line maximus bbs :)
20:16.30tzangeryes k-w amateur bbs was maximus
20:16.32tzangerI hated maxiums
20:16.35tzangerer maximus
20:16.40GodseyI hated it but squish was fast
20:16.46implic1ttzanger: heh
20:16.52GodseyI used pcboard for files :)
20:16.59Godseybut that's a different story
20:17.00tzangerI was a telegard fan
20:17.07tzangerbut I was a pizza-faced 13 year old back then, it was elite
20:17.15Godseyi met cott lang author of renegade
20:17.47tzangerI was a remote op on the most hated BBS of the area: Ice-9 (519) 888-0085 and also a remote op on the highest-rated BBS of the area New Gold Dream (519) 744-something
20:17.47implic1tGodsey: what happened to your amigaing skilz
20:17.57tzangerI hated renegade at first but it grew on me
20:18.02tzangerRoboBBS was the nastiest POS there was
20:18.06tzangerearly GUI
20:18.10JonR800hexediting renegade.. oh yeah.
20:18.20tzangerI hexedited the BBS Doors and registered them :_)
20:20.13r0d3nt|mtelegard or death !!
20:20.19tzangeryou know it baby
20:20.37Godseyimplicit: amiga sucked for BBS
20:20.41TripleFFFhey lol i remmeber my first BBS soft install
20:20.43GodseyI ran C-net and paragon for a while
20:20.48r0d3nt|mi ran BBS's for years.. Anthrax BBS, and The Happy Bastard BBS in Sacramento for years and years...
20:20.53JonR800I liked the artsy stuff.. Obv/2.. Iniquity.. that stuff.
20:20.57Godseybut you had to run the damn thing in 16 colors or the modem rate sucked too bad
20:21.01TripleFFFon my SUPER DUPER 486 3.75 MHZ monochrome ;)
20:21.05MadCamelanyone know of a spftphone that supports multiple proxies and call forwarding between them?
20:21.12GodseyObv/2 Celerity were trojuned so bad :)
20:21.20r0d3nt|mi Started on my IBM XT, with 10mb HD, 9600 baud modem
20:21.21TripleFFFMadCamel xten
20:21.31TripleFFFyeah xt it was
20:21.40TripleFFFwhy the hell we hated clones at the time
20:21.50TripleFFFnow clone doesnt exist if open market basically
20:22.30Strom_TMi'm trying to remember when the last time I heard the words "IBM compatible" actually used to describe a PC
20:22.42Strom_TMhas to be at least ten if not twelve years
20:23.43mrunixStrom_TM: now everything is "internet compatible"
20:23.49mrunix"internet ups"  "internet mouse"
20:23.50dan2Strom_TM: my mom is so stupid she still calls my boxen ibm
20:24.25TripleFFFmine calls it THE BOX
20:24.36TripleFFFshut your box down and blah blah
20:24.38mrunixdanf: in a previous life, some of my customers used to think their local telephone company was at&t (when it is really sbc)
20:24.42MadCamelI remember the whole plug and play thing.. plug and play keyboards! pnp floppy drives! *snicker*
20:24.50file[laptop]I want a second LCD now
20:24.54TripleFFFplug and play g/f
20:25.07Godseymy mom calls it keyboard, tv, and system
20:25.14tzangerTripleFFF: no that's plug and plug and plug and plug and plug
20:25.16MadCamelif only. with g/f's it's plug and pray..
20:25.22TripleFFFyeah got a 21 a lappy screen and 21 lcd need another and some triple screen video cards
20:25.29TripleFFFtzanger klollol
20:25.41file[laptop]two 17' LCDs would be great
20:25.42implic1tTripleFFF: and a 21 y/o gf as well?
20:25.49implic1tor two 17 y/o gfs
20:25.51TripleFFFnah 23
20:25.57TripleFFFbut im still loking
20:26.00TripleFFFdarn im 31
20:26.00file[laptop]I should have gotten a second one...
20:26.06implic1ttood shit man!
20:26.11doolphwho can help me to test my asterisk server
20:26.13file[laptop]oh well!
20:26.15TripleFFFstarting to look at 20's girsl now
20:26.25Godsey21-22 is perfect
20:26.26implic1tmake sure your second one is younger
20:26.29Godseythey're about to get out of college
20:26.31implic1tGodsey: 20 is better
20:26.36Godseyand can smell the fear of having to make their own living
20:26.41implic1tGodsey: get them before they're ripe
20:26.48implic1tgo sub-20
20:26.51Godseyna 21 means you don't get busted for boozing em up
20:26.52TripleFFFill be 45 with one 30's one 20's and one well .. mayne half between
20:26.55cryzeckGah, i almost give up now!
20:26.58implic1tGodsey: lol
20:27.15implic1tTripleFFF: or maybe one half below
20:27.17Godseyand when you're 40, can you really tell the diff between 18 and 21? :)
20:27.19GodseyI don't think so :P
20:27.23file[laptop]so there's a storm and blizzard out, nothing can move... do I dare...
20:27.23cryzeckis there anyone here which is known with asterisk?
20:27.27implic1tGodsey: uh, yeah
20:27.30cryzecki really could need some help..
20:27.59file[laptop]ah temporarily closed
20:28.07Corydon-wA lot of people are "known with asterisk"
20:28.31Corydon-wWhat's the issue?
20:28.39TripleFFFgod webtrends sucks
20:29.15TripleFFFi started install it asked me for a mysql so i pointed my outside one.. ( without knoing it instals mysql in its own shit ) now i cant resintall.. always repair.. and nothngi works
20:29.22TripleFFFrefund or chargeback ?
20:29.43file[laptop]oh look, there just appears to be a subway sub on my desk
20:29.49file[laptop]how nice of me to leave myself that
20:30.55blitzrageahoi hoi all!
20:32.20*** join/#asterisk dano_ (
20:32.27MadCamelcomparing packet dumps of sip conversations, xten vs *.. I've hacked chan_sip.c to emulate xten perfectly.. yet xten works with broadvoice and * still doesn't
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20:33.22MadCamelthis is insane. and all I hear from anyone else is "works for me!" haha
20:34.08ysrwell, i've got a linux box stuck during install with a dirty disk error
20:34.22ysri have astwin on a windows box but thats not helping
20:34.30MadCamelahh. shouldn't have put so much porn on it.
20:34.34dano_where can I find more information on using variables i.e. ${EXTEN:1}?  I need to know how to ignore certain dial patterns.
20:34.36ysrand my real problem is trying to decide what kind of hardware interface i need
20:35.06drumkillaysr: what would you like to do?
20:35.33ysrwell, i want to run a line from my incoming t1 into my linux box
20:35.38ysrconfigure my t1 extensions
20:35.49ysrthen run the modified t1 back into a carrier systems adit unit
20:35.59ysrso it can be broken out into analog pairs
20:36.48drumkillaDigium sells quad-span T1 cards
20:36.53ysri have spoken with a digium sales representative a few times
20:37.05ysrand he basically told me i need to going t1 into the box and t1 out
20:37.27ysrbut i wasnt sure if it was possible to configure a quad unit to specify incoming and outgoing traffic
20:37.40ysron specific rj-45 ports
20:37.46bkw_in or out.. it doesn't matter to asterisk
20:37.47bkw_its a call
20:37.49drumkillawell, you can make it do whatever you want
20:37.56bkw_what drumkilla said
20:38.19ysrwell, that being said, i could also get two single port modules
20:38.22symlinkbkw_: LCDs rock
20:38.22ysrif i wanted..
20:38.25bkw_and if you find mr. res_config_mysql_because_i_am_too_dumb_to_setup_odbc.c tell him to fix that pile of shit
20:38.31ysrok, so lets assume the hardware isnt an issue
20:38.33*** part/#asterisk dano_ (
20:39.08drumkillaysr: well, you could do that, too.  But a quad would give you some room for expansion
20:39.23ysri am still not quite sure how i can configure asterisk to use the incoming voice t1, then configure, then output the modded signal to the analog setup
20:39.46bkw_channel bank
20:39.58ysrbasically, the end result im looking for is to pick up an analog line(get dialtone) that is run through the adit unit, but whose channels are configured with the asterisk pbx
20:40.13Strom_TM``...hi, I'd like to deposit a channel..."
20:40.14ManxPowerUseful Asterisk Docs (BOOKMARK THEM!): (look at the "Unofficial Links") and and (my site) and
20:40.16ManxPowerTo search the Asterisk mailing list archive go to and put in addition to your other query terms.
20:40.22bkw_ok let me tell ya
20:40.23symlinkyou silly silly people
20:40.24ManxPowerThose two macros are a n00b's friend.
20:40.32bkw_its easy
20:40.39bkw_over thinking is a major problem in this world
20:40.41symlinkohhhhhhh bkw?
20:40.45bkw_case in point.. h.323 and sip
20:40.46Drukenbkw_: are you being a prick today ?? :)
20:40.53bkw_symlink you suck
20:41.13bkw_he's missed a little
20:41.19symlinkjust a little
20:41.30*** part/#asterisk progcaribou (
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20:41.31dalaberaHi, ALL, Does anyone knows is there gonna be a future firmware realease for the IAXY? New codecs for it?
20:41.47drumkillanew codecs?  no
20:41.48tzangerdalabera: HIGHLY doubtful
20:41.55ysrwell, you say i am over thinking things
20:41.59tzangerthe processor on it is very low-performance
20:41.59doolphwho was xten
20:42.03wolfsonthere have been updates in cvs, but no changelogs. changelogs would be nice
20:42.06ysrare you sayings it is basically a plug and go system
20:42.14tzangeryou do your codec conversion on a regular PC
20:42.15drumkillathe firmware gets updated, though
20:42.15ysrbecause i was looking at the source
20:42.24ysrand reading some of the channel configs
20:42.37ysrand well, i just dont see how the ip traffic would have automatic routing
20:42.40ManxPowerysr: Get one piece working at a time.
20:42.48dalaberais ILBC is free to implement why wasn't incorporated in the IAXY, instead of ADPCM?
20:42.59ManxPowerdalabera: Um, there are new firmware releases every month or two.
20:43.02symlinkdalabera: because iLBC is one hell of an intensive codec
20:43.25ManxPowerdalabera: the IAXy is dumb as a rock.  It doesn't have the CPU or the memory for anything except ULAW/ALAW and ADPCM
20:43.37drumkillai love my iaxy
20:43.49MocI hear of people loving and other hating it..
20:43.51Mocit weird
20:43.57ManxPowerWell, ok it's slightly less dumb than a rock
20:43.58drumkillaI plug it into any network and it just works
20:44.29mutilatoraut ip routing..
20:44.30ManxPowerMoc: It all depends on what they expect.   People that researched the IAXy before buying them are generally the happy ones.  The ones that just bought an IAXy without researching it tend to hate them.
20:44.33*** join/#asterisk dano_ (
20:44.35dalaberaManxpower, good point, where do find firmware updates? CVS?
20:44.35mutilatorsounds like ipv6!
20:44.56ManxPowerdalabera: No.  firmware updates are part of Asterisk.  look for iaxy.bin or something like that.
20:44.57MocWell I got my sipura and i like them
20:44.58drumkilladalabera: they are included with Asterisk in cvs
20:45.05ysrwell, is there anyone willing to tell me that my plan will at least work
20:45.10ysrbefore i go out and buy the hardware
20:45.14ManxPowerdalabera: The IAXy will autoupgrade it's firmware when connected to a properly set up asterisk server.
20:45.15drumkillaand the iaxy will auto-update
20:45.18ysri could put in a quadcard
20:45.21drumkillaysr: it will work  :)
20:45.37ManxPowerysr: It should work.  Read the wiki and the mailing list archives.
20:45.44dano_how do I ignore digits other than the first, such as with ${EXTEN:1}?  I need to ignore digits throughout the dial string...
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20:45.55ysrnow...who knows how to skip a file during a red hat install when it cant be found
20:45.57ManxPowerFor example some channel banks don't support FXO disconnect supervision, therefore you will have lines stuc off hook.
20:45.58drumkillathroughout the string?
20:46.01drumkillalike in the middle?
20:46.06ManxPowerBut that's not an Asterisk issue, that's a channel bank issue.
20:46.08dano_drumkilla: yes
20:46.26ManxPowerysr: almost everyone that does NOT prototype and build test astrisk systems before deploying fail miserably.
20:46.35drumkilladano_: AGI is probably best for that
20:46.40dano_integrating with an old PBX as a voicemail system and need to direct calls using the mode-code, which is full of #'s
20:47.05drumkillaerrr... waves
20:47.10file[laptop]that's better
20:47.17drumkillaquite a typo, there
20:47.17daminCheap Ram: 512 megs for $68.
20:47.41BoRiSWhat did you buy?
20:47.54file[laptop]BoRiS: a Samsung 17' LCD and a Kodak CX7525
20:48.08drumkillaI bought an LCD the other day, too  :)
20:48.17file[laptop]I want a second one now
20:48.23BoRiSI know
20:48.23Mocthe best voIP hardware store I found is voipsupply
20:48.31BoRiSI love my LCD...It looks much better then my CRT
20:48.39ysrManx: what did you mean by prototype and test
20:49.02Mocyea 2x17" LCD is great...
20:49.08Mocbut 3x17" is better ;)
20:49.15drumkillahow about 2x20"
20:49.15BoRiSAll LCD is better
20:49.26drumkillaor 3x20"!
20:49.32MocI dont like bigger than 17" LCD
20:49.37file[laptop]so there's a storm and blizzard here, and everything is shut down
20:49.42Mocbut I like having multiple screen thought ;)
20:49.46drumkillafile[laptop]: that's what you get for living in Canada  :p
20:49.53mutilator52" lcd laptop is a lil much for even me
20:50.17Mocis voipsupply being made by someone in here ?
20:50.29BoRiSYeah.... ME!
20:50.31mutilatorwhat store
20:50.37ManxPowerysr: I mean build a system similar to what you want to deploy and see if it works, see what issues you find, and what problems you have to solve.
20:50.52mutilatorwhere ya at?
20:51.16wolfsonjust make sure voipsupply reallys has the item in stock, they have a habbit or charging your CC, then saying its back ordered
20:51.24MocIm in Canada
20:51.32BoRiSAll three in canada
20:52.04*** part/#asterisk dano_ (
20:52.54mutilator.. mysql doin 3.7 million selects then some calculations/conversions then 3.7 million updates takes FOREVER
20:52.58mutilatorjust fyi :P
20:53.43modulus_how long is FOREVER?
20:53.52BoRiS3 seconds?
20:54.15*** join/#asterisk cuban (
20:54.22cubanHey everyone.
20:54.38cubanWhat's the best way to get my two damn Digium cards off the same IRQ?
20:54.43file[laptop]BoRiS BoRiS BoRiS
20:54.47ysrok, question about selectable ports
20:54.48cubanMy TDM and my T100P are sharing IRQ 11.
20:54.58ysrif i one one input port and one output port
20:55.19ysrand i wanted to use two single port pci cards
20:55.26ysrdo they each need to be the selectable cards
20:57.31*** join/#asterisk enzo123 (
20:57.52enzo123bkw_ you around ?
20:58.06*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
21:01.19enzo123anyone know where the patch is for dundi stable
21:01.57drumkillait was on the bugtracker
21:02.19implic1tenzo123: dundi is not stable
21:02.22*** join/#asterisk kimosabe (~kimo@
21:02.25enzo123saw some post from bkw that he had it on his site for a while.. bu its gone
21:02.29implic1tit is unnnnsttaaablble
21:02.41implic1tso when you put hte patch you get a 'unstable' build i guess
21:02.47enzo123i havent had a crash yet in head
21:02.56implic1tenzo123: cause you havn't 'tried' to crash it
21:03.12implic1tenzo123: i'm serious
21:05.42kimosabecan i get a hand with my fxo card
21:06.07drumkillakimosabe: too heavy?
21:06.28kimosabeheheheh kinda
21:06.38kimosabedrumkilla canu helpme
21:06.50drumkillawhat kind of card is it?
21:06.51goatmilkdude he can't even help himself
21:07.00jbotgoatmilk is probably silly silly
21:07.11blitzragewb kram !
21:07.21kimosabeDec 27 16:01:07 NOTICE[245775]: app_dial.c:743 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap'
21:07.33drumkillawhere did you buy it?
21:07.39jbotmethinks drumkilla is the Asterisk v1.0-stable maintainer.  ph33r him.
21:07.57jbotACTION is broken
21:08.14kimosabedigium i already called just getting message
21:08.31drumkillakimosabe: ok, pastebin your zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
21:11.02drumkilladoes it show up under "zap show channels" ?
21:11.16kramis something wrong with digium tech support today?
21:11.31Prowler1lol you tring to call?
21:11.35denonhaving problems with the pbx?
21:11.41denondamn lucent crap <G>
21:12.20kramwell i'm just wondering why drumkilla is having to do tech support instead of our tech support department
21:12.30Prowler1lol think he likes it
21:12.38drumkillai'm addicted
21:12.39denonisnt that what we do here?
21:12.44drumkillaaccording to my previous employer.
21:12.52*** join/#asterisk djMax (
21:12.56drumkillai'm not even kidding
21:13.43Prowler1its fun till you got to explain how to use a mouse over and over again
21:14.46kramwell, i just want to be sure it's not a failure at our end, if that makes any sense.
21:14.59Prowler1do you ant me to call and see?
21:15.00drumkillakimosabe: well, first off, in zaptel.conf, it should be fxsks, not fxoks
21:15.06drumkillaan fxo card uses fxs signalling
21:15.20kimosabedrum killa i just changed that
21:15.37kimosabeand no it doesnt show in zap show channels
21:16.03drumkillais the module loaded?
21:16.29kimosabeztcfg -vv comand right
21:16.44kimosabethe asterisk -vvvgc
21:16.54djMaxanybody using Level3 VoIP with *?
21:17.29drumkillais ztcfg successful?
21:17.40enzo123djMax i know someone that is
21:17.44drumkillahave you retried after changing that line in zaptel.conf?
21:18.00*** join/#asterisk net_foxx (
21:18.20djMaxenzo123, are they happy in life? :)
21:18.54enzo123djMax yeah think so .. they only do TDM hand off
21:19.26*** join/#asterisk lattice (
21:19.39drumkillakimosabe: zap show channels?  still not there?
21:19.54djMaxah, ok.  thx.  I'm just trying to get small business phone service with direct inward dial, which others in the room can attest has seemingly been a never ending story for me.
21:19.57drumkillaanyway, i've got to run - sorry.  Have Digium tech support call you back if they are busy
21:20.37djMaxkimosabe I'm coming in late to whtever your problem is, but have you verified that the linux modules are loaded?
21:22.14*** join/#asterisk dca (
21:22.16kimosabeztcfg -vv
21:22.41dcahi, has anyone had upd checksum errors when using 7960's with 7.X firmware?
21:22.50kimosabewhen i do a zap show channells it says  psuedo    default
21:23.04drumkillakimosabe: lsmod
21:23.07*** join/#asterisk chuckster (
21:23.11djMaxhow about lsmod?
21:23.24djMaxlook for a zaptel line
21:23.37djMaxand a wcfxs line
21:23.49kimosabewcfxo                   7200   0  (unused)
21:23.50kimosabezaptel                173696   4  [wcfxo]
21:24.11drumkillawcfxo is correct
21:24.15goatmilkah ha!
21:24.26djMaxyou have a tdm04 or what?
21:24.37kimosabeno x100p
21:24.48djMaxoh.  Shouldn't it be the wcfxs module then?
21:25.04djMaxI have a TDM04, which is 4x an x100p, and no wcfxo module loaded, but wcfxs.
21:25.08djMax(and it all works fine)
21:25.23drumkillaright, different card, different module
21:25.30goatmilkah ha!
21:25.41kimosabethats the interupts
21:25.41djMaxok, fair nuff.  goatkilla what are you holding back?
21:25.41drumkillawcfxo is for the x100p
21:26.03drumkillawxfxs, and now wctdm in head, is for the TDM card  :)
21:26.26kimosabedjmax what do you think
21:26.31djMaxpah, I meant "goatmilk" :)
21:26.35file[laptop]a stranger's just a friend you haven't met
21:26.39file[laptop]and if they're bkw, RUN AWAY
21:27.18djMaxI wish I had an answer, but nothing coming to mind at the moment.
21:27.21ManxPowerIRQ 15 with XT-PIC?
21:28.04ManxPowerIf anyone would bother to read the zaptel readme (included in the zaptel source) they would see a list of cards and the drivers for them
21:28.19redder86IRQ 15 with XT-PIC was generally used for IDE 2
21:28.21kimosabemanxpower all say xt-pic
21:28.23eKo1silly question: can one include in an include as so on?
21:28.29ManxPowerfile[laptop]: Um, actually a stranger is just an axe murderer you don't know yet.
21:28.37ManxPowerkimosabe: The 15 is unusual
21:29.02djMaxso Vonage latency is total crap, are VoicePulse and/or Broadvoice orders of magnitude better?
21:29.04implic1teKo1: yes
21:29.15kimosabebut all say xt-pic
21:29.25eKo1i see
21:29.41goatmilkkimosabe: out of curiosity, what kernel?
21:29.59kimosabeusing xircom bootdisk
21:30.02eKo1now what if i have circular includes?
21:30.19kimosabeLinux rapid 2.4.27-1-386
21:30.26implic1teKo1: never tried
21:30.36drumkillathe compiler probably takes care of that
21:30.40eKo1would that break things?
21:30.40*** part/#asterisk djin (
21:31.10djMaxlet's say it would break things, because I can't think of why there would be a reason to have circular refs
21:31.13enzo123is it normal for mpg123 to leave open processes ?
21:31.24goatmilkeKo1: each include file has a #ifndef THISFILE_H_ #define THISFILE_H_ ... rest of file #endif
21:31.37goatmilkeKo1: it wont break, it's just sloppy.
21:31.43eKo1oh good
21:32.05goatmilkeKo1: it will break w/o the #ifdef usage though.  otherwise you'll be redefining types => grumpy compiler
21:32.40eKo1eh, wait a moment, i'm not talking about .h files. I'm talking about includes in the .conf files
21:32.45djMaxI think eK01 means conf
21:32.48goatmilksomehow i think blogs are for people who suck at irc.
21:35.02ManxPowereKo1: There are two kinds of includes.  #include and include =>
21:35.33ManxPowerA # include works just like in C or any other language that supports it.  include => is an asterisk specific thing that works slightly differently
21:35.42*** part/#asterisk dca (
21:36.00bkw_thats file
21:36.00djMaxand circular refs in include=>?
21:36.16file[laptop]yup that's me
21:37.15goatmilkfile[laptop]: now show us a picture of bkw
21:38.32file[laptop]there he is
21:38.38implic1t#include is a preprocessor directive anyway, how it's dealt with varies
21:38.49bkw_yes thats me
21:38.56bkw_implic1t where is your picture?
21:39.13eKo1nice head set
21:39.15implic1tbkw_: don't have one
21:39.20NormAstHA HA HA
21:39.37chucksternewbie question:  got the TDM400P card, can i load its driver with "modprobe wctdm"?  the docs state to use "modprobe wcfxs".  i get a "command not found" error.
21:39.39implic1tbkw_: just watching tv for a little while
21:39.58ManxPowerIf anyone would bother to read the zaptel readme (included in the zaptel source) they would see a list of cards and the drivers for them
21:40.17chuckstergood i read 'em.  just checking.
21:40.38ManxPowerchuckster: the name of the driver changed in CVS-HEAD.  It IS the developement version of Asterisk.
21:40.51eKo1bkw_ and file[laptop]: how much do you guys weigh?
21:41.19ysrdoes anyone know exactly how the caller ID broadcast is handled
21:41.49file[laptop]eKo1: no clue, enough
21:41.50ManxPowerysr: SIP, MGCP, H323, SCCP, Analog USA, E&M, or PRI?
21:41.55djMaxwhat the heck is going on in this channel? :)
21:42.02ysranalog USA
21:42.03implic1tfile[laptop]: you are fairly thin are you not?
21:42.04eKo1at least 200 lbs
21:42.17ManxPowerdjflux: We've been invaded by n00bs.
21:42.26file[laptop]implic1t: maybe, maybe not
21:42.27enzo123boobs ?
21:42.30goatmilkTO THE BAT CAVE!
21:42.36implic1tenzo123: lots of them
21:42.37ysrlast i checked FFT converted frequency into tim
21:42.39ManxPowerysr: analog USA is sent as FSK between the first and second ring.
21:43.03ysrinverse FFT would have to create frequency from time, or something
21:43.27eKo1ysr: wtf are you talking about?
21:43.36goatmilki'm leaving.  it's dead here.  later
21:43.50ysrim talking about the callerid.c file
21:43.51ManxPowerysr: If your equipment supports USA Caller*ID then it JUST WORKS.
21:44.04ysrsome of the comments say there is an inverse FFT algorithm going on
21:44.17ysrso i assume it takes the caller ID config and transforms that into a frequency
21:44.18eKo1just works <-- that should be the slogan for asterisk...not
21:44.22ManxPowerysr: Your questions are better suited for the asterisk-dev mailing list
21:44.36ysryea, you might be right
21:44.46ysrbut you guys are so much more anxious to help
21:44.58ysrand seem to point me in better directions
21:45.04*** join/#asterisk DannyF (
21:45.08djMaxI suppose one last question before you go to dev - "What are you really trying to do?"
21:45.16*** join/#asterisk jesse_132 (~Jesse@
21:45.18DannyFHello folks
21:45.36jesse_132hi, has anyone used ... looking to buy the polycom soundpoint ip 300 from them...
21:45.38ysri want to hook up my analog lines to the asterisk PBX
21:45.48djMaxjesse_132, They are great
21:45.58DannyFheard good things about the Polycoms
21:46.00ManxPowerysr: How many analog lines?
21:46.04ysrand im particularly concerned with my ability to give a diff caller ID to each line
21:46.05denonjesse_132: I'd talk to atacomm .. they're pretty reliable
21:46.06djMaxgreat support, great price.  We've also used
21:46.12jesse_132djMax, and do you work with them :)
21:46.16djMaxnot at all.
21:46.17jesse_132djMax, cool
21:46.18ManxPowerysr: You cannot set outgoing callerid for analog lines.
21:46.31djMaxwe've bought 6 phones, 2 Poly300s, 3 500s
21:46.37ManxPowerysr: Why not get a PRI or CT1 for 24 lines?
21:46.49djMaxthe problem you may have is supply... At various times each of those suppliers has gone on major back order.
21:46.51jesse_132djMax, did you see a big diff in the ip300 and ip500?
21:47.08DannyF<--- just needs some moral support :)
21:47.12djMaxthe biggest difference is the lack of a speakerphone on the 300, which killed them for us.
21:47.20ysrfrom what i heard you can set the outgoing callerID for each line as long as you bring the entire asterisk system down each time you do
21:47.30ysryou can only set it on the fly when using outbound t1
21:47.35eKo1DannyF: go to church
21:47.37ysrthats what digium said anyways
21:47.39ManxPowerysr: You heard wrong.
21:47.42DannyFeKo1 ;)
21:47.45djMaxbut the telco won't pay attention to your CID change ysr
21:47.46jesse_132djMax, the ip300 is no longer stocked at many places...  I think it may be discontinuing soon
21:47.54ManxPoweryou cannot set outbound callerid when using analog lines and sending to the telco.
21:48.00ysrwell, the analog lines are t1 based
21:48.04ysrim just breaking the t1 out
21:48.14djMaxah, interesting complication.
21:48.15DannyFeKo1 dont think they would appreciate the cursing i'm doing over my non answering * system ;)
21:48.18ysrso, i was told my telco might support it, and might not
21:48.37ManxPowerysr: analog "lines" means "lines to the telco" or "lines to analog phones"?
21:48.45djMaxtelco's so need to crumble.  I can not understand how little they seem to know about their own busienss.
21:48.48ysrlines to analog phones
21:48.52ysri have a voice t1
21:48.57ysri split it into 24 analog lines
21:48.58Drukenysr, why would you make a digital line into analog and then bring it into asterisk ?
21:49.12ysrim not, im bringing a digital line into asterisk
21:49.17ysrthen splitting it into analog
21:49.44ysrits just a simple breakout panel
21:49.52ysryou can insert the rj-45 cable into an adit
21:50.05Drukenit's a channelbank
21:50.11ysryea yea
21:50.14ysrbut anyways
21:50.36ysrafter it is split into 24 pairs
21:50.39Drukenso you bring the t1 into asterisk, and the channel bank into asterisk, and then your set
21:50.51ysrwhich gets back to the original plan
21:51.07ysrto allow asterisk to set the outgoing callerid on each "analog" line
21:51.11djMaxman, what cards do you have in the asterisk box to make that work?
21:51.29ysri dont have them yet
21:51.36ysri was in here earlier
21:51.45ysrthey said i could use a quad card
21:51.45Drukenysr, set an accountcode per zap channel on the channel bank, then set the outgoing caller id when dialing...
21:51.50Drukenwuts so hard?
21:51.56ysrwell, the question is
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21:52.05ysrhow will the asterisk system know which line is which
21:52.23ysri dont know how to say "here is analog line 1, its outbound callerid should be X"
21:52.40Drukeneach channel on the channelbank will be static
21:52.41djMaxthat depends on what cards you're using, but suffice to say it's easy
21:53.03djMaxunless I don't understand how the channel bank is interfacing to *
21:53.04ManxPowerysr: You set callerid on FXS lines using zapata.conf OR SetCallerID, SetCIDNum in the dialplan.  On yhe fly,
21:53.06*** join/#asterisk lters (
21:53.21ysrwell, i was told on the fly wouldnt work
21:53.27ManxPowerysr: You were told WRONG.
21:53.37ManxPowerWith FXS ports you have total control.
21:53.40Drukenyou were told incorrect
21:53.52*** join/#asterisk zane1 (
21:53.52ysrwell, we have a pattern going at least
21:53.54djMaxdid you ask them in the context of a particular card or line type?
21:53.57ManxPowerNow, you cannot change the DEFAULT callerid on the fly.  But you can set it on a call by call basis using the dialplan
21:54.04zane1hey everyone
21:54.20ysri want an internal line to be able to go off hook
21:54.22ysrand make a call
21:54.26ysrfrom an analog phone line
21:54.30ManxPowerysr: Where will they be calling?
21:54.32ysrand have its callerID to be set
21:54.38ysri dont know
21:54.51ysrwherever they need to call i guess
21:54.57ysrmainly us and canada i would suspect
21:55.00Drukenysr, do yourself a favour.. :) sell all your equipment, and get analog phones, and let your telco do it for you
21:55.12ysrno way
21:55.15ManxPowerysr: If they are calling another phone on the phone system then there's no problem.  If they are callng the PSTN then your telco will ignore the callerid and set it to whatever they want.
21:55.23zane1hey has anyone found any Asterisk friendly VoIP providers that do Caller ID W/Name???
21:55.39ysrwell, i was told the telco will either let it through the way i set it
21:55.45ysror drop the call completely, not overwrite it
21:55.46djMaxor do the opposite, get a PRI/T1 into * "whole" and do it all in the system
21:55.47ManxPowerzane1: They don't exist since the Callerid name is set on the terminating telco
21:55.56ManxPowerysr: ONLY for PRI
21:56.18DrukenManxPower: he has a pri
21:56.22jbotdaily asterisk news is probably for html and for rss
21:56.23djMaxI don't see how you would reliably get 24 analog lines into * all broken out
21:56.23zane1ManxPower: I'm not talking about setting name. Just receiving it.
21:56.26ZX81re iax codec prefs
21:56.27ManxPowerDruken: He said he had a T-1.
21:56.27Drukenhe's trying to be a small telco
21:56.42Drukenhe said a voice t1
21:56.44Drukenmeaning pri
21:56.58ysrit is provided through time warner telecom
21:57.00ysri called them
21:57.00zane1ManxPower: sorry I should have specified that.
21:57.01Drukenhe's trying to be a small telco
21:57.02ManxPowerDruken: "voice t-1" usually means "CT1" in my experience.
21:57.09*** join/#asterisk Michelinux (
21:57.09ysrand they said they only "support" setting it themselves
21:57.22ysrthey said that they werent sure how their implementation worked
21:57.22ManxPowerysr: Then change telcos
21:57.28ysrand that they would either drop the call
21:57.37ysror let it through however they received it
21:57.41Drukenagain, i hate stupid people with money
21:57.41djMaxyeah, and if you find one that will sell a PRI for less than $500, let me know. :)
21:57.49ysri dont have any interest in being a small telco
21:57.56ManxPowerSome telcos let you set any callerid for outgoing PRI calls, some only let you set it to a number in your DID block, some don't let you set it at all.
21:57.56ysri just want control over my caller ID
21:58.00Michelinuxheya all, could someone help me wetting up h.323_channel ? I'm getting a EndByRefusal ...
21:58.01ysrand i cant find a good way to do it
21:58.22Drukenysr, your not making any sence
21:58.22djMaxI think, if I can be so bold as to summarize, the general idea is that if you want to set CID you must get the PRI into * as a single rj45
21:58.51ysrright, so i run my incoming t1 straight into *
21:59.00ysrthen run it back out of * into a channel bank
21:59.09djMaxwhat do you mean "back out"?
21:59.16ManxPowerysr: If you call a PRI a T-1 people will be terribly confuzzled and give you wrong answers.
21:59.19Connor-Moc, you around?
21:59.32ysrok, here is what i know
21:59.40ysri ordered two t1 lines
21:59.43ysrfrom time warner telecom
21:59.45djMaxyou don't want to use SIP phones on the "inside" of the * installation, is that what you mean?
21:59.47ysrone we use for data
21:59.51ysrthe other we use for voice
21:59.56ManxPowerdjMax: He apparently wants PRI to telco, analog to desks.  Exactly like the system I've been running for a year.
22:00.02DrukenManxPower: he's bringing in a pri, then has 24 FXS ports on a channel bank, which uses the same pri type interface
22:00.16djMaxgod damn I wish I could get what he's getting from TW Telecom.
22:00.25ManxPowerDruken: I don't know of a channel bank that supports PRI.
22:00.42djMaxahhhhh, so he would have to get a PRI "output" card for *?
22:00.48ysrmanx: i do want the system you have
22:00.53ManxPowerDigium cards support E&M, PRI, and Challenized T-1
22:00.59ysrtelco to * asterisk to desks
22:01.02djMaxManxPower how are you interfacing to your analog sets?
22:01.25ysrand yes, i do want the desks to be analog
22:01.27Drukenprobably with a FXS channel bank
22:01.33ManxPowerdjMax: TDM400P, but if the office manager wasn't a cheap bitch we would have used a channel bank.
22:01.54ysrso someone told me to run telco straight into *
22:01.59djMaxok, so then ysr is all set.
22:02.05ManxPowerysr: anyone with a brain will tell you that.
22:02.15ysrand for me to put either two single port boards, or a quad port board in my box (for expandability)
22:02.28ysrand configure one port to handle the incoming telco
22:02.43ysrand configure another to send the line into my channel bank to break into the analog
22:02.47djMaxManxPower, how many TDM400P's
22:03.08djMaxysr, how many analog sets will you need?
22:03.25ysrwell, only 24 lines for now
22:03.32DrukenManxPower: send me a TDM400P :)
22:03.33ysrbut eventually i would expand i guess
22:03.53ysrmy channel bank supports 48
22:04.06djMaxso then it's possible to get a PRI into * via a TE410P, and then interface back "out" to a channel bank via the same card?
22:04.07ysrand the power supply it has can support up to 6 channel banks or something i think
22:04.11Drukenysr: why not go voip, rather then the pain in the ass of analog?
22:04.21djMaxseems obvious I guess, but I never thought it could work that way
22:04.42ysrmainly just because we use a lot of modem connections and things
22:04.53ManxPowerdjMax: 3 TDM400Ps
22:04.55ysrwhere we have specific frequency detection patterns set
22:05.05ysrand voip gives some strange signals sometimes
22:05.08ysrthrows everything off
22:05.21Drukenwell, if your doing modems, then it's not voice is it?
22:05.25djMaxit sounds like setting CID should work fine in your setup
22:05.28ManxPowerThe office manager had a budget for the phone system, so she only ordered one TDM400P card, then once the office opened up and she was on a different budget wanted more ports.
22:05.47ysrwell, people tell me that sometimes
22:05.53ysrother times they say the telco will drop it
22:06.08ysrother times they say they dont know how i should interface with *
22:06.10ManxPowerysr: Asterisk latency varience can cause problems with modem connections faster than 9600
22:06.16ysrbasically im all confused
22:06.19djMaxthere are two parts to the question... Will * set it and transmit it properly, and will the telco pay attention.
22:06.29djMaxNobody in this room would dare to answer the second part of that question.
22:06.31ysras far as *
22:06.39ManxPowerAsterisk will transmit it correctly.  The second part is anyone's guess
22:06.48ManxPowerBut the telco will NOT ever accept CLID name.
22:06.50ysrim just concerned that i can pick up an analog phone, get a dialtone, and call out...
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22:06.57ysrthat call needs to go to the channel bank
22:06.59ManxPowerThe telco will stuff whatever name is accosiated with the number.
22:07.01ysrthen go to asterisk
22:07.10ysrthen go back to telco
22:07.10djMaxdo you have the telco PRI installed already?
22:07.24ysrwe need to clarify this voice t-1/PR1 business
22:07.31ysrit was sold to me as a "voice t1"
22:07.39ManxPowerysr: A voice t-1 is not a PRI.
22:07.41pbdDjMax:  I have yet to see a telco accept CIDNAM from anyone.. CIDNUM is a given over PRI.
22:07.43djMax23 voice channels + 1 data channel?
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22:07.49ManxPowerA voice t-1 is a voice t-1
22:08.06djMaxyeah, CIDNAM really just means "should the telco do a database lookup and append some crap" I would imagine
22:08.21ManxPowerysr: PRI is a special protocal that runs on top of a T-1.
22:08.23pbdI've dealt with PRIs in about 5 states now- and with a bunch of RBOCs, CLECs, and ILECs... they just don't take name.
22:08.32ysrok, so voice t1 is a voice t1
22:08.37ysrand so that must be what i have
22:08.43ysrso why all the PRI talk
22:08.49djMaxpbd, got any recommendations for PRI sellers in New England (Boston)?
22:08.57ysrand given my lack of a PRI, im screwed?
22:09.01pbdysr- a voice T1 has all 24 channels for voice... a PRI has only 23, but with a lot more call control options.
22:09.08pbddj: No. :)
22:09.30pbddj: Most of the time, I stick to RBOCs for PRIs, it's more expensive- but I find they tend to work better.
22:09.32djMaxManxPower, but theoretically can he send outgoing CID on a voice T-1
22:09.32ysrwe have all 24 voice channels
22:09.43djMaxyeah, our problem is we only need 5-6 lines
22:09.54ysrmanx: what djMax said
22:09.56*** join/#asterisk wmoran (
22:10.03pbdBellAtlantic.. er.. Verizon.. er.. whomever they are this year, is as bad as any other.
22:10.04ManxPowerdjMax: Not that I've ever heard of.
22:10.09symlinkrboc, non-rboc, blended, ugh
22:10.21wmoranAny news of modprobe xcfxo failing after an upgrade?
22:10.27ysrhas anyone ever heard of a "software orangebox"?
22:10.40djMaxManxPower, and finally, is that because no telco ever accepts it or because voice t-1's just don't have a signalling protocol for outgoing CID?
22:10.43wmoranI get a "init_module: No such device"
22:10.45pbddj: 5-6 lines.. which would say POTS, but you want to signal your own CID?
22:10.56ManxPowerDJ-Pyro: Both.
22:10.57djMaxpbd all I really want is direct inward dial.
22:11.02pbddj:  Sounds like a case for (expensive) ISDN BRI circuits! djMax Both.
22:11.02djMaxBut maybe I should just plain give up on that.
22:11.25djMaxok, so the ysr, I attempt a revised summary.  You're screwed without a PRI
22:11.36pbddj: You can do analog DID's as well- they're kind of fading out, and not supported (as far as I know) by anything Digium makes.
22:11.56djMaxyeah, I tried desperately for that and finally XO just gave up and said they couldn't do it.
22:12.04djMaxThen said they could give us a partial PRI, but no caller id.
22:12.07*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
22:12.12brc_~seen atacomm
22:12.13jbotatacomm is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 7 messages.  Is idling for 2h 20m 9s
22:12.14ysrmanx: the software orangebox thing i found
22:12.29ysrit basically lets you type in the name and number you want for your outgoing CID
22:12.52ysrand saves a .wav file that sounds like some crazy fax machine sound
22:12.53pbddj- is it inbound CID or outbound CID that you want?
22:12.58ManxPowerdjMax: CT1 doesn't have a protocol for providing CID either, but some telcos fake it by prepending the callerid number to the incoming DID and let the local PBX sort it out.  No support for CLID name, of course.
22:13.04djMaxinbound, simple kind.
22:13.06wolfsonysr, that is likely call waiting caller id
22:13.23ysrwell, they said it has to be played over the phone line
22:13.28brc_Atacomm, beep
22:13.29ysrafter the answering party has picked up
22:13.32ysrso maybe you are right
22:13.35djMaxyeah, XO said the reason was that they don't have a data channel on that product.
22:13.37wolfsonthats not caller id
22:13.41ManxPowerysr: That device does not work the way you would expect it to.
22:13.50ysryes, i am not planning on using it
22:13.55ysrit was some junky shareware program
22:14.00pbddj: One odd thing is that CIDNAM is supported at an extra cost by most of the RBOCs I've dealt with.  They also swear you have to pay for CIDNUM, but I've never gotten a PRI without it, or paid for it.
22:14.03ysrbut it made me think
22:14.19ysrthat maybe outbound caller id is just sent as a voice signal over the analog line
22:14.23ysrwhich i assumed could be imitated
22:14.35pbddj: I'd start my talking with Verizon out there, just to use it as leverage with XO if necessary.
22:14.37enzo123djmax you use XO ?
22:14.40wmoranWhat does "init_module: No such device" mean?
22:14.42wolfsonits call waiting cid, which you can spoof, since its sent after the call is picked up
22:14.44ManxPowerysr: It is.  Sent BEFORE the caller can send audio.
22:14.46*** part/#asterisk eKo1 (~abc@
22:14.47wmoranWhat such device is it talking about?
22:15.05djMaxat the moment yes, but that's only because XO sold us analog DID, installed it, and then said "oh, actually, no, we can't do that"
22:15.06MadCamelI'm thinking of shelling out $60 for xlite's xpro but I need to know if it does something: I'm looking to have it act as a proxy of sorts, forwarding calls on one line to another on a diff proxy, and vice versa.. anyone who has it know if it does this?
22:15.18pbdwolfson: on a PRI, you can't spoof it.  Only POTS- PRI delivers CIDNUM with the initial 931 SETUP.
22:15.27ysrso you are telling me if i picked up an analog phone, and had that frequency on a tape recorder or something, i could play it after the first ring or something
22:15.37ysrand their caller ID box would show my name and number
22:15.41pbddj: yeah, analog DID doesn't do spit.
22:15.48ysrthat would have to be illegal
22:15.56kimosabemanxpower what is the easiest context i cant put for the x100p in extensions.conf so that i can see the card trying to take the trunk
22:15.58djMaxysr, I think CWCID only would work after the call was answered, if at all.
22:16.06MadCamelno because on a normal switching system your audio isn't connected to their line until they've picked up
22:16.17ManxPowerkimosabe: Your questions makes no sense.  All that stuff will show up on the CLI
22:16.22MadCamelyou can however do a playback after they've picked up and display a funny message
22:16.37wmoranWhat does "init_module: No such device" mean?
22:16.50ManxPowerwmoran: It means it can't find the device.
22:16.51djMaxmaybe I should fake DID by associating the last extension dialed by an incoming CID for the next call from that CID. :)
22:17.04wmoranManxPower: thanks, but what device?
22:17.04pbddj:  Most places will run your a T1, and let you specify only some of the channels as PRI.. Integrated Access Circuit style.  Takes a lot of pain to get one, though.
22:17.14ManxPowerwmoran: Who knows?
22:17.18wmoranManxPower: How and I tell what device it doesn't seem to be able to find
22:17.25djMaxyeah, we're in that pain phase now, and nobody admits to selling that IAC.
22:17.29wmoranManxPower: I need to know
22:17.32ManxPowerwmoran: There will usually be more error messages.
22:17.42ManxPowerdjMax: Our CLEC does that by default.
22:17.44pbddj: SBC admits to it, but I've been waiting 12 months for one.
22:18.02wmoranWell ... I get a hint about insmod errors being related to IO and IRQ params
22:18.03pbdSprint will supposedly do one as well.
22:18.04ManxPowerIt lets them lower their cost and provide lower cost service.
22:18.13wmoranThen it points out that it "failed" three more times
22:18.20ManxPowerOur CLEC actually charges extra for non IAC setups
22:18.21wmoranNothing in /var/log/messages related
22:18.49djMaxso let me get this straight, I should be able to go to a CLEC and ask for an IAC with say 6 PRI channels (5 voice + 1 data) and say 512k data?
22:19.09ManxPowerdjMax: I have no idea.  But MY CLEC lets me do that.
22:19.16djMaxwho is it?
22:19.17pbddj: So long as you keep in mind the key difference between 'should be able to' and 'will provide'.
22:19.23implic1ti dont think so, because 6 + 512k data doesn't add up to a T1
22:19.32ManxPowerdjMax: I-55 telecom.  Louisian, Texas, and Mississippi only.
22:19.44djMaxBring back the monopoly. :)
22:19.52ManxPowerWe have 6 B-channel PRI + 1 D-channel, +512k Internet
22:19.53pbd12 chan and 768K I've ordered.
22:20.19djMaxI feel like there must be a magic password with these guys and I just don't know it.
22:20.29pbdManx: So what do you use the other channels for?  Television?
22:20.37*** join/#asterisk _Louie_ (~someone@
22:20.38zoai have around 40 pris and 100mit :)
22:20.39djMaxwe tried Verizon, L3, XO, Allegiance, etc.
22:20.39ManxPowerdjMax: It costs the CLEC less money since they don't have to pay the ILEC for a second T-1.  That's why CLECs are more often willing to provide the service, but they may not CALL it IAC
22:21.12djMaxone day somebody had a link of CLEC's by area code, anybody still have that site?
22:21.22pbddj: No, there isn't.  It helps a little if you hit them with their own acronyms, and get yourself classified as a 'large business'.
22:21.42wolfsondoes the telco install a special device to split that off? just curious how it hooks, we have seperate voice and data t's
22:21.43djMaxa large business that only wants 6 lines. :)
22:22.03_Louie_When I'm reading a frame, if my app takes longer to processes the frame then the the length of the frame, what will happen on my next read?  will it queue or will it drop the data?
22:22.07pbd  :should tell you all that and more.
22:22.19djMaxexcellent, that was it.  Thanks.
22:22.56pbddj: For us, I got assigned a 'large account rep' with SBC.  He works about a dozen accounts only- I call him 'whipping boy'.
22:23.06echinosmy * seems to not want to re-read config files after I've changed them. :/
22:23.36djMaxyeah, I've been whipping XO but it still hasn't gotten me anywhere. :)
22:23.48*** part/#asterisk fonzai|gone (
22:24.04echinosshouldn't a restart get * to reread the configs?
22:24.13pbddj:  XO I've never heard good things about.  Allegiance is worse.  I believe they merged.  'Nuff said.
22:24.30pbdechinos: a restart should get * to reread the entire machine.
22:24.52wolfsonsprint fired my account rep, and gave all his accounts to another overworked guy. And we are classified as a large business
22:25.10echinosI'm starting * with -vvvgc, then `stop gracefully' then restart... still complains abut stuff I changed in the config. :/
22:25.20pbdwolfson:  I've been very lucky with sprint.. but the horror stories I'veh heard.
22:25.26echinosLike fake peers..
22:25.32wolfsoni have a lawyer on retainer just for them
22:25.56pbdechinos: Are you sure you're changing the config files from where they're being read?  During compile, you tell * where the .conf's are..
22:26.43echinospbd: Well, I'm editing the same files that made * complain in the first place.... I'll do a find, just to check.
22:26.52symlinkMUFFIN MAN!!!
22:27.20brc_but why
22:27.25krami don't have ral net access
22:27.27pbdechinos: And.. not to make this sound really dumb... but you are saving the files, and you're not using realtime to store them or anything peculiar, correct?
22:27.41echinosYeah... ;)
22:27.41krami'm debating about whether i really want to pay 10 euros for 2 hours
22:27.42brc_oh symlink
22:27.49brc_for what
22:27.50symlinkhello brc
22:28.02echinospbd: open on another term, but definitely writing them.
22:28.24echinosie: the changes persist between openings of the files.
22:28.27Mochow much it cost to dial 1800 from france (or can you ?)
22:28.44krami can't
22:28.45pbdechinos:  Sounds like you've had a long day, and need to shut down your sessions, go get a cup of caffeine, and come back tomorrow.
22:28.48kramit's just orange wireless
22:28.54krami' m using my gprs right now
22:28.54Mocha that suck..
22:28.58kramit's $0.01 per k
22:29.10pbdMoc:  Define 1800.  as in US 1800 numbers, or the European toll frees?
22:29.16Mocit aint that bad...
22:29.21echinosHeh. I just had my break, been out in the zoo of shopping for a few hours.
22:29.31symlink"So do I wanna pay this much to commit this patch to CVS or not..."
22:29.33echinosI'll do a machine reboot, just for giggles.
22:29.47wmoranWhat's up with this 700 number for Digium?
22:29.53wmoranIs anyone else having trouble calling it?
22:30.15brc_iaxtel is probably down again
22:30.29brc_wmoran, it's a special internet only number
22:30.31symlinkiaxtel is good for testing/fun, don't expect it to always be online
22:30.34brc_it can't be called from a normal phone
22:30.49brc_use thier 800 number from a normal phone
22:30.52wmoranWe've called them from a normal phone before
22:30.54wmoranHuh ...
22:30.57symlinkor their local numbers
22:31.13brc_"by telephone: Toll Free - (877) LINUX-ME"
22:31.32wmoranThanks brc_
22:31.54brc_"Please note that 700 IAXTel numbers are not accessible from the PSTN. These VoIP numbers are accessible by users of IAXTel only."
22:32.24wmoranYup, I see it now
22:33.03*** join/#asterisk NormAst (
22:33.04jappleHas anyone successfully configured a E1 pri on avantel?
22:33.17echinosHey, whadda ya know, a reboot fixed something.
22:33.24goatmilkya'll know if you call 1 877 LINUX ME ext 6269 that's me :)
22:33.24echinos...Or not. :(
22:33.29pbdOk, strike one for  Signed up today... requested a DID.. only put in $10, figuring they'd hit me for the addit'l $10.49 for the unlimited DID..
22:33.42pbdAnd I get email saying my account has been overdrawn for 10 days.
22:34.22pbdechinos: Try recording a complete -vvvvvvvvvvvvdc with script, and looking through it carefully.
22:34.48echinosIs that the max. level of verbosity?
22:35.00MadCamelhow many v's is that? :P
22:35.02djMaxyou could add more dddd's I think
22:35.25pbdechinos: No, that's just me hitting the keys a lot.  But * doesn't care past a certain number- more doesn't hurt when you really want to know. :)
22:35.45wmoranNot a fun day
22:35.58wmoranAnyone else have problems with the wcfxo driver after upgrading?
22:36.09ManxPowerwmoran: never
22:36.10echinoshow do I get out? CTRL-C?
22:36.28wmoranI can't imagine what could be wrong here ...
22:36.47pbdechinos: Out of what? *?  type 'stop now', or 'stop gracefully', or 'quit', depending on where you are.  Script ends with control-d.
22:36.50Mocwmoran, you got a TDM400 or a x100p ?
22:37.02echinosI had no g, so no CLI
22:37.15echinosJust text... a break worked out.
22:37.25pbdOh, you forgot the -c'.
22:37.39*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (
22:37.54wmoranMoc Yeah, it's a TDM400
22:37.57bkw_symlink you alive?
22:37.59echinoswell, I put it in... the `CLI>' prompt didn't come up tho.
22:38.06ManxPowerwmoran: I've only had issues when I upgraded the kernel, not asterisk+zaptel.
22:38.19wmoranHaven't upgrade the kernel in this machine
22:38.20echinosOr maybe the copious v's pushed it out of view. :/
22:38.29wmoranStill 2.4.22
22:38.31ManxPowerwmoran: wcfxo was NEVER EVER for the TDM400P card.  Ever.
22:38.37ManxPowerwmoran: read the zaptel readme.
22:38.45Mocwhy use wcfxo then ?
22:38.51Mocuse wctdm instead
22:39.03ManxPowerwmoran: The zaptel README tells you what driver to use for what card.
22:39.11ManxPowerMoc: At least make him work for the answer.
22:39.21MocIm too kind ...
22:39.25wmoranManxPower: Yup ... that fixed
22:39.38wmoranManxPower: I wonder how it managed to work for so many months prior to this ...
22:39.50ManxPowerwmoran: It didn't.  You were prolly loading wcfxs
22:40.35wmoranManxPower: would wcfxs be correct?
22:40.50wmoranManxPower: or would I just have been lucky that it worked?
22:42.17Mocwcfxs was for the TDM400 card with FXS module, but once the FXO module came out, a few month after, the wcfxs was renamed to wctdm since it wasnt only FXO
22:42.26Mocwcfxo is only for the x100p card
22:43.25ManxPowerwmoran: wcfxs was correct at one time.  The name of the driver was changed.
22:43.42ManxPowerbut that's what happens when you run the developement version of Asterisk.  Things change out from under you.
22:43.54wmoranI always knew that was possible
22:44.09ManxPowerAlways read the README and any ChangeLog
22:44.13wmoranAnd I'm not blaming anyone, especially not the folks who have worked so hard to build * and the drivers
22:44.24wmoranI'm just trying to come to a better understanding of how to use it
22:44.31ManxPowerAnd even better, subscribe to the Asterisk-CVS mailing list.
22:45.00wmoranI know
22:45.03wmoranI didn't do the upgrade
22:45.08wmoranI'm just trying to fix it ;)
22:45.12ManxPowerSpank the person that did.
22:45.12*** join/#asterisk Legend (~legend@
22:45.31symlinkand not in the good way
22:45.41djMaxtell them IRC is alight with people proclaiming their foolishness.
22:46.03*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (~MWoodJ@hyper-eye.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
22:46.09*** join/#asterisk showtime0 (
22:46.11ManxPower"*smack* You!  *smack*  Will!  *smack*  Not!  *smack*  Upgrade!  *smack*  Without!  *smack*  Asking!  *smack*  Me!  *smack*  First! *smack*"
22:46.19djMaxand then send them here:
22:46.30showtime0hi all
22:46.45wmoranI deserved that
22:47.03wmoranThat's OK, I'll talk to the guy who did it and he'll be better off next time
22:47.22blitzragesymlink: why did you change your nick?
22:47.25wmoranBut (technically) I'm at fault as well, cause I should have read the changelog when he started having trouble
22:47.31wmoranThanks bigtime for the help!
22:47.41bkw_ok I have something I want everyone to test
22:47.49blitzragebkw_: sure, whats up?
22:47.56*** join/#asterisk phlax (~phlax@
22:48.30showtime0can you connect to asterisk using a softphone?
22:48.41ManxPowerModified Files:
22:48.42ManxPowerlibpri.h pri.c pri_facility.c pri_facility.h pri_internal.h
22:48.42ManxPowerLog Message:
22:48.42ManxPowerMore changes moving MWI along
22:48.55symlinkshowtime0: why not?
22:49.17*** join/#asterisk porche (
22:49.19ManxPowerUseful Asterisk Docs (BOOKMARK THEM!): (look at the "Unofficial Links") and and (my site) and
22:49.19pbdshowtime: If I couldn't, my whole infrastructure and business model would be shot. :)
22:49.21ManxPowerTo search the Asterisk mailing list archive go to and put in addition to your other query terms.
22:49.50symlinkManxPower: haha it's certainly a base
22:49.50enzo123manxpower nice flame thrower
22:50.06ManxPowerenzo123: Extra crispy!
22:50.15symlinkamuses me... /* TODO: 1 */
22:50.36enzo123symlink what code ?
22:51.16poseidonbookmarks :)
22:52.02showtime0pbd can i pm you?
22:53.05ManxPowerenzo123: If you want to see extra crispy look at someone that /msg's me. 8-)
22:53.07symlinkenzo123: what ManxPower was talking about
22:54.36ManxPowerenzo123: If you are not on the asterisk-cvs mailing list you won't have any idea what we are talking about.
22:55.13blitzrageI love the CVS list
22:56.19symlinkblitzrage: it's fun to see the commits
22:56.24symlinkespically oops ones ;)
22:56.32blitzragehaha.. I like those ones :)
22:56.48blitzrageI monitor it until I see a new feature I want to play with then upgrade
23:00.11ManxPowerI wait a few days for no updates to make sure there's not some horrible bug
23:01.09symlinkhrm someone is freaking out one of the gateways...
23:01.24enzo123not good
23:01.38enzo123define freaking out
23:02.16symlinkthey're trying to create a loop
23:02.19WilliamKanyone have asterisk running on FC3?
23:02.29Strom_TMso actually they're phreaking out your gateway...
23:02.30ManxPowerWilliamK: Yes.
23:02.31symlinkthe system is smart enough to avoid them though
23:02.43symlinkand all existing calls are unaffected
23:03.01WilliamKManx, CVS or stable?
23:03.10WilliamKI can't get the CVS to build, tried multiples
23:03.12symlinkgoody working fine
23:03.22dalaberaHi I have a simple question, I have a Budgetone and an Iaxy, both connecting to a Internet Asterisk server, the problem is that I want to use ILBC, would asterisk manage the ILBC for the conection so it work in pass-thru mode?  IAXY (ULAW) -> Internet -> *(IAX2) -> Internet ->  SIP (ILBC)
23:03.33ManxPowerWilliamK: *I* would not run FC3, but since I read the mailing list, I know people are using it, and if I went back and re-read the messages I'd know what problems and issues they had.
23:03.59symlinkdalabera: if both sides use the same codec it'll just pass it through, yes
23:04.09oejAnyone that remembers why Mp3 support was deleted from Asterisk? Licensing issue?
23:04.21ManxPowerdalabera: When Asterisk converts from one codec to another codec it's called transcoding, not pass-thru
23:04.26symlinkoej: yeah but format_mp3 is in addons
23:04.38Corydon-woej: patent issue
23:04.44symlinkso many issues
23:04.44bkw_that wasn't it
23:04.46bkw_it aweful
23:04.51bkw_down right aweful
23:04.57symlinkbkw_: are you still trying to crash your box with that stuff?
23:04.58dalaberaok, but iaxy comunicates with the asterisk with IAX2 (ulaw)
23:04.59Corydon-wbkw_:  there's also a patent issue
23:05.04symlinkdalabera: asterisk will convert
23:05.08bkw_symlink add verbose_log => verbose to your logger.conf
23:05.09bkw_and do it again
23:05.12symlinkdalabera: ULAW<->iLBC
23:05.12bkw_you'll blow your box up
23:05.18symlinkbkw_: ooh
23:05.29symlinkI'm almost afraid to do it
23:05.59Corydon-wIt's also why we use the separate app mpg123... by not linking mp3 decode support, we expressly avoid patent infringement
23:06.08enzo12377: 25730 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) asterisk
23:06.20dalaberawould you please point me out a way to configure it
23:06.38symlinkah I see
23:06.39Strom_TMisn't mp3 no longer patented anyway?  or am I thinking of GIF
23:06.47Corydon-wYou're thinking of GIF
23:06.48dalaberabecause when calling from iaxy the channels always goes ULAW
23:06.53oejCorydon-w: Thank you!
23:07.02ManxPowerdalabera: That is what's supposed to happen.
23:07.02*** join/#asterisk glLoadIdentity (
23:07.19blitzragebkw_: ok... include doesn't crash it, but the Verbose() does
23:07.23Strom_TMulaw == god
23:07.27bkw_blitzrage ok
23:07.29Corydon-wAnd while many people infringe the mp3 patent, strictly speaking, they can be come after at any time... not to mention the contributory infringement problems...
23:07.32mishehuwhy is ulaw == god?
23:07.46Strom_TMquality of the connection
23:07.47blitzragemishehu: low CPU overhead
23:07.48ManxPowerdalabera: If you don't want your SIP device to use ulaw then don't allow it in sip.conf
23:08.00symlinkvery very cute
23:08.23mishehublitzrage: but high (relative) bandwidth usage
23:08.41Strom_TM64kbps is not high bandwidth usage :)
23:08.45mishehugsm seems pretty reasonable as far as cpu overhead and bandwidth requirements.
23:08.53Strom_TMbut gsm sounds awful
23:08.58bkw_symlink did that blow you up?
23:09.11mishehuStrom_TM: it's actually closer to ~80kbps when you factor in signalling and ip overhead
23:09.14symlinkbkw_: yeah
23:09.16symlinklooking at the bt
23:09.19Strom_TMok, 80 kbps
23:09.22blitzragemishehu: well of course... no compression :)
23:09.26symlinkwow cute
23:09.29mishehuStrom_TM: not really, I'm sure it sounds better than g729a...
23:09.31blitzrage64 + IP overhead
23:09.34dalaberain my case and can configure my budgetone to use only ilbc, but the comunication between the 2 devices would be allow?
23:09.40bkw_here at dial a segfault... we'll crash your asterisk box in less than 4 dtmf digits.
23:10.02Strom_TMmishehu, when you talk on real t-carrier trunks all day, you begin to despise compression
23:10.02mishehubkw_: I don't want to be a customer, happy or otherwise.  ;-)
23:10.12_Louie_When I'm reading a frame, if my app takes longer to processes the frame then the the length of the frame, what will happen on my next read?  will it queue or will it drop the data?
23:10.24bkw_let me let you in on this one
23:10.39bkw_put "verbose_log => verbose" in logger.conf
23:10.41bkw_logger reload
23:10.46bkw_put this in extensions.conf
23:10.47bkw_exten => 1000,1,Verbose(0|%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s)
23:10.48mishehuStrom_TM: well, if it wasn't so cpu hungry, speex sounds pretty good.
23:10.49bkw_dial it
23:10.55bkw_THANK YOU please drive thru
23:11.10bkw_#include %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s
23:11.11mishehubkw_: stop trying to buffer overflow asterisk!
23:11.22implic1tmishehu: or string format?
23:11.27implic1tmishehu: heh
23:11.39bkw_hey boy
23:11.41bkw_i'm just fixing shit
23:11.43bkw_lay off
23:11.43implic1tsup man
23:11.47mishehuwe don't want the script kiddies and virus coders to get any whacky ideas
23:11.56*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
23:11.58bkw_lets code better than
23:11.59bkw_er then
23:12.00implic1tmishehu: don't worry the real hackers will get in on the job
23:12.06mishehubkw_: well, by all means, keep fixing of course.
23:12.07implic1tmishehu: too late for script kiddies
23:12.31enzo123those are some damm god kiddies..
23:12.32mishehuimplic1t: the *real* crackers always do so, and leave little, if any, trail...
23:12.33implic1tmishehu: someone has to find the vulnerabilities before the script kiddies take off with it
23:12.39implic1tmishehu: 'crackers'?? lol
23:12.44Strom_TMbkw_: I have a great idea.  Let's write an asterisk codec that sounds just like horrible early-70s t-carrier :)
23:12.51mishehuwow, here I'm kidding, and you guys are all dead serious.
23:12.52bkw_lpc10 baby
23:12.53_Louie_Actually, that's a good idea for an explot in an app I've seen the souyrce to
23:12.54implic1tmishehu: don't believe the media so much
23:13.08symlinkoh bloody hell my devel box just dropped offline
23:13.18enzo123LMAO !!!!!!!!!!!!
23:13.21mishehusymlink: maybe you caught a fish?
23:13.22enzo123wonder why
23:13.30mishehulike a bobber on a fishing pole
23:13.31pbdLater, folk of the fringe.
23:13.36symlinkwhy am I beginning to think somebody is attacking the servers...
23:13.42implic1tenzo123: can you believe this?
23:13.50implic1tenzo123: :)
23:13.54bkw_wolfson had someone attacking his
23:14.02mishehua fiber today keeps the DDoS's away?
23:14.11zoabkw did it work ?
23:14.28symlinkooh it's back online
23:14.40symlinkI lost one SSH connection out of 5
23:14.42symlinknot bad.
23:14.53enzo123hey bkw
23:14.56enzo123the patch works
23:15.13enzo123no dumped core
23:15.14implic1tenzo123: which patch
23:15.26blitzrageenzo123: verbose_log => verbose in logger.conf
23:15.26symlinkgo bkw_ go bkw_ go bkw_
23:15.35implic1tenzo123: fixing the one i found?
23:15.37mishehuI hate seeing all those ssh probe attempts...  makes me wonder what type of system or device would be so open that they would probe...
23:15.38blitzrageenzo123: oh nevermind... I didn't read back far enough :)
23:16.27zoaany unpatched machine gets rooted right away i think
23:16.59mishehureminds me, I do need to update ssh on one of my machines...
23:17.17*** part/#asterisk oej (
23:17.20zoassh is probably the most insecure thing ever made
23:17.21mishehufor all those who want to hack me, it's at
23:17.26zoamy telnet only machine is still standing
23:17.40blitzragemishehu: hacklocalhost :)
23:17.41mishehuzoa: standing != virgin
23:17.58symlinkI have a box at school I need to update when I get back in
23:18.04blitzragemishehu: ...a domain I registered a while ago :)
23:18.04symlinkit's not accessible from the outside unfortunately...
23:18.08mishehuand actually, isn't rlogin even worse than ssh?
23:18.23zoai dunno, but telnet is quite secure
23:18.26mishehublitzrage: reminds me of the old days of
23:18.30zoaexcept for sniffing of course :)
23:18.32mishehuit used to point to
23:18.38blitzragemishehu: hehe
23:19.00symlinkmiss miss miss missing you as you turn around
23:19.02symlinkwalking out that door
23:19.08symlinkmy heart is crying out oh baby don't go
23:19.08Penfoldmishehu: bloody useless site. It only EVER had stuff I already had
23:19.16symlinkno I won't tell you so that I love you nooo
23:19.19symlinkI'm gonna let you go
23:19.20symlinkgoodbye something also pointed to most of the time
23:19.25zoaza it was
23:19.58*** join/#asterisk K-tel (
23:20.08K-telHi there.
23:20.41zoadid you post a disclaimer too ?
23:20.44symlinkyeah, saying 'hi' is a good thing ;_
23:21.06K-telIs there a way to cut all channels which are belonging to 1 User?
23:21.09tessier_Still no call from digium
23:21.26zoathen do softhangups on them
23:21.34tessier_Has the Cisco transfer bug been fixed in stable yet?
23:22.21guugmemberwho knows the price of a 2T+4A IPOffice from Avaya
23:22.34guugmemberIPOffice 2.1
23:23.38K-telCan it be done automatically? I am programming real-time cdr rating tool for my purposes. And I want to stop at a special time some users for doing calls.
23:24.24symlinkK-tel: you could write an app to do it maybe
23:24.45K-telThat is working if I redirect to an congestion extension. But the channels which are connected already should be closed too.
23:24.58symlinkyou could set an absolutetimeout on calls
23:25.12symlinkif you set an accountcode you could walk the channel list and hang up any channels that have the account code...
23:26.21K-telthat sounds interesting. I'm using accountcodes. Where to find the channels which belong to one accountcode?
23:26.25_Louie_When I'm reading a frame, if my app takes longer to processes the frame then the the length of the frame, what will happen on my next read?  will it queue or will it drop the data?
23:28.08*** join/#asterisk rowter (~Drake@
23:28.16symlinkbkw_: privmsg ;)
23:28.30K-telIsn't there a way like "soft hangup accountcode-*"
23:28.45symlinkK-tel: write it
23:28.57K-teli tried it. It doesnt work
23:29.23symlinkyou didn't do it right then, cause I haven't even written it out and I know what it would look like in my head
23:31.19K-telHmmmm would you give me a hint plz?
23:31.29symlinkeek Windows crashed
23:31.36symlinkI am heavily motivated by Paypal
23:31.43symlinkbut anyway
23:32.07symlinkasterisk keeps a linked list of the channels, go through and grab a pointer when you land on a channel
23:32.16guugmemberanybody has implement an Avaya solution here?
23:32.18symlinkdo a comparison between the accountcode on the channel and the one you entered
23:32.27symlinkif they match, use the hangup function to call a hangup
23:33.09symlinkon the channel
23:33.20*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
23:33.26symlinkthen move onto the next channel
23:34.54symlinkIf you were an ant, would you consider it a matter of hymenopterous civil liberties that a socially disfunctional worker ant be allowed to keep a pet anteater?
23:35.39K-teldamn.You are right.Ok I will try it. Thanks
23:36.59symlinkof course I'm right, I've messed with channels
23:37.58K-telSorry but how can I list all channels with the right channelid? sip show channels isnt right.
23:39.10symlinkblitzrage: poke
23:39.36blitzragesymlink: ooo...hoo!
23:40.18symlinkblitzrage: what'
23:40.24symlinkblitzrage: what's a good place for getting plane tickets?
23:40.29blitzragesymlink: you are formerally file right?
23:40.34bkw_the airport
23:40.49blitzragesymlink: I still prefer file over symlink
23:40.51bkw_where the planes are
23:40.55symlinkbkw_: he he ha ha
23:40.55blitzragebkw_: lol
23:41.10blitzragebkw_: The Beer Store; where the beers are (real commercial)
23:41.28ZX81I like fish
23:42.14K-telsorry show channels was right.
23:42.55symlinkbkw_: answer your private messages before I turn you into a potato
23:43.08mishehutapu'aH adamah...
23:43.16mishehuan apple of the ground
23:45.26Penfoldsymlink: soft or hard, or is that personal info :)
23:48.39*** part/#asterisk guugmember (~nachoramo@
23:48.41blitzragesymlink: expedia or aircanada I think
23:49.51blitzragesymlink: could try itravel2000 as well
23:49.51symlinkaircanada, that's it
23:49.51symlinkI'm trying to get to Spring VON
23:49.51blitzragesymlink: oh really?  where is that?
23:49.51symlinkSan Jose
23:49.51blitzrageahhh I see
23:49.51symlinkit happens when I'm out of school for a week
23:49.51blitzrageget me one too :)
23:51.30symlink$973.60 through Air Canada
23:52.12*** join/#asterisk net_foxx (
23:52.42symlink$400 cheaper then expedia
23:53.08*** join/#asterisk delphiuk (
23:53.44mishehuisn't air canada in bankruptcy protection?
23:54.09symlinkif they can fly me there and back I couldn't care less
23:54.22*** join/#asterisk net_foxx (
23:54.22mishehuI flew them once, thought it was Air Palestina
23:54.57blitzragemishehu: not any more
23:55.08blitzragesymlink: yah... Air Canada seems to be pretty much the cheapest I've been able to find
23:55.16blitzragewhen flying out of Canada
23:55.17mishehublitzrage: when did they come out of it?
23:55.24blitzragemishehu: fairly recently I believe
23:55.33Strom_TMa coworker at my last job told me of this time she flew TWA (pronounced not "tee double-you eigh" but "twah") out of Quebec to, as the ticket agent said it, "san lou-ee"
23:55.33mishehuI have a friend who works for air canada, but haven't heard from him since a year ago.
23:55.45blitzragemishehu: yah... it would have been within the last 6 months or so... I think in the summer
23:55.48blitzrageor early fall
23:55.53delphiukhi, i have an asterisk server with ntpdate installed, and i have set up my budgetone 100 via the web page to pint to the asterisk server ip addtess for the time server, but my date says 1900 any ideas?
23:56.09bkw_ntpdate is not the server
23:56.10bkw_ntpd is
23:56.12bkw_start ntpd
23:56.18Strom_TMdelphiuk, you have a rotary phone trapped in a touchtone phone's body
23:56.22bkw_ntpdate will just set the date on the machine
23:56.28*** join/#asterisk ozJames79 (
23:56.31*** part/#asterisk mogorman (~mogorman@
23:56.37delphiukah, ok, will start ntpd
23:56.48ozJames79how does asterisk select which codec is the best?
23:56.49mishehufor some reason, it takes a while after I run ntpd for my other machines to be able to query that machine.
23:56.53mishehuI've never figured out why.
23:57.02Strom_TMozJames79, you tell it which one to use
23:57.04ManxPowerozJames79: Which version?
23:57.11mishehuso I have no time display on my cisco right now...
23:57.14ManxPowerRecent versions are picked in the order you allow= them.
23:57.24ManxPowerolder versions seem to just pick a random codec.
23:57.39tessier_mishehu: You need to setup the ntp server settings
23:57.46delphiuki am running debian, and it is only giving me the option to run ntpdate
23:58.02*** join/#asterisk _-Jon-_ (
23:58.07_-Jon-_Hey everyone
23:58.20Strom_TMhello, irritating handle boy
23:58.21Strom_TMi mean Jon
23:58.32ozJames79Manxpower lastest stable, so i itell it to use g711 and also allow g729 does it swap codecs if it has a hard time with the first?
23:58.45_-Jon-_Hah, sorry if you find my handle irritating
23:58.53Strom_TMit was a joke :)
23:59.00_-Jon-_Oh okay, good :P
23:59.35mishehutessier_: restrict NETWORK mask MASK, server address_of_the_server_I_sync_with, driftfile /path/to, logfile /path/to ...  what else was there to set really?
23:59.37bkw_now if we can make sip and iax withdraw offering g729 when its out of lic.
23:59.38ManxPowerozJames79: I don't think stable allows you to specify the codec order.
23:59.53_-Jon-_I have a questino though..  I'm wondering if it's possible to set up Asterisk so I can eaily pick up my phone and dial an extention that will automatically redirect calls to another extension
23:59.54symlinkbkw_: yeah that would be nice

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.