irclog2html for #asterisk on 20041222

00:00.52tessier__ok, new info...
00:00.58tessier__It's not that it's a zap line
00:01.00robbikaMy dialplan is nothing special.
00:01.09chetanis the asterisk book any good? VoIP Telephony with Asterisk
00:01.12tessier__I can transfer an incoming call to voicemail for example
00:01.33robbikaI have an ISDN BRI card that is in TA mode connected to a PBX.
00:01.58tessier__I can call in to a Cisco phone from outside and transfer the outside call to a VoiceMailMain just fine
00:02.03robbikaWhen someone on the PBX dials the ISDN line extension, Asterisk picks it up
00:02.06doolphhi who can help me I cant log on with xlite
00:02.06tessier__And I can transfer internal calls to each other
00:02.16tessier__But I cannot transfer a call coming in over the zap from one cisco phone to another
00:02.19doolphit says Dec 21 18:04:00 NOTICE[7406]: chan_sip.c:7848 handle_request: Registration from 'office <>' failed for ''
00:02.31robbikaIt show the number of the caller but that doesn't in 'Accepting call from XXXXXX' but I can't do anything with that number
00:02.40*** join/#asterisk ctooley ([U2FsdGVkX@
00:02.41tessier__chetan: Unfortunately there is not yet any good documentation on asterisk. It is changing too fast.
00:02.47robbikaIt doesn't seem to make it into callerid variable
00:02.55jaxxantake a look at my Auto-Attendant Section
00:03.05jaxxanin the [aa-night] context
00:03.09chetantessier_: hmm.. book out of date already? i noticed it's published pre-1.0
00:03.14jaxxanjust specify the voicemailbox there
00:03.28tessier__chetan: Yes. And now 1.0 is out and even 1.0 is about to be superceded by the latest cvs version
00:03.36tessier__chetan: So any paper book produced now will be quickly outdated
00:03.53chetantessier__: figured as much. why I asked :p
00:04.12tessier__I wonder if transfers are broken in this particular version of asterisk...
00:04.39chetanjust looking to get up to speed on asterisk though. I figure for all the real details I can hit the various sites/wikis
00:04.48*** part/#asterisk telme (
00:04.49ariel_tessier_, as long as stable is out books and papers should be made on it.  Stable should stay with it's features locked for at least 6 to 12 months.
00:05.01doolphDec 21 18:06:53 NOTICE[8792]: app_dial.c:803 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3)
00:05.05tessier__ariel_: It takes that long to get a book made.
00:05.09doolphwhats that error ?
00:05.24ariel_doolph, your not abot to access your sip device.
00:05.52doolphwhy not
00:06.13ariel_is the sip device registered. so sip show peers
00:06.38*** join/#asterisk |stefan| (
00:06.40|stefan|hey =)
00:06.44chetanariel_: i agree and i hope more books follow. books on a topic definitely help the technology spread more quickly
00:06.50|stefan|what could possibly be wrong if the call disconnects after 2seconds ?
00:07.00doolphoffice/office    D  5060     Unmonitored
00:07.07ariel_|stefan|, are they iax or sip?
00:07.18ariel_put canreinvite=no
00:07.26|stefan|it's already there
00:07.48doolphi think my exten is not good
00:08.21ariel_|stefan|, what are you calling? via what service?
00:08.36|stefan|ariel_ digisip it's called =)
00:08.47|stefan|ariel_ and calling a cellphone
00:09.06ariel_is there any message on the cli like unable to trying to tranfer?
00:09.08|stefan|it works if i call another sip phone
00:09.43ariel_|stefan|, I still think you have some setting not set right.
00:09.43|stefan|ariel_ Dec 22 01:04:35 WARNING[26579]: chan_sip.c:701 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call for seqno 104 (Non-critical Request)
00:09.56|stefan|i hope it's that easy =)
00:10.28ariel_|stefan|, most of the time it's due to codec's not the same.
00:10.30TamparitusI was having that problem today
00:10.35Tamparitusthat same error
00:10.47Tamparitusbut only when using SJPhone or X-Lite
00:10.53Tamparitusand calling to them
00:11.01|stefan|ok. strange. did you solve it ?
00:11.05Tamparitusnot yet
00:11.21robbikaI get this message '-- Accepting call from '2138785' to 's' on channel 0/1, span 1'
00:11.32TamparitusI could call from those phones to kphone, but not the other way around
00:11.35robbikaBut I can't pick up the phone number to send as callerid
00:11.42ariel_|stefan|, have you setup iaxtel or the digium demo. try a call to them if it stays on for more then 2 sec then it's a problem with
00:11.43robbikaAny ideas why?
00:12.18|stefan|ariel_ ok =)
00:12.53|stefan|ariel_ thanks for the help
00:13.41*** join/#asterisk Monil (
00:14.01*** join/#asterisk Moc (
00:14.10KtelIs anybody using ast_data?
00:14.16robbikaDoes 'Answer' clear ${CALLERID} - seems unlikely
00:14.45*** join/#asterisk Brixius (
00:15.01robbikadenon: are you replying to me?
00:15.49jas_williamsrobbika: What version of asterisk are you running ?
00:15.49|Fender|i find some help for setup my h323
00:16.08denonrobbika: yes
00:17.20robbikajas_williams: Connected to Asterisk CVS-HEAD-08/13/04-12:00:00-BRI-stuffed-0.1.0-RC4a
00:18.00robbikaWhich I guess could be too old
00:18.17Wi_Fihey guys
00:18.23jas_williamsrobbika: I suggest you update to latest CVS-Stable and Bristuff this may resolve your issues
00:18.24MocI look more and more stupid everyday...
00:18.43Wi_Fiis it possible to have MOH instead of hearing ring to extenstion
00:18.51Moccan you put normal PCI card in PCI-Express slot ?
00:19.00jas_williamsWi_Fi: Yes
00:19.02ariel_robbika,  put a line in like exten => 1,2,NoOp(${CALLERID})
00:19.06Mocsorry ... ment PCI-E, but answer is yes..
00:19.14Mocbut ... brb gonna check the specs again
00:19.32robbikajas_williams: I will have a go. The BRI stuff downloads the version of Asterisk it needs to do patching, and this is what I get working.
00:19.58*** join/#asterisk Maticks1 (~maticks@
00:20.08robbikaariel_: I tried that also for ${CALLERIDNUM} and anything else I could think of. Everything comes up ""
00:21.11robbikaariel_: I was wondering if it could be my hardware setup. But then the calling number does appear in the Asterisk log
00:21.19jas_williamsrobbika: Start wth this version of Bristuff
00:21.37jas_williamsThis is dec 2004
00:21.45robbikajas_williams: I had problems getting it to compile
00:22.19jas_williamsThen You donot have the correct version of asterisk
00:22.51jboti heard stable is the status of a Debian release when no packages will be added or changed unless a security fix is needed, or sta-ble adj; uptime in excess of 365days, or where the horses live  The current stable version of Debian is woody (3.0).
00:23.04tessier__I can transfer to voicemail ok but nothing bizarre!
00:23.13tessier__I can't transfer to 400 the parking extension or to another phone or anything.
00:23.21|stefan|hmm.. when i try to load iax2 module i get undefined symbol: ast_check_signature
00:23.31|stefan|anynone know anything about this ?
00:23.37MocAnyone have put a X100P card in a Dell PowerEdge 1850 ?
00:23.39|stefan|probably something i have to load =) but i don't know what
00:23.41Maticks1|stefan|: your loading them in the wrong order
00:23.43jas_williamstessier_: How about a SIP debug ?
00:23.49robbikajas_williams: it tried to download version 1.0.2 of Asterisk and related parts but they are no longer on the Digium servers
00:23.59tessier__jas_williams: On the phone doing the transferring?
00:24.09jas_williamstessier_: Yes
00:24.22*** join/#asterisk Monil (
00:24.26Monilquick question, budgetone phone to asterisk server
00:24.26Monilwhat type of peer is that?
00:24.28tessier__One thing I notice is that voicemail is in the default context.
00:24.44tessier__But call parking is in the SIP context.
00:24.54tessier__Which is where the phones are.
00:25.11*** join/#asterisk ccfiel (~ccfiel@
00:25.18ccfielhello ppl...
00:25.43Maticks1|stefan|: edit your modules.conf file and pull out the load statement for iax2
00:25.58jas_williamsrobbika: Use cvs checkout -r v1-0 zaptel libpri asterisk asterisk-addons asterisk-sounds
00:26.41ccfielMoc: hello , i have a problem with my asterisk...when someone called my firefly fly number it will be pick up with one of the extension. but when that extension transfer the call it doesnt work...can you help me with this? :)
00:27.06|stefan|Maticks1 found the module missing. it was
00:27.11tessier__jas_williams: The sip phone in the sip context should be able to transfer to any other phone in that context right? It almost seems like I can only transfer to extensions in the default context...
00:27.43Maticks1cool :)
00:27.50jas_williamsrobbika: Check out
00:27.51ccfielmoc: but when a call comming from a extension to the other extension...and the call is works.. :) what would be the problem..:)
00:28.15Maticks1has anyone seen a GSM phone that can do Wireless lan (VOIP)
00:28.24Mocccfiel, check if you have canreinvite set to no
00:28.55jas_williamstessier_: It should be able to transfer to any extension in the context specified in the sip.conf for that device
00:29.47ccfielMoc: i dont have that (canreinvite) option in my extension.. do i need to set it to yes or no ? :)
00:29.47jas_williamsccfiel: In your iax.conf use notransfer=yes
00:29.50tessier__jas_williams: Seems almost the opposite...but if the extension did not exist it should try to hit the i extension which it does not seem to be doing.
00:30.07tessier__I am going to try one more thing and then get a sip debug out of it.
00:30.10Mocto no
00:30.25ccfielill try..
00:30.38ccfielJas_williams: ill try
00:30.44tessier__One thing I notice is that I am running the cvs version of asterisk from a couple weeks ago. Maybe there is some bug in the context/extension logic.
00:30.44ccfielmoc: ill try your option too..
00:31.06tessier__The download page really should list how to get the stable version first instead of telling you how to get latest cvs first.
00:31.16ccfielmoc: so if i set it to means it can transfer the call?
00:32.23Moccanreinvite mean it * will stay in the stream
00:32.31Mocif set to no
00:32.50jas_williamsccfiel: notransfer=yes means asterisk stays in the RTP path for IAX to IAX calls this needs to be the case if servers are behins some types of double NAT
00:34.31robbikajas_williams: 'I could be gone some time' - compiling
00:36.13enzo123anyone have some sugestions for asterisk billing ?
00:36.37jaxxanenzo123: CDR
00:36.51jaxxanenzo123: you'll just have to develop queries to parse your CDR's
00:37.04enzo123im doing cdr into sql now
00:37.06implicitjaxxan: that is a poor way of doing it
00:37.22implicitespecially if you want to do prepaid stuff
00:37.36enzo123im just doing it for logging
00:38.11Wi_Fihey i see moh is coming up in console but its not playing
00:38.12tessier__enzo123: Everyone has to develope their own * billing systems
00:38.39tessier__I really hope it's just this particular version of * that I am using that is causing this problem.
00:38.56enzo123so there isn't really a turn key billing system
00:39.03tessier__enzo123: No
00:39.11tessier__enzo123: Unless you want to buy something like Portaone from
00:39.21tessier__enzo123: But be prepared to cough up tens or hundreds of thousands
00:39.25ccfielmo and jas_williams: it does not work..ill tried to set notransfer=no or canreinvite=no...
00:39.44enzo123umm ill read my php/mysql book..
00:39.49ccfielmo and jas_williams: when i transfer the call comming from a firefly does not work..
00:40.16ccfielmo and jas_williams: it just stay at that defualt extension..
00:42.23robbikajas_williams: well that wasn't so great. Segmentation fault on installing zap modules
00:42.31*** part/#asterisk DrRighteous (
00:43.11ariel_Wi_Fi, if you go to the prompt do mpg123 what version does it show?
00:43.21jas_williamsrobbika: Do a make clean then make install in the zaptel directory
00:43.23HellHoundhow is it possible to redirect a channel that is currently using an * application or agi script ?
00:44.58robbikaOK. Could also be something to do with 2.6 version of kernel
00:46.47Wi_Fi[root@PBX panel]# mpg123
00:46.47Wi_FiHigh Performance MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 Audio Player for Layer 1, 2 and 3.
00:46.47Wi_FiVersion 0.59r (1999/Jun/15). Written and copyrights by Michael Hipp.
00:47.03doolphwho can help me connect my asterisk to fwd
00:47.38*** join/#asterisk slak2 (
00:47.49slak2i just updated my zaptel and it wiped out /etc/zaptel.conf
00:47.52slak2make install did
00:48.02slak2can soemone help me figure out ym settings for a tdm04b card
00:48.17herbalteaanyone manage to get a 7970 working with either chan_skinny or chan_sccp?
00:48.18PrutserHi all... Was the 'call on hold disconnects one end' issue already raised here?
00:48.41jas_williamsrobbika: use make linux26
00:49.48slak2anyone? zaptel.conf?
00:50.23slak2loadzone = us
00:50.23jas_williamsslak2: What modules do you have installed ?
00:50.29robbikajas_williams: still seg faults when I do a ztcfg, and I can't remove the zaptel module
00:50.39slak2is all i have in that file
00:50.44slak2thats enabled
00:50.51slak2jas_williams, zaptel and wctdm
00:51.52jas_williamsslak2: Do you have 4 fxo modules installed ?
00:52.56jas_williamsrobbika: Have you patched using the latest bristuff ?
00:53.07slak2i have a 4 port fxo device
00:53.26jas_williamsslak2: Then your zaptel.conf looks good
00:53.36slak2it works and everything
00:53.47slak2i was just panicking because it got overwritten
00:54.44robbikaPatched and compiled nicely
00:55.00robbikaBut module jams
00:55.21robbikaIf I can't get it to work shortly might have to return to old version
00:55.36jas_williamsWifi mpg123 looks good
00:56.04*** part/#asterisk slak2 (
00:58.04doolphwhat line should i add to connect to fwd?
00:58.16PrutserAnyone running today's stable and experiencing the problem 'Isaace Bidd' describes on asterisk-users?
00:58.58tessier__today's stable?
00:59.03tessier__Does stable change so often?
00:59.07Prutsercvs 1-0 branch
00:59.38Prutseror shouldn't I call that stable? :)
00:59.42doolphwhat line should i add to connect to fwd?
01:00.49|Fender|i find some help for setup my h323
01:01.08Moc|Fender|, going to church might help
01:01.34robbikajas_williams: might have found the problem
01:02.11doolphwhat line should i add to connect to fwd?
01:02.52Prutserrobbika: jas_williams seems to have left the channel :)
01:03.24|Fender|Moc wow :P
01:05.05robbikajas_williams: turns out that the zaphfc module was not copied into /lib/modules/
01:05.15robbikajas_williams: now I try again\
01:07.47Wi_Fijas it works in meetme
01:08.37Wi_Fiand that means hes not here
01:09.07Wi_Fichat you guys later
01:09.11Wi_Fibowling time
01:11.09*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
01:11.31ccfielhello ppl..i cannot transfer a call from one extension to another extension...even i set my dial with an option t :( what's wrong with this? can somebody please help me..:(
01:13.05*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
01:13.36robbikadamn it
01:14.07robbikaUpdated to Asterisk 1.0.2 and still my callerid string doesn't get set on call in
01:22.18*** join/#asterisk glLoadIdentity (
01:23.14ctooleyI'm not sure why, but I still cannot get my system to dial Zap channels
01:25.02[jas]getting asterisk to hookflash out on the pstn doesn't seem to work... how do I lengthen the hookflash time?
01:25.24ctooleyCan someone show me a valid zapata.conf for a TDM400P?
01:25.32glLoadIdentityManxPower, yep ..
01:26.37*** join/#asterisk bofh42 (
01:27.14ccfielhello ppl..i cannot transfer a call from one extension to another extension...even i set my dial with an option t :( what's wrong with this? can somebody please help me..:(
01:28.29Maticks1ccfiel:  is thier a context for the extension ?
01:28.53robbikaI am still having problems with callerid
01:29.10ccfielMaticks1: yes...if i  call the extension directly..i can do it...
01:29.20bkw_~jbot 42
01:29.21jbot42 is, like, the answer to life the universe and everything, see also,_the_universe,_and_everything
01:29.38ctooley  chan_zap crashes asterisk when it parses the config
01:29.43robbikaI get the message -- Accepting call from '2138785' to 's' on channel 0/1, span 1
01:30.08bkw_Dec 21 20:18:08 ERROR[27481]: chan_zap.c:6202 mkintf: Unable to get parameters
01:30.08bkw_004 Dec 21 20:18:08 ERROR[27481]: chan_zap.c:9139 setup_zap: Unable to register channel '1'
01:30.09ctooleyit's a TDM04
01:30.11file[laptop]bkw_: 555
01:30.12bkw_that should CLUE you in
01:30.16bkw_file on phone right now
01:30.17bkw_can't talk
01:30.26bkw_what is it importaint?
01:30.30ctooleybkw_, I see the clue.  I don't know how to solve it.
01:30.31robbikaBut all CALLER variables are set to ""
01:30.49ccfielMaticks1: but when i call from one extension and do a transfer with that extension..nothing happens..
01:32.48bkw_channel => 14
01:32.54bkw_channel => 1-4
01:33.00bkw_what modules are loaded
01:33.04*** join/#asterisk nassy (
01:33.08bkw_and what does ztcfg -vvv
01:33.13bkw_using cvs head?
01:33.31bkw_if you're using cvs head its wctdm
01:33.39bkw_and you need to remove all ref's to wcfxs
01:33.43bkw_and rm the module off your system
01:34.03bkw_and now where do I send the invoice for my services?
01:34.08gambolputtyI get an error in trying to compile the CVS version of * at chan_zap.c, anyone else have this problem?
01:34.09ctooleyI'm usgin stable
01:34.15ctooleyat least 1.0.2
01:34.20*** join/#asterisk IsMe (~some@
01:34.42bkw_gambolputty whats the error
01:34.47bkw_ctooley sounds like driver issues
01:34.49bkw_call digium?
01:35.07gambolputtyin function 'zt_call'
01:35.10ctooleybkw_, That would require a response to the trouble ticket
01:35.13*** join/#asterisk SexyKen (
01:35.22IsMehi all, does anyone have a ready made prepaid calling card system that wanna sell ?
01:35.22SexyKenAnyone use the Polycom Soundpoint IP 600?
01:35.26bkw_oh angler_ go help ctooley
01:35.43ctooleySexyKen, I use the 500's
01:35.45bkw_IsMe sure send me 5k via paypal to
01:36.18SexyKenDoes anyone know how to set the 'Messages' button to go to a different extension? For instance my voicemail extension (along with all of my users) is *123
01:36.21bkw_IsMe chop chop.. can't wait around all day now
01:36.27bkw_gotta sell this calling card stuffs
01:36.33ctooleySexyKen, still working on that.
01:36.45MocIsMe, send bkw 5000 Yen
01:36.54bkw_dollars boi
01:36.57bkw_hard cash
01:36.57gambolputtywarning: implicit declaration of function 'pri_sr_set_redirecting'
01:36.59MocSexyKen, of course ..
01:36.59SexyKen•ctooley• Have you gotten anything cool to work on them?
01:37.02bkw_gambolputty update libpri
01:37.07bkw_read the messages
01:37.10SexyKen•Moc• Sweet can you tell me how to do it?
01:37.23gambolputtythat mean to compile it?
01:37.31bkw_gambolputty yes
01:37.34bkw_get libpri update it
01:37.37bkw_update zaptel
01:37.38bkw_then update asterisk
01:37.44bkw_thanks for flying bkw air.
01:37.56ctooleybkw_, so I take it I'm supposed to update to HEAD?
01:38.00[jas]aieee asterisk don't send proper hook flash 8(
01:38.01gambolputtyI don't have hardware that would use libpri
01:38.04SexyKenMoc - HOw do I adjust the extension the messages button uses?
01:38.07bkw_ctooley try it
01:38.10bkw_bet the problem goes away
01:38.25file[laptop]bkw_: I may end of going to you lol
01:38.33*** join/#asterisk tonyycchan (~tony@
01:38.37MocSexyKen, well msg button will prompth you if you have multiple different voicemail
01:38.39SexyKenbkw - On one of my SIP IP 600 phones from SoundPoint I hear a slight echo of myself when I speak -- any ideas why this would ocur?
01:39.20SexyKenMoc - I have one line setup so just tries to dial the extension that's registered when I do that.
01:40.04MocSexyKen just change the mwi.x for your need
01:40.40IsMeMoc: i think bkw_ is work more than 5000 yen, how about 5000 Iraq $
01:40.42MocSexyKen, for your ip 600 echo... it weird, I know some voip termination have echo
01:41.20Mocaint Iraq american now ? ;)
01:41.25SexyKenMoc -- Have you gotten any cool XML apps to work on the IP phones? How about you ctooley?
01:41.44MocSexyKen, well I dont use the xml yet... didnt found a need for it so far hehe
01:41.57SexyKenI can't even get the phone to show the right time ;-)
01:41.58IsMeMoc: so is now call United States Of Iraq ?
01:42.14Mocpeople use the xml for the directory on cisco phone... but the polycom directory is soo cool already
01:42.24MocI think it is
01:42.41MocUnited States of
01:42.49MocUnited States of Bad presidents
01:43.16ctooleyMoc, the msg.mwi.1.callBack setting?
01:44.04ManxPowerThe Polycom Phones only do Echo Can on the SPEAKERPHONE
01:44.11ccfielcan somebody tell me what this error means? :
01:44.12ccfielDec 22 09:58:03 NOTICE[1789]: chan_iax2.c:5951 socket_read: Peer did not understand our iax command '34'
01:44.42ccfieli made a transfer command..and this is the error..
01:44.56ccfielwhat does it means? can somebody help me..:(
01:45.41ManxPowerccfiel: Your IAX client sucks.
01:46.08ccfielManxPower: what do you mean? :)
01:46.12doolphwho got xten to test my sip server?
01:46.20*** join/#asterisk P-NuT (~P--NuT@
01:46.32P-NuTHi all
01:46.34IsMei got xten, doolph
01:46.53bkw_whats up with the large group of new people?
01:46.53doolphIsMe can you test my server?, i just want you call me
01:47.08P-NuTDoes anyone know of any WAY simple tutorials about building a single extension?
01:47.17IsMejust show me the way, doolph
01:47.20doolphIsMe, user,pass=home domain/
01:47.29ccfielManxPower: what do you mean? :)
01:47.46doolphIsMe: then call 2001
01:48.17SexyKenHow do I configure a Directory file for my IP 600?
01:48.23*** join/#asterisk Monil (
01:49.51MocSexyKen, you just add entry on the PHONE, and the phone will upload it to the server
01:50.32Monilin extensions.conf, for a context- how would i put in the equivilent of 'if no answer after 15 seconds, do $blah'
01:50.33*** join/#asterisk DrRighteous (
01:50.42DrRighteousanyone here have a VoicePulse number?
01:51.11ZX81bkw_: new people?
01:51.27ctooleyDrRighteous, several
01:51.31ZX81~new people
01:51.33jbotbotAbusers<Loser *>.push_back(new people);
01:51.43implicit~new people
01:51.45jbotbotAbusers<Loser *>.push_back(new people);
01:52.00jbotit has been said that zx81 is the creater of the Daily Asterisk News (see ~adn)
01:52.05DrRighteoustrying to figure out if they use PaeTec out of NYC for pris
01:52.10jbothmm... implicit is fun
01:52.26ctooleyDrRighteous, don't know, I don't have any NYC DID's
01:53.02DrRighteouscan you give me the NPANXX of a number you do have with them?
01:53.41ctooleyDrRighteous, not at the moment
01:53.43MocDrRighteous, any news on Canadian 1800 ?
01:53.52DrRighteousno not at this time
01:54.26Mocoh gota check, im supose to have got my 514 DID yesterday after noon, let check
01:55.05MocDrRighteous, NO DID :( mouhhhaaaaa hehe
01:56.17loko_anyone have DIDs from voice conduits
01:56.24Mocloko_, got 1
01:56.39loko_i ordered a bunch
01:56.43loko_they sat pending for 3 days
01:56.50loko_even though they claim it will ber edy in 2 days
01:56.53loko_then they were all deleted
01:57.03nestAri want 502 NPA DID!!
01:57.11Mocloko_, 1 got 1 pending for 15 days
01:57.20SexyKenWith my IP 600 is there anyway to have it show the name of the person calling if their number is in the directory?
01:57.28loko_Moc, mine were deleted from the pending state
01:57.35MocSexyKen, it supose to do that already I think
01:57.41Mocloko_, mine is still there
01:57.45*** part/#asterisk robbika (
01:58.03SexyKen•Moc• Well that's wierd it doesn't show the person whose calling.
01:59.53SexyKenAny ideas?
02:00.31Mocwhy aint callerid set from the start ?
02:00.31ctooleyyep, HEAD works
02:01.22Mocctooley, why ? you got a raise ? ;)
02:01.30SlimeyAnyone know if * copes properly if you loop the port on a TE110P?
02:01.51ccfieldoes iax support call transfer?
02:01.53ctooleyMoc, the TDM04 didn't work until I upgraded
02:02.10Mocha ok
02:03.13bkw_ctooley head ALWAYS works ;)
02:03.20SexyKenWhen I call from a phone number that's in my directory, it doesn't show the name of the person calling.
02:03.28bkw_chan_phone.c does something naughty
02:03.29ctooleybkw_, I didn't say head, I said HEAD
02:03.42bkw_#include <linux/compiler.h>
02:03.46bkw_bad bad bad
02:04.38*** join/#asterisk m-00kie (
02:04.39ccfielbkw_: can you help me with my problem..:)
02:04.53*** join/#asterisk Shaquile (
02:04.54Mocccfiel, he will for an head... or 2
02:04.56bkw_ccfiel depends whats the problem?
02:05.10ccfielbkw_ : this is the error : Peer did not understand our iax command '34'
02:05.14ShaquileIt's 3AM in the morning right now.. But I just gotta tell you about what happened with VoIP..
02:05.19bkw_ccfiel what phone?
02:05.22ShaquileMy sister pulled the plug, and after that the server would work with VoIP for SOME reaseon, so I reinstalled it. And it wouldn't work..
02:05.22bkw_what versions?
02:05.29bkw_and whats on both ends
02:05.30ShaquileNow after two days of configuring I can call VoIP numbers but no PSTN numbers.
02:05.36ShaquileYou have any ideas?
02:05.46ccfielbkw_ : softphone.. they are all iax connection..
02:05.49bkw_Shaquile you BROKE MY RULES
02:06.03bkw_you failed to say Hi like a normal human before busting in to the channel asking/telling
02:06.04DrRighteousis anyone here using paetec out of NYC?
02:06.11tonyycchananybody know how to set the firewall settings if I want Asterisk to be running on DMZ?
02:06.15ShaquileWhen I call regular PSTN numbers the conversation breaks after 4 sec.
02:06.23Shaquilebkw_: Sorry, didn't know about your rules.
02:06.45Mocdamn he did ... bad ..
02:06.47bkw_Shaquile its more of common sense.. you don't run up to a crowd of people on the street and start talking to people without saying Hi?>
02:06.48Shaquilebkw_: In my channel people don't like people who says hey and talks about stuff that doesn't matter.
02:07.04bkw_we love it
02:07.07ccfielbkw_ : i used softphone (firefly) and both extension are iax channels..:
02:07.09Shaquilebkw_: Ok ok, I'm sorry.
02:07.15bkw_ccfiel firefly thirdparty?
02:07.21ShaquileHi everyone
02:07.29bkw_ccfiel I bet firefly has some voodoo in it with diffrent IE's for presense stuffs
02:07.32bkw_file[laptop] you might know about this
02:07.42ccfielbkw_: yes..firefly 3rd party...
02:07.45ShaquileMy name is Matthew and live in Sweden..
02:08.01bkw_ccfiel make sure you don't have a firefly network selected
02:08.10bkw_because firefly has voodoo in it
02:08.11bkw_for messaging
02:08.29file[laptop]firefly piggybacks on the TEXT frame, they have their own protocol inside of it
02:08.32file[laptop]doesn't use different IEs fyi
02:08.58loko_file[laptop], did you kick your boss for me
02:09.38ccfielbkw_: yes ..i used iax connection...for the client..:)
02:09.41bkw_god damn it I have to recompile gcc with debug too
02:09.51bkw_this isn't funny anymore
02:10.05ZX81what do you compile a compiler with?
02:10.36bkw_you bootstrap it boi
02:10.44brc_where is my distro
02:10.48bkw_in your ass
02:12.35ShaquileAnyone who knows why my call droppes when I call to an PSTN number?
02:12.54bkw_loaded question
02:13.01bkw_lots of stuff need to be answered first
02:13.04bkw_sip? zap? iax?
02:13.08bkw_which provider?
02:13.10bkw_if their is one?
02:13.13ta[i]ntedbkw_ hi
02:13.19bkw_bet you're not getting the answer
02:13.21ta[i]ntedi know you like hellos so HI
02:13.22bkw_so it hangs up
02:13.28bkw_wtf is that?
02:13.54ta[i]ntedit's digital sip DUH
02:13.55implicitbkw_: digital sip
02:14.04Shaquilebkw_: Swedish provider, I have used them before and everything worked well for a couple of days ago, but after my reinstall I can't getit to work
02:14.12bkw_key word
02:14.14ta[i]ntedas opposed to analog sip
02:14.22bkw_what verison of asterisk?
02:14.57P-NuT<breaking in> What's the clearest codec to use?
02:14.57bkw_glibc grew from 17 megs to 60 megs with debug shiznit
02:15.03bkw_P-NuT ulaw
02:15.18P-NuTis that licenced or something?
02:15.18Shaquilebkw_: I don't know, I used CVSup so it's a new one
02:15.19bkw_P-NuT really thats an objective question
02:15.24P-NuTor can u just use it?
02:15.28bkw_ulaw = g.711u
02:15.30bkw_its FREE
02:15.31P-NuTI know, what I mean is...
02:15.58bkw_the clearest codec you could ever use is 96khz AC3
02:16.09P-NuTa call comes through my FXO card then through the asterisk server to my sip phone/.
02:16.09bkw_but see you didn't say for use with a phone
02:16.18bkw_ulaw is the best
02:16.28bkw_g.711u/a is what the PSTN uses
02:16.49ta[i]ntedhow many gsm channels can fit on one full t1 data line?
02:16.58bkw_OK THATS IT
02:17.01bkw_you people need to near
02:17.03bkw_er learn
02:17.17ta[i]nteddude i totally said hello before asking my question
02:17.19bkw_ta[i]nted that has been answered MANY TIMES
02:17.30ta[i]ntedbut i'm looking for proven numbers
02:17.30bkw_google or has the info
02:17.44twistedlysol owns my sox
02:17.44ta[i]ntednot math derived #s
02:18.02bkw_those are proven.. I mean if thats all your going to use the T1 for
02:18.06bkw_its about 100% dead on
02:18.08Shaquilebkw_: Do you have any hints for dropped calls? Any standard errors?
02:18.26bkw_Shaquile I would have to see a sip debug
02:18.35*** join/#asterisk b0ef (
02:19.00ta[i]ntedwhat's the best way to make money off of voip right now.. consulting?
02:19.09bkw_ta[i]nted asking me questions
02:19.24bkw_ta[i]nted find a market and stick with it
02:19.25ta[i]ntedi'll paypal u some money
02:19.36loko_phone sex provider
02:19.40bkw_honestly jump in
02:19.43bkw_and find a market
02:19.45Shaquilebkw_: Like the message log?
02:19.51bkw_"sip debug"
02:19.54bkw_of the call setup
02:19.54b0efI'm running latency test on my computer where asterisk is installed and I'm getting quite noticable delay. Anyone know what I can look at?
02:20.07bkw_b0ef first define how you're testing
02:20.16bkw_then lets see if your test is flawed
02:20.31*** join/#asterisk doolph (doolph@
02:20.52b0efI've installed cvs of asterisk on a p3-600 and I'm using the console to dial an echo extension. I hear my voice half a second later
02:20.56ta[i]ntedbkw_ do u recommend using AGI to write modules or not?
02:20.58doolphwhere can I get the simplest extension.conf with fwd supportż??
02:21.03Shaquilebkw_: Shall I paste it priv?
02:21.06b0efI'm using linux-2.6.9
02:21.07bkw_ta[i]nted depends.. easy things AGI sure
02:21.25bkw_b0ef yes thats normal ya know
02:21.31bkw_we have to have the voice frames to shoot back at you
02:21.38bkw_that does have some delay
02:21.44Shaquilebkw_: btw, is it possible to print it to a file? It's a lot of text..
02:21.47bkw_500ms sounds about right
02:21.51bkw_Shaquile nope
02:22.00bkw_just make sure its gets an ACK
02:22.12doolphwhere can I get the simplest extension.conf with fwd supportż??
02:22.12b0efbkw_: 500ms on the same computer?
02:22.14bkw_I suspect your missing the 200 OK on call setup so it still thinks its ringing
02:22.17bkw_or what ever
02:22.22bkw_b0ef yes
02:22.34b0efI get delay when using voip too (sip and iax)
02:22.43bkw_face it you get delay on all voip
02:22.44Shaquilebkw_: ACK?
02:22.45bkw_but 500ms isn't shit
02:23.11*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
02:23.11bkw_b0ef you're sound hardward could be doing that
02:23.17Shaquile03:22 <@bkw_> I suspect your missing the 200 OK on call setup so it still
02:23.25bkw_go read teh SIP RFC
02:23.26ShaquileIt keeps coming up info
02:23.31bkw_i'm not here to teach everything to everyone
02:23.44bkw_this channel already sucks the life out of me
02:23.48bkw_I help as much as I can
02:24.05bkw_Shaquile if I were on the box I could see it in like a few seconds
02:24.13PoWeRKiLLsomeone know where does this error come from Dec 22 03:21:28 NOTICE[6895]: chan_zap.c:7381 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 1
02:24.15bkw_but I'm not in the mood to login to your box and debug it... long day
02:24.24bkw_PoWeRKiLL you can ignore 6's and 8's
02:24.34bkw_PoWeRKiLL its IRQ slips most likely
02:24.37PoWeRKiLLI didn't change anything on my system and suddenly my span 1 don't work anymore
02:24.39bkw_we had a big talk on the list about it
02:24.49bkw_did you restart asterisk
02:25.12PoWeRKiLLyes I restart * and also restart zaptel and still have it
02:25.38PoWeRKiLLthe pb is that I'm getting lot of  == Primary D-Channel on span 1 up on my console
02:26.31*** join/#asterisk marv (
02:26.39b0efbkw_: how does it sound about right?; there must be an artificial delay here
02:27.50*** join/#asterisk LB39 (
02:28.31Shaquilebkw_: It feels kind of unsercure... but with screen -x I guess it would be ok =)
02:29.25bkw_Shaquile not really in the mood to debug right now
02:29.29bkw_working on other stuff right now
02:29.29PoWeRKiLLbkw_ any other idea I got to remove this error I can use this span when I have this message
02:29.41bkw_restart asterisk?
02:30.00PoWeRKiLLDec 22 03:18:27 WARNING[6895]: PRI: !! Not good - head of queue has not been transmitted yet
02:30.01PoWeRKiLLDec 22 03:18:28 WARNING[6895]: No D-channels available!  Using Primary on channel anyway 16!
02:30.06Shaquilebkw_: Ok, well maybe I should sleep. Get back to the problem in the morning.
02:30.08bkw_sounds like your telco shit on it
02:30.12PoWeRKiLLI did restart it
02:30.32bkw_move that PRI to another port
02:30.40bkw_if the issue follows the PRI is hozed
02:30.41*** join/#asterisk cc (~cc@byte.fedora)
02:30.45PoWeRKiLLBut I just call them they says all is ok on their side zttool show OK on the link
02:30.52bkw_that means nothing
02:30.57bkw_because its PRI
02:31.00bkw_the span can be OK
02:31.04bkw_but the signalling is fucked
02:31.12bkw_da D channel baby
02:31.54m-00kieanyone read the slashdot regarding the AOL employee?
02:32.02m-00kiethats kinda messed up
02:32.09bkw_whats the story?
02:32.24m-00kieremember that aol guy who got fired for selling AOL clients emails for like $100k?
02:32.35bkw_While he didn't like what Jason did, he wasn't convinced a crime had been committed under the CAN-SPAM law, which requires that a person be deceived."
02:32.36m-00kiehe plead guilty and the judge refused to accept it heh
02:32.42PoWeRKiLLthe thing is that I don't have access to the hardware
02:32.43bkw_nice judge
02:33.01bkw_m-00kie if he didn't break any laws the judge is doing his job
02:33.02m-00kieyeah, kinda scary. its like a green-light for other employees of large ISP's to steal email lists
02:33.21bkw_they just charged him under the wrong thing
02:33.32bkw_it should be Title 18, 1030 something
02:33.35ccfielbkw_: does iax support blind call transfer?
02:33.36bkw_it would have stuck like glue
02:33.55bkw_ccfiel never used it in that manner
02:33.56bkw_but it should
02:34.00m-00kieyeah SOMETHING has to be illegal about what he did ;P
02:34.17bkw_but he didn't break the CAN-SPAM law
02:34.19bkw_thats all
02:34.43bkw_he did break something in 18USC, 1030
02:34.48bkw_that can stick on anyone
02:34.51bkw_hell honestly
02:35.02bkw_we can all get charged under 18USC,1030 for accessing a website
02:35.08bkw_even if its public
02:35.15bkw_go read the law.. its REALLY broad
02:35.32bkw_I was going to challenge that law.. but I was already broke ya know
02:35.45doolphhey who can please help me configure fwd
02:35.54bkw_doolph go read the WIKI
02:35.57bkw_it has examples
02:36.03bkw_and i'm sure the mailing list does too
02:36.06bkw_google is your friend
02:36.22m-00kiea public system deploying information via an authorized outlet (ie: www service) wouldnt fall under 1030..
02:36.29doolphi did
02:36.30bkw_yes it would
02:36.33bkw_trust me dude
02:36.35doolphand i still cant make it works
02:36.35bkw_IT WOULD
02:36.36bkw_and DOES
02:36.38m-00kiehow so? its authorized for public distribution
02:36.44doolphthe wiki sucks
02:36.48mishehuwiki tiki tavi
02:37.05bkw_m-00kie I didn't just spend 3 years on probation and pay 1k fine and 27k to attorneys because I accessed info on a public website
02:37.17bkw_I know this boi
02:37.20bkw_it CAN and does STICK
02:37.26bkw_the law is just that broad
02:37.31bkw_read the def. of protected computer
02:37.44bkw_that right there is where the law is too broad
02:37.52bkw_ANY computer connected to the internet is PROTECTED
02:37.55bkw_under that def.
02:37.59bkw_even if its public info
02:38.23m-00kiewhich part of it? :P
02:39.00bkw_section e,2 a and b
02:39.02bkw_more b
02:39.15bkw_the term .protected computer. means a computer
02:39.22bkw_which is used in interstate or foreign commerce or communication, including a computer located outside the United States that is used in a manner that affects interstate or foreign commerce or communication of the United States;
02:39.34bkw_ALL computers on the net fall under that
02:39.40m-00kiethose are definitions, bkw
02:39.43sungbkw_: that sucks
02:39.48bkw_yes but its there in the LAW
02:39.54bkw_what it means
02:39.59bkw_its very clear
02:40.05bkw_that all computers are "protected"
02:40.10bkw_trust me dude
02:40.19bkw_I didn't fight with the DOJ over marshmellows
02:40.25bkw_I know this shit
02:40.25*** join/#asterisk Moc (
02:40.28*** join/#asterisk ardor (
02:40.43bkw_spammers could even be charged with that
02:40.52bkw_its stupid
02:40.55bkw_and too broad
02:41.06m-00kieyes, the definitions are broad, they have to be.. but the scope of the law itself is defined in a), which only covers unauthorized access to protected or US systems
02:41.23m-00kieso what did you do? ;)
02:41.26bkw_but if you access something on a public website that WASNT public
02:41.30bkw_or ment to be public
02:41.31bkw_they can get you
02:41.33bkw_trust me
02:41.36ardori am running exten => _X.,2,agi,crap.agi **NEXT LINE** exten => _X.,3,agi,crap2.agi
02:41.43bkw_I told a competitor their IIS server has Anonmous publishing privs
02:41.46bkw_and they nailed my ass
02:41.56m-00kiewell that would make sense ;) since that would be a protected system heh.  discretion is a method of protection.
02:42.00bkw_even when it didn't ask for a password
02:42.00ardorcrap2 doesn't get ran, My Agi returns with a 0 any idea's?
02:42.11ardormy agi = crap.agi
02:42.13bkw_I found it by accident .... but I was being a nice guy.... never again
02:42.30bkw_ardor you didn't say hi
02:42.35bkw_GOD people are FUCKING RUDE
02:42.41*** part/#asterisk Kumbang (~ecvs@
02:42.48bkw_how many people in this world run up to a crowd of people and just start asking questions
02:42.49bkw_or talking
02:42.52bkw_its just fucking rude
02:42.54brc_I find it silly to say 'HI' in irc
02:43.00bkw_I don't
02:43.02bkw_its polite
02:43.05P-NuTAustralians do..
02:43.07m-00kiealtho i dont know how they would be able to make it stick tho.. that wouldnt make any sense.   if you intentionally seek out the site by method of scanning private subnets, then yeah.. but chancing upon the site, theres no way they could make that stick
02:43.10brc_nobody cares about you or wants to reply hi to you
02:43.12brc_I know I don't
02:43.24*** kick/#asterisk [brc_!] by bkw_ (Hi boi!)
02:43.27bkw_har har har
02:43.32bkw_NEXT!@!! topic
02:43.32*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
02:43.36ardorI'll say hi reguardless if its going to help me find an answer or not.
02:43.37bkw_how you like them apples
02:43.47*** join/#asterisk Flyboy6440 (
02:43.48P-NuTHi all.
02:43.52bkw_ardor its just been a bad day for me :P
02:43.52m-00kieheh that reminds me of a Futurama eposide
02:43.55PoWeRKiLLbut what that mean PRI: !! Not good - head of queue has not been transmitted yet No D-channels available!  Using Primary on channel anyway 16! ?
02:44.20bkw_PoWeRKiLL thats a normal message
02:44.25bkw_you get that when its setup correctly
02:44.32ardorbkw_ when it something this simple i have no idea what to google for to get an answer, I came stright to irc on this one, crossing my fingers.
02:44.33bkw_I feel its a bug but it works
02:44.46bkw_ardor ok youre script whats it written in?
02:44.51jaxxanheya bkw_
02:44.52brc_happy now?
02:44.57bkw_ardor perl -c crap2.agi
02:44.58bkw_whats it do?
02:45.02*** part/#asterisk Flyboy6440 (
02:45.29ardorblack_list_check.agi syntax OK
02:45.39bkw_ok in logger.conf
02:45.47bkw_add "debug" to the console => line
02:45.49bkw_type logger reload
02:45.51bkw_try again
02:45.53bkw_see what the console says
02:46.55PoWeRKiLLbkw_ so why I can't receive call on that PRI ?
02:47.02ardornow its working.
02:47.11PoWeRKiLLand I never got this message before
02:47.15ardormaybe i forgot to do a reload..
02:47.21bkw_PoWeRKiLL call in a trouble ticket to the telco
02:47.25bkw_seems like it went fucked up
02:47.48*** join/#asterisk BigCanOfTuna (
02:47.55bkw_linux#2.9.6-r1.pkg.tar.gz baby
02:47.59*** join/#asterisk Dogz- (
02:48.00BigCanOfTunaWhat is the difference between asterisk and safe_asterisk?
02:48.10bkw_RUDE RUDE RUDE
02:48.20bkw_BigCanOfTuna you could atleast say Hi
02:48.27bkw_safe_asterisk is a bash script
02:48.28bkw_that loops
02:48.30bkw_if aterisk dies
02:48.34bkw_it restarts
02:48.43bkw_asterisk is just the binary
02:48.44BigCanOfTunabkw: Thanks!
02:49.05bkw_OMG GLIBC can bite me
02:49.11brc_usually it doesn't....
02:49.16bkw_it doesn't what?
02:49.16P-NuTbonjour tout le monde..
02:49.28|Fender|bonsoir P-NuT
02:49.30PoWeRKiLLI'm with them on the phone and they say that all is ok on their side I hate when they says this ;)
02:49.40bkw_PoWeRKiLL and we all know telco's never lie
02:50.04PatrickDKheh, I'm currently sueing the telco
02:50.05Dogz-good evening, i came across Asterisk while trying to dig up info on VoIP i currently have several POTS lines at work which used to be used for faxes, i was curious on an estimate on how much others have spent to setup a very basic system to test
02:50.35PoWeRKiLLYes telco never lies they never says all the truth ;)
02:50.37bkw_Dogz- you could just get xlite and a boxen and test
02:50.51bkw_no need to get anything to interface with a pots line just yet
02:51.03bkw_ok this pkg needs to hurry up and build
02:51.23bkw_lazy days....
02:51.31bkw_ok guys its Asterisk after dark time...
02:51.40Dogz-If this ends up being something which i think i could personally manage, do many businesses use Asterisks?
02:51.42bkw_if you're 18 or younger please exit to the left.
02:51.46Dogz-employes of ~50?
02:51.52bkw_Dogz- hell ya
02:51.54bkw_its perfect for that
02:51.57bkw_if you don't wanna test something
02:52.00Dogz-(is this the right place to ask these questions?)
02:52.04bkw_I could work up a solution for you
02:52.09bkw_and sell it all to you in a package
02:52.32bkw_Dogz- how many phones?
02:52.36Dogz-bkw_, well i prefer to poke around and put things together myself (no offense) just in terms of my personal learning
02:52.36bkw_all pots lines?
02:52.42Dogz-i find it useful
02:52.44bkw_you'll enjoy this
02:52.51brc_I do it for $12,000 flat
02:52.58*** join/#asterisk ebrady (
02:52.59bkw_brc_ hahahaha you got burned on that last one
02:53.08bkw_trying to make it up eh?
02:53.15brc_excuse me?
02:53.23Dogz-Well i need to pick up a book and learn more about telephones honestly.
02:53.26bkw_this poor laptop of mine is going nannas
02:53.37Dogz-all of my buildings are suplied via T1, which then goes into our PBXs
02:53.42bkw_Dogz- get VOIP Fundamentals .. cisco prss
02:53.43bkw_er press
02:53.45brc_it is a very competitive price if you compare with other solutions, for example cisco call manager
02:53.45bkw_its a good one
02:53.48Dogz-we have around 45 phones
02:53.50ManxPowerIf I ever find the person that wrote the samba-ldap scripts and docs I shall kill them slowly and painfully.
02:53.59bkw_ManxPower i'll help
02:54.02brc_me too
02:54.06bkw_you bring the ball gag
02:54.11bkw_and i'll bring the whips
02:54.19bkw_we might as well enjoy it
02:54.38Dogz-bkw_: i dont mean to waste your time, as i can easily go to google and look prices up, but what if i find asterisk to be one heck of a nice program, whats my ball park for getting cards to interface with my T1?
02:54.44Dogz-500? 1000?
02:54.55brc_for a 4 port t1 card
02:54.59brc_$500 for a 1 port
02:55.11brc_I suggest the 4 port ti give you room for expansion
02:55.13bkw_er 500
02:55.37bkw_and you can now get dCap certified for only 3275 dollars
02:55.43bkw_dCap aka RIP OFF
02:55.47bkw_Moving on
02:55.55Dogz-Im a fbsd guy myself, many of u run it on fbsd? or just linux?
02:56.01bkw_use linux
02:56.04bkw_or loose hair
02:56.18*** join/#asterisk PMantis (
02:56.33bkw_my laptop is about to melt
02:56.37bkw_I have comipled glibc 5 times today
02:56.39ManxPowerDogz-: Start out with Linux.  Then if you still want to use BSD you can help the people working on that make it work.
02:56.40bkw_and gcc once
02:56.42brc_if you are after a stable solution, do not even consider asterisk on *bsd (*AT*THIS*TIME* (end disclaimer for bsd nutz))
02:56.43bkw_the kernle twice
02:56.48bkw_its burning up baby
02:56.54ManxPowerIt WORKS, just there are things you might expect to work that don't.  like the hardware drivers.
02:57.06Dogz-is the overall driver support grea.... thanks manxpower
02:57.06bkw_yep yep
02:57.20bkw_i'm not exaclty a linux lover either
02:57.25*** join/#asterisk bprice20 (
02:57.31brc_that's fo sho
02:57.34bkw_and I have proven that I think gentoo does black voodoo magic with gcc and glibc
02:57.35brc_you windows freak you
02:57.37denonbkw loves the lil devil
02:57.38denonadmit it
02:57.41bkw_I do
02:57.43bkw_I love BSD
02:57.45denonso do I :)
02:57.49bkw_well get this
02:57.50denona real os
02:57.51Dogz-i have beastie on my truck ^_^
02:58.09*** join/#asterisk ebrady (
02:58.38Dogz-Mind if i ask a vague voip question?
02:58.40bkw_  <-- read this..then ask WHY THE FUCK do most distros still use linuxthreads???
02:58.49bprice20bounty!!! 50 bucks via paypal to whomever can get audio working with VoicemailMain and iax2 under my gentoo box
02:59.06bkw_bprice20 let me at it
02:59.21bkw_bprice20 did you compile from src
02:59.24bkw_or did you use portage?
02:59.40Dogz-I work for a company where our execs fly to florida and all over the place to their winter homes... Do any of u use asterisk in this scenario?
02:59.42NormAstbkw_: you know the rules 15 minutes... Right :)
02:59.47bprice20bkw_ tried that and ebuild
02:59.57Dogz-using voip over broadband
03:00.15bkw_bounty == Hi in my book
03:00.18bkw_Moving on
03:00.29PoWeRKiLLbprice20 prepare your credit card ;)
03:00.31Dogz-Im just curious because i found the site tonight, and it has my brain turning about the possibilities
03:00.32*** join/#asterisk ebrady__ (
03:00.45bkw_bprice20 let me try to help you for free first
03:00.47m-00kieholy crap
03:00.48bprice20PoweRKiLL paypal only
03:00.58bkw_You can pay me if I fix it
03:01.03bkw_otherwise I would have to login
03:01.09bkw_does this box run nat?
03:01.16PMantisI have a dialplan issue... local 7 digit dialing doesn't work... * only dials 6 digits on the POTS line
03:01.36m-00kientpl rocks
03:01.40bkw_yes it does
03:01.42m-00kienptl even
03:02.03*** part/#asterisk ebrady (
03:02.04ManxPowerPMantis: The first 6 digits or the last 6 digits?
03:02.18PMantisManxPower, I think the last
03:02.22PoWeRKiLLbprice20 here is the paypal mail of bkw_ LOL :p
03:02.23brc_what's your dial string
03:02.38PMantisManxPower, TRUNKMSD is set to 0
03:02.40ManxPowerPMantis: put a w before your ${EXEN....
03:03.03PoWeRKiLLbkw_ do you think that restarting my box can do something about my problem ?
03:03.03ManxPowerPMantis: And call your phone company and tell them they suck
03:03.15ManxPowerPMantis: Common problem.  Just do it.
03:03.24PMantisManxPower, exten => _NXXXXXX,1,Dial(${TRUNK}/${EXTEN:${TRUNKMSD}})
03:03.34PMantisManxPower, I tried a comma.. that broke things
03:03.40brc_just get rid of the trunkmsd and see what happens
03:03.41PMantisSo, OK, a w. :)
03:03.45BigCanOfTunaIs there any need to disable Interrupt when running Asterisk?
03:04.24BigCanOfTunabrc_:  or IRQs?
03:04.26ManxPowerBigCanOfTuna: If interrupts are diabled any asterisk server will blow up and you'll get a nice little mushroom cloud in your server room.
03:04.36BigCanOfTunaManxPower: Sweet.
03:04.44brc_BigCanOfTuna, yes, each digium card must be on it's own irq (not shared)
03:04.59BigCanOfTunabrc_: how might I check if it is being shared?
03:05.02ManxPowerBigCanOfTuna: If you mean "disable devices to free up IRQs" then that's always a good idea.
03:05.09*** part/#asterisk P-NuT (~P--NuT@
03:05.16PMantisbrc_, trunkmsd is set to 0. I'll try the "w" first.
03:05.33BigCanOfTunaManxPower: Is there a preferred way of doing that?
03:06.12ManxPowerBigCanOfTuna: The BIOS is what controls what devices and slots are assigned which IRQs