irclog2html for #asterisk on 20041205

00:00.05jas_williamsDepend on how weak your dollar is this month
00:01.08*** join/#asterisk znoG (
00:01.37DiveFoxgod damn, how long have I been at this
00:02.35DiveFoxOH FOR THE LOVE OF...!  How in the hell do you put a call on hold on the BT100 and not have it hang up when you replace the reciever?
00:02.36justinnnnnnjas: its good its like .72ish
00:02.41justinnnnnneverything is sooooooooo cheap :)
00:02.52justinnnnnnwas like .55 bak then :(
00:04.14bkw_DiveFox you can't
00:04.23DiveFoxFuck me.  >.<
00:04.25bkw_you hold a call on the GS you can't put the receiver on the hook
00:04.28bkw_thats why those phones suck
00:04.34justinnnnnncant u press flash ?
00:04.49justinnnnnnbkw how come the attended thingy isnt in the cvs ?
00:04.51justinnnnnnits l33t0
00:04.59file[laptop]bkw_: Guess what the Doctor got me
00:07.27justinnnnnnbloody hell i dont have any sugar to make coffee
00:07.45justinnnnnni could ask one of the neighbours but thats so brady bunch
00:07.48justinnnnnnhmm wat to do
00:07.50jas_williamsCoffee now that sound like a good idea
00:08.07justinnnnnnsugarless coffe tho :( i mite as will drink my own excrement
00:09.29znoGmy excrement is quite sweet, would you like some?
00:11.22*** part/#asterisk DiveFox (
00:12.29*** join/#asterisk kimosabe (
00:12.37mikegrbsugar in coffee, yuck
00:15.05kimosabeis any one runnig 2100 model with asterisk
00:15.13kimosabesomthing new with Qos hellow
00:21.31*** join/#asterisk SexyKen (
00:23.15mueslii'd like to connect my pc via sip to asterisk, which should then dial/connect via isdn.
00:23.27muesliconnecting the pc via sip works, so does the isdn capi for asterisk
00:23.40mueslibut i can't figure out how to tell asterisk to route the call via isdn
00:24.01mueslianyone feels like being helpful? ;-)
00:24.48znoGmuesli: Dial(CAPI/yourmsn:b<outgoingnumber>)
00:24.52znoGin my case:
00:25.14znoGif i remember correctly.. i don't use ISDN anymore
00:25.18znoGsearch for CAPI
00:25.19mueslicool, will try, thanks
00:25.34justinnnnnnis capi for bri ?
00:25.51Yellow_Fuzzyjustinnnnnn: can we talk in PM please
00:25.59znoGyus, i believe it is for BRI only
00:26.03znoGcould be wrong though
00:26.53justinnnnnnyou no i come in here looking to chat about asterisk, and yellow_fuzzy wants to make out with me
00:29.05kimosabedoes any one have asterisk server for voice over ip solution over multiple points
00:29.48justinnnnnnlike redundancy u mean ?
00:29.57_Simonis there a way to load users as well as extensions via mysql?
00:29.59*** join/#asterisk wolfson (
00:30.12_Simoninstead of out of the .conf file
00:32.59justinnnnnnsimon i think its the realtime thing
00:33.06justinnnnnnor something like that
00:33.10_Simonits the realtime thing?
00:33.18justinnnnnncould be the realtime thing
00:33.30kimosabekram is there a way to regulate qos with asterisk server via internet
00:33.40Yellow_Fuzzylol justinnnnnn, i just wanted to talk to you about signing up to mpa, im getting really pissed off with engin
00:33.53*** join/#asterisk RES2 (
00:34.14justinnnnnnkimosabe, do u have any cisco routers in ur network ?
00:34.43kimosabeno only freebsd
00:34.55kimosabemade purchase for new sipura2100 with qos
00:35.16kimosaberunning nothing but open source routers
00:41.37muesliznoG: it always reports "cannot find extension context 'default'"...
00:41.46muesliznoG: of course i got a default section in extension.conf
00:42.38znoGmuesli: i'd have to see your config
00:42.45mueslisure, sec... pastebining
00:42.56znoGyep was about to paste the URL but you're obviously familiar with it
00:43.01*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
00:43.58jbotextra, extra, read all about it, pastebin is a place to paste all your conf/debugs/logs for other people in the chatroom to view without flooding the channel. We suggest
00:44.00*** join/#asterisk RES2 (
00:44.02znoGthat one
00:44.58mueslinot exactly pastebin, but the basically the same ;-)
00:45.44znoGmuesli: you're dialing "31" ?
00:45.59jas_williamsmuesli: What phone are you calling from ?
00:46.31muesliznoG: no, i'm trying to dial some "random number"
00:46.58mueslijas_williams: i'm trying to connect from a sip client, getting asterisk to route the call via the isdn card
00:47.45jas_williamsThis is my dial line for a Capi device
00:47.47jas_williamsexten => _3.,1,Dial,CAPI/330417:${EXTEN}
00:47.57jas_williamsWhere 330417 is the MSN
00:48.10mueslijas_williams: mind explaining me what _3.,1 means?
00:48.21mueslijas_williams: well, it's connect to a local s0 bus, so the msn is 31
00:48.23jas_williamsall numbers prefixed with 3 go out the ISDN
00:48.40muesliah, ok... so _[1-9] should work?
00:49.04muesli0-9, actually
00:49.17jas_williamsWhat do you whant ?
00:49.41jas_williamsexten => .X_,1,Dial  is all calls :)
00:49.46muesliah, ok
00:49.49muesliyeah, all calls :-)
00:50.07justinnnnnnisnt that like _.,1,Dial
00:50.07jas_williamsexten => _X.,1,Dial  is all calls :)
00:50.19justinnnnnnor is it the same thing ?
00:50.33jas_williams_. includes timeout and Hangup not always what you want ;)
00:52.16mueslithis is the asterisk -vvv output
00:53.33jas_williamsmuesli: Can you post the output of show dialplan
00:54.07muesli[ Context 'parkedcalls' created by 'res_features' ]
00:55.11mueslisorry for pasting here, but i figured pasting one url or two lines aint that much of a difference ;-)
00:55.13jas_williamsMuesli your extensions.conf is not being parsed.... check the messages on startup
00:56.01mueslido i have to tell him to include extension.conf or is this done automagically?
00:56.20muesliit doesnt mention extension.conf at all during startup, thats for sure
00:56.39jas_williamsautomagically /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf is parsed hmmm...
00:57.13justinnnnnnhey is it read up down.. or down up ?
00:57.42justinnnnnnlike if i do
00:57.48jas_williamsFrom top down her is mine listed at startup
00:57.50jas_williams[] => (Text Extension Configuration)
00:57.58justinnnnnnexten => 1XX,1,D
00:58.02justinnnnnnexten => XXX
00:58.05justinnnnnnwhich would it do
00:58.29jas_williamsIt would do whatever it wanted probably match XXX first
00:59.06jas_williamsYou need to put over lapping number ranges in their own context and then include them in the order you whant them parsed
00:59.32*** join/#asterisk cced (~wangxinta@
00:59.48mikegrbit is done in alphabetical order
00:59.58PatrickDKno it isn't
01:00.07mikegrbthat is what the wiki told me!
01:00.09PatrickDKthey are matched by the include order
01:00.17mikegrbbut within a context
01:00.29PatrickDKya, by numerical order
01:00.30justinnnnnni thought it goes down up
01:00.38justinnnnnnso 1XX is read last
01:00.49mueslijas_williams: ok, found out
01:00.56mueslii had to manually load the pbx_config module
01:01.19*** join/#asterisk PTG123 (
01:01.20PatrickDKwithin a context, the only guarrenty is by include order
01:01.53muesligetting closer :-)
01:02.28jas_williamsjustinnnnnn: check out
01:02.38justinnnnnncool thanks :)
01:02.52*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
01:03.54justinnnnnnalot more effort involved
01:03.59justinnnnnnit should just sort!
01:04.14jas_williamsmuesli: do a show applications is dial loaded
01:04.50muesli*CLI> show application is dial loaded
01:04.50muesliYour application(s) is (are) not registered
01:04.54mueslianother module missing, i guess?
01:05.12jas_williamsno do a show applications
01:05.33jas_williamslook for dial in the output .. yes
01:05.46mueslinop, no dial loaded
01:06.05muesliok, got it loaded
01:06.07jas_williamsWhat do you have in your modules.conf this looks to be aproblem
01:06.23muesliwell, i started with debian's default config
01:06.26mueslisec, pastebinin
01:06.26PatrickDKmight just have autoload turned off
01:06.30PTG123hey anyone know where i find a list of country codes that correspond to countries? like 1 is US etc? :)
01:06.34muesliPatrickDK: yup, it is off
01:06.47PatrickDKya, then ya have to have a load => for everything
01:06.51PatrickDKor turn it on
01:07.06PatrickDKptg123, for postage? or domain names?
01:07.07jas_williamsmuesli: try
01:07.09muesliPatrickDK: but when it's on, it complains about tons of modules which it ain't able to load
01:07.37PatrickDKheh, modem.o isn't loaded
01:07.50PatrickDKI just do a noload => all the modem* stuff
01:07.57muesliok, sec
01:08.08PatrickDKthere are like 5 of them, I think
01:08.44PTG123patrick: for dialing.. i need to know the country code to dial
01:09.00PatrickDKoh, telephone +???? codes
01:09.36mueslilooks good
01:09.58muesliyou guys rock
01:09.58jas_williamsPTG123: try Google
01:11.27znoGmuesli: well, with what you pasted, you'll only be able to dial 31
01:11.29jas_williamsGlad to help, return the compliment one day when your experianced :)
01:11.42muesliznoG: true ;-)
01:11.56muesliaudio transmission doesnt seem to work (yet)
01:12.08znoGmuesli: i'd change your extensions.conf Dial line to something like: exten => .X_,Dial(CAPI/yourmsn:b${EXTEN})
01:12.12znoGfor example
01:12.18znoGif you wanted any number to go out via CAPI which is probably not what you want
01:12.47muesliuhm, actually for now i exactly do want that.
01:14.14*** join/#asterisk amir (
01:19.47znoGmuesli: then give it a shot and see how you go.
01:19.59znoGmuesli: if all fails, capi debug might shed some light
01:20.05muesliwell, it works now
01:20.10muesliat least it's able to connect
01:20.27muesliit didnt transmit voice data, though
01:20.56jas_williamsmuesli:  Are your sip phone and asterisk on the same subnet and what codec are you trying to use ?
01:21.38wolfsonsomeone scraped my dundi e-mail off the wiki and started spamming it, how nice of them
01:23.16mueslijas_williams: gsm codec, same subnet
01:25.46*** part/#asterisk Pinhole (
01:26.53jas_williamsmuesli: do you get no audio or one way audio ?
01:27.04jas_williamsWhat is your sip device ?
01:27.24mueslino audio at all. to be honest, i'm not sure if this is asterisk's fault ... could be this silly kphone, too
01:27.42jas_williamsAre you running them on the same box ?
01:27.53mueslino, different machines
01:29.02muesliwill try some other sip client, now
01:29.27jas_williamsmuesli: Do you have an alsa or oss sound card in your asterisk server ?
01:30.09mueslibut i'm using it with the oss emulation layer, currently
01:30.37jas_williamsYou could connect some speakers make sure you load the alsa module and then try Dail 01... from your console
01:30.47muesliok, will try
01:31.13mueslijust curious: it shouldnt matter if it's "just" acting as a gateway, right?
01:31.14*** join/#asterisk DrRighteous (
01:31.22bkw_yo yo yo
01:31.25bkw_ya know whats funny
01:31.37bkw_I got me a 40 GIG IPOD for my xmas gift to myself
01:31.42NuggetiPods rock.
01:31.42*** join/#asterisk jradford (
01:31.50bkw_and its got the HP logo on th eback and it says "HP INVENT"
01:31.55mueslibkw_: own presents are the best ;-)
01:32.02muesliyou're barely disappointed
01:32.05bkw_shouldn't it say "HP WE LICENSE OTHER PEOPLES SHIT"
01:33.06mueslijas_williams: is there an easy way to connect with asterisk itself (dial 123..., ok) and play some mp3 tune?
01:35.01twistedbkw_, woo.. I've got a real apple ipod 40g ;)
01:35.27file[laptop]iPods are such a popular Christmas gift
01:35.38twistedi bet bkw paid way too much for his
01:36.13jas_williamsmuesli: try exten => 500,1,Playback(demo-abouttotry); Let them know what's going on
01:36.32jas_williamsand ring 500
01:37.03*** join/#asterisk NormAst (
01:37.31NormAstHay all.
01:37.48NormAstWhich Distro of Linux do you suggest for a production system of asterisk?
01:37.52*** topic/#asterisk by twisted -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || DUNDi ( #dundi || Valuable problem solving resources:,
01:38.07NormAstConsidering Gentoo.
01:38.15mikegrbgentoo for production haw haw
01:38.26file[laptop]twisted: did you hear my idea for an astricon presentation?
01:38.32twistedfile[laptop], no
01:38.40bkw_twisted :P
01:38.45file[laptop]bkw_: tell him, he'll like it
01:38.50bkw_I have 31 gigs of music
01:38.55twistedfile[laptop], if it's your idea, you tell me.
01:39.05bkw_you know how long it takes to get that much music onto the fucker
01:39.07bkw_its still going
01:39.13twistedbkw_, it doesn't take that long.
01:39.16file[laptop]twisted: but bkw has a unique way of saying it
01:39.24file[laptop]actually here
01:39.27twistedmoose-penis tract?
01:39.36bkw_how to properly trouble shoot an asterisk issue
01:39.46file[laptop]and not annoy us
01:39.59twistediirc, mattf gave something similar at the last one
01:40.05file[laptop]well apparently it didn't stick
01:40.21bkw_twisted that was how to fill out a bug report
01:40.22*** join/#asterisk Gorillapond (
01:40.27bkw_he didn't go too far into it
01:40.29twistedyou are not a beautiful and unique snowflake.
01:40.47bkw_ipods are so cute
01:40.54file[laptop]a session of answers to the most commonly asked asterisk questions, and how to debug ones that aren't mentioned!
01:40.54twistedbkw_, you paid too much i bet.
01:41.02file[laptop]"Reading the error message, it's a good thing."
01:41.10bkw_twisted who cares..
01:41.14twistedfile[laptop], you should have all the faq's in a list
01:41.33twistedfile[laptop], and then just get up on stage and go "yes, yes, no, yes, mpg123 v0.59r, no, no, yes. any questions?"
01:41.41file[laptop]twisted: now THAT would be nice
01:42.02jas_williamsSet the faq's up as a macro and then /msg them back to the irc user :)
01:42.16DrukenHMEthe date on the wiki is wrong, unless it's hosted in a strange place
01:43.12NormAstmikegrb: what do  you suggest?
01:43.16Nugget"strange"?  half the world is in 5-Dec right now.
01:43.33twistedit's still the 4th here.
01:43.39mikegrbNormAst: what you are most familiar with or debian
01:43.46twistedin fact
01:43.53twistednorth/south america is all still in dec 4
01:44.00Nuggetthat's correct.
01:44.57NormAstmikegrb: Using RedHat but need support for SATA.
01:44.59jas_williamsIt's the 5th here
01:45.20mikegrblinux is linux
01:45.26mikegrbjust compile your own kernel
01:45.35DrukenHMEwell, anywhere but here is strange to me.. since i have never been anywhere but here
01:45.38Nuggetsince the wiki says what time zone it uses, it's hardly confusing.  "Sun 05 of Dec, 2004 [01:45 UTC]"
01:45.44twistedi'm afraid of people who run linux who can't compile a kernel.
01:46.08GorillapondDoes anyone know if Asterisk 1.02 includes the BroadVoice patch?
01:46.19mikegrbI couldn't when I started but I was 10 and the computer had a bad cpu so it would fail
01:46.20twistedi've been compiling kernels since 1.2.4
01:46.34mikegrbit was my first time and I thought it was my fault
01:46.43Nuggetheh, poor mikegrb.  :)
01:46.59Gorillapondmenuconfig is a wonderful thing.
01:47.01mikegrba friend of my parents took my .config and compiled it for me :D
01:47.02twistedtime to finish cleaning up the apartment
01:47.18mikegrbI felt quite vendicated that it worked
01:47.31NuggetI feel quite old that you were only 10 and linux was out.  :)
01:47.48Nuggetwhen I was 10 I was building a ring detector for my acoustic modem so I could run a BBS.
01:47.54mikegrbNugget the old man
01:48.11mikegrbwhat year did aol start?
01:48.50jas_williamsWhen I was ten I built my own 300 baud modem :)
01:48.52mikegrbI used it for about two months then found a propper ppp connection
01:48.57NuggetI got on compuserve in 1982.
01:49.12NuggetGEnie in '86 or so.  BIX right around then as well.
01:49.14jas_williamsI was on fidonet in 81
01:49.18mikegrbmmm fidonet
01:49.24Nugget<-- 1:231/250
01:49.36mikegrband the cool mail packet program thingies
01:49.48mikegrbso you could download your mail
01:49.50muesliimail, fastecho, hooray
01:49.52NuggetI was NEC for 231 and I was the echo feed between the us and the netherlands for a few years in the late '80s
01:49.54mikegrband read and reply offline
01:50.39Nuggetwith my screaming courier hst (9600) that I bought on the sysop deal for an amazingly cheap $495.
01:52.03markitmm just updated and compiled cvs head... at startup: Dec  5 02:51:06 WARNING[22654]: config.c:589 __ast_load: Unterminated comment detected beginning on line 135397016
01:57.10wolfsonthere were changes made to comment formats in cvs today
01:57.52bkw_markit you have a ;-- or --; in your config
01:57.59bkw_please read the bug tracker
01:58.02file[laptop]I want to take you to a midnight show tonight
01:58.05file[laptop]if you can keep a secret
01:58.11file[laptop]I've got a blanket in the back seat on my mind
01:59.09Qwellbkw_: comment block format?
02:00.27*** join/#asterisk cyberchills (
02:00.44markitbkw_: thanks, I will check!
02:00.53file[laptop]there appears to be a movie on, I wonder which one it is
02:01.15file[laptop]it appears to be Species III
02:01.38mikegrbappearances can be deceiving
02:01.48markitbkw_: could be in any asterisk config file? or just extensions.conf?
02:02.33markitwell, found  one on sip.conf
02:03.15markitmm the default, untouched part of it... is ;---------------------------- a problem, or just ;-- ?
02:03.30muesli10.2.102.66      31          1636633170@  00101/03300   UNKN
02:03.54muesliseems my sip client and asterisk couldnt agree on a protocol, right?
02:03.59justinnnnnnmy telco ses we cant block caller id dynamic
02:04.02justinnnnnnfinaly got it working
02:04.04justinnnnnnexten => s,2,Setcallerpres(prohib_not_screened)
02:10.21*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
02:11.01PoWeRKiLLEvening ;)
02:14.17markitbkw_: do you have tried the last cvs head, with that multiline comment, and sip.conf?
02:14.58bkw_markit no the patch I have is the orginal anthm patch
02:15.02bkw_not the modified one mark put in
02:15.38markitok, let me modify sip.conf and see what happens
02:15.46bkw_markit I think its any config file... but let me check
02:16.03bkw_makes no sense to just do extensions.conf since they all use the same parsing engine
02:16.56markitbkw_: it's any config,since with a modified version of sip.conf the warning disappeared
02:17.24*** join/#asterisk _E|nyPRI (
02:17.47Frantici want to install linux from scratch putting the parameters needed for HDLC ( any one knows how to do it during initial setup?
02:18.16QwellDo older versions of things like asterisk-sounds work with newer versions of *?  I'm seeing 1.0.1 for asterisk-sounds, and 1.0.2 for *
02:18.19*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
02:18.22*** join/#asterisk jeje (
02:18.57Franticin RH9: should i just do: linux CONFIG_WAN=y CONFIG_HDLC=y ...
02:19.06Franticis there a ; between - or just space
02:20.00markitmmm had also a problem in re-registering of my BT... now works
02:21.03jejeHi all
02:21.30markithi jeje
02:21.30*** join/#asterisk z_jay (
02:22.15jejeI need some help to configure my Dynamic isdn card (winbond chipset) with mISDN
02:22.25jejeAnybody ?
02:24.42markitbkw_: since you are a bug marshall, there is a line in the sip.conf that is interpreted as a begin of a multiline comment: ;--------------------------------------
02:26.02cyberchillsNewbie here.  I attended Asticon in ATL, and learned quite a bit.  I have a few questions When working w/ CISCO 79XX series phones do you all prefer to use dhcp or static IP assignments.  I will have a total of 8-10 79XX's.
02:26.26file[laptop]I use DHCP on my LAN and just have it register with my asterisk box
02:28.08*** join/#asterisk ptblank (
02:28.39*** join/#asterisk PTG123 (
02:28.54*** join/#asterisk bofh42 (
02:29.16*** part/#asterisk z_jay (
02:30.55*** join/#asterisk phoneguy (
02:31.32*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
02:31.56bjohnsonanyone figured out how to crack the vonage linksys pap2 fxs devices yet?
02:32.32bkw_markit remove that line
02:33.01bkw_file my dear
02:33.02bkw_whats up
02:33.07file[laptop]nada, u?
02:33.14bkw_markit get me a diff on the bug on the bug tracker
02:33.19bkw_like a virgin
02:33.24bkw_touched for very first time
02:33.34file[laptop]you? first time? like hell
02:33.44bkw_its gonna take all night to copy all his music onto the thing
02:33.48bkw_I have 8000 songs
02:34.04bkw_file no you are aren't ya?
02:34.14file[laptop]wouldn't you like to know
02:34.17justinnnnnnif i have a context [blah]
02:34.17justinnnnnnand i have
02:34.18file[laptop]you crazy crazy dingo
02:34.25markitbkw_: newbie here... there is a comment, the only one in sip.conf that is this way, that has ;--------------------- and you just have to put a space after ";"
02:34.34file[laptop]oooooh I have an idea
02:34.36bkw_markit yes dear
02:34.40justinnnnnnhow come i cant do like goto(blah,${EXTEN},1) ?
02:34.56Yellow_Fuzzyso how are you going justinnnnnn ... :P
02:35.29bkw_oh honey bunny
02:35.31*** join/#asterisk kb8ude (
02:37.04bkw_you get right now.. oh yea
02:37.14*** join/#asterisk SexyKen (
02:37.41phoneguyanyone ever try installing asterisk via Rapid?
02:37.45SexyKenNo sir.
02:37.58*** join/#asterisk amir (
02:38.06mikegrbI'd just use debian
02:38.13phoneguyhave any luck with it?
02:38.29mikegrbI think the images on the site were corrupted though
02:38.54phoneguythats my thought, cant get them to load from cd
02:39.29ZX81any online used freebsd for *?
02:40.51mikegrbphoneguy: yeah I downloaded twice and burnedd like three times
02:43.39bkw_strike a pose
02:43.45fileI don't wanna
02:44.08bkw_you should have caught onto that ya know
02:44.16fileI know, I did
02:44.26Twisterif i wanted to use asterisk to compleatly control my phone system (extensions and all) without a pbx to control the extensions what would i use?
02:44.46*** join/#asterisk _Vile (
02:44.50bkw_asterisk WOULD BE YOUR PHONE SYSTEM
02:44.52Twisteryes i know i mean what would i hook the phones into
02:44.55Twisteris what i meant
02:45.05bkw_Frantic I have no clue about the HDLC stuff
02:45.10Twisterwhat would the lines psyically attach to
02:45.14JunK-Ydamn work on saturday :(
02:45.19bkw_i'm very strong against having a PBX be a router.. and a router be a PBX
02:45.20bkw_its just wrong
02:45.24Franticit's actualy a linux installation question
02:45.27bkw_just like these camera phones.. I JUST WANT A CELLPHONE
02:45.32_Vileyeah no shit
02:45.36Dr_Raytwister, if it's VOIP, a switch, if it's POTS a a channel bank
02:45.38*** join/#asterisk MustDie (voip@
02:45.38_Vilecellphones with cameras on them?
02:45.42bkw_Frantic no clue.. trial and error is what I use
02:45.51Franticok- thanks
02:46.29Dr_Rayerror and trails
02:46.30bkw_its how I learn
02:46.40bkw_I can learn faster via trial and error than reading documentation
02:46.43bkw_its sick I tell ya
02:46.53bkw_if you stop and think about it.. things can only work so many ways
02:46.59filemy idea failed, darn it
02:47.01Dr_RayI usually skim the documents, then go pound it, then read it again
02:47.13_Vilei google
02:47.14bkw_if you can think and move fast you can usually try them all before you ever get the documention open
02:47.29bkw_google is great for me too because I refuse to totally read docs
02:47.32_Vilei dont think ive read documentation in a while
02:47.37bkw_me either
02:47.47bkw_this MAX TNT.. file helped me get started by showing me a few things
02:47.50bkw_then I beat the shit out of it
02:48.03bkw_its passing calls like a mad bitch now
02:48.08_Vileu have a tnt?
02:48.20bkw_yes about to get another one or an APX8000
02:48.25_Vilehow many ports? was thinking about getting a 672 port tnt
02:48.39bkw_the one I setup has 144 ports right now
02:48.43bkw_will have more soon
02:48.58bkw_the others will be full 672's
02:49.20_Vileme too, but two ether and one voice
02:49.27_Vileand i want to drop the voice and make it all ip
02:49.28bkw_all three of mine are voice
02:50.06_Vilehave you tested tnt's t.38 capability at all?
02:50.09bkw_charge you crazy ipot
02:50.19bkw__Vile no because our fax platform is hylafax based
02:50.42bkw_nice nice nice
02:51.17bkw_screw t.38
02:51.27bkw_Patton 2977
02:51.35bkw_nice 6k card
02:51.38bkw_works like a charm too
02:52.06bkw_if it can be done.. I have done it..
02:52.15bkw_if it couldn't be done.. I MAKE IT DO IT
02:52.51bkw_ok btw
02:52.58bkw_I think we have a bug in CDR call disposition
02:53.06bkw_JunK-Y ment to tell you that
02:53.11bkw_JunK-Y boi
02:53.13bkw_over here
02:53.55JunK-Ybah, i need more tests in peak time.
02:54.13JunK-Ybut there's a problem with bridging.
02:54.44JunK-Ycause that's impossible
02:55.05JunK-Yand i've a lot of Dec  4 21:54:10 WARNING[16395]: chan_zap.c:4453 zt_new: Channel 167 already has a Real call
02:55.22PoWeRKiLLhi bkw_
02:55.49JunK-Ybkw_: ya dont have suck trouble when bridging?
02:56.16PoWeRKiLLI think there is may be a problem with odbc since I update to lastest cvs then I compile * again I got a crash and when looking in the core file it's crash at #0  0x4222d6c9 in my_SQLPrepare () from /usr/lib/
02:56.38*** join/#asterisk cced (~wangxinta@
02:56.45bkw_JunK-Y no
02:57.52onixxPoWeRKiLL: my SIP phones don't even talk with asterisk with current cvs
02:58.01bkw_I think their is a bug in cdr handling
02:58.06PoWeRKiLLI remove all odbc module from /usr/lib/asterisk/module and * work fine now
02:58.17bkw_PoWeRKiLL what was the problme?
02:58.20JunK-Ybkw_: im working on this since 5 days, trying to understand what happens exactly.
02:58.41JunK-Ythe only thing, that week, all my 6 T1s will be full, so i cant make so many tests.
02:59.37PoWeRKiLLbkw_ the problem is that when * try to call a odbc function it's crash as you can see in the core file
02:59.38bkw_it copies about 1 song per second
02:59.48bkw_PoWeRKiLL show me the core
03:00.00PoWeRKiLLLoaded symbols for /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
03:00.00PoWeRKiLLReading symbols from /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
03:00.00PoWeRKiLLLoaded symbols for /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
03:00.00PoWeRKiLL#0  0x4222d6c9 in my_SQLPrepare () from /usr/lib/
03:00.12PoWeRKiLLyou want me to send you the file ?
03:00.16robl^I know some ppl love it, but ODDBC is evil and scarems
03:00.21bkw_PoWeRKiLL do a bt full
03:00.26bkw_post it on paste bin
03:00.38bkw_because thats not ODBC crashing
03:00.43bkw_thats the MyODBC mysql driver thats crashing
03:01.17JunK-Yanyways, im dead, see ya guys.
03:01.49bkw_file dear
03:02.07JunK-Ybkw: but if ya wanna my 1st feeling, isnt in cdr disposition, its more on problem affecting the right chan name.
03:02.20JunK-Ydead, cause i've work all fucking week until 2am.
03:03.06bkw_PoWeRKiLL using ANY custom applications?
03:03.19JunK-Ysee ya mono boi.
03:03.27PoWeRKiLLno I don't
03:03.28bkw_JunK-Y that would be brc_
03:03.41bkw_PoWeRKiLL make clean?
03:03.43JunK-Ywhy he has mono?
03:03.44bkw_before you installed
03:03.54bkw_because that makes NO sense at all
03:04.05PoWeRKiLLyes I made a make clean before
03:04.13bkw_this stable or head?
03:04.21PoWeRKiLLthen make && make install
03:04.23PoWeRKiLLit's a stable
03:04.40PoWeRKiLLAsterisk CVS-v1-0-12/05/04-03:47:40
03:04.57bkw_do this for me
03:05.37bkw_<PoWeRKiLL> Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
03:05.37bkw_<PoWeRKiLL> Reading symbols from /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
03:05.37bkw_<PoWeRKiLL> Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
03:05.37bkw_those lines
03:05.37*** join/#asterisk Legend (~legend@
03:05.37bkw_go rm -rf your modules folder
03:05.37bkw_and make install again
03:05.55bkw_something else has got to be causing this.. becuase that bt makes no sense hehe
03:06.01*** join/#asterisk |^Angel^| (
03:06.05bkw_usually when you have a bt like this.. its not what is really causing it
03:06.30bkw_its not normal to have  crash in ast_cdr_post at all
03:07.00*** part/#asterisk jeje (
03:07.06bkw_you're using app_Queue with format_mp3 and the moh patch of anthm's are yout?
03:07.49PoWeRKiLLbkw_ I remove them but now * won't start conplaining  []Dec  5 04:06:52 WARNING[10158]: loader.c:248 ast_load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ cannot open shared object
03:08.22bkw_ok you have load= lines in your modules.conf
03:08.27bkw_go remove them or comment them out
03:08.43*** join/#asterisk argos73 (
03:09.00PoWeRKiLLbkw_ no I don't use moh patch from anthm I just add mp3 format and addon mysql to use in extension.conf instead of odbcget
03:09.22bkw_format_mp3 might still have some stuff in it thats not reentrant
03:09.36*** join/#asterisk file (~joshnet@
03:10.21justinnnnnnthe moh patch makes the mp3's to soft
03:10.23justinnnnnnor is it just me.. ?
03:11.24*** join/#asterisk angler- (~angler@angler.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
03:11.35docelm0If anyone is looking for PAP's from linksys you can find them on Ebay I found them when I searched for PAP2
03:11.39justinnnnnnhmm is there some way to make her louder in linux  ?
03:11.40PoWeRKiLLbkw_ now the error is different
03:11.43justinnnnnnthe mp3 ?
03:11.56*** part/#asterisk scromp (
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03:12.19*** join/#asterisk SexyKen (
03:12.24SexyKenHey there partners.
03:13.26mikegrbyou are so not sexy
03:14.20SexyKenYou are so not cool.
03:14.25SexyKenBall licker
03:14.33bkw_show me a picture
03:14.38bkw_i'll be the judge of this
03:14.55mikegrbbkw_: he is using mirc with crazy invision scripts
03:14.57mikegrbhe is 1337
03:15.13mikegrbthat is just his nick leftover from his cyberchat rooms on efnet
03:15.26bkw_be nice mike
03:15.38SexyKenAnd mike likes to talk shit about people on irc because it makes him feel better about himself :-)
03:15.58bkw_SexyKen show us a picture.. ;)
03:16.15mikegrbbkw_: noone is as sexy as you
03:16.22mikegrbbkw_: he is clearly just an imposter
03:16.26bkw_ok SexyKen can keep is nick
03:16.32SexyKenThanks :-)
03:16.47SexyKenSo the picture wasn't too bad eh?
03:16.49PoWeRKiLLbkw_ the problem is solved if I remove and
03:16.50bkw_now SexyKen you don't have angler- beat
03:17.02bkw_PoWeRKiLL sounds like your odbc libs are hozed
03:17.08bkw_angler- is my sexless lover
03:17.32bkw_chef's chocolate salty balls eh?
03:17.40fileLindt chocolates actually :p
03:17.46bkw_truffles.. HOW GAY
03:17.57bkw_i'm not even that gay
03:18.02mikegrbbkw_: I was quite gay when I was done eating them
03:18.07*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
03:18.10mikegrbbkw_: until my stomach started hurting
03:18.20BoRiSyo file!!!!!
03:18.22bkw_6 to the 6 to the 6
03:18.45filewth is going on in 666?
03:19.01BoRiSOk, just give me abit...someone is sleeping next to me. ;)
03:19.08bkw_BoRiS get your hooka jubblies in the conf
03:19.24bkw_BoRiS sleeping?
03:19.28bkw_you should be fucking.. not sleeping
03:19.41robl^oh my!
03:19.59BoRiSlol...Well, we were watching tv when he passed out.
03:20.05PoWeRKiLLthanks bkw_ I will try to recompile it back and see if the problem is still here
03:20.12SexyKenDid you see this picture, bkw:
03:20.40*** join/#asterisk DiveFox (
03:20.53fileBoRiS: pump him full of sedatives and head into 'da conf
03:21.00DiveFoxanyone know a cheap SIP <-> PSTN gateway?
03:21.21BoRiSDive: X100P
03:21.27DiveFoxI mean, remote
03:21.39BoRiSSipura 3000? :-p
03:21.43DiveFoxSomething like Net2Phone, but cheaper.
03:21.44PoWeRKiLLbtw someone know a good way how to correct cdr log when using ?
03:21.45DiveFoxA service.
03:21.52DiveFoxI already spent all day building a * system
03:22.10DiveFoxNow I'm looking for endpoints for it in case SBC ever decides to collect on my bill
03:22.36robl^SBC == Love
03:22.52DiveFoxSBC == Billing me $3200 for a month of service
03:23.28SexyKen•bkw_• Did you see that picture or no?
03:23.34DiveFoxShithead Billing Crackwhores
03:24.46*** join/#asterisk onixx (
03:24.47fileBoRiS: poke
03:25.02bkw_POKE AND STROKE
03:26.12fileBoRiS: poke
03:27.06bkw_ok damn it
03:27.12bkw_can everyone get to
03:27.51markitI'm trying to provide a patch into mantis, but its composed by 2 .patch files... seems I can upload only one.. any idea?
03:27.53bkw_what about
03:28.17fileI can get to it fine
03:28.35filethey're my slaves, they do whatever I want... including resolving properly!
03:28.35fileso ha doesnt work for me
03:29.12fileyeah, and customer support is the bomb
03:29.28bkw_m-00kie can you please traceroute to it and see
03:29.33bkw_if it actually gets there
03:30.03twistedbkw_, quit advertising
03:30.09bkw_twisted i'm not
03:30.14bkw_i'm trying to fix this stupid thing
03:30.16twistedi know
03:30.19twistedi'm just fsckin with ya
03:30.57m-00kiemine times out after
03:31.04bkw_ok i'll go yell
03:32.05bkw_mine goes here
03:32.06bkw_10: (    asymm 12  95.156ms
03:32.35fileI hit cogent before that
03:32.45filedirect from Bell to Cogent
03:33.06m-00kiemine hit ATT, bounced around cogentco a bit then timed out after 4.150
03:33.39bkw_thats cogents side
03:33.46filebkw_: I'm hanging up right about... now1
03:33.46_Vilemine hit alter, bounced around cogent for a while... and worked to 20 (  92.903 ms  91.821 ms  92.134 ms
03:34.01bkw_file i'll be right back
03:34.23m-00kiesomeone at cogentco is doing their nightly pr0n download, no doubt :P
03:36.36robl^ points to for me
03:36.52robl^hrmm.. that' s just not right
03:37.01m-00kieit points to for me
03:37.18m-00kieFBI's servers are the same way :P
03:37.24m-00kiethey resolve to the nearest server
03:37.34*** part/#asterisk DrRighteous ( 3600 IN     PTR
03:38.22QwellIs there something bkw isn't telling us?
03:38.55onixxbkw_: do you know is chan sip is behaving correctly in current cvs ? can even make outbound calls now
03:39.30markitcould some bug marshall please add "[patch]" to the topic of bug 2976? I've realized is missing just after the submit :(
03:41.14bkw_I don't think this guy has anyclue
03:41.16bkw_do you file?
03:41.19filebkw_: nope
03:41.22filehe sounds like a potato
03:41.35twistedbkw_, in conf?
03:41.37bkw_he better watch it.. i'll turn his ass into a french fry
03:41.40fileyou should yell more
03:41.49bkw_twisted yes.. and cogent is in here with me.. so shush if you come in
03:42.00twistedi came in on mute
03:42.08bkw_i heard
03:42.13twistedhow did you hear?
03:42.16bkw_ironicly I could tell you joined
03:42.18bkw_the tone changed
03:42.19*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
03:42.42twistedcogent is prolly clueless about it
03:42.48twistedbut i don't hear anything except a bunch of typing
03:42.56filehe's doing... something
03:42.59bkw_looks like congets connection to willians is fucked
03:43.19filehe's pretending to work
03:43.19twistedask him if he's  been out driving any backhoes lately
03:43.29robl^he' s checking his hotmail account!
03:43.29fileAtacomm: nah
03:43.31twistedhe's probally on EFNet in #hack
03:44.13filehe's hax0ring your boxen
03:44.14twistedbkw_, where should i trace to?
03:44.14filebe afraid
03:44.36bkw_does it trace fine now?
03:44.38bkw_or still fucked up
03:44.43twisteddies at cogent
03:44.57bkw_last hop you see?
03:45.02Qwelloi, what package is traceroute in, on gentoo?  heh
03:45.12bkw_or something like that
03:45.23*** join/#asterisk jets_ (
03:45.36QwellI think thats where I got dig
03:45.45twistedif it can't GET to cogent
03:45.53fileidiots really
03:45.56filelet's gang up on him
03:46.25filebkw_: excellent interruption strategy
03:46.58twistedi'm only 2 hops off of alter
03:47.09robl^I can't even get past my ISP when doing a traceroute to
03:47.22fileoh god that was great
03:47.34Qwellbkw_: LA, level3, cogentco, asterlink, works great here
03:48.04CoaxDTINKY WINKY!
03:48.08CoaxDLA LA!
03:48.12CoaxDokay. shoot me.
03:48.12twistedi can get to it now
03:48.27twisted14 (  47.653 ms  62.127 ms  47.523 ms
03:48.28Qwelltwisted: Did I miss a funny?
03:49.10Qwellaww, is he spouting buzz words, without me there?
03:53.35HogieI just had a massive memory leak on my winbox....  up 7 weeks, and was sitting with no "programs" running at 612M of used memory.
03:53.45fileit's Windows.
03:54.13markithahaha, I'm really  bad tonight... I've made another mistake in issuing on mantis.. 2977 must be of category "config", not ADSI :(
03:54.15HogieI know, but still:(  I hate rebooting that box, gotta turn fraps back on, and restart EQ, and restart Teamspeak, and ssh again
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03:58.08jcolliehello wolfson
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04:00.34ctooleyyay, go netsplit go
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04:01.03docelmoDamn netsplit..  Took me with it..
04:01.08_Vileme 2
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04:01.25jcolliewoo woo