irclog2html for #asterisk on 20041202

00:00.02slak2it doesnt have to be
00:00.03harryvvenzo, yea by that times its to late
00:00.07CoaxDslak2: Okay
00:00.09harryvvlightning would fry it
00:00.13CoaxDslak2: it really depends what you want to do then
00:00.22CoaxDslak2: In an insecure environment, i'd set it within asterisk
00:00.29enzo123haryvv just a big cloud of smoke that smells funny 8->
00:00.30CoaxDslak2: In a secure environment (i.e. its you), you could set it either way
00:00.31harryvvwhat if there is a existing network using the t-1 how do you tap into that?
00:00.35slak2it works either way, but when its defined in sip.conf and UNDEFINED in the ATA config, the ATA strips it off
00:00.37CoaxDharryvv: You don't
00:00.48CoaxDharryvv: a T1 can only have 1 termination point
00:00.50slak2unless i put any character in the ATA config for collerid
00:00.57CoaxDharryvv: if you need 2 termination points, you need a mux
00:00.59slak2it chops off sip.confs callerid
00:01.01slak2i dont know why
00:01.21harryvvcoax, mmm bummer okay so if it was possible to used a existing network it would have to be a card with ethernet on it.
00:01.21CoaxDharryvv: i.e. a mux that might split 24 channels worth of PRI or CT1 into 2 fractional T1s that have 12 channels each, or somesuch
00:01.24enzo123you might be able to run it through a cat5 protector.. think apc makes some
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00:01.37CoaxDharryvv: You're used to dealing with ethernet.  T1 is different.
00:01.50CoaxDharryvv: a T1 has a single termination point. period.
00:01.58CoaxDharryvv: 4 wires, and terminates at a CSU/DSU
00:02.10harryvvcoax, im very well aware of that. We did not have demark points in Cisco Acadamy but did eveything else. :)
00:02.15CoaxDharryvv: (Whether thats a box, or built onto a card, it plugs into one.)
00:02.33harryvvwe did not have csu/dsu in the class but seen the boxes :)
00:02.41CoaxDharryvv: Oh, good, so you know the drill
00:02.56CoaxDharryvv: The only way to "tap into a T1 from more than one source" is to split the T1 out into 2 (or more) T1's
00:03.08*** part/#asterisk telme (
00:03.13CoaxDthere is a plethora of muxing hardware out there that'll do that
00:03.15harryvvokay so if I had a company host my server that would be the only way.
00:03.16enzo123pick two off ebay and run a crossover between them.. then you can play all you want
00:03.18CoaxDbasically turns 1 T1 into 2 or more T1s
00:03.40harryvvname some mux units
00:03.48enzo123we use quickeagle at MCI
00:03.51knight_anyone have a csv file of international dialing codes with IDD and NDD?
00:03.51CoaxDharryvv: Um, i dont know what yer talking about. i dont know how this has to do with a company hosting your server or not
00:03.55CoaxDharryvv: You asked a question, i answered
00:04.07CoaxDharryvv: I dont work with mux units. i just know they exist.
00:04.13enzo123I do
00:04.21enzo123all day long
00:04.24CoaxDthere are also demux units too. They can combine multiple connections into 1
00:04.24slak2i get echo when i make outgoing calls over ptsn with this tdm card
00:04.33slak2anything i can do?
00:04.34CoaxDslak2: You've been asking about this all day.
00:04.34harryvvcoax, the company may be using that only t1 jack. and If I wanted to start a calling card service using * then thay probebly would have to split there t1 with a mux.
00:04.35_Simonwhats a good IAX client to try my new asterisk server with?
00:04.37slak2the echo i hear is my own
00:04.43CoaxDslak2: you need to read the echo faqs on voip-info
00:05.05CoaxDharryvv: You got it
00:05.18CoaxDharryvv: or, use asterisk for all
00:05.29gavzda_simon: diax is as about as simple as u get
00:05.46harryvvdont want to pay the entire rent of a office for that just need a little space in a shared network :)
00:05.48CoaxDharryvv: Be fully prepared to realize that the calling card market is extremely cut-throat
00:06.04*** join/#asterisk jero (
00:06.05harryvvcoax, i can see that with what thay charge.
00:06.07CoaxDharryvv: There are 1 cent a minute calling cards that really are 1 cent a minute calling cards
00:06.17harryvvgood grief
00:06.20CoaxDharryvv: (Granted, they have a $.25/week maintenence fee)
00:06.37_Simonya I tried diax, I have no idea if its logging into my asterisk server properly or not
00:06.44CoaxDharryvv: and they make money knowing you buy calling cards for longterm use, not short-term use
00:07.02CoaxDharryvv: and if you buy a calling card for short-term use chances are yer not gonna use it all up anyway
00:07.11harryvvkeep ramping up on the cards when thay are almost empty of time.
00:07.14CoaxDhell, i got a calling card when i was in chicago a month or so back
00:07.28CoaxDi was gonna config asterisk, but i couldnt. why? Cuz the price was 1 cent a minute
00:07.40CoaxDit was a voip calling card provider. I could hear the classic voip things in the background
00:07.47CoaxD(jitter, etc)
00:07.58CoaxDI was seriously impressed.  $5 got me 500 minutes.
00:08.20CoaxDi used about 60min of it and it was already worth the $5 i paid.
00:08.34harryvvBasically the biggest sale of astrisk networks is home office satellite office?
00:08.57CoaxDmy point is, there are even better calling cards out there. 2-3 cents a minute, and they last for 2 years
00:09.03CoaxDAnd they have an 800 number
00:09.07CoaxDyou CANNOT compete with that. PERIOD.
00:09.14harryvvthat is nation wide?
00:09.19harryvvor international
00:09.28CoaxDnationwide and international.
00:09.36CoaxD(granted, the rates are indeed different.)
00:09.40slak2anyone using TAFM?
00:09.46_SimonDec  1 19:07:18 NOTICE[-178259024]: chan_iax2.c:3874 register_verify: Peer 'simon' is not dynamic (from
00:09.48CoaxDand probably much higher for international than what us * folks could do
00:09.49_Simonwhat does that mean?
00:09.54timecopwell now I jsut gotta wait for callback from these idiots and see if they're gonna stop insisting on selling me "data/voice" T1 "billed per minute" of usage.
00:09.54_Simonregistration rejected
00:09.59slak2harryvv, you are using tafm?
00:10.00DrukenHmeCoaxD: depending on the amount of time your using, you could compette with it.. just not make any money
00:10.02harryvvCoaxd, so the best way is to sell the networks to calling centers and such.
00:11.25_SimonI tried to add my user into the bottom of iax.conf as the sample says, is that correct?
00:11.27CoaxDharryvv: There is no best way, really. the market is saturated
00:11.37CoaxDharryvv: I ahd a whole network designed. i scrapped the effort. i can't compete
00:11.43harryvveven before asterisk came long
00:12.01harryvvcoaxd, where are you at?
00:15.39*** join/#asterisk dec0de (~kristof@
00:15.46dec0degod hates me
00:16.39*** join/#asterisk Pinhole (
00:16.54dec0deany particular quirks w/ sipura spa-2000 and *? it's suddenly hating me
00:19.44*** join/#asterisk ross_cav (~ross_cav@
00:21.50_DAWdecode - I use many SPA 2000's and have only had one problem with * but that was over satellite..  Sip R1 Timer was not nearly long enough..
00:22.02_DAWother than that they work fine for me..
00:22.14dec0deyea, mine worked fine til i lost my * config a while back
00:22.19dec0dejust now trying to get it working again
00:22.22dec0dekeep getting auth problems
00:22.27bkw_well I gotz PRI now too bad its fake
00:22.53_DAWdec0de - are you running the latest SPA firmware?
00:25.35_DAWdec0de - firewalls anywere?
00:25.43ChulJinIs anyone aware of any VOIP phone (hardware or software, any platform) that can receive images, text, or URLs sent by SendImage, SendText, and SendURL, respectively?
00:27.02dec0de_DAW: asterisk is on ast01.voip.lan.* and sipura is sip01.voip.lan.* all in the same office, no firewalls except at the exterior which is handled (properly) via IAX inter-office
00:27.28*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
00:28.14twisted[work]bc powder owns
00:28.22JunK-Ytwisted: ya saw my note?
00:28.43twisted[work]JunK-Y, no, not yet
00:29.05knight_i'm almost done making csv files of ISO 3166 and E.164 country code data if anyone wants it, including some rates
00:29.07dec0deany way to make MOH stfu?
00:29.18dec0deit's whining about attempts to schedule in the past. i don't use moh
00:31.25_DAWdec0de - comment out the lines in musiconhold.conf?
00:31.48*** join/#asterisk TripleF2_ (
00:32.08*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~ecvs@
00:32.30ChulJinknight: whose rates?
00:32.38dec0de_DAW: yea, i missed one ;)
00:33.07dec0de_DAW: got an example sip.conf section for a sipura not nat'd (to the * server anyways)
00:33.08knight_ChulJin, AT&T thus far
00:33.30knight_ChulJin, my eventual goal is to be able to scrape many existing telecom's websites
00:33.31enzo123ive got 2 sipuras here
00:33.38enzo123a 3000 and 2000
00:33.44enzo123both behind nat
00:34.00*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
00:34.20TripleF2_whats is phone.conf
00:34.38dec0dethe only NAT'ing that occurs is between the office boundaries
00:34.58dec0debut IAX goes across that so not a problem
00:34.59_DAWcallerid="Conference Phone" <105>
00:35.15JunK-Y_DAW: !
00:35.27TripleF2_does this mean i can plug a analog phone on jack ?
00:36.03bjtech1I tried to setup my fax using the sipura with the d in the dialplan, using ulaw and I still get line errors on the fax machine
00:36.48bjtech1Here is how the config looks on dialing out -> exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,3,Dial(${TRUNK}/${EXTEN:${TRUNKMSD}},100,d)
00:38.07dec0dei think it's a sipura-hating-me issue
00:38.33bjtech1Are others successfuly running a fax machine on the sipura device?
00:38.42enzo123i am
00:38.51enzo123you have to run ULAW
00:39.04kiso79anybody with capi + AVM exp?
00:39.05_DAWsomething supporting T.38 is MUCH better though.
00:39.08PinholeIf I have half a dozen sip phones, can I use asterisk as a voicemail server for them?  I would like to dial, timeout, and then voicemail.
00:39.20slak2fuck i just called 911 by accident
00:39.21slak2and hung up
00:39.26slak2and im at my bosses house
00:39.30bjtech1I am running ulaw..I disallow all and allow just ulaw
00:39.33enzo123<knock knock knock>
00:39.52dec0degot it.
00:39.55enzo123slack2.. here come the red and blue lights
00:40.02TripleF2_dial again  and playback(i just kileled my boss); then goto Rplay(run-sequence)
00:40.12slak2dude i dont get it i defined EMERGENCY_NUMBER as 611, it dialed 611 when i used zap channel 1
00:40.18slak2but 911 when iu used zapchannel 2
00:40.29enzo123set it as 411
00:40.37TripleF2_who... also try to have a gun in your hands it helps thm em know who is bad guys
00:41.00twisted[work]the dell poweredge 420SC servers kick ass
00:41.03*** join/#asterisk smuj (
00:41.18enzo123twisted whats the price on those
00:41.22enzo1232k ?
00:41.26bjtech1Any special config options on the sipura that I should make that may be causing me troubles?
00:41.49smujWow.  Party up in here.  Anyone with advice on attenuating audio out of * via IAX2 to the PSTN through voicepulse?
00:41.51enzo123are those the 2u rack mount ?
00:41.52twisted[work]Less than $400 is what I get them for
00:42.08knight_hey twisted
00:42.13twisted[work]knight_, werd
00:42.16smuj(sounds are too loud on incoming calls)
00:42.22knight_twisted, wassup?
00:42.31_DAWbjtech - Try playing with all of the echo canceling settings and turn off any fax recognition on the SPA.  Also make sure that all protocols are denied on the SPA other than Ulaw
00:42.31slak2shit man theres no safe way to test 911 lol
00:42.36twisted[work]p4 2.8HT, SATA 40gb hdd, 512MB DDR3200, et al.
00:42.40enzo123twisted is that a inside deal ?
00:42.41twisted[work]knight_, workin
00:42.43twisted[work]knight_, you?
00:42.46twisted[work]enzo123, no
00:42.56enzo123direct from dell ?
00:43.00dec0dei hate accidently killing colinux
00:43.04smujYou can test 911 -- just tell the operator you're setting up a new telephone system, and ask them to read back the address on their screen.
00:43.23smujI used to do this all the time when I installed Cisco CCM systems.
00:43.24slak2yea well that got the cops on their way here
00:43.25dec0dei need to setup our E911 mobile service soon
00:43.39dec0desince we're about to get a tower up. yay
00:43.39knight_twisted, working on a program that will compare your current voip/pstn cdr's to POTENTIAL costs of other LD providers
00:43.47twisted[work]knight_, schweet
00:43.58slak2; Change this for production use:
00:44.02slak2whats Zap/17?
00:44.04enzo123slak2 call them back and tell them whats up.. they WILL dispatch here on hang ups
00:44.05slak2use line 17?
00:44.12slak2enzo123, she called me back
00:44.27knight_essentially, for residential and business users who have switched to asterisk+voip, and it'll show actual realtime savings via web or email reports
00:44.30twisted[work]slak2, don't forget to disconnect the call if the channel isn't available
00:44.34twisted[work]so that you can use it
00:44.37twisted[work]for emergency
00:44.38slak2twisted thats what im doing
00:44.44twisted[work]slak2, k ;)
00:44.44slak2im doign that example in wiki
00:44.54twisted[work]what wiki example?
00:44.58slak2twisted help me set it up im getting the police called over here lol
00:45.02knight_"You've saved $35.94 so far this month using VoicePulse."
00:45.09slak2the bottom one
00:45.17enzo123twieted that dell come in a slim case ?
00:45.27smujWhen people call my Asterisk box via VoicePulse, the greeting (enter-ext-of-person.gsm) is way too loud and clipping a bit ... do I need to edit the sound files, or is there a way to attenuate the audio in the IAX configuration?
00:45.27enzo123not the mini tower
00:45.48twisted[work]slak2, yea, that's the way I do it almost to a t
00:46.01slak2twisted im having trouble with the Zap/17 part
00:46.06slak2i have a 4 port tdm card
00:46.38slak2u know i set the test number to 611 and Zap/1 and when i dialed 911 it actually called 611 as expected
00:46.52slak2then i plugged a line into fxo#2 and set it to Zap/2
00:46.54slak2and called 911
00:46.56slak2and it dialed 911
00:47.05*** join/#asterisk Methos (
00:47.09twisted[work]because you changed something elese
00:47.21slak2nope i didnt change EMERGENCY_NUM
00:47.27enzo123did you reload the extensions ?
00:47.33_Vilecheck ur macro
00:47.50slak2im afraid to test it now
00:47.54enzo123unplug the line
00:48.02slak2what good will that do
00:48.13enzo123you should still see it try to make the call
00:48.17enzo123and the number
00:48.18_Vilecall 911 and tell them you're testing your phone system to ensure 911 capability
00:48.19slak2oh yea on console
00:48.24_Vileand have them ignore your calls for 10 minutes
00:48.35slak2isnt there a fee with 911 calls
00:48.39enzo123or just unplug it
00:48.58_Vileat least not here
00:49.11jontowshouldn't be .. even disconnected cellphones can dial 911
00:49.15_Vilehere you pay .75 per line for 911 support
00:49.30enzo123my cellsocket works great for 911 backup
00:49.35_Vilebut you can call them and tell them you're testing
00:49.35JunK-Y_vile: where's "here"?
00:49.36slak2twisted in that example whats the Zap/17 part?
00:49.45twisted[work]Zap/17 is zaptel channel 17
00:49.46slak2channel 17?
00:49.49jontowyeah.. we have a monthly fee on it too
00:49.49enzo123dont even have to pay for phone service 8->
00:49.55jontowbut its something wicked cheap and negligible
00:50.05slak2well if i have a 4 port fxo device, and only 3 ports have lines
00:50.09slak2i should set it to 3?
00:50.15slak2or Zap[1-3]
00:50.44slak2the cop is here
00:50.54twisted[work]ask him
00:51.03DrukenHmeslak2: what are you doing? trying to make sure 911 can get thru?
00:51.05JunK-Ycops are there cause ya didnt read the wikis before asking :P
00:51.07slak2good tyhing the boss is out of town
00:51.11twisted[work]JunK-Y, LOL
00:51.27enzo123ask him about * context setup
00:51.41slak2he's outside
00:51.45slak2trying to find me
00:51.47slak2im hiding
00:51.50twisted[work]jump out and scare him
00:51.52enzo123quick get the red marker
00:52.15JunK-Ytell them ya're running a copy of asterisk, they gonna think ya're taking about asterix, and ya'll sleep in a psychologic hospital :P
00:52.26enzo123start kicking the server then they will leave you alone
00:52.40twisted[work]just jump out and scare the cop
00:52.47twisted[work]that works wonders
00:53.27bjtech1On the sipura boxes, should I use G711u and then use allow=ulaw in sip.conf?
00:53.40jontowyou guys are nuts :)
00:53.52jontowi'm headed.. have a good one, and will tty all tomorrow
00:53.54twisted[work]jontow, nah.  but a lot of us have them.
00:54.04enzo123slak2 is going .. no really im working on this server and it called you.. <ok sir your saying a computer callled us.. your going to need to come with us>
00:54.21twisted[work]or the classic line from WarGames
00:54.30*** join/#asterisk mike104_ (
00:54.32twisted[work]"Computers don't call people.  Well, yours did."
00:54.41enzo123was just going to say that
00:54.44mike104_does anyone have a overseas (I am in the us) number I can try to call?
00:54.55enzo123the first true g33k film
00:55.03twisted[work]mike104, google for one
00:55.11twisted[work]mike104, google for like the bejing hilton
00:55.34*** join/#asterisk maruz (
00:55.47twisted[work]slak2 has dissapeared
00:55.51bjtech1Does g711u = ulaw?
00:55.53twisted[work]i wonder if he got arrested
00:56.03mike104_do to dial 86-10-64662288 that I would need to do 011-86-10-64662288  right?
00:56.04enzo12310-6-NINER we have the suspect..
00:56.13twisted[work]bjtech1, no, but g.711u == ulaw
00:56.38twisted[work]mike104, theoretically
00:56.43slak2twisted what should i change the Zap/17 part to?
00:56.51twisted[work]slak2, whatever zap channel you're going to use
00:57.02bjtech1I see... ;)
00:57.24DrukenHmei use groups, and if no channel available, i hang one up to make a 911 call
00:57.32DrukenHme911 calls take priority
00:57.33twisted[work]Druken, same here
00:57.48dec0deanyone care to call me over fwd?
00:57.52DrukenHmeHOPEFULLY i never have to use it...
00:58.09machinehdcan someone tell me why to run safe_asterisk rather than just asterisk?
00:58.19twisted[work]machinehd, so asterisk restarts if it crashes/dies/etc?
00:58.21enzo123service start asterisk 8->
00:58.23DrukenHmesafe_asterisk ?
00:58.26slak2do i need to include [nineoneone] in local-access?
00:58.40twisted[work]slak2, if you plan on letting the phones that are in local-access dial it, yea.
00:59.01machinehdtwisted[work], ok thanks. I'm just following the AMP install guide and noticed it uses safe_asterisk while I've been running just asterisk up until now
00:59.02DrukenHmemy 911 is part of my [services]
00:59.26twisted[work]my [foot] is included in [your_ass]
00:59.27enzo123twisted.. looks like the are all out of those dells
00:59.32slak2exten => 911,1,Goto(nineoneone,s,1) is in [services]
00:59.35JunK-Ytwisted: mouhahaha
00:59.39slak2whic is included in local-access
00:59.40twisted[work]enzo123, uhm, they don't run out
00:59.54twisted[work]slak2, then it's included by proxy
00:59.57slak2do i need to include [nineoneone] in local-access if i already include services
01:00.08enzo123twisted "400sc has been discontinued as of this week. If you got one, you're lucky"
01:00.09twisted[work]DrukenHme, ew.
01:00.16twisted[work]enzo123, 420sc
01:00.19twisted[work]NOT the 400sc
01:00.29enzo123eh.. my bad
01:00.34twisted[work]and i have several of the 400sc's too :)
01:00.47dec0dethat look proper? for dialing 39366735 which should call out via IAX2/|60|r
01:01.02twisted[work]dec0de, yea
01:01.30twisted[work]but if you're calling by domain, don't you need to give it your secret too?
01:01.37slak2can i see what asterisks dialed actually when it went thru to 911
01:01.41dec0detwisted: it's register'd out to there
01:01.43enzo123twisted.. ok i found them.. man thats a GOOD deal
01:01.48twisted[work]dec0de, register != dialing
01:01.56twisted[work]enzo123, yes, yes it is :)
01:02.22twisted[work]dec0de, you can register all day long, but you STILL NEED TO AUTH to PLACE a call
01:02.27slak2twisted can i see what asterisks did when it called 911
01:02.31slak2call history?
01:02.38dec0detwisted[work]: it is doing so, had to look in the .ext :)
01:02.42twisted[work]slak2, read the console :)
01:02.47*** join/#asterisk Alric (
01:02.53slak2twisted it wasnt running at the time
01:03.03twisted[work]so then run it
01:03.05twisted[work]and call it
01:03.06twisted[work]and watch it
01:03.07twisted[work]and smile
01:03.08twisted[work]and have a coke
01:03.12dec0desomeone call 82587 on fwd? :)
01:03.19slak2no i want to see what it did a few calls ago
01:03.22slak2can i recall that?
01:03.24twisted[work]too bad
01:03.39twisted[work]most you're going to be able to find is what's logged in the cdr.
01:04.41enzo123Called 82587@fwd-sip
01:04.49anglerNew mailing list is up: Asterisk-Security
01:05.03twisted[work]angler, is this your doing?
01:05.14*** part/#asterisk markit (
01:05.32anglertwisted, i set it up but wasn't my idea
01:05.42twisted[work]angler, whos was it?
01:05.55anglerpeople in the community of course
01:06.31dec0deenzo123: hmm
01:06.33dec0dewill check it out
01:06.48enzo123decode use the callback on FWD's website
01:07.01enzo123or callme thing
01:07.10slak2twisted instead of Zap/2 can i use Zap/g1
01:07.14slak2for 911
01:07.18twisted[work]slak2, sure.
01:07.20bkw_ztd_loc                 3588  0
01:07.20bkw_ztdynamic               9428  1 ztd_loc
01:07.20bkw_wcfxo                  11040  0
01:07.20bkw_zaptel                221316  104 ztdynamic,wcfxo
01:07.25bkw_ztd_loc is SOO neat
01:07.28bkw_why isn't this in CVS?
01:07.49twisted[work]and ztd_loc does...WHAT exactly?
01:08.01*** join/#asterisk CoderCR (~creyna@
01:08.05CoderCRhey all
01:08.07bkw_TDM over a loopback
01:08.15CoderCRhow can i make a zaptel extension DND?
01:08.21twisted[work]wtf is the purpose of that?
01:08.23enzo123is that kinda like TDMOE ?
01:08.30bkw_it has purpose
01:08.31bkw_trust me
01:08.38twisted[work]then what IS the purpose?
01:08.41anglerbkw_, whats up
01:08.44bkw_we are gonna loop some calls thru it so we can monitor them
01:08.50twisted[work]i didnt' ask wether it had it or not, i asked what it was.
01:09.11bkw_and I told you
01:09.13bkw_smart ass
01:09.27twisted[work]SHAKEN BKW SYNDROME
01:09.28bkw_do it again
01:09.30bkw_do ita gain
01:09.39bkw_ooooh baby
01:09.42twisted[work]it's like tickle me elmo
01:09.44twisted[work]except it's bkw.
01:09.44enzo123someone call the cops 8>
01:10.07dec0dehah. my ebay got suspended again
01:10.17enzo123slak2 dial 611 that should call them
01:10.28anglerdec0de, stop commiting fraud :)
01:10.46enzo123selling x100p clones again ?
01:11.53twisted[work]angler, stop cradle robbing
01:11.58twisted[work]it just doesn't work
01:12.02slak2it works!
01:12.10bkw_anglers a mo anyway
01:12.20anglertwisted, cradle robbing is great
01:12.23bkw_twisted... I have a PRI now.. too bad its just a loopback one
01:12.26bkw_well two
01:12.30twisted[work]bkw_, lol
01:12.31bkw_in one out the other
01:12.37twisted[work]bkw_, sounds like your last date
01:12.44bkw_you nasty bitch
01:12.45twisted[work]angler, hahaha
01:12.56twisted[work]bkw_, ;)
01:13.00*** join/#asterisk cced (~oncemore@
01:13.49bkw_i'm gonna setup a 8T via ZTD-LOC
01:13.52bkw_using NFAS
01:13.57bkw_i'm evil aren't i
01:14.05twisted[work]bkw_, that's just silly.
01:14.16twisted[work]chances are if one goes down, they're all going to go down anyway
01:14.17bkw_no we loop in one side and out the other..
01:14.29bkw_twisted.. na is just for the calls we wanna monitor
01:14.39twisted[work]bkw_, then that's OVERKILL
01:14.42bkw_use it with app_random to select a % to monitor
01:14.48bkw_twisted we are a pure voip env... gotta have it
01:14.58twisted[work]bkw_, what happened to chanspy?
01:14.58CoderCRdoes anyone here have a Sayson 480e?
01:15.03bkw_twisted its depricated
01:15.07twisted[work]oy vey
01:15.09enzo123twisted.. check this :  Save $225 on select PowerEdge SC420 servers through the Small Business division.
01:15.13bkw_going to be replaced when mark does the shims
01:15.18bkw_so we just stopped
01:16.24bkw_enzo123 really?
01:16.44bkw_enzo123 where?
01:16.48bkw_I see 274
01:17.05enzo123TOTAL PRICE
01:17.06enzo123Sub-total   $284.00
01:17.25bkw_Now from
01:17.25bkw_[Save $225 Instantly.]
01:17.30DrukenHme$10.00 fuck you charge
01:17.33*** join/#asterisk jks (
01:17.54bkw_Limited time offer. FREE UPGRADE to 1G DDR2, 533MHz, 2X512 Single Ranked DIMMs
01:17.55enzo123i built mine online and thats what it came to
01:18.07enzo123and 10 bucks for a 80g HD
01:18.37jksSounds like Dell
01:18.48bkw_PowerEdge SC420
01:18.48bkw_From $509
01:18.48bkw_Now from
01:18.57bkw_thats with a fuckin celeron
01:19.03dec0dewhat's a good peer for free US toll free termination?
01:19.06bkw_Intel® Celeron® processor, 325J, 2.53GHz, 256KB Cache, 533MHz FSB
01:19.16dec0deapparently fwd/pulver no longer terminates 8xx? :(
01:19.22bkw_yes they do
01:19.24jksAny Danish * users here?
01:19.37bkw_dec0de prefix it with a * set fromuser and fromdomain
01:19.38enzo123you have to dial *18XX
01:19.45dec0defromuser and fromdomain?
01:19.53dec0dei do iax to fwd
01:20.01bkw_there is your problem
01:20.05bkw_use SIP
01:20.19enzo123FWD does reinvite correct ?
01:20.30bkw_doubt it..
01:20.36bkw_I never have a problem with it
01:20.41enzo123a bunch of my calls have been droped tonight
01:22.20enzo123bkw_ you think this would suck for a * box  Intel® Celeron® processor, 325J, 2.53GHz, 256KB Cache, 533MHz FSB [subtract $99]
01:25.45DrukenHmemy 2.4 works nice with asterisk
01:26.39enzo123celeron ?
01:26.52*** join/#asterisk jpablo (
01:26.56enzo123ive been running AMD for a while
01:26.59*** join/#asterisk hohum (
01:27.13jpablohi people, where can i get the source for this metaboo game ?
01:27.15modulus`suck my nuts
01:27.30modulus`you're all a buncha cock suckers
01:28.07*** part/#asterisk hohum (
01:28.34modulus`anyone know of a hardware store that sells sip phones in Los Angeles area?
01:28.36dec0deshut your fsckin face uncle fscker...
01:28.53dec0deanyone care to smack my voip provider like a little bitch?
01:32.28CoderCRdoes anyone know anything about ADSI?
01:33.14*** join/#asterisk Legend (~legend@
01:34.15ariel_CoderCR, what is it you would like to know about ADSI?
01:34.38CoderCRI have a Sayson 480e and a 390
01:34.46CoderCRit keeps asking me to program it
01:35.01CoderCRi used the asterisk.adsi script but it keeps asking for it to be programmed
01:35.46ariel_If there new you can go to sayson and program them via there system. Asterisk sometimes will not program them correctly. You need to get the lock code correctly for them.
01:36.16ariel_They have a code for each slot the first 3 are the ones you can program.
01:36.30CoderCRlock code?
01:37.03CoderCRwell the problem is that asterisk programed some stuff on it and i try to do a web program and it says i cannot
01:37.18CoderCRit seems my phones are not compatible
01:38.12ariel_the 480e is a newer version it should be able to get programmed.  Call Sayson they can help.  But if you run into problems you can turn adsi programming off in asterisk.
01:38.33ManxPowerCoderCR: Each version of ADSI phones have their own lock code, not usually released by the company that makes them
01:38.52ManxPowerSayson is one of the exceptions
01:39.13*** join/#asterisk JohnJacob (
01:39.39ariel_CoderCR, here is there number I have gotten good support from them.
01:41.27dec0degot the sipura happy, now ironing out problems from the quickly hacked together dialplan
01:44.00ariel_dec0de, quickly hack...??? now that is a new term.
01:45.13*** join/#asterisk Moc (
01:46.36dec0deariel: can i eat your eyes?
01:47.36dec0dewhat? :)
01:47.42dec0deI like eating eyes :(
01:48.14*** join/#asterisk aday (
01:49.43jkshi guys, I'm trying to make a call from Asterisk, but I get this warning: WARNING[8200]: chan_iax2.c:5495 socket_read: Call rejected by No authority found
01:49.49CoderCRthey are sayson astra phones
01:49.56jksanyone can explain me what's wrong? -- I probably got the IAX2/... line wrong somehow?
01:50.23enzo123try adding the context
01:50.30CoderCRariel_: do you have a code?
01:50.35jksenzo123: sorry?
01:51.10mutilatoranyone ordered g729 codec licnse from digium?
01:51.21mutilatorthey usually take more than 3 days?
01:51.30enzo123i got mine the same day
01:51.35mutilatorwell wtf
01:51.38enzo123its just a email
01:51.44mutilatori'm still waiting
01:51.54ariel_CoderCR, I don't have the codes here. I might have them in my office. The wiki might have the as well.
01:51.58mutilatori ordered mine then called em to see if i could get it processed same day, they said they'de call back.. never got a call
01:52.03enzo123exten => 1152,2,Dial,IAX2/
01:52.09mutilatorcalled again today.. said the same thing still no reg code or call
01:52.12jksenzo123: where in the line does the context go? - I've put it in there at the end after the @ ?
01:52.19jksenzo123: thanks
01:52.24CoderCRariel_: how do i know if the phone was programmed?
01:52.39*** join/#asterisk oncemore (~oncemore@
01:52.45CoderCRif i go to services i see Asterisk PBX
01:53.04jksenzo123: so if I have a username and a password and a IAX2 server, the line should look like this: IAX2/username:password@server/phonenumber@context
01:53.07jksenzo123: right?
01:53.58mmlj4anyone run this on NetBSD?
01:55.06CoderCRit seems to have been programmed
01:55.21enzo123jks take a read on the wiki
01:55.27CoderCRbut it does not seem to choose the Asterisk PBX service
01:55.40jksenzo123: been there :-/
01:55.47CoderCRwhen i choose the Asterisk PBX Service it does what the .adsi script told it to do
01:55.57ariel_CoderCR, if you go to bottom of this digium page it has sample code and has some of the keys.
01:56.19enzo123jks are you calling a guest account ?
01:56.25jksenzo123: nope?
01:56.37enzo123do you have the guest account configured ?
01:56.45jksenzo123: no, I've removed that?
01:57.10enzo123ok.. re-read the wiki on iax.conf =>
01:57.49jksenzo123: okay, I'll try once more
01:58.07enzo123someone can correct me , but i think you have to have a type=peer in the iax.conf if your not calling the guest account
01:58.37jksenzo123: I do have that.
01:59.41twisted[work]~seen drumkilla
01:59.43jbotdrumkilla is currently on #asterisk
01:59.45enzo123gotta run.. try it with guest first
01:59.51twisted[work]~last drumkilla
02:00.09enzo123~seen enzo123
02:00.11jbotenzo123 is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 97 messages.  Is idling for 2s
02:00.32enzo123good little bot
02:00.45jksenzo123: got it working now! - thanks
02:00.56jksenzo123: using the short method instead of the long URL wokrs
02:01.01jksenzo123: I have no idea why though
02:01.09jksenzo123: perhaps the long URLs with passwords are not supported yet
02:01.18CoderCRthat worked!
02:01.21CoderCRthanks all
02:01.30CoderCRnow i know how to program ADSI
02:01.39enzo123you should use passwords in your dial string.. they show up in CDR
02:02.09CoderCRariel_: do you know how to make the sayson phones have the DND feature?
02:02.57jksenzo123: ain't using CDR... but I suppose you're right
02:03.01brett_so. does anyone here have a fairly straightforward extensions.conf using a t100p?
02:03.35ariel_CoderCR, The phone will tell you via the menu. Download the manuel on the sayson site.  Give them a call. I have not programmed one in months.
02:05.02ariel_brett_, extensions.conf don't matter what card you have. the Zaptel and Zapata.conf files are what sets up the t100p.
02:05.44*** join/#asterisk loko_ (
02:06.03brett_ariel_: heh. i know. what i'm curious to see is if people use groups for the pri channels, or if they are doing trickier stuff.
02:06.05*** join/#asterisk lilneon (~tj_r3@
02:06.26lilneonhi peeps
02:06.35damin <- Be scared.. be very very scared!
02:06.46lilneonhow can i get more info stored on my cdr's guys?
02:06.49brett_ariel_: i switched from a pri on cisco via sip to a t100p
02:06.55DrukenHmebrett_: if your lookin for tricker stuff, why did you ask for a straight forward ext.conf?
02:07.28brett_DrukenHme: i was actually hoping the right answer was going to be 'just use groups'
02:07.54ariel_brett_, I use groups when I need to. If it's a pri that goes to the PSTN I always dial via zap/g1 or which one you set it up for. If it's set to a t1 cb you can set phones as groups too.
02:09.44brett_ariel_: ok, thanks ;)
02:10.30brett_the only downside seems to be you can't easily reserve channels for incoming calls.
02:10.56brett_unless you start excluding specific lines from the group, rather than using a weighted queue
02:13.50*** join/#asterisk cp5 (samy@
02:14.14cp5anyone ever have problems with asterisk + swissvoice phones? basically the phone seeming to be either unregistered or busy
02:14.24cp5when it actually is not
02:14.32cp5er, when it's fine
02:14.38cp5and it needs to be restarted to accept calls again
02:15.40CoderCRhey guys what can i dial on a phone to make it DND (Do Not Distrub)?
02:15.40knight_anyone know of or have an algorithm to normalize a number like 01133299876000 to 011+33+29-987-6000?
02:15.59ChujiCoderCR : what kind of phone?
02:16.05CoderCRits a sayson
02:16.14Chujiis that SIP?
02:16.15CoderCRbut i am wondering in general like just any phone
02:16.42ChujiWell, it's not necessarily a "feature code" like a traditional phone
02:16.51Chujioften DND is the product of the technology used
02:18.06ChujiCoderCR : But generaly *78 and *79 do it
02:28.40*** join/#asterisk DrRighteous (
02:28.46DrRighteoushey boys!
02:29.31bkw_poose menis
02:29.59DrRighteoushey bkw
02:30.02bkw_old news
02:30.08bkw_its really a book
02:30.21DrRighteousI know
02:32.00*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
02:32.12*** part/#asterisk DrRighteous (
02:37.22*** join/#asterisk maravillo (~colombia5@
02:37.34bkw_yo yo yo yo
02:37.37bkw_whats up peeps
02:38.05*** join/#asterisk rabble (
02:38.45*** join/#asterisk drumtarzillaman (
02:40.05drumtarzillamani want to be just like drumkilla
02:40.07drumtarzillamanhe is my hero
02:41.57drumtarzillaman~thwap paulc
02:41.59jbotACTION pees on paulc and grins happily
02:42.11lilneonhey can anyone point me in the right direction ? i want to know how to add more information to my cdr's when asterisk updates the table after a call
02:42.14*** join/#asterisk drumaniac (
02:42.32drumtarzillamanlilneon, you can use the CDR user field
02:42.45oncemorehow to modify dsp.c so that It can detect busytone outside US?I have a X100P connected to my analog PBX. I can¡ät detect hangups on this line While the line is connected to the PBX, I can never detect busy and the line hangs at the end of every call.
02:43.59*** join/#asterisk yellow_fuzzy (
02:44.05drumtarzillamanoncemore, have you called digium technical support?
02:44.14drumtarzillamanthey handle all issues related to their hardware
02:44.45lilneonthnx drumtar
02:45.05drumtarzillamanlilneon, no problem
02:45.18oncemorehow to called them?
02:45.28Chujiwait 12 hours
02:45.51drumtarzillamanoncemore, be sure to include your digium serial number for the card
02:46.07JunK-Yis there any way with log to know how many channels was created at time x?
02:46.19JunK-Yor within CDRs
02:46.27oncemoreneed pay?
02:46.47Chujioncemore : not if you have digium geer
02:46.54JerJerJunK-Y:  you can get that info by chewing thru the cdrs
02:47.05JerJeror run a cacti/mrtg graphing in real-time
02:47.05oncemoregeer? what means?
02:47.15drumtarzillamanoncemore, is the x100p a digium card?
02:48.03oncemoreyes x101p
02:48.22drumtarzillamanoncemore, cool.  well, they can help you
02:48.43*** part/#asterisk drumtarzillaman (
02:50.00JunK-YJerJer: i need to computer all duration for each seconds, won't be easy.
02:52.06*** join/#asterisk florz (
02:52.12oncemoreo thanks a lot~
02:52.42*** join/#asterisk _E|nyPRI (~les@
02:52.59_E|nyPRIanyone know how I can re-route a IAX call to make it show up as a zap channel?
02:53.38knight_why would you do that?
02:53.52_E|nyPRIdon't question why :) heh.
02:54.02JunK-Ygate1*CLI> iax2 show channels
02:54.06_E|nyPRII need to have PRI ZAP channels and IAX Channels in a MeetMe at the same time.
02:54.19_E|nyPRIbut they dont work together if yer running meetme|b (meetme_agi_background)
02:54.34*** part/#asterisk CoderCR (~creyna@
02:56.17lilneonhey guys, is it that u can only make one call at a time using the outgoing directory and a  .call file?
02:56.26*** join/#asterisk ionix (
02:57.03_E|nyPRIthe only thing I can think of.
02:57.09_E|nyPRIis to  have an IAX termination box, and a PRI card.
02:57.15_E|nyPRIand a nother box, and a quad card.
02:57.23_E|nyPRIand loopback PRI cable between the two
02:57.34_E|nyPRIso its voip->iax->pri -> pri->meetme
02:57.39_E|nyPRIthat'll work, but its a price solution
02:57.48jksanyone using INOC-DBA?
02:57.58_E|nyPRIor. tdmoe.
03:01.04PatrickDKsounds like fun
03:04.51Mocanyone good with regex ?
03:04.58Atacommick, lol, i hate regex
03:05.00ManxPowerMoc: What do you want to match?
03:05.26MocI basicly looking to extract 2 string from a URL expression style..
03:05.33mmlj4anyone run this on NetBSD?
03:06.01MocLike ?junk&LN=Lastname&FN=Firstname&junk..
03:06.07MocI want Lastname and Firstname
03:06.35ManxPowermodulus`: Perl? Perl?
03:06.40JunK-Ymoc: come on!
03:06.48MocManxPower, C
03:06.56MocJunK-Y, I hate regex
03:07.04ManxPowerMoc: C is not very regex friendly.
03:07.41knight_then $lastname = $1 and $firstname = $2
03:07.54JunK-Ymoc: why not use strstr ?
03:08.06ManxPowerknight_: That's PERL
03:08.15knight_Manx, :P
03:08.20knight_I hate perl personally.
03:08.28mmlj4strstr looks like PHP
03:08.29MocJunK-Y, it what I use rightnow
03:08.36JunK-Ymoc: isnt working?
03:08.53ManxPowerknight_: Every time I program in perl I wish it was as clean and simple as C.  Every time I program in C I wish it had the string handleing of Perl.
03:09.03knight_Moc, chop up the string with strpos & strstr with "&"
03:09.04JunK-Ylike ya've put junk in ur example, i'll do that after my patch is done, deal ? :)
03:09.05Mocit working, just thought it could be 'easier' with regex for string manipulation
03:09.11knight_Manx, indeed
03:09.13jksManxPower: thought about making your own language as a compromise between the two? :)
03:09.18knight_Manx, that's why i program in Java :)
03:09.23jksMoc: regexps are noramlly easier, yes.
03:09.24ManxPowerMy perl code looks like a cross between Perl, C, and COBOL.  The people on #Perl always tease me about it.
03:09.26Mocstrpos is php ?
03:09.34jksMoc: just use a regular expression library in C, and you should be fine
03:09.45ManxPowerMoc: The word "string" and "easy" are not compatable in C.
03:09.45robl^perl vs php, c vs VB.NET, emacs vs vi, debian vs redhat, linux vs bsd, astroglide vs wet!...  here we go again!
03:09.50ManxPowerStrings are not easy in C
03:09.52MocI got no man page of strpos ;ol..
03:09.57Mocyea I hate strings in C..
03:10.00Mocbut hey ..
03:10.05ManxPowerI love C.
03:10.50ManxPowerWet Platinum is where it's at!
03:10.56jbottmi stands for too much information
03:10.58Mocanyway, I got the beggining of my string.. just need to chop up after &
03:10.59PatrickDKhmm, strings dont exist in c
03:11.13*** join/#asterisk robert_wwl (
03:11.24JerJerstrtok_r ?
03:11.39jkstypedef char* string;
03:11.41ManxPowerPatrickDK: I know, but it's easier than saying "a block of memory containing printable characters perminated by a null"
03:12.02JerJerless to type as well
03:12.12Chujiuse the acronym
03:12.17PatrickDKheh, I find it interesting that people can use strings in c, and never understand how pointers work
03:12.34JerJerman abomcpcpban's in C sucks