irclog2html for #asterisk on 20041201

00:00.49*** join/#asterisk _Loki_ (
00:00.55NethabSo when someone calls your extensions in question and it fails what do you want it to do
00:01.09_DAWanyone here have the Sip 1.3.4 firmware for polycom ip 500?
00:02.09*** part/#asterisk telme_ (
00:02.42_Loki_OK, renaming the initscript worked :)
00:03.02jpabloi want to be able to easily add groups, like when you dial 9 you can go to the PSTN by lines 1 to 8. but it of dial 9044 you can go trought all the lines, etc.
00:04.19Nethabis this for reduncy or for super-user access
00:04.20ManxPowerUseful Asterisk Docs (BOOKMARK THEM!): (look at the "Unofficial Links") and and (my site) and
00:04.38ManxPower_DAW: Latest firmware for the polycom is linked on the Wiki
00:06.28slak2in default cofig is it possible to create a voicemail using the telephone?
00:06.48cursorYou could use a pencil
00:06.50Nethabwhat do you mean create voicemail, you mean leave voicemail for someone
00:06.53cursorbut a phone is better
00:06.58slak2create a vm boc
00:07.28ManxPowerI refuse to answer questions from anyone that has not read all the URLs I just posted.
00:08.00filetwisted[work]: Evil evil evil
00:08.41twisted[work]yea yea
00:08.43filetwisted[work]: now now be careful, let's of noise over there... might get a headache
00:08.47fileer lots
00:09.09_DAWManxPower - I looked at the Wiki but the link only has version 1.3.1  I spoke with Polycom earlier today and they said that 1.3.4 was the most recent version?
00:09.10cursorDon't tell everyone
00:09.55slak2what do i want to set context= to in sip.conf INVALID or default
00:10.13cursorset it to something that exists in extensions.conf
00:10.20jalsotis it possible to send text messages through iax2? if yes, how?
00:10.28*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
00:11.01Nethabonly in england
00:11.05Nethabor europe
00:11.20twisted[work]friggin hell
00:11.23twisted[work]emerge gdb
00:11.50*** join/#asterisk czero (
00:12.08slak2cursor, you mean like [incoming]?
00:12.13slak2one of the groups defined
00:12.35cursorI have lots of incoming contexts
00:12.39cursorlike incoming-nufone
00:12.51slak2i have incoming and incoming-fax
00:12.55slak2in extensions
00:12.56cursorand include other contexts from there
00:13.07cursorI don't use fax with VoIP
00:13.16cursoreFax is better
00:13.37slak2i just forward all calls that come in on th fax ptsn line to extension 200 (fax)
00:13.39slak2thats all
00:13.46slak2leaves one extra line open for outgoing
00:14.08cursorI'd just plug the fax machine into the PSTN and leave Asterisk out of the loop
00:14.20bkw_WHO in their right minds suspends asterisk
00:14.22bkw_many times
00:14.22slak2but then i miss out on using the extra line
00:14.25slak2for outgoing
00:14.26bkw_then expects it not to core
00:14.47bkw_jesus christ we do so much thats time sensitive its a BAD idea to ctrl+z asterisk
00:14.47slak2cursor, or can i split the line?
00:14.48filemy irrational side
00:14.56ariel_bkw_, someone that does not understand that asterisk is a server.
00:15.24bkw_ariel_ go post on the bug 2960
00:15.25cursorTell them to just run Asterisk as a daemon and connect to it using -r
00:15.31cursorand suspend that if they must
00:15.43filebkw_: twisted asked me about becoming a bug marshal today
00:16.01Nethabyou should catch the suspension and tell them to bugger off
00:16.27fileI need a list of things I'm supposed to do in a day
00:16.45twisted[work]file: 1) kill bugs 2) ??? 3) profit!!
00:16.47cursorignore SIGSTOP and SIGCONT
00:16.59JunK-Ytwisted: heheheh
00:17.02twisted[work]midnigt commander
00:17.06twisted[work]mc file
00:17.27bkw_cursor we might just do that
00:18.31cursorAlso, there's a signal you get when you resize the xterm
00:18.34cursorignore that too
00:18.41bkw_ya baby
00:18.45cursorThat's the one
00:19.08cursorI'd give you a patch, but I know you wouldn't accept it :-)
00:19.16*** join/#asterisk wazzasp (~d@
00:19.16twisted[work]so file
00:19.19ariel_bkw_, ok done added my view to the non-bug.
00:19.20twisted[work]whaddya say?
00:19.46filetwisted[work]: I say ask me in like 4 hours
00:20.04cursorThis place is full of kids
00:20.10wazzaspdose enyone how to get the zaptel working? i got this error when i do make install
00:20.13wazzaspdepmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.27-1-386/misc/
00:20.15twisted[work]file: quit avoidng the question
00:20.27filetwisted[work]: I _Really_ need to focus on this, and can't think about anything else right now
00:20.34filethe answer is probably yes though
00:20.47twisted[work]i'll mark you down
00:21.28filealready there
00:22.27*** join/#asterisk xyharley (
00:22.31wazzaspany ideea
00:22.50cursormake clean all install
00:24.09fileoh look, I'm a bug marshal now
00:24.12cursor(file) type this: bc knowledge
00:24.19fileyou recruited brc t oo?
00:24.28twisted[work]brc is more the karma fairy
00:24.31twisted[work]but yea
00:24.33filetrue enough
00:24.46fileI'm going to be incredibly geeky and commit my MLA paper to CVS
00:24.47twisted[work]home i go
00:24.50fileand give my teacher the commit logs
00:26.03*** join/#asterisk REdOG (~REdOG@REdOG.user.gentoo)
00:26.13REdOGwhen building zaptel I get this error "/zaptel-1.0.2/zconfig.h:10:27: linux/version.h: No such file or directory"
00:26.19REdOGanyone seen this before?
00:26.19fileI must be getting famous, a person from Ontario left me a voicemail indicating they wanted me to setup an asterisk system for them
00:26.22bkw_sick em boys
00:26.31bkw_REdOG YOU DID NOT SAY HI
00:26.33bkw_rude ass
00:26.48REdOGhell fookin O
00:26.50bkw_and that is a common thing you don't have the kernel src from which your kernel was compiled
00:27.01bkw_this is covered.. 100 times today
00:27.02REdOGbkw_: I do
00:27.05REdOGand its linked
00:27.16bkw_2.6 kernel?
00:27.18bkw_or 2.4?
00:27.24REdOG/usr/src/linux /usr/src/linux-2.6 /usr/src/linux-2.6.8
00:27.28cursorNobody uses 2.4
00:27.33cursor2.4 is for girls
00:27.44REdOGglibc is for sissys
00:27.47bkw_REdOG and you used genkernel?
00:27.50bkw_or did you do it by hand?
00:28.33bkw_is /lib/modules/linux-2.6.8/build symlinked to /usr/src/linux
00:28.40bkw_and you know this would be an issue if you used genkernel
00:28.45bkw_and all the tools they give you with gentoo
00:28.49*** part/#asterisk outtolunc (
00:29.01cursorjust link this: linux-2.6 -> linux
00:29.04cursorin /usr/src
00:29.15cursorthen you don't have to re-link with every kernel upgrade
00:29.23bkw_ya that too
00:29.35bkw_but gentoo does all this for you if you let it
00:29.38bkw_and its a non-issue
00:29.59cursora non-issue that people seem to have issues with :-)
00:30.06bkw_because people are dumb
00:30.23bkw_if you have the src you actually compiled your kernel with then it would work
00:30.31bkw_while infact the messge you posted says you don't
00:30.47REdOGbkw_: the error got chopped a bit
00:30.52bkw_doesn't matter
00:30.56bkw_I can spot it a mile away
00:31.11REdOGthe src is there I have no modules tho
00:31.19bkw_no modules?
00:31.28REdOGall compiled in
00:31.36wazzaspan i get some help with this?  im trying toget up the zaptel on debian  ::::  depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.27-1-386/misc/
00:31.39bkw_no module support?
00:31.40bkw_at all?
00:31.49REdOGsupport is there ...
00:31.56bkw_you should still never do that ya know
00:31.58bkw_its stupid
00:32.07bkw_staticlly compile what you need for your hardware only
00:32.10bkw_leave the rest as modules
00:32.13bkw_and run with it
00:32.38REdOGwhy ?
00:33.32REdOGmabe I should run make modules_install even tho I have no modules?
00:33.48bkw_might be wise
00:34.00bkw_no the wise choice is to do what the distro lets you...
00:34.07bkw_or do it how the distro wants you to
00:34.09bkw_via genkernel
00:34.16REdOGscrew genkernel
00:34.23bkw_it just does all the work for you
00:34.24cursorgenkernel is for girls
00:34.25REdOGgenkernel = POS
00:34.28bkw_no its not
00:34.30bkw_I use it
00:34.31REdOGyes it is
00:34.39bkw_and guess what.. I don't have problems
00:34.47cursormake -j6 bzImage modules install modules_install
00:35.23*** join/#asterisk gavzda (
00:35.24bkw_anyway.. I do it like that on MANY boxes.. I don't have these issues.. just an FYI
00:35.44cursorbut different :-)
00:36.01REdOGbkw_: are you useing /usr/portage/profiles/uclibc/x86/linux26 for make.profile ?
00:36.38bkw_REdOG no /usr/portage/profiles/default-linux/x86/2004.3/
00:36.42REdOGbkw_: I too have several dozen gentoo boxes, and IMO genkernel sucks
00:36.50bkw_REdOG why?
00:37.08bkw_it only does the things you would normally have to do by hand
00:37.10REdOGrandom errors
00:37.24bkw_I haven't ever had one error
00:37.29bkw_guess i'm just lucky as fuck
00:37.39cursorgoogle: genkernel sucks
00:37.41REdOGmabe im unlucky :-)
00:37.51greg_workwhats the current version of *? And the one with "advanced voicemail support"?
00:38.02gavzdaAnyone running an Asterisk server in New Zealand?
00:38.03bkw_use genkernel with gentoo-sources or gentoo-dev-sources
00:38.12REdOGI admit the first time I ever tryed genkernel it was a success
00:38.13denongreg_work: current version of * is the CVS .. as of .. right now!
00:38.17denonquick quick, cvs checkout
00:38.24cursorWhat will happen when 2.7 comes out
00:38.33_Loki_genkernel is better than it was, if you do a --menuconfig (i think thats the arg) you get the best of both worlds.
00:38.37bkw_cursor haha good point
00:38.50cursorperhaps they should rename it to gentoo-26-sources now
00:38.57greg_workyeah, * seems to be all about the cvs. i actually didnt even see the tarball link till just now
00:39.03bkw_I just don't feel I should bother with doing the compile by hand.. I have asterisk to dev on boyz
00:39.05greg_workwhat do people use in production? 1.0.2?
00:39.15denongreg_work: well, you can do * .. but yeah, the head ver is really better
00:39.16HogieI like head
00:39.17REdOGcursor: it will be renamed gentoo-sources soon
00:39.23denoner tar
00:39.24denonnot *
00:39.37dan2bkw_: thanks for help with finding the recordings before
00:39.45greg_workand it works?
00:39.49cursormake.profile -> ../usr/portage/profiles/default-linux/x86/2004.0
00:39.53dan2bkw_: the interview was very clear when I listened to it
00:39.55denongreg_work of course
00:39.55greg_workobviously stuff is going to be broken from time to time..
00:40.02*** join/#asterisk letherglov (
00:40.15denongreg_work no .. head != current
00:40.15bkw_cursor you get yelled at on emerge sync at some point to switch to 2004.3
00:40.22bkw_head is current
00:40.25denoner ..
00:40.27greg_workoh.. ?
00:40.33denonim goin home ..
00:40.39denonbrain is too frazzled
00:40.43bkw_tiz ok
00:40.44cursorI'll switch it over now and do a deep update
00:40.45bkw_I feel ya
00:40.48greg_workok so i guess you have a different branch for devel
00:40.54bkw_cursor I update every few days
00:41.02wazzaspbuh bye ppl
00:41.03greg_workbut .. why don't you RELEASE head as a 1.0.3b1 or something?
00:41.08wazzasphave funn
00:41.13cursorI update almost every day, but didn't get the msg
00:41.15greg_workor even just 1.0.3 ..
00:41.22cursoron lots of machines
00:41.22*** part/#asterisk wazzasp (~d@
00:41.26denongreg_work: what I meant to say, is -HEAD != -STABLE
00:41.30cursorI just checked a few and they are all still 2004.0
00:41.39denonyou can use stable if you're concerned or lazy
00:41.46cursorI'll update on one and see what happens
00:41.52greg_workits concern, not lazy ;p
00:41.54denonbut head's not bad .. even better if you can just test out on a ver, make sure everything works flawlessly, then leave it theh ell alone
00:42.13_Loki_emerge wants me to downgrade my profile to 2004.0. Hopefully a sync will sort it out...
00:42.31greg_worki realize it doesnt really make a difference, depending on how the dev team works.. but not being a * developer, i feel strange using anything from cvs for production ;P
00:43.03denongreg_work: well, think of -STABLE as a realtime tarball then
00:43.21slak2im trying to create a voicemail box for my extension by dialing to voicemail
00:43.26slak2its prompting me for login/password
00:43.32slak2where is that defined
00:43.41filemaybe, oh I dunno...
00:44.05fileIN MY BELLY!
00:44.12slak2i was wondering if i could do it over the phonbe
00:44.19greg_workwell, maybe before i do compile and reinstall ..
00:44.23slak2by dialing the vm and it asking me for a passwd to set
00:44.30filedoesn't work like that
00:44.41*** join/#asterisk AgiNamu (~mgg@
00:44.56cursorI just checked my log books
00:44.57*** part/#asterisk AgiNamu (~mgg@
00:45.10greg_worki have 1.0.2  from the debian package .. is there a specific reason that all the advanced vm stuff doesn't work? or that when i record my busy/away message, it says "thank you" and hangs up (as opposed to asking me if i like it .. which i could have sworn it did yesterday)
00:45.15gavzdaAnyone running * on Fedora Core 3?
00:45.17cursorThere was a point when I had to change make.profile, but it asked to be changed to 2004.0
00:45.17denoncdr_odbc.c (1.17): fix mem leak
00:45.24cursorand I noted that it was weird at the time
00:45.41cursoranyway, all packages listed in 2004.3 are present and correct
00:45.48cursorand the profile has been changed on one box
00:45.53cursorI'll do the rest in a moment
00:46.14_Loki_FYI slak2, I do it by callerID, mailbox number is the same as the phone number:
00:46.27_Loki_exten => 1571,1,VoicemailMain(s${CALLERIDNUM}) in extensions.conf
00:48.06slak2exten => 500,1,VoicemailMain(s${CALLERIDNUM})
00:48.06slak2exten => 500,2,Hangup
00:48.17dan2anybody know of a good attention getter for a speech on why voip needs to rid us of the old standard telephony system
00:48.18slak2it still prompts me for login
00:48.46REdOGcursor: I updated a box the other day that was still useing default-1.0
00:48.57_Loki_hmm, mine doesnt.
00:49.20*** join/#asterisk AgiNamu (~AgiNamu@
00:49.22cursorDid it prompt you to use 2004.0?
00:49.30AgiNamuwow, it looks like im back in the land of the routeable.
00:49.32cursoror did it suggest 2004.3
00:50.02REdOGcursor: 2004.3 I believe... not sure... it ended up on that one tho
00:50.34cursorthese machines are all on 2004.3 now
00:50.36cursorno harm done
00:50.47cursorand all the packages are >= the versions stated in the profile
00:50.52_Loki_!!! Your current profile is deprecated and not supported anymore.
00:50.52_Loki_!!! Please upgrade to the following profile if possible:
00:51.04cursorThat's what I have in my log books :-)
00:53.53_Loki_ah, its currently pointing to /etc/make.profile -> ../usr/portage/profiles/default-x86-2004.0. Looks like they have just changed the layout.
00:54.16REdOGya cascadeing profiles
00:55.00cursorI'm pointing here now:
00:55.00cursormake.profile -> ../usr/portage/profiles/default-linux/x86/2004.3
00:55.10cursoron all machines
00:55.34REdOG/etc/make.profile -> /usr/portage/profiles/default-linux/ppc/2004.3
00:55.51cursoralways use relative symlinks
00:55.55_Loki_I'll wait for the sync to complete and update it, thanks.
00:56.00cursorin case you need to mount the filesystem
00:56.04*** join/#asterisk implicit (
00:56.27REdOGits my laptop
00:56.36REdOGI actually dont emerge sync it
00:57.05REdOGI have a screwball setup where I use subversion to update it from my network rsync server
00:57.07cursorIt's still possible that you might need to mount the filesystem after booting off a CD
00:57.12cursorto make repairs
00:57.14cursorfor some reason
00:57.30cursorabsolute symlinks are painful when that happens
00:57.35mutilatorany of yous work at digium..
00:57.47cursornot me
00:58.01mutilatorthey said they'de call me back on the status on my codec order.. cause i kinda needed em tonite
00:58.08mutilatorand nancy never called
00:58.09AgiNamuOh its so fun when people come over to intstall your internet connection, expecting a Windows 95 machine
00:58.20AgiNamuand they just sit there staring at gnome, wondeirng what in the world is going on.
00:58.38REdOGat least your nice enough to give em gnome
00:58.55cursorYou had someone visit to install an inet connection?
00:58.59cursorget a book :-)
00:59.19AgiNamuand they wanted to run a win16 program to configure the old zenith cablemodem... he said he thought it'd run on Linux.
00:59.43cursoronly if it has a win16 virus
00:59.43AgiNamuhaha, they wanna come and setup their bloody 1985 cablemodem
00:59.50AgiNamuthey have a "confidential" CD with the firmware editor
01:00.03AgiNamuwhen they werent looking i copied it :D. ... i THINK line speed is controlled in the modem firmware.
01:00.04cursorThen they should bring a laptop
01:00.08AgiNamuyea, i know cursor
01:00.09implicitfunctionality breeds contempt
01:00.22AgiNamui think when they come tomorrow I'll just give them bash.
01:00.25AgiNamuand let him figure it out :P
01:00.47cursorwhy do I have to type the / the wrong way?
01:00.47AgiNamuAnyways, that establishes my technical superiority :D.... last time, my ISP told me they dont block ports, because ports dont exist.
01:00.51wolfsonaginamu: was it a docsis or non-docsis modem?
01:00.57AgiNamuwolfson -- no clue
01:01.05AgiNamuit's a PoS
01:01.26AgiNamuZenith, made in 97
01:01.32AgiNamubig as a laptop
01:01.35wolfsonif its docsis, profile (speed limiting, etc...) is loaded on connect from a tftp server.. I've got no clue about non docsis
01:01.54AgiNamuwell, there's a special utility they run
01:01.59AgiNamuit connect via RS232
01:02.00REdOGI thought all cable modems were docsis
01:02.01implicitwolfson: i have source code to some MAJOR docsis modem firmwares
01:02.10AgiNamuand all sorts of settings in there.
01:02.11implicitwolfson: i dont have to fllow the config files :)
01:02.21slak2hey anyone know why theres a delay when i dial an extension
01:02.24wolfsonsome really old ones are not docsis, most are now
01:02.27implicitwolfson: you try getting your hands on stuff like that :)
01:02.44wolfsonits easier to just have the cable company modify your profile to what you want
01:02.49slak2i dial an extension and theres like a 10sec delay before it rings
01:03.01*** join/#asterisk oncemore (~wangxinta@
01:03.04AgiNamuanyways, latency is only 100ms to my server, which is awesome (Since im in guatemala). But, the connex doesnt work right now very well
01:03.17AgiNamuOh, and they have 5% packet loss from me to default gateway
01:03.25AgiNamuand get this, the guy said it's "normal and not a problem"
01:04.07_Vileslak2, SIP phone?
01:04.13slak2yes, using ata
01:04.38_Vilejust out of curiousity what does it do when you dial the number and hit pound?
01:05.04slak2makes it ring right away
01:05.15wolfsonimplicit: access to source code is not always good if you are in the us. if you ever happen to write anything vaguely similar, you are SOL.
01:05.28slak2okay now how can i do this without #
01:05.37_Vilenot sure on the ata
01:05.42fileslak2: it's not asterisk, it's your ATA - consult it's documentation
01:05.47mikegrbslak2: which ata are you using?
01:05.59mikegrboh dunno about that one
01:06.12mikegrblook into a dialplan setting for it or something like that
01:06.17mikegrbbut like file said, it is the ata
01:06.17_Viledialplan setting
01:06.17filemodify your dialplan
01:06.19slak2oh man this works great
01:06.23slak2on the ATA?
01:06.39mikegrbthe dialtone is generated by the ata not asterisk
01:06.46_Vilesomething to do with digits and waiting x amount of time after entering digits
01:06.50mikegrbit is waiting for you to complete the number to send the call to asterisk
01:07.16mikegrbby telling it the proper format for numbers in advance it can recognize a number and not wait to see if you hit another digit
01:07.37filebkw_: what? did you lose your virginity? for the... millionth time?
01:07.51_Vilemillionth time?
01:08.04implicit_Vile: don't ask
01:08.07_Loki_asterisk might be waiting for input for pattern matching. If you could possibly dial another number by adding digits it waits for a bit.
01:08.17file_Loki_: it's the ATA, not asterisk
01:08.23mikegrb_Loki_: the call has not gone to asterisk yet
01:08.50slak2what should i set my prefered codec to
01:08.55slak2in my ata config
01:08.58slak2whats the most common one
01:09.08slak2asterisk is set to use ulaw
01:11.41Nethabum yeah my grandpa just died
01:12.18paulcNethab :-(
01:12.44paulcslak2: You can add S0 to the end of a dialplan entry in the SPA2k to make it dial immediately after the right number of digits
01:12.45twistedOMFG how 1337!!
01:12.45Nethabthis morning. Just thought i'd share in case anyone said something to me in the last 15 minutes
01:13.17twistedCollege Jeopardy winner's final wager was 1,337. Internet nerds snort milk onto their D&D boards
01:13.26mikegrbtwisted: :D
01:13.46slak2paulc, explain?
01:13.47paulcLOL.. that's funny.. and kinda sad.. in a "you sad fucking geek!" kinda way
01:13.48DrukenHmeNethab: i'm sory to hear that man
01:13.58slak2paulc, where
01:13.59twistedpaulc, yea
01:14.26paulcslak2: in Line 1, dialplan.. you can modify it.. paste me what you've got in there right now and I'll tell you how/what to change
01:15.58AgiNamuok that script is officially annoying.
01:16.16paulcslak2: where you located?
01:16.17mikegrbyes but so are public away messages
01:16.19greg_workif i want to repeat a prompt twice and hangup; Background(prompt) .. Wait(7) .. Background(still-there) .. Background(prompt) .. Wait(7) .. Hangup()   ?
01:16.24slak2CT, USA
01:17.10paulcslak2: ok.. so when do you get the between dialling and asterisk doing something? like what digits you punching?
01:17.20DrukenHmegreg_work: i'd use a variable.... when it times out, set the variable as true, then on a second timeout, hang up
01:17.56slak2im punching up my extension 002
01:17.57greg_workah much cleaner. then  i can also have it repeat arbitrary number of times..
01:18.01slak2and it takes liek 10 secs to ring
01:18.04greg_workwait() can be interrupted though, right?
01:18.33paulcslak2: are all your extensions in the 0xx range?
01:18.41DrukenHmewhy would you want a wait?
01:18.46slak2the bosses are 0xx
01:18.51slak2us folks are 1xx
01:18.59slak2vm and services is 5xx
01:19.06paulc9 for dialing outside numbers?
01:19.11slak2i guess
01:19.17slak2i havent hooked up my ptsn lines yet
01:19.35paulcso it's fair to say "all internal extension numbers are 3 digits, and we'll dial 9 for outside line access" ?
01:20.54JunK-Ypaulc: 911 ?
01:21.26slak2IT is 911
01:21.51paulc(*xx|[01-8]xxS0|911S0|9x.) = Allow *xx, any 3 digit numbers starting with 0 through 8 go through straight away, as do 911 calls. Anything that starts with 9 will accept a variable number of digits and timeout after the short timeout defined (3 secs)
01:22.12paulcif you don't want special handling of 911 you can take that out
01:22.21slak2no 911 is a good idea
01:22.22paulcor maybe make the rule [2-9]xxS0
01:22.33slak2so i can stick that in my ata config
01:22.46slak2what was it currently set to can you describe the default
01:24.27paulc(*xx|[3469]11|0|00|[2-9]xxxxxx|1xxx[2-9]xxxxxxS0|xxxxxxxxxxxx.) = * followed by digits.. 311/411/611/911.. the number 0.. the number 00.. any 7 digit number starting with 2 through 9.. complete immediately on an 11 digit number starting with 1 where digit 5 is 2 through 9.. allow any 11 or longer digit number
01:24.27_Loki_I'm thinking of setting up asterisk to receive fax's via VOIP (from a PSTN gateway), If I get a FXS card and loop it into my modem that has vgetty + sendfax waiting and use alaw is this likely to work properly? Or is there a better way (software only solution?)
01:25.20slak2does that dialplan you made support international calls?
01:25.23slak2what about 411
01:25.29paulc411 is covered
01:25.45paulcinternational meaning 9 011 44xxx etc?
01:25.52slak2would i have to dial 9 to get to emergency 911
01:26.02slak2yes 9, 011, code...
01:26.09paulc911 would complete immediately.. you should then map it on your asterisk box to dial out 911 to the PSTN
01:26.12slak2i guess international is covered
01:26.17paulcor.. create a rule for 9911S0
01:26.36slak2okay so i can map extension 911 straight thru to the real 911
01:26.44slak2and take priority right?
01:27.03JunK-Yslak2: 611, 411?
01:27.04paulcyes - the dial plan rule 911S0 says "if you get the digits 911, dial immediately without waiting for further digits"
01:27.17filepaulc: you seem happy today, did you get lots of coding done?
01:27.30Dr_Raydo you break into a line if all lines are busy?
01:27.32slak2but does asterisk know that 911 is not local
01:27.33paulcJunK-Y - covered by the [01-8]xx rule
01:27.38slak2or do i have to define that
01:27.57paulcfile: Not as much as I'd like.. pesky customers got in the way AGAIN.. but it's going pretty well..
01:28.00slak2how does asterisk know that 911 is a ptsn call
01:28.04paulcslak2: it doesn't
01:28.07filepaulc: crummy customers!
01:28.07paulcyou tell it
01:28.11slak2oh ok
01:28.14JunK-Ypaulc: im not reading all the conversation, just giving my ideas. :)
01:28.17fileslak2: as for you, asterisk isn't psychic
01:28.20paulcexten => 911,1,Dial(ZAP/g1/911)
01:28.32slak2right now its not defined so if i dialed 911 itd be regarded as a local call
01:28.33paulcJunK-Y: pay full attention! :-p hehe
01:28.40slak2unless i dialed 9911
01:28.40paulcslak2: gotcha
01:29.05JunK-Ypaulc: and ya, take attention to ur privmsg :P
01:29.09slak2heh can i test that without getting the cops over here
01:29.22paulcslak2 if you set up asterisk with a route like _9x.,1,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN:1}) then you could dial 9<anything> from the sipura and it would send <anything> to PSTN
01:29.26Dr_Rayplug it into your FXS port
01:30.11paulcyou can define 911 as a local extension, and 9911 as external 911 services.. play a message instead to test it
01:30.53slak2; Emergency calls
01:30.53slak2exten => 911,1,Dial(ZAP/g1/911)
01:30.59slak2is what i put in exntensions.conf
01:31.00slak2should be ok
01:31.11slak2but can i make it take priority
01:31.15slak2say all 4 of my lines are busy
01:31.21slak2can i make it drop one and dial
01:32.35paulcslak2: there's an example on the wiki I think, you can do a soft hangup on a channel then use it for outbound..
01:32.46paulcworks better when the channel you're killing is outbound not inbound..
01:32.59slak2paulc, that dialplan you made up is solid?
01:33.05slak2im bout to stick it in all 8 atas
01:33.29paulcLOL.. the standard YMMV disclaimer applies.. test it on one first, see how you get on..
01:33.39wolfsongot an odd issue. I have 4 budgetons, all configured the exact same as far as I can tell. # transfer only works on one. Rest it just seems to get ignoged.
01:34.05Dr_Rayall have teh same firmware?
01:34.13wolfsonyup, upgraded them all to make sure
01:34.45paulcDTMF mode the same on all?
01:34.52libpcpis anyone tried voip services, does asterisk work on their network? i tried to configure my asterisk to connect to their network but its not going thru but my Grandstream Budgetone100 works.
01:35.39wolfsonpaulc: yah, even copied the sip.conf entrys from the working phone to the rest and just changed the username, etc...
01:35.56paulcand the phones are definitely identical in setup, all options the same and stuff?
01:36.31wolfsonthey work fine on everything but a transfer. I've tiled two conf windows and compared options.
01:36.51*** join/#asterisk Afrosheen (~afro@
01:36.52paulchmm.. odd.. weird.. tried hitting them?
01:37.05wolfsononly thing I can see different, is the three not working, are on a sep switch, same subnet though. which should have NO bearing on this at all
01:37.15AfrosheenI have a quick question about call chaining, where should I look in the wiki for some tips
01:37.35Afrosheeni.e. dial ext whatever, let it ring this long, then dial this ext next, etc.
01:38.08_Loki_wolfson: does the asterisk dialplan allow transfers from the others. i.e. the T/t at the end of the Dial line?
01:38.30*** join/#asterisk Syncros (
01:38.44wolfsonloki: ohh yah, contexts are all fine. the phones are 601, 602, 603, etc... only the 601 phone seems to care when you hit #
01:40.21paulcAfrosheen: Look at the docs for app dial. You want to specify a timeout, then have successive Dial commands in your dialplan, with increasing priority.
01:41.14Afrosheenpaulc: thanks, I'll look into that
01:41.32wolfsonpaulc: i finally found a diference, in the advanced options on the budgetone. it was overiding it and not using rfc2833
01:41.43paulcDING DING DING! There we go, we have a winner :-)
01:41.58paulcI read something about that the other day, thought it rang a bell.. not the most obvious of options right?
01:42.01*** join/#asterisk l-fy (
01:42.07l-fyehlo #asterisk
01:42.19wolfsonpaulc: I was assuming (bad) phone would respect asterisk set to rfc2833
01:42.33*** join/#asterisk Guest^DJ (~mmmm@
01:42.38paulcthat's why the phone needs a slap ;-)
01:42.45markithi l-fy :) isn't really late for us europeans? ;)
01:42.51l-fyhi markit
01:42.52Guest^DJmodulus`, u awake ?
01:42.57l-fylook who's talking :)
01:43.10DrukenHmecall forwarding is a pain in thy ass!
01:43.20markitl-fy: LOL
01:43.50oncemorecan i not setup libpri?
01:44.05oncemorex101p only connect PSTN
01:44.26drumkillaoncemore: that's all it is supposed to do ... ?
01:45.58gavzdaanyone use and gui interfact to *? If so which is the best?