irclog2html for #asterisk on 20041129

00:00.49modulus`i have a serious kimchi gut
00:00.57tzangerI do not like kimchi, not one bit
00:01.01modulus`i'll be beating wives before long
00:01.04ZX81No such command 'heh' (type 'help' for help)
00:01.19tzangerI LOVE that bbq steak stuff...  it's awesome
00:01.34tzangerit's strange, but the gas I get from that shit...  it smells as good as if there's a plate of it in front of me've done it now...I'm officially hungry
00:01.46tzangerI've never ever had that happen before, it's the spices are not digested at all
00:01.54modulus`LOL tzanger
00:02.04fileShrek appears to be on.
00:02.11ZX81on what?
00:02.24tzangerI'm serious... it's like <fart>... <sniff>... DAMN that smells good, what the fuck?
00:02.29ZX81oh...not angel dust or some such
00:02.34ZX81tzanger: rofl
00:02.46ZX81tzanger: maybe the shit would taste good
00:02.56tzangerI mean usually your own brand is, well, tolerable...  but this was downright mouthwatering
00:02.56modulus`tzanger it's part of the whole delicious experience
00:03.31tzangerZX81: if I were 15 years younger and drunk I might have tried it just to satisfy my curiosity...  but I've got some pretty big shit-eating hangups now that I'm older
00:03.58tzangerso now I just have to live with enjoying the smell alone
00:04.23fileI should go get a drink
00:04.34ZX81I have 5 litres of drink beside me
00:04.38ZX81need food tho
00:05.47TripleF2some say Normal reason is the lib you have pointed the driver= line in the ini
00:05.47TripleF2isn't a ODBC driver, but some other lib.
00:06.22_Vile~seen _Vile
00:06.23jbot_vile is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 389 messages.  Is idling for 1s
00:06.37PTG123~seen PTG123
00:06.38jbotptg123 is currently on #asterisk (22h 26m 58s).  Has said a total of 118 messages.  Is idling for 1s
00:06.49PTG123i need to talk more :)
00:06.52ZX81~seen my ass
00:06.52jboti haven't seen 'my ass', ZX81
00:06.53PTG123~seen ptg123
00:06.54jbotptg123 is currently on #asterisk (22h 27m 14s).  Has said a total of 120 messages.  Is idling for 1s
00:07.25ZX81~seen ZX81
00:07.26jbotzx81 is currently on #asterisk (10h 44m 50s).  Has said a total of 243 messages.  Is idling for 1s
00:08.17_Vilei win
00:08.19ZX81~seen the missing USA election votes
00:08.20jboti haven't seen 'the missing usa election votes', ZX81
00:08.23tzanger~seen my dick in 5 years
00:08.24jboti haven't seen 'my dick in 5 years', tzanger
00:08.24modulus`i want bulgogi, kalbi, dweh ji, roas gui
00:08.32TripleF2wich has to be conmaked first uniodbc or myodbc ?
00:08.37tzangerbulgogi is good too
00:09.16modulus`tzanger, how about the after-affects?
00:09.23tzangerdon't remember with that
00:09.27tzangerwhat is bulgogi again
00:09.32tzangerI remember eating it but have no idea what it was
00:09.38modulus`different style
00:09.41tzangerthe bbq stuff I had was like some kind of sirloin dish
00:10.07bkw_TripleF2 make unixodbc then myodbc
00:10.35ZX81I love my wife!!! We have been married 5 years and she still cooks me food!
00:10.56PTG123been married 7, and i cook her food
00:11.10tzangerI was married 5 and we're now divorced
00:11.16tzangerwe cook our own food
00:11.26ZX81let me guess - she didn't cook for you
00:11.31ZX81there you go
00:11.31tzangerno she was a great cook
00:11.34JamesDotComi've been with my gf 3 1/2 years and i cook ;(
00:11.36ZX81one person has to cook
00:11.48tzangershe's a great mom too, she just has what I call permanent "grass is greener" syndrome
00:11.48JamesDotComi'm sure she feigns stupidity at around dinner time
00:11.52JamesDotComjust cause she likes my food
00:12.01TripleF2i order my food
00:12.06TripleF2~seen myfood ?
00:12.07jbotTripleF2: i haven't seen 'myfood '
00:12.16TripleF2me neither so im calling for chicken
00:12.23modulus`tzanger, i think ALL women are that way
00:12.32modulus`fuckin' bitches
00:12.43modulus`that's when you have to give them racoon eyes
00:13.03modulus`and say "bitch where's mah kimchi"?
00:13.03JamesDotComin the 4 years i've been living out of home i've come to the conclusion that the most difficult thing in life is deciding what's for dinner every night
00:13.12tzangermodulus`: haha I was gonna say there's the kimchi talking
00:13.24ZX81JamesDotCom: yah
00:13.26tzangerJamesDotCom: yes it's too easy to fall into fast food or kraft dinner traps
00:13.29ZX81I have sausages
00:13.29modulus`tzanger i see you're familiar with korean culture
00:13.45JamesDotComeven if you do decide on fast food
00:13.48JamesDotComwhich one do you pick
00:13.50tzangerI make several awesome dishes, hell even the kids eat broccoli and cheese or bakes havarti cheese sticks
00:14.01modulus`and the kids just love it?
00:14.04tzangerJamesDotCom: I try to stay away from fast food
00:14.09tzangermodulus`: yes they love broc 'n cheese
00:14.11tzangerLOVE it
00:14.22modulus`i love you tzanger
00:14.27modulus`will you make me broc 'n cheese?
00:14.38tzangeronly if you bring me some bibimbap
00:14.51modulus`how about if i eat kalbi then fart in your direction?
00:14.52bkw_ya know I hate phones
00:15.07tzangerI make a cranberry chicken dish too that they lvoe that I found completely by accident
00:15.25slePPphones suck..
00:16.13twistedshaddup slePP
00:16.15tzangermom just moved out (bro and I bought the house off her) and all I had was chicken breasts (mmmm breasts), a 15-year-old can of cranberries that was starting to rust, some french dressing and some onion soup mix...  I hate cranberries and french dressing and onion soup... HATE them...
00:16.40twistedyou bought the house and kicked your mom out?
00:16.45twistedthat's just wrong.
00:17.00tzangerbut empty the onion soup mix into a casserole dish, fill the can 7/8 with french dressing and add that... stir it all up (looks like an ulcer to me, smells bad) but marinade it for an hour an dbake it...
00:17.17Qwelltwisted: y0
00:17.18tzangerabout halfway though it starts smelling REALLY FUCKING GOOD...  serve over rice or fat noodles and it's just tits man, it rocks
00:17.21tzangertwisted: no
00:17.28tzangertwisted: she moved (bought a farm she wanted with her bf)
00:17.47twistedtzanger, i was joking, mostly
00:17.50fileeek it's twisted
00:17.51tzangerI know
00:17.57blitzrageyo twisted
00:18.00twistedyo peeps
00:18.08PTG123your mom bought the farm
00:18.16twistedoh dude
00:18.17Qwellfiguratively, and literally
00:18.18twistedthat's not a good joke
00:18.49tzangerPTG123: yeah we know :-)
00:19.08tzangershe sold it about a year ago and bought a house in Woodstock, and just sold that an dmoved back to Tillsonburg today
00:19.17tzangernot on a farm but not far from her old farm
00:19.20ZX81is woodstock a place?
00:19.29blitzragetzanger: are you from Ontario?
00:19.30ZX81i.e. same as festival?
00:19.39tzangerblitzrage: yes
00:19.40blitzragetzanger: you're north of London right?
00:19.42tzangerblitzrage: yes
00:19.45modulus`i want some cham girum
00:19.46harrysleaptzanger, that was smart :)
00:19.48tzangerwe go over this every time you notice me :-)
00:19.49ZX81me was stoke newington
00:19.49TripleF2ok this is not working
00:19.50modulus`for my KALBI
00:19.52blitzragetzanger: lol
00:19.56ZX81and hackney
00:19.56harrysleapwoodstock ontario?
00:19.59blitzragetzanger: yah, I just remembered that too :)
00:20.20twistedi need food
00:20.35filetemporary sugar high
00:20.37filehow nice!
00:20.37blitzrageI need to make a LCR context...
00:20.38tzangerblitzrage: :-)
00:20.47twistedtastes like chicken
00:20.48ZX81ooh err
00:20.51*** join/#asterisk tim27 (
00:20.54filehave you been touching my muffin?
00:21.01twistedi'm 4000 miles away
00:21.04twistedhow have i been touching your muffin?
00:21.11fileperhaps you flew here!
00:21.12tzangerwhat the fuck
00:21.21tzangerevery time I download "la grange" by ZZ Top I get "gimme all your lovin"
00:21.26tzangerIT AIN'T THE SAME SONG
00:21.58tzangerLa Grange, 3.27MB is NOT La Grange, it's "Gimme All your Lovin"
00:22.22tim27when i do sip show peers one of my phone show to but this is not the correct ip... all seem to work well except that it show to (that my router) the ip of the phone is ... others phone are correct, any have a idea what can cause this...
00:22.23tzangerI got to ask my gf if I could butter her buns at the christmas party last night...
00:22.38blitzragetzanger: I think I might have that song
00:22.40twistedchristmas is about 3 weeks away
00:23.05filetwisted: indeed
00:23.31tzangerthat and I cannot find a good version of "Fox on the Run" *NOT* by The Sweet
00:23.36twistedtim27, it's going through the router to get to the server
00:23.38tzangerthe original bluegrass but not quite so bluegrass
00:23.38CaMeLLanyone use sccp channel with a cisco 7920?  Want to know if it is worth a test
00:23.51twistedbkw_, what click?
00:23.58blitzragehrmmm.. perhaps not
00:24.00ZX81polarty reversal?
00:24.04tzangerbkw_: ramp the volume
00:24.08TripleF2could this error be env problems ?  [IM004][unixODBC][Driver Manager]Driver's SQLAllocHandle on SQL_HANDLE_HENV failed
00:24.10tzangerbkw_: it always worked on the Gravis Ultrasound
00:24.24*** join/#asterisk jks (
00:24.30tzangerin fact the problem was so pervasive they called it the UltraClick
00:24.31bkw_well I hear an audible click when a call is answered
00:24.35fileyou people are scary
00:24.37tim27twisted: even if i uplug this phone, it continue to show with the sip show peers
00:24.38modulus`tzanger give me some more one-liners
00:24.40twistedbkw_, i never do.
00:24.40fileand the sugar high is wearing off unfortunately
00:24.42PTG123I miss my  gravis :)
00:24.48twistedtim27, yeah, because you have to let it expire.
00:24.52tzangermore one liners?  I've been giving them out?
00:25.05slePPi should redo it all again
00:25.21tzangerhere's a great pickup line
00:25.21slePPthat's personal!
00:25.28tzangerYou are *SHIMMERING* with power!
00:25.30slePPokay.... that works
00:25.32tim27normally when i unplug a phone i dont see a ip anymore :(
00:25.58tzangerfile if you're a he you ain't got a muffin
00:26.07tzangerslePP: hahahahaha
00:26.10modulus`tzanger i don't get it
00:26.34tzangermodulus`: walk up to a chick and say it... don't say hi first, just make those your first words
00:26.52modulus`"you are shimmering with power!"
00:27.02tzangeryou have to be absolutely serious though
00:27.04twistedtzanger, that only works at RPG's
00:27.05modulus`what's the avg response to that?
00:27.11tzangerand have something ready for her response
00:27.20tim27twisted: if i do a reload on the cli it's supposed to expire and renew all connection ... even if i do a stop now and restart asterisk it continue to show the phone to
00:27.22twistedand frankly, i'm not that much of a dork.
00:27.33Qwelltwisted: "Hey baby, I'm a level 31 magic user" also works at RPGs
00:27.38tzangerno no no
00:27.40tzangerI'm not talking RPGs
00:27.42twistedtim27, yes, this is correct.  It is NOT supposed to expire and renew all connections.
00:27.46tzangerfuck I was done with them by the time I was 12
00:27.59tzangerit's a long way... to the top... if you wanna rock and roll
00:28.04modulus`you are *SHIMMERING* with power!
00:28.05twistedtim27, ONLY outbound registrations are expired and renewed, not incoming.
00:28.16*** join/#asterisk sauber (
00:28.19*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
00:28.20twistedtim27, the incoming registrations are stored in the astdb.
00:28.41tim27twisted: i rebooted the server
00:28.41twistedtim27, the incoming registrations are stored in the astdb.
00:29.12twistedtim27, what part about stored in the astdb doesn't make sense?  The astdb is a FILE BASED DB - it doesn't matter if you reboot the server, they'll still be there.
00:29.33twistedtim27, do a database show from the cli
00:29.39twistedyou'll see them.
00:30.03twistedyou can manually delete them, then reload chan_sip, and it'll be gone, but otherwise, it has to time-expire.
00:30.16bkw_can't reload
00:30.19bkw_you must restart
00:30.28bkw_the seeding lives on after a reload
00:30.32bkw_all registrations do
00:30.35modulus`i'm not gonna eat today
00:30.36twistedbkw_, ah, yes.
00:30.39modulus`my gut is disgusting
00:30.44modulus`i'm just gonna smoke a pack of cigs
00:30.51modulus`and hit a couple hundred golf balls
00:30.57tim27i see it in the database with 3600 expiration
00:31.09tim27how was put in the database
00:31.14tzangergolfing aint' gonna do shit for your gut
00:31.22modulus`smoking cigs is
00:31.23twistedtim27, because the phone registered through the router
00:31.23tzangeryou need to get your heart rate up to its target level for 20 minutes consistently
00:31.26twistedjust like i told you before.
00:31.30tzangerer consecutively rather
00:31.37tzangerget it to its target and hld it there for 20 mins
00:31.39tzangerthat's my problem
00:31.44tzangerI do weights but that doesn't do shit ofr the gut
00:31.55tzangerI've got a six pack but it's hiding behind the keg :-(
00:32.00modulus`are you kidding? my heart will die if i do that
00:32.01tim27how i delete the database ???
00:32.02PTG123heh depends, ever went to one of the auto-teeing driving ranges :)
00:32.05PTG123alot of work
00:32.30twistedtim27, maybe, you should read the wiki,
00:32.45twistedhelp database delete at the cli
00:33.33bkw_database deltree SIP
00:33.39TripleF2guys !
00:33.46TripleF2isql default uer pass works !
00:34.05TripleF2but bisql Mysql-asterisk  user pass doesnt
00:34.11TripleF2same config different [] names
00:34.18TripleF2so asteirsk is the prob
00:34.24twistedTripleF2, perhaps you should allow connections from the local machine using that pass
00:34.27tim27twisted : is the wiki is dont ???
00:34.35voidis dead ?
00:34.35twistedor from whatever machine is trying to access it.
00:34.49TripleF2|its wokrs
00:34.50TripleF2i mean
00:35.12TripleF2odbc.ini  [default] some info ansd [mySQL-asterisk]  same info as default
00:35.23TripleF2now isql default worksa but not isql mYsql-asterisk
00:35.45TripleF2first connects second  [IM004][unixODBC][Driver Manager]Driver's SQLAllocHandle on SQL_HANDLE_HENV failed
00:36.17tzangerTripleF2: you're making progress I see :-)
00:36.23TripleF2hmm ill mod asterisk to use efault then
00:36.35tzangerif you would like I think a contribution to on how ot use this would be VERY well received
00:37.51TripleF2Nov 28 23:37:04 NOTICE[31290]: res_odbc.c:133 load_odbc_config: registered database handle 'asterisk' dsn->[Default]
00:37.51TripleF2Nov 28 23:37:04 NOTICE[31290]: res_odbc.c:345 odbc_obj_connect: Calling 0x8136c40/0x8136c50
00:37.51TripleF2Nov 28 23:37:04 NOTICE[31290]: res_odbc.c:359 odbc_obj_connect: res_odbc: Connected to asterisk [Default]
00:37.52TripleF2Nov 28 23:37:04 NOTICE[31290]: res_odbc.c:385 load_module: res_odbc loaded.
00:38.04TripleF2took 1 week
00:38.15PTG123does that mean its working?
00:38.16tim27database del <family> <key> , what the family and key , /SIP/Registry/202  ???
00:38.40twistedSIP is the family
00:38.46twistedand the key is Registry/202
00:38.47TripleF2CLI> realtime load sipfriends name bob
00:38.57*** mode/#asterisk [+q TripleF2!*@*] by twisted
00:39.07*** part/#asterisk DrRighteous (
00:39.12*** mode/#asterisk [-q TripleF2!*@*] by twisted
00:39.31tzanger"This is an easy song that nobody can seem to figure out how to play because it's so far out of tune.  I guess you can't really tune a bagpipe so they had to tune to it"
00:39.46CaMeLLhas anyone used the cisco 7920 with *?
00:40.45*** join/#asterisk khb (
00:41.11CaMeLLlooking to test the 7920 as a possible wifi solution to replace internal nextel usage...which sux!
00:41.32tim27now all host are unspecified, can i force registration ???
00:41.43nitramCaMeLL: 7920 together with asterisk is not production ready
00:41.44voiddo I need to do anything before installing newer version of Asterisk? Like backing up, etc... ?
00:41.54_E|nyPRIsmall prayer
00:42.00TripleF2void no unless u modded some files
00:42.06Qwell(like configs)
00:42.07CaMeLLthanks there any solution that could compete with spectralink?
00:42.08nitramCaMeLL: just my 2c
00:42.19nitramCaMeLL: no idea
00:42.23CaMeLLcant stand having to go with their 40k quote :(
00:42.23voidthanks :)
00:42.44bkw_TripleF2 it works now
00:43.03TripleF2just logged in with user bob and pass durel from a db entry
00:43.03CaMeLLnitram: thanks for the feedback :)
00:43.20TripleF2this totok like 1 week to fix
00:43.30nitramCaMeLL: well, you could improve chan-sccp and make it production ready ;)
00:43.38PTG123think he could do it again? :)
00:43.43CaMeLLhahaha :)  True enough
00:43.47TripleF2man i know this shit now
00:43.52TripleF2tried every porssible configs there is
00:44.32CaMeLLnitram: which cisco phones (sip) have good success with asterisk?
00:44.35TripleF2weird that cdr records busy when in fact inobody answered on other line.. duration 7 sec but billsec =0
00:44.46denonCaMeLL: 7960
00:44.51nitramCaMeLL: read up on the 7960
00:44.53tim27CaMell 7960 and 7905
00:44.55denon7940, I would imagine
00:44.58CaMeLLya, got the ata186, works great
00:45.09CaMeLLnice, thanks guys
00:45.18TripleF2i do think that dashes in odbc.ini header for info is not good
00:45.23TripleF2but just a guess
00:45.28CaMeLLhow many call apperances does the 7960 have?
00:45.34denonCaMeLL: 6
00:45.40denon7940 has 4 I think
00:45.46denonIm not sure, I never use anything but 7960s really
00:45.49CaMeLLthanks denon
00:45.50TripleF2bkw_ u wrote that module right ? rwaltime.. it falls back to .conf if no entry in db ?
00:45.54*** join/#asterisk thetalon (
00:46.09tim27i hope the new PT480 SIP will work great
00:46.13thetalonany one know why my IAXy does not ring
00:46.23thetalonit connects fine but there is no ring tones at all
00:46.48thetalonit also take about 10 seconds to send the digits to *
00:48.25CaMeLLAnyone here familiar or with Teliax?
00:50.08CaMeLLgot a DID with them over IAX2...sometimes * doesnt see the call, and the line keeps ringing.  Hang up, call again and * picks up fine.
00:50.34CaMeLLcould this be a registration issue?
00:51.48thetalonany IAXy users here?
00:51.51*** join/#asterisk loko_ (
00:52.18Nuggetyou mean those that have joined in the five minutes it's been since you asked your question?
00:52.59*** join/#asterisk NeroLabs (
00:54.57loko_i didnt see the question, you better ask it again =P
00:56.41*** join/#asterisk lilneon (~lilneon@
00:57.08*** join/#asterisk _E|nyPRI (~les@
00:57.49lilneonneed some help, i downloaded, build freetds and rebuilt asterisk after update now i get loading module failed
00:58.00lilneonwen i start asrtreeisk
00:59.52lilneonanyone here?
01:00.05lilneonhere i go talking to myself again,....
01:00.07_E|nyPRII am.
01:00.12_E|nyPRIi know not the answer to your query.
01:00.20lilneonok :|
01:00.38thetalondid you overwrite your odbc lib dir?
01:00.45thetalonfreetds is odbc correct?
01:00.57lilneonyeah it is
01:01.14thetalonrebuild your module
01:01.36thetalonit could be a conflict in your old .so with the new odbc lib
01:01.37lilneoni don't know if i did.. i just followed instructions i got on the net..  rebuild freetds?
01:01.43*** join/#asterisk oej (
01:01.54thetalonno the res_odbc
01:02.08*** join/#asterisk iq (
01:02.19thetaloncd /usr/src/asterisk
01:02.20thetalonmake clean
01:02.48thetalonrename the old res_odbc and copy the new one to the modules dir
01:02.54thetalonor just make install
01:03.55Mocanyone got the microbrowser to work in the polycom ip 500 ?
01:04.03lilneonok so now i am going to my asterisk folder and doingg make clean ; make ; make install
01:04.12bkw_someone send me 500 bucks
01:04.19filebkw_: what do you want now
01:04.44fall0utmox: its only in the IP600
01:04.50fall0utMoc: rather
01:05.06Moci saw someone that had it working on ip 500
01:05.08bkw_er SLR
01:05.15filebad bkw bad!
01:05.20Mocmy cable modem compagny upgraded me to 6.5mbits !!
01:05.22fall0utI'd like to see :D
01:05.31_E|nyPRIwhere can you get a digital SLR for only $500?
01:05.40Mocbut only 900kbits up
01:06.06Mocanyone got polycom ip 3000 to work with * then ?
01:06.21Slimeygcc -D_KERNEL zaptel.c | & wc -l
01:06.28Slimeygetting better
01:06.30Slimeytime for sleep now
01:06.31bkw_Slimey you are making progress
01:06.54SlimeyI have to do some things a bit different on solaris
01:07.07Slimeysolaris doesn't have the concept of private_data on file handles
01:07.29Slimeyso I need to create virtual devices for each open of pseudo and timing
01:08.05Slimeyoh, and channel too
01:08.21Slimeypseudo is actually already done enough to not matter
01:08.28Slimeyit's channel and timing that need to be odd
01:09.08Slimeyin a solaris device driver, in the open() call, you can over-write the major/minor number of the device that has been opened
01:09.32Slimeyso you can create a new "virtual" device, and pretend that that is what was openned
01:10.02SlimeyI think I prefer the linux way of doing it, but I can make this work
01:11.14loko_good, code now =)
01:11.31thetalonthere was a guy from Sun at *con.  I have his card at work
01:12.03thetalonhe offered a tarball of a pre 1.0 head to me
01:12.14Slimeyincluding zaptel?
01:12.19thetalonnot sure
01:12.21Slimeyasterisk itself is running fine on solaris
01:12.40thetaloni'm sure the timing issues are tough
01:12.46Slimeysee bug 2740 for a patch
01:12.54thetalongreat thanks
01:12.59*** join/#asterisk syslod (~sysglod@
01:15.46jpaynewho *isn't* playing with asterisk?
01:15.54bkw_OMG its jpayne
01:15.56bkw_whats up man
01:16.05jpaynenot much
01:16.14jpaynerecovering from too much drinking
01:16.20*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
01:16.22iqHi... I've installed: Asterisk CVS-v1-0-11/28/04-18:43:41... but still getting "Segmentation fault" error when I try to diall
01:17.12Slimeyjpayne: yo!
01:17.36SlimeyI keep bumping into people I know in #asterisk
01:17.52bkw_iq a little more info
01:18.03bkw_now someone send me about 500 bucks
01:18.13bkw_file no dear thats "plays with himself"
01:18.19Slimeysomeone send me ukp 500 ;)
01:18.22iq*CLI> dial 18003333474
01:18.23iq*CLI>  << Console call has been answered >>
01:18.23iqSegmentation fault
01:18.36bkw_well thats no info
01:18.41bkw_backtrace the core it drops
01:18.48fileor run it inside of gdb
01:19.34iqbut I dont get this error all the time - it is random
01:21.10filewell recreate it, try try try
01:21.18goatmilkpatch me through to the pentagon !
01:22.10DumbDudeso I need to do ./asterisk -d -g -c ... right?
01:22.34syslodAnyone working on a windows switchboard?
01:22.36*** join/#asterisk Guest^DJ (~mmmm@
01:24.50DumbDudefile:I'm not sure how would I run it under gdb
01:25.54ZX81syslod: flash operator panel, wami
01:26.10jbotAn XSL formatter written in Java that outputs PDF. URL:
01:26.40*** join/#asterisk vigman (
01:26.59vigmangood evening all
01:27.10DumbDudebkw_: the only time it crashes is when I restart CLI right after stopping it... Like if I stop CLI and give it some time and then start again it will not give me Segmentation fault error
01:27.43DumbDudeHey whats up vigman
01:27.49syslodZX81: I'm looking for something a little more complex.  Like 800 extensions.  I'd like a floorplan style with realtime data, rather than refreshing pages.
01:27.56vigmanDumb: i have recomipled and reinstalled * but I still can't seem to get it running right
01:28.15bkw_DumbDude sounds like something isn't coming free fast enough
01:28.46khbbkw: any idea why the ulaw get's added from core to codec offering?
01:28.59bkw_khb no clue but it does
01:29.05DumbDudebkw_: I'm running asterisk using ./asterisk -d -g -c ... where can I get detailed dump?
01:29.25bkw_asterisk -vvvgc
01:29.32bkw_it will be ./
01:29.38bkw_if you use safe_asterisk
01:29.40bkw_its in /tmp
01:29.47bkw_khb do you know where it adds it?
01:29.57*** join/#asterisk dagrim (
01:30.05bkw_heya isn't Hi
01:30.08khbhmm, looked at the code again today, I made some changes here some time ago, and i am simply ignoring the first ulaw from core
01:30.19DumbDudebkw_ ... no but I'll find out :P
01:30.22dagrim<< didmnt get in bed till 8am this morning..
01:30.38bkw_ok I want this Digital Rebel
01:30.41bkw_someone send me money
01:30.45bkw_so I can afford to get it
01:30.50dagrimZX81: ya you were still on when i left .. lol
01:30.55syslodThe camera?
01:31.04filebkw_: 666
01:31.06twistedbkw_, you've bought 3 cameras in the past year.
01:31.19bkw_and I sold one
01:31.23syslodNice...  Had good luck with mine.
01:31.46dagrimCan someone explain to me what the difference as far as what kind of hardware I need is for 1) To pull an outside phone line into my server, or two.. and 2) Whats the best peice of hardware (not phone) to hook a standard phone into my server?
01:32.34vigmanAre there any patient souls out there tonight that could help me with an * install?
01:32.53dagrimCuz I think Ive tinkered around enough.. I love * .. we going to set up our network for real tommorrow morning! =)
01:33.05sysloddagrim: Digium part number TDM22B
01:33.15dagrimAnd the dude that im doing this for owns a PC shop.. so Ill have unlimited brand new boxes.. =)
01:33.21syslod2FXO 2FXS
01:33.27dagrimsyslod: sweet thanx
01:34.23bkw_q Atacomm
01:34.46dagrimhmm I cant find TDM22B on their page..
01:35.20dagrimahh ok i saw that en on there.. thanx again sys
01:35.29bkw_someone donate to the bkw xmas gift is my papal
01:35.34bkw_er paypal
01:35.42*** join/#asterisk wolfson (
01:36.15syslod* not bringing you any $$$?
01:36.22twistedthat's what i'm sayin :P
01:36.33bkw_syslod not an extra money
01:36.51dagrimbkw_: Ill hook you up on wednesday.. you all have helped me out alot lately..
01:37.24bkw_where is MustDie
01:37.34dagrimTodays.. sunday.. banks clozed.... and sheit wont clear till wed.
01:37.34bkw_he was going to pay me for some work I did fer him
01:38.06syslodbkw_: U looking for customers in US?
01:38.18bkw_syslod ya why?
01:38.20dagrimactually.. we will just throw something at you when I order equip.. lol
01:38.31dagrimwhich might be tommorrow.. who knows.. expect it tho.
01:39.24syslodHmm. CLEC = lookup cust records of competitors = Look for centrex or norstar etc in services = call that customer and sell them a pbx. :)
01:39.56dagrimWill to S100Iaxy work okay along with the TDN400P?
01:40.37syslodbkw_: Who is the ILEC in your area?
01:40.39bkw_syslod muhahahaha
01:40.51dagrimand the s100's just plug right into a router or hub eh? ..
01:40.54bkw_but we can't bet PRI here
01:41.02syslodHmm.  Interesting.
01:41.04dagrimthat would also work over any ip range right?
01:41.08bkw_only CT1
01:41.12syslodSBC is really defending there turf.
01:41.21bkw_1k for CT1's
01:41.41*** join/#asterisk david (
01:41.51harryvv1 grand for one t-1 per month?
01:41.54syslodbkw_: Partner with CLEC.
01:41.58robl^down boy!
01:42.05ZX81bkw_: Asterisk pees on your carpet?
01:42.10bkw_we have NO CLEC's here
01:42.14bkw_in this part of the state
01:42.22bkw_SBC is it
01:42.23syslodbkw_: Sounds like a good market for a CLEC>
01:42.24harryvvis that a remote part of the state?
01:42.30bkw_syslod it has crossed my mind
01:42.34bkw_but I don't have the cash for it
01:43.07syslod:).  It's not that bad if you do the paperwork yourself.  The biggest thing cost wise is the deposit and something that talks SS7.
01:43.30vigmanIs there anybody out there that has a sip.conf file that works, I'm trying to test my install using x-lite not sure exactly how to set it up
01:43.54syslodbkw_: You could use any CLEC in your state if they have interconnect.  You just pay something like .0003 per min to transport to your end office.
01:44.00dagrimwhat is the difference between FXS and FXO??
01:44.02harryvvsyslod are you in the telco biz? or network admin?
01:44.13bkw_syslod hrm
01:44.32harryvvstation vs office dagrim...dagrim let me find a clear url for you to read i have it saved in my favorites.
01:44.46dagrimharryvv: thanks X)
01:44.53vigmanI have read all i can find, but still have no luck
01:45.02thetalonbrian would you like SBC to have competition or that Nikon D100
01:45.07syslodbkw: What state?
01:45.11bkw_syslod Oklahoma
01:45.20bkw_thetalon if I could make some money setting up shop sure
01:45.25bkw_but i'm fuckin broke dude
01:45.51PTG123the canon is better th en the nikon
01:45.59ZX81vigman: have a look at the wiki:
01:46.06bkw_PTG123 I must agree
01:46.10bkw_you have a D300?
01:46.13harryvvdagrim, cannot find it but if you google both terms should show something.
01:46.19dagrimok thanx
01:46.37harryvvbkw, sound like a remote part of oky
01:46.41dagrimharryvv: So basically one is In and one is out? should they be the same thing? lol
01:46.51vigmanZX81 yes I have read all I can find.  I used the install gudie I found in a couple of places.  It seems the install is OK but I can't connect using a softphone to test it
01:46.54*** part/#asterisk DumbDude (
01:46.55bkw_McAlester, OK
01:46.57*** join/#asterisk DumbDude (
01:47.03bkw_its a growing part of the state
01:47.03denonanyone know of / have a toll-free ANI number set up?
01:47.03dagrimharryvv: OH.. I see... one is like the same as having a S100Iaxy.. and the other is like in/out real phone line?
01:47.04harryvvdagrim, think of it as input vs output in simplified terms.
01:47.07ZX81vigman: what happens?
01:47.19PTG123bkw: what was the first 5megapixel SLR they came out with? :)
01:47.27denonCID or ANI is fine
01:47.31harryvvone comes from the office "the wall" and it goes into the station "asterisk"
01:47.32bkw_PTG123 I can't recall hehe
01:47.36vigmanZX81: I can't get the softphone (DIAX or X-Lite) to register with my server
01:47.39PTG123maybe the EOS-1d :)
01:47.44bkw_sounds about right
01:47.52ZX81vigman: does it give you a message in the asterisk console?
01:47.53bkw_ok ok back to trying to give SBC some competition
01:47.54PTG123its pretty sweet
01:47.59jbotpastebin is probably a place to paste all your conf/debugs/logs for other people in the chatroom to view without flooding the channel. We suggest
01:47.59PTG123i have lenses worth more then the camera though :)
01:48.01dagrimharryvv: So this card shouldnt be placed in the same machine as my * server? lol
01:48.06harryvvbkw, so your in a remote region of oklahoma?
01:48.07vigmanNo I don't see anything in the console
01:48.09syslodbkw: Looking at whos in your state.
01:48.11bkw_harryvv yes
01:48.18harryvvdagrim of course.
01:48.19ZX81vigman: do a sip debug
01:48.21bkw_FULTEL is one...
01:48.33fall0utSo who's gonna write the MGCP useragent support for chan_mgcp ?
01:48.34bkw_Logix, Nuvox, Brooks
01:48.35vigmanZX81 OK how?
01:48.36ZX81vigman: i.e. type sip debug in console
01:48.54harryvvbkw, that probebly sounds right there is probebly a low customer base there and no profit so no other compeditors would be willing to lay there fiber there.
01:48.58syslodbkw_: you want a list with contacts?
01:48.59ZX81btw: sip no debug to stop it
01:49.00vigmanOK it's enabled
01:49.00dagrimhmmm.. thats werid... so i really need more than one box to do this eh?
01:49.06bkw_syslod sure
01:49.08ZX81vigman: now try registering
01:49.14ZX81vigman: and see what it says
01:49.15PTG123does provide dids?
01:49.17bkw_syslod is my address
01:49.30ZX81vigman: if it says nothing then your server ip is wrong in client
01:49.33PTG123bkw: if you like the canon more, why do you want the nikon? :)
01:49.38harryvvkbw, ever consider other locations?
01:49.54harryvvwhat about wan RF link?
01:50.08harryvvI think wan rf can reach 30-50 mile streatches.
01:50.16vigmanI get a lot of retransmitting
01:50.16*** join/#asterisk oncemore (~wangxinta@
01:50.20bkw_most of the stuff here is the "I have no credit and need a phone reconnected" type people
01:50.27dagrimyep yep
01:50.30ZX81vigman: paste you output to pastebin
01:50.34jboti heard pastebin is a place to paste all your conf/debugs/logs for other people in the chatroom to view without flooding the channel. We suggest
01:50.35vigmanI have fwd setup in my sip.conf and can't register with fwd
01:50.46DumbDudeIt's obvious, that all while (1){ do_something; } and for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) loops came from our code.
01:50.49syslodbkw_: Anyone with SS7 interconnection can help you!!!
01:50.59harryvvbkw, sounds like low disposable income location.
01:51.18bkw_harryvv somewhat
01:51.40ZX81heh @
01:51.45DumbDudecan u guys access ?
01:51.53bkw_syslod the question is would they be willing to help
01:51.55harryvvWhere are the nearest mm ILECS? Its been a while since I learned ILEC and CLEC in telecom class :)
01:51.57bkw_around here its WHO you know
01:51.58syslodDumbDude: They seem to have problems with DB.
01:52.03fall0uthit refresh a few times
01:52.06fall0utit'll eventually come up
01:52.06bkw_its still a good ole boy area of the state
01:52.22syslodbkw_: Most would if you are buying colo and PRI.  Maybe even bring you on to do VOIP.
01:52.37harryvvbkw, where in oklahma? I was stationed at witchita fall tx.
01:52.40vigmanZX81: I have my server behing a firewall and I noticed that when * tries to register with fwd is say no nat
01:52.46bkw_harryvv McAlester
01:52.58harryvvhow far from the central southern border?
01:53.11bkw_i'm 110 miles south of Tulsa
01:53.15ZX81in sip.conf
01:53.33harryvvso must of the long haul carriers are in tulsa?
01:54.36bkw_pri here for SBC is 3600/mth
01:54.37vigmanZX81: NAt is set to yes
01:54.42DumbDudecan someone give an example of SetCIDNum with NuFone - please ?
01:54.53PTG123whats the cheapest place you guys know to get unlimited incoming dids? :)
01:55.16harryvvwholly friken cow i dont now prices but that sounds a bit high.
01:55.16ZX81vigman: use IAX instead
01:55.48vigmanZX81: OK how?
01:55.59ZX81gotta go...back soon, and use firefly as softclient
01:56.25ZX81FWD has docs explaining how to use it with IAX
01:56.41filemuffin man?
01:56.43PTG123whats the url to firefly?
01:56.50jbotwell, firefly is
01:57.14loko_can I have 2 sip devices registered as the same extension and have them both ring when extension 10 is dialed?
01:58.03PTG123since firefly uses gpl code, shouldn't you be able to get the source code?
01:58.50bkw_what GPL code does it use?
01:59.20bkw_if you're thinking libiax its LGPL
01:59.28thetalonwhile it does not look as good as other clients the IAXcomm project has source and works well
01:59.31sphyrnaloko_: they have separate registrations and use app Dial to 'dial' them at the same time
01:59.45loko_sphyrna, thanks
02:00.35harryvvbkw, so you are pressed out of luck to do anything do you have a service?
02:01.44PTG123is libiax done by digium?
02:02.45PTG123huh? :)
02:02.46filegdb hates asterisk CVS
02:03.04kramfile: make clean ; make valgrind ; make install
02:03.21filekram: your patch doesn't work btw :p
02:03.27kramyah bkw_ mentioned that
02:03.31kramso you better find it
02:03.44DumbDudebkw_: any help/starting point on SetCIDNum with NuFone :) ?
02:03.47kramwhat's it do?
02:03.48kramor not do?
02:03.53filekram: it doesn't work.
02:04.19ManxPowerDumbDude: SetCIDNum(6661235555)
02:04.28ManxPowerYou MUST set a 10 digit phone number.
02:04.30kramwhat's it doign?
02:04.41implicitkram: not working
02:04.43filekram: can I give you hints?
02:05.19kramsure, give me hints
02:05.38filekram: anyway - you're keeping the amount of forwards in the current localuser, well when a forward occurs through chan_local... completely new channel is created, and new localuser
02:05.43fileso the value is never incremented on the initial
02:05.55filewell, it's incremented once...
02:06.01*** join/#asterisk oncemore (~wangxinta@
02:06.45kramfile: the channel still uses the same localuser
02:07.08filekram: one would hope.
02:07.16fileit's time to give my asterisk box the test though
02:07.25DumbDudeManxPower: that'd go in iax.conf?
02:08.34filevery cute
02:09.41filethis is going to be fun
02:09.43ManxPowerDumbDude: Well callerid= CAN go into iax.conf, but I was referring to the Priority before your Dial
02:10.28filekram: I get well past 8 forwards
02:10.33*** join/#asterisk snewpy (
02:10.57rustybPTG123: how many DIDs do u want?
02:11.08PTG123wow talking about lag
02:11.12PTG123depends on the states available
02:11.20PTG123alot :)
02:11.26rustybsorry was reading behind ;-)
02:11.27JMorrisPTG your still on?
02:11.37DumbDudeManxPower: I think I better go read some docs... What Doc :P
02:11.45JMorrisyou goto bed yet? lol
02:11.47PTG123rusty: you have dids? :)
02:11.47filelemme mod chan_local so I can see
02:11.50rustybi have 40k in florida
02:12.04PTG123have any other states or just florida? :)
02:12.09kramfile: is this 302 redirects or what?
02:12.12rustybjust fl for now
02:12.20filekram: Moved Temporarily
02:12.36filethis amuses me ever so slightly
02:12.38kramfile: why not put something on that ->forwards counter
02:12.40kramand see what happens
02:13.19*** join/#asterisk gabb0 (
02:13.50filemaxed out above 231 local channels
02:15.02bkw_asterisk kills itself
02:15.04bkw_how funny
02:15.26fileonce it hits 256 I think, since that is what app_dial is hardcoded for watchers...
02:15.57kramit shouldn't be
02:16.24krambecuase it shouldn't have all those channels around at the same time
02:16.26filehere goes...
02:16.31kramoh oh
02:16.34fileit's always at 1 forwards
02:16.35krami get it now
02:16.38fileyes you do
02:16.40kramof course
02:16.46filehe sees the light!
02:17.04filekram: what about an inherited channel variable that goes down through all these pesky channels?
02:17.04krameach time it creates a Local which dials another extension
02:17.21kramif you had "promiscredir" it would work
02:17.31krambut in each case you're starting a new switch
02:18.03fileit's amusing
02:18.36kramwhaaa toooo doooo
02:19.05fileI wonder if you could cause a box not to accept any more calls while this was in progress
02:19.14kramonly until it tore down
02:19.15*** join/#asterisk oncemore (~wangxinta@
02:19.20filekram: auto redial :)
02:19.22oncemorehow to detect  busy tone 450Mhz 0.35s<On Time(ms)> 0.35<Off Time(ms)
02:19.23oncemoreand then hangup?
02:19.23oncemoremodify dsp.c or chan_zap.c ?
02:19.35oncemorehello  everyone
02:19.49oncemoreit does not work now~
02:19.58kramit's not really auto redial
02:20.02kramit's spawning a new thread eac htime
02:20.05fileI didn't mean that
02:20.34filemakes for nice entertainment on my screen
02:21.21harryvvTraditionally a t-1 with 64 pair excepts incomming pstn analog calls and digital out right?
02:22.28*** join/#asterisk wolfson (
02:23.24sphyrnaharryvv: are you describing a channel bank?
02:23.33fileasterisk hates shutting down after it occurs too
02:24.16*** join/#asterisk abombss (
02:24.52sphyrnaharryvv: just checking :)
02:24.53abombssis anyone using the L() options with the Dial command successfully?
02:25.08implicitabombss: yes
02:25.16abombssi am getting errors "can't find ending )"
02:26.14QwellDo you have matching pairs?
02:26.36Qwellfairly common error in C programming, when you have them nested
02:27.29PTG123use xemacs
02:27.33abombssthe calls appear to disconnect immediately after I dial
02:27.33abombssimplicit: can you pastbin an example from you dialplan please?
02:27.35PTG123it will tell you when you have errors as you type
02:27.42sphyrnaabombss: what does your Dial options look like?\
02:27.44harryvvsphynra yea reading up on it. Never really worked with 64 pair but did alot of in class study of it and teloco technoligy. Dropped out after first quarter :)
02:28.15implicitabombss it is in milliseconds
02:28.18implicitshow me what you are doing
02:29.24CaMeLLhas anyone used Teliax?
02:29.36sphyrnaharryvv: 25 pair (RJ-21) matches one T1
02:30.17PTG123cammell: yah you looking to use them?
02:30.35CaMeLLPTG123:  I'm testing a iax2 link now
02:31.16CaMeLLPTG123:  Do you use them?  I have a odd issue with the link.....
02:31.25PTG123sure i do, what kind of issue are you using?
02:32.14abombssimplicit: I think i may have fixed it...
02:32.21CaMeLLPTG123:  link has been great, I have one DID.  Sometimes when I make calls to the DID...Asterisk doesnt show the call coming in at all....and it rings forever.
02:32.27abombssimplicit: all i did was stop and restart *
02:32.47PTG123camell: can you reproduce the problem?
02:32.59CaMeLLPTG123:  I can call it again and it will send the call to asterisk...
02:33.09CaMeLLPTG123:  Sure.
02:33.25vigmanCan anyone help me make a test call to my * server
02:33.37CaMeLLPTG123:  Do you work there? :)
02:33.53harryvvsphyrna okay. Traditionally t-1s have been used to handle incomming voice calls but now are both used in voice and data.
02:34.06PTG123not exactly
02:34.11PTG123but... i can maybe help
02:34.16CaMeLLhehe :)
02:34.32harryvvt-1s been around since the early 70s
02:35.04harryvvGot two telco relatives in the familly that tell me alot of this crap. Both are retired now.
02:35.28*** join/#asterisk oncemore (~wangxinta@
02:36.01harryvvbut never get into a convo with the husband he wont keep his mouth shut just goes ooon and onn and onn hehe dont ask a telco question to him if your in a rush.
02:36.06vigmanI have a * server setup but need some help, or someone to test call
02:38.10modulus`touch it
02:38.14*** join/#asterisk rene- (~rene-@
02:38.21harryvvactually t-1 been around since the early 60s
02:38.24arrghtouch or spank
02:38.32abombssimplicit: still not working... here is my dial string IAX2/TxLink/17087155566||L(1000|5000|1000)
02:38.34sphyrnaharryvv: think of a T1 as pipe with 24 smaller pipes inside it
02:38.46harryvvit is
02:39.00sphyrnaharryvv: each of the smaller pipes can be used for voice or data
02:39.32implicitabombss: it is in milliseconds
02:39.34*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
02:39.35sphyrnaharryvv: just depends on the equipment at each end of the bigger pipe
02:39.43implicitabombss: of course it is not working
02:39.46harryvvsphyrna, recall my telco instructor telling me about that. 64 byte packets but 56 are usable for data.
02:39.58harryvvits been to long hehehe
02:39.58rene-bkw_: remember my lockup problem with agents? it seems to go away when i do not use music on hold for callers or agents
02:40.11sphyrnaharryvv: yes but not quite
02:41.01harryvvit suports pcm cool :) know what that is.
02:41.07vigmanIs there a way I can test my setup from the * server?
02:41.07implicitharryvv: do this
02:41.20implicitsomething like
02:42.16sphyrnaharryvv: data over a single T1 channel configured with robbed bit signalling (CAS) will be reduced to 56kbps
02:42.28implicittry that
02:42.33implicitfor a 5 minute limit
02:42.41implicitand announcements at 60secs and 30 secs
02:42.50denonso hey, any grandstream users .. what's the current known-good firmware on those pups?
02:42.59sphyrnaharryvv: that same T1 channel configured as PRI runs at 64kbps
02:43.16denontheir link to "Service" on the site is broke.. kinda indicative of the norm for the guys at grandstream
02:44.06harryvvohh reeally so dont need the over head?
02:44.12abombssimplicit: thanks... starring at the screen way tooo long :)
02:44.17implicitabombss: ;)
02:44.52rene-implicit whats that L option for?
02:45.01implicitrene-: the dial command
02:45.02harryvvfound a chart that shows all the chanell capabilities per line from t1 though ds4
02:45.13implicitrene-: cuts off at 5 minutes but gives warnings before doing so
02:45.26implicitwarning at 60 seconds and repeats every 30 seconds
02:45.41harryvvnow basicly a chanell is one incomming call right?
02:45.43abombssimplicit: * stills throws a debug msg saying it can't find the trailing ")" in the command??
02:45.44rene-fantastic, i needed something like that
02:45.49implicitso put another )
02:45.52implicitto close the dial statement
02:45.58implicitshow me your whole dialstring
02:45.59dagrimanyone willing to call into my * box on a softphone so I can test something before I get my hardware in the mail =P
02:46.07harryvvimplicit ?
02:46.14sphyrnaharryvv: or outgoing, remember it is just a pipe
02:46.18implicitharryvv: talking to abombss
02:46.20implicitharryvv: :-p
02:46.24rene-can it be used to limit an incoming call?
02:46.32vigmandagrim: just asking a similar question
02:46.34implicitrene-: sure it can
02:47.00harryvva bombass? what ever that means.
02:47.05implicitrene-: just push it back through a dial to a local extension
02:47.06abombssi am calling the dial command from a c app with this data field "IAX2/TxLink/17087155566||L(1000|5000|1000)"
02:47.10implicitrene-: and then you have the limit
02:47.24implicitok let me see
02:47.27dagrimvigman: /msg me
02:47.29rene-yuo thats what i tought.. the announcement files are in english right?
02:48.42*** join/#asterisk iq (
02:48.51bkw_poose menis
02:48.57*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
02:49.08harryvvdoes this chanell have a db on terms? found a great link on explaining varios high speed links going into a office.
02:49.18bkw_please DumbDude thats still a bad nick... its very negative
02:49.37DumbDudebkw_: You still hate me :((((
02:49.49impliciti messaged you abombss
02:50.12sphyrnaharryvv: what is the link?
02:50.40Qwellharryvv: I'd like to see that too
02:50.56ChkDigitHi, anybody involved with the Zaptel hardware around?
02:51.24implicitChkDigit: howso
02:51.33sphyrnaChkDigit: probably :)
02:51.45ChkDigitI need to know about things like getting it Industry Canada listed.
02:51.47*** part/#asterisk thetalon (
02:52.12ChkDigitLegally, you can't connect things to the phone network here unless they are IC approved.
02:52.43implicitChkDigit: do you care though
02:52.48implicitChkDigit: ?
02:52.49ChkDigitThus, one (me) couldn't really sell asterisk solutions here without getting in trouble.
02:53.01ChkDigitPersonally, no.
02:53.17implicitChkDigit: just when you sell it make them have to do the licensing themselves in the contract
02:53.21implicitin order to legally use it
02:53.25ChkDigitThe stuff works great, but puts a real damper on a business plan.
02:54.00implicitor you could offer solutions taht are not 'for' pstn
02:54.03dagrimwhats the register =>    for in iax.conf?
02:54.03*** join/#asterisk IQ (
02:54.04ChkDigitThat sounds a little "customer unfriendly"
02:54.06implicitunless they get licensing themselves for PSTN
02:54.12implicitChkDigit: nobody reads the fine print anyway
02:54.56ChkDigitimplicit: Sounds like an easy way for the gov't telco monopoly to crush a small competitor.
02:55.36Qwelldagrim: afaik, it registers with the provider to allow incoming calls
02:55.51sphyrnaChkDigit: don't quote me but I thought I saw a IC sticker on the last WC I put into service
02:56.01IQHi :)
02:56.19ChkDigitsphyrna: I just bought one last week, and couldn't find one.
02:56.44ChkDigitsphyrna: If that is the case, I'm doing cartwheels!
02:57.15ChkDigitSaskTel charges an order of magnitude more than they should for IP based PBX systems.
02:58.24sphyrnaChkDigit: you'll be alright as if you get inspected, they will not open the case to see the sticker on the card
02:59.02sphyrnaChkDigit: sell your system with a name brand server, Dell IBM, Compaq
03:02.59ChkDigitsphyrna: This still seems a little sub-optimal.
03:04.17sphyrnaChkDigit: it isn't, there are a bunch of Asterisk boxes running in .ca
03:04.46ChkDigitOf that, I'm sure.
03:04.50czeroyes there is :)
03:04.56czeroand connected to the PSTN
03:05.14PTG123hey czero
03:05.19czerohey preston
03:05.23ChkDigitczero: Know of anyone selling them?
03:05.31*** join/#asterisk oncemore (~wangxinta@
03:05.34sphyrnaChkDigit: they just don't want you sending 120V into a smartjack, that isn't going to happen is it?
03:05.50filebkw_: poke
03:05.52czeroChkDigit selling what IC rated box? or services on * boxes concted to the PSTN
03:05.57bkw_file stroke
03:06.05filebkw_: I got meetme cloaking almost done
03:06.17ChkDigitczero: No, selling turnkey asterisk PBX in Canada.
03:06.20bkw_file not yet
03:06.34filewell it works, where I want to send them... I haven't decided
03:06.47bkw_I haven't even looked at it yet
03:06.55bkw_app_meetme is a goto infested POS
03:06.57fileit's really easy
03:07.08fileI'll put it on the bug tracker when I'm done
03:07.25sphyrnaChkDigit: Montreal based selling turn key * boxes in .ca
03:07.42ManxPowerChkDigit: Where in .ca?
03:08.05tzangeryeah where
03:08.12brc_where yeah
03:08.14*** join/#asterisk Croaker (
03:08.20oncemorehello everyone
03:08.31tzangersphyrna: actually there's 130VDC available on the network side of the smartjack
03:08.37brc_everyone left
03:08.39tzangerthat's how the smartjack and any repeaters are powered
03:08.41bkw_so who is going to donate to the BKW XMAS fund? is my paypal ;)
03:09.10tzangerI'd contribute santa's list of naughty girls... but I'm keeping that one for myself, sorry
03:09.26ManxPowertzanger: Good plan.
03:09.36twistedtzanger, send me some
03:10.16tzangerdamn I'd send the whole bottle
03:10.22tzangerhe can create his own christmas cheer then :-)
03:10.32sphyrnatzanger: I guess the point is you are not going to plug your Telus T1 into a BCHydro electrical outlet :)
03:10.44tzangersphyrna: actually they're protected against that too
03:11.15tzangeractually maybe not on the DSX1 interface, but I think it is actually (can't remeber if there were 4 or 8 slo-blo fuses in the HTU-R I have
03:11.23harryvvwho here is in bc?
03:11.32brc_who isn't?
03:11.44tzangerjust the canucks who are active right now ... I'm on the way to bed so that puts me squarely in ON
03:11.50andrew`i'm originally from bc
03:11.57sphyrnatzanger: maybe, but I can only picture a funny smell coming from the telco room if it did get plugged in
03:12.06bkw_kram did a hit and run
03:12.12brc_doesn't he always?
03:12.16bkw_damn tabl completion
03:12.16harryvvd1ngo :) in vancouver?
03:12.22tzangersphyrna: no it's fused... you'd get a spark and the 120VAC would still be around but the smartjack would no longer work
03:12.23bkw_A DINGO ATE MY BABY!!!
03:12.23goatmilki saved iaxtel
03:12.24bkw_it did
03:12.30D1ng0hell no not even in canada :)
03:12.51D1ng0bkw_, heheheh
03:12.58ChkDigitManxPower: In Saskatchewan.
03:12.58tzangerlet me tell you it surpised the shit out of me when I accidentally shorted out the HDSL2 line coming from the telco
03:13.18tzanger130VDC sparked nicely but there wasn't much current to hurt anything, just gave me enough pause to rethink what I was doing
03:13.21harryvvd1, id like to be there right now. its way below freezing at this time.
03:13.28implicittzanger: fun
03:13.34D1ng0its 75 degrees here
03:13.45sphyrnatzanger: hehe war stories
03:13.45tzangerheh, my bro forwarded me a spam from my email server with the caption "joe jobbed?" -- I responded "no, I'm sending spam now to augment my income"
03:14.08syslodtz: Lick your fingers next time.
03:14.22tzanger130VDC on 26AWG won't hurt much
03:14.32ManxPowerIt hurts enough!
03:14.40harryvvone jolt
03:14.45syslodNo but when you can't let go don't say I didn't tell you so.
03:14.49tzangerI've gotten hit with 575VAC before... that has a little bite...  never had a hit from the 4160 lines though thank god
03:15.09sphyrnatzanger: ah, I shouldn't have prefaced with volts when amperage is what would do the damage
03:15.10syslodAC you can let go
03:15.11harryvvtz, you were not standing on metal or water
03:15.17tzangersphyrna: of course not
03:15.50tzangerno voltage will give you the bite and ability to break down the dieletric "value" of your skin...  it's the current that will cause damage (or effect defibriliation)
03:16.34tzangerwhy yes, I *am* an electrical engineer.  (Power electronics, specifically)
03:16.58andrew`tzanger: a fellow ee ;)
03:16.59harryvvso scare the daylights out of a mugger and turn on the tesla coil backpack that emits sparks from your hands and its in the mico amp capability ;0)
03:17.14tzangeractually I did a lot of 44kV work as a kid
03:17.35tzangerLC tank circuit, a pair of 2N3055s and the biggest, baddest flyback transformer I could find
03:17.46harryvvjust say "Dont mess with sparkman and you wont get hurt" :)
03:17.53tzangerpicoamps of current, but oh lordy the corona
03:17.55harryvvdarkman sparkman :)
03:18.47implicittzanger: when i was a kid i did that kind of thing as well, made an ion ray gun
03:18.52implicitnicee corona sparks
03:19.06tzangernever did that...  and high frequency AC sucks at cooking hot dogs :-(
03:19.12tzangerskin effect sucks :-)
03:19.14harryvvtz, ive made tesla coils before. I would go demonstrate a tabletop unit and it would repel people like it was a skunk before I turned it on :)
03:19.39harryvvpeople would get all peranoid :)
03:19.39tzangermade an "ion drive" though (elongated "S" shaped piece of wire balanced on a pin tip)
03:19.41implicittzanger: i was going to give it to my little brother to use as an ignitor for his butane potato launcher
03:19.45implicittzanger: i did that as well
03:19.45tzangerharryvv: :-)
03:19.51implicittzanger: drove it with my ion ray gun
03:19.54implicittzanger: from a distance
03:19.54tzangerI want to build a potato canon with my kids
03:20.04harryvvhave you made a ion gun before?
03:20.09implicitharryvv: yes
03:20.12D1ng0boy talk about being in a room loaded with geeks
03:20.22D1ng0you guys are plain nuts
03:20.22harryvvit asctually charges up surfaces you point it at?
03:20.34implicitharryvv: yeah
03:20.36tzangerproblem I had was that the damn 12V power supply I used had a metal face so anything with sharp points would spew ions into the air and end up shocking me hwen I tried to turn the damn thing off
03:20.41tzangernever made an ion gun
03:20.48tzangerD1ng0: you're just jealous
03:20.48implicittzanger: they are easy to make
03:20.50harryvvd1, I think this talk has to do with alot of stuff we did at teens and kids :)
03:20.58sphyrnahehe yea, all cause ChkDigit won't hook up asterisk in Sask.
03:20.59D1ng0tzanger, NOT..!!!
03:21.07implicitD1ng0: i know
03:21.16tzangerChkDigit's in Sask?
03:21.26tzangerimplicit: what's the idea behind an ion gun?
03:21.42tzangerI always wondered how you could "launch" a ball of electricity like the back of hte R-E mag ads would say you could do
03:21.57tzangerI always wanted to build a face-pumped ruby laser though
03:22.08tzangerxenon flash tubes on either side of a Yag or some other kind of ruby rod
03:22.10implicittzanger: just extremely high voltages
03:22.20implicittzanger: and a little pin at the end
03:22.22JamesDotComclarinda D
03:22.27JamesDotComignore that
03:22.36tzangera friend of mine in tx would set bushes on fire from 50 feet with a modified microwave  :-)
03:22.36D1ng0i betcha i coulda used you guys after the hurricanes down here to whip up some hard power for the house :)
03:22.45ChkDigitsphyrna: No, I've got it hooked up. =)
03:22.49tzangerhe would run around to the other side of the barn to turn it on though (which is likely a good idea)
03:22.49implicithave a whole bunch of diodes on your way  to the pin
03:22.54tzangerright for DC
03:22.54fileConference is: Cloaked
03:22.54fileUser #: 1  Channel: SIP/jcolp2-f771
03:23.01ManxPowerI've always wanted something to blow up the electronics of a car driving past with the stereo on full blash
03:23.03bkw_yay conference cloaking
03:23.03implicittzanger: what do you mean by a ball of electricity?
03:23.05fileComing soon to a bugtracker near you, conference cloaking!
03:23.07implicitbkw_: heh
03:23.09implicitbkw where
03:23.13ManxPowerUsually driven by Urban Youth
03:23.24bkw_in app_meetme.. file and I talked about this option today and he wrote it
03:23.25tzangerManxPower: yes me too
03:23.26sphyrnaChkDigit: awesome
03:23.33tzangerEMP on command
03:23.35tzangerman I'd love that
03:23.48bkw_once a conf is cloaked... someone else comes along and joins they are transparently warped to the next avail empty conf
03:23.51ManxPowertzanger: Yeah, but how would you avoid colateral damage?
03:23.52tzangerTHUMP THUMP THUMP THJBZZZZZ...... <silence>
03:23.58implicitbkw_: that is good
03:23.59implicitas hell
03:24.04tzangerManxPower: don't interrupt my sunny dream.  :-)
03:24.04D1ng0bkw_, wow really ?
03:24.04implicitbkw_: just don't stress at all
03:24.16ManxPowertzanger: Sorry!  8-)
03:24.29filegimme time
03:24.35bkw_file is putting it up on the tracker rigth now
03:24.38fileI also changed meetme list so you can see the status of a conference
03:24.44tzangeracutally I think I'm going to fire up some of my old gear again
03:24.44filelocked or cloaked, or both!
03:24.55tzangermaybe build some low voltage, super high current stuff (coin shrinkers and the like)
03:24.58tzangermaybe a frog levitator
03:25.03CaMeLLtesting my x100p...cant seem to up the vol with rxgain and restarting.  Anything Im missing?
03:25.35tzangerharryvv: is that you?  looks like a sawblade-style tesla coil
03:25.36syslodfrog levitator?  I think I did that back in the day with a M-80.
03:25.47*** join/#asterisk vigman98 (
03:25.56tzangersyslod: hahaha no no that's frog temporal displacement field
03:26.14tzangersyslod: unless you provided some kind of carriage assembly for the frog
03:26.17fileme and bkw_ are tweaking/optimizing something
03:26.20ManxPowerCaMeLL: Try a gain of 30
03:26.27tzangera gain of *30* ??
03:26.32CaMeLLfor real??
03:26.41ManxPowerWell 15 might be somewhat better
03:26.50tzangera gain of 3 is a doubling... so 10 doublings
03:26.50syslodI think we put em in glass jars.  Do that count as a try at a carriage assembly?
03:26.56tzangersyslod: hahaha
03:26.57ManxPowerI usually use 6 or 8 when I need it.
03:27.02CaMeLLmy pots comin in just seems to be very weak....doesnt have the prob hook direct to a pots phone though
03:27.28ManxPowerCaMeLL: If you go to high it REALLY screws up echocan
03:27.37syslodWe stopped the experment after realizing my friend has a 3 inch piece of glass and frog in his leg.
03:28.00implicitsyslod: that was a good idea to stop
03:28.10tzangerahh the fun of being young and not understanding the consequences of your actions :-)
03:28.27tzangerwhich made you stop though, the fact that there was glass in his leg, or the fact that ther was frog in his leg?
03:28.41CaMeLLI will just keep going up and see what happens
03:28.48tzangerI mean glass.. that's collateral damage...  but frog... that's just gross
03:29.02tzangerperhaps you stopped because you were... ahem... green with envy?
03:29.10tzangeror was he hopping mad?
03:29.44D1ng0hopping even ... ROFL
03:30.04tzangersorry I was leaping to conclusions here
03:30.47CaMeLLManxPower:  Wow, 12 really works better...seems good.  Thanks :)
03:32.35syslodI think it was the laughter, then the realization we were going have to carry him 3 miles.
03:32.42tzangersyslod: hahahaa
03:32.51tzanger"shit what do you mean you can't walk?"
03:33.10syslodHe was passed out.
03:33.12bkw_YAY my karma is +25
03:33.24tzangersyslod: well at least he wasn't complaining :-)
03:33.26bkw_bkw918 (Karma: +25)
03:33.38implicitbkw_: give me some
03:33.42bkw_I gotta catch up with anthm
03:33.43bkw_anthm (Karma: +54)
03:33.53bkw_implicit some what?
03:33.59bkw_gotta be specific around me
03:34.09twistedbkw_, "some"
03:34.11implicitgive me some malloc() action!
03:34.32bkw_implicit use calloc
03:34.42bkw_alloca is better
03:34.50bkw_alloca is FAST
03:35.03impliciti dont use alloca
03:35.17bkw_calloc and malloc are pretty much the same.. calloc will zero the memory before handing it back.. so you don't have to memset it
03:35.40bkw_alloca is something kram loves
03:35.49bkw_if you use alloca you don't have to free it
03:35.59dagrimHey ANYBODY know why SetMusicOnHold(default) .. then next line Dial(whoever) .. doesnt work.. but MusicOnHold(30) does??
03:36.16dagrimWhat should I have in the class for SetMusicOnHold?
03:36.18implicitbkw_: how does alloca mark the chunks?
03:36.20bkw_alloca uses stackspace
03:36.46bkw_thats why its faster than malloc
03:36.50implicityeah of course
03:37.01implicitbut its not always 'better' like you said
03:37.42tzangerbkw_: yeah but now you have to worry about stack sizes
03:38.11implicittzanger: yeah
03:38.11tzangerdagrim: dont' use musiconhold, i can't help
03:38.39implicittzanger: also have lots of fun with off by 1 problems on the stack
03:38.43bkw_tzanger how large is the stack?
03:38.56tzangeroffhand I don't recall what it defaults to on Linux
03:38.59implicita meg or so?
03:39.02bkw_I don't either
03:39.07tzangerfor some reason 8k is coming ot mind but I think that is way off
03:39.07impliciti think it is around a meg
03:39.20bkw_ya 8k of stack seems small
03:39.25tzangerI have played with stacks in a lot of different systems, my mind may be mixing it all up
03:39.29bkw_because we abuse the stack at 64k in image.c
03:39.42implicitbkw_: hahahaha
03:39.47implicitbkw_: why don't you just use the heap there?
03:40.12implicitits sooo funny how easy it is to get around most non-exec stack implementations
03:40.15implicitit is hilarious
03:41.07filemmm conference cloaking
03:41.08fileI feel evil
03:41.50twistedfile, now do the optional entrance pre-announce
03:42.10twistedi put the pre- on the wrong word
03:42.15twistedoptional pre-entrance announcement
03:42.35twisted<name> has joined the conference <- to the attendees
03:44.22*** join/#asterisk yellow_fuzzy (
03:44.59filemeetme is phun
03:45.29_E|nyPRIi've done that conference stuff..  announces users name on enter/exit, can hit *9 to get conf count, *8 to have it recite userlist.
03:45.40_E|nyPRIwill even kick noisy users.
03:45.48twisted_E|nyPRI, submit patch :)
03:45.52_E|nyPRIor say "You have new voicemail"
03:46.04_E|nyPRIits a bit beyond app_meetme :)
03:46.17_E|nyPRIactually, I SUGGESTED that stuff a while ago, and everyone got on my case about "its not necessary" etc.
03:46.40twistedwho got on your case about it?
03:46.49twistedit's something i've mentioned for a while too
03:47.04twistedjust haven't had the time to mess with it
03:47.12_E|nyPRIspecifically, don't recalll, I posted some stuff on bugs. and didnt totally follow the rtmf, so they ragged me for that, and the fact it was useless ideas.
03:47.16_E|nyPRIwas pretty discouraging.
03:47.41_E|nyPRIi had a patch for generatinig manager events when people started to talk and stopped talking too.
03:47.55twistedi vaguely remember that one
03:48.07_E|nyPRIbasically, I moved everything I was doing to EAGI.
03:48.16_E|nyPRIi've got a framework for inter-EAGI process comms.
03:48.31_E|nyPRIso ppl can generate events and signal other eagi's.
03:48.39_E|nyPRIand provides for total remote control of the users sessions etc.
03:48.40filetwisted: I should do the patch just to keep you quiet
03:48.50twistedfile, BLAH BLAH
03:49.14*** join/#asterisk funkknob (~funkknob@
03:49.15_E|nyPRI(but patched so it EAGI's the background agi for app_meetme)
03:49.26_E|nyPRI(if that makes sense hehe)
03:49.34mlh407twisted: did you write a game for asterisk?
03:49.40_E|nyPRIYah,! That game..
03:49.43_E|nyPRII've been trying to find info on that.
03:50.06twisteddrumkilla and I did it
03:50.14_E|nyPRII was considering writing a small RPG with rooms (confs) where you can go from room to room, do shite, each room would have background audio liek... (wind, outdoor animals, bar, restaurant etc sounds)
03:50.26twistedi'm not pasting the link, however, because my cablemodem couldn't handle the traffic :P
03:50.44_E|nyPRII figured out a lame way to get audio from rooms "next" to your room, into the current conference.
03:50.46mlh407can you allow me to send you a /msg?
03:51.00twistedbut i sent it to zx81 so he can host it somewhere and link off of the news site
03:51.07twistedmlh407, is it something that can't be handled publically?
03:51.13filebkw_: you didn't...
03:51.38fileyou did :p
03:51.42mlh407twisted: it may involve you sending a ip adress :)  I have a good reason why you should send it to me
03:51.47_E|nyPRItwisted; i'll throw it up on my PRI if ppl wanna call Long Distance.
03:51.59bkw_er giglges
03:52.33twisted_E|nyPRI, it's not quite that simple.
03:52.36filetwisted: 666
03:52.41bkw_twisted 666 boi
03:52.43twistedfile, watching movie
03:53.17filebrc_: 666
03:54.01brc_file: fall off a clif
03:54.40bkw_brc call back now
03:54.51brc_I konw what you're trying to do
03:55.58brc_hey twisted
03:56.04brc_666 dude
03:58.05D1ng0come one, i whaNNA PLAY
03:59.32*** join/#asterisk Mike (~mike@
03:59.39Mikehey guey anyone knows what this msg means
03:59.40MikeNov 28 22:26:43 NOTICE[213005]: chan_sip.c:7162 handle_request: Failed to authenticate user Adrian De Leon <>;tag=c6503668
04:02.04syslodLooks like SS7 support for * is openss7.  They have a little blurb about selling digium hardware with kickbacks to openss7 for the ss7 version of the card.
04:02.22syslodAnyone know when they might release the card?
04:02.51bkw_confflags & ~CONFFLAG_CLOAKED
04:03.06bkw_confflags &= ~CONFFLAG_CLOAKED
04:03.16D1ng0bkw_, so is a patch going to be created ?
04:03.47_Vilesyslod who's that?
04:03.57syslodWho what?
04:04.33Dr_Raythe same people who keep the metric system down
04:04.36syslodIts a digium card with a little extra added on.
04:05.11_Vileyou sure there's anything 'extra' about it?
04:05.24bkw_thats a tor2
04:05.35blitzragewhat makes it ss7?
04:05.45syslodThe SS7 driver.
04:06.00blitzrageyah, thats what I figured.  But no physical difference right?
04:06.07syslodHmm. I bet the open source driver works with it and any digium digital card.
04:06.07mlh407does anyone know anything about all the caller id changes?
04:06.18bkw_syslod yep
04:06.31syslodThat means SS7 works now.
04:06.43blitzragewow, that didn't take too long
04:06.52syslodAnyone else here have SS7 testing?
04:07.57blitzrageyah, but I don't think people got serious until Astricon
04:08.14syslodTHat sucks. Everything is open except those two drivers.
04:08.15denonnah, there's been a lot of serious talk before that
04:08.47denonbesides, nobody's said its stable yet <G>
04:08.51blitzrageguess I just wasn't aware of it..
04:09.21syslodAnyone have a openss7 CVS account?
04:09.54_VileI should go ahead and order our a links
04:10.12_Vilegoing to bed gnight
04:11.16_Vilesyslod, for a status update on openss7: "© Copyright 2002 OpenSS7 Corporation."
04:11.57gambolputtyare there any mirrors of
04:12.21syslodgambolputty: I used google cache.
04:12.50syslodStatus is... it isn't open... not free... and not complete.
04:16.49ManxPowerSteve Critchfield(sp!) has a working Asterisk SS7
04:17.19syslodHe must be a subscriber to openss7.
04:18.10bkw_cloaking shields active captain
04:18.19ManxPowerNo he (or someone he works with) write it.
04:18.28ManxPowerHe's talked about it on the mailing list several times.
04:18.35ManxPowerasterisk-biz at least.
04:18.59syslodopenss7 claims it works but you have to be subscriber which they havn't really disclosed pricing yet.
04:19.17bkw_Conference:  Cloaked
04:19.30filethat extra space bugs me, but eh
04:19.34implicitsyslod: i got pricing from them before
04:19.55ManxPowerI'll find the messages
04:20.06twistedapp_metaboo updated to work on stable as well
04:20.08implicitit was confidential though, and many different configurations and support for a lot of hardware
04:20.11twistedrequired a new patchlevel version :)
04:20.48kramwhat's up
04:20.58twistedhowdy :)
04:21.01WilliamKhey kram, are you going to play evil santa this year? =)
04:21.14syslodI was hopeing by 2005 to have * in a remote terminal with SS7 links back to the CO.  Guess it'll have to wait.
04:21.32filekram: I made a patch for meetme, and it's not bad
04:21.38twistedyes it is
04:21.40twistedit's EVIL
04:21.41twistedpure EVIL
04:22.05*** join/#asterisk funkknob (HydraIRC@
04:22.08ManxPowerIts not in the google cache yet
04:22.28kramstill struggling with iaxtel
04:22.45twistedkram, want me to grab my 20lb sledge and pay it a visit?
04:23.10*** join/#asterisk kdatrio (
04:23.30kdatrioGood Evening All
04:24.49ManxPower"We have SS7 running with *, using Digium's cards. If you contact me, I can provide more information"
04:25.19kramwe still haven't figured out the forward thing yet
04:25.33ManxPowerAt 8:26am TODAY actually.
04:25.46filekram: yeah
04:26.03filekram: what do you think of the evilness known as meetme cloak?
04:26.05*** join/#asterisk ron_ (
04:26.47*** part/#asterisk kdatrio (
04:27.16ron_:( voip-info
04:27.38krami'm still working on iaxtel
04:27.43kramwe have over 1000 subscribed people
04:27.51kramexcuse me
04:27.53fileis it really that broken?
04:27.55kram6000 registered
04:28.04kram1000 actually active right this moment
04:28.13noworkoh? what is the website;
04:28.30noworkk, will check now;
04:28.39krami'm registered but it seems to come and go
04:29.05kramstill that's only about 16 a second
04:29.11fileget better soon!
04:29.44kramit seems to be better now
04:29.54filebut, you did nothing?
04:29.59filespontaneously decided to work?
04:30.10bkw_cloaking shields up
04:30.14kramwell i made a few small changes
04:30.21bkw_file is going for muffin points
04:30.30JMorrisi want a muffin.....
04:30.34twistediaxtel     (S)  4569      OK (38 ms)
04:30.36filewell you can't have mine
04:30.36twistedMUCH better.
04:30.49*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
04:30.54bkw_if he only allowed transfers on iaxtel
04:30.57bkw_it woul dbe neat
04:31.08bkw_my iaxtel stuff wont work
04:31.09ron_mmm muffins
04:31.24PTG123i was thinking a bout making some creme brulee
04:31.27JMorrisi was talking to a guy in a bookstore the other day and thats how i found this place ;) i think it was brc_ but i cant be sure... ive been sick the past few days so ive been out of it lol
04:31.36krameverybody else on iaxtel okay?
04:31.56QwellI really need to get a phone working, heh
04:32.33filetaha it works now
04:33.17filekram: good job
04:35.16*** join/#asterisk IQ (
04:35.18twistediaxtel     (S)  4569      OK (305 ms)
04:35.21twistedkram, it's broken again
04:35.34twistedNov 28 22:40:56 NOTICE[9692]: chan_iax2.c:2199 auto_congest: Auto-congesting call due to slow response
04:38.43ZX81anyone know of an ssh extension for firefox?
04:40.05Dr_Raysweet! scored me a zhone zplex10 for $20 on ebay
04:40.29IQZX81: what are you talking about :O
04:40.45*** join/#asterisk Tond (
04:41.09ZX81heh nevermind
04:42.56IQZX81: ATA vs IP Phone ;) ? which one to buy
04:43.17Legendip phone
04:43.20Legendsexier ;D
04:43.22ZX81depends on Ip phone
04:43.28ZX81as long as its nice
04:43.39ZX81ata is simpler for some people
04:43.45ZX81i.e. your gradparents
04:43.52ZX81because they can use the same phone
04:44.09ZX81but for tech geeks, a nice ip phone is always nicer
04:44.21ZX81I have a T1 channel bank of fxs at home
04:44.36jbourneanyone here running * on debian?
04:44.42IQSPA-2000 vs SPA-841
04:44.59bkw_drooooolll SPA-841
04:45.01bkw_I wanna try it
04:45.06IQoops - I mean SPA-831... is it a nice basic phone ?
04:45.12bkw_now if Sipura will just make a half ass decent wifiphone
04:45.13IQoh.. 841
04:45.23bkw_isn't it 841
04:45.34IQya - it is 841
04:45.42IQfor $85
04:46.08IQthis phone has 4 line appearances but only 2 will work till we upgrade (pay more $$$)
04:46.48IQnot a bad basic phone, right?
04:47.17nestAri need to get this lease pushed through at work.. so i can get my Sipura ATA for the house..
04:47.28nestArwould you guys get a Sipura or an IAXy?
04:48.33gambolputtyboth :)
04:49.15IQAnyone tried WiSIP?
04:50.46nestArSPA-2000 it is then
04:51.29IQnestAr: Why not IP Phone?
04:52.14nestArIQ: i dunno.. cheaper, i can use my existing cordless analog phones
04:52.28AtacommSPA-841s are going to be a hot seller
04:52.54IQatacomm: oh u r the atacomm guy
04:53.19IQMarketing ;)
04:53.41Atacommlol, marketing? me? never :)
04:53.46*** join/#asterisk abombss (
04:53.59IQJk... I'm sure u r not
04:54.45IQspecial discount for Asterisk chat members ;)
04:55.31Atacommlol, cant on Sipura products, we sell at $3 above cost (cost being 200 qty cost)... got into a price war so we slashed down way below everyone else, others tried to match but couldnt go that far
04:55.54nestArsipura's reseller pricing sucks
04:56.00IQoh shoot... so we are stuck with u :P
04:56.23nestArand uhh... Polycom's process of becoming a reseller blows too
04:56.38AtacommnestAr: you can always build your own phones
04:56.45IQAtacomm: ATA vs IP Phone ?
04:56.49nestArAtacomm: lol
04:57.13AtacommIQ: sipuras?  havent seen their phones yet, scheduled to hopefully receive about 60 in a week..... we've already sold close to 50 of them
04:57.37IQok ok - I'll order right away :P
04:58.20Atacommthey are supposed to be good, i trust sipura when they say that... out of about 2000 spa-2000s sold, we've only had 2-3 physically bad units back... we got maybe 20 others back, but a restore fixed all problems
04:58.43IQAtacomm: wow - free shipping - cool
04:59.24AtacommIQ: lol, no, we dont do free shipping, voxilla does... but usually the free ground shipping is the same as the price difference
05:00.11IQAtacomm: oh... so it'll calculate shipping cost after I register... as long as I dont register it is free
05:00.14harryvvatacomm so are the phones good?
05:00.57harryvvatacomm build your own phone?
05:01.29Atacommharryvv: never touched one
05:01.50IQAtacomm: SoftPHone?
05:01.59harryvvatacomm no was just questning that. Are you a sip hardware reseller?
05:02.16AtacommIQ: actually, i dont think the autoquote gives ground as an option on sipuras, fedex rejects the box size during the automated process... but we can ship it via ground if called in
05:02.24Atacommharry: sip, h323, mgcp, yup
05:02.31harryvvwhat brands?
05:03.03IQwebsite doest say if SPA-841 supports SIP, mgcp, etc....
05:03.30Atacommits sip
05:03.38harryvvWhat brands do you sell
05:03.40Atacommharryvv: lol, lots
05:03.55IQAtacomm: Free upgrade to 4 lines, right ?
05:04.06harryvvWhat is the cost of a ip500 going these days?
05:04.15harryvveasy enough
05:05.33IQA license that enables all four line
05:05.34IQappearances / extensions on the SPA-841 is available as an upgrade from Sipura for $30.00.
05:07.39harryvvcan the Sipura SPA-2000 be configured to only access a given * network and not be hacked?
05:09.12Atacommhey brc
05:10.05harryvvSipura SPA-841 2-Line IP Phone thats going to sell like crazy
05:10.17Atacommyup, thats what we expect
05:10.22harryvvand just in time for christmas :)
05:10.56brc_harryvv, yes, it's more then likely...IF you have the spc
05:11.00harryvvfor a price like that would not suprise it was made in dongjeng :)
05:11.06brc_if you don't know what it is, then don't bother
05:23.59*** join/#asterisk BobABowie (
05:24.45BobABowiehello asterisk, I am trying to get my sip cisco 7960 phone working on my asterisk pbx
05:24.59NuggetThe 7960 is a great phone.
05:25.03Evanrudeyou have to kick it
05:25.09Evanrudeand use tftp
05:26.01BobABowiei have a regular analog phone on a TDM400 fxs port and I want to call between the two
05:26.20Nuggetok, have fun with that.
05:27.27BobABowieI need to know what to do on the pbx to complete the call
05:27.34LegendBobABowie: extensions.conf
05:27.35Legendread up
05:27.51Nuggetthe documentation is fine.  use it.
05:31.05*** join/#asterisk implicit (
05:33.23*** join/#asterisk justinnnnnn (
05:35.20ZX81justinnnnnn: you play counterstrike?
05:36.31ManxPowerUseful Asterisk Docs (BOOKMARK THEM!): (look at the "Unofficial Links") and and (my site) and
05:37.59justinnnnnnnups why
05:38.27PTG123~seen sixtel
05:38.29jbotsixtel <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 9d 3h 8m 26s ago, saying: 'moc: k.'.
05:45.53PTG123heh what ever happened to that guy?
05:46.04nestArwho knwos
05:49.35twistedZX81, you need to update the package for metaboo :P
05:49.37*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
05:49.42BobABowieok, i can make the call from sip phone to the fxs port phone but not the other way
05:52.29drainoI know it's off-topic, but it is Linux related.. anyone see the new Enlightement screen shots? E17 is in cvs now and is building for most people.
05:52.53oncemorehow to modify dsp.c so that It can detect busytone outside US?
05:52.54oncemorein /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
05:53.23tessier_draino: What about it?
05:54.25drainotessier_ - it's pretty snazzy looking.
05:55.29drainosome screenshots and videos -
05:55.49drainoyou really have to see the video to understand how cool it is.
05:56.49tessier_draino: E has always been snazzy looking. I first used it back in...97 or 98.
05:57.08HogieI printed out the wiki and bound it, and I sleep with it at night
05:58.12drainotessier_ - it was snazzy back in the day.. there hasn't been an update to how it looks in ages though. I think the old E16 is pretty boring now. The new E is all new code, nothing old was used.
06:01.47ZX81Hogie: heh
06:04.46BobABowie[#asterisk] 9 02:02:23 NOTICE[294930]: app_dial.c:743 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP'
06:07.47modulus`it's dead jim
06:08.11nestArperhaps sip is disabled because of some sort of config issue in your conf
06:08.39*** join/#asterisk _E|nyPRI (
06:08.46*** join/#asterisk znoG (
06:09.00nestArmaybe an IP address issue
06:09.56tessier_draino: I think raster screwed up big time in parting ways with RedHat
06:10.10gabb0can someone give me a hand with iax trunking, I've read up on it all but still getting "No authority found"
06:10.14tessier_Now he is competing with gnome/kde.
06:10.22PTG123what did he go to?
06:10.43PTG123you mean he worked for redhat?
06:10.47oncemorehave a X100P connected to my analog PBX. I can¡ät
06:10.48oncemoredetect hangups on this line, so I turned on busydetect=yes in
06:11.10oncemoreWhile the line is connected to the PBX, I can never detect busy and the
06:11.11oncemoreline hangs at the end of every call.
06:13.01*** join/#asterisk IOscanner (
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06:26.58WilliamKfor a 500 extension box, should a Xeon 3.4ghz dual box work fine?
06:28.27harryvvWiliam go opteron its cheaper ;)
06:30.28*** join/#asterisk twisted (
06:30.28*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
06:30.48JerJerWilliamK:   i would go dual xeon and not opteron
06:31.05modulus`hi jerjer
06:31.17WilliamKlooking at a Dell box that cost 7,100 by the time I've done all the customizations
06:31.33WilliamKredudant power, dual cpus, alot of ram, etc..
06:31.47JerJerthat sounds pretty crazy high
06:31.58WilliamKJer, that's what the dell site quoted me
06:32.04Dr_Ray4 hour replacement?
06:32.04WilliamKand yeah it's high
06:32.07JerJerwe get Dell 1750s for like 2 grand
06:32.12WilliamKDr, I do believe so
06:32.17WilliamKdual p/s?
06:32.22*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
06:34.15IOscannerI am having a problem with outgoing calls with tdm40b (7fxo ports)  I get an error on the phone of "We are sorry your call did not go through will you please hangup and try your call again".  Any ideas?
06:34.33JerJer7 ?!
06:34.52oncemorewho understand callprocess?
06:34.54JerJertdm40b is 4 FXS
06:35.03JerJertdm04b is 4 FXO
06:35.03Dr_RayI assume he has 2 cards
06:35.06IOscannerI have 2 of them in the box
06:35.44IOscannerI can call out but about every 3 - 4 calls I get that error.  I can keep trying and it will go through.
06:35.46Dr_Raydoes Master.csv show the correct number being dialed?
06:35.50JerJerIOscanner: does your CLI show the call going out or a prompt being played?
06:35.59JerJeris it your own prompt? or your telco's?
06:36.55IOscannerYes it show the calls in both show channels and CLI that it is calling that number
06:37.07IOscannerI am not sure I don't see the CLI playing the message
06:37.47Dr_Rayare you dialing by port or by group?
06:38.35IOscannerThis is very strange not sure how to find the problem.  I can replicate it.  If I make 2 calls then the third about 1/2 of the time will error on the third call.  then I get the error for the next few calls then it goes away
06:38.58IOscannerI have all zap/25-31 in g0
06:39.01Dr_Rayis it the same port each time that is giving you the error?
06:39.06IOscanner1-24 is for t1 data
06:39.59Mochi all
06:40.21IOscannerWell I though so at first zap/27, but after the error on zap/27.  I hung up all lines and tried to call out again and I get the error on zap/25 twice then I hang up again and try the call and it works again.  so I am not sure if it is happening on just one port.
06:41.16Dr_RayI had a similar problem, I removed all the ports but one from the group and added them one at a time until I found the dead port
06:41.24IOscannerAlso, when it seems to error I get a long pause even after the CLI show the called g0/number.  then the error comes up.
06:42.11IOscannerWell I just tried again.  I got an error the first time zap/25.
06:42.24IOscannerTried again and the call went out on zap/25
06:42.38Dr_Raytry G0 instead?
06:42.56tessier_And of course the usual suspects are replying to my troll on -dev :)
06:43.47Dr_RayI'm glad to be done with the TDM40b card
06:43.59Dr_Rayfor FXS it was nice
06:44.01IOscannerhere is the output from CLI:
06:44.08IOscannertry GO?
06:44.29Dr_Raydoesnt' making the g upper case make it work it's way down in the group
06:45.04*** join/#asterisk bowman (
06:45.29IOscannernot sure
06:45.31bowmanhello :) which version introduced AGI over a socket?
06:45.33IOscannerHello Moc
06:47.37JerJerDial,Zap/r1/${EXTEN}  will cause all channels in the group to get used in a round robbin fashion
06:50.05bowmangtg, l8r
06:50.14IOscannerOkay I seem to have a pattern when I get the error.  I have this print out just before the next call will error.
06:53.05*** join/#asterisk twisted (
06:53.05*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
06:54.28Mochi twisted
06:59.11WilliamKhey twisted
07:04.31justinnnnnni put this into musiconhold.conf
07:04.50justinnnnnndefault => /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
07:04.57justinnnnnnbut it only links it if i do the original.. with the mp3: infront
07:05.35*** join/#asterisk dagrim (
07:05.37Evanrudeyou have to have the mp3:  or quietmp3: in front
07:06.16_E|nyPRIWhat is this:
07:06.16_E|nyPRIDon't know what to do if second ROSE component is of type 0x6
07:06.27*** join/#asterisk highvoltage (
07:06.33highvoltagehi guys
07:06.37_E|nyPRIDo not handle argument of type 0x84
07:06.51highvoltageI found a doc on the site a while ago that explains how to create the /dev/zap files
07:06.55highvoltagebut I've lost the link
07:06.58highvoltageand can't find it
07:07.09highvoltagecould anyone please send me a link to the doc?
07:14.33IOscannerWell I give up for the night thanks all for helping
07:28.22tessier_Wow, my nufone account works again. Bizarre.
07:28.38justinnnnnnif im using this new moh patch... how do i stop mpg123 ?
07:28.42justinnnnnnfrom starting up
07:32.39*** join/#asterisk trelane (
07:33.28*** join/#asterisk mister_b_ (~nick@
07:34.54mister_b_quite a crowd in here - good morning
07:38.31*** join/#asterisk porche (
07:49.45slePPgenetic programming is so much fun
07:50.46*** join/#asterisk tafazzi (
07:52.33ZX81where does twisted work?
07:54.23*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
07:54.56modulus`in a sweat shop
07:55.08modulus`he sews my nike socks
07:55.11*** join/#asterisk twisted (
07:55.11*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
07:55.20implicitmodulus`: lol
07:57.04modulus`here comes...
07:57.07*** part/#asterisk mister_b_ (~nick@
07:57.08modulus`MUJA STAR!!
07:58.05tessier_er...I think it's just called "Closer" actually
07:58.10zehhi there
08:01.57*** join/#asterisk h4mm3r` (
08:03.21_E|nyPRIcan someone see if a bug i posted is visible?
08:04.52_E|nyPRIi posted it as private
08:04.58_E|nyPRIcurious if its visible to others
08:06.00_E|nyPRIoh ok
08:06.03_E|nyPRIi cleared cookies.
08:06.04_E|nyPRIcant see it
08:06.11_E|nyPRIi got a doozy
08:06.19twistedshould it be public?
08:06.26_E|nyPRIwell, it has somoe callerid's in it
08:06.34_E|nyPRIand a test DID in it
08:06.40_E|nyPRIi didnt want to search/replace everything
08:06.51_E|nyPRIif ya want me to, I can, and re-post it as public
08:06.56twistedit's up to you
08:07.16twistedalthough I can't see it getting a lot of attention outside of kram, myself, drumkilla, and the other bug marshals
08:07.32slePP(some of which haven't had time to look at sheeit in a long time :)
08:07.47_E|nyPRIunsure how many people have PRI's and use EAGI
08:08.19slePPMore education is necessary. One form of education is lawsuits.
08:08.19slePP- Jonathan Lamy (Spokesperson, RIAA)
08:08.50porchewho is the best iax provider?
08:09.24porcheZX81, what do you provide?
08:09.36ZX81lo, 1 line into dunedin, new zealand
08:09.38_E|nyPRIya familar with the ROSE pri stuff twisted?
08:09.56twistedhowever, the Do not handle argument statement is coming from the agi, i believe.
08:10.13_E|nyPRIdo not handle argument statement?
08:10.22porcheZX81, got it.
08:10.35twisteder no wait
08:10.37modulus`hey someone try sending an EOT signal to a running * CLI
08:10.38_E|nyPRIno dont think so.
08:11.00_E|nyPRIi think this anomaly existed in 1.0, but the newer libpri is more verbose about it
08:11.29slePPtwisted: it's in libpri/pri_facility.c
08:12.40twistedit's in the header
08:12.47twisted(the meaning, that is)
08:12.55twisted0x84 means ROSE_NAME_UNAVAILABLE
08:13.24twistedit's a facility message
08:13.41_E|nyPRIthose rose messages might be totally unrealted to the real issue.
08:13.42slePPclients are idiots. i asked for a list of fields they needed to see from our db
08:13.51slePPthey sent me an excel spreadsheet with each column labeled how they want it
08:13.58slePPinstead of just giving me a message
08:14.00twisted_E|nyPRI, no, because it actually hangs up the channel on tha tmessage
08:14.07porchewhat's the relation with ping times to iax providers and the static noice on the line?
08:14.13twistedi have no clipboard in E yet, or i'd paste it to you
08:14.19_E|nyPRIAre ya sure?  Cuz the person was able to join the meetme for a split second
08:14.19porchenoice=noise, (must sleep :))
08:14.21_E|nyPRIthen got kicked out
08:14.28*** join/#asterisk |Blaze| (
08:15.05twistedslePP, thanks
08:15.09twistedthat's what i was gonna paste
08:15.15WilliamKhey twisted, I'm coming up with "Element Not Implemented (99)" messages in the debug again on the pri (Protocol Error 6)
08:15.25WilliamKever see the element msgs before?
08:15.33twistedWilliamK, i'm not familiar with pri, i just took a quick glance at this
08:15.42modulus`ewww switch() ewww
08:15.51twistederr libpri
08:15.55slePPwhat's wrong with switch?
08:16.04slePPyou prefer if fallthroughs?
08:16.40_E|nyPRItwisted; yeah, it runs past the rose msg, and runs the eagi
08:16.42twistedoh shit nevermind the hangup thing
08:16.50twistedi'm so used to looking at * code, not libpri
08:17.00_E|nyPRIyou can see the eagi run just before the public-pbx> message repeated over and over
08:17.07_E|nyPRIerr complete.
08:17.34twistedi need to go to sleep
08:17.40_E|nyPRIme too
08:17.43slePPsleep is the devil
08:17.46slePPer. slepp
08:18.20modulus`there's a hampster in my pants
08:18.34ZX81whatever takes ya fancy
08:18.48slePPsomone buy me a box of pens
08:20.35modulus`jbot geshi?
08:20.55slePPjbot google geshi
08:22.04slePP compared to
08:22.50modulus`eww color coded code
08:22.51slePPneeds some colour adjustment
08:22.53modulus`vim sucks
08:22.59slePPwho said anything about vim?
08:23.06slePPvim does suck. but that's just vi/vim as a group.
08:23.07modulus`it just reminds me of vim
08:23.19slePPyou never justified a dislike of switch() statements
08:23.32modulus`i prefer if()'s
08:23.40slePPfor 100 cases?
08:24.39*** join/#asterisk FITA (~m_ahmed@
08:24.40*** join/#asterisk porch2000 (
08:24.40slePPi guess you'd like cond in lisp, then
08:24.51porch2000Q: what's jitterbuffer?
08:25.08ZX81buffers packets for a time to remove jitter
08:25.12ZX81also delays sound
08:25.25modulus`cell signals have jitterbuffers
08:25.39modulus`or at least that's what i'd like to believe that latency is
08:25.56porch2000my problem is, I have some static with some providers
08:26.12porch2000and in some providers, I have dtmf detection problem
08:26.13slePPcells do have jitter, but most of it is codec time, channel time, and switching
08:26.16modulus`porch2000, try adjusting the rabbit ears
08:26.20FITAany one can tell me about registration senario
08:26.48modulus`yes anyone can
08:27.01porch2000modules, what's rabbit ears?
08:27.08FITAwhen user registers to asterisk its info is saved in
08:27.18FITAiaxs structure am i right
08:28.07FITAbut as soon as his/her info is stored it is deleted (using iax_destroy())
08:28.24slePPwhat is your question, fita?
08:28.38modulus`apparently FITA has been reading * code
08:29.06FITAquestion is do we have info about user if it is removed or deleted soon after registration
08:29.29slePPif the peer successfully registered, yes, we have their info and we keep it until their registration dies out
08:29.33slePPit is in the iax_peer structure
08:29.54modulus`someone kiss the hampster goodnight
08:29.57modulus`it's in my pants
08:30.00slePPi ain't touching your hamster
08:30.03porch2000what if I remove all jitter definitions?
08:30.15FITAyou are wrong
08:30.24slePPporch2000: that is likely not your problem. jitter doesn't cause static
08:30.28slePPFITA: uhm. okay.
08:30.38modulus`FITA correction please
08:30.48slePPFITA: from cli, iax2 show peers
08:31.00slePPsure looks like state to me...
08:31.00_E|nyPRIslepp; can you get rid of that bug?
08:31.02_E|nyPRIfor me?
08:31.07_E|nyPRIit seems to work in 1.0
08:31.09slePP_E|nyPRI: doubt it.
08:31.21_E|nyPRIi think the problem is that the AGI environment variables changed from 1.0 to HEAD
08:31.36_E|nyPRIie: 1.0 has AGI_CALLERID   whereas cvs  has AGI_CALLERID  and AGI_CALLERIDNAME
08:31.48porch2000got it slepp
08:31.49slePPwell, yes. those would've changed due to the massive CID revamp
08:31.51*** join/#asterisk PHCV (phcv_maste@
08:31.53modulus`that callerid stuff is a big issue for other addons too
08:32.04modulus`CID revamp
08:32.06FITAcorrection is: iax_peer contains info of iax.conf not the regiostered users
08:32.15*** join/#asterisk zoa (~zoa@
08:32.50modulus`was cid non OO before the revamp slePP?
08:32.54FITAwhat * does it gets info again after 30s and store that info again in iaxs[] and then after 30s deletes it
08:32.57ZX81nigh night _E|nyPRI
08:33.01slePPmodulus`: none of asterisk is OO
08:33.08slePPunless you call 'struct's oo
08:33.21modulus`some people do
08:33.33modulus`mistakenly though
08:33.39PHCVi have a problem with asterisk, can you help me?
08:33.44modulus`structs can be used for oo
08:33.47slePPFITA: iaxs stores call numbers... "call" number being an IAX2 transaction
08:34.02modulus`jbot thc?
08:34.03jbotthc is probably delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, the active ingredient in marijuana, or delta-7 is also thc but isn't heated yet
08:34.32ZX8190% ofg ZX81's blood
08:34.32modulus`jbot mary-jane?
08:34.48slePPFITA: i'm still not entirely sure what you're going after.
08:35.06slePPthat information is stored for as long as a valid registration is present. the iax2_peer struct is updated as needed, as is iax2_user
08:35.46slePPFITA: look at the iax2_peer structure. that is all the info we need to know. we don't maintain open calls to the endpoint when there is no activity
08:36.47*** join/#asterisk tartar (
08:38.15*** join/#asterisk markit (
08:38.36FITAlook slepp * calls register_verify() on registration request,  m i right
08:38.54slePPk. stop telling me how it works
08:38.56slePPwhat are you getting at?
08:39.06slePPwhat is the issue/problem at the root here?
08:39.20FITAi m getting that iax2_peer structure is not modified
08:39.29FITAon registration
08:40.27FITAWhat i m confuse about is how * make outgoing calls, if it doesn't have any info of user
08:40.50FITAwhether register or not
08:41.03FITAr u getting my point
08:41.56slePPit makes outgoing calls because it updates the peer->addr
08:41.59modulus`FITA, the answer is 42
08:42.17Emrahanyone know the Voipfone provider?
08:43.01EmrahI need help
08:43.03Emrahabout that
08:43.11Emrahif it's possible
08:44.34porch2000emrah what do you need?
08:45.10slePPFITA: look in the database
08:45.12Emrahporche:  my problem is that when I try to make outgoing calls
08:45.30slePPFITA: database show IAX
08:45.31slePPfrom the cli
08:45.34Emrahwith this provider, it says Got sip response 403 forbieden in the Asterisk CLI
08:46.03Emrahdo you have an idea for me? Thanks a lot :)
08:46.12porchedo you have their account info/setup
08:46.24*** join/#asterisk bowman (
08:46.26porcheseems like you could not succeed in setting up
08:46.37porche403 can also be given acc. to destination
08:46.44porcheas far as I know
08:46.55bowmanhi again. which version of * introduced AGI via TCP socket?
08:47.00FITAok slePP I will check it first. * does change addr in mysql_peer()
08:47.19slePPwhat version are you using?
08:47.19FITAwhen it gets info from DB
08:47.21EmrahI'm sorry porche but I can't understand you my English is very bad
08:47.31slePPmysql_peer is long gone in cvs
08:49.04Emrahporche: when I connect directly a phone it works. When I try with my asterisk box I can't connect.
08:50.01Emraha thing I did.. They say that we have to create a new extension context, but when I do it, when I include it, my asterisk server says that they are added, but when I call it, it just doesn't work.
08:50.28Emrahwhy do I have this error?
08:52.22porcheemrah, you need to monitor, the console actually
08:55.36porcheping emrah
08:55.47modulus`FITA what os?
08:59.15modulus`voipfone website sucks
08:59.40modulus`i can't tell what their main service/product is
09:00.58zoadoes it suck ?
09:01.04zoathats the new model right ?
09:01.54*** join/#asterisk mquin (
09:02.04modulus`marmite is a british bread/toast spread that's made out of yeast extract (very potent)
09:02.18tessier_Did YOU find a DIGITAL WATCH in YOUR box of VELVEETA?
09:02.26tessier_mobious: The British version of vegemite?
09:02.30modulus`tessier you have zippy quotes too?
09:02.33Slimeysimilar, yes
09:02.34modulus`tessier, yes!
09:02.41tessier_marmite/vegemite is VILE!!!
09:02.50tessier_An aussie gave some to me on toast once.
09:02.51modulus`yes yes it's very delicious
09:03.01tessier_I wrote my congressman that we should nuke Oz.
09:03.02modulus`i prever marmite over vegemite
09:03.07tessier_They have WMD's
09:03.16tessier_Millions of bottle of vegemite.
09:03.20modulus`buttered toast with a light thin film of marmite
09:04.34tessier_Of course if we did attack Oz I'm sure we wouldn't actually find any vegemite in the whole damn country
09:04.51*** join/#asterisk shadebob (
09:05.05tessier_modulus`:I get my zippy quotes from sarahbot on #scheme
09:06.23JamesDotComyes modulus, lots of butter with a little vegemite is great
09:06.26JamesDotComon toast and crumpets
09:06.33*** join/#asterisk western (
09:08.57*** join/#asterisk Casper_UA (~casper@
09:12.56modulus`jbot pi?
09:12.57jbotpi is probably 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128481117450284102701938521105559644622948954930381964428810975665933446128475648233786783165271201909145648566923460348610454326648213393607260249141273724587006606315588174881520920962829254091
09:12.57*** join/#asterisk kiso79 (
09:13.59kiso79Hi all
09:14.09porchejbot modulus?
09:14.10jbotmodulus is my god
09:14.18modulus`jbot porche?
09:14.24porchegot it, got it :)
09:14.40kiso79I wanna know if its possible to "sign" people into a group by pressing a code and how to do it
09:14.43porcheapplication error
09:14.47kiso79mainly how to do it
09:15.02porchekiso, call distribution?
09:15.27kiso79I figure I'll need the asterisk db
09:15.27*** join/#asterisk Delvar (
09:15.53kiso79Is it also possible changing the call route in that manner?
09:15.54porchekiso, is this a call distribution/hunt group appl?
09:16.59porchecheck this out
09:17.16porchejbot today?
09:17.17jbotI don't know what today is, but it probably sucks.
09:17.24porchejbot porche?
09:17.46modulus`jbot porche?
09:17.47jbotporch is not my god
09:17.47porchemodulus, jbot is bad, it totally ignores me
09:17.53porcheah good
09:18.07porcheat least something, nothing can be bad than being nothing
09:18.24porchekiso, r u there?
09:18.56kiso79porche: yes
09:19.05kiso79Not sure that's the one I'm looking for
09:19.11porcheasked what kind of application you are after
09:19.39kiso79I wanna have a call group that people can sign into and out of
09:19.44kiso79with a code
09:19.53kiso79I figure the asterisk db is needed
09:19.54porcheyep agents
09:21.03modulus`wtf TDS?
09:21.07modulus`they changed the cdr?
09:24.57FITAyou were right slePP it does modify p->addr
09:25.32porcheyou can also check this project:
09:27.28*** join/#asterisk Verliba (
09:27.54westerncan someone help with fwd outgoing call problem? i hear ringing, the call connects, caller's audio gets through, but i don't get audio back from the called party.
09:28.26Casper_UAwestern: nat?
09:28.36Delvarhehe saw that one comming :)
09:29.22westernyes i have a nat, however kphone works behind it on the same machine as asterisk
09:29.49Casper_UAwestern: i doubt asterisk has nat detection as such
09:30.02Casper_UAe.g. gmomemeeting has
09:31.17westerncasper: i have nat=yes in sip.conf and also broadvoice works fine
09:31.47Casper_UAdo u mean broadvox?
09:32.09jboti heard e is a little more than 2, but less than 3 or portuguese for and, or very roughly 2.71828182, or mc^2
09:32.17westernbroadvoice is a sip vsp (
09:32.58westernthey have a byod (bring your own device) account option which is great for testing and it works fine with my asterisk configuration and firewall (both incoming and outgoing)...
09:33.27Casper_UAno ads pls ;)
09:34.15Casper_UAwhat device r u using 4 one-way audio?
09:34.19western(i have no business relationship with them other than as a customer... i'm only paying a few $ a month but it is not unlimited)
09:34.47westerni'm using the console (alsa)
09:35.05*** join/#asterisk scannachiappolo (
09:35.25westerni also tried a different client on a windows box (x-lite) and it also works fine with fwd
09:35.31western...behind my firewall
09:36.16*** part/#asterisk invi_ (
09:36.31Casper_UAwell, you don't hear your called party through fwd, right?
09:37.22westernright... i get a kind of tink when it connects, then nothing... however the called party can hear me... whereas with broadvoice both sides of the connection work
09:37.59Casper_UAu may try to capture raw sip logs and compare them...
09:38.38westerncan asterisk do the capture? or do i have to use ethereal?
09:38.48Casper_UAsip debug
09:39.14Casper_UAethereal is the best choice :)
09:39.48Casper_UAI like ethereal
09:41.31westerni do too although i wish the syntax for capture and display were the same
09:43.52justinnnnnnanyone use chanspy ?
09:44.01westerni'm trying sip debug
09:45.37Casper_UAsince sip messages are plain text even tcpdump may be used for log capture
09:50.16*** join/#asterisk bowman (
09:50.21bowmanwth is
09:54.28westerncasper: how do i turn off asterisk notice messages so i can capture debugging information?
09:55.23Casper_UAsee logger.conf
09:55.49modulus`what's that got to do with creating loginuiqids and populating them in a cdr table?
09:56.00westernok will look
09:56.10modulus`FSCKIN' EH
09:56.54modulus`friggin' i'll update the cvs tree myself just so i don't have to do it everytime i get HEAD
09:57.20modulus`someone give me write access to cvs tree
09:57.55modulus`don't make me send 3 GIG-E's worth of PADDED ICMP PACKETS TO THE CVS SERVER
09:58.34JamesDotComthrow a tantrum and make threats, that will get you what you want
09:58.45modulus`shut your trap
10:00.57modulus`jbot violate JamesDotCom
10:00.58jbotACTION bends JamesDotCom over the table and sodomizes him
10:02.26*** join/#asterisk oncemore (~wangxinta@
10:02.33*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
10:02.49modulus`jbot rape JamesDotCom
10:02.50jbotACTION pulls down JamesDotCom's pants and molests him
10:09.24westerncasper_ua: im capturing some debug output of broadvoice vs. fwd sorry its taking a lot of time
10:09.36modulus`Nov 29 02:13:16 NOTICE[7017]: chan_iax2.c:6192 iax2_poke_noanswer: Peer 'NuFone' is now UNREACHABLE! Time: 57
10:09.39modulus`boy does nufone suck
10:10.01modulus`where's jerjer?
10:10.05zoathats not nufone
10:10.11zoaits normal behaviour
10:10.16zoai see that on all my peers
10:10.19modulus`jerjer, if you want to put an asterisk machine in LA let me know i run a colo
10:10.24zoaeven with very fast machines
10:10.50modulus`barefoot zoa?
10:13.13zoaand naked
10:13.41modulus`bare naked zoa?
10:14.16justinnnnnnanyon in .au with some pri action ?
10:15.15zoajustinnnnnn: probably your n ational telco
10:15.26justinnnnnnim sure theres someone in here with some pri'r action
10:15.28zoaunless they are using smoke signalling there
10:16.50modulus`or carrier pigeons
10:16.59modulus`or two tin cans connected vi twine
10:17.02modulus`or drummers
10:17.06modulus`or messenger boys
10:17.40modulus`or only voip
10:17.52modulus`so what's your point zoa?
10:19.37zoasomeone is having a very bad day here :)
10:19.51modulus`i'm just hungry
10:20.08*** part/#asterisk Casper_UA (~casper@
10:20.30*** part/#asterisk western (
10:24.10*** join/#asterisk tekati (
10:24.38modulus`[root@asterisk src]# rpm -ivh unixODBC-2.2.3-6.i386.rpm
10:24.38modulus`warning: unixODBC-2.2.3-6.i386.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID db42a60e
10:24.38modulus`error: Failed dependencies:
10:24.53modulus`FRIGGIN' REDHAT$F$A$(C $B$) C$"8o
10:25.01*** join/#asterisk bowman (
10:25.27bowmanis there any official and complete documentation of manager events?
10:25.48Delvarsetting up odbc eh
10:25.50*** join/#asterisk markit (
10:26.06Delvaryou could run up2date -solvedps xxxx
10:26.09modulus`yeah it's a peice of shit
10:26.45modulus`or redhat developers could actually create a packaging system that takes care of dependancies
10:26.56RaYmAn-Bxor you could not use redhat :)
10:26.58Delvari had problems geting */unixODBC/MySQL running
10:27.17modulus`rayman-bx, it's not my choice
10:27.26Delvarif you get it running can you tell me how :)
10:28.17modulus`i'm actually gonna hack the shit out of it
10:28.22Delvari ended up using res_conf_mysql instead
10:28.40Delvarlol you will end up with empty .c files then :)
10:28.47Delvarquicker to do touch xxx.c
10:28.48modulus`[root@asterisk src]# rpm -ivh qt-3.1.1-6.i386.rpm
10:28.48modulus`warning: qt-3.1.1-6.i386.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID db42a60e
10:28.48modulus`error: Failed dependencies:
10:28.54modulus`FRIGGIN REDHAT
10:28.58Delvarup2date -solvedeps
10:29.10Delvarit will download all rps you need
10:29.12modulus`ok now i have to wait how long?
10:29.18Delvarabout 3 days
10:29.21modulus`[root@asterisk src]# up2date -solvedeps
10:29.21modulus`usage: up2date [OPTIONS] [<packages>]
10:29.21modulus`[root@asterisk src]#
10:29.29modulus`/usr/sbin/up2date: error: no such option: -s
10:29.32modulus`oh just great
10:29.52Delvarup2date -solvedeps qt-3.1.1-6
10:30.06modulus`/usr/sbin/up2date: error: no such option: -s
10:30.15Delvarup2date --solvedeps qt-3.1.1-6
10:30.15modulus`i think you don't know what you're talking about
10:30.20Delvar2* -
10:30.27Delvarlol thanks
10:30.44modulus`Enter number of item to edit <return to exit, q to quit without saving>:
10:30.50modulus`what IIIIISSSS THAT?
10:31.16modulus`hey delvar, that thing doesn't do much
10:32.45Delvarsorry my bad it been a while sine i used it
10:32.49Delvarshould be,
10:33.11modulus`same thing
10:33.22Delvarworks for me
10:33.43Delvaryou registered with rhn?
10:34.15modulus`i'm running 9.0
10:35.30modulus`you know what?
10:35.35modulus`this is way to complicated
10:35.47modulus`i'm too accustomed to stuff working
10:35.50modulus`i use freebsd
10:35.51Delvarwell its quicker than trying to track down which RPM which files are in
10:36.07Delvarrm / -fR
10:36.17modulus`ulink -f /
10:36.42Delvarrh is a pain at the best fo times
10:36.57shadebobhi, I have a little problem with Flash Operator Panel. I can't read callerid because only 2digits appears... And in config file i can't see cnfig line for callerid text box size... Any ideas?
10:37.13Delvargentoo has a nice system, no bloody dependances there
10:38.04modulus`fuck redhat i'm gonna get some sleep
10:38.13modulus`freebsd would've just worked an hour ago
10:38.20modulus`stupid redhat
10:38.29modulus`jbot redhat?
10:38.30jbotfrom memory, redhat is a linux distro, or rhymes with Dead Rat
10:38.31bowmanif I use the manager interface and want to give a command that requires parameters, how do I pass them? e.g. MailboxCount, Action: MailboxCount and then?
10:38.59modulus`bowman has params for commands
10:39.38zoalook at the docs
10:41.00bowmanoh, I overlooked the main page about the manager API, I only saw the "manager events" list :-)
10:41.46modulus`touch my nuts
10:44.38porchejbot porche?
10:44.39jbotporch is not my god
10:51.26porchejbot how are you?
10:51.26jbotmas o menos, porche
10:55.12*** join/#asterisk luckyali (~lukyali@
10:55.49luckyalihi all
10:58.58*** join/#asterisk sbashton (~sbashton@
11:12.59*** join/#asterisk heka (~heka@
11:13.16hekais it posible to have two x100p on a asterisk box?
11:18.28bowmanmhm, conference rooms don't work, error message:
11:18.40bowmanNov 29 12:17:57 WARNING[1081]: chan_zap.c:757 zt_open: Unable to open '/dev/zap/pseudo': No such device or address
11:18.40bowmanNov 29 12:17:57 ERROR[1081]: chan_zap.c:6685 chandup: Unable to dup channel: No such device or address
11:18.40bowmanNov 29 12:17:57 WARNING[1081]: app_meetme.c:227 build_conf: Unable to open pseudo channel - trying device
11:18.40bowmanNov 29 12:17:57 WARNING[1081]: app_meetme.c:230 build_conf: Unable to open pseudo device
11:18.58bowmanany ideas?
11:19.11ennuyeux7bowman: have you got any digium hardware in box?
11:19.28*** join/#asterisk scannachiappolo (
11:19.35bowmanennuyeux7: nope
11:20.07ennuyeux7so you using rtdummy
11:20.37bowmanusing what? ;)
11:20.40bowmanyou mean for timing?
11:21.05ennuyeux7i mean ztdummy
11:21.34ennuyeux7bowman: no timing and conferences wont work
11:22.23bowmanbah. well, I can't load, I do have the zaptel kernel module loaded, but nothing about timing stuff. let me check :-)
11:23.45ennuyeux7i have a box where asterisk just keeps spawning children
11:23.56ennuyeux7am up to 200 child processes now
11:24.03ennuyeux7surely this is not right
11:24.24ennuyeux7bowman: you would have to modprobe ztdummy
11:25.06bowmanyeah, I'll have to install it first, you know ;)
11:34.48bowmanzaprtc module doesn't want to load
11:39.09*** join/#asterisk r1 (
11:40.17*** join/#asterisk teemu-x (
11:40.34goatmilkbowman: do better than that and explain why it won't
11:41.10teemu-xHi. Is it possible to get new build of asterisk working with h323 or should I just quit trying
11:43.04teemu-xI guess it's not, then
11:43.29goatmilkit's not even 7am in the USA yet
11:43.31goatmilkno one is awake
11:43.40goatmilkand i just don't know the answer to your question
11:48.04shadebobHi, I search how to configure meetme in my small asterisk server?
11:49.05teemu-xI blame the morons who let pieces like that openh323 to sunlight of the fact that linux is still rather unpopular
11:49.54bowmangoatmilk: it simply says "I/O error" ;)
11:50.23goatmilkbowman: well when i did my install, i didn't get that error so i am not sure, sorry
11:51.41*** join/#asterisk olivier_ (
11:54.02JamesDotComi was just looking at their site
11:54.22JamesDotCom"SCO UNIX has all of the security features of the higher priced UNIX solutions but at a fraction of the cost."
11:54.39RoyK"We own all your code. Give us all your money"
11:55.33JamesDotComi never noticed it got owned
11:55.35JamesDotComhow slow am i
11:55.40rikstayou mong !
11:55.58JamesDotComsweet sweet justice
11:56.04JamesDotComwhich makes my quote all the more funnier
11:56.15rikstahaha so true
12:00.54*** join/#asterisk riksta (
12:02.25RoyK-8 degrees this morning... brr.
12:02.47*** join/#asterisk konkyzork (
12:03.25JamesDotComso hot here at the moment
12:03.33JamesDotComwell not too hot, i'm being a whingy bitch
12:03.43JamesDotCombut 20 degrees C+ at 11pm sucks
12:04.13sbashtonJamesDotCom: You in .au?
12:04.23konkyzorkit sucks?
12:04.42konkyzorkwe have like 4 degrees at 11pm, i am not sure what is worse
12:04.49sbashtonCome to .uk, I had to scrape the ice off my car before coming to work this morning
12:06.00*** join/#asterisk waddy (waddy@
12:06.03JamesDotComsbashton: sure am, just recently moved to melbourne from perth
12:06.17JamesDotComi sure as hell wont miss the 45C+ days over there
12:07.24sbashtonShit, 45C is just a bit excessive
12:07.35sbashton30C, that's nice and warm, a decent summer's day
12:07.40sbashton45C is just stupid
12:07.52JamesDotComtotally stupid :(
12:08.08JamesDotComi'm originally from new zealand, so give me 20C and i'm comfortable
12:09.06*** join/#asterisk FaithX (
12:09.24*** join/#asterisk Verliba (
12:10.25waddyive got an IAX issue, getting one way audio (once) for a few seconds in the calls, then all is ok. Using Cisco Phones, seems to be about 3 minutes into the call, any ideas or troubleshooting tips?
12:14.28*** join/#asterisk serdiehard (~serdiehar@
12:15.06waddyJust outgoing, incoming is fine
12:15.51serdiehardhas any body used here the astcc i just have some doubts regarding that
12:17.45shadebobHi, how to play an MP3 while waiting response of a phone... Background work with a GSM but not a MPE :(
12:21.19sbashtonshadebob: Use the 'm' option to dial
12:24.44shadebobsbashton : thanks
12:25.10shadebobsbashton : finally i had converted .mp3 to .gsm with sox
12:25.46*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (
12:26.13ZeeekGOOD MORNING... GOOD....
12:27.23ZeeekGOOD MORNIBG!!!
12:27.49ZeeekBonjour - Saluto
12:28.04ZeeekGutten... Buon ...
12:28.30Zeeekmore coffee, that's what I need
12:28.46HellHoundZeeek: you forgot 'Goedemorgen'
12:28.56mquinmmmm.. coffee
12:29.08ZeeekNo, I didn't. I never knew of its existenz
12:29.15ZeeekCOFFEE YES!
12:29.28ZeeekNesspress in 6 flavors
12:30.02HellHoundZeeek: it's dutch, you just learned an extra word, wh00p
12:30.05justinnnnnnsoo bored
12:30.32ZeeekVay mutten trinken or something
12:30.59Zeeekwhen I was on the road, we had a cheat sheet for picking up girls
12:31.17Zeeekthe Italian one was deadly
12:31.38Zeeekthe roadie translated it as "we must go fuck now"
12:31.46Zeeekuse with caution
12:32.59*** join/#asterisk l-fy (
12:33.04l-fyhello #asterisk
12:33.41l-fyhi Zeeek :)
12:33.58Zeeekso, what's it all about, l-fy?
12:34.13l-fyi'm happy today :)
12:34.22ZeeekGOOD. It's a great day!
12:34.30l-fywe had a new yate release :)
12:34.49ZeeekYet Another Tits Enhancer ?
12:34.57l-fygo and see freesheam for Yet Another Telephony Engine
12:35.04Zeeekoh, that
12:35.09l-fyso you know about Yate
12:35.13l-fythat's intresting
12:35.17JerJerthe yate that you allegedly wrote
12:35.31ZeeekJerJer (pouncing) question
12:35.33l-fyJerJer > hi
12:35.51l-fyJerJer > thank you for you contribution in Yate
12:36.02ZeeekI tried an 877 and several 800 numbers on nf last night. The 800s didn't work but the 877 did?
12:36.07JerJeri-fy:  ?
12:36.29Zeeekwhy would there be a difference between how 800 and 877 preform?
12:36.34l-fyJerJer > we have use Craig howto for external rtp and you example from asterisk
12:36.36Zeeekor perform even
12:36.47JerJerZeeek:  there isn't a difference
12:37.01l-fyin the end we got a pretty nice h323 module that dosen't crush not even in a case of dos attack
12:37.09ZeeekI tried several 800 and none worked. Same dial command worked for 877?
12:37.21ZeeekI'm curious?
12:37.25JerJerare you sending a valid US48 caller*id ?
12:37.34ZeeekMuhahahahha callerid....
12:37.43*** join/#asterisk aib0 (
12:37.46ZeeekI'll try that
12:38.39Zeeekbut still, the difference between two numbers? Maybe it's on the callee end? They don't accep^t?
12:39.42FaithXHey can someone fast track me to get asterisk up and running ... I have it installed on debian... that was the easy bit... now to figure out what a PBX does (exactly)
12:42.39ZeeekJerJer callerid like 16121234567 ?
12:43.15*** part/#asterisk bowman (
12:43.18Zeeekdidn't make any diff
12:43.35JerJerno 1
12:44.31ZeeekYep, that was it, thanks! Still odd about 877
12:46.32ZeeekJerJer, what about incoming 800? Is that happening soon?
12:47.16Zeeekon the mlogin there is a form for toll free incoming 877 I believe
12:47.38Zeeektoll free to the caller, 02/m for us
12:47.56ZeeekI'm ready for that
12:48.57waddyive got an IAX issue, getting one way audio (once) for a few seconds in the calls, then all is ok. Using Cisco Phones, seems to be about 3 minutes into the call, any ideas or troubleshooting tips?
12:49.00waddyJust outgoing, incoming is fine
12:52.21luckyalicheck on other phone /client
12:52.51*** join/#asterisk oncemore (~wangxinta@
12:53.40waddyits two different asterisk servers,both running different CVS, the only common thing is the phones, yet they have worked for months without an issue
12:54.05waddyim a bit stumped, getting small packet loss from one of our ISP routers
12:55.25waddyits about 2-3 mins into the call, then 5 seconds silence our end, then all ok
12:55.39waddyone in 5 calls it happens
12:57.55luckyalidebug IAX link
12:58.37waddyok thanks, i will try that
12:59.45*** join/#asterisk jalsot (
13:01.14waddycan you debug output to txt file?
13:01.42luckyaliyou can check the log
13:02.06luckyalior dump the whole of CLI to a file
13:02.06waddycan you tell me where that is please
13:02.15waddythat would be good
13:02.50waddyits so random, at least then i can marry it up to when a user has an issue
13:03.07konkyzorksoo, is anyone actually running asterisk on freebsd?
13:03.31*** join/#asterisk RevK (
13:03.52l-fyhi jalsot
13:04.04loko_konkyzork, I am not, but I know Darwin35 is
13:04.53konkyzorki am getting stuff like "Nov 29 13:58:27 WARNING[135102464]: chan_iax2.c:7409 load_module: Unable to open IAX timing interface: No such file or directory"
13:05.01RoyKhow can I have asterisk report "hey! this is fax" on the console if fax is detected?
13:05.05konkyzorkand mgcp does not seem to be working either
13:05.25luckyaliuse NoOp cmd
13:05.39RoyKluckyali: without using the fax, exten?
13:06.02*** join/#asterisk oej (
13:06.17luckyalion inbound or outbound ?
13:06.39oejRoyK: Hello from Kansas City, the SIP town :-)
13:07.01ZeeekRoyK I seem to remember the CLI saying "fax detected"
13:07.30luckyali"fax detected but no fax extension...:
13:08.00RoyKwell. if I use a SIP client <-> * SIP/IAX gateway <-> IAX/Zap gateway <-> pstn, should I do anything on the SIP/IAX gw to make fax work?
13:08.21luckyaliuse G711u
13:08.28RoyKI am
13:12.22ZeeekFunny, I thought fax detection was limited to zaptel
13:14.51Slimeylast time I looked it was
13:16.30oncemorehow to modify dsp.c so that It can detect busytone outside US?
13:16.31oncemoreI have a X100P connected to my analog PBX. I can¡ät
13:16.31oncemoredetect hangups on this line
13:16.31oncemoreWhile the line is connected to the PBX, I can never detect busy and the
13:16.31oncemoreline hangs at the end of every call.
13:16.55l-fyoncemore > which country?
13:17.09oncemoremy analog PBX
13:17.14l-fywell, do you have something similar with .jp?
13:17.28oncemore4 port analog PBX .
13:18.02*** join/#asterisk tdonahue (
13:18.09oncemoreOnly busy tone .
13:18.13l-fywell, you have to find a doc about how your pbx is doing the busy tone
13:18.19l-fyand you can modify then
13:18.35oncemorewhen set callprogress=yes ,can not answer the call.
13:18.36oncemoreBUT busydetect can not  detect hangup,callprogress can not detect hangup
13:18.36oncemoreoutside US,
13:18.36oncemoreTone plan :
13:18.36oncemorebusy tone    450Mhz 0.35s<On Time(ms)> 0.35<Off Time(ms)
13:18.36oncemorehow to modify dsp.c to detect busy tone  450Mhz 0.35s<On Time(ms)>
13:18.37oncemore0.35<Off Time(ms)?