irclog2html for #asterisk on 20041127

00:00.07bkw_sipfriends => odbc,asterisk,sipfriends
00:01.17bkw_brb food time
00:02.31TripleF2how bout cdr_odbc.conf ?"\
00:03.52TripleF2== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/res_odbc.conf': Found
00:03.52TripleF2Nov 26 23:02:38 NOTICE[1183]: res_odbc.c:133 load_odbc_config: registered database handle 'asterisk' dsn->[MySQL-asterisk]
00:03.52TripleF2Nov 26 23:02:38 NOTICE[1183]: res_odbc.c:345 odbc_obj_connect: Calling 0x8135b30/0x8135b40
00:03.52TripleF2Nov 26 23:02:38 WARNING[1183]: res_odbc.c:355 odbc_obj_connect: res_odbc: Error SQLConnect=-1 errno=672145152 [iODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found and no default driver specified. Driver could not
00:03.53TripleF2Nov 26 23:02:38 NOTICE[1183]: res_odbc.c:385 load_module: res_odbc loaded.
00:06.22intrinhi all
00:06.40intrini just did apt-get install zaptel-source, is there anything else i need?
00:06.50intrini forget the other package name, zap somthing
00:11.09Atacommzaptel and zapata
00:15.41*** join/#asterisk l-fy (
00:16.12*** join/#asterisk rene- (~rene-@
00:16.17rene-hey guys
00:16.27intrinty Atacomm
00:16.43*** join/#asterisk glLoadIdentity (
00:16.47l-fyhi glLoadIdentity
00:17.09rene-does digium kit always shows in lspci as Tiget Jet?
00:17.18glLoadIdentityhi l-fy
00:17.53markithi l-fy :) I'm going to go to bed
00:18.02grrantCan anyone invite me to try out gmail
00:18.12Qwellgrrant: msg me your email
00:18.36bkw_TripleF2 who told you to use iODBC?
00:18.47TripleF2no owne ?
00:18.49bkw_the config for iODBC is diffrent vs unixODBC
00:19.01TripleF2ah im  use uniodbc
00:19.01bkw_its only slightly diffrent
00:19.22intrinAtacomm whats the zapata package name?
00:19.25intrinjust zapata ?
00:19.30intrincause aptitude dont find it
00:19.31bkw_dont need zapata
00:19.34JerJerbluetooth is interesting
00:19.41TripleF2iODBC where
00:19.43bkw_JerJer i'm gonna try for a blue tooth phone
00:19.53JerJerbkw_:  i just today got a nokia 6620
00:20.04bkw_res_odbc: Error SQLConnect=-1 errno=672145152 [iODBC][Driver Manager]Data source
00:20.09JerJerand am trying to figure out which bluetooth usb dongle to pick up
00:20.14TripleF2isql -vvv MySQL-asterisk user pass works
00:20.15bkw_your odbcinst.ini and odbc.ini are not setup
00:20.36TripleF2yes but different places
00:20.46TripleF2in /usr/local/unixODBC/etc/*
00:21.32TripleF2Description     = MySQL unixODBC MyODBC Driver
00:21.32TripleF2Driver          = /usr/local/lib/
00:21.32TripleF2FileUsage       = 1
00:21.43*** join/#asterisk _chad (
00:21.47bkw_ok show me odbc.ini
00:21.49TripleF2this and odbc.ini has driver=Mysql user pass etc etc
00:22.30TripleF2Description     = MySQL unixODBC asterisk
00:22.30TripleF2Driver          = MySQL
00:22.30TripleF2Socket          = /tmp/mysqld.sock
00:22.30TripleF2User            = teliax
00:22.30TripleF2Password        = blabhalka
00:22.33TripleF2Database        = asterisk
00:22.34TripleF2Option         = 3
00:22.36TripleF2Port            = 3306
00:22.38TripleF2Trace: Yes
00:22.40TripleF2TraceFile: /usr/log/ODBCmysql.log
00:22.53TripleF2lucky theres no flood bot
00:23.58bkw_isthe socket in /tmp/mysqld.sock?
00:24.38_chadany of you guys have any phone reccomendations?  best business oriented bang for the buck sip phone?
00:24.47TripleF2its mysql.sock
00:24.56bkw_that might be why
00:24.57*** join/#asterisk evgenyt (
00:25.26TripleF2isql works
00:25.33*** part/#asterisk markit (
00:25.35TripleF2and i died make it sock instead
00:25.44TripleF2but was also using hostname witch overwrode the sock
00:25.56TripleF2| Connected!                            |
00:25.56TripleF2|                                       |
00:25.56TripleF2| sql-statement                         |
00:25.56TripleF2| help [tablename]                      |
00:25.56TripleF2| quit                                  |
00:26.32TripleF2from asterisk still  > cdr_odbc: Error SQLConnect -1
00:26.35modulus`someonej's using unixODBC
00:26.40bkw_thats cdr_odbc.conf
00:26.46rene-biz phone: uniden
00:27.08TripleF2also folder in unixODBC/etc called ODBCDataSources/ is empty
00:27.14DaGrimHey.. anybody know how to disable skinny on * boot??
00:27.18bkw_TripleF2 it should be
00:27.23bkw_your datasrc is in odbc.ini
00:27.35bkw_show me your cdr_odbc.conf
00:28.12glLoadIdentityDaGrim, noload = in /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
00:28.18bkw_dsn = MySQL-asterisk
00:28.18DaGrimthanx =)
00:28.39bkw_the dsn = the [hereinodbc.ini]
00:29.15TripleF2cat /usr/local/unixODBC/etc/odbcinst.ini
00:29.15TripleF2Description     = MySQL unixODBC MyODBC Driver
00:29.23TripleF2cat /usr/local/unixODBC/etc/odbc.ini
00:29.23TripleF2Description     = MySQL unixODBC asterisk
00:29.23TripleF2Driver          = MySQL
00:29.24bkw_no no thats the driversetup
00:29.25D1ng0okay crap whos got asterisk working correctly with broadvoice in/outbound  ???
00:29.27bkw_ah ok
00:29.44bkw_ok that will work for cdr_odbc
00:30.05TripleF2hostname=localhost etc
00:30.45bkw_TripleF2 we can talk allnight or you can let me in the box
00:30.57TripleF2its firewalled i wish
00:31.02TripleF2that why
00:31.03TripleF2== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/res_odbc.conf': Found
00:31.03TripleF2Nov 26 23:29:47 NOTICE[1316]: res_odbc.c:133 load_odbc_config: registered database handle 'asterisk' dsn->[MySQL2-asterisk]
00:31.03TripleF2Nov 26 23:29:47 NOTICE[1316]: res_odbc.c:345 odbc_obj_connect: Calling 0x8135bd0/0x8135be0
00:31.03TripleF2Nov 26 23:29:47 WARNING[1316]: res_odbc.c:355 odbc_obj_connect: res_odbc: Error SQLConnect=-1 errno=672145152 [iODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found and no default driver specified. Driver could not
00:31.14DaGrimAnybody know of any better examples/explanations of the extensions.conf stuff??
00:31.15TripleF2top of asterisk startup
00:31.16bkw_I can't help anymore till I get access
00:31.24bkw_I refuse to.. its too much work to guess whats up
00:31.43D1ng0bkw_, i kinda agree
00:31.55*** join/#asterisk _DAW (
00:33.01TripleF2hold on
00:33.03*** join/#asterisk czero (
00:33.04D1ng0so maybe ill ask this way... whos using braodvoice with asterisk ???
00:33.22czeroevening all
00:33.34TripleF2ah fuck it
00:33.36TripleF2i cant
00:33.46TripleF2this a production box for somethign else
00:34.07TripleF2now i dont want to go to jail coz thousands of personal infos go out ;)
00:35.10D1ng0wow nobodies using broadvoice in here ?
00:35.36_chadd1ng0, sry :(  i did see a lot of broadvoice tuts on the wiki though
00:35.49D1ng0yeah well i tried them and nada
00:36.04D1ng0i can get asterisk to register it... no problme
00:36.13_chadwhats the prob
00:36.19D1ng0but i cant get asterisk to pass a call into an extension
00:36.42D1ng0broadvoice keeps saying user is unavailable, like it doesnt know im connected
00:37.07grrantHas anyone ever made a phone-card svc with asterisk
00:37.22_chadd1ng0, yeah that exceeds my 2 days of asterisk expertise :)
00:37.25D1ng0but         edited@s      3584 Registered
00:37.44_chadsorry :)  was willing to try to help at least :D
00:38.11_chadd1ng0, what phones do you use btw?
00:38.30D1ng0im connectiong to out asterisk with xten till the cisco ip phone arrives
00:38.48*** join/#asterisk _m_ (
00:38.55_chadd1ng0, which cisco did you pickup?
00:39.08D1ng0a 40
00:39.53_chad7940? :)
00:40.56_chadi'm ebaying right now for one hrm
00:41.03*** join/#asterisk Monil (
00:45.23*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
00:45.37*** join/#asterisk Kokey (~jramirez@
00:48.46*** join/#asterisk mdb (
00:48.51mdbhi guys
00:49.10TripleF2bkw_ you said unixodbc was a bit different ?
00:49.39mdbok so i have my asterisk working, and have several sip phones (cisco 7960s) on the same network registering fine
00:50.06mdbnow i have another 7960 which is behind nat, at home, which i want to register with the * box at the office, but it won't
00:51.10mdbasterisk is giving this error:
00:51.14mdbanyone got any ideas? :)
00:51.38bkw_TripleF2 iodbc is diffrent from unixodbc
00:52.18TripleF2yes i compile the later
00:52.25TripleF2think that why ?
00:52.49pointer-gaimwhat's the diff, if any, between US and EU analog lines?
00:52.58mdbpaulc here?
00:53.06TripleF2hmm so maybe its just not looking at right places for unixodbc
00:54.23*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
00:54.28TripleF2buit isql works
00:54.32TripleF2so i odnt know
00:55.44JunK-Yif ive 2 machines writting on the same CDR table, is there any easy way to know which one wrote it exactly except then exten => _X.,1,SetCDRUserField(machine1); ?
00:56.15mdbcan anyone help me with sip registration from behind nat?
00:56.52pointer-gaimnm, found the answer to my question
00:57.25*** join/#asterisk DaGrim (
00:57.35DaGrimanybody know of a good phone program for KDE?
00:57.45NuggetKDE on what operating system?
00:57.56Nuggetoh, ok, linux.
00:58.05DaGrimI cant find a decent one for poop.
00:58.33DaGrimand im tired of running back and forth from room to room trying to write this damn script.. i jus wanna call in locally.. =\
00:59.04NuggetI presume kphone is what you'd want
00:59.13Nuggetbut I've never used it myself, so ymmv.
00:59.18DaGrimok.. ill try it.. lol thanx
00:59.41Monilcan anyone help me upgrade my budge tone from version right up to 4.6x?
01:00.51*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
01:00.58cp5how would i create a voicemail distribution list? so i leave a voicemail once and it goes into 10 different peoples' voicemail boxes
01:01.08techieMonil: Set your tftp server and power cycle the phone.
01:01.32Moniltechie: i've set it to the server sipgate give me but on power cycle it doesnt seem to update
01:02.42Monilhmm, i need a tftp client
01:11.15paulcmdb: I'm here now :)
01:12.21*** part/#asterisk hakemito (~hakamdz@
01:16.55Monilcould anyone suggest why on earth my phone won't connect to sipgate please? :\
01:17.13*** part/#asterisk TripleF2 (
01:17.27nitramsolar flares?
01:18.14D1ng0okay io got globalvoice to at least recognize i was connected via asterisk :)
01:18.21D1ng0now question
01:18.30D1ng0dialing out via globalvoice
01:18.51rene-does an asterisk server with a pri and sip phones using ulaw scenario takes a big performance hit as compared with the same server and pri but using a channel bank for the desktop phones?
01:19.02rene-i assume there is no transcoding
01:19.28D1ng0exten=_1NXXNXXXXXX, 1, dial(SIP/${EXTEN},30) ; Dial Broadvoice for 30 seconds ; do this mean dial 1 then the number ???
01:20.16Chujirene- : Yes, there is no transcoding. Limited overhead with just 24 channels of ulaw. (other than the bandwidth of course)
01:20.48ChujiD1ng0 : Yes, that means any 10 digit number prefaced by 1
01:21.00D1ng0well why aint it working then
01:21.00rene-Chuji but say im on a local lan, for a contact center scenario, the bandwidth argument is moot isnt it
01:21.18Chujirene- : Yeah, wouldn't hurt to QOS it though
01:21.31ChujiD1ng0 : what does the CLI say?
01:22.03ChujiD1ng0 : Is this your first shot at broadvoice?
01:23.22D1ng0yupp i got incoming working
01:24.31ChujiD1ng0 : Does the CLI say it's trying to dial?
01:25.01ChujiThen it's not matching your pattern, or you are in the wrong context
01:25.25ManxPowerD1ng0: When you dial by hostname only [general] sip.conf settings apply.
01:25.32ZX81who can tell me something about twisted
01:25.49ChujiZX81 : He's bald
01:25.57ZX81heh so am i
01:26.03ManxPowerZX81: He seems cool, smart, and honest.  What else do you want to known.
01:26.09paulcLOL.. he's a nice bloke, dead helpful, and also a bug marshall?
01:26.11ZX81asterisk stuff
01:26.17ZX81for interview
01:26.48D1ng0hrmmm so whats missing
01:26.52ZX81does he have a company?
01:26.58ZX812 no?
01:27.02DrRighteoushe's a sexy devil!!!!
01:27.08DrRighteouswild in the sack
01:27.29DrRighteouskeeps going for hours!
01:27.32jbottmi stands for too much information
01:27.33ChujiD1ng0 : Do you have a sip context []?
01:27.39DrRighteousoh ok :)
01:28.29paulcDrRighteous: *cough*promisedmeaDID*cough* ;-)
01:28.38DrRighteousOh shit
01:28.41DrRighteousI have it too!
01:28.51DrRighteoushere, I'll give it to ya free for a while :)
01:29.59D1ng0Chuji, yes
01:30.06D1ng0Chuji, yes i do
01:30.37ChujiD1ng0 : Then I think you might be in the wrong context when you are dialing
01:30.39*** mode/#asterisk [-bbb *!*beorn@* *!*supybot@*.supporter.pdpc *!*xirak@*] by bkw_
01:30.50ChujiD1ng0 : Soft phone or hard phone?
01:31.14ManxPowerUseful Asterisk Docs (BOOKMARK THEM!): (look at the "Unofficial Links") and and (my site) and
01:31.45Atacommthe math behind echo canceling is kicking my ass, rofl
01:32.37D1ng0well asterisk to globalvoice, and xten to asterisk
01:32.43D1ng0o softphone
01:32.48D1ng0so softphone
01:32.52*** join/#asterisk wolfson (~wolfson@
01:33.07ChujiD1ng0 : What's the context that your xten phone is in (in sip.conf)
01:34.11D1ng0whasts the context its in ???
01:34.53ChujiD1ng0 : In the sip.conf file where you have the xten phone, what is context=
01:35.15D1ng0you mean whats the context of my extension then ?
01:35.21D1ng0ther eis no context
01:35.44ManxPowerSeeing the CLI output when you try making a call poasted to would go a long wat to help solve your problem, D1ng0
01:35.52JunK-YNov 26 18:36:52 WARNING[18678]: chan_zap.c:7067 pri_fixup_principle: Call specified, but not found?
01:35.52JunK-YNov 26 18:36:52 WARNING[18678]: chan_zap.c:7875 pri_dchannel: Hangup on bad channel 0/23 on span 5
01:35.52JunK-YNov 26 18:36:56 WARNING[18678]: chan_zap.c:7067 pri_fixup_principle: Call specified, but not found?
01:35.52JunK-YNov 26 18:36:56 WARNING[18678]: chan_zap.c:7875 pri_dchannel: Hangup on bad channel 0/23 on span 5
01:35.59D1ng0there is no context on any extensions
01:35.59ManxPowerD1ng0: extensions.conf, sip.conf, etc all have contexts.
01:36.01JunK-Yever see that warning somewhere manx?
01:36.09bkw_JunK-Y you have skew
01:36.13bkw_make clean libpri
01:36.15bkw_install it agian
01:36.20ManxPowerJunK-Y: Sorry.  I was blinded by your flood.
01:36.29ChujiYeah, what ManxPower, we need to see some examples of your config
01:36.30JunK-Yi cant, its live now.
01:36.40bkw_JunK-Y you screwed now
01:36.48JunK-Yi'll do it during night.
01:36.53JunK-Ybut its a problem with libpri?
01:37.11JunK-Ycan it be in my config?
01:38.18bkw_you have new libpri
01:38.20bkw_wiht old chan_zap
01:38.22bkw_the struct changed
01:38.25bkw_and they are out of whack
01:38.27bkw_we went thru this
01:38.31bkw_those exact messages
01:38.37D1ng0Chuji, there is 2 locations in sip.conf containing context, one is default, the other is
01:38.46D1ng0none of the extensions have contexts
01:38.49ManxPowerWelcome to CVS-HEAD
01:39.01JunK-YManxPower: isnt cvs-head
01:39.03JunK-YNov 26 18:59:27 WARNING[18678]: Channel 103 already has a Real call
01:39.06ManxPowerD1ng0: Of course the extensions have contexts.
01:39.07JunK-Yand what about that one?
01:39.16bkw_ManxPower no if you follow the rules its easy.. MAKE CLEAN MAKE CLEAN MAKE CLEAN
01:40.04ManxPowerbkw_: Only an idiot would not run make clean
01:40.52ManxPowercd zaptel; make clean; make install; cd ../libpri; make clean; make install; cd ../asterisk; make clean; make install; cd ..
01:41.40JunK-Ywhat's Channel 103 already has a Real call exactly?
01:42.17ManxPowerD1ng0: Well the context= has to match the context in extensions.conf where your Dial line is.
01:42.31bkw_A DINGO ATE MY BABY!!!
01:42.42mdbbye guys
01:42.46JunK-Ysee ya
01:42.55mdbhopefully i won't need to come back :P
01:42.59mdbhave good lives :P
01:43.07ZX81heh see yah tomorrow
01:43.16Chujihah, yeah..
01:43.16mdbprolly ZX81
01:43.28mdbbye bye
01:43.30Chujimdb : you get your zaptel prob straightened out?
01:43.43mdbChuji no i installed redhat instead
01:43.48mdbit worked first time :P
01:44.21mdbanyway... 1.45 am... time for bed
01:44.28mdbthanks guys
01:44.46*** part/#asterisk mdb (
01:46.06*** join/#asterisk znoG (
01:50.24*** join/#asterisk _chad (
01:50.50_chadanyone know of a cellular based sip client other than buzz2talk?
01:50.52ManxPowerWhat mode is set so only registered users can join a channel?
01:51.37nestAri dunno.. i grew up on efnet.. with no services..
01:51.44wolfson+r likely
01:52.45D1ng0bkw_, AHAHAHAHA
01:52.59JunK-Yanybody in the 514 wanna test something with me?
01:53.57ManxPowerYeah, I just found the mode info, it's +r
01:55.45*** join/#asterisk oncemore (~wangxinta@
01:58.34puppyforpaulcwoof woof paulc
01:59.03bkw_paulc that dont look like no sock
01:59.13bkw_I dont fall for that three times ya know
01:59.19paulcLMAO :D
01:59.20paulcoh my god
01:59.22paulcSaucy VICAR!
01:59.43Atacommdrrighteous/puppyforpaulc: When do you unvail your service?
01:59.59puppyforpaulcwho know's Atacomm
02:00.21Atacommstill problems with the SIP side of things with your SER wrapper?
02:03.00puppyforpaulcalways problems ata always
02:03.37puppyforpaulcwoof woof woof pant pant paulc
02:03.46Atacommheh, i know what you mean...... i've been spending days working with echo alogrithms.... several steps forward, several steps backards, lol
02:05.51Atacommnot major problems, just headaches ... all solvable by pills and caffine
02:06.08paulcFor the benefit of those thinking I have some kind of dog fetish or something.. DrRighteous found out I may have called my other half "puppy" on occasion..
02:06.42andrew`and your statement dispells these thoughts how? lol
02:06.57Atacommit infact re-enforces them ;)
02:07.20oncemorewho use x100p can detect busy tone?
02:07.22oncemorethanks ~
02:12.37*** join/#asterisk enzo123 (
02:12.42*** join/#asterisk iq (
02:13.14enzo123hey all
02:13.23enzo123can someone tell me what im missing
02:13.29enzo123Nov 26 21:06:39 NOTICE[27393]: chan_sip.c:7264 handle_request: Failed to authenticate user WIRELESS CALLER <sip:A919349XXX
02:13.41enzo123incomming call over sip
02:14.10enzo123the peer is registered
02:14.13enzo1232003/2003     D  5061     OK (20 ms)
02:14.47*** join/#asterisk iq (
02:16.06enzo123humm not good =>
02:16.45ManxPowerum...2003 is neither "WIRELESS CALLER" nor "A919349XXX"
02:17.18ManxPoweri.e. the sip client is not sending the right username
02:17.35enzo123its registered tho
02:18.04enzo123apollo*CLI> sip debug peer 2003
02:18.18iqhow do I get list of all users and passwords ?
02:18.34jontowgrep "username" /etc/asterisk/*
02:18.42jontowand do the same for passwords, heheh
02:18.54iqthanks :)
02:19.07jontowother than that method, i don't know of a way (ie. inside CLI)
02:19.24enzo123Reliably Transmitting (no NAT):
02:19.24enzo123SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden
02:19.36enzo123Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-1472d37e
02:19.37enzo123From: WIRELESS CALLER <sip:A9193499847@>;tag=62460fee1d67e052o1
02:20.02enzo123To: <sip:2003@>;tag=as17b2c854
02:20.10enzo123sorry ,, should have used pastebin..
02:21.05iqError wxWindows Fatal Error : Couldn't Initialize IAX Client .
02:21.42enzo123what am i missing ?
02:22.25enzo123jontow.. "sip show users"
02:22.48enzo123will show you all the users
02:22.56enzo123and passwd
02:23.27iqmaybe the probem is with my IAX Client...
02:26.57enzo123anyone have any idea's ?
02:29.39*** join/#asterisk DaGrim (
02:29.47DaGrimAnybody here record there own GSM files??
02:29.47jontowreally.. nice.
02:30.07jontowdagrim; i do..
02:30.12DaGrimIve tried like 100 diff programs today and cant find a single one that works.. =\
02:30.22DaGrimon slackware/kde
02:30.23jontowtry the Record application
02:30.31jontow(inside *)
02:30.38gTylerim having similiar trouble getting a "403 Forbidden" error message using an IP Dialog ManiTone (SIP). how do i paste my sip debug to the pastebin ?
02:30.42DaGrimdidnt see that.. lol
02:30.47DaGrimill look.. thanks
02:30.52jontowi can get you an example if you want
02:30.55jontowi use it reliably.
02:31.16jontowin fact, i've set it up as a hidden extension inside my IVR so admins can re-record pre-defined filenames/prompts
02:31.21jontowsemi-dynamic content :)
02:31.28DaGrimwell i just got everything up and working today.. starting to understand the extensions.conf stuff a litle better....
02:31.33DaGrimhey thats pretty sweet..
02:31.40jontowi've just started, too
02:31.46jontowtrying to get a platform up and running that i like
02:31.57jontowthis latest install of Debian is going very well; i think i'll keep it ;)
02:32.02jontowbeen through redhat 9 and freebsd 5.3
02:32.12DaGrimwhere is the record app it comes with located?
02:32.22jontowredhat 9 is just .. arr, redhat.... freebsd 5.3 has an issue with mpg123 hanging the box upon 'stop now'
02:32.38jontowhold a sec, you use it from extensions.conf as an application
02:32.54DaGrimwell.. i cant do it that way then..
02:32.59jontowwhy not?
02:33.07jontowhere's my example:
02:33.07DaGrimi cant even get a simple phone program to work on slackware..
02:33.17jontowexten => 1200,1,Wait(2)
02:33.25DaGrimso i have to go in the other room and call in on a windoze machine
02:33.33jontowexten => 1200,2,Record(/tmp/test-recording:gsm) ; Press # to stop recording
02:33.38jontowexten => 1200,3,Wait(2)
02:33.51jontowexten => 1200,4,Playback(/tmp/test-recording)
02:34.02DaGrimso I just dial 1200 to record??
02:34.20jontowthen from a working phone; just dial 1200 and you hear a beep tone.. start recording then, hit # when finished and it'll wait 2 seconds and play it back
02:34.37jontowkeep trying until you get it right.. and then just login to the * server and 'mv /tmp/test-recording.gsm /wherever/it/needs/to/go.gsm
02:34.47DaGrimright right
02:34.51jontownp :) check out the documentation on the Record application in the wiki (
02:35.01jontowthats where i found it and a bunch of other neat stuff :D
02:35.56DaGrimany ideas on a phone that works on slackware? lol
02:36.09jontowi haven't gotten a soft-phone working in linux yet
02:36.09DaGrimthese are the two issues ive been facing all day.. how lame.. hah
02:36.12jontowbut i have crappy soundard
02:36.18DaGrimahhh right o
02:36.28jontowdon't laugh.. i spent 3 days ona  simple hard-SIP-phone (GrandStream Budgetone 100)
02:36.35DaGrimit happens..
02:36.40jontow:) it sure does
02:36.47DaGrimbrb imma try this out
02:36.49jontowi hear SJPhone is nice.. i got it working in windows
02:36.56jontowbut never tried hard enought o make it work in linux
02:38.32iqAny Linux client beside Asterisk?
02:38.48iqbeside IAXComm
02:43.32DaGrimyea good luck anyways
02:43.38DaGrimIve been looking for such a thing all day
02:44.00*** join/#asterisk lilneon ( i think.. give it a shot; stop back and tell me if it works out :)
02:46.12DaGrimnah .. i get a msg saying "Another softphone is already running!".. and nothing beyond that..
02:46.21DaGrimits pre-compiled tho
02:46.41jontowthat means you have something holding /dev/dsp open
02:46.44jontowlikely asterisk itself..
02:46.48jontowdisable the console channel
02:46.57jontow(edit modules.conf and do noload ...oss and noload ...alsa)
02:47.02DaGrimoh ok..
02:47.11DaGrimmaybe thats why i cant use ANY audio software.. lol
02:47.31jontowit'll do it everytime
02:47.48DaGrimbut my x windows still makes sounds..
02:47.56DaGrimi dunno..
02:48.03jontowthen you're using esound or artsd
02:48.16jontow(or something very similar that still holds /dev/dsp open)
02:48.19jontowkill it and try again
02:48.55jontowi try not to run any desktop environments on my * server.. just a basic windowmanager like fvwm2 with a custom config
02:48.59DaGrimnoload =>
02:49.00DaGrimnoload =>
02:49.01jontowno sound stuff, no heavy apps.. etc
02:49.02DaGrimis already in there
02:49.11jontowok, so it is esound/etc .. not the console channel
02:49.16DaGrimwell this is my only x box..
02:49.21DaGrimyep yep
02:49.43jontowi've gotta recompile latest ALSA stuff on the * server.. ewww ;)
02:49.51jontowaureal vortex2 .. not supported out of the box, hehe
02:50.01DaGrimyea i dont see any esound or anything..
02:50.07DaGrimor arts
02:50.15jontowweird.. using KDE or Gnome?
02:50.29D1ng0Yo ALL Chuji ROCKS
02:50.52DaGrimmaybe full duplex needs to be on??
02:51.01jontowo.. full duplex is a necessity, thats for sure
02:51.07DaGrimok that was it then
02:51.20jontowin fact, thats why i can't test soft-phones on most of my hardware
02:51.35DaGrimwell that still didnt help audacity
02:56.22*** join/#asterisk Moc (
02:56.27jontowblah, 10pm on a holiday and im still at work
02:56.35jontowwhat a moron i am.. i should go home :)
02:57.00techiethat depends...
02:57.09jontowyeah.. i guess it ain't so ad
02:57.10jontower bad
02:57.17jontowholiday pay, and the gf is also here
02:57.18DaGrimhey btw.. thanks much for that record tip jontow.. works great..
02:57.32jontowanytime ;)
02:57.42jontowall i ask is that if you find neat tricks; pass 'em this way..
02:57.44DaGrimand yea ive been to much.. i love it
02:57.49jontowand by that, i don't necessarily mean to me.. i mean to anyone
02:57.50DaGrimof course X-)
02:58.05jontowas long as someone benefits from this, i'm happy :D
02:58.13*** join/#asterisk iq (
02:58.14daminAre you all ready to eat my shorts?
02:58.26jontowdamin; do you have ketchup?
02:58.47ChujiI like a little wasabi on my shorts
02:59.07iqI'm having problem checkout iaxclient from cvs
02:59.38iqcvs [login aborted]: unrecognized auth response from M PserverBackend::PserverBackend() Connect (Connection refused)
03:00.05daminChuji: You need extra strength Gold Bond Medicated Body powerder. It is like putting wasabi IN your shorts! I never leave home without it!
03:00.23jontowbtw !
03:00.33jontowanyone tried hacking ogg/vorbis support into * ?
03:00.48jontowi tried to rewrite res_musiconhold.c and add app_ogg.c
03:00.54jontowboth worked, but didn't output any audio..
03:01.01jontowi was using 'ogg123' from the vorbis-tools package
03:01.41jontowi figured it might be lighter due to some nice compression algorithms.. plus, being totally unencumbered can't hurt for a project like this
03:01.54jontowi couldn't get it to put out 8bit mono sound though; ogg123 doesn't have the same command line options
03:02.46jontowalso hacked in mpg321 as a replacement, to see if it got rid of the shutdown-hangs on freebsd.. did partially, but not 100%; i still was able to deadlock the machine predictably.
03:03.44DaGrimjontow: you know of any good examples using MOH? lol.. or even an example of how to put someone on hold?
03:03.55brc_just hit hold
03:03.57brc_on your phone
03:04.02brc_*voip phone
03:04.16DaGrimwell you mean if im calling one voip to another phone tho right brc?
03:04.28brc_if the media goes through asterisk
03:04.39brc_what up man!
03:04.43brc_haven't seen you in awhile
03:04.53brc_I hear you're doing the conference tour :)
03:05.02jontowwell, you can use the MP3Player() application if you're just testing
03:05.15brc_or musiconhold() (sic)
03:05.20jontowtrue, true.
03:05.27brc_which would be better to test
03:05.38jontowok.. this sucks, heheh
03:06.01jontow-rw-r--r--    1 root      root       55432 Jun 28  2003 /usr/lib/
03:06.27brc_iirc there's some kind of ld conf file
03:07.31jontowasterix:/etc# strings | grep libz
03:07.47jontowi don't quite get it yet..
03:08.00iqin Asterisk Console, when I enter "dial" and hit the enter key the Asterisk console crashes and Asterisk service stops as well... is this normal?
03:08.44jontowok, problem solved.. custom kernel; jackass admin (me)
03:09.19DaGrimjontow: how do i specify a sound in a dir of my own in extensions??
03:09.30jontowuse an absolute path
03:09.43jontowleavethe extension off it, iirc
03:09.51DaGrimahhhh ok thats why =)
03:09.54paulcsure, or specify one in /var/spool/asterisk/sounds with just the filename
03:10.10jontowyeah, can be relative in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds to..
03:10.24jontowie (ivr/prompt1) would be in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/ivr
03:10.43jontowthat way you can keep everything organized and still have local additions
03:11.06DaGrimoh ok..
03:11.28iqin Asterisk Console, when I enter "dial" and hit the enter key the Asterisk console crashes and Asterisk service stops as well... is this normal?
03:11.37jontowiq; i expect not.
03:12.03jontowi mean, im no expert, but it seems volatile behavior.
03:12.39iqI think I should  in log files
03:14.30jontowre-acquainted with debian, i am.. hmm
03:14.34jontowlong time no see, etc :D
03:15.26brc_honda cogs ad...if you haven't seen it you *MUST* watch it
03:19.37*** join/#asterisk afrosheen (
03:21.26afrosheenI had a question about 2.6.x kernels and stability issues
03:21.47daminbrc_: Yeah.. "Asterisk and Linux: VoIP for the Masses" has gone on tour!
03:21.58brc_got a vid of it yet?
03:22.13DaGrimbrc: ive seen it.. freakin great.. the one were its almost like dominos.. right?
03:22.17brc_afrosheen, wouls fine for me
03:22.41DaGrimi think ebaumsworld has that as a flash file also..
03:22.41afrosheenwell every few days my server freezes solid, so I went to a 2.4.x kernel and am seeing if it's better
03:23.01brc_afrosheen, what kernel. specifically.
03:23.06ChujiAnyone know what codecs voipjet supports?
03:23.11brc_any special hardware?
03:23.13afrosheen2.6.8-12 vs. 2.4.27.x
03:23.18brc_Chuji, ask them...
03:23.20D1ng0hrmmm music on hold huh
03:23.38D1ng0dare i :)
03:23.38afrosheenthe thing is, we put an athlon xp3000 in a 3u case with a 250w ps
03:23.44Chujibrc_ : Gee thanks :P
03:23.46afrosheenI'm wondering if that's not a problem
03:23.52brc_Chuji, welecome :)
03:23.53DaGrimthats what i have.. but the k7 .. w/ a msi board
03:24.06DaGrimnever freezes..
03:24.29afrosheenI swear that ps is too weak for what we have, but still am not sure what's freezing it up
03:25.03DaGrimafro: what kind of board you running
03:25.19brc_go buy yourself a enterprise class server solution
03:25.38afrosheenI've built and run plenty of linux servers but nothing with a ps that weak