irclog2html for #asterisk on 20041121

00:03.09cursorThere goes my cleaner
00:04.17*** join/#asterisk simuran (
00:07.35cursorNo photos
00:08.25mikegrbI have one already ;)
00:08.27mikegrbthanks though
00:08.48cursorI was handing your press pass back to you
00:08.56cursorI'll be keeping the rest of the contents of your wallet
00:09.27mikegrboh okay
00:09.36mikegrbthat was all that was there :P
00:15.31*** join/#asterisk para_se_real (
00:15.34*** join/#asterisk sizban (
00:15.42sizbanalright ... it's been a while ... how can i show my sip channels ?
00:15.47sizbanasterisk -r ... sho sip registry ?
00:15.54sizbani wanna see the registrations ... someone give me a quick refresher ? ;)
00:15.56cursorsip show channels
00:16.00sizbanthank you :)
00:16.03cursorsip show registry
00:16.06cursorsip show peers
00:16.09cursorhelp sip show
00:16.12sizbanthanks for that, too *lol* :)
00:16.13cursorprobably works
00:16.32sizbanbroadvoice automagic forwarding made me slacking on my asterisk commands, but showing a friend so he can see the wonderful world of asterisk, too :)
00:20.05para_se_realanybody know where i can get canadian DIDs
00:20.11tessier_para_se_real: In Canada?
00:20.19para_se_realyes please
00:22.08cursorThat's the only CA provider I know of
00:22.19cursorthey may or may not have the DDIs you need
00:22.37cursorThere are probably more providers listed in the WIKI
00:23.41para_se_realthats awesome thanks a lot
00:25.12tclarkor even choke :)
00:26.16para_se_reallast time I checked vonage only offered virtual numbers only in canada
00:26.55grant_aIf you have a softphone connecting to your ASterisk server via an internal IP address (i.e. 192.something) how can you use the sip softphone from anywhere else like your friends computer and connect to the server, its not going to be 192, do you just connect to your standard IP and setup Forwarding?
00:29.26cursorYou call into Asterisk using your phone
00:29.30cursorand let Asterisk call out
00:29.36cursorusing its public IP, or whatever
00:29.51cursorand you may or may not want to allow reinvites
00:29.57cursordepending upon your setup
00:30.26grant_aHow do you get the IP of your Windows computer
00:30.33cursorreboot, probably
00:30.40Equinoxgrant_a- What windos version?
00:30.40cursorI don't know :-)
00:30.48wolfson`ipconfig /all
00:30.53wolfson`will work in almost all versions
00:30.58EquinoxExcept 95 ;)
00:31.07wolfson`thats the "almost" ;)
00:31.39Qwellipconfig is NT only, isn't it?
00:31.45Qwell95, 98, ME use winipcfg
00:31.55EquinoxI think ME and maybe 98 will do ipconfig
00:32.40cursorHave they renamed "dir" yet?
00:32.46cursorand corrected the slashes
00:32.48file[laptop]ME? dear god help me
00:33.00EquinoxYeah you have to click on "d" then "i" then "r" in XP.
00:33.07EquinoxMore user friendly.
00:33.20wolfson`ipconfig exists on 98, not posative about ME
00:33.33EquinoxIt'll work on Me.  I wasn't positive about 98 :)
00:33.46EquinoxUnless ME died.  Which is likely ;)
00:34.00cursorIt won't work on me - I'm not a computer
00:34.04wolfson`its rare I get support calls for 95 anymore, don't remember last time I had to resort to winipcfg
00:34.54file[laptop]Intel Inside!
00:34.59EquinoxI'm surprised at how fast the lemmings are moving to XP.
00:35.10file[laptop]I just can't get you out of my head
00:35.14file[laptop]boy it's more then I fair to think about
00:35.18*** join/#asterisk nullogic (
00:40.12file[laptop]you say yes, I say no
00:41.23*** join/#asterisk grrant (
00:41.42grrantAnyone here ever used Sony Vaio -> bluetooh -> sony ericcson/dial up networking
00:41.48cursorYou're right - Danni Minogue is better
00:42.11cursor(grrant) no - you're the first
00:42.19cursorI should have a macro for that
00:42.29grrantA macro for Im the first?
00:43.17*** join/#asterisk herag (
00:45.16cursorDundi is not just a town in India any longer
00:45.43*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
00:48.11*** join/#asterisk MamboKing (
00:48.19*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
00:48.38MamboKinganyone ever had their tdm card stop responding for no reason
00:48.58cursorI've never had a TDM card stop responding
00:49.02cursorI don't own a TDM card
00:49.07cursorwhich may be part of the reason
00:49.27cursorI'm probably not being very helpful
00:49.27MamboKingthe wierdest thing just happened, I restarted asterisk several times because one of my zap channels didn't get tone, just voltage
00:49.33cursorbut I do seem to be the only one awake
00:49.59cursordial tone?
00:50.00MamboKingand it would rin when i'd call the extension however when i picked it up i would get a wierd tone, almost sounded like a fax
00:50.08MamboKingyeah dial tone
00:50.33cursordid you unplug the lines and swap them around to test
00:50.33MamboKingi then shut down asterisk, shutdown zaptel restarted zaptel and asterisk and then the problem was gone
00:50.41cursorsee if it's the line or if it's the FXO
00:51.07MamboKingits just fxs on the tdm
00:51.20MamboKingi have an x100p for my fxo
00:51.42MamboKingnot a big deal i havn't updated asterisk in a while, maybe there's new code for my revision of the tdm card
00:51.56MamboKinglots of people had problems with irq conflicts and a bunch of other stuff
00:52.19cursorI don't know anything about the FXS modules
00:52.26cursorI always recommend the Sipura SPA-2000
00:53.00cursorDid you call for support?
00:53.01MamboKingthe other wierd thing is that when i picked up the lines they all appeared as one zap channel on the console
00:53.13MamboKingnah, support is a last resort :P
00:53.20MamboKingi hate being on the phone :P
00:53.23cursorYou've already paid for it :-)
00:53.38cursorApparently, the reason for the 90% markup is to pay for support
00:53.46cursorSo you may as well use it
00:53.50MamboKingtrue enough
00:54.17MamboKingthanx anyways, it was a slim shot trying to find anyone awake in here at all on a saturday night :P
01:00.06cursor1:00am - time for me to go, I think
01:01.00cursorbefore I make any more silly mistakes - like saying 90 when I obviously mean 900
01:03.25cjki got it, my dialplan still works but i remove 120k lines
01:04.03*** join/#asterisk Gator (
01:05.31EquinoxAnyone have a guess why asterisk won't hear grandstream in any sort of ivr application on asterisk?  It can dial extensions ok..
01:07.27*** join/#asterisk lilneon (~lilneon@
01:07.52lilneonhi everyone
01:08.07lilneonhello|? where is everyone?
01:10.45Qwellthird times a charm
01:11.06lilneoni thought no one was at their computer tonight or something
01:11.31Qwellpeople are sleeping
01:11.36Qwelland I don't know squat :p
01:11.52lilneonhmm strange.. for this place ...
01:12.19lilneoni was hoping someone here would help me  but i guess not tonight
01:13.07Gatorlilneon: Some dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight... some blasting head-crabs in HL2, but not too many here by the looks.
01:13.08kietlaktry to ask
01:15.05lilneonwell i spent all afternoon trying to write an agi script to create a call file and then move it to the outgoing directory to make the call..
01:15.15lilneonwhen i run it i get permission denied
01:15.51lilneonwat did i do wrong? or could someone point me in the direction where i might find simple AGI to do this.. perl / php
01:16.18Gator... uh chmod a+x foo?  8-)
01:16.41Mavviethere is a "sip reload", but no "iax2 reload" :-/
01:16.41lilneoni  already tried chmod root.root file.agi
01:16.41Gatorfoo=the script file.
01:18.07*** join/#asterisk aspworld (~richard@
01:18.44lilneongator:kinda green thumbed with linux..
01:19.02lilneonGator: there is no command foo..  :S is there?
01:20.29lilneon* and everyone goes back to sleep again..
01:20.29Qwelllilneon: chmod a+x file.agi
01:20.32Qwellfoo is a placeholder...for file.agi, in this case
01:21.39Qwellso, is AGI a language or something?
01:21.52Qwellor is it kinda like cgi?
01:22.38lilneonQwell: it's what asterisk uses to allow external programs and scripts to execute asterisk gateway commands..
01:22.55lilneonQwell: now i get no such file or directory
01:22.55Qwellis it a specific language, or anything?
01:23.10Qwelllilneon: I don't literally mean file.agi
01:23.26lilneonQwell: yeah i know.. i put my file name :)
01:23.39QwellWhen do you get the error?
01:24.01lilneonqwell:when the script is called form asterisk
01:24.40Qwellcan't help you there then
01:25.07lilneonhmm iight
01:25.08Qwellmake sure any paths in the agi exist, etc
01:25.11lilneonthnx anyeayz
01:25.25lilneonuh huh.. checked them already
01:37.24*** join/#asterisk syslod (~sysglod@
01:41.15*** join/#asterisk sd-tux (
01:42.52cjkany agi performance expert here?
01:43.19m-00kiewhen using sip friends, and the client has a dynamic IP, can i put "DYNAMIC" in the "ipaddr" field?
01:43.47m-00kienm it worked :)
01:43.58m-00kieapparently its case sensitive
01:48.17grant_aI need someone with bluetooth/mobilephone/dial up networking experience
01:50.04ionixgrant_a: as an employee ?
01:50.21implicitionix is pretty good
01:50.24implicityou should hire him
01:50.29implicitbut he is $150/hr
01:50.41Qwell2 hour minimum :p
01:50.51implicitwhich isn't bad actually because he is extremely good
01:51.22ionixactually, I am submitting resume to Japanese consulting firms 'cause VoIP is in expension there
01:51.53grant_aIm just trying to get my cellphone to Dial AOL as a modem
01:51.53*** join/#asterisk brettnem (
01:52.15implicityeah he is charging 20,000 yen/hour
01:52.19brettnemhello all
01:52.20implicitwhich is just under $200 an hour
01:52.31ionixI don't think you can do that with bluetooth grant_a :)
01:52.54grant_aYou're trying to tout yourself as an expert you dont even understand the simplest things
01:52.54*** join/#asterisk {^DaNi^} (~dcp@
01:53.11implicitlook at what you wrote
01:53.16grant_aBluetooth Enabled Laptop-> Bluetooth Mobile phone = Modem
01:53.30grant_aSame as Laptop -> datakit cable -> cellphone
01:53.53implicitgrant_a: so you want to use a linux laptop to dial AOL?
01:53.55implicitalright man
01:54.13implicitionix knows his shit, just because you can't ask properly doesn't mean you need to go insane on him
01:54.14grant_aI mentioned "AOL" now you can turn into a 12 year old and "flame"
01:54.43ionixwell since when AOL uses a ppp dialer ?
01:55.03implicitjust because ionix doesn't use AOL doesn't mean he doesn't know what he is talking about grant_a
01:55.10implicityou never said 'AOL' expert, lol
01:55.18grant_aBluetooh -> Mobile phone -> any ISP
01:55.20impliciti didn't know you could even use AOL from linux
01:55.22grant_aIts called Dial Up Networking
01:55.26grant_aSee google for "basics of computers"
01:55.30implicitAOL uses their own proprietary client
01:55.47ionixso know you can Dial Up networking with AOL ?
01:55.49implicitmaybe we are just ignorant about it because we don't use AOL
01:55.52*** join/#asterisk Shido6 (
01:55.56grant_aForget "AOL"
01:56.00grant_aJust think "modem"
01:56.06implicitof course you can
01:56.07ionixwell No grant_a...
01:56.09grant_aIm trying to turn my cellphone into a modem
01:56.16implicitgrant_a: that is easy
01:56.17grant_aIt dials the number, but the strings are messed up
01:56.22*** part/#asterisk jaXon^ (
01:56.24grant_aSo it never completes the call
01:56.29implicithow so?
01:56.30grant_aI need a website with string augmentation
01:56.32ionixthe notebook WON't send AT commands to the cell
01:56.45ionixso forget about that modem thing
01:56.53grant_aYou dont have a clue
01:56.58implicitgrant_a: you don't have a clue
01:56.58grant_aGo back to your Mark Spencer collage
01:57.12ionixthen how come you are the one who fails to make this happen ?
01:57.20grant_aIf this was a Motorola with datakit I would be done
01:57.28grant_aNow Im using no datakit and bluetooth, I jsut bought it today
01:57.29implicitso bluetooth is different
01:57.29ionixbut it's not a datakit
01:57.29grant_aThats why
01:57.32ionixyou said bluetooth
01:57.40implicitso it's not exactly the same
01:57.48implicitplease just stop getting mad
01:57.51implicitand listen for a couple minutes
01:57.52grant_a* Added implicit!*@* to ignore list
01:57.52grant_a* Added ionix!*@* to ignore list
01:57.53*** join/#asterisk beerd00d (
01:57.56implicitand you will understand how to do it
01:57.57syslodAnyone else interested in provisioning * on a large scale?
01:58.01grant_aSad you can go from "begging me for work" to "flamin over AOL"
01:58.01implicitsure syslod
01:58.08grant_aSyslod define provisioning
01:59.09syslodSetting up sip phones, conferencing etc.
01:59.23ionixin metrics syslod :)
01:59.33ionixhow much locations/department/phones
01:59.42Qwellgrant_a: You're an asshat. :)  They were trying to help, you started saying they didn't know shit.  Either quit being an idiot, and listen, or go ask people who like dealing with idiots for help.
02:00.08ionixthank you Qwell
02:00.13implicitthanks Qwell
02:00.42czerosyslod you talking project that = $$ or large scale test? :)
02:00.46Qwellionix, implicit: I just wish I could have done that in the channel I normally hang out in. :P
02:01.24syslod= $$
02:01.33czerothen I'm intrested :)
02:02.08syslod= $$ for those that implment.
02:02.25czerobut my wife and sun jsut got bakc form being visiting the granpartens the last month and its time to watch a movie can I catch up with you in 90 minuts or tommrow
02:02.36telmeanyone use spandsp?
02:02.41*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
02:02.46m-00kieim getting immediate hangups when i place or receive calls.. debug console says "Channel 0/1, span 1 got hangup
02:03.02m-00kieit says that whether calls are inbound or outbound
02:03.04m-00kieany idea why?
02:03.09czerook back in a bit
02:03.28ionixSyncros: Define your metrics please. I have done similar projects...
02:04.37ionixsyslod even
02:05.05Atacommanyone know if dividing by 256 is the same as >>8?  I'm trying to remember my binary division
02:05.29impliciti think its >>3
02:05.36implicitthat is divindg by 8
02:05.40implicitdidnt read right
02:05.42implicityeah i think yo uare right
02:05.46QwellDoesn't >> wrap around?
02:05.48Atacommok, cool, thanks
02:06.15m-00kieit shifts
02:06.18ionixwell 2^8=?
02:06.32ionixyour right :)
02:07.03Atacommlol, ok, good, i was trying to figure that out... picking the bits i want is much more efficient than dividing... building a volume scaler in verilog
02:07.38ionixheh yes then
02:07.51Atacommall there is is an int multiplier then :)
02:14.28*** join/#asterisk yellow_fuzzy (
02:15.42CoderCRhey guys
02:16.55*** join/#asterisk DL4GRC (
02:18.40CoderCRi have 2 asterisk systems and have them connected to each other. how can i make both systems share 1 voicemail system
02:18.58CoderCRi want the voicemail to be on my primary server
02:23.02*** join/#asterisk w0w0 (~apardo@
02:23.04yellow_fuzzysetup an extension on your second server to link to your primary servers voicemail
02:25.36CoderCRi did that
02:25.45w0w0hi. anyone can recomend me a sip softphone for linux. kphone and linphone do not work well at all. i'm testing my asterisk configuration.
02:25.50*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
02:25.57CoderCRbut i want to get the voicemail checks with mailbox
02:27.32ionixyou manage your exntesions on a single asterisk machine right ?
02:27.42ionixand use the 2nd one only for routing
02:27.44ionixcorrect ?
02:28.14ionixthen you will have to use that
02:28.16CoderCRi have ext on 1 and on the other
02:28.25CoderCRno way to share them yet
02:28.30ionixIAX will transfer calls
02:28.55ionixno way to share. +, it's easier to maintain a single server and put point of presence in other offices
02:29.15CoderCRi am just testing stuff
02:29.38CoderCRi am setting up a new phone box and testing it out with my extension and so on
02:29.47CoderCRno problem if i cannot do want i wanted
02:30.05ionixthe way I did for a 5 offices company was one machine on each of the location + one main server
02:30.43ionixso the MOH, extensions, voicemail etc are handled by the main server and the remote iax are connecting to SIPs
02:32.49tclarkCoderCR: if you realy want share extensions(as in use of extension in dialplan) between servers you might want look at switch stmt
02:36.20loko_Would asterisk work better with a dual 1.4 ghz server or a single 2.8 ghz
02:38.58loko_would there be a signifcant difference?
02:39.07loko_im trying to decide between a Dell PE 1650 or a 750
02:39.43Legendthe 750 is a very nice low end non-rackmount server
02:39.53Legendespecially with a sata raid card, quite cost effective
02:39.53asuffield(SMP's never a huge improvement, given effectively equivalent processing power)
02:40.52Legendwait, thats the 700
02:41.26loko_1850 is too expensive =)
02:41.30loko_im looking at $1000
02:41.35loko_which is the 750 or a used 1650
02:42.31JerJerdo it right the first time
02:42.38JerJerthen you don't have to think about it later
02:42.50loko_this isnt for business use but for play
02:42.50lilneonanyone here with AGI , PERL experience?
02:42.59asuffieldI just built a sodding amd64 box for less than that
02:43.14grant_aWhats a good server to use to make a VOIP Provider
02:43.18JerJerthen go with a dell poweredge 400SC upgraded to a real pentium 4
02:43.27loko_that not rack mount...
02:44.35*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:50.35coppiceHi before asking questions! - there, I've said it :-)
02:52.08brettnemhey there steve.. heh, I've been hoping you'd stop in sometime
02:55.52brettnemcoppice: hey, I'm interested in your ss7 stuff. I wrote you an email the other day and haven't heard back from you. I have a serious need for it. What is your plan for it?
02:56.02brettnemif you don't mind my asking..
02:59.03*** join/#asterisk DrRighteous (
03:00.57*** join/#asterisk will1 (
03:01.26lilneonhi, executing my agi script form asterisk gives this Failed to execute ' file.agi' : no such file or direcotry
03:01.34lilneonAnyone got an idea what's wrong?
03:01.39lilneonplease? :S
03:01.52implicituse absolute path
03:02.06will1good evening room... looking for a decent link in or around canada to grab whitebox to try out asterisk, anyone know of one?
03:02.06implicitbecaues your file.agi is somewhere weird
03:02.10zigmanor put the file in the agi dir ;)
03:02.39lilneonbut other files in the same directory execvute without a problem
03:02.55zigmanis it chmod +x ?
03:02.58zigmanis it chmod o+x ?
03:03.18zigmanhead -n1 file.agi
03:03.46lilneonzigman:.. huh?
03:03.51zigmando it
03:03.57zigmanand paste the rsult
03:03.57mikegrb' file.agi'
03:04.02mikegrbthere is a space at the beginning
03:04.29zigmanmikegrb that _might_ be the problem ;)
03:04.55lilneonok so .. uncomment it?
03:05.33lilneonin the script i am trying to create a file.. could the problem be there?
03:05.43implicitprobably not
03:05.44lilneoncuz it's  not even creating it
03:05.52mikegrbas your script isn't even executing
03:05.58mikegrbcan you paste the line where you call it
03:06.12bkw_ya know some people ask the dumbest questions on the mailing list
03:06.22lilneonthe script?
03:06.26zigmanbkw_ what did you ask ?
03:06.28implicitbkw_: heh
03:06.28lilneonone second
03:06.49bkw_zigman just in general
03:06.53bkw_not directed at you
03:06.54bkw_at all
03:07.02bkw_I just have to laff when reading the list
03:07.08zigmani know
03:07.11bkw_I don't reply because I would reply with "You're stupid NEXT!!!"
03:07.20zigmanthats why is skip most of it
03:07.29bkw_you have to fight back the urge to eh?
03:07.30zigmanto much time wasted
03:07.34lilneonexten => s,1,AGI(/usr/src/digiumv1-0/createcall.agi)
03:07.54zigmanlilneon still not working ?
03:08.31zigmanis that the line you call file.agi ?
03:08.57zigmanwhere is file.agi ?
03:09.07slePPit's too bad the manager interface can only originate one call at a time
03:09.22zigmanslePP loginin x times
03:09.31lilneonzigman: in the directory given
03:09.55zigmanlilneon ?
03:10.25lilneonzigman" its in  usr/src/digiumv1-0
03:10.41zigmanand where do you call file.agi ?
03:11.07lilneonin my extension.conf
03:11.13zigmanpaste the line
03:11.29slePPzigman: yeh, going to need to
03:11.35slePPbut perl doesn't thread, so i have to do it differently :>
03:11.42zigmansure it does
03:11.54lilneonexten => s,1,AGI(/usr/src/digiumv1-0/createcall.agi)
03:12.24zigmanand the error was and Failed to execute ' file.agi' : no such file or direcotry
03:12.49zigmanor Failed to execute '/usr/src/digiumv1-0/createcall.agi' : no such file or direcotry
03:13.06lilneonyeah.. replacing file.agi with usr/src ....
03:13.22lilneonthe second one zigman
03:13.24mikegrbcould you paste the exact error message
03:13.33zigmanEXACT please
03:14.05lilneonFailed to execute '/usr/src/digiumv1-0/createcall.agi': No such file or directory
03:14.39zigmanls -l /usr/src/digiumv1-0/createcall.agi
03:15.14zigmanrun and paste pls
03:15.51zigmanQwell >> //dev/null 2>&1
03:21.03lilneon-rwxrwxrwx    1 root     root          984 Nov 20 23:11 /usr/src/digiumv1-0/createcall.agi
03:21.15bkw_is it perl
03:21.55bkw_well is it?
03:22.25lilneonum.. i think so..
03:22.31bkw_see if it even compiles
03:22.35mikegrbzigman: nah, just unlink him
03:22.58Qwellmikegrb: dd'ing /dev/zero might be better
03:23.37asuffieldworld-writeable executable scripts are really not a good idea
03:23.43*** join/#asterisk justinnnnnn (
03:23.47lilneonbkw_ :[root@pbx root]# perl -c /usr/src/digiumv1-0/createcall.agi
03:23.47lilneonGlobal symbol "$AGI" requires explicit package name at /usr/src/digiumv1-0/createcall.agi line 6.
03:23.47lilneonGlobal symbol "$AGI" requires explicit package name at /usr/src/digiumv1-0/createcall.agi line 7.
03:23.47lilneonGlobal symbol "$filename" requires explicit package name at /usr/src/digiumv1-0/createcall.agi line 33.
03:23.48lilneon/usr/src/digiumv1-0/createcall.agi had compilation errors.
03:23.58bkw_your script is fucked
03:24.24lilneonbkw_ i guess you had a rough day checking out the mailing lists?
03:26.06zigmanbkw_ you are right
03:26.17zigmansome people to ask STUPID questions
03:26.31zigman"is FC3 supported"
03:26.52zigmanand 20 follow ups
03:26.53bkw_that has got to the most stupid thing to ask
03:27.44*** join/#asterisk MamboKing (
03:29.36lilneonbkw_ , zigman : thanks man.. got it fixed
03:29.47lilneoni commented out some stuff from before..  :s
03:31.29lilneonbut i still get the same failed to execute, no such file or directory crap
03:31.30Qwellnot for public viewing?  heh
03:33.24m-00kieto use sip configs from a mysql database, im supposed to enable MYSQL_FRIENDS in the Makefile in asterisk/channels, right?  That's what the wiki says..
03:33.40m-00kiebut when I vi the file, I dont see a 'MYSQL_FRIENDS' anywhere
03:34.17bkw_but NO
03:34.20bkw_I have to be nice
03:38.14*** part/#asterisk DrRighteous (
03:39.16lilneonok .. um anyone here can point me in the direction of a perl script to create a call file?
03:39.44brettnembkw_: you *have* to be nice? heh right.. ;)
03:40.04bkw_fuck no ;)
03:40.26lilneongoes down on knees pleading
03:43.17Atacommhow many channels should i target for hardware mixing for conferencing?  (# of channels)
03:44.19Atacommis 16 reasonable? lol
03:55.20czerosyslod: still around
03:56.00Nugget  <-- yay, a new logo for my phone.  Cows are way cooler than tuxes.
03:56.24syslodczero: yep
03:57.55Corydon76-homelilneon: what so tough about writing a .call file?
03:58.35lilneonCorydon-w: well for starters it doesn't work
03:58.48Corydon76-homeDid you put it in the right directory?
03:58.51lilneoni keep getting failed to execute.. no such file or directory
03:59.10lilneonyeah i just copied it accross to the agi-bin in asterisk
03:59.14lilneonand still nothing
03:59.29Corydon76-homeDid you chmod 755 ?
04:00.09Corydon76-homeAnd why is it in agi-bin?
04:00.10lilneondid chmod 755.. even tried 777
04:00.46lilneonwell the script was in a previous directory and i kepy getting that no such file or ... error
04:01.01Corydon76-homeYou realize .call files are to START a call, not handle a preexisting call, right?
04:01.28lilneonyeah i know..
04:01.39Corydon76-homeWhat are you trying to do?
04:02.07lilneonsimple callback
04:02.27lilneonuser calls i get their callerid,
04:02.29lilneonthey hangup
04:02.31lilneoni call them back
04:03.03lilneongive them a dialtone using DISA
04:03.11Corydon76-homeWhat's the top line in your perl script?
04:05.00lilneonit compiles properly, no syntax errros
04:06.12Chujililneon : pastebin the perl
04:06.33Corydon76-homeAH HA
04:06.42coppicewouldn't  #!/usr/bin/perl  work better?
04:07.39Corydon76-homelilneon: see what coppice said
04:07.56Chujipaste the perl app there
04:07.56Corydon76-homeThat's almost definitely the problem
04:08.01Nuggetperl doesn't compile.
04:08.03lilneonbut that's wat i have
04:08.14Corydon76-homelilneon: that initial /
04:08.31Corydon76-homeThat's what's preventing the script from executing
04:09.09lilneonhmm ok
04:09.36lilneonnope.. didn't hepl
04:10.02Corydon76-homeHow are you invoking the script?
04:10.19lilneonstill failed to execute... no such file or directory
04:10.58lilneonfrom the extension.conf  exten =>h,1,DeadAgi(...
04:11.43Corydon76-homeand you edited the one in /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/ ?
04:13.21Chujihmm anyone use a Spa-3000 fxo port inside Asterisk?
04:13.48lilneonum.. you mean in asterisk/agi? or in var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin
04:14.39Corydon76-homeWell, where is the script you edited?
04:15.31lilneonin asterisk/agi
04:15.53cypromisit has to be in /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin
04:15.53Corydon76-homeTry the one in the full path that I provided
04:16.08cypromisanyway sleeptime
04:17.06lilneonok now i get exec format error
04:17.17lilneonlet me try to fix that
04:19.51lilneonFailed to execute '/usr/src/digiumv1-0/createcall.agi': Exec format error
04:20.52Corydon76-homeHave you edited that script yet?
04:21.23Corydon76-homei.e. fixed the first line?
04:22.51lilneonand i get the permission denied thing now..
04:23.00bkw_chmod 755
04:24.26*** part/#asterisk MamboKing (
04:24.39bkw_flight 640 eh
04:24.52lilneonnow i get the Exes Format error.
04:24.55file[laptop]bkw_: yup
04:24.56bkw_file and bkw are gonna spend a day in NYC before the next astricon
04:25.00bkw_file in a sec
04:25.05lilneoni tell you this is too much stress for something soo osimple..
04:26.22file[laptop]bkw_: is somebody else in here? it's quiet
04:26.47file[laptop]aha, dead
04:26.55bkw_this conf is clean
04:27.02file[laptop]even disconnected me
04:27.53m-00kiehow do you update your cvs with a different version?
04:28.02bkw_i'll be in there in a few file
04:28.04m-00kiei want to get the 1.0.2 version but trying -v1_0_2 doesnt work...
04:28.14*** join/#asterisk wolfson (
04:28.15file[laptop]bkw_: aye
04:28.19*** join/#asterisk Triona (stephanie@
04:28.23file[laptop]kram: how is my muffin man doing?
04:28.24bkw_m-00kie its v1-0
04:28.31bkw_I swear do people NEVEr read
04:28.45implicithi rene-
04:28.52m-00kieyeah but 1-0 doesnt have a Makefile with MYSQL_FRIENDS in it
04:28.56m-00kie1.0.2 does
04:29.19rene-would you guys say that in a link event channel 1 is always A party and channel 2 is B party?
04:29.33krami'm chillin
04:29.35*** join/#asterisk HenryTheBIG (
04:29.57m-00kieI tried adding it to the file, but compiler errored
04:30.27*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
04:30.28rene-hi HenryTheBIG
04:30.43file[laptop]kram: want to join me in the conf?
04:30.54HenryTheBIGI try to create a agi script to make 2 calls and to bridge this calls
04:31.31HenryTheBIGI can place 2 calls but I don't know how to bridge the calls :((
04:32.18Trionaa meetme would be the most practical way
04:32.27kramfile: in a bit, sure
04:32.31m-00kiebkw_ - does your Makefile have MYSQL_FRIENDS=0 and MYSQL_SIP_FRIENDS=0 in it?
04:32.43file[laptop]kram: it's just 996 conf 666
04:32.44m-00kiein asterisk/channels
04:32.51PTG123anyone have a test php file i can check to see if php is installed correctly with?
04:33.04wolfson<?php echo "this is a test"; ?>
04:33.11HenryTheBIGI need to create one meetme for every time I place 2 calls and to bridge it?
04:33.23PTG123a simple include works, but a php thing i am trying to install just gives me a blank page
04:33.55wolfsoncheck the error log
04:33.56*** join/#asterisk jcollie (
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04:35.12rene-Henry maybe it can be done tru tha manager api?
04:35.44PTG123preg_match i think is failing
04:35.45HenryTheBIGI don't know....
04:37.22PTG123any way to tell if php is loaded correctly?
04:37.44TrionaHenryTheBIG: thats the most obvious approach... theres PROBABLY a better way... manager api
04:37.50JamesDotCom<? phpinfo() ?>
04:38.18Nuggetyou mean <?php phpinfo(); ?>
04:38.19rene-Henry: if you use perl check out Asterisk POE Client it is fantastick
04:38.40HenryTheBIGwhere I can find some docs or samples of how to use manager api?
04:38.41JamesDotComshort_tags is on by default still isnt it?
04:38.43PTG123php ionfo works just fine
04:39.00Nuggetit's still bad form.  :)
04:39.02rene-it takes the complexity of using the manager api for the most part as it will capture named asterisk events
04:39.17*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
04:39.18*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
04:39.42rene-you use it by mapping sub routine names to asterisk events handlers
04:39.49mitchelocerm not sure where to ask this, since you all are nice...can someone confirm that you need a special p4 power supply to boot up a p4 motherboard?
04:39.57brettnemwhat is Asterisk POE Client?
04:40.01rene-mitchel think so
04:40.05implicitPower over ethernet????
04:40.18rene-no no POE perl object environment
04:40.29mitchelocso just a basic power supply *WILL NOT* work? is it because of the power adapter next to the processor on the board?
04:40.37implicitmitcheloc: lol
04:40.37Atacommhow does Asterisk mix audio for conferencing?  i havent found it in app-meetme
04:40.42rene-thee is a 12V special connector IIRC
04:40.47rene-for P4s
04:40.59mitchelocand without it connected that = no boot?
04:41.06mitcheloci'm so out of date with new hardware heh
04:41.51mitchelocok hmph someone said they couldn't get this board to boot maybe they didn't do that cause i can't get it to without that seems to grab power for like 400ms then just dies (the board)
04:42.14rene-perl object environment is a framework that gives you finite state machines (me feels so fancy talking like that)
04:43.13rene-well better check it out
04:43.58HenryTheBIGThank You
04:44.30mitchelocok well i'm an idiot, i found the connecter on my ps i guess i got lucky, but it won't boot up still =/ damnit, a nice p4 board and no usable
04:45.27Nuggetdoesn't sound very nice to me.  :)
04:46.30mitchelocheh well if only it would work, then it would be nice board starts up for just a half a second if that..then dies bah!
04:46.50file[laptop]bkw_: poke
04:46.53file[laptop]kram: nudge
04:48.31*** part/#asterisk lilneon (~lilneon@
04:51.48*** join/#asterisk brettnem (
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04:52.59mitchelocooooh it's a 1.7 ghz, seems the power supply went bad, damnit, that idiot made my parents replace the entire computer cause he couldn't figure out the ps is bad...and hes the network admin @ their business
04:53.09redder86mitcheloc: I think that there is a second connector set that connects with the motherborard
04:53.45redder86mitcheloc: so yes, a "P4" compatible power supply must be used
04:54.20mitchelocredder: yep i just tested it with two different power supplies, i still can't believe that just b/c the one he had was bad (which i tried first) he had to replace the entire computer
04:59.49tessier_Ok, so it looks like RealTime is the way to go and is superior to res_data and res_config
05:00.05tessier_I'm on the asterisk-dev list.
05:00.16BoRiSto write your apps, yes :)
05:01.24tessier_Looks like realtime has been around since at least september
05:02.12BoRiSTheir are still alot of functionality in * that hasn't been fully supported in *
05:02.22tessier_What do you mean?
05:02.49BoRiSWell, With the realtime stuff in *, Not all features/functions are complete. Just the basic's
05:03.02tessier_ah, right.
05:03.08tclarklike not all * is realtimez
05:03.21tessier_It will be soon. I may add some stuff if I have to.
05:03.48BoRiSMWI still isn't working, CallerID in realtime still does not work properly
05:04.29*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (
05:04.48implicitwhat do you mean by callerid in realtime
05:05.16tessier_Can extensions and meetme be configured in realtime?
05:08.26BoRiSwaiting for that :)
05:08.55implicitcan iax2 and sip be configured in realtime?
05:09.21*** join/#asterisk PCadach (
05:13.11Corydon76-homeGo reboot, bkw_
05:13.51tessier_The wiki rocks
05:18.31kramhi all
05:19.19Qwellkram: ;]
05:19.19kramthanks qwell
05:19.20Corydon76-homeHowdy, kram
05:19.44Qwellkram: Any time.  Keep it up. :p
05:20.24kramthanks corydon
05:21.02m-00kieok ive recompiled using asterisk 1.0.2
05:21.17m-00kieive got mysql_friends enabled.. it doesnt seem to be reading the db tho
05:21.24m-00kiethe client fails registration
05:21.35m-00kiei get 401 authorized on the asterisk debug console
05:24.16m-00kiesip show users doesnt show anyone :(
05:34.40*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
05:40.23m-00kiehow the hell do you get sip friends to work??
05:46.20*** join/#asterisk orlon_ (
05:46.50orlon_how do you load stuff into the DB at start time? ie using DBPut
05:47.00ZX81_AFKfirst you get sip, then a sip then give your sip address to your friend.  You have now got "sip friends"
06:06.10CoderCRdoes anyone here have a fax?
06:07.03CoderCRand is the f,1,Dial(${FaxExt}) the right way to route a fax to the fax machine...
06:07.06CoderCRi mean the f,1,
06:08.21ZX81_AFKfax,1, I think
06:08.52ZX81_AFKi use spandsp so I have:
06:08.56ZX81_AFKexten => fax,1,rxfax(/var/spool/asterisk/incoming/${TIMESTAMP}.tif)
06:10.15*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
06:10.37telmeZX91_AFK: you ever run into an error with spandsp where blow up with "cannot find path from ULAW to UNKN" and other nonsense right with it gets done with receiving the fax?
06:13.37tessier_Is there any program available in Linux that can play the Cisco ringtones?
06:14.06orlon_tessier_: bplay
06:14.31orlon_tessier_: use file to work out what format they are. from memory the Cisco phones support PCM and AU
06:18.24tessier_Looks like audacity works too
06:18.36*** join/#asterisk Moc (
06:21.19Silik0nok whats a good paging solution that works with *?
06:21.34MocSilik0n, * ? ;)
06:21.49MocSilik0n, what do you mean by paging É
06:22.31tessier_Silik0n: An amp and some speakers
06:22.48Mocha... paging ;)
06:23.10Silik0nwhats is this? spelling class?
06:23.15Silik0noverhead style
06:24.05MocI thought you ment paging of voicemail
06:24.11Silik0nDr. Theopolis you have a call on park 107 style
06:24.36tessier_"Paging Dr Payne...Paging Dr Payne..."
06:25.20MocI see...
06:25.48Mocthere is connection to fXS port for paging
06:26.00tessier_fxs port?
06:26.04tessier_Most people just use the sound card
06:26.04Silik0ni guess thats what I'll do
06:26.19Mocsoundcard would work too..
06:26.31Mocbut I know there is commercial solutions for that throught a FXS port
06:26.41Mocit dial, play a small tone, and your on the intercom
06:26.44tessier_Seems like that would be expensive
06:26.53Silik0ncommercial solutions dont bother me... this is for where I work anyway
06:27.00tessier_ah, soxplay works
06:27.06Silik0n(and well sell key/hybrid systems anyway)
06:27.39tessier_damn, soxplay is like audacity: it only plays a couple of these
06:28.34tessier_ah, aplay plays all of the .raw files
06:29.26tessier_Plays the pcm files too but they sound bad
06:30.18*** join/#asterisk yellow_fuzzy2 (
06:31.00yellow_fuzzy2does anyne know how in Xten X-Pro or X-Lite i can get it to allow me to set my display name to either blank or to just a space
06:32.25implicitwhy do you use aplay?
06:32.35tessier_To play the Cisco ringtones
06:32.47implicitwhy not just 'play'
06:35.01*** join/#asterisk serdiehard (~serdiehar@
06:35.37serdiehardhas any body worked with * and quintum gateway
06:35.44tessier_Didn't know play doesn't seem to work with pcm files.
06:35.54serdiehardiam facing a problem in connecting to that
06:36.31implicittessier_ it doesn't work? weird
06:36.39implicitplay comes with sox btw
06:36.49serdiehardhi implicit
06:36.52implicithi serdiehard
06:37.25serdiehardstill iam in the same position actually i took help of litinimax
06:37.37implicitwhat is litinimax
06:37.49serdiehardthe person in the X-chat
06:38.01implicitwhat do you mean?
06:38.06impliciti have no diea what you are talking about
06:38.26serdiehardany way leave that
06:39.14serdiehardactaully now iam trying like adding the quintum as a peer in sip.conf and useing the quintum with the peer name in extensions.conf
06:43.36*** join/#asterisk w0w0 (~apardo@
06:44.30w0w0hi, can somebody make me a test call to sip:// ?
06:44.33*** join/#asterisk glm2k (
06:45.27grant_aIm trying to access my PBX remotely, so im connecting through a sip phone to the box and it registers and makes the call even gets my cellphoen to ring on a test but no audio once connected, though if im at home I can just access it through the subnet and its there
06:45.29grant_aAnyone know why?
06:47.17Mocok I better go sleep now
06:47.28tessier_grant_a: Do you have NAT involved anywhere?
06:49.23grant_aI think so
06:49.35grant_aBut I forward all ports to the right place
06:50.25tessier_The SIP phone is behind the nat and the * server is not, right?
06:50.35JerJerport fowarding is not necessary
06:50.43tessier_Exactly. You don't need to forward any ports.
06:51.35tessier_If the SIP phine is behind nat and the * server is not you need to set nat=yes in sip.conf for that phone
06:51.37grant_aYea it is because the linux box's ip is a 192.168.*
06:51.48tessier_You may also need to enable some nat workarounds in the phone itself also.
06:51.50grant_aAnd the sip phoen calls the Static Ip
06:51.55grant_aAnd its forwarded to the box
06:52.05tessier_You really don't want the asterisk box behind nat.
06:52.11tessier_If box ends are behind nat you are screwed.
06:52.15ZX81_AFKcan someone try my website...
06:52.19ZX81_AFKmight be down
06:52.19grant_anat already =yes
06:52.29jbotwell, daily asterisk news is for html and for rss
06:52.42grant_aI guess it woulod work easier if the box had its own IP address wouldn tit
06:52.46grant_aAnd wasnt part of a subnet
06:55.27tessier_Once again I am left wondering why this stupid cisco phone isn't taking it's config
06:55.49grant_aDynamix DNS/
06:55.54grant_aI mean: Dynamic DNS?
06:57.07m-00kiedoes anyone here use sip via mysql?
06:57.43*** join/#asterisk the_isle_of_mark (
06:57.53the_isle_of_markanyone up for a quick question?
06:59.17the_isle_of_markI have assembled and loaded a pc with Deb and an x100p card, is there any way fot that card to act as an fxs to do least cost routing?
07:02.15tessier_I don't get it. tftp shows it downloading it's SIP<mac>.cnf file but the changes never appear in the phone...
07:06.03*** join/#asterisk modulus2 (
07:06.13modulus2jbot hi
07:06.18jbothello, modulus2
07:06.23modulus2jbot jbot?
07:06.29jbotACTION is broken
07:06.33modulus2jbot you?
07:06.36jboti'm a broken bot
07:06.57modulus2jbot g-g-g-g?
07:07.04modulus2i love it
07:07.54the_isle_of_markI have assembled and loaded a pc with Deb and an x100p card, is there any way fot that card to act as an fxs to do least cost routing?
07:09.35the_isle_of_markI have searched, and from what I can see the answer seems to be no, but wouldnt it only be a bit of wizardry to capture the dtmf and route based on rules then?
07:10.03modulus2jeesus what's with all the linuxes?
07:10.15modulus2be a man, run freebsd
07:10.53modulus2jbot freebsd?
07:10.54jbotA stable secure open source operating system.. URL:  FreeBSD: Nothing runs like a daemon with a pitch fork.
07:10.56modulus2jbot, redhat?
07:10.57jbotit has been said that redhat is a linux distro, or rhymes with Dead Rat
07:11.11the_isle_of_markI do run freebsd
07:11.14the_isle_of_markat work :p
07:11.23the_isle_of_markqmail and bind
07:11.28modulus2what field of work are you in?
07:11.35tessier_I would run FreeBSD if it had anything over Linux. But since everyone else runs Linux it's easier to get help and cool software for it.
07:11.43the_isle_of_markI'm an engineer for a convergence comany
07:11.45the_isle_of_marker company
07:11.50tessier_What is a convergence company?
07:12.01the_isle_of_markdata/voice convergence
07:12.15the_isle_of_markbasically I engineer voip/data systems
07:12.21tessier_Welcome to the club.
07:12.33the_isle_of_markmostly data
07:12.51the_isle_of_markvoice is sorta thrown in...we have guys MUCH better at it than I
07:13.02tessier_I just noticed all of their SIP phones register at the exact same time.
07:13.12modulus2everyone else does _NOT_ run linux
07:13.24tessier_Almost everyone else.
07:13.29modulus2i work at a co-location facility and we have more freebsd than linux
07:13.35Nuggetyay freebsd.
07:13.39modulus2and even less windows
07:13.43the_isle_of_markindustrial apps bsd is the shit
07:14.02modulus2freebsd > linux > winblows
07:14.07Nuggetyup yup
07:14.34Nuggetif you want multimedia, none of those options are a good bet.  os x > windows > *
07:14.34modulus2the_isle, my bsd box running xorg has a better codec for windows media than windows does
07:15.04the_isle_of_markfind me a good (and fairly easily config) video capture card and I'll switch
07:15.14the_isle_of_markoh and affordable
07:15.16the_isle_of_markforgot that
07:15.16modulus2brooktree driver
07:15.21Nuggetthe hauppage cards work great in freebsd.
07:15.29modulus2yeah i have one right now
07:15.31the_isle_of_markwhat chips will it work with?
07:15.45modulus2i capture games and watch it at work on my bsd machine there too
07:16.10modulus2of course i only have 30 kB/s up so i have to watch at 8 frames/sec
07:16.14the_isle_of_markand if I needed to use a pinnacle, or a raptor?
07:16.20the_isle_of_markor a hollywood?
07:16.39modulus2hauppage was mad easy to config using brooktree driver in bsd kernel
07:17.32tessier_I've never understood the insecurity of BSD people.
07:17.37modulus2so you're ALL WRONG with your MISCONCEPTIONS about freebsd and MULTIMEDIA
07:17.40the_isle_of_marklast bsd I really tried in earnest was wasabi systems (for an embedded appliance) and I fought that shit for hours
07:17.48tessier_Arguing Linux vs BSD is like arguing over which is the better ferrari.
07:18.02modulus2you can't compare linux to a ferrari
07:18.13tessier_My point is made.
07:18.26modulus2more like linux vs bsd is like arguing over which is better a trebont or a ferrari
07:18.39tessier_When it comes to advocacy the BSD people seem to be where the Linux folks were 6 years ago.
07:18.40modulus2your point is moot
07:18.47the_isle_of_markwhat the hell is a trebont?
07:18.54modulus2i've worked with both on enterprise systems in production environments
07:18.59NuggetI think he means trabant.
07:19.11the_isle_of_markstill dont know what that is
07:19.20modulus2freebsd has way better uptime, cpu management, memory management, throughput, process handling etc.. etc..
07:19.21the_isle_of_mark<-- mercan
07:19.22Nuggetit's a piece of shit russian car.
07:19.31modulus2trebant* sorry
07:19.36modulus2trebants have 3 cylinders
07:19.42the_isle_of_mark2 stroke right?
07:19.45modulus2in their engines
07:20.00the_isle_of_markgot some talkers now
07:20.05tessier_We started out with BSD at but moved to all Linux because BSD didn't support SMP at the time
07:20.06the_isle_of_markhow about my q?
07:20.11yellow_fuzzy2in Xten X-Pro is there anyway of modifying the Usage-Agent
07:20.17Nugget  <-- trabant sales in the US
07:20.24tessier_I would consider BSD for my company but BSD doesn't have digium drivers.
07:20.37modulus2tessier_, they've ported them to bsd
07:20.57tessier_Have they? Cool.
07:21.09Nuggetthe digium drivers exist for bsd, but it's definitely bleeding edge.
07:21.15NuggetI wouldn't recommend it for production
07:21.17modulus2in freebsd3.5-release asterisk/zaptel/libpri are all in the ports tree
07:21.22Nuggetand I'm the biggest bsd bigot you'll ever meet.
07:21.23tessier_Nugget: ah.
07:21.34modulus2nugget, wrong
07:21.35the_isle_of_markmy problem with bsd: not as developed for as linux plain and simple...I dont have the time (or the knowledge to port apps)
07:21.46tessier_I've definitely not got any uptime problems on my Linux boxes. :)
07:21.48NuggetI've got a 5.3 server and the ztdummy driver consistently locks up the machine
07:21.56Nuggeteasy to trigger
07:22.18modulus2tessier_ let's try to have that linux box accept over 10000 tcp connections at once
07:22.23Nuggetlinux is still poo, though.  I hate having to run it.
07:22.29*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
07:22.32modulus2nugget, agreed
07:22.37tessier_modulus2: Fortunately I'ev never needed to do that.
07:22.59tessier_Maybe I have, actually. I'm not sure what our peak connections/sec was at MP3 but we never had a problem handling it.
07:23.02modulus2tessier_ sounds like you code in vb for a living too huh?
07:23.10harryvvWhats the maximum amount of ports a typical server can handle? say 100 ports per card?
07:23.10yellow_fuzzy2in Xten X-Pro is there anyway of modifying the User-Agent???
07:23.24tessier_modulus2: You think insulting me is going to make me switch to BSD?
07:23.26modulus2harryvv, depends on the amount of pci slots
07:23.29Nuggetyellow_fuzzy2: why not ask the people that wrote that software?
07:23.37modulus2tessier_ no i'm being a bigger bigot than Nugget
07:23.38harryvvmod, this high end server has four.
07:23.40modulus2that's all
07:23.42the_isle_of_markgod modulus...go ahead and call his mom a slut too...vb heheh
07:23.44yellow_fuzzy2and can it be done on asterisk?
07:23.54tessier_harryvv: And it also depends on what you are doing with those channels and how much cpu you have
07:24.04harryvvtess, duel opteron
07:24.13implicitmodulus2: don't be stupid
07:24.15modulus2your cpus duel?
07:24.35harryvvits being made as a graphics work station but could be a server.
07:24.35the_isle_of_markok, so is there any way to make an x100p work as an fxs?
07:24.37tessier_PISTOLS AT DAWN!!!
07:24.45modulus2implicit, who are you? and why are you getting involved?
07:24.54tessier_the_isle_of_mark: x100p is the T-1 card right? No, it is not possible.
07:25.00harryvvtess, whats wrong want it?
07:25.00implicitmodulus2: do not ask questions
07:25.05the_isle_of_marknope...single line modem
07:25.14the_isle_of_markstandrard pci modem
07:25.25modulus2implicit, go back to idling like a good boy
07:25.26tessier_the_isle_of_mark:'s not a digium card?
07:25.27the_isle_of_markmy spelling sucks at 230 am
07:25.35implicitmodulus2: fuck off
07:25.39harryvvzx, um soo :)
07:25.40the_isle_of_markits a clone
07:25.47the_isle_of_markintel 3200 chip
07:25.52the_isle_of_marksame exact card
07:25.58tessier_the_isle_of_mark:'s either set up to be fxs or fxo...which is it?
07:26.00harryvvI really do duel with my 45? want to show down? :)
07:26.15harryvvIts like a really small cannon :)
07:26.52the_isle_of_marktessier: damn if I know, all ztcfg gives me is fxo
07:26.53Nuggetthere's a joke in there somewhere.
07:27.10Nuggetsmall cannons being the province of people who carry .45ACP
07:27.18tessier_the_isle_of_mark: Sounds like it's an fxo card then.
07:27.57the_isle_of_marktessier: any way to emulate an fxs with it?
07:28.04harryvvnugget, im joking of course. but have fired a 12 inch 45 smith and wesson with scope. Id say the flame that came out of it was another 8 inches. ;)
07:28.28the_isle_of_marktessier: I am merely playing with * and dont want to jump in with both feet and buy a bunch of hardware
07:28.47tessier_the_isle_of_mark: Not that I know of. Use voip phones instead of fxs.
07:29.14harryvvmost people only want ip phones right? no sence in hooking up there existing digital phone network to the cards?
07:29.29modulus2i must now go drink some alcaholic beverages
07:29.38modulus2have fun you linux monkeys
07:29.54implicitmodulus2: we will
07:30.04implicitmodulus2: go be a drunk bsd advocate
07:30.13the_isle_of_marktessier: lemme size it up; for my home I would like to use pstn for local and toll free calls, and sip for long distance since I call holland a lot (parents there) and would like least cost routing
07:30.20yellow_fuzzy2grrrr... damn i hat my new VOIP provider, they only provide a version of Xten X-pro preconfigured and wont give out the setting so im trying to get them all from the Diagnostic log
07:30.22implicitmodulus2: and don't come back
07:30.57harryvvthe_island, thats what my intentions are. there is the asterisk dev kit with four ports. I think it comes with two port cards.
07:31.13the_isle_of_markyes, but the $$
07:31.23harryvvWhat is it 190 dollars?
07:31.26the_isle_of_markI am using my zaurus right now
07:31.31implicitharryvv: hehe
07:31.45the_isle_of_mark190 bucks is a bit of money right baby and all
07:31.58harryvvimplicit whats so funny or you calling me hard ass hard ass as I can be?
07:32.07*** join/#asterisk B4 (~B4@
07:32.11implicitharryvv: you are just cool
07:32.31harryvvohh yea. well if I was wife would get really mad at me :)
07:32.38implicithow come
07:32.42NuggetI bought the tdm400p dev kit with the two ports for my home server.  I'm happy with it, but the drivers are brittle.
07:32.55Nuggetit's a decent enough solution, but certainly not the most cost effective
07:33.25implicityeah getting a T400 is more cost effective per port
07:33.27tessier_I bought the dev kit nearly a year ago...never used the fxs and now I don't even need the fxo
07:33.35tessier_I should ebay a bunch of this spare hardware I have laying around
07:33.44impliciti mean
07:33.50NuggetI use the FXS for my cordless phone.  There are no good voip cordless solutions.
07:33.50the_isle_of_markmy handheld works fine via wifi, but I think a wireless handset and dtmf routing in the pbx would be better....and besides, I am a tight wad
07:34.49the_isle_of_markit seems like it would be a simple matter to provide fxs via a modem
07:35.19the_isle_of_markpass the 50v current, and capture tones to biggie
07:35.36the_isle_of_markwhy all the hardware?
07:36.37harryvvohh really
07:36.42harryvvmabey i can contact him.
07:36.58yellow_fuzzy2is it possible to setup asterisk to use outbound sip proxys?
07:37.10yellow_fuzzy2also is it possible to change the user agent in asterisk
07:37.12harryvvwell, i need carriers prices t-1 locations ect
07:37.47the_isle_of_markyellow, I am no expert, but from what I have read, yes
07:38.55yellow_fuzzy2all i have to work off is a preconfigured version of X-Pro & am trying to get asterisk to work wuth the provider
07:38.58the_isle_of_markdammit, some code monkey out there write me a plugin to do what I want with *
07:39.34drumkillathe_isle_of_mark: ha, what is it that you want?
07:39.41drumkillaand how much is it worth to you? I see why the phone isn't taking its config
07:40.04the_isle_of_marknot much...sinceI am doing this to try to save LD charges
07:40.28tessier_The phone has this error in status messages: W220 TFTP Error: Buffer full SIP001192CDF75DD.cnf
07:40.59harryvvOhh I see
07:41.05tessier_Looks like 8190 is the biggest config file it can take
07:41.11tessier_8192 probably
07:41.14tessier_er.. 8192
07:41.20ZX81er ok
07:41.26tessier_Exactly 8k
07:41.28tessier_How stupid
07:41.33ZX81so is it 8192 or 8192?
07:41.53ZX81:-) soz
07:42.06ZX8120:41:11 "< tessier_> 8192 probably
07:42.06ZX8120:41:13 "< tessier_> er.. 8192
07:42.12ZX81:-) xchat display shows the first 8 missing on that line
07:42.23tessier_tessier_ 192 probably
07:42.26m-00kiedoes anyone here use sip via mysql? it doesnt seem to be reading from the sql database for sip users, i cant figure out why
07:42.32tessier_That happened to me last night too...
07:42.36tessier_I wonder if it's a bug in this new xchat...
07:42.38m-00kie'sip show users' is blank
07:42.38tessier_8192 test
07:42.38ZX81use irssi
07:42.47tessier_It happened again...I see just 192 test
07:42.48ZX81it rox0rs
07:42.55NuggetI see the 8  (irssi)
07:43.01ZX81go irssi!
07:43.11drumkillait works great for me
07:43.18ZX81I got the l337est themes too!
07:44.17yellow_fuzzy2im really getting pissed off at with them not wanting to give out the config details, so im trying to work it out my self off the diagnostic log but am yet to have any luck with it, if only they werent the cheapest aussie VOIP provider
07:44.43*** join/#asterisk PTG123 (
07:44.44Nuggetyellow_fuzzy2: so fucking change providers already!
07:44.54Nuggetyou've been in here for what seems like days bitching about this
07:44.56yellow_fuzzy2but to who?
07:44.57PTG123anyone here use asterisk for sending faxes?  or know where i can find some info on doing that?
07:45.05Nuggetthere are a million other providers.  pick one
07:45.21yellow_fuzzy2there arent that many australian providers
07:45.48tessier_ah...I had changed the colors in my xchat and screwed up the format string
07:45.58ZX81yellow_fuzzy2: have you tried or some such
07:46.19ZX81it redirects
07:46.29yellow_fuzzy2na only engin so far
07:46.35ZX81they are the asia/pacific distribuors for digium
07:47.40PTG123no one knows where i can find out about asterisk fax support? :)
07:48.26Nuggetvoip + fax is a mess.
07:48.31Nuggetyou are bound to be disappointed
07:48.50Nugget and you'll know as much as we do on the subject.
07:48.54harryvvvoice plux fax dont work well over a sipura?
07:48.55tessier_Cool, now the phone works
07:49.01tessier_Note to self: check phones status messages
07:52.42implicitharryvv: it doesn't have to do with the sipura
07:53.29harryvvokay what else? I had come across a resteraunt owner that is tired of used fax/voice on same line. Mentioned he can use both at same time.
07:53.53harryvvhe was suprised but did not want to elaborate yet :)
07:54.21implicitharryvv: it has to do with faxes over voip
07:54.24implicitnot voice plus fax
07:54.34implicitfaxes do not always go through very well
07:54.52Dr_Raybut faxes have error correction so you can resend them
07:54.56implicitunless there is a very good transmission on a local QoS network with no jitter or anything
07:55.03implicitDr_Ray: some do
07:55.07tessier_implicit: What is the definition of jitter?
07:55.08harryvvit has to do with faxes in what way ? ohh i see. so the originating fax does not always duplicate with the same image to the desitnation fax.
07:55.24implicittessier_: it is the change in latency
07:55.36tessier_implicit: ah, I thought it might be something like that
07:55.45tessier_I have one connection that is just horrible because of jitter.
07:55.54tessier_What are the symptoms of lots of jitter?
07:55.59the_isle_of_markbed time
07:56.03harryvvtess, is your voice packets are being dropped?
07:56.09tessier_Now I have a space before everything I type...
07:56.13the_isle_of_marknuff about all this voice stuff
07:56.13implicitif the jitter is too high on a voip call there will be gaps in the conversation
07:56.49harryvvimplicit, doesnt the router just drop those packets if thay cannot be delivered over a set time period?
07:57.02tessier_harryvv: Not the router, the voip receiver.
07:57.07implicitharryvv: we are talking about short time periods
07:57.10implicitmaybe 100ms off or something
07:57.13implicitrouter still delivers
07:57.20implicitbut the recieving end must drop
07:57.22implicitcause it is too late
07:57.27harryvvI thought from what I learned in cisco acadamy that the cisco routers can drop the packets.
07:57.40implicitthey can drop packets but i am talking about overall latency
07:57.53implicitlatency can go up and have 0 packet loss still
07:57.57impliciton a congested network
07:58.05implicitas long as its not TOO congested
07:58.28implicithas to do with many things, including the router's speed
07:58.35implicitand all the router's along the way will contribute
07:58.53tessier_harryvv: Routers only drop packets if they are overloaded but pay no attention to the timestamps inside voip packets
07:59.11harryvvtess, i know
07:59.11implicittessier_ yeah
08:00.23harryvvI think a sipura standalone ata will work for my perents.
08:00.50implicitwho will provide the service for it
08:00.57tessier_Fax over VOIP will improve in the future as people get more bandwidth
08:01.11tessier_I am considering deploying some ATA's connected to fax machines.
08:01.17harryvvimplicit just a dsl connection right?
08:01.20tessier_I should test it out myself and see how it works.
08:01.28implicitharryvv: voip service
08:01.28tessier_Unfortunately I don't have a decent fax machine
08:01.31implicitharryvv: not internet service
08:01.34Atacommanyone know of good audio limitor algs?  i'm looking for one for my mixer circuit
08:01.40tessier_Does spandsp  do error correction?
08:01.48implicittessier_ i don't think so but i'm not sure
08:01.52*** join/#asterisk abbas_ (nidobas@
08:02.13harryvvimplicit this would be a strait voip from there end no pstn involved unless local calls.
08:02.21impliciti know
08:02.31implicitbut you still have to pay someone to make voice over IP calls
08:02.40harryvvprograming that little unit would be interesting.
08:03.01harryvvimplicit, because those isp have voip enabled routers and want to charge?
08:03.20implicitare you talking about internet to internet
08:03.39justinnnnnnvoip enabled router ?
08:03.46implicitjustinnnnnn: i don't know what that is either
08:03.49implicitjustinnnnnn: don't stress it
08:04.01justinnnnnnis that like 'qos for voip' :P
08:04.17justinnnnnnstupid voip-info and its slanderous lies on that asterisk/cisco/qos page
08:04.20justinnnnnncool page tho :)
08:04.25harryvvimplicit, yes. I would have asterisk box running with a voip phone.
08:04.31implicitharryvv: got it
08:04.38implicitharryvv: then it is free
08:05.02implicitunless i am your ISP
08:05.11harryvvbut the sepura ata to ata will not work?
08:05.12impliciti will charge you 10c/KB of voice
08:05.14harryvvimplicit heheh
08:05.27harryvvyea exactly
08:06.49harryvvohh this is cool
08:07.15implicitto be charged 10c/KB?
08:07.16harryvvimax crew is vidiorecording f-16s comming at them.
08:07.28harryvvIm a Discovery nut :)
08:08.06harryvvIMAX was invented here. We have a huge 16 theater were some are imax and the roof is a king cong sized UFO
08:08.27impliciti don't understand why imax is so good
08:08.32harryvvCollosus theater :)
08:08.33impliciti saw a movie there once
08:08.41implicitbut i felt like i was going to fall asleep
08:08.47implicitit was not as intense as people say
08:08.56harryvvwell, with 3D goggles its really impressive.
08:09.02impliciti asw matrix3 there
08:10.05harryvvvery quiet in here
08:10.32harryvvjust saw a very close up of F-16s dropping what looked like napalm.
08:11.10tessier_Are you on fire?
08:11.39ZX81harryvv: where are you?
08:11.51harryvvbtw, when I was in the service one of the guys i knew was towing one of the helicopters down the runway and he looked in the rear view mirror and saw a F-16 comming down the runway behind them. He said that scrared the living day lights out of them :)
08:12.11harryvvWent right over them. must have been a scramble.
08:12.35harryvvZx, im in BC But Im a US Veteran
08:13.01harryvvI get around.
08:13.42ZX81all good as long of all of you goes to the same place...
08:13.51ZX81i.e. not spread around
08:15.27harryvvnooo but I could have! I had to move enough explosives that would have taken out the base.
08:15.38B4F16's are cool :)
08:15.41B4Hi ZX
08:15.41harryvvthat was one job once. No nukes though.
08:16.14justinnnnnnhey anyone no howto turn off callerid on e100p
08:16.16justinnnnnnin australia.. ?
08:16.22justinnnnnni trieed everything in zapata.conf
08:16.28justinnnnnngot provider to do it in the end :(
08:16.33ZX81playin counterstrike...
08:16.41ZX81you get the zonedata working?
08:17.03justinnnnnnme ?
08:17.09ZX81:-) b4
08:17.11harryvvfantastic, pavehawks are involved in this IMAX I bet this is my old squadron involved in this USAF Special Ops.
08:17.50B4on phone :)
08:18.42harryvvZx, care to look up "RED Flag IMAX" for me? i dont have xwindows or brouser installed.
08:18.43ZX81:-) cool
08:18.51ZX81me irssi
08:18.56ZX81cmd line linux
08:18.58ZX81no X
08:19.09ZX81and counterstrike on other pc at the mo
08:19.34harryvvI was actually inved in a real red flag at my base. Very interesting.
08:19.49harryvvLooked like a MASH unit.
08:21.17harryvvI should though have gotten into telecommunications in the service.
08:21.43harryvvBut did not like the idea of climbing up telephone polls
08:23.04twistedharryvv, i was trained for that as a cable installer :P
08:23.19twistedon nothing but 1/4" spikes attached to my boots with leather straps :P
08:23.32twistedoh, well, and gloves.
08:23.49twistedbut i could climb up there, belt off, and chill out
08:25.27harryvvYou served in the usaf?
08:25.32harryvvor civi life?
08:26.06twistedi can climb a pole without a ladder, faster than someone WITH a ladder :)
08:26.21harryvvOne think about the service you better be in shape its allways nothing but change and endurence. Always on the go.
08:26.32harryvvthat funny :) but cool.
08:28.03twistedof course, I don't have my climbing gear anymore, but if i did... i might go climb poles for fun and exercise
08:28.07tessier_Anyone know of any config in the cisco phone that would disable or enable call waiting?
08:29.30BoRiSla8tr twisted :)
08:40.35rikst[a]what's the simplest way to set up asterisk so that someone can call like iax2://myiphere
08:42.18ZX81add a guest account...
08:42.50rikstais the one in the config enough?
08:42.55rikstathe sample 4 lines?
08:44.48ZX81as long as the context is good
08:44.58ZX81no secret
08:45.00ZX81i have
08:45.09rikstasure it is, and no secret, care to test it ?
08:45.10ZX81same as lines coming in from pstn
08:45.18abbas_hi ZX81   how r u man
08:45.19ZX81playin cs, gimme a sec
08:45.20abbas_hi all
08:45.25rikstacs rocks
08:45.28rikstahey abbas_
08:45.30ZX81lol yah
08:45.39rikstayou got cs::source?
08:45.46abbas_hey riksta   how r u  man
08:45.48rikstaimma get it soon
08:45.59rikstaabbas_: i am good thanks, just set up my new cisco 7940 nice :)
08:46.00ZX81you have addy?
08:46.03abbas_whats the latest about termination in Pak
08:46.12abbas_hmm  good
08:46.15rikstaabbas_: i need a few days
08:46.22rikstaZX81: iax2://
08:46.28abbas_riksta   best of luck my friend
08:46.32rikstaZX81: iax2://
08:46.35rikstaif you wish
08:46.37ZX81':-) better
08:46.59abbas_ZX81 is busy in social work:)
08:47.39abbas_best for the health of the ppl  who really  hav knowledge:)
08:48.24rikstaZX81: calling?
08:48.43rikstanothing on my console
08:48.51ZX81one sec
08:48.56rikstacan you telnet to my iax port
08:49.00rikstaim sure its open
08:50.38ZX81[root@linux zaptel]# telnet 4569
08:50.39ZX81telnet: connect to address Connection refused
08:50.45rikstahmm shit lemme look
08:51.52rikstaplease try now
08:52.46rikstaNov 21 09:51:56 NOTICE[131080]: chan_iax2.c:5402 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from
08:52.56rikstaok at least its connecting now
08:53.19rikstawell i have a [guest] with context 1000 that works from sip, and no secret :S
08:53.39ZX81and does that context have exten => s,1,sumthing
08:53.47rikstahmm s, maybe not sec
08:54.10rikstatry now :)
08:54.12*** join/#asterisk ard (
08:54.23rikstasame ..rejected
08:54.31ZX81did you reload?
08:54.35rikstayeah man :P
08:54.39rikstaill pastebin my confs
08:54.46ZX81no www
08:54.53rikstaPM then?
08:54.57rikstaonly abut 8 lines
08:55.31harryvvto bad there is no softphone avaible for console mode.
08:56.20tessier_Are there any good open source sip phones for Windows?
08:57.07ardharryvv : linphone is a sipphone that does console
08:57.45ardand there are also h323 console softphones
08:57.54harryvvard, okay ill check it out. by chance its a apt for debian?
08:58.19ardharryvv : you mean to say that there is something else than debian?
08:58.47zoa<harryvv> to bad there is no softphone avaible for console mode.
08:58.49zoather e is
08:59.05zoaohphone it is called
08:59.07ardlinphone - A sip phone
08:59.07ardlinphone-nox - A sip phone
08:59.13ardnox== no -x
08:59.22Mavvieno X
08:59.42ardzoa : jup. but that's a h323 pohone. although it works good
08:59.48zoano shit, the X button doesnt work in that one ?
08:59.56ardohphone - Command line H.323 client with X, SVGA and SDL support
08:59.56ardohphone-basic - Command line H.323 client with SDL support
09:05.13harryvvman linephone is big :)
09:05.52*** join/#asterisk smurfix (~smurf@smurfix.developer.debian)
09:06.28harryvv14.7 mb
09:06.45harryvvmost of it is probebly graphics releated for xwindows.
09:07.28tessier_Finally figured out how to make * not prompt for mailbox or password when calling from my own phone
09:07.49tessier_It used to be a lot more complicated but VoiceMailMain has gotten smarter it seems
09:08.01tessier_The wiki talks about a VoiceMailMain2 also but that seems to be outdated.
09:09.33harryvvtessier, testing it?
09:09.41tessier_testing what?
09:09.53harryvvIm off to bed. I dont see anything in the man files that states linphone can be used in console mode.
09:10.09tessier_Since version 0.9.0, linphone can be compiled and used without gnome, in console mode, by using the program called "linphonec"
09:10.19justinnnnnnhey ppls
09:10.19tessier_Right there on the front page of
09:10.26justinnnnnnhow would i go about doing mysql queries
09:10.29justinnnnnnin a shell script or something ?
09:10.33justinnnnnnso i can slap it in cron
09:10.38*** join/#asterisk slePP (
09:10.49harryvvso its linphonec? man does not say anthing about it. mmm
09:11.06tessier_justinnnnnn: On a non-passworded mysql account you can just echo "select foo from bar" | mysql databasename
09:13.38ardharryvv : you must insstall the linphone-nox package...
09:14.58grant_aWhat is this
09:16.56justinnnnnncool thanks
09:23.28rikstamorning slePP  :)
09:24.05PoWeRKiLLsomeone notice that last cvs have a big cpu consumption ?
09:26.24smurfixtessier: why not ogg?
09:26.50tessier_I might do ogg in the future but I already told them I would convert the files to mp3
09:26.56tessier_I didn't think of ogg at the time
09:29.33tessier_hmm...lots of weird noises in this
09:33.35*** join/#asterisk RoyK_ (
09:33.39tessier_Not good at all. Horrible quality. Hmm
09:34.25ZX81why not gsm?
09:34.41tessier_The client needs to be able to play these on his computer which is a windows box
09:35.24tessier_The mp3 encoding process put in tons of nasty artifacts...wonder why that is
09:38.37*** join/#asterisk oej (
09:39.00smurfixmp3 doesn't like low bandwidth... what arguments did you give lame?
09:39.48tessier_I am trying with -h now
09:39.58zoadont do it
09:39.58zoause gsm
09:39.58zoait will be smaller
09:40.02zoaand better quality
09:40.07tessier_I don't care about size or quality really.
09:40.12zoaand tell em to use apple quicktime
09:40.14tessier_The customer has to be able to play these on his computer
09:40.16zoafor playback
09:40.19zoathey can
09:40.24zoathats how i do it
09:40.25tessier_Everyone has an mp3 player.
09:40.28tessier_Windows Media can play mp3's
09:40.36tessier_I have to make things easy for the customer.
09:40.39tessier_I have a living to make.
09:41.01tessier_hmm...-h didn't help either
09:41.45smurfixIf nothing else works, use sox to blow the files up to 44.1k and THEN mp3 encode them...
09:42.29rikstaanyone know why i would get "HTTP Connection Closed" error on my cisco 7940 screen ?
09:42.39rikstai dont have any services or logo url's defined
09:45.04smurfixtessier: try -V 0 (variable bitrate), it's good for you :-)
09:45.51*** join/#asterisk The_Duke (
09:46.21*** join/#asterisk serdiehard (~serdiehar@
09:50.47The_DukeI'm seeking a solution to separate VoiceMail and SIP UA Registry (SIP UA register with 1 server, voicemail is on another) but still get MWI to the UA.
09:50.59The_DukeDid somebody already do this, and how will it work???
09:51.00rikstacan someone tell me what to search for on the wiki to learn how to convert mp3s to be suitable for on hold music
09:51.12tessier_riksta: mp3's work just fine as on hold music
09:51.21tessier_MusicOnHold() fires off mpg123
09:51.25rikstaok, but it hought it doesnt like VBR mp3s etc
09:51.34rikstaoh ok so it doesnt matter what type
09:51.45tessier_if mpg123 will play it, it will work
09:51.48rikstai thought it barfs cause mpg123 sets some flags, or is that just for output
09:51.56rikstatessier_: i get ya, thanks
09:53.17harryvvohh did not know it fires off mpg123 i actually downloaded that for another reason.
09:53.45rikstalol, have you never run ps aux then? :P
09:55.04harryvvwhat is exem
09:55.12harryvvwhat is exem4-config
09:55.35harryvvriska have
09:56.45rikstadidn't you notice the mpg123 thread?
09:56.57harryvvprobebly not
09:57.02harryvvit comes with asterisk?
09:57.44harryvvcan you play mpg right from the bitchx command line?
09:58.00RoyK_ascii art :)
09:58.17harryvvHigh Performance MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 Audio Player for Layer 1, 2, and 3.
09:58.17harryvvVersion 0.59q (2002/03/23). Written and copyrights by Joe Drew.
09:58.17harryvvUses code from various people. See 'README' for more!
09:58.18harryvvDirectory: http:/
09:58.19harryvvPlaying MPEG stream from ...
09:58.21harryvvMPEG 1.0 layer I, 40 kbit/s, 44100 Hz stereo
09:58.40harryvvim playing it
09:58.43harryvvthat cat thing
09:58.51harryvvonly audio
09:58.56harryvv[0:39] Decoding of finished.
09:58.58RoyK_doesn't help much if you don't see it ..
09:59.21harryvvmmm your shuld see my funny commercial nokia one.
09:59.21RoyK_use libcaca
09:59.34harryvvwhat is libcaca?
09:59.35RoyK_libcaca renders it to ASCII art :)
09:59.46RoyK_see url above
09:59.53harryvvplays a mpg as ascci art?
10:00.37RoyK_"The libcaca library is a graphics library that outputs text instead of pixels, so that it can work on older video cards or text terminals. It is not unlike the famous AAlib library. libcaca needs a terminal to work, thus it should work on all Unix systems (including Mac OS X) using either the slang library or the ncurses library, on DOS using the <conio.h> library, and on Windows systems using either slang or ncurses (through Cygwin emulation)
10:01.16Mavviethat mpg is wrong.
10:01.19harryvvooops I killed part of apt-get upgrade what may the impact be when rebooting.
10:01.36*** join/#asterisk smurfix (~smurf@smurfix.developer.debian)
10:03.02harryvvsee ya
10:06.49*** join/#asterisk channan (~channan9@
10:16.49*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
10:17.42tessier_I can indeed and it does work just like voicemail. wav49 is a sort of compressed wav file. Cool.
10:18.30RoyK_Mavvie: what?
10:23.35rikstaanyone know why i would get "HTTP Connection Closed" error on my cisco 7940 screen ?
10:23.41rikstai dont have any services or logo url's defined
10:26.54*** join/#asterisk bonbon-home (
10:27.44*** join/#asterisk florz (
10:28.33florzHi before asking questions!
10:28.37rikstaHI !!!
10:29.17*** join/#asterisk litnimax (
10:39.03rikstaanyone know how to slow the regsiter interval so that i am not flooding the sip provider
10:40.42serdiehardhows the future in the voip programming
10:41.06rikstathe future's bright, the future's orange
10:41.17*** join/#asterisk RoyK^ (
10:41.36serdiehardwhat do you mean orange
10:41.58serdiehardwhat are prerequisities
10:43.00zoatessier: wav49 is a gsm compressed wav file
10:43.05tessier_hmmm...the b option to monitor doesn't seem to work
10:43.09tessier_zoa: Yes, I read that.
10:50.53JonR800just force em to use winamp with the gsm plugin :)
10:54.21rikstahas someone got the standard bmp logo for a 79xx
11:01.10*** join/#asterisk NirS (~nirs@
11:01.17NirSh3ll0 4ll
11:01.27NirS4nyb0dy h0m3?
11:01.54NirShello ?
11:01.57NirSanybody ?
11:02.03NirSis everybody asleep ?
11:02.24RaYmAn-Bxit's not exactly a good start to come in here and ramble in 'l33t sp34k'
11:02.27NirSany ever encountered problems with the new zaptel ?
11:02.37NirSRaYman, you are correct
11:02.43NirSit's not my usuall manner
11:02.50NirSsimply woke up on the funky side of bed
11:03.10rikstait's usual
11:03.23NirSsimply, encountering a very funky problem here
11:03.43rikstaget your flares and roller skates on then
11:04.05NirSwell, has anyone encountered issues with the new Zaptel version ?
11:05.13NirSanyone ?
11:05.19rikstamaybe you should explain what exactly your "issue" is
11:05.35bonbon-homeis it possible to change iax2 client refresh time from the server side?
11:05.57NirSwell, the issue is this
11:06.09NirSI have an E1 connected to a carrier in the UK
11:06.21NirSthe same card has 3 E1 lines coming in it, out of which 2 work fine
11:06.26NirSthe third reports red alarms
11:07.00NirSnow, the funky part is that the carrier claims they are unable to perform a hard reset of the E1 from their side, due to a block on my side. Does that seem logical ?
11:07.11bonbon-homewho is the carrier?
11:07.30NirSin the UK, they are called "Your Communications"
11:07.39bonbon-homenever heard of them. :-)
11:07.43*** join/#asterisk kyaw_thu (
11:07.47NirSactually, they are the carrier of a client of ours
11:08.02NirSE1's that go to MCI and Opera seem to be working fine and dandy
11:08.23*** join/#asterisk abbas_ (nidobas@
11:08.52bonbon-homered e1 means a problem on your side i think
11:09.04NirSok, time to move to X on this box
11:09.07tessier_Why doesn't MusicOnHold(class) work  when I specify the class? I keep getting the default. I restarted * too
11:09.39tessier_The wiki says you have to put the SetMusicOnHOld command in the dialplan but if that is the case why does MusicOnHold even take an argument?
11:13.46*** join/#asterisk NirS (~nirs@
11:14.44NirSso, you say that a red alarm would indicate a problem on my end? care to explain?
11:16.51NirShello ?
11:26.53NirShalo ?
11:26.56NirSanybody home ?
11:28.06tessier_So the MusicOnHold() app does respect the class argument and plays the right music.
11:28.14tessier_The problem is when I press the hold button on my phone it does not.
11:28.29tessier_And that is why I need to use SetMusicOnHold...ok
11:29.57NirStessier, I didn't play much with musiconhold, but I do remember that there is a setting in /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf that tells asterisk to play musiconhold, while the person is in hold
11:30.28NirS<<==-- hates E1 muxes
11:30.34CurusI have an interesting asterisk issue
11:30.37tessier_NirS: All of my users come in via voip so any setting from zapata.conf won't apply
11:30.50CurusI'm using alsa on the console, with a headset plugged in
11:30.50tessier_Plus I have a number of different contexts all of which need their own unique music
11:31.05CurusWhen I call the echo test application, the delay is very long, half a second perhaps
11:31.06NirStessier, in that case, you do have a problem, cause as far as I recall, MusicOnHold will not work on incoming users via VoIP
11:31.22tessier_NirS: It works just fine for me.
11:31.29tessier_Except that so far I just get the default music
11:31.36NirSok, looks like I'm a little outdates
11:31.39CurusAlso, the echo keeps repeating. How can a headset have echo?
11:31.44NirStess, are you using H323 or SIP or IAX ?
11:32.00NirScurus, can't help you there, never used that combination
11:32.10tessier_NirS: A little of all three actually
11:32.30CurusNirS: I don't intend to use it seriously, I'm just curious
11:32.36NirStessier, what version of h323 are you using
11:32.48NirScurus, i see
11:32.59tessier_NirS: The latest pwlib and openh323 from
11:33.00NirSwell, i never used it, so I'm at a loss on helping you there
11:33.08NirSlatest CVS ?
11:33.15tessier_erm...not sure if it's cvs or not
11:33.26tessier_I actually compiled it a couple days ago on my latest box
11:33.29NirScan you please check the version.h files please ?
11:33.33tessier_sure, hold on
11:33.36NirSis it stable ?
11:33.39NirSfor h323 that is
11:33.50rikstacan asterisk accept msn messenger webcam requests?
11:33.56tessier_I haven't used it that much yet. It should be. We are going to be pumping a DS-3 worth of traffic through it soon
11:34.25NirStessier, DS3 of H323 traffic through asterisk ?
11:34.33NirSwhat kind of machine you have there? what codecs ?
11:34.34tessier_NirS: Yes
11:34.42tessier_AMD64 and all g711