irclog2html for #asterisk on 20041109

00:00.35IOscannerrobl:  are they bridged to a private ip address?
00:00.47*** join/#asterisk Ippimp (~tw@
00:01.29*** part/#asterisk BadKnees (
00:02.33robl^IOscanner: no. eth0 is a public IP..  66.XX.XX.XX  only my phones are on the private network.
00:04.25*** join/#asterisk zzzzB (~zack@
00:04.55IOscannerrobl:  try to drop the firewall and see what you get.  Still sounds like something is blocking the media traffic after the call is active.  Your config looks fine.
00:05.11IOscannerwell I need to head to the house bbl...
00:05.14zzzzBhi there i am running amp with asterisk i getting a error Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
00:05.19Ippimpanyone ?? "unknown rtp codec 72 recieved "
00:05.33robl^IOscanner: that is what I have been thinking too.  it sounds like a firewall.. but shouldn't
00:05.53*** part/#asterisk eKo1 (~abc@
00:06.11IOscannerWell I will be back online in a bit if you want to play some more
00:06.27robl^IOscanner: thanks for at least confirming I am not a total idiot :)
00:06.41zzzzBhi there i am running amp with asterisk i getting a error Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
00:06.52Ippimpanyone ?? "unknown rtp codec 72 recieved "
00:06.58zzzzBanyoneelse had the same issue
00:08.14zzzzBhelp please
00:08.33IOscannerrobl:  no problem we will find it.  I should be back on about 9CST
00:08.47*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (~MWoodJ@hyper-eye.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
00:09.02zzzzBerror Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
00:09.16zzzzBerror Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe ----what does this error mean anyone please
00:09.50IOscannerzzzzB: I have see that error when you have it configured for zaptel device and it didn't load the device on boot
00:10.05xkevthat's just mpg123
00:10.17xkevsayin "helpzor, my stdout is dead"
00:10.27*** join/#asterisk Moc (
00:10.55robl^IOscanner: hrmm..  it just MAGICALLY started working.