irclog2html for #asterisk on 20041101

00:00.04*** join/#asterisk Rez (lorez@lorez.staff.freenode)
00:00.28hacimMoc: no packet loss, I've been watching that... the CPU seems to be not overloaded
00:00.36hacimI wonder how you can increase the jitter buffer
00:01.18latticeMoc: is ulaw less susceptible to jitter than gsm?
00:01.24Mocnot really
00:01.52Mocif 1 packet is lost with ulaw, then you miss 20ms audio for sure
00:02.48latticeso what's the "ideal" codec if CPU isn't really an issue?
00:03.15hacimat some point CPU will be an issue :)
00:03.20Moclattice, well Im using ulaw without issues
00:03.42Mocit depend of your bandwidth
00:03.55Mocquality of your bandwidth between both site
00:04.01latticeok, so if packet loss is minimal you'd recommend ulaw?
00:04.04Mocand Qos
00:04.28MocI got ulaw on all my ip phones
00:04.29hacimMoc: what qos qdiscs do you use?
00:04.34Mocand to all my ip provider
00:04.44latticewhat's a qdisc?
00:04.45daminAnyone want to buy my condo?
00:04.53hacimdamin: sure, thanks
00:04.54Mochacim, I dont use qos on my side rightnow, never had that needed
00:05.05Mocbut some people with people running kazaa might need it
00:05.16hacimlattice: there are a lot of different types of qos that you can use
00:05.39Mocdamin, you got fiber comming to your condo ? ;)
00:10.12daminMoc: Yep. Fiber + 125 Mb wireless..
00:10.42daminMoc: I have an OC-12 in my garage, and a 24 DBI Yagi on a mast on my roof..
00:13.25Legend24dbi yagi, eh?
00:13.26Mocmost cost a fortune
00:13.26*** join/#asterisk adker (
00:15.05bkw_man i'm so tired of gentoo bashing.. haha
00:15.11bkw_did you see it finally made it on /.
00:15.18daminMoc: Nope. The wireless is free! ;)
00:15.43daminMoc: The OC-12 costs more / month than the rent. :)
00:15.51daminEr.. mortgage..
00:16.07Mocyes im sure
00:16.22Mocover here they wouldn't let me do that...
00:16.27Mocwell maybe if I pay alot..
00:16.37Mocbut I doubt it
00:16.50Mocthey didnt want to bring a PRI at my house
00:18.44*** join/#asterisk drumkilla (
00:18.44*** mode/#asterisk [+o drumkilla] by ChanServ
00:19.29Mocanyone have tryed my app_dialconfirmanswer app ?
00:19.56NeroLabswhat does this mean: iax2_read: I should never be called!
00:20.20daminI need to do something freaky with Asterisk..
00:20.29Mocwhat damin ?
00:20.47MocNeroLabs, dont be botter about it.  But if it does, post a bug report
00:20.56daminI don't want a call "answered" by mt x100p until Asterisk has read the callerid to me, and I've hit * to accept it or # to block and reject it.
00:21.07NeroLabsMoc: sounds good, I'm running FreeBSD from cvs... trying the ports to see if that helps
00:21.15daminThat should be pretty simple..
00:21.38Mocdamin, well my app_dialandconfirm is alittle like that hehe
00:21.46daminJust handle the call without an answer until we verify or deny. If * then bridge. If # block and drop to voicemail.
00:21.51Moci mean dialconfirmanswer
00:22.16Mocyou might only need to add 1 line to say the callerid ;)
00:22.26*** join/#asterisk aRg0n (
00:23.03Mocwhat ?
00:23.05daminI need a challenge.. Everything that I or my customers have asked asterisk to do lately has been braindead simple to implement, and I'm starting to get bored. :)
00:23.23daminI think I'm going to hack up res_fortran
00:24.03Mocdamin, maybe res_tcc
00:24.16Mocit could be interesting
00:24.52kramoh moc...
00:24.56Mocdamin, btw my apps need refinement
00:25.01kramyou're getting me way too excited
00:25.05Mockram ;)
00:25.08kramalthough i was disappointed to see that asterisk doesn't compile with tcc
00:25.29Mocwhen I saw tcc support 'scripting' I thought the idea was neet
00:25.44MocI didnt try that
00:26.33kram*nods* it could be extremely cool :)
00:27.42MocIm still in the step of making a good working app rightnow, can't go onto making it hapenning
00:28.24*** join/#asterisk sipsip (
00:28.51sipsipDoes anyone know of any busy / popular voice conference rooms I could dial / join?
00:28.51Mochey sipsip
00:28.59JamesDotComis there a likely really simple/stupid reason that "asterisk -r" returns "Unable to connect to remote asterisk"?
00:29.04JamesDotComyes i have one running ;D
00:29.20Mocbecause it aint running ;)
00:29.31Mocor it can't find the 'lock pid' I think
00:30.44MocI run asterisk as non root, so i generally need to be AS the user it running ofcourse
00:31.08JamesDotComyeah, i just have it running as root atm
00:31.19Mocyou need to be logged as root then
00:31.27JamesDotComyeah, i am
00:32.02JamesDotComawesome, was to do with the pid
00:32.05JamesDotCom/var/run/asterisk didnt exist
00:32.09JamesDotComfor some strange reason
00:37.46*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
00:47.54*** join/#asterisk menger (
00:50.20*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
00:50.30*** join/#asterisk cygnus79 (
00:50.36cygnus79hi all
00:50.52cygnus79which is the standard dtmf payload type for asterisk?
00:51.05puzzleddepends on what you set it to
00:52.12cygnus79I have a field on the HW phone like this: RFC2833 Payload Type:
00:52.27cygnus79and I am sure that 96 and 97 doesn't work
00:53.39cygnus79Does it make that much of a difference?
00:53.49cygnus79Just a stupid question
00:54.10puzzleddunno. guess you need to have a look in the code
00:55.36cygnus79Hmm 99 didn't work either
00:56.49booyeahcan you change the default network the the AgentCallBackLogin uses to call agents?
01:05.25grrantWhats on the average more expensive
01:05.32grrantJaguar or Merceds Benz
01:05.53*** join/#asterisk welby (
01:06.07NeroLabswhy would freebsd ports version of Asterisk run up 100% cpu?  (it works, but it's eating CPU like crazy)
01:06.25Nuggetthat's the first faq on the page for freebsd.
01:06.28*** join/#asterisk gonzo- (
01:06.39puzzledNeroLabs: check the ML archives or iirc you need to disable wilcalu
01:07.14flewidanyone know why during a call into the queue, then after an agent answers, when both the user and the agent press *, it hangs up. I understand from the agent side it's supposed to, but for the person calling in pressing * shouldn't do that. Is there a way to set what * will do for a user while talking to an agent?
01:07.55flewidi have * mapped to go to voicemail if a user presses it while they're listening to MOH while waiting for an agent to answer, and that works fine, just wondering why it's droppping the call during conversations. might be a problem for clients with 'fatter cheeks' :)
01:08.09NeroLabspuzzled: found it!  thanks!
01:08.28puzzledgimme that cookie! :)
01:10.05puzzledjust what the doctor ordered
01:15.23*** join/#asterisk drazvan (
01:20.05vaewynanyone else worked out zaptel with 2.6.9?  I am getting   /usr/src/asterisk/zaptel/ztd-eth.c:92: error: union has no member named `ethernet'
01:20.20vaewyncurrent cvs head with kernel.ogr 2.6.9
01:21.38booyeahwhat happens if the AgentCallBack doesn't hit *?
01:22.01booyeahagent for AgentCallBack
01:23.43Mocfuck I suck speaking in english
01:24.36puzzledvaewyn: fedora or clean kernel?
01:26.16vaewynpuzzled: clean...
01:26.47Nuggetdid you remember to use the special 2.6 make tag?
01:26.47*** join/#asterisk aminorex (
01:27.49puzzledvaewyn: I had a problem with ztd-eth in 1.0.x with a 2.6.9 fedora kernel. disabled it in the Makefile since I didn't need it anyway. supposedly drumkilla backported a patch related to 2.6.9. check the cvs ML archives
01:27.51vaewynumm... I have compiled it just like I have every other time for 2.6.x
01:28.33NuggetI'm just trying to help.
01:28.35Nuggetsuit yourself.
01:29.04puzzledtime for some sleep. nite all
01:30.53vaewynhmm... yep... dropping ztd-eth from the make and it is fine now
01:42.33*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
01:42.41mitchelocHAPPY HALLOWS EVE!!!!!!
01:44.55mikegrb20:44:42 +      mikegrb | moo
01:44.55mikegrb20:44:43  *      Andycow solves partial differential equations
01:44.55mikegrb20:44:45 +      mikegrb | moo
01:44.56mikegrb20:44:47  *      Andycow wanders aimlessly
01:45.00mikegrbNugget: -^