irclog2html for #asterisk on 20041029

00:00.06FplIaxy port is 9999 ?
00:00.10ChujiFpl: Once you provision it, it will know how to connect to the * box. It will obtain an IP address from your friends DHCP server
00:00.21ChujiFpl : Nuh uh, 4569
00:01.00ChujiMake note of my **
00:01.10ChujiYou GOT to have your asterisk box visible to the outside
00:01.10FplLast question, what if the ip address changes and the Iaxy is on a DHCP server (which is dynamic and the leases change, ( changing the Ip address )
00:01.28Fplso, i guess, it works backwards.
00:01.34*** join/#asterisk johaan (
00:01.53Fplfrom the server out, SERVER ----------> REGISTERS -----------> IAXy
00:02.14Fplit is not like a Gateway or Sipura that point to an Ip address
00:02.15Chujidunno what you are getting at
00:02.28ChujiIt does point to an IP address
00:02.33Chujithat is what you have to provison
00:02.38ChujiYour next step
00:02.55ChujiThen, it will look for that server next wherever it goes
00:03.10Fplright, the thing is i will have to access the * server to provision it everytime
00:03.23ChujiNo, you only provision it once
00:03.28ChujiIt will store it in nvram
00:03.42FplNVram of the Iaxy ?
00:04.12ChujiNOT the ipaddress of teh IAXY, but the IpAddress of the host provider
00:04.24Fplahhhhh got it !
00:04.35Fplwhat if the ip address of the server changes ?
00:04.55Fplwill it do, DNS to go, or resolve to a servers name ?
00:05.01Chujithen you are SOL
00:05.05FplChuji !!!!!!!!!! yeeeeeep
00:05.07Chujiyou need to re-prov
00:05.08FplSOL = ?
00:05.15ChujiShit outa Luck
00:05.24ChujiNo, it won't do DNS
00:05.25Fplthat's gotta hurt
00:05.29Fpltoo bad
00:05.35Fplshould do, do !!!
00:05.44ChujiHuge shortcoming IMHO
00:05.45Fplis it possible to modify the software ?
00:05.54Fplchuji : correct
00:06.07ChujiFpl : Not easily, it has like no memory on that thing
00:06.24Fplme must ask Shido and company for a trick
00:06.25*** join/#asterisk vexorg (
00:06.29ChujiFpl : It's got a couple little quirky things, but it talks IAX, so it's cool
00:06.45Fpli guess, i will be better take the SIpura with me...
00:06.50*** join/#asterisk znoG (
00:06.52Fplit will be easier
00:06.56ChujiFpl : Yeah, fo shizzle
00:07.11ChujiOr your cell phone :P
00:07.18michael12345anyone have transfer working on a grandstream because mine doesnt seem to work
00:07.24Chujisee ya Fpl... good luck
00:07.34Fplcause, what i was wanting to do was take it anywhere and be able to do. but since it doesnt do DNS thats bad.
00:07.42wolfsonmichael: mine does not work, I hear you can downgrade to an older firmware and it works
00:07.45*** join/#asterisk hades_ (
00:07.51Fplmaybe IAxy V2
00:07.54Fplor something
00:08.01michael12345wolfson: what firmware
00:08.04Fplany other boxes out there doing Iaxy ?
00:08.12michael12345wolfson: how did you get around it
00:08.26Fplothe boxes, doing Iax ?
00:08.40Fplok. chuji, thanks for the lesson !! i really appreciate it
00:08.48Fplgreat talking to you,
00:08.48wolfsonmichael: i don't, people been complaining all week, going to attempt a fix tonight
00:08.52Fplexcellent help
00:09.00michael12345wolfson: do you work for them
00:09.02Chujino sweat
00:09.06FplLESSONS !! capital L
00:09.11*** join/#asterisk doctorCTI (
00:09.23Fplgotta go too. i will play later on tonight
00:09.28Fplgotta get some chow
00:09.36Fpland visit my girlfriend !!!
00:09.48Fplcheers to all ASTERISK friends !
00:09.57wolfsonmichael: no, I am a private company that uses their phones
00:10.11Fplnight night Chuji, see ya around !
00:12.27amerI am getting this message in * "Difference is 23456. ms 3456"  what does this mean?
00:13.37*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
00:17.50hardwireis vocera ever going to release a product?
00:26.09rabble_anybody know what causes this error/debug message?
00:26.10rabble_Oct 28 20:25:21 DEBUG[98566232]: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals
00:26.16rabble_i get it a lot in my asterisk logs
00:26.26Roger123456any one here using rate-engine?
00:26.57hardwirerabble_: maybe it relates to not having a zaptel pseudo channel set up for a timmer interface?
00:27.17hardwiretimer even
00:27.41rabble_i'm getting it right now while i do a load test from my * box to sipp
00:27.47rabble_seems to come in big chunks
00:28.20rabble_during a call i also get this after it plays a ulaw file
00:28.21rabble_Oct 28 20:27:32 DEBUG[111100004]: Scheduling timer at 160 sample intervals
00:29.01*** join/#asterisk bonbon-home (
00:31.45bonbon-homeanyone there?
00:32.33bonbon-homewhat's the easiest way to restrict each iax entity to a single registration?
00:37.19*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (~bernd@
00:43.29*** join/#asterisk sixTel9 (
00:45.09eKo1this channel dies after 6:00 PM Eastern Time
00:45.44eKo1apparently, I guess everyone went home
00:45.48nestArsometimes it's lively in here at night
00:45.58nestArbut those days are few and far between
00:46.09eKo1yeah, when everybody on asia and australia get online
00:46.17nextime02:46 here
00:46.39nestAri'm EDT..
00:46.44nestArit's 20:46
00:47.01eKo1it's 18:46 where i'm at
00:47.08amerno one from the west coast?
00:47.44amer5:47 pm here
00:47.48nestArrobl^: you hear anything more on your did?
00:48.06eKo1i wasn't here for most of the day since our gateway died. what a pain.
00:48.27nestAri always hate things like that.. means it's my problem
00:48.28eKo1i'm guessing we will go bankrupt tomorrow
00:49.01*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
00:49.13eKo1turns out, the realtek lan cards were bad. had to replace them with intels
00:49.29nestArrealtek cards make baby jesus cry
00:49.31Juggierealtek cards are really cpu dependant
00:49.48*** part/#asterisk lattice (
00:50.22eKo1what can i say, realtek = disposable
00:51.23nextimeok, i'm going to sleep. Night all
00:51.59eKo1good night
00:52.31scythelxis the cdr mysql backend already built into asterisk or do I need to use asterisk-addons tdm400p's seem to be dying to. shit, everything is breaking here
00:53.17*** join/#asterisk rbabchis (
00:53.41*** join/#asterisk wolfson (~hehe@
00:53.50rbabchisAnyone here know about using caller ID in Canada with Bell?
00:54.24rbabchisOn an X100P..
00:54.37eKo1No. I've noticed alot of canadians on this channel...
00:55.00paulcnoo doot EH!
00:55.38paulcI got caller ID on an X100P from Telus no problems
00:55.44scythelxis the cdr mysql backend already built into asterisk or do I need to use asterisk-addons to install it
00:55.46paulcdoes it work on a regular phone?
00:55.48scythelxI dont wan tto fuck anything up
00:55.54Alricscythelx: Its in asterisk-addons
00:56.19rbabchisyes it works on my phone... but in asterisk I get callerid.c:307 callerid_feed: Caller*ID failed checksum
00:56.40rbabchisIn both rev 1.0 and the cvs HEAD
00:57.04ManxPowerYour phone prolly doesn't care about checksums
00:57.22*** join/#asterisk ChulJin (
00:57.30rbabchishehehe.... yeah but it works
00:57.43eKo1why would asterisk calculate a checksum on the caller id?
00:57.48rbabchisI tried removing the checksum code from asterisk and it still didnt work
00:57.59rbabchisit gave some other error, I don't remember it
00:59.48rbabchisnobody here's ever used it with bell canada?
01:00.43*** join/#asterisk MrEntropy (~bob@
01:01.40scythelxi'm trying to get cdr records to store in a mysql db using cdr_odbc but its still storing them to  a Master.csv file what gives?
01:01.45Juggierbabchis, i do
01:01.52Juggiei have it on a pri which is indirectally from bell
01:01.55Juggiefed through a mitel
01:02.00Juggieworks fine
01:02.08Marlowscythelx : you can store it in both ..
01:02.21Juggiecan get and set caller id
01:02.27Marlowscythelx : depending on if you load the cdr_csv module or not ..
01:02.46MrEntropyanyone her successfully set up an Audiocodes MP-1xx with asterisk? i need some help, no idea how to make it register
01:02.52rbabchisJuggie -> what interface card are you using?
01:02.55Marlowscythelx : so it doesn't matter if it stores them there ..
01:03.44scythelxis app_addon_sql_mysql the same as cdr_odbc ??
01:04.00scythelxi was assuming that cdr_odbc was the same thing just built into the 1.0 release
01:05.23Juggierba, since i have a pri i assume thats fairly obvious
01:05.41rbabchishehehe.. yeah... my problems with the x100p
01:05.50Juggiewhats your problem
01:06.07rbabchisI don't get caller id, I get a checksum error: callerid.c:307 callerid_feed: Caller*ID failed checksum
01:06.11Marlowscythelx : no, it's not ..
01:06.23*** join/#asterisk wolfson (~hehe@
01:06.26scythelxMarlow: are they used in conjunction?
01:06.36Marlowscythelx : no ...
01:06.44rbabchisI've noticed other people posting problems similar to this
01:06.50Marlowscythelx : sql_mysql is native ..
01:07.10Marlowscythelx : cdr_odbc is odbc .. and then you load the appropriate driver in odbc
01:07.25Juggierba, did u set your caller id provider?
01:07.30scythelxso either ultimatly should work?
01:07.50Marlowscythelx : i haven't used cdr_addon_mysql for ages
01:07.54rbabchisNope... I didn't know I had to.
01:08.02Marlowscythelx : so i don't know if it still works ..
01:08.07Juggieloook up calleridsignaling
01:08.14Juggiein the zaptel.conf
01:08.16rbabchisok thanks... I'll do that now
01:08.24Marlowscythelx : cdr_odbc is working .. i use it .. and also cdr_csv at the same time ..
01:08.24Juggieits cidsignaling
01:08.37Marlowscythelx : as "backup" if the sql link ever dies
01:09.00scythelxdo i have to do anything special to enable the cdr_odbc to load or just have it in hte modules dir
01:09.17Juggiejust put it in the modules dir
01:09.20Juggieand configure it
01:09.24scythelxsounds good thanks for the help
01:09.35Juggieasterisk loads all modules
01:09.37*** join/#asterisk ras (
01:09.38Juggieunless u do a noload
01:09.42Marlowscythelx : normally it should load automatically ..
01:09.53*** join/#asterisk jcollie (
01:10.05Marlowscythelx : but you can allways force load it .. "load =>" in modules.conf
01:10.54rbabchisJuggie: I can't seem to find cidsignaling on google or in the /etc/zaptel.conf or on where can I reference this?
01:11.30MrEntropyit's not possible to have an FXS gateway register to asterisk as a proxy isn't it?
01:12.21MocIf I have a PRI to my Asterisk, could I dial to a remote location and connect with a modem at 56k(48k) from a TDM400 FXS port ?
01:13.38shido6Mr entropy
01:14.09shido6not really.... but you could put a really small asterisk box there
01:14.54MrEntropyshido6: i can't make it interact with asterisk at all though
01:15.18Kb1_KanobCalling name presentation on NI-2 PRI - my telco is providing the name in a FACILITY message and Asterisk seems to be ignoring it. I have other hosts that are displaying calling name, but it seems to be provided as a 'display' parameter in the SETUP frame... any thoughts?
01:16.00ChulJinanyone else ever order from voxilla? was it a while before the tracking number they gave was recognised by ups?
01:16.16MrEntropyshido6: well, if i try to make it register, asterisk rejects. however if i use the 'registrar' setting, it doesn't do anything
01:16.58paulcKb1_Kanob: See if a Wait(1) before and/or after the Answer makes any difference - I've read reports of that making a difference
01:17.30Juggierbabchis, its not in zaptel
01:17.31rasdoes anyone have a mirror of am-web? it seems to be missing off the website that used to host it, and have nuttin
01:17.34Juggieits in zapata
01:17.47rbabchisok, thanks
01:18.11Juggierba, also try a Wait(1) in your context answering the call
01:18.19Juggiegive the call some extra time to setup
01:18.23rbabchisjuggie: I tried that
01:18.26rbabchisso far...
01:19.09Kb1_Kanobpaulc: bingo! thanks!
01:20.16Kb1_KanobDo you * for a living?
01:21.14Monili need to hire someone that does tbh
01:21.39*** join/#asterisk Umaro (~umaro@
01:22.06UmaroHey guys, anyone here using zaphfc to use asterisk between an ISDN line and an ISDN phone system?
01:22.30rbabchisJuggie: I can't find cidsignaling or anything similar in zapata.conf or in the docs for it. Are you sure its not "signaling"? Mine is set to fxs_ks
01:23.19Juggielook for caller id
01:23.20Juggieits in thgere
01:23.21*** join/#asterisk syslod (~sysglod@
01:23.23Juggiemaybe i spelled it wrong
01:23.41rbabchisI'm looking at
01:23.44*** join/#asterisk funraps-as (
01:23.57funraps-assup peeps
01:24.20scythelxis included in the standard make or do i have to enable it
01:25.11Juggie; Type of caller ID signalling in use
01:25.12Juggie; bell = bell202 as used in US, v23 = v23 as used in the UK, dtmf = DTMF as used in Denmark, Sweden and Netherlands
01:25.14Juggiesee its in mine
01:25.16Juggiejust open the file
01:26.36Juggieit prob defaults to bell by default
01:26.38Juggiebut its worth a shot
01:27.41Umarohmm: Ext: 1 Progress Description: Called equipment is non-ISDN. (2)
01:28.04Umarobut it IS isdn.
01:28.09rbabchisJuggie: I tried it, still got the same error...
01:28.17Juggiethen i dont know sorry.
01:28.23rbabchisok thanks man
01:28.31Juggiei've only had expirence with pri
01:28.34Juggietry your signaling
01:28.56rbabchisdo you know what the different signaling configurations are for?
01:29.08Juggiei know the pri ones
01:29.10Juggienot sure about the analog
01:29.15rbabchisIll research it
01:39.36*** join/#asterisk LTG30 (
01:40.42LTG30Hello, Has anyone here ever worked with the H323 connection for Asterisk?
01:44.59*** part/#asterisk LTG30 (
01:47.37*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
01:53.39*** join/#asterisk Odie_flocon (
01:53.52Odie_floconhello all.
01:59.52*** join/#asterisk docelm0 (
01:59.55*** join/#asterisk tzanger (~tzanger@
02:00.17flewidcan asterisk queues/agents do supervised transfer? or only blind?
02:00.22ChulJinLTG: had you stuck around long enough for the answer: I have, yes.
02:00.35Roger123456any one here using rate-engine?
02:00.50*** join/#asterisk jsharp (
02:01.07Roger123456yeah its used for route selection
02:01.24Roger123456cdr rating aswell
02:01.32syslodOn PBX?
02:01.35Roger123456on *
02:02.00syslodOh.  Not in * but on large pbx and class 5 switch applications.
02:02.13syslodDidn't know * had ARS features
02:02.37*** join/#asterisk Styxfan (