irclog2html for #asterisk on 20041028

00:00.09redder86so the Caller*ID name that I "set" in Asterisk has no meaning outside of my VoIP network because the Caller*ID numbers are not registered on the SS7 database?
00:00.22syslodBasically the way it works if someone DIPS a customer of mine they have to pay me for the record. Thats what makes it expensive.
00:00.55*** join/#asterisk habakuk (
00:00.59syslodredder86: Yep unless you find a LEC that will enter and provide DB entries for you.
00:01.02latticeredder86: right; you need to store with whoever provides the SS7 interconnect for your DID/DOD's
00:01.12latticesyslod: can it be any provider?
00:01.35syslodNo it has to at less server the lata and have LNP if you want to keep the numbers.
00:02.28latticeok. redder86: you might try looking up Verisign's SS7 service.. I'm not sure if they'll be able to help, but I know they have those services.
00:03.05latticeAny pointers for setting up * -> * SIP calling?
00:03.09syslodredder86: It would require you to have at least a Tandem switch and be a CLEC to connect to SS7.
00:03.13redder86lattice: our regular callers are fixed, we can build our own database for incoming calls.  As for outgoing... oh well.
00:04.18latticesyslod: verisign has an SS7 -> SIP bridge, which might be useful to get around those requirements. I'm not sure if it would mean moving all DIDs to verisign, though.
00:04.25habakukdoes anyone have  a quick way to tell if a sound file exists?
00:04.52robl^habakuk: ls -l soundfile.gsm :)
00:05.07latticehabakuk: in an * context:?
00:05.17habakukrobl^, sorry from within a context
00:05.18|Vulture|updatedb;locate soundfile.gsm
00:05.38*** join/#asterisk michael12345 (~mick@
00:05.48michael12345can someone help me with call parking
00:06.05rowteram setting  a music for hold Started music on hold, class 'default'  and its not hearing, I already installed mpg123..
00:06.18syslodI am pretty sure Verisign would require a CLEC with a database to do that.  Verisign just provides the interconnection.  You have to use a provider or provide you own database.
00:06.56michael12345I looked at the sample configs and dont quite understand how call parking works
00:07.24redder86It also appears that many telcos require Caller*ID number to be 10 digits.  No more.  No less.
00:07.24habakuklattice, excellent thanks
00:07.36redder86Is that correct?
00:08.20syslodAny SS7 database will require 10 digits.  We always provide 10 digits plus CIC to the public network.
00:08.22*** join/#asterisk tessier_ (~treed@
00:08.37redder86syslod: CIC?
00:08.50ManxPowerpaulc: Are you still here?
00:08.54syslodCarrier Identification Code.
00:09.02paulcdid I miss something?
00:09.52ManxPowerpaulc: We think it's better for an internal non-DID extension calling another extension that gets forwarded out to a cell phone to have the 4 digit extension rather than a generic phone number that just asks you to enter the extension you want.
00:10.00ManxPowerSince the callee doesn't know what extension to dial
00:10.20paulcthat works
00:10.25ManxPowerBut the callee DOES normally know the local access number into the company phone network
00:10.25paulcmakes sense
00:11.03scythelxdoes realtime support extensions.conf as well or just sip iax2 peers and vm?
00:12.18*** join/#asterisk edison\ (
00:12.33edison\okay, this is stumping me.  Anyone here running on a PRI?
00:13.21*** part/#asterisk venix (~pnaomi@
00:15.01redder86edison: yup
00:16.27edison\redder86: any idea how I can figure out why * won't make calls?
00:16.52edison\it was working a few months ago, then I came in last week and nothing...
00:17.44redder86edison: "not making calls" is a pretty big, vague error message
00:17.52redder86edison: what does Asterisk tell you
00:18.28edison\sorry. Unable to create channel of type 'Zap'
00:19.05*** join/#asterisk EnigmaPTK (
00:19.44edison\redder86: everything *appears* to be ok (other than not being able to dial out...)
00:20.18*** part/#asterisk Uther_P (~uther_p@
00:21.37ManxPoweredison\: Does zttool show you any alarms?
00:21.50edison\ManxPower: nope.  No alarms.
00:21.55redder86edison: the "Zap" error pinpoints the problem with the zaptel.conf or zapata.conf files... or with a problem at the PRI provider
00:22.32edison\redder86: I'm leaning towards a provider issue, but since their 2nd tier tech support isn't avail now, I can't confirm.
00:22.39redder86edison: if there were changes made to the kernel then you could possibly have a problem with the zaptel module, too
00:23.16edison\redder86 no kernel changes.  System's been sitting idle for 3 months.  Only thing that's happened is a reboot due to power-outage.
00:24.08paulcThe Cisco 7920 wireless handset.. it's not SIP, is it?
00:24.29edison\redder86: pri debug span 1 doesn't show anything when I try to dial on Zap/1...
00:24.29Nuggetthere is no sip firmware for the 7920
00:25.00|Vulture|neither for the 7970 right now I believe
00:26.22edison\redder86: ManxPower: pri intense debug span 1 shows a continuous stream of Unnumbered frames SABME
00:26.37robl^anyone know how long it takes for DIDs from / sixtel?
00:27.13paulcNugget: thanks
00:27.49*** join/#asterisk Poemius (
00:28.13nestArbooo dun have my city. or even my state
00:28.20nestAri think i need to just move alreay..
00:28.31EnigmaPTKedison; i'm walking into this problem blind, but it definaly sounds to me like a switchtype= problem.
00:29.14twistedit's good to see the my stirring of the shit on the bugtracker is getting some questions answered, people back on task, and just all-around taking care of things as they should.
00:29.37twisteds/the my/that my
00:30.41robl^this is great!  My puppy just got called for a telephone poll.  someone wnated to know if my rat terrier was gonna vote for W or Kerry
00:31.01twistedrobl^, which tree did it bark up?
00:31.13*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
00:31.44robl^twisted: I told them that he wasn allowed to vote as without opposable thumbs, we couldn operate the voting machine
00:31.59robl^er.. he couldn't
00:32.10edison\EnigmaPTK: The odd thing is that this was working fine 4 mos ago and isn't working now.  The machine hasn't been touched in the mean time.
00:32.34edison\And it's talking to a Cisco IAD with a PRI card.
00:32.59edison\zaptel.conf: span=1,1,0,esf,b8zs
00:33.04EnigmaPTKso you're not even connected to a provider, just asterisk T1 card to a cisco?
00:33.06twistedrobl^, aww... you shoulda asked him on the phone
00:33.12twistedthey woulda loved that
00:33.31edison\cbeyond is the provider.  They've got a T1 running to the IAD which has the PRI out.
00:33.58EnigmaPTKmy flood alarm just ignored you edison.  don't paste so many lines at once.
00:34.10robl^twisted: well.. I coulda said he was out sniffing butts.. :)
00:34.16edison\heh.  I'm just typing manually.
00:34.17twistededison pasted one line.
00:34.29*** join/#asterisk Mike (~mike@
00:34.31*** part/#asterisk markit (
00:34.32edison\typed, even
00:34.32twistedrobl^, heh... true
00:34.45EnigmaPTKhum....why did my flood detector catch you then....
00:34.48EnigmaPTKlemme find out
00:35.01edison\dunno.  Does it go off when the water's around your ankles?
00:35.31twistedi keep forgetting to set my work account away
00:35.53Nuggetyou need my bluetooth hack.  :)
00:37.02edison\ztcfg reports "Build-out: 0 db (CSU)/0-133 feet (DSX-1)"
00:37.14edison\how do you increase the dB?
00:37.20edison\errr, gain.
00:37.28edison\:)  I know how to talk tech, honest.
00:38.07*** part/#asterisk netghost (
00:38.07edison\there's tx_gain and rx_gain, but ztcfg didn't differentiate between the two, so I'm assuming there's another setting.
00:38.12EnigmaPTKby changing x in span=1,1,x,esf,b8zs
00:38.39*** join/#asterisk Legend (~legend@
00:38.41*** join/#asterisk kilroy2k (KilroyWRK@
00:39.10*** join/#asterisk gabb0 (
00:39.43edison\lemme try that.
00:41.06davidis using 'setmusiconhold' the most effective way to set per-extension hold music?
00:41.50radikal1hi, i am trying to use prefixes to determine my outbound call provider... I want 9 to do broadvoice via sip, and 8 to use nuphone via iax... I have them both set up with ignorepat =>, but * isn't stripping out the 8 for nufone, so it's try to dial the wrong #... is there something special about the number 9?
00:42.18Poemiusit goes well with 6
00:43.04Poemiusyou need to dial ${EXTEN:1} if you want to strip the first digit
00:43.17EnigmaPTKin your exten string radikal ...  even after ignorepat...  exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial,IAX2/someone@nufone/${EXTEN:1}
00:43.29EnigmaPTKyou still have to strip the digit from the dial command
00:43.35radikal1ah, it's the exten:1 that I am missing
00:43.40radikal1I have exten, no :1
00:43.51EnigmaPTKchange will be good.
00:44.21edison\this is a new one: D-Channel on span 1 down
00:44.35radikal1changed that, reload, life is good
00:44.40radikal1thanks poemius :)
00:44.54radikal1and enigmaptk :)
00:45.51radikal1yes i found out the hard way today that broadvoice outgoing caller ID is messed up, so I added nufone as a secondary carrier for time when I need to be able to set it
00:46.22radikal1now I can pick the carrier by changing whether i dial 8 or 9 before my #
00:46.36nestArso what do you guys think about, pretty good?
00:48.16gabb0Is anyone running stable here?
00:48.32robl^nestAr: I signed up with them..  requsted 2 DIDs.. to try it out.  DIDs haven been set up yet
00:49.37nestArhow long ago?
00:49.50robl^nestAr: and for something like pre-paid services to a new provider.. I always use 1-time credit cards
00:50.02robl^nestAr: a few hours ago
00:50.27nestArhrmm.. well, they should still be open.. they list their hours till 10pm MST
00:51.02robl^they says it may take 1-3 days to get a phone number
00:51.03nestArgood point about the one time card
00:51.14nestAr1-3 days, i'm impatient
00:51.45paulcrobl^ where do you get your 1 time credit cards from?
00:52.28robl^nestAr: they look like they are still in "beta testing" as lots of the customer login / control panel stuff is "coming soon" and rathr rough.  it is workable, but you can tell it is a work in progress
00:53.04robl^paulc: I use paypal.  you can have paypal issue you a virtual credit card number which is good for only 1 transaction
00:53.21paulcwho knew?! That's dead sexy..
00:54.20robl^paulc: yeah.  I am very scared to use my credit card number online.  you never know where it will end up. :)
00:54.36paulcHmm.. it's *fairly* safe, no?
00:55.09latticerobl^: voipjet will take payment with paypal
00:55.33robl^paulc: ssl is fairly safe..  but how secure is the actual server that holds your information..  or how well do you trusta website that looks like it was put together in 10 mins with FrontPage?
00:56.37robl^lattice: I am not familiar with voipjet.  I use galaxyvoice and nufone now.. trying too
00:56.41edison\any online transactions are automatically reversed
00:56.57edison\no questions asked.  I've been burned by customers a few times.
00:57.15EnigmaPTKagreed.  I hate taking credit cards.
00:57.24nestArrobl^: well, i guess we'll see.. i signed up
00:57.28EnigmaPTKthe issuer ALWAYS backs the charge card holder.
00:57.34robl^edison\: sometimes.. not always.. and also it is a hassle to fight charges.  I rather avoid it as much as possible
00:57.59nestArNPA four oh four
00:58.29Mavvieeuhm... on a linux system, if I want to prevent the startup of a daemon, do I just remove the symlink in /etc/rc.d/rc?.d ?
00:58.34*** join/#asterisk robert_wwl (
00:59.20edison\awright boys... I'm tired of fighting this PRI for tonight.  I'm heading home.  Thanks to everyone who offered suggestions.
00:59.22ManxPowerMavvie: chkconfig servicename on|off
00:59.31*** join/#asterisk jgaviria (~jgaviria@
00:59.50MavvieManxPower: oh, that works! thanks!
01:00.08edison\BSD rules.
01:00.11Nuggetyay bsd
01:00.20ManxPowerMavvie: the command is prolly only in Redhatlike Distros
01:00.22edison\Other than for running Zap hardware, that is...
01:00.46MavvieManxPower: yeah, FC2 here.
01:00.49edison\manx: yah, chkconfig is not on my slackware
01:01.09edison\K.  G'night everyone...
01:01.10robl^hrmm..  I like my Debian
01:01.15EnigmaPTKi'm impressed.
01:01.35ManxPowerI personally like Mandrake
01:01.38*** join/#asterisk jaxxan (~Snak@
01:02.16robl^ManxPower: me too! I think Mandrake is a very polished Desktop Linux...  but I want something a bit leaner for my servers
01:02.35jgaviriahi, i need to dial to the PSTN but the zap is connected to a pbx and the pbx need a 9 starting to give dial tone to do calls to the pstn, how can i do that?, because if i dial the entire number, this is so fast and i dont have dial tone to outside, there exist a character to do the wait? for example 9(wait)824334567?
01:02.36NuggetI just went with slackware for my asterisk box.  it stays out of my way and only feels minimally linux.
01:02.52jaxxani went with debian for my asterisk box
01:03.09jaxxancan't get much leaner or cleaner than that
01:03.19Nuggetslackware is both, imho.
01:03.33*** join/#asterisk Wangster (
01:03.35Nuggetfor my work asterisk box I went with freebsd, since I don't need any hardware for it.
01:03.43jgaviriaEnigmaPTK: thanks
01:04.07robl^Ie tried RedHat 8, 9, FC1, FC2, Debian, SuSe for my Asterisk server..  and I think Ie had the least trouble and the easiest install with Debian
01:04.30EnigmaPTKi like a trimmed down redhat
01:04.33EnigmaPTKredhat 9
01:05.23gabb0deb here for most of our * boxes
01:11.51*** join/#asterisk jaxxan (~Snak@
01:14.49Nuggetohayo gozaimas
01:14.53*** join/#asterisk syslod (~sysglod@
01:14.53fearnorretarded question - is there a premade application to be like Record() but give a prompt and ask for a confirmation before overwriting file?
01:15.58EnigmaPTKfearnon - not that i can think of.
01:16.06EnigmaPTKsimple enough to do with agi though.
01:16.39fearnoryeah i'm trying to avoid inventing wheel.
01:16.53EnigmaPTKunderstood completely.
01:19.10gabb0another bad question, is there a way to get * to stop suddenly crashing out of the blue ;)
01:19.37robl^gabb0: don run Asterisk under Windows..  no more blue screen :)
01:19.54syslodgabb0:  What platform are you running?
01:20.10EnigmaPTKunload un-necessary modules, make sure your system doesn't crash WITHOUT asterisk running, make sure your configuration files are correct...
01:20.13*** join/#asterisk Alric (
01:20.38EnigmaPTKdon't run other processes on your * box (sendmail comes to mind)
01:20.42EnigmaPTKa few suggestions.
01:21.15EnigmaPTKdon't use swap space, and make sure you have enough memory to do so.
01:21.29gabb0I'm running * stable on deb
01:21.30syslodI have all sort of things running and have experience no crashes.
01:21.41gabb0custom kernel
01:21.46syslodIs the OS crashing or just *?
01:21.50gabb0nothing "extra" loaded.
01:22.03syslodAny errors?
01:22.19gabb0I'm running safe_asterisk to start up and I can watch the console and all it tells me is cleaning up bla bla
01:22.33syslodTry a straight asterisk -vvvvvvc
01:22.45syslodSee what the last thing it tells you before the crash.
01:22.48gabb0no core, nothing in the logs at all.
01:23.12syslodSee what the last thing it tells you before the crash.
01:23.20gabb0the logs have nothing out of the ordinary just before the crash.
01:23.30syslodNot logs the output .
01:23.55gabb0on the console? again, just shows calls starting and stopping
01:24.02gabb0very strange.
01:24.10syslodDoes it stop on a call, no calls, after a call?
01:24.33gabb0any of the above from what I can remember.
01:24.52syslodI have seen memory leaks but no crashes in our lab.
01:24.54gabb0There are always conversations ongoing
01:25.07syslodIs the * process stoping?
01:25.11gabb0mem leaks would at least report something
01:25.22gabb0I believe so.
01:25.28sysloddo a ps -x
01:25.32gabb0safe_asterisk does a good job starting right back up
01:25.51jaxxansometimes, i find, that if you talk dirty to your server, it'll perform better... but that may not work for you
01:26.05syslodAny errors during complie or warnings?
01:26.05gabb0tried that
01:26.12syslodTry a different distro.
01:26.42syslodAnd a different machine
01:27.02syslodWhat hardware are u using?  Digium, etc?
01:27.15gabb0no, I compiled 1-0-2 last night hoping some of the fixes in that would solve my prob.  I like running head but this is a prod machine and head is so unstable right now it seems
01:27.39syslodAh.  Don't know about head.  I am using stable.
01:27.49syslodNo telling what is going on.
01:28.33EnigmaPTKmachine has a tdm400p (with 2 fxs modules), an x100p, and a t400p.
01:28.36gabb0I ran head from about a week or so, maybe more, and the troubles..
01:28.49gabb0although most of them were with the pri we were getting
01:30.08gabb0I have at least 35 calls (sip to * to t1) ongoing all at the same
01:31.08syslod??? I have no problem here doing much more calls.
01:31.54gabb0I know, it isn't a lot of load
01:32.02EnigmaPTKyeah, the machine i was just talking about has 3 PRI's coming into it.  it'll see about 60 active channels between 8 am and 10am, and then around 25 for the rest of the business day.
01:33.01gabb0sounds similar
01:33.01*** join/#asterisk yaout (
01:33.02gabb0except 60 all night and day
01:33.13syslodIs it crashing hourly or daily?
01:33.49gabb0on avg, daily (once or twice a day probably)
01:34.20epochis anyone here using agents & queues?
01:34.25gabb0one annoying thing I do get is "Unknown RTP codec 72 received" (lots of xpros used)
01:34.32gabb0epoch, going to
01:34.41epochmy configuration isn't working as advertised ;/
01:34.46gabb0how so
01:35.10epochif there's no agents logged on to the queue, I want callers to well, not be in it...
01:35.17*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
01:35.18epochso, I set leavewhenempty=yes
01:35.22epochand it's got no effect
01:35.30epochI also set joinempty=no
01:35.37epochit's bizarre
01:36.00Chujiepoch : there are lots of discussions on this
01:36.09Chujiboth on the list, and in the bugtraq
01:36.21epochreally? cuz I wasn't able to find anything ;/
01:36.55epoch" leavewhenempty" in google gave me nothing
01:36.57ChujiCheck mantis some more, there was a bug posted on this
01:38.41epochthey talk about "static agents"
01:38.55epochdoes this refer to agents defined in queues.conf as member => Agent/foo?
01:40.23epochok now I'm even more confused than I was ;/
01:41.48epochhrm... reading bug 2719
01:41.57epochmarkster says " Can't make "joinempty" work like you want, but "leaveempty" works that way so it should be good enough."
01:42.19epochproblem is, it _doesn't_ work
01:42.29epochoh, hold on, maybe before bitching too hard, I should cvs update ;)
01:44.05bkw_THIS IS NOT A BUG
01:45.18ManxPowerbkw_: I've never managed to build zttool without libnewt
01:45.56bkw_zttool isn't a requirement
01:46.00bkw_to use zaptel
01:46.02QRpartnerWhere do you specify what to due when a call times out in a queue, seems like my setup is just hanging up on the caller
01:46.04gabb0hey bkw_, did you catch any of my earlier conversation about * crashing without any signs?
01:46.13|Vulture|damn Boston is making quick work of StL
01:46.14bkw_gabb0 get me a backtrace
01:46.24fearnoryo bkw
01:46.39fearnordo you have q.921/931 docs?
01:47.26BoRiSbkw: Voicemail with res_config crashes when trying to change your password. You call your voice, change the password, and once your done verifying your password, it segfaults/kills asterisk!
01:47.37libpcphi guys
01:47.44bkw_BoRiS get me a backtrace
01:48.22*** part/#asterisk file (
01:48.31BoRiSSure :)
01:49.04fearnorbacktrace? wtf, can't digium just hire a psychic?
01:49.29robl^Ms. Cleo needs to send a resume to digium
01:49.40robl^she could record prompts too!
01:49.56fearnorthat'd own.
01:50.02epochoh god
01:50.02fearnorit so seriously would.
01:50.03BoRiSCall me now for a free reading
01:50.19epoch"how can I direct your call, darlin'?"
01:50.37bkw_Call now!!!
01:50.47bkw_Honey i'm the next best thing to Ms. Cleo
01:51.01fearnorwelease bwian
01:51.28bkw_i'm gonna shoot the next person that opens a bug report on some bullshit thing that IS NOT A BUG
01:51.43fearnorare you looking at me, bkw? ;)
01:51.55bkw_not at all honey
01:52.02libpcpi need help on disconnect, my zap and sip channel does not disconnect, i have busycount=7, busydetect=1 in zapata.conf and in extensions.conf i have exten => s,2,Hangup
01:52.21bkw_libpcp what device?
01:52.28robl^"I see problems with you love life, sugar.  The spirits tell me you husband is having an affair with a woman that used to a man.  Also they tell me he isn't the only one cheating here, darling.  How was that man with the leather whip and wire egg whisk that was in your bedroom last night??"
01:52.52bkw_Call me now Darlin!!
01:52.52gabb0bkw_, well the short version is - running stable on deb with te410p.  At least once a day * crashes (starts back up via safe_asterisk)
01:53.03fearnorwhich channel banks all of youse like most?
01:53.06BoRiSstrace just isn't giving me enough information
01:53.06bkw_gabb0 get me a backtrace
01:53.07fearnori've used many
01:53.10fearnorand don't like any of them
01:53.16bkw_BoRiS does it crash?
01:53.19gabb0bkw_, the strange thing is no core, nothing strange in logs or on the console.  Sure.
01:53.24fearnorrhino, CA ABII, ZHone...
01:53.25bkw_yes you do have a core
01:53.26BoRiS1 sec, going to try something else
01:53.27bkw_its in /tmp
01:53.28*** join/#asterisk jstorm (
01:53.33bkw_no no cox
01:53.36fearnoreach is evil in its own special and unique way :(
01:53.38bkw_yes yes cox
01:54.01jstormbkw_: only if you are into that sort of thing
01:54.13bkw_but I am
01:54.20*** join/#asterisk jaxxan (~Snak@
01:54.22bkw_I'll try just about anything once
01:54.22jstormmopre power to ya then
01:54.25BoRiSOh....HE IS!
01:54.30jaxxanhey ya'll
01:54.44bkw_BoRiS where is that picture?
01:54.47jaxxanbkw_, you used the WiSIP phone right ?
01:54.48bkw_I know it was in the first 10 you took
01:54.58libpcpwhat is the possible solution of disconnecting zap and sip channel, i need to soft hangup to destroy the channels but the zap channel is unusable after the soft hangup, so i need to reload the zaptel and wcfxs driver and restart asterisk.
01:55.00BoRiSlets talk about backtraces. :)
01:55.02bkw_jaxxan nope.. i'm not dumb enuf to buy one of those POS
01:55.15*** join/#asterisk file (
01:55.17jaxxanthat your final word on it ?
01:55.22bkw_libpcp you got other issues
01:55.26bkw_ok people
01:55.28Mavviebwk_: can you please read the bug I posted before closing it on ground which I never stated?
01:55.46bkw_Mavvie which one the libnew and linux26 one?
01:55.55bkw_er libnewt
01:55.57Mavvieno, the one about "make menuconfig"
01:56.04Mavvieand "make"
01:56.04bkw_bug number?
01:56.20libpcpbkw_: yeah, can you help me please im a little despirate now and i dunno what to do, i played with different release of zaptel driver
01:56.31bkw_Mavvie those ARE BOTH well documented things that you need
01:56.35bkw_its not a bug
01:56.38bkw_and not something that we can help
01:56.52bkw_you must have the src tree from which you built your kernel from
01:56.53Mavviewhere does it state I need to run "make menuconfig"  ?
01:57.05bkw_"from which you built your kernel from"
01:57.14nestArwtf is's control panel url
01:57.22nestAri can't find a link for it anywhere on their site
01:57.23bkw_that would imply that you have the src tree that built from
01:57.40bkw_and all you need usually is the config and make dep
01:57.51fearnormavvie: you are assumed to have a modicum of clue.
01:58.04Mavviebkw_: where? I can't find it. Call me blind, call me dumb, but also give me a filename and a line number.
01:58.05fearnorwould you like to see that on top of
01:58.34bkw_Mavvie its well documented on the mailing list and other places too
01:58.40nestAri want my DID!
01:59.03bkw_nestAr please take that ot #asterisk-biz
01:59.21Mavvieyes, but not in the documentation coming with the sources. Not in the README coming with the sources. There is no reference to the in the sources.
01:59.34fearnorjebus, mavvie
01:59.50nestArnot much going on in there..
02:00.03bkw_Mavvie provide me with a diff for the documentation then
02:00.13*** join/#asterisk Weezey (Weezey@
02:00.22bkw_Mavvie its nothing personal at all
02:00.55Weezeywhat's the gui for asterisk called?
02:00.57bkw_its hard to work on a project where everyone goes GIVE ME GIVE ME GIVE ME... and I WANT I WANT I WANT.... and THIS and THAT are wrong but nobody every provides any diff to help fix the problems.
02:01.35syslod:) Some of the downsides of open source.  Went thru it on PHP.
02:01.45bkw_no its not a downside at all
02:01.49libpcpbkw_: what is the cause of not disconnecting the channel?
02:01.57bkw_libpcp have you updated to latest cvs
02:01.59bkw_and zaptel?
02:02.01*** join/#asterisk jskcr (~jskcr@jskcr.user)
02:02.10bkw_Mavvie get me a diff and we'll reopen that bug
02:02.26Mavviebkw_: I have given proper patches when it wasn't trivial. I have gone through the code for days to figure out why things doesn't work. Don't call me non-cooperative.
02:02.30epochwell, I feel like a right idiot... Chuji mentioned earlier that the 'leavewhenempty' issues I'm having are well-documented all over the place... and I can't find a clue
02:02.31libpcpbkw_: yes i did, but the issue is just the same.
02:02.32MavvieI'll do
02:03.07bkw_Mavvie i'm doing no such thing..
02:03.17bkw_this is not something that isn't documented and well known by MANY here
02:03.27BoRiSFinally, a good company that supports DID's in canada
02:03.58epochBoRiS: who?
02:04.41*** join/#asterisk molitor (~molitor@
02:05.23BoRiSbkw: Can you please send me that res_config MWI patch?
02:05.30ChulJinbkw: I did, once I finally faxed my disclaimer and did a quick man diff :P
02:05.33BoRiSor what lines to change. :)
02:06.27ChulJinweezey: there's no single 'the gui' for asterisk
02:06.34ChulJinthere is an extensive list at
02:06.57WeezeyChulJin: Just looking through it actually
02:07.05WeezeyI wish there was just one now...
02:07.23WeezeyHave you used any?
02:07.36bkw_BoRiS i'll have to dig it up
02:07.43libpcpbkw_: does the zaptel and asterisk has an issue with kernel?
02:08.13bkw_libpcp did you compile it
02:08.15libpcpi am running on kernel 2.4.18 on debian..
02:08.16bkw_or do binary/
02:08.27ChulJinweezey: I use op_panel
02:08.33libpcpi compiled the kernel
02:08.46bkw_did you compile zaptel?
02:08.51bkw_and di you do a fresh checkout/
02:09.02libpcpbut i dont have any issue with X101P card especially the clone one
02:09.02ChulJinbut for configuration, the ui I use (though not a gui) is pico :P
02:09.21libpcpyeah i compiled the zaptel
02:09.26jaxxannano nano
02:09.49nestAralias pico=nano
02:09.51syslodFor those of you looking for a cheap 3.3v PCI I finally put something together that works with the Tyan I7210.  Under $700 for a box.
02:09.56libpcpbkw_: what i did to get the zaptel driver is cvs checkout zaptel
02:10.34ChulJinnest: huh?
02:10.44WeezeyI have an MGCP voip service that I want to connect to, do I set that up in mgcp.conf or is that for my incominf mgcp sessions?
02:11.01nestAri'm so used to typing pico, i have to alias pico to nano on all my new machines
02:11.24WeezeynestAr: that's the same reason I couldn't use anything else.
02:11.38*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~bob@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
02:15.15*** join/#asterisk hades_ (
02:15.21WangsterCan someone point me towards the docs which describe what key presses you need to do transfer and conference etc?
02:16.14nestArdepends on the phone
02:16.15*** join/#asterisk tessier_ (
02:16.23WangsterThis is granstream 102.
02:16.44WangsterI've searched google and the voip-wiki to death.. I can't seem to find it.
02:16.53nestArgood luck on the conference, i can't get mine to conference
02:17.06bkw_Wangster you don't
02:17.10nestArtransfer is easy.. press transfer, enter exten to transfer too, hit send
02:17.11bkw_the grandstream is a pile of shit
02:17.18nestArbkw_: agreed.
02:17.25bkw_I could never get them to work right
02:17.29bkw_and they don't even make good paperweights
02:17.44nestArhold is more like mute, if you hang up the handset while it's on hold, it hangs up
02:17.54Mavvieand they have ugly big buttons :-)
02:18.07WangsterWouldn't there just be a *XX combination that causes asterisk to do it or is it completely dependent on the phone?
02:18.26nestAri'd much rather have a nice ATA than the 101 i've got
02:18.41nestArluckily, i think i'm getting a sipura and a IP300
02:19.26WangsterHow about features with the cisco 7940 ?
02:19.33nestArWangster: i dunno, i've read the user manual for the Grandstream, and i couldn't make conf work.. and i consider myself to be a pretty swift on the uptake kinda guy
02:19.49nestArcisco should work fine.. i'd get the PDF for it
02:19.54nestArit'll explain all that
02:20.18nestArit's not so much making * do it.. it's knowing how to operate the phone
02:20.25nestArsome work a lot better than others
02:21.39fearnori hit 12 concurrent calls today on my pri
02:22.10nestAri need to figure out how to monitor usage on our PBX, so i can know if i need one pri or two for *
02:22.37nestArwe've got one channalized t1 for LD and one chanalized for local right now... old school
02:23.46syslodMost PBX have SMDR
02:24.13*** part/#asterisk jaxxan (~Snak@
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02:24.44*** join/#asterisk ChulJin (
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02:25.51Mavvieohoh... the lights on the TE410 have stopped looping.
02:25.56fearnorone of those asterisk gui packages has a grapher
02:26.47gabb0bkw_, if you have a second could you have a look at my bt full from a core?
02:34.28*** join/#asterisk Roger123456 (
02:48.43wisdomI was wondering, does anybody know somebody who has been successful in passing calls between Cisco Call Manager and * ?  (and not ith the latest release, which supports SIP)
02:49.20JuggieCCM expects phones doesnt it?
02:49.24Juggieu could connect them with a pri
02:49.30ChulJinDoes anyone know where voxilla ships from?
02:49.54WilliamKJuggie, I'd try it with mgcp
02:49.57WilliamKprobably work
02:50.17linageedoes packet8 make DTA's?
02:50.20Juggiewell you can link call managers together
02:50.25wisdomOk, has anybody succcessfully interconnected them without going back to PSTN technology, CCM typically likes SCCP/Skinny
02:50.26Juggiebut you dont have anything running their protocol
02:50.42Juggieunless they run sccp/skinny for linking
02:50.53WilliamKmgcp though is a gateway protocol that they use for managing gateways
02:51.05WilliamKnot an inter-trunking protocol for the call manager
02:53.56*** join/#asterisk dkwiebe1 (
02:54.04dkwiebe1hello everybody
02:54.07*** join/#asterisk C4thY (~cbishop@
02:54.27C4thYanyone use nufone?
02:55.00*** join/#asterisk Moc (
02:55.02C4thYi get busy/congested errors when i try to dial out, you know what that might be?
02:55.18Weezeyfxo you plug in an analog phone or an pstn?
02:55.29C4thYiax to nufone
02:55.30Nuggetfxo plugs into pstn.  fxs plugs into a phone.
02:56.54Weezeycan you plug a fax machine into asterisk?
02:57.21Mavvieif it runs linux, sure.
02:57.26Nuggetyou can plug nearly anything you want into one.  will it work?  :)
02:57.27Mavvieasterisk is the software.
02:57.34Mavviefax machine is hardware.
02:57.59Mavviebut if your question is: Can I use an normal fax via an ATA through asterisk dialout, the answer is yes.
02:58.13Weezeythank you
02:59.32dkwiebe1I'm getting the same thing with nufone right now.  Maybe they are down.
03:00.33dkwiebe1Anybody here using
03:01.07*** join/#asterisk angler (~angler@angler.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
03:02.09dkwiebe1This is ironic.  I was grumbling about the stability of voicepulse a few weeks ago on the mailing list.  Now, they're my only provider that appears to be running. :-)
03:02.41Mavvieoh! now the light on the TE410P is quietly flashing.
03:03.05PatrickDKthe flashing is the countdown
03:03.08PatrickDKsoon it will blow :)
03:03.27Mavviemachine is in the other room :-)
03:03.43fileever close your eyes? ever stop and listen? ever feel alive...
03:03.44Mavviewalls are blastproof enough for my jugglingballs.
03:03.50fileyou don't need a reason, let the day go on and on
03:03.55filelet the rain fall down... everywhere around you
03:03.59filegive into it now, let the day surround you
03:04.04fileyou don't need a reason let the rain go on and on
03:04.25filePatrickDK: that's painful... espically over an 802.11b install from the network fileserver
03:04.47PatrickDKgood think I have 108 wireless
03:04.50Juggiedkwiebe1 have u checked spectravoice?
03:04.54PatrickDKand I'm doing it over gigabit
03:05.07JuggiePatrickDK, 108mbit is about 20-30mbit in reality
03:05.08filePatrickDK: I was just thinking about upgrading everything to 802.11g
03:05.17PatrickDKjuggie, I know
03:05.24fileWRT54G and new Mini PCI card for my laptop...
03:05.31Juggiei dont even bother running mine @ 108
03:05.33PatrickDKtake wireless, /4 = approx speed
03:05.41PatrickDKif 2 way transfer, then /4 again
03:05.41Juggieat that its bothered more by inteference
03:05.41MocI get 22mbits with the linksys 54gs
03:05.55*** join/#asterisk Rez (lorez@lorez.staff.freenode)
03:05.58Juggiei'm on at 36mbit now