irclog2html for #asterisk on 20041026

00:00.54neophergambolputty: in moduals.conf you can do noload => modualname
00:01.17neopherand i can't spell
00:01.23neopherbut you get the jist
00:01.31Juggieyeah neopher, but when it first boots it uses the universal loader to check for updates
00:01.35Juggieit pulls the .loads file
00:01.39Juggieand then loads the sip firmware
00:02.44WilliamKanyone see the news about ATT?
00:02.44WilliamKAT&T Reports $7.1 Billion Loss
00:02.44WilliamKOct 22, 2004
00:02.55*** join/#asterisk docelm0 (
00:03.04docelm0What is a good application for recording GSM files?
00:03.15Juggiethen use sox to convert
00:03.29docelm0hmm.. ok
00:04.07gambolputtyautoload=no fixed my problem
00:04.58gambolputtythis is a version of * that runs only on a CD
00:05.00neopherI just strip moduals i don't use completely
00:14.58*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
00:18.52docelm0Anyone have any idea for a good program to take out crackling?
00:19.08Odie_flocongambolputty, are you talking about a live asterisk version?
00:19.15gambolputtyyes odie
00:19.35Odie_floconhave you got it done?
00:19.42Odie_floconor you just want to make it?
00:19.45gambolputtyits already done
00:19.47gambolputtyI downloaded
00:20.27Odie_floconwhere u get it from?
00:23.03amer~seen twisted
00:23.04jbottwisted is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 68 messages.  Is idling for 17h 18m 17s
00:23.14amer~seen twisted[work]
00:23.14jbottwisted[work] is currently on #asterisk (8h 47m 21s).  Has said a total of 10 messages.  Is idling for 3h 11s
00:24.13Odie_floconthat's not too big ganbol.
00:25.05Wi_Fihey how do i build a zaptel channel after destroying it
00:25.31Odie_floconyou first have to buy a new zaptel card. :D
00:26.22Wi_Fithen what
00:27.13Odie_floconthen install it.
00:27.36gambolputtyI don't need timing in this case
00:30.35Wi_Fithnx for the info
00:32.28*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
00:35.42*** join/#asterisk iaxy (
00:38.13iaxyhi all, I am having a problem with calls not going to voicemail, does this look ok?
00:38.49iaxy; Incoming calls from pstn
00:38.49iaxyexten => s,1,Answer
00:38.49iaxyexten => s,2,Dial(IAX2/bob/${EXTEN}@extensions,20)
00:38.51iaxyexten => s,3,Voicemail(u${EXTEN})
00:38.53iaxyexten => s,4,Hangup
00:38.55iaxyexten => s,103,Voicemail(b${EXTEN})
00:38.57iaxyexten => s,104,Hangup
00:40.42iaxyit works if I call via another extension, but from outside it just hangsup when time to hit coicemail
00:42.08*** join/#asterisk Moc (
00:42.44Juggiedid u create the voice mail account
00:43.24*** join/#asterisk wolfson (hehe@
00:43.26iaxyyes, it works if I call the extension
00:43.33Mochey all
00:43.35iaxyfrom another extension
00:43.47paulcthe extension will be s
00:43.52paulcit should probably be numeric
00:43.57Juggieyah thats true hah ;)
00:44.00iaxythats incoming
00:44.03paulccreate a mailbox 123 and replace ${EXTEN} with that
00:44.30Juggieare your incomming calls from pri
00:44.32syslodAnyone doing virtual PBX for customers?
00:44.41Juggieor just analog boards
00:44.52MicroChip32exten => s, ..... doesnt have an ${EXTEN} unless it came to that point via a goto()
00:44.58iaxyjust x100p boards
00:45.05Juggiethen u cant do it this way
00:45.18Juggiebcause you only know what line the call came on
00:45.26Juggieu dont know numberdialed
00:45.35Juggieunless its isdn
00:45.38Juggiebut thats a dif story
00:46.21iaxyright when a call comes in it hits s, in incoming context and it rings the set bob
00:46.49iaxybob is an iaxy.
00:47.02Juggiebut $exten is empty
00:47.04paulcok.. so associate an extension with Bob.. let's call it 201 or something..
00:47.05Juggieis s
00:47.11Juggieer, its s
00:47.14paulchave s,1,Goto(201)
00:47.27iaxyextension 39 is accociated with bob in extensions context
00:47.32paulcand in 201 do your stuff about voicemail etc..
00:47.34paulcok.. you got a mailbox 39?
00:47.44iaxyok let me try what you said before replacing EXTEN with 39]
00:48.07iaxyyeah mailbox 39 is there
00:48.34Juggiehow many incomming lines do u have?
00:48.48iaxyone on this pbx
00:49.07Juggieare you going to ask for the extension?
00:49.34iaxyno this one is going right to extension
00:50.10Juggiewhy are you using $exten
00:50.10Juggiewhen its hardcoded
00:50.10Juggiethere is only one option
00:50.10MicroChip32$exten is null at that point