irclog2html for #asterisk on 20041025

00:01.15*** join/#asterisk Moc (
00:03.52Ippimpany one how can you tell if libpri is loaded correctly
00:04.27MocI got no PRI yet, can't help you
00:12.15puzzledIppimp: they are libraries used by asterisk
00:13.16bkw_Ippimp still getting the SABME?
00:13.47flewidanyone know if there's any way to get outbound call queuing working, with only one outside line to the pstn, would that have to be a combo of agi and .call files or is there a better way to do it?
00:13.52flewidi basically want the option that if i try and call out but someone is on the line already, asterisk will call me back to let me know they're off the line, and then dial the number that i originally dialed
00:18.20*** join/#asterisk Matthew_I (
00:21.55Ippimpyes bkw_ but I thinking my libpri is'nt loaded correctly how can you check
00:24.03Ippimppuzzled: what librarie is for libpri
00:28.48fearnor-if you are getting sabme - device on other end is not PRI.
00:28.53fearnor-are you sure you don't have a chan-t1?
00:28.56*** part/#asterisk sudoer (~sudoer@
00:29.11fearnor-err sorry - if you are *sending* sabme but not getting anything back
00:29.15fearnor-either it is a T1
00:29.20fearnor-OR its a wrong ISDN protocol
00:29.32fearnor-try ni1 or ni2 or 5ess
00:29.57fearnor-if you are sending sabme - your libpri is running correctly.
00:30.22IppimpThanks I feel better about that
00:31.59latticehey all, I've done some more research, and realised that SIPP != SIP. I have SIPP installed, but I'm not sure how to configure asterisk to answer calls from SIPP, nor am I sure how to configure SIPP to correctly place the calls..?
00:32.16*** join/#asterisk syslod (~sysglod@
00:32.46puzzledexcellent, anthm's native MoH patch works on my 1.0 install
00:33.51cypromisthat is the rock'n roll patch
00:34.47*** join/#asterisk IOscanner (
00:35.46IOscannerI have a question?  I got a new t100p it shows up as a E100P
00:35.59puzzledcypromis: I need to find a dir with more lively music than the one with that soothing stuff that comes with * :)
00:36.10IOscanneranyone know if the t100p card is the same as the e100p just with a different firmware?
00:36.33puzzledIOscanner: iirc if you have that newest one, it can be configured either as aT1 or E1
00:36.47IOscannerI think they packaged the e100p as a t100p.  Anyone know if I can flash it to be t100P
00:37.02IOscannerany do I need to set a jumper or something?
00:37.18IOscannerdmesg says it is an E100P
00:37.21*** join/#asterisk elroy (
00:37.50puzzledIOscanner: afaik the old ones are fixed
00:38.45IOscannerafaik?  I just got this card the other day?
00:39.05IOscannerit should be the latest rev
00:39.38IOscannerI bought one about 2-3 months ago and it works and dmesg saw it was a t100p
00:40.00puzzledIOscanner: why don't you just call/email digium support?
00:40.37IOscannerI wanted to find out if this is a problem or not.  I haven't seen this problem before.  I would like to get the t-1 up before tomorrow.
00:45.03puzzledIOscanner: there you go. ask kram
00:45.04cypromisan e100p for a t1 ?
00:45.50tzangerpuzzled: damn man just overclock the shit
00:46.05Marlowoverclocked T1 .... :o)
00:46.17tzanger"Hmm it wants 130VDC, let's crank that up and throw a Peltier on it!"
00:48.12puzzledwonder how I can send a sms msg with the details of the just received voicemail to my gsm
00:50.40croakerdoes your gsm have an e-mail to SMS gateway?
00:51.31IppimpNo  D channel avalible check this debug
00:51.37croakerthen have asterisk e-mail to you SMS gateway the info you want
00:51.53bkw_Ippimp you still getting the SABME's?
00:51.55bkw_and thats it?
00:52.14bkw_Ippimp that is normal
00:52.25puzzledcroaker: thanks. will give it a try
00:52.56filecome on dudes, let's overclock our phones!
00:53.03fileit's the newest craze!
00:53.56IOscannerkram: I have a question?  I got a new t100p it shows up as a E100P in dmesg.
00:58.21tzangermy bro is getting my 5yo daughter a "big squishy care bears monkey"
01:01.39Ippimpwhen using zttool is the sync source suppose to be the deguim wildcard t100p
01:01.52tzangerIppimp: only if you have no other choice (IMO)
01:02.05tzangeron each T1 span one side needs to supply clock and hte other needs to sync to it
01:02.37tzangerif your other side can't supply clock then let the digium card do it by putting the "clocking" part of the span config to "0" which means "do not try to sync to the equipment on the other side of this span"
01:02.55*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
01:02.57*** join/#asterisk airwolf (~airwolf_1@
01:03.17IppimpWell the pri is suppose to supply the clocking and I changed that
01:03.31tzangeryou have a PRI from the telco?
01:03.52tzangerthen set your span line to '1' to use the other side (i.e. the telco) as the primary clock source
01:04.30*** join/#asterisk yxa (~void@
01:04.36syslodIf you telco supplies the PRI I doubt you can change the clocking.
01:04.49syslodYou'll have to use there clock.
01:05.07tzangerand besides their clock will be much better than the T100P's internal clock source
01:05.22puzzledanyone know how I can get an external shell script to pick up voicemail vars like ${VM_CALLERID}?
01:05.24syslodSometimes.  If it copper.
01:06.00Kumbangguys, what is the different between NPI and TON
01:06.24IppimpSo if I do a reload then I should get external sync in zttool
01:07.19tzangeryeah I heard coppice say that sometimes sync could not b=e changed short of a full reboot
01:07.59IppimpI think your right
01:15.45Kumbangguys, i 've checked the option for NPI pridialplan are unknown, local, private, national, international and no for isdn E.164? what option should i use for PRI ISDN?
01:17.00bkw_Ippimp are you still only geting the SAMBE's when doing a pri debug?
01:17.04bkw_you hav eyet to answer me
01:17.47syslodKumbang: What dialing you using? National 2?
01:18.02syslodKumbang: Which ISDN protocol?
01:18.10*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (~MWoodJ@hyper-eye.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
01:18.34bkw_Ippimp must have me on ignore
01:19.03file9 to the 9 to the 6
01:19.14Silik0na bit off topic, but anyone know a good/cheap LTO-2 drive?
01:19.29puzzledfile: not the super secret conf call again!
01:19.30Kumbangi have connection through E1 ISDN to 5ess switch
01:20.32syslodKumbang: Hmm can't help you there.  In USA it usally national to the telco.  It sets what a number is.  You could always use none and use a terminator. I belive its # in * during dialing.
01:21.36syslodThe 5ess switch should have some standard for E1 but I have only US docs.  Do you know what dialing plan is setup in the 5ess switch?
01:22.06cypromise1 = euroisdn
01:22.22IppimpI hear you bkw_
01:22.33puzzledSilik0n: supposedly plasmon has some nice products and cheaper than the market leaders. dont know them though
01:22.39bkw_Ippimp SABME?
01:22.48bkw_is that all you get on a pri debug?
01:24.06puzzledcypromis: if you are bored, please tell me how I can get voicemail vars like ${VM_CALLERID} echoed in my email2sms script
01:24.14Ippimpwell I noticed that the sync was on the card it self so I change it and did a reboot. And yes thats all I get on my debug
01:24.20syslodAnyone used * to do PRI switching / concentration?
01:25.06cypromispuzzled: noidea
01:25.09fearnorsyslog: sure, why not.
01:25.15cypromisyo are using the externnotify stuff ?
01:25.19puzzledcypromis: ok :(
01:25.24*** join/#asterisk pointer-gaim (
01:25.35syslodfearnor:  Are you doing it now?
01:25.45fearnorsyslog: yes
01:25.47puzzledcypromis: simple shell script: mail -s "voicemail vars" email@domain
01:25.54fearnoralthough my TNT does a better job than *
01:26.03puzzledcypromis: voicemail vars do not show up
01:26.08syslodfearnor: Looks like a powerful replacement for all those Adtran Atlas units.
01:26.14puzzledfearnor: I was just going to say that
01:26.46fearnormax TNT.
01:26.48puzzledMaxTNT are cheap on eBay can handle a lot of PRI's
01:26.52fearnorfor cheap sadomasochists.
01:26.56*** join/#asterisk libpcp (libpcp@
01:27.03tzangerMaxTNTs work well for modems... never tried them for SIP
01:27.08tzangerneed TAOS11 IIRC
01:27.10puzzledfearnor: I used to work for Ascend so watch out :)
01:27.11fearnortz: i have one here doing sip.
01:27.23tzangerfearnor: can you send me your config?
01:27.29fearnor96-dsp, ether3, taos11,  all the jazz.
01:27.57fearnorit works. but it is a ANNOYING DEVICE
01:28.11fearnortroubleshooting a TNT is hell on earth
01:28.17tzangerfearnor: yes I agree :-)
01:28.36fearnorpuzzled: don't tell me you were the smart guy who decided to do RIGHTMOST PREFIX match
01:29.19puzzledfearnor: nope, I did no coding on TAOS whatsoever
01:29.45fearnorASS END
01:29.53syslodWe got rid of all our lucent equipment last year.  I didn't like any of it.
01:30.20fearnori don't like it either.
01:30.24fearnorbut its cheap and it works.
01:30.34fearnori'd rather use something else if i had money.
01:30.34puzzledthe ascend stuff was cool: CBX500 & GX550 and the MaxTNT and last but not least the ICD
01:30.38fearnorthen again, i'd rather have junipers
01:30.42fearnoroh well ;)
01:31.32puzzledfearnor: lucent layed off most ascend people so I would rather invest in equipment that is actively supported and not by "Jack" fm islamabad who was never involved in the devel of the equipment
01:31.35*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
01:33.28*** join/#asterisk ta[i]nted (
01:35.23tzangerit's gotta be a waste to use an entire MaxTNT shelf just to power the damn shelf controller and quad ethernet cards -- the modem cards aren't necessary are they?
01:35.33fearnoryou need dsp cards.
01:35.43fearnorand quad-eth won't work for voip.
01:35.48fearnorbasically, get a new tnt. :)
01:35.50tzangerhow come?
01:35.52*** join/#asterisk hcir (
01:35.56fearnorno. you need something called 'ether3' for voip.
01:36.11fearnorsingle-port high-performance.
01:36.21fearnorbut hey, you can reuse the chassis! ;)
01:36.24tzangeryou're saying I can't have a MaxTNT that terminates a DS3 for dialup during the night and VOIP outgoing during the day?!
01:36.47fearnoryou *CAN* but you need a ether3 card if you want to do voip.
01:37.00tzangerquad eth has a nice 100btx-fd port... is that not high performance enough?
01:37.05fearnori.e. throw away your old ethernet card.
01:37.08fearnorit isn't
01:38.01fearnorthe setup (chassis+shelf controller+ether3+48dsp) goes on ebay for 2000-2500$
01:38.15puzzledfearnor: what was IPDC used for again?
01:38.16tzangernow you day DSP cards -- that's v90/v92 modem cards, right?
01:38.20tzangeror are they completely different
01:38.20fearnor96dsp for few hundred more
01:38.28fearnortz: no, dsp cards are entirely different.
01:38.41tzangerfearnor: you're kidding me
01:38.41fearnoryou can do modem on the dsp cards, but you can't do voip on the old modem cards.
01:38.49tzanger"old" modem cards meaning the v90 ones?
01:38.50*** join/#asterisk telme (
01:38.52tzangeror are the v92 ones shit too
01:38.53puzzledtzanger: yes
01:38.58fearnorv92 are also shit.
01:39.08tzangerno wonder the hardware's been dumped by Lucent
01:39.12fearnorin other words, you need VOIP HARDWARE TO DO VOIP. sur-fucking-prize.
01:39.24tzangerfearnor: DSP cards should be DSP cards
01:39.28tzangeri.e. update the firmeware -- boom v92
01:39.29fearnorpuzzled: IPDC is SS7 over IP. sorta.
01:39.32tzangerupdate the firmware -- boom voip
01:39.51fearnortzanger: there never were DSP cards for TNT. old cards were "MODEM" cards, not DSP cards.
01:40.10tzangerfearnor: unreal
01:40.15tzangertruly, truly unreal
01:40.36puzzledtzanger: tell that to UUNet who had to upgrade 1000's of chassis with new cards
01:40.36tzangerfuck eeven with the old AS5248 I could upgrade modem firmware and go from 33k6 to K56Flex to V90
01:41.06tzangernow mind you they probably could have done V92 and VOIP if the microcom cards weren't EOL'd :-)
01:41.11tzangerhell the entire chassis' EOL'd
01:41.25fearnortz: sure you can go with old ascend modem cards go from v34 to v90 ;)
01:41.32fearnoryou just can't go to voip. ;)
01:41.47tzangerI have a ton of V92 cards though that claim to be DSP cards
01:41.51tzangerare they the same thing?
01:41.56tzangerv9*2* not V90
01:42.11fearnorthat's the DSP card.
01:42.14puzzleddifferent stuff
01:42.15fearnorthat's a proper voip card.
01:42.22fearnorthat's what i have - it works fine.
01:42.25puzzledall apx cards are dsp cards aren't they?
01:42.38fearnorpuzzled: there's only one APX card, apx8-sl-96dsp
01:42.48*** join/#asterisk booyeah (
01:42.57fearnorwell, there are 288 port variaton of that ;)
01:42.58puzzledheh, not when in beta. I tested a lot of cards with UUNet
01:43.07puzzledyup, that one amongst other ones
01:43.12fearnoryou can use 288 card as 480 port card if you only use g711
01:43.20fearnorits pimp ;)
01:43.59fearnorone APX can terminate something like 8 DS3s full of voice.
01:44.14puzzledyeah, the numbers where staggering
01:45.37Ippimpdid someone say Pimp
01:46.05puzzledfearnor: but was it ever actually tried (the 8x DS3)? :)
01:46.33fearnori peak at 20 concurrent calls now on my tnt. :)
01:46.34puzzledI only heard marketing speak about it. never of field trials that actually delivered on that promise
01:46.58puzzledeven 2 DS3s is still a boatload of channels
01:47.12paulc1288 :)
01:47.38puzzledI'm sure it will handle that. Given the golden Lucent Marketing rule: slash everything they say at least in half (at the time)
01:55.26puzzledsomebody should DDoS those scam bastards at
01:56.11mlh407What does the patch do?
01:56.29puzzledno idea haven't looked at it. prolly a trojan of some sorts
01:56.58*** join/#asterisk jtodd (~jtodd@
01:56.59mlh407It would be interseting to know what it does, can someone look at it ? Who knows how to code?
01:57.42jtodd<grumble>  OK, I can't find what I'm looking for.  There was a patch within the last 6 months that allowed specific hangup codes to be given to a PRI (others?) for disconnect cause.  Any pointers?
01:58.40puzzledmlh407: read the comments on /.
01:58.56puzzledjtodd: remember something vaguely
01:59.16jtoddYeah, me too.  Digging through the CVS history is fruitless; too many keyword matches.
01:59.38*** join/#asterisk EnigmaPTK (
02:00.32WilliamKpuzzled, it'll probably be down very shortly.... sent some emails to the proper people.
02:00.54puzzledjtodd: how about searching for q931.c & cvs
02:01.19jtoddI seem to recall it was a hack to "hangup", but I don't find much with that search thread.
02:01.46jtoddI think q931 wasn't modified.
02:03.20jtoddnothing obvious in q931.c
02:04.36jtoddAh, yes, I really like that patch, but it's the wrong direction.  :-)  I'm looking to set the code on the disconnect.
02:05.14jtoddIn other words, I'd like to refuse a call (before answering it) with "INCOMING_CALL_BARRED" messages, if that's what I think should be sent.
02:05.37jtoddOr "NUMBER_CHANGED" or "SWITCH_CONGESTION" or whatever.
02:05.56puzzledinteresting, sort of ss7 functionality
02:06.04jtoddI _swear_ I saw something like this hit CVS, but I just need to figure out where/when...
02:06.21*** part/#asterisk ta[i]nted (
02:08.49*** join/#asterisk fearnor (~alex@
02:10.16*** join/#asterisk Odie_flocon (
02:13.32tzangerjtodd: I am going to be working on q931.c shortly (I'm a total q931 newb so don't get your hopes up) -- my goal is to reverse engineer enough of Norstar's MCDN protocol to be able to put messages on the digital phonesets and light MWI
02:13.49jtoddThat would be pretty cool.
02:13.52fearnoris mcdn based on q931?
02:13.59tzangerfearnor: yes
02:14.17tzangerfearnor: in fact, I can get my MICS to do Q.SIG if I am willing ot tell it I'm not in North America
02:14.25tzangerbut I am afraid all the call progress tones will be screwed up :-)
02:14.35tzangerer not based on q.931 but rather q.sig which IIRC is based on q.931
02:14.43jtoddtzanger: it's only tangentally related, but have you seen
02:15.37tzangeryeah I was looking at that (not from 2003, it must have been revisited a couple months back)
02:15.41fearnorthat's pretty neat - but what is the layer1 protocol?
02:15.42fearnoris it a BRI?
02:15.49tzangerfearnor: PRI
02:16.00fearnorto each phone??!
02:16.05fearnoror i'm confuzzled
02:16.06puzzledjtodd: bkw already wrote app_serial
02:16.21tzangeryou spend $860 on a DTI (T1 port) for the MICS, then antoher $1500 for the PRI and MCDN enabler codes... pisses me off
02:16.22jtoddyeah, but does app_serial talk to MWI stuff?
02:16.27tzangerfearnor: oh sorry I don't know that
02:16.39*** join/#asterisk tessier_ (
02:16.41tzangerfearnor: it's whatever 2-wire proprietary bullshit they run between the MICS and hte phones themselves
02:16.41puzzledjtodd: don't think so
02:17.03fearnortzanger: well, to do proper signaling, you'll have to figure out the wire protocol first, eh ;)
02:17.09tzangerfearnor: no
02:17.12puzzledweren't there some guys who had almost finished writing SMDI?
02:17.41tzangerfearnor: I am talking about replacing the trunk interfaces on a MICS with a PRI running MCDN -- Norstar allows multiple MICS to share (centrallize) voicemail if they use the MCDN protocol on their trunk lines
02:17.42fearnoror you are planning to interface to the norstar pbx not phones directly?
02:17.47tzangerthat's where I'm interfacing this
02:17.51fearnorgeh. :)
02:18.01jtoddpuzzled: I seem to remember hearing something about it.  But then... there are lots of people "almost" finished with all sorts of really neat Asterisk stuff... "almost."
02:18.10fearnori want some frigging phones with blinkenlighten and lcden that do not cost fortunen
02:18.11*** join/#asterisk kilobit (~sam@
02:18.15tzangeruse the existing MICS cabinet with a T1 trunk card and MCDN+PRI interfaces and let * handle everything else -- the MICS becomes nothing mroe than a digitla phone driver
02:18.23tzangerfearnor: hahaha
02:18.37Odie_floconman getting info from FWD is worse then pulling teeth.
02:18.41fearnorusing MICS kinda defeats price-purpose.
02:19.10fearnoranyone else here does ADSI?
02:19.13jtoddtzanger: A really expensive, very custom channel bank.
02:19.13tzangerfearnor: it's for existing systems
02:19.21telmeso is configuring asterisk to hook up directly to a PRI essentiallly the same thing as hooking up to a 24 channel CB? I.e. the zap setting are the same?
02:19.32fearnortelme: sort of. :)
02:19.35kilobitis there any way i can get hangupcause from agi script?
02:19.41fearnorthey are the same except you configure signaling diferently ;P
02:19.50fearnorso, eh, they are not same ;P
02:19.51tzangertelme: no, PRI != CAS T1
02:19.52tzangerclose but no
02:20.04telmei guess you'd have to b/c b channels  are fxs & fxo
02:20.18fearnorb-channels are *NOT* fxs/fxo.
02:20.23fearnor*NOT* NOT NOT
02:20.30telmeha, okay, sorry
02:20.53telmei guess that's just how i think of them b/c they can switch both ways
02:22.32twistedi guess they should be called bi-channels
02:22.56fearnorbi-channels and gay-channels?
02:23.00tzangertelme: it's trivial to hook up PRI or T1 to *...  atl east in north america, I think that E1 is more difcicult but I've never done it
02:23.17tzangermy hookup to Bell Canada's PRI was insanely easy
02:23.20tzangerit Just Worked
02:23.58tzangeranyway it's my bedtime
02:23.59tzangerlater all
02:24.13Odie_floconwhere in Ont u from?
02:24.19EnigmaPTKzapel.conf; span=1,1,0,esf,b8zs bchan=1-23 dchan=24
02:24.31Odie_flocontzanger where in Ont. are you from?
02:24.35telmehuh, that's it?
02:24.48telmeEnigmaPTK -^^^^^
02:24.56EnigmaPTKfor zaptel.conf...yep.
02:25.03Odie_floconunless the dchan is chan 1 instead of 24
02:25.04tzangerOdie_flocon: Listowel - 40min from Kitchener/Waterloo
02:25.05EnigmaPTKassuming a lot, of course.
02:25.13EnigmaPTKthat being one of the assumptions.
02:25.15Odie_floconsome telcos do that just to screw you up
02:25.22Odie_floconI used to live in Brockville
02:25.22tzangerOdie_flocon: otherwise known as "bend over, Bell's got a large cock aimed at your ass" territory
02:25.32EnigmaPTKesf,b8zs being another assumption (your telco can tell you what to use)
02:25.38Odie_floconall of ont is that way.
02:25.58EnigmaPTK1,1,0 being another assumption (first span, use as timing source, short distance from the smartjack)
02:26.04tzangerOdie_flocon: not so-- the bigger communities will get PRIs from GT or Telus or AT&T...  Listowel nobody will even quote you
02:26.14tzangerEnigmaPTK: yeah but these are all VERY safe assumptions
02:26.22Odie_floconthat's cuz u r a small town.
02:26.28Odie_floconhow much you pay for your pri line?
02:26.34tzangerEnigmaPTK: and from what I recall the CSU buildout is *not* used by the zaptel driver at thsi time
02:26.53tzangerOdie_flocon: well the Bs are no cheaper than regular POTS lines, and add $750/mo I think for the D
02:27.02tzangeror is it $500/mo for the D, I can't remember
02:27.07EnigmaPTKhonestly not sure about that tzanger.  I never worry much about it, and it's never affected my lines any.
02:27.21tzangerEnigmaPTK: true... and the smartjack is usually within 100' of the card anyway
02:27.49*** join/#asterisk elroy (
02:28.00EnigmaPTKthats usd
02:28.13EnigmaPTKactually...i think it s about 425
02:28.26Odie_floconthat's like over 1K for a pri line...
02:28.48tzangerI wish I had that kind of pricing
02:29.04tzangerI'm at like $53or $55/mo for a B and then add the D to that
02:29.05EnigmaPTKallegiance telcom ( they were offering that pricing nationwide just a while back.
02:29.19jtoddEnigmaPTK: You mean XO.  :-)
02:29.21*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
02:29.22tzangerEnigmaPTK: yeah... nationwide to the large communieis :-)
02:29.26Odie_flocondo you use them for your business?
02:29.36tzangerOdie_flocon: yes
02:29.37EnigmaPTKyes.  I grabbed three PRI's from them when they ran that special.
02:29.43fearnorhugs and kisses baby
02:29.50tzangerand my home # was converted to abusiness line and "handed off" to the company I work for and is now a DID on the PRI :-)
02:30.02fearnorbut i'm in their 60hudson colo ;)
02:30.13EnigmaPTKhehe...  yeah, that helps...
02:30.15EnigmaPTKno local loop charge
02:30.33Odie_floconman tz you should become a CLEC...
02:31.23EnigmaPTKmy only bitch with allegiance is that they give you 100DID numbers per DID, and then charge a FORTUNE for more over that.
02:31.27tzangerOdie_flocon: I haven't got $100k for the lawyers and paperwork
02:31.43Odie_flocondon't need lawyers.
02:31.43fearnoreh, its only 5-10k$ actually.
02:31.44tzangerEnigmaPTK: you need more than a hundred DIDs per PRI?
02:31.48tzangerfearnor: in Canada/
02:31.56fearnoroh, i dunno about that ;)
02:32.05jcollieread his before your next flight:
02:32.08tzangerI'd love to investigate it more, it's a lot of hassle trying to find that info unless you know someone who's already a CLEC
02:32.37fearnorit isn't really complicated, if you are serious enough in US.
02:32.42fearnori don't imagine its different in canada.
02:32.53EnigmaPTKit would be handy.. yes.  I like to give every employee a direct dial number AND a private direct dial fax line.  that only allows 50 employees per trunk, which is really low considering 23 channels available.
02:33.06Odie_floconBell doesn't like compteitors
02:33.08fearnorsounds wasteful.
02:33.15fearnorgive the same number and do fax-detection.
02:34.03tzangerEnigmaPTK: true
02:34.06Odie_flocontz if you want to know more just let me know
02:34.07tzangerOdie_flocon: amen to that
02:34.14tzangerOdie_flocon: I'd love to know more but I need to get to sleep
02:34.32MocWe got 550 extentions using 3 T1
02:34.39EnigmaPTKi tried that... we had customers calling all friggin day saying "can I get so and so's fax number?  I have his main number, but not his fax.  we'd tell them it's the same number and they'd be all friggin confused....just wasn't worth the explanations after a while)
02:34.47Mocso 70 channels for 550 extentions
02:36.13fearnorwell - get a better sales monkey.
02:36.24fearnori think xo charges me somthing like 10$/mo for additional 100 dids?
02:36.34EnigmaPTKallegiance is 16
02:36.37EnigmaPTKper 100
02:36.46EnigmaPTKbut maybe thats changed now that theyre XO
02:36.54EnigmaPTKI should call and see if they can cut the pricing a bit.
02:37.24fearnormy bitch with XO is that they want 4k$ to do intrado PS/ALI e911 setup
02:37.26tzanger"Starved of fuel, both Pratt & Whitney engines had flamed out. Pearson's response, recorded on the cockpit voice recorder was "Oh F___." "
02:37.49EnigmaPTKbeing a pilot, i can't think of a better response
02:38.12fearnorone of my friends said: flying is hours of boredom, punctuated by moments of sheer panic.
02:38.25EnigmaPTKhehe...i like that one.
02:39.59*** join/#asterisk ahqiang (
02:40.41ahqiangi got a burning question to ask
02:41.00ahqiangcan asterisk do voice recog? or do call progress monitor?
02:41.34EnigmaPTKcall progress can be done using a digitlal line like a PRI or a BRI
02:41.37Mocahqiang, there is software for that
02:41.45EnigmaPTKbut not (reliably anyway) with an analog line.
02:41.47ahqiangis it?
02:41.55jcolliefearnor: i've heard the same about the army
02:41.57ahqiangi got a prob
02:42.04Mocahqiang, digital, of course..
02:42.13IOscannerI have read some place that asterisk can do voice recog. I am not sure of the status of quallity.
02:42.13Mocahqiang, you could try a VoIP provider like nufone and see
02:42.23IOscannerThat is next on my list to play with.
02:42.25ahqiangi have a 3 way calling line with my SP
02:42.39ahqiangbut cant recog the pickup of the line
02:42.53ahqiangtot can ask it recog the sound of the pickup
02:43.11Mocahqiang, all your phones should be behind your Asterisk
02:43.21ahqiangnot mine
02:43.34Mocwell that your problem
02:43.35ahqiangi have no phone behind *
02:43.42ahqianghaha lol
02:43.50fearnorjcollie: nah, army is "see the world. meet interesting people. kill them."
02:43.58ahqiangi need to deal with the our going phone lines
02:44.08ahqiangi been to the army
02:44.16ahqiangspent 2 years there
02:44.27Wi_Fiasterisk -c = Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
02:44.30Mocme too.. then my account got suspended !!!
02:44.40jcolliefearnor: never had the pleasure
02:46.25ahqiangis pstn line analog or digital?
02:46.36ahqianganalog right? by digital u meant voip
02:47.10EnigmaPTKpstn is analog (assuming its a regular POTS phone line)
02:47.22EnigmaPTKpstn can also be digital (as in a PRI or BRI) line
02:47.25EnigmaPTKISDN is digital
02:47.48ahqiangi got prob picking up signal with the three way calling
02:48.04ahqianganyone noe how the three way calling at the exchange office works?
02:48.07EnigmaPTKhow are you getting the ISDN into asterisk?
02:48.15EnigmaPTKwhat card?
02:48.32EnigmaPTKwhich one?  X100P
02:48.33ahqiangthe isdn is with my campus
02:48.46ahqiangso they provide me a interenal line
02:49.02ahqiangwhich i need to dial a 9 to dial out
02:49.06EnigmaPTKWHICH CARD?
02:49.12ahqiangso i have a asterisk behind a pbx
02:49.28ahqiangthe four port dgium wildcard with 2 port fxo
02:49.32*** join/#asterisk juice ( you are actually using an analog interface to asterisk.  the line may very well be an isdn at some point, but what you have connected to asterisk is analog, so there is no callprogress available.
02:50.31ahqiangi agree with u
02:50.36ahqiangbut not my boss
02:50.40ahqiangthat is the problem
02:51.29EnigmaPTKusing an analog connection, it is my oppinion (to be taken with a grain of salt, of course) that you will not be able to reliably detect call progress.  period.
02:52.00*** join/#asterisk elroy (
02:52.04EnigmaPTKif callprogress is a necessity, then you will HAVE to find a way to get a digital connection to the PSTN or the PBX (ISDN PRI or ISDN BRI or somesort of VOIP)
02:52.23ahqiangthat y i am having prob with the 3 way calling feature of the telco
02:52.39EnigmaPTKcorrect - and without a digital line there is no good solution.
02:52.49EnigmaPTKthat i'm aware of anyway.
02:53.08ahqiangu noe how the three way calling at the exchange office works?
02:53.28EnigmaPTKi have a pretty good understanding of it.
02:53.37ahqiangcan i ask u something?
02:53.40ahqiangthis is impt
02:54.34ahqiangcurrent three way calling plan with my telco = I dial first number , flash dial second number , flash then the 3 of us can talk
02:54.53ahqiangthat how most three way calling plans works in the world i guess
02:55.10EnigmaPTKcorrect - which will never be able to reliably work with an analog line and asterisk.
02:55.27ahqiangU TELL THAT TO MY BOSS
02:55.28EnigmaPTKagain - IN MY OPPINION.  Someone else may have a different oppinion and a better answer for you.
02:55.49ahqiangif you are a telco exchange how will you handle this call
02:56.26ahqiangu pick up my number , connect to second number. call three number and put us all three in a meeting room?
02:56.38ahqiang*call third number
02:58.35ahqiangenigma u there?
02:59.28ariel_Hello all
02:59.46telmehello ariel_
03:00.25ariel_hello telme
03:00.45filehail ariel_
03:01.12ahqiangENigma , u still online?
03:01.17telmeareil, where is a good place to CoLo down there?
03:01.47fearnorwhere is there?
03:01.54telmeya know
03:02.00telmedown ...there
03:02.05telmeFL :)
03:02.07fearnorin the dirty souf?
03:02.15telmeha, kinda
03:02.17fearnortel: NOTA/terramark.
03:02.31*** join/#asterisk libpcp (libpcp@
03:02.35telmefearnor: where are you located?
03:02.35fearnorteh nap of teh americas
03:02.43fearnortelme: i'm in nyc.
03:02.45ariel_telme, I have a friend that has a colo and can if you want I can put you in touch with him.
03:02.52fearnorbut i've got homies in every lata!
03:03.21ahqianghi i need a opioion
03:03.35telmeariel_ what does your friend charge?
03:03.36fearnortelme: talk to STS TELECOM people if you need anything telco-related and have money. :P
03:03.39yxaanyone has an intel ambients/md3200 modems for sale or know where I can get them cheap?
03:03.46ahqianganyone familar with telco exchange?
03:03.49fearnoryxa: it is called X100P and it costs 100$.
03:03.50jcollieheh i'll colo some boxes in my basement for you :)
03:03.52telmefeanor: STS?
03:04.05telmesounds expensive...
03:04.21fearnorthey are good people.
03:04.29telmejcollie: okay, can i pay with pbj's
03:04.46ariel_telme, I gave you my email I will email you his info later on.
03:05.05fearnortelcoexchange sounds like one of those brokers.
03:05.23*** join/#asterisk BurnedOutGeek (
03:05.56ahqiangi mean the exchange office
03:06.02fearnorcentral office?
03:06.14fearnorand what do you need to know?
03:06.16ahqiangthat is onw way u put it
03:06.25ahqianghow three way calling works
03:06.43fearnoryou take one call. you take another call. you mix them together.
03:06.58ahqiangwait i org something for u
03:07.25ahqiangthat how most three way calling plans works in the world i guess
03:07.42fearnorwith a frigging software.
03:07.47fearnorjust like asterisk would handle it.
03:08.05ahqiangbut i need to understand how the central works
03:08.19fearnorwell, then you gotta use your head.
03:08.49ahqiangmy true question is , actually phyiscally , only number1 is connected to number 2 , and number 3 is connected via a meetme
03:08.59ahqiangdumb question? ahahhahaha
03:09.04fearnorvery dumb. :P)
03:09.10ahqiangso all are in a meet me
03:09.22fearnor"meet me" is wrong thinking.
03:09.31ahqiangso i am number 1
03:09.32fearnoryou are mixed together on a TDM bus.
03:09.39fearnorit doesn't matter, there are no numbers.
03:10.08ahqiangi can detect number2 caller pickup signal but cannot detect number3 caller pick up signal
03:10.22fearnorcaller pickup signal?
03:10.43ahqiangthe sound u hear when u transit from rings to answer
03:10.52fearnoryou are making no sense.
03:10.53ahqiangthe signal to tell u that the call is answered
03:10.55fearnorwhat do you want to do.
03:11.05ahqiangwhat the real name?
03:11.21ahqiangi need * to to the three way calling auto for me
03:11.35ahqiangoutgoing pstn calls with a three way plan with the telco
03:11.38fearnor* supports 3-way calling.
03:11.45fearnorah: don't do that.
03:11.46Wi_Fihey guys
03:11.54fearnorits a really stupid idea.
03:11.56ahqiang* supports 3 call calling internal calls only
03:12.08ahqiangtell me more fearor
03:12.13Wi_Fiim gettin a sound card error on * start and i dont have a sound card
03:12.23fearnorwhat can i tell you more? it is a dumb idea.
03:12.33ahqiangWI_FI: try not to do dial
03:12.45fearnoryou can screw around with flashing FXO interface but it won't work reliably.
03:12.47ahqiangfearnor: U TELL THAT TO MY BOSS
03:13.01ahqiangya i totally agree
03:13.03fearnorahqia: tell him to get a frigging second real phone line ;P
03:13.09Wi_Fican dial if asterisk wont start
03:13.21fearnorwifi: noload=whatevermodulegivesyouproblems.
03:14.04ahqiangfearnor: auto in the sense i need to detect when the second caller and the third caller picks up the call
03:14.12*** join/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
03:14.31ahqiangi can detect the second caller pickup , but not the third caller
03:14.36fearnorah: first of all, tone progress detection doesn't work reliably when you even don't bother with second caller
03:14.41fearnorer dont bother with third.
03:15.09ahqiangit is in progress of development for asterisk right?
03:15.16fearnoreh no.
03:15.20fearnori doubt it anyway.
03:15.23*** part/#asterisk jcollie (
03:15.26fearnorcuz it sounds like a dumb idea in a first place.
03:15.47ahqianghope my boss is here
03:16.18Wi_Fihow is asterisk picking up a sound card that aint there?
03:16.20ahqiangi could save up this session
03:16.32fearnorwifi: noload=whatevermodulegivesyouproblems.
03:16.32ahqiangnow with all the complians i made about him , i cant
03:16.36fearnorin modules.conf
03:17.08Mocwtf is that winning all about ?
03:17.10fearnordoes chan_zap support 64k clear-channel calls?
03:17.45Wi_Fithere is no soundcard in modules
03:17.54fearnorwifi: explicitly noload it.
03:18.34Wi_Fibut i dont know what card it thinks it has
03:18.51*** join/#asterisk michael12345 (~mick@
03:18.52fearnornoload =>
03:19.16*** join/#asterisk Borgon (~Borgon@
03:19.19*** join/#asterisk justinnnnnn (
03:19.39Wi_Fiadd that to /etc/modules.conf
03:19.56Borgoncan i use asterisk to spoof caller id?
03:20.06justinnnnnnonly localy
03:20.10justinnnnnnto fool ur co-workers :)
03:20.23ahqianginternally u mean?
03:20.47justinnnnnni dont think ur telco would let u use anything as ur clid
03:20.52fearnorborgon: only if you are l33t hax0r
03:20.57justinnnnnnours default back to the first number in group when i try do that
03:20.59fearnorin which case, you don't really belong here.
03:21.11ahqiangcheckout star38
03:21.19ahqiangthey do caller id spoofing
03:21.25justinnnnnnwhat is it ?
03:21.26Borgonyeah i did but they are closed
03:21.26justinnnnnnstar38 ?
03:21.27ahqiangalso the orangebox
03:21.33ahqiangdo callerid spoofing also
03:21.37ahqiangit is a company
03:21.38BorgonI am looking for something to spoof caller id
03:21.48ahqiangi am also
03:21.53ahqianglet me know if u can
03:21.55justinnnnnnwhat legal purposes would u need to do that for :)
03:22.25michael12345can I make queues.conf store the recorded files in another director
03:22.30justinnnnnnu guys r talking bout changing clid to anything ya ?
03:22.39justinnnnnnlike 11223344 for e.g ?
03:22.41Borgonam not a law enforment agent so star38 wont help =(
03:22.41justinnnnnnwhen u call someone
03:23.15fearnorborgon, then, maybe you should try #haxor
03:23.18ahqiangthey can help if u pay i guess
03:23.30ahqiangalso try orangebox
03:24.13Borgonfearnor, wouldnt this be considered more phreaking?
03:24.13BorgonAre you all familiar with vonage and voip? do they keep logs etc?
03:24.41fearnorborgon, yes.
03:24.47fearnorto comply with CALEA, they better./
03:25.14EnigmaPTKspoofing caller id CAN come in handy for non illegal purposes.   I have my cell phone rung from my office, and add a few digits to the beginning of the CID so that I know it's a forward from the office and not a direct call.  (ie, 458-555-1212 comes in to my cellphone as 66-458-555-1212)
03:26.20Borgonfearnor, ok, last question
03:26.40Borgonfearnor, Can i use voip vonage softphone , mic phone or speaker/headset and will it work with a remote desktop?
03:26.42fearnori'm getting seriously strange echo when i do any of pri debug commands
03:26.48*** join/#asterisk scrubb (
03:26.52fearnorpri show span X -> gives me like 5x same thing.
03:26.54*** join/#asterisk libpcp (libpcp@
03:27.00fearnorborgon: wouldn't have a clue.
03:27.17fearnordoes rdesktop proxy sound? if yes, yes, if no, no.
03:27.42Borgonanyone know if its possible to use a remote desktop to make calls?
03:28.04Borgoncould it be made or configured? am sure ther eare alot of open source projects
03:28.04Borgoni dont need it to sound
03:28.23Borgonall i need it to do is forward my calls to my trac phone
03:28.26ahqiangcan use * to make remote auto calls
03:28.29Wi_Fifearnor all those are noloads now
03:28.34Borgonahqiang,  how?
03:28.46Wi_Fibut still gettin audio data error on * start
03:28.56Borgonahqiang, i was talkign with vonage voip
03:28.57ahqiangdo a tcp/ip client to talk to asterisk to org calls for u
03:29.04ahqiangor transfer calls for u
03:29.19fearnorwifi: paste error.
03:29.22EnigmaPTKwi_fi trying noloading music on hold
03:29.39ahqiangtot u meant calls on asterisk or pstn calls
03:29.40*** join/#asterisk xyxz (~nnnnn@
03:30.27xyxzDoes asterisk compile in 2.6 very well yet?
03:30.38BorgonIS it possible to find which phone company someone uses by just the phone#?
03:30.51IOscannerI am using 2.6.5 - 2.6.8
03:31.01xyxzwith digium hardware too?
03:31.01yxadont think compilations has anything to do with kernel versions
03:31.18robl^xyxz: Asterisk does..  Drivers, on the other hand, might take a bit of trickery..depending on the Linux distro
03:31.22latticeBorgon: no; has a lot of that data.
03:31.28IOscannert100 and t400 I have tested and the single fxo card
03:31.47IOscanneruse the latest stable from cvs v1-0
03:31.48xyxzI'll have to give it a try then
03:31.52fearnorborgon: its called LERG.
03:31.59IOscannerthe unstable doesn't work correctly
03:31.59fearnorit costs ~1500 for a copy.
03:32.06IOscannerI had problems with it.
03:32.09Borgonwhats lerg?
03:32.49citatsdon't forget abut number portability...
03:32.51robl^xyxz: it does work under 2.6...  but not as easily as 2.4..  just be prepared to work a little harder :)
03:33.05fearnorcitats: good point. you need LERG + ability to do LNP dip :)
03:33.31xyxzrobl^: gotcha... thanks
03:33.32citatsplus LERG doesn't like 10k blocks
03:33.41fearnorcitats: you mean 1k blocks.
03:33.59IOscannerI am having a problem with a t100p.  I got a new card the other day and it shows up as a E100P and not a T100P
03:34.04citatshah, man i'm typing bad today
03:34.17fearnorcitats: btw, that zapras problem...
03:34.22xyxzIOscanner: the probably shipped you the wrong card
03:34.29IOscanneranyone know if I got a card wrong card?
03:34.32fearnoron wct1xxp it doesn't seem to happen often.
03:34.39IOscanneror did they add t1/e1 into the same card
03:34.46fearnorit seems that hdlc takes more cpu time
03:34.57fearnorio: there's new wcte card...
03:34.58xyxzIOscanner: what does the label on the static bag say?
03:35.05EnigmaPTKIOScanner, look at the big chip on the card.  if its a DS21352 than its a T100P, if it's a DS21354 then it's an E100P.
03:35.08fearnorio: cat /proc/pci and look for PCI id.
03:35.24IOscannerit has jumpers on the top of the card.
03:35.34fearnorio: how does it show as 'wrong card'.
03:35.54IOscannerI am not infront to the systme to check it.  dmesg show it as a E100P (E1)
03:35.54xyxzwell read the numbers on the Dallas chip
03:37.02IOscannerI would assume the wct1xxp can tell which device it is.  I have another t100p running on the same build and it shows as t100p in dmesg.
03:37.25fearnorsounds like an rma case ;)
03:37.38IOscanneryeah me too.
03:37.52IOscannerCan we not flash the firmware from a linux box?
03:38.02xyxzhehe no
03:38.03IOscannerto put back the t100P version on the card
03:38.11EnigmaPTKthe t100p and e100p use a PHYSICALLY diferent chip.
03:38.14EnigmaPTKno firmware difference
03:38.46IOscannerThe card is marked as t100P.  I thought it was a different firmware
03:39.20EnigmaPTKnope.  t100p uses a dallas DS21352 with a 1.544 mhz clock, e100p uses a dallas ds21354 with a 2.048 mhz clock.
03:39.30EnigmaPTKno possible way to switch them with firmware.
03:39.47IOscannerDoes someone has a t100p installed?  Does dmesg show t100P?
03:40.26IOscannerEnigma: do they use the same board then that has the old t100p lable.
03:40.47IOscannercitats: are they on backorder too?
03:41.07fearnorok retarded question
03:41.18fearnorhow do i tell ast_call that i want 64k clear-channel call?
03:41.33blankmanWi_Fi, did you get your problem fixed?
03:42.06EnigmaPTKthey circuit board is identical.
03:42.17blankmandid you noload the aopen module?
03:42.18latticewhat info does an LNP dip give? I tried doing some research, but all of the pages I found assume you know everything about the backend tech. :-)
03:42.31IOscannerthen sounds like I got an e100p
03:42.53Wi_Fiyes blankman
03:42.54fearnorlattice: tell you the "real" phone number where the call is routed. sort of.
03:43.05Wi_Fii actually did all of them
03:43.17EnigmaPTKthe only way to tell for SURE is to check the dallas chip.
03:44.09latticefearnor: ok, I suspected something along those lines. So does that meant that ported lines have two numbers? One that's public, and one that's "internal" to the carrier?
03:44.31IOscannerCool thanks
03:44.34EnigmaPTKmy pleasure.
03:45.14fearnorlattice: to be honest - i'm not all that certain. i believe that yes, you are right. the "routing" number (the number it points to) is not necessarily a real 10-digit number, but something special.
03:45.58latticefearnor: interesting.. I'll have to do some more research. Thanks! :-)
03:47.02*** join/#asterisk AeroT (
03:49.47bkw_Load: 4.12 3.14 2.39
03:50.21*** join/#asterisk hughhalf (
03:52.10drumkillawhat's that from?
03:52.26bkw_my box
03:52.26Mocdamn Polycom is smart... if I receive a call from Jean-Francois Dionne, but that too big to fit on the screen, it will convert it to JF Dionne
03:52.35bkw_drumkilla i upgraded to the 2.6 kernel
03:52.40bkw_just to see what all the fuss was about
03:52.43bkw_i'm far form impressed
03:52.46bkw_er from
03:53.20bkw_NO DADDY NO
03:53.24Mocbkw_, same here, compiling the kernel look better ;) but I had more problem than anything
03:53.29Wi_Fihow do remove *
03:53.37*** join/#asterisk nestAr (
03:53.38Wi_Fii think i needs to start over
03:53.38bkw_Wi_Fi why would you wanna do that?
03:53.43ahqiangfearnor and enigma : i am going off , thanks for your input on the central office. see u
03:53.44bkw_no removing it doesn't fix it
03:53.48bkw_just fresh check out
03:53.50bkw_and install again
03:53.55Wi_Fii did
03:53.56bkw_define the problem
03:54.01bkw_what problem are you having?
03:54.06Wi_Fiwont start
03:54.13bkw_more info please
03:54.17bkw_wont start? where does it crash
03:54.18Wi_Fiill paste
03:54.20bkw_asterisk -vvvgc
03:54.23nestArwell, i got an email from my Cisco rep.. you guys were right.. you have to have a phone license, even if you're not using cisco's callmanager
03:54.24bkw_tell me where it segfaults
03:54.26bkw_or stops
03:54.37tessier_nestAr: A phone license?
03:54.40bkw_nestAr hence why cisco can bite me
03:54.43nestArSIP license
03:54.45MocnestAr, Im not surprise... But you got a friend ... POLYCOM..
03:54.50tessier_nestAr: How much does that cost?
03:54.51bkw_fuck cisco
03:54.59Moctessier, alot
03:55.10Mocadd about 100$CND I think
03:55.14bkw_lets fix this
03:55.16tessier_Perhaps I should start looking at Polycom also then
03:55.22Wi_Ficisco = proprietary bastards
03:55.23nestAr"With a Cisco phone you buy either a Call Manager license or a SIP license."
03:55.24bkw_Wi_Fi this is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO easy ot fix
03:55.27MocPolycom are damn GREAT..
03:55.29bkw_bet you noloaded didn't ya?
03:55.36*** join/#asterisk RazorJack (~RazorJack@
03:55.42tessier_Hardware should come with a license if the hardware is useless without the software.
03:55.54bkw_Wi_Fi noload all chan_modem too
03:55.57nestAri agree
03:55.58AeroTwifi, cisco made the net possible :)
03:56.00bkw_every thing with chan_modem*
03:56.06bkw_otherwise it won't start
03:56.08Mocfirst, handfree of the polycom sound better than the cisco
03:56.13bkw_those depend on chan_modem
03:56.19tessier_Can Polycom phones be managed remotely via tftp etc?
03:56.22Mocsecond, you got SO MANY OPTIONS ...
03:56.27filedependencies DAVE!
03:56.30Moctessier, yes, but ftp is better
03:56.31RazorJackI just got musiconhold working perfectly, however when my asterisk pickups my analog line (x100), and puts me on hold, the musiconhold is WAY too loud (even using quietmp3 directive in musiconhold.conf)
03:56.32RazorJackany ideas?
03:56.46tessier_Moc: The phones can ftp their configs?
03:56.50Moctessier, yes
03:56.53tessier_Moc: Awesome.
03:56.54Mocit even upload log file
03:57.02tessier_Moc: Are they cheaper than Cisco?
03:57.02Wi_Fido i have do a noload on evertheing in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules?
03:57.05Mocand if you modify stuff on the phone, it will upload the change
03:57.12tessier_Vellly interesting.
03:57.14citatsyeah the polycom phones are really nice
03:57.15AeroTin fact its to bad both husband/wife team that created cisco handed over control to managment ie, president or ceo and the two who invented the technoligy were fired.
03:57.22Moclike if you add a contact in the directory, it will upload it to the server
03:57.26tessier_I have been deploying Cisco's so far but I think that might have to change. They have been pissing me off anyhow.
03:57.44fearnornobody was ever fired for buying cisco.
03:58.05RazorJackAnybody know how to manually reduce the onhold music volume?
03:58.05MocIP500 that has 3 extention cost 170$ US
03:58.18fearnormoc: source?
03:58.27nestArthes polycom phones look nice.. for sure
03:58.29Alricfearnor: Except those layoffs to pay for the Cisco solution? :)
03:58.50Mocpolycom physicly look better, but the polycom display is alot better..
03:58.59Mocit smaller, but it easier to read
03:59.18AeroTfearnor, I heard it from the two husband/wife team inventors that created it. Thay were trying to link buildings as a university in so cal and also wanted to create a name of this equipment. Thay thought of Sanfrancisco and shortened it to cisco :)
03:59.26Mocalso ring tone are wav file..
03:59.38Mocand you can set ringtone per Extentions
03:59.41RazorJackAnybody know how to manually reduce the onhold music volume?
03:59.47Mocand you can set a Voicemail Extention per Extention
03:59.57tessier_Does Polycom have a nice operator console with a bunch of buttons etc that works with NOTIFY etc?
04:00.00Mocalso on incoming call, you got the reject option
04:00.10*** join/#asterisk jcollie (
04:00.23blankmanbkw_, where do we go about testing the new dundi stuff? Meaning how do we set it up for testing?
04:00.23fearnoraero: uhh, its a LOOOONG story about those two.
04:00.25Moctessier, nope :(
04:00.32fearnorfirst of all, they jacked the technology from stanford.
04:00.35tessier_I am having to order a Snom 220 because a client needs an operator console.
04:00.38tessier_Moc: No? Bummer.
04:00.40fearnorwhere they have been working on it under grants
04:00.41Moctessier, well nope for operator stuff I guess
04:00.43tessier_Still sounds good though.
04:00.55tessier_I intend to provide a web based operator console for future clients anyhow.
04:00.58Mocmaybe ip600 does.. donno
04:01.02fearnoranyway, google for len bosack.
04:01.03RazorJackbkw_: you know how I can reduce the on hold mp3 music volume?
04:01.07Moctessier, you got a web interface to cfg it also
04:01.19RazorJackbkw_ using that
04:01.26bkw_go edit res_musiconhold.c
04:01.51bkw_see this
04:01.52bkw_if (class->quiet)
04:01.57bkw_change that to 2048 or 1024
04:02.10RazorJackbkw_: wow thx :), ill do that
04:02.18Mocbkw_, ha nice hack
04:02.32Mocanyway, Im really sold to polycom
04:02.32bkw_I think that should be 2048 by default anyway
04:02.33Wi_Finow here we go
04:02.40Wi_Finew error
04:02.50*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
04:02.50Mocyou got a do not disturb button..
04:02.58Wi_Fitook everything out chan_modem*
04:03.02bkw_you can't possibly be that stupid
04:03.14*** join/#asterisk MustDie (
04:03.24drumkillabkw_: be nice  :p
04:03.25fearnorwifi: i told you THAT an HOUR ago on this channel.
04:03.28AlricIsn't that already noloaded at the top of the stock config file?
04:03.28bkw_Wi_Fi sorry I don't mean to insult anyone
04:03.34RazorJackbkw_: theres a class->single thats 2048
04:03.42bkw_RazorJack keep lookin
04:03.48bkw_its the exact thing I told you a little below that
04:03.52fearnor> noload =>
04:03.52RazorJackyea I see class->quiet
04:04.01RazorJackbut just saying, class-.single's 2048 :P
04:04.25RazorJackrecompiled, dialing
04:04.46bkw_run ztcfg -vvv
04:04.51bkw_make sure your channels are right
04:04.57bkw_it "shouldn't" segfault
04:05.04bkw_wtf version are you runing?
04:05.07bkw_cvs or some package?
04:05.26Wi_FiChannel map:
04:05.26Wi_FiChannel 01: FXS Loopstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)
04:05.26Wi_Fi1 channels configured.
04:05.34bkw_make sure zapata.conf is correct now
04:05.41Wi_Fiit is
04:05.48bkw_double check it and post it to pastebin
04:06.58RazorJackI gotta say, I wish I had known about asterisk, before I bought my talkswitch.... my talkswitch works good, but asterisk is even better.
04:07.15xyxzwho the hell is xorcom
04:07.23xyxztheir whole site seems a little fishy