irclog2html for #asterisk on 20041024

00:00.03bkw_I got this
00:00.11mitemwhat's the latest stable kernel?
00:00.36mitemah, thanks, i couldnt remember that site
00:00.36fearnorbkw: i *know* how to do that for "default route" essentially (i.e. not prefix-based routing)
00:00.38bkw_fearnor try that
00:00.41mitemeven though its pretty obvious now ;)
00:00.48bkw_OH prefix
00:00.53bkw_oh let me see
00:00.58fearnorbkw: don't bother
00:01.04fearnortnt uses RIGHTMOST MATCH on prefix
00:01.13fearnornow tell me what did ascend engineers smoke.
00:01.21bkw_OH GOD
00:01.26bkw_they were smokin it eh
00:01.34*** join/#asterisk patdk (
00:01.41fearnorie you set up a call-route entry with 4444, and it'll match anything that ends in 4444
00:01.48fearnorawesome huh :)
00:01.56bkw_well thats just stupid
00:02.18hacimbkw_: I am willing to believe you that version q is on crack, but can you tell me why so we can update the wiki?
00:02.20bkw_wonder if 12345* works
00:02.33fearnorbkw: do you know the magic SIP header you can put into INVITE so TNT uses it as a trunk-group?
00:02.36fearnorbkw: it doesn't ;)
00:02.43bkw_hacim don't make me get the mailing list out and show you where I said DO NOT USE ANYTHING BUT 0.59r
00:02.55bkw_hacim it just is
00:03.05fearnorkeep in mind - tnt was designed for dial termination. thus, you'd get all sorts of numbers that end in 1234 (for example) in various area codes, and you wanted to distinguish based on that
00:03.19hacimbkw_: nothing wrong with knowing WHY
00:03.30bkw_hacim I have no clue why... I know it just works(tm)
00:03.58fearnorbkw: do you have any tnts running with voip loads?
00:04.03*** join/#asterisk Derkommissar (~alberto@
00:04.04bkw_not yet
00:04.06bkw_will soon
00:04.18Derkommissarbkw_, sup
00:04.19bkw_I just wanna be able to do basic routing
00:04.20fearnorif you buying them - are good people.
00:04.23bkw_all or none type thing
00:04.31trekedoes the error message "Invalid IE Contents" mean anything to anyone?
00:04.36fearnorbkw: all your routing will have to be done by sip proxy
00:04.36Derkommissarariel_, Are you around ?
00:04.40fearnorsince assend is incapable
00:04.49bkw_fearnor what?
00:04.52fearnoralso you'll have lots of fun figuring out ascend retarded trunk-groups
00:05.00bkw_I just wanna bring stuff off a DS3 to the T1's in the back
00:05.07fearnorbkw: IP or voice?
00:05.07bkw_and redirect a few numbers to X or Y t1 port
00:05.19*** join/#asterisk sivana (~richard@
00:05.21fearnorbkw: you will have to do it with SIP proxy ;)
00:05.25fearnori'm serious.
00:05.39bkw_I know your full of it because I have done this already once
00:05.41fearnorspecific numbers? ok sorry, you can
00:05.44fearnorjust not a prefix.
00:05.56Derkommissarbkw_, it was the hardware,
00:06.00fearnorie if you have 10 numbers starting with 1212555121*
00:06.03bkw_you can do a default route can't you fearnor ?
00:06.11fearnoryou'll enter each of them ;)
00:06.12Derkommissarbkw_,  for some reason the hardware was screwing up with per agi.
00:06.18fearnoryes you can - but there's a trick ;)
00:06.19Derkommissarnot the multitread
00:06.23bkw_fearnor show me
00:06.30fearnoradmin> list
00:06.30fearnor[in CALL-SWITCHING]
00:06.30fearnorenabled = yes
00:06.31fearnorcomparison-rule = { no }
00:06.41fearnorthat's what you need to have for default-route ;)
00:06.56fearnori beat my head for a day before someone told me
00:07.05fearnorerr sorry
00:07.10fearnorthat needs to be set to "yes"
00:07.35bkw_enabled = yes?
00:07.50fearnorand thats not default
00:07.55bkw_I wanna be able to pick off numbers from the group
00:08.14fearnoryou are probably better off just doing sip proxy thing anyway.
00:08.28fearnortnt is somewhat usable in that mode
00:08.46fearnorand all proxy does is just send forward back to the tnt with modified phone number (to prepend trunk-group)
00:09.01fearnorand trunk-group mapped to the interfaces
00:09.14fearnorits bizarre.
00:09.15bkw_like a call director
00:09.26bkw_i'll keep that in mind
00:09.29fearnorproxy doesn't stay in mediapath.
00:11.47mitemi could really go for a redbull right about now
00:13.07trekeah. think I see the problem. The nortel is trying to speak a protocal asterisk don't know :)
00:13.25bkw_doubt it
00:13.33bkw_it may be an IE we dont know about
00:14.05trekethat might be the proper phrasing
00:14.57Marlowduh :)
00:16.31Marlowcould somebody wake me up ?
00:18.14hacimhrm, anyone have an RPM of mpg123-0.59r for redhat 9?
00:18.21bkw_don't use rpm's
00:18.24bkw_just compile it
00:18.34hacimbkw_: i'd like to
00:18.49bkw_then do it
00:18.50hacimbkw_: but it requires esd.h and some other headers that I dont know where they are
00:18.52bkw_nobody is stopping you
00:18.55hacimbtw. I hate redhat
00:18.57hacimredhat is stoppng me
00:19.00bkw_no youd on't
00:19.01hacimits evil
00:19.09hacimbkw_: I dont need esd.h?
00:19.14Marlowhacim : learn to use rpmfind :)
00:19.16bkw_where did you get the tarbal?
00:19.25hacimMarlow: I've used it
00:19.31bkw_I don't have esd.h and I compiled it
00:19.36hacimMarlow: and nothing
00:20.51*** join/#asterisk nassy (