irclog2html for #asterisk on 20041021

00:01.32BinaryBobdial extension that "Dial()'s" antoher phone
00:01.35*** join/#asterisk ipdeman (
00:01.50BinaryBoband its crazy bleeps, liek a fax but not that high pitched
00:11.23keni think i read somewhere about voicemail boxes being able to be controlled by 2 separate people, with linking on delete/save/etc.
00:11.30kenanyone know how to do that?
00:11.56*** join/#asterisk twisted (
00:11.56*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
00:13.25rabble_how do i get the manager to pass me the Cdr event for a given channel or uniqueID?
00:13.44juggiewhats wrong with pulling it from the database?
00:14.23rabble_well right now i have it written to a file, but i'd like to trigger a bunch of database things and scripts when a call ends
00:14.43juggieuse the hangup
00:14.44rabble_so i have a daemon which watchs the manager and does that, but i can't seem to get cdr
00:14.58juggieyou can also run more stuff after the dial
00:15.01rabble_hangup doesn't list call time, or really any status stuff
00:15.07juggieoh ok
00:15.10*** join/#asterisk paulc (
00:15.16juggiecan u run more stuff after dial? i believe so
00:15.24rabble_sure, but what stuff? :-)
00:15.48juggiecall your database code there
00:15.57juggiedial can be flagged to continue the context cant it
00:16.33rabble_i don't know,c an it?
00:17.26juggiei'm pretty sure lets see
00:17.26puzzledbkw_: thanks for the DUNDi app for stable
00:18.13juggierabble_, look at
00:18.18juggiespecifically the g command
00:18.25juggierun more commands in the current context
00:18.38juggieso they will run before the information is lost
00:18.50|Vulture|anyone ever get their IP500 stuck in a boot-loop?
00:19.42rabble_AH, so i make an exten which does teh dialing based on a variable, instead of directly dialing the number, then i can run other commands
00:20.01*** part/#asterisk Derkommissar (~alberto@
00:21.21cypromisthe dundi stuff is nice
00:21.34cypromisI would prefer it to use sqlite or something for the user db
00:21.42puzzledgo to bed!
00:21.46cypromisotherwhiles the textfile will become awfully big ...
00:21.57cypromisdon't shout sleepy dutchie
00:22.12puzzleddon't make me pull the plug on AMS-IX
00:22.24cypromiswould only cause a reroute
00:22.31puzzledheh nice
00:23.09puzzledI told my mum today that I was using VoIP to call her. She had no clue and I coudn't explain what it was
00:23.20puzzlednot as much fun
00:25.17twistedmy mother knows what it is
00:25.19twistedshe thinks it's neat
00:25.31puzzledcool Mum
00:25.46twistedshe thinks it's neat, but too complicated
00:26.01twisted(she's an ex bell employee)
00:26.14juggietwisted, have u looked at app_conference?
00:26.19twistedjuggie, nope
00:26.31puzzledjuggie: 200 ppl simultaneously
00:26.38juggiei was trying to integrate some code from app_meetme into app_confrence
00:26.41puzzledthat's waht they say
00:26.43juggiebut without any luck
00:26.53juggieits much better then app meetme performance wise
00:26.57juggiethe echo and gain is much better
00:27.06puzzledany more ex Bell Mums that need a training wildcard?
00:27.36twistedi'm thinking about buying my parents three 7960's for christmas
00:27.40twistedand installing an asterisk server
00:27.55juggiei got two at work and the guy broke the firmware
00:28.04juggiewhen he updated them to sip
00:28.08juggienever tested them
00:28.11juggieone of his config files is wrong
00:28.15juggiethey wont boot
00:28.26JunK-Ymy mom had difficulties like hell to use winamp, my ex-gf spend like 30 minutes to explain how to start/use it.
00:28.27juggieand i didnt have access to the dhcp server to point to my tftp server to fix them
00:28.32puzzledok, they are finished. send them to me and I'll scrap them
00:28.34twistedjuggie, plug in the serial cable
00:28.49juggietwisted, i know i can do that and force the tftp server
00:28.53puzzled7960 has a serial port?
00:28.56rabble_is FastAGI a persistant process like FastCGI or it is just a way of running AGI's on a remote box?
00:28.56twistedpuzzled, yea
00:29.03juggiebut tomorow i'm just going to get them to change the tftp in the dhcp server
00:29.04puzzledold school
00:29.07juggieand that will be fine
00:29.14twistedpuzzled, nah, it's for fixing issues like juggie's
00:29.36JunK-Yrabble_: i think its to run it remotely.
00:29.40twistedwarm trout
00:29.46DavidBeckemeyerAnybody have insight to issue of Dial(SIP/user@host) doesn't work when host is ourselves, so EnumLookup fails if result is SIP uri on the same host
00:29.50juggietwisted, i managed to discover the ip
00:29.50JunK-Yand it cache ur agi or something like that.
00:29.52puzzledyup, straight from the oven
00:29.57juggiebut telnet is disabled now
00:30.00juggiein the newer firmwares
00:30.07juggieor at least in the state its in
00:30.08twistedjuggie, yes, by default it is
00:30.09juggieso i cant telnet in
00:30.16rabble_JunK-Y:  but it still launches the processes and ends them, like normal AGI's just on a different box.... a false cogniate :-(
00:30.17juggiewell its set to 1 in the config file
00:30.19juggiebut i cant telnet in
00:30.22juggieso either it never got that far
00:30.27twistedjuggie, and apparently the config is b0rked
00:30.33juggieso thats why
00:30.38twistedi have mine set to 2
00:30.50puzzledwhat if I painted his boots pink
00:31.20juggieanyways it does get an ip and its pingable
00:31.24juggieso its not toast :)
00:31.36juggietomorow i get option 66 set to my ip in the dhcp, and pray for love
00:31.43juggiei have the tftp server ready to go
00:31.47puzzledwith your pink boots
00:31.53juggieand pink undies
00:32.06puzzledI didn't touch those!
00:32.16puzzledthose, err, them or it
00:33.13puzzledI don't know about these guys from bicomsystems. $249 for an install?!
00:34.06*** part/#asterisk Kokey (~jramirez@
00:35.56puzzledsuspiciously silent in here. everybody suddenly got their problems solved?
00:36.12juggiei only use asterisk at work :P
00:36.24puzzledor should I ask bkw_ to strip?
00:36.51juggiei need to find some c coder who can make my app_conference dreams come true :)
00:36.58puzzledjuggie: as long as it works, I'm a happy camper
00:37.02Mavviejuggie: if you pay enough you will find somebody
00:37.04juggiei spent this morning on it and didnt get very far, it compiled, never crashed
00:37.06juggiebut it didnt work
00:37.13juggiemeetme uses file destriptors
00:37.18juggieand conference does not
00:37.28juggieso i have to figure out how conference puts audio on the line
00:37.28puzzledjuggie: are you serious about paying?
00:37.42juggieno, i cant pay its not for me, its for the gov
00:37.51puzzledgov has billions
00:37.53juggieand the gov doesnt just pay joe coder
00:38.07puzzledbut I am puzzled
00:38.09Mavviejuggie: you can outsource it to me :-)
00:38.22puzzledthe gov would love to outsource to puzzled I am sure
00:38.42puzzledalternatively you can email the author....
00:38.50juggiecvs hasnt been updated in a while
00:38.56juggiei think meetme & conference should be merged
00:38.59juggieconference is way better
00:39.05juggieall it needs is some of the features of meetme
00:39.15puzzledafaik app_conf works with stable
00:39.23juggiei am using it
00:39.29juggiejust i want beeps on join & part
00:39.38juggieand also announcements woudnt hurt either
00:39.42juggielike u are theo nly one here.. etc.
00:39.51juggieits only few hours work for someone who knows his stuff
00:39.52juggieif that
00:40.03Mavviemeetme has these beeps.
00:40.11puzzledsteal them from meetme
00:40.11juggieyes but meet me sucks
00:40.20juggieits bad at echo, and doesnt do Auto gain control
00:40.28juggiei tried
00:40.33puzzledhow difficult can it be to add a beep to app_conf
00:40.34JunK-Y1-0 boston!
00:40.38juggiei implemented the functions meetme uses
00:40.48juggiebut conf doesnt use file descriptors
00:40.53puzzledJunK-Y: which sport?
00:40.56juggiein its app_conference array
00:41.06JunK-Ynew-york vs boston
00:41.06juggiebut meetme does
00:41.09JunK-Ygame #7
00:41.13juggiemeet me uses the fd to write to the channel
00:41.18juggieconference does not
00:41.21juggieso thats where i got hung up
00:41.22JunK-Ypuzzled: ya dont watch the game, shame on ya :P
00:41.25puzzledah, yes the only sport in the world where the "world" series are played only in the US
00:41.27*** join/#asterisk buzzyd (
00:41.37*** join/#asterisk Legend (~legend@
00:41.37puzzledsilly americans
00:42.03juggiei mean i'll help, i can write other code, but this voice stuff is above me.
00:42.12juggiethe mysql module, no problem
00:42.15juggietotally on my field
00:42.20puzzledjuggie: did you email the author?
00:42.22juggiebut i dont get app_conference
00:42.30juggieno not yet i was trying it myself
00:43.49Mavvie[root@mercury asterisk]# valgrind ps xauw
00:43.49Mavvieusage: valgrind --tool=<toolname> [options] prog-and-args
00:43.51*** join/#asterisk ast_freak (~yircme@
00:43.57MavvieI don't understand the -tool option....
00:44.14puzzledneither do I
00:44.27Mavvieheh puzzled. My current state is your name :-)
00:44.52puzzledthere are many of you. bow for you are not worthy
00:45.13puzzledJunK-Y: what's the fastest a pitcher throws there days?
00:45.32JunK-Ypuzzled: today ?
00:45.44puzzledthese days/today
00:45.51JunK-Yim not in front of the tv, just listen it and going watch when too many noise
00:46.01puzzledlast time I saw something on Discovery I said 90 miles/hr
00:46.03JunK-Yi've saw a ball a 95mph.
00:46.11puzzledpretty fast
00:46.14JunK-Yya no shit
00:46.22JunK-Ymy record is like 67 mph.
00:46.23puzzledwonder what happens to your arm after a few seasons
00:46.43ast_freakSo is libpri the correct driver for the TE4xxP?  Is there any reference or help to get the drivers loaded and config it in *?
00:46.52JunK-Ywhats ur record ?
00:47.08daminast_freak: libpri is not a driver. It's a library.
00:47.11puzzledJunK-Y: uhm, I played icehockey
00:47.16daminast_freak: You need to look at Zaptel.
00:47.32JunK-Ypuzzled: me too, but ya dont know at how many mph ya throw the ball ?
00:47.43puzzledno idea, never tried
00:47.43daminjbot ~docs
00:48.10JunK-Ypuzzled: ya had to come see a game from the Montreal Expos, a little machine was there just for that :)
00:48.12ast_freakSo Zaptel is the driver, and libpri is used if I require PRI signaling?
00:48.21JunK-Y~useful docs
00:48.29puzzledast_freak: yes
00:48.46ast_freakAny "~useful docs"?
00:49.00JunK-Y~usefull docs
00:49.04puzzledJunK-Y: a flaky slapshot of me was clocked at 178km/h
00:49.04JunK-Yits something like taht
00:49.13jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
00:49.17puzzledthere you go
00:49.19JunK-Yim lame at hockey.
00:50.01puzzledit's cold, mean and fast. whatever could you widh for? :)
00:50.06puzzledwish even
00:50.27puzzleddoes jbot know math?
00:50.49JunK-Yjbot 2+2 ?
00:50.51Mavviekram: awake?
00:50.55JunK-Yjbot 2+26 ?
00:50.58daminjbot 010000100111100101110100011001010010000001001101011001010010000100100001
00:50.59jboti guess 010000100111100101110100011001010010000001001101011001010010000100100001 is HEH
00:51.11daminJbot needs a Binary to Ascii converter..
00:51.13JunK-Yjbot 2+26
00:51.17brc_~seen critch
00:51.21jbotcritch <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 77d 8h 20m 10s ago, saying: 'I'm getting an exception 20 then alarm(4)'.
00:51.22jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
00:51.22puzzledjbot: 80kg to pound
00:51.24brc_~useful asterisk docs
00:51.25jbotfrom memory, useful asterisk docs is it has been said that useful asterisk docs is (BOOKMARK THEM!): (look at the "Unnoficial Links") and (the Wiki), and (ManxPower's site), and, also, read all files in ...
00:51.34JunK-Yuseful asterisk docs, that's right
00:51.36jbotwell, valgrind is or first hit in Google when searching for 'valgrind'.
00:51.53JunK-Yjbot useful docs is useful asterisk docs is it has been said that useful asterisk docs is (BOOKMARK THEM!): (look at the "Unnoficial Links") and (the Wiki), and (ManxPower's site), and
00:51.54jbotokay, JunK-Y
00:51.55Mavviewell, I got that much already.
00:52.00JunK-Y~useful docs
00:52.01jbotit has been said that useful docs is useful asterisk docs is it has been said that useful asterisk docs is (BOOKMARK THEM!): (look at the "Unnoficial Links") and (the Wiki), and (ManxPower's site), and
00:52.10JunK-Yhere we go, gonna be easier
00:52.53puzzledthank <insert favorite spirit> that I have so many trouts to stuff
00:53.19*** join/#asterisk david (
00:53.31Mavvie==4950== valgrind's UNIMPLEMENTED FUNCTION: tcdrain
00:53.34puzzledmr david coulso
00:53.39Mavvieso much for luck!
00:53.44davidpuzzled, good evneing
00:54.13puzzledMavvie: where did that come from
00:54.13Mavviepuzzled: valgrind -v --trace-children=yes --tool=memcheck asterisk -c -vv
00:54.19Mavvieit's called in chan_modem.c
00:54.22Mavvieit's part of termios
00:54.29puzzledwell nobody uses chan_modem
00:54.37puzzledso don't get worrie
00:55.05MavvieI do.
00:55.06puzzledast_freak: don't make me stuff your pants with the alternative. gimme back my trout!
00:55.08Mavviewell, i4l does.
00:55.22puzzledbut nobody sane uses chan_modem
00:55.51puzzleduse X100P/X101P or go digital or go SIP/IAX etc
00:56.01puzzledok :)
00:56.11pfnI'm really disappointed with the echo in the fxo/fxs interfaces... bleh
00:56.23puzzledpfn: then stop repeating yourself
00:56.23pfnparticularly in fxs more than in fxo
00:56.27dan2pfn: turn on echo cancelation
00:56.32pfnecho cancellation is on
00:56.38ast_freakDoes echo tend to be a problem with the TE4xxP?
00:56.39puzzledget digital service
00:56.41pfnI don't hear the near end echo, but the remote end does
00:56.41dan2pfn: I don't have any problems here
00:56.46DavidBeckemeyerpfn, I assume you have tweaked them a bit.  It can get much better with some tweaking
00:57.00puzzledpfn: remote end == problem at your end
00:57.07puzzledpfn: play with rxgain/txgain
00:57.17pfnecho should not be an issue on an fxs port
00:57.20pfnit simply shouldn't
00:57.28dan2pfn: 50% of echo problems on the other end are from broadvoice
00:57.28puzzledit's analog
00:57.41pfnpuzzled so?
00:57.45pfnanalog doesn't mean echo
00:58.01puzzledanalog sucks. get digital or prepare to play with rx/txgain and tons of other settintgs
00:58.01dan2ast_freak: not here
00:58.12pfnI have gone digital already
00:58.18pfnbut I like to use my fxs port on occasion
00:58.21dan2puzzled: default settings worked like a charm here
00:58.22pfnmy phone of choice is my 7960
00:58.23puzzledthen there is no proble, :)
00:58.28puzzledgood choice
00:58.29dan2pfn: that phone rocks
00:58.34puzzleddan2: same for me
00:58.41pfnbut there are times it's impractical for me to use
00:58.46pfnso I use a phone plugged into my tdm20b
00:59.22pfnpuzzled yeah, like when I'm not at my desk, duh
00:59.40puzzledpfn: there is such a thing as wifi, duh :)
00:59.43dan2pfn: you mean, a cordless phone
01:00.04puzzleddan2: because polycom got a great deal manbufactering them for cisco
01:00.09pfnpuzzled yeah, like I'm gonna carry a wifi adapter, power for the 7960, and the 7960 around
01:00.19sudoeris there a way i can make the default ivr message changable by anyone?
01:00.31pfnsudoer sure, you make it changeable  :p
01:00.33puzzledpfn: would be a cool site :)
01:00.44dan2puzzled: its just as cheap to buy brandnew vs. going on ebay
01:00.44sudoeri mean how would i make it so someone is able to change it anytime
01:01.00puzzleddan2: was that a question?
01:01.05dan2puzzled: no
01:01.07pfnsudoer you do that
01:01.09sudoerthe way i normally do it now, is record first, then point to it in extensions
01:01.10brc_~seen jerjer
01:01.11jbotjerjer <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 4d 10h 8m 27s ago, saying: 'czero: all of them'.
01:01.12ast_freaksudoer: set up an extension that uses Record()
01:01.29sudoerand record over the main ivr?
01:01.32pfnjerjer must be gone fishin' again
01:01.40sudoerisnt jerjer at von?
01:01.48pfnor von  :p
01:01.50puzzleddan2: cheap with cisco 7960 funcionality == polycom IP600
01:01.57sudoeri saw him there yesterday!
01:01.58ast_freakwhat's the diff between default and main?
01:02.05puzzledpfn: he better not catch my trout
01:02.17puzzledast_freak: what?
01:02.19pfnI have something to record ivr's
01:02.26*** join/#asterisk Drudgery (~J@
01:02.33dan2puzzled: is it the same quality?
01:02.38ast_freaksudoer: what's the diff between default and main?
01:02.49puzzleddan2: the cisco 7960 is a ripoff polycom ip600
01:02.58sudoerast_freak, just different names, thats all
01:03.00puzzleddan2: polycom makes them
01:03.04sudoerthey have no special differences
01:03.11pfnpuzzled do you have any hard evidence of this?
01:03.23pfne.g. pictures of pcbs of said phones indicating a polycom mark
01:03.31Drudgeryis there anyway to kill an active sip channel via console ?
01:03.35ast_freaksudoer: Just set up an extension to Record() over the file you want to use for the IVR.
01:03.37pfnsoft hangup
01:03.40MavvieDrudgery: soft hangup
01:03.43puzzledpfn: none other than Polycom's EMEA product manager telling me this
01:03.51pfnthat's EMEA
01:03.53pfnwho knows
01:03.55pfnhe's a foreigner
01:03.57pfnwhat would he know
01:04.05pfneven worse
01:04.33puzzledPolycom manufacters the cisco 794/60 phones
01:04.41sudoerthanks pfn
01:05.08puzzledthat'w why the polycom phones are so similar to cisco
01:05.20puzzledactually vice versa - long live marketing
01:05.23pfnI dunno about how similar they are....
01:05.26ast_freakpuzzled: Which are cheaper?
01:05.33sudoerit would be nice if other phones had xml browsers though
01:05.33puzzledmuch cheaper
01:05.38sudoerpolycoms dont have it
01:05.41puzzledsudoer: polycom has iirc
01:05.46pfnpolycoms are a pain in the ass to get
01:05.46puzzledthe 600
01:05.48sudoeroh, only 600 i think
01:05.49epochsudoer: the ip600 does
01:05.54sudoeri have 300s and 500s, they dont
01:05.56puzzledpfn: yes
01:06.02dan2puzzled: its so nice to have real phones instead of these shitty fxs + regular phones
01:06.06dan2puzzled: I like office phones :)
01:06.20puzzledpfn: I am talking to that PM to get a deal so we can get them
01:06.31puzzleddan2: indeed
01:06.33pfna PM in EMEA can help you?
01:06.37pfnyou're not in the US
01:06.39pfnoh, figures
01:06.45Mavvieanybody volunteers?
01:06.49*** join/#asterisk _Vile (
01:07.02_Vileanyone know if the varion flavor of the t400p works or not?
01:07.03puzzledMavvie: not me, sorry
01:07.12puzzledthe what?
01:07.20puzzledvarion flavor?
01:07.36brc_ain't a clone
01:07.46brc_that design is licensed under the GPL
01:07.51_Vileyep GPLd
01:08.13puzzled_Vile: if you want asterisk to progress, support digium by buying their products
01:08.18pfnmavvie what problem are you having exactly?
01:08.24gabahey, im trying to change context in an agi with set_context (im changin extensions and priority too) but i have the problem
01:08.27puzzled_Vile: which helps pay for further development
01:08.30Mavviepfn: it's described at
01:08.32gabaOct 20 18:08:22 WARNING[1354869680]: pbx.c:1921 ast_pbx_run: Channel 'IAX2/voicepulse-in-01@' sent into invalid extension '1' in context 'calltest', but no invalid handler
01:08.46_Vilepuzzled, understood...
01:08.52Mavviepfn: asterisk crashes when receiving DTMF from the PSTN via i4l
01:09.09puzzledgaba: you do not have an extension 1
01:09.19gabayes, i do
01:09.23gabai will show you
01:09.30puzzledgaba: perhaps not in the right context
01:09.33pfnmavvie oh, that one
01:09.38pfnmavvie track it down using valgrind
01:09.39gabaexten => 1,1,NoOp(${call_connect})
01:09.39gabaexten => 1,2,Hangup
01:09.42puzzledgaba: paste it to
01:09.51BinaryBobwhere can i get the current zaptel and libpri stuff ?
01:09.58gabai did it here... it is short
01:10.00Mavviepfn: doing now, but I've never used valgrind before so I don't know if what I'm doing is right.
01:10.06BinaryBobdoes it come with 1.0.1 stable ?
01:10.06gabai want to make it work first
01:10.11puzzledBinaryBob: cvs co zaptel libpri asterisk
01:10.32BinaryBobistn the CVS-HEAD version liek development?
01:10.48puzzledBinaryBob: use cvs co -r v1-0 zaptel etc. for stable
01:11.01BinaryBobthank you puzzled
01:11.15puzzledgaba: do a show dialplan and check if your context is there
01:11.30buzzydhi, I am stuck with GotoIf can some one look at please
01:11.53Mavviepfn: I've updated the PR with the valgrind output, but then since I have no idea what the wanted output of it is I'm kinda useless.
01:12.40buzzydI get sent into invalid extension '1' in context 'outgoing-route', but no invalid handler but I can't see why it is getting 1 instead of the EXTEN
01:13.04mitemi'm going to go get a copy of debian so i can install *
01:13.16gabahere i have it:
01:13.17mitemunless there is a reason i should use another distro for *???
01:13.19Mavviebuzzyd: did you include outgoing-route ?
01:13.33mitemi don't want to start a flamewar, just looking for practical advise
01:13.36gabapuzzle: ill do a dialplan
01:13.48rabble_gaba are you calling this from an AGI? Would that make a difference?
01:13.49buzzydyes its there
01:13.53pfnmavvie not particularly relevant, but what version are you using anyway?
01:14.10Mavvieasterisk? CVS of last tuesday when the bundi stuff came in.
01:14.24sudoerhow do i make the default volume of polycom 300 stay at max?
01:14.36Mavviebuzzyd: well, that was my problem earlier. sorry can't help you.
01:15.18gabapuzzled: It works from the diaplan
01:18.03pfnmavvie is this a problem in 1.0?
01:18.34juggiesudoer, if everything is low turn up your gain
01:19.04MavvieI got it first with 1.0, then upgraded to 1.0.1, then went to cvs-head.
01:20.41pfncvs-head isn't stable these days
01:20.49pfnbest to report a problem against 1.0, imo
01:21.09Mavvielet me restate:
01:21.23pfnwell, it's hard for the rest of us who aren't actively developing to help you
01:21.32pfnbecause we can't look at the lines of code pointed out by valgrind
01:21.32MavvieI got it in 1.0, it was still in 1.0.1 and also checked if it was there in cvs-head.
01:21.39pfnthey're completely different from 1.0
01:21.46Mavvieokies, let me build a 1.0.1 one.
01:21.50Mavvieor do you prefer 1.0 ?
01:21.53pfn1.0.1 is fine
01:22.02pfnalthough I can update to latest 1.0
01:22.06pfnI haven't bothered
01:22.10pfnI like having a stable version
01:22.30Mavviethis cvs tag: v1-0_stable ?
01:22.38pfnjust update to v1-0-1
01:22.41pfnor v1-0
01:22.41|Vulture|I thought 1.0.1-Stable
01:22.55Mavviev1-0-1: 1.114 <- got it
01:23.59epochheh, I'm watching west wing... they upgraded their 7960s with 7970s
01:24.06*** join/#asterisk CaNaBiS (
01:24.21puzzledthere goes more taxpayer money
01:24.26CaNaBiSdo I need ALAW or ULAW to be able to send data over voip?
01:24.28juggiewhats the benefit of a 7970 over 7060?
01:24.34epochpuzzled: the tv show... ;P
01:24.42juggiedoes the 7960 do gsm?
01:24.50puzzledepoch: you think it is any different in the Blue Room?
01:24.59epochjuggie: colour touchscreen, but only supports skinny
01:25.17epochpuzzled: er, yeah :)
01:25.41|Vulture|juggie: 729/711
01:26.00puzzledepoch: wake up and smell the bananas :) govs waste tons of money
01:26.07|Vulture|epoch: yea they did the same in that "VEGAS" show
01:26.10epochpuzzled: hehe
01:26.18juggieah..... asterisk needs a better sccp implementation
01:26.19epoch|Vulture|: haven't watched that yet
01:26.20puzzledgovs are evil
01:26.38puzzledCaNaBiS: state your case in a more concise manner
01:26.39juggiei work for the gov
01:26.41juggiewe waste tons
01:26.45|Vulture|this IP500 is pissing me off... it boots like 50% of the time
01:26.55epoch|Vulture|: RMA time! ;/
01:26.56juggieeg, i'm pushing asterisk which works fine for pri->sip
01:26.59puzzledjuggie: reduce the tons please
01:27.04juggiebut they want to buy some nortel gear
01:27.05CaNaBiSpuzzled, trying to use my Sipura so my credit card machine can dial out to verify credit cards
01:27.07juggieand spend 20k on it
01:27.14CaNaBiSthe machine says 'no carrier'
01:27.15juggieinstead of 3-4k on an asterisk server
01:27.18puzzledCaNaBiS: no idea
01:27.19Legend|Vulture|: does it not post, or what?
01:27.39|Vulture|Legend: no it looks fine, just stops at Updating Config
01:28.03|Vulture|it will boot fine, then Ill reset it and it will sit at Updating Config
01:28.05Silik0nCaNaBiS: why dont you get a IP Based CC Machine?
01:28.27CaNaBiSb/c I already have the one I have
01:28.29|Vulture|epoch: I might have to, I got 5 IP500s waiting for me at the install site, but this is my demo unit
01:29.02Silik0nbut did you try U law? that should work going to a pots or t1 line... dunno how well it will work over a wide area connect tho
01:29.26CaNaBiSyup, its ULAW
01:29.28Legend|Vulture|: what kind of switch, might be that it can't reach the server
01:29.43CaNaBiScable modem > internet > asterisk > pots line
01:29.46Legend|Vulture|: i had that problem with my sayson 480i and a cisco switch, had to enable portfast
01:30.29Silik0nCaNaBiS: is the sipura on the same lan as the * box?
01:31.06Silik0nor is it sipura -> internet -> cable -> * etc
01:31.13juggiewhy isnt game7 on fox
01:31.21Silik0njuggie: it is... I'mw atching it
01:31.34juggieits on one station
01:31.34Silik0nSox 6 Yanks 0 top of the 3rda
01:31.36juggiebut not another
01:32.05juggiewoops nm
01:32.09juggiei thought this channel was fox
01:32.10juggieit isnt
01:32.18Silik0nbos gotta 2 run homer in the 1st and a grandslam in the 2nd just started teh 3rd
01:32.45CaNaBiSsipura > cable modem > internet > asterisk > pots line
01:32.50*** join/#asterisk CpuID2 (
01:33.08juggietime for the socks to break the curse
01:33.20juggiei havnt watched ball since the jays when back to back like 10 years ago
01:33.21Silik0nwell that's a stretch
01:33.35Silik0nCaNaBiS: unfortunatly i doubt you'll get that to work
01:33.41Silik0nunless its a 300baud connection
01:34.07juggiesipura is what? a sip phone?
01:34.19juggiemake sure its using ulaw 64kbit
01:34.21Silik0njuggie: its a ATA like a cisco ata0186
01:34.22juggieand u might get lucky
01:34.22CaNaBiSan ATA
01:37.28*** join/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
01:41.49hacimanyone have any real world stats on cdr_mysql use? I'm wondering how badly mysql can take a beating with updates on it all the time.
01:43.41pfnI wonder how subversion or cvs would handle a project with 4gb of source/binaries
01:44.24hacimpfn: should be alright, it might take a while for it to figure out if there have been updates or not
01:44.31*** join/#asterisk hcir (
01:44.39filehacim: well how many calls do you want concurrently, and what kind of hardware for the mysql server
01:44.44juggiehacim unles you are doing 1000+ querys a minute
01:44.46juggieyou'll be fine
01:45.03pfnhacim purely doing inserts in a database is relatively cheap
01:45.20juggieyou wont have any load at all
01:45.22pfnit's when you actually want to query for reports that it becomes expensive
01:45.25juggieat most 1 call termnates a second
01:45.26juggiethats nothing
01:45.38fileI don't remember what our server was rated for but it was more then asterisk could handle for calls
01:46.38*** join/#asterisk wolfson (~hehe@
01:50.32hacimfile: four servers doing as much as they can (400/minute each if possible)
01:50.59juggiethat woudnt overload one mysql server with inserts
01:51.06juggie1600 a minute/60 seconds isnt much load
01:51.20hacimbut thats tops... so I am guessing 250/minute for each machine * 4
01:51.36*** join/#asterisk carlosmm (
01:51.42carlosmmhowdy there.
01:52.13pfnman, you're handling that many calls?
01:52.15hacimjuggie: yeah, but expecting 4-6 CIDR inserts per each call
01:52.24pfn4-6 cdr inserts per call?  why?
01:52.25hacimpfn: well, trying
01:52.48hacimwell, for updating call status
01:52.55Mavvietelemarketing... "NOT INTERESTED!" -> next call!
01:52.56rabble_hacim: yeah, how would you make it do more than one insert per call?
01:52.57pfnwhy are you updating call status
01:53.11hacimMavvie: no
01:53.14Mavviethat way I can do 4 calls per minute :-)
01:53.52*** join/#asterisk brettnem (
01:54.02hacimdoesn't a CDR record each status change of a call?
01:54.05fileI do 1 insert and 1 update... and even that's not really realtime, it's cached in case the MySQL server goes kerplunk
01:54.12pfnhacim terminating 60 calls/minute implies you have like 2400 lines
01:54.23*** join/#asterisk ChulJin (
01:54.36|Vulture|for some reason my IP500 wont load SIP 1.3.1
01:55.10pfnalthough, I guess they can be just 60 calls at any given time for only 1 minute
01:55.11epoch|Vulture|: make sure you have bootrom 2.5.0
01:55.12rabble_pfn:  yeah, well you can do bridging out over VOIP to any number of providers so you don't have to have 2400 lines (100 t1's) in yoru own boxes
01:55.13hacimpfn: or a voip provider
01:55.35*** part/#asterisk MaxeyPad (
01:55.37pfnwell, if you're a voip provider, I hope you have enough lines  :p
01:55.42|Vulture|epoch: I think I was running 2.41 so that would explain it
01:55.49hacimpfn: no, you bridge TO a voip provider
01:55.51epoch|Vulture|: might, give it a shot ;)
01:56.23pfnand no, cdr does not reflect *each8 status change of a call
01:56.33pfna cdr only reflects the final status of the call as hung up
01:56.38pfnunless you choose to resetcdr and write it
01:56.43|Vulture|epoch: it was giving strange log errors "Removed all log files due to limited space during file update." "Error, not enough space for configuration."
01:56.54epoch|Vulture|: that's friggen weird
01:57.02|Vulture|yea I was like WTF.. not enough space
01:57.10hacimrabble_: hmm did you know that?
01:57.13|Vulture|I think maybe the new bootrom might re-allocate
01:57.17|Vulture|Im trying it now
01:58.19pfnso mavvie not bothering to do the update?
01:58.32Mavviepfn: I'm recompiling 1.0.1 right now.
01:58.51pfnpastebin the results and maybe I'll see 'em when I get home
01:59.44brettnemNugget: you still around?
02:00.05brettnemNugget what rel did you recommend for freebsd again?
02:00.30NuggetI think you need to run 5.x if you need the zaptel stuff, but I'm not certain.
02:00.59brettnemI don't really need zaptel.. but I am concerned about supporting meetme.. I'm running 4.5
02:01.29Nuggetfor meetme you need ztdummy and you need option HZ=1000 in your kernel
02:01.39NuggetI think you need 5.x for that, but I'm not sure.
02:01.44brettnemwhat asterisk rel did you recommend?
02:01.59carlosmmAlo !!
02:02.20carlosmmNE1 SER knowledgeable ?
02:02.48Nuggetcheckout tag v1-0 from cvs.
02:02.52|Vulture|epoch: seemed to work
02:02.58Mavviecarlosmm: I've used it for a time.
02:03.02epoch|Vulture|: ah, good :)
02:03.23brettnemNugget.. I'll try.. stuck on 4.5.. so we'll see how it goes..
02:03.54carlosmmneed to outsource a project... a SER project... but i can't find support NE where... and they won't answer my emails.
02:04.38*** join/#asterisk carp (
02:05.12Wi_Fihow do i un compile zaptel
02:05.16brettnemanyone else running freebsd?
02:05.18CarpIs is possible to bill a credit card after they key in the number?
02:05.31Mavviebrettnem: yes
02:05.37fileCarp: sure, code it
02:05.52brettnemMavvie: any recommendations? I'm running freebsd 4.5
02:05.53CarpHow do I bill it though?
02:05.59Mavvieupgrade to 4.10
02:06.03fileyou have to get a merchant account and internet stuff...
02:06.07filehow do you think websites bill it?
02:06.14brettnemMaveric: upgrade?
02:06.22Carp3rd party software.
02:06.25Mavviebrettnem: tjr@ is running asterisk 1.0.1, but without any hardware.
02:06.32tzangercitats: around?
02:06.40fileso you can write AGIs, C applications, use res_perl, whatever to interface with it
02:06.41brettnemMavvie: tjr@ ?
02:06.43MavvieI take it he's on 5.3, but I myself wouldn't do that yet.
02:07.00Mavviewell, I will do it next month :-)
02:07.00brettnemMavvie: I'm ok without zaptel, but I need this to work on 4.5.. any recommendations?
02:07.04carlosmmmavvie... i need to outsource my SER project... can u do it ? for how much ? or do you know where can i find a freelancer to do it for me ?
02:07.22fileCarp: your imagination is the only limit!
02:07.30Mavviecarlosmm: I'm in .au, is that a problem
02:07.32Mavviecarlosmm: I'm in .au, is that a problem?
02:07.51carlosmmMavvie... why would it be a problem ? LOL...
02:08.22carlosmmMavvie... it's a small project... a SER + Radius to terminate calls through my SIP provider.
02:08.37brettnemMavvie: I found that.. I'm sorry, I'm new to FreeBSD.. how to I actually use that link?! :/
02:08.38Carpfile: The only thing I can think of it open the 3rd party website using PHP/AGI and parase the page and if it takes it then reply with an ok, otherwise tell the user it isnt valid.
02:08.45buzzydis there any difference in the handling of nat between an ata 286 and the budgetone 101 as my ata286 is staying connected for incoming where the budgetone is losing the incoming
02:08.58Mavviebrettnem: aha. go to /usr/ports/net/asterisk on your computer and run "make" there.
02:09.10brettnemis that there?! hmm
02:09.12Mavviebut if you're runing 4.5 you will probably have the 0.0.3 version o nit.
02:09.21brettnemyeah it is 4.5
02:09.37carlosmmMavvie... interested ? how much would you charge ?
02:09.43Mavviecarlosmm: no.
02:10.01brettnemcarlosmm: why using SER?
02:10.31carlosmmBrettnem... need Radius authentication and accounting. And in this same chatroom i was instructed to use SER.
02:10.45brettnemhmm.. ok found /usr/ports/net/asterisk.. running make.. <shrug> not sure what this does. :)
02:10.57brettnemcarlosmm: you can do radius in asterisk
02:11.01Mavviebrettnem: see if you have cvsup on your machine, together with /usr/share/doc/examples/cvsup/ports-supfiles and the FreeBSD handbook at
02:11.08fileCarp: there's perl modules and stuff for credit card processing
02:11.18brettnemMavvie: I do have cvsup
02:11.19Mavviebut I wouldn't put too much money on it that they will work with 4.5.
02:11.40brettnemast_h323.h:31: h323.h: No such file or directory
02:11.46brettnemhmm.. I think I saw that documented..
02:11.58carlosmmBrettnem... i need full support. Do you know how to set it up ?
02:12.07brettnemjust tryin to compile normally yields: md5.c:8: sys/endian.h: No such file or directory
02:12.12brettnemcarlosmm: full support?
02:12.26brettnemcarlosmm: why do yo want to use radius?
02:12.33brc_radius == evil
02:12.38brc_for calls
02:12.48carlosmmMavvie i already read that... can't make it work :-|
02:13.03brettnemreally carlos, why radius?
02:13.05carlosmmBrettnem... i understand Asterisk + radius is experimental.
02:13.17carlosmmBrettnem setup customers in a database.
02:13.22Wi_Fihow do i un compile zaptel
02:13.33kenwhat's the status on linux 2.6 + asterisk stable?
02:13.40juggieworks perfec
02:13.42MavvieWi_Fi: what do you mean with uncompile?
02:14.20Wi_Fii need to remove and recompile with the right one
02:14.43MavvieWi_Fi: do you mean the library or the driver?
02:15.14kenjuggie: 2.6 + asterisk works perfectly?
02:15.26juggieworks great or me
02:15.34kenjuggie: what distro?
02:15.40Wi_Fidebian juggie?
02:15.44carlosmmMavvie... Radius + SER already authenticates ... what i'm missing is MediaProxy. Or so i think. Basically when i place a call... it rings once.. and then it cuts off inmediately... and calls again, and again and again... like 10 times. I was told that it was because of the ATA being behind NAT. And well ... i couldn't setup Mediaproxy... beyond my knowledge LOL.
02:15.48MavvieWi_Fi: I would think that you need to stop asterisk, rmmod zaptel (try lsmod first to find the right name) and then do the new one.
02:15.49kenjuggie: i'm having problems compiling it on 2.6...
02:16.04juggiedid u do make linux26 for zaptel?
02:16.07Mavviecarlosmm: LOL! Mine 2! LOLZ!
02:16.42brettnemMavvie: I have to install openh323 to get it to compile?
02:16.45carlosmmMavvie... PERFECT. Can i see your config ? LOL...
02:16.57Mavviecarlosmm: ROFL! NO! LOL!
02:17.06Carpfile: where do I get that module?
02:17.15kenjuggie: o -- is that the damn problem? shit... asterisk docs need to be better...
02:17.34carlosmmBrettnem... would you be interesting in solving my problem for $$$/hour ?
02:17.46juggieits in the README.linux26
02:17.51brettnemhaha are you made of $$$ ?
02:18.11carlosmmBrettnem... not for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ but for $$$.
02:18.24Wi_FiMavvie how do i stop asterisk if i cant doit remotely
02:18.25brettnemmaybe not $$$.. but maybe $$$$..
02:18.37Wi_Fimeaning i cant get into cli
02:18.39brettnemespecially if you ditch radius.. and DONT use freebsd. :P
02:18.39cypromis-me takes onlz EUR
02:18.52cypromischanging keyboard lazouts suxx
02:18.54kendamn ... brandnew dell servers kick ass...
02:18.57MavvieWi_Fi: euhm... that's tricky.
02:19.13Wi_Fihow do i kill -9
02:19.20cypromiskillall -9 asterisk
02:19.29Mavviedon't use -9...
02:19.31carlosmmBrett... AWWWW COME ON !!! :D LOL... is it now that the world revolves around $$$$ ?
02:19.39Mavvielet it die peacefully first.
02:19.46Syncrossh -c "for ii in `ps ax | grep asterisk | awk '{print $1}'` ; do kill -9 $ii ; done"
02:20.04brettnemcarlosmm: um.. yes.. :)
02:20.08Mavviewhich also kills your 'vi asterisk/channels/chan_modem.c' !
02:20.15brettnemcarlosmm: AND.. it dosen't revolve around radius. :)
02:20.22Wi_Fiits a bust anyways Mavvie
02:20.25Wi_Fidont work
02:20.45carlosmmBrett... really my problem is not radius... it's something else...
02:21.13carlosmmSomeone familiar with SIP wlil probably identify the problem in a couple minutes. But i'm willing to pay the full hour ROTFLMAO.
02:21.45brettnemis it a SER problem or Asterisk?
02:21.56carlosmmSER configuration i think.
02:22.34carlosmmBrett ... wanna look at log before makng a decision ??
02:22.37Wi_Fiits stopped but there is no zaptel module loaded
02:23.07brettnemwhy don't you tell us what is wrong?
02:23.34Wi_Fii cant get zaptel to compile
02:23.41carlosmmI'll be happy to do it... please be patient with me... LOL.
02:24.12Wi_Fii have a .....dont smirk......digitalnetworks fxo card
02:24.51carlosmmThe ATA 186 authenticates fine... and i have dialtone... but when if dial my phone number, it will ring once, and if i pick up... all i have is dialtone. when i hangup it's already ringing again LOL... and it goes on like that for like 20 seconds. On the endpoint (ATA) there's no sound at all.
02:25.30brettnemwhat is the IP configuration?
02:25.36brettnemall on same net? any NAT?
02:25.52carlosmmthe server is on a public network... colo facility.
02:25.56carlosmmthe ATA is at home.
02:26.04brettnemata behind nat?
02:26.11carlosmmthe same configuration works perfectly if i use Asterisk.
02:26.31brettnemsounds like a nat problem.. is the ata behind nat?
02:26.38carlosmmyes it is.
02:26.57carlosmmyou think if i turnon DMZ it will work ? i didn't try that now that i think about it LOL.
02:27.06carlosmmi mean... yes it sounds like it.
02:27.22brettnemyeah, give it a shot.
02:27.29brettnemwhere is the other phone?
02:27.39carlosmmnext to me... it's a regular phone.
02:27.46carlosmmThe call is going out thru a SIP Carrier.
02:28.22brettnemyeah try dmz
02:28.42carlosmmBrettnem... i will...
02:29.08carlosmmBut why does it work perfect with Asterisk. Same setup.
02:29.21brettnembecause the NAT setup for * is simple.. and you probably did it right
02:29.29carlosmmHE HE H
02:29.39Wi_Figeeez i even get errors removing zaptel with apt-get remove
02:29.39carlosmmyeah took me a week to set it up... but it worked damn well LOL.
02:29.49carlosmmwhat i couldn't do was interface SIP -> H323.
02:29.52brettnemthe SIP proxy has to put the right IP in the message or your signalling won't reach your destination..
02:30.03brettnemcarlosmm: sip -> h323.. just give it up
02:30.13carlosmmLOL>... ok.
02:30.30carlosmmbut i thought asterisk was amazing as a gateway... :-|
02:30.50Wi_Filooky looky
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