irclog2html for #asterisk on 20041015

00:00.06bkw_BOMBS away
00:00.36*** join/#asterisk CpuID2 (
00:00.39CpuID2morning ppls
00:00.43puzzled_hi CpuID
00:00.53syslodpuzzled_: I was hoping to use the $100,000+ SBS stuff I have now doing WAN stuff.  I've bought a digium card but having a tough time finding a 3.3v PCI system.  All I have tried have problems with video or lockups.
00:01.14b0efpfn: besides, no doubt, asterisk is the most powerful voip client you can have and the only one I know that support my needs
00:01.14puzzled_syslod: digium also have 5V cards
00:01.30Juggieahhh i dont even need a .call i can just write php to do this
00:01.41pfnb0ef it's not a client, it's a server
00:03.04b0eftoo bad I can't find any proper clients then
00:03.13syslodpuzzled_: Yea but I did have 3.3v slots and it wasn't backordered.  Unfortuallty there is some incompatibility between the digium and the video card.  I've tried 3 other systems. At this point I've spent +$800 tring to get it to work.  Hopeing eventually someone here will have a tried and tested solution for the 3.3 thats not a 10,000 server.
00:03.15Juggietheres a ton for linux
00:03.18b0efI don't use proprietary software
00:03.30drmatrixpfn: i'm just trying to get the regular fx{o,s}_{lkg}s ones working...
00:03.35b0efand I don't use gui
00:03.39Juggiesyslod, i think i'm running 3.3v on a dell gx270
00:03.50puzzled_syslod: how about this oc-3 one. has linux drivers and a devel kit:
00:04.11Juggiei didnt order the card, but i thought all pci slots on desktops were 3.3 for the most part
00:04.28b0efso there is no client for me
00:04.37puzzled_imagine the headline: "card in server fails, country without phones"
00:04.42b0efasterisk is my only choice
00:05.09puzzled_syslod: or this one:
00:05.12Juggieb0ef, there are a ton of linux and windows clients
00:05.28b0efJuggie: name one that don't have a gui and is free software then
00:05.32ariel_It's been too long of a day my brain is fried. where is the master log kept for asterisk.
00:05.34b0efsee, you can't
00:05.39syslodpuzzled_: That would be a good one to do but I am hoping to connect via DS3 or T1 directly into a class 5 switch.  I'd rather not add a MUX or spend the money for one if possilbe.
00:05.45Juggieb0ef, why do u not need a gui
00:05.54puzzled_syslod: yes makes sense
00:05.58b0efI don't use gui's
00:06.34syslodpuzzled_: Right now I'm shooting for a simple 1-2 T1 test system to deploy in beta land.  Then when its ready move it to our carrier environment.
00:06.41Juggiewell strip a open source gui client down to console, write a ncurses client ;)
00:06.42Juggiei dunno
00:07.00b0efJuggie: there you go; there is no alternative unless I write one
00:07.05puzzled_syslod: ppl have reported on the list that supermicro or tyan boards do well
00:07.42*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (~bernd@
00:07.55b0efso that's why I have asterisk as my client
00:08.08syslodHmm.  I have looked at supermicro but its been so long since I assemble a machine I can't seem to find a good vendor that have packages supporting those MB's.
00:08.11puzzled_syslod: if your ss7 switch is a hybrid you could just use GigE & sip to pump traffic to the switch
00:08.28tzangerI am paralyzed with rage...  and island rhythms!
00:08.34JerJerwho has a asterisk stable source tree checked out?
00:08.46JerJera = an
00:08.51eKo1i guess faxing is out of the question
00:08.52syslodIt does sip but I'd really like to feed it PRI or later ss7 since we have a ton of ports.
00:08.54puzzled_JerJer: me
00:09.13JerJerpuzzled_: go into channels/h323/chan_h323.h and search for send_digit
00:09.19JerJershow me that callback prototype line
00:09.22puzzled_JerJer: ok, hust a sec
00:10.37tzangerJerJer: have you ever had * hardlock?  My Te405P has 2 ports unused and they were locked-red (not fading red)
00:11.11puzzled_JerJer: found it on line 117
00:11.40JerJerits a function pointer for a callback
00:12.24puzzled_uhm right. there is no send_digit. only send_digit_cb and on_send_digit
00:12.32JerJeri need to see that whole line
00:12.39puzzled_ok, just a sec
00:13.24tzangertoo funny
00:13.50JerJerpuzzled_:  ok
00:13.58Juggietwisted, u roudn?
00:15.08b0efdamn, you have to register to edit the wiki; registering sucks
00:17.11bkw_JerJer what did you do
00:17.22bkw_when you twiddle your thumbs
00:17.25bkw_bad things happen
00:17.40*** join/#asterisk amir (~amir@
00:17.49CpuID2like? :)
00:17.55CpuID2registering is gay
00:18.07bkw_so am I.. your point?
00:18.16bkw_it keeps the spam bots out
00:18.24bkw_100's of parts and joins per hour are anoying from them
00:19.21b0efCpuID: sure is
00:20.06CpuID2hehe :)
00:21.13b0efthose that do register must have to much time on their hands; I sure won't waste time filling in fscking fields
00:22.09Juggiebkw, do u know anything about sphinx? and also to anyone, when using the asterisk manager over telnet, are all the same variables exposed as if i used a .call file?
00:22.26bkw_Juggie anything you do at the CLI you can do on the manager
00:22.27jcollieman it sucks waiting for ebay auctions to end... :(
00:22.27Juggieeg, set retries
00:22.27bkw_and yes
00:22.28bkw_you can
00:22.35Juggieok perfect
00:22.43Juggieclick to call via php tomorow at work then
00:22.52bkw_DONE IT
00:22.56bkw_look on the web
00:23.00bkw_lots of click and call stuff out there
00:23.08jcolliei'm a cheapskate... I admit it :)
00:23.17bkw_me too
00:23.26Juggiecool, i'll check it out, tho i'll just write one to integrate into our existing web environement
00:23.52jcolliei've never bought anything on ebay because i'm too cheap...
00:26.19jcolliei may get the opportunity to spec and build a * system for a local charity (i'm donating my services)... what do you guys recommend in terms of inexpensive IP handsets?
00:26.19syslodAnyone recommend a 3.3v board they have working with the digium 410 T1 card?
00:27.12ManxPowersyslod: Other than the ones list on the Digium web site?
00:27.42syslodOther than a server board.  I belive all the ones on the digium site that are 3.3v are server boards.
00:30.42ManxPowersyslod: Most 3.3v boards are server boards