irclog2html for #asterisk on 20041014

00:00.19epochI haven't run into many switches that support more than 16 vlans
00:00.21puzzledMnxPower: that will be a nightmare. create groups and use a firewall
00:00.50MnxPowerpuzzled, We want to prevent users from doing anything peer to peer.
00:01.05MnxPoweri.e. windows shareing, etc.
00:01.12puzzledfirewall is your friend
00:01.19MnxPoweri.e. no interworkstation pc to pc virus spreading
00:01.26epochpuzzled: how would a firewall help?
00:01.33puzzledMnxPower: make us happy and block port 25 too
00:01.47MnxPowerpuz we block all except for a few ports already
00:01.56puzzledepoch: no access to port 5060 and RTP ports and there will not be VoIP traffic
00:02.08*** join/#asterisk czero (
00:02.15MnxPowerBut that doesn't help keep pcs on the same switch from talking to each other
00:02.46puzzledMnxPower: hmm makes sense actually. put them in vlans. how many vlans do those dell switches sport?
00:03.18puzzledanyone want a Grolsch beer?
00:03.27MnxPowerpuzzled, They are being deployed tomorrow night, but we have a differnt model switch also managable I'll check
00:03.36rene-put a lot of nics on your server and wire some crossover cables :)
00:04.02derrick_the medusa network
00:04.31pfnnot much of a network when the workstations can't talk to each other...
00:04.37pfnbut I guess that's ok for most people
00:04.45*** part/#asterisk venix (
00:04.54puzzledMnxPower: a reasonable serious switch will allow you to route traffic via vlans though a router/firewall so you can block stuff
00:05.01pfnwhy not put everyone on a separate network and use a firewall to route, heh
00:05.17puzzledpfn: these days, the more you block the more people are productive
00:05.18pfndoesn't really prevent workstation communication
00:05.20*** join/#asterisk mr_monkey (~root@
00:05.40pfnpuzzled nah, if I were blocked, I'd find otherwise to wste my time 'sides irc
00:06.16czeroblocked networks simple
00:06.20czerossh to a server out side
00:06.25czerono on ever block ssh
00:06.26mr_monkeywhere can i configure the dial tone to make outgoing call such as (9 or 0 )
00:06.30czerothen irc from there
00:06.30MnxPowerWe have basically done all we can reasonably do to protect the network from the outside for the amount of money we could spend, now we are working on securing the inside.
00:06.31pfnczero that's not true
00:06.33puzzledczero: how many lusers now that shit?
00:06.34pfna lot of people block ssh
00:06.42pfnexample is lockheed-martin
00:06.44pfnthey block ssh
00:06.51pfnof course, they just port block it....
00:06.57puzzledMnxPower: at least 50% of hacks come from the inside. take it seriously
00:06.58MnxPowerlaptops and wireless are the bane of corporate IP
00:07.04jcolliepfn: ssh is one of the few things that i let in unconditionally :)
00:07.06czerook well I've only evre worked in an ISP/telcom/telcom vendor
00:07.11czeroyou cnat; block ssh out then :)
00:07.18MnxPowerpuzzled, We are worried about data theft and viruses
00:07.30puzzledczero: so you now that stuff but how many ppl know that stuff that work in finance?
00:07.40czeropuzzled none :)
00:07.49mr_monkeywhere can i configure the dial tone to make outgoing call such as (9 or 0 )
00:07.49czerobut I'm nevre worried bout them :)
00:07.50pfnyeah, I had friends who are loan brokers
00:07.51paulcdepends if you want to steal financial figures or the latest set of source code..
00:07.55puzzledMnxPower: block usb in the bios also and protect it with a password
00:08.02paulcmr_monkey: You asked the same question yesterday. Still having no luck?
00:08.06MnxPowerFortunatly our users are about as computer savvyt as my cat.
00:08.14mr_monkeymmmmmmmmmmmm, not at all
00:08.23puzzledMnxPower: that's a good thing
00:08.33czerosercurity concerns though inside is the biggest worry
00:08.39paulcmr_monkey: You're using call files to create an outbound call, and your FXO line is connected to a PBX right?
00:08.48mr_monkeybut that was some diferent since, that was using manager interface and this is using extension.conf
00:08.51MnxPowerpuzzled, Here's the bad thing: %90 of the computers in the copmpany are owned by the individual employee.
00:08.51AgiNamupfn: stopping the channel doesn'
00:08.51jcolliemr_monkey in some phones that may be something that has to be configured on the phone
00:08.51czerothe threat from out side is an insider accessing then doign shit _most_ of the time
00:08.53AgiNamuwork :(
00:09.02pfnaginamu you delete the call file?
00:09.08pfndelete the call file and hang up the channel
00:09.11AgiNamuDoes that do it ? :*
00:09.12*** join/#asterisk Bentley (
00:09.14paulcMnxPower: WHAT? That's WEIRD!
00:09.25puzzledczero: I had the same challenges in a telco environment also. it was fun trying to stay ahead of the rather knowledgeable student pack
00:09.29pfnmanxpower what kinda company is that???
00:09.34MnxPowerpaulc, Real Estate.  The are all basically "contractors"
00:09.51puzzledcontractors are expensive. hire people :)
00:10.03MnxPowerpuzzled, For them nthey are not.
00:10.06AgiNamuok i killed the call file
00:10.07pfncontractors are cheaper
00:10.09AgiNamulemme see if that did it
00:10.17MnxPowerAnd it's NOT a matter of "cheap".  These people work on comission.
00:10.24czeroone of my jobs in the past the head of our Security group was former NSA
00:10.26MnxPowerHell, the employees have to PAY to work at the company.
00:10.26pfnheadcount is recurring cost
00:10.30czerolearn alot form him
00:10.44puzzledpfn: while at Lucent, contractors charged 450 UK punds/hour. that is expensive
00:10.51puzzledpounds even
00:10.52pfnmanxpower that's how a lot of these high commission places work
00:10.56*** join/#asterisk MiXi^ (
00:11.59puzzledMnxPower: your solution to yourLAN access challenge is a router/firewall
00:12.07*** join/#asterisk Alric (~nbowyer@
00:12.08czeroI'd love one of thos 540 punds/hr jobs
00:12.10puzzledand put groups in a VLAN
00:12.11MnxPowerpuzzled, We HAVE a router and firewall
00:12.13czero450 too
00:12.31puzzledMnxPower: then you can block all the ports right?
00:12.34MnxPowerThe company has 13 offices and 400 "employees"
00:12.56puzzledthat takes lots of FW management but it is doable
00:12.57MnxPowerpuzzled, We are currently blocking all ports except specific ones we need open.
00:13.11puzzledso why isn't it working?
00:13.14czeroMnxPower thats the right way to do it
00:13.16mr_monkeyok, so let me know about the file which is used to set the dialtone pls
00:13.24pfnpuzzled there's a difference, though
00:13.29pfnspecialty contractors are different
00:13.31pfnand what's cheaper
00:13.36puzzledmr_monkey: zapata.conf
00:13.41pfnhiring a fulltime employee to do a project for 1 year
00:13.49pfnvs. hiring a specialized contractor to do the job in a month
00:13.58puzzledpfn: I agree. sometimes you need someone from the outside for a while
00:14.02paulcpfn: good point/question..
00:14.04czeroyes contractor should be short term slowutions
00:14.21paulcwhat about if you're interviewed for a full time job but would prefer (as the employee) to do it on a contract basis rather than full time employment?
00:14.31MnxPowerI prefer contracts
00:14.42MnxPowerBeing a contractor can be good.
00:14.46puzzledmr_monkey: look at loadzone=<country code> and defaultzone=<country code>
00:14.52pfnbeing a contractor can be good for tax purposes
00:14.53MnxPowerI have a single contact, I can say "no"
00:14.57mr_monkeymy country is not listed in asterisk
00:15.02puzzledMnxPower: yes, money is agood as a contractor
00:15.34puzzledmr_monkey: look at similar settings. the NL entry is a good example
00:15.35mr_monkeyso i set default 'us'
00:15.51puzzledmr_monkey: and define your country's settings if you know them
00:16.09mr_monkeyso thats's the only one thing i need to modify
00:16.18puzzledmr_monkey: then set them using loadzone= and defaultzone=
00:16.32puzzledmr_monkey: yes afaik
00:16.33PyroSteveby experience, are there many problems associated with SIP clients being behind nat with ASTERISK not behind nat ?
00:16.41pfnasterisk doesn't have a indication setting for mexico?
00:16.59mr_monkeymmmmmmmmm, i can't find one
00:17.22mr_monkeyno NAT
00:17.33puzzledPyroSteve: yes. you need to forward ports to your SIP clients: 5060 and RTP ports
00:17.46mr_monkeyok, then i will try to fix that problem
00:18.15puzzledmr_monkey: if you find the right settings for your country, please add them to the relevant section at
00:18.17PyroStevepuzzled: thats what I didn't want to hear
00:18.20pfnpyrosteve almost no problems
00:18.39pfnthere are almost 0 problems with SIP clients behind nat and asterisk behind nat
00:18.39gafachiis anyone familiar with the snom 4s?
00:18.44pfnyou just need to set nat=yes and qualify=yes
00:19.03pfnthere is sometimes a problem with SIP behind nat when you use a firewall that has an app helper
00:19.11PyroStevepfn: well thats my setup of my testbed now
00:19.12pfnthat can fuck things up royally
00:19.13puzzledPyroSteve: if you use ADSL, get a router that has a built-in SIP proxy or a firewall that can forward SIP/5060 and the RTP ports
00:19.31pfnpuzzled sip clients do *not* need SIP and RTP ports forwarded
00:19.34puzzledlike the Intertex IX66
00:19.46PyroSteveim trying to find a simple for roaming users
00:19.47pfnprovided that they register
00:19.48puzzledpfn: for incoming calls they do afaik
00:19.52pfnno, they do not
00:20.01pfnit's a function of how UDP works through NAT
00:20.05puzzledif the ports stay open long enough they don't
00:20.14pfnthe ports stay open long enough
00:20.22pfnconsiderably longer than qualify messages
00:21.22PyroSteveI used Xlite on FWD with no problem, and I dont have any fowarding to my client
00:21.30PyroStevenot sure what FWD is using
00:21.33PyroSteveon thier endf
00:21.39pfndoesn't matter
00:21.44puzzledpfn: on my SIP client -> * -> NAT adsl router the ports need to be dorwarded if I want * to register to e.g. sipgate
00:21.55puzzledforwarded even
00:22.15puzzledPyroSteve: FWD uses IAX too. take that one.
00:22.28puzzledPyroSteve: search FWD for the settings
00:23.00AgiNamuasterisk rocks
00:23.08puzzledyes it does
00:23.08AgiNamuI'm using it to get my cellphone back (someone stole it)
00:23.08PyroSteveno no, my point is that I really have problems with SIP clients behind nat trying to work my * server behind another nat
00:23.15PyroStevethe real world * install that im about to do
00:23.30PyroSteveneeds users to make calls from where ever
00:23.55PyroStevenow the new * install has the option of using a public ip with no nat
00:23.55puzzledPyroSteve: that is a tough one afaik. check and search for * and NAT for info
00:24.08PyroSteveyeah Ive read that 100000 times
00:25.00PyroStevei was looking for real world experenice instead of thero
00:25.02PyroStevei was looking for real world experenice instead of theroy
00:25.20puzzledPyroSteve: putting * on a public IP solves half of the problem. now get your ADSL router to forward the right ports to your SIP clients and hopefully it works
00:25.48puzzledPyroSteve: there is info on how to deal with SIP port forwarding
00:26.45kujhave something like that working here: * behind NAT (even w/ dynamic IP), softclient behind another NAT
00:27.23puzzledPyroSteve: by not forwarding the ports back to your client
00:27.26kujclient (x-pro) has nat-keepalive turned on to keep its firewall/nat router open
00:27.33puzzledthat's good
00:27.51czerohas anyone tired a palm OS based SIP client?
00:28.06kuj* sits behind my own nat router w/ port forwarding enabled
00:28.54*** join/#asterisk CowboyIAint (voipnewbie@
00:29.26kuj* uses "externip=hostname" in sip.conf, hostname is a name updated/maintained by the router in case IP changes
00:29.44CowboyIAintI'll start off with the fact that I'm totally new to Asterisk so as to allow those a better understanding of my stupid questions.
00:30.30gafachican a SNOM 4s register to another proxy?
00:31.08puzzledgafachi: if you don't get an answer here, read the Snom manual
00:31.23CowboyIAintwith that said, my first question is how do I get a PSTN over to my data network?
00:31.49CowboyIAintvirtually that is.
00:32.06gafachipuzzled: thanks, yeah I did...  it didnt seem clear....
00:32.19puzzledCowboyIAint: get a card from, read everything at, try for 7million hours to get it to wrk, then check back here
00:32.51paulcCowboyIAint: With a VOIP termination provider :-)   check or (via the wiki).. or like puzzled says, get some hardware and interface your existing PSTN connections to your * box
00:33.16gafachiit says it will forward register requests, but didnt specifically address initiating a register itself
00:33.16CowboyIAintThank you paulc, that provides me a point of entry.
00:33.27paulcno problem :)
00:33.31dan2pfn: ping
00:33.50AgiNamunothing like wardialing with the "something terrible has happened" and then the monkeys while using Monitor :)
00:34.02paulcLMAO :D
00:34.06paulcyou should post those files online :)