irclog2html for #asterisk on 20041003

00:00.12slePP403 Forbidden
00:00.17filequite odd
00:00.45slePPgoes... with a REGISTER request
00:00.54pfnforbidden?  hmm
00:00.57slePPresponds with a 100 Trying
00:00.58pfnI don't remember
00:01.00slePPthen a 403 Forbidden
00:01.02slePPso it retries
00:01.05slePPand it goes fine the second time
00:01.36pfnwhat does * say?
00:01.42pfnsip debug and paste the messages
00:02.29slePPer. re-reg
00:03.11slePPthey need a 'sip debug to file'
00:03.27fileslePP: true
00:05.04slePPi should setup SER
00:05.10slePPcuz it did neat stuff
00:05.26*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
00:05.26*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkw_] by ChanServ
00:05.33bkw_whats up
00:05.39bkw_small channel
00:05.42*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by bkw_
00:05.43filehey there bkw
00:05.51filewhat have you been doing?
00:06.00bkw_dont know didn't realize I was off IRC
00:06.07bkw_did it feel like the world had crashed down?
00:06.12slePPk, now it's not refusing it again. wtf.
00:06.14bkw_getting ready for halloween
00:06.26Docelm0Question.. in the IAX.conf file.  I have 2 IAX connections setup.  1 for FWD and the other for XVOIP.  The problem is I use ilbc for Xvoip and FWD uses ULAW..  Can I make it so each only uses the correct codec?   Cause right now will use ULAW but I dont have enough bandwidth to use that I want to use ilbc for it and use ilbc for fwd if possible
00:06.55slePPoh sure.
00:06.57bkw_docelm0 you can do per peer codec
00:06.58slePPturn off sip debug, and it fails
00:07.02slePP2004-10-02 18:06:50 NOTICE[163850]: chan_sip.c:7534 handle_request: Registration from 'Dean & Stephanie <>' failed for ''
00:07.08bkw_disallow=all allow=blah per peer
00:09.34*** part/#asterisk Aharonov (
00:09.53bkw_and please do not private msg me
00:09.55bkw_ask in the channel
00:09.56mishehufucking pap2
00:10.34mishehuI don't know how ot crc invalidate the firmware and force it to load the sipura firmware
00:11.17Sivanabkw_: any benefit to using ast_verbose over ast_log.. or was just a choice?
00:11.28bkw_verbose goes to CLI
00:11.31bkw_log goes to log
00:11.48bkw_you use verbose where it shouldn't be i'll personally smack you
00:11.54bkw_asterisk is WAY to chatty as it is
00:12.07Sivanathats why you chose >10
00:12.09bkw_we have boxes you can't work on unless you do verbose 0
00:12.16bkw_Sivana :) yes
00:12.25Sivanaok.. mine is going to log (debug)
00:12.32slePPfile: and 1226
00:13.13Sivanaso verbose really isn't necessary
00:13.31slePPbut it only happens with one  of the PAP2 users.
00:13.36slePPthe other two never get that
00:13.44paulcslePP'n'file: did I talk to either of you yesterday about some online VoIP termination outfit in Canada with a dodgy looking website with a rate plan that took forever to load?
00:13.54slePPpaulc: no sir
00:14.03slePPDarwin35: :>
00:14.28filepaulc: nope
00:14.38filewho is it?
00:14.45paulcok.. no worries.. maybe it was Boris..
00:15.18paulcI can't remember! that's the hassle.. but I'm looking at existing telco billing platforms, and one cites as an example of an out of the box config.. and it looks exactly like whoever the other company was
00:15.28filepaulc: 996
00:15.47slePPanthm: how is it new?
00:16.13slePPoh, sqlite3
00:16.36*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (linux@
00:16.53Darwin35it times  out slePP
00:16.53slePPdamn nufone
00:16.56slePPopen up my international
00:17.04slePPDarwin35: are you using IPv6 that doesn't work?
00:17.20slePPyou're sure now? :>
00:17.38Darwin35I dont have ipv6 built into my kernel
00:17.38slePPwell then
00:17.53slePPit shouldn't timeout, though.. it works for everyone else i think
00:19.11Darwin35An error occurred while loading
00:19.11Darwin35Timeout on server
00:19.11Darwin35Connection was to at port 80
00:19.23slePPand the address it's trying?
00:19.49slePPhmm. you're one of the people coming in and making the firewall very unhappy
00:21.16Darwin35there is where you can see right now
00:22.06slePPDarwin35: could you try again?
00:22.36slePPoh. well there we are.. stupid ass.. nevermind. let me fix it
00:22.42slePPi hate computers sometimes
00:22.52filesilly firewalls
00:22.52*** join/#asterisk showtime (show@
00:23.17Darwin35it timed out
00:23.44*** join/#asterisk tla (
00:23.58slePPsilly RFC1918 addresses
00:25.08p0lardear lord, the openh323 driver takes *forever* to compile -- I think I compiled a kernel faster.
00:26.40slePPit's bad when they open up RFC1918 classes to the public
00:26.44slePPwe need ipv6, i tell you
00:28.15slePPDarwin35: it should be fine now.
00:29.22Darwin35pastebin or my problem
00:30.24showtimeanyone want to pickup some great condition spa-2000's, I have 3, $60 per
00:30.33slePPshowtime: USD?
00:30.35paulcshowtime: where you at
00:30.41showtimeseattle... yes usd
00:30.43paulc(and why you flogging 'em?)
00:30.48slePPdamn ,usd
00:30.51paulcshowtime: I could definitely me up for one
00:30.51slePPyay! it works. heh
00:31.05slePPDarwin35: is zaptel properly installed?
00:31.19showtimeflogging them? just too many of them
00:31.24Darwin35this is a sip only box
00:31.36slePPyes, but is the zaptel.h header properly installed
00:31.38slePPthe software for zap
00:31.42slePPp0lar: aye. edmonton, ab
00:31.57showtimemsg me if anyone wants one, some, all, etc.
00:31.58p0larMontreal, myself.
00:31.59Darwin35you should not need it for sip only
00:32.06redder86Oct  2 17:31:15 NOTICE[9225]: chan_iax2.c:3818 register_verify: Host failed MD5 authentication for 'username' (e8308af849e1380930f8bcc065aa2327 != 9473c93646d67bc7a55a25305b82211d)
00:32.15p0larshowtime: you ship it as a 'gift' valued at or under $40 to canada? :D
00:32.16paulcshowtime: I'm definitely up for one.. maybe two.. but probably one.. and have US$ sitting in my paypal account.. and might want you to write something on the box so I don't get dinged by customs at the border ;-)
00:32.17redder86What's that mean?
00:32.30paulcp0lar: I thought it was $20, the cut off?
00:32.41p0larnope, approximately 60 CAD
00:32.47slePPDarwin35: no.. the zaptel.h has ZT_EVENT_POLARITY defined in it
00:32.48p0laror approximately 40 usd...
00:32.52showtimepaulc: I think I can handle the gift :)
00:32.55slePPeither go into the Makefile in channels and remove chan_zap from the list
00:32.55p0larI can get stuff in/out with the 40USD without a problem
00:33.02slePPor do a proper install of the zaptel headers
00:33.05p0laror as RMA/Refurb/Replacement
00:33.19paulcyeah - that's my favourite.. "returned faulty goods"
00:33.34slePPpaulc: just get a PAP2-NA :>
00:33.44paulcmakes me laugh.. at the peace arch (border crossing) it says "May these gates never be closed".. sure, as long as you cough up $100 + a kidney for the taxes..
00:33.56showtimeslePP: linksys pulled back all the orders
00:33.56p0larpaulc: you'd be surprised what they'll ding you with.
00:33.59paulcslePP: All gone :-(  But I got a SPA3000 on the way to me :)
00:34.07slePPpaulc: nonono. back again!
00:34.16slePPat least for me :>
00:34.25slePPwe ordered 5, one was DOA. RMA'd it.
00:34.33slePPnow we have 6 more on order, and they are on their way
00:34.41slePPsomehow, we got more :>
00:35.46*** part/#asterisk markit (
00:36.14slePPk. who wants to play with SER with me.. c'mon. who's up for it...
00:37.24paulcslePP: whatchadoing?
00:37.36slePPwell, with all the PAP2s
00:37.44slePPwe were thinking we could perhaps make life easier with SER/Asterisk pairing
00:37.48slePPbut SER is a bit of a monster
00:37.59slePPthat i have yet to read everything about, but it does some of the toys i want, like multi-contact
00:38.26*** join/#asterisk pagestar (
00:39.11paulcexplain multi-contact?
00:39.15paulcmultiple user regs?
00:39.22paulcsudoer: SER = SIP Express Router
00:39.37slePPi can have 8 devices all register on the same SIP account
00:39.42sudoerdoes anyone here use voipamerica?
00:39.42slePPand it will ring them all, or the favourite, or whatever
00:39.50slePPso i can dynamically have multiple phones on one number
00:39.54slePPwithout dialplan magic
00:40.34paulcyeah.. s'what I thought.. so stick it in front of * and it gives you wizzy features whilst still using * for the dialplan, voicemail, features etc
00:41.08slePPand take some load off asterisk
00:41.26slePPso you can have them register all the time and it takes care of everything
00:41.43slePPplus it has its own extensible accounting modules, which could be convenient for a secondary list of calls to compare against the CDRs
00:41.43Darwin35cd ../
00:42.05slePPyou were in the channels directory?
00:42.18Umarohey guys, can't I set the email subject in voicemail.conf, and use the ${VM_} variables in it? not working for some odd reason..
00:42.44slePPtwisted, order me pizza or something
00:43.02twistedslePP, i just ate
00:43.11slePPdon't order _yourself_ pizza
00:43.13slePPorder me pizza
00:43.17paulcslePP: 310-1010 :-)
00:43.26slePPpaulc: er.. you have that too?
00:43.33twistedi think it's the same everywhere
00:43.38slePPreally? oh :>
00:43.52Umarono one uses emailtitle with variables in it, here?
00:43.56slePPhow about 310-0001
00:43.58paulcYeah.. and 310-0001 for Panago.. 310-8899 for Freshslice.. and I think Dominos has one too but I don't know what it is.. I just call 662-3030
00:43.58twistedi think i could get in trouble for ordering you a pizza
00:44.09slePPUmaro: uhm. mine says 'New message #2 in mailbox XXX'
00:44.11showtimeso in the SER/Asterisk combo mess where do you do the voicemail portion?
00:44.12slePPso i'd guess so
00:44.23UmaroslePP, well yeah, but you're not setting it, you're just using the default, right?
00:44.30slePPshowtime: SER has voicemail, but apparently it's not very good. so i'd do it in asterisk
00:44.45slePPUmaro: yeh
00:44.45twistedi thought SER was just a dumb proxy
00:44.53showtimedumb proxy and registrar
00:44.56slePPtwisted: it's a smart proxy. quite a smart one, with certain modules
00:45.02slePPor yes, a dumbproxy :>
00:45.06slePPdepends on the config
00:45.22UmaroslePP, :(
00:45.32slePPUmaro: lemme peek
00:45.46slePPemailsubject=New VM (${VM_MSGNUM}) - ${VM_DUR} long in mailbox ${VM_MAILBOX} from ${VM_CALLERID}
00:45.46slePP;emailbody=Dear ${VM_NAME}:\n\n\tjust wanted to let you know you were just left a ${VM_DUR} long message (number
00:45.46slePP${VM_MSGNUM})\nin mailbox ${VM_MAILBOX} from ${VM_CALLERID}, on ${VM_DATE} so you might\nwant to check it when yo
00:45.46slePPu get a chance.  Thanks!\n\n\t\t\t\t--Asterisk\n
00:45.49slePPthat doesn't work?
00:46.51Umarovoip-info says emailtitle
00:47.02slePPfix voip-info?
00:47.12slePPit is most definitely emailsubject
00:47.17slePPjust checked the code
00:47.36Umarooh :)
00:47.51twistedit'll still work
00:47.58twistedjust use emailsubject to keep yourself current
00:48.10slePPtwisted: no, it won't.
00:48.17Umarono, it doesn't use the variables
00:48.36slePPtwisted: look at the rest of the code
00:48.39slePPemailtitle is very very simple
00:48.56slePPemailtitle basically lets you use %d and %s
00:49.00slePPin that order
00:49.07slePPemailsubject has var replacement
00:49.35twistedi still need to move my mailserver
00:50.00slePPto my box?
00:50.17twistedto the xbox
00:50.26slePPoh :>
00:50.30slePPbetter place for it anyway
00:50.43twistedcuz of prying eyes
00:53.19Umarowoot, works
00:53.39Umaromay have to hack ${VM_CALLERID}, though
01:00.17mishehuok, this PAP2 is REALLY pissing me off.  it's not even trying to make tftp requests...
01:00.29mishehuat least I'm not picking up any with tcpdump
01:00.45mishehuso I can't figure out what file it's looking for...
01:03.22twistedmishehu, you didn't let it loose on the net did you?
01:04.53*** join/#asterisk menger (
01:05.24mishehutwisted: nope, it's on a closed network
01:05.41mengeranyone know why when i run asterisk -r, the text from the console is currupted high ascii
01:05.42mishehubasically just a crossover cable between my notebook and the pap2
01:05.58mishehumenger: try running setfont before launching asterisk
01:06.01mishehuthat might help.
01:06.32twistedmishehu, k
01:06.35mengermishehu: nope, still looks wierd
01:06.48twistedmishehu, hint: look at its NS requests
01:07.06twistedas a device trying to connect to a server, won't try unless it can successfully look up the ip of the server :)
01:07.11mishehutwisted: I set up bind on it to server for, and set and to point to my notebook, which does have in.tftpd running
01:07.23twistedwasn't sure
01:07.33twistedtdpdump udp port 69
01:07.43twistedit may take it a few seconds to request after it comes online
01:08.09mishehutwisted: all I have in my tcpdump capture is dhcp and arp requests
01:08.20mishehuI'll let it go for about 5 minutes
01:08.25twistedthat's a bit long.
01:08.38twistedlongest i've seen it take is about 30 seconds
01:08.48twistedbut considering, that's quite some time after boot
01:09.57mishehutwisted: I only let it go 20 seconds
01:10.11mishehuand I did just find an error - I forgot to set the dns stuff in dhcpd
01:13.04mishehuit stopped flash lights...
01:13.23mishehuI would have thought that if it couldn't pull down the files it needed, it'd keep flashing, no?
01:15.53mishehujerjer was somewhat vague in his tips, said that it might be necessary to "crc invalidate the firmware"
01:17.40Darwin35man * runs great on 5.3
01:19.53mishehufound the filname ->  /+(Insert mac address here)/linksys-PAP2.xml
01:20.05mishehunow if only I knew what the heck to put in that file...
01:22.11twistedunless they changed something
01:22.12mengercan you turn echo cancallation on and off through the dialplan?
01:22.23twistedit was /spa<MAC>.xml
01:22.31ManxPowermenger, No
01:22.31twistedmenger, is this a PAP2 or a PAP2-NA?
01:24.01mishehutwisted: first it requests the linksys-PAP2.xml file, next it goes for <Profile_Rule ua="na">[--key $K] t$MAU.xml</Profile_Rule>
01:24.27mishehuso I guess I'll tftp that down too and see whats in it
01:24.29twistedodd... the 20 some odd units i've done only go after the second
01:25.37mishehualright, got the second file.
01:26.14mishehuis that really an xml file?  it starts off with "Salted__r"
01:26.22mishehuthen it's all kludge after that.
01:27.01ManxPowerAllow "n" or "next" and "s" or "same" in dialplan logic priorities
01:27.12ManxPowerWHAT IS "next" or "same" do?
01:27.44mishehutwisted: ?
01:27.52*** join/#asterisk rumba (
01:28.00ManxPowermishehu, That's Vonage's way of encrypting the .xml to lock the device to Vonage
01:28.57mishehutwisted: priv msg...
01:29.03mishehu(says you block them)
01:29.16twistedmishehu, i do
01:29.37mishehutwisted: mind unblocking me?  don't know if you want me to ask the next questions in public
01:30.15twistedmishehu, rephrase the question so it's kinda vague then
01:31.06mishehutwisted: the generic I just rename so it matches the spa$MAU.xml, and that will fix the device?
01:31.14twistedit should
01:32.03mishehutwisted: if it works, I'll be really damn happy
01:32.10twistedmishehu, it should
01:32.11twistedlike i siad
01:32.14twisteder said
01:32.18twistedi've done over 20 of these bastards
01:32.53mishehutwisted: how'd you get the generic.xml ?
01:33.06twistedi made it
01:33.11ManxPowerI don't suppose anyone knows of an open proxy scanning system that's NOT specific to IRC?
01:33.43mishehutwisted: how did you find out what info it needed?
01:34.26twistedmishehu, from sipura
01:35.33InetNomadtwisted, i'd be interested in doing the same... is this "documented" somewhere? :)
01:36.14mishehuwhat do you recommend that I do with the linksys-PAP2.xml file?  I imagine I should need to remove anything that says [--key $K]...
01:36.33twistedlike I said
01:36.40twistednone of the devices i've dealt with ask for that.
01:36.45mishehuhere, I'll show you what it looks like.
01:37.57bkw_twisted you recall that dentist
01:38.01bkw_I get to rip him a new one
01:38.06twistedbkw_, oh?
01:38.07bkw_he sent a nasty letter today
01:38.14twisteddid you scan it?
01:38.19mishehubkw_: dentists have a tendency to break into houses and steal your teeth if they hate you.
01:38.21bkw_twisted not yet
01:38.26twistedbkw_, do so
01:38.28twistedi want to see ;)
01:38.34twistedi need a good laugh tonight
01:38.43bkw_"Please pay your balance now so that we can avoid any  further action -- which will be unpleasent for both of us"
01:38.56twistedhe hired the OK mafia
01:39.49mishehuif they no pay the bills
01:40.13Docelm0So any anyone found a sure fireway to hack the PAP2 and open it?   Cause all of my efforts have failed.. :(
01:40.40mishehuDocelm0: we're working at it...
01:40.51mishehuseems that mine behaves slightly differently than the others...
01:40.59Docelm0ya I have tried like 10 diffent ways and nothing seems to work..
01:41.20Docelm0I broke down and bought a SPA2000 and a 3000 a couple hours ago
01:41.24Docelm0220 buks.. :(
01:41.41CyboEek. :(
01:41.44InetNomadmany of us would like a sure fire way...
01:42.13mishehuyou know, in my opinion, both vonage and linksys/cisco can go and suck a big, hairy moose penis
01:42.16*** join/#asterisk doughecka (~Doug@doughecka.user)
01:44.52Docelm0Ya.. until december when they are supposed to release the PAP2-NA again..
01:44.52*** join/#asterisk isamar (
01:44.55isamarhi folks
01:44.55*** join/#asterisk JBLondon (
01:45.09JBLondondoes anyone know if the UK Caller ID patch was included in v1.0 please?
01:45.23isamarJB.. dont think so
01:45.59JBLondonhmmm on Mantis, Mark seemed to think it was
01:46.22twisteddocelm0, i've done over 20 of these....each works great
01:46.43isamaranybody using spandsp for faxing out?
01:47.18isamarI need to know if I can get return codes for successful and unsuccesful transmitions....
01:48.35*** join/#asterisk burton27_ (
01:48.58Docelm0What steps did you take to unlock it?
01:49.46ManxPowerMy solution to the "PAP2 problem" was bo buy an SPA-3000
01:49.55mishehuI'm wondering how long it takes for this thing to do all that stuff...
01:50.01Docelm0I bought that and a 2000
01:50.06twistedwhy, when you can get these for ~$50 each?
01:50.06mishehuManxPower: the PAP2 looks nicer than the sipuras
01:50.13mishehuand the linksys is cheaper
01:50.30ManxPowertwisted, because I odn't trust Cisco to lock them down like they did with the ATA-186
01:50.36Docelm0ya.. But I dont wanna spend hours to open it up..  Twisted do you have documentation somewhere on how you did it/
01:50.44twisteddocelm0, nope.
01:50.56mishehuDocelm0: once you know what to do, it probably takes at most 5 minutes
01:51.02Docelm0Could you dump your steps in the channel?   Im curious to really know how to do this
01:51.08ManxPowerI'll wait for all the PAP2 dust to settle and then see what the result is
01:51.09twistedbut i have a nice script on my laptop that i run to do it for me ;)
01:51.19twistedwhich should give you a hint
01:51.41twisted.:[20:51:25]:. # prep SAMPLEMACADDR
01:51.41twistedStarting dhcpd:                                            [  OK  ]
01:51.41twistedStarting named:                                            [  OK  ]
01:51.41twistedPlug in the vonage adapater with MAC SAMPLEMACADDR now.
01:51.41twistedPress ctrl-c when you see it eat it's config.
01:51.42twistedtcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol
01:51.43*** join/#asterisk AgiNamu (~zzzs@
01:51.44Docelm0um, can you clue me into the hint?  :)
01:52.32mishehuok, here's the issue I'm having right now...
01:52.54mishehutftp requests /+$MAU/linksys-PAP2.xml
01:53.09mishehuI have a dir like that with a file by the same name in it...
01:53.17twistedmishehu, even after it got the other file?
01:53.30mishehutwisted: that's the first file it looks for
01:53.39Docelm0ok but what are you doing to get it to find the file on the tftp?   I have my tftp set up so that /+MACADDR/linksys-PAP2.xml is there but it never downloads..  Um, whats the hostname it looks for/
01:53.41mishehumy tftp is responding "file not found"
01:54.03Docelm0are there any logs kept for tftp?
01:54.16Docelm0SHIT!  Someone told me it looks for just tftp!   ARGH!
01:55.00mishehuoops typo on my behalf
01:55.03mishehufixed that filename
01:55.26Docelm0ok brb.. going to unlock this blasted pap2..  maybe it will work..  I have to disco my connection tho.. :(
01:55.30mishehuDocelm0: I had to return one before I found out it looks for  so I tricked it on a closed network.
01:55.44mishehuusing bind
01:55.52Docelm0I am going to try it now
01:57.17*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~john@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
01:58.10AgiNamuhaha... just found out MYsql doesnt have subqueries. lol. Now I know why it's touted as more secure. it can't do shit :)
01:59.07mishehugot the generic xml on it
01:59.12mishehutcpdump verifies that!
01:59.36mishehuAgiNamu: I thought that 4.1 is supposed to have subqueries
01:59.45InetNomadmishehu can you put the generic xml on your website like you did before for the other file?
02:01.24AgiNamuyea, 4.1 does
02:01.25mishehuInetNomad: sec
02:01.29*** join/#asterisk Kb1_Kanob (
02:01.46AgiNamubut as of 4.0 it doesnt. and i believe that's the last 'real' version
02:01.59AgiNamuOn the plus side, you can't SQL Injection attack worth crap with mysql.
02:02.04Docelm0Did it work?
02:02.22mishehualright, dinner time
02:02.44Docelm0well trying..  be back when I think it worked..
02:07.16mishehudolcem0: if it worked, port 80 on the device will be listening
02:07.24Kb1_Kanobhello all - any opinions on enabling MMX support in asterisk and zaptel? likewise uncommenting i686 in asterisk/Makefile?
02:08.39CyboIs anyone here using stanaphone and getting some SIP register failed messages? :/
02:11.42peter222i'm having an issue connecting to externic IP of my * box with SIP
02:12.07peter222sip.conf has bind addr= - anything else I should check ?
02:14.03*** join/#asterisk Docelm0 (
02:14.13Docelm0So how do I know if this thing took the xml config file?
02:16.28InetNomadmishehu said before "<mishehu> dolcem0: if it worked, port 80 on the device will be listening"
02:16.38twistedno silly indians
02:16.45twistedport 80 will always be listening
02:16.53twistedbut it'll ask for a password when you click on admin login
02:16.57twistedif it worked
02:16.59twistedit won't
02:17.05twisted(ask for a pw that is)
02:17.20Docelm0It asks for a user/pass when I click the admin section.. What do I put there?
02:17.35twisteddocelm0, do it again, it didn't work.
02:19.20InetNomadDo I assume after I spoof/authoratively from my bind/tftp setup, and copy the generic xml to my tftp directory as spaMACADDR.xml all should be good.  tcpdump should determine if it grabbed teh file...
02:23.34routerheads_athoI believe that is the process, the hard part is creating the file.
02:24.23*** join/#asterisk stealth_man (
02:25.13Docelm0um, ether is blinking fast and power is blinking..  What does this mean?
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02:29.47Docelm0Well I believe that DIDNT work..  its blinking again?
02:29.53Docelm0whats up with this..
02:30.23twisteddata on the port?
02:30.35twistedusually a fast blinking network light indicates massive traffic
02:30.48Docelm0the ether is blinking REAL fast and I cant access port 80
02:30.55Docelm0I dont know.. its acting freaky
02:31.44routerheads_athoare you using the file you sent me?
02:32.01routerheads_athoI think I am going to wait, let fix yours
02:32.24Docelm0does the tftpd on linux keep a log somewhere to see if it was accessed?
02:32.59Stealth_Mandocelm: maybe it makes sense to use small tftpd daemon for windows, so you can easyly see it
02:33.10*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
02:33.51routerheads_athoTwisted, the file he tftpd was 8.04 KB, does that sound right?
02:34.15twistedi guess?
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02:34.30twistedit should be about 4k
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02:34.42Docelm0ohh well
02:34.54Docelm0some piss ant from GA Tech screwed me last night..
02:34.55twistedi can't count
02:35.29routerheads_athoseems a little large for a blank config
02:35.40_santiago_hi brc_
02:36.42Docelm0Well I cant access the web config of the device anymore..   interesting..
02:36.55Docelm0I guess its not virgin anymore..
02:37.08Docelm0ya.. dont use that config..  PhilM is full of shit man..
02:37.15twistedjust FYI:
02:37.19twistedTwisted's 4 rules of drinking:
02:38.22Stealth_Mannumber 3 is so damn right ..
02:38.37Kb1_KanobAny opinions on enabling MMX support in asterisk and zaptel? likewise uncommenting PROC=i686 in asterisk/Makefile?
02:42.12routerheads_athoStill blinking?  Can you ping it?
02:42.22Docelm0ping but cant access 80..
02:42.28Docelm0I think its devirginized.. :(
02:42.42Docelm0ohh well.. I have a SPA2000/3000 coming wednesday..
02:43.34routerheads_athoThe file must have been wrecked.  Do you see it trying to register now?
02:43.48Docelm0I dont see jack.. No packet scanner..
02:43.58Docelm0Im not gonna bother with it.. Im taking it back and getting my money back
02:44.54routerheads_athotwisted: care to share your file?  We got one more to trash, er, fix.
02:47.06scrubbevening folks
02:47.33scrubbso is anyone here avtively using packet8?
02:47.44AgiNamuim not cause they suck :)
02:47.48*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
02:48.00_santiago_I'm building the .debs for zaptel, could anyone help me to test them?
02:48.16scrubbAgiNamu: tell me about how they suck?
02:48.41AgiNamuThey have a special plan for "international" customers
02:48.50AgiNamuIf you are not living in the USA, they charge you $10 a month more
02:48.53Docelm0Scrubb I am
02:49.03AgiNamuThey also threaten to cut you off if you take the box outside of the states
02:49.06scrubbAgiNamu: I;m not worried about that ;-)
02:49.27scrubbdocelm0: are you connecting with Asterisk?
02:50.19Docelm0I took mine to the phillipines numerous times and they did say crap to me
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02:50.30AgiNamuyea, well you got lucky :D
02:50.41AgiNamui called them and he said as soon as they determine my IP is outside the us, they;d cut it off
02:50.44Docelm0No.. However..  If I could I would..  I have the packet8 DTA right now
02:50.48AgiNamueven though it's all IP Anyways
02:50.59scrubbdocelm0: how do they know?
02:51.29Docelm0What do you mean how do they know?
02:51.49scrubbdocelm0: how do they know that you do or don't use asterisk.
02:52.08scrubbdocelm0: do they obscure the password/sip registration.
02:52.50scrubbhey kram
02:52.54kramhi scrubb
02:53.24scrubbkram: sup tonight?
02:53.42kramwhat's shakin
02:53.51mlh407n and s in dialplans??????
02:53.55krami thought of you yesterday, scrubb
02:54.00Docelm0I know where it connects.. But I dont have any passwords/usernames etc..
02:54.09scrubbkram: uh oh, did you have a rock in your shoe?
02:54.20kramno lol
02:54.21Docelm0I would love nothing more than to hack my DTA from packet8
02:54.25krami was working on parkandannounce
02:54.28kramisn't that yours?
02:54.41kramhi brc
02:54.43scrubbkram: yeah, that's one I submitted way back.
02:55.05scrubbkram: so you _were_ cursing at me ;-)
02:57.13scrubbkram: I was really impressed with the turnout and info from the astricon.  Good work, and congrats.
02:57.28kramdid you go though?
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02:58.26scrubbkram: didn't get to.  I would have liked to, but got turned down.
02:59.29scrubbkram: Hopefully next time.
03:00.20scrubbkram: I have a new project that will start up probably Jan1 to make * be a voicemail/resource for an Avaya system, with MWI on the avaya phones.
03:00.36scrubbI'll be sure to post/submit what I find out.
03:01.21Docelm0scrubb do you know anything about us being able to use another device other than the DTA?
03:02.24scrubbDocelm0: I've seen some posting about it.  But that they discourage it and threaten to cut you off.  I am trying to go through their channels to find out what their official policy is on the subject.
03:04.02scrubbthere seems to be no information that I can find readliy that indicates that you can't.
03:04.27scrubbDocelm0: did they give you a username/password or something when you signed up?
03:04.46Docelm0I made a username/pass when I signed up for the service thats it
03:04.54Docelm0But I didnt do anything on the DTA..
03:05.53scrubbdocelm0: you ever packet sniff your registration?
03:06.32Docelm0nope.. Never really cared.. But if I could hack it or bybass it I would pump it into my asterisk box..  Would save me HELLA time..
03:07.08Docelm0But I like the service for 20 buks..  never had a problem with them
03:07.33scrubbDocelm0: The service looks good.  Excellent coverage (area), number portability, and E911 support.
03:08.31scrubbIf I could bring it in natively into * I would be ecstatic.
03:09.09Docelm0But I know they dont allow bulk connections..  1 per account.. :(
03:09.25Docelm0or trunking should I say
03:10.15scrubbdo they essentially allow 2 lines?  call waiting right?
03:10.22*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (
03:10.36watchy[]Oct  2 22:10:16 WARNING[16384]: loader.c:248 ast_load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_unregister_modem_driver
03:10.36watchyOct  2 22:10:16 WARNING[16384]: loader.c:429 load_modules: Loading module failed!
03:10.41watchyanyone got an i dea about that?
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03:10.59watchywhats the issue
03:11.03Docelm0but call waiting would suck on a pbx..
03:11.23scrubbdocelm0: I assume that it would just show up as a second call on an * box.
03:11.41Docelm0way it works now it beeps in and does it thing..
03:11.52InetNomadanyone have a good implementation of most of the vertical service codes (*XX) as defined by NANPA (like Jeff Doty gave at Astricon?)  extensions.conf would be appreciated.
03:11.58Docelm0My only beef with them is the Caller ID.. But I am able to fax with them..
03:12.05Docelm0and bandwidth usage is TERRIBLE..
03:12.18Docelm0They must be using a g.711 codec or something
03:12.51scrubbdocelm0: I assume that the DTA is just interpreting another "INVITE" as a beep/call waiting.
03:13.17*** join/#asterisk routerheads_atho (
03:13.23scrubbDocelm0: hmm, g.711 is free, so why not ;-)
03:13.44Docelm0MEGA bandwidth..
03:13.53Docelm0Im guessing..
03:14.00Docelm0Im gonna call them and see what I can find out
03:14.18Docelm0Thats alot when you try to download etc..
03:14.19pfnthat's not really mega...
03:14.31Docelm0The voice becomes distorted..
03:15.16pfn~seen stealth_man
03:15.17jbotstealth_man is currently on #asterisk (47m 47s).  Has said a total of 2 messages.  Is idling for 36m 55s
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03:20.46Mike~seen coppice
03:20.47jbotcoppice <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 9h 22m 6s ago, saying: 'I have experience of trying to offer DID access in remote places at low cost. takeup was *very* low. seems like a neat idea, but businesses don't seem to go for it.'.
03:22.26*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
03:25.36BoRiSGo out :)
03:26.32Inv_Arpastguiclient is pretty good?
03:27.00pfnyou should only set allow/deny in your xvoip user
03:27.21Docelm0Im on the phone with packet8 now and they say they will never support asterisk it would undermind the intergetry of there platform and now allow proper functionality
03:27.40pfnit's out of their league to support
03:27.52Kb1_Kanob'now allow proper functionality' - fairly telling...
03:28.50Docelm0which really sucks.. Looks like Im gonna end up using a FXO until I can get number porting from someone
03:37.42*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
03:38.44Docelm0Why do I get this error?
03:38.45Docelm0Oct  2 23:39:39 WARNING[98311]: chan_sip.c:681 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call 1b08fa5e0574ecc061a3cd994346b519@ for seqno 102 (Critical Request)
03:40.08Docelm0I cant seem to call any remote extensions from my * box
03:46.40pfnoutbound you should dial 1777...@xvoip
03:46.45mishehutwisted: actually, my linksys pap2 did *not* listen on port 80.  I did nmap -sS, -sT, -sU on it for all ports, and only 5060 and 5061 udp were open
03:47.21scrubbDocelm0: they actually said they will never support *?!  Wow.  How short sighted.
03:47.42pfnscrubb I dunno, I just don't think it's a good idea to sell "unlimited" plans to * users...
03:48.04pfnabusers will just end up ruining it for everyone
03:49.12routerheads_athomishehu, what was the size of the file you transfered to the pap2?
03:50.03mishehurouterheads_atho: it queried tftp for 2 files.
03:50.05scrubbpfn: * user or not, if youare going to sell unlimited, then be prepared to hande the odds.  Wether or not sip goes direclty from them to * or to their dta to a pait of x100p's, the * box can do the same thing.
03:50.36mishehuthe second file was about 40kbyte
03:50.40pfnscrubb there's a big difference in a box that can only send a single line of traffic
03:50.46pfnas opposed to asterisk which can do multiple
03:51.19scrubbpfn: yeah, their network needs to be able to distinguish and limit that.  I'd be suprised if they can't.
03:51.19pfnand in general, running an x100p on a dta sucks
03:51.31routerheads_athohmm, did you create the files yourself?
03:51.36pfnwhy bother limiting when you don't have to
03:51.44pfnasterisk users account for far too little of the total consumer population
03:52.15scrubbpfn: that's a different issue.  If they don;t want to offer tech support to * is different than not allowing you to connect it.
03:52.34pfnwell, figure out the authentication and I'm sure you can connect it
03:52.49scrubbpfn: yeah, right ;-)
03:52.52pfnthere's really no incentive for them to offer support to asterisk at all
03:53.06scrubbpfn: yeah I know.  :-(
03:53.17pfnthat plus having proper support isn't exactly easy
03:53.27pfnallowing a limited set of hardware devices to connect
03:53.30pfnvs. asterisk is a big deal
03:54.40scrubbpfn: yeah, its kind of like the DMCA though.  Security via litigation, not technology.  In the end it is weak and lazy.
03:55.06scrubband insecure.
03:56.08scrubboh well, just gotta wait for some folks that have their act together to get into IN. ;-)
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04:35.29Docelm0When doing musiconhold..  Do the MP3's need to be a certain bitrate and frequiency?
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04:44.00mishehuDocelm0: nope, not that I know of.
04:45.28Docelm0hmm.. its not playing..
04:47.13Stealth_Mandocelm : you problem is mpg123: /usr/local/bin/mpg123
04:47.39Docelm0ohh..  ok
04:47.59Docelm0huh?  in the musiconhold.conf?
04:48.10Stealth_Mantry now
04:48.12Stealth_Manworks ?
04:59.09*** join/#asterisk robl^ (
04:59.35brc_Docelm0, they don't need to be
04:59.55brc_Docelm0, but it's gud if they are 800KHz
05:00.09robl^was I missed?
05:00.20brc_not much
05:01.28denonman ..
05:01.33denonwhat's wget doin .. that I cant get its output in perl with backticks
05:01.59brc_anybody know of a decent cheap 1u server?
05:02.02denonwget is evil
05:02.05brc_use curl
05:02.17brc_I bet it's in cpan
05:02.47denonnah, its all coded .. calling a different script
05:02.55brc_I got a $200 linspire box today
05:03.02denonI dont wanna retest everything, I just want to test if wget actually pulled down a new file or not
05:03.07brc_athlon 1800+, 128ddr
05:03.20brc_use curl
05:03.46robl^brc_: how are those cheap boxes?  I saw the advert, but didn't buy one
05:04.00brc_got a frys near you?
05:04.06MocAnyone good with Wireless (antenna selection) ?
05:04.08brc_linspire is slick
05:04.10robl^I got a frys 15 mins away
05:04.13bkw_brc_ oh really
05:04.16brc_and the box itself is nice
05:04.35brc_robl^, 200 bucks gets you speakers and mouse+kb too!
05:04.39brc_bkw_, yes really
05:04.41brc_want one?
05:05.00robl^hey to Mr. bkw!
05:05.13pfnwhat's this linspire stuff
05:05.27brc_I doubt I'll actually use it
05:05.35robl^linspire = lindows = bastardized commercial version of Debian Linnux
05:05.48brc_but it looks like it'd be great for somebody who just wants to 'do email & the internet thingy"
05:06.16*** join/#asterisk Docelm0 (
05:06.39heragis it possible to have an extension like s,5,Dial(...) going, but at the same time have something like WaitExten() going in the's sorta bad to have to do WaitExten() first, and _then_ do a dial()...
05:07.07brc_they had a ton left...if anybody needs a extra cheap dev box and there's a frys near you should look at em
05:07.11brc_it's got a ECS mobo
05:07.19brc_seems to be a customized package for frys
05:07.42robl^I could use a spare dev box..
05:07.44brc_the bios version string says deltaCA231 for Frys Electronics
05:08.05brc_$200 out the door iirc :)
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05:08.30brc_wonder when they'll have em again
05:08.33brc_one per customer
05:08.44brc_didn't feel like cloning myself today
05:08.58robl^$199 + TAX + waiting in line + waiting for that highly skilled employee to put a neon pink stripe on your receipt as you leave the store
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05:10.33robl^I just got a Cisco 7965G , 7981G and a 7971G
05:11.09brc_y;a saw yer email
05:14.06denonI dislike perl.
05:14.10denonhow ungeeky for me
05:16.08Docelm0ack netsplit from hell
05:16.08brc_surfs up!
05:16.08denonhmm .. wonder if wget is sending to stderr or somethin
05:16.08bkw_hrm autoconf isn't that bad to deal with
05:16.08Docelm0wonder who screwed that one up
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05:16.25brc_bkw_, OMG WOOT!
05:16.25fileooh netsplats
05:16.25brc_I heard you're gonna be maintaining the Asterisk autoconf
05:16.25brc_rock on!
05:16.25Docelm0YES gotta love em
05:16.25bkw_no you ninny
05:16.25denonbkw is?
05:16.25denonphear :)
05:16.35bkw_sure as hell not
05:16.35denonah, *phew*
05:16.36bkw_i'm still not clueful enuf to do it
05:16.37brc_oh yes you are
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05:17.06robl^yay for netsplit
05:17.11brc_42 solves everything
05:17.36brc_I got ripped off at frys
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05:18.25brc_got a pt880 neo + p4 3.0GHz for $220
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05:18.35brc_ripped off :
05:18.39brc_new keybard
05:18.43Syncrosi would like to have something like irexec from the lirc project so i can control a xvid playback from my ip phone
05:18.49brc_the |\ key is in the wrong spot
05:18.55brc_belolw the enter key
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05:19.07brc_Syncros, awesome
05:19.11brc_patches welecome of course
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05:19.49brc_I might return it
05:20.17robl^I like my DEC VT420 keyboard.  all the keys are in the right spot..  the PC keyboards are ALL wrong
05:20.40brc_there's three holographs on my p4 box
05:20.47Sivanaheh.. how
05:21.07brc_I hate having the \| key there
05:21.15brc_spacebar doesn't work right on the old one
05:21.19brc_and it's a natural
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05:21.34brc_hands started to hurt with it
05:22.06brc_oh yuck
05:22.09brc_the arrow keys
05:22.19brc_are smashed up to the delete end pagedown eeys
05:22.39brc_and tye printscrn scrol lock pause keys are smacwhmd down to the inerps home pageup keys
05:23.07brc_buy me a flatpanel
05:23.20kramnite guys :)
05:23.55robl^that was fast..
05:24.17brc_-dmwaters- {global notice} Hi all! It looks as though our main EU hub has died. I'm currently looking at the problem. Any further messages about this will be given in wallops '/mode +w your_nick' Thanks for your patience, and thank you for using freenode!
05:24.37JerJerMajor PBX revamps (including labels, update examples)
05:24.40JerJervery very nice!
05:25.02citatslabels on priorities
05:25.08robl^ohh!  kewl..
05:25.08brc_JerJer, you mean 'next, same'?
05:25.45robl^brc_: no!!!  he means like the food labels... nutritional information of a dialplan
05:25.47citatsthats a label
05:25.51brc_I only saw 999,next,dial
05:25.55citatsthat too
05:26.03brc_what's the 1(start) thing?
05:26.11citats; parenthesis after their name which can be used in goto situations
05:26.12JerJerexten => 1234,1,Blah
05:26.21JerJerexten => 1234,n,Foo
05:27.39filein the dark the PAP2-NA blue LEDs are not that bright...
05:27.46lokosend it to me
05:27.47brc_I've got half the non removable boxhasbeenopenedindicator hologram removed!
05:29.06brc_this is too easy
05:29.11brc_it must be a trap
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05:29.49robl^it self-destructs after opening
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05:30.10coppicewhat Charles De Gaule Airport? :-)
05:30.22brc_we shall see
05:30.54brc_nicked the side
05:31.00Mikecoppice, good morning
05:35.05rwjblueWhat happens when you have to got to priority n+101 for the various applications?
05:37.00redder86I really was impressed by the Charles de Gaule Airport
05:37.27JerJerthe doors are closing and will not re-open
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05:37.40coppicecharles de gaule airport not only self-destructed after opening, its a lousy airport in most other ways
05:37.59coppicewhy does a newish airport not have skybridges everywhere?
05:38.03redder86well, I was only there once
05:38.17Docelm0Man those Mp3 tags really kill the mp3's..  :)
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05:38.43Docelm0That was the problem..
05:38.49Chotaireyeah, I'm the problem!
05:38.51Chotairemorning all!
05:38.53redder86things seemed to go smoother for us there than at Heathrow, though
05:39.30robl^"It can hardly be a coincidence that no language on earth has ever produced the expression 'As pretty as an airport.'"
05:40.09redder86the only airport that I haven't liked much was the Miami-Dade
05:40.12Chotairethat would probably be the language of boeing 747's who just love docking to terminals.
05:40.21coppiceredder86: but heathrow is an old botched up and reworked airport. it is also massively bigger than cdg. cdg is fairly small, pretty new, and still a mess
05:40.48robl^are ANY airports nice and NOT a mess?
05:40.49redder86coppice: isn't cdg the busiest airport in Europe?
05:40.56Chotairerobl: yup
05:41.12redder86robl: smaller airports have always seemed quite nice to me
05:41.40Chotairerobl: franz-josef-strauss airport in much is actually very clean, modern and tidy. looks a little cold though.
05:41.46Chotairemunich even.
05:41.57coppiceredder86: doubt it. it doesn't seem that big. heathrow used to be much bigger than anything else in europe. I don't know these days
05:42.35coppiceChotaire: Munich airport means long walks :-)
05:42.53redder86coppice: well, CDG "felt" bigger than Heathrow when I was there in 2000, but that may have been an illusion
05:42.53Chotairecoppice: not really.
05:43.05Chotairecoppice: go downstairs and enjoy ;)
05:43.15Chotairecoppice: and while at that, the phone heart will beat higher too ;)
05:43.17coppiceChotaire: it seemed a pretty long walk on Thursday
05:43.36Chotairecoppice: most payphones downstairs at MUC can easily be tricked by doing pseudo-pulse dialing ;)
05:43.47redder86I really, really enjoyed the Paris underground, though.  It was much, much easier to navigate than London's.
05:44.05redder86maybe I'm just easily lost, though
05:44.12Chotairecoppice: yeah, that happens if people don't go downstairs ;) you dont need to go anywhere, you "will be gone" ;)
05:44.12robl^"Airports are ugly.  Some are very ugly.  Some attain a degree of ugliness that can only be the result of special effort.  This ugliness arises because airports are full of people who are tired, cross, and just discovered their luggage has landed in Murmansk.  (Murmansk airport is the only known exception to this otherwise infallible rule) and architechts have tried to reflect this in the design."
05:44.17coppiceLondon's underground is a disgrace. The world's oldest, and unmaintained since completion
05:44.21krami can't sleep :(
05:44.36citatsno sleep for the wicked :)
05:44.47robl^wicked kram!!
05:44.47kramyou see all my pbx changes?
05:44.50citatswicked awesome
05:45.04redder86coppice: well, I'm glad we agree on that ;-)
05:45.05kramyou like?
05:45.32JerJerthose pbx changes are going to simplify my dialplans immensely
05:45.37citatsi think it will please a lot of people, and make basic extensions.conf creation much simpler
05:45.50kramyah, feel free to make more updates if you like
05:46.25kramto the samples i mean
05:46.29redder86I also like the Santiago, Chile underground.  But that's not a touristy place to go.
05:46.35JerJerkram :)
05:46.46Chotaireredder86: yeah, been there.
05:46.50coppiceHK's underground is the best thought out
05:46.55Chotaireredder86: benitez?
05:46.56redder86Chotaire: :-)
05:47.13Chotairehowever I disagree that airport is any nice ;)
05:47.30ChotaireI can tell funny stories about airports ;)
05:47.35Chotairebeen around quite much ;)
05:47.37Docelm0Does anyone have a idea why when I call internal(local lan) extension it will work.  But when I call to a outside(internet) extension it will not?   I looked at the debug it keeps trying to send to a private IP addy.  What is the easiest way to fix this
05:48.01Chotaireit SENDS to a private IP addy? fix your hosts file? ;)
05:48.47Chotaireanyway, whoever asked about europe's busiest airport, that still is heathrow, yeah.
05:48.54Chotairefollowed by FRA
05:48.56coppicekram: SS7 is working!
05:49.00Chotairethen CDG
05:49.20Chotairecoppice: great, now get C5 going ;)
05:49.38coppiceChotaire: Is that a genuine request?
05:49.43Docelm0its not my hosts file..
05:49.57Docelm0Its not sending to the registered extenion on file.. Any idea why?
05:50.00coppiceyou really need it?
05:50.10ChotaireI'd even test it until I die.
05:50.13coppiceI thought it had gone with the wind
05:50.21coppicelike a loud fart :-)
05:50.23Chotairenope. still in use.
05:50.37Chotaireand yes, even in the US, even if they claim different ;)
05:50.49twistedkram == my hero
05:50.52twistedyet again
05:51.54coppiceChotaire: I looked at doing C5 support as a joke one day. I didn't think anyone would actually want it.
05:52.06ChotaireI'm not joking ;)
05:52.23ChotaireC5 is a joke, but I'm still not joking ;)
05:52.52ChotaireIf you have the time and you need support, just let me know.
05:54.04coppiceChotaire: I did the tone processing part. I did the 2280Hz version for europe too. :-)
05:54.08Chotaireand if you need special equipment for interopability testing, maybe I can grab it. I have friends at telcos who still use c5.
05:54.30Chotairethat reminds me of another funny airport.
05:54.51Chotairewhen I arrived at KWI, I had to undress up to my pants.
05:55.07coppiceairports are only funny if you don't have to use them
05:55.08Chotairebecause I had one bottle of liquor with me and somehow I forgot alcohol is quite illegal over there ;)
05:55.17redder86The Honolulu airport smells like flowers
05:55.28redder86well, the whole island smells like flowers
05:55.29Chotairethey threated me as a damn drug dealer.
05:55.35coppicesingapore airport is about the only civilised one
05:56.46Chotairecoppice: hm, just wondering, is there anything useful related to C5 in 1.0.1?
05:57.05coppicelike what?
05:57.13Chotairelike *<=>* would work for first tests?
05:57.42redder86ever since 9/11 the terminals in the US always seem so empty to me.  They used to be so packed with people receiving arrivals or saying goodbye to departures.
05:57.50coppicenot sure what you mean
05:57.51slePPJerJer: tak for the ld. :>
05:58.13Chotairecoppice: so what did you implement? "dialtones" only?
05:58.13WilliamKDFW airport is ALWAYS busy here
05:58.45redder86now they only let passengers back into the terminals
05:58.45Chotairewilliamk: hopefully I'll be there one day.
05:58.55Chotairewilliamk: I'm looking forward to see SYD on thursday.
05:59.06coppiceChotaire: I implemented the 2600Hz and 2400Hz detect and split stuff
05:59.17Chotairecoppice: nice.. what about c5 dialing?
05:59.18WilliamKredder, I heard something about them slightly relaxing that here in Dallas
05:59.42coppiceC5 dialing uses the same tones as R1. That is already in *
05:59.45redder86I've only been to the Dallas airport once, back in 93
05:59.47WilliamKChotaire, hopefully you'll like it, to clear security it only takes about 1-5 mins total
06:00.14Chotairewilliamk: are they picky with notebooks?
06:00.24redder86and it was a transfer on my way to Miami
06:00.26Chotairewilliamk: I hate people booting up notebooks and turning them off while booting.
06:00.48WilliamKthey definately power them up and off
06:00.52WilliamKand run them through xray
06:01.00Chotairewilliamk: photosafe xray?
06:01.11WilliamKyour guess is as good as mine
06:01.17WilliamKmy notebook went through it once
06:01.20coppicewhy do I have to take a notebook out of a rucksack, and lay it separately on the xray conveyor? someone said its for sniffers in the machine
06:01.30Chotairewilliamk: if they screw my HD, I'll go 9/11
06:01.55robl^yeah. the notebook has to go throw x-ray seperately
06:01.55WilliamKcoppice, there's no sniffers in the machine... if anything they'll swab it with cotton
06:02.10robert_vcchChotaire: what part of speech was "9/11" in that sentence?
06:02.15Docelm0Is a stun needed for natted extensions? or is there a easy way around it?
06:02.20WilliamKthey take about a min to look at a notebook seperately just to make sure nothing is hidden in it
06:02.32Chotairerobert: forget about it. bad joke, related to some earlier sentence.
06:02.32coppiceI think some of those machines have sniffers for explosives
06:02.33robl^robert_vcch: used to be called "postal" :)
06:02.37WilliamKsame as cell phones nowdays
06:02.55WilliamKcell phones can be just as deadly as a dang notebook that's false
06:02.56robert_vcchChotaire: It's cool. Thought it was funny.
06:03.01coppicethey don't look at my notebook. they just ask me to lay it on the conveyor
06:03.25robl^I confused them with an ipod
06:03.32WilliamKyou even have to take off coats/jackets and run them through the conveyor
06:03.39coppicecellphones can be deadly. haven't you seen the recent Nokia battery incidents?
06:03.48Chotairecoppice: I will power it up, and I will shut it down... I will not accept them powering off the notebook while booting.. that might be quite some pain with a fully encrypted HDD
06:04.01WilliamKquite a few new rules, especially at DFW....  DFW usually has someone standing far in advance telling you what to do before you get to the checkpoint
06:04.19Chotairewilliamk: good idea actually.
06:04.57*** join/#asterisk anthm (
06:05.04WilliamKfrom what I heard, DFW ranks #1 at moving people around the fastest through security
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06:05.15WilliamKusually there aren't any lines
06:05.51robl^IAH and HOU are HORRIBLE
06:06.14coppicethere is no security at US airports. its all show
06:06.25Chotairewilliamk: I just needed like 2-3 minutes at BOS, although it was shortly after 9/11.
06:06.39Chotaireand I'm from old europe!
06:06.46WilliamK3 of the airports I know in Dallas are heavily secured
06:06.49WilliamKDFW being one of them
06:07.28JerJerThen there is Haifa airport, where the guards have AR-15s and are around every corner
06:07.29Chotairewhat does he do? replace lamps? ;)
06:07.39WilliamKaircraft inspector
06:07.44coppiceIts just show. anyone up to no good would have no problems. DFW included.
06:07.51WilliamKand mechanic
06:07.53robl^ohh..  I saw a guy get detained at IAH after setting off one of the metal detectors..  poor guy.  turns out he had a few too many piercings..including one that had to be shown behind closed doors
06:08.07Chotaireas long as people don't screw my notebook, they can do whatever security they desire.
06:08.20Chotairealthough I must say, I'm quite unsure if I will second gathering of biometrical data.
06:09.20WilliamKmark's up to no good again... more updates!
06:09.43robl^he's adding app_kitchensink
06:09.57coppicea friend wearing plastic soled leather shoes triggered every metal detector when we travelled last week. In each case taking off his shoes allowed hime to pass OK :-\
06:09.58Chotairecoppice: anyway, I was serious. if you need help with testing or just any other support for finishing C5 in asterisk, let me know.
06:10.25coppiceChotaire: who still uses C5?
06:10.40robl^bkw added app_boyfriend.  good enuff?
06:10.42Chotairecoppice: almost every country in the world is still using C5 somehow. no kidding.
06:11.00coppicewe don't :-)
06:11.11Chotaireaah, hongkong ;)
06:11.11Chotaireyou do ;)
06:11.16Chotairehow much you do ;)
06:12.00WilliamKif I had a girlfriend, I'd still be on here with ya'll and be more broke than ever...
06:12.15coppiceyeah, all those IDD carriers passing through here probably use a weird collection of things. local services don't, though
06:12.44Chotairecoppice: right, not in HK. they still do for some weird intl landline connections though (not only satellite).
06:12.50*** join/#asterisk snewpy (
06:13.01ChotaireI know (and been to) countries where C5 is still in use even for domestic calls.
06:13.21coppiceOK. C5 is next, then :-)
06:13.35Chotairewhenever you find the time, mate.
06:14.01ChotaireI can wait. but when you're up to it, let me know. I wanna test.
06:14.05coppiceI'll see your OC32, and raise you an OC192 :-)
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06:14.54robl^oc192!!!  *drool* that's more bandwidth than most dialups :)
06:15.18Chotairerobl: do you know ANY oc192 dialup? ;)
06:15.20coppicethat's more bandwidth than most operators have :-)
06:15.42Chotairelets log this chat and come back in 10 years to laugh our asses off.
06:15.44robl^Chotaire: AOL :)
06:16.05Chotairethere's one funny AOL commercial in germany...
06:16.08Chotaire"I am young, I can wait."
06:16.10Chotairethat's true ;)
06:16.34robl^lol!  AOL in Deutschland!?!?  I never realized things were that bad there
06:16.45ChotaireAOL been here before most national isp's.
06:17.01coppiceAOL is everywhere, but only successful in a few places
06:17.01robl^I never noticed..
06:17.18Chotairei must admit I was fascinated by compuserve's worldwide x.25 network back then... things changed much since AOL bought them.
06:17.29robl^I didn't see AOL CDs littering the streets of Koeln
06:17.36coppiceAOL is in HK, but I've never heard of anyone using it. they had a huge ad campaign on the buses at one point
06:17.40ChotaireI can send you a few thousands, if you like.
06:17.52ChotaireAOL is so lame they sending me CD's ;)
06:17.59Chotaire(they should know I'm ISP)
06:18.21Chotaireand they don't send me one CD, they send me boxes.
06:18.27robl^hehe!  I use AOL CDs for drink coasters
06:18.55ChotaireI will start to be happy when AOL decides to deliver on CD-RW
06:19.02robl^keeps my furniture safe from my Warsteiner
06:19.34coppicerobl^ CDs make rather scratchy coasters
06:19.59Chotaireas long as you dont put the real coasters in your cd-rom, have fun ;)
06:20.16Chotairecoppice: anyway, got the message? expect some support.
06:20.23Chotairein whatever way necessary.
06:21.12robl^Chotaire: do you know of any IVR voice talents fluent in german?
06:21.42Chotairehm... kinda ;)
06:21.50robl^Alisson doesn't do german
06:22.09Chotairethat one is pretty good actually.
06:22.17Chotairewanna hear an example I did?
06:22.32robl^ohh!  I saw that..  but couldn't get any pricing information
06:23.33Chotairecoppice starts ignoring me. ;)
06:23.43Chotairedo I speak C5? ;)
06:23.43robl^coppice ignores everyone
06:25.50Chotairebtw, I received my oldschool asterisk t-shirt earlier. looks pretty nice, and gained quite some attention.
06:26.31robl^oh??  the t-shirt where Mark poses lewdly with an IAXy?
06:27.28Chotairet-shirts like that have one positive effect.. if people start talking to you because they know asterisk, you'll know they won't bore you to death ;)
06:28.48robl^unless they are asterisk newbies..  "Can I use an old phone?  How do I make a phone ring? Why doesn't music on hold work?"
06:28.48Chotairewould anyone be interested to see a collection of telephony-related t-shirts on the web?
06:29.21Sivananot really
06:29.42Sivanai'd be interested in someone finishing my routing/rating and billing system for me though
06:30.06ChotaireSivana: I can send you a t-shirt with the remaining source-code printed on it!
06:30.21brc_my tee shirt violates the dmca
06:30.31Chotairebrc: another logo? ;)
06:30.32robl^Chotaire: in Cobol or Fortran?
06:30.38*** join/#asterisk foxdevel (
06:30.41Chotairerobl: omg ;)
06:30.53Chotaire6502 asm maybe? ;)
06:31.05foxdevelhas anyone here used any SIP phones from Yuxin?
06:31.38Chotairemy favorite t-shirt is the ENTEL CHILE shirt ;)
06:31.41robl^boots, even
06:32.33robl^now if I can figure out how to network CP/M with my VMS server
06:33.07Chotairehm... atleast there are networking devices for the c64 today ;)
06:33.24Chotaireand if anyone cares, someone did the first flash player, wahaha...
06:33.51robl^I had a C64 once. I barely remember it..  LOAD "GAME",8,1  or something like that
06:34.06ChotaireI've been using c64 since 1982 ;)
06:34.16Chotairetrue love I bet.
06:34.26Chotaireuntil 1997 I even used that babe to get onto the net.
06:34.30robl^I have an Atari 400 from 1979 :)
06:34.41Chotairenice.. I still have my 2600
06:34.50Chotaireand a ST1040 or something...
06:35.05ChotaireI just used it for some midi though.. same for amiga.. never really liked it.
06:35.05robl^ohh.. nice  a 1040ST with german tos.
06:36.05Chotairewhile talking about old school, does anyone know the starting price for one basic XD1 chassis?
06:36.06robl^you do know that a german company bought the rights to that Atari TT/ST/Falcon lines and produces a modern Atari with USB, PCI, IDE
06:36.52Chotairerobl: similar things happening to Amiga... and today, there's even a new idealist c64, the C=One
06:37.21robl^I love retro computing :)
06:37.30Chotaireonly the c64 is still going strong with scene activity though. that breadbox will probably never die.
06:38.01Chotaireyou do? then go here.. ;)
06:40.11robl^I'll bring my Ataris!  :)
06:40.30ChotaireI still wonder what "cheap" means, though.
06:41.52robl^ohh.  Cray!  I prefer my vaxes
06:42.33ChotaireI might get one soon.
06:42.51Chotaireone of my partners is still running one as nameserver, but it's about to be replaced finally.
06:43.05robl^a cray as a nameserver?
06:43.11Chotairehaha... nah
06:43.58robl^ohh  a VAX nameserver
06:44.08Chotaireget a cray, run bind4.. hahahah.
06:44.31ChotaireI believe there will be some sheikh doing so, just because of boredom.
06:44.59robl^we should port Asterisk to a cray
06:45.09ChotaireI've seen really strange things in kuwait, I wouldn't even wonder about that.
06:45.40Chotaireit might be easy to port asterisk to a cray xd1
06:47.11Chotaireand yet, I'm still wondering what their basic price is for one chassis. if it's like 30k, those beasts would make lots of sense.
06:47.18robl^I tried to get it to compile on a cube, but it didn't go well.
06:47.42robl^check ebay :)
06:48.00ChotaireI could simulate my own atomic explosions inside my toilet!
06:48.53Chotaireomg.. 2200w per chassis.
06:49.40robl^not exactly the same model
06:49.44watchysince the cray xd1 is amd opteron
06:49.52watchyit would probably compile with 0 issues
06:51.31Chotairemaybe. keep in mind they use their own hpc enhanced linux and c++ compilers though
06:51.44watchyyea but im sure it would almost work
06:51.50watchywith very minimal issues
06:51.55watchylinux is linux
06:52.03watchythe only thing is the compiler
06:52.10watchybut putting gcc on it wouldnt be hard
06:52.13robl^gcc could be ported
06:52.27watchyjust copy the bins from another linux over it would prob work
06:52.58Chotaire"Proactive refresh of operating system through periodic reinstallation and reboots"
06:53.01Chotaireah, they running windows too
06:53.35robl^how quickly can Crays show a pretty blau screen?
06:53.51Chotairecheck the url that I pasted... it's a sweetie, and maybe even affordable.
06:53.55watchyi bet my xp workstation is quicker
06:54.17Chotairesince I sold my HP9000a I need a new beast to play with ;)))
06:54.37watchyi got a sparc i never even pluged in
06:55.05robl^I have a sparc ss10 that I'd give away
06:55.14watchywhats ss?
06:55.28robl^Sun Sparcstation 10
06:55.29watchyi got an ultra 10 i think it is
06:55.36watchyi bought it for $10
06:55.50watchyi think it was stolen but still a decent box
06:55.52robl^ultra10??  for $10?  that cheap
06:55.59Chotairethat hp9000a was still worth 20k at the time of selling ;)
06:56.09robl^ultrasparcs are 64bit CPUs..
06:56.21watchyits in the other room
06:56.26watchyits a desktop style case
06:56.33watchyi mean mini tower
06:56.34robl^like a pizza box?
06:56.38watchyi'm drunk
06:56.43Chotaireyeah, I know the pizza box stations
06:56.47watchyno its got vga and shit
06:56.55robl^oh..  mini-tower is an ultra 10
06:57.07watchyyea its a cool box but i never pluged it in
06:57.33Chotairewhen they got bankrupt, I was offered to take them, but I was more interested in the catalyst ;)
06:57.35robl^they use IDE drives.. ATA33.. at least early ones were
06:58.15Chotaireunfortunately, I didnt get any of those... I should've taken the suns and stfu ;)
06:58.47robl^take EVERYTHING and sell what you don't want on ebay!  robl's rule #1
06:59.02ChotaireI stopped doing that.
06:59.08Chotaireelse I find myself in a chaos full of retro shit.
06:59.23Chotaireall I need at home is one fast server, one fast workstation and one fast notebook. that's it.
06:59.30Chotairefinally i realized that ;)
07:00.15ChotaireI still need to get rid of the 25 monitors (!) though, they eat up quite some space.
07:00.19watchyi need all computers ever
07:00.46Chotairea few years ago, I collected EVERYTHING.
07:00.55robl^hehe..  I have 4 running servers, a desktop, and a notebook..  I have quite a bit of others in storage
07:00.56Chotaireand today, it's useless shit.
07:01.35Chotairenerds ;)
07:01.48robl^Asterisk server, database server, fileserver, and an Alpha VMS server
07:02.07Chotaireyup, asterisk is the only thing that will make me set up a dedicated (private) box soon.
07:02.18ChotaireI'm fed up with isdn cards dying on me and forcing me to reboot.
07:03.09Chotairerobl: what you need an own db- and file-server for?
07:03.51Chotairerobl: i mean, for private, single-user stuff, both services should even work on one... hmm... one pentium-I at a reasonable speed?
07:03.59robl^Chotaire: I do database app development..  I need a dedicated machine for load testing, etc.
07:04.17Chotairerobl: you do informix?
07:05.05robl^I used to do Informix 4GL.  I do some with Aubit 4GL these days.  Mostly PHP stuff now.. using PostgreSQL, Ingres, and MySQL
07:05.30ChotaireI personally use mySQL, but I have one customer with huge informix 4GL needs.
07:06.23robl^You can port Informix 4GLto Aubit 4GL and run PostgreSQL as a backend..
07:06.42robl^IBM has basically killed off 4GL.
07:06.44ChotaireI have a conservative customer that will not be interested in that ;)
07:06.59Chotairegood to know though
07:07.56robl^another company Querixx sells a commercial 4GL solution that uses PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sybase, or Informix
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07:09.05ChotaireI had a hard time telling my customer it might make sense to update from informix 5.* to 7.* (that took just a year), but you bet if I tell him postgreSQL he will suddenly die.
07:09.31Chotairesome people live the "never touch a running system" way until the running system runs out of system.
07:09.53robl^yeah.  "if it works, don't fix it"
07:10.40robl^but, if they wait too long.. there will be a sever lack of migration tools to some current solution.
07:10.49Chotairea few years ago, I updated kernel like once a day. I'm not that crazy anymore, but I still believe it makes sense to upgrade atleast every 6 months on production servers to cope with new technology.
07:11.26Chotaireatleast when they're connected to the internet ;)
07:12.06Chotairethe majority of customers that I get haven't even heard of UPDATING an operating system. imagine!
07:12.20robl^I think it depends on what the server is used for..  if the server is say.. just a print server, there is rarely a reason to upgrade unless you have a new printer that needs new drivers
07:13.13Chotairewhat about better drivers? faster drivers? more stable kernel? update usually makes sense.. if not, just revert it and there ya go.
07:13.24robl^most people see a computer as an api*should*n and it pliance.. you plug it and it *should* work.
07:13.48robl^hrmm.. bad keyboard!
07:13.54Chotaireehrm yes!
07:14.05ChotaireI hear line noise ;)
07:14.17*** join/#asterisk brc__ (~john@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
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07:15.05Chotairemake new friends! get a bouncer at!
07:15.46rikstaehurmm, that is my box name
07:16.04rikstai don't give anyone irc proxies thank you
07:17.11Chotairesome domains are rather insulting than funny, but who cares.. ;)
07:17.32rikstaahh well
07:18.09robl^a buddy used to have "" registered.  I was scared to ask him about it.
07:19.07Chotaireriksta: maybe passwd protect that spam stats, mate? some spammer might complain about privacy ;)
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07:19.31Chotaireah, germish.
07:19.53ChotaireIch habe eine Knackwurst in meiner Lederhosen!
07:20.23rikstaChotaire, stop noseying
07:20.25*** join/#asterisk postel (
07:20.33brc__Name   m0n0wall.local
07:20.33brc__Version 1.2b1
07:20.44robl^...aber ich kann nicht es finden!
07:20.58Chotaireriksta: it wasn't even difficult, not even a whois was needed ;) look at your sys-info ;)
07:21.33brc__~google iplocator
07:21.54Chotaire~google gayniggers from outer space
07:22.27rikstaChotaire i know you looked at my sys info dude
07:22.29rikstaim not stupid
07:22.37Chotaireno, you're noseing logfiles.
07:24.31Chotaireah well..
07:24.39robl^Chotaire:   es tur mir leid, aber ich muß schlafen. bis bald!
07:24.53Chotairerobl: yeah I found out you were eager to speak some german ;)
07:24.58Chotairerobl: blau screen!
07:25.03Chotairewe say bluescreen too ;)
07:25.10robl^hehe. :)
07:25.22Chotairerobl: sleep well, dude. talk to you another day.
07:25.36Chotairewhenever I'm bored in .au I'll see what's up in here.
07:25.43robl^its rare I get to practice my german.
07:26.08Chotairewhere did you learn it? at school?
07:26.09robl^anyway.. I must sleep.
07:26.33robl^Chotaire: my family is half german.  My grandmother is the only that still speaks it
07:26.34Chotairefrom what I know there's quite a bunch of germish people in houston.
07:27.09Chotaireyup, figures.
07:27.12robl^my family is from Cincinnati area
07:27.24Chotairewhere's that? ohio?
07:27.29robl^yeah.  Ohio
07:27.56Chotaireanyway, I'll let you sleep and we'll talk about countryside another day ;)
07:28.02robl^some of the street signs in the older areas of the city are still in german
07:28.39*** join/#asterisk h3x0r (
07:28.42robl^:)  It is 2:30AM and I am about to pass out at the keyboard.
07:29.03rikstaany guide to setting up fwd for asterisk?
07:29.11robl^goonight everyone.
07:29.16Chotairenighty night.
07:29.25robl^riksta: look on  they have the details
07:30.56ChotaireI just read on that my wlan router has just been re-released with voip.
07:31.02ChotaireI hate buying equipment!
07:32.28anankehi, i was wondering if somebody could clear up some things for me. basically, i'm interested if asteriks would be able to support voip hardware, such as some of the linksys equipment, and allow me to set up calls between parties
07:32.33Chotairewhenever you buy something, it will take less than a month and you will regret it ;)
07:32.47anankeChotaire : that's normal :)
07:32.49Chotaireananke: haha, I was just getting angry about linksys ;)
07:32.59anankewhat a great timing i have :)
07:33.48Chotaireyou can see a list of supported hardware at the asterisk site.
07:33.58WilliamKChotaire, believe me... I've had my share of linksys issues lately
07:34.13WilliamKmost difficult one is VPN from Win2k to LinkSys
07:34.25anankeso i'm not even sure if my question makes sense. basically i'm trying to find out if i can set up something similar to what vonage has, but on a small scale, and only between voip hardware
07:34.29Chotairewill: me too. I called support and told them what the hell as all wrong with their products.. guess what their reaction was?
07:34.43WilliamKwe don't give a flip?
07:34.48Chotairethey offered me ajob
07:34.53anankeChotaire : i have looked at it, but i don't see anything that even remotely seems familiar
07:35.25Chotaireananke: what "voip protocols" (duh) does your linksys product work with?
07:35.30WilliamKI'm either over-qualified or under qualified (as far as paper goes)
07:35.42Chotaireananke: if all you wanna do is to place inet phone calls, you dont even need asterisk.
07:35.44WilliamKseems I have too much hands on experience and not enough paperwork
07:36.03anankeChotaire : that's the thing, i don't know which ones it should work with :) i'm just starting to make research in this subject.
07:36.40Chotaireananke: for your universitys?
07:37.01anankeChotaire : nope, personal. between me and my immediate family
07:37.01Chotaireor just private interest because you wanna place some free calls?
07:37.15ChotaireI might have one very very easy tip for you and I know people in here will slaughter me ;)
07:37.53Chotaireatleast from what it seems, you dont need asterisk at all. all you want is place inet phone calls to your family, right?
07:38.00anankewhat i'd like to be able to do is give a piece of hardware [such as this linksys stuff] to my folks, tell them to plug in an extra phone to it, and configure it in a way that would allow me to have similar hardware setup at my end
07:38.00WilliamKananke, what you start for your family will end up being bigger I guarantee
07:38.04Chotaireif so, simply go here:
07:38.09WilliamKfamilies talk toooo much
07:38.19anankeWilliamK : :)
07:38.40Chotaireananke: are you sure you need/want extra hardware if all you wanna do is talk?
07:38.54anankeChotaire : yeah, that's one of the things i'm looking at. i haven't seen enough information on that site, to determine if calls go through a central place, or it's p2p like
07:39.03Chotaireit's p2p like.
07:39.12brc__that's all you need
07:39.14anankeChotaire : i'd like to make it easy on my folks to set up, since they live on a different continent :)
07:39.19jbotit has been said that fwd is Free World Dialup:  Brainchild of Jeff Pulver.  URL:
07:39.22brc__~free world dialup
07:39.30anankebrc__ : thank you, i'll look at it now
07:39.42brc__they've got a hardware device that does exactly what you wish
07:40.02Chotairesame for skype.
07:40.23Chotaireyou should check both. depending on a few factors, you might be much happier with skype.
07:40.31Chotaireso you should atleast test both.
07:40.42Chotaireyou dont know skype?
07:40.42anankeyeah, i just tested skype with some folks in another channel. it seems to be decent
07:41.18Chotaireone thing is true.. it actually WORKS the way it should, wherever it should, and it has kick-ass unrivaled quality for software phones.
07:41.44Chotaireeven skypeout (connections to PSTN, say real telephones) works the way it should.
07:41.52anankei would prefer a solution which wouldn't rely on a third party central servers, i'd like to be able to control that myself, that's why i started to read about asteriks
07:42.33Chotaireyou dont want third party at all? then become a telco! ;)
07:43.01anankehehe, last time i helped managed a nortel pbx, i decided i'd never do it again :)
07:43.20Chotairebrc: lame question.. that box will not work with asterisk, right? ;)
07:43.51brc__of course it will
07:44.00slePPhow much is an E1 in the UK?
07:44.01brc__it's just a sip endpoint
07:44.04Chotairewhat's it? SIP?
07:44.07Chotaireah, ok.
07:44.20brc__fwd provides a sip proxy service
07:44.26Chotaireananke: if you have a hard time with a nortel pbx, you WILL have a harder time with asterisk.
07:44.36Chotaireananke: but if you atleast enjoyed it, you might read more about asterisk.
07:44.41brc__so you can use it behind nat basically and always call the same number
07:45.18anankeChotaire : i preffered to work with the punchdown tool than the terminal, but i did manage :)
07:45.24Chotairebrc: anything I would need such a box for if I could just get myself a card for my *? ;) probably no, eh?
07:45.34anankebrc__ : great. so at least i know that this is possible, thank you
07:45.43brc__not so fast
07:46.09brc__sip + asterisk + NAT == trouble, unless magic==yes
07:46.38brc__+ random
07:46.43anankewhat about sip+nat, with asteriks not using nat?
07:46.47Chotairebrc: yeah, I dont need to rely on NAT, so for myself, I frankly don't care ;)
07:47.11brc__ananke, if asterisk is behind nat and so are the clients thats when you have lots'a trouble
07:47.26brc__if just the client is natted it's easier...usually....
07:47.31brc__use iax
07:47.37brc__get iaxys from digum
07:47.39jbotrumour has it, iaxy is pronounced "Eeks-ee", a small ATA produced by Digium for using the IAX protocol in place of SIP.
07:48.33ananke < found it
07:49.34anankehmm, darn, they don't have 220v psu's
07:49.57anankethen again, it looks like a standard power jack, any universal psu could do
07:50.25brc__9VDC 800Ma's
07:52.40Chotaireyou know what ananke? try asterisk.
07:53.01Chotaireelse you won't sleep well.
07:53.34anankei will try it. mostly because if it works as i want it to, it may spark up some interest at my work
07:53.44Chotairei first thought you'd be a typical voip caller, but it seems that you're actually interested into details. if that's the case, asterisk is for you, as it offers you all the possibilities and not all the barriers ;)
07:53.54anankesince we have tons of researchers from different countries, communicating with people all over the world
07:54.14Chotaireyup, virginia tech needs asterisk too. ;)
07:54.39anankedunno about entire vtech, i just work for one of the research institutes here [however, we do get a lot of funding :)]
07:55.16Chotaireif you get too much of funding, get yourself an octel to play with and if you dont like it, send it to me! ;)
07:55.48anankehehe, i'm busy with other toys we have right now :)
07:55.49Chotairei once had the chance to buy an octel 2000 at ebay.. however, the shipping charges were so horrible I could just buy it new ;)
07:57.23anankehowever, i'd like to thank you for all the info. i've been hearing about asteriks for a long time, and i've been meaning to give it a try. now i have a better excuse to do so :)
07:57.41Chotaireasterisk means (almost) no limits.
07:58.24Chotaireif you can cope with difficulties but long for open source, asterisk is an invention just for you.
07:58.55Chotaireand, it's getting better every day.
07:59.08anankei'm a sys admin, who deals with researchers who need tons of open source tools set up, every day. i'm used to it by now :)
07:59.18ChotaireI thought the same.
07:59.50ChotaireI'm sysadmin too and earlier asterisk versions still gave me some headache.
08:00.16jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
08:00.32Chotaireyeah, that's today ;)
08:00.59Chotaireonce I get the new box running, I'll see how useful these really are ;)
08:01.53anankeanyway, it's 4am, and if i don't go to bed now, my wife will kill me. thanks for the clarifications and help. g'nite
08:02.08Chotairehowever, the handbook-draft was one pain actually. hopefully that one got improved throughout the months.
08:02.23Chotairenite ananke
08:03.45anankeChotaire : as long as it's something like i found out recently: i was asked to install a piece of software, and the only/best docs on the project's site were written by people from my institute. to be exact, ones that used to come up to me asking for advice :)
08:04.30Chotairewell, I ended up interviewing people in here because of so many open questions.
08:05.05Chotaireatleast there were people with answers, so it was alright.
08:05.30ChotaireI just went over the wiki-Asterisk site at voip-info, it's pretty huge, wow. It seems today there are way less problems for newbies.
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09:36.54Dobajhas anyone installed mpg123 on a 64-bit linux o/s?
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10:05.40rjanacekI'm new here, so can anybody send me a test statement, so that i can check ifmy irc client is working?
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10:07.00slePPtest statement?
10:07.21rjanaceko thanks i see you
10:09.30slePPi should make SER work tonight.
10:12.38peter222what is "hook flash" on a normal phone using zaptel fxs port ?
10:13.46slePPhangup the phone for approx .5 seconds
10:13.49slePPand pick it up again
10:17.17peter222it just hangs the call up
10:19.39peter222quick hangup works for 1 channel (normal phone) but not the cordless
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10:45.38slePPpeter222: uhm. yeh, don't use 'hook flash' for a cordless
10:45.43slePPpeter222: use the 'flash' button instead
10:48.17tessierheh..."hook flash" on a cordless...I'm not at all surprised that doesn't work.
10:49.00tessierGiven that it's a wireless digital signal between the cordless and the base station (usually) and the flash is a change in voltage on the wired pair.
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11:07.43peter222the cordless doesn't have a flash button.  i've tried every other button - nothing puts the call onhold
11:08.00peter222is there any other transfer options ?
11:08.20*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
11:12.22slePPyou could use T or t in the dialstring
11:12.27slePPto allow # to do a transfer
11:12.34slePPand, amazingly... SER works. wow.
11:12.49h3xwhat about ser
11:12.56slePPi made it work
11:13.01slePPthe way i think i may want it to
11:13.05h3xi wish someone would make an iax2 module for ser
11:13.07h3xthen it would rule
11:13.22slePPthat'd be cool
11:13.34h3xprobably wont work though
11:13.37slePPwhat i want to figure out is how to get the info i want about the calling user, into Asterisk, from SER
11:13.40h3xbecause i bet ser dosent touch RTP
11:13.41slePPor should SER do the billing
11:13.41h3xmaybe it does
11:13.47slePPSER has an rtpproxy
11:13.58h3xwell there ya go
11:14.09slePPhaven't used it, but i read about it
11:14.32slePPserweb kinda sucks, though
11:16.24slePPh3x, wanna try to tinker a bit with me? :>
11:16.30h3xhow so
11:16.44slePPsign up :> and register to it
11:18.20h3xok i registered
11:18.40h3xshit i forgot im double, perhaps triple NAT'ted right now
11:18.45peter222slePP where can i see examples of t in dialstrings ?
11:18.45rikstaOT: can someone tell me what feature i need to look for on a wireless router, so that i can be sure it can cope with my 8 public ip addresses give to me by my isp (im upgrading my adsl so i can have an asterisk box on its own ip)
11:19.06slePPh3x: heh. nice. i dunno where to look for your account :>
11:19.14slePPpeter222: uhm. on the CLI, show application dial
11:19.18h3xi registered as root!
11:19.25slePPah, pending table
11:19.32slePPthat'd be fine :> it doesn't give you admin. hehe
11:19.49slePPriksta: get a Linksys WRT54g, then install another linux distro on it :>
11:19.52h3x400 Table 'aliases' not found in memory, use save("aliases") or lookup("aliases") in the configuration script first
11:19.53h3xWe regret but your confirmation attempt failed.
11:19.53h3xPlease contact for further assistance.
11:19.57h3xYou little bastard!
11:20.07*** part/#asterisk ranliv (~root@
11:20.09rikstaslePP thatsthe one i was looking at!
11:20.18slePPthe WRT54GS is cooler
11:20.20rikstathanks, glad you could tell me that works
11:20.22slePPif you wanna shell out $10-$30 more
11:20.25rikstais that the turbo
11:20.30slePPh3x: uhm. i have no idea what it wants me to do :>
11:20.41h3xrtfm..... err...
11:20.47slePPi did :>
11:20.52rikstaslePP i take it you have multiple ip, non nat setup
11:21.10slePPi route 8 to the wrt54g for wireless to be assigned via dhcp
11:21.10rikstathanks :)
11:21.13h3xds-3 baby! heh
11:21.15slePPh3x: bitch :>
11:21.19rikstabrilliant, im happy now
11:21.22rikstagonna order one
11:21.32slePPriksta: again, the GS is better than the G
11:21.38rikstaslePP why
11:21.42slePPbut costs a touch more, but worth it if you want to look into openwrt or sveasoft stuff
11:21.50h3xyeah i spent a whole day after i turned up my internet ds3
11:21.50rikstawhat is that?
11:21.53slePPmore RAM, Flash and a bit faster CPU
11:21.53h3xtrying to find something really fast to download
11:21.56h3xno such thing existsw
11:22.00slePPh3x: nope
11:22.03h3xthe best i could do was about 6Mb/s downloading some ISOs
11:22.14slePPnot quite the 2gbit/s you should see
11:22.14rikstawhats openwrt? im not installing some distro on my router!
11:22.24slePPriksta: oh. stock firmware only?
11:22.26slePPthen i dunno
11:22.28slePPnot many handle it
11:22.38rikstai dont wanna change the router
11:22.39h3xi guess i dont have to worry much about getting a huge bandwidth bill
11:22.41rikstajust leave it as it comes
11:22.43slePPoh. heh. then maybe don't :>
11:22.45rikstaso do i need the GS
11:22.52slePPthey're good, but i don't know how happy they are to do fancy routing
11:22.52h3xi did 95%ile billing with a 6 meg min, burstable to 45
11:22.55slePPmind, no nat. they should be fine
11:23.09h3xand im paying what most retail customers do for a t1 so i cant complain too much
11:23.16slePPh3x: nice
11:23.18slePPhow'd you get that?
11:23.24h3xim in the same building as wiltel
11:23.30h3x(and broadwing and xo ... )
11:23.49h3xwell i guess it costs a little more than that
11:24.10h3xits like $550 a month for the minimal bandwidth at 6 meg but the rented "space" my fiber and coax takes up int heir racks is 300 a month
11:24.31h3x+$75/mo for a ds3 cross connect to xspedius which i have local PRIs on
11:24.33rikstathanks for the heads up slePP, appreciated
11:24.41h3xbeats the hell out of using the LEC for anything
11:25.05slePPh3x: did it whine in the initial e-mail, or in your confirmation?
11:25.12h3xno the confirmation
11:25.20slePPcan you re-confirm?
11:25.24h3xI should start selling las vegas DIDs
11:25.30h3xI have a shitload of 702-777-XXXX numbers
11:25.33slePPi should start stealing your DS3
11:25.37slePPneat. 777 is our cell prefix over here
11:25.42slePPget me 702-777-2505
11:25.51h3xi have lots of numbers that spell shit
11:25.59h3xlike 777-FUCK, 777-HOES, etc
11:26.03slePPi just want 2505 :>
11:26.55h3xid have to ask them for it
11:27.10h3xive got a couple hundred DIDs
11:27.17slePPand not that one
11:27.21slePPdude.. that's not acceptable
11:27.23rikstamarkit, you calling 777-HOES for ure fun?
11:27.40h3xive got a bunch of numbers that are suitable for vegas escorts
11:27.47h3xerror in SQL query, line: 43
11:27.47h3xWe regret but your confirmation attempt failed.
11:27.53slePPoh, you did... but it like... put you in as a user.
11:27.57peter222thanks slePP
11:28.12h3xthe funniest one so far though
11:28.13peter222,tT works fine with #
11:28.21h3xthe new Wynn resort casino on the strip got the whole prefix 770-XXXX
11:28.23slePPk, well... wanna try to register to
11:28.29h3xthey advertised 770-JOBS for their job line
11:28.35slePPa whole prefix. not bad...
11:28.42h3xi get 15 calls a day to 777-JOBS and people leaving their name and experience for a casino job
11:28.46PatrickDKhmm, must wake up
11:28.50slePPpeter222: k. just make sure you use t or T appropriately, so you don't let outside ppl transfer when they shouldn't
11:29.03slePPh3x: call'm all back and say you want a "personal" interview?
11:29.16h3xmore like sell the number to another casino :P
11:29.17slePP'so, you want to be a bartender? well.. strip..'
11:29.26slePPthat would be amusing
11:29.27h3xi have 77-STRIP
11:29.46Pkunkdo they leave their "vital" stats too ?
11:29.53slePPdid it tell you what your username is, h3x?
11:31.03h3xclub, date, dance, dick, film, dine, food, escort, drink, drive, fuck, help, gems, 4fun, girm, gold, host, hotel, hour, hoty, guns, guys, gym, 77-smoke, talent, tame, vans, taxi, money, vegas, tkts, togo, unlv, toys, trick, treat, 77-style, work, xtra
11:32.25h3xI'm going to do a cool IVR for 777-taxi and 777-limo
11:32.25h3xi need to do speech rec for it though
11:32.25h3xHGAHAHAHAHAH right
11:32.25h3xisnt sphinx horrid
11:33.01slePPno. i had 98% recog rate on local mic
11:33.04slePP45% via ULAW
11:33.06h3xhow many words though
11:33.12slePP15 word dict, 50 phrases
11:33.24h3xi want to put the whole street list in there
11:33.26h3xand place names
11:33.42slePPi put the entire /usr/share/dict/words in it
11:33.43slePPand uh
11:33.44slePPit blew up
11:33.47h3xnuance or speechworks
11:33.54slePPand kept thinking i said things like 'akjsyuAYZuuuuuuuuuuala'
11:34.02slePP(k, well, real words, but not the ones i wanted)
11:34.19h3xi think ill use something like speechworks for it
11:34.25h3xcoz a friend of mine has a super discount on it
11:34.32h3xboth of em are $$$$$$$$
11:34.53h3xhe gets it for like 10% of list price
11:35.17h3xill jack that shit into some dialogic boards and be done with it
11:35.35h3xactually i could do sip with g711
11:35.44h3xto my asterisk box switch702
11:35.46Pkunkhmm. how're the dialogic boards , h3x ?
11:35.53slePPi so need a 'per line dialplan' for this cisco phone
11:35.55h3xPkunk: ?
11:36.29h3xheh i put my cisco 7960 on ebay and said that it has "sip firmware preloaded"
11:36.51slePPi'll give you $10 for it
11:36.56slePPreally, i will
11:37.14h3xhaha i put buy it now at 350
11:37.27slePPmaybe $20 if i feel up for it
11:37.38riksta$21 here
11:37.44rikstaplus $100 to ship it to uk lol
11:38.35slePPer. $23!
11:38.56h3xi had this idea back in the dot.gone days
11:39.03h3xof making an ebay clone that uses irc for bidding
11:39.05h3xlike bid bots
11:39.10h3xbut everybody can talk shit on the #
11:39.23h3xand you msg your bids to the bidmaster
11:43.56slePPk, yeh. SER doesn't quite do what i want yet
11:44.09slePPgod damn thing
11:44.14h3xlike what
11:44.22slePPi want to make users
11:44.25h3xhow many voip only calls has someone been able to shoot through asterisk so far
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11:44.28h3xwith no codec trans
11:44.35slePPi've done 8 :>
11:44.44PatrickDKdepends on memory
11:44.53PatrickDKat 2g memory, you can do around 1000 calls
11:44.54slePPbut i want ser to handle all the users to register and transfer outgoing PSTN to asterisk
11:45.01slePPbut i need asterisk to know who the hell just placed a call and to where
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11:45.19h3xPatrickDK: you tried that?
11:45.29PatrickDKme and another guy in here
11:45.40h3xhow did you do that, with a call sim or real calls?
11:46.02PatrickDKcall sim, I guess you would say
11:46.06PatrickDKbut they are real calls
11:46.09h3xdoes the cpu matter that much?
11:46.18PatrickDKcpu doesn't matter
11:46.21PatrickDKI said memory
11:46.23h3xi guess not if theres no codec trans
11:46.43PatrickDKcause asterisk forks for each cal
11:46.44h3xdid you try having it do iax2 trunking -> sip
11:46.47PatrickDKso you need memory for that
11:46.52PatrickDKno, just sip to sip
11:46.53h3xi know you can only do like 120 channels per trunking group but
11:47.03h3xit forks? i thought it was threads
11:47.28h3xin top it probably shows a bunch of lightweight processes with the same PID
11:47.31PatrickDKin linux, threads are forks
11:47.46Pkunklinux threads are its weak point
11:47.50h3xno, fork makes a new pid
11:47.56h3xand fork does copy on write anyway
11:48.07h3xso that part of it isnt that super memory intensive
11:48.25h3xdid you have to tune anything in your kernel or use compile flags with asterisk ?
11:48.33tessierAsterisk threads?
11:48.37PatrickDKwell, I know in freebsd I had to totally change things cause asterisk depended so much on linux threads
11:48.45tessierSo it will take advantage of 2 cpu's
11:48.53tessierI always thought it was stricly single-threaded
11:48.53PatrickDKand when I got into it, it was more like a fork than a thread
11:48.59PatrickDKwhen compared o other systems
11:49.25h3xwell sort of
11:49.27h3xbut other systems threads implementations are worse sometimes
11:49.29PatrickDKtessier, that all depends on the os :)
11:49.36tessierPatrickDK: On Linux?
11:49.44Pkunknptl is pretty well done , but does asterisk support nptl ?
11:49.50h3xlots of people use asterisk on dual cpu systems
11:50.06PatrickDKtessier, dunno, I haven't payed much attention to that, I run it on 3 dual systems though
11:50.08h3xi wish the t1/e1 zaptel driver worked on freebsd
11:51.01Pkunktessier: it isn't single threaded for sure
11:51.14Pkunktessier: run "top" when 3 calls are going on
11:51.25h3xwhen theres 1 its not called a thread :")
11:51.53h3xif the damn think forked then it wouldnt all crash at once :P
11:54.04sambalis it possible to route calls on asterisk based by calledstationid, or only by callingstationid?
11:54.15sambal(incoming calls)
11:54.32sambalthat's callingstationid
11:54.45PatrickDKno, _callednumber/callingnumber
11:55.00sambalok, thanks.. that's a existing variable?
11:55.34PatrickDKok, you want to route calls by destination right?
11:55.49sambal2 different numbers coming in on the same channel
11:55.57PatrickDKthat is normal
11:56.05PatrickDKoh, by DID number
11:56.05sambali want ring phones 1&2 on number1 and ring phones 3&4 on number2
11:56.18PatrickDKwhere is the DID coming from?
11:56.28sambalISDN for example
11:56.38PatrickDKnormaly it works the same way you do outgoing calls
11:57.01sambalok, so just/calledidnumber?
11:57.16PatrickDKjust _did or did
11:57.22PatrickDKexten => did,1,
11:57.33PatrickDKor ifyou wantpattern matching exten => _did,1
11:57.54sambalah, ok.. thanks!
12:12.23Pkunkrecompiling wont fix shit if the code is buggy
12:14.13slePPcan someone dial SIP/
12:15.18*** join/#asterisk usam (~usam@
12:15.39slePPwho just called, btw? :>
12:15.43CyboMe. :P
12:16.57slePPso i think SER works
12:17.03slePPnow i just have to figure out how to make it do something useful
12:19.27CyboAre you having it redirect? Or is that the actual registration server for your client?
12:21.06slePPi'm going to have it handle registrations for the client devices
12:21.12slePPand be a sip frontend to asterisk's sip
12:21.14slePPi think :>
12:21.19slePPi'm seeing if it is something i really want to do or not
12:22.04CyboAh, okay.
12:22.29CyboWhat are the advantages of having it act as a frontend to Asterisk's SIP registrations? Sorry, I haven't used SER before. :)
12:22.41peter222anyone had hassels getting stutter tone on FXS ports ?
12:24.25peter222stutter tone for unheard voicemail that is
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12:25.38usamIm wondering if a G4 1ghz can handel the Quad T1/E1 Digium TE410P card ..
12:25.48geertnCybo, you can do TCP SIP for example and translate it to asterisk UDP
12:26.14Cybogeertn: Oh, okay. So just a variety of ways to use SIP.
12:26.20geertnCybo, I guess the same goes for tls and maybe ipv6?
12:26.40CyboHrm, I'll have to research it a bit. Thanks.
12:35.20Pkunkrtp.c:966 ast_rtp_raw_write: Difference is 2720, ms is 360  <-- what does this mean ?
12:35.46Pkunkit shows up in debug logs
12:36.22slePPCybo: uhm
12:36.28slePPCybo: that's what i'm trying to figure out, too
12:36.36slePPSER can do IPv6 and TCP
12:36.45slePPbut, i want to use it to do more intelligent call routing
12:36.51slePPand multi-user registrations to the same address
12:37.09slePPnow, i've got it handling registrations, and denying unauth'd users, and allowing transfers...
12:37.33Pkunkmost volume VOIP providers use SER isn't it ?
12:37.53slePPa lot do, yes
12:38.03CyboslePP: Hrm, interesting. :/
12:38.11azais it true Vonage use asterisk and SER???
12:38.21slePPit looks like they use a heavily modified SER
12:38.23CyboPkunk: What codec are you using?
12:38.28slePPasterisk, no idea
12:39.02PkunkCybo: GSM , shows up only when i use an SIP client -> outgoing SIP call. not from zaptel -> outgoing SIP call
12:39.27azaare local and national calls timed in the US??
12:40.42CyboHrm. :/
12:40.47geertnno call pickup possible with ser..
12:42.04CyboPkunk: Asterisk 1.0 Stable?
12:42.28PkunkCybo: nope , its 0.9x
12:42.29slePPnow i'm looping back register's.. oops
12:44.07CyboPkunk: CVS?
12:44.18CyboOr from an old 0.9x source.
12:44.38PkunkCybo: yeah , an old cvs from bout 5-6 months back
12:44.48PkunkCybo: guess that means i should upgrade ?
12:45.39CyboYeah. That would probably help. :)
12:46.23Pkunkeverything is actually working fine , except this shows up in logs so i guess i'll take the easy way out
12:46.39Pkunkand do nothing :P
12:47.56CyboHehe, okay.
12:53.57slePPnow... to make asterisk figure out when a user via SER places a call, that they need to get billed for it via the accountcode'n'such
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13:01.41PatrickDKhmm, I thought the purpose of ser infront of asterisk, was to keep the load off asterisk, and only use asterisk when it needed to route a call to it
13:01.57PatrickDKor was it just to handle registration requests
13:02.04slePPit handles routing
13:02.09slePPand if asterisk has to be used, it sends to asterisk
13:02.14slePPand registration and so forth, it handles
13:02.29PatrickDKwouldn't ser keep it's own cdr log then?
13:02.36slePPbut, now i want to get asterisk smart.. so when i dial something that ends up going via asterisk, it will do that
13:02.38PatrickDKinstead of using asterisks for all cdr's
13:02.42slePPand asterisk will record the CDR
13:02.46slePPit doesn't keep CDR's in SER
13:02.55slePPit just keeps packet logs.. which you have to manually correlate and parse
13:02.59slePP(they ain't pretty)
13:03.39slePP| "NetMonks Consulting" <>;tag=0009b7f75c4200124c2a01b8-393f6387 | <>;tag=as731d79f2                                       | 407        | INVITE     | |         |         |            | 0009b7f7-5c42000a-07067907-09160514@ | 7806691
13:03.39slePP302 |        | 0009b7f75c4200124c2a01b8-393f6387 | as731d79f2                            | 2004-10-03 13:01:14 | 20041003070114 |
13:03.42slePPthere's a record :>
13:04.51slePPi don't know if i can make a reasonable record out of it with all the info of duration and billsec, like the CDR
13:04.53slePPor call state, etc.
13:05.05slePPor do any of the costing asterisk does atm
13:05.45PatrickDKthat is probably whyother people use a heavily modified version of ser
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13:06.13geertnser does not keep call state it just records the invite and bye
13:06.16isamarhi folks
13:06.23slePPit looks like it'll do everything i want to do...
13:06.25isamaranybody using spandsp here??
13:06.28slePPbut it lacks the accounting i want
13:07.06slePPand i can't seem to find a clear way to do that accounting, either
13:07.14isamarI wanna know how to get some "result code" from txfax...
13:07.35isamarso I can tracj the successful and unsuccesful fax transmitions....
13:10.51isamarI c
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13:20.30isamarhi coppice..
13:21.10isamarchecking your app_txfax.c
13:21.28CleanerXwhen I'm doing an enumLookup is enum supposed to deliver me the endpoint sip-client or is it supposed to deliver me the registrar to which the client registered?
13:21.41isamarI wanna get a return code to track the successful/unsuccesful fax transmitions...
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13:22.14isamarusing AGI, how do I do that?
13:22.29coppicethe return codes in version 1 aren't very good. in version 0.0.2 they should be a lot more useful
13:23.12coppicethere is a test version of 0.0.2 on my site if you want to try it I'd like to try... I wanna send 2000 faxes out with that...
13:25.37CleanerXI'm having problems with that enum thing, because I return the context@registrar and asterisk detect an loopback
13:26.38CleanerXanyone familiar with enum?
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13:27.39meebeyis someone using sipgate?
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13:27.52meebey90% of the time the registration times out, sometimes it works though
13:28.04meebeyI dont get it, is the problem on my side or sipgate
13:29.06CyboSipgate is going on and off here for registration.
13:29.16CyboRight now I seem to be registered, but about an hour ago I wasn't.
13:29.43meebeyyeah it seemed to work just NOW
13:29.51meebeyso its a real problem on their side?
13:30.05meebeythats crap
13:30.12meebeythey should get more server or whatever :)
13:30.32meebeyis that normal btw?
13:30.39meebeythat the first paket doesnt work? its always like that here
13:30.49meebeyfirst packet, not ok, second is
13:31.19meebeycant make calls :(
13:31.23meebeybut its registered
13:31.55meebeyare there other good providers for germany?
13:31.58meebeyCybo: do you know?
13:32.12CyboI only use sipgate for inbound.
13:32.12meebeyno? :(
13:32.18meebeyand outbound?
13:32.23CyboJust a DID.
13:32.37CleanerXdirect inward dialing
13:32.37CyboDial Inward Direct.
13:32.47CyboEek, okay, im backwards then
13:33.13Cybomeebey: An inbound number.
13:34.08CyboI run Asterisk right out of my home... and I'm trying to collect alot of free DIDs. :D
13:34.27CyboJust for fun.
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13:43.16*** join/#asterisk glLoadIdentity (
13:43.20glLoadIdentityhi all
13:43.51glLoadIdentityis there a way to select codec per extension and send that codec as capability ?
13:47.52glLoadIdentityin chan_sip ;)
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13:53.25CleanerXhm hier läuftn bessoffener afrikaner mit seiner landesflagge rum
13:53.34CleanerX*aufdieuhrguck* nicht schlecht
13:53.46CleanerXschwarz gelb grün mit käfer
13:53.49CleanerXis das kenia?
13:54.42Corydon76-homeWell, that's one way to limit the number of people who can help you...
13:55.25CleanerXwow wrong channel *g*
13:56.01isamarkeep trying ]:^)
13:56.18CleanerXhehe :-)
13:58.02meebeyquick question, is it possible to receive SMS with asterisk?
13:58.59*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
14:00.16*** join/#asterisk folsson (~filip@
14:01.45nitrammeebey: ja
14:01.56nitramquick antwort :)
14:07.03*** join/#asterisk aza (~aza_rc@
14:12.17*** join/#asterisk redder86 (~lee@
14:12.59coppicekram: SS7 is up and running in .de :-)
14:13.13kramyay, so is it GPL or what?
14:13.49krampeople have been asking about SS7 frequently
14:14.11*** join/#asterisk desipher (
14:14.19coppicenah. but it is working. carrying light non-paying traffic right now, while its stability is assessed
14:15.27*** join/#asterisk jonas (
14:15.56coppiceR2 seems to be almost working in .mx as well. I'm testing it with someone there right now. that is GPL
14:16.37coppiceseems a lot of people want SS7. the interest level is surprising. lots of people want R2 as well, but that is less surprising. a couple of people are in my spam list, as they were sending me several pleading e-mails a day for R2 for months
14:21.14gambolputtywhat is R2?
14:21.53coppiceMFC/R2 - a signaling system from 1954, still widely used today. it sucks, but you need to use it
14:22.28gambolputtyss7 is far newer?
14:22.50gambolputtyss7 sounds better then
14:22.56coppiceSS7 is from the age of computer networking. there wasn't too much of that in 1954 :-)
14:23.18coppiceSS7 isn't available to everyone. neither is ISDN. many people need R2
14:23.27p0larit started around 1980 or so and really gathered steam in the 90s
14:23.32CleanerXif (p->outgoing && p->owner && (p->owner->_state != AST_STATE_UP))
14:23.47CleanerXcan anyone explain me why this means we have a loop in our sip-call
14:23.51coppiceSS7 started with fully digital exchanges
14:24.13gambolputtyIf an area has neither of those two, what would they use?
14:24.56p0larI had a question for you coppice. (:
14:25.28coppiceI work for some guys, you know :-)
14:25.38p0largotcha.. (=
14:29.18*** join/#asterisk tla (
14:40.42*** part/#asterisk robert_wwl (
14:48.24filegood morning everyone
14:48.47p0laralmost lunchtime. :D
14:48.54filep0lar: indeed
14:49.08filewas going to freak out
14:49.21filebut then I convinced myself it was Sunday, so all is well
14:50.06p0larit's sunday??? crap, I'm goin' home!
14:50.26fileit is, if you believe it is
14:50.37p0larweek full of sundays it is then!
14:50.46coppicehey R2 in .mx is taking multiple calls!
14:51.01fileand not crashing and burning?
14:52.06coppiceI need to work out why that guy in .br who posted to the list was getting so much crashing and burning with my R2 code. All I did for .mx was fix very .mx specific issues
14:52.34Mikecoppice, before you go something weird
14:52.44Mikeis when i call i cant hear ring
14:52.49Mikejust after 2 seconds
14:52.51Mikei hear the answer
14:53.04Mikewhen i call the numbers mode runs fine against a dialogic card in .br mode here
14:53.34coppiceAh, ringback. have I left that out? :-\ I will investigate
14:53.52Mikecoppice, will that be difficult?
14:54.30filesilly coppice, got to keep all the people have with their ringback!
14:55.04coppicenot hard. spandsp contains supervisory tone generator (it contains a whole pile of stuff, actually). i just need to plumb it in. I think I just totally forgot it :-)
14:55.05Mikei know i know
14:55.10Mikei just was asking
14:55.24*** join/#asterisk casterman (~casterman@
14:56.41castermani want to test some asterisk fonctionnality from a shell to troubleshot my installation. how can i make asterisk dial a number ?
14:57.01coppiceyeah. when the call reaches the accepted stage, and the phone begins to ring, the tone signalling is over. answer and disconnect are handled by the E1 CAS bits. the audio path is then open from the receiving switch back to the caller. ringback is required :-(
14:58.15castermani just have a ssh access to the asterisk server .
14:58.56coppiceI wonder. if the incoming switch says busy/OOS/whatever, do I need to generate those tones too? Does the calling switch do that, and release the trunk for reuse? Hum
14:59.06castermanwith asterisk -r i got the CLI
14:59.29filecoppice: done a real stress test yet? :)
14:59.38castermanwhat is the commande to dial out ?
14:59.58coppiceI did stress tests against Dialogic cards last year
15:00.12coppicethat doesn't pick up things like this, though
15:00.24filenah I was just curious overall
15:01.20coppicethe dialogic R2 is really flaky. anything unexpected and its a reboot :-)
15:02.00filenow that's bad
15:02.50coppiceOh dialogic is fun. plug is a misconfigured T1 to a T1 card and you might have a reboot
15:03.06*** join/#asterisk djMax (
15:03.34djMaxanybody know how to normalize a gsm file with sox (or anything else)?
15:03.38*** join/#asterisk zoa (~zoa@
15:03.51coppiceyour files are abnormal? :-)
15:03.57djMaxmost definitely. :)
15:04.03zoaam i the only one to think asterisk is broken with ciscos again ?
15:05.00welbyworking fine with head from 2 days ago + 7960 (7.2 sip) and a 3.0.0 ata here fine
15:05.16coppicedjMax: the low distortion methid is to rescale the energy field in the frames, but I don't know a tool for doing that :-)
15:05.19welbyand chan_sccp with a 12sp+
15:06.34zoaim using the 1.0.1 here
15:06.34filewelby: how does chan_sccp work for you? I looked over the source code and it looks pretty nifty
15:06.41zoawhen doing sip to zap its fine
15:06.50zoabut sip to iax2 to zap
15:06.57zoaits garbled after 10 seconds
15:07.01zoain one direction
15:07.05zoathe other direction sounds just fine
15:07.06welbyfile, not brilliantly
15:07.11Mikeat the office they just got 25 7960's
15:07.24filewelby: well you can't expect 100% support
15:07.25welbyzoa, sip -> iax2 -> iax2 -> zap works fine here
15:07.27zoabad choice if you ask me
15:07.37zoait used to work just fine
15:07.37welbyfile, indeed, but the phones reboot randomly
15:07.41welbywhich isnt ideal :/
15:07.44filewelby: yow'sa
15:08.35castermanat the comand line of * CLI>  is it possible to dial out ?
15:09.08welbycasterman, afaik, aslong as its an exten in your dialplan yes
15:09.11welbybut i've never tried
15:09.14Pkunkcasterman: yeah , you can use the ALSA or oss modules for input and the Dial application
15:09.39fileout of bed I hop
15:11.59castermanPkunk : and were do i find how to do it. i do not even want to speak i just want to see if * dial and that it rings on my second line
15:12.07djMaxfor future reference:
15:12.08djMaxsox myFile.gsm -e stat
15:12.10djMaxsox myFile.gsm myNewFile.gsm vol 5
15:12.11djMaxwhere 5 is the multiplier that stat showed, or something that sounds good.
15:17.29*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (linux@
15:17.58djMaxwow, dialing an h323 extension in 1.0 crashes asterisk.
15:19.35*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
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15:22.01castermanhow can i load manualy a module
15:29.29fileload <module filename>
15:31.16*** join/#asterisk zeckill (~zec@
15:33.20zeckillanyone got experience with tiny Asterisk's ?
15:33.30djMaxhow tiny?
15:33.56*** join/#asterisk geertn (
15:33.57zeckill32MB >
15:34.14djMaxyow.  what are you running on?
15:34.26*** join/#asterisk Xen^ (linux@
15:34.39p0laryou can dial H323??
15:35.00djMaxI'm suitably impressed at your guts. :)  But afraid I don't have any experience there...  Why a 32CF as opposed to a bigger one?
15:35.07djMaxI can't dial h323, but in theory it should work
15:35.18p0laryou can compile h323? (=
15:35.39zeckilldjMax, no moving parts, cheaper storage cost
15:35.41djMaxapparently.  Though I'm trying to make sure I have the right openh323 at the moment.
15:35.44p0larI can compile pwlib and openh323, but the channel/h323 driver is bunk
15:35.59djMaxzeckill: understood, just saying maybe a shot on a 128M CF might help isolate things
15:36.11p0larI've got 1.12.2 openh323 + pwlib1.5.2
15:36.21djMaxand yours is failing too?
15:36.28p0larI'm using expat 1.95.7-37
15:36.40p0larno idea if I have expat-devel.. can't find a 'package' or .tar.gz file
15:36.42zeckilldjMax, well... I just have one little glitch now making me cannot run it
15:36.52djMaxah.  What's the glitch?
15:37.01p0lardj: I can't even compile it.. it bombs out on me with about 4236346 errors
15:37.01zeckilldjMax, fails to load
15:37.11djMaxwhat message?
15:37.21zeckilldjmax, ast_load_module: File not found
15:37.25djMaxYeah, I'm beginning to think h.323 should just be removed from the docs.
15:37.29zeckilldjmax, but the file is there on the correct path
15:37.47djMaxI've just seen that recently on my "normal" system when ztcfg modules weren't loaded or working
15:37.53djMaxwhat does ztcfg -vv say?
15:37.56p0larIt's not even in the handbook
15:38.02zeckilldjmax, normal
15:38.04p0larother than a mention that asterisk supports it
15:38.13zeckilldjMax, 1 Channel Configured
15:38.36djMaxp0lar I think one of us has to get lucky and be on here when JerJer is to ask what-the-heck.
15:38.49djMaxlast time I was on someone steered me to oh323 instead.
15:38.53p0larI'm hit and miss --
15:38.55djMaxhaven't figured out how to try that yet.
15:39.15p0larI explained what I wanted to do, am waiting on response if he's got the time -- he's a busy guy so I'm not going to beg. (=
15:39.21zeckilldjMax, any other idea plz ?
15:39.35p0larI've downloaded everything, but haven't tried it yet.
15:39.45p0larI figured that if the chan/h323 driver came with asterisk, it was probably most widely supported.
15:39.47djMaxzeckill... Hmm.  On Windows I'd say use filemon to see what handle it's trying to fetch, I don't know enough about the linux kernel to know if it has something equivalent. (it must)
15:39.59redder86did recent CVS changes to caller*id break backwards compatibility with servers running older asterisk versions?
15:40.04djMaxwhat does lsmod show?
15:40.15zeckilldjMax, zaptel and wcfxo
15:40.17djMaxwcfxs and/or zaptel?
15:40.25p0larI personally think that the openh323 library wasn't build with unix in mind, but with portability in mind, which has caused great grief in the asterisk world.
15:40.37zeckilldjMax, with a x100p here
15:40.37djMaxtry loading wcfxs too maybe?
15:40.38Darwin35ok I think I found a problem
15:41.00zeckilldjMax, but I don't have any fxs here ...  (??)
15:41.10djMaxyeah, I almost feel like I have a better shot getting Polycom to do SIP than asterisk to do h323
15:41.24djMaxzeckill, I know, just wondering whether it's looking for that module for some reason
15:41.31fileH323 is supported, you just support it yourself.
15:41.36djMaxyou have a stripped down config I imagine?
15:41.40zeckilldjMax, let me try... :~)
15:41.45zeckilldjMax, me ?
15:41.52djMaxzeckill, yeah
15:41.57zeckilldjMax, jsut the sample setup
15:42.15djMaxzeckill might be worth trying to rip that down to bare bones, but not yet.
15:42.28zeckilldjMax, of "make samples"
15:42.37djMaxif bkw_ is really here he might have a better shot at debugging this one.  What's the memory profile look like, plenty of mem?
15:42.43p0larI really wish we didn't have to use H323 at all, but that's what our billing software uses and I don't have a say in that.
15:43.00zeckilldjMax, but if I don't have a FXS interface... that kernel module would load ??
15:43.01*** join/#asterisk phonix (~prox@
15:43.05djMaxyeah, of all the nifty hoops asterisk jumps through, you wouldn't think h323 would be the nastiest.
15:43.06*** join/#asterisk _RaYmAn_ (
15:43.18djMaxzeckill,  not sure if it would load or not.
15:43.30djMaxwait, is this a digium card or an OEM?
15:43.46p0largonna try this oh-323 stuff.. would like to stay somewhat compatible with 1.12.2 but... feh.
15:44.08zeckilldjMax, anyways, let me give it a shot
15:44.27zeckilldjMax, the very same setup works with Astlive CD
15:44.30djMaxoh, x100p.  Hmm, I hope that's not the source of the issue... What system board are you using?  I don't know if there's some independent "zaptel" test out there, that'd be nice.
15:44.53djMaxzeckill.  Oh, ok that's good info.  Do an lsmod when the CD is running, and one when it's from the CF
15:45.26zeckilldjMax, one more piece of info, I compile Asterisk against uClibc
15:45.45zeckilldjMax, I know it's "unsupported"
15:45.50phonixhi, I don't have ringing tone when using transfer (the calle phone rings)
15:46.06zeckilldjMax, but people in the mailing list says it runs without problem
15:46.15*** join/#asterisk rollotomnasi (~rollotomn@
15:46.20djMaxthat I don't know nuthin about.
15:46.28zeckilldjmax, I don't see any compilation error either
15:47.40p0lardj: what version of openh323 were you trying to use?
15:47.43p0larand pwlib..
15:49.20phonixhi, I don't hear ringing tone on transfer (the callee phone rings)
15:50.23p0lardj: you also notice that inaccessnetworks site is excruciatingly sluggish?
15:52.02*** part/#asterisk rollotomnasi (~rollotomn@
15:53.07Darwin35-- Executing Dial("SIP/10-1948", "iax2/") in new stack
15:53.28CleanerXI'm trying to bridge a sip-call but I don't get it to work
15:53.41Darwin35bridge it to what
15:54.12Darwin35what codec
15:54.28CleanerXthe problem i have is somewhat enum related
15:54.48CleanerXI'm returning the enum user@asterisk
15:55.05Darwin35I have not played with enum yet
15:55.25CleanerXasterisk receives an invite from one client and tries to dial user@asterisk
15:55.44CleanerXand then asterisk detects an loop
15:56.03djMaxwoops, p0lar 1.12.2.  And yes, their site was down.
15:56.30djMaxp0lar, I've stopped trying because not only does it crash asterisk, it doesn't say anything about why
15:56.53CleanerXthe proper behavior should be:
15:57.02CleanerX* reqest the number
15:57.26CleanerX* finds out, that he's responsible for this call
15:58.10CleanerXit maps the number to the contact info it has based on the context
15:58.47CleanerXenum has not the important role here
15:59.52zeckillhi all... is mpg123 a dependency for ?
15:59.59CleanerXmy understanding is, that if I dial user@asterisk, asterisk won't map the user to its context unless I drop the @asterisk
16:00.05p0larnope, same crapload of errors from asterisk-oh323
16:00.07redder86zeckill: no
16:00.08zeckilldjMax, any idea plz ?
16:00.16p0larback to google.
16:00.27zeckillredder86, is there any dependencies for then ?
16:00.34zeckillredder86, outside of Asterisk
16:00.51CleanerXit seems to me that asterisk is not aware, that it's also responsible for @asterisk
16:00.51redder86zeckill: glibc, for one, I suspect
16:00.54phonixwhen using supervised transfer (sip2sip) the caller does not hear the ringing tone, can anybody help?
16:01.12djMaxzeckill, I guess the only suggestion I have is to get it running with the CF and as close to the AstLive CD as you can, and then back track until it breaks.
16:01.29zeckilldjMax, :~)
16:01.49zeckillredder86, it compiles without any error with uClibc... that's what bugs me
16:01.56djMaxthe fact that the cd works is good news, but I'm not enough of an expert to debug that particular problem well.
16:02.16*** join/#asterisk af_ (~af@
16:02.25djMaxso I guess my other suggestion is just to wait until the big hitters are around.
16:02.53zeckilldjMax, yea... the fact that everything compiles and loads ... only except really bugs me :~)
16:03.07djMaxp0lar, my asterisk compiles fine as far as I know.  Is there something I can check that would be useful for your effort?
16:03.20djMaxmight I not be compiling 323 somehow?
16:03.31zeckillmpg123 is used for voicemail ?
16:03.40djMaxmusic on hold
16:03.44djMaxbut you can live without it ?
16:04.01djMax(if you don't want real MP3's)
16:04.22djMaxzeckill, you could do that I think.  Not sure what it buys you.
16:04.44*** join/#asterisk Dobaj (
16:04.45zeckilldjMax, I have been thinking that cannot load (while it's there on the lib path) is that something that it depends on is missing
16:05.09zeckilldjMax, and I really want to know what is that
16:05.12djMaxah. yes that's possible I guess.  Isn't there some simple Linux command to find the dependencies for an so?
16:05.18Dobajanyone got MoH to work with 64-Bit Fedora?
16:05.41zeckilldjMax, I dunno... :~)
16:05.51djMaxzeckill, ldd
16:06.00*** join/#asterisk [Ender] (~Ender@
16:06.02djMaxooh, do you have libpri built?
16:06.36zeckilldjMax, I didn't and I think I don't need it (x100p only here) ... but I built it for the sake of it... still the same
16:06.47djMaxyou need it for
16:07.02djMaxldd shows libpri and libtonezone
16:07.06djMax(for me)
16:07.35[Ender]does anyone know if asterisk 1.0 includes the enhanced voicemail stuff (like being able to dialout from the voicemail system)?
16:08.08zeckilldjMax, gosh... that might be the answer... brb
16:08.42[Ender]drumkilla: are the config options for the enhanced voicemail in any of the docs? i've been digging on web sites all morning. :P
16:08.56djMaxEnder, let me know if you get the web interface working. :)
16:09.53[Ender]we're hitting that up pretty soon
16:10.10[Ender]djMax:  just trying to pack in as many features as possible first.
16:10.44[Ender]but what i really want to do is set it up so that someone can dial in via our 800 number then get a dialtone so you can dial back out again
16:10.55[Ender]all authenticated, of course
16:11.31[Ender]anyone have any good links for info on the enhanced voicemail system?
16:11.34djMaxyeah, I haven't mussed with that yet.  Still trying to get call parking to behave. :)
16:11.48[Ender]oh yeah... i'm gonna have to get to that also.
16:13.36djMaxrandom q... Some docs say that I should be able to hit # in a call to initiate a transfer, but on my sip phones that doesn't work.  Should it?
16:15.35Pkunkare you using Dial() to make the calls ?
16:15.46Mikeanyone has return to digium a broken card?
16:16.03Pkunkyes , but how do you make outgoing calls ?
16:16.34djMaxoutgoing, yes I use dial.
16:16.57PkunkDial command has options to enable transfer etc. , if you aren't "in" a call then i dont know
16:17.27djMaxah...  interesting, perhaps that's it.  Thx.
16:17.56djMaxwith the latest from cvs call park seems fine, so that's one down.  Now call pickup isn't working, on that next.
16:19.32djMaxthe sparse docs on pickup mention call groups, and also mention directed pickups.  Is there any more info on either of those?
16:23.52phonixwhen using supervised transfer (sip to sip) the caller does not hear the ringing tone, can anybody help?
16:24.13djMaxisn't that because the transfer hasn't happened yet?  They hear music on hold.
16:24.33foxdevelthe volume on all of my SIP calls is very low, any ideas on why that may be (volume on phones and mic's is set to max)
16:24.46phonixdjMax: nothing is heard even Moh
16:25.33djMaxwhat does asterisk -cdvvvvvv -r say?
16:26.28djMaxanybody have clues for debugging call pickup?  asterisk keeps saying nothing to pickup, but there is.
16:27.12*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
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16:31.24mitchelhey is bkw/twisted/denon/drumkilla or kram around? =)
16:39.19*** join/#asterisk cfrank_ (
16:39.42*** join/#asterisk foxdevel (
16:39.55foxdevelany good sites for learning to use AGI ?
16:41.36redder86Thanks Link.  You're the hero of Hyrule.
16:41.54redder86Finally.  Peace returns to Hyrule.
16:42.13*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
16:42.20[Ender]foxdevel: there were some really basic perl scripts on
16:42.34mitchelocshoddy network cables suck =/
16:42.39foxdevelthanks I will check it out.
16:43.14Mikewhat do i need to change the 7960 phone to SIP?
16:43.25cfrank_Anyone got OSPLookup to work?
16:44.07mitchelocHI! could someone enlighten me...what is this blue box of wonders....
16:44.50mitcheloclamu eh?
16:45.27redder86mitcheloc: looks like a custom box... could be anything
16:45.37cfrank_Mike: you need SIP software upgrade on a tftp server. It takes a few steps: Install SIP upgrade to 6.3 (a must), upgrade to 7.2
16:45.43mitchelocarent' those computer cables comming out of the back?
16:45.49bkw_you can go straight to 7.2
16:45.56redder86mitcheloc: yes
16:45.57bkw_the UAL is small and will fit
16:46.14mitchelocthats a cool looking case
16:46.38redder86mitcheloc: I would prefer black, myself
16:46.56Mikehow much does the firmware cost?
16:47.02mitchelocyea but where do you buy those...maybe they have it in black
16:47.23*** join/#asterisk [hC] (~turnerd@
16:47.38[hC]I have an AGI that does some outputting to STDERR, is that output supposed to show up in the asterisk console?
16:47.58mitchelochc: use "NoOp"
16:48.00bkw_ya know you could say HI or something
16:48.07mitcheloc"Execute NoOp debug"
16:48.14[hC]Hi :)
16:48.16bkw_ewww AGI
16:48.18bkw_how lame
16:48.25mitchelocerr he meant agi://
16:48.32bkw_I hate all AGI
16:48.41[Ender]yeah, [hC] is a dick
16:48.41Mikebkw_, R2 is working in mexico now
16:48.42mitchelocbkw, not everyone wants to spend their life writting one agi script in C
16:48.43[hC]I needed to use AGI to create a login menu that would let my employees dial in and auth based on their voicemail password to a custom menu.
16:48.51bkw_mitcheloc no need.. res_perl
16:49.22mitchelocperl...still isn't as nice as some other languages
16:49.25mitchelocgtg for a bit bye
16:49.36[hC]mitcheloc: execute noop in the asterisk console? or in the dialplan?
16:50.02[hC]ohh I see.
16:50.15bkw_the second someone says per isn't nice.. only shows how stupid they really are.. and thats my opinion
16:50.17[hC]use NoOp in the dial plan to output stuff.
16:50.23*** join/#asterisk gwynpen (
16:50.27bkw_[hC] or verbose
16:50.33twistedforgot to set myself away earlier
16:51.01[hC]bkw_: verbose in the asterisk console?
16:51.31drumkilla[hC]: check out 'agi debug'
16:52.21twistedno reason in particular, it's sorta like "hi"
16:52.36drumkillacool.  well.  it has been a nice visit.  i am out again.
16:52.42Docelm0could someone help me fix this problem?   I have been all over the wiki and everywhere else I can think of..
16:52.43Docelm0Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK04367ddc;rport
16:52.43Docelm0From: "2000" <sip:2000@>;tag=as5e4b16da
16:52.43Docelm0To: <sip:3000@>
16:52.43Docelm0Contact: <sip:2000@>
16:53.21Docelm0When I try to call 3000 this is sent..   HOWEVER..   It should show there information for the real ip..  Could someone tell my why it doesnt and how I would go about fixing it?
16:53.27twisteddocelm0, different subnets without proper routing?
16:53.40Docelm0I know how to route..
16:54.18Docelm0Basicly I have a 192.168.1 network at my house..  However I have a remote extension on the internet 3000 when I try to call it thats what I get instead of the correct IP information for it
16:54.49twisteddocelm0, oh, then the phone at the remote end isn't sending the proper information
16:55.06Docelm0yes..   What do I need to do to get to send the right info?
16:55.14Docelm0They are using Sjphone
16:55.15twisteddocelm0, depends on the phone
16:55.32twistedread the docs for the phone on how to get it to send it's external IP instead of it's internal one
16:55.44[Ender]are there firewalls and nat used anywhere between the phones?
16:55.56Docelm0Yes..  Im guessing anyhow..
16:56.04Docelm0with the 192.168.0x
16:56.06twisted[Ender], obviously yes.
16:56.18[Ender]maybe he's running it thru a vpn
16:56.20[Ender]i don't know
16:56.21twisteddocelm0, you just need to set the external ip for the phone, somewhere in the phone
16:56.42twistedusually under NAT settings
16:57.03Docelm0ok I will check.. Thats what I thought.. But I have looked and looked and came up with nothing..
16:57.34Docelm0I believe SJphone uses STUN for this tho..  or to get its external IP but still sends wrong info..  I dunno.. I will check into it.
16:57.50twistedin the case of stun, you need to find an open stun server
16:58.04Docelm0I have one and it does also built in by defualt.
16:59.47Docelm0welp.. back to drawing board..   hmmm......
17:14.54Docelm0Can anyone reccomend a good sip proxy software?
17:14.58*** join/#asterisk tris (
17:15.11[Ender]Docelm0: sip express router
17:15.18[Ender]i heard that's what vonage uses in combination with asterisk
17:15.48*** join/#asterisk file2 (
17:16.00_RaYmAn_it seems to be a fairly common combination as well
17:16.02Docelm0Software based..  I wanna put it on the outside world so my remote extensions I cant route to can connect in to me..  Im trying to resolve this issue with outside network extensions..
17:16.17redder86does anyone here successfully use mpg321 instead of mpg123 for moh ?
17:16.30Docelm0Redder for RH?
17:16.39redder86Docelm0: sure
17:16.49*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
17:17.08file2no, mpg321 WILL NOT WORK
17:17.19file2mpg123 0.59r is what you need
17:17.52redder86file2: why won't mpg321 work?
17:18.16Docelm0ender: The sip express router..  So you think if I had the remote extensions/phones setup as a proxy thru it to me I would be able to call out to them?   they can call in but not out..
17:18.22file2because it doesn't support something that is needed for MOH
17:20.21*** join/#asterisk VoiceLynx (
17:20.56file2redder86: audio has to be converted to 8000Hz and something else.... well mpg321 won't do that, but mpg123 does
17:21.10file2and I don't know if mpg321 outputs to where MOH needs it to go
17:21.16Chotairehm, will firefly support FWD?
17:25.19redder86file2: thanks for explaining... mpg123 works, of course, I was just trying to keep with the packaging system, since I couldn't find any mpg123 SRPMs for FC2 that I wanted to install.
17:25.38Sivanaredder86:  yum serach mpg123
17:25.42redder86building mpg123 from source works fine of cours
17:26.54redder86someone needs to clue the mpg321 people in that it is not a "drop-in replacment" as advertised.
17:27.19[Ender]Docelm0: yeah, that should work.
17:27.53[Ender]Docelm0: i thought about using an external sip proxy for my external extensions, but i wanted to keep things a little simpler for the guys who are gonna support our pbx
17:31.02*** join/#asterisk HiTech69 (
17:31.42[Ender]anybody have recommendations on the best way to allow dialing out phone numbers (external or internal) from within a menu?
17:32.07Sivanadang wrong window
17:32.10[Ender]i could just include the contexts i want, but it'd be cool to give the person an actual dialtone
17:33.37bkw_file2 - the new beginning
17:33.55file2file version 2.0
17:33.59file2now with extra fries!
17:34.22Sivanathe changes that Kram is making.. is that to the dev version?
17:36.02Sivanakram.. are you updating the dev or 1.x
17:37.34bkw_all changes from mark are dev
17:37.39bkw_all changes from russel are 1.x
17:37.54bkw_if its 1.x
17:37.55bkw_you'll see
17:37.56bkw_Tag: v1-0
17:38.17krami'm just doing dev
17:38.22kramrussell is doing the real
17:38.30krami have to make bug reports like anyone else if i do a bug fix
17:38.40drumkilla:)  that's right!
17:38.59bkw_I gotta get this on video
17:39.06bkw_drumkilla cracp that whip
17:39.20drumkillayou ain't right ...
17:39.31bkw_i'm a big ole kid
17:39.34bkw_I LOVE IT
17:39.38*** join/#asterisk l-fy (
17:39.44l-fy~seen royk
17:39.45jbotroyk <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 16h 2m 40s ago, saying: 'bkw_, I have Diana on the case. brb'.
17:39.57bkw_l-fy whats up
17:40.11l-fyi'm looking for bkw_
17:40.14l-fyfor RoyK
17:40.18l-fydamn keyboard :)
17:40.25bkw_ya I haven't seen him since that statement
17:40.36file2bkw_: 996
17:40.44l-fyi know
17:41.00l-fywe are trying to fix his problem
17:41.18l-fywill be pretty funny, cause we havre to restart his asterisk a few times :)
17:42.30Sivanaok.. how do I transfer using a cell (*0)
17:42.43Sivanalike.. I added tT to my Dial()
17:42.47Docelm0transfer on a cellphone?
17:42.55Sivanano.. from flash I meant
17:43.07Sivana*0, exten ?
17:43.13Docelm0I know to transfer on my Cisco its # number
17:43.27SivanaI mean from an analog :)
17:43.44SivanaI call my system, hit an extension, it dials using tT to a cellphone
17:43.58SivanaI want to be able to transfer back to an extension
17:44.19Docelm0That was a analog.. My ATA
17:44.29bkw_file hold on
17:45.08Docelm0from a cellphone.. I dont think you can do that cause of it leaving the realm of your * box
17:45.10*** join/#asterisk zeckill (~zec@
17:45.34Docelm0like I can transfer to cellphones..  But not back from it.
17:45.46SivanaI think t allows you to
17:45.52Sivana* is still bridging at that time
17:46.19Docelm0True..   @'s care to add a remark here?   Im curious to know this answer
17:46.21bkw_]file now
17:47.13bkw_file2 call now please
17:47.53[hC]Can i somehow turn off *just* NOTICE messages in the CLI?
17:47.57file2well I was gone :p
17:48.03bkw_file2 NOW call please
17:48.05[hC]im getting alot of t1 dchannel errors and dont want to see them while i debug
17:48.07Sivanawhen he hits #, I'm on hold
17:48.09[hC]thanks bkw
17:48.56*** part/#asterisk l-fy (
17:49.14*** join/#asterisk fxmulder2 (
17:49.43SivanaDocelm0: testing it now.. # puts me on hold and I can see him entering digits
17:50.33Sivanayup.. worked
17:50.39Sivana# exten
17:50.46fxmulder2I'm playing with sphinx to see if I can get voice recognition into the scheme.. I may end up writing my own interface for it, but as far as interfacing between asterisk and sphinx how would I output audio data to another application and receive input
17:51.22Docelm0ok so same as the cisco then.. nice.
17:53.20*** join/#asterisk mlh407 (
17:53.46fplIs Stealth Man around ?
17:59.45*** join/#asterisk fxmulder2 (
17:59.52*** join/#asterisk rene- (~rene-@
18:04.41Docelm0Whats a good software based phone?
18:05.14Docelm0for windows..
18:05.19mishehux-lite I guess
18:07.03fxmulder2xlite keeps popping up the configuration window, I close it and it pops right back up
18:07.23Docelm0Im trying to get to the configuration
18:09.34Docelm0How do you get to the config on Xlite?   I dont see it anywhere
18:18.27*** join/#asterisk victorr (
18:19.11*** join/#asterisk rollotomnasi (~rollotomn@
18:19.58Docelm0I see in the docs it says to use the menu button.. But I dont see a menu button on my phone
18:21.22*** join/#asterisk sudoer (
18:23.26*** join/#asterisk MustDie (voip@
18:24.59Docelm0VONAGE IS GETTING SUIED!!!!
18:25.59*** join/#asterisk YoYo (
18:29.30fileDocelm0: I don't really care
18:30.40mishehuconnect the dots
18:31.08rollotomnasianyone have a suggestion as to why i can pass dtmf along sip channels but not over zap?
18:32.37mishehuwhat dtmf mode are you using on sip?
18:33.07rollotomnasimishehu, rfc2833
18:33.54mishehuthen I'm not sure.  I use the same modem, and I can do dtmf on sip and on zap
18:34.55rollotomnasiI don't really understand the difference between inband & rfc2833?  When I run debug on the channel I see * picking up the dtmf signal, it just doesn't seem to pass through the modem?
18:37.11fileI can tell you the difference but I dunno what's up
18:37.28*** join/#asterisk oej (
18:37.30fileinband sends the dtmf tones as audio, thus why it can only be used on ULAW or ALAW
18:37.45filerfc2833 sends it out of band as a signal in the RTP stream, so it's not actually sent as audio
18:37.50filethus it can be used on any codec
18:38.05rollotomnasithanks file
18:38.26rollotomnasifile, then either should work over an x100p, no?
18:39.24fileshould yes, dunno why it's not working for you
18:40.48rollotomnasi:) me either!  tried relaxdtmf=yes in zapata.conf.  Is it normal when debugging channel to see type: dtmf (etc), type: null frame (there are 11 of these)
18:41.11bkw_what phone?
18:41.25bkw_it just WORKS
18:42.33rollotomnasihehe.. i break everything.  For 7960 SipDefault.cnf i have dtmf_inband: 0 , dtmf_outofband: avt, dtmf_db_level: 3
18:43.02bkw_dont bother changing those
18:43.05bkw_it just WORKS
18:43.39bkw_dtmf_avt_payload: 101
18:43.55*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
18:45.47rollotomnasidoesn't work w/ Xten phone either.  PEBKAC
18:51.31mishehuonly 33 days?
18:51.51mishehuI've had >180 days uptime on it.
18:54.47mitchelocheh we had a server with 2 years uptime on it
18:54.53*** part/#asterisk victorr (
18:54.57mitchelocthen someone had to pull the wrong plug on accident while moving another server
18:56.23ingeniusmitcheloc: fuc......
18:56.48[hC]heh all high uptime tells me is that you're running an old (and likely unpatched) kernel
18:56.59[hC]high availability solves uptime issues :)
18:57.22mitchelocit wasn't even linux, some old ass server operating system, it was just an in house db server so we could test backwards compaitibility
18:57.33mitchelocso the unpatched/security holes didn't matter
18:59.31Darwin35ok iax2mpt_transmit: Max retries exceeded to host on IAX2/ (type = 6, subclass = 11,ts=600380, seqno=175)
18:59.31Darwin35Oct  3 14:58:55 WARNING[140740608]: chan_iax2.c:1479 attempt_transmit: Max retries exceeded to host on IAX2/ (type = 6, subclass = 2, ts=607, seqno=174)
18:59.35*** join/#asterisk kpfleming (
18:59.38Docelm0Does asterisk respond to -SIGHUP for reloading config files?
19:00.45file2Darwin35: 996 is having probs
19:00.45kpflemingbkw_, app_valetparking.c needs to be updated with the CID changes that went into CVS yesterday :-)
19:03.16kpflemingdocelm0, a simple test shows that it does support SIGHUP, yes... did you try it?
19:06.36*** join/#asterisk drazvan (
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19:07.28meshugawheres libnewt source? i found deb and rpms, but i'm on slackware
19:07.50kpflemingit's a pain... you can find it in the Debian archives
19:08.01kpflemingif you don't need zttool, then you can skip it
19:08.17meshugai thought it was for the astman binary
19:08.25meshugathats why i was trying to find it and recompiling
19:08.33kpflemingahh, i don't use astman, can't say
19:09.44meshugathanks for the libnewt infos, i'll pull it off there and alien it then
19:09.54meshugai was hoping there was another location google was missing :)
19:10.04Docelm0No not yet..  I wanted to code a app in php and was curious to know when I created the accounts via php if it would accept it.  This way I can add the accounts and they become active...
19:10.19kpflemingdocelm0, yes that will work
19:15.30*** part/#asterisk drazvan (
19:20.22kpfleming#join asterisk-dev
19:20.56wasimthats nothing to do with -dev
19:21.11wasimand no * doesn't respond to SIGHUP for reloading, afaik
19:21.18*** join/#asterisk JohnJacob (
19:21.21kpflemingwasim, i just tested it, it worked here
19:21.38kpflemingwasim, and i wasn't suggesting he go to -dev, i mistyped my own join command :-)
19:21.46wasimkpfleming: :)
19:23.06wasimyep, SIGHUP does indeed worketh
19:23.39*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~john@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
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19:24.35kpflemingcan someone tell me what the value of format_slnr is? i've been storing all my sounds as ulaw and gsm so * can do the minimal conversion needed, but if slinear is better i can do that too :-)
19:25.47*** join/#asterisk tikigod (
19:26.53tikigodanyone alive to help with rtp.c Received packet with bad UDP checksum ?
19:27.43*** join/#asterisk damian (~damian@damian.tikiwiki)
19:28.12JerJereverybody fear, damian
19:28.14JerJeris here
19:28.21damianyeah :)
19:28.33damiandid you see that tikigod msg from me?
19:28.55damiandunno if irc was good from that machine or not
19:29.27JerJerit was root
19:29.42damianproblem with rtp.c saying bad UDP checksum when im dabbling with Festival
19:29.44JerJerbad checksum... i've seen a few of those
19:29.53JerJernot with festival
19:29.55damianand I get no festival sound :(
19:29.57JerJeron IAX
19:30.04damianbut I had it working for an hour
19:30.09damianon SIP
19:30.14damianon SIP here
19:30.18_RaYmAn_I had that error for a while as well...disappeared when I switched off checksums in rtp.conf ;)
19:30.37damianah ha! :) sneaky but did it stop sound?
19:30.43file_RaYmAn_: cheater
19:31.02_RaYmAn_I haven't had any problems
19:31.12_RaYmAn_file, if you can't fix it, cheat! :) Always works.
19:32.34*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
19:32.48mitchelocwhoever invented pdfs is retarded, they always freeze my browser
19:33.50brc_mitcheloc, acrobat version 6?
19:33.52WilliamKmitcheloc, you're not the only one... however you might try adobe acrobat reader 6;  I always had problems with 5
19:34.03cfrank_Anyone got OSPLookup to work?
19:34.09mitchelocnot sure, but it has been asking me to update
19:34.11mitcheloci think i'll try that
19:34.13brc_mv program files/adobe/acrobat/plugins/* /program files/adobe/acrobat/optional
19:34.23brc_do dat
19:34.29mitchelocbrc: i'll try that
19:34.36mitchelocto those who care, it's my birthday today!, i don't know why i'm spending today infront of a computer though =/ *sigh*
19:34.53damianhappy bday mitcheloc
19:35.00mitchelocyay =)
19:35.05WilliamKmitcheloc, cuz your stuck in cyberspace like the rest of us =)
19:35.06fileit's my birthday in 3 days
19:35.10filethere are so many birthdays in October...
19:35.11WilliamKthere is no end to cyberspace
19:35.15mitchelochappy pre-birthday file!
19:35.20damianhappy bday file incase Im not here :)
19:35.36*** join/#asterisk paulc (
19:35.41citatsfile: mine was a few weeks ago, i know dozens of people with september birthdays
19:35.54mitchelocyou all think they'd change the channel topic?
19:35.57citatsbut my gf's bday is on friday
19:36.06*** part/#asterisk damian (~damian@damian.tikiwiki)
19:36.23mitchelocoof, lots of pressure for you citats?
19:36.44mitchelocwhat do you plan on doing for her (i'm asking so i can get some ideas for mine's in december)
19:37.25Sivanadoes chan-> have a parameter for just the number?
19:37.52Sivananot the entire "name <number>"
19:37.56citatsmitcheloc: hmmm, your supposed to do things for people on the birthdays? :)
19:38.00fxmulder2damnit has a sphinx section, but its empty :(
19:38.18kpflemingSivana, in current CVS, chan->cid.cid_num
19:38.35mitcheloccitats: yea i guess...supposed to be a special occasion right?
19:38.35*** join/#asterisk rustyb (
19:38.48Sivanawhat about v101?
19:38.54kpflemingi don't think so
19:39.32rustybdoes anyone know of a pocketpc sip or iax softphone?
19:39.34kramkpfleming: made a note about your wait thingy
19:39.52mitchelocthat mv on the plugins didn't work =/ browser froze again
19:39.59WilliamKdoes Asterisk allow for digit manipulation (pre-pending and de-pending of say "1") depending on the channel group...etc?
19:40.08Sivanais the current dev CVS broken?
19:40.12mitchelocwilliam: yes
19:40.32kpflemingkram, yeah, i see that, it used to apply to CVS before you merged my other changes :-)
19:40.49kramoh heh
19:41.08*** join/#asterisk JohnJacob (
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19:43.36paulcHey kram.. haven't had a chance to look at your mantis stuff yet, sorry :-(  But might have a play later today depending on how my current little task goes..
19:44.27krampaulc: no worries
19:44.41*** join/#asterisk rumba (
19:44.53paulcWe'll get there.. :-)
19:45.13filepaulc alert! paulc alert!
19:46.12paulchey file :-)
19:46.15paulcwhat's shaking?
19:47.25paulcNot much.. bits and pieces.. got a little project thing keeping me amused.. listening to Dance Anthems on Radio 1 ( debating doing some more online job hunting but not sure if I can be arsed..
19:49.41paulcactually Dance Anthems is a bit heavy right now.. but wait 10 minutes and it'll be all over and you can listen to the Sunday Surgery which is usually pretty good.. decent music, good talk - entertaining :-)
19:51.32*** join/#asterisk ipdeman (
19:53.57Sivanakpfleming: do you know where the function is that ciphers the callerid?
19:54.02*** join/#asterisk Bentley (
19:54.48SivanaI got this function that just seg *:
19:54.57Sivanaon empty cids
19:55.17*** join/#asterisk JohnJacob (
19:55.53_RaYmAn_I'm getting some weird error messages: "Oct  3 21:51:54 NOTICE[213006]: chan_sip.c:6752 handle_response: Failed to authenticate on REGISTER to '<>;tag=as00fbfcb2' and Oct  3 21:51:54 WARNING[213006]: chan_sip.c:6737 handle_response: Got 200 OK on REGISTER that isn't a register"
19:56.07_RaYmAn_(debug output at )
19:57.58*** join/#asterisk sauber (
19:59.29[hC]Does anyone here know if theres a way with Cisco 7960 phones to retain original callerid when doing a call transfer?
19:59.41[hC]Right now when people transfer me a call, it shows up as the person xferring, not the original caller.
20:00.37paulchC: You could probably do it with some database magic in the dial plan
20:00.54[hC]modifying the 7960's dial plan you mean?
20:01.01JerJerahh the power of Extension Logic
20:01.25JerJerno you can do a fancy extensions.conf
20:01.34JerJerusing SetCallerID
20:01.50PatrickDKreally it depends on what kind of transfer your talking about
20:01.54[hC]but the call transfer is a function of the phone
20:01.55PatrickDKbind or attented
20:01.59paulcNah, the Asterisk dial plan.. store the caller ID against the extension number the call first goes to.. then.. uh.. your standard extension dial macro checks the caller ID of the call, if it's internal, looks up the stored caller ID associated with that extension, and replaces the current value with the looked up value?
20:02.02[hC]its in the little softkey menu
20:02.35paulcyeah - I get that.. but what your phone is doing is the right thing really, no? Like.. for the transfer recipient, the call is coming from you really..
20:02.41PatrickDKif it's blind, you should be able to do it, if attented, give up you hopes, as if you manage to do it, it will break other things
20:03.32[hC]paulc: technically, yes, but i'd like to have the option to revert to the original caller ID so i know the number of the person calling, not directing the calls ;)
20:03.34PatrickDKI think someone added an f option to Dial that does it
20:03.48[hC]How do you accomplish a call transfer using only the dialplan?
20:03.55[hC]Say from a phone that doesnt have a transfer button?
20:04.11wasim# transfer, flash etc ...
20:04.19paulcFrom the wiki:    f: forces callerid to be set as the extension of the line making/redirecting the outgoing call. For example, some PSTNs don't allow callerids from other extensions then the ones that are assigned to you.
20:04.56PatrickDKI guess that would be the oppisite of what he wanted
20:05.08kpflemingSivana, no, i don't know where the functions that mess with CID are, I haven't looked at that
20:05.10[hC]wasim: so like during a call, you'd hit flash, then dial an option to transfer?
20:05.29paulcNah, you hit the # key
20:05.43paulcthen Asterisk puts the caller on hold and asks you where you want to direct the call
20:06.16[hC]if you press * while on a call? really
20:06.18[hC]I didnt know that.
20:06.44PatrickDKya *, use that :)
20:06.47[hC]I just tried it and it did nothing.
20:06.49PatrickDK* normally hangs up a call
20:06.53PatrickDK# transfers
20:07.02PatrickDKif you do the option T or t to dial
20:07.07PatrickDKdepending on outgoing or incoming
20:09.36*** join/#asterisk RoutedToNull (
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20:13.50_RaYmAn_hrm. Any idea how to get rid of this? (besides disabling warning logging) Oct  3 22:12:49 WARNING[131081]: chan_iax2.c:5949 socket_read: Received mini frame before first full voice frame
20:14.02_RaYmAn_on incoming call
20:14.07JerJerit is not necessarily a problem
20:14.26JerJerit is just informing you that it has not determined the codec being used, yet
20:14.42_RaYmAn_ah, okay
20:14.56Corydon76-homeOr it received audio for a call that it doesn't know anything about yet
20:15.00JerJernow if you get a bunch of them, it becomes a problem
20:15.14_RaYmAn_how many would you consider a bunch? :P
20:15.23*** join/#asterisk linuxeux_ (
20:15.23[hC]5 in a row?
20:15.27_RaYmAn_there were around 10-15 of them in a row and then they stopped, I think
20:15.41JerJersmells like version skew
20:16.16Corydon76-homeIt could mean that your UDP packets are getting reordered out of sequence before delivery
20:16.32Corydon76-homeby an upstream router
20:16.32_RaYmAn_weirdly enough it didn't happen just now
20:16.36_RaYmAn_just on one call
20:16.51Corydon76-homeNotice any audio problems on that call?
20:17.42Corydon76-homeIf not, then it's fairly safe to ignore that warning...
20:18.30_RaYmAn_well..I'm currently not able to do much more than call myself through different voip providers (In order to make sure everything is working well before enabling it properly)...I guess it might just be that causing the problems (sip -> asterisk -> iax2 -> fwd -> gossiptel -> me)
20:18.30paulc~seen showtime
20:18.31jbotshowtime <show@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 19h 33m 38s ago, saying: 'dumb proxy and registrar'.
20:24.33*** join/#asterisk JohnJacob (
20:25.20slePPk. i made SER work. i'm so special..
20:26.16slePPwe found a kitten.
20:26.24slePPprolly 3 months old. it's cute :>
20:26.43*** join/#asterisk Fpl_ (~Fpl@
20:27.00JerJertip to avoid hangovers:   take a  vitaman B6 and drink as much water as you can right before you call it a night (if u get that far :)
20:27.15slePPyeh, i didn't. :>
20:28.44slePPbut we got our 100mbps link installed yesterday too..
20:28.47slePPso things're going good :>
20:29.28*** join/#asterisk folsson (~filip@
20:29.36slePPk, well.. time to shower and go fix someone's pap2
20:29.45JerJeryee haw
20:30.07slePPyeh, it'll be exciting
20:30.24slePPthe complaint is: 'I get this.. buzzing.. no, ti's like a ringing.. no.. like morse code... no... it's just a hiss.. no wait.....'
20:30.40slePPand i said 'I'll have to listen to it... And then I can probably determine where it is coming from.'
20:30.53slePP'oh, but it's a.. ringing sound.. like.. morse code at high pitch.. like a bee would do, you know?'
20:30.56slePP'I'll have to listen to it..'
20:31.08slePP'yes... i think maybe it's electrical.. it goes hiss buzz.....'
20:31.11slePP*banging head on desk*
20:31.25Fpl_any suggestions for running * with a linux distro ? i have heard mepis is quite good...anyone..? i just have had some issues with fedora core 2 in the install...anyone willing to chip in some ideas
20:31.31bkw_I find that if you bang the customers head on the desk.. you'll feel much better
20:31.37slePPno kidding.
20:31.43slePPthough, he may not appreciate that
20:31.52bkw_not your problem
20:32.31slePPcat5e, all 5 pairs, ran for telephone jacks
20:32.46slePPer.. 4 pairs
20:32.48file2who use voipjet in here?
20:32.53paulcI was just gonna say.. 4 pairs :)
20:32.58bkw_you watch
20:33.08bkw_we will see Bin Laden's ass caught in October
20:33.11bkw_well not caught
20:33.16bkw_because we already have him
20:33.22PatrickDKcat5 for telephone isn't good
20:33.23bkw_but exposed.. so bushy boi can win
20:33.31PatrickDKthat is 100ohm vers the 600ohm telephone expects
20:33.33JerJerhell yes
20:33.41JerJerit has been duba's plan all along
20:33.51bkw_cat5 for telephone IS GREAT
20:33.54bkw_paulc 996
20:34.12bkw_996 please
20:34.32slePPcat5 for telco is alright.. assuming that one can eventually determine how they wired it into the wall... but, no one mentioned it, so i probably have to replace a cable end and pull a panel off the wall to get it right
20:34.42slePPas for the noise, i bet there is absolutely nothing i can do :>
20:35.37Fpl_any recommends for running asterisk as to what linux distro..? easy to install and make work the digium boards ?
20:35.43slePPi like gentoo
20:35.49slePPbut that's preference, really
20:35.56wasimFpl_: whatever tickles your fancy, i like gentoo too too
20:36.31*** join/#asterisk DrRighteous2 (
20:36.34Fpl_i need a distro that will work with the boards no problems
20:36.45file2for the prize of a stuffed teddy bear, who uses voipjet in here?
20:36.50slePPthe kernel will
20:36.57slePPfile2: i saw a girl have sex with a teddy bear last night...
20:37.00slePPon my couch
20:37.13slePPbut anyway.. wut's voipjet? canadian voip thingy? cuz i don't
20:37.19slePPbut if they're canuckian, i'll look into it :>
20:37.43Fpl_sleep : have you tried mepis ?
20:37.46slePPFpl_: use what ever distro you want. gentoo has worked well for many, as well as most redhats and debians
20:38.03slePPas far as i know, even knoppix works well for asterisk
20:38.16wasimtheres is even an asterisk on disk from fuzzycat
20:38.34slePPokie. shower time now
20:39.02Fpl_slepp : so you recommend gentoo ?
20:39.16Fpl_any tips to make it work with the boards ?
20:39.36wasimFpl_: it works stock, most distros should
20:41.24wasimyou don't need to be a linux expert to run * or make the zap boards work, just read the wiki and the docs
20:41.28jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
20:47.04*** join/#asterisk JohnJacob (
20:53.37bkw_where is oej
20:55.50*** join/#asterisk FryGuy (
20:56.05bkw_file2 996
20:56.46file2I'm eating... but fine
20:57.15wasimSep 29: REDMOND, WA: Microsft announced today it had hired the services of Olle "oej" Johannsen to head its new action plan to promote Windows 2005 at the recently announced WinCon2005. Olle, or "oej" as he is affectionately known, gained great acclaim after his faboulous AstriCon show.
20:58.01Pkunkeh ? is he connected with asterisk ?
20:58.25wasimThis goes in line with the Redmond giants plans to hire the best in the business to help it counter the threat from Linux. Other sources say that "oej" is a plant by the open source community to finally lay the giant to rest.
20:59.31bkw_stop the cher music
21:00.21bkw_you're gone now
21:05.10DrRighteous2hey bkw
21:06.18Darwin35when using  diff command to make a patch file fom 2 files
21:06.34Darwin35what is the -  commands
21:07.33*** join/#asterisk Kajarii (
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21:11.45*** join/#asterisk heka (~heka@
21:12.10Fpl_guys, what software are you guys using to prioritize packets for voip ? i have heard of some linux programs that allow you to do that.. My adsl modem to a linksys router/gateway and then i have the pcs.but i want to manage the voicequality of my asterisk box...i need to prioritize the voice inside my private network. (i dont have a cisco router or switch ) it is something small.. I want to do the same in various locations
21:12.41hekaIm using Mikrotik
21:12.45hekaand seems to work fine
21:12.47Fpl_using asterisk for my gatways but the there is data and voip
21:12.58welbydummynet in fbsd
21:13.17hekathere is high pritority for voice packets here
21:14.21Fpl_heka : ?
21:15.34Fpl_any other thoughts ?
21:16.08slePPk, $5 for someone to make SER work properly
21:16.21hekaFpl_: well I dont know Im using that
21:17.00paulcslePP what's up with SER?
21:18.00slePPi have users registering
21:18.10slePPand they can receive calls when i dial SIP/
21:18.38slePPbut, i can't place any
21:19.51slePPi get 407 Proxy Authorization Required from asterisk
21:19.58slePPwhich ser happily sends back to the phone
21:20.02slePPand the phone goes 'uh, no.'
21:20.37paulcwell slap that phone around and show it who's boss!
21:20.44slePPit's asterisk being a crank
21:21.51*** join/#asterisk jlawrence (
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21:22.02file2slePP: insecure=very
21:22.18slePPwell.. that solves problem one. as does autocreatepeer :>
21:22.35jlawrenceIs anyone successfully using an x100p with callerID in the UK with * v1.0 ?
21:22.40slePPthe second issue, is how do i account for who just placed the call in asterisk
21:25.05mishehutrying to conjure up some instructions on how to open up a linksys pap2
21:25.46slePPopen up?
21:25.51paulcscrewdriver? sledge hammer? crow bar?
21:25.52slePPvonage locked model, you mean?
21:25.58slePPor yeh, like paulc says :>
21:26.50file2sulfuric acid.
21:27.04slePPi asked :P vonage model?
21:27.08slePPor pap2-na physical opening?
21:27.22*** join/#asterisk wasim (~wasim@
21:27.39paulcfile2: no no no.. it might corrode the PCB :-s
21:28.01slePPanything can corrode a pcb made by cisco ;>
21:28.15slePPi should sell all my pap2's on ebay
21:28.19slePPfor 100 start bid
21:28.25slePPall 11 of them!
21:28.30slePPthen i can buy 20 more
21:28.32mishehuyes, the vonage model
21:28.46slePPmishehu: tcpdump the data it moves on boot. see if it's http, https, or tftp
21:28.52slePPif it's http or tftp, the password will be right there
21:28.57slePPif it's https, yer fooked
21:29.10mishehuslePP: I'm writing a howto
21:29.12slePPunless you already got that far
21:29.13slePPoh :>
21:30.04mishehuI opened up one last night, and am using it on *.  the only thing I need to do now is probably screw aroundw ith the gain, as I get some background noise and static on it, as if it's being amped too much
21:30.19mishehuslePP: it's a pain in the ass to find the na's
21:30.25slePPnot for me
21:30.33slePPgot 5 in the first batch, before recall
21:30.35slePPgot 6 more after recall
21:30.43slePPbut the recall has been recalled, i think
21:30.54slePPanyhow... you find noise/static on it?
21:30.57mishehuwell, once you have it set up, opening them up would take 5 minutes at most.
21:30.59slePPthat's just what i have to fix with someone's today
21:31.08file2I've got mine running at -3 on input and output... works great
21:31.12mishehuslePP: yeah, I suspect it's the gain.
21:31.14slePPmishehu: how're you cracking them?
21:31.43slePPfile2: mine're at -3 too
21:34.20routerheads_athoMishehu, I am curious also.  I just picked up a vonage model this morning.
21:35.25routerheads_athoI have been working the 'man in the middle' method, but I am unable to get a blank config.
21:37.19slePPi just wanna know http vs. tftp vs https :>
21:37.23mishehuslePP: it could also be this phone I have plugged in...  it's stuck on the "WHAT DID YOU SAY?  I *STILL* AM DEAF" volume setting...   (cheap walmart phone)
21:37.40slePPwith my $5 phone, it worked beautifully
21:37.44slePPa little noise, but not bad
21:37.48mishehuslePP: I know nothing about https.  mine only had udp 5060 and 5061 open on it out-of-the-box.
21:37.50slePPwith this guys $20 phone
21:37.51slePPno go
21:38.04slePPmishehu: no.. the provisioning request it places to vonage.. have you found what it uses for the URL?
21:38.26slePPoh hell. tftp?
21:38.30mishehuslePP: I only know the two file requests it makes tftp
21:38.34slePPthat's amusing
21:38.43slePPthey can do HTTPS
21:38.49slePPwhich would make them uncrackable for 90% of users
21:38.52mishehuslePP: the second file it downloads is an encrypted xml file.  that locks it in.
21:39.03slePPbecause it requires a Sipura certificate
21:39.19mishehuyeah, but in my example, we circumvent that
21:39.32slePPbut it's sitll using tftp.. if it was going to provision itself with https
21:39.37slePPyou couldn't get around it without a sipura signed server cert
21:39.40slePPno matter how hard you tried
21:39.41slePP(i tried)
21:39.46*** join/#asterisk JohnJacob (
21:40.11slePPit will retrieve the request via HTTPS, but it will completely ignore it unless the server has the proper cert chain
21:40.42routerheads_athothanks - off to break another pap2.
21:40.43mishehuthankfully they use tftp instead
21:40.56slePPtftp and http can be circumvented easily
21:40.58slePPwe use http
21:41.01mishehuhttps might require too much overhead for the device.
21:41.04slePPand i know any jackass could get through it
21:41.12slePPhttps? no.. it was very responsive
21:41.24mishehuoverhead as in code...
21:41.28slePPit just complained to syslog right after it got it 'Not a valid certificate'
21:41.39slePPbut it's already there? it's part of the firmware that is on the 2.x boxes
21:41.47wasimmishehu: and tcp
21:41.55slePPgo to the main page of the web interface
21:41.58slePPand look for 'Client Certificate'
21:42.01slePPit should say 'Installed'
21:42.21slePPit must use the same engine as the SRTP
21:42.54slePPanyway, congrats on the howto :
21:42.59slePPi'm sure lots will be happy with that
21:43.00file2oh look, mine is installed
21:43.05slePPnow, the trick, to see if we can buy those devices for $19.95 :>
21:43.17slePPfile2: now, convince sipura you _need_ the signed server cert
21:43.18slePPand use SSL :>
21:43.29slePPthey told me to fuck off
21:43.43mishehuyeah, I see "installed" too for client cert
21:43.58file2slePP: where can you get them for $19.95?
21:44.08slePPit sends that to the server, and it is signed by sipura or linksys (i don't know yet..), and that has to verify both ways, or it will reject the config
21:44.15mishehubut I donno whose cer that is
21:44.23slePPfile2: that's what i was wondering.. if it could be found for really cheap as a promotion, with no strings attached. i'd go buy 20
21:44.33slePPmishehu: it's a device specific cert
21:44.39mishehu<Profile_Rule ua="na">[--key $K] t$MAU.xml</Profile_Rule>
21:44.43slePPsigned and installed by the factory (or the device itself)
21:45.03mishehuthat's from the original /+MAC_ADDRESS/linksys-PAP2.xml file that it queries...
21:45.20slePPthe server side has to have a cert that is signed by sipura/linksys, so that the device accepts the server's responses. and on the server, you check the client cert to verify it is one of your users
21:45.30mishehuI suspect it might be a vonage cert
21:45.38slePPby the sounds of it, they're all Sipura certs
21:45.54slePP'To use HTTPS, you need to install a Sipura Root CA signed certificate.'
21:45.59slePPis what their website says
21:46.04slePPbut linksys' doesn't mention it
21:46.07mishehuthe world may never know ;-)
21:46.26slePPthe easy way, is have it connect via https to your ssl server, and dump the received certificate information to a file
21:46.30slePPthen look at it :> it'll show who issued it
21:46.55mishehuthe world may never know, because I am lazy and don't find it immediately useful.
21:47.10slePPand life will quickly become a nightmare if the cert is really signed by vonage or linksys, and not sipura. it means each vendors box will have a different root that you have to get to crack it
21:47.21slePPwhen vonage stops being stupid, they'll move to https
21:47.26slePPit's the best approach to locking the box
21:47.38mishehuactually, vonage is stupid, but for other reasons.
21:47.51slePPshort of flashing the firmware with something else, you'd have to get your hands on a real cert :>
21:47.58*** part/#asterisk rollotomnasi (~rollotomn@
21:48.04mishehuI prefer tftp.  it's hard enough for the average joe schmoe, but not impossible for us.
21:48.15slePPvonage.. i used vonage for almost 8 months for asterisk service. it generally worked well, except when it went to 8second lag
21:48.28*** part/#asterisk DrRighteous2 (
21:48.33mishehuslePP: jerjer made some mention to me about being able to crc invalidate the firmware, and then being able to get the spa-2000 firmware on it.
21:48.44slePPwell, yeh. tftp is easiest to crack :> http would perhaps be easier yet.. https, now.. yeh. that i can't figure out how to crack, and i tried for a while..
21:49.03slePPbut we rma'd it already
21:49.27slePPanyway, speaking of PAP2's, i need to go fix this guy's box....
21:49.37slePPwho knows which key presses to hit to get the IP via voice prompt?
21:49.58mishehuvoice prompt?
21:50.20jlawrenceAnyone here using an x100p in the UK ?
21:50.38slePPhit **** from a phone
21:50.40slePPit talks to you
21:50.43mishehuoh that prompt
21:50.46slePPbut there is something you press for it to give you your IP address
21:50.55mishehuno idea
21:51.00slePPdamn :>
21:51.07VoicePulse110# should be right.
21:51.10mishehuI don't know how to reset the password from the prompt
21:51.15slePPfrom **** or just from dialtone?
21:51.32slePPthat'll be handy :>
21:54.21*** join/#asterisk JohnJacob (
21:54.30slePPk, off i go to fix it.. maybe
21:55.12*** join/#asterisk routerheads_atho (
21:55.43VoiceLynxjlawrence: Yeah
22:00.34jlawrenceVoiceLynx, have you managed to get callerID working with V1.0.
22:00.46*** join/#asterisk Docelm0 (
22:01.04Docelm0How do I make * play music while wating for the call to be placed so there is no dead air?
22:02.02VoiceLynxjlawrence: If you mean with the circular buffer patch - no because they guys don't use that patch
22:02.23paulcDocelm0: I think it's the m flag on the Dial command
22:02.44jlawrenceVoiceLynx: So is there any patch available that works ?
22:03.26VoiceLynxjlawrence: Not aware of one for a vanilla X100P - there is a hardware mod that works but it isn't trivial to do
22:04.02jlawrencegot any details on the hardware mod ? That would really be of interest
22:06.46VoiceLynxI can try to get them if you pm me an email
22:09.40wisdomI'm ashamed to ask this :)   If I have an FXO port I want to ignore inbound calls, where would I set that up ?
22:09.50wisdombut I want to use it for outbound calls only
22:09.54wasimwisdom: in a context that has no Answer extension
22:10.07wisdomthat's just too easy :)
22:11.07wisdombut where I'm missing something is where to set the inbound context for a Zap device
22:11.34*** part/#asterisk ingenius (~alektro@
22:11.56sudoercan anyone show me an example of create a test time reader extension or show me a link?
22:12.30jlawrencewisdom: for my x100p's it's in zapata.conf
22:12.48paulcsudoer: you mean like a speaking clock extension?
22:14.03sudoeryes, i know its easy, but i cant find a nexample online
22:14.08wisdomjlawrence Well, that's the default for the zap devices, when I want one to be one context, while the other to be another (one to be answered [main line], secondary line only to be used for outbound and not inbound [since it's a fax machine])
22:14.11Syncrosexten => 411,1,SayUnixTime(,,AdBY)
22:14.53jlawrencewisdom, you can set a context for each channel.
22:16.05*** join/#asterisk lilneon (
22:16.08sudoerhanks, im there now
22:16.26*** join/#asterisk Pioneer- (
22:16.36sudoerhow about a callback extension?
22:16.48lilneonhey ppl i need some help with finding a good voip
22:17.21lilneonand which is recommended? do i pay a company to terminate my calls? or use  call routing or something
22:17.56Pioneer-the company i work for use pipecall
22:18.09Pioneer-for calls
22:18.25wasimsudoer: store the calling number callerid in a $VAR and then hangup, then dial back
22:18.41wasimlilneon: nufone
22:19.32lilneonnufone seems kinda cheap...
22:19.49lilneonbut when i do the currency conversion.. it don't really make a profit
22:22.01lilneoni jsut wanna set up a call center.. but most of my clients wont be calling the US or canada majority of the time..
22:24.31Pioneer-you want a phone no that ppl can call and it goes through to you useing voip?
22:25.23lilneonouch pioneer pipecall is real steep
22:25.58lilneonwell.. i already got asterisk set up and got phones(analog and ip connected to it)..
22:26.16lilneoni want to use those phones so customers can dial outbound landlines to anywher ein the world
22:26.51Pioneer-well we connected our asterisk server to pipecall
22:27.20Pioneer-1.25p min to anywhere in euope
22:27.22Pioneer-i think
22:27.30Pioneer-and 1p a min to america
22:27.53lilneon1p is 1 pound right?
22:29.58*** part/#asterisk r1 (
22:30.19Pioneer-line rental is £2.99 month
22:30.31Pioneer-gets us a local rate 0845 no
22:31.00lilneon1p is equivalent to how much USD?
22:31.51Pioneer-current rates
22:31.52Pioneer-1 USD = 0.556375 GBP
22:32.06Pioneer-so its 0.0179735
22:32.20Pioneer-not much
22:33.08Darwin35whatsthe commad to pipe warnings from a compile out to a file for review
22:33.19Darwin35shell =sh
22:33.25lilneonyeah for u.. i still have to multiply that by 6.. for my currency
22:34.50Pioneer-what cuttency are you?
22:35.32sudoerare missed calls stored on *?
22:35.52p0lardarwin try this: make (args) 2> /tmp/compile_warnings.log
22:36.04CoaxDmake > err 2>&1
22:36.09p0larwill catch what was headed to std out anyway
22:36.14p0larerr std err.. lol
22:36.17CoaxDp0lar: stderr
22:36.30p0lardense=1 && export dense
22:37.32lilneonpoineer>tt.. thats US1=6tt
22:38.34*** topic/#asterisk by kram -> Asterisk 1.0.1 and DEV branches |
22:39.07drumkillai'm drumkilla
22:39.20Pioneer-hello drumkilla
22:39.22drumkillathat was actually, twisted.
22:39.28drumkillahe thinks he is funny.
22:39.30sudoerwhere can i find php/web gui that shows missed calls?
22:39.47lilneonyeah pioneer..
22:39.56sudoerwhat does have to fo with asterisk?
22:40.15kramAstricon :)
22:40.23jbotsomebody said astricon was a conference held in September 2004.  Get pictures and presentations here:
22:41.25*** topic/#asterisk by kram -> Asterisk 1.0.1 and DEV branches | Astricon --
22:43.05sudoerno gui for missed calls?
22:45.21wasimkram: is there a particular reason IAX2 send TZ adjusted timestamp as opposed to UTC?
22:46.06Daminkram: 380 people attended the Linuxfest Aterisk speech. :)
22:46.21wasimkram: or, can we put up a patch in iax2-provision that'll allow to set the TZ adjust timestamp there, if needed, otherwise use UTC
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22:50.33Daminkram: And Maddog did a great closing speech that urged the audience to take up the cause and devote their time to Linux -AND- Asterisk development. Asterisk was given nearly equal footing w/ Linux for the day, which I found rather exciting.
22:53.17gambolputtywhere was this speech held?
22:54.46routerheads_athoslePP, think there are 2 versions of the vonage pap2?
22:55.24routerheads_athothe box I got today is plastered with vonage, and it appears to want to use its own dns servers
22:58.07*** part/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
23:00.24sudoeris anyone here using a large * box with lots of users?
23:00.43sudoerif so how are you storing csv info, in flat files or db?
23:03.49wasimflat files here
23:04.16wasimby definition csv is flatfile
23:04.22wasimcdr can be stored in a db
23:04.36*** join/#asterisk chris_jones (
23:04.36sudoerthats what i meant
23:04.45sudoerhow many users do your boxes have?
23:05.02wasimone is 250 or so I think
23:05.05chris_jonesanyone have any success linking sphinx vr to *?
23:06.22sudoerwasim, are you parsing cdr files often?
23:06.37*** part/#asterisk lilneon (
23:14.56*** join/#asterisk Sivana (~richard@
23:17.52Sivanaare the G729 licenses strictly monetary.. like is there something we need to input into * for it to work?
23:18.41fileyou install the codec, and the license registering program.. which tells the codec how many channels to allow you
23:19.05mishehuthe question really is, is the g729 codec really *that* good?
23:19.06SivanaI see.. and I get all of this from Digium?
23:19.13mishehuI've not used it, so I wouldn't know myself.
23:19.18filemishehu: yup.
23:19.23fileyup yup yup
23:19.29sudoerGSM is best!
23:19.47mishehuwhat about speex?
23:19.55sudoernver used it
23:21.37chris_jonesanyone have any success linking sphinx vr to *?
23:23.21*** join/#asterisk Kb1_Kanob (
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23:26.44JRpbAnyone have a extensions.conf example using agentcallbacklogin , queues a agents commands?
23:26.46bkw_I SEE HOW IT IS
23:30.15znoGanyone know how i can have a voicemail box shared by 2 extensions?
23:31.49JerJerznoG: just set the same mailbox for both extens
23:33.38znoGyeah, thats one way but i actually only want to share the mailbox for some voicemails (the ones that come in via a particular context)
23:33.47znoGi saw something on voip-info about it, i'm gonna go re-read it
23:40.11chris_jonesanyone have any success linking sphinx vr to *?
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23:44.08chris_jonesanyone have any success linking sphinx vr to *?
23:44.17salimfadhleyCan somebody help with with some Asterisk Jargon... is a channel only called a channel when it is in use?
23:44.37salimfadhleyFor example my extention is bound to sip/bugetone1 ... is that a channel name or is that called something else
23:48.13DaminJerJer: Keep your eyes open for new subscribers after yesterday. 380 some people were in the room for my Asterisk speech.. ;)
23:48.23DaminJerJer: I told them all you were a cocksucker. :)
23:49.13rene-~seen mike
23:49.13jbotmike is currently on #asterisk (9h 58m 16s).  Has said a total of 18 messages.  Is idling for 6h 59m 55s
23:51.14JerJerDamin: rock on...  our automated sign-up is pretty close to rock solid now
23:51.45wisdomdamin which conference did you present at ?
23:52.44*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
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23:54.05tzafrirnot officially announced yet, but you can take a look at
23:54.47tzafrira 150MB (fits in a mini cd) image of a modofoed debian installer with an asterisk inside
23:55.01tzafrirAll GPL, of course
23:55.10tzafrirFeel free to try
23:55.15wisdomhrm, this macro is driving me nuts ;p
23:56.02lokohas voicepulse connect become any more stable lately?
23:56.23bkw_really can't blame voicepulse that much
23:57.01JerJerwe've scaled asterisk quite easily
23:57.04fileif you set it up right, it's not that bad
23:57.05bkw_oh you can
23:57.13bkw_you just have to learn a few things along the way
23:57.19filethat is true.
23:57.25*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
23:57.48bkw_ya you can scale asterisk very very well if you pay attention and learn
23:58.10Docelm0Hay jerjer what does it take to get a 800# from you guys?
23:58.14bkw_I think JerJer has been thru this before also
23:58.20*** join/#asterisk MiXi (
23:58.24JerJerDocelm0:  login to your account on our website
23:58.34Docelm0Dont have one
23:58.52Docelm0Actually I dont have service..
23:58.54JerJerthen signup via our website, then login
23:58.57Docelm0Well from you guys..
23:59.05Docelm0Goign there now..
23:59.39filebkw_: shhhhhhhhh :p
23:59.51bkw_our market is totally diffrent from what JerJer targets
23:59.59BoRiSjerjer needs Canadian DID's :)

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