irclog2html for #asterisk on 20041002

00:00.08Darwin35I wish they would port x10 to *nix
00:00.33brc_amer, sip.conf video=yes
00:00.34pfnx10?  you mean the ac power shit?
00:00.56pfnand xten is the company
00:01.00Darwin35that would be nice also to control your house remotly
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00:01.41PBXtechmiserhouse works with asterisk.. so you can control your house remotly
00:02.12Darwin35miserhouse not heard of it
00:02.25PBXtechopen source home autmation
00:02.44PBXtechreally cool
00:03.18*** join/#asterisk grumpie (
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00:05.17brc_misterhouse is nice...too bad it's written in perl
00:05.30brc_works with ibuttons too
00:05.38redder86hrmm... so, should I return the TE410P and get a TE405P or should I order a new motherboard?  Is there any benefit to using the 3.3V?
00:05.52redder86I need another server anyway.
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00:06.06brc_then it's hard to find mobos that uspport it
00:06.31NeroLabsBTW, I got my BT-101 working by setting up a local tftp server.  It was "well" enough to connect download the latest firmware, and all.  Works great now!
00:06.51amerbrc: video=yes didn't work
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00:07.22redder86brc_: why did Digium make a 3.3V-only version if so few motherboards support it?
00:07.27tessierI used SetLanguage to make it play my own recordings instead of Allison's but it still plays her numbers in SayDigits
00:08.42*** join/#asterisk rowter (~Drake@
00:09.26tessierThat must mean it can't find my digits...
00:09.40tessierBut they are there, I have tried it in the sounds/mylang directory and in sounds/mylang/digits
00:09.54redder86why make a 32-bit 3.3V card?
00:10.23tessierOh! I named them one.wav instead of 1.wav
00:10.39*** join/#asterisk LennyT (
00:10.42pfnredder to work in 64bit 3.3v slots
00:11.55redder86pfn: just in case someone already ran out of 32-bit slots?
00:12.30bkw_ok if you're wife said "Hey lets get a nice projector for TV with a 14ft screen for the wall..." what would you say?
00:12.45iMediaxdid the Dial( ) syntax change? Dial(SIP/5000) works, but Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@broadvoice) doesn't anymore
00:12.56bkw_iMediax no it didn't change
00:13.10RoyKbkw_, 2542 is still bad
00:13.36bkw_RoyK why can nobody reproduce it
00:13.44iMediaxbah... i made no changes and now i get app_dial.c:742 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP'
00:14.02RoyKbkw_, I can - now
00:14.03iMediaxworked for a month with my configs
00:14.06bkw_iMediax the peer isn't registered
00:14.09bkw_RoyK find kram
00:14.30bkw_RoyK I work with chan_sip with larger installs and I dont see it... so its just one of those hard bugs to solve
00:14.31EricirEbkw_: I'd ask the person that said that what they'd done with my wife
00:14.43NeroLabsanyone know why areski's graph displays the hours wrong?  seems to be a problem for some people but no data on google about it yet
00:14.52bkw_EricirE ok i told greg that and he said "No i don't want that.. I want a real tv"
00:14.56bkw_REAL TV
00:15.07bkw_fuck that.. 14ft screen over rear projection tv any day
00:15.07tecdallasarrrrggg Vonage isn't working at all tonight.
00:15.19EricirEbkw_: hell yeah 14 baby
00:15.22EricirEyou can't beat that
00:15.25bkw_and I told him we would have to get rid of the celing fan
00:15.26EricirEtalk about home theatre
00:15.27bkw_he said NO
00:15.50EricirEwhat's this world coming to
00:16.00bkw_ya when two gay men can't have a 14ft tv
00:16.05bkw_OH OH
00:16.12bkw_"Look how good your porn will look on that screen!"
00:16.15bkw_now thats how i'll pitch it
00:16.25EricirE:) now you're thinking
00:16.50bkw_i'm all for removing the couch and installing real theatre seats
00:16.55iMediaxbkw_ the peer has to be registered, because it can call other sip devices. just not using syntax Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@broadvoice)
00:17.00*** join/#asterisk Jibber (
00:17.05bkw_iMediax no
00:17.15bkw_your [broadvoice] has a host=ip line
00:17.16bkw_I bet you
00:17.24bkw_so it doesn't need to be registered to call it
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00:17.33bkw_but if you call a peer that is host=dynamic and not registered
00:17.39tecdallasOct  1 19:17:33 NOTICE[-1258738768]: app_dial.c:742 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap'
00:17.40bkw_you get that stupid can't create channel type SIP
00:17.45Jibberanyone willing to give a newb some iax2 to iax2 onfiguration help ?
00:17.47iMediaxok thanks for narrowing it down for me
00:17.50bkw_Everyone is busy/congested at this time
00:18.05tecdallasecho... echo ... echo...
00:18.07tecdallassame problem here
00:18.09NeroLabsbkw_: ahahah
00:18.16redder86Jibber: just ask
00:19.06JibberI just did redder86 :) I have access to both machines, but I'm kinda lost at what I need to add to the iax.conf and extensions.conf files to allow the remote * server to use the outbound on the local * server
00:19.38routerheads_athoanyone know if you can get the pap2 anywhere besides staples?
00:19.58Jibberbasically, I know how to configure the client to connect to the server (be it fwd, or iaxnet) but I don't know what needs to go on the remote server to allow the connection
00:20.23Jibberrouterheads_atho I saw the pap2 at BesyBuys web site today
00:21.11iMediaxsweet it works again!
00:22.14routerheads_athoIn stock down the street, thanks!
00:22.29redder86Jibber: on the "server" you need to add an entry in iax.conf
00:22.44Jibbercan I spam my 5 lines of the iax.conf ?
00:22.50redder86Jibber: on the "client" you need to add an entry in extensions.conf
00:22.57Jibberyes, I did
00:23.03tecdallasAny vonage users in here?
00:23.22redder86Jibber: and on the client you also need to add an entry in iax.conf
00:23.32Jibberbut I'm not sure on the extension dial(IAX2/bla:bla@bla/${exten:1}) line
00:23.37JibberI did
00:23.50Jibbersame as the one on the server except with a different [name]
00:24.06Jibberand a different host of course
00:24.36Jibbershows up in the console when I do an iax2 show peers
00:24.44Jibberbut it doesn't seem to go anywhere
00:25.10Jibberhummm, or should the [name] be the same on both servers ?
00:25.24bkw_man oh man oh man
00:25.35NeroLabsanyone know why areski's graph displays the hours wrong?  seems to be a problem for some people but no data on google about it yet
00:25.42Jibberis my entry in iax.conf
00:25.45bkw_rmeove that permit line
00:25.46Darwin35n file included from channel.c:46:
00:25.46Darwin35/usr/local/include/zaptel.h:37:16: os.h: No such file or directory
00:25.47bkw_no need for it
00:25.49redder86Jibber: on the client... Dial(IAX2/username:password@iaxentryname/extension)
00:25.50Jibbersimilar for both server and client
00:25.53bkw_Darwin35 COMPILE a kernel
00:25.55Darwin35I cant find the fix
00:26.06Darwin35bkw thisis on a bsd box
00:26.22brc_compile a bsd kernel
00:26.23Darwin35I have a linux box running we are trying to get 1.0 working on fbsd
00:26.24Jibberredder86 what is the user name ? the [name] on the server ?
00:26.32Darwin35I have
00:26.40brc_Darwin35, zaptel D O E S N O T W O R K ON B S D
00:26.50Darwin35yes it does
00:26.55Darwin35U have a working ver
00:27.00brc_NO I T D O E S N O T
00:27.01redder86Jibber: yes
00:27.12Darwin35of bsd zaptel that doe s work the x100p
00:27.22Jibberk, and I can't have the extension I want to dial supplied by the user ?
00:27.23brc_use linux
00:27.53*** part/#asterisk iMediax (
00:28.01redder86Jibber: ${EXTEN} is what the user dialed
00:28.20Darwin35we have a linux box running but we also want to get it updated on fbsd 5.x
00:28.46Jibberok, so that's what I have and it doesn't work :)
00:28.52Darwin35there was a fix for the os.h problem but I cant find it
00:29.34Jibberredder86 does the entry on both servers have to have the same [name] ?
00:30.40Jibbermy entry in the clients extension.conf is
00:30.41Jibberexten => _8.,1,Dial(IAX2/nougen:munged@limelyte/${EXTEN:1})
00:30.55*** join/#asterisk UnaCoder (
00:31.05UnaCoderhi! :-)
00:31.16UnaCoderuhh ok
00:31.16*** join/#asterisk Mike (~mike@
00:31.21Jibberbut the [name] in iax.conf is [nougen] on the server but limelyte on the cleint
00:31.56UnaCoderHey guys, I just found out about Asterisk today and have been toying with the idea of setting up a little PBX for fun
00:32.07redder86Jibber: I think yes
00:32.13UnaCoderI got a few questions (hopefully) simple questions is anyone can help me quick
00:32.35Jibberredder86 I'll try that
00:32.41Jibbermy debug console shows
00:32.42JibberExecuting Dial("SIP/1002-62ea", "IAX2/nougen:munged@limelyte/815099
00:32.42Jibber944327") in new stack
00:32.42Jibber-- Called nougen:munged@limelyte/815099944327
00:32.50Jibberwhich I find funny as it's not a SIP call
00:32.59JibberUnaCoder just ask
00:33.02redder86Jibber: then your extensions.conf is screwed up
00:33.20Jibberredder86 more than likely, k. I'll dig through that more
00:33.31UnaCoderWell, first off, can you use Asterisk as a VoIP server? IE, make your own private internet based phone service?
00:33.38UnaCoderlike between my house and my friends house?
00:33.40JibberUnaCoder yes
00:33.42redder86UnaCoder: yes
00:34.03wisdomUnaCoder There are whole networks out there specifically for that purpose
00:34.08UnaCoderok, I don't know alot about telephone network systems, but I do know quite a bit about computer netowrk technology
00:34.11JibberI talk to my friend in Taiwaon from Southern Ontario all the time using *
00:34.18wisdomthat have no connectivity to the traditional phone network
00:35.17UnaCoderwith the Digium cards, FXS modules are for connecting to analog telephones to provide telephone-to-switch access?
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00:36.02UnaCoderand the FXO modules are for telephone company line to switch access?  am I correct about that?
00:36.05zykehi guys .. is it possible to set AbsoluteTimeout when using callfiles?
00:36.44JibberUnaCoder correct
00:37.14*** join/#asterisk geertn (
00:37.14tecdallasok, pop quiz.. What would be the dial string to force a SIP call out a particular SIP client registration ?
00:37.28UnaCoderI read a /. article about a guy in canada using it over wifi with his neighbors and stuff, and I have a plethora of cool office ideas...
00:37.38UnaCoderI provice PC/network support to small businesses in my area
00:37.55UnaCoderand I was thinking this would be an awesome way to implement in-office telephone switching...
00:37.57JibberI do that here over sip
00:38.06Jibberbut iax is driving me nuts
00:38.09UnaCodersip is the protocal that vonage uses isn't it?
00:38.20pfnsip is the protocol that many providers use
00:38.22ameri am trying out callpickup, using *8#, I call phoneA from phoneB, from phoneC I dial *8# but cannot pick up the call
00:38.24pfnvonage uses SIP
00:38.30UnaCoderyeah I thought so
00:38.33UnaCoderI also work for best buy
00:38.35geertnanyone able to get into the 514 FWD conf room?
00:38.38UnaCoderas a computer repair tech
00:38.43UnaCoderso I sell vonage...
00:38.47pfnnot *8#
00:38.49geertnI can;t get into it...wondering where the problem is
00:38.56Jibberdoh, sorry. Yes Vonage uses sip, no it isn't just a vonage protocol
00:38.57amerboth dont work
00:38.58pfnphoneA needs to be callgroup=1
00:39.03pfnphoneC needs to be pickupgroup=1
00:39.05UnaCoderJibber, oh yeah, I knew that :-)
00:39.07zykecallfiles users here?
00:39.09ameryes I have all that
00:39.20pfnand it will work
00:39.28amerdid all that
00:39.36twistedame too
00:39.41twisteder me too
00:39.44tecdallasdoesn't work...
00:39.47amerthis is sip to sip
00:39.57redder86The biggest problem that I have had with SIP is that it doesn't work well with firewalls involved without a lot of headache in customizing the firewalling.
00:40.02pfnso just dial *8
00:40.08pfnmake sure your phone's dial plan allows *8
00:40.13redder86Especially when the server resides behind a firewall itself.
00:40.21Jibberredder86 which is why I'm banging my head on the wall over this iax2 stuff
00:40.23UnaCoderdo I have to have the PBX server setup at my friend's house as well as mine with PXS' for us to be able to communicate?  or can he have a client software that connects to my PBX?
00:40.32twistedJibber, iax2 doesn't care.
00:40.32amerhow do I do that?
00:40.39twistedJibber, open/forward port 4569 to the server
00:40.41twistedand all is well
00:40.42pfnamer what kinda SIP phone/client are you using here
00:40.48JibberUnaCoder just one * server is needed
00:40.50redder86UnaCoder: only one server is necessary.
00:40.52amerpolycom and cisco
00:41.13pfnunless your box goes down
00:41.20redder86IAX works great with firewalls involved.
00:41.28Jibbertwisted I've got it as a per over iax, but I can't get it to dial, problem in my extension.conf file I assume
00:41.35pfnamer the cisco and polycom both need their dialplans to allow *8
00:41.39twistedJibber, probally.
00:41.40pfnor you can hit *8-DIAL
00:41.53UnaCoderare there windows drivers for the Wildcards ?
00:41.58twistedUnaCoder, ew no.
00:42.02pfnwhy would you do something stupid like that
00:42.23amerok let me try that
00:42.26redder86UnaCoder: the X100P is a "winmodem" that Asterisk uses with a different driver.
00:42.36redder86So you could use it on Windows, but not with Asterisk
00:43.45UnaCoderredder86, right, but that cheap-o winmodem would make a perfectly fine client for the PBX for, lets say, my friend running winXP?
00:43.56pfnunacoder no
00:43.59JibberExecuting Dial("SIP/1002-b398", "IAX2/nougen:
00:44.03Jibberwhy SIP ?
00:44.09pfnwhy SIP what?
00:44.14twistedJibber, cuz you're calling from a sip client.
00:44.22Jibbertrue dat
00:44.35twisted~cluebat Unicoder
00:44.37jbotACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps Unicoder.
00:44.52UnaCoderheh, yeah?
00:45.10Jibber~cluebat Jibber
00:45.13jbotACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps Jibber.
00:45.13twistedoh yea
00:45.26twisted~cluebat twisted
00:45.28jbotACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps twisted.
00:45.28Jibberdidn't help
00:45.30amerbuild_route: Contact hop: <sip:1114@> No call pickup possible... Nothing to pick up
00:45.36redder86UnaCoder: there are Windows IAX clients and Windows SIP clients that they could use without any modem device... just a headset plugged into their soundcard.
00:45.36twistedtwisted: learn how to spell, dumbass
00:45.54tecdallasI give up.. l8r
00:45.58pfnamer that's because there's no call to pick up then  :p
00:45.59UnaCoderredder86, ok, but if I want a telephony card in the machine with a handset next to it?
00:46.04pfnamer make sure you have canreinvite=no
00:46.05bkw_twisted my dear
00:46.07bkw_whats up
00:46.10twistedbkw_, the sky
00:46.11twistedthe birds
00:46.14twistedthe noise level
00:46.29redder86UnaCoder: then they need some hardware that does SIP or IAX
00:46.32LennyThelp!  I'm seeing PRI errors on a system, moved physical line to another system and they went away.... error is:
00:46.34LennyTOct  1 17:37:53 NOTICE[1104370480]: PRI got event: 6 on Primary D-channel of span 1
00:46.41Jibberanyone wanna login and see my config ?
00:46.41zamslertwisted, my savior.
00:46.44redder86UnaCoder: like an ATA device or the IAXy
00:46.53twistedzamsler, i didn't do it
00:46.58twistedoh wait
00:46.58zamsleri know.
00:47.01twistedyou called me your saviour
00:47.05twistedso maybe i did
00:47.20zamslerI upgraded to yesterday's cvs head, and no callreid
00:47.26bkw_twisted anthm got all mad at cepstral today... they are so disorganized
00:47.29bkw_poor guys
00:47.41pfn"VOIP CALL " <9728892852>
00:47.43twistedbkw_, ahhahaah... what for?
00:47.50pfnhow weird, I got that as a callerid on my pots line
00:47.59bkw_the docs they sent him were what he had already tried and figured out it iddn't work
00:48.08LennyTAny ideas on why I'm getting lots of these... but PRI is good in another system?
00:48.09LennyTOct  1 17:37:53 NOTICE[1104370480]: PRI got event: 6 on Primary D-channel of span 1
00:48.20bkw_LennyT check the clocking
00:48.24UnaCoderredder86, any recomendations for windows hardware?
00:48.30twistedbkw_, ahh... they did that to me yesterday
00:48.34bkw_look at my titties.. do you find me sexy!!!
00:48.42LennyTbkw, configs haven't changed and PRI works with same config in another system... different CVS versions
00:48.43twistedbkw_, you have man titties
00:49.01pfnunacoder windows has no good pbx hardware
00:49.03bkw_twisted and that whole non-threadsafe stuff... man that pisses me off
00:49.06pfnunless you want to run call manager....
00:49.08bkw_LennyT something has to be diffrent
00:49.12twistedbkw_, calm down
00:49.14bkw_6 and 8 are BAD
00:49.20bkw_ie frame errors
00:49.22bkw_or something
00:49.31UnaCodernot pbx hardware
00:49.36LennyThmm.... ones running Fedora Core 2 and the other RH9... only difference.
00:49.38pfnhardware for what then?
00:49.38redder86UnaCoder: you don't need Windows hardware, just hardware
00:49.39UnaCoderjust pxs hardware
00:49.46pfnwhat's pxs
00:49.47twistedbkw_, at least they're working with me on it
00:49.50LennyTAny libpri/zaptel changes that might have caused it recently?
00:49.56redder86UnaCoder: Sipura SP-2000,  Digium IAXy
00:49.57bkw_twisted yep
00:50.06amerpfn: that didn't work :(
00:50.08bkw_twisted I have all the voices installed.. haha
00:50.20pfnamer on all 3 phones, you set canreinvite=no?
00:50.21bkw_I don't think so you dutch bastard!!!
00:50.31ameryes sir
00:50.42bkw_ignore me most of the time people
00:50.45pfnyou reloaded and everything?
00:50.48redder86UnaCoder: if you want his handset to be connected to hardware running in a Windows box with software involved, then I have no suggestions.
00:50.49bkw_unless you directly address me
00:51.02pfndo not connect a handset to a windows box
00:51.05pfnconnect a handset to an ATA
00:51.15amerstop now and asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvgc
00:51.17pfnlike sipura, etc.
00:51.58bkw_are those sharks with laser beams attached to their heads?
00:52.11bkw_I have freakin sharks with freakin laser beams attached to their freakin heads!!!
00:52.25twistedbkw_, shhh!
00:52.28amerdo i need to include any special contexts, like include => callparked
00:52.28bkw_pop a squat right next to daddy
00:52.44bkw_scotty's on *fire*
00:53.08twistedbkw_'s signal to noise ratio has exceeded it's limit for the day
00:53.18bkw_the tiny one can't take a hint
00:53.43Darwin35ok got * back on fbsd 5.3 beta 6 and it works and ztdummy works
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00:54.07twistedoh great.
00:54.35redder86bkw_: so it seems
00:54.42twistedRod the Redneck is outside showing off his "BIG-ASS TRUCK(tm)"
00:54.44Mikegold member?
00:54.50Mikehow come? i have my pants on
00:54.57Mikeyou cant see it right now
00:54.59bkw_guys with loud trucks have little dicks
00:55.04Darwin35and testing new zaptel drivers that just came today
00:55.07twistedbkw_, heh.. *nod*
00:55.14bkw_I hate that...
00:55.15Darwin35we will see next if the card loads up
00:55.17twistedbkw_, i drive a neon, if that tells ya anything
00:55.23twisteda pre-2k model...
00:55.31bkw_twisted yes I did sleep in the same bed with you... if you do recall
00:55.37twistedyou felt it?
00:55.46bkw_how could I you pushed me off the bed all the damn time
00:55.51LennyTDarwin35 -- are the FBSD drivers in CVS?
00:55.52twistedONE NIGHT
00:56.04redder86so Astricon was an orgy?
00:56.10bkw_accually yes
00:56.10twistedredder86, inadvertantly
00:56.17bkw_we had 6 people on a bed without shoes
00:56.21bkw_so it was a massive orgy
00:56.26Darwin35not yet I just got them from the bsd dev team for testing
00:56.31Mikebkw_, so you had sexual activity during asteriscon days?
00:56.42Darwin35if they work they will be in cvs by monday
00:56.43bkw_just 6 people on a bed without shoes is an orgy by GA law
00:56.47LennyTDarwin35, cool.
00:56.59twisted"Did ya think that I was gonna give it up to you?"
00:57.00LennyTDo you know if it will be only 5.x or 4.10/11 work?
00:57.27*** part/#asterisk timba (~timba@
00:57.35bkw_twisted hahah
00:57.38Darwin35well they will  be tweaked for both
00:57.53LennyTGreat news.  All cards, or just a few?
00:58.06Jibberon the server in iax.conf is the type peer or user ?
00:58.13Darwin35tdm and x10xP
00:58.23JibberI currently have it as type-friend on both
00:58.23Darwin35right now and a few more soon
00:59.26LennyTOk, looking for the t100p too.
01:00.39redder86Why does the iaxtel quality suck?
01:01.05Darwin35i will ask them tomarrow about the t100p
01:01.10redder86Too may GnoPhone abusers?
01:01.12Darwin35I know they are working on it
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01:03.07pfngnophone abusers?
01:04.57MustDiedudes, who has do not call registry database
01:07.16redder86pfn: calling toll free over iaxtel usually amounts to one poor-quality call
01:08.28drumkillait *is* a free service ...
01:11.07pfnmustdie ?
01:11.19pfnredder oh, there are other free 1-800 gateways
01:11.25zamslerI have upgraded to todays cvs and still no callerid..
01:11.25pfnlike fwd has free 1-800 access
01:11.35zamslerdoes anyone have this working?
01:13.33redder86drumkilla: but it's usually so bad that it's unusable... thus free=abused
01:13.44bkw_then dont use it
01:13.48bkw_its not abused its just bad
01:14.08*** join/#asterisk trelane (
01:14.09redder86bkw_: why is it bad?  Were they discount lines?
01:14.14bkw_who knows
01:14.29bkw_drumkilla I wanna talk to kram about doing some stuff for iaxtel and asterlink
01:14.39bkw_we might be able to hookup some kewl stuff for it
01:15.36denonbkw: you know anyone that has a sipura 3000? cant figure out how to get this sucker to pass the inbound calls back to the pbx
01:15.38denonoutbound is cool tho
01:15.52bkw_denon you can't I don't think
01:15.58bkw_but youc an pass an outbound to it?
01:16.31denonwhy wouldnt you be able to?
01:16.37bkw_because they are lazy
01:16.48denonnah, I got the impression you can ..
01:16.54bkw_no you can't
01:16.58bkw_it was part of the plan
01:16.58denonyou serious?
01:16.59bkw_I think
01:17.05denonthats the only reason I bought this f'n thing
01:17.06bkw_or am I thinking Grandstream
01:17.09RoyKbkw_, hu
01:17.24denonbkw: grandstream I thin is different yeah
01:17.46redder86I've not had any problem with my Grandstream or Sipuras.
01:17.46*** join/#asterisk HiTech69 (
01:18.05denonredder86: you using sipura for fxo? (the 3000)
01:18.06redder86Although I'd like to trade my Grandstream in for a Snom sometime soon.
01:18.23RoyKbkw_, diana has described that bug quite thorogh.
01:18.39RoyKis it still non-existnant?
01:18.40redder86denon: I use the the Sipura SP-2000 for FXS.
01:18.42bkw_RoyK yes I know but I can't reproduce it and till you let kram in to look at it you're blowing smoke boi
01:18.55denonredder86: yeah, im talkin fxo here
01:19.02bkw_RoyK also l-fy is a bit of an asterisk hater
01:19.07bkw_great coder
01:19.10bkw_but she is very biased
01:19.11DaminSIP sucks..
01:19.12redder86denon: you want to plug your PSTN into the SP-3000?
01:19.35denonredder86: yeah, and it works fine .. outbound
01:19.38DaminCan't get it to work right..
01:19.39RoyKbkw_, still, she has found the bug and is working on it now
01:19.39denonand I see the inbound calls come in
01:19.45DaminAccross Double NAT.. :)
01:19.46denonI just cant get them to redirect to the sip
01:19.49DaminEven w/ STUN..
01:19.50*** join/#asterisk robert_wwl (
01:19.52denonI think its ringing the fxs
01:19.56bkw_RoyK then if she's workin on it then great maybe she can post a fix for it
01:20.09redder86denon: interesting... I'd never thought of trying to configure it that way.
01:20.20bkw_personally I think we need libsip, libmgcp and libskinny to break out the protocol crap
01:20.26denonredder86: im just using it as an fxo port..
01:20.41Mikebkw_, libunicall
01:20.42redder86denon: don't want to buy an AMI-IA92?
01:20.44RoyKbkw_, the only reason she's working on it is that noone else cares.
01:20.53denonredder86: hmm?
01:20.54redder86denon: the winmodem
01:20.56bkw_RoyK it was just posted.. and I see you going back and forth with kram
01:20.59bkw_and have yet to get what he needs
01:21.05denonredder86: no .. im moving away from an X101P ..
01:21.09denonthis is for a different application anyway
01:21.16denonIve got a channel banks for normal stuff
01:21.19indigois it just me, or is the ztdummy build totally broken?
01:21.29denonI want to use these for soho users
01:21.39pfnjust you
01:22.10bkw_RoyK I see krams reply to your last bug note
01:22.12indigoi get hundreds of errors that would indicate header files not being included
01:22.13RoyKbkw_, I was online with kram for one an and a half hour with kram yesterday, and he managed to log onto my box.......
01:22.15*** join/#asterisk NoRemorse (
01:22.25indigoimplicit declarations and such, missing types, etc...
01:22.27pfnindigo well, why would they be included if your source isn't there  :p
01:22.27bkw_RoyK was he able to see the bug as it happened?
01:22.30pfnindigo read the README
01:22.31NoRemorsehi, how do I change the ring tone for sip extensions on my * please?
01:22.40bkw_RoyK I know almost nothing about SIP
01:22.44bkw_so i'm not much help in that
01:22.44pfnnoremorse depends on the device
01:22.54NoRemorsereally? so the device issues the tone?!
01:23.03NoRemorseI am not re-inviting
01:23.04RoyKbkw_, the SIP stuff is posted in the bug report
01:23.07pfnno, the method depends on the device
01:23.12bkw_RoyK it makes little sense to me
01:23.15pfngenerally, you set ALERT_INFO
01:23.18NoRemorseah ok, cisco ata-186?
01:23.23pfnbut what you set alert_info depends on device
01:23.34pfndr1 thru dr5
01:23.37RoyKbkw_, then what do you complain abouot?
01:23.52NoRemorsewhat conf file pfn?
01:24.01pfnbefore you dial
01:24.45bkw_RoyK I basically understand this bug as a lock thats used in two places.. a race condition happens that causes the lock to block in other threads
01:25.22bkw_RoyK I wasn't the one doing the complaining... if i recall that was you.. i was just trying to make sure we get the info to get the problem fixed
01:25.35bkw_My hands are tied because I can't reproduce it
01:26.09denonbkw: looking at docs, it looks like this sucker definitely will do what I want .. just cant figure out how.
01:26.34bkw_i'm lookin at it the line l-fy is talkin about
01:26.41bkw_which would have jack ot do what what she describes
01:27.11RoyKbkw_, the only way to reproduce it is to have a SIP client being slow to answser aafter the initial 401
01:27.26*** join/#asterisk KalD|WORK (
01:27.44bkw_RoyK define slow
01:27.46bkw_how slow/
01:27.49bkw_longer than 15 seconds/
01:27.55RoyKif I've understood what Diana's been saying
01:28.20indigopfn: i don't understand what i'm not doing. Any hints?
01:28.32RoyKafter the initial 401, all network traffic blocks until the 200
01:28.40bkw_RoyK they would have to take longer than 15 seconds respond.... hrm
01:28.43RoyKso if that tak
01:28.45bkw_this goto is nasty look in
01:28.47Darwin35ok * on 5.3 is wy nice clean and fast
01:28.50pfnindigo have you read the readme?
01:28.55bkw_RoyK I see the bit of code she is talkin about
01:28.56RoyKbkw_, no - also RTP traffic
01:29.04indigopfn: yes, i don't see how that relates to my problem
01:29.05pfnindigo have you done what it says with the kernel sources?
01:29.21Darwin35moh works and the conf rooms work
01:29.32bkw_RoyK thats because something is blocking
01:29.34bkw_that shoudln't be
01:29.38indigopfn: i don't see anything about kernel sources
01:29.49RoyKbkw_, why is this?
01:29.57bkw_if it stops audio of other calls then its a bad issue associtated with locking
01:30.20denonanyone know who "logan" on the wiki might be?
01:30.21indigopfn: are we talking about zaptel/README ?
01:30.21*** join/#asterisk niihon (
01:30.23pfnbleh, the readme sucks
01:30.23RoyKit's the same thread
01:30.28denonhe didnt log in, "anonymous"
01:30.28RoyKthat's the prob
01:30.31pfnindigo you're not compiling on 2.6 are you?
01:30.36pfnif so, read that one... heh
01:30.40bkw_RoyK could be
01:30.49pfnotherwise, ln -s /usr/src/linux-version /usr/src/linux-2.4
01:30.56RoyKif it were two threads it should be no prob
01:31.05bkw_it happens in that retrylock: area right
01:31.08indigopfn: no, 2.4.21
01:31.21indigopfn: i did that
01:31.34RoyKand it should be two threads,  one for signalling, one for voice
01:31.35pfnmake oldconfig ; make bzImage in linux-2.4 then
01:31.40pfnand then you can make in zaptel
01:31.41bkw_I have a feelin its with netlock
01:31.42Darwin35ok now to test and see if it loads the clone card up
01:31.54bkw_RoyK thats how I understood it also
01:31.56NoRemorsepfn, whats the correct altert_info for an AU ringtone on the ata?
01:32.06bkw_we share a lock with something we shouldn't be
01:32.12bkw_in another thread
01:32.17pfnI don't know
01:32.23RoyKbkw_, I have a fealing the netlock is exactly what diana told us was the problem
01:32.24bkw_RoyK is that how you took it too?
01:32.28pfnI know nothing about international ringtones
01:32.29*** join/#asterisk Dr_Frankenstein (
01:32.41bkw_RoyK lets create a new lock and test this
01:32.48NoRemorsehow do I reload extensions.conf w/o restarting asterisk from CLI?
01:32.51indigopfn: must i rebuild the kernel to make the module? I have the sources, but switching kernels is not really an option
01:33.00bkw_yes thats exactly it
01:33.05pfnyou don't have to switch kernels
01:33.09pfnyou just need to have a properly built kernel
01:33.21redder86NoRemorse: reload?
01:33.27indigopfn: i see, thanks
01:33.40bkw_RoyK I have a feelin that lock is in the WRONG spot
01:33.46NoRemorseextensions reload
01:34.12bkw_RoyK have you tried moving that around a bit?
01:34.33bkw_that netlock shoudln't be held till maybe after that p->lock?
01:35.12bkw_that lock and unlock might need to be totally inside that if
01:35.59bkw_RoyK I wanna try something
01:36.05denonah ha ..
01:36.08bkw_I think that retrylocl is causing it
01:37.05RoyKbkw_, I have Diana on the case. brb
01:38.09NoRemorsepfn, alert_info sets the sound the device makes when it rings or the tone the caller hears? (I need to change the tone the caller hears)
01:38.10dougheckadial tooooooooooooooooone
01:38.27bkw_RoyK ask her if maybe we are grabbing the netlock too soon
01:38.38bkw_I don't think we should have it till we have p->lock
01:38.59routerheads_athoanyone have access to the Sipura Profile Compiler?
01:39.07bkw_routerheads_atho you can email them for it
01:40.22NoRemorseah its for the actual ring sound the phone makes, does anyone know how to change the tone a caller hears when ringing a sip extension please?
01:40.29Jibberthanks redder86 for the help
01:40.35JibberI know what the problem is
01:41.31routerheads_athobkw_:Do you have it?
01:41.56Dr_FrankensteinHi all
01:42.01NoRemorsehmm I have found indications.conf and set country=au but I still get a US style ringtone
01:42.48*** part/#asterisk niihon (
01:44.22bkw_RoyK test that and see if that might fix it
01:45.26bkw_refresh the patch I cleaned out the // comments
01:45.27mishehuand squeeze it too hard
01:45.29denonhuh. sipura doesnt like *67
01:45.32denonstuck up pos
01:46.34redder86Jibber: what was wrong?
01:46.40redder86JerJer: are you here?
01:46.41denonhmm .. or else sip doesnt like to dial it
01:46.57denonguess I've never dialed a * via sip. .
01:47.02redder86anyone else from NuFone here?
01:48.43Dr_FrankensteinI've installed NuFone
01:48.51Dr_Frankensteindoes that count?
01:49.32redder86Dr_Frankenstine: I want to add services to my account.
01:49.34NoRemorseHello, if I do Playtones(ring) I get the right ring tone from my indications.conf, but Dial() doesnt seem to use these. is there anyway of telling the Dial function to use the right countries tones please?
01:49.58redder86Dr_Frankenstein: I'm wondering what the procedure is.
01:50.16*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
01:50.59bkw_RoyK do you wanna let me in your box to try a few things ?
01:51.02bkw_to collect more info
01:51.10Dr_Frankensteinooppss sorry redder86.... I miss read that.... I installed NuTone
01:51.12Darwin35is there a way to make asterisk notify you when a extension logs in ?
01:51.23bkw_Darwin35 manager interface
01:51.30Darwin35like have it announce and hangup
01:51.52Darwin35the cli
01:52.57Darwin35ok the zaptel drivers load and see a card
01:53.06amerok I got it working, callpickup with *8
01:53.07Darwin35thats step one
01:53.21Darwin35amur document it
01:53.59ameris there a way to configure directed callpickup?
01:54.08Darwin35for chanspy do you jey add it to * in the src
01:54.35Darwin35there is no readme on chanspy
01:55.37amer*8 give me an ivr "enetr ext to pickup" and I dial a 4 digit ext + # to pickup the call
01:55.52amercan this be done?
01:56.31indigois there no way to do conferencing without hardware or kernel modifications?
01:56.49indigoug. I should work on typing
01:57.27kramhi slepp :)
01:57.36drumkillakram, long time no see!
01:57.42slePPhow sensitive is asterisk to zaptel timing, kram?
01:58.16slePPsomeone is launching fireworks outside
01:58.41Dr_Frankensteindid Kerry quit already?
01:58.55mishehunah, I think Bush got a brain cell that functions part of the time
01:59.04kramis it even held?
01:59.24amerkerry won dude
01:59.43{o_o}i bet before the next election, they would have captured bin laden
01:59.50{o_o}they probably have him in the bsement of the white house
01:59.53Dr_Frankensteinmaybe Kerry has gone 24 hours now without changing his position and they are celebrating
01:59.54{o_o}aka... trump card
01:59.58mishehuit was no debate.  it was a joint press conference.
02:00.27amerthere was no comparison
02:00.37amerbusk looked stupid
02:00.40indigopfn: well, i got it to build, but it's full of unresolved symbols. This stupid server has some custom kernel on it, and I don't have the sources or the toolchain to reproduce it. Any ideas on how I can get around this?
02:00.41{o_o}as usual
02:00.57Dr_FrankensteinBush is a President.... not a debater
02:01.05drumkillaplease don't talk about politics in here.
02:01.31amerhe is just stupid and nothing else
02:01.38zamslerhas anyone had callerid issues lately
02:01.41slePPkram: heeeeelp me. :>
02:01.46{o_o}* 4 prez!
02:02.07kramhelp w/ what?
02:02.17slePPhow sensitive is asterisk to the zaptel timing?
02:02.23slePPcuz i have a quality issue i cannot track down
02:02.27drumkillaDr_Frankenstein: thanks.  I just think that political flame-wars are better suited for private chat
02:02.43slePPand i'm wondering if hard drive activity is getting in the way
02:03.02drumkillaslePP: is dma turned on?
02:03.12*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
02:04.06indigoi'm looking to get a voip-only voice conference server running, and it seems I can't get * to do it because i don't have any zaptel hardware and I can't get ztdummy to build properly for lack of the matching kernel build. Can anyone suggest another solution?
02:04.12zamslerslePP, have you heard of any callerid issues?
02:04.23slePPtons and tons of them
02:04.39drumkillazamsler: do a cvs update and you'll get a reword of caller-id
02:04.51drumkillaer, rework
02:04.53zamslerI did that.
02:04.57zamslercallerid does not work
02:05.01drumkillawithin this last few minutes?
02:05.02brc_indigo, get the kernel source
02:05.11drumkillait was checked in a few minutes ago ...
02:05.17zamsler30 mins ago.
02:05.24zamslerI will get it now.
02:05.27brc_indigo, whoever gave yo;u the kernel is obligated to also provide the source upon request
02:05.36bkw_i'm livin on the edge
02:05.37brc_indigo, this IS going to be a dedicated server correct?
02:05.44brc_just compile a new kernel from
02:05.45drumkillabkw_: wooooo!
02:06.00indigobrc_: it's at a colo, so that's not really wise
02:06.10brc_indigo, no serial console?
02:06.16drumkillaoh yeah!  well i've compiled 7 times!
02:06.19brc_hook up a serial console
02:06.27bkw_brc_ from you say... why not
02:06.38indigobrc_: i don't have a 1000 mile null modem cable
02:06.40brc_they are *evil*
02:06.41drumkillabkw_: you ain't right.
02:06.49brc_indigo, you only have the one server at the colo?...
02:06.58indigobrc_: yes
02:07.26brc_well just set it up right and have their remote hands service go and pick the old kernel from grub if it doesn't work...
02:07.31Dr_FrankensteinDrumkilla??? if you had RedHat 9 and Mandrake to use Asterisk with which would you use?
02:07.40drumkillaDr_Frankenstein: makes no difference
02:07.45brc_Dr_Frankenstein, how about fedora 2?
02:07.51brc_RH9 is pretty darn old
02:08.01drumkillathough it is best to use a vanilla kernel
02:08.06brc_I agree...use debian
02:08.10indigobrc_:'s not that kind of colo :)
02:08.20drumkillause whatever you are most comfortable with.
02:08.21Dr_FrankensteinI only have RH7 RH9 and Mandrake in my hands right now and just need to get this thing started
02:08.22brc_indigo, what kind of colo?....
02:08.25zamslerno.. drumkilla build the kernel;
02:08.36brc_Dr_Frankenstein, use debians new net installer
02:08.36indigobrc_: it's more like a "oh, you can't boot? we will re-image your drive" colo
02:08.47drumkillawhatever.  doesn't matter.  just get one without a goofy patch set
02:08.55brc_Dr_Frankenstein, what distros are you famailiar with?
02:08.55slePPapp_dbodbc.c:269: error: structure has no member named `callerid
02:09.02brc_indigo, is it a rented server then?
02:09.14indigobrc_: yes, sadly
02:09.16brc_why didn't you say so?
02:09.24brc_they are required to give you the source iirc
02:09.27Dr_FrankensteinI have RH9 on my puter at home but not very familliar with it....
02:09.38brc_Dr_Frankenstein, debian > *
02:09.39indigobrc_: yeah, they are
02:09.45drumkillaDr_Frankenstein: REALLY, it is up to you
02:09.47indigobrc_: i'm not sure that would fix it though
02:09.54Dr_FrankensteinI want to go totally Linux but I have to learn it from scratch
02:09.56zamslerI just chaecked out * from cvs and it does not run
02:10.19drumkillaif this is for production, use the stable branch
02:10.20brc_indigo, if it's a rented server you really should be able to ask them to install the kernel sources and they should do it (for a fee most likely)
02:10.23Dr_Frankensteinthank you Drumkilla
02:10.25drumkilla~asterisk 1.0
02:10.26jbothmm... asterisk stable is "cvs checkout -r v1-0 asterisk: ... also available on the ftp site at
02:10.33brc_~tell zamsler about asterisk stable
02:10.43zamsleryeah yeah
02:11.02brc_zamsler, stable is now being actually maintained! (GO DRUMKILLA!)
02:11.10brc_bug fixes backported etc
02:11.19bkw_no backports.. just bug fixes boi
02:11.21bkw_no new features
02:11.29zamsler<~~ likes features
02:11.35drumkillawell, the bugfixes are backported
02:11.35Dr_FrankensteinI'm so used to stupid MicroSoft that it is like learning a new language to run Linux but I hate MS enough that I want to be off of it asap
02:12.13drumkillabkw_: THIS GUY RIGHT HERE!
02:12.15brc_~google debian-installer
02:12.17brc_THIS GUY!
02:12.26bkw_brc_ you were not there
02:12.28brc_bkw_, who's your inspiration?
02:12.28bkw_so you can't use that
02:12.32brc_can so
02:12.39slePPCVS head uh
02:12.42*** kick/#asterisk [brc_!] by bkw_ (NO)
02:12.47*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~john@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
02:12.52*** kick/#asterisk [brc_!] by bkw_ (NO)
02:12.56*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~john@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
02:12.58drumkillabkw_: you ain't right!
02:13.03bkw_brc_ I still love ya
02:13.09brc_slePP, and you are.....surprised by this?
02:13.20slePPit didn't yesterday :>
02:13.20drumkillathat's the cool thing about having a stable branch
02:13.25drumkillaCVS head is going to go crazy
02:13.32brc_slePP, and?.....
02:13.38brc_already has...
02:13.41slePPbrc_, you're really dense sometimes...
02:13.49routerheads_athobkw_, any advice on how to get spc?  Sipura says no.
02:13.57bkw_routerheads_atho email them
02:14.00bkw_god how hard is it
02:14.05bkw_tell them you have 1k units to deploy
02:14.09bkw_and you're job is to make it work
02:14.11bkw_PLEASE SEND SPC
02:14.19routerheads_athoI did, it is only available to service providers and resellers
02:14.20bkw_brc_ you're 17
02:14.25bkw_you have no place to tell anyone, anything
02:14.36*** part/#asterisk brc_ (~john@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
02:14.42bkw_I pissed him off again
02:14.47bkw_he's so sensitive
02:14.47slePPbkw_: i fixed app_dbodbc for the newest CVS head
02:14.52bkw_slePP kewl
02:14.54slePPbut, of course, the entire head is broken.
02:14.55slePPso.. yeah
02:14.59drumkillagood job, bkw_, way to set an example
02:15.02bkw_he is not broken
02:15.06mishehuthe server stopped giving head?
02:15.06bkw_er head
02:15.08bkw_i'm running it
02:15.12bkw_as of 5 min ago
02:15.13*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~john@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
02:15.13slePPit segfaults on startup for me
02:15.22bkw_make clean
02:15.23slePPWarning, flexibel rate not heavily tested!
02:15.23slePPSegmentation fault (core dumped)
02:15.25*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (~MWoodJ@hyper-eye.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
02:15.31slePPmake clean && make update && make clean && make install
02:15.38bkw_go rm your /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
02:15.42bkw_and try again
02:15.48brc_ooo kram's CID stuff's in head now :)
02:16.06mishehuwhat's kram's CID stuff?
02:16.10slePPsame deal, bklw
02:16.16routerheads_athoI guess I will have to redo my webpage so I am a service provider
02:16.17brc_mishehu, see the -CVS list
02:16.43Darwin35mpg123-59r-p16 bites
02:16.43mishehubrc_: that means I can't be lazy, and have to dl the cvs of asterisk...
02:16.54slePPnoload => chan_sip.c
02:16.54brc_mishehu, no no there is a CVS mailing list
02:16.55slePPlife is now good
02:17.00brc_with changelogs
02:17.05mishehuoh the cvs list
02:18.27slePPbkw_: gonna have to rollback, methinks
02:18.47denonhmm .. is it a bug that SIP won't dial *67?
02:20.55JerJerYAY ->  Remove IAX and VoFR channel drivers permenantly
02:21.32slePPk, now someone fix chan_sip ;>
02:21.39mishehubrc_: already looked thru it.  the CID stuff is chinese to me...  I never read the code for what is in current stable, so I don't know how this really changes anything.
02:21.45kramwhat's wrong with chan_sip?
02:21.50slePPit segfaults, kram
02:21.52slePPfrom cvs head
02:22.04slePPloads the module, 4 ppl register pretty quick, it segfaults
02:22.32denonbrc: me details? If I pass it a *67, I get a 403 forbidden
02:22.49kramdid you remember to "make clean ; make install" ?
02:22.57kramand also you might want to rm -rf /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
02:23.16brc_denon, sounds like bug
02:23.31denonI dont want bugs, I just wanna get this working so I can go home
02:23.49JerJerno soup for you
02:23.59denonI'd give anything to find someone who's used one of these sipura fxos
02:24.05denon(well, a cookie anyway)
02:24.34denonJerJer: yeah, literally .. wife called a few minutes ago, said she went ahead and ate without me ..
02:25.42denoncant figure out these silly sipura dialplans
02:26.05denonjust need to slap a *67 on cause outbound on this trunk is a funky number
02:26.13slePPnow if only i could solve this whole quality issue...
02:26.19slePPbut i've got no idea wy it's being odd
02:27.30*** join/#asterisk harryvetch (
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02:28.12*** join/#asterisk asteriskFan (~lamang@
02:28.35asteriskFanwho among you here knows how to setup SIP express router?
02:28.58harryvetchHow much on average would a company save going with asterisk vs some commercial based pbx software?
02:29.57cypromisharryvetch: depends
02:30.05cypromiswe just quoted for IVR against tenovis
02:30.12harryvetchhow many nodes?
02:30.16cypromisonlyt the IVR option on tenovis was 400$ per channel ..
02:30.22harryvetchports ect?
02:30.40cypromisnodes ?
02:30.43cypromispure IVR
02:30.48cypromis240 channels in a dual opteron at least i know opterons. I know a little about telco but mostly lans and wan from cisco ect. What is a IVR?
02:32.22mishehuinteractive voice response
02:32.25mishehuI believe
02:32.26cypromisInteractive Voice Response system
02:34.04*** join/#asterisk asjoyner (
02:35.48indigoi love how the demo dumps you if you don't do anything
02:36.00indigo"goodbye. now stop wasting bandwidth"
02:36.15indigoif you don't press any keys
02:36.18slePPi keep going to make phone calls
02:36.21slePPbut i have no phone :P
02:36.27brc_slePP wha happen?
02:36.31indigoof course, i can't press any keys because this sip client sucks
02:36.34slePPasterisk cvs head is borked
02:36.37slePPwell, for me anyway
02:36.40slePPapparently not for anyone else
02:36.49brc_use stable
02:36.53brc_that's what it's there for :)
02:36.55slePPi refuse!
02:37.50slePPirq 19:      1021 wcfxo
02:37.55slePPi can't help but think something is wrong there
02:38.10slePPbut that's not the box with present issues :>
02:38.16brc_hey slePP
02:38.23brc_It's semi-fixed
02:38.29brc_not as squashed anymore
02:38.44brc_need to tweek it a little more
02:39.11*** join/#asterisk Docelm0 (
02:39.25slePPtoo many users
02:39.52brc_I'll make the picture about 2 times bigger
02:39.57brc_and increase the spacing
02:41.10Docelm0Anyone know about the MSN client and SIP?   How does it work?   It just asks for a login nothing else..
02:41.34brc_don't bother.....
02:41.44Docelm0wasnt gonna.. Just curious
02:41.59brc_you've gotta edit the reg n stuff
02:42.14brc_it's not worth it...makes a lousy client even after you get it (semi) working
02:42.50*** join/#asterisk ali3nx (
02:43.38LennyTkram, sent e-mail thx for taking a look when you can.
02:43.42harryvetchTo understand this technoligy without breaking my budget might need to ask what cards I should work with.
02:44.00LennyThey brc..
02:44.22Docelm0You mean the FXO/FXS?
02:45.22harryvetchfxo im new at this.
02:45.31*** join/#asterisk billh1022 (
02:45.53harryvetchlooking at some wildcards.
02:46.27Docelm0The T400 is a nice choice.  You can mix match your needs up to 4 however
02:46.47harryvetchcost per card?
02:46.49brc_Docelm0, you mean the Te405p?
02:46.55brc_harryvetch, see
02:47.03Docelm0yes.. Look at there site..
02:47.08brc_harryvetch, what cards you need totally depends on what you want to do
02:47.09LennyTActually the TDM400P ...
02:47.17LennyTTE405P is a T1/PRI card
02:47.29Docelm0Ya what lenny said..
02:47.42LennyTI have a TDM400P one FXO, 3 FXS
02:47.45brc_harryvetch, do you wish to hook up analog devices (phone/fax) to your asterisk box?
02:47.53brc_and or a analog line from your telephone company?
02:50.45harryvetchwell, if thats what a customer request yes.
02:51.28slePPsomeone show me the lspci -vvv on their wcfxo
02:51.42brc_which card?
02:52.09scrubbjbot: botsnack
02:52.09jbotthanks, scrubb
02:52.44BuzzBudI just get Communication controller: Tiger Jet Network Inc. Tiger3XX Modem/ISDN interface :P
02:52.54BuzzBudon both the tdm400p and x100p
02:52.55slePPi want the rest of it :>
02:53.07BuzzBudo ;p
02:55.44*** join/#asterisk CpuID2 (
02:56.03CpuID2personal recommendations for a windows softphone anyone?
02:56.17CpuID2ive used x-lite, but it can get a bit annoying at times
02:56.19BuzzBudonly ever used x-lite ;p
02:56.24brc_get eyebeam
02:56.28brc_eyebeam > xpro
02:56.33CpuID2eyebeam hey, time to see
02:56.35brc_they'll give you demo if you email
02:56.59BuzzBudif your gona pay for a voip phone then buy a hardphone ;p
02:58.13CpuID2hehe, im gonna sometime soon
02:58.26CpuID2im just messing with my headset until my digium card comes :)
02:58.29CpuID2damn backorders :P
02:58.54*** join/#asterisk WayneS (~wayne@
02:59.42jbothmm... farfon is the only phone in the WORLD to be designed from the GROUND UP to be 110% IAX2 compatible
03:01.28bkw_brc_ and the iaxy wasnt?
03:01.51WayneSHas anyone started working on a Genesys integration with *?
03:02.31WayneSI thought I read about a French group, but can't find it now...
03:02.48bkw_RIIGHT like that matters
03:03.37indigo* says "No application 'MeetMe' for extension" ... is there something i must do to enable it?
03:03.38billh1022Apparently * only uses on of the g726 compressions ... anyone know why and if the other will get added down the road ?
03:04.03CpuID2from what i saw on digiums site, its the fxo modules that are backordered, anyone got any insight to backorder timeframes yet?
03:05.09drumkillahave you tried any resellers?
03:05.14brc_CpuID2, they usually get some in pretty them
03:05.21brc_was just a few days when I ordered
03:05.31CpuID2np, yea i only ordered like a day ago
03:05.35BuzzBudtook 3weeks at
03:05.49CpuID2i didnt wanna email yet, i thought ill leave it a week or so and if they havent shipped by then ill email
03:06.23CpuID2i havent tried any of the resellers, because i know the australian ones are gonna try sell me their other products too i bet
03:06.29CpuID2thought id just order online direct from digium
03:07.37drumkillaCpuID2: what did you order?
03:08.06harryvetchCan the digital phone be programed to tell the difference between a local call and vo-ip one? or does asterisk take care of that.
03:08.50CpuID2one of those dev kits, with one fxo and one fxs, i know it said for developers only, but thats my plan anyways
03:09.02CpuID2learn the ins and outs of asterisk with it
03:09.09drumkillaawesome, well, give me a minute and i'll try to ask ...
03:09.36CpuID2i think its just the fxo modules holding it back, because i checked which other products were backordered, so yea, probly just a shortage on those atm
03:09.50drumkillaCpuID2: sometime next week at the latest
03:10.01CpuID2ah coo, where did this info come from btw :)
03:10.08CpuID2thats fine anyways, im not in a rush for it really
03:10.13drumkillafrom kram
03:10.17drumkillai'm sitting right next to him
03:10.26CpuID2whose kram anyway? he work for digium?
03:10.40CpuID2ah, mark lol
03:10.45billh1022kram is digium :)
03:11.03CpuID2tell mark he is god lol
03:11.13drumkillai tell him all the time
03:11.18billh1022Ask him my g726 question ;)
03:11.21CpuID2hehe, i bet hundreds of others do too
03:11.35drumkillaif not on a regular basis, he got some nice attention at Astricon
03:11.46icebalmif only god could give me a local DID so I could shed my telco
03:11.52CpuID2if marks there, tell him he needs to get an iaxy with an fxo interface instead of an fxs going :)
03:12.13CpuID2i know of 3 pstn lines at external locations we only use for adsl, that id love to route back here lol
03:13.13CpuID2no rush, just a suggestion :)
03:13.40CpuID2back soon ppls
03:14.16CpuID2actually, wtf
03:14.18CpuID2Yuck! Error in buffer handling...: Connection reset by peer
03:14.18CpuID2Asterisk cleanly ending (2).
03:14.32CpuID2thats whacked out, default gentoo ebuild :)
03:15.11Docelm0are any of the slides released for Astricon yet?
03:15.32drumkillasomeone needs to make a page on the wiki for Astricon materials
03:15.39drumkillapictures, slides, etc
03:15.41*** join/#asterisk nmkha (~nmkhaus@
03:15.52drumkillainstead of doing it, i'll just sit here and talk about how someone should do it
03:16.30CpuID2haha, nah someone has to do it i guess
03:16.38CpuID2i dont really feel like hosting anything on my work box atm lol
03:16.51drumkillawell, there is a wiki already
03:16.58drumkillaa page just needs to be created ...
03:17.10drumkillayou know what.  i'll do it.  i'm not doing much else important at the moment
03:17.20CpuID2hehe, coo, let me check it once done
03:17.28*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
03:17.56*** join/#asterisk gkar (
03:18.07SivanaMoc? you there?
03:19.07Docelm0I want to get the slides for Track 3 on Using * in a large scale carrier environment
03:20.10JerJerattend the meeting
03:21.04routerheads_athoJerJer, can you help me with unlocking pap2?
03:21.37JerJercan i ?
03:22.03routerheads_athoWill you?  I am unable to build the file that it is asking for
03:22.17JerJerthat is the only tricky part
03:22.25routerheads_athoI tried to get SPC from sipura, but no luck
03:22.33JerJerwhy not?
03:22.51routerheads_athoThey said only for service providers/resellers
03:23.25JerJerso you are researching becoming a service provider and want to make sure their devices are able to be automatically provisioned
03:23.41brc_work the system baby
03:24.26CpuID2whats the best way to disable mgcp with asterisk?
03:24.31CpuID2its acting whack here
03:24.36JerJernoload =>
03:24.38JerJerin modules.conf
03:24.50mishehuheh, if I have to buy 1k units to be able to buy any quantity of pap2-na's, cisco can bite my shiny metal ass.
03:24.54CpuID2thought it would be something like that, thx
03:25.52routerheads_athoI told them we were doing proof of concept testing with their boxes and they did not bite.
03:26.23CpuID2hmm, wtf, something isnt right here, im getting error in buffer handling - connection reset by peer, its doing that on zapata now
03:26.35CpuID2it was doing it on mgcp beforehand
03:26.47Sivanawhat's a good synthesizer site?
03:26.54*** join/#asterisk chap (
03:27.11JerJerrouterheads_atho: did they tell you no?
03:27.16JerJeror simply have not responded
03:27.59routerheads_atho"Sipura will only provide this information to its service provider and Distributor partners "
03:28.02scrubbJerJer: so are you guys going to expand your offering area to IN anytime soon?
03:28.10routerheads_athoDirectly form their e-mail
03:28.44JerJerscrubb: according to the legal department we are almost a CLEC in Indiana
03:28.57JerJerrouterheads_atho:  then you are a serivce provider in development
03:29.07CpuID2ok something mustnt be right here, ima gonna recompile all my libs again
03:29.09CpuID2whack as
03:29.21JerJeror they've locked down the distrubtuion of the spc on a request from Vonage
03:29.22chapJerJer: Congrats. I hear that process can be brutal.
03:30.08JerJerthe one lawyer was actually swaring at some other stuffed suit guy one day
03:30.18scrubbJerJer: awesome, what kind of timeframe you thinking?  next quarter, next year?
03:30.19JerJerso i don't even wana know how bad it is ;)
03:31.11JerJerReal Soon Now(tm)
03:31.17scrubbyou guys have e911 worked out?
03:31.41scrubbIf you think of it, let me know when you do get fired up in IN.
03:31.59JerJerIL will be online before IN
03:32.12LennyTI have JR's slides from Astricon 2004...
03:32.48drumkillai'm trying to add links now
03:33.03LennyTmy slides are there too.
03:33.17drumkillaawesome, thanks!
03:34.46routerheads_athoI wonder if they have locked it  down, you wanna see the e-mail?  They want quite a bit of info.
03:36.07Docelm0ok I was there jerjer..  But I would like them to have so I can refer to them.. Geesh..  Why do people in here have to be such asses..
03:36.59scrubbnight all
03:37.37mishehuJerJer: whats with IL, the land of the waving palm and licenses-for-bribes?
03:37.51mishehuyou guys going to get some DIDs or something here?
03:38.38CpuID2wb kram
03:39.01brc_he isn't back
03:39.06brc_that's just his bot
03:39.09brc_to fool people
03:39.11brc_no really
03:39.14CpuID2go bot
03:39.21CpuID2whatever :)
03:39.29CpuID2im not about to bug him for help or anything, haha
03:40.30brc_debian > gentoo  debian forever!
03:40.36CpuID2never! :)
03:40.40CpuID2gentoo > *
03:40.47CpuID2well, bsd > gentoo > * :)
03:40.54epochwhat the
03:40.58brc_you get what? a 0.0001201283% speed boost?
03:40.59epochyou're fired. debian > *
03:41.11brc_funrollloops! weeeeeeee!
03:41.23CpuID2last i heard debian is never up to date with their versions of packages? always 1-2 versions behind, good for stability, not for dev
03:41.32CpuID2thats just what i heard anyway :)
03:41.40epochCpuID2: well, that's mostly wrong
03:41.42slePPgentoo is often way more behind than that
03:41.42drumkillagah, i hate distro flame wars ... it's the same stuff over and over
03:41.46brc_oh oh and we can't forget --omg-optimized!
03:41.58CpuID2yea, personally i dont want a distro war, cant be bothered right now heh
03:42.02brc_CpuID2, that is not correct
03:42.06CpuID2ok np
03:42.08epochCpuID2: either way, when is stability not a good thing?
03:42.11CpuID2as i said, just what ive heard :)
03:42.17CpuID2yea stability is good ill admit
03:42.17brc_don't believe what you hear :)
03:42.21drumkillabrc_: take that to #gentoo, please
03:42.43epochoh also, I can piss farther than you
03:42.50*** part/#asterisk brc_ (~john@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
03:42.54*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~john@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
03:43.07wolfsoncan you change the format of the files monitor generates. would be nice if I could do gsm compression or something
03:43.19brc_'show application monitor'
03:44.45brc_ I
03:44.45wolfsonhmm, i just read that and missed it, sorry
03:45.17brc_find it now?
03:45.28wolfsonits clearly right there
03:46.00drumkillajbot: astricon is a conference held in September 2004.  Get pictures and presentations here:
03:46.01jbotokay, drumkilla
03:46.11jboti heard astricon is a conference held in September 2004.  Get pictures and presentations here:
03:46.18CpuID2damnit, why do i get the feeling its because im using 2.6 with devfs that im getting these whack connection reset by peer errors
03:46.58drumkillanobody likes you.
03:47.01brc_oh right
03:47.04fileahhhhhhhhhhh I'm alive
03:47.04brc_I forgot
03:47.06krami like brc
03:47.07kramand file
03:47.10krami mentioned them at astricon
03:47.39fileugh Jones Soda is sweet
03:47.45filealmost... too sweet!
03:48.14kramwe have more lovin' in asterisk than most projects
03:48.23krambkw_ where's that picture of all of the developers piled up on the bed?
03:48.32drumkillayeah, that needs to get to the wiki.
03:49.22mishehukram: uhm, that's just wrong
03:49.29kramyou had to be there
03:49.35drumkillayeah, it wasn't that bad
03:49.43kramit was the night bkw_ was so drunk he kept retransmitting himself
03:49.43drumkillait was just funny
03:49.46krami mean repeating himself
03:49.47mishehuthrow in a bunch of naked chicks and I'd have been there
03:49.56drumkillaand kram said "even IAX times out ... "
03:50.00CpuID2lol who got chicks wearing digium shirts there :)
03:50.02kramthis wasn't that kind of everyone piling in a bed
03:50.10kramwe have some girls at digium
03:50.16krambeth (who didn't come)
03:50.32CpuID2mmm php agi
03:50.57*** join/#asterisk paulc (
03:50.57drumkillaangler: awesome.  don't hold anything back, either!
03:51.00drumkillai'm sure you got some good ones
03:51.02fileahhhhhhhhhhh paulc!
03:51.10mishehuthey got a lot of moose penis in the bed pile-on
03:51.17paulcgot your PAP2?
03:51.26fileit rocks.
03:51.31paulcI got a Sipura 3000 on the way allegedly
03:51.31mishehuI want a pap2 that I don't have to fuck around with to get it to work.
03:51.33paulcyou love it?
03:51.41paulcmishehu: problems?
03:51.45anglerdrumkilla, lol.. whatever
03:52.21LennyTpap2-na seems out of stock everywhere.
03:52.45Docelm0No..  Linksys pulled it from the shelves cause of vonage
03:52.54CpuID2 - thats a real trade show, where every second person has their lappy open sitting down
03:53.00mishehupaulc: I didn't know it was going to connect to vonage before it was too late, and I returned it to fry's.  I don't feel like going back to get another one, trying to reset it before plugging it in the network, and fucking it up so I have to return another...
03:53.14LennyTall fighting for the one wap :)
03:53.28LennyTdocelm0 that sucks
03:53.29Docelm0Yep.. thats us..
03:53.47Docelm0Lenny I remember seeing you there
03:53.55paulcyeah mishehu, hassle innit..
03:53.59Docelm02005 is europe BABY!
03:54.12mishehuthe next astricon better NOT be during the jewish new year
03:54.15filespring one is, fall one is Atlanta again supposedly
03:54.26mishehuof course, it'd be nice if it was in chicago too
03:54.28Docelm0there's 2 of them?
03:54.40fileoh no, I've run over Shatner!
03:54.56mishehufile: no more lousy commercials from him
03:55.02LennyTdocelm0 thx.
03:55.02paulcI want Canada YAAC
03:55.19brc_after vegas YAAC
03:55.20Docelm0lenny for what?
03:55.26LennyTfor remembering ;)
03:55.40chapshatner really put on weight over the years. Interesting thing is, even during the Star Trek shows/movies, he wore a belt to pull his gut in.
03:55.52brc_file your client is broken
03:55.58Docelm0I remember the faces.. Thats about it..
03:59.13fileI wonder if Fedex will be nice and leave a package if I leave a note too like UPS
04:01.38paulcI love FedEx..
04:01.39paulclike LOVE them
04:02.03paulcapart from one time (don't try and ship cologne as part of a bath'n'shower gift set - it's considered a DANGEROUS GOOD)
04:02.12kramanybody doing some prompts anytime soon?
04:03.17paulcI think bkw said he was trying to get an hours worth of work put together for Allison
04:06.27*** join/#asterisk _santiago_ (~santiago@
04:13.46slePPkram: me
04:14.05*** join/#asterisk abombss (
04:14.26kramslepp: if you're doing prompts there are a few bugs in the bug tracker that need them
04:14.46slePPhrm, well.. i'm guesisng allison needs to do those ones?
04:15.51*** join/#asterisk af_ (~af@
04:17.04kramoh heh
04:17.15af_moin all
04:18.10slePPthen i'm not doing any, no :>
04:20.28*** join/#asterisk erik___ (
04:26.57CpuID2ok redhat is officially gay
04:28.06*** join/#asterisk derrick_ (
04:28.06Docelm0Fedora is
04:28.45redder86CpuID2: redhat the company is gay or the os?
04:29.12Docelm0Anyone in here thats alive..   Are you buy chance using
04:29.27Docelm0to terminate?
04:29.35CpuID2the os, lol
04:29.46CpuID2well, both actually heh
04:30.00CpuID2for starters, who sells linux
04:30.04redder86CpuID2: I'm no RedHat zealot, but I've not had many complaints with the distro... but yes with the company
04:30.16CpuID2personally rpms are hell
04:30.30redder86CpuID2: especially when you don't understand them, yes
04:30.44CpuID2everythings always everywhere, never can get the right dep versions, easier to just compile your deps from source using latest versions ffs
04:30.47Docelm0I dont have any problem with Redhat..  Been using it since version 2
04:31.23erik___can anybody help me with a sipura 3000/asterisk/voicepulse connect setup?
04:31.25redder86CpuID2: dependencies are something that comes with the territory of a binary distribution, it's not limited to RedHat
04:31.30Docelm0actually I think I may still have it layign around somewhere
04:31.51_santiago_I used RedHat, until I found Debian
04:32.00CpuID2point taken
04:32.08CpuID2the reason i like gentoo i guess :) source distro
04:32.09*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
04:32.18Docelm0I like debian. But I wanna learn gentoo
04:32.19CpuID2anyways, no more distro wars here
04:32.31CpuID2or kram for that matter
04:32.42redder86Debian is nice... if a bit steeper with entry-level skill requirements.
04:32.44Docelm0why would that upset them?
04:32.56CpuID2hehe, he got a lil annoyed before i nearly started some distro war here i think
04:32.58CpuID2all good
04:33.29Docelm0how did you just FIND it/
04:33.45CpuID2lol, i was just trying to ssh into the boxes ive got turned on at work still
04:33.57CpuID2and see what was on each, found a customers one running gentoo with a 2.4 kernel :)
04:34.02redder86there's a magical room, filled with computers, each running random distros and kernels
04:34.03CpuID2dont feel like going to work to setup a dedicated one atm
04:34.06CpuID2haha, yes :)
04:34.08CpuID2thats the one lol j/k
04:34.11Docelm0Where do you work?  computer store?
04:34.46redder86one should have at least a half-dozen computers at home
04:35.14Docelm0I have 7 now..  2 laptops and a slue of desktops..  Not to mention all of my servers..  :)
04:35.22redder86... one to run the toaster... one to run the lights... one to make a noise when someone pushes the doorbell...
04:35.47redder86they make great space heaters in the winter
04:36.02CpuID2lol dont start on pc's as heaters
04:36.11Docelm0Um, not in Florida..
04:36.12CpuID2i remember having like 4 old p/p2 pc's on :)
04:36.23CpuID2and im on the gold coast, in australia
04:36.40CpuID24 pcs in a low ventilated room with a 2degreesC temp outside... :)
04:36.49Docelm0Really?   I have a office down there..  Well melburne
04:36.54CpuID2ah yea
04:37.12CpuID2i work for a company that does wireless computer networking, as well as webhosting for some extra cash
04:37.18CpuID2so i mainly do the dev work
04:37.37Docelm0Whats your dev flavor?
04:37.43CpuID2me? gentoo personally
04:37.58Docelm0No I mean programming languages..
04:38.11Docelm0crap.. I have to be up in 5 horus...  Im outa here..  cya tomorrow all..
04:38.23CpuID2np, well mainly php, most of the stuff i do is web based
04:38.36CpuID2but ive found myself writing a lotta php based cli scripts the past year too
04:38.41CpuID2suffices well for my needs
04:38.54rene-what does the "requires authorization" restriction means for soundpoint Ip 300 phones
04:39.14CpuID2np cya Docelm0
04:39.30CpuID2ack, so what do i get with asterisk on this 2.4 box, zaptel compile errors
04:39.58CpuID2seems related to kernel smp support *shrugs*
04:40.54abombssis anyone running gentoo 2.6 kernel?
04:40.55CpuID2inserted it into php tags, meh
04:41.00CpuID2abombss: yea i am, how come?
04:41.10abombssdoes meetme work?
04:41.25CpuID2meetme, ive heard of that, what is it again?
04:41.44abombssCpuID2, its the conferencing app?
04:41.51CpuID2oh, is it in portage?
04:41.55outtolunclooks like you got 2 smp.h 's in the path
04:41.57CpuID2i havent used it here i dont think
04:42.19CpuID2outtolunc: ya, 2 declarations, lemme try find where
04:42.24abombssCpuID2, its part of the asterisk ebuild.  I have issues on 2.6 with it, works fine on 2.4
04:42.37CpuID2actually, it says there i think
04:42.45outtoluncyou got some off and ./asm/
04:42.51outtoluncer and=an
04:42.53CpuID2abombss: well you know asterisk, well i think zaptel mainly, with 2.6 has issues
04:42.59CpuID2unless your using udev
04:43.25abombssCpuID2, yeah I know... I am still using devfs
04:43.35outtoluncmeetme is a conferencing app
04:43.43CpuID2is that the issue maybe?
04:44.00CpuID2i dont know the asterisk internals enough to give a decent answer there really
04:44.06outtoluncCpuID2:  has nothing to do with your issue
04:44.35abombssCpuID2, maybe.. just curious if anyone else out there is running it succesfully.
04:44.36CpuID2ya i know
04:44.44CpuID2nah, sorry not here
04:48.35CpuID2hrm, i wonder if everyone with an smp built 2.4 kernel gets that issue i had
04:48.45CpuID2cant see a bug in the gentoo bugzilla about it tho
04:48.58CpuID2arrg, stuff it, im gonna do this later on
04:49.08CpuID2gotta goto gf's house tonight
04:51.02tzangerSivana: around?
04:53.12*** join/#asterisk paulc (
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04:59.00Sivanaya.. hehe
04:59.45slePPmy ping time to my router sometimes hits 245ms
05:00.20slePPrtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.397/1.786/221.761/11.878 ms, pipe 9
05:01.03epochhrm... if I dial my cellphone with Dial(), asterisk tells me it's been answered immediately
05:01.03Sivanaon the same lan?
05:01.07epochis this normal?
05:01.24epochI would've expected it to say "Zap/1-1 is ringing" or something like that first
05:01.33Sivanaya.. usually
05:01.48*** join/#asterisk Moc (
05:01.51paulcwonder if your cell co is answering the line and providing phantom ringing... = chargeable call... = BAD.
05:01.56Mochi all
05:02.08epochdoes it for both my cellphones too.  unfortunately I have no landline to test it with ;/
05:02.38Sivanaya.. that would be crooked if they are
05:02.49epochwell it's 2 different providers
05:02.55infiniiGood evening.
05:03.19paulcHey Moc :)
05:03.23infiniiAnyone have patience to answer my n00b questions?
05:03.30paulcinfinii: Go for it :)
05:03.36infiniiPaulc :)
05:04.01infiniiI have very limited knowledge of telecom. I worked on one cti project so I know what acds, ivr, pbx are
05:04.21infiniiBut still, the asterisk docs are a bit overwhelming with all the acronyms
05:04.45infiniiSimple question, is it true I can get rid of my phone service using * ?
05:04.47drumkillait's a lot to absorb
05:04.52Mocinfinii, yes
05:04.58epochinfinii: yes, and no
05:05.03Sivanawith cable
05:05.04epochinfinii: depending on what you mean
05:05.05drumkillaget rid of it?  depends on how you define phone service ...
05:05.06Mocusing a Voip provider and internet (high speed)
05:05.08infiniiMoc: using just a computer, inteernet connection ethernet phones?
05:05.09paulcinfinii: yes - technically it's possible, but it's not always feasible.
05:05.12Mocand yes cable.. ;)
05:05.20Sivanaif you have DSL.. then no
05:05.25MocDSL provider force you to keep your phone line ...
05:05.28infiniiahhh so voip provider sounds like it costs $$
05:05.38drumkillainfinii: yes, of course
05:05.39epochwell yes
05:05.44drumkillaif you want PSTN termination
05:05.47Sivanait is less expensive though
05:05.51epochif you want to be able to make calls to the PSTN, you gotta pay ;)
05:05.57Mocinfinii, depending how the volume of call you make
05:06.06infiniiMoc: for residence so not much
05:06.13Mochow many minutes of incoming/outgoing call you make per month ?
05:06.26drumkillainfinii: i'll over you US48 service for 10 cents a minute  :)
05:06.27epochless expensive, but also less reliable (in some situations)
05:06.29Sivanaif you're on cable internet, then it's probably more cost effective to go with VoIP
05:06.29epochalso, no 911
05:06.41Mocyes no 911, or 1976 access ;)
05:06.42infinii10c a min is what I pay for long distance charges. that's $$
05:06.56drumkillayeah, i was just kidding
05:06.57Sivanahow much you make a month?
05:06.57redder8610c per minute !?!
05:06.59paulcinfinii: 10c/min for LD? Where are you?!
05:06.59Mocinfinii, how many minutes of call, local or Long distance you make a month ?
05:07.00Sivanain LD
05:07.16infiniiMoc: hard to say. never checked my home line usage
05:07.24Mocinfinii, give me a guess ---> 2 cents / minute
05:07.36infiniimoc: let's say 400min
05:07.41Mocinfinii, in VoIP world, you need to talk in US dollards btw ;)
05:07.47redder86where is "LD" ?
05:07.59Sivanaredder86: LD = Long Distance
05:08.05infiniimy CDN dollar is almost as much as ur USD ;P
05:08.09infiniigetting there
05:08.14Sivanaalmost :)
05:08.15Mocinfinii, Im canadian too ;)
05:08.16epochooh, this is working better when I call from a PRI!
05:08.18Sivaname too
05:08.23Mocthere is alot of canadian user
05:08.34Mocit like a ratio of near 1/1 ;)
05:08.35epochinfinii: if you're in Canada, check out
05:08.47Sivanaor ;)
05:08.50infiniiI found an * livecd today but it's only like 35MB. Does this cd boot right into linux+* ?
05:08.52Mocepoch: I dont like babytel eh
05:08.59epochMoc: howcome?
05:09.29MocI had bad experience, high ping, and low audio quality :/
05:09.35Mocand I didn't like their SIP switch hehe
05:09.40epochMoc: hrm, yeah, I ha some bad voice quality too
05:09.47epochand their SIP setup is weak sauce
05:10.04epochbut I liked their tech support guys, they were super helpful
05:10.13infiniiMan those cisco 7490 phones are expensive. What do you guys recommend as a starter? gulfstream?
05:10.15redder86Are there any VoIP service providers that offer toll-free numbers that have cid*number AND cid*name on them?  NuFone only seems to support cid*number on the toll-free DIDs.
05:10.32Sivanainfinii: home phone.. Grandstream probably
05:10.33epochContrary to your previous experiences with VoIP, most likely over dialup connections, today's residential broadband connections are fast enough to allow VocTel to deliver service that offers audio quality that is equal to or even better than your traditional phone!
05:10.37epochwhat the deuce
05:10.39Mocinfinii, VERY GOOD VoIP phone, better than 7960/7940, would be Polycom Soundpoint IP 500
05:10.41epochwho makes VoIP calls over dialup!?
05:10.54epochyeah, I second the polycom motion
05:11.04epochand if you don't need speakerphone, the IP300 is the same
05:11.06Sivanain the net2phone days
05:11.17redder86I tested VoIP over dialup once.  The audio was intelligible, but quite broken-up.
05:11.36Mocepoch, I was SOO impress of the polycom phone... I got 7960 and polycom, and I dont use the 7960 anymore hehe
05:11.39epochoh shit, voctel is SIP eh
05:11.42Sivanawonder what net2phone is doing these days.. not hangin in the spotlights
05:11.48epochMoc: I use a 7960 at home, and an ip500 at work
05:11.50Sivanaor IAX2
05:11.57epochSivana: _really_
05:12.01Moccheckout  ;)
05:12.03epochfuck, I should sign up
05:12.05Mocok ok I need to update it hehe
05:12.17epochdamnit Sivana
05:12.25epochwhy didn't you tell me about these guys like a month ago? ;)
05:12.53MocI got a VERY NICE Canadian Voip provider... VERY CHEAP...
05:13.01paulcMoc: Who?
05:13.05epochyeah, who?
05:13.15epochthat sounds like something I'd say when drunk
05:13.18paulcah yes.. heard of 'em.. any good? I thikn they've got 604 DIDs too :)
05:13.43Mocthey got a few DID in canada, and alot of DID in the US (like 1200 NPANXX)
05:13.48infiniiSo what can I do with * if I don't have a voip provider? (I'm cheap and want to play with it first)
05:14.04Mocrate is 0.0065$/min incoming, and 0.007$/min outgoing
05:14.07infiniiie. am I able to make outgoing calls?
05:14.29Mocinfinii, call other IAxtel user, or call * conference, or call FWD (Free world Dialup) user
05:14.40Mocand DIDs are 2$
05:15.20denonMoc: their website is loading so slow, I dont think I'd dare use their termination service
05:15.26infiniiyikes. that polycom ip500 is expensive
05:15.34Mocinfinii, it just 240$
05:15.46Moccheapo boy..
05:15.55infiniiI have a baby to feed
05:15.59Mocget the PAP2 then from linksys for 70$ something
05:16.09Mocyou can connect any standards phone to it
05:16.10denonin fact, isnt loading at all
05:16.13paulcMoc.. I'm checking out their website now.. I had some guy I was talking to the other day giving me 604 DIDs for 2.95/month and 0.007/min inbound, US$
05:16.23Mocit load over here
05:16.48infiniiloads for me too
05:17.31*** join/#asterisk hmodes (
05:17.44infiniiI'm guessing most of these voip providers are fairly new companies. Aren't you worried about dropping local service and relying on these guys?
05:17.46Mocanyway gota sleep.... Working tomorow
05:17.57brc_hi ya
05:18.06infiniiespcially considering most of you are looking for cheapest service and you know what that gets you alot of times
05:18.06Sivanainfinii: take the leap :)
05:18.17jbotwell, nufone is Visit for an excellent, native IAX termination service.
05:18.17Mocinfinii, ;) get primus then ... ;)
05:18.41infiniihrm. I'd have to switch to cable though and I hate rogers
05:18.47MocNufone is good for termination, there is cheaper, but quality is very good.. but no canadian service really :(
05:19.07infiniiI'm paying %62cdn/mth for phone service + 3 features and 3MB dsl
05:19.11Mocthey had canadian 1800 at one point, but dropped it
05:19.23Mocinfinii, your stuck to have a line for a DSL line
05:19.29paulcinfinii: where are you?
05:19.33Sivanacanada toll-free sucks.. no matter where you get it
05:19.35_santiago_i'm making the man pages for ztcfg, zttool and zmonitor, i haven't found much doc about them
05:19.35infiniipaulc: toronto
05:19.43Sivanatoll-free database is kept in US :|
05:19.44MocSivana, nufone toll free is great...
05:19.53SivanaUS inbound only though
05:20.00_santiago_and i would like that someone check them.
05:20.09MocI had one with nufone at one point witch work from canada..
05:20.19MocI got lucky.. I should have ordered more hehe
05:20.19Sivana10c/min ?
05:20.28Sivanathat's good
05:20.31Sivanathey can't do that rate now
05:20.37Moci know :(
05:20.49Sivanathat's what I mean... Bell is giving 50c/10min block
05:21.09SivanaI don't think canadian providers can buy them cheap enough to resell at par
05:21.29MocWell we will see, VoIP gonna make the price lower for PSTN stuff too..
05:21.38Sivanaya.. in due time I guess
05:21.50Himekobuy what cheap enough?
05:21.58Sivanatoll-free dids
05:22.03Mocvoip make sence since a old Copper line that have being payed 400 time still cost 20$/month.. and pay for options ??? that cost them more to desactivate..
05:22.11Himekohavne't looked into that
05:22.19Sivanathe numbers are maintain by the US.. so there's already a cost disadvantage
05:22.41Mocwell It just a matter of routting..
05:22.49Sivanalol.. ya.. Bell wanted to charge me $99 to move from Centrex to Basic line
05:22.53Mocjust someone who want to keep control
05:23.17Sivanaya.. we need to be able to buy toll-free dids cheaper
05:23.20Mocwell.. ok really sleep now.. I want to wake up early
05:23.22epochok yeah, this is fucked up.  when I call my cellphone from an FXO, it thinks it's answered immediately
05:23.34epochwhen I call it from a PRI channel though, it rings properly
05:23.37Sivanathen phantom ring?
05:23.47epochthat's what it looks like yeah
05:23.55Sivanaoh.. the FXO is tricking?
05:24.01epochlooks like it
05:24.02Sivananot the telco
05:24.09brc__santiago_, nice job
05:24.14epochwell it could be the telco
05:24.14MocSivana, well at 2.9cent, I can do 11 hours of call on my 1800 for 25$CND..
05:24.26epochbell provides the lines in my fxos
05:24.27Sivanayou're lucky you got it when you did
05:24.30_santiago_brc_, thanks
05:24.35Mocit will come that all DID will be toll free...
05:24.43SivanaI haven't found any CDN provider cheaper than 5c/min
05:24.45brc__santiago_, are you going to submit them to
05:25.04SivanaNuFone wants 10c/min USD
05:25.06MocSivana, well with my 1800 with nufone i mean
05:25.08_santiago_brc_, yes, i want to maintain zaptel in debian
05:25.18SivanaBell wants 50c/10 min block
05:25.21Mocok.. the old tarrif
05:25.27Sivanalucky you :)
05:25.36Mocoh yes..
05:25.43brc__santiago_, do you have .deb's yet?
05:25.44Mocand it a 1-800 also ..
05:25.52Mocnot 877 or ..
05:26.08_santiago_brc_, I've started with zapata, and now I making the zatpel ones
05:26.19Mocok sleep now.... talk to ya all tomorow night
05:26.25Sivanayou should have ordered a bunch and resold it for 3.5
05:26.30infiniiok, time to update this gentoo box so I can consider installing *
05:26.32Mocyes I should have :(
05:26.47Mocinfinii, damn waste of time
05:26.51brc_zaptel more or less == zapada
05:26.58Mocgentoo that is...
05:27.06infiniimoc: is there a livecd with * working on it already?
05:27.18Mocmaybe, but * get updated dailly hehe
05:27.21infiniiwow that would be cool. something like knoppix with * outta box
05:27.31epochI think there is
05:27.35epochbut I don't see what the point is
05:27.39Mocwell infinii, it easy to install
05:27.39*** join/#asterisk coppice (
05:27.47epochwho's gonna want to use * without modifying the configs?
05:27.48infiniiepoch: I saw an * livecd but it was too small to have a linxu dist on it, only 35MB
05:27.54infiniiMoc: what dist do you use?
05:27.54brc__santiago_, I just got a new dev box setup with debian sid so when you're finished if you want somebody to test the debs let me know
05:27.58infiniiDOn't say RH pleaes
05:28.03Mocinfinii, Tao Linux
05:28.07epochinfinii: how is that too small?
05:28.25brc_(Tao Linux|Whiteboxlinux == RedHatEnterpriseLinux3
05:28.26infiniiheh ok I've never heard of Tao. been outta linux game too long...ever since I got my powerbook
05:28.35_santiago_brc_, thank u
05:28.44infiniiepoch: just sounds too small but what do I know
05:29.01MocSivana hehe
05:29.06epochI'm gonna assume that's one of those hypotheticals
05:29.07_santiago_brc_, what do u think about the man pages?
05:29.14Sivanamight as well sit down.. it's an all nighter :)
05:29.17infiniiMan, this 1.0PR of firefox makes me cream my pants
05:29.28Mocinfinii, TMI
05:30.04epochok, I have to wake up for my brother-in-law's birthday party tomorrow early
05:30.06epoch'night folks
05:30.13infiniinite epoch
05:31.11brc__santiago_, looks good
05:31.47brc_how about something in the ztcfg page about how ztcfg _MUST_ be run after you load a zaptel module
05:32.08brc_and mention the -vv option for very verbose (very useful for debugging)
05:32.46_santiago_brc_, ok
05:41.01*** join/#asterisk tsetane (
05:41.38af_anyone has an account with nufone?
05:42.09infiniiHrm. no way this gentoo upgrade will finish tonight
05:42.22infiniiand I need to take care of baby tomorrow while wife works
05:42.27infiniino * for me :(
05:42.42*** part/#asterisk Manipura (
05:43.36*** join/#asterisk manipura_ (
05:44.33manipura_stipud server, said 'manipura' was already logged in, I had to register this nick
05:44.54infiniicuz you haven't pinged out yet on other connection
05:45.05infiniishould be ok now
05:45.20infiniiyou can change your nick back
05:45.51*** join/#asterisk manipura_ (
05:45.55brc_manipura_, next time try
05:46.10infiniiuse /nick command
05:46.28manipura_it keeps saying nick is use
05:46.31brc_that will kill mynickname and notify you when it's killed
05:46.34brc_please see above......
05:47.15infiniiI'm not used to these chan and nickserv services. I'm been on efnet my whole life
05:47.37*** part/#asterisk manipura_ (
05:48.03infiniiso much nudity on tv at this hour
05:48.11*** join/#asterisk manipura (
05:48.20infiniiinsatiable coeds and latin lover
05:48.28manipuraso what did ghost do?
05:48.39infiniihe made some pottery with demi
05:49.32paulcwhatcha write your AGIs in?
05:50.01infiniiis there a glossary of terms on the wiki?
05:50.24manipuraderrick, only if I can use your's, using my own take's too much out of me... Literaly
05:50.45manipuraglossary of terms for what?
05:50.53derrickmanipura, your sinks and showers don't spew it constantly?  weird..i want my money back
05:51.02brc_manipura, /msg nickserv help ghost
05:52.01manipuraderrick, I think you should watch more horror movies, you have a much better imagination than I
05:54.55manipuraso where ya from derrick?
05:55.43*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
05:55.56Sivanaanyone see what's wrong with this?
05:56.09paulcACK! It's C code!
05:56.10*** join/#asterisk ali3nx ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:56.17SivanaOct  2 01:47:15 DEBUG[-181228624]: VoctelRoute: Extracted CallerID number '7054979320' from channel CallerID string 'Richard Cook <7054979320>'
05:56.17SivanaOct  2 01:47:15 DEBUG[-181228624]: VocTelRoute: CallerID '¶à' was received from channel
05:56.29Sivanait's ok inside the function, but garbled outside
05:56.46Sivanavoctel_getcalleridnum(voctelacct->callerid, chan->callerid);
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06:26.23UnaCoderwhat does TDM stand for?
06:27.29genevatime-division multiplexing
06:27.43UnaCoderhow does it work?
06:28.08UnaCoderok ok
06:28.11UnaCoderi'll look it up
06:28.28UnaCoderthis is some cool stuff
06:28.51UnaCoderwhat is a good resource for learning about communications protocals and transport hardware?
06:28.57UnaCoderI don't know much about it
06:29.12UnaCoderI know a fair amount about computer networking though... or at least tcp over ip
06:32.48*** join/#asterisk JohnJacob (
06:37.40manipuraso someone has to have an idea on how to debug Qos. Cause I have no idea
06:37.59brc_debug what?
06:38.13brc_what are you trying to do exactly
06:38.34manipuraI'm getting lots of delay (only on one end), static, fading in/out, and some clicking
06:38.41paulcblame it on user error
06:39.01manipurahow can I tell where this is coming from?
06:39.25brc_lots and lots of testing
06:40.16manipuracisco 5400 DID -> * -> * via iax -> back to same 5400 -> PSTN
06:41.16manipuraI dan't care how much testing, i just want the quality to be nearly perfect
06:44.56manipura* -> * is only because *1 is a customized CVS and *2 has bug fixes, currently the connection between the two is two locations, as soon as I figure out the firewall stuff, *1 and *2 will be in the same datacenter/rack/whatever-u-want-to-call-it
06:45.22paulcmanipura: Set up MOH extensions on each box.. then you can test how far along the link you get before the problem hits?
06:45.55slePPthat's my outgoing packet timings. interesting
06:45.59*** join/#asterisk JohnJacob (
06:46.40paulcpretty picture, but what does it MEAN?
06:46.53slePPthat's the audio stream coming out of my server
06:46.56slePPthey should be 20ms apart.
06:47.04slePPeach point is a packet. the Y axis is the time between packets
06:47.05*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
06:47.11slePPthe X is the time elapsed in packets
06:47.46slePPsomething interesting, is it is just outright skipping intervals
06:47.50paulcso.. the thick red line is kinda cool, but the other dots are weird
06:48.06slePPsome audio is up to 100ms apart.. when it needs to be 20ms apart
06:48.13slePPyeh, the entire thing should be one solid red line
06:48.21slePPideal case, perfectly straight. but a little fuzz is okay.
06:48.24slePPbut i have a lot of fuzz
06:48.32slePPespecially those strange straight up and down lines
06:48.48slePPwant to test it the same way i did, on your box? :>
06:48.52*** join/#asterisk JohnJacob (
06:49.21slePPit'll need to be SIP, or the IAX2 packets that it uses in the protocol will throw it off
06:49.54manipuraSo no one has any ideas on how I can find out where the bad quality is coming from?
06:50.25UnaCoderis it possible to configure Asterisk to allow you to listen in on a call from the server?
06:50.29paulchmm.. could do.. but nah, it's late.. but catch me over the weekend and I'll be well up for drawing pretty pictures from my box
06:50.39manipuraI'm in front of the computer 15 hours a day, Its not like I don't have time to waste on this
06:51.06paulcUnaCoder: What kinda call? ;-) There's zapbarge and zapmonitor and a bunch of stuff.. but that's mainly Zap.. but there's that new chan_spy which will do what you want for any channel I believe
06:51.15manipuraunacoder, look for monitor() or Record
06:51.29UnaCoderhehe ok
06:51.34UnaCoderi was just thinking to myself...
06:51.43UnaCoderthis will be the most easy hack for big brother yet...
06:51.58*** join/#asterisk |nix (~|nix@
06:52.11manipuraunacoder, are you working for big brother?
06:52.29UnaCoderno, i'm working for little brother... in the black hat ;-)
06:52.57manipurahehehe, and i'm working with something called red hat... LOL
06:53.12UnaCoderhehe, that creapt into my mind too
06:53.24UnaCoderbut I'm running mandrake, so I can _almost_ say that
06:53.48manipuramandrake... thats good for updates isn't it?
06:54.00UnaCoderits good for desktops
06:54.25manipuraOh yeah, thats right, user friendliness
06:55.10UnaCoderdon't get me wrong, I love rolling up my sleeves and logging into my slackware and fbsd boxen, but mandrake is pretty and supports alot of hard ward ootb
06:55.23manipuraThats the reason I chose RH, instead of gentoo... Mandrake was never on my list
06:55.43UnaCoderI think you'd be pleasantly supprised
06:56.27manipuraI really hear Gentoo is awesome. but I still have to work through the intallation
06:56.41UnaCodermy buddy raves about gentoo
06:56.48UnaCoderbut compiling everything from source?
06:56.54UnaCoderthat sounds like a headache...
06:57.19UnaCoderI'm all for maximum optimization but that would take for ever
06:57.20*** join/#asterisk adaada (
06:58.01manipuraReminds me of the street downtown, where on one side, you can buy a rose for $5 and on the other side, $10.. Why? becuase some people like to have a $10 rose, rather than the $5 one
06:58.21JamesDotComto get it to a desktop, linux + + gnome + openoffice will take about 2 days on an average desktop pc
06:58.48JamesDotComjsut the basic kernel + server apps it takes about 3/4 hours on a decent enough server
06:59.14UnaCoderJamesDotCom, exactly my point.  installing mandrake with xfree + kde + openoffice + plethora of software and servers, took like 30 - 40 minutes tops
06:59.16manipuraI had someone help me with my first gentoo install, it took three days! and even then, gentoo doesn't like to stay with the default locations when you install things.
07:00.15JamesDotComthe one reason i wouldnt use gentoo on servers is that i dont like gcc + development tools on servers
07:00.18manipuraI'm not sure 'how' normal it is, but apache, usualy installed itself as 'httpd', but in gentoo, it was all called apache, or apache2
07:00.21UnaCoderalthough once you get it all configed and everything installed, its hard as a rock and fast
07:00.38JamesDotComits called apache in debian too
07:00.40UnaCoderwell, you can remove them i would assume
07:01.03manipuradebian, thats the one I never tried. Thats the one for easy updates isn't it?
07:01.08UnaCoderapache is the apache default name
07:01.12JamesDotComUnaCoder: not neccessarily, depends on how competent the person installing it
07:01.18JamesDotComfor gentoo that is
07:01.31UnaCoderhttpd is usualy a symlink or a rename from a particular distro
07:01.36JamesDotComand you can use binary packages in gentoo, but it kinda destroys the purpose of using gentoo in the first place
07:01.47JamesDotComand emerge aint greater than apt
07:02.03JamesDotCommanipura: i love it's packaging system... apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade
07:02.16JamesDotComdownloads and upgrades all my packages off a mirror nearby
07:03.06JamesDotComonly reference to httpd on debian is httpd.conf
07:03.10manipurajamesdotcom.. Thats when you get the pleasure of killing your packages youself
07:03.18JamesDotCombut that's just default apache
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07:04.00manipuraDoesn't eveyone just love the fact of upgrading to a system that doesn't work with what you have?
07:04.21JamesDotComdebian's pretty good at avoiding that
07:04.24JamesDotComespecially stable
07:04.28infiniiI prefer my OS X
07:04.29JamesDotCombut i use testing without problems
07:04.35manipuraAs slow as it makes technology grow, downward compatability IS the way to go
07:04.36JamesDotComi have a powerbook
07:04.40JamesDotComi love os x for a desktop
07:04.43UnaCoderos X looks pretty
07:04.52infiniiUnaCoder: it's not just looks
07:04.55UnaCoderI've wanted to try it ever since i heard they were using the bsd kernel
07:04.57infiniiIt simply works
07:05.19UnaCoderI love *nix, and I think apple is the best thing to happen to unix on the desktop since X
07:05.25infiniiSystem UPdate just works
07:05.36infiniiI dread updating any linux dist now
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07:06.02brc_"JamesDotCom the one reason i wouldnt use gentoo on servers is that i dont like gcc + development tools on servers"            how do ya compile asterisk every 12 hours?
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07:06.41UnaCodernfs mounted devel tools in /usr/share ?
07:09.31manipurabut onto channel topic. What exacly is 1.0 compared to the CVS? Featurewise. yes I know 1.0 won't have some features you can get off the Cvs, but what???
07:10.24JamesDotCombrc_: hahaha
07:10.44brc_manipura, 1.0 the tarbal?
07:10.44|nixdoes anyone know who can i talk to regarding asterisk licensing
07:10.51brc_or 1.0 the stable cvs branch?
07:10.55brc_|nix, ask away
07:11.08brc_|nix, did you post the thread on the mailing list about it?
07:11.13JamesDotComi've only just started rolling out asterisk servers, only got a couple, but as they add up i'm going to customise a debian and roll my own asterisk .debs
07:11.20|nixnever tried that
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07:11.24|nixdo you thing thats a good idea?
07:11.29brc_somebody else just did
07:11.31|nixi've emailed digium directly though
07:11.32JamesDotComthen just set the dev server that builds them to upload them to a debian repository for each of the servers
07:11.49brc_JamesDotCom yep
07:12.01brc_run your own repository
07:12.36brc_I really really really wish they'd keep the old version of a package around for say 7 days
07:13.03manipuralike I heard they renewed teh bug db for 1.0? something like that, what was that all about?
07:13.21JamesDotComi've been working on learning asterisk and getting a few servers up around the country in the last few weeks, i hope to get started on making myself a nice little distribution for the servers
07:13.31JamesDotCombased of debian, selinux/grsecurity maybe
07:13.35JamesDotComoff rather
07:14.00brc_manipura, huh?
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07:15.01manipurabrc_, something about everyone on the mailing list gettin 1700 e-mail from the bug list.
07:15.16brc_manipura, don't worry abou tit
07:15.32manipurabrc_ my goal now is to wiki more info on what 1.0 is all about.
07:15.41manipuraAnd to learn some myself
07:16.05jsranyone have an experience with broadvoice vs voicepulse? which would you recommend?
07:16.08UnaCoderI read an article that a guy in canada who works for Digium used Asterisk with vonage... I thought conage refused to work with anything but Motorola vt1000's ?
07:18.07manipurajsr no experience personaly, but from what I know, they both suck
07:20.18JerJerUnaCoder: if you pay for the vonage softfone account you can make it work with asterisk
07:20.49UnaCoderwhere do you apply for a softphone account?  I sell vonage (or did) for best buy, and I never saw anything about soft phones on their web site
07:21.17UnaCoderoh they must have updated their service since I was on the web site last... nm... i see it now
07:21.17jsrmanipura: unfortunately i can't find too many other companies that offer local arizona numbers  :(
07:21.27UnaCoderjsr: vonage! :-D
07:21.29af_hi JerJer I have just setup an account with nufone, and it works great!
07:21.43af_just want to tell you
07:22.07manipuraJerJer, I hope you aren't sleeping.
07:22.40JerJeraf_:  thanks
07:22.42jsrvonage is too much money for what i need, i really just need a cheap DID
07:23.49manipurajsr, try finding a cheap DID in Canada....
07:24.05manipuraSorry, try finding a reliable DID in Canada
07:26.11af_JerJer: could I ask you some details about business 1000? what means exactly "One Free PSTN", please?
07:26.22infiniiWe need an acrobot in here
07:26.26brc_~did is Direct Inbound Dialing number
07:26.27jbotbrc_: okay
07:26.30infiniithanks brc
07:26.36UnaCoderSo, if I hooked my PBX up to vonage, I would be adding a "Soft FXO" sort of ??
07:26.53infiniiAre all of you guys telecom freaks?
07:26.58JerJeraf_: You mean one free pstn and/or voip conference?
07:27.18manipurabrc_ you had to answer that one yoruself?
07:27.26af_yeah, JerJer sorry I did not understand that
07:27.29brc_sadly yes
07:27.43af_I mean I understand the conference, JerJer
07:28.03manipurajbot what is did
07:28.04jbotfrom memory, did is Direct Inbound Dialing number
07:28.18JerJeraf_ we will host a conference for you on our servers
07:28.21manipuracool, I always wanted my own robot
07:28.26brc_Business 1000:  $21.99 a month "One Free PSTN and/or VoIP Conference room" can dial in via PSTN or VoIP sounds like to me
07:28.28af_that;s ok JerJer
07:28.36UnaCoderthere are too many damn acronymes in telecommunications.... sheesh
07:28.49infiniiUnaCoder: totally agree
07:28.49brc_no there aren't
07:29.14af_but what about the free pstn?
07:29.15UnaCoderwell you're entitled to your opinion regardless of how wrong you are...
07:29.20brc_I for one welecome our new TLA overlords
07:29.24manipuraTechnology itself has too many acronyms
07:29.35manipuraI think I should go into the medical field
07:30.11infiniiI did a 1.5yr long project with ibm callpath enterprise (skbr), directtalk (ivr), and other call recording product. and yet with that experience (programming) you'd think I could follow a bit of the conversation in here yet I don't. you could be speaking swahili
07:30.28infiniiprobably close to 2yrs if you count phase 2
07:30.51brc_infinii, whatchya want to do with asterisk?
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07:31.12infiniibrc_: just play with it. I have a spare linux box here
07:31.16UnaCoderI saw we all make an internet based pirate telephone network and say screw ma' bell
07:31.22JerJerar_: most ppl do not utilize that option because they have thier own Asterisk box they can host a conference on.
07:31.25brc_UnaCoder, already happening
07:31.30infiniiplay with it and see what I could do, then maybe switch to it for home use...who knows
07:31.31UnaCoderi wanna hook up
07:31.34UnaCoderwere do I sign up
07:31.39manipurainfinii, I've talked to people that knew voip like the back of their hand.. when they say asterisk, they were lost
07:31.43brc_~google enum
07:32.35UnaCoderlooks complicated
07:33.27UnaCoderand I thought I learned more than I wanted to know when I delved into computer networking...
07:33.37UnaCodertelecom is way more ... messy
07:33.54UnaCoderi suppose all the same concepts apply about routing and what not...
07:34.12UnaCoderand domain controllers
07:34.27_santiago_brc_, bye, and thanks for the help with the man, I'll tell u when I finish the .deb
07:34.32UnaCoderlike certain pbx's are in charge of sertain blocks of phone numbers and stuff?
07:34.37brc__santiago_, thanks
07:34.40UnaCoderack, can't talk
07:34.54manipurathey guy that built my * box, used freeradius to do routing... errg.. what a headache for someone that's never touched radius
07:35.14UnaCoderwhats radius??
07:35.17infiniihere's a problem though. if you lose your internet connection you lose phone (voip)
07:35.25infiniiwhereas a phone always works
07:35.32UnaCoderdidn't used to be that way
07:35.35infiniitake last year's black out here on east coast
07:35.38UnaCoderphone switches used to crash
07:35.53infiniiI can't tell you last time I picked up a phone and didn't hear dialtone
07:35.56UnaCoderbut they've been around longer than the 'net
07:36.22manipuraunacoder, radius is something people used to use for authenticating and accounting dial-up internet connections
07:36.23infiniibut I'm lucky as hell if my isp doesn't screw up once a month
07:36.34brc_if you need a net connection that's always can get it for the right price
07:36.42UnaCoderthe internet backphone is getting closer to stabulity anyways
07:36.49infiniiwhat is right price? sounds expensive
07:36.57brc_the backBone is very stable already
07:37.00infiniiUnaCoder: backbone might be but you're isp isn't
07:37.07UnaCodermy isp is fine
07:37.08brc_infinii, contact your sevice provider and ask about a SLA
07:37.10brc_give it time
07:37.33UnaCoderi'm thinkin as soon as WiFi isps get popular enough any average joe is gonna run his own neighbor hood isp
07:37.39UnaCoderthings should pickup then
07:37.59brc_average joe?...not likely...not for awhile
07:38.04UnaCoderbrc_, sweet
07:38.17UnaCoderhmm, I just had a vision
07:38.25UnaCoderOpenLDAP + Asterisk
07:38.31manipuraneighbourhood ISP, can't you buy a wireless tower for $50,000 that will go for 15 kilometers?
07:39.03UnaCoder2.4Ghz antennas are only like $300
07:39.11UnaCoderfor good ones used for satellite
07:39.20UnaCoderI'm sure they'd be adaptable...
07:39.29manipurahow far does 2.4Gh go?
07:39.38UnaCoderdepends on how muhc juice you use :-P
07:39.40JerJerUnaCoder:  why bloat with ldap ?
07:39.50UnaCoderJerJer, network integration service
07:39.54UnaCoderimagine this
07:40.00UnaCoderyou sit down at your work station... or any one's
07:40.07UnaCoderlog in using your LDAP account
07:40.11UnaCoderyour mail comes up
07:40.18UnaCoderyour desktop background
07:40.29UnaCoderand the phone on the desk automatically gets assigned your phone number
07:40.42UnaCoderat any phone, workstation, and desk in the company, or possibly the world
07:40.50JerJerwhy do you need LDAP?
07:41.02UnaCoderLDAP ties the authentication of all the applications together
07:41.07JerJerwhy not SELECT whatever FROM some_tbl where blah = ?
07:41.12UnaCoderyou log in once, and everything is authed
07:41.25manipurahas anyone seen those sun systems, 10 computers in one deal??? 10 workstations that work off one box, you just have to swipe a card and your logged in.
07:41.40UnaCodermanipura, we had them ad my college
07:41.45infiniiI need sleep
07:41.48infiniignite folks
07:41.48UnaCoderlittle X terminals
07:41.52UnaCoderthey're really neet
07:42.00UnaCoderinfinii, nice chattin with ya, g'nigh
07:42.02infiniiI'll be back for help once my gentoo is upgraded...shouldn't be longer than a week
07:42.11infiniiit's on 11 of 182 packages now
07:42.17paulcJerJer: Quick question, quick answer - pgsql or mysql?
07:42.32brc_personal preference
07:42.34infiniipgsql is more powerful
07:42.35BoRiSpgsql :)
07:42.41brc_mysql may be faster
07:42.47JerJerpgsql is too slow
07:42.54BoRiSnot with v8
07:42.55manipurainfinii, don't update /etc/ in gentoo, before saving all your configs.. you don't want to learn that the hard way :_)
07:43.10UnaCoderpgsql has wayyyy more tools
07:43.16brc_/etc/ + Subversion == yay!
07:43.24UnaCoderMySQL is faster in some basic applications
07:43.29infiniiheh version control /etc
07:43.31infiniigood idea
07:43.38UnaCoderbut if you want triggers and complex queries go with postgres
07:43.49BoRiSAlot of commercial vendors (Fujitsu, HP, etc) are donating money for even MORE commercial funtionality for Postgres
07:43.49UnaCodernight infinii
07:44.09UnaCoderpostgres has more development too
07:44.22BoRiSAnd none of that licensing crap
07:44.39manipurastupid mysql and there new 4.0 licences.... Why can't we all just get along?
07:44.45paulcWhat have I done?! I wanted a simple answer and managed to start the relgious flame war I was trying to avoid :-s
07:45.11paulckind of reassuring to know that JerJer uses MySQL though.. that warm'n'fuzzy kinda "so it DOES work" kinda vibe
07:46.03JerJerwe burn massive records thru mysql, without issue
07:46.07brc_infinii, it's not just a good idea
07:46.15JerJerincluding using the built-in replication
07:46.20manipurawhen I first started using php, i would feel empty/dead when mysql didn't work. And now php5 doesn't even come with mysql support.. Imagine how left out I feel
07:46.42UnaCoderI like this channel
07:46.44UnaCoderno politics
07:46.53UnaCoderno "I'm supperior to you" crap
07:46.55BoRiSIts all about the looooooove
07:47.01UnaCoderjust a bunch of geeks talking about stuff we love
07:47.11manipurawhere's the women?
07:47.22UnaCoderand she shall be called *
07:47.32manipura* is a slut
07:47.39UnaCoder* is a clean slut
07:47.54BoRiSShe's definately been ...... "Used"
07:47.56manipurahell * keeps me up all night
07:48.05paulcoh baby OH BABY :)
07:48.10UnaCoderyou love her, you hate her...
07:48.16UnaCoderbut you can never have enough of her
07:48.17manipuraMy * is very "abused"
07:48.29BoRiSher .... him .... its all the same. :)
07:48.41paulcThat *, so pansexual..
07:48.59UnaCodermorning meeting for the office at 7am
07:49.00manipuraShe gets around
07:49.10UnaCoderits ten to three CST... Dar.
07:49.27manipuraten to two, MST
07:49.34BoRiSCST here
07:49.47JerJerEDT here
07:49.57paulcten to one PDT
07:50.04manipurawhat the hell is EDT??? (no offence_
07:50.08paulcJerJer's burning the midnight oil?
07:50.11paulcEastern Daylight Time
07:50.20paulcOWIE! What was THAT for?!
07:50.23manipuraHey, we got a west coaster here
07:50.29BoRiSpaulc: Love slap.
07:50.38manipurapaulc, where ya from?
07:50.40JerJerpaulc: i am a vampire... these are prime codin hours fo rme
07:50.47paulcWest Coast.. home of the flakiest people in the world.. and "It's all good".. and BC bud..
07:50.59paulcmanipura: FROM the UK and IN Vancouver :)
07:51.09paulc(although some would argue FROM Canada cos I was born in Ontario)
07:51.14paulcbut the accent has be down as a Brit
07:51.22manipuraAh, paulc, in Calgary, From vancouver island
07:51.37paulcwhat took you oot east?
07:51.42BoRiSWinterpeg here
07:52.17manipurapaulc, have you left your computer? cause in vancouver, it might be a pretty area, but the streets aren't that nice...
07:52.21manipuraAnd there is no work
07:52.22BoRiSspeaking of winter....its starting to really get cold outside now.
07:53.06BoRiSWhat jobs?
07:53.35manipurapaulc, I'm taken care of, and I get to do what I (now) love most. Work with *
07:53.48BoRiSIt was so hard finding a decent job when I was kinda living there back in '99
07:54.00UnaCodercold here too
07:54.03UnaCoderi'm in Minnesota
07:54.14paulcmanipura: gissajob ;-)
07:54.15UnaCodernot to far away from you canadians :-P
07:54.17BoRiSDirectly south from me
07:54.27UnaCoder8 hour drive to the border
07:54.45paulcVancouver kinda does my head in at the moment.. on all sorts of levels..
07:54.48UnaCoderI was halfway there last weekend chasing some wild life around with my remington 870 express
07:54.58BoRiSIts about a 2-2 1/2 hour drive to the minnesota border from here
07:55.01paulcUnaCoder: LMAO gun toting american? ;-)
07:55.12paulcI can get from my place to the US border in about 45 mins on a good day
07:55.13UnaCoderyup, armed and dangerous
07:55.13manipurapaulc, it's all that good weed out there ;)
07:55.25UnaCoderif you walk on all fours that is, or have wings... hehehe
07:55.34paulcdon't partake of the locals much either - odd breed
07:55.51BoRiSDoes that mean that we should never go to Minnesota unless we want to get SHOT at?
07:56.05UnaCoderdo you walk on all fours or have wings ?
07:56.17manipuraDon't cross that american border unless you have a bullet-proof vest
07:56.20UnaCoderthen I don't think you have anything to worry about
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07:56.30paulcdon't go to Surrey unless you have a bullet-proof vest
07:56.31UnaCoderwe're a dangerous bunch ;-)
07:56.40BoRiSSurrey is scary
07:56.56UnaCoderok, crap, I gotta work in 4 hours
07:57.00paulcI think I'd prefer to live out of the downtown core.. and have a car.. but right now none of that's really on the plan
07:57.01UnaCoderthat means I get to sleep for three
07:57.03BoRiSI am really surprised paulc that you aren't stoned 24/7 like the locals.
07:57.05manipuraDon't go to surrey unless you have a bullet-proof vest & a box of condoms
07:57.17paulcif the job (or lack of) carries on the way it goes, I too may turn to the local escapism favourite
07:57.23UnaCoderg'night guys
07:57.27paulcmeh.. nah.. not my thing.. give me vodka anytime..
07:57.30UnaCodernice meeting all of you
07:57.37BoRiSlater UnaCoder
07:57.49paulcYeah.. I dunno.. odd locals.. odd culture.. odd way of doing business here..
07:58.15manipuraalright, paulc wants to become a heroin junky that lives on welfare
07:58.26BoRiSEast Hastings
07:58.30manipuracause thats normal there
07:58.39manipuraboris knows
07:58.52paulcNah.. I was thinking more like False Creek or Kitsilano somewhere?
07:59.03manipuraactualy the gov. now gives away heroin
07:59.17manipurapaulc, move to the island!
07:59.25BoRiSThe scary was when I was first visiting vancouver and my friends took me down to east hastings, I was sooo freaked out that I walked close to the street because I thought someone was going to jab me with their HIV infected needles
07:59.48manipurapaulc on van island, you'd never see so many free spirited people
08:00.34paulcdefine "free spirited"? ;-)
08:00.42manipuraboris, only once in my life have I ever seen anyone stick someone with with a needle..
08:01.18manipuraopen minded. unjugemental... You don't have to walk with your chin up to stay alive
08:01.23BoRiSmanipura: I know.... Sometimes I become abit too paranoid including in unfamiliar teritories.
08:02.10manipuraboris, I know, i just think its funny that someone got all his shit stolen because some guy said the needle had HIV
08:02.54BoRiSWell, a good scare tactic.
08:03.29manipuraFear controls the world
08:03.49BoRiSNo plans to go to vancouver anytime soon..... Maybe back to calgary
08:04.02manipuraYeah, calgary rules!
08:04.09BoRiSHows the job scene?
08:04.13manipuraI've never seen so many beautiful women in my life
08:04.54manipuraGreat, imperial oil is moving here next year, going to open 500 more jobs.. So that means more managers are going to be hating life because they can't hire anyone
08:05.33af_where you have seen these women, manipura ?
08:06.00manipuraCalgary has the best economy in north america..
08:06.23manipuraaf_ women?
08:06.42af_"<manipura> I've never seen so many beautiful women in my life"
08:06.53manipuraoh, CALGARY!
08:07.00af_oh, where is it?
08:07.26af_I see
08:07.31manipuraCome to calgary, spend one hour in any mall. You'll walk away with a hard on that won't away for days
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08:08.34BoRiSHmmmm, Never did notice that.
08:09.00manipuraYeah, calgary has a ver dense population of beautiful women.
08:10.17manipuraand its also the most wired city in canada
08:10.35BoRiSToronto :)
08:11.11BoRiSAnythings better then Winnipeg... (well, ALMOST)
08:11.15manipuraI'm just going from what I hear
08:11.37DibblerEdmonton is a nice place
08:11.37manipuradidn't winnipeg just get dial up? LOL
08:12.18manipuraI think manitoba is working on getting the TV soon enough
08:12.43BoRiSActually winnipeg is doing pretty well. Alot of new development and buildings going up in the last year which is a really good sign
08:13.05manipuraYeah, i've heard the same
08:13.17manipuraI don't know why anyone would want to live there though
08:13.43manipuraCause I'm sure those flat lands get very exciting
08:13.54BoRiSI love FLAT land!
08:14.09manipurasorry, I like moutains, lakes, rivers.
08:14.11BoRiSI hated walking up and down those HUGE hills in vancouver
08:14.13af_no flat here
08:14.17af_hills & sea
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08:15.12BoRiSActually Winnipeg is a great place to settle down in and to live here is pretty cheap (Except lately the cost of housing has definately skyrocketed)
08:15.14manipuraokay, but boris. Vancouver still had trees, bushes, well... Plant life... Sask. Its flat..
08:15.59BoRiSSask is a dead province....Its basically BC, Alberta, then a long drive through some grasslands and then you are in Manitoba
08:16.37manipuraI had a friend that bought a 3 bdr. house is sask for $25,000 after a year, they realized their mistake and moved back to BC and rented a house for $1200 a month
08:17.42manipuraBC had great bud! Thats what I have to say about that
08:17.54BoRiSI know the housing costs in Calgary are becoming insaine like in vancouver.
08:18.11manipurayeah, they are about the same
08:18.32manipuraalberta still has no PST
08:18.49paulcwhat big hills are you talking about in Vancouver?
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08:18.55manipuraSo things are 7-8% cheaper
08:18.56BoRiSThats why its best to purchase things in alberta :)
08:19.15manipuraboris.. BEER!
08:19.28BoRiSwell, actually its best to buy it in BC when it comes off the boat.
08:19.41manipurapaulc, you can't walk 100 meters without hitting a hill
08:19.51manipuraUnless your downtown I guess
08:20.17manipurapaulc been to the commadore?
08:20.23paulcYup :)
08:20.29BoRiSeven the west end is on a hill
08:20.30manipuraI love that dance floor
08:21.01manipurawell, it was a mosh pit when I went there, broke my nose, but still loved that bouncy floor
08:21.31paulcbud and the dancefloor - your two biggest loves in vancouver?
08:21.31manipuraFuck'n freenode
08:21.37manipurawhat else is there???
08:22.33BoRiSIt was annoying that my friends were smoking up any chance they could in van.
08:22.55manipuraI did that as a teen...
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08:23.16manipurabut that was the culture
08:23.20manipuraeveryone did it
08:23.24BoRiSand STILL is
08:23.30manipuranow I'm in alberta... I drink
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08:24.15paulcI don't do it
08:24.23manipurapot makes you stupid... Drinking makes you pissed off... Phew.. I never want to be dumb
08:24.34pfndrinking only makes some people pissed off
08:24.45pfnother people it makes friendly
08:24.47manipurapfn, depends on what your doing
08:24.59pfnnothing like drinking and strip poker
08:25.03BoRiSWith drinking, everyone starts looking better.
08:25.06*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
08:25.12manipurapfn, ever drank and tried to program perl?
08:25.17BoRiSMaybe thats why you say all the women are prettier in calgary? :-p
08:25.29pfnI've drank and tried to program all the time
08:25.33pfnit's fun
08:25.43BoRiSHow nerdy is that. :-p
08:25.53pfnnah, we have beer socials at work
08:25.55pfndrink 3 or 4 beers
08:25.57pfnand go back to work
08:26.17manipurapfn, everday!
08:27.09BoRiSI barely drink anymore... I used to drink alot in my earlier years going to the bars and parties and slowly started to get sick of it.
08:27.22manipuraalthough last night, we all got a little overboard. Lets just say, the next day, the coffee maker couldn't keep up with us
08:27.37pfnI drink less since I have an underaged fiancee (<21 that is, not <18)
08:28.05manipuraoooo... pfn.. you mad man... Good for you, how old are you?
08:28.32BoRiSIs she 20?
08:28.32*** join/#asterisk jannic (~jan@gasko.hitnet.RWTH-Aachen.DE) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:28.37manipurapfn, hint: just say your going to the bar ;)
08:28.38pfngo lower
08:28.50*** join/#asterisk postel ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:29.13pfnmore or less
08:29.28BoRiSa young'in
08:29.37manipuraI wouldn't date a girl that young, unless she was a nymph
08:30.39af_nice sport, indeed
08:30.49manipuraacutaly, I don't think I would date any girl right now, unless she was a nymph. I have too many friends that got girlfriends, that don't give it up.. And since then. They've all gone soure
08:31.14*** join/#asterisk anderiv ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:31.16pfngirls give it up if you get 'em in the mood
08:31.19pfnit really isn't that hard....
08:31.23pfnmake 'em feel pretty
08:31.25pfnkeep in shape
08:31.29pfnand they're hot just about any time
08:32.00BoRiSunless your ugly :-p
08:32.00manipuraTry dating a girl with vaginitis, or some shit like that
08:32.04af_why use so-dimm in epia instead of normal ddr?
08:32.21manipuraWhere their pussy won't go loose, it's always tight like a virgin
08:33.23manipuraSure, I like having a girl scream like it was her first time.
08:33.25pfni forrget the term too
08:33.37pfnfirst timers don't scream
08:33.58manipuraBut when you try to stick two fingers in, and she almost breaks them.... Thats not too fun when your a computer guy
08:34.11*** join/#asterisk nitram (nitram@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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08:35.17manipuraI screamed my first time... heh
08:35.48BoRiSoh? do tell
08:36.03*** join/#asterisk Afflatus (Q@
08:36.03manipuraYet, it was more of a laugh
08:36.57manipuraI just had to yell out "HOLY SHIT, THIS IS WHAT ITS LIKE" as loud as I could
08:37.01*** join/#asterisk idnih (
08:37.15manipuraI couldn't help myself
08:37.35manipurabut sad to say, thats about all it lasted
08:37.47BoRiSand how old are you now?
08:38.07*** join/#asterisk zirek ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:38.16manipuraStill a young'n
08:38.20manipuraHow about you?
08:38.40af_I am older :)
08:38.53manipuraso whats your specialty, other than pbx's?
08:39.19paulcquiting via a ping timeout apparently ;-)
08:39.30manipuraSeems that way
08:39.52manipuraI've been the great and amazing php programer before I got into VOIP
08:40.39manipurathe timing was all off cause I got out of php, just before it went to version 5, which is more of an OOP aproach to acutaly being a language
08:42.19manipuraWhich brings up a question. is there any advantages or diaadvantages to using certain languages for AGI?
08:42.37manipuraor is it all the same?
08:43.22manipurano one?
08:44.55paulcdelayed reply
08:45.16paulc*shrugs* each to their own
08:45.18paulcI like Perl for AGI
08:45.23paulcand there's res_perl too if you want it
08:45.33manipuraYou'd think. On a friday night, the 200 geeks on this list would have nothing better to do. they should be here in the asterisk chat room. like the rest of us loners
08:45.35paulcGotta love the PHP.. but I'm not keen on using it for command line scripts and/or AGI type stuff
08:45.55paulcwho's a loner? I'm not a loner.. I'm just not seeing the other half tonight ;-)
08:45.58coppiceFriday night maybe, but its Saturday afternoon :-)
08:46.01paulcok, ok, I AM a loner..
08:46.08pfnmy fiancee is 8000 miles away
08:46.11pfnhence the voip interest
08:46.38pfnand I just got home from clubbin'
08:46.41pfnthat's my excuse
08:46.47manipuraso is there a guiness record for first VOIP marriage?
08:47.50manipurapfn, dating an asian girl?
08:48.09manipurahi idnih
08:48.32manipurapfn, dating an asian guy?
08:48.40idnihdoes anyone know what country code I could use for Sinagpore?
08:48.56manipurapfn, dating an arabic girl|guy??
08:48.58idnihin the zaptel.conf
08:49.08idnihits not there
08:49.44coppiceof, sorry. .sg if for Singapore. I'm not sure about Sinagpore :-)
08:50.29manipurayou? coppice?
08:50.50coppiceprobably only about 7000 miles, come to think of it :-)
08:51.13manipurai'm only around 800.. where you from coppice?
08:51.52manipurawhats with people leaving, right when I ask them a question...
08:52.12paulcLOL.. dodgy breath?
08:52.15paulcI'm an evil fucker
08:52.24paulcthe UK's about 5000 miles from Vancouver I think?
08:52.26*** join/#asterisk coppice (
08:52.32paulcbut 8000? hmm.. south of the equator
08:52.38manipurareminds me of asking my dad about drugs... He's always start twitching and go into the garage for a few hours
08:53.06paulcto roll a fat one? ;-)
08:53.15manipurapaulc. its 5000 miles to the other side of canada from van
08:53.28denonf'n DIA POS diagramming software
08:53.29manipurasorry, lets be canadian. Kilometers
08:53.34paulcyeah, that's more like it
08:53.36denonnever, ever ever use DIA.
08:53.36*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
08:53.37paulc5000 km right?
08:54.06denonafter and hour of design work .. one tool clock, poof .. it disappears, all my stuff unsaved
08:54.19manipurayeah, canada is about 5000 k/m wide
08:55.02paulcdenon: lesson learnt - save regularly, save often
08:55.09paulcsorry to hear though - fucking HATE when that happens :-s
08:55.12manipuradenon, I'll give you my one minute of silence, in rememberance of the time you lost
08:55.47manipuraand the frustration it caused
08:55.59manipuraand the lives it could have costed
08:59.43denonpaulc: ya, but with a solid box, UPS and software, I usually dont have to worry about saving often..
08:59.50denonthink I'll go back to Visio
09:00.33coppiceI wish I could go back to Visio 1.x. MS really screwed up a reasonable product
09:00.36paulcdenon: yeah.. true dat..
09:00.59manipurabjork has a irritating voice...
09:02.02manipuraalmost as bad a nelly furtado.. they both make me want to scape my nails on a chalk board just to drown out the sound of their voice's
09:02.07paulcgrab "Who Is It" off her new Medula album.. it's kinda catchy.. not totally my cuppa tea but the other half wore me down
09:02.25paulcoh now c'mon.. I quite like a bit of Nelly F.. good Canadian girl :-)
09:03.35manipurayeah, she's from Vic. Really beautiful girl. but like bjork, nothing I can listen to for more than a few minutes before i get bored and try to swallow my own tounge for entertainment
09:04.46*** join/#asterisk wildcard0 (~generic@
09:04.51paulcthink I'm gonna hit the sack.. fucking knackered innit
09:05.25manipuraalright, night paulc
09:05.33wildcard0hey.  im trying to get asterisk to work as a sip client behind a nat firewall to another asterisk box out on the net on a real ip
09:06.09wildcard0i set the externip and localnet variables.  and sip debug shows contact going to the right address
09:06.32wildcard0yes nat = yes
09:07.21manipurathen I'm not the man to ask... LOL. Sorry, just learned what a Nat was a month ago
09:07.43wildcard0it gets there.  ethereal shows it being sent out, but it doesn't come back.  i get an icmp reply 51.587392 x.x.x.x ->    ICMP Destination unreachable
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09:09.13wildcard0i don't control the other box
09:09.21wildcard0or i'd be using iax over an ipsec tunnel
09:10.21manipuraso its their box that can't register you because your behind a nat?
09:11.03wildcard0im doing a register.  im the client
09:11.59manipurayou can't register?
09:12.11wildcard0no.  i can't get packets back from there
09:12.28wildcard0i get that icmp reply from above
09:12.45wildcard0that is from ethereal running on the firewall on the outside port
09:12.51manipuraOkay, sorry, I should have said. Don't listen to me, unless you wan to kill time.. Cause thats all I'm doing right now
09:13.15manipurawhat icmp?
09:13.39jbot[icmp] Internet Control Message Protocol. or DO NOT BLOCK ALL ICMP or someone will thwack you and you will have deserved it., or use --state RELATED in iptables to selectively block and still have legal icmps pass
09:14.57manipurawildcard0, I think i'm having the same problem, but different
09:15.06wildcard0how so?
09:15.10manipuraI can't any sip clients to register with my *
09:15.18wildcard0im totally tempted to write some lame ass perl proxy
09:15.36manipuraI have a DID pointed at it, and when I call it, I get nothing on the CLI
09:16.23wildcard0the sip client is out in the world and you're behind nat>
09:16.30manipuraEven when I try to logon with x-lite, with sip debug, verbose is at least 8.. blah blah blah.
09:17.00manipuraclient might be behind nat. My * is a public ip
09:17.36wildcard0does the asterisk box see the packets coming in?
09:17.38manipuraI'm waiting for my firewall guy to get back from vacation to tell me if he can open up some shit for me
09:17.54wildcard0what kind of firewall is it?
09:18.01manipuraDon't know, don't know
09:18.14wildcard0read that.  it's helping me
09:18.24manipurahow can I tell if it see's packets coming in?
09:18.53wildcard0go on the firewall, type in tethereal --help   and see if that program is installed
09:18.58wildcard0you need to be root to do this
09:18.59manipuraYeah, except the fact, that i'm not using a nat
09:19.11wildcard0but the client is you said
09:19.21manipuraone of them...
09:19.32wildcard0ah but the others aren't?
09:19.35manipurathe DID isn't...
09:19.49wildcard0DiD as inward dial?
09:20.28manipurasomething of that sort
09:21.19wildcard0that's something that's provisioned on a phone line
09:22.14manipurai have a tollfree pointing at my * server, just to make sure, i got them to point it to another *, and it worked fine. the only difference with this new *, is it has some crazy iptables set up that I can't understand
09:22.40manipuraif its not the iptables, I don't know what the #$%@
09:23.17wildcard0how many lines in the ip tables?  what does   iptables-save | wc -l say?
09:23.54manipuralots, and hold on
09:24.26wildcard0that's not too bad
09:24.59manipurayeah, I just want it to open up to asterisk
09:25.08wildcard0start with the forward table.  what does iptables -L FORWARD  say?
09:25.15wildcard0ya...that's where you'd have to do that
09:25.26wildcard0the forward table controls what goes to the machines behind it
09:25.41manipuraACCEPT     all  --       anywhere
09:25.41manipuraACCEPT     all  --  anywhere   
09:26.04manipurathe machines behind it?
09:26.26wildcard0i assume that the asterisk box is on the 192.168.x.x network
09:26.55manipuraIts just this machine public and .141 then their own 192.168.x.x
09:27.28wildcard0is the asterisk box behind the firewall with those forwarding rules?
09:27.40manipurawhich is just .1 and .2 (patch?) cable, direct connected from comp to comp.
09:27.50wildcard0whats the policy on that table?
09:28.20wildcard0oh wait. the firewalla nd the asterisk box are the same machine?
09:28.32manipurai'm guessing...
09:29.01manipuraYes, its all on this machine, there are two machines on the network and they both have a public IP
09:29.03wildcard0so if you do ps ax | grep asterisk   on the firewall, it shows the process running?
09:29.26wildcard0so it's the input and output rules
09:29.28manipurayeah yeah
09:29.33wildcard0so look at iptables -L INPUT
09:29.43wildcard0iptables -L OUTPUT
09:29.45manipuraooo haven't seen that one yet
09:30.10wildcard0input/output rules determine what comes to/from that specific box
09:30.32*** join/#asterisk markit (
09:30.44manipuraACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere             anywhere           udp dpt:5060
09:30.44manipuraACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere             anywhere           udp dpt:4569
09:30.44manipuraACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere             anywhere           udp dpt:5036
09:30.44manipuraACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere             anywhere           udp dpts:10000:20000
09:30.53manipuraINPUT, I added these!
09:31.45wildcard0what's the policy on that table and output?  drop also?
09:31.59manipurayep ?
09:32.12wildcard0it shows it in that command
09:32.35wildcard0like chain OUTPUT (policy DROP)
09:32.45manipuraINPUt is drop...
09:32.57manipuraOUTPUT is acce\pt
09:33.15*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
09:33.27wildcard0well if you change input to accept while you're testing you can determine if it's the firewall rules or another issue
09:33.42wildcard0also look at iptables -t nat -L to make sure that none of the ports are forward to other boxes
09:33.58manipurayes, but then I need to know how to do that, and be able to change it back.... Haven't gotten that far yet
09:34.37manipurathere are no other box's
09:35.13wildcard0iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
09:35.17manipuraChain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT)
09:35.17manipuratarget     prot opt source               destination
09:35.17manipuraChain POSTROUTING (policy ACCEPT)
09:35.17manipuratarget     prot opt source               destination
09:35.17manipuraMASQUERADE  all  --      anywhere
09:35.18manipuraChain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
09:35.19wildcard0iptables -P INPUT DROP   to change it back
09:35.20manipuratarget     prot opt source               destination
09:35.41manipuraiptables -P INPUT ACCEPT <- Nothing
09:37.38manipurait didn't show anything, but now I know it changed something
09:37.43wildcard0oh ya
09:37.50manipurabut still can't get anything to show in the CLI
09:37.52wildcard0iptables -L INPUT will show you
09:39.12*** join/#asterisk Brim (
09:39.24zoahey guys
09:39.33zoahow do i download asterisk-1.0.1 from cvs ?
09:39.39wildcard0ok.  that should make it so the firewall doesn't get in the way
09:39.55manipura1.0.1 isn't a cvs is it? its a release
09:40.43wildcard0then the answer is that it wasn't tagged in cvs
09:40.45zoai want to use cvs
09:40.59zoathen how can i download the latest stable version ?
09:41.09wildcard0there are tarballs
09:41.45zoathose are not the latest versions
09:41.50manipuracvs is development. its not a stable version
09:42.02zoathere is a cvs for the stable version too
09:42.05wildcard0they have 1.0.1 there
09:42.13wildcard0not really.  there' just cvs
09:42.15zoawell i need yesterdays 1.0.1
09:42.20zoathats not true
09:42.34zoathere used to be a -head branch and a normal branch
09:42.42wildcard0ok well you obviously know better than i
09:42.47wildcard0so i dun think i can help
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09:43.22wildcard0i mean i've only been doing this for a year or so
09:43.47manipuraI don't know either
09:43.47zoai only do it for 15 months now :)
09:43.53zoacvs checkout -r v1-0-1 asterisk zaptel libpri asterisk-sounds asterisk-addons is the correct solution i think
09:44.01manipura2 or 3 for me :)
09:44.12wildcard0then why are you here?
09:44.19manipuragoo question
09:44.22zoathis would be the latest version for the 1.0.1 branch
09:44.31zoabecause i just had to look for that solution somewhere else :_
09:44.39zoathought you'd already tried it
09:44.47zoai didnt update since the release of the 1.0
09:44.56zoabut i need a fix that was done yesterday
09:46.05zoaanybody seen problems with cisco phones and iax2 lately ?
09:46.11manipurawildcard0, I still see nothing coming in with sip debug. Is there any log I can see to know what my firewall is dropping/accepting?
09:46.12zoait was resolved for a very long time
09:46.17zoabut i seem to have a new problem
09:46.43manipurazoa, canreinvite? I've had lots of problems with that
09:46.49zoano i have audio
09:46.52zoabut its garbled
09:47.00zoalike very jittery
09:47.05zoaonly when there is iax2 in between
09:47.21zoacisco to cisco or to snom or to grandstream or to xpro or openphone or xlite
09:47.23zoaall is fine
09:47.24wildcard0manipura, see if tcpdump or tethreal is installed
09:47.27zoajust to iax2 is bad
09:48.27manipurayeah, tcpdump shows a whole bunch of stuff... tethereal, no command
09:49.05wildcard0tcpdump | grep <ip of client>
09:49.08manipuran/m tetheral does almost the same. Before I just forgot the 't'
09:49.29wildcard0i like ethereal better personally
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09:49.59wildcard0tethereal -R "ip.src eq <client ip> or ip.dst eq <clinet ip>"
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09:51.34manipuraICMP Destination unreachable
09:52.12manipuraThey come in, and get sent back as that
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09:52.57wildcard0can you ping the client? :)
09:53.28manipuraI sure hope so....
09:54.04wildcard0what is the client?  another linux box?
09:54.05manipuraIts the tollfree I'm calling, it gets sent to my * via SIP,
09:54.16manipuracisco 5400
09:54.32Brimcompiling on mac warning: passing arg 1 of `ast_localtime' from incompatible pointer type
09:54.32Brimcomiling on mac
09:54.35manipuraTDM, something stupid.. I'm no VOIP guru (yet)
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09:55.12wildcard0it's weird that you're getting an icmp message back
09:55.14Brimget ast_localtime incompatible pointer
09:55.27manipurathat gets send to them
09:55.52wildcard0why would you send that
09:56.00wildcard0give me a paste of the ethereal stuff
09:57.16manipura241 is the cisco, 140 is my *
09:57.47wildcard0none of those x'd out parts are like 192.168 or 10.0.0 or something right? :)
09:58.00manipurano no, all public IP's
09:58.04JamesDotComis there any better documents on using Asterisk with SER other than what's on
09:59.42manipurajamesdorcom, don't know, but if you find any, you should add it to
09:59.58JamesDotComgood idea
10:00.46wildcard0manipura, sure you're using the right ports?
10:00.52manipurawildcard0, any more ideas from that giant brian?
10:01.06manipuraAll 5060, all defaults
10:01.24wildcard0heh it's 3am.  im not sure i can find a brain at this point
10:01.26manipurasorry, not all 5060.... SIP5060
10:02.41manipurasip.conf says 5060. its all the same * config files as the other * server that works
10:03.01manipurathats why I'm so sure its a firewall thing
10:03.20wildcard0hmm.  does he have any weird firewall tables loaded?  lsmod
10:04.00manipurais it safe to pastebin my iptables-L?
10:04.10manipuraif that would help
10:04.56wildcard0might as well add the lsmod output also so i can see if there are any strange mangle tables there
10:06.43manipuraah, stupid IE, posted it twice... 1210 as well... heh
10:09.01wildcard0hmm there is a mangle table
10:09.07wildcard0do iptables -t mangle -L
10:09.12wildcard0see if it has anything
10:09.42manipuraYep, a few, wana see?
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10:12.16wildcard0none of those should make a difference.  they're only modifying TOS bits
10:13.15manipuraThen why can't my box revieve sip?
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10:13.44wildcard0hmm.  netstat -ap
10:13.51wildcard0look for the port opened there
10:15.16manipuraunder inode?
10:15.51wildcard0above that
10:16.18wildcard0under local address.  the foreign address should be *:*
10:16.23wildcard0cause it's listening
10:16.49manipuraudp        0      0 *:5060                  *:*                                 2293/asterisk
10:17.22wildcard0ok so the port's open
10:17.52*** join/#asterisk inspired (
10:19.02manipurathis is a tough channelenge isn't it? I couldn't imagine doing this by myself
10:19.23manipuraI thanks for the help though
10:20.03manipuraAny other ideas?
10:23.05wildcard0is the port open on the other end?  the cisco box?
10:23.37manipuramost likely. the same cisco box points to another asterisk box I have
10:23.56wildcard0but is the port open just for the other ip?
10:24.41manipurayou mean is it able to recieve this IP?
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10:26.48manipuratethereal gives me the same thing when trying to log in with x-lite
10:27.43wildcard0paste me the output of the tethereal with a -V also
10:27.47wildcard0it'll be longer
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10:30.33manipurawith the grep, nothing of interesting, just source ip and dest ip
10:31.09manipuranothing of interest.. My english is really off tonight.. Thats bad considering its the only language I know
10:31.39manipuraBut just, tethereal -V gives me lots of crap, some in hex, some not, but there's too much of it for me to see
10:34.31wildcard0it's the contents of the packets you care about
10:35.46manipurayeah, teth grep 5060 showed me somthing
10:36.08*** join/#asterisk Dobaj (
10:36.53Dobajanyone installed mpg123 on an AMD64 chip with Fedora Core2 64-bit?
10:37.07manipuraagain, i don't know if its interesting, just the same thing repeating it
10:40.04wildcard0it might be.  it depends what's in the packets
10:44.33wildcard0there aren't any packets with a Session Initiation Protocol section?
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10:53.57wildcard0bedtime for me. nite
10:59.26manipurathanks anyway, night wildcard0
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11:53.55gambolputty  Creative uses of Asterisk and wireless
11:54.33chris_jonesHas anyone got a TDM400P 4-FXO to work with kernel 4.6.8-1.521?
11:59.22PatrickDKI didn't know 4.6.8 was out yet
11:59.28PatrickDKthough they where still on 2.6
11:59.36chapIts an advance copy. :)
12:00.01PatrickDKhmm, looking for a new raid card
12:00.02chris_jonesI'm special :)  After working on this for about 18 hours straight now. ;(
12:00.05PatrickDKfor my ivr server
12:01.11twistedone name: 3ware
12:01.32PatrickDKfor ide, probably will
12:01.47PatrickDKI'm just used to adaptec scsi raids
12:01.56chaptwisted: what do you think of Promise?
12:03.07twistedpromise is okay, but fwiw, i've known people who fight battles to get promise cards to work properly under linux
12:03.37twistedsince adaptec cards init at boot, and use their own bios, they're usually not an issue
12:04.10chaptwisted: Thats worth considering.  I am going to have to go to raid at some point. Just like I will stay away from VIA boards as much as possible.
12:04.22PatrickDKvia is evil
12:04.45twistedi've been running my pbx at home on a via M10000 board for about a year now
12:04.47twistedno problems
12:10.37chaptwisted: What cards? I have some x100ps on a via board that for me is running quite well, except for the intermittent failed CLID information. Just read the lists and archives is where I am hearing that the VIA is something to stay away from.
12:11.30coppiceold vias were nasty. newer ones are not so bad
12:13.15chapcoppice:  I see... Mine is about 2 years old, I guess. I am not really a hardware/chipsets type of guy.
12:13.25twistedchap, i'm running a t100p on it qutie fine
12:13.40twistedthere's only 1 pci slot on the M10000
12:13.46twistedof course, it's a mini-itx
12:14.44chaptwisted: excellent. Thanks.
12:15.02twistednp.  Mind you, you can expand to more than one pci slot using a cable riser
12:15.41twistedor, depending on your chassis, a regular pci riser
12:16.06twistedi origionally bought the board to be a tiny mythtv backend
12:16.22twistedbut then i decided it could make a great box for a pbx... and it does
12:18.11chapThe mythtv thing is also interesting. I am getting quite tired of VCR tapes. And FF/Rewind.
12:18.40*** part/#asterisk martijn_ (
12:18.42twisteddvd's are your friend
12:19.26PatrickDKheh, I'm really liking the replaytv
12:19.44twistedheh... my cable provider even gives me on-demand
12:19.54chapDVD's are great, we rent/buy those. But I do like to watch TV, and with Myth I could set the schedule, and even log in from remote to tell it to record something.
12:20.08twistedchap, yep
12:20.11twistedand when mixed with *
12:20.17twistedyou can call in and do it, too :)
12:20.50*** join/#asterisk sauber (
12:20.51twistedexten => 732,1,Cepstral("Welcome to Myth Tee Vee")
12:20.58twistedexten => 732,1,Cepstral("Please enter the channel number to record")
12:21.45twisted732,2, even.
12:21.50chapyes. Like Expect, only tons better. :)
12:22.07twistedmy goal for the end of the year is total home automation via *
12:22.42chapWhat kind of unit are you going to use for the Thermostat?
12:22.45twistedeverything from recoding shows, controlling the heat/air in zones, etc.
12:22.55twistedchap: google for "DIY Zoning"
12:22.58PatrickDKthat isn't hard
12:23.03*** join/#asterisk snewpy (
12:23.06PatrickDKyou can get telephone interfaces
12:23.13PatrickDKor even 4 wire interfaces
12:23.27PatrickDKall the new carrier/bryant stuff is 4 wire now
12:23.34twistedx10 for electrical outlets, maybe even use x10 + a couple relays for my heat/air
12:23.36chapI could use something like that down at my office.
12:23.36PatrickDKrs-432 I think
12:23.41twistedalso for lights
12:24.11twistedof course
12:24.20twistedi'm also that geek who will attach high-torque servos to my blinds
12:24.26twistedand be able to open the blinds/windows from remote
12:24.45twistednot to mention door locks, etc.
12:24.56PatrickDKwhile twisted is getting busy
12:25.48twistedwell, i'm already using * to have the front gate call my home and cell phones
12:26.00twistedso i can answer the gate calls even if i'm not home, and let people in
12:26.03*** join/#asterisk wow (~dclux@
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12:26.44twistedof course
12:26.47chapNice project. Pull up a webpage showing status of everything. I will submit you to slasdot once you get it done. ;P
12:26.54twistedfirst priority is silencing the rack of equipment in the side room
12:27.08twistedit's quite noisy
12:28.09PatrickDKheh, noise
12:28.20PatrickDKget some nice 72db fans going
12:28.31PatrickDKmy servers are loaded with them
12:28.31twistedit reminds me of a server
12:28.34twistedonly 3 times as loud
12:28.42*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
12:28.53twistedand that's WITH the side panels on and the doors to the rack shut
12:29.14twistedshould hear it with the doors open/off and the panels off
12:30.23twistedthere are 3 servers, a channel bank (which is one of the primary noise sources), a 24 port switch (loads more noise), wireless access point, environmental monitoring, etc
12:30.34wowtopic is to wide
12:30.36twistedoh yea, and the phone patch panel
12:30.38*** join/#asterisk welby (
12:31.03twisted8hr battery backup, etc.
12:31.53twistedi need to get a 4u, 2u, and a 1u rack-mount enclosure
12:31.54PatrickDKheh, I have two 48port patch panels, 6 servers, 3000w ups + extra battery, 26port switch, 12 port gige switch, cisco 1760, and kvm
12:32.21twistedyeah, i only have a single 48port patch
12:32.27twisted24 ports of voice, 24 ports of data
12:32.30wowis there any possibility to use asterisk server at home ?
12:32.37twistedwow: I already do
12:32.43PatrickDKwow, who doesn't?
12:32.44twistedwow: use your imagination man
12:33.04wowi have granstream ip phone
12:33.10twistedoooh! a barbietone!
12:33.11wowand three linux boxes
12:33.34wowadsl 1 2M
12:33.37PatrickDKatleast so you can use some descent wireless phones
12:33.55twistedi have a cisco 7960, cisco 7905, barbietone (for paperweight), a 24fxs channelbank, IAXy, and a few other fun things at home
12:34.37twisted7960 is running on wireless
12:34.47twistedwith everything else that's not in the rack
12:35.12PatrickDKheh, I do wired everything
12:35.21PatrickDKwireless is only for laptops and stuff like that
12:35.28twistedso far
12:35.40twistedhaven't had any problems running everything (except for whats in the rack) off wireless
12:35.44twisted7960 handles it QUITE well
12:35.58twistedof course, i'm also doing 802.11g
12:36.04PatrickDKI just install network jacks in the wall
12:36.11twistedbut i'm lazy
12:36.21PatrickDKheh, but then, most of my stuff is gigabit
12:36.32PatrickDKexcept for the voip phones, that use poe
12:37.27twistedi don't like cables running everywhere
12:37.37twistedthere are 5 cables that leave the rack
12:37.48PatrickDKif they are in the wall, and you put the jacks in the correct place, you don't have them running everywhere
12:37.58twistedpower, coax (for the cablemodem), and three 6 pair telephone lines
12:38.13PatrickDKlongest patch cable I use is like 3 feet
12:38.27PatrickDKexcept in the rack
12:38.27twistedhaha.. yeah, but then you have cables running everywhere still
12:38.33twistedWALLS do count
12:38.43PatrickDKheh, inside walls don't count :)
12:38.48twistedsure they do
12:38.50twistedin my book
12:38.55PatrickDKunless you drive a nail through it
12:39.29twistedbut then again, when I get a house, i'm going to have it built
12:39.33twistedso that the walls are modular
12:39.58twisted(interior walls, that is
12:43.29Darwin35whats the kernel option for fbsd for timing
12:43.35Darwin35I cant find it
12:43.38PatrickDKoptions HZ
12:43.41PatrickDKoption HZ
12:43.46Darwin35its itok
12:43.56jordixAnyone tried running asterisk on a Dell 750 (S-ATA drives) or 1850 system (SCSI drives) ?
12:44.32jordixI am running RH9.0 on this too
12:44.43posteljordix: * doesnt care if its on an SATA/PATA drive
12:44.57posteljordix: i have * running on sparcs
12:45.13jordixI guess it should be OK for IDE or SATA ... but I heard a lot
12:45.19posteljordix: your OS does care, * does NOT ;-)
12:45.19jordixof issues with the SCSi drives
12:45.44jordixin combination with digium PRi cards
12:46.13posteljordix: care to post some links here of the things you "heard"
12:47.00jordixpostel : I'll check ... but in fact this was on the Users mailing list
12:49.27zoadid you ever get that ${hangupcause} working ?
12:49.28Darwin35custom case day
12:50.57Darwin35local linux group is having a custamize your case day
12:51.12Darwin35this will be fun
12:56.24*** join/#asterisk onixx (
12:58.02onixxhi all ! I've having issue with busydetect=yes in zaptel.conf... when I'm using the zap channel, I get unpredictable hangup...
12:58.34onixxcan see in debug that a busy signal is detected (from my conversation hehe !!!)
12:58.40onixxanything I can do about that
12:58.49onixx(other than disabling it)
12:59.31onixxgreat !!! that's exactly what I want !
12:59.31onixxI was about to ask if there was a timer of some sort hehe !!
13:00.36Afflatusfrom a softphone I'm trying to flash a zap channel & dial some digits - use the telco's 3way features etc, without asterisk hanging up the softphone.. anyideas?
13:00.52onixxsorry not zaptel.conf but zapata.conf ;) ! thanks very much Afflatus
13:01.03Afflatusyer, zapata
13:01.26AfflatusI can do this...
13:01.26Afflatusexten => _3XX,1,Flash()
13:01.26Afflatusexten => _3XX,2,SendDTMF,${EXTEN:1}
13:01.27onixxAfflatus: I've been looking for that before... for call waiting !
13:01.38onixxit works... but not during a call !
13:01.41Afflatusand use a transfer - but that cuts off the softphone
13:02.09onixxyou want it during a call  ?
13:02.31Afflatus..anybody :) ?
13:02.57onixxwhat if you use #
13:03.11jordixpostel: there was some discussion on the users mailing list concerning IDE, SCSI, SATA, etc ...
13:03.48onixxand add 2 lines...
13:04.11tzangerfuck me
13:04.14onixxring back the phone
13:04.21tzangernot only did I leave the car door open all night, but it also rained
13:04.42chapperhaps some neighbor cats also peed in there. That is always a nice touch.
13:04.47tzangerchap hahaha
13:05.02tzangerI don't have any neighbour cats; I'm out in the country
13:05.05tzangerraccoon maybe
13:05.17zoamaybe a cow passed ?
13:05.23chapI have left windows open before, and cats peed in there. That is one hell of a smell to get rid of. Thank god for Fabreeze. Works quite well.
13:05.36tzangerno I've never had that trouble
13:05.48zoai used to live in a student home
13:05.57zoawhere cats would use fire escape ladders
13:06.01zoato enter a room
13:06.04zoaon any floor
13:06.11zoawhere they found an open window
13:06.22zoaso if you went to a bathroom on the 3rd floor
13:06.27tzangerzoa that's what a bb gun is for
13:06.28zoathere might be a wild cat in there
13:06.42chris_jonesHas anyone had any success on getting a TDM04P card to work in Fedora 2, kernel 2.6.8-1.521?
13:07.07jordixzoa: I don't mind having a wild pussy in my bathroom
13:07.51tzangerjordix: hahaha
13:07.56chapchris_jones: I don't have the answer specifically, but there has been discussion about getting various cards working under 2.6 in the lists. Probably read back over the archives.
13:08.15zoadid you ever try out hangupcause ?
13:09.27tzangerno not yet
13:09.32tzangerI didn' tknow it was fixed
13:10.02zoahaha looks like its not
13:10.10zoaand that dial||g is not working either
13:11.19Afflatusyeah, np
13:11.20Afflatusexten => _4XX,1,Flash()
13:11.20Afflatusexten => _4XX,2,SendDTMF,${EXTEN:1}
13:11.20Afflatusexten => _4XX,3,Dial(IAX2/aliax,20,tr)
13:11.49Afflatusit seems a little clumsy though
13:12.07onixxAfflatus... does it work ?
13:12.23Afflatus..but it seems clumsy
13:12.34Afflatus-> that you should have to hangup at all.
13:13.06tzangerzoa: haha
13:13.16onixxwell, that's good... I'm sure there are other ways... but you'd need to modify the code
13:13.41onixxAfflatus... for you own purpose, you could change the # key to flash instead...
13:14.44*** join/#asterisk indigo (
13:15.23*** join/#asterisk Pkunk (~Pkunkage@
13:15.30Pkunkprocess_rfc3389: Don't know how to handle RFC3389 for receive codec 2
13:16.13Pkunkrtp.c:275 process_rfc3389: RFC3389 support incomplete.  Turn off on client if possible
13:16.29Pkunkhow do i "turn" it off ?
13:16.42zoahappy hunting if you have 10000 users
13:16.54indigowhen i start asterisk it says, "Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe" there some place i need to tell it what device to use?
13:17.06Pkunkzoa: i have no SIP clients
13:17.40Pkunkzoa: i'm calling to an SIP gateway using Dial command when this hapens sometimes
13:19.42zoawell turn out VAD
13:19.55zoavoice activity detection on that sip gateway
13:23.47Pkunki can't . It's just a cheap VOIP gateway i have an account in
13:23.52*** join/#asterisk inv_arp (
13:24.30Pkunkis there any way to disable it in the asterisk client ?
13:24.42Pkunkor should i use another codec instead of GSM ?
13:26.48PatrickDKpkunk, your out of luck
13:26.59indigocan someone please give me a hint as to why asterisk will not start?
13:27.16inv_arpquick q: if i have an office with 17 people and i want to use a voip provider do i need an account per person?
13:27.26*** join/#asterisk jonas (
13:27.47PatrickDKinv_arp, depends on the provider
13:28.04Pkunkinv_arp: iconnecthere , you need seperate accounts
13:28.11PatrickDKI would personally use voicepulse connect, or nufone
13:28.22PatrickDKthen you don't
13:28.30inv_arpPatrickDK: i would prefer the office to share minutes
13:28.40PatrickDKincoming or outgoing?
13:29.00PatrickDKif outgoing only, nufone or voicepulse connect will work
13:29.16PatrickDKincoming is a different problem with voip providers at the moment
13:30.06gambolputtyanyone know about hints in extensions?
13:30.11PkunkPatrickDK: like there is no RFC3389 support even with g.729 ?
13:30.55*** part/#asterisk jordix (
13:31.03inv_arpPatrickDK: so i would have to get a bulk of minutes or i can get a plan?
13:31.52*** join/#asterisk gonzo- (
13:32.42gonzo-Hi. I have problem with H.323 connection for Asterisk<-->ATA
13:32.47*** join/#asterisk jordix (
13:33.06gonzo-asterisk answers, but Playback() generates no rtp data
13:33.16gonzo-there is no audio :(
13:34.14gonzo-Meanwhile the Sipura<->Asterisk works fine
13:35.00*** join/#asterisk Mike (~mike@
13:36.36PatrickDKinv_arp, no, they charge by the min, no bulk min or anything
13:36.47PatrickDKbut what you need is multible outgoing lines
13:37.26inv_arpPatrickDK: ahh k
13:37.59inv_arpPatrickDK: gonna split up between three offices trying to see my best options
13:42.30*** join/#asterisk RealLost1 (
13:43.48inv_arpgonna have 3 offices running * using vpn to contact each other, and just trying to figure out how these voip provider werk
13:57.07*** part/#asterisk indigo (
14:00.35*** join/#asterisk redder86 (~lee@
14:07.08onixxis there a way to merge 2 patch ... because doing patch1 then patch2 will not work... they're both based on the cvs ?
14:07.24*** join/#asterisk _RaYmAn_ (
14:07.46Wonkaonixx: patchutils
14:08.02*** join/#asterisk revenga (~revenga@
14:09.25onixxWonka... this is a package ?
14:09.52Wonkaonixx: a debian package, yes
14:10.10onixxWonka: what's the command called.. I use slackware
14:10.33Wonkacombinediff would be the command you're looking for
14:11.00Wonkavia you should be able to get the sources for the package
14:11.07Wonkaand compile it yourself
14:11.16onixxok... have to look for that ..
14:11.58onixxWonka: does combinediff tries to be smart... or it just merge the 2
14:12.04Wonkadon't know
14:12.14Wonkabut if something does it, then combinediff
14:13.01Darwin35* needs voice control for handicaped users
14:14.07Darwin35thats the only thing I see that really needs to be addedd asap
14:16.15onixxthanks wonka, I think I'll need the source.. can't find a package in slackware other than diffutils
14:19.05Wonkathat could it be, too
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14:25.43B0ngFrOgmorn ....
14:28.56Mikeanyone has a changelog on asterisk 1.0.1
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14:48.20onixxanyone have this after compiling the latest cvs : Ouch ... error while writing audio data
14:48.44onixxWonka: thanks for the advice on combinepatch... it works !
14:50.51routerheads_athoonixx:Last night there were a lot of complaints about cvs
14:51.14onixxokay... so cvs is broken
14:51.15*** part/#asterisk UnaCoder (
14:52.50christoHow can I get my asterisk box handle calls in the format SIP:3000@machine.domain.tld ?
14:54.40*** join/#asterisk markit (
14:55.29onixxwell, if anyone got the latest cvs ... let me know
15:00.31onixxrouterheads_atho: got it to work
15:00.39*** join/#asterisk meebey (
15:00.44onixxI just did make clean and recompile
15:00.50onixxkinda odd
15:01.07meebeyis it possible to let more than 1 telephone (SIP/IAX2 clients) rining for incoming calls?
15:01.50meebeyI tried something like this:
15:01.51meebeyexten => 41266495,1,Dial(SIP/meebey,30,rt)
15:01.52meebeyexten => 41266495,1,Dial(IAX2/meebey,30,rt)
15:02.14meebeybut that fails, if I use different priority, then the first client will be ringed, and after that one the next
15:02.22meebeyI want to both ring at the same time
15:02.55_RaYmAn_Dial(SIP/meebey&IAX2/meebey,30,rt) etc is the syntax (i.e. & to seperate)
15:03.15meebeyoh thats what I missed :)
15:03.17_RaYmAn_first one to pickup gets the call -> phone stops ringing everywhere
15:03.25meebeyyeah perfect
15:03.43onixxmeebey: ALLINTERN=SIP/2205&SIP/2206&SIP/2208&SIP/2209
15:03.55onixxmeebey: exten => s,1,Dial(${ALLINTERN},20,TtH)
15:04.29meebeyI am connecting my zaurus btw ;)
15:05.27gonzo-Another one question. Now i got SIP -> H.323 running. But i'd like RTP data to go directly between endpoints - is this possible?
15:07.33meebeycanreinvite=yes AFAIK
15:09.15*** join/#asterisk jake_ (~jake@
15:14.09*** join/#asterisk dan2 (dan@beta3.user)
15:14.33dan2how do I set callerid appropriately for broadvoice since in the SIP headers where name is, broadvoice doesn't include it
15:14.45dan2so I need to grab the number from the sipuri
15:16.48Darwin35cd /home/aster
15:17.11Darwin35is anyone making dumb telephone cards like onthe opencall site
15:19.06Darwin35is anyone making the zapata cards  ?
15:20.47gonzo-meebey: canreinvite=no :)
15:20.47gonzo-but it wont do direct connection
15:20.47gonzo-asterisk will bridge channels in H.323<->SIP case
15:20.47gonzo-That's how it works for me
15:25.43*** join/#asterisk tsetane (
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15:31.32indigoit seems asterisk is not building there something i must do to make it build?
15:32.07watchyit should
15:33.24*** join/#asterisk rjanacek (~roman@
15:33.56indigohum :/
15:34.06indigowell, i finally got ztdummy to build
15:34.14indigobut now it won't build meetme :D
15:34.48watchyztdummy is leet
15:34.53watchyit works pretty good on linux
15:35.16watchyi really didn't think meetme would work so well without a card
15:35.47indigoit looks like it can't find linux/zaptel.h
15:36.10watchymake install zaptel first
15:36.14watchythen recompile it
15:37.05indigohm...that's problematic :)
15:37.14indigois it just zaptel.h?
15:37.28indigobecause i have to build asterisk and the kernel module on separate filesystems
15:37.29watchyprobably more then just that
15:37.36watchyyou could copy it to the asterisk dirs
15:37.54watchyand change the paths to the includes
15:38.08watchybut that might be alot of trouble
15:38.48indigohm...i think i got it
15:39.03indigothis thing is on a rented server, and it's running debian chrooted on redhat
15:39.15indigoso i'm building asterisk in debian, but ztdummy in rh
15:39.26indigomakes things exciting :)
15:39.29watchywtf aer you doing that
15:39.43indigobecause redhat blows
15:39.56watchywhy not do them both on debian
15:40.10indigoi don't have the kernel sources and such installed in debian
15:40.26indigoanyway, i built the ztdummy on rh, then copied it to the debian fs, then ran make install
15:40.34indigoseems to have installed the header files
15:40.41watchyi like asterisk on gentoo myself
15:40.52indigoi was trying that here at home
15:41.01indigoit segfaults when i start it
15:41.22watchywierd i have 2 boxes with it
15:41.35watchyi even setup an 800# through nufone to route to it for testing
15:41.47watchyseems to work great
15:41.50*** join/#asterisk cjk_ (~cjk@
15:42.07indigoare you running a 2.6 kernel?
15:42.23watchyyep on both
15:42.27indigohum :/
15:42.31indigoi'm just unlucky then :(
15:42.40watchyasterisk 1.0?
15:42.54cjk_hi, is there anything  special i need to do to get g723.1  working
15:44.03indigoit works!
15:44.06indigowatchy: yeah
15:44.17indigowatchy: i'm not too worried about it though, because it works on the server now :)
15:44.46indigoit makes me feel like i'm going to work, because we do a conf call every morning
15:45.55indigowell, awesomeness.
15:46.22indigonow i need to figure out how to record the conference
15:49.50watchyi'm going to work. one of my biggest customers just called with issues. enjoy indigo best of luck to ya
15:59.00filecjk_: asterisk only supports G723 passthrough, meaning both sides need to be using G723
16:03.42*** join/#asterisk patdk (
16:03.56ariel_afternoon all
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16:10.13ariel_hello sung
16:11.18*** join/#asterisk p0lar (
16:18.57p0larIs there any way to 'trunk' or 'route' calls coming in from an IAX peer (trunk) out through a H.323 gatekeeper?
16:19.02p0laror gateway -- I'm unsure.
16:23.58ariel_p0lar, yes have the iax peer to it's own context and in the context send it to where you want.
16:31.14*** part/#asterisk traccx (
16:32.10redder86anyone tried out Steve Underwood's spandsp-0.0.2 ?
16:32.24*** join/#asterisk Zxcvb (
16:32.31redder86it's supposed to support that new pseudo-modem thing that he's working on
16:34.35DaminI'm at Linuxfest and someone wants to hear a festival demo..
16:35.03DaminIs there anyone that has one?
16:36.08redder86in exchange for a Linuxfestival demo?
16:36.18p0larariel_: ok, at the moment, I have context=*
16:37.02p0larin iax.conf:
16:37.32*** join/#asterisk coppice (
16:37.35jbotrumour has it, pastebin is a place to paste all your conf/debugs/logs for other people in the chatroom to view without flooding the channel. We suggest
16:37.57p0larso I should set context=iax_gate (?)
16:38.19PatrickDKput your iax.conf and extentions.conf in pastebin
16:38.29p0largot it
16:38.38redder86context is the extensions context where you want the iax2 call to go
16:39.03redder86coppice: hi Steve
16:39.55redder86coppice: can you give me some pointers on getting the pseudo-modems running with spandsp-0.0.2 ?  Do I need to have rxfax and txfax built and stuff?
16:40.29coppiceby pseudo modems do you mean something HylaFAX can use?
16:40.37redder86coppice: I'm Lee.  Yes.
16:40.59indigowhat do i need to do to get h.323 working with * ?
16:41.05p0laroops.. one sec.. need to do extensions.
16:41.12redder86coppice: I determined that the .xml error that I sent to you during the build is non-consequential.
16:41.13p0larnice application -- pastebin
16:41.35PatrickDKand what about extentions.conf?
16:42.11redder86coppice: and I did a make install, but now what?  do I build and install rxfax and txfax?... or how do I send a call to a pseudo modem?
16:42.15coppiceredder86: hi Lee. The pseudo modems don't really work. There is a half implemented class 1 interface. I made a quite botch one day to make it all hang together and transfer a FAX image. It still needs quite a bit of work, though
16:42.53coppicerxfax anf txfax are to tie spandsp directly into *. not for pseudo modem use
16:42.57redder86coppice: I would like to work on it myself, but I've not a clue where to start or how it's even supposed to work.  I've never used rxfax or txfax before.
16:43.50redder86coppice: I can code, and I am quite familiar with Class 1.
16:43.55*** join/#asterisk Mike (~mike@
16:44.01coppicestart with t31.c T.31 is the class 1 FAX modem spec. in t31.c there is an AT emulator that needs some work
16:44.35*** join/#asterisk dan2 (dan@beta3.user)
16:44.38dan2anybody home?
16:44.53RealLost1we are all working
16:44.55JerJerhe's lost and i'm sleeping
16:45.08dan2I need MWI working from BroadVoice
16:45.11redder86coppice: okay.  How is it intended to interface with Asterisk?  And how is it intended to produce a device node?
16:45.12coppicet31_tests.c is the code I used to driver the AT emulator while testing. that's where it stands right now
16:45.19dan2what do I have to do to make it ring my phone
16:45.22dan2stutter or whatever
16:46.15p0larok, extensions.conf is in there..
16:46.26p0larThis really is, imho, a very simple application
16:46.30coppicei started t31_tests.c when I was using FC1. it uses BSD style pseudo ttys. now I use FC2, which like most things built around linux 2.6, is built to support only Unix98 ptys. I haven't rouched it since.
16:46.38redder86coppice: would you be able to work on it yourself if you were paid?
16:47.15coppiceooh, the man is serious about faxing :-)
16:47.37redder86coppice: how does Asterisk route a call to the pseudo modem?
16:47.59redder86coppice: there are lots of people willing to pay to get a good Asterisk+HylaFAX solution
16:48.00p0larOk, I threw in a brief note about the topology as well
16:48.06coppiceactually, I can't remember how complete/incomplete the code is. I haven't rouched it for 3 months.
16:48.55coppiceI know the architecture is a bit of a botch, and I was more concerned about sorting out the AT emulation at the time. its a bit clumsy and inefficient
16:49.02redder86coppice: I can work on any incompleteness.  I just don't really understand how it was intended to be used with Asterisk.  I've only been plugging on Asterisk for a number of months - with HylaFAX for years... and years.
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16:49.44redder86coppice: will Asterisk load the so files?  and then there are some new apps availble to Asterisk?
16:49.54coppiceI don't understand how it shoudl work either :-) I asked a few questions about how people would like it to appear, and got rather vague answers
16:49.55sipdrinkerhello,  anyone know the way to echo some global variable for debuging on the console ?
16:50.21coppicethe problem with apps is they are not persistent. HylaFAX expects a persistent modem
16:50.34coppiceit needs to be a channel, or something similar.
16:50.49dan2anybody using their voicemail on broadvoice and having their zap phones give message waiting?
16:51.05filecoppice: what about a channel driver?
16:51.05redder86coppice: in extensions.conf there would be an entry:   exten => fax,1,pseudomodem()    ?  what's the app name?
16:51.50coppicea channel driver than looks like a bunch of FAX modems, presenting pty interfaces to HylaFAX is something that is a persistent as * itself
16:52.08sipdrinkerthx !
16:52.30coppicethere wouldn't be an app name with that scheme. it would be addressed just like a trunk group
16:53.00redder86coppice: then with Dial(pseudomodem) ?
16:53.18filechannel drivers are nifty
16:53.25coppiceso its just like physical modems on FXS ports with now
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16:54.08redder86coppice: cool.   So how do I get the spandsp library loaded, and how do I configure the spandsp FXS ports?
16:54.22pfndan2 asterisk doesn't support receiving SIP NOTIFY
16:54.35pfndan2 why are you using broadvoice's voicemail when you're using asterisk, silly....
16:54.56dan2pfn: because I want to be able to access my voicemail away from home easily
16:54.59redder86coppice: and what's with that .xml error during build?
16:55.08pfnyou can do that with voicemail running on asterisk
16:55.14redder86looked like intended documentation
16:55.18coppicethe code doesn't exists. this is how I think it would work best. I am busy right now. I'll try to take a look at this in a few days.
16:55.33sipdrinkeranyone interested in the blackfin dsp ?
16:55.57dan2pfn: I guess i'll do that then, this is pissing me off
16:55.57coppicethe .xml error is because I missed a couple of files from the distribution. the is fixed now, so a make dist does the right job?
16:56.07p0larIs anyone familiar with IAX -> H323 conversion?
16:56.13coppicesipdrinker: what is your interest in blackfin?
16:56.25sipdrinkerthere is a linux port
16:56.35JerJerp0lar:  lots of screeming and yelling
16:56.43dan2pfn: can I do multiple mailboxes with some voice dialog... like have it say for Dan press 1...
16:56.48p0laror better yet... E1 -> Asterisk1 -> iax trunk via internet -> Asterisk2 -> H323
16:56.50coppicesipdrinker: seems to be. have you tried it?
16:56.52p0laryeah, I see that... lol
16:56.57p0larI'm about to become one of them I think.
16:57.13sipdrinkera low cost board has just come out $160
16:57.20pfnwhy don't you just go asterisk1 -> h323
16:57.33pfndan2 sure
16:57.36JerJerhe wants to play middle
16:57.39coppicesipdrinker: does it have the resources to run Linux?
16:57.40p0larBandwidth reasons.. and H323 isn't very nat friendly/ =
16:58.11p0larPlus, I've already got a 5350 in place, but I'd rather use Asterisk instead
16:58.14pfnp0lar so iax2 conversion has nothing to do with this--you just want to know about h323 and asterisk
16:58.16redder86coppice: make dist does not give any errors
16:58.25coppicesipdrinker: why do you find it interesting?
16:58.26sipdrinkersee ADI website.. it's going be shark ! attack soon
16:58.42dan2pfn: is that complex to do?
16:58.44p0larpfn: I'm not an experienced asterisk [ab]user... so perhaps, perhaps not?
16:58.47sipdrinkerblackfin dsp is low cost
16:58.52coppiceredder86: it didn't give errors. It just didn't put the .xml and .dtd files in the .tgz file
16:58.54pfndan2 easy, if you have to ask that, you haven't really used asterisk at all
16:58.57p0larI can get the IAX trunk up..
16:59.04sipdrinkerembeded pbx ! low cost !
16:59.12p0larI can get the E1 recognized and channels loaded
16:59.21coppicesipdrinker: so far the blackfin seems to have been struggling. Intel can't seem to sell it
16:59.39redder86coppice: oh
16:59.45p0larbut I need to be able to accept calls from the gatekeeper, which happens to be a Mera softswitch. /=
16:59.52sipdrinkerADI -> analog devices sells the blackfin.. and the 532 is only $4 !
16:59.55*** part/#asterisk indigo (
17:00.08sipdrinker1 dsp can do linux and 20 channels of 729 !
17:00.11redder86coppice: you've posted a new version that does have them now?
17:00.35p0larso.. Mera sends calls to the asterisk via H323, then it sends it off over the internet via IAX2 trunk to the remote location, which then sends them out via the E1.
17:00.41coppiceredder86: I fixed several minor things people reported. nothing major
17:00.56p0larmy problem is in phase 1 and 2... from the mera to asterisk via H323 and then out over the IAX trunk.
17:01.06coppicesipdrinker: one Pentium can do linux and 40-50 channels of 729. so what?
17:01.31coppicesipdrinker: what is a 532? I'm not familiar with individual blackfin parts.
17:01.33p0larI know this isn't REALLY complicated and it shouldn't be resource intensive..
17:01.44redder86coppice: thank you.  If you have time and would like to get paid for completing the work just let me know.
17:01.45sipdrinkerha ha.. a single blackfin chip   can do it all now low cost pbx box !
17:01.47dan2pfn: I take it asterisk as some text to speech or it will record your voice for voicemail somehow
17:02.04pfndan2 you haven't used asterisk at all have you....
17:02.06coppicesipdrinker: yeah right. of course it can :-)
17:02.11pfnwhat in the world are you using it to answer your broadvocie calls for....
17:02.19dan2pfn: no, i am on the point where I can make and receive calls
17:02.22sipdrinkerthe 531 dsp chip.. 400mhz
17:02.27pfnp0lar make sure you can terminate the h323 call first
17:02.30dan2pfn: my phone is connected to Zap/1
17:02.33pfndan2 read the wiki
17:02.38pfn~asterisk wiki
17:02.40jbotasterisk wiki is, like,
17:02.46sipdrinkeranyway.. i hope to get the blackfin dsp board and try it
17:02.49coppiceso what *exactly* is a 531? I know its a DSP chip
17:03.02p0larok, after I get it terminated, is there a direction you can point me in? :D
17:03.17pfnyeah, at the asterisk wiki  :p
17:03.18p0larI admit -- having mera in the mix is difficult, but it's not my option -- they have to have it for billing
17:03.18sipdrinkera $4 531 can surely make a $10 fxs box for a single phone
17:03.21coppicesipdrinker: are you a DSP engineer?
17:03.23dan2pfn: will it send me emails if I have messages?
17:03.29sipdrinkerh/w hacker
17:03.37pfndan2 read the asterisk wiki, all your questions are answered there
17:03.37sipdrinkeri have a 4port fxs fxo box
17:03.58sipdrinkerit goes thru a java server side sip stack to reach asterisk
17:04.03coppicesipdrinker: how can a 531 make a $10 fxs box?
17:04.03p0larCan I buy asterisk support here if I can't get this up and running in a week? :D
17:04.20pfnp0lar you could....
17:05.01p0larI'll just have the sales droids put pressure on upper management to throw a little $$ to fix the problem -- I'm an IP routing person, not voice.. lol
17:05.13p0laror not non-cisco voice (screams of horror)
17:05.14sipdrinker$4 for 531 + $5 for ethernet  + $5 for silabs proslic== fxs box
17:05.26filep0lar: many people in here do consulting
17:05.37sipdrinkeror without silabs..just headphone voip box
17:06.02coppicesipdrinker: ethernet is cheaper than that. you have non memory, no case, no PCB, no connectors, ....
17:06.06drumkillai'm just a poor college student  :)
17:06.25p0larI'll hack on it some more this weekend, I should have a gsm channel bank up in a week or so for localized testing
17:06.34sipdrinkerya ya.. the cost of the 4port fxs/fxo box is $200..
17:06.52sipdrinkeri soldered the boards by hand :)
17:06.52coppicesipdrinker: A 1688 is a complete phone on a chip for < $4
17:07.08sipdrinker1688 from where ?
17:07.17sipdrinkersip phone on a chip from who ?
17:07.35sipdrinkerphillips ?
17:07.42sipdrinkerthats news to me
17:07.53coppicelook it up. TI, Agere, ST, and others will sell you cheap VoIP phones on a chip. The 1688 is chinese
17:08.21sipdrinkerah.. yes.. but the licensing fee is not cheap
17:09.03coppicesipdrinker: so how do you avoid licencing?
17:09.33sipdrinkerthe blackfin ? has linux.. no fee for that
17:09.56sipdrinkerasterisk can then compile on blackin linux
17:10.26sipdrinkeris anyone selling a low cost < $50 phone box ? yet ?
17:10.49sipdrinkerhave u studied any asterisk channel driver ?
17:11.22sipdrinkeri need to customize a channel driver for a 4port box..
17:11.26coppicesipdrinker: so, you don't want any decent codecs. OK. The licence fees for the standard packages supplied with these phone chips are pretty low, anyway
17:11.33dan2pfn: is the extension number in voicemail.conf supposed to be the same as the one I am using for incoming calls?
17:11.47pfnit can be whatever you want
17:11.52sipdrinkerif so..then some low cost phone boxes should be on the horizon ?
17:12.16sipdrinkerif 100 million people can buy a $20 phone box.. voip will rise up
17:12.36coppicelinksys are selling 2 port FXS boxes, with their large markups, for under $50 retail
17:12.37dan2pfn: all I want it to do is send to voicemail after 3 rings
17:13.13sipdrinker729 is nice.. but about $5 a seat i think
17:13.34sipdrinkerright now ? wow !
17:14.05*** join/#asterisk glLoadIdentity (
17:14.19coppicesipdrinker: when licencing for a VoIP chip, the whole package of silicon and software wouldn't be $5 :-)
17:14.21filesitting on my desk... with it's bright blue LEDs piercing in my eyes
17:14.56sipdrinkerso then soon a $20box may be available. ?? within 1 or 2 years ?
17:15.06glLoadIdentityhi all .. can someone look at this debug page and tell me what is my prefered codec ?
17:15.47filethe Linksys is actually a beautiful Sipura in disguise
17:16.02sipdrinkerhave you ever tried to use asterisk for a b2bua ?
17:16.47EricirEglLoadIdentity: G723
17:16.47coppicesipdrinker: well, your design looks like a $60-$70 retail unit. I expect many current units on sale have a BOM <$10
17:16.51redder86file: Linksys is rebranding the Sipuras?
17:17.00sipdrinkeramazing !
17:17.19fileredder86: Sipura and Linksys got together, Linksys gets Sipura's stuff, and Linksys sells their own stuff based on the Sipura hardware
17:17.29redder86file: I had to pay $150 for my SP-2000... I could have bought the same thing from Linksys for $50 ?
17:17.39glLoadIdentityEricirE, does that mean : if fwd has the codec g723 , then call will be in g723 ?
17:17.42sipdrinkerso embedded pbx boxes will emerge soon too i guess
17:17.56filesipdrinker: already there
17:18.00fileredder86: if you could find one, yes
17:18.07coppicesipdrinker: seen UMA? :-)
17:18.10fileyou need to be a VoIP provider now and be approved by Linksys...
17:18.23sipdrinkerUMA ..a taiwan product ?
17:18.26redder86file: oh... that's lame
17:18.30fileredder86: yeah
17:18.49fileI love it though
17:19.02fileit's an SPA-2000 in a new Linksys case, and with Linksys branded web interface
17:19.13fileeven the phone system is different, all references to Sipura is gone
17:19.30fileinstead of "Sipura Configuration Menu" it's just "Configuration Menu"
17:19.38redder86file: I've been happy with my SP-2000, except that callers tell us that they hear us faintly when we talk on phones connected to it
17:19.41sipdrinkerwho is UMA ?
17:19.42EricirEglLoadIdentity: it should
17:20.00fileredder86: I switched phones and that problem for me went away, but you can also up the gain on input
17:20.14redder86file: how do I up the gain on input?
17:20.24fileit's in the web interface
17:20.49sipdrinkercoppice: a low cost bluetooth voip phone ?
17:20.55fileAdmin Login -> Switch to Advanced View -> Regional -> at the bottom... FXS Port Input Gain
17:21.08coppicesipdrinker: eh? try again
17:21.23redder86file: I see FXS Port Impedence, but not FXS Port Input Gain
17:21.26sipdrinkercoppice: what voip product does UMA have ?
17:21.36fileredder86: and you're in Advanced? what firmware?
17:21.43coppicesipdrinker: UMA is a spec
17:21.50EricirEpfn: in berlin ?
17:22.27sipdrinkercoppice: do you know if asterisk can work as B2BUA ?
17:22.36redder86file: thanks, I found it in advanced (never looked there before).  I'm using 2.0.10(e)
17:22.40coppicewhat is B2BUA?
17:22.47fileredder86: there you go :)
17:22.49dan2hmm, what am I supposed to add to extensions.conf so that after so many rings go to voicemail?
17:22.55fileand those do have an effect :) so play around
17:22.58sipdrinkercoppice: a b2bua will connect sip phones and then step out
17:23.08redder86file: it's set at -3 ... is that dB ?
17:23.18fileredder86: no clue
17:23.19sipdrinkercoppice: no audio via asterisk
17:23.22fileI just left mine alone :)
17:23.32filesipdrinker: asterisk supports reinvites, so the RTP streams can go direct
17:23.39coppicesipdrinker: isn't that what any sane sip gateway does?
17:23.39pfnaccording to the definition of B2BUA, it sounds like asterisk is one
17:23.50sipdrinkercoppice: yes.. but it will not WORK for 2 nat sip phones
17:24.04pfnasterisk doesn't support any form of stun
17:24.05sipdrinkercoppice: asterisk MUST bridge in this case
17:24.14coppicesipdrinker: yes, sip has that problem
17:24.34sipdrinkercoppice: so  i am considering a patch to chan _sip
17:24.54coppicesipdrinker: to make it support stun?
17:25.16pfnhow does stun work, I wonder
17:25.23pfnhaven't botered looking into it
17:25.25sipdrinkercoppice: well to do b2bua directly
17:25.27redder86coppice: I'm still getting that xml error on make with pre2
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17:26.03coppicepfn: the nat box has to cooperate. the phones ask it to do things for them
17:26.07redder86coppice: hrmm... but the files are there
17:26.22pfnthe nat has to support stun in what way
17:26.23sipdrinkercoppice: stun support may help.. as my b2bua works fine for clients using a local stun server
17:26.29dan2what are the arguments for Dial?
17:26.32pfnthrough implicit nat standards, or explicitly support stun requests
17:26.38pfnshow application dial
17:26.53redder86coppice: it's looking for them in spandsp/ not in .
17:27.07coppicesipdrinker: how can you do it without stun? its the only widely deployed scheme (and its not that widley deployed)
17:27.11pfnstun support is about the only way that natted reinvites can work
17:27.26pfnalthough I still don't see how.....
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17:27.33sipdrinkercoppice: well i have a java B2BUA working nicely .. period
17:27.44pfncuz one still can't determine the proper send/recv rtp port....
17:27.48twilsondoes format_mp3 allow you to record voicemail in mp3 format?
17:27.50sipdrinkercoppice: it simply WORKS ! GREAT !
17:27.59filepfn: it works...
17:28.02sipdrinkercoppice: so i just need to port this java solution to asterisk
17:28.10coppicesipdrinker: without stun or anything similar?
17:28.15pfnfile I'm not interested in "it works" so much as how it works
17:28.15filethe problem with NAT is that the internal IP address appears in the SIP headers, and phones/devices take that info
17:28.23fileso what STUN does is put in the actual IP and allows it to work
17:28.26sipdrinkercoppice: stun is running on the local server for the nat/sip clients
17:28.32pfnonly changes the IP?
17:28.36pfnI don't think so....
17:28.37filein asterisk setting nat=yes causes asterisk to use the perceived IP, so it works great
17:28.44pfnit has to munge with src/dst ports
17:28.46redder86coppice: it works fine if I delete the spandsp/ from the xml and dtd file paths from their appearances in and
17:28.48fileprobably other things but that's what I know off the top of my head
17:28.50pfnperceived IP *AND* port
17:28.52sipdrinkercoppice: yes i can spill all the details
17:29.07sipdrinkercoppice: step 1
17:29.09fileback to Bohemian Rhapsody!
17:29.22pfnand having stun protocol-aware for SIP sounds pretty silly....
17:29.28coppicesipdrinker: of course that can work. that is what stun is for. I think * lacks support because stun isn't widely enough deployed to be interesting
17:29.49sipdrinkercoppice:  thats niaeve
17:29.52fileas a stun server or client?
17:30.04pfnI don't see how stun works as a 3rd party
17:30.06sipdrinker* wants to keep the h/w as the focues
17:30.07p0larin the handbook-draft, I see zero mention about how to setup H.323 termination.. /=
17:30.10pfnbecause it doesn't know what src/dst ports are valid
17:30.22pfnp0lar the wiki
17:30.23pfnnot the handbook
17:30.34sipdrinkercoppice: step 1 is to reach each phone and grab the audio port/ip
17:30.35p0larFigured I'd start with official documentation.
17:30.44p0larnot a bad read, but largely unapplicable to what I need. :D
17:30.46coppicesipdrinker: why is it naive? I don't know anyone with stun on their firewall
17:30.51pfnbecause you have hostA and hostB that need to have a NAT UDP session setup
17:30.57pfnSTUN runs on hostC
17:31.11pfnoh well, I should read the stun spec to see how it works, cuz I don't see it....
17:31.23sipdrinkercoppice: no.. digium wants to keep the focus on the h/w not a softswitch
17:31.29pfnoh, and STUN doesn't work on all forms of NAT
17:31.37dan2all I want to do is make asterisk switch to voicemail after 3 rings, why is this so complex
17:31.41pfnfocus on the h/w?
17:31.45filedan2: it's not.
17:31.45pfndan2 show application dial
17:31.49sipdrinkercoppice: the stun server is to help the clients call out
17:31.49filedan2: set a timeout in dial
17:31.51pfnit's the easiest thing ever
17:31.54pfnif you read *any* docs at all
17:31.54coppicepfn: stun is just a chat between the clients and the firewall so the client can find out what the heck its connections look like on the public side
17:32.09sipdrinkercoppice: yes
17:32.10pfncoppice but how does it determine the src port to send?
17:32.19dan2file: how do I set a timeout
17:32.22sipdrinkerudp hole punching
17:32.25coppicesipdrinker: Oh, a tin foil hat "Digium hates us all" type, eh?
17:32.26filedan2: do what pfn said, it'll show you
17:32.27dan2pfn: I can't find dial on the wiki
17:32.31pfncuz if the internal client sends out on port 1234, but nat changes it to 4321
17:32.35fileshow application dial -> do that in asterisk
17:32.40sipdrinkerha ha
17:32.41pfnbut only for the session to clientB
17:32.47RealLost1where does the stun server have to run?
17:32.48pfnbut to stun, it reports 4322
17:32.50pfnwhat happens then
17:32.58fileRealLost1: the interweb!
17:33.06sipdrinkeranyone can make a channel driver
17:33.17pfnwith NAT, you aren't guaranteed the same src port when reaching various hosts
17:33.21pfnor are you?
17:33.23RealLost1file: on the firewall?
17:33.29filethe interweb.
17:33.34coppicepfn: then the client knows what to tell the other client about the visible endpoint
17:33.47fileinternet... has to be outside...
17:33.48sipdrinkercoppice: anyway.. asterisk can be fixed to be a true B2BUA
17:34.01pfncoppice how is that possible, though, the other client is behind nat, it is not able to receive rtp packets from the stun end
17:34.11RealLost1file: if my asterisk server is hosted on the internet, should I run my stun server on it as well?
17:34.11pfnthe stun-traversed
17:34.27pfnif you are able to receive rtp packets, yes, it's easy to determine srcport
17:34.40pfnthat's why we need to port-forward rtp ports to asterisk with nat=yes
17:34.51coppicesipdrinker: maybe its chicken and egg. maybe if * supported stun people would be more enthusiastic about installing stun. then again, maybe not
17:35.18pfnstun must be somehow able to determine srcport
17:35.18sipdrinkercoppice: ok lets fast forward
17:35.45sipdrinkercoppice: have you seen any portal that supports MILLIONS of sip phones other than vonage
17:35.57sipdrinkercoppice: answer no
17:35.59coppiceeven they don't
17:36.32sipdrinkercoppice: can it be done ? answer yes.. and the killerapp is ? B2BUA !
17:36.55sipdrinkercoppice: which is why radvision sells the sip tool kit for > $100k !! (nda)
17:37.03filefor god sake if you want it, then do it and submit it as a patch...
17:37.04meebeyweee it works! I can call to my analog telephone with my zaurus
17:37.04coppiceduh, well yes, we all know that. that is why everyone does it.
17:37.11fileno use arguing and doing stuff like this
17:37.17meebeyI love asterisk
17:37.45sipdrinkeryes.. i will jump in the cold water soon ..and digest the chan_sip code bytes
17:37.52dan2pfn: ok I set the time out to 15 seconds
17:38.00dan2pfn: how come it doesn't switch to the next thing after that
17:38.04dan2which would be Voicemail
17:38.05twilsonanybody ever use format_mp3 in asterisk_addons?  Can you write voicemail to mp3 with it?
17:38.12pfnyou need to answer
17:38.34filenow I'm paved in light... something just isn't right... I'm under your spell
17:38.39filehow else could it be, anyone would be notice me
17:38.47pfntwilson decode only
17:38.56coppicesipdrinker: none of this is any good unless stun is widely deployed. vonage can't be relying on that, since it isn't widely deployed
17:39.10Ehsanwhat is register in oh323.conf
17:39.16sipdrinkercoppice: xten uses stun
17:39.34sipdrinkercoppice: the means to an end is the key
17:39.35pfncoppice easy, vonage would run their own stun server
17:39.43pfncoppice and the devices they ship run stun
17:39.46sipdrinkercoppice: so he who can switch 100million sip phones wins
17:39.48pfnsupport stun
17:40.02coppicepfn: stun has to be on your own local nat box
17:40.19pfnthe client supports stun
17:40.26pfnit talks to a stun server at vonage
17:40.28dan2pfn: it says no application Voicemail
17:40.30pfnwhat's so hard about that?
17:40.35sipdrinkercoppice: the result is the point.. manage 100million sip phones one way or the other just do it
17:40.41pfndan2 then you didn't get voicemail installed for whatever reason
17:40.50coppicepfn: stun has to run on *your* local nat box
17:41.07filecoppice: are you sure...
17:41.24pfncoppice you mean on the router?
17:41.24sipdrinkerand python is the tool for it
17:41.30*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
17:41.37fileI'm agreeing with pfn
17:41.38sipdrinkercoppice: a google for sip
17:41.43coppiceyour local nat box is the only thing which knows what decisions it is making. who else could tell you about them?
17:42.10pfncoppice NAT behaves in pretty standard ways
17:42.15pfnyou don't have to *tell* it to modify rules
17:42.16sipdrinkercoppice: as sure as the sun rises..within a year a portal will switch 100million sip phones
17:43.02sipdrinkeri saw vonage coming 20yrs ago
17:43.13coppicepfn: no. you don't tell it. it tells you, through the stun protocol, what it is up to
17:43.38sipdrinkergreater than the march of an army is an idea whose time has come.. the global softswich engine
17:43.40coppicesipdrinker: you means when an ethernet card cost $5000? :-)
17:43.55pfncoppice I don't think so
17:44.01pfnonly ~50 pages
17:45.00pfncoppice what you're talking about is midcom, not stun, it seems
17:45.03sipdrinkerthe advent of the $20 phone box will generate a tidal wave of internet sip usage
17:45.22pfnI dunno if that's desirable, heh
17:45.29pfnand the pap2 is $50....
17:45.30PatrickDKI doubt it wll
17:45.34pfnless rebate
17:45.57PatrickDKsomeone has to come up with an easy to use interface that lets people make sip calls first
17:46.08PatrickDKe164 is not for normal people
17:46.16PatrickDKwell, they don't understand how to use it
17:46.26pfnwhat's to understand
17:46.36pfnthat can easily be abstracted
17:46.42coppicesipdrinker: why? broadband penetration in US and EU is low. In Asia broadband penetration is high, but IDD is cheaper than vonage
17:46.58pfncoppice I wish it were high  :p
17:47.06pfnin some other parts of asia....
17:47.08PatrickDKI hate how has all the 1800 numbers linked out
17:48.00sipdrinkeryes.. but soon sip to sip catch on  india china us europ
17:48.16LennyTsince the pap2-na is not avail ... anyone figure how to unlock the pap2?
17:48.17coppiceI think its vonage that cannot survive. why would I pay per minute for a service that just acts as a directory?
17:48.40pfncoppice that's only if you're saying they terminate calls via VoIP as opposed to PSTN
17:48.46pfnbut vonage doesn't charge for vonage -> vonage calls
17:48.52dan2pfn: ok receiving voicemail ok, how do I check my voicemail
17:48.58pfnnor for calls for which they have peering arrangements to other voip providers
17:49.04pfndan2 setup an extension for voicemailman
17:49.08pfnand read the wiki!!!
17:49.15coppicewhy would I use SIP in china or india? in china the calls are already very cheap. in india the internet sucks
17:49.47pfncoppice stun does not sit on local nat box
17:51.09sipdrinkersip services will drive up the network
17:51.15coppicehow can SIP can on in .us when broadband penetration is so low, and only slowly rising?
17:51.49coppicewhat does SIP give me that I don't have now with a land line?
17:51.57*** join/#asterisk welby (
17:52.05sipdrinkerperhaps like the internet spawned
17:52.17*** join/#asterisk Syncros (
17:52.18filecoppice: headaches with NAT
17:52.40coppicethe internet offered new things. SIP is just voice calls that suck more than landlines, at higher cost
17:53.43pfnah, so stun wouldn't work through linux nat
17:53.50pfnexactly the problem I described....
17:54.07sipdrinkeryour right.. there are a few things now that people will go for such as the DID.. for low cost
17:54.30sipdrinkercoppice: people will endure the bad quality for a low cost DID service..hoping it will get better
17:55.04coppicesipdrinker: is DID costly where you live? how is it charged to be like that?
17:55.06sipdrinkeri hate to pay $40/mo to the local telco.. when $10/mo via sip will do
17:55.39sipdrinkerhere in B.C. DID is pricy.. $5/mo to buy them robbery
17:56.02sipdrinkerin seattle about $1 .. and ipkall is free !
17:56.10coppicethen you need competition. SIP is not that relevant
17:56.38coppicein japan static IPs are <$3 a month. I like the idea of that :-)
17:56.41*** join/#asterisk benno2 (
17:56.47sipdrinkerwell for global reach..if i can give you did world wide
17:57.19sipdrinkerpeople will pay for cheap did for global access
17:57.32dan2pfn: is there anyway to dial a digit when you hit the voicemail box and have it take me to my voicemail to listen
17:57.33sipdrinkercoppice: so you use * for local pbx via ULAW
17:57.53pfndan2 yes
17:57.57pfnread the wiki
17:58.41benno2question: assume I want to convert some analog phones in a hotel using an analog PBX to IP using an adapter like the handytone 286. I think the phones are 10-15years old. what's the chance that they will work with the ATA ? what if they dont support DTMF ? Am I screwed ?
17:58.41coppiceI have experience of trying to offer DID access in remote places at low cost. takeup was *very* low. seems like a neat idea, but businesses don't seem to go for it.
17:58.44sipdrinkercoppice: so how do you employ *.. local loop ULAW ippbx ? or just conference and voice mail
17:59.22dan2pfn: reading but not getting a defined answer
17:59.38sipdrinkerwell i am sure koreans will JUMP for a korean tel# in the home town if the price is right
17:59.41pfnlook at macro-stdexten in the sample dialplan
18:00.08sipdrinkercoppice: the KTA just announced some new rules for VOIP did biz
18:00.12benno2or do those ATAs support old pulse based keys on the phones too ?
18:00.58pfnport restricted cone) - but not with fully symmetric NATs.
18:00.58pfnnot work with netfilter based NAT.
18:01.01pfnok, stun sucks
18:01.28sipdrinkercoppice: i have a 4port fxs/fxo box.. that works via SERVER and php scripts
18:01.55*** join/#asterisk folsson (~filip@
18:02.03sipdrinkercoppice: can be used to encrypt /record to remote server via aes
18:02.40sipdrinkercoppice: voip encryption may catch on  for peer to peer use
18:02.59*** join/#asterisk rwjblue (
18:04.03pfnshoulda made it talk sip....
18:04.06NeroLabsanyone know why areski's graph displays the hours wrong?  seems to be a problem for some people but no data on google about it yet
18:04.22pfndisplays the hours wrong in what sense?
18:04.28pfnwhat is *wrong*
18:04.54*** part/#asterisk sipdrinker (
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18:05.20rwjblueI would like to use a function like iaxping, but it needs to run from a linux box.  Anyone know where I can either get the source for the vb6 app or something like it in perl or pyton?
18:05.47NeroLabspfn: here is the best description of the problem online (the same that I experience)
18:06.29pfnsounds like timezone to me
18:07.08NeroLabspfn: you would think so, but I've been all over the code, I don't see any obvious bug
18:07.25pfnkeep looking then
18:07.29pfnsounds like it'd be very obvious
18:07.35NeroLabsyou would think so
18:12.11dan2I still can't get digits from voicemail or something so I can change extensions to my voicemail
18:12.56pfnpress * and use the a, extension to send you to voicemailmain
18:13.04dan2pfn: a?
18:13.07dan2pfn: how do I use a?
18:15.14blankmanHey all. What exactly is the point of chan_oss? Meaning how does one use it on a * server. Not how does one get it to load, but what is the purpose of it. In the wikki it simply says use the soundcard as a phone.
18:16.07rwjblueblankman: my understanding is that it functions like a softphone, but I haven't ever looked at it.
18:16.29blankmanI don't use * servers for anything like that ... do I? Is this so that if your * server is not in a data center, but at a desk and you want to use the cli as phone? Or is this used to "bridge" different kinds of protocols?
18:16.34dan2pfn: can I just call VoiceMailMain directly from the macro
18:17.28blankmanrwjblue, do you unload it? in modules.conf?
18:17.29rwjblueblankman: my impression is that it is for using * on a desktop as a phone.
18:17.43pfnthe sample dialplan has a usage of a
18:17.51pfnif you don't have it, update to a current version of asterisk
18:17.58rwjbluePersonally, I don't even use it.
18:18.11rwjblueI think that I have it set to noload in modules.conf
18:18.17pfnchan_oss/alsa are used primarily for testing or for intercom uses
18:18.26dan2pfn: the extension.conf dial plan?
18:18.26pfnto try to use it as a softphone is stupid
18:18.40pfnthat's the only file that defines the dialplan
18:18.49rwjbluepfn, thank you for the clarification.  I wasn't sure.
18:19.12pfnif you have no other phone to test connections with, you could use the console drivers
18:20.12blankmanpfn, not sure I understand the statement about "using the console drivers" ...
18:20.27dan2pfn: where is the sample dialplan?
18:20.47rwjbluedan2: /usr/src/asterisk/configs/extensions.conf.sample
18:20.58rwjblueassuming that the source is in /usr/src/asterisk
18:21.12blankmanDoes that mean that if I started the * with: asterisk -vvvc I could then use the cli as the phone? Have a headset plugged into the server and all would be well?
18:21.37blankmansimply issue dial(iax2/someone:someonepass@somephone) from the cli?
18:23.50pfnno, only extensions
18:23.52Syncrosdial ext@context
18:23.52pfndial 1234
18:25.10blankmanummm... so only extension that are local to this asterisk. Okay, does it get used for anything else? How did the intercom come into it?
18:26.00rwjblueblankman: some paging systems take a 3.5mm input.  Same as headphones so you could output sound from the card on the pc into the paging system.
18:27.17*** join/#asterisk iaxy (
18:27.19blankmanI see ... have * bridge an incomming or outgoing call to the oss chan which is "tied" to the paging system. It isn't that the * is the paging system.
18:28.07blankmanThough on thinking about it, it would be that hard would it. Just have an amp and run all the wires to it :-)
18:28.48rwjblueBasically, yes.
18:28.54blankmanOkay. thanks. the reason I am asking is cause I am trying to make asterisk not run as root, and I wasn't sure if I had to have that module or not :-)
18:32.00*** join/#asterisk Aharonov (
18:36.55blankmanOkay, nother ? for you smart guys ... since I am not using sip on the * box, how do I keep it from allocating the rtp ports? I have noload sip in modules ... but it is still setting up the rtp ports.
18:38.28blankmanJust so we are clear, and people don't think I am trying to make "suck" from the group lots of data. I need this for the n+1 doc I am writing. I am just trying to make sure that most of the info. needed to setup the reg.srv's right :-)
18:38.43meebeyfor some reason incoming calls dont goto my IAX2 client
18:38.51meebeysince I let 2 clients ring, the SIP one works
18:38.56meebeyoutgoing IAX2 calls work
18:39.17Aharonovis there some way to debug the extensions file? I mean I want to see why one sip phone just doesn't work.
18:39.41meebeywhen I check the network traffic, there is no traffic to the IAX2 client
18:39.49blankmanAharonov, sip debug
18:40.04blankmanmeebey, what is you dailplan?
18:40.10blankmanmeebey, for the iax clietn
18:40.17Aharonovno, that shows me the debugging of the sip protocol. I don't care about that. I want to know what is going on with the dialplan.
18:40.37blankmanAharonov, add noops
18:40.59Aharonovare you saying "sip debug noops" or what exactly?
18:41.02*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
18:41.06Aharonovyou mean, add no-ops to the dialplan?
18:41.14blankmanto you dialplan. The system will put them out on the console. asterisk -vvvr
18:41.29Aharonovah, okay. I didn't see that in the docs.
18:41.32blankmanNo, I mean NoOp :-)
18:41.51blankmanIt is just like any other app, but it does nothing ;-)
18:42.08meebeyblankman: nevermind, I just tried it again, and it works :)
18:42.11Aharonovso, exten => s, NoOp("my foo")
18:42.13meebeybut now I get in the asterisk log:
18:42.14meebeyOct  2 20:41:13 NOTICE[360467]: Dropping incompatible voice frame on IAX2/meebey/3 of format GSM since our native format has changed to SPEEX
18:42.35meebeyon the client I cant set the codec
18:42.46blankmanummm ... I use it like this: exten => s,1,NoOp
18:43.03blankmanor exten => s,101,NoOp
18:44.14meebeydoes that mean my client said its SPEEX but it sent GSM?
18:44.22meebeyso I should force GSM then
18:44.36blankmanSince the dialplan is a lot like old basic, I generally add a few "noop" at the start of every dialplan. I also tend to make the dialplan (goto) a higher number so that I can have "space" if I need to in the future ;-) This is for debugging only. On prod. machines, I get rid of all the fat.
18:45.34blankmanlater all, gotta go.
18:46.03AharonovI'm debugging the wrong sip server. no wonder no changes had any effect. this phone needed to be reprogrammed.
18:46.19meebeyworks now :)
18:46.22meebeyforced GSM
18:46.39meebeycall to and from zaurus over asterisk works like a charm
18:51.03*** join/#asterisk hcir (
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19:03.49p0larit's no wonder people shy away from Asterisk + H323.. damn!
19:04.25PatrickDKyou still don't have context=* do you?
19:12.51*** join/#asterisk sipdrinker (
19:13.19sipdrinkercmd SendText will work for SIP clients ?
19:13.50sipdrinkeri guess this is an INFO message in SIP ?
19:14.07sipdrinkertrial and error i guess
19:16.07*** join/#asterisk FryGuy (
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19:21.21sudoerhow do i list all the users in here?
19:21.29sipdrinkeranyone know of any free asterisk server online ?
19:21.36*** join/#asterisk Bekit (~me@
19:22.14sipdrinkervery restricted
19:22.33sipdrinkerhow about free conference server ?
19:24.25harryvetchsipdrinker for what reason to test your setup?
19:24.56*** join/#asterisk Bekit (~me@
19:25.31dan2hmm, I have been looking for an online free conference center
19:26.34benno2q: how long can the cable between the handytone adapter and the phone be ?
19:27.02*** join/#asterisk rene- (~rene-@
19:27.08benno2can it be for example 100ft (30m) ?
19:27.10*** join/#asterisk achillez (~achillez@
19:27.25benno2or is there a problem with the ringer (voltage loss etc)
19:27.28harryvetchWhat kind of cable
19:27.38harryvetchcat 2 ?
19:27.45achillezhi ppl, does windows have support for TDM400?
19:27.51harryvetchcat 5 is 100 meters
19:27.55rene-Guys what is the going rate for remote (phone/ssh) * consultancy?
19:27.59redder86if I want to use ilbc codec should I have the ilbc library files installed before building Asterisk?
19:28.23pfnachillez no, why would you even ask such a silly thing
19:28.25pfnwhat would you run it with
19:28.51Aharonovrene-, rates depend upon the people and the relationship that you wish to have, not the skills.
19:29.23pfnredder86 no, ilbc is included with asterisk
19:29.55achillezpfn: well Asterisk runns on windows
19:30.08pfnno, it doesn't
19:30.10benno2harryvetch: normal phone cable basically I would like to keep the analogue phone in a room while having the handytone ATA in another room since I cannot lay down cat5 cable. I have to reuse the existing infrastructure
19:30.14pfnit runs on linux on windows
19:30.38welbyin co-op linux
19:30.46welbywhich is much like UML
19:30.48welbybut for windows
19:31.01Aharonovwhy would you bother doing that?
19:31.02welbyso can;t access pysical devices (afaik anyway)
19:32.02achillezso AstWind is still linux on win?
19:32.03benno2Q. What is the maximum distance from which I can drive an analog device with a Cisco ATA?
19:32.18benno2cool 61m and up
19:32.21p0larpatrick: no, I'm working on getting the H.323 connectivity issue solved before I work on the IAX
19:32.24redder86pfn: thanks.
19:32.31sudoerdoes anyone use voipamerica?
19:32.36sudoerhere i mean
19:32.36benno2200ft ... so I hope the grandstream can go a few dozen m too
19:32.53redder86pfn: with Asterisk <- IAX2 -> Asterisk communication use iLBC by default?
19:33.11redder86pfn: s/with/will/
19:33.25*** part/#asterisk rene- (~rene-@
19:33.41benno2Ring Load (per RJ-11 FXS Port)
19:33.47sudoerwhat is the common protocol that these big carriers such as voipamerica use to connect to, i guess its not iax2
19:34.15benno2any idea what 5 REN, 1 REN means ? is that the number of phones attached to an RJ11 plug ? or is it a characteristic of the ringer (impedance etc) ?
19:37.51harryvetchbenno2, I dont know what the maximum leagth of phone line cable is but cat5 can be also used and its reach is 100 meters. You can though hook a hub/repeater to it and extend it. I cannot recall what the formula is for this. I think its maximum of three concurrent connections in length in a 4-2-1 hub setup. If anyone care to say otherside that would be great.
19:38.28*** join/#asterisk calyx (
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19:40.00dome_chi thailand here
19:40.49dome_cWant to buy  IAX2 A-Z ,
19:40.54harryvetchTia interesting.
19:40.56dome_cand pay by paypal..
19:41.01angleri wanna go to thailand
19:41.08dome_cwelcome... :)
19:41.38dome_cI'm headche with SIP A-Z
19:41.52calyxSo is asterisk as easy as install and start making VoIP calls?
19:41.58dome_cWho can provide IAX2 A-Z please let's me know..
19:42.05calyxDo I need some sort of subscription to use it?
19:42.41dome_ccalyx  if you have some exp in voip. you can setup asterisk in 10 min and test call
19:42.58calyxWhat if I don't know anything about VoIP yet?
19:43.01calyxAny good place to get started?
19:43.21calyxBoo ya.
19:43.26dome_cgood for asterisk.
19:43.33calyxMore dumb questions to follow.
19:43.37calyxAppreciate it.
19:43.39dome_cI learn from there
19:44.02dome_cand now i'm small callingcard , ip phone, softphone carrier :)
19:44.24harryvetchdome great
19:44.29harryvetchmaking a profit?
19:44.57calyxWould I need anything other than an internet connection to get VoIP working?
19:45.11dome_cNow i have 10 call shop use my solution. :)
19:45.13harryvetchcal, read
19:45.16Aharonovprobably that's about it.
19:45.36Aharonova hard phone can be a lot easier to setup, but less flexible overall.
19:48.00Ehsandome_c : using calling card with asterisk ?
19:48.01freestyle_networanyone here good with * and faxes?
19:48.24pfnwtf?  all broadvoice secrets are the same by default???
19:48.34redder86freestyle_networ: I'm good with faxes, okay with Asterisk
19:48.51dome_cI  use prepaid module.
19:48.56freestyle_networive been able to work with spandsp and rxfax() quite easily
19:49.07freestyle_networbut i dont know much abou txfax()
19:49.10dome_cfor check cardid and forward acall
19:49.11Ehsandome_c : u use h323 or only sip /iax ?
19:49.23redder86freestyle: I don't use txfax or rxfax, sorry
19:49.33dome_cNow i use oh323 because all my A-Z support only h323
19:49.44redder86freestyle: I'm a HylaFAX junkie
19:49.49dome_csome guy here tell me not good it' not stable.
19:49.55freestyle_networredder86: trying to figure out how to send faxes across IAX2/SIP channels
19:50.03dome_cSo now i'm looking for IAX A-Z carrier.
19:50.35redder86freestyle: I've done it over SIP many times, but I've never tried IAX... should be just the same
19:50.48redder86freestyle: just make sure you use ulaw/alaw
19:51.10Ehsandome_c : yes I heard the same..
19:51.15*** join/#asterisk clive-- (
19:51.39dome_cUse IAX2 is better i think..
19:51.47freestyle_networtried that but, the but it has something to do with the baud send rate, apparently it cant be more then 7000 and mine is locked in 33.6K i was hoping of using the t38modem solution with Hylafax and spandsp
19:52.02clive--can anyone help point me in the direction of ATA186 firmwares?
19:52.05Ehsandome_c : yes but finding good rates is tough with IAX
19:52.11harryvetchis aix more efficient with voi-ip calls then other unix/linux variants?
19:52.19Ehsandome_c : do u use astcc ?
19:52.28redder86freestyle: t38modem+HylaFAX+Asterisk would be a lovely combination, but Asterisk won't jive with t38modem currently.
19:52.31freestyle_networits too bad IAX2 is not a standard, but one day
19:52.53dome_cI like IAX2 because it's not standard :)
19:53.17harryvetchThat is a ibm product and does it require a licence?
19:53.49freestyle_networreder86: well i guess i dont need t38modem to jive with asterisk, only hylafax...and then just use System() commands to use hylafax commands
19:54.30redder86freestyle: okay, sure.  What's t38modem going to talk to?
19:54.59freestyle_networredder86, i will need one on each end
19:55.18redder86freestyle: yes, or something like that
19:55.38freestyle_networredder86: do you know of any decent wikis or links on hylafax+asterisk+t38modem?
19:55.44redder86freestyle: but why involve Asterisk there at all?
19:56.05redder86freestyle: no, I don't know of any... I strongly doubt that there are any
19:56.16freestyle_networredder86: becauase it has to work with my dialplan setup...dial 8 first for fax
19:56.29redder86freestyle: the t38modem author worked with Cisco VoIP equipment
19:57.42freestyle_networrdder86: thanx
19:58.05redder86freestyle: np, but I didn't help you any
20:01.06*** join/#asterisk Cybo (
20:04.35redder86a clean 1.0.1 installation gives: []/usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_unregister_modem_driver
20:05.38fileneeds chan
20:05.51filebut if you don't use any of the chan_modem stuff it's not fatal
20:05.51*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (linux@
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20:06.04redder86file: yeah, chan_modem needs to be discarded
20:06.21filewhy? it's common stuff between all the chan_modem drivers
20:06.31filebestdata, aopen, and isdn4linux
20:07.14redder86file: I don't use the chan_modem stuff
20:07.24redder86file: I tried once... it seemed worthless
20:07.24filethen ignore it :)
20:07.36filetried with what hardware?
20:07.37redder86file: but asterisk exits on that error
20:07.47redder86file: on MultiTech modems
20:07.48*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (linux@
20:07.50filedid you modify modules.conf?
20:07.55redder86file: nope
20:08.03filechan_modem is not just for every modem out there
20:08.18fileit's for modems with aopen and bestdata chipsets, plus the isdn4linux stuff
20:08.33fileredder86: well if you really don't want the chan_modem stuff put noload lines in modules.conf
20:08.38redder86file: there is no aopen or bestdata chipset... they both used Rockwell chipsets
20:08.47redder86file: got it working thanks
20:09.42fileaopen didn't just use rockwell, used a few others too... that are supported
20:09.46redder86file: actually, some of the newer ones use Conexant chipsets, but Conexant is just the new incarnation of Rockwell
20:10.07filenobody uses that stuff anymore anyway
20:10.22redder86file: which is why it needs to be stripped out
20:10.43fileit doesn't _need_ to be, it's there in case people do need it
20:10.50filelots of things can be stripped out, applications included
20:11.03filedeprecated things...
20:11.07redder86file: the frustrating thing is that the voice stuff is standardized now, but chan_modem doesn't support the standard... it supports the proprietary versions that were developed pre-standard
20:11.22filepatches welcome.
20:11.30redder86file: nobody uses it anyway
20:12.04redder86not worth the effort to develop a patch (and I did start) when nobody uses it... when an AMI-IA92 is $15
20:14.49redder86hrmmm... is mpg123 not part of FC2 ?
20:17.11*** join/#asterisk calyx (
20:17.22calyxSo what do I have to do to make this thing dial out?
20:17.56calyxWill it work behind a router?
20:18.05redder86redder86: yes
20:18.33redder86calyx: asterisk will work behind firewalls, yes
20:19.37redder86calyx: although you'll probably want to use IAX2 for any cross-firewall traffic
20:20.03redder86calyx: let's do it here, please
20:20.29redder86it lets others pitch in
20:20.57calyxNo such extension in context local?
20:21.04calyxThat is the error I get.
20:22.13fileit means the extension dialed was not found in the context local in extensions.conf
20:22.21*** join/#asterisk anthm (
20:23.26calyxI was not trying to dial an extension.
20:23.36calyxI was trying to dial to the outside world.
20:23.40calyxDo I have the wrong software?
20:24.02filethat's an extension, an extension that dials an IAX2 or SIP provider... or Digium hardware to place the call
20:24.53calyxMore reading to do...
20:25.01calyxAt least my install was successful.
20:25.05calyxWhoot whoot.
20:25.09calyxLater on.
20:25.11meebeyOct  2 21:47:15 WARNING[16384]: Unable to open pseudo channel for timing...  Sound may be choppy.
20:25.15meebeyhow can I satisfy that?
20:25.25filemeebey: that's a warning, not an error - your music on hold will still most likely be fine
20:25.41filepreviously a timing device (Digium hardware, ztdummy, or zaprtc) was required to use Music on Hold
20:25.41meebeybut what is it trying? rtc?
20:25.48meebeyoh ic
20:25.48filebut that is not the case anymore.
20:26.02meebeyI got an isdn card so :)
20:26.09meebeyused via cha_capi
20:26.20Darwin35res_agi.c: In function `launch_netscript':
20:26.20Darwin35res_agi.c:123: warning: implicit declaration of function `socket'
20:26.20Darwin35res_agi.c:123: error: `AF_INET' undeclared (first use in this function)
20:26.20Darwin35res_agi.c:123: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
20:26.20Darwin35res_agi.c:123: error: for each function it appears in.)
20:26.21Darwin35res_agi.c:123: error: `SOCK_STREAM' undeclared (first use in this function)
20:26.23Darwin35res_agi.c:143: warning: implicit declaration of function `connect'
20:26.25Darwin35res_agi.c:143: warning: type-punning to incomplete type might break strict-aliasing rules
20:26.43fileDarwin35: bad you bad, pastebin!
20:26.52meebeyshame on you Darwin35 :)
20:27.10meebey2 lines of that btw what have be enough :-P
20:27.33*** join/#asterisk harryvetch (
20:27.59*** join/#asterisk gwynpen (
20:28.41fileDarwin35: it's you and your silly FreeBSD
20:30.20filesee, the ability to run AGIs over a TCP/IP socket or something was added
20:30.29fileso FreeBSD probably requires an extra header
20:31.15*** part/#asterisk dome_c (~dome@
20:31.39Darwin35well I emailed the bsd group
20:31.46Darwin35maybe we can fix it
20:33.28gwynpenHi! I'm trying to build zaphfc on FC2, kernel 2.6.8. I'm getting a couple of warnings regarding undefined zt_* functions (e.g. zt_register). Any ideas?
20:38.23*** join/#asterisk showtime (
20:38.34*** join/#asterisk Stealth_Man (
20:38.40showtimeanyone interested in some SPA-2000 units (3)?
20:40.33filedepends on the price.
20:41.02showtimehmmmm! $60per
20:41.25Stealth_Manarethey used ?
20:41.36fileworking? unmelted?
20:41.55showtimeworking, unmelted, configured and used for a week
20:42.04Stealth_Manshowtime, where are you located ?
20:42.08showtimebought them from atacomm 3 months ago, customer decided to go with a PRI instead of connecting
20:43.11fileprobably have no trouble finding a buyer though showtime
20:43.25Stealth_Manmy pap2-na order ws cancelled :(
20:43.35Stealth_Manfile, how did you get it ?
20:43.38showtimeyeah, I like them, but whatcha gonna do you only need so many analog ports :)
20:43.43fileI ordered it before Linksys recalled 'em
20:43.51Stealth_Manlucky one :)
20:44.53fileit's very beautiful... so stylish and blue
20:45.19showtimeany quality improvement above the spa's?
20:45.31filethe internal hardware is the same.
20:45.54showtimesame OEM?
20:46.25*** join/#asterisk zamsler (
20:46.34Stealth_Manfile, did you tried fax  ?
20:46.51filenope I don't do faxing.
20:47.00filebut I don't see why it wouldn't work using ULAW
20:52.11harryvetchwhats the url that points to the site?
20:54.47*** join/#asterisk Connor_ (
20:59.32*** join/#asterisk pvinci (
20:59.52*** join/#asterisk Mike (~mike@
21:01.34*** join/#asterisk fpl (~Fpl@
21:01.44fplhi guys
21:02.14fpli am getting a message that says : link /usr/src/linux-2.6 to your kernel sources first !
21:02.21fpli have no clue how to do this
21:02.24fplany thoughts
21:02.33fplbut how
21:02.38fpli am no linux xpert
21:02.41Stealth_Manfpl: which version of Linux do ypu run ?
21:02.46Stealth_ManFedora Core 2 ?
21:02.48fplfedora 2
21:02.51Stealth_Manohh man :)
21:03.04fplbuild is something else
21:03.06zamslerln -s /usr/src/<your kernel build> /usr/src/linux-2.6
21:03.21*** join/#asterisk welby (
21:03.30fplzamsler ? how do i know the kernel build ?
21:03.36Cybofpl: ls /usr/src
21:03.38Stealth_Manfpl hold on a sec
21:03.40zamslerit is where you compiled it
21:03.55CyboCheck what you have in there already.
21:03.56mishehuso if I buy a Linksys PAP2, all I have to do is not plug it into the network, and dial ****, then 73738# to reset it so it doesn't try to connect to vonage?
21:04.01zamslerdo u not know how to compile a kernel?
21:04.05Stealth_Manfpl: read this
21:07.08Ehsananyone using astcc here ?
21:07.54Ehsanhow many oh323 can * suppport ?
21:08.02Ehsansomeone told me not more than 13...
21:08.28BuzzBudanyone know exactly what asterisk passes to mailcmd when it's trying to send voicemail attachments?
21:08.59Stealth_Manmishehu: are you serious ??
21:11.52*** join/#asterisk Umaro (
21:12.07UmaroHey guys, any suggestions on converting my mp3s so they sound better for music on hold?
21:14.28fplanyone running asterisk on MEPIS linux ?
21:14.49harryvetchI am interested in trying out asterisk and need a recomend to keep the price to build two servers as demo units for bussinesses. What cpu/memory ect is recomended to run sample calls across  it?
21:15.56_RaYmAn_it all depends on how many simultaneous calls you want to run and whether the servers just tell clients to contact eachother directly or stay as middleman
21:16.06SpUrehsan: about 35
21:18.24*** join/#asterisk _santiago_ (~santiago@
21:18.44*** join/#asterisk script (
21:19.28zamsleris anyone having problems with broadvoice?
21:19.30harryvetchRay, is there a formula set aside for this?
21:19.35*** join/#asterisk paulc (
21:19.46showtimewe need a used voip equipment trader board
21:19.50showtimeebay is too general
21:24.58Umaroshowtime, interesting idea
21:25.24*** join/#asterisk chris_jones (
21:26.40chris_jonesDoes anyone have any suggestions on setting up a modem on an FXO port?
21:27.01chris_jonesI can get the modem to dial out but its difficult to get a connection
21:27.14Aharonovyou are trying to run a modem through the PBX?
21:27.45AharonovI'm not really surprised if you have difficulties.
21:28.01chris_jonesSorry, the modem is on a TDM00P FSX and I want it to dial out on an FXO on the same card.
21:28.41Aharonovthe challenge is if the digitization involved is sufficiently accurate to actually reproduce the tones properly.
21:29.18Aharonovmodern modem technology is highly adapted to the limits/features of the DMS-100/5ESS.
21:29.41Aharonov56k and 64k 8-bit samples....
21:30.16Aharonovyou'd have to make sure that there was nothign like GSM codec in between. there would have to be a raw rate. Does * really do that between ports?
21:30.20*** join/#asterisk routerheads_atho (
21:30.23chris_jonesWell the I had this setup for testing and I know that I cant use a GSM codec so I made
21:30.35chris_jonesthat port use ulaw
21:31.04chris_jonesand that still didnt work.  The modem would try to connect @ 56k then you would hear it drop down to 2400.
21:31.13Aharonovthat's about what I would expect.
21:31.19Aharonovwhy do you need to do this?
21:31.36chris_jonesI just was wondering if something like the jitter buffer needs changed or the tx/rx gain
21:32.03Aharonovthose sound like reasonable things.
21:32.10chris_jonesBecause we have a phone line that only gets used once a couple of times a day
21:32.14Aharonovis there doucmented situations of people making this work?
21:32.21chris_jonesand i would hate to waste an inbound line
21:32.42chris_jonesIm searching on google with no luck really
21:33.06Aharonovthis is what I did... I wired the modem's "phone" jack, to the FXO port.
21:33.08chris_jonesI also want to put our fax on an FXS, that works some what but not 100%
21:33.25AharonovI also wired the fax on that same line, before the FXO.
21:33.33Aharonovthe fax machine answers on distinctive ring.
21:33.50Aharonovthe modem answers after 5 rings (if the fax hasn't picked up), and otherwise, it is an outgoing line.
21:34.22chris_jonesyou didn't wire to the modems "line" jack?
21:34.31chris_jonesto the fxo
21:34.41chris_joneswhys that?
21:34.58AharonovI didn't run modem through the pbx. I put it in front of the pbx.
21:35.11chris_jonesoh, ic now.
21:37.19chris_jonesI dont think this solution will help me because while we are using the modem, the fax is dead and the modem can be connected for an hour or less
21:37.30chris_jonesbut thanks for the insight
21:39.36*** join/#asterisk matobago (
21:40.28matobagodoes anyone know how works the waiting call in a CIsco 7912g???
21:46.05{o_o}YESSSSS!  (one more S than you!
21:46.14twistedyou have no idea what i'm talking about tho
21:46.16{o_o}why so happy
21:46.20{o_o}that's why i'm asking
21:46.52twistedsomething i just saw that will make it's way out into the public in very due time :)
21:47.02{o_o}let's see
21:47.09{o_o}the last thing you guys were talking about was truckers
21:47.13{o_o}and small dicks
21:47.25{o_o}neither of which i'm interested in... but ANYWAYS
21:47.27twistedI wasn't in that conversation
21:47.35{o_o}my bad then
21:48.31{o_o}perhaps something along the lines of this -->
21:50.54{o_o}i find it kinda disturbing that noone called 911 tho
21:51.02twistedi saw that a long time ago
21:51.27*** join/#asterisk RevK_ (
21:51.30{o_o}so i'm not up to date ;p
21:51.39twistedit has to do with asterisk
21:51.50twistedand it's going to make my job a helluva lot simpler
21:51.51{o_o}is the public note out?
21:52.27{o_o}i don't know much about * yet, so it's not going to directly affect me in the short term
21:52.37twistedoh, but it could
21:53.01fuzzycattwisted is baiting again...
21:53.22fuzzycatyes, baiting...
21:53.22twistedi'm not baiting
21:53.51twistedeat this worm :)
21:53.51twistedUpdate of /usr/cvsroot/asterisk/pbx
21:53.51twistedIn directory
21:53.51twistedModified Files:
21:53.51twistedLog Message:
21:53.55twistedAllow "n" or "next" and "s" or "same" in dialplan logic priorities
21:54.23fuzzycatoh, yeah, those, for the clearly disabled..
21:54.39twistedoh wtf ever
21:54.51twistedi write scripts in dialplan logic that exceed 500 lines
21:55.06fuzzycatand how do you refer to them in goto's?
21:55.24twistedsilly boy...
21:55.36twistedexten => 1,1,NoOp("let's start")
21:55.45twistedexten => 1,n,DoSomething()
21:55.47twistedexten => 1,n,DoSomething()
21:55.53fuzzycatgoto 1,n ?
21:55.57twistedexten => 1,4,NoOp("Mark")
21:56.03twistedexten => 1,n,DoSomething()
21:56.18twistedexten => 1,n,Goto(4)
21:56.32fuzzycatyes, my point...
21:56.48twistedall you'd have to do is insert marks every so often
21:56.49fuzzycatyou still have to number for the gotos..
21:56.58twistedbut you don't
21:57.05twistedyou can still refernce by line number
21:57.12twistedbecause it's not directly interpreted as an 'n'
21:57.14citatsfuzzycat: it doesn't store them in the real dialplan as n, it stores them as the actual digit... so after 2 n's if you started at 1 then the 3rd n would be 4
21:57.21fuzzycatlol, then u have to count them
21:57.35twistedfuzzycat, yes, and if you can handle the task of counting
21:57.36twistedyou're fine.
21:57.51twistedadd ONE line
21:57.53twistedmodify ONE goto
21:57.55twistedand be done
21:58.04citatsor just do the smart thing and generate your config with a script
21:58.20twistedyou have your way
21:58.29twistedso it however the fuck you want
21:58.31twistedI like this method
21:58.37twistedmaybe eventually I won't
21:59.11fuzzycatyou only use it cos you can't count ;)
21:59.16twistedbut if you wanna get all superior about it
21:59.24twistedyou can suck my dick
21:59.35fuzzycatif we could find it
21:59.51*** mode/#asterisk [+q fuzzycat!*@*] by twisted
22:00.07*** join/#asterisk aza (~aza_rc@
22:00.08*** mode/#asterisk [-q fuzzycat!*@*] by twisted
22:00.19twistedoh come off it
22:01.14ManxPwrThe answer is disallow=all and allow=ulaw in sip.conf or iax.conf (no other allow= lines).  I don't know what the question was but that's usually the answer.
22:01.28twistedManxPwr, ROFLMAO
22:01.37citatshmmm, autoresponse to something?
22:01.43ManxPwrcitats, Naw.
22:01.46fuzzycatpwr ? someone stole part of you!
22:01.58twistedyeah, Manx, what happened to your 'o'?
22:02.01citatsManxPwr: thats not your usual nick is it?
22:02.06ManxPwrfuzzycat, I forgot to log out of IRC before I left home on tues
22:02.17ManxPwrSo I have to use a slightly different nick
22:02.20twistedManxPwr, /ns ghost ManxPower
22:02.25fuzzycatwhy not ghost?
22:02.28citatsyeah get nickserv to kick it
22:02.34*** join/#asterisk herag (
22:02.47ManxPwrfuzzycat, Uh, 'cause I don't know how to use ghost.
22:02.53twistedManxPwr, i just told you how
22:03.02ManxPwrgives me incorrect password
22:03.07twistedadd your password to the end
22:03.11fuzzycat/msg nickserv ghost password
22:03.26twistedi'll kill it for you
22:03.28Aharonovhmm. I thought that I had to kick myself :-)
22:03.37ManxPwrI DO know how to change my password
22:03.50fuzzycatbut can u do it before we do?
22:04.18herag      I can't figure out how why my dialplan won't accept the extension I'm trying to push onto it...a call comes into incoming, and I want it to go to the gotoline if I punch in 99 while it's doing the waitexten, any help?
22:04.19twisted[17:03] -NickServ- The nickname [ManxPower] has been recovered
22:04.19twisted[17:03] -NickServ- Type: /msg NickServ RELEASE ManxPower to release the nickname before the timeout
22:04.24twisted[17:03] -NickServ- The nickname [ManxPower] has been released
22:05.13twistedManxPwr, now, type /nick ManxPower
22:05.20heragthe weird thing is that this was working at one point....I dunno what I changed to make it break
22:05.37ManxPwr-NickServ- The nickname [manxpower] is not being enforced
22:05.43zamsleris anyone having problems with broadvoice?
22:05.45twistedi just released it
22:06.21twistedyea, you can ghost yourself
22:06.38twistedzamsler, dunno, i fired them long ago
22:06.49zamsleri worked yesterday
22:06.53twistedbut according to the mailing list
22:06.57twistedthere are lots of problems
22:06.58ManxPowertwisted, Thanks.
22:07.01zamslernow it doesn;t work
22:07.04twistedManxPower, hehe. Anytime ;)
22:07.11twisted(that is, unless you change your password )
22:07.25ManxPowerI guess a useful bot does exist afterall.  I thought they were just a myth, like unicorns
22:08.50WilliamKcvs server: asterisk/channels/chan_iax.c is no longer in the repository
22:08.50WilliamKcvs server: asterisk/channels/chan_vofr.c is no longer in the repository
22:08.52WilliamKthis correct?
22:08.58citatsWilliamK: yep
22:09.08twistedWilliamK, yea
22:09.10twistedthey got stale
22:09.22WilliamKokie, just making sure
22:09.27WilliamK1st time I've seen that msg
22:09.50fuzzycatahh IAX, those were the days...
22:11.20*** join/#asterisk rjanacek (~roman@
22:11.33ManxPowerWilliamK, If you are going to use CVS-HEAd then get on the asterisk-cvs mailing list!
22:12.05twistedfuzzycat, yeah... although, I got into the mess right before iax2
22:12.10twistedso i didn't get much regular iax usage
22:12.24fuzzycatyou were lucky...
22:12.32WilliamKManx, I am..just haven't had time to read it entirely in depth today
22:12.42fuzzycatone day a checkout, IAX not compile, only iax2...
22:12.46fuzzycatmuch havoc..
22:12.54fuzzycatthen relief
22:13.58fuzzycatbut not as bad as the day notransfer= appeared
22:14.16WilliamKordinarly, I usually read everything before getting the updates, but I read all the zaptel stuff today before doing it =)
22:14.24azawhen using the Dial command in AGI is it correct you can't get events (answered, hangup etc.)?
22:14.40fuzzycatnot during it
22:14.43fuzzycatonly after
22:15.13ManxPowersudoer, versions 1 - 26 of IAX?
22:15.39fuzzycatIAX2 from beginning to end?
22:15.42fuzzycatinside out?
22:16.13azaso in the billing apps (e.g. asteriskprepaid) the billing time includes dialling time?
22:17.02azaIAX2 A-Z probably means a supplier terminates to the PSTN worldwide using IAX2
22:17.37fuzzycatAGI for prepaid?
22:17.49fuzzycatermm.. wtf
22:17.49*** join/#asterisk joe_ (
22:18.07filemmm IAX2
22:18.09joe_hmm.. it just occurred to me that a P166MX is too slow to do certain tasks under asterisk ;P
22:18.25filejoe_: well maybe, just maybe
22:19.01joe_file : cpu usage is only at 50% when you're using the usb interface -> x100p, but it still sounds like a dead monkey crawled into your throat
22:19.04*** join/#asterisk markit (
22:19.10fuzzycatwell, only voice related ones :P
22:19.32joe_fuzzycat : I think the USB interface was the big determinant
22:19.44joe_does that really do anytihng in hardare? ;)
22:20.31fuzzycatrecords all your thoughts
22:21.05joe_8x #)$@#)$(@#)$(
22:21.33fuzzycatyou could try my CD
22:21.57*** join/#asterisk sauber (
22:22.53herag    why won't the waitexten() line behave like I want it to? I can't get it to go to the 99 extension, it always just goes to the next priority
22:23.49*** join/#asterisk stromboli (
22:23.57WilliamKwow... new msg after I recompiled
22:23.58WilliamKOct  2 17:12:22 NOTICE[213005]: chan_zap.c:7378 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1
22:24.09Ehsanfile.c:475 ast_openstream: File your does not exist in any format
22:24.44stromboliis there a version of Asterisk that works with FreeBSD 4.10?
22:24.48zamslerchan_sip.c:683 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call 0f4438994c4e1936610b711760f3613a@ for seqno 102 (Non-critical Request)
22:25.13joe_that just means that a packet is going to be MIA dude
22:25.29zamsleroh ok
22:25.33zamslerhow can I fix it?
22:25.51fuzzycatoh dear : "Citizens pay a flat income tax of 71%"
22:25.51joe_try not to have a crappy connection between you and the sip client?
22:26.05joe_fuzzycat: stop playing freeciv ;)
22:26.15fuzzycatnation states...
22:26.20joe_ah, hehe
22:26.42WilliamKfuzzy, someone told me earlier this week that in the Tax code book it says paying income tax is voluntary
22:26.55WilliamKfront inside page of the tax code book
22:27.11WilliamKprob is, once you start paying it's no longer voluntary
22:27.46heragI haven't started paying yet...does that mean I shouldn't start?
22:27.50stromboliis there a version of Asterisk that works with FreeBSD 4.10?
22:29.04*** join/#asterisk loko_ ([
22:29.16lokoI hate having to ident to come in here ;)
22:29.18fuzzycatherag: try it, let us know how you get on - if they let you write from prision that is
22:31.40fuzzycatyah loko - PITA
22:32.57*** join/#asterisk jaxxan (jaxxan@
22:33.06lokoit is when my primary name is taken, so I had to makeup a secondary name some punk didnt register =)
22:33.13jaxxanhey ya'll
22:33.37jaxxanbkw_ around ?
22:34.55*** join/#asterisk geertn (
22:36.30lokoanyone know of any place that still has the PAP2-NA in stock
22:39.44WilliamKExt: 1  Cause: Info. element nonexist or not implemented (99), class = Protocol Error (6) ]
22:39.50WilliamKanother new peice of info
22:39.57WilliamKtoday is an interesting day
22:40.10markitwell, bug/improvement #2527 seems very interesting when developing a dialplan (no or few priority renumbering required)
22:41.03markitwondering what happens in a n+101 situation...
22:42.55matobagodoes anyone know how works the waiting call in a CIsco 7912g???
22:45.54Docelm0loko noone does.. They have all been pulled from the shelves..
22:46.50Docelm0Im buying a couple of spa's.. I will pay the extra buks for the unnecessary frustration
22:46.59matobagoanyone use a cisco 7912g???
22:47.27lokoWell they are selling them to ISPs - how many must an ISP buy to buy them?
22:47.32lokoDo some type of join effort
22:50.51*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
22:55.12*** join/#asterisk astmex (
22:55.50astmexDoes somebody is using ciscos 7912
22:56.58*** join/#asterisk hcir (
22:57.43hciranyone been able to change to default voice in Festival?
23:01.04p0larWhat protocols will the PAP2-NA use?
23:01.17p0laronly SIP?
23:02.03p0larI didn't even know they existed until tonight... heard about them a while back, but thought it was only rumour
23:02.09p0larpretty inexpensive, though.
23:03.21p0larIs there any place to get the IAXy's for less than $100?
23:04.06p0larI guess I asked for that.
23:04.25p0lar$100/FXS port seems a bit steep, IMHO.
23:04.31Blademine too
23:04.38Bladeyou can get cisco ata for $80
23:04.39fileit's IAX2, it's tasty
23:04.59p0larWell, tasty is good, I agree.
23:05.23Bladeit's good if you really need something very high quality
23:05.41*** join/#asterisk _-Jon-_ (
23:05.48p0larI do see its nat-friendly advantages
23:06.09_-Jon-_I'm having a problem with my IAX connection again and wonder if anyone can help.  I keep getting this error whenever I get a call.. Oct  2 15:41:11 WARNING[147465]: chan_iax2.c:5495 socket_read: Call rejected by No such context/extension
23:06.38Blade_-Jon-_: exten => numbertryingtocall,1,Answer
23:06.39file_-Jon-_: it's rather self explanitory
23:06.54Bladefile: why were you trying not to laugh
23:07.05fileBlade: oh nothing... nothing...
23:07.11herag    how come I can't get playtones to push a new extension? I just want to go to extension 9 and then jump out to my menu, but it just sits at the wait() and then times out...what am I doing wrong?
23:07.22Bladeyou disagree that the IAXY is higher quality than the Cisco ATA?
23:07.22Ehsanhow to turn off connection thru native bridge
23:07.26_-Jon-_Blade, number trying to call being my VoicePulse number, or the actual callers #?
23:07.35fileBlade: lalala
23:07.37Blade_-Jon-_: vpnumber
23:07.49Bladefile: I wouldn't know as I'm going off of what others say
23:07.59Bladefile: I'd be interested to know your opinion
23:08.03BladeI love my ATA
23:08.04_-Jon-_ohh okay, I'll give that a try..  I can't use exten => s,1,Answer?
23:08.12p0larI've got an ATA at the office, but no IAXy to compare it to.  I can't say that I'm all that impressed by the ata186 compared to other native cisco devices I've used.
23:08.17filelet's just say many in here have had their IAXy mysteriously stop working
23:08.20Blade_-Jon-_: not for incoming, I believe
23:08.25filenow who was I going to.. ah yes herag
23:08.42sudoerthe iaxy is as good as the grandstream
23:08.42fileherag: what exactly are you trying to do? because you're doing it the wrong way I think
23:09.02p0larthe grandstream is junk?
23:09.28heragfile, this will eventually be my deafult incoming context...I want it to pause for a second or two in case I'm calling so I can get out to a menu in another context
23:09.35EhsanAll VoicePulse users ::: please rate uptime
23:09.49fileherag: by pressing a key?
23:10.09heragfile, yes, by pressing some number, and defining a new extension
23:10.10p0larThe first player to throw out a good, inexpensive SIP or IAX phone will retire.. it's ridiculous how much they cost!
23:10.16fileherag: can't do it like that.
23:10.26heragfile: isn't that how playtones works?
23:10.29fileherag: no
23:10.36heragfile: i've also tried it with waitexten
23:10.38fileplaytones plays tones to the caller :)
23:10.43filelook at background
23:10.58fileit'll allow you to play a file containing whatever of whatever length, and wait for input
23:11.05heragfile: yes,I know...I _am_ the call
23:11.25filethat's all playtones does, is play tones to the caller... nothing more
23:11.28fileit won't take input
23:11.53Bladeherag: you should download the silence gsm files
23:12.07Bladeherag: then do BackGround(silence/4)
23:12.09heragfile: hmm, ok...then what about waitexten?
23:12.26fileI've never used waitexten, it may be broken for all I know
23:12.28Bladeherag: that's what a lot of ppl do
23:12.39heragbackground?   hmm...ok
23:13.05filebackground plays an audio file, and waits for the user to enter an extension
23:13.08filecommonly used with IVRs and such
23:13.35heragwhy does the wiki say that playtones acts like background and will wait for user input?
23:13.44fileprobably wrong info
23:13.50fplhas anyone tried MEPIS linux distro ?
23:14.05filePlay a tone list, either registered (through indications.conf) or a direct list of tones and durations.
23:14.11fileshow application playtones
23:14.17lokoAnyone here with a laptop with the builtin centrio wireless card and using wireless at home or their office?
23:14.25fileloko: yes
23:14.47lokowhich WAP are you using
23:14.55fileI have a Belkin 802.11b router
23:14.59heragis there a ringing gsm file?
23:15.03BladeI do I'm using a cheap ass netgear
23:15.19lokooh yea we talked about this before - the belkin sucks, i have probs with my belkin
23:15.25Bladeherag: ya
23:15.30filemine calmed down
23:17.05p0larwrt54g(s) here.. can't say it's all-that either -- I've burned one down by running the TX power on it out with the Satori firmware
23:17.33lokolinksys has problems with centrino wireless
23:17.42p0larcan break out the three interfaces (eth0, eth1 and wlan0) to route separately though
23:17.53filestandards are made to be followed, mmmk people?
23:18.05p0larloko: I hadn't noticed.. but I don't do *that* much wireless to be honest.
23:18.12lokoare you using Windows XP?
23:18.22lokoit may just be a combo of centrino wireless, win xp, and linksys wap
23:18.26lokoits a known issue
23:18.34p0larwell 2k/*nix
23:18.40p0lartruthfully, I'm unsure if there's an issue with *nix or not
23:18.56lokoi dont think there is with unix
23:18.57p0larI might've gotten it working for the sake of argument, but that was as far as it went.
23:19.04lokoi believe its just XP, which is what we run on our work laptops
23:19.14Bladecentrino sux
23:19.21BladeI have issues w/ my Netgear
23:19.26p0larI get problems with my orinoco card, cisco card, prism II, etc with XP and XPSP2
23:19.53p0larcan't say I care in the least for XP from my experiences, only my opinion tho
23:20.34WilliamKp0lar, you're not the only one
23:20.52p0lardoes anyone here use IAX2 across an openvpn TLS/SSL tunnel?
23:21.11p0larWilliamK: didn't figure as much, but it's always better to localize the scope of your findings. :D
23:21.44pfninteresting, can't make outbound calls with broadvoice unless you register
23:22.41p0larI need to masq my traffic but am concerned about the size of packets in the tunnel.
23:22.45filepfn: IP based authentication?
23:22.53pfndon't know for certain
23:23.00pfnbut that's a relatively recent change, I guess
23:23.14pfnfile I don't know if they also do password authentication at that point
23:23.20pfnI haven't looked at my logs
23:25.20p0larI think the new laptop that work bought me has XP on it.. (ew) I doubt the support droids will smile once they see it disappear from the domain and pop back up with linux. :D
23:25.44p0larShame too.. those guys usually play good tricks on people.
23:25.53pfnI don't think I enjoy running linux on a laptop
23:25.54mishehualright, let's see if I can do this successfully...  plug in my PAP2 to the power, but not the network, and reset it to factory defaults
23:26.49filehave fun
23:28.38heragbackground isn't working for me either...something else must be broken, in fact, waitexten was working for me last there anything else I could debug?
23:28.43*** join/#asterisk infinii (
23:29.11Bladeherag: show me your pastebin again
23:29.52heragBlade: the one with background, or with waitexten?
23:30.01fileDTMF recognition?
23:30.15heragok, one sec, let me paste it up again
23:31.49slePPreally, i'm somewhat surprised my pastebin gets used as much as it does
23:31.55mishehuJerJer: you around?
23:32.12Bladehe's idle 6hrs
23:32.12heragfile: it almost seems like something like that, this was working just fine with waitexten last weekend, and then sometime midweek when I went back to it, it stopped working, I hadn't even touched any of the config files
23:32.38mishehuThis PAP2 isn't even plugged into the network, I keyed in ****, then 73738# and it asks still for a password
23:32.45BladeI would put a wait,1 after answer
23:33.03BladeI'll paste something to put into pastebin
23:33.11Bladegive me 1sec herag
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23:34.23heragtake your time Blade, I've been at this for hours...I can wait     ; )
23:35.33Bladehave you watched in console as to what it's doing?
23:35.45heragBlade: yes
23:36.02*** join/#asterisk InetNomad (
23:36.03Bladereload w/ that config and then paste everything that happens
23:36.09Bladein console so I can see.
23:36.29heragBlade: it totally just ignores my input, and continues along it's merry way down the context, ok, I'll paste your stuff in
23:38.04Bladeremember to wait until you hear the background before you dial
23:38.42Bladethen after you dial 99 wait a few seconds to see if it picks it up
23:39.21*** join/#asterisk paulc (
23:39.31Bladetry it w/out hangup
23:39.41Bladetake s,6 out and reload
23:40.25*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
23:40.30heragI did
23:40.34heragit just hangs
23:40.41heragsigh    : /
23:40.49Bladetry dialing the 99 a second or two after background is played
23:40.56Bladeare these two on the same switch or?
23:41.00heragafter it's done?
23:41.07Bladewhat are you doing
23:41.11heragsame switch?
23:41.18pfnyou can't go to 99 if you do s,6,Hangup
23:41.35Bladeanonymous.invalid I guess tells me you're using a provider
23:42.04heragya, I'm dialing a broadvoice number, goes into my asterisk box
23:42.15pfnif you want to hangup after timeout, you need to do t,1,Hangup
23:42.18pfnnot s,6,Hangup
23:42.27Bladeherag: delete s,6 then reload then try dialing 99
23:42.31pfnand if it just hangs, you need to be sure you'r doing inband dtmf
23:42.55heragok, I took out the hangup, it just do I ensure I'm doing inband dtmf?
23:43.10heragin my sip.conf, right?
23:43.42heragyes, inband is set
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23:46.33Bladedid you trying killing asterisk?
23:46.59heragBlade: ya
23:47.03herag: /
23:47.14Bladeeven after using the config I pasted?
23:48.26pfnso you punch 99 after you hear thank you?
23:48.43Bladeit definately should work
23:49.06Blade/notice me your phone number
23:52.16Bladedid you try from another phone if you don't want to give your # out
23:52.21Darwin35chan_zap.c: In function `handle_init_event':
23:52.21Darwin35chan_zap.c:5687: error: `ZT_EVENT_POLARITY' undeclared (first use in this function)
23:53.18heragBlade: yes, I have tried other phones...I'm on with broadvoice now, I'm trying to see if they know anything
23:53.30Bladedon't bother
23:53.41Blade"They do not support generic SIP"
23:53.51Bladewell 'offer support for'
23:55.44*** join/#asterisk Umaro (
23:56.46pfnthey don't *support* it
23:56.48pfnbut they make it available
23:57.02pfnI do inbound dtmf with mine all the time
23:57.03pfnworks fine
23:57.32*** join/#asterisk MiXi^ (
23:58.26slePPis there a sip authorization problem right now?
23:58.35ManxPowerLog Message:
23:58.35ManxPowerAllow "n" or "next" and "s" or "same" in dialplan logic priorities
23:58.42slePPcuz one of my users is being forbidden on the first register and on the second register, it's all fine
23:59.11fileslePP: I'll give you a hint
23:59.41fileactually no I won't because now that I reread your sentence I dunno
23:59.55fileregistration is working fine for me... unless you mean the request for 407 Proxy Authentication Required

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