irclog2html for #asterisk on 20041001

00:00.07*** join/#asterisk wepy (
00:00.26routerheads_athoDocelm0: Let me know what you find out.
00:00.39routerheads_athore: pap2
00:00.53wepyi don't understand what asterisk is for.. i read the page though
00:01.06JRBHi - is anyone using SMS in the UK please?
00:01.12JRBI am having a nightmare getting it to work!
00:01.15JamesDotCombuzzyd: see the line that "db_class" = "DB_ser"?
00:01.23JRBthere is very little docs that I can find on it
00:01.24JamesDotComchange that to "db_class" => "DB_ser"
00:01.28Docelm0I am trying to get the firmware on both the router version and also the PAP2.. If I get the firmware I will make it freely available on my website for anyone who wants it
00:01.29JamesDotComadd the >
00:01.46wepywhat can i do with asterisk :)
00:02.09amerasterisk can do your laundry
00:02.27wepycan i get free phone calls using my internet connection?
00:02.28buzzydthanks James
00:02.31routerheads_athoI need to get a locked one and start playing, I will take JerJer's approach
00:02.32wepyusing asterisk?
00:02.40Docelm0Im sure twisted could code a module for it
00:03.03Ehsanwepy : what do u need to do with asterix ?
00:03.28wepyEhsan: i don't need to do anything, i'm just curious what this is... what could i use it for
00:03.46Ehsanmultifunction pbx
00:03.55wepywhat does a pbx do?
00:04.01wepy(i thought it meant phone box?)
00:04.16Ehsanwepy : that's a tough question :)
00:04.32PatrickDKheh, if you don't know pbx, than you should probably give up now
00:04.39amergoogle "what is a pbx"
00:04.44PatrickDKit will be one hell of a learning curve
00:04.47wepyi can learn what a pbx is..
00:04.54wepybut i'm just wondering what this is for..
00:05.01davetroyprivate branch exchange
00:05.02drumkillai bet wikipedia has an article on a PBX
00:05.02robl^wepy: PBX it not just a social disease
00:05.03PatrickDKrouting phone calls
00:05.07amerAsterisk is an IP PBX
00:05.12davetroyit's a phone system.
00:05.14wepyis it just like IP address -> phone ?
00:05.14bkw_its more than that
00:05.35davetroyyeah, it's a way of life, a seismograph, a blender, etc...
00:05.38robl^wepy: PBX - like a phone system in an office..  transfer calls, dial 9 for an outside line.. etc
00:05.42amerAsterisk is an answering machine
00:06.04routerheads_athoI use my asterisk as a toaster ;)
00:06.06PatrickDKamer, one damn nice answering machine :)
00:06.16wepycould you use asterisk over the internet.. say, if i had it at home, and my relatives in europe had it installed..?
00:06.19ameryoo bro
00:06.21wepythen we could call for free?
00:06.22*** join/#asterisk malaiwah (
00:06.24Ehsananyone with Music On hold and meetme without Zaptel hardware
00:06.42PatrickDKehsan, use ztdummy
00:06.47PatrickDKwon't be as good, but should work
00:07.22EhsanPatrickDK : used it
00:07.26davetroyany opinions as to whether 2.6 ztdummy works better than 2.4 usb ztdummy?
00:07.27Ehsanbut get this error
00:07.28filemeetme can't be used without a timing device
00:07.31fileMusic on hold can
00:07.35robl^I use Asterisk to get rid of unwanted phone calls.  match the caller ID on my "ickey list!" and Allison says "The number you have dialed, XXX-XXX-XXXX has been changed.  The new number is..." and then 32 random digits. :)
00:08.16PatrickDKehsan, what error?
00:08.24filewepy: yes, you can do that
00:08.31malaiwahi have trouble with my xlite client on windows xp.. my asterisk box works right with my fxo and fxs lines and i can hear on my xlite what i say in the fxs phone.. but listening on the fxs, the voice from xlite is choppy.
00:08.36filewepy: or you can have one asterisk server, and have both phones on it
00:08.44wepyfile: so asterisk is like a router for phones that use ethernet cables? :)
00:08.48PatrickDKrobl, I just let the line ring, then hangup
00:08.53fileit's a PBX.
00:09.02wepyor do the phones still use regular lines?
00:09.12fileVoIP phones use ethernet
00:09.17EhsanPatrickDK : just a min
00:09.25PatrickDKI don't have a min :)
00:09.36wepydoes asterisk use VoIP phones, or regular phones?
00:09.38fileif you Google, look at voip-info, and look at mailing list posts you'll get lots of info
00:09.42*** join/#asterisk NormAst (
00:10.26wepyfile: so really, a regular guy at home has no use for asterisk, it's more like a router for phones in a business?
00:10.27GodseyI'm looking at Primus's offerings
00:10.39filewepy: well, you can have voicemail... and low cost VoIP service
00:10.47robl^wepy: if you don't understand what a VoIP PBX is, that means you need t buy 4 systems from me
00:11.16wepyfile: wow.. i kinda want voicemail :)
00:11.28wepyfile: what could i use voip for at home?
00:11.32*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
00:11.38fileasterisk can e-mail you the voicemail.. and also have web access, plus phone access
00:11.41filewepy: low cost long distance?
00:11.50GodseyI wish I could use Lingo w/ asterisk :)
00:12.13wepyfile: um.. how?
00:12.22fileBroadvoice gets you unlimited long distance for $20/mth in US and Canada...
00:12.33wepyfile: the person i call must also use voip?
00:12.35fileor if you don't use that much, you can use prepaid services like NuFone or Voicepulse Connect
00:12.36robl^wepy: and the ultra cool geek factor of having a $500 VoIP phone on your desk with an LCD screen, lots of buttons, and flashing lights.
00:12.38fileno - this is regular phone
00:12.47GodseyI have broadvoice right now, and it seems unreliable
00:12.55fileyou pay a provider and they provide you access to the regular pstn network
00:13.07wepyfile: pstn ?
00:13.17GodseyI get reports about unreachable and busy from broadvoice when clearly the line it's calling isn't in use
00:13.18wepyi think i understand this now
00:13.22file'da plain old telephone system
00:13.41robl^pstn = old fashioned phone network.  AT&T, Bell, etc
00:14.08ameris there a thing like directed pickup in Asterisk
00:14.17fileamer: what do you mean?
00:14.24robl^amer: yes..
00:14.27miguellinuxariel_: help!!
00:14.33filepickup groups?
00:14.39amerlike can I pickup any ringing extension
00:14.52ameryes yes
00:14.54filepickup groups, allows you to pick up other phones that are ringing in your group
00:15.02amerwo hoo
00:15.05robl^amer: the features are there, you just have to configure it
00:15.06ameris that an ad on
00:15.11wepyso if i wanted to use asterisk for voicemail going to my email.. how would this physically be setup?
00:15.12*** join/#asterisk easydone (
00:15.38wepydo i need 2 modems and a NIC ?
00:15.41filewepy: you'd have a PCI FXO card that goes to your current phone line, and have asterisk pick up after a number of rings... to voicemail
00:16.00filewepy: the box would have to have the PCI FXO card, available from Digium, and yes connectivity to the net
00:16.02Ehsanwepy : u need asterisk installed and a fxo card
00:16.06Docelm0Get this.. Some dude in the phillipines just told me I have to contact vontage cause they coded the firmware for the devices..  thats complete BULLSHIT!
00:16.18fileDocelm0: haha
00:16.26Docelm0Anywho..  Anyone in here know dialplans?   I have a REAL small question to ask
00:16.31*** join/#asterisk Moc (
00:16.36fileDocelm0: ask it
00:16.39Docelm0But I am calling vontage..
00:16.40wepythe FXO card has 2 jacks, 1 for phone and 1 for the line?
00:16.44robl^again.. I will say..  Asterisk is a phone system construction set..  you get all the pieces you need.  You just have to put it together the way you want.  You can build any phonesystem you can imagine.
00:16.44scriptdo you guys have voip service and using asterisk?
00:16.46*** join/#asterisk welby (
00:16.53filewepy: the phone is just a pass through... won't connect into asterisk, but the line one will
00:17.02*** join/#asterisk nikko_ (~nikko@
00:17.05davetroyyeah, like the Lego Mindstorms Office Phone System Kit.
00:17.05Mocscript, what do you mean ?
00:17.09*** join/#asterisk freestyle_networ (
00:17.25Docelm0When the dialplan is executed and it connects..   Then is terminated under normal conditions ie.. the other party hangs up..  Can I continue to execute the dialplan and have it redial that same connection again?
00:17.34freestyle_networannyone work with TXFAX ?
00:17.41scriptdo you vontage or some other provider with using asterisk software?
00:17.44wepyfile: so is it like phone -> FXO phone port :: FXO Line port -> phone line ?
00:17.57wepyand asterisk in the middle.. listening and managing the line..?
00:18.00nikko_can someone possibly answer a quick asterisk upgrade question?
00:18.06wepykinda like a big answering machine?
00:18.09robl^wepy; FXS = phone FXO=line
00:18.09filewepy: the phone port is just there so you can call out when your computer is off
00:18.17fileit won't interact with asterisk
00:18.24Docelm0No.. this is completely unrelated..
00:18.31fileasterisk, however, can use the phone line to place/receive calls and route them
00:18.58wepyfile: routing phone calls? that's the voip part right?
00:19.02scriptso its like a router for voip?
00:19.13fileit's a PBX.
00:19.19filego look at the definition of a PBX
00:19.35scriptbecause I'm configure it now with my current voip service
00:19.51davetroymore of an endpoint device than a core element, but can still be used to provide specific features in the core.
00:20.09Mocscript, Nufone use *
00:20.12filescript: which provider?
00:20.24*** join/#asterisk _-Jon-_ (
00:20.27wepyso VoIP service would costs like $20/mo for unlimited calls to anywhere in the world?
00:20.28MocNufone is the most stable VOIP provider I found so far
00:20.37_-Jon-_Any idea how I can fix this error:  chan_iax2.c:5701 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, request '802xxxxxxx@from-pstn' does not exist
00:20.40filewepy: no - US and Canada
00:20.52Docelm0I have packet8..  I wanna hack that ATA also.. :)
00:20.53wepyfile: are there any international ones?
00:20.54filescript: you have to put their device onto an FXO port, you can't have asterisk connect directly
00:21.09Mocwepy, yes, if it to a VoIP termination... so IP/IP is FREE... - Bandwidth cost
00:21.13scriptso I don't have voip phone I have qos box
00:21.19*** join/#asterisk pvinci (
00:21.27davetroyit's pstn orig/termination that costs $$
00:21.29scriptoh ok
00:21.40nikko_i remember something about some more stuff you have to clean up when doing an upgrade from a prettty old * version (may 2004) - could someone remind me?
00:21.47nikko_my upgrade isn;t going to swell
00:21.52wepywhy doesn't the world just get rid of phones and have special phones that use ethernet jacks.. UDP or something
00:21.53Moc_-Jon-_: well check your context on the called machine, if it allowed in iax
00:21.56davetroynikko -- modules.con f
00:22.02filewepy: VoIP isn't 100% reliable
00:22.08robl^Asterisk is the "operator".  It connects lines and phones.  Phones can be POTS phones, or VoIP of various types.  Phone "lines" can be standard pstn lines, T1s, VoIP channels (SIP, SCCP, MGP, etc).    Asterisks job is to do all the switching between them
00:22.11fileespically with NAT and stuff
00:22.18nikko_delete it?
00:22.29scriptFXO port?
00:22.32wepyfile: on a scale of 1 to 10, how much does it suck (10 being good, 1 being very very sucky)
00:22.34davetroyno, /etc/modules.conf; make sure you are not loading unnecessary zaptel drivers
00:22.41davetroyit can really slow down machine
00:22.43filewepy: depends on the conditions
00:22.45nikko_no, it's empty
00:22.48wepyfile: such as?
00:23.00filescript: yes, you have to connect the Packet8 ATA into asterisk via an FXO port (where you can plug a phone line in)
00:23.10nikko_it's a zaptel problem with my t100 I think
00:23.20nikko_ztcfg gives an error
00:23.20filewepy: low bandwidth internet connections, satellite, UDP and firewalls, NAT
00:23.23wepymaybe our networks are too damn slow..
00:23.26*** join/#asterisk jdg (
00:23.30davetroynikko; i dunno, i have a t100 and haven't had any probs with upgrades
00:23.41filethose aren't fatal but they sometimes present a challenge
00:23.42davetroydid you update zaptel and libpri both and make/make install?
00:23.49wepyhow much bandwidth does a phone call take..?
00:23.58filewepy: depends on the codec (call quality)
00:23.59robl^wepy: depends on the compression
00:24.11wepyfile: the best codec available?
00:24.14filethe smallest you can go is about 25kbps with G729
00:24.20wepyso that it sounds goood..
00:24.22scriptwell I have my asterisk server on the same switch as my packet8 ata device
00:24.23nikko_yep, i renamed all my source dirs and fetched new everything and did a make clean and make install
00:24.26matobagowepy:depends on the media too
00:24.29wepycan't you use ogg or something? :)
00:24.30robl^wepy: its like watching streaming video online.. sometimes its high quality some times it sucks..
00:24.33filethe best quality codec, ULAW, is 64Kbps... I meant 25Kbps for G729
00:24.38JRBplease please please can anyone point me in the right direction for * SMS in the UK?
00:24.45davetroyogg/mp3 etc are not designed for realtime compression.
00:24.51paulcJRB: Isn't it on the wiki?
00:25.05JRBpaulc - not much on there
00:25.08scriptbut I need piece hardware to connect it right?
00:25.11robl^wepy: you have to use a codec that Asterisk AND the phone both understand.  most phones don't use ogg voribis
00:25.22matobagoi think ULAW use more than 64kbps
00:25.29paulcJRB: I've seen somethign somewhere and thought it was the wiki - talked about how to register your PSTN line with BT to get SMS via FSK
00:25.30wepysp with 25Kbps voices sound normal?
00:25.34davetroyyeah, the new cisco 7980 ogg vorbis deskphone.. ;)
00:25.41filethe ULAW codec itself is 64Kbps
00:25.51filewith TCP/IP overhead it ends up to be 80Kbps
00:25.55robl^davetroy: I thought it was the Snom 450?
00:25.56PatrickDKulaw with overhead is 87kbps
00:25.57wepy64Kbps 1 way?
00:26.02PatrickDKone way, yes
00:26.13filemmm bandwidth
00:26.16fileULAW is beautiful though
00:26.19PatrickDKgsm is about 27kbps one way
00:26.21davetroyneed to release the new IAXYogg
00:26.27wepyamerica = cheap with the upload
00:26.32PatrickDKg729 is like 23kbps
00:26.41rollotomnasicvs server down?
00:26.43zykehi guys
00:26.47robl^what about the Sipura QuickTime edition?
00:26.51zykeany one using callme files?
00:26.56matobagoi think g729 is a good option
00:27.04scripthey file this FXO port is piece of hardware I need to get?
00:27.05PatrickDKI perfer gsm :)
00:27.09nikko_after my upgrade of asterisk (and reboot) ztcfg gives me :ZT-SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: Invalid argument (22)
00:27.12filescript: yes
00:27.22scriptyou have url?
00:27.22robl^g729, sound quality, is good.  but its pricey and patent encumbered
00:27.22zykei get the call released in few seconds when using same kind of channel
00:27.24filescript: Packet8 prevents you from connecting third party devices to them, so you don't abuse the service
00:27.31davetroynikko -- that's including downloading new zaptel/libpri?
00:27.32filescript: hardware... go look
00:27.38scriptthx alot man
00:27.40wepyso.. another option is to buy VoIP phones.. they could connect to your computer with a NIC?
00:27.48nikko_yes, I fetched everything
00:28.07filewepy: they would connect into a switch, router, or hub and connect to your asterisk machine via the internet or on a local network
00:28.14nikko_then I did a make clean; make install on zaptel, libpri and asterisk
00:28.19nikko_in that order
00:28.19matobagosomeone make a g729 open source
00:28.24wepyfile: now that sounds like what phones should be :)
00:28.32wepyfile: do voip phones use DHCP or something?
00:28.33robl^wepy:  think of it just like a computer network..  the phones are just tiny single-purpose computers.  they all plug into a switch/hub
00:28.49nikko_now fails to load
00:28.56JRBpaulc: do you know if it is an app which I load separately?
00:28.58PatrickDKfile, whip out that bofh
00:29.01filewepy: there are no standards for how a phone operates, except the protocol. It's up to the manufacturer to write the ability to use DHCP into the firmware
00:29.08wepyif everyone just bought voip phones.. we could all call each other with dyndns :)
00:29.13fileall I see support DHCP
00:29.23PatrickDKwepy, we already do that
00:29.31zykeany one using callme files?
00:29.32wepyPatrickDK: cool!
00:29.43scriptman 85 bucks
00:30.12paulcJRB: Yeah, I think it is.. app_sms or something?
00:30.18paulcyeah - do "show application sms" for infor
00:30.25filescript: are you looking at an FXO module? that's for use with the TDM400 card
00:30.28wepyso your phone router in that case would be asterisk?
00:30.42wepyif you had a firewall, would you just open a range of ports?
00:30.56wepylike say 8 ports for 8 incoming calls or something?
00:31.00robl^think of Asterisk as a server..  the phones are clients.
00:31.14PatrickDK1 port for call setup, and alot of ports for audio traffic
00:31.18scriptfile I'm just trying to get asterisk working with packet8
00:31.26JRBpaulc: your application is not registered
00:31.28filescript: you can't connect asterisk directly to packet8
00:31.38JRBpaulc: i am using the v1-0 release
00:31.38wepywhy doesn't everyone do this :)
00:31.48scriptyeah I know I need to buy FXO port
00:31.55wepypeople with broadband should at least..
00:31.55scriptbut I only see the module
00:31.58paulcJRB: If you do "show applications" is SMS listed?
00:32.02malaiwahwhat voip phone could i use on windows, x-lite is not to my taste...
00:32.02filelook harder.
00:32.10robl^GalaxyVoice beats the SH*T out of Packert8 and it connects directly via SIP
00:32.11JRBpaulc: no :-(
00:32.17fileI see it right in front of me
00:32.21davetroywepy the * community is growing quickly.
00:32.22fileSingle-Port FXO PCI interface card for interfacing with a standard analog phone line.
00:32.26wepyrobl^: is GalaxyVoice a type of phone?
00:32.28filehow much clearer can it be?
00:32.40fileGalaxyVoice is a provider
00:32.50robl^wepy: GV is a service provider.  tehy connect me to a local phone numnber
00:32.51wepythey forward IP -> pstp?
00:33.16paulcJRB: What's it say when you do "show version" ?
00:33.19wepycan people on cell phones dial by IP address yet?
00:33.24filewepy: haha no
00:33.31robl^$20US per month and I get unlimited long distance
00:33.33bkw_JRB you dont have 1.0.1 you have the old ass 1.0
00:34.08routerheads_athohow many long distance minutes do you use a month?
00:34.09JRBbkw: does that not have SMS in it?
00:34.18script99 bucks
00:34.35PatrickDKwepy, use
00:34.41davetroyno, that's
00:34.52wepyah you mean :)
00:35.11robl^ even
00:35.14wepyoh, that will specify a specific phone at my IP?
00:35.25scriptfile 99 bucks
00:35.32*** part/#asterisk matobago (
00:35.33JRBbkw: does that not have SMS in it?
00:36.01wepyhow much is a voip phone again?
00:36.11script20 bucks
00:36.13wepyi mean, could i get a regular phone for like $30 ?
00:36.25file$30? no.
00:36.29PatrickDKyou can use a normal phone, and an iaxy or sipura adaptor
00:36.40PatrickDKor just use a tdm400p card
00:36.45scriptdude who else had packet8 again?
00:36.56scriptfile that card is 99 bucks
00:37.02filewepy: yeah... a VoIP FXS adapter... gives you a phone line connected to a VoIP provider
00:37.06filescript: I know, I can read
00:37.09robl^a VoIP phone runs from $65 to $500
00:37.14filewepy: the Sipura for example is $94.95 for 2 ports
00:37.15wepyno i don't mean the provider..
00:37.19wepythe physical phone
00:37.48JerJeror the PAP2 for $49.99
00:37.56wepyi should set these up for my family..
00:37.59fileJerJer: shhhhhhhh
00:38.01fileJerJer: :)
00:38.09davetroythe unavailable pap-smear-na for $49.99...
00:38.10fileJerJer: mine comes in tomorrow...
00:38.11scriptthx for your help file
00:38.15wepychristmas = linux/asterisk + voip phone -> free calls to family
00:38.36wepydon't tell me, there are wireless voip phones too right?
00:38.48robl^what is this PAP2, JerJer?
00:38.52davetroyyeah, 802.11 sip...
00:39.01robl^pap2 is a new ATA?
00:39.04davetroypap2-na = not available
00:39.10wepyis sip the protocol?
00:39.15_-Jon-_Arg, can someone please help me with an iax problem.. I keep getting "rejected connect attempt from.." errors whenever I get a call
00:40.02*** part/#asterisk mitchel (
00:40.20wepyalso.. what about encryption?
00:40.31wepyif there are wireless voip phones, i suppose you'd want to use some protocol that encrypted it..
00:40.31Vcoanyone know the guestimated timeframe for tdm400 w/fxo backorders?
00:40.48wepyVco: what's a tdm400 ?
00:40.50filewepy: the Sipura units support encryption, but besides that - nothing yet
00:41.05Vcoor whatever the hell the digium card is..
00:41.08wepyfile: does asterisk encrypt then too?
00:41.23filewepy: nope, not that I know of
00:41.28wepyphones need linux :)
00:41.41filesome VoIP phones run Linux
00:41.45JRBbkw: does that not have SMS in it?
00:42.03bkw_JRB no the old ass 1.0-stable does not
00:42.14wepycool though
00:42.20buzzyddoes transcoding take place when going from sip to iax?
00:42.28PatrickDKnot really
00:42.35wepycuz my phone line right now costs like $18/month.. then we use a phone card..
00:42.35PatrickDKonly if codec doesn't match
00:42.41robl^tran scoding is from different compression codecs
00:42.50wepyso i bet voip -> provider is cheaper
00:42.56buzzydok thx
00:42.58*** part/#asterisk zaptel (~el@
00:42.59robl^has nothing to do with transort protcol
00:43.29Docelm0DONT BUY THE NEW ATA!   I have 2 of them and I am fighting with Linksys/Vonage to get a new firmware..
00:43.44Docelm0I have been on hold for over 2 hours and talked to 6 different people already
00:43.58Docelm0But if/when I get it.. TRUST ME!   I will put the firmware out there for download!
00:44.06routerheads_athoHave you hooked them to the net?
00:44.08JerJerlisten to me
00:44.12JerJerno firmware is needed
00:44.14Docelm0Not yet
00:44.21JerJerit is a stock SIpura inside
00:44.22Docelm0How do I hack the linksys firmware then?
00:44.24wepythanks for the info :)
00:44.25JerJeryou don't
00:44.46JerJerLinksys simply vacuum formed some plastic around a better layed out PCB SIpura 2000
00:45.08fileJerJer: cuter eh?
00:45.29*** part/#asterisk wepy (
00:45.37routerheads_athoI think they look great compared to the Sipura
00:45.41JerJerhell yeah
00:45.46JerJerblue LEDs !
00:45.51Docelm0I have 2 of them.. How do I hack them so I can use them?
00:45.58Docelm0And why should I not hook them up to the net?
00:46.06fileif I put up a UPS release notice... that I wrote out... would UPS accept that and leave my package?
00:46.07JerJervonage locks them down real hard
00:46.15fileDocelm0: are they PAP2 or PAP2-NA?
00:46.29JerJerfile: if you sign it, yes they will accept and leave your package at your own risk
00:46.29Docelm0and RT31P2
00:46.32bkw_did you hook them to the internet first?
00:46.34fileah yes don't let them near an internet connection
00:46.42bkw_then you're safe
00:46.46bkw_its like easy to crack
00:46.47fileJerJer: exxxxxxxxxxxxxxcellent
00:46.54bkw_you let them get on the net they are locked down
00:47.06Docelm0How do I get around it?
00:47.17Docelm0What do I need to do?  :)
00:47.20bkw_cross over cable
00:47.23bkw_and some clue
00:47.40PatrickDKclue is hard to come by these days
00:47.42filewhich many in this day and age lack in many regards
00:47.46Docelm0ok I got the crossover part..  But tcpdump?
00:47.49bkw_emerge -pv clue
00:48.05robl^apt-get install clue
00:48.12bkw_no clue found
00:48.24fileBy signing below I give permission for UPS to leave any package being delivered from Frontier PC in the shed... that'll work
00:48.43JerJershould, yes
00:48.44robl^file: do you have the tracking #?
00:48.51robl^I would add that if you do
00:49.09bkw_OK damn it
00:49.12bkw_you guys with two nicks
00:49.14bkw_need to get the hell out
00:49.24drumkillascreen is your friend
00:49.28bkw_my tab completion is messed up
00:49.29filebkw_: :)
00:49.32bkw_drumkilla yes you know it :)
00:49.39Docelm0Um, Im at home.. Not work.. :)
00:49.46bkw_well pick on
00:49.48bkw_not both boi
00:50.23fileI must go kill reality TV shows
00:50.30*** join/#asterisk gregwood (
00:50.31bkw_I'm with ya
00:50.44JRBbwk: thanks - is there any more info on how this works exactly?
00:50.51zykeany one using callme files?
00:51.16amerhey v were hacking those linksys boxes
00:52.12amercrossover cable tcpdump, whats next
00:52.22gregwoodI need help with a new asterisk install.   I can connect to the server and it says it playing the demo but I get no sound. I am using iaxphone and it shows input and output.  My headseat works fine and I am getting my sounds
00:52.27gregwoodfrom windows
00:52.35JerJeramer:  ethereal is more friendly
00:52.52amerwhat should  I look for?
00:52.57amerI will use snifer pro
00:53.42JerJerit is going to request an XML file from some TFTP server
00:53.54gregwoodI have also tried sjphone with sip and get the same thing
00:53.56JerJeryou need to become that TFTP server and provide the unit with that XML file
00:53.58kielbouyaka !
00:54.01kielhello JerJer
00:54.15amerwoo hooo
00:54.22filebecome the TFTP server! become trivial!
00:54.22amerI can do that
00:54.38Docelm0So how do I hack my Linksys devices?
00:54.44fileJerJer just explained
00:54.48JerJerDocelm0:  pay attention
00:54.51Docelm0I have not connected them to the net..
00:55.00Docelm0I am.. But I dont see any directions.. :(
00:55.24amerconnect them together with a Xover cable and wait till u hear them talk
00:55.29PatrickDKmimic their tftp server
00:55.41JerJerbut do not let it talk to the real TFTP server
00:55.47filehrm I'm hungry, perhaps I should consume food
00:56.26routerheads_athoany advice on the xml file?
00:56.32amerperhaps u should send some our way too
00:56.40fileamer: nah
00:56.42NormAstAnyone know how to get call forwarding working under *
00:57.00JRBupgraded to 1.0.1 and it won't start - loader.c:380 load_modules: Loading module failed ? does not exist anymore
00:57.19NormAstI would hook them to a cheap hub (not a switch) using eithereal and grab packets
00:57.19JerJerrm /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
00:57.32NormAstfind out what the address of there TFTP server is
00:57.41JRBJerJer - you know what the prob is?
00:57.45fileif it contacts Vonage at all, you're screwed so just make sure it doesn't
00:58.03NormAstWho has the firmware?
00:58.15Docelm0How so?
00:58.17fileSomeone has the firmware!
00:58.17Ehsananyone has got the Astricon 04 tutorials ?
00:58.19NormAstI hacked my primus d-link....
00:58.20file<Someone> who me?
00:58.21fileYes you!
00:58.23PatrickDKI would recomment a firewall rule
00:58.24file<Someone> Not true!
00:58.36routerheads_athoi dont believe it is firmware, its an xml config file
00:59.03NormAstXML? Some are locked via the firmware... Primus is one of them.
00:59.07PatrickDKno other way to get the linksys one?
00:59.18*** join/#asterisk Tidal (~J@
00:59.19amerNormAst what do need to know about call park
00:59.21JerJerNormAst:   bleh
00:59.45NormAstamer:  Need to know how to get asterisk to enable and disable call Forwarding.
01:00.04PatrickDKnormast, on what phone line?
01:00.09Sivanais 'make update' broke now... will it download dev version?
01:00.24NormAstI am using a AZATEL box with *.
01:00.44PatrickDKon phones? or telco?
01:00.50NormAstOn Phones..
01:01.01PatrickDKyou have to configure dialplan for that
01:01.13NormAstOh.. Anysamples?
01:01.15JRBI have removed from my modules.conf file but now I get another error - undefined symbol: ast_pickup_call?
01:01.37JerJerJRB: you did not recompile
01:01.43JerJermake clean install
01:03.51*** join/#asterisk implicit (
01:04.25*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
01:04.31JRBdid a make clean install
01:04.39JRBsame error
01:04.41implicitbkw_: i would call asterisk an ip pbx, not a softswitch
01:04.52JRBshould my configs from v1.0 work ok?
01:04.56bkw_implicit it can be a softswitch
01:05.01bkw_just not there "yet"
01:05.20implicitdamn ss7 support
01:05.30JRBJerJer: did a make clean install but the error remains
01:05.37implicitwow that girl is hot, if you were here you would be come straight bkw_
01:06.35JerJerJRB: then you do not have updated code
01:06.47*** join/#asterisk john86753 (
01:06.54*** join/#asterisk HiTech69 (
01:07.21*** join/#asterisk twisted (
01:07.22*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
01:07.47miguellinuxHi I need some help with callgroups and pickupgroups
01:08.06JRBJerJer: how do I get this fixed?  I did a cvs checkout -r v1-0-1 asterisk zaptel libpri asterisk-sounds asterisk-addons
01:08.28JRBthen went in to /usr/src/asterisk and did make clean ; make install
01:08.34implicithey twisted
01:08.37implicitwhoats up man
01:08.46twistednot sure what a whoat is
01:08.55john86753This question may be stupid and impossible.  I want to ring the phone in my house if I get a SIP phone call is this possible?  I only have 1 phone line and when I do Zap/1  in my extensions I get answered immediatly
01:09.29twistedjohn86753, elaborate on your setup a bit
01:09.38JerJerrm -rf /usr/lib/asterisk/
01:09.44ariel_miguellinux, what is your question. I might be able to help.
01:10.18JerJercvs co zaptel, libpri, asterisk ; cd zaptel && make install && cd../libpri && make install && cd ../asterisk && make install
01:10.32JerJerhmm no commas...   cvs co zaptel libpri asterisk
01:10.54john86753sure, I have 1 phone line running into my FXO card, when I recieve an internet phone call I would like to have the regular phone in my house ring.  Without buying a cisco ATA device or anything like that.
01:12.28bkw_WTF are they smokin
01:12.30bkw_anyone have that CD?
01:13.25john86753twisted, does that make sense?
01:13.33JRBJerJer - can I check out the stable 1.0.1?
01:13.48ariel_john86753, without an fxs port and a little reconfiguration of your phone lines it's not posible.
01:14.08john86753ok, that is what I thought, no biggie
01:14.23Docelm0What CD?
01:14.37*** join/#asterisk garret_ (
01:15.32JRBJerJer - can I check out the stable 1.0.1? Will that work ok with SMS?
01:17.02ariel_anyone here has connected a Mitek pbx to an asterisk box. Via it's T1 port?
01:17.44*** join/#asterisk wizhippo (
01:18.02*** join/#asterisk garret_ (
01:18.03JRBprice wars!
01:18.06JRBJerJer - can I check out the stable 1.0.1? Will that work ok with SMS?
01:18.24Docelm0Where can I purchase the PAP's or devices like them?
01:18.40JerJeronly staples
01:18.53file2a blueberry muffin!
01:19.11*** join/#asterisk JimVanM (
01:19.39ariel_AT&T is trying to get into the market
01:23.13gregwoodHELP! have installed asterisk and can connect but can't get any audio.  iaxping looks good.
01:23.35file2I'm on break.
01:23.42JerJeri'm at lunch
01:24.23JRBlunch was a long time ago for me - 2:24am Zzzzz Zzzz Zzzz
01:27.15*** join/#asterisk pdk (
01:29.36MocJerJer, nothing new for Canadian user ?
01:30.52JunK-Ymoc: how ya're adding buddies to ur list ?
01:30.52JunK-Y(on IP 500)
01:30.52Moci dont use the buddies on the ip 500
01:30.52MocI dont think * support it
01:30.59JunK-Ythat's bad. :(