irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040927

00:04.19*** join/#asterisk Moc (
00:04.34file2EarlGrey: doesn't matter
00:04.45achillezdammit, my head is going nuts ^^
00:05.26EarlGreycheers file2
00:05.49fuzzycatI just broke the wife'sbike :/
00:05.57*** join/#asterisk abombss (
00:06.02*** join/#asterisk oej (~chatzilla@
00:06.09zoahey oej
00:06.15wasimhola oej - kudos on astricon :)
00:06.15zoathanks for astricon!!!!!!!!!1
00:06.17zoathanks for astricon!!!!!!!!!1
00:06.23*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
00:06.25zoait rocked bigtime
00:06.27zoasuch a huge succes
00:06.30file2it's teh oej!
00:06.33Daminoej: thanks! :)
00:06.40oejI am waiting for an airplane on Newark...
00:06.43zoanow lets start bribing for next years country :p
00:06.45Stealth_Manhey Olle congratulation on Astricon, you are the Man
00:06.46abombsswhat was the best thing at astricon
00:06.46ZX81where can I find some more information about hints?
00:06.46EarlGreyjust i'm following every bit of advice/documentation and i still cant get my box working
00:06.49oejFile2: YOu
00:07.00oejFile2: You'll get another chance
00:07.04file2oej: indeed
00:07.06DaminMark's Keynote where he released 1.0
00:07.35Stealth_ManOej: so you've in NY, why you didn't tell us ? :)
00:07.42abombssany cool demos?
00:07.48wasimcome on, we'll go up to the mountains, himalayas someplace, base camp k2
00:08.10DaminAstricon Cancun! Who is up for it? :)
00:08.28file2if there was a Canadian Astricon I wouldn't have it in Montreal
00:08.39Mocfile2, why is that ?
00:08.50file2Moc: bad experience when I was in Quebec.
00:08.51Daminfile2: Hard to get the dogs to pull the sled that far?
00:08.59Mocfile2, in MTL or quebec ?
00:09.01wasimwe'd have to SetLanguage(fr)
00:09.05file2Quebec City
00:09.11EarlGreyaslimfadhley you still there
00:09.12Mocha it different in mtl..
00:09.18EarlGreycheck your pm :)
00:09.20Mocqbc is mostly french only.. mtl is bilingual
00:09.27file2uh huh
00:09.33file2GAH my eye is twitching again
00:09.42Stealth_Manmlt rilezzz ! one of best cities which i've seen in the worls
00:09.57sergejfkoej : congratulations on Astricon from all the Mexican participants - everybody found the event fabulous!
00:10.03MocStealth_Man, you had problem with being a english person in MTL ?
00:10.05file2regardless, changes are very high I will be at the next US Astricon
00:10.59zoasergejfk: are you mr berry berry nice ?
00:11.28sergejfkzoa : nope, just a European doing a tacos diet down South :)
00:11.30oejsergejfk: THank you very muich
00:11.40oej%$ keyboard
00:11.45oejAmerican PC
00:11.57sergejfkoej : pa svenska tack ;)
00:12.14zoaserdiehard: do you know marcel ?
00:12.15derrickoej, who traveled the furthest?  i had lunch w/ a guy from  nigeria..i was impressed by that
00:12.19oejsergejfk: :-)
00:12.21DaminZoa, where is the berry berry video? :)
00:12.26zoaits coming
00:12.33derrickdamin, did you put up your vids?
00:12.37zoawe have a broken circuit in the office
00:12.44oejderrick: Don't know really. Australia, Nigeria and Japan is far away
00:12.44zoaim at home now
00:12.47Daminderrick: Haven't even unpacked the camera yet..
00:12.52sergejfkoej : there was a guy from Pretoria, South Africa, further than Nigeria...
00:12.53zoaenjoying my jetlag
00:13.04zoasergejfk: yeah, ONE
00:13.05Daminderrick: Might not get to it tonight, but I'll try...
00:13.07derricki slept for about 20hhrs when i got home
00:13.22oejGuess I'll sleep on the plane...
00:13.25derrickdamin, no sweat, i have tons of work to do i'd rather not have the fun distractions ;)
00:13.30Daminderrick: Same here.. 18 hours of straight snoring.
00:13.31file2oej: how long is it going to be?
00:13.51oejFile2: Nine hours
00:14.00Stealth_ManMoc:L I had 0 % problem being english man in Monteral
00:14.41Stealth_ManOej: let;s think about Astricon Canada
00:14.49DaminWhat is the undocumented (leif, pay attention) command to force multiple runs of show translation
00:15.11Stealth_ManOEJ : btw it's unacceptable to be in NY and to don;t  disclose it !!! :)
00:15.32zoaDamin hold up
00:15.37zoasamples 500 i think
00:15.40paulcAstricon Canada.. in.. um.. Beautiful British Columbia? say.. Vancouver? ;-
00:15.51oejStealth_man: Just arrived from Atlanta and this is really New Jersey :-)
00:15.51Stealth_Manpaul : Torontop or Montreal :)
00:16.03Daminzoa: nope..
00:16.07Stealth_Manoej: well it;s like NY :))) one of NY's airports :))) LOL
00:16.21zoarecalc it is
00:16.27paulcThere's nice moutains out west ;-)
00:16.27zoashow translation recalc 500
00:16.30Stealth_ManOEJ: I will see you shortly in Europe or let's talk after you are back to homeland
00:16.34zoaand it is documented
00:16.46zoai just want it to have a bigger precision
00:16.53Daminzoa: Not in a "help show translation"
00:16.54zoabkw will fix that for me
00:16.58zoait is
00:17.07DaminUhh.. never mind.. ;)
00:17.09zoaimroVOIP1*CLI> help show translation
00:17.09zoaUsage: show translation [recalc] [<recalc seconds>]
00:17.09zoawith each conversion.  if the arguement 'recalc' is supplied along
00:17.09zoawith optional number of seconds to test a new test will be performed
00:17.10zoaas the chart is being displayed.
00:17.34zoaits not accurate at all for fast machines
00:17.43derricknor smp machines..iirc
00:17.47zoai get like 8ms seconds for g729
00:17.51zoayeah smp doesnt work either
00:18.17zoabkw, make me a show translation g729 -j4 -runs 1000 please
00:18.19Daminzoa: Well, is it accurate on a P133? :)
00:18.34zoaulay will always be 1ms
00:18.36zoai think
00:18.41zoaas if there is no difference
00:19.07Daminulay? :) ilay, we all lay! :)
00:19.22*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
00:19.46zoaulay and alay for the mexicans
00:20.13zoai think we should have a track 17 next year
00:20.18zoawith an entrance exam
00:20.51oejStealth_man: Great
00:21.03oejGoing off line, see you tomorrow
00:21.10cypromisn8 oej
00:21.22derrickrest well
00:21.27zoaim also off
00:21.29zoacheers dudes
00:22.16Daminzoa: WAIT!
00:22.30Daminzoa: How did ADPCM do as far as Bandwith in your testes?
00:22.38sergejfkzoa: a-ley here in Mexico :)
00:23.51achillezlook, i get timeout, though i see that is answering through tcpdump, is there known problems with asterisk?
00:24.50paulcachillez: I've had problems with deltathree today also
00:25.20achillezpaulc: I have three providers, all of them get timeout :)
00:25.47achillezstill i see traffic between so im gonna kill my self soon
00:25.57paulchmm.. dunno then :-s
00:26.51achillezthere is only one more thing i can think of, my SpeedTouch 510 that screws stuff up with it's DHCP_Spoofing crap
00:27.43paulcugh, Alcatel
00:28.02achillezi'll order a new ADSL modem now, if that solves the problem i will jump on the old until it's flat
00:28.09Sivanawhat's the command to make a tarball?
00:28.18paulctar cvzf filename.tar.gz *
00:28.24NeroLabstar -cvzf adasd.tar.gz /dir
00:28.28Sivana* being the folder?
00:28.34achillezcan u recommend any good ADSL modems?
00:28.43achillezmust have support fpr PPPoA
00:30.52file2wb twisted
00:30.55citatstwisted: did you know that someone made a movie and named it after you?
00:30.57NeroLabsachillez: buy me a bunch I'll tell you which ones
00:31.05citatsi watched it this weekend and it was rather predictable
00:31.11twistedcitats, yes
00:31.14twistedi have yet to see it tho
00:31.21*** join/#asterisk daver (
00:31.49citatsthere isnt very much out at blockbuster now, so my gf grabbed that
00:33.10twistedlemme know if it's any good
00:34.09achillezsomeone has C&W as their provider?
00:34.14citatswatched it last night.  it was your average suspensful thriller (or something like that).  i had it figured out pretty early on, but sometimes thats fun
00:34.27WilliamKcan someone tell me howto add voicemail to a user's ext in extensions.conf file
00:34.33citatsi wouldn't pay money to rent it though :)
00:34.55citatsWilliamK: the sample extensions.conf has some good examples
00:34.58WilliamKdamn woman got the bright idea of spray painting the bed inside cuz she couldn't carry one peice outside
00:35.06achillezthey are useless, i get an IP on one A class net, then the gateway on another, what say you?
00:35.17WilliamKcitats, been loooking at the file...don't think it's what I want
00:35.26*** join/#asterisk waddy (
00:35.42WilliamKI've got the dial phone portion in, just don't know howto do the macro to vm
00:35.56citatsWilliamK: check out [macro-stdexten]
00:39.48*** join/#asterisk akweboa164 (
00:42.59akweboa164anyone available to help with a few DevKit Lite installtion problems?
00:43.43file2if you ask a question, they will answer.
00:44.52akweboa164ok, I can start there, installed both cards, X100P and TDM400P, modprobed 'zaptel' and 'wcfxo', did /sbin/ztcfg -v, got nothing
00:45.03akweboa164added  the following lines to /etc/zaptel.conf
00:45.20file2pastebin it,
00:45.22file2don't paste it here
00:45.42jake_paste! paste!
00:45.52akweboa164it's just 2 lines
00:46.06akweboa164plus the standard loadzone & defaultzone
00:50.36akweboa164I looked in kernel logs, messages and asterisk logs, no extra data
00:50.50ManxPowerLog Message:
00:50.50ManxPowerFix inband priindication checking in chan_zap.c
00:51.07citatsManxPower: ?
00:51.43akweboa164when I look at zttool, I see a Wildcard X101P Board 1, with a 'Red' Alarm, no idea what tat is
00:53.58akweboa164any ideas?
00:54.12mlh407Do you have a phone line pluged into it?
00:54.57akweboa164nope, don't have a ptsn line through Qwest, trying to set up just a VoIP number
00:55.32mlh407an x100 card is used to connect to the ptsn, if you don't connect it then you will get a "red" alarm
00:56.50akweboa164ok, that makes sense, can I just connect a bare line to make it go away? Also, the TDM400P should show up as well, but it isn't, any ideas?
00:59.12citatsakweboa164: did you load the wcfxs module as well?
01:03.43akweboa164citats, yes, I did modprobe the wcfxs as well, bbiab
01:03.48UmaroHey guys, I just installed my X100P, not sharing an irq, etc.. but now it tells me "invalid argument" when I run ztcfg
01:03.55UmaroI've just got fxsks=1 in my zaptel.conf
01:09.28*** join/#asterisk starx (
01:09.52starxis there an openbsd patch for 1.0?
01:12.52Umarodoes digium do support on sundays?
01:22.01Umarook, now it just gives me a no such device
01:26.46*** join/#asterisk imcdona (
01:28.01*** join/#asterisk DrRighteous2 (
01:30.35Godseyanyone use broadvoice?
01:30.47GodseyI'm signing up and I'll give you a referal :)
01:33.44*** join/#asterisk easydone (
01:35.11UmaroGodsey, I do
01:35.17*** join/#asterisk foxdevel (
01:35.55foxdevelhas anyone tried using astwind?
01:38.28sumaGodsey: yes i'm using broadvoice
01:38.37GodseyUmaro won :)
01:38.51GodseyI don't know what you get
01:39.03UmaroI'm not sure you get anything
01:39.12sumaoh ok
01:39.26sumai thought you are asking for something about it
01:39.44sumaregarding it service and things, i just now saw the following ones
01:40.20sumafoxdevel: i tried to install astwind but sucks in xp while installation
01:41.10foxdevelwell i got the install to go ok but I get the "request to schedule in the past" message and I am wondering what that is all about
01:47.56*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
01:48.43*** join/#asterisk Mike (~mike@
01:50.15*** part/#asterisk akweboa164 (
01:51.15*** join/#asterisk Tond (
01:52.17bkw_Asterisk 1, because when it comes to your job, you only have one "ass-to-risk"
01:53.41Umarodamn rackspace boxen
01:55.38*** part/#asterisk NormAst (
01:55.42*** join/#asterisk NormAst (
02:00.15TondAnyone has played with the open G729 codec?
02:00.26TondI ahve got it to work with * and seems to be working great
02:00.29Tondwell so far
02:00.36bkw_and if you dont stop talking about it in here you'll be gone
02:00.43Tondand it is free for persoanl use I beleive
02:00.43bkw_its illegal
02:00.54bkw_any use requires payment
02:00.55brc_it's not free for personal use
02:01.01TondIs it?
02:01.15brc_you need to come to an agreement with the patent holders
02:01.17TondI was soo happy, since i htought I found a free G729
02:01.17bkw_and that person that posted the binary stuff is like in major violation of the law
02:01.34TondWell I got it from Intel!
02:01.41brc_     <<<<asterisk dev conference recordings
02:01.53brc_Tond, so?
02:02.35bkw_anywho be nice
02:02.40bkw_i'm not really a bitch
02:02.42Tondhrm..  I glanced quickly through their license and intel said that I could use those codecs that they ahd given me in their package for personal use..
02:02.42bkw_I just play one on IRC
02:02.53bkw_but see it links to a GPL product
02:02.59bkw_big no no
02:03.33Tondhrm..  So basically I can use it with what they are giving me, but linking it to another product is against the law?
02:03.41bkw_well its iffy
02:03.52bkw_its not like the codec ITU nazi is gonna come knocking
02:04.18TondI was there for the conference but missed the part that talked about the codec, so good thing i can listen now..  :)
02:04.34bkw_Tond did you see me talk?
02:04.57TondIf I only knew who bkw_ is, I would be able to answer that
02:05.07TondOh Ya!
02:05.16bkw_what did you think?
02:05.21bkw_did you learn something?
02:05.23TondI did, in fact I asked ya about the Music on Hold outside...
02:05.34Tondor wait a minute
02:05.42bkw_maybe that was twisted
02:05.48TondYa it was..
02:05.55TondTwisted > the bald guy?
02:06.01Tondoh  lol
02:06.09TondOK now I know who you are..
02:06.12bkw_man that room was HOT
02:06.13bkw_wasn't it
02:06.21bkw_I was going to fill the whole time
02:06.23bkw_but I said fuck it
02:06.26bkw_its too god damn hot in here
02:06.28bkw_we rushed thru it
02:06.35bkw_and the guy before me put everyone to sleep
02:06.47Tondabout the res_config, i was debating using it, but I think I have another sugegstion to make..
02:06.55bkw_well make em
02:07.46bkw_THIS GUY.. RIGHT HERE!!!
02:07.51bkw_berry berry good
02:07.55Tondwell I ahve been talking to a few peple about it too.  I am looking at a model where * won't nessaserly have to connect to * to read the config.  but rahter have them saved in mysql..
02:07.56brc_THI bwhahha
02:07.59brc_THIS BWHAAHA
02:08.08Tondand evertime a chnage is made generate the config file
02:08.28Tondths way if mysql ever crashes, * will run regardless
02:08.39Tondalso it is like a backup kinda and redundancy too
02:08.39bkw_res_config can do that too
02:08.50TondWith mods to it I guess, right?
02:09.01bkw_well if you do a reload and the db isn't alive
02:09.04bkw_it won't do the reload
02:09.09bkw_and your current config stays in place
02:09.27bkw_Tond did I look like a first time public speaker?
02:09.32bkw_or sound like it?
02:10.02TondI think you did a good job, I did notice you were a bit nerves, but I thought it was good
02:10.12bkw_no I was more HOT than nervous
02:10.20bkw_the heat didn't help much
02:10.25bkw_and me in a suit and tie
02:10.31TondBut I was listening very closely in fcat i weas sitting on the steps!
02:10.41TondYa I can imagin!
02:10.43bkw_Tond kewl
02:10.53TondI was actually thinking of that i the middle of ur presentation
02:10.54bkw_I hope to make it to the euro one
02:11.03TondMe 2!
02:11.10TondThis conference was a great sucess..
02:11.19bkw_did you see the 10 things?
02:11.30bkw_did you see the lower left corner of each slide?
02:11.37bkw_if you go thru them all it spells moosepenis
02:11.43bkw_it was hidden in there
02:11.49Mocanyone know of someone who offer Monaco DID ?
02:11.50TondI didn't notice that!
02:11.56bkw_most people didn't
02:12.35TondI was so excited actually about that presentatoin, since i thought it would technical info, but then when i realised what it was, i was laughing inside
02:12.40jake_the 10 things were pretty funny
02:12.50bkw_that was the whole point
02:13.01bkw_everyone was tired and we needed to make em laff
02:13.02TondYa I know NOW!
02:13.32TondThe current config will be in the memory right (for res_config)?
02:13.45bkw_if reload fails it dont continue on and the config stays in place
02:13.49TondMy case is for when the box gets rebooted and mysql doesn't come up for some reason
02:13.56bkw_be fucked
02:14.04bkw_but honestly how often does that happen?
02:14.24Tondbut if we read from mysql and generate to flat files, then we have a backup copy and a running *
02:14.24bkw_I think you would have a bigger chance of asterisk crashing than MySQL
02:14.32bkw_you could yes
02:14.52TondWell I am thinking abotu a dumb enmployee or something
02:15.10Tondcause nothing is worst for any organization than not workign phone system!
02:15.24bkw_unless you're SCO
02:15.44scrubbok, when I execute a "Meetme(1234,qx)" the channel immediatly gets hung up on. :-(    If I leave the "x" off it works fine.
02:15.47TondSo I think we might be able to modify what you have to give it the option of runnig from db straight or run from flat files which are generated by db
02:16.05bkw_Tond yep Hybrid mode
02:16.05scrubbbut I need to kick all other conf members when I hang up the calling channel.  Isnt that what the x is fore?
02:16.20bkw_scrubb need an admin user too
02:16.22TondI actually talked to Matt about it too, and he was supporting the idea as well as some other developers..
02:16.32scrubbbkw_: how do I specify an admin user?
02:16.42bkw_you can do sip.conf keep the general stuff in flatfiles
02:16.47bkw_and only load the rest from SQL
02:16.55bkw_#include odbc:sip_friends.conf
02:17.05Mocscrubb, there is a patch that is waiting allison recording, that should fix this beviere
02:17.25bkw_we had dinner with Allison friday
02:17.45TondI actually missed my chance to talk to her
02:17.47Atacommis there an easy way with AstMan APIs to see a list of meetme rooms?
02:17.54scrubbso i can't do the x functionality until another patch has been applied?
02:18.00TondI was so busy talking to other people I forgot about her..
02:18.09scrubbor can I do xa
02:18.29bkw_scrubb you don one xa
02:18.35bkw_then the others x
02:18.39bkw_so when a leaves it should blow up
02:18.41bkw_dont know
02:18.44bkw_give it a shot
02:18.54scrubbjust need one xa and the others not x
02:19.00scrubbI'll see what happends
02:19.17bkw_should be ya
02:19.29Moclol ... Europeans To Monitor American Voters .. that for real ?
02:19.50bkw_they can monitor my middle finger
02:20.02scrubbsame thing, the one that joins xa is hung up on immediately.
02:20.14scrubbthe others that joing non x work just fine.
02:20.20Atacommlol, but we could use some europeans roughing up a certain member of the american royal family
02:20.23Moclol... well that florida 2000 does really look VERY BAD...
02:20.24jefrey[10:19:48] <asterisk~bkw_> they can monitor my middle finger
02:20.32jefreythat's a good one
02:20.50Tondbkw_> the libraries I was telling you about is "Intel's IPP libraries" they are free for personal use, and it compiles G729 and G723 codecs, but I guess it is for developments related to Intel's stuff?!
02:20.51AtacommMoc: florida is currently getting payback for 2000
02:21.11bkw_Tond ya we had a talk about them.. its one of those very grey areas
02:21.30Tondwell $10 / channel ain't much
02:21.41Atacommbkw: is it true G723.1 is expiring this winter?  i keep getting mixed signals from the industry
02:21.43Tondplus I tested the G729 now, and I think I like gsm better
02:22.05*** join/#asterisk blankman (
02:22.10bkw_Atacomm the bulk of it does
02:22.12NormAsttested the G729.. Works...
02:22.19NormAstI like iLBC
02:22.48bkw_also just FYI
02:22.50Atacommhmm, i need to decide whether or not to stick 723.1 and 729 into our DSP and leave them disabled until we license, or just not put them at all
02:23.01bkw_we shoot the shit all the time in there
02:23.06Tondbkw_> so are you willing to assist if we were to modify res_config to do file generation?
02:23.18bkw_Tond OH MY GOD YES :)
02:23.36bkw_THE WORLD IS OURS!!!
02:23.38bkw_OWN IT!!!!
02:24.15TondReminds me of Scarface
02:24.34hardwirebkw_: are you smoking?
02:24.42TondTond > Tondy Montana
02:25.37bkw_no call in guys
02:25.41bkw_we are all in here talkin
02:26.17TondI am gonna config my * witht he number and dial from my mobile since my friends are gonna kick my ass if I don't go out now..  they ahve been waiting for me for the past 5 minutes
02:31.10file2I just love it when stuff mysteriously starts working again
02:31.19file2it makes absolutely no sense why it failed
02:31.24file2but then it just works
02:32.16bkw_file 996
02:32.29bkw_jerker has pringles in his mouth
02:32.33*** join/#asterisk paulc (
02:33.05bkw_its 0 in all my examples
02:33.21jerkeryeah right.. paulc was suckin on "pringles"
02:33.28bkw_bush is bad
02:33.31bkw_bush is bad
02:33.33bkw_NO MORE YEARS