irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040925

00:00.46brc_extremis, 0.02/min is more expensive then most?
00:01.04puzzledcypromis: how many quad cards do you put in a dual opteron box?
00:01.26cypromisnormally one to be on the safe side
00:01.32brc_one and a half
00:01.33cypromisbut we tested with 2 on a 2GHz one
00:01.41cypromisand it was working fine
00:01.43cypromisbut than
00:01.46cypromiswe do 90% g726
00:02.19brc_broadvoice do iax?
00:02.35extremiswell for the price, its a good deal to use sip
00:03.28*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (~mitchel@
00:03.56pfnbrc no
00:04.10Kb1_Kanobcan anyone explain the infamous '
00:04.13neolynxcool, channels/h323 compiles now
00:04.16Kb1_Kanob! Sry...
00:04.34Godseyoh my god, I should be shot for being worlds worst retard
00:04.49Godseyall day I've been messing w/ dial plan trying to figure out why the hell I can't get include to work
00:04.53Kb1_Kanob... "Avoiding deadlock" that's emitted by channel.c from time to time?
00:05.01Godsey"niclude => local"
00:05.03Godseyis why
00:05.07Godsey<- *bang*
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00:05.11pfnno one offers truly unlimited plans....
00:05.18fuzzycatLOL Godsey - ya muppet
00:05.28pfngodsey it helps to pay attention to error messages  :p
00:05.40pfnif there is one
00:05.48puzzledcypromis: thanks. interesting. the extra 64bit floating point power is prolly nice for the codec translation
00:06.33GodseyI don't think there was an error :)
00:06.33tarmon1.7c a minute is low enough for me.
00:06.41tarmonFor now. :P
00:06.50fuzzycat1.7c/min to where?
00:07.01puzzledprolly US48
00:07.03tarmon1.2 to CA.
00:07.20cypromispuzzled: only if you have your codecs optimised for it
00:07.23tarmon(But who wants to talk to them with their funny accents. *ducks*)
00:07.29AgiNamuBesides NuFone and VoicePulse, are there other terminators that allow small accounts (putting in a few bucks) and/or IAX2?
00:07.29Godseynufone is great, I don't have his name but pre-sales support is awesome
00:07.30cypromisas far as I see plain ilbc is slower on opterons
00:07.33Godseyname off hand that is
00:07.44brc_AgiNamu, what's wrong with those two?
00:07.47file[laptop]Gafachi... Voipjet...
00:07.48brc_there's a few others
00:07.50brc_check the wiki
00:07.50GodseyI'm going to use them, the diff between 1.2 and 2c/min I could care less :)
00:07.53AgiNamubrc -- nothing, just like knowing :)
00:07.59AgiNamuVoicePulse is expensive
00:08.02AgiNamu2.9 to US
00:08.06AgiNamu6 to S.Korea!
00:08.13file[laptop]ya know, once long ago that was a good rate
00:08.16AgiNamuNuFone is 4 or so... a tad high....
00:08.18file[laptop]and then people lowered their rates...
00:08.25puzzledcypromis: didn't know that. so you would have to rewrite them to optimize for 64bit?
00:08.39tarmonThe actual per minute price doesn't bother me as much as having to pay for it all up front. You have to watch the billing increments too if you do large scale
00:08.50Godseyit's like the difference between and $150 and $350 phone bill
00:08.50mitchelocyou can't do a MusicOnHold(music,5) for 5 seconds of moh can you?
00:09.06mitchelocsay i just want a breif playback of music on hold..
00:09.09Godseywe're paying something like 8.5c/min w/ focal right now :)
00:09.26AgiNamushit, I hope i make some money so i canspend more time coding cool shit for *
00:09.27extremisI just want unlimited local mins at least
00:09.29Godseyand $0.20 in state
00:09.35fuzzycat8.5c could phone anywhere in the world
00:09.44AgiNamuAnywhere? Guatemala? :)
00:09.51mitchelocdoes the ability to play music on hold in asterisk for a set time limit exist??
00:09.55cypromisfuzzycat: Irak ?
00:10.00fuzzycatshit that;s high
00:10.02puzzledirak is expensive
00:10.03pfnno one does unlimited calling
00:10.05fuzzycatcypromis: lemmie check
00:10.06cypromisfuzzycat: afghanistan ?
00:10.10pfnjust about everyone will cut you off after 5000 minutes
00:10.13cypromisfuzzycat: pakistan ?
00:10.13Godseypfn: you can get unlimited w/ AT&T
00:10.17fuzzycatagain lemme check
00:10.19fuzzycatagain lemme check
00:10.20pfnread at&t's fine print
00:10.22cypromisfuzzycat: UK Mobile ?
00:10.24fuzzycatagain lemme check
00:10.24pfnthey say so clearly
00:10.26AgiNamuYea, PAcket8 even killed their international "unlimited"
00:10.29Godseytheir pri service?
00:10.34AgiNamuCause people who live outside the US were using too many minutes
00:10.34znoGKb1_Kanob: yeah i've done the echotraining stuff on the x100p
00:10.34cypromisgimme those for 8.5c and I will kill your capacity
00:10.35brc_mitcheloc, yes
00:10.38pfnany minutes above 5000 are liable to be billed
00:10.39brc_mitcheloc, easy
00:10.40Godseyactually it's CT1 w/ at&t
00:10.41AgiNamuSo instead, they charge $10 more, and give you 1000 minutes.
00:10.41kenslashdot article on "SPIT"
00:10.49kenjust would like to tell everyone, we're already doing that...
00:10.50GodseyI think it's $1800/mo
00:10.58kenthank god for asterisk... jesus, what would we do without it?
00:11.01AgiNamuWhat's the price in the US for a T1?
00:11.03Godseyit's for call centers and unlimited ld
00:11.03fuzzycatasr is not so good for iraq... since the infrastructure is fucked
00:11.06*** part/#asterisk neolynx (
00:11.08AgiNamulike average... I think I asked before :(
00:11.10mitchelocbrc: easy = how or what command?
00:11.13extremispfn: I don't need 8000 I don't think... but I would like to pay 20 and hav eit cover more than 1000 mins
00:11.18cypromisfuzzycat: talk to nix
00:11.21extremisits for personal home use
00:11.23cypromishe has irak with top ast
00:11.24puzzledcypromis: afghanistan is about $0.265 termination so per min consumer charge must be interesting
00:11.25AgiNamuI know someone who's doing telephony in Iraq right now
00:11.26extremisand my wife talks alot
00:11.27pfnextremis then use any of the consumer providers
00:11.28GodseyAgiNamu: will sell you a PRI for $300+backhaul
00:11.39extremispfn: I've been asking for recommendations
00:11.40pfnextremis those that connect with asterisk
00:11.48pfnyou looking to use an ATA or asterisk?
00:11.54pfnwith asterisk, your choices are considerably limited
00:12.05pfnum, that's about it
00:12.17Godseythere is always vonage :)
00:12.25pfnnot for use with asterisk
00:12.31GodseyI use it w/ asterisk
00:12.41pfnusing an fxo port with the ATA doesn't count
00:12.47Godseyno, via sip
00:12.57pfnand the softphone with a 500 minute budget is far from unlimited
00:13.07Godseyit can call vonage unlimited tho
00:13.17pfnit can call what unlimited
00:13.18Godsey2 of our night techs have vonage, so I call them that way
00:13.26pfnthat doesn't count
00:13.47cypromiseverything ounts in large amounts ...
00:14.09GodseyI'm going to work on using the vonage ATA unit via sip
00:14.14tarmonI can't replace my damn land line because I'm using DSL.
00:14.23Godseyprobably next month
00:14.34pfnyou mean replace your ATA with asterisk?
00:14.37pfngood luck  :p
00:14.49Godseyyou don't think you can pull the pw from the rom image?
00:14.57cp5anyone use the polycom ip300 and find a way for the cid number to display?
00:15.04UmaroGodsey, hope they don't shut your service off
00:15.04pfnI'd generally say no
00:15.16GodseyUmaro: I don't care if they turn it off :)
00:15.23GodseyI'm sure it'll take a few accounts worth to perfect it :)
00:15.43pfnunless they really suck ass and store passwords plaintext
00:15.49Godseyhowever, the business unlimited plan says nothing about only using your account w/ their hardware
00:16.04Godseypfn: I will actually try doing man in the middle
00:16.14pfnmitm won't work
00:16.16Godseyoh wow :)
00:16.22pfnpasswords aren't passed over the wire in plaintext
00:16.29mitchelocdoes anyone know if theres a command to lpay a sound file for only a few seconds? ignoring the rest of it...?
00:16.32marcus2yeah for sure
00:16.37Godseypfn: I hope they use ssl
00:16.44pfnno need to use ssl
00:16.45GodseyI'll shove my key into the rom
00:17.11marcus2so i'll ask again. anyone know of a voip provider in the bay area that places nice with asterisk?
00:17.28pfnbroadvoice is about it
00:17.36Godseymarcus: pacwest is going to do voip in a couple months I hear
00:17.39marcus2nah voicepulse is in ny
00:17.44marcus2i already use them
00:17.48pfnso what does that matter
00:17.49marcus2all of their calls are backhauled to ny
00:17.54pfnso what does that matter
00:17.57marcus2and my asterisk box is in cali
00:18.02pfnso what does that matter
00:18.02*** join/#asterisk objective (
00:18.10marcus2uh so you call a cali number to get to a cali server and you have 200ms of added latency
00:18.21pfnit's not 200ms
00:18.24marcus2yeah it is
00:18.26marcus2damn close
00:18.33Godseycogent? :)
00:18.38pfnnot even close
00:19.31GodseyI get 96ms rtt from my dsl to :)
00:19.38objectivewhy round trip?
00:19.49marcus2well the call has to go back out of the asterisk server somewhere
00:20.01objectivewhat if it goes out in nyc?
00:20.02pfn80ms is already roundtrip
00:20.14marcus2i'm sorry, i was being confusing
00:20.21objectiveright, and ping is already rt
00:20.29marcus2when using it for conf calling
00:20.51marcus2two people call into the same * server in cali from cali via ny
00:21.01marcus2and they end up 200ms apart
00:21.07marcus2and that leads to some suckage
00:21.35fuzzycatcypromis: ok, can;t do those for that price...
00:21.40fuzzycati confess
00:21.42marcus2and besides its more likely to be subject to crappy networks if its going across the country a few extra times
00:21.51cypromisfuzzycat: I know
00:22.25cypromisyou can do most western worlds landlines for max. 2c EUR
00:22.36cypromisif you are a price killer
00:22.44cypromisbut why should you ?
00:23.00fuzzycatwe aren;t all evil money grabbers..
00:23.03*** join/#asterisk Blackthorn (
00:23.14fuzzycatcan i have $16 million now please
00:23.26tarmonfuzzycat: No, some of us need more practice.
00:23.26Blackthornis this properly formed to send the call out my zap (pri) "exten => _911,Dial(Zap/g1/1234567890)"
00:23.59fuzzycatit's a different kind of training
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00:25.47objectivemarcus2: if you just get voicepulse's business unlimited plan, you get a 6seat conf room with an 800# dialin, so two pstn users would be conf in nyc if that's where the server is
00:26.11objectiveof course, that has nothing to do with #asterisk :b
00:26.11cypromisBlackthorn: it would help to add a priority to the extnesion
00:26.44Blackthornopps :P
00:27.02Blackthornother than that you think it's fromed correclty?
00:27.03cypromishmmm officetime at 2.30 am
00:27.07marcus2objective; everyone in the company is in cali...
00:27.07cypromisusually madness
00:27.22pfnare you actually experiencing latency suckage
00:27.29pfnor are you just guessing that it sounds bad
00:27.30cypromisBlackthorn: if your zapata.conf has a group=1
00:27.32cypromisthan yes
00:27.53objectiveactually, no more solutions for you until you describe the whole scenario.
00:28.09mitcheloccan anyone here recommend a way to play  digits through aline, i.e. call somewhere then dial 343 or something automatically? "playtones" command in asterisk is similar to what i want i think
00:28.25pfnshow application dial
00:28.25*** part/#asterisk tarmon (
00:28.29pfntells you how to do it
00:29.19mitchelocdoh yea let me look
00:29.48mitchelocoh no not what i want
00:30.01mitchelocpfn: heres what i have, i flash a line using "Flash" then i want to dial out the same channel
00:30.06mitchelocdial command thinks the channel is busy
00:30.06jcollins1well, I switched the choppy box to a 2.4 kernel and it's still choppy with iaxcomm...
00:30.14mitcheloctherefore i need to play the tones so that it'll go(i think)
00:30.18jcollins1open to ideas...
00:30.22mitchelocthen when it connects i want to flash again to make a threeway call using one line
00:30.53pfnoh, on a pots line, yuck
00:31.01*** join/#asterisk menger (
00:31.05mitchelocer i see the option D for dial ( but i'm not sure how that would work...
00:31.34*** part/#asterisk TheSin (
00:33.45*** join/#asterisk gafachi (~gafachi@
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00:34.24jcollins1anyone have any ideas why one system would play back smoothly, while a faster system closer to the server would have choppy audio?
00:34.41BlackthornI have a question that i'm really having a hard time figuring out how to ask it, I have a local pri, and and i have a pattern that says if 783xxxx is dialed send the call out the pri, but i also have sip phones with 7833333... i don't want the call to be sent out the pri and then back into the sip phone... is there an "order" to things?
00:34.45CyboCodecs? What is the SIP client?
00:34.49Cybojcollins1, that is.
00:34.57ManxPowerjcollins1: Its VoIP, anything could cause that
00:34.58Blackthornor will an exact match be higher priorty than a 783xxxx ?
00:34.58puzzledjcollins1: maybe an interrupt probem, bad timing
00:35.00jcollins1Cybo: iaxcomm on both
00:35.07CyboWhat codec are you using?
00:35.16ManxPowerjcollins1: iaxcom talking to the same Asterisk server?
00:35.29jcollins1ManxPower: local 10/100 network... smooth system runs through the same switch the choppy system is on...
00:35.34jcollins1ManxPower: yes
00:36.05ManxPowerjcollins1: I'll bet it's not location, I'll bet it's the PC.  Tried swaping the endpoints computers and see if the problem follows the location or follows the PC.
00:36.28ManxPowerI remember someone reporting an AntiVirus product causing audio problems
00:36.38jcollins1ManxPower: I'm fairly certain it's something on the system...
00:36.56ManxPowerjcollins1: on the endpoint or on the server?
00:37.05jcollins1ManxPower: but in every way I've checked the choppy systems spec's are better
00:37.12jcollins1ManxPower: endpoint
00:37.39ManxPowerjcollins1: Yeah.  Prolly some oddball driver locking interrupts for a long time.  It's one of the MANY MANY reasons I think Softphone Suck.
00:38.07jcollins1ManxPower: if that were the case I'd likely see the audio problem outside of an IAX communication, right?
00:38.32jcollins1ManxPower: plus it would require something polling on the system with the choppy audio, right?
00:39.46amercan i convert gsm files to pcm?
00:39.50ManxPowerjcollins1: not really.
00:40.00pfnwhy don't you just install codec_gsm and be done with it
00:40.02jcollins1the choppy system is more or less idle at a console... nothing really running
00:40.05ManxPowerVoIP needs REALTIME stuff.
00:40.20amerits not building, stupid thing is giving me errors
00:40.43pfnso make it build
00:40.51ManxPowerIn regular audio doesn't care if there's the time to service an interrupt takes 250ms or that the time betsween getting your ISR run varies by 500ms.
00:40.53pfnwhy are you trying to make a stripped down asterisk
00:40.54ameri m just lazy
00:41.07ameri m trying to build Asterisk under uclibc
00:42.11jcollins1ManxPower: and it seems extremely odd that a system running several other tasks including a VM Ware session should be able to provide smooth playback while a faster system running almost nothing else can not...
00:42.25ameri am almost done
00:42.37ManxPowerjcollins1: different motherboard?  different chipset
00:42.46amerso again how do i convert gsm to pcm? can i use sox
00:42.59pfnjcollins running X?
00:43.02jcollins1ManxPower: yes, they do have different hardware...
00:43.02ManxPowerHell I saw several reports of AMD systems (prolly the PCI controller on most AMD machines) just not working well with Asterisk
00:43.10Blackthornlet me ask it this way :) what has priorty _783xxxx or _7831234 ?
00:43.17jcollins1ManxPower: these are both AMD systems...
00:43.28Blackthornor is it the order?
00:43.33Blackthornthanks amer
00:44.05jcollins1ManxPower: choppy system has an SB Live while the smooth has a CMPCI
00:44.08paulcit's the biggest/closest match
00:44.13pfnblackthorn show dialplan
00:44.16amerhey u might wana double check  that
00:44.20pfnpaulc that wasn't always the case, you know
00:44.28pfnthat was only fixed within the last 3 weeks or so
00:44.37paulcyeah - and didn't includes have somethign to do with it too? (still do?)
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00:45.18Blackthornand then last question (whew) if theres is a conext called umm [pri] and it has two includes [sip] [localcalling] and the _7831234 is in sip and _783xxxx is in localcalling. does the order of the incudes change things or would the priorty remain the same?
00:45.18pfnincludes always lower the precedence of a dialpattern
00:45.33pfnblackthorn order affects it
00:45.42pfnI think
00:45.47pfnrefer to show dialplan
00:45.51pfnit shows you the order
00:46.04ManxPowerBlackthorn: I SUSPECT they will be handled in the order they are included, but you'll just have to try it and see.
00:46.24gAnyone here that might help me with a Zaptel problem?
00:46.30ManxPowerextensions or patters in include => 'd contexts will ALWAYS be processed after the ones in the current context
00:46.37puzzlednite all
00:46.38Blackthornok will do pfn, thanks. I'm just trying to prevent a local sip call going out the pri and then back into the * and terminating sip (which is happening now :\ )
00:47.04amerg> shoot
00:47.15Blackthornand now i know why it's happening :)
00:47.35gamer: Thanks - I've tried everything I know and some...
00:47.39ariel_It's coffee time...
00:48.10amergo ahead and ask the question
00:48.22*** join/#asterisk rwjblue (~rwjblue@
00:48.38ariel_I have to ask again to our nice group. Does someone have either a gsm or wav file that says "For Sales" that they would like to share.
00:48.59amerrecord ur own
00:49.40ariel_I did but it does not sound like allison.
00:49.58mitchelocariel you check the sound files on the wiki?
00:50.02slePPC version of find_lcr is done.
00:50.11mitcheloctheres like 100 extra
00:50.14gamer:I have a TDM400P with 4 FXO modules that will not load.... ztcfg -vvvvvvvv gives.... ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (
00:50.21ariel_mitcheloc, yes it has allot billing, accounting even monkeys but no For Sales.
00:50.37amerdid u load the modules?
00:51.34amermodprobe wcfxs
00:51.36fuzzycatslePP: that was quick
00:52.47mengerDo you think intel has heard of compression:
00:52.49mengerFile Name/Size: l_ipp_ia32_itanium_p_4_1.tar
00:52.49menger140 MB
00:52.54gamer: All version 1.0 build with make linux26 on fedora core.  Built the kernel and have source.  Load modules (zaptel - wcfxo) and wcfxo gives ... ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6) FATAL: Error running install command for wcfxo.
00:53.16cypromisg: why are you using experimental distro's with a carrier class softswitch ?
00:53.20amermodprobe wcfxs
00:53.30*** join/#asterisk Docelm0 (
00:53.31slePPfuzzycat: i'm good like that ;>
00:53.34fuzzycatno like tho
00:53.35ameru need to load wcfxs
00:53.42Docelm0Hay all
00:53.55slePPfuzzycat: not yet.
00:53.56mengerhi Docelm0
00:54.02slePPfuzzycat: it is 0.015s to do a query now
00:54.07slePPand is very very very much pgsql specific :>
00:54.11paulcHay is for horses ;-)
00:54.12fuzzycatamer: save yourself some time dud
00:54.21Docelm0hay menger..
00:54.42fuzzycatslePP: /me likes pgsql
00:54.48gcypromis: Had it working fine with CVS - stoped with 1.0 same FC and kernel - My small biz.  I like FC.
00:55.20slePPfuzzycat: k. give me a moment, and i'll get this up on the website too
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00:56.16cypromisg: no problem
00:56.20Docelm0hay anyone know how to hack a Cisco 168 ATA and reset it back to factory defaults?
00:56.38cypromisI just say that I dfind it fun that everybody seems to think he can get support all the time with every experimental thing that is possible
00:56.40slePPfuzzycat: -- you'll want the create function at the end
00:56.42cypromisjust my 2c EUR
00:56.54gamer: That was it.  It was to easy I'm almost sick about it. THANKS for the extra set of eyes.
00:57.27amernp dude, have fun
00:58.23slePPfuzzycat: ecpg find_lcr.pgc ; gcc -o find_lcr find_lcr.c -lpq -lecpg
00:58.31Docelm0ok anyone know cisco ATA's well?
00:58.51amerwhat do u need to know?
00:58.56Docelm0Do you know how to reset a 168 to factory defualts?
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00:59.08fuzzycatk slePP
00:59.17Docelm0Basically it has a password and NOONE knows it..
00:59.20ameri think its done thru the IVR
00:59.21Docelm0so it needs reset
00:59.42Docelm0ok How do I access it?   I odnt have any information on this thing..
00:59.44amershort out the memory
00:59.46Docelm0Just the box and power..
00:59.52Docelm0um would be bad..
00:59.55Docelm0I dont wanna break it
01:00.24amerboot it up, connect a phone to line 1 and puch the button on top of the ATA
01:00.32Docelm0ohh ok
01:00.37Docelm0lemme find it..
01:03.50*** join/#asterisk jdg (
01:08.25scrubbok so I have a laptop I'm running * on for voip.  I compiled ztdummy and loaded it.  Is there anything else I have to do to get * to use it, or will it pick that up on its own?
01:08.41cypromisit will pick it up on it's own
01:08.45cypromisalthough I prefer zaprtc
01:08.47scrubbcypromis: cool thanks.
01:08.55scrubbcypromis: why is that?
01:09.09scrubbI read the wiki on both and didn't see any big pro/con for either.
01:09.10cypromiscause it works everywhere and does not need messy usb shit
01:09.21cypromisscrubb: try ztdummy on 2.6
01:09.25*** join/#asterisk adker (
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01:09.54scrubbcypromis: ahh, ok, I'm on a tao linux box and the usb stuff loads already.  As a matter of fact I am using a usb ethernet dongle.
01:10.26*** join/#asterisk adker (
01:10.45scrubbbawk bawk
01:10.57JunK-Ywanna the daily tips ?
01:11.13JunK-Ydont drink when ya take antibiotics, it makes an odd feeling.
01:12.58slePPfuzzycat: wanna see the AGI version in action?
01:13.27*** join/#asterisk Timer (~cRaZyGirL@
01:13.31fuzzycatI thought you were doing an app .. not an agi
01:14.11*** join/#asterisk dorn (
01:14.30dornevening :)
01:14.40*** join/#asterisk SupeR (~TuRKceLL@
01:15.06scrubbsigned up for and is registering with FWD, iaxtel, and connected to his work pbx as a remote office.  Wheeeeeeeeee
01:16.14dorngot fwd, libretel.  found my box with two spa-3000's waiting for me when i got home
01:16.24dornhad 8x8 for a while, but dont know if i can pry it loose from proprietary gateway, considering broadvoice byod
01:16.48scrubbdorn: nods
01:17.06dorngot one of stanaphones freebie inbound pstn numbers to kick around as well, but not configd yet
01:18.45scrubbits amazing the similarities in the these voip providers area code maps.
01:19.12brc_~seen ptg
01:19.13jbotptg is currently on #asterisk (21h 1m 39s).  Has said a total of 30 messages.  Is idling for 18h 52m 25s
01:19.23dorni expect some of them depend on the same wholesale clecs for underlying services
01:19.49scrubbdorn: and national providers locations like GlobalCrossing or XO or others.
01:20.34scrubbunfortunately Indiana seems to be a voip black hole./
01:20.34pfnmany of them depend on the same clecs for services
01:20.40dornsome nationals also act as clecs locally, and realistically co-carrier interconnection is the only thing cheap enough to support flat rate voip in volume
01:21.44*** join/#asterisk suma (
01:21.46dorni can get lagrange or atlanta numbers, but not hogansville (where i am), not a problem though since lagrange is local and most folks have atlanta local plans too
01:21.58dornafk a min
01:22.08RevKLooks like we have all of the pictures uploaded now from the party, including
01:23.36dorncool :)  i couldn't make the party, since im "local" but have a 70 mile drive home, not so good after free beer :0
01:25.40RevKWhen I am back in the UK, I'll load more (from the conference, etc).
01:26.12file[laptop]very neat
01:26.52ManxPowerThere sure were a lot of Astricon people that are posessed by the devil.
01:27.33pfnboooo stargate is back in reruns tonight
01:27.38dornno red-eye filter? :)
01:28.02ManxPowerSo did anyone get drunk and do stupid stuff?
01:28.03dornyeah, til frigin january, i have the new schrewed up split season scheduling :(
01:28.13brc_ManxPower, hahahah
01:28.14dornerr, hate the new
01:28.16brc_ManxPower, yes...
01:29.32brc_stupid stuff? well...they released 1.0 wif everyone drunk
01:30.17ManxPowerNaw, I think "ready or not 1.0 should have been released."
01:30.18*** join/#asterisk hcir (
01:30.45dorn1.0 got built live at the conference then put out, was kind of cool :)
01:30.55ManxPowerdorn: *nod*
01:31.52RevKdorn, I don't see any red-eye?
01:32.00hciropinions on openswitch12 from voicetronix
01:32.21dorni havent looked yet, just made an assumption about the devil possession crack :)
01:32.44dornhavent used it
01:32.53slePPwho wants to turn my LCR thing into an app_?
01:32.57JamesDotComhcir, i've been playing with voicetronix equipment, it does the job
01:33.03JamesDotComopen source drivers, etc etc
01:33.12dornany opinions on the spa-3000's?
01:33.14RevKAh, sorry, not sure of the origin of that one. The flash does a good job and red eye is very rare. Do have a look
01:33.22ManxPowerJamesDotCom: Do they have echocan in the drivers or the card?
01:33.32brc_slePP, oo ooo what lcr?
01:33.33suma"Yes, 1.0 was released."
01:33.43JamesDotComwouldnt know sorry
01:33.54slePPbrc_: my lcr?
01:33.55hcirthanks jamesDotCo
01:34.00brc_haven't seen it
01:34.15dornnice pix :)
01:35.28mjmacomg... Dick Cheney was at Astricon?
01:35.52file[laptop]why does chan_sip annoy me so much?
01:35.57*** join/#asterisk tartar (
01:36.42brc_file[laptop], cauz it sux
01:36.59file[laptop]that is true.
01:37.03*** join/#asterisk aNaSTaCia`` (
01:38.33dorntake care, gotta run
01:38.36scrubbRevK: so 3 whole pictures with women in them and only one not looking away!? sounds like a rough conference ;-)
01:38.53file[laptop]ha I forgot tomorrow was Saturday
01:39.17brc_it is??
01:39.25slePPthat's what they tell us.
01:39.31jbotsaturday is, like, the only day of the week that doesn't suck..  However, it is the precursor to Sunday suckage
01:39.35file[laptop]jbot: botsnack
01:39.35jbotfile[laptop]: :)
01:40.16file[laptop]I can't stand chan_sip any longer
01:40.23file[laptop]it's driving me slowly insane
01:40.33brc_ya think
01:40.55file[laptop]don't get me started.
01:41.15brc_oh be my guest
01:41.16brc_no really
01:41.22brc_go ahead
01:41.23file[laptop]Asterisk is beautiful in that it can combine protocols yes, but if our implementations of said protocols are flawed or just plain ugly... well, then we suffer
01:42.04file[laptop]what's a good place to get books?
01:42.07brc_that was a good start
01:42.12brc_computer books?
01:42.15file[laptop]Canadian applicable :p
01:42.18brc_bookpool is cheapish for some
01:42.30file[laptop]Don't get me started on either
01:43.42paulcor is it bookstore
01:43.50paulcwhatever - they've got a bunch of outlets in BC, do mail order, and are pretty good
01:44.44*** join/#asterisk Shania18f (~miss-zZz_@
01:45.06*** join/#asterisk su-|lappy (
01:46.47file[laptop]so I will walk through the fire, cause where else can I turn?
01:46.52file[laptop]I will walk through the fire, and let it...
01:47.26BoRiS"No singing in the conference", I wonder who say's that? :-p
01:47.28file[laptop]it's beyond hope
01:47.45brc_is the conf on?
01:47.50brc_nobody ever tells me
01:47.56file[laptop]I'm not in a mood for a conf
01:48.13file[laptop]this comprehensive guide to SIP is nice... expensive though
01:48.19BoRiSme either...not yet
01:48.24brc_bah! who needs a guide
01:48.24Moc_anyone recommend me a tool to keep a mirror of another Site ?
01:48.28Moc_via FTP
01:48.29brc_rfc's are all you need
01:48.32cypromishow about mirror ?
01:48.40brc_yeah mirror
01:48.42brc_or rsync
01:48.46brc_or wget + scripts
01:49.07Moc_rsync, you need the remote end to have rsync too right ?
01:49.23cypromisbut rsync rocks
01:49.36brc_rsync == doubleplusgood
01:50.02Moc_maybe ;) but I want to keep a local archive of distro so I get fast update download...
01:50.31Moc_and one of the distro doesn't have rsync because of potentials security issue with it..
01:50.37Moc_so Im stuck with ftp ;)
01:51.20cypromisrsync + ssh
01:51.27cypromisftp is much worse in terms of security
01:51.33brc_wget + cron
01:51.41brc_ftp + ssh if you must
01:52.09file[laptop]you make me believe me I don't wanna go...
01:52.53brc_port ser's sip stack to asterisk
01:53.13file[laptop]what about licensing issues?
01:53.18brc_gpl afaik
01:54.53brc_file[laptop], ever use ser?
01:55.08file[laptop]it's nifty.
01:55.12file[laptop]it does what it does well.
01:55.25brc_ya front asterisk with it? or...
01:58.37ChujiLong trip
01:58.56brc_wow that was quick
01:59.04brc_are most people staying till tomorrow?
01:59.09*** join/#asterisk _gorman (
01:59.23ChujiI saw a lot of people checking out this morning
01:59.43ChujiAnd the devel meeting kept getting smaller and smaller
01:59.51ChujiIt was a 4 hour drive home for me
02:00.34Moc_stuff move faster when less people is involved in a project for taking decisions
02:01.01paulcs'why I like a lot of the contract stuff I do.. committee of 2, sometimes 3 (inc me)
02:01.21paulcno meetings about having meetings to plan a meeting about the product feature description meeting
02:01.30paulclast company I worked for = SO Dilbert
02:02.26ChujiTis the story of my life
02:02.30Chujimeetings about meetings
02:04.32slePPk, someone go ahead and write DialLCR() and FindLCR() now
02:04.44file[laptop]oh look there's a rather scary movie on...
02:04.54slePP'File From The Black Lagoon'?
02:04.59BoRiS"The power or chris compells you"
02:05.03BoRiS"The power or christ compells you"
02:05.06brc_slePP, k thx bye
02:05.15CyboThe power of christ compells you.
02:05.17file[laptop]why look at that... a person with a knife is going to stab them all to death
02:05.19Moc_file[laptop], what is it ? someone experiencing the installation of WinXP SP2 ??
02:05.20file[laptop]how rude!
02:05.43file[laptop]they're wearing suits too
02:05.43*** join/#asterisk kdarmawa (
02:05.51Moc_that the matrix
02:05.56file[laptop]you just know that must mean something... maybe a society of stabbing people!
02:06.15file[laptop]Moc_: nah
02:06.43file[laptop]ah it's a movie in a movie
02:07.02Cyboa movie in a movie? a movie? :D
02:07.19file[laptop]they're filming a movie, and the filming of it is in the real movie
02:09.58Docelm0Hay anyone know why when I try to dial it sends the dial as 4242@default?  And will not send it
02:10.59cypromiswhat about pasting the dial string ???
02:11.38Docelm0I dialed 4242 from my Winblowz client and I see the debug as 4242@default doesnt exist
02:12.05cypromisyou have no context set in the .conf entry for your windows client I'd guess
02:12.19Docelm0What should be there?
02:12.30cypromisthe context you want to dial through
02:12.47Docelm0something like local or my domain name?
02:14.18*** join/#asterisk JonR800 (
02:14.53cypromisdid you setup extensions.conf at all ?
02:15.53file[laptop]oh no, someone drugged these two people's drinks...
02:16.42Docelm0Uhh no..
02:16.45brc_oh well
02:16.55Docelm0There is where my problem lies..  ok.. brb
02:17.51cypromiswhy nobody ever drugs my drinks ?
02:17.57sudoerasterisk release once again doesnt work on freebsd
02:18.16cypromisdoes it work on DyNIX ?
02:18.33sudoeranyone ever see somehting like the first call has outgoing sound, then all calls after have no outgoing sound until i do stop now, then restart?
02:20.03*** part/#asterisk mitcheloc (~mitchel@
02:20.20sudoerare these no messages in relase: Ooh, format changed from UNKN to ULAW
02:20.33sudoeri get that in my sip debug, is that ok
02:20.37cypromisyou have codec problems
02:20.49file[laptop]oh no, her kidney was stolen!
02:21.19file[laptop]haha he chopped her head off
02:21.58sudoeranyone hae a fwd #v i can test?
02:22.50sudoerok, thanks
02:22.53sudoerjust chat in irc then
02:22.59Docelm0it WORKS!
02:23.01Docelm0WOO HOO!
02:23.04*** part/#asterisk dash (
02:23.14paulcfor the benefit of everyone else that was: "I can't hear you. Wasn't that how it was last time?" ;-)
02:23.18sudoeri thought it would get fixed in release, but i guess not
02:23.23cypromisyou call my fwd at 4:30 am
02:23.25cypromisI shoot you
02:23.43Docelm0ok well off to wire my house.. :)
02:23.52cypromissudoer: this looks more like a sip.conf or iax.conf fuckup than a freebsd problem
02:24.06Docelm0Hay where can I get the Telemarketer scripts from hell?
02:24.45sudoercypromis, here is another stupid thing, if i register to in sip.conf then i cant even make my first call, but if i copmment it out, i can make my first call, but no calls after
02:25.03*** join/#asterisk billybp (~dlogan@
02:25.12brc_Docelm0, wiki
02:25.24Docelm0Thats the one
02:25.49sudoershould i be getting this in console: Setting NAT on RTP to 0
02:26.04*** join/#asterisk STyLe2ouF (
02:26.56cypromissudoer: no idea, I am an european carrier and not really keen about prividing support to ulaw land carriers
02:28.09Moc_I found ftpcopy program, look very nice so far
02:28.55Chujisheesh 250 emails on the -users list since I was at the conf
02:29.06ChujiI'll never get through those
02:31.32*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:32.04cypromismorn Mr. DSP/R2/SS7 etc
02:32.08file[laptop]Chuji: don't read, just delete
02:32.10file[laptop]it saves time.
02:32.13coppicehi there
02:32.24file[laptop]it's teh coppice!
02:32.36coppiceR2 is out but not very popular - only 3 downloads :-)
02:32.57*** part/#asterisk su-|lappy (
02:32.57cypromisI am waiting for the other two incarnations
02:33.32coppiceother 2 incarnations? :-\
02:33.38sudoerwaht does number at end mean:  SIP/grand-673f
02:33.46Docelm0Ya I got killed with emails..  I can only imagine how many I will have when I goto work monday
02:34.02sudoerthe call that works has 673f, the call that doesnt work is SIP/grand-84ad
02:34.58sudoeroh, it looks like that end changes everytime, is that liek the temp  or something
02:35.35coppiceOh. I'm working on a spandsp update for this weekend by taking out the problem bits from my latest CVS code
02:35.44file[laptop]it's an id for the connection to the phone
02:35.52file[laptop]it'll change everytime.