irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040922

00:00.17Moc__damn some people are stupid
00:00.59*** join/#asterisk sauber (
00:02.57sd-tuxso how can I write 2 separate extentions!!!! for incoming and aoutgoing if peer=friend and friend=peer&user :)
00:04.35Moc__sd-tux ???
00:04.45*** join/#asterisk jero (
00:04.46GodseySIP/92229709@as5400 (dynamic) has taken 1 calls (last was 228 secs ago)
00:04.48Moc__peer=peer, user=user, friend=peer&user
00:05.04Moc__hi JerJer
00:05.08Moc__doh jero I ment ..
00:05.20Moc__well hi JerJer if you are here too ;)
00:06.22sd-tuxMoc: I'm receiving calls in [SIPGATEIN] extention with type=peer...
00:07.07GodseyI'm trying to figure out why asterisk "show queues" doesn't say that member is on a call
00:07.20Moc__[sipgatein] = context
00:07.21Godseybut it does update has taken X calls (last... instantly when you hang up
00:08.26Moc__sd-tux, make friend, instead of peer and and do SIP/YOURSIPNAME/NUMVERYOUWANNADIA>
00:09.33Moc__for your dial
00:09.41mishehuI'm bahck
00:10.59mishehunow I need to find out how to send a caller who has been in an rrmemory strategy call queue to the dialed agent's voicemail instead of a general mailbox or copying messages across all agents of the queue...
00:12.30AgiNamuAnyone use ztdummy on 2.6?
00:12.39GodseyAgiNamu: I was for a while
00:12.42Godseyw/ redhat
00:12.44cypromissned him to the agents voicemail and his credit card details to me
00:12.49sd-tuxMoc__: Moc i have to send different dtmfmodes in out/in cases...
00:12.50cypromisand don't you forget the cvv2 number
00:13.15sd-tuxbut I'm going to sleep now .. it's too late here :)..
00:13.22sd-tuxbye all
00:13.58cypromisto our western neighbour
00:14.43AgiNamuGodsey -- how'd it work?
00:14.47GodseyI gave up
00:14.51Godseyredhat kept messing up
00:14.54pfnmishehu use the Local proxy channel
00:14.57AgiNamuoh :(.
00:14.57Godseysome no tty available issue
00:15.01Godseyso I gave up
00:15.09Godseybut ztdummy worked ok while the os did :)
00:15.22AgiNamuyou mean the machine crashed?
00:15.37GodseyI was using FC3 tho
00:15.45Godseybut I read it has been a problem since Fc1
00:15.46AgiNamumaybe ill have bettter luc on fc2... :S
00:16.20AgiNamuwell... i dont need meetme right now anyways.
00:16.49mishehupfn: local proxy channel?
00:17.18Supaplexheheheee 18:14 < dpkg> i guess dhmo is DyHydrogen MonoOxide - A deadly substance.  Read up on the FAQ at
00:17.19*** part/#asterisk Jerub (
00:18.36mishehupfn: elaborate please, I'm not really following
00:18.41Sivanadoes Broadvoice accept the callerid that's passed in?
00:19.35pfnmishehu I just told you how to use it
00:19.44pfnyou implement it in whatever method you use to log agents in
00:19.48invi_can i do regex on variables in * ?
00:19.58pfnnot really
00:20.01pfnsivana no
00:20.14GodseyI am using manager api to log agents in/out
00:20.25Godseyonly using them as dynamic queue members, not agents in a group
00:20.36Sivanado you know if I can change the one on my account to something more generic?
00:20.51pfnask them
00:21.01Sivanadang lazy ppl
00:21.26Sivanamaybe I need to log in and see... hehe
00:21.28Godseymy only issue now is that show queue billing doesn't show current calls
00:22.27mishehupfn: I'm not understanding how Local/exten@context will help me
00:22.45file[laptop]Mr. Roboto has been detected
00:23.57m-00kieanyone have a good site that explains how to configure asterisk as a proxy to an asterisk gateway using IAX, and configuring phones (like the sipura) to use that proxy?
00:24.00Godseyetc I think is what pfn was aleuding to
00:24.17Godseythen in queue member, Local/1112222@agentcontext
00:24.31Godseypfn am I close?
00:25.14mishehuGodsey: how does this allow me to route a person who has been waiting in the queue too long to get routed to the current dialed agent's voicemail?  (suppose there are 3 agents logged in right now)
00:25.42Godseyok just a guess:
00:25.49Godseyset timeout values
00:25.58Godseyso that they can only be in queue for 10 minutes
00:26.13Godseyand in agentcontext have it SetVar(currentagent=${EXTEN})
00:26.18*** part/#asterisk invi_ (
00:26.29Godseythen after Queue(support|t|||600)
00:26.44Godseyhave VoiceMail(b${currentagent})
00:27.01mishehuhopefully if that variable isn't lost in scope
00:27.12Godseyif it is use AGI
00:27.14mishehuI'll try that out unless somebody finds error in that already.
00:27.41Godseyecho $agent > /tmp/uniquecallid
00:27.42pfnyou have your agents login and use Local channel instead of SIP channel for their use
00:28.08pfnor agentcallback login
00:28.13pfnagentcallbacklogin does what you want
00:28.17pfnsince you specify extension
00:28.24Godseycan you do agentcallbacklogin via the managment api?
00:28.55mishehuthanks guys.  I need to go eat dinner now, bbiab.
00:28.56GodseyI'm just doing add queue member Local/91112222@sip to support
00:29.09AgiNamuwhen calling an app from another, I should always call pbx_findapp instead of storing the result in a static var?
00:30.22file[laptop]pbx_findapp will return a pointer to the application... for usage in that other function that executes it
00:30.36file[laptop]We Will, We Will, Compile You!
00:31.02AgiNamufile, yes. But I'm assuming it's not safe to hang on to that pointer for the lifetime of your app
00:31.14AgiNamui.e., I should have a static ast_app SomeApp and assign to it on load
00:31.23AgiNamusince it could get unloaded/loaded eh?
00:31.33file[laptop]if I was you, and I'm hopefully not, do it just before you need to use it
00:31.36*** join/#asterisk MustDie (voip@
00:31.42AgiNamuyea ok
00:31.49file[laptop]don't keep it around... not like you it makes a difference... it's a pointer, doesn't use memory
00:31.54AgiNamuNo you're not me.
00:32.04AgiNamuI'm just wondering the perf of findapp
00:32.05file[laptop]just points... and says... "that's me, over there, yup... it is"
00:32.07Sivanastruct ast_app *app;
00:32.21Sivanares = pbx_exec(chan, app, dialstr, 1);
00:32.29Sivanaafter findapp
00:32.43file[laptop]make sure app exists... otherwise you can segfault asterisk
00:32.55Sivanaright.. I'm just abbreviating
00:33.05NeroLabswhat is the lastest stable version of *?
00:33.07file[laptop]and then you'll complain and it'll be your own code
00:33.37AgiNamuyea i've segfaulted plenty of times :)
00:33.55AgiNamufindapp doesn't seem like a very fast thing
00:34.11file[laptop]do you intend on running another app alot?
00:34.29file[laptop]I like big mallocs and I canno't lie!
00:35.15brc_NeroLabs, cvs head
00:35.37file[laptop]you may think CVS HEAD isn't stable, but it is
00:35.49AgiNamuWhy do I need to call pbx_exec instead of calling the function pointer on the struct directly?
00:36.06file[laptop]AgiNamu: because you're supposed to?
00:36.26file[laptop]don't skip things, do it like you're supposed to... causes less problems :p
00:36.38NeroLabsbrc_: cvs head?
00:36.47brc_what is the question?
00:36.59brc_yes. "brc_ NeroLabs, cvs head"
00:37.10AgiNamuWhy I'm supposed to call pbx_exec instead of the function pointer exactly
00:37.22AgiNamuok ok I'll do it the right way.. just curious :)
00:37.31file[laptop]AgiNamu: pbx_exec does some stuff... channel variables, error checking, sets current application value
00:37.41NeroLabsyeah, I'm asking for clarification, I have gentoo installed (finally), and they have it in portage as 0.90, the cvs tree is developmental, so I'm wondering if the cvs is okay to install or if I should stick with 0.90 stable
00:38.02MustDienero: use cvs
00:38.17AgiNamuand plays with stacks...
00:38.35file[laptop]AgiNamu: yes, and it works... so leave it be and stop reinventing the wheel
00:38.38file[laptop]:) . click download . follow instructions
00:38.43*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
00:38.55brc_do not pass go.
00:38.58brc_do not use packages.
00:38.59AgiNamu:) ok....
00:39.27*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
00:39.56KalD|WORKwhere is option_verbose picked up from in cli.c ?  it is defined in asterisk.c
00:40.41brc_howdy jerjer
00:40.47brc_how's astricon
00:42.07Supaplextastes like chicken!
00:42.17JerJersmells like fish
00:44.09Sivana23 channel PRI for $400 + local loop
00:44.35JerJerplus local loop?
00:44.42SivanaT1 line
00:44.48JerJerwholy corncob batman
00:45.22Sivanaabout $550 inclusive
00:45.29SivanaCDN :)
00:45.37shido6where in canadia
00:45.43JerJerthat's bend you over and corn hole action there
00:45.43SivanaNorth Bay
00:45.51Sivana$640 in Sudbury
00:46.00Sivanafor a PRI?
00:46.00shido6divide by 1.3
00:46.16m-00kieim running asterisk as a proxy..
00:46.16SivanaBell Canada quoted $1250
00:46.23KalD|WORKwow - we are paying $750/mo for PRI in US
00:46.24m-00kiedo i still need a digum card?
00:46.36KalD|WORKm-00kie, no
00:46.43Sivanam-00kie: digium card = interface with PSTN
00:46.55Sivanaor analog handsets
00:47.08SivanaJerJer.. what are you getting a PRI for?
00:47.11m-00kiehow do i configure asterisk to not use it? when i start it up it complains about the lack of a digum card.  im using peering
00:47.27objectiveAnyone here have a lot of DIDs available outside the US/Canada looking to trade?
00:48.14*** join/#asterisk nocdvig (
00:50.07VoiceLynxobjective: where do you have DIDs?
00:50.11KalD|WORKbkw_, denon, kram, who do I talk to about adding some code to *?
00:51.11brc_KalD|WORK, what specifically?
00:51.21brc_just minor patches?
00:51.27brc_or new apps? or..
00:51.34KalD|WORKbrc_, I added a simple command to show specifics in verbose output
00:51.35cypromisadditions ?
00:51.35brc_anyway either way....
00:51.47KalD|WORKit is just a console command
00:51.50brc_KalD|WORK, great
00:51.52KalD|WORKlike set verbose
00:52.09KalD|WORKon set verbose_str "IAX2"  will only show strings containing IAX2
00:52.30cypromisreason enough to wake up
00:52.41cypromisI don't use the cli
00:52.44cypromisit crashes asterisk
00:52.45KalD|WORKit helps a ton here in testing when I have a ton of things going on and need to follow a single call w/o span of debug
00:52.45brc_KalD|WORK, basically you go to ...fax in a 'disclaimer' which says you give digium a non exclusive perpetual license to use the code (which allows em to gpl it...and defend the code if anybody ever tries to violate the gpl)
00:52.55brc_the post a bug with [PATCH] in the subject line
00:53.11brc_and in the bug notes say "I've faxed in a disclaimer"
00:53.17dougheckaif I have a device that I have no idea what the ip address is... how can I discover it?
00:53.37brc_doughecka, nmap
00:53.49dougheckawell, whats nmap gonna do?
00:53.54dougheckaI dont know the ip range its on
00:53.58brc_too bad
00:54.00brc_you can't
00:54.00AgiNamubroadcast on each range?
00:54.10brc_he doesn't know a range
00:54.14KalD|WORKdoughecka, try pinging your broadcast address
00:54.15brc_what device?
00:54.20nocdvigdo you have the mac
00:54.23dougheckaits a filanet 200
00:54.37KalD|WORKbrc_, I also wrote a iaxy provision tool for win32
00:54.38RealLost1doughecka, tcpdump on the same range and you will see the broadcast packets it generates.
00:54.47brc_KalD|WORK, cool =)
00:54.52RealLost1s/same range/same network
00:54.54brc_just submit it as a seperate bug
00:54.56dougheckaRealLost1: cept, its not generating traffic...
00:54.59dougheckaI just sniffed the network
00:55.01dougheckaon a hub
00:55.08KalD|WORKbrc_, I think what I'll add - is a tool that finds your iaxy devices too :-)  by mac address
00:55.12nocdvigthe macaddress
00:55.22dougheckaI have the mac address
00:55.29RealLost1doughecka, try powercycling the box while sniffing
00:55.31KalD|WORKdoughecka, use arp then :-)
00:55.37dougheckaI Tried that
00:55.39nocdvigthen arp
00:55.45shido6dhcp licenses
00:55.46dougheckaarp -s 00-d0-9a-00-bd-78
00:55.46RealLost1arp -a
00:55.53brc_contact support for your device
00:56.08KalD|WORKdoughecka, or write a simple util that sends the arp 'who-is' command :-)
00:56.17dougheckaeh, hmm
00:56.22shido6use /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases
00:56.34dougheckait doesnt ask for dhcp :P
00:56.35RealLost1doughecka, plug the box into the network ;-)
00:56.48*** join/#asterisk gbdrbobAFK (
00:57.04*** part/#asterisk gbdrbobAFK (
00:57.15dougheckanot, the, same, company :D
00:57.21dougheckathis is a router thingy
00:57.50dougheckaits got cool stuff like firewire and usb and a pcmcia slot...
00:58.05dougheckaand it runs linux, sounds like a wonderfull router or something
00:58.43brc_oh well
01:00.04AgiNamuhave you tried broadcast to a few common subnets?
01:00.50dougheckaand I know the ip range of the network I pulled it out of, but that could have changed since then
01:00.52dougheckaand I scanned that
01:02.30nocdvigdo you have a managed switch.
01:02.32nocdvigif so then plug the device into a port and review the arp table.
01:03.33dougheckaI have hubs though :D
01:04.21srtand you are sure it actually works? ;)
01:05.34dougheckamostly :P
01:05.41dougheckait powers up
01:05.45dougheckadoes the light dance
01:05.49wildcard0link light?
01:05.55wildcard0on both ends?
01:06.22dougheckawoo, found a manual
01:06.34wildcard0factory reset it
01:06.50dougheckadont see a button
01:06.56dougheckaI see a password reset button :D
01:07.35m-00kiegee thats useful security :P
01:07.55wildcard0it's well thought out
01:08.01dougheckathats funny :)
01:08.19m-00kiethats old :)
01:08.24dougheckatrue, but funny
01:09.04nocdvigDoes any one have experience with lucent tnts and asterisk?  If so I am looking for the lucent config file.
01:09.16file[laptop]nocdvig: config file?
01:09.20JerJernocdvig:   find h3x... he may be around
01:09.23NeroLabshow does sipura, cisco ata185 and other adapters handle message waiting and transfer routines that other sip phones have buttons for?
01:09.51dougheckaon the IAXy is send the MWI light signal that hopefully your fone supports
01:10.00dougheckaand it also has a stutter tone
01:10.06dougheckatransfer its using the flash key
01:10.12shido6or the # key
01:10.22file[laptop]shido6: cheater
01:10.31dougheckabut the # key uses asterisk
01:10.34dougheckaand it need to be enabled
01:10.39dougheckaflash is on the IAXy
01:10.56shido6callwaiting with callerid works , too
01:11.22shido6they dont spaz out like they used to when they heat up
01:11.41shido6and I like watchin it update by itself
01:11.51dougheckaof course I only have 2 of them :P
01:13.21*** join/#asterisk anthm (
01:15.21shido6i need sugar
01:15.38shido6damnit I diidnt want to go to the atm for some donuts
01:15.40shido6but screw it
01:17.49nocdvigHas any one tried to use the gsm h323 link on a Ascend tnt
01:18.53dougheckawho remembers darwin networks? :P
01:20.42cypromismy mini * is too big still
01:20.58JerJerit can be less than 64MB  :P
01:21.23JerJeraxe more unecessary bull pucky
01:21.33cypromisproblem is
01:21.39cypromismoh stuff
01:21.42cypromisfor example
01:21.52cypromisand multilingual prompts
01:21.53JerJerstream the MOH
01:22.02JerJerget the prompts from the 'net
01:22.12cypromiswhat's the difference than ?
01:23.25JerJersmaller storage footprint
01:27.31cypromismean I have to tell the customer to open his net to the world
01:28.01denoncypromis: tell him he can open the net to the world, OR he can put it on a local web server
01:28.17denonand really, its only outbound, its not like he has to open inbound traffic
01:28.23JerJeropen what?
01:28.31JerJerif you are that parnoid build VPNs
01:28.48cypromisI do
01:28.49denonjust give them the files to put on an internal nfs or http server
01:28.57JerJerhell tftp server
01:29.09denonthen pull it all down, loading it into a ramdisk
01:29.11denonon boot
01:29.14JerJeri have pondered writing a tftp_playback and tftp_background apps for asterisk
01:29.34denonJerJer: id say do it on boot .. dont rely on a remote server for each one
01:29.41fileJerJer, such insanity!
01:29.47denonram's cheap
01:29.51JerJerdenon: yes, i would not query it each time
01:30.02cypromisthat means I have to trust those windows centric jerks at the customers to not fuck it up
01:30.23denonwindows runs some of the highest traffic sites on the planet..
01:30.28denonit's all in the admin.
01:31.02cypromisthat's the problem
01:31.22denonso you should say, [20:30] <cypromis> that means I have to trust those jerks at the customers to not f'it up
01:31.38cypromisok rephrase
01:31.58cypromisthat means I have to trust those no how less so called admins who know mostly how to change paper in a printer
01:32.03cypromisgood enough ?
01:32.20denonI gotta run, have a good one
01:35.06nocdvigfile: the config file is created when you save the running config cisco term it is a simple way to figure out how I have screwed up the config.
01:35.58nocdvignot sure why the sip not talking well with *
01:45.04*** join/#asterisk glm2k (
01:47.27*** join/#asterisk k-man_ (~jason@k-man.user)
01:47.31AgiNamusigh... anyone know if you can access a mysql result after you close the connex (assuming store_results)?
01:47.46k-man_anyone know a company that can set up and manage an asterisk pabx in australia?
01:57.54brc_k-man_, pm
01:58.27*** join/#asterisk Beers (
01:58.29Beershi guys
01:59.25Beersso i get * all set up and can make and recieve SIP calls between xlite. i just cant hear anything when a call is in progress.... i searched the forums and couldnt figure out what is going on
01:59.30Beersany suggestions on what to check?
01:59.35file[laptop]Beers: are you behind NAT?
01:59.44Beersyes. but every thing else is too
01:59.59file[laptop]the same NAT? the asterisk server too? where are you calling?
02:00.14Beersim calling another machine on the same network
02:00.39Beerseverything is behind my nat, and im calling from '2000' to '2001'
02:01.08file[laptop]what codec?
02:01.09*** join/#asterisk doughecka (~Doug@doughecka.user)
02:01.14Beersit makes a connection, just without audio, when i do a 'sip show channels' the format is unknown
02:01.52Beersthat goes under sip.conf [general] right?
02:02.42Beersok gonna try this again
02:02.51file[laptop]make sure to do a sip reload
02:03.34cypromishmmm 4am
02:03.44Beerswell that was my probblem.
02:03.48Beersits working now, thankyou.
02:04.05Beersit turns out i didnt catch the 'allow=all' in the top part of general
02:04.13file[laptop]allow=all is bad
02:05.01Beersi think there was one other problem too.... lemme see if this fixes it too
02:06.07Beersthat fixed it.
02:06.40Beersmmm there are warnings about codecs tho =\
02:07.05file[laptop]regarding rfc3389?
02:07.07Beersprocess_sdp: no compatible codecs!
02:07.14file[laptop]turn on ULAW on your phones :p
02:07.18dougheckablitzrage: yo!
02:07.39brc_k-man_, check your private messages please
02:07.45*** join/#asterisk twisted (
02:07.45*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
02:07.48dougheckatwisted: !
02:07.51brc_hi ya
02:07.52dougheckawhat room are you in?
02:08.18brc_doughecka, are you at astricon?
02:08.27brc_I see
02:08.31brc_too bad
02:08.35dougheckaI need too
02:08.44dougheckaneed to learn all the cool advanded stuff
02:08.45twisteddoughecka 1501
02:08.47twistedyou here?
02:08.53Beersok, i had ulaw turned off LOL
02:08.55dougheckasee... like 6 lines up
02:09.10JerJersomebody call 4569
02:09.13*** join/#asterisk Alric (
02:09.15dougheckaJerJer: doing it
02:09.58*** join/#asterisk jmhunter (
02:09.58*** mode/#asterisk [+o jmhunter] by ChanServ
02:10.37denonwe're in there
02:11.01jmhunterhows astricon
02:11.21AlricHasn't started yet?
02:11.26jmhunteryes it has
02:11.31dougheckamozilla has spyware
02:11.32AlricIt has?
02:11.43jmhuntermozilla has spyware, wtf?
02:11.47jmhunteru mean the agent?
02:12.01dougheckaI open it up
02:12.08dougheckaand IE's spyware starts openning stuff up
02:12.12dougheckain mozilla
02:12.16dougheckafirefox it doesnt do that
02:12.18dougheckawierd eh?
02:12.27jmhunterya i only use firefox
02:12.38jmhunterim using windows right now for the first time in like 6 months
02:12.40*** join/#asterisk Inverted (
02:12.51JerJerhow does one change the volume settings on a sound card in Linux?
02:13.07jmhunterjerjer, a question !?
02:13.07JerJerthis is the first time i've had to futz with this sound card crap
02:13.14dougheckaJerJer: get a real ip phone?
02:13.22JerJerthis is for the conference
02:13.30dougheckawhat is ip phone?
02:13.30JerJeri'm doing that thing they call, testing
02:13.51cypromisoss or alsa ?
02:13.58JerJeri think oss
02:13.59dougheckaJerJer: move mic closer to mouth?
02:14.15cypromishmm in alsa with alsamixer or amixer afair
02:14.16JerJeri have this hooked up to a PA system
02:14.17dougheckaworks GREAT with asterisk
02:14.22cypromisoss I don't know any character mode mixer
02:14.49dougheckaand its even better with the cordless mic
02:15.27dougheckawhos in here?
02:15.30mishehusuddenly I feel like playing kwak3
02:16.32dougheckahow about some HOLD MUSIC?
02:16.46dougheckaanyone ever seen a interjak before?
02:18.45*** part/#asterisk Aharonov (
02:18.54*** join/#asterisk AgiNamu (~zzzs@
02:20.49mishehuno idea what an interjak is.
02:24.24bkw_IAX2/ IAX2/
02:24.34jmhunterbkw patch me in
02:24.38bkw_call your ass in
02:24.43jmhunteri cant
02:24.55mishehubkw_: live audio feed?
02:24.55jmhuntergive me a nufone 1866 to call
02:25.28DaminNo.. We are NOT naked..
02:25.44jmhunteru in ATL?
02:25.56DaminYeah.. we are in 996..
02:26.05jmhunteri dont have * up
02:26.17*** join/#asterisk zoa (
02:26.29zoaGooooood night
02:26.45zoalets join #astricon
02:31.16*** join/#asterisk Palillo (Palillo@
02:31.54PalilloHi everybody. Does any one know if there is a ASR module for Asterisk like there is a TTS one ?
02:32.46AgiNamuAnyone here know about the mysql C API? Answer a small question??
02:32.54AgiNamuspeech recognition?
02:33.05Legend`astericon sure is quiet
02:34.09PalilloAgiNamu: Yes, ASR = speech recognition.
02:34.18mishehuAgiNamu: what about mysql?
02:35.02bkw_NOW NOW NOW
02:35.10bkw_talk to me.. baby can you hear me.. ya baby
02:36.35AgiNamumish, can I use a result set after closing the connection, if I use store_results?
02:38.18mishehuAgiNamu: I know with one function you can, but with the other you can't.  let me double check
02:38.20AgiNamuNo, I don't think there's any default ASR in asterisk, but you can plug one in
02:38.31AgiNamumish -- where do you double check? (I've been looking for a while)
02:39.00PalilloYes I know there is not one out of the box, do you know of any ASR that can be plugged and have been tested ?
02:39.15AgiNamuoh. no.
02:39.18VoiceLynxbkw_:Is that where the developer's day audio will be ?
02:39.26mishehuAgiNamu: I have a copy of Paul DuBois's MySQL 4 book
02:39.54dougheckawtf is that
02:41.32*** part/#asterisk jmhunter (
02:43.31mishehuAgiNamu: mysql_store_result() saves the resultant set in the client, and I believe that the data can be used after you call mysql_close()
02:43.58*** join/#asterisk _-Jon-_ (
02:44.02mishehui have to make a call, bbiab
02:44.30_-Jon-_Hey can someone help me with a problem I'm having getting incoming calls from FWD..  I get this whenever someone trys to call me:  Sep 21 22:48:39 NOTICE[229390]: chan_sip.c:6978 handle_request: Failed to authenticate user xxxxxx <>;tag=997ca746
02:44.59*** part/#asterisk Palillo (Palillo@
02:45.10RealLost1_-Jon-_ : insecure=very
02:45.24AgiNamuthanks mish!
02:45.32dougheckais bkw_ in the conference?
02:45.59dougheckaI dont hear his Ga^H^Hvoice
02:46.16Legend`the conference is rather unstimulating
02:46.18_-Jon-_RealLost1, thanks!
02:46.25Invertedhas anyone setup asterisk with vonage?
02:46.25*** join/#asterisk VoiceLynx (
02:46.37dougheckaLegend`: wait till bkw_ gets on
02:46.52Legend`doughecka: thought i heard him earlier
02:48.01_-Jon-_RealLost1, I have another question..  You know how in extensions.conf it has like exten => s,1,Answer and so forth?  With exactly does the s mean and is it different for calls from FWD?
02:48.05dougheckatime brc?
02:48.08_-Jon-_Cause now they're getting 404 not found
02:48.32dougheckayou can stop now
02:53.46zoabkw is here
02:53.52zoabrc get to #astricon
02:54.00zoayou had me on the phone earlier on btw
02:54.42dougheckawhere are you where are you?
02:56.41zoabkw, can you add #astricon into the #asterisk topic ?
02:57.41*** join/#asterisk eaxnt (
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02:57.47*** mode/#asterisk [+o jmhunter] by ChanServ
02:58.47JerJeris Alsa better to use than OSS?
02:59.03zoaor maybe twisted could do it
02:59.04zoaheya jj
02:59.25*** join/#asterisk int19h (Miranda@
03:00.49twisteddo what?
03:01.32*** topic/#asterisk by twisted -> The Asterisk Open Source PBX || Please register with nickserv to join #asterisk || Astricon 2004 - Sep 22-24, Atlanta GA - #astricon
03:02.16brc_alright who keeps joining 996 and leaving?
03:03.10dougheckaok, you asked for those 3
03:03.44twistedbrc_, you mean, besides you?
03:03.45objectiveanyone know how i can open a terminal window on a linux pc i'm ssh'ed into?
03:03.50brc_I'm not
03:03.57objectivei want the window to open ON the physical desktop, not mine
03:04.23Nuggetyou can only do that if you have the right cookie or if the desktop user has disabled xauth
03:05.09blitzrageobjective: use screen?
03:05.41*** join/#asterisk chris_jones (
03:06.21chris_jonesDoes anyone here have any experience with perl AGI?
03:09.41*** join/#asterisk EarlGrey (~EarlGrey@earlgrey.user)
03:10.41EarlGreyanyone about?
03:10.57file[laptop]chris_jones: yup
03:11.32EarlGreyi'm looking to install asterisk and have been recomended redhat 9
03:11.34*** join/#asterisk Beers (
03:11.42Beershey one more ? for u guys
03:11.47file[laptop]ask it.
03:12.05EarlGreybut on the redhat site they seem to be pushing the charged for products
03:12.33Nuggetthere's no reason to pay for a RHEL license just to run asterisk, unless you plan to use their support.
03:12.42Nuggetjust go with a distro that doesn't require payment
03:12.59EarlGreycan anyone tell me which iso files i should be getting as i can find ftp mirrors but am not 100% on which images i need
03:13.17Beersif i want to let someone connect into my * voip box, i opened up the SIP port on the router, and they can connect and make calls, but no audio goes accross..
03:13.41Beersthen i get this error: retrans_pkt: max retried exceded on call... blah blah blah
03:14.21EarlGreyi have fedora installed but my providor of sip tells me that it may have problems with my Wildcard X100P cards
03:14.36Beersdo i need to have nat=yes on the channels that are behind the nat?
03:14.43Beersbeacuse the sever is behind the  nat as well
03:14.45NuggetEarlGrey: the wildcard drivers should work with any distro
03:14.51EarlGreynot being an expert with linux i would prefer to stick with what they tell me
03:15.13Nuggetyou should install whatever the person who will be helping you run the box uses.
03:15.26Nuggetthat might be your sip provider, but I doubt it.  It's probably some geeky linux friend of yours.
03:15.31Nuggetor it might be us.
03:15.46EarlGreyok i was thinking that but if i am getting support best to be on the same platfor
03:15.49mishehuSIP->NAT->Internet->NAT->SIP will not work
03:16.05EarlGreyno it's my sip providor
03:16.05Beersthats not what its like tho... its
03:16.17NuggetEarlGrey: then you're pretty much stuck with their preference.
03:16.46EarlGreywell i could rebel but i don't need any self inflicted headackes
03:16.48Beerssipphone->internet->nat->* box->sipphone
03:17.19Nuggetyou're sure that it's not sipphone->nat->internet->nat->asterisk?
03:17.31Nuggetdoesn't the "someone" also use nat?
03:17.43Beershes DMZ'ed directly to his IP
03:17.50Beerswait... i failed that :p
03:18.10BeersDMZ same as nat in this case?
03:18.40*** join/#asterisk Qorky (
03:18.46EarlGreyshrike-i386-disc2.iso  would this be the right one's for me for a PII intel box as opposed to shrike-SRPMS-disc2.iso in the fame folders?
03:19.32Beersso im sitting behind the nat with the server making a call to my friend who is outside nat
03:19.41EarlGreyin this folder
03:19.51Beersit connects, just wont transfer noise =P
03:21.00Beersbut i got it where i wanted it... cause i can set it up at my school's lab now.
03:22.14*** part/#asterisk int19h (Miranda@
03:22.28EarlGreycan anyone help?
03:25.10*** join/#asterisk MustDie (
03:26.27EarlGreyi don't want to make satcastic comments or beg as that often get you no where but can some one please help me move forward?
03:26.53NuggetEarlGrey: I'm not sure what you want.
03:27.05Nuggetwhat distro did you decide to install?
03:28.12EarlGreyjust want redhat 9 to put asterisk on but am not up on diffrent sub versions
03:28.22EarlGreyshrike-i386-disc2.iso  would this be the right one's for me as opposed to shrike-SRPMS-disc2.iso in the fame folders?
03:28.51AgiNamuWhy not go with Fedora Core 1?
03:29.06NuggetYou do not need the SRPMS disc to install.  That's supplemental files.
03:29.12AgiNamuat least its not legacy already...
03:29.44NuggetI would agree with AgiNamu.  RH9 is going to be worse thatn fedora for running asterisk.  But I can understand why you'd choose RH9 in order to stay in your support's good graces.
03:29.53Nuggetjust be aware that they're giving you some bad advice.
03:30.29Nuggetif all you're doing is building a dedicated asterisk server then the differences will be minimal no matter what distro you choose.
03:30.30EarlGreyok your bringing the rebel streak out in me
03:30.40brc_greets kram
03:31.02EarlGreyso is fedora that much diffrent from 9?
03:31.21NuggetRH9 is old and a bit crufty.  And it is not well regarded by "the community"
03:31.37Nuggetit was a pretty poor release, as those things go
03:32.00Nuggetthe RHEL releases are pretty solid, but for what you're doing it would be insanity to pay for the operating system.
03:32.27brc_whitebox linux
03:32.29brc_tao linux
03:32.31scrubbCheck out Tao Linux or Whitebox linux
03:32.34EarlGreyif not then i will just stick with the fedora install and stuff my sip providor as long as i can still run it and it works the same and things like iax won't conflict in any way
03:32.40NuggetThe main problem with RH9 is that if you come to places like this looking for support you're going to hear a lot of pushback along the lines of "run a recent release, then come back and ask"
03:32.40brc_too slow
03:32.50scrubbI'm installing tao as we speak. :-)
03:32.51brc_Nugget, exactly
03:32.54brc_which does make sense
03:32.55cypromiswhitebox linux rocks
03:33.04cypromisno problems yet
03:33.09cypromisneither on xeons nor on opterons
03:33.20Darwin35on linux how do you start tftpboot up at startup
03:33.24scrubbcypromis: tao is great so far for me.
03:33.29Nuggetthe only problem with whitebox linux is that oracle won't talk to you if you use it instead of the "real" RHEL.
03:33.35Nugget(same for shit like DB2)
03:33.46EarlGreylol thanks nugget i take onboard your advice whole heartedly
03:33.51cypromisat least for IBM and DB2
03:34.16scrubbyeah, there is a reason RH charges and its worth the money if you are expecting support form people like oracle and ibm.
03:34.31scrubbbut if that is not an issue tao or whitebox will work
03:34.44EarlGreyi think from the trafic in this channel i will probably get better help here
03:34.53scrubbEarlGrey: than where?
03:35.05EarlGreythan my sip providor
03:35.14scrubbEarlGrey: who's that?
03:37.06EarlGreyon the subject of sip providers cn any one tell me of any solid providers that do better call rates than 1p pm to all of the english speaking world most of europe and a lot of the rest of the world?
03:37.24EarlGreyscrubb voiptalk
03:37.37EarlGreyand 10p pm to uk mobiles
03:39.43EarlGreywho do you use?
03:40.01Darwin35ok I have ntpd running but why is my phone not getting the time
03:40.30cypromis1p is 1.8 EUR cents ?
03:40.39Darwin35it is pointing to the server
03:40.43EarlGreythanks again nugget you've saved me time and fuss
03:40.54*** join/#asterisk Simon_ca (
03:41.00EarlGreycypromis let me check
03:41.46EarlGreyabout 1.46 € cents
03:41.58cypromisyou'll have trouble
03:42.08cypromisenglish speaking world is probably easy
03:42.13cypromisrest of the world will be tricky
03:44.26EarlGreyyea i was thinking as much cypromis but if you don't ask you don't find out ;)
03:47.17Godseyguess using add queue member blah to blah doesn't work so well :)
03:47.33Godseyasterisk doesn't know it's on the call aparently and tries calling same agent multiple times
03:48.15*** join/#asterisk insomni (~insomni@
03:49.08scrubbGodsey: sip agent?
03:49.40scrubbGodsey: unless you limit the number of calls to the sip channel to one, it will send the call to the channel again.
03:49.41AgiNamuhey... what's the C API call to get config info for your app? im tired and cant find it :S
03:49.56AgiNamuits like ast_app_read_config. or get config. or osmething.
03:50.10Godseyscrubb thank you :)
03:50.21scrubbGodsey: no problem.  we actually use that feature.
03:51.06Godseywe use softphone (vonage) to dial vonage units @ techs house :)
03:51.19Godseythey are panicing since call waiting is going off like crazy :)
03:51.38scrubbGodsey: lol!
03:52.39AgiNamuast_load :)
03:53.24GodseyI guess I'll have to switch back to using AgentCallbackLogin
03:53.32Godseywish I could do that via the managment api tho
03:53.37JerJeryou can
03:53.44JerJervi manager.c
03:53.57Godseypfn: I was trying from cli
03:54.05pfnyou can run any cli command from the manager interface
03:54.14GodseyI can do add but it only does queue members
03:54.19Simon_caanyone tried this voip2 callbox in the tigerdirect flyer?   looks like it should be * compatible....
03:54.27JerJerasterisk is Open Source, yo
03:54.28GodseyI don't know how to do the agentlogin one from cli, I've been trying to figure it out for a bit :)
03:54.38GodseyJerJEr: I'm not exactly a coder :)
03:54.43Godseybut I'll peek now
03:54.48JerJerthen offfer up a bounty
03:56.11scrubbI used the cisco siphone service buttons to do the addagent and remove agent
03:56.33pfngoddamnit, how do I play avi files with ac3 tracks, hate that shit
03:57.25bkw_scrubb I had a little talk with angler
03:57.50scrubbbkw_: yeah, about what?
03:58.15*** join/#asterisk LennyT (
03:59.25bkw_scrubb you know
03:59.30Simon_capfn: google ac3filter
03:59.53Godseyoh I can see this is beyond me right away :)
04:01.38scrubbGodsey: what are you trying to do?
04:01.58Godseyscrubb: I really like the functionality of AgentCallBackLogin
04:02.09Godseybut I would like to control it via cgi :)
04:02.12Godseyso managment api
04:02.19scrubbahh, then here's how i did it.
04:02.21Godseynot force techs to do it via the dialplan
04:03.09scrubbI created a cgi script that puts a call file in the call queue that executes the add and remove agents from the queue
04:03.23Godseyoh brilliant
04:03.27GodseyI hadn't thought of that
04:03.28scrubbhere's the trick
04:03.46scrubbthe call from the call queue has to be answered before the application specified will execute
04:04.11scrubbso i did a "Dial(local/111)" and I have and extension 111 that simply answers and hangs up.
04:04.25scrubba little ugly, but it looks sweet from the end usres perspective.
04:04.39GodseyI could have managment api do:
04:05.07GodseyCommand: Dial(Local/1255@agentlogin)
04:05.09Godseytoo right?
04:05.28hmodesoy i say
04:05.32scrubbGodsey: right!  actually, now that you mention it, I think thats what I reverted to.
04:05.36scrubbcall file was too ugly.
04:06.02Godseycall file is great tho if it works since you can touch the files and have them execute at the right time ;)
04:06.15GodseyI could have a whole month of disperate schedules ready to go
04:06.45scrubbI use the manager login to get queue status as well when they pull up the web page.
04:06.48GodseyI was kind of wanting asterisk to do a wakeup call :)
04:06.55Godsey"Your shift starts in 5 minutes."
04:07.12scrubbthats great for remote queue workers.
04:07.25Godseytoday was first live asterisk test :)
04:08.08scrubbsounds like a hecktic day with the call waiting.
04:08.19Godseynot too bad
04:08.32Godseywe setup vonage to forward unanswered calls back into the queue :)
04:08.44Godseyer actually no
04:08.54Godseyforward to a disconnected # on our cisco
04:10.00scrubbwell get that call limit changed an you'll be a hero :-)
04:10.31scrubbhow many seats in your call center?
04:10.52JerJer0 seats, we make are bitches stand
04:10.59JerJerare = our
04:11.16scrubblol, sounds like jerjer has had 1 to many drinks at astricon.
04:12.08SivanaJerJer.. did you write your own billing system?
04:12.11Godseyand we have 1 person do 6pm - 9pm
04:12.20JerJerSivana: most certinaly
04:12.32Sivanaya, the more I look around, the more work I see I need to do :)
04:14.46*** join/#asterisk paulc (
04:16.12SivanaI guess I need to compile a list of dispositions
04:17.10Godseywe're a small isp w/ around 5k customers
04:17.26Godseyduring the day we have 2 techs and a few other people who do tech and other things :)
04:17.42Godseylike the dsl person, platypus person
04:17.44UmaroSivana, odd question, but are you female?
04:17.53*** join/#asterisk serdiehard (~serdiehar@
04:18.00Godseywith asterisk I hope to be able to have 2 people @ home from 6pm-9pm
04:18.06Sivanano.. male
04:18.10Godseyand then 9-6pm sunday :)
04:18.23JerJernever can tell with IRC
04:18.42GodseyI just thought everyone is male :)
04:19.01JerJerthere are a few real females that hang out here, from time to tim
04:19.08JerJerbelieve it or not
04:19.13GodseyI do
04:19.18brc_a *few*
04:19.22Sivananite all
04:19.23Godseybut I assume people I'm talking to are male generally
04:19.25scrubbJerJer: occasionally pretends to be a female as well. ;-)
04:19.53scrubbwatch out for that nick!
04:19.56JerJeri wouldn't be female for ANYTHING
04:19.58scrubbI wont make that mistake again.
04:20.32JerJerits bad enough I bleed when I scrape my knee
04:20.34GodseyI'm going to make the biggest kludge
04:20.49Godseysetcallerid to the agent # :)
04:20.56brc_what OS are you?
04:21.04Godseythen have my script dial(local/login....)
04:21.21*** join/#asterisk rewoodrell (
04:22.16scrubbGodsey: you can set data on the application you call via the manager interface so you don't have to use callerid to pass the agent number, you can pass it in as a channel variable.
04:22.52scrubbGodsey: a little less of a kluge
04:23.49Godseyso I'd do AgentCallbackLogin(709|Local/2229709@agents)
04:24.16Godseyer hum
04:24.33NuggetI like that if you don't finish the quiz it rates you as "You are GNU/HURD"
04:24.39GodseyI guess I'll have to split it up in the dial plan
04:25.02brc_I'm OS2/Warp!
04:25.12Godseysince I don't think I can do Command: AgentCallbackLogin()
04:25.30SlowMohi folks
04:25.35*** join/#asterisk equiraptor (
04:25.36scrubbGodsey: just use the addagent/remove agent so you don't have to mess with agentcallbacklogin
04:25.43scrubbGodsey: correct
04:26.00Godseybut when you addagent, isn't that the one where you have to stay called in all the time?
04:26.09*** part/#asterisk equiraptor (
04:26.12paulcHow do you deal with agents that hot desk using the addagent/removeagent thing though? that was a question I came up against the other day
04:26.17scrubbGodsey: no, you can add their sip extension.
04:26.38ManxPowerUseful Asterisk Docs (BOOKMARK THEM!): (look at the "Unofficial Links") and and (my site) and
04:26.45JerJerI am OS/2 Warp
04:26.52scrubbi think, check the description.
04:27.01ManxPowerMy macros are now online at the fnords site, download dir
04:27.04ManxPowerJerJer: Cool
04:27.19JerJerI am plauged by feelings of adbandoment and disgust for my backstabbing step-broker. Oh, what might have been
04:27.35scrubbGodsey: so you can do an addagent(fred,queue1)
04:27.48scrubbGodsey: and sip/fred gets called when there is a call in queue1
04:28.52brc_now I'm amiga os
04:28.58paulcuh.. VODKA
04:29.08paulcbodka is.. uh.. something entirely different
04:29.47Godseyscrubb: I'll play w/ that :)
04:30.19ManxPowerHe handed you the dot?
04:30.26scrubbGodsey: we're cutting live to that exact method tomorrow in our NOC.  All tests look good so far.
04:31.07scrubbManxPower: lol!
04:31.26GodseySausage of Power
04:31.50Godseyscrubb: I'll read wiki about AddAgent
04:32.04scrubbGodsey: I think you'll like it.
04:32.09GodseyI was thinking I'd have to addagent(SIP/1234@siphost,queue)
04:32.55Godseynice, I'm Amiga OS
04:32.59scrubbGodsey: depends on how the sip phone registered or didn't register.
04:33.11scrubbok, what's this os thing?
04:33.14Godseyour techs are not sip phones
04:33.26Godseythey use vonage or pots :)
04:34.09Godseyw/ amigaos it says "If only your parents had given you more opportunities to succeed"
04:34.19GodseyI was pissed that they bought me an amiga 1000 and not a pc :)
04:34.26Godseythe irony there is great
04:35.43scrubbwho's handing out amiga's and ps2's with Warp?
04:36.09GodseyI hated my amiga @ first :)
04:36.13Godsey2 f'n disks to boot! :)
04:37.10*** join/#asterisk NeonLevel (NeonLevel@
04:38.26Godseythey didn't have Rexx or Perl as favorite languages
04:38.31Godseyit's skewed
04:39.28NeonLevelGood evening, I was wondering if theres a way i can put in conference two people like if i was talking to someone and then i can call someone else to bring into the chat..., is this possible?
04:39.41Godsey21:16 < brc_>
04:41.03paulcNeonLevel: You could transfer both parties to a meetme extension?
04:41.08Godseyaddagent scrubb?
04:41.14GodseyI don't see that in the src at all :)
04:41.16paulcor use the conference function of your phone if it has one
04:41.24paulcdepends if you want more than 2 other people talking at the same time
04:41.30paulcmeetme will let you have more than that
04:42.10scrubbGodsey: sorry:
04:42.13NeonLeveli see... i didn't know that was possible to transfer someone to a meetme app
04:42.40NeonLeveli will check that...
04:42.50ManxPowerNeonLevel: Transfering a person to a meetme conference is one way to work around phones that can;t do conference calls
04:42.52GodseyI do that via manager api now
04:42.59Godseyit doesn't act as I want
04:43.00Godseyyou can do:
04:43.15Godseypbx*CLI> add queue member SIP/1234 to support
04:43.28Godseypbx*CLI> remove queue member SIP/1234 from support
04:43.29NeonLeveli have this problem because i'm using a regular analog phone connected to an ata cisco
04:44.31Godseybut that led to multiple calls going to same queue member
04:44.35NeonLeveli will do that ManxPower
04:44.36paulctransfer to a meetme extension would definitely work..
04:44.49paulcplace a call to A (or receive one).. transfer to 1234 (your meet me exten)
04:44.54paulcplace a call to B, transfer to 1234
04:44.57paulcplace a call to 1234
04:44.58paulcdone :)
04:45.17NeonLevelthank you very much guys...
04:45.21NeonLevelvery helpfull!
04:45.36NeonLeveli will check this now....
04:46.37scrubbSlackware linux!?
04:46.50scrubbI am a often mistaken to be insane.
04:48.26brc_what's wrong with slack?
04:48.50scrubbnothing if you want to write init scripts from freaking scratch. ;-)
04:49.12scrubbI AM slackware!!!
04:49.41paulcI'm a big fan of Slackware
04:50.03scrubbthank you. no autographs
04:50.26NeonLevelSlack fan too!
04:51.37paulcI was going to ask what distribution people would choose for a commercial VoIP offering.. but meh, each to their own more or less eh?
04:51.58paulcA bunch of flavours of Linux.. go with the one you know, the one that's easy to install, configure, and replicate..
04:52.21ManxPowerI'm a Mandrake guy
04:52.37ezrapaulc: i'd actually pick suse or redhat for any commercial offerings
04:52.41ezrai'm a deb fan myself
04:52.54ezrabut the mindshare of novell and rh is pretty substantial
04:53.14scrubbi'd second ezra.
04:53.26scrubbthey've managed to "brand" linux as enterprise appropriate.
04:53.38scrubbmore acceptace in political places too.
04:53.48ezrayep, we're getting there...
04:54.11ezrai'm seeing more traction w/ suse these days actually
04:54.29scrubbyeah, probly cause novell has some comercial backing for it.
04:54.35ezrawe got a "solaris or suse only" request the other day.. kind of interesting considering a year ago they wouldn't touch rh
04:54.47ezrascrubb: yeah, very much so
04:56.34paulcI played with Debian but it didn't fare as well with hardware detection as other distributions
04:56.40*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
04:57.06paulcI should probably give Debian a whirl.. server install, no GUI..
04:57.43Inv_Arpanyway to tell what codec is being for sip during a conversation?
04:57.48brc_debian rules
04:58.01EarlGreydose anyone have an oppinion on analogue fxo's and in particular Wildcard X100P and  tdm400p
04:58.01Inv_Arperr for audio i should say
04:58.07Inv_Arpbrc_: yes it does
04:58.14brc_Inv_Arp, huh?
04:58.19brc_you mean is in use?
04:58.33scrubbnight all.  Leave atlanta standing, would you!
04:58.49Inv_Arpbrc_: heh... err im try this softphone but how can i tell what codec is being used
04:59.30brc_try show channels
04:59.48brc_or show codecs
04:59.50brc_something like that
05:01.06_Vileanyone know about home brewing?
05:01.39EarlGreydose anyone have an oppinion on analogue fxo's and in particular Wildcard X100P and  tdm400p i have heard that they can be trouble
05:02.21_VileI've had successful no echo, with a t card and a newbridge/channel bank
05:02.50_Vileif you're not worried about echo, then they're fine... and a lot of echo issues can be worked out
05:03.13Legend`EarlGrey: i had echo problems with a TDM04B, but was able to resolve the problem with later * code
05:03.18Legend`everything is hunkydory now
05:03.50EarlGreywhat code was needed?
05:04.04_Vilelatest rev of asterisk
05:04.15EarlGreya later software relece
05:04.19EarlGreyakk nice
05:05.35_Vilenow back to the important stuff, anyone homebrew here?
05:06.23EarlGreytea with milk ? :)
05:07.03_Vileyeah... exactly :)
05:08.05EarlGreywater just off the boil pour onto the center of the bag till cup 75% full bang bag with spoon on side of mug stir and remove add milk and suguar till sweet and nice and golden
05:08.27EarlGreythen bring one here :)
05:09.44SlowMoanyone alive
05:09.47_Vilemalt grain, sugar, yeast... you got the boiling part right... a couple of weeks later...
05:10.35_Viletea and milk actually sounds good
05:10.56SlowMoI need some help is someone dont mind.... easy help....
05:11.00EarlGreyyes just cut out the leaving it for a couple of weeks ;)
05:11.13_Vilehaha that'd be a bad thing
05:11.18_VileSlowmo, whats up
05:11.45SlowMoI want to make a test call to someone... I just finished the Managed .Net IAX 2 Client and want to give it a test drive
05:12.12*** join/#asterisk criptos (~criptos@
05:12.21SlowMoit works good local want to see how it works connecting to someone else
05:15.29slePPi am in now dire need of a microsoft access guru
05:15.33slePPsad as that may be
05:15.45_Vilewhats going on slepp
05:15.55_Vileim mainly mssql
05:16.02slePPno, i don't need sql help
05:16.07slePPi need vb in access help
05:16.20_Vilevb programmer too
05:16.20slePPtrying to tell it to requery a single row of a datasheet view
05:16.28slePPand not the entire damn datasheet on a Me.Combo.Requery
05:16.40slePPi want like... Me.ThisRow.Combo.Requery
05:16.50slePPcuz it just reloads all the values of all the combo's with the same name.
05:16.53slePPwhich is so very bad.
05:16.57_VileSlowMo, sec..
05:17.06slePPi wish this was nice and friendly like sql :>
05:17.18slePPa little sql tossed with some c/perl/php/anything-but-vb, would be nice.
05:18.31_VileSlowMo, can't find my 700 #... sry
05:18.56*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
05:19.05SlowMois it ok if I call u slePP...
05:19.12SlowMoI just need to test this client
05:19.29slePPi tihnk that's my 700 number :>
05:19.39slePPyou can try. i dunno if it's working. haven't tried in almost a year
05:19.52*** join/#asterisk jmhunter (
05:19.52*** mode/#asterisk [+o jmhunter] by ChanServ
05:19.54SlowMoI want to make a test call to someone... I just finished the Managed .Net IAX 2 Client and want to give it a test drive
05:19.58slePPgive it a trie
05:20.16jmhunterhey anyone know much about cisco isdn routers
05:20.34slePPneat. it worked.
05:20.40SlowMovoice mail
05:20.44slePPno, ivr
05:21.15SlowMowhat do I press to speak to u... need to test voice
05:21.24slePPdamn it
05:21.55slePPi can hear something
05:21.56SlowMoRing ring...
05:21.56slePPbut not you
05:22.00slePPi picked up?
05:22.10slePPi heard you there
05:22.25slePPi can hear you fine
05:22.32slePPit might be my end
05:22.38slePPi haven't tested iaxtel in a while
05:22.45slePPare you on IAX2 w/ iaxtel?
05:22.54slePPi'm on SIP
05:22.59slePPwhich i think is probably still broken
05:23.21slePPyour call quality just went to hell, btw
05:23.21slePPi can barely understand you now :>
05:23.23slePPthat was fun. hehe
05:23.31jmhunteranyone know how to get a 700 series router to display callerid on incoming calls
05:23.46slePPi answered again
05:23.49slePPyou still got ringing?
05:23.54slePPit's your end, then :>
05:23.59slePPcuz i'm on another phone now (cell phone)
05:24.04slePPsounds good here :>
05:24.21slePPoh dear
05:24.23slePPdoes it look good?
05:24.30slePPiaxcomm always looked like crap
05:24.39slePPoh, it's a web thingy
05:24.51slePPand was confused :>
05:25.01slePPthat could be handy
05:25.04slePPnow just to get incoming audio :>
05:25.33slePP'Click here to harass me and ask dumb questions!' (that's what i'd put on my website)
05:25.47slePP'Click here to hear me bitch about you unplugging your server again!'
05:25.55slePPand say 'what's wrong?
05:26.14slePPthat could get nasty
05:26.20slePP'Welcome to slePP's Sex Line!'
05:26.29slePPmost likely
05:26.33slePPbut they all know i'm weird already
05:26.34slePPso it's okay
05:27.17slePPtoo bad you don't know MS Access inside out
05:27.17m-00kiehas anyone configured sipura's?
05:27.17slePPoh. help me!!
05:27.17m-00kieim having trouble with mine
05:27.17slePPi've been beating this up for 2 hours now
05:27.17slePPi need to operate on the current row in a datasheet subform
05:30.06slePPi'm having a bad time with ms access
05:30.11slePPbut, alas, i said i could do it, so now i have to :>
05:30.21slePPi didn't think access would lack functions/methods to get current row
05:30.41paulcAccess sux ;-)
05:31.00bkw_moose penis
05:31.07paulcBKW_ !
05:31.18bkw_whats up
05:31.28paulcnot much, just on the phone
05:31.47slePP_i'm_ not wondering where
05:31.52SlowMohey bkw.....
05:31.57bkw_whats up
05:32.01bkw_i'm drunk a bit
05:32.11SlowMoI just did a somewhat working test for the new IAX2 ASP Client
05:32.45SlowMoya made a C# IAX2 Client
05:32.48slePPit's fancy
05:33.12SlowMou add it to your web page so people visiting your webpage can call u
05:33.40slePPlike FWD's, but not FWD :>
05:33.40GodseyI got the auto login stuff working as I wanted
05:34.28SlowMoI was talking to slePP he could hear me but all I was hearing was the phone rining
05:34.47NeonLevelcan we see the working phone?
05:34.55SlowMoa little more work yet but its mostly there
05:35.39SlowMoI am going to post it later this week... as a FREE Bee... for people to use
05:36.14NeonLevelwhere are you going to post it?
05:36.36SlowMoon wiki
05:36.42*** join/#asterisk plungerboy (
05:36.48NeonLevelon ?
05:37.05NeonLevelok great news, i'll look forward to see it...
05:37.06SlowMoplus I will have a setup on my webpage
05:37.14NeonLeveli'm already desperate!
05:37.43SlowMoNeonLevel> you got a number I will try and call u
05:38.21NeonLevelyeah i got a number! IAXTEL?
05:38.26*** join/#asterisk af_ (~af@
05:38.29NeonLevelor FWD?
05:38.41NeonLevellet me check it!
05:38.42SlowMoFWD is not hooked up yet
05:38.51NeonLevelyeah i see...
05:41.30SlowMou got number
05:44.45NeonLevelMy IAXTEL No# 17006401687
05:44.55NeonLevelgot it SlowMo?
05:45.59NeonLeveldid you go to sleep!?
05:46.04NeonLevelsorry for the delay...
05:46.39NeonLevelhablas español?
05:46.48SlowMowhat do I press
05:46.48NeonLevelsoy de Mexico
05:46.59NeonLevelor better yet
05:47.03NeonLevelpress 0
05:47.38SlowMoI pressed 0
05:48.04NeonLeveldo you hear me?
05:49.03NeonLevelo yes i can hear you very well!!!
05:49.04SlowMocan you hear me
05:49.10NeonLevelbut i see you cant
05:49.50NeonLevelplease let me know as soon it's done!
05:50.19NeonLeveli guess there's a bunch of people waiting...
05:50.42NeonLevelyou're a good programmer and you'll have it done
05:50.48*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
05:50.49NeonLeveli know,,,,
05:51.04NeonLevelyeah! it works!!
05:51.23NeonLevelok hang up
05:51.37NeonLevelhey thanks for the call!
05:51.37SlowMosome what works
05:52.23*** join/#asterisk skydiver (
05:54.14pfnwhat's the interface?  activex control?
05:54.35pfnso how do you manage audio ?
05:54.47NeonLeveli guess that i should have the .net framework to have it working...
05:54.48SlowMobuilt into code
05:54.57pfnbuilt into what code?
05:55.18SlowMothe Managed .Net Dll
05:55.28pfnwhat is this?  click to call?  or a web softphone
05:56.03SlowMoclick to call
05:56.16SlowMoacualt going to be for both
05:56.17brc_~seen kram
05:56.18jbotkram is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 11 messages.  Is idling for 17h 13m 22s
05:56.29pfnso how are you going to handle the softphone aspect
05:56.53SlowMoone sec... helping guy with MS Access problem
05:57.00SlowMogive me 2 min
06:00.44*** part/#asterisk pooh_ (
06:04.44Godseyoops, I'm tinkering with chan_agent.c
06:04.56Godseyif I hit # for new extension, it logs me out (AgentCallbackLogin)
06:05.11GodseyI'm going to try and make it do the same if I dial 0#
06:07.21Godseythat look right? :)
06:09.14Godseythe reason is I want true autologoff via dialplan
06:09.26Godseyotherwise it prompts user and they have to hit # again
06:09.53serdiehardbrc_ in our dialog i have given the address of
06:10.06serdiehardif possible please come to dialog
06:11.00brc_what am I looking at again?
06:11.37brc_is this it?
06:11.38brc_okay what is the question?
06:11.53serdiehardok then i continue here only
06:12.03serdiehardmy question is it right to do this
06:12.21serdiehardcan i register with twho sip servers at a time?
06:12.37serdiehardand when one user call to another of same server
06:12.56serdiehardcan we direct the call to another server
06:13.12brc_is that your ENTIRE sip.conf and extensions.conf?
06:13.19brc_you do not have a register line in there
06:13.30brc_are you trying to register to a server?
06:13.41brc_go look at /usr/src/asterisk/configs/sip.conf.example or something
06:13.45brc_it explains how to use a register line
06:14.12serdiehardiam doing the registrations with to the ser
06:14.30brc_do you need asterisk to register to ser
06:14.50brc_yes or no
06:14.59brc_k didn't think so
06:15.23serdiehardwe are going in some other direction not the original one
06:15.32brc_I still do not understand what your question/problem is
06:15.37serdiehardthe original one is like this
06:15.42serdiehardin breif
06:15.49serdiehardtwo users 101,102
06:16.06serdiehardboth register to two ser s like ser1 ,ser2
06:16.18serdiehardthe registrartion process is going like this
06:16.39serdiehardwhen 101 registers with ser1 ( in ser 1 iam forwardig the same register request to ser2)
06:16.47serdiehardthe same way 102 also
06:17.01serdiehardso when 101 calls 1o2
06:17.13serdiehardin ser i configured in invite request such that
06:17.17serdiehardit goes to *
06:17.39serdiehardand then it goes to ser2 from there
06:18.03serdiehardwhere 102 registration is present
06:18.30serdiehardin this way i am trying to implement the * prepaid billing with ser
06:18.53serdiehardwith in the same ser
06:18.55brc_when a call eventually gets sent to asterisk what context/extension is it going into?
06:19.30serdiehardit s going to the OUTGOING context you most have seen in my confs settings
06:20.54brc_what does the console show when you make a call
06:21.24serdiehardone min please i will get back with all the messages
06:22.23*** mode/#asterisk [+o brc_] by kram
06:26.40*** join/#asterisk alphaque (~Alphaque@
06:30.10*** mode/#asterisk [+v brc_] by jmhunter
06:30.42Godseydial XXX from console doesn't do as expected for me :)
06:30.46GodseySep 21 23:29:56 WARNING[213005]: chan_oss.c:257 sound_thread: select failed: Bad file descriptor
06:30.50Godseypages of that
06:30.54Godseyoh well I give up for tonight
06:31.23serdiehardbrc_ iam going some where wrong my softphone could not able to register to two ser servers i will come back when i am comfortable with this
06:31.48brc_are you using chan_oss or alsa?
06:31.59GodseyI must be
06:32.02GodseyI think it autoloads them
06:32.17Godseynoload =>
06:32.17Godsey;noload =>
06:32.20brc_but I think you have to also have oss or alsa installed
06:32.20Godseyis what I have
06:32.22brc_and configured
06:32.33brc_I'd _highly_ reccomend you use a softphone on anotehr ocmputer insteal
06:32.46jbotrumour has it, xlite is at download xlite at: | and see sample configs at, or xlite is a free SoftPhone (software phone, requires no hardware) from xten inc,
06:33.02Godseyoh I don't even want audio
06:33.14GodseyI just want to be able to do something in dialplan via managment api
06:33.31Godsey;exten => 0XXXNXXXXXX#,4,AgentCallBackLogin(${MYEXTEN}|360${MYCBACK}@callout)
06:34.00brc_what you have above has nothing to do with the manager interface
06:34.00Godseyoops remoe the ; and make it _0.....
06:34.23GodseyCommand: Dial 0123456789#@default
06:34.26Godseyfrom managment aip
06:34.39brc_what are you tying to do?
06:34.53Godseycontrol AgentCallbackLogin from web
06:35.11brc_so what's the extension for
06:35.16brc_oh I see what you're trying to do...
06:35.28brc_I'm pretty sure there MUST be a better way to do that
06:35.40Godseyand I did this
06:35.41Godseyexten => _0XXX#,3,AgentCallBackLogin(${MYEXTEN}|@callout)
06:35.49Godseyso you just dial 0709# and auto logout
06:36.02GodseyI patched chan_agents.c to not prompt for new extension if it's not given
06:36.04brc_yeah there might even be a manager command to directly log agents in
06:36.15Godseythere is, but queue members
06:36.26Godseywhich isn't quite the same :)
06:37.03brc_have fun...can't help ya much
06:37.22GodseyI am going to print some source @ work tomorrow
06:37.37Godseyand see if I can kludge up the manager commands to control it directly
06:37.41Godseythat's the proper solution
06:38.07Godseylike add queue callbackmember 123456 to support
06:38.10SlowMoSorry folks I am back now
06:38.15Godseybut! I am poooie coder :)
06:39.57Godseyit works nice for phone tho :)
06:40.13Godseydial 07098005551212# and done
06:42.37brc_Godsey, are you going to post that patch?
06:42.51brc_maybe make it an option
06:44.06slePPdid anyone celebrate when my pastebin pasted 1000 posts?
06:44.12slePPor was i the only one?
06:45.31JerJersomeone dial in to 4569 conf please
06:46.46brc_slePP, yes I noticed
06:46.52brc_I forgot to post 1000!!! tho
06:46.59slePPit didn't connect the first two times, jerjer
06:52.19UmaroJerJer, having a problem with IAX2 calls taking so long to actually connect.. is it just my provider, or asterisk? It takes about 5 seconds before the remote end rings..
06:52.23slePP2004-09-22 00:52:00 NOTICE[163850]: chan_iax2.c:5973 iax2_poke_noanswer: Peer 'NuFone' is now UNREACHABLE!
06:52.23slePP2004-09-22 00:52:04 WARNING[163850]: chan_iax2.c:1464 attempt_transmit: Max retries exceeded to host on IAX2/NuFone/17 (type = 6, subclass = 11, ts=310030, seqno=96)
06:52.56slePPJerJer: i'm getting congestion now. did you blow up?
06:53.18JerJerwe mighta had a route flap on us
06:53.36slePPnot back up yet
06:54.01JerJerhmm we are back on the conf here
06:54.07brc_slePP, works for me
06:54.12slePPmaybe i'm just screwed
06:54.18UmaroslePP, how long does it take from the time * dials out the IAX2 channel before your phone rings, btw?
06:54.27slePPUmaro: about that, 5 seconds
06:54.32Umarolame :)
06:54.43slePPdepends on the provider
06:54.45slePPsome are 1s
06:54.47slePPsome are 10s
06:54.55Umarowhich ones are the 1s ones? ;)
06:55.01slePPprivate peers
06:55.13JerJerHandle arbitrary long dial sequences (like what we need at Astricon)
06:56.45slePPCtrl-T /sslserver
07:00.22Umarook, so i'll just tell my client that if they want less than ~5s, they'll need to get PRIs instead of IAX2 peers
07:01.15*** join/#asterisk WhoAreYou (~SuperMMan@
07:01.32WhoAreYouevening all which language is asterisk wrote in C or C#?
07:01.41alphaqueWhoAreYou:  C
07:02.08brc_no way
07:02.08af_thank to god, it is written in c language
07:02.15brc_C* is > C
07:02.18brc_C* > C#
07:02.32avizionD > C
07:02.42avizionwhat are we playing? ;)
07:02.52slePPB came before C
07:02.56slePPhas anyone seen a B compiler?
07:02.59WhoAreYoubrc_,  C and C# from what i was told are two different languages are they not?
07:02.59WhoAreYoualphaque, thank you
07:03.00*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
07:03.24*** mode/#asterisk [-r] by brc_
07:03.59*** part/#asterisk WhoAreYou (~SuperMMan@
07:04.41slePPbrc, the command is /doitnowordie #asterisk
07:06.07*** join/#asterisk PieSpy (
07:06.14*** mode/#asterisk [+r] by brc_
07:06.19brc_guess what
07:06.37brc_when you msg piespy...and say join have to replace #channel with #${realchannename}
07:06.56brc_slePP, hi, I know you
07:07.04slePPbrc_, jackass
07:07.12brc_slePP, idiot
07:07.12slePPJerJer: did you know....
07:07.14JerJerbrc_:  blow?
07:07.16slePPJerJer: people are idiots?
07:07.21slePPJerJer: and brc_ is a people?
07:07.28JerJeryes, a wise man told me that
07:07.35slePPhe wasn't so wise as inebriated
07:09.33JerJeri'm glad i figured that crap out
07:09.35JerJerecho sucks
07:09.38brc_slePP, III caaanntt heaaarr yooou
07:10.18Umaroin dial, the M(macro) option only works for the called party, not the caller.. odd, no?
07:10.55brc_slePP, fix joor audio
07:11.18slePPyer dcc is so broken, brc
07:11.29slePPi hung up
07:11.31brc_can dcc be shoehorned to work with nat?
07:11.43slePPlook in like 'my IP settings'
07:11.47slePPor make a linux firewall do it
07:11.53slePP--- DCC RECV connect attempt to brc_ failed (err=Connection timed out).
07:11.58brc_"my ip settings"?
07:12.09*** join/#asterisk nomad_ (
07:12.11Umaroforward some ports, set them expilictly in your irc client's config
07:12.19brc_what ports are dcc default?
07:12.28slePPfirst-free-local policy
07:12.29Umaroyeah, none
07:12.41Umaroso the feds don't find you out
07:13.48slePPStart Time: Wed Dec 31 17:00:00 1969
07:13.53slePPlookit the iup
07:13.54slePPyer client is sending that
07:13.55brc_damnit I just changed that
07:13.56slePPit won't work
07:14.01brc_I KNOW
07:14.07brc_"get my ip from the server" yes
07:15.30brc_fixing m0n0wall
07:15.59brc_running it on a 8 year old emachines
07:16.11brc_try now
07:16.33slePPhow about no
07:16.39brc_same IP?
07:17.00brc_oh wait
07:17.42brc_yay me
07:17.45slePPyay you
07:17.48brc_er wait
07:17.52brc_that's a really old one now
07:18.12slePPit's the best, though
07:18.18*** join/#asterisk m-00kie (
07:18.24slePPhook that crap up on spodnet
07:18.25slePPit should be amusing
07:19.45brc_serveraddress againplease
07:20.27slePPit's under 11 letters!
07:20.34slePPk, no, it' s11
07:29.42JerJeralrighty the gear is packed
07:30.48UmaroJerJer, are you at astricon yet?
07:31.06Umarobrc_, are you?
07:31.15JerJerUmaro: nope
07:31.17JerJeri'm cheap
07:31.29JerJeri don't need tutorials
07:31.37Umarocheap as in you are driving to astricon, or?
07:31.39JerJerso i'm not showing up to first thing Thursday morning
07:31.41Umaroaah. ;)
07:36.54Simon_caHas anyone sucessfully mod'd Asterisk::Manager (perl) to be non-blocking on the socket?
07:40.02JerJerColt-45 and two zig zag's baby that's all we need
07:42.26m-00kiesigh ive been trying to get this voip stuff working for hours..
07:42.29m-00kieSIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
07:42.31*** part/#asterisk serdiehard (~serdiehar@
07:42.31m-00kiewhat does that mean?
07:42.44m-00kiefrom what end, to where?
07:42.50m-00kieeverything is configured correctly as far as i can tell
07:43.34m-00kiecan you shed any light on it?
07:43.58JerJeryou are not sending the proper authentication information
07:44.04m-00kiefrom the voip unit?
07:44.31m-00kieyou familar with Sipura?
07:46.09m-00kiehave you configured them before
07:46.35m-00kieare you always that annoying :P
07:46.45UmaroJerJer, will you give me a gazillion dollars?
07:47.00Umarolet me send you my paypal addy
07:47.38Umarojk :)
07:51.19luckyalihi all
07:51.59*** join/#asterisk KalD (
07:52.01luckyalido I need to use SER if I setup 100 sip clients on LAN
07:55.59*** part/#asterisk rewoodrell (
07:56.13luckyalia definition for each client in sip.conf will work ?
07:56.53*** join/#asterisk RoyK (~roy@
07:57.53*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
08:01.17RoyKanyone familiar with mysql regexp?
08:31.07*** join/#asterisk libpcp (libpcp@
08:31.10libpcpHello everyone
08:33.01KalDkram: Any plans on doing a multi-line iaxy ?
08:33.48*** join/#asterisk Umaro (
08:34.09UmaroHey guys, quick question.. is there any way to set a max registration interval for a sip client?
08:36.57RoyKdon't think so
08:40.46RoyKUmaro, any problems with that?
08:42.03*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
08:46.44RoyKMYSQL_USERS works fine :)
08:58.17*** join/#asterisk webman (~adamg@
08:58.23*** join/#asterisk nextime (
08:58.43*** mode/#asterisk [+r] by brc_
09:00.45Dibbler_I'm getting a lot of echo on sip/sip calls, any ideas?
09:01.47A_Mikemorning Roy
09:03.10webmanwhen starting asterisk with asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvcd is it normal to see "Urgent handler" messages on a regular basis?
09:03.52shido6I'll take logger.conf for $500, Alex
09:04.10brc_webman, do NOT start with -d
09:04.51webmanbrc_ I was getting a segfault shortly after re-starting asterisk, and am trying to find out why
09:05.13shido6where is it dying
09:05.52webmanshido6: a few seconds after statup is completed, but before it resets each of the PRI channels.... (which is usually a few seconds longer)
09:06.18shido6what does it say at teh clit
09:06.26shido6too much coffee
09:07.03webmanI'll see if I can make it happen again...
09:11.19*** join/#asterisk Zaffa (
09:12.34Zaffamaruz: Hi!, I think I solved the problem... by modifications to src.
09:15.05Zaffamy new problem is that when ISDN-line is hangup on PSTN side asterisk does not recognize it. ZapHFC does only dump incoming information message but does nothing to disconnect the line.
09:18.55webmandoes the TE410p work in a PCI-X slot??
09:19.45RoyKshould do
09:20.02maruzZaffa: ???? strange!
09:20.03*** part/#asterisk sd-tux2 (user2267@
09:20.18RoyKafaik te410 requires 3.3V, which is PCI-X default
09:20.40webmanRoyK: ok, that is very good then :)
09:20.40maruzZaffa: what have u done on srcs?
09:21.19*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:21.19*** join/#asterisk pattieja (~pattieja@
09:21.52*** join/#asterisk djflux (~djflux@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:21.52*** join/#asterisk silug ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:21.52*** join/#asterisk derrick (~derrick@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:25.58*** join/#asterisk goodmood_ (~goodmood@
09:26.09posteltable tennis time
09:27.17webmanSomeone mentioned the other day that asterisk wasn't balancing interrupts over multiple CPU's, would that imply that there is no advantage in using a multi CPU asterisk server?
09:27.29tessierwebman: Correct.
09:27.34Zaffamaruz: I added BRI_CPE_PTP to if-clause where Q931_PROTOCOL_DISCRIMINATOR were handled and q931_receive were called. It was only done for PTMP..
09:27.35tessierIt's not multithreaded or anything
09:27.59tessierHowever, there is still some slight advantage if you are running something else on the * box like a database to log cdr's or external AGI applications or something.
09:28.12tessierThe kernel can run on the other cpu to handle disk IO also.
09:28.19tessierOr network IO.
09:28.20webmantessier: so it is more important to get the fastest single processor system rather than a good SMP system?
09:28.28tessierwebman: I would think so.
09:28.43*** join/#asterisk woody-rob (
09:28.49Zaffamaruz: to q921.c file
09:28.52brc_what's a simple command line irc client?
09:28.59webmanis that also the same even for trans-coding work?
09:29.06tessierwebman: Yes.
09:29.20tessierbrc_: bitchx
09:29.22tessierbrc_: sirc
09:29.27tessierbrc_: epic
09:29.32brc_bitchx ...yuck!
09:29.39webmanbrc: no ??
09:29.43tessierDude, it's just IRC.
09:29.47*** join/#asterisk Fabe (
09:29.52brc_I thought that transcoding took advantage of smp ...guess not
09:33.01webmanhmmm, so the ONLY way to scale past "x" users is to add more boxes/faster CPU... hmmmmmmmm
09:33.25maruzZaffa: have u added something like: if (pri->localtype == BRI_CPE_PTP)??
09:34.10maruzZaffa: it would be interesting to send the patch on dev-mlist so other gurus can examine that add add to cvs if it's ok ..
09:34.22maruzand add
09:34.53*** join/#asterisk woody-rob (
09:37.19tessierwebman: That's not true.
09:37.38tessierwebman: er...I take that back. Adding more boxes is how to scale past x users.
09:37.46tessierwebman: But that's a good thing. It means it CAN scale.
09:38.02brc_what he said
09:38.42*** join/#asterisk brc007 (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
09:38.45FuzzyCatwhat we need is an inter-asterisk management interface
09:38.47*** join/#asterisk brc__ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
09:39.07zoaim at astricon
09:39.12zoaand already awake
09:39.17webmantessier: hmmm, except SIP phones will only be registered to one server at a time, and PRI interfaces are only on one PC at a time....
09:39.26zoalooks like brc is too
09:39.27FuzzyCatso that when you add another box... each of the boxes can be made aware of what is going on on the others...
09:39.55maruzZaffa: i can imagine how much debug have u done to discover that bug!!! ;)
09:41.03Zaffamaruz: yep =). But I still have a problem when line is disconnected from PSTN -side.. Asterisk does not notice it.
09:41.15FuzzyCatanalog or PRI ?
09:41.29FuzzyCator BRI
09:41.47FuzzyCatusing a Quadbri or chan_capi?
09:42.12*** part/#asterisk woody-rob (
09:42.25ZaffaFuzzyCat, i'm using zaphfc.
09:43.49*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
09:44.02brc007or ircii
09:46.14*** join/#asterisk abbas_ (~nid@
09:47.25brc_tried it
09:47.27brc_hated it
09:47.42brc_I just want something to use when I'm not at my main box but have ssh
09:49.03brc007hmm test
09:49.15brc007I cna't decide....sirc and ircii are almost exactly the same
09:49.23brc007use sirc I guess
09:50.12*** mode/#asterisk [+o brc__] by brc_
09:50.30RoyK~seen bkw_
09:50.32jbotbkw_ is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 107 messages.  Is idling for 4h 18m 7s
09:50.38brc_he's sleeping
09:50.40RoyK~seen RoyK
09:50.41jbotroyk is currently on #asterisk (1h 53m 48s).  Has said a total of 10 messages.  Is idling for 1s
09:50.41brc_at astricon
09:50.46RoyKbrc_ ok
09:50.47*** join/#asterisk alegh (
09:50.51brc_~seen doh
09:50.52jboti haven't seen 'doh', brc_
09:50.58RoyK~seen jbot
09:50.59jbotjbot is currently on #ipaq (2d 4h 26m 10s) #how (2d 4h 26m 10s) #bzleague (2d 4h 26m 10s) #gct (2d 4h 26m 10s) #newircd (2d 4h 26m 10s) #storm (2d 4h 26m 10s) #orkut (2d 4h 26m 10s) #uphpu (2d 4h 26m 10s) #va (2d 4h 26m 10s) #asterisk (2d 4h 26m 10s) #nslu2-linux (2d 4h 26m ...
09:51.00brc_~seen moose_penis
09:51.01jboti haven't seen 'moose_penis', brc_
09:51.11RoyK~lart brc_
09:51.17RoyK~fart brc_
09:51.19jbotACTION farts in brc_'s general direction
09:51.57brc_ever hear of PieSpy?
09:51.58festr_hello, i'm using kernel 2.6.7 with preemptive and 4FXS card from digium. No IRQ sharing. some FXS randomly break (when you pickup phone, you hear noise) and rmmod wcfxs modprobe wcfxs is OK. Whats wrong?
09:52.04FuzzyCatzoa: are you there?
09:52.41webmanbye all, time to go home :)
09:52.43FuzzyCatZaffa: ok, never used that myself, but I think Puzzled does
09:52.48FuzzyCat(he's not about atm)
09:53.21*** part/#asterisk webman (~adamg@
09:53.46maruztessier: are u using epic?
09:53.48Fabecan someone help me with this: ?
09:54.04tessiermaruz: No, xchat at the moment. I use epic very rarely and know very little about it
09:54.07ZaffaFuzzyCat, ok.
09:54.15*** join/#asterisk jdv79 (
09:54.24FuzzyCatooo.. nasty
09:54.44jdv79anyone have a take on the AT&T + netgear "partnering" to develop VoIP stuff?
09:55.01maruzZaffa: w/out ptp zaphfc has no issues with hangup
09:55.39maruzZaffa: have u posted on ml-dev? maybe kapejod read it..sometimes :)
09:55.43Fabei already tried different * versions.. * keeps crashing while dialing extensions. it looks like it accepts the call twice...
09:56.15maruzZaffa: kapejod is online, in #asterisk-drinker, maybe
09:56.26FuzzyCatnow sending sms messages via * over the network to phones
09:56.38FuzzyCatdrinkerS - plural
09:56.52maruzFuzzyCat: how???
09:57.15maruzFuzzyCat: yep, it's was a typo...drinkers :)
09:57.56Zaffamaruz: no I haven't. hangup detection doesn't seem to work neither p2p nor p2mp mode.
09:58.09FuzzyCatmaruz: * supports sms sending, so I'm using  fixed line sms (free at the moment :D) - when monit detects a problem/recovery is runs the script which generates the sms data file and call file
09:58.31FuzzyCat* does the rest
09:58.31ZaffaI think PBX that i'm connected with has some weird configuration...
09:58.31maruzZaffa: here i have zaphfc and ptmp and no issues
09:59.22[Sim]hey fuzzycat!
09:59.39Zaffamaruz: could you put small trace of bri debug where call is disconnected from PSTN side?
09:59.39maruzFuzzyCat: ok :)
09:59.45FuzzyCathey [Sim] - saw you timeout after 14400 seconds... must be a record!
09:59.52maruzZaffa: i'doo in a hurry
10:00.04Zaffamaruz: ok. np.
10:00.13FuzzyCatmaruz: I'm putting monit on all my boxes it works really well..
10:00.26FuzzyCatand it's v simple to get working
10:01.11maruzEnables debugging down to the Q.921 level
10:01.17FuzzyCateg: atm if it detects that my debug or messages files for * get bigger than 1 GB it'll automagically do a logger rotate for me
10:02.50festr_anyone had problem with TDMp card? (noise, restarting modules)
10:03.24*** join/#asterisk brc__ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
10:03.41*** mode/#asterisk [+o brc__] by brc_
10:04.44*** join/#asterisk SuperMMan (
10:05.24maruzZaffa: intense debug wasn't enabled :9 now it's
10:05.40Zaffamaruz: did you use bri intense debug?
10:05.50Zaffamaruz: ok =)
10:06.07maruzspan number was missing :(
10:06.16maruznow it's there :) bri intense debug span 1
10:06.38*** part/#asterisk brc__ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
10:06.44RoyKbri intense rubbish storm span 1
10:07.01FuzzyCatbri intense rubbish storm spam 1
10:07.15*** join/#asterisk brc__ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
10:07.26FuzzyCatgoo conneciton then brv__
10:08.01FuzzyCatgood conneciton then brv__
10:08.18FuzzyCatbrv = typo for brc
10:08.40brc_no in ircII I did a /j #otherchannel
10:08.43brc_and it left #asterisk
10:08.43manipuraHello Fellow Aterisk Users, Everyone Enjoying their night hacking away at this beautiful piece of software?
10:08.52brc_so now I'm going to
10:09.00brc_a. figure out how to join two channels at once
10:09.06brc_or b. find a better client
10:09.16brc_bitchx is so hard to use
10:09.18FuzzyCatif you see bkw_ or zoa can you see if they can pop in for a sec brc__
10:09.27*** join/#asterisk Alric (
10:09.55festr_brc_: irssi
10:10.10brc_well I spose I can try it...
10:10.14brc_is it anything like bitchx?
10:10.32festr_is like bitchx
10:10.45brc_irssi > bitchx?
10:10.50festr_dont know
10:11.24festr_you can join to more channels and switch between them ctrp-n
10:11.29sd-tuxis it a bug or a feauture :)? nat=yes in sip.conf [global] don't apply to other extentions ... i had to add nat=yes to all nated extentions...
10:12.04festr_brc_: do you use TDM400p?
10:12.18sd-tuxbrc_: ok... :)
10:12.26festr_brc_: do you ever suspect braking some port and hear noise?
10:12.40festr_brc_: and only reload modules helo?
10:13.45brc_-:- The new BitchX help system from EPIC is available by typing /ehelp.
10:13.45brc_-:- The old BitchX help files are available as /bhelp.
10:13.45brc_-:- ircII help files are available as /help.
10:13.54brc_if it has 3 help systems it's too complicated
10:15.42brc_this is worse then emacs
10:16.15brc_and I learn new tricks every day
10:16.31brc_and none of them ever require memorizing weird key combinations and using my nose for the last key
10:17.50zoahey guys
10:18.07zoacould somebody help me for a sec ?
10:18.36zoahow could i save something to a file without actually saving the file but disregarding it ?
10:18.48brc_in what?
10:18.53brc_a text editor?
10:18.56zoasomething like record(/ev/null)
10:19.11zoai need a fileextension there
10:19.18zoaso cant use dev null
10:19.30zoaunless maybe with symlinks ?
10:19.32Fabeln -s /dev/null /dev/null.gsm :-p
10:19.47brc_will dat work?
10:19.54festr_fabe: loool :)
10:19.56brc_try it
10:20.08brc_I think it should
10:20.14brc_maybe not
10:20.25zoaimroVOIP1:~# echo 1 > /dev/null/1.txt
10:20.25zoabash: /dev/null/1.txt: Not a directory
10:21.37brc_the ln's might werk..
10:21.41FuzzyCatremove the 1.txt
10:21.42brc_but why do you want to do that anyway?
10:21.47brc_there must be a better way
10:22.15*** join/#asterisk joost_trisum_nl (
10:23.09brc_zoa, can't you just use a System(mv foo.gsm /dev/null) after you record?
10:23.15brc_but why are ya doing this?
10:23.59FuzzyCatseems like an odd thing to do
10:28.31zoabrc no
10:28.42zoai want to record to nothing
10:28.46brc__why why hwy
10:28.47zoai just need to test the recording
10:28.54zoawithout the disk stuff
10:28.54*** join/#asterisk DinoChat (
10:28.58brc__uhm...well okay
10:29.16zoabecause with record to nothing
10:29.19zoai could test decoding
10:29.39DinoChatHello everybody, I'm new to asterisk and this list
10:29.40zoaas it would decode for the record app
10:29.48zoaDinoChat: hurry hurry
10:29.50brc__welecome dino
10:29.51zoafly to atlanta
10:29.58brc_RIGHT NOW
10:30.01DinoChatI have a question regarding ISDN support
10:30.07zoaall new users first need to register in atlanta even
10:30.22zoathen buy me a beer
10:30.23brc_ even!!!!!!11
10:30.25DinoChatI have a Teles PCI card in a Debian Server (kernel 2.6) with isdn4linux
10:30.33brc_I get the beer
10:30.39brc_you can buy your own beer zoa
10:30.41DinoChatI tested the card with minicom and it works fine
10:31.00zoaam i the only one with shitty internet out here ?
10:31.10DinoChatWhen I start Asterisk I see that Asterisk is taking the call en starts sending the welcome message....
10:31.24DinoChatBUT  I don't hear a thing .....
10:31.29DinoChatWhat is wrong?
10:31.32brc_DinoChat, we really can't help much with unsupported hardware
10:31.40brc_where've you been!
10:32.01knight_hey brc!
10:32.02brc_DinoChat, try the -users mailing list
10:32.06DinoChatwhat is an alternative ISDN card that could/should work?
10:32.10knight_i got swamped with work :)
10:32.21knight_but things are settling a little could try the one from jhasomething
10:33.05brc_DinoChat, try asking the -users mailing list...
10:33.19DinoChatoke... i start browsing :-)
10:33.20FuzzyCatzoa: got a second?
10:33.25brc_there's about 3 of us awake here and I don't know the answer
10:33.50brc_DinoChat, try googling for      isdn card
10:34.23brc_you have a isdn line from the telco?
10:34.34brc_do the drivers seem to be working properly?
10:34.51brc_knight_, so are ya ever gonna svn commit again?
10:35.38knight_indeed i will :P
10:35.46knight_very soon in fact
10:35.51brc_like now?
10:37.12*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
10:37.19ZX81join #asterisk-drinkers
10:37.33brc_do it anyway
10:39.13brc_knight_, yoohoo
10:41.59*** join/#asterisk brc007 (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
10:43.24festr_I'll just throw this out. I've had some MB's in the past with flaky support
10:43.24festr_for APIC. It resulted in weird interrupt problems. Disabling APIC and a
10:43.30festr_bad paste
10:44.07festr_i'm getting this in log, which result in lost dialtone and only hear noise:
10:44.07festr_Sep 16 11:10:39 ast-ipex kernel: Ouch, part reset, quickly restoring reality (0)
10:44.10festr_Sep 16 11:10:40 ast-ipex kernel: Power alarm on module 1, resetting!
10:44.13festr_Sep 16 11:14:36 ast-ipex kernel: Ouch, part reset, quickly restoring reality (0)
10:44.16festr_Sep 16 11:14:36 ast-ipex kernel: Ouch, part reset, quickly restoring reality (2)
10:44.19festr_Sep 16 11:14:36 ast-ipex kernel: Power alarm on module 1, resetting!
10:44.22festr_Sep 16 11:14:36 ast-ipex kernel: Power alarm on module 3, resetting!
10:44.31*** join/#asterisk tafazzi (
10:45.03festr_TDM400p 3fxs 1fxo
10:45.21brc_sounds bad
10:45.27brc_contact digium for support
10:45.29festr_18:    1409921   IO-APIC-level  wctdm
10:45.37brc_your paying for might as well use it
10:46.08brc_can't think of anything else
10:48.51FuzzyCatok, so screwfix just send a mate a junction box ... nothing in that except
10:52.27brc007oh delay
10:56.01*** join/#asterisk Darkstar2004 (
10:58.26brc_Thankyou for joining the asterisk 24 hour support hotline!
10:58.30Fabeanyone here using chan_capi with ptp+ddi+overlap sending ?? (and doesen't have problems with it)
10:58.34brc_Where do you want to call today?!
10:58.41Darkstar2004brc_: ;-)
10:59.03Darkstar2004brc_: At the moment I only need a gentle pull to the right direction ;-)
10:59.03*** join/#asterisk twisted (
10:59.03*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
10:59.26brc_well weell surre help if'n we can
11:00.03Darkstar2004brc_ I am looking for the functions wich parse the .call files for auto-dialout in the source
11:00.23brc_no clue
11:01.00brc_grep the source for .call perhaps or somehting
11:01.01Darkstar2004Its the first time i fiddle around at the source and so I am stuck now
11:01.14Darkstar2004Good idea! ;)
11:01.42brc_you might need to escape the . or you'll probably get tons of matches
11:02.22brc_I was going to say grep for /var/spool/asterisk/whatever/outgoingwhatever but that location is loaded from asterisk.conf
11:02.38maruzFabe: i'll do it in the next days, what issue with it?
11:03.01brc_but what you could do is work backwards...grep for asterisk.conf...find where the outgoing spool dir is for that
11:03.04brc_or something :p
11:03.57Fabemaruz: chan_capi seems not to recognize the call correctly (waiting for all digits). and so if i dial 7868 14 i get 2 calls in the pbx on the same channel. on with 78681 and one with 786814 ... 2 calls on same chan is of course not a good idea ;) an so * crashes...
11:04.27*** join/#asterisk echo_bg (~asdasdasd@
11:04.35echo_bghi all - how are you people
11:04.57echo_bgneed some help regarding asterisk instalation
11:05.38echo_bgit is more like runnig the asterisk
11:05.42maruzFabe: have u set DigitTimeout?
11:06.11brc_echo_bg, do you have a specific question?
11:06.19Fabeno. (it defaults to 5secs). and the problem appears before the dialplan is parsed...
11:06.24echo_bgwhen I try to start the asterisk with the -vvv key i am geting that message
11:06.32echo_bgParsing /usr/local/etc/asterisk/modules.conf
11:06.32echo_bgLoading module failed!
11:06.50maruzFabe: you have the problem eithr u set immediatemode?
11:06.52brc_echo_bg, what version are you running?
11:07.00brc_echo_bg, upgrade to cvs head from
11:07.04brc_click downloads at top right
11:07.05echo_bgParsing /usr/local/etc/asterisk/modules.conf
11:07.06echo_bg,/usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ Undefined symbol "ast_moh_stop"
11:07.06echo_bgLoading module failed!
11:07.26Fabei tried with immediate and without...
11:07.27echo_bgbrc - I am installing the asterisk from FreeBSD ports collection
11:07.34brc_ahh there is your problem echo_bg
11:08.05echo_bgso :)) can you tell me what is wrong ?
11:08.12echo_bgor can I fix that >?
11:08.15brc_ALL KNOWN (to me) Packages for asterisk are  OUTDATED. _Use CVS HEAD instead_
11:08.20Fabemaruz: what's mode=immediate "technicaly" doing?
11:08.57echo_bgbrc_ - you mean to download and install the asterisk by my onw ?
11:08.59brc_echo_bg, click on download and follow instructions
11:09.08brc_to install from CVS HEAD
11:09.48brc_echo_bg, unless you have a very compelling reason to I'd suggest you switch to a linux platform
11:10.03brc_very compelling reason to use BSD instead
11:10.19brc_if you plan to use any hardware from you _must_ use linux
11:11.14echo_bgbrc_ ? why you are sugesting that ?
11:11.40echo_bgI am planing to use it as a SIP proxy only
11:11.45maruzFabe: it tells to * if it should wait or immediately fire up
11:11.48echo_bgwith soft phones
11:11.53echo_bgno POTS or PSTN links
11:11.57FuzzyCatecho_bg: errm.. as a sip proxy?
11:11.59FuzzyCatuse SER
11:12.01brc_echo_bg, because linux I believe is the offically supported platform
11:12.11Fabemaruz: hm. so it should be set to off in my case.... (it's commented out).
11:12.14brc_and yes if you are sure what you want is actually ONLY a sip proxy use ser
11:12.29Fabei want it to wait for the digits and the give the call to the dialplan
11:13.10brc_echo_bg, there've been lots of bsd bugs in the past...and probably still some lurking...
11:13.25echo_bgbrc_ i got it -
11:13.39brc_either way compile from cvs head
11:13.50echo_bgmhum - will go to see
11:13.57maruzFabe: so, immediate=no
11:14.50Fabehm. it's mode=immediate ...
11:15.06*** join/#asterisk Jhon_Petrik (Jhon_Petri@
11:15.14bkw_IS ONE SEXY BITCH!!!
11:15.16bkw_whats up
11:15.20echo_bgca I use the xlite softphones with ser ?
11:15.21bkw_LIFE from astricon
11:15.27bkw_ITS BKW in the morning!!!!
11:15.38bkw_not totally awake yet ya know
11:15.40FuzzyCatbkw_: got a sec?
11:15.47brc_bkw dude
11:15.50brc_what time is it?
11:15.51bkw_FuzzyCat sure whats up
11:15.53brc_you are up too early
11:15.55bkw_its 7"15AM
11:16.00zoabkw you are up already ?
11:16.05brc_too early
11:16.11bkw_zoa whats up my man!!!
11:16.20zoatyping as hell
11:16.31zoadid you have some time to read it yesterday ?
11:16.39maruzFabe: it's for zaphfc :(
11:16.52bkw_zoa yes
11:16.54bkw_it looks great
11:17.51zoabkw, did you see the alarming graph for 2.4 vs 2.6 ilbc ?
11:18.03brc_where is it
11:18.06bkw_zoa i'm still going over it ... hold please
11:18.51Fabemaruz: lol i took a look into the chan_capi src.. mode=immediate is simply ignored... not even parsed...
11:19.01bkw_LOVE the pamela anderson background
11:19.17zoathats the sipp background ?
11:19.28zoai didnt take that screenshot :)
11:19.33zoabut didnt bother to change it either
11:19.43*** join/#asterisk DenyMe (Mr_Pride@
11:19.49maruzFabe: yes:) i posted it in ml!
11:20.07Jhon_PetrikAny one tell me about manager web interface
11:20.20bkw_zoa this looks kick ass
11:20.30bkw_you have went into this pretty well
11:20.35maruzFabe: all the stuff relative to immediate and implemented in zaphfc, should be ported to chan_capi
11:20.38bkw_we didn't go this indepth
11:20.54DenyMe~seen wasim
11:20.55jbotwasim <~wasim@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 19h 42m 35s ago, saying: 'mishehu: randomcalldrop=no'.
11:20.58zoai have more than thatm but cant type it all
11:21.03*** join/#asterisk stighenning (
11:21.04zoai also have memory and load stuff
11:21.11zoaand more servers
11:21.15Fabemaruz: hm. kapejod claims in his doc that chan_capi is able to correctly handle ddi and overlap sending...
11:21.16bkw_we did this whole res_config thingy and was more or less here it is... here is how it works... get used to it
11:21.17zoabut i see no use for it for today
11:21.18knight_i just lost 45gb of mp3s
11:21.24stighenningmusic hon hold is jerky..
11:21.30bkw_zoa ya no use really
11:21.36bkw_but your stuff rocks
11:22.12stighenningwhen I call someone.. I'm put in queue.. and the music starts. but its jerky
11:22.31brc_stighenning, got a digium card for timing?
11:22.33FuzzyCatdo you have a zaptel card?
11:22.48stighenningbrc_, not using digium at all. just asterisk and NIC.
11:22.49maruzFabe: i suppose that kapejod konows that and has in in agenda
11:23.02brc_stighenning, there is your problem
11:23.11stighenningbrc_ timing ?
11:23.14brc_what kernel
11:23.20brc_yes you need a 1000Hz timing source
11:23.26brc_uname -a
11:23.28Fabemaruz: the readme says it's already included...
11:23.40stighenningLinux localhost.localdomain 2.4.27-2tr #1 Thu Sep 2 12:45:57 CEST 2004 i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux
11:23.47*** join/#asterisk Xander7 (
11:24.17brc_stighenning, got a uhci usb interface?
11:24.32stighenningbrc_, no
11:24.33brc_if so cd /usr/src/zaptel       make ztdummy      modprobe ztdummy
11:24.56brc_if not, use kernel 2.6, or buy any zaptel card to provide timing (best idea)
11:25.17stighenningI'm calling with a "register =>" sip provider.. don't any digium of hci card.
11:25.31Dibbler_chan_oss.c:352 setformat: Requested 8000 Hz, got 48000 Hz -- sound may be choppy
11:25.36Dibbler_Any way to fix this?
11:25.48brc_the zaptel card purely provides a 1000Hz timing source to make music on hold smooth and conferences work
11:26.07brc_Dibbler, probably a oss setting
11:26.13stighenningso an issue at my sip provider ?
11:26.29maruzFabe: yes, but in chan_capi it is ignorated...
11:26.47brc_stighenning, YOU NEED A 1000 HZ timing source ON YOUR physical asterisk server
11:27.00brc_the best way to get that is to purchase a x100p card
11:27.12maruzFabe: kapejod at this moment is in #asterisk-drinkers
11:27.23brc_yes the "clone" cards will work fine IF YOU GET THE RIGHT I don't know which ones work and which are the wrong kind
11:27.28maruzFabe: join it and ask :)
11:27.45stighenningbut this has worked before.. on another computer.  only PC with asterisk and nic's.
11:27.45Fabemaruz: he didn't answer to my qry ;) but i'll give it a try in the chan
11:28.36PatrickDKstighenning, it will be different from computer tocomputer
11:28.46PatrickDKunless you install a digium card
11:28.59PatrickDKor maybe, if you use ztdummy, and recomile your kernel with HZ=1000
11:29.14Dibbler_stighenning: Mine was the same until I got the X100P card
11:29.40brc_PatrickDK, he doesn't have uhci
11:29.56brc_really it's just so much better if you just get a actual card
11:29.58brc_always works
11:30.03PatrickDKheh, try uzing ztrtc than maybe
11:30.16PatrickDKya, each of my boxes have one in it
11:30.22stighenningDibbler, ok!
11:30.31PatrickDKthough, I have to use the tdm400 though
11:30.35brc_yeah but that can be hard
11:30.40stighenningPatrickDK, noticed..
11:30.40brc_PatrickDK, you do?
11:30.54PatrickDKx100p doesn't support 3.3v pci
11:30.59Dibbler_brc_ nothing in oss I can see!
11:31.13brc_Dibbler, try chan_alsa instead
11:31.18brc_I've heard alsa > oss
11:31.25FuzzyCatroflmao! Cat Stevens is on the US watch list.... ooohh we don't want any people that might be singing anti war songs or anything
11:32.32tessierI bet they don't let him take his guitar in the cabin because he might strange someone with a guitar string.
11:32.36Dibbler_Cat Stevens converted to Islam, and is now an extremely vocal Islamic, he changed his name to Yusef Mohammed I beleive
11:32.45tessierWell, that's a little different.
11:33.05knight_yeah he's been into Islam for like 30 years
11:33.09FuzzyCatmake no difference at all
11:33.17knight_heleft the USA in the 70s to pursue Islam
11:33.18FuzzyCatdoesn't make him a terrorsit
11:33.32stighenningreading about the X100P card now..
11:33.51FuzzyCatmind you - expressing your opinions in the US probably does make you one there
11:33.51stighenningPatrickDK, every tried recompiling kernel with HZ=1000 ?
11:34.07PatrickDKstighenning, yep, makes network stuff work better
11:34.45stighenningPatrickDK, that I have got to try out..
11:34.51PatrickDKwell, only really usefull, if you do ALOT of small network packets, and traffic shaping/queuein
11:35.40stighenningBut what does the x100p card do ?. insert into pci slot.. but is there any connectors to it ?..
11:36.01PatrickDKthere is a telephone jack on it, you don't have to use it
11:36.05PatrickDKotherwise no, nothing really
11:36.29PatrickDKtdm400 has a 4pin power connecter, like a harddrive
11:36.47brc_stighenning, the x100p is a fxo interface
11:36.54brc_if you wish you can plug a telco line into it
11:36.54zoa<stighenning> PatrickDK, every tried recompiling kernel with HZ=1000 ? ==> where is that option ?
11:36.59brc_but there's no need to
11:37.03Dibbler_I'm getting a lot of echo on sip/sip calls, any ideas?
11:37.05zoatellme tellme
11:37.13PatrickDKdibbler, crappy phones
11:37.18PatrickDKwhat kind of phones you using?
11:37.21brc_and crappy headsets
11:37.24Dibbler_lol, you're probbers correct
11:37.27brc_softphones right?
11:37.28PatrickDKzoa, in one of the .c files
11:37.32Dibbler_USB handsets
11:37.36brc_there you go
11:37.36zoawhich one ?
11:37.40zoai really need to know
11:37.41brc_get real phones and try again
11:37.42Dibbler_The Grandstream's are fine
11:37.48PatrickDKdibbler, speaker vibrating the case down to the mic
11:38.00brc_soft phones do many pc headsets
11:38.06PatrickDKheh, I'm having that problem with my snom phones :(
11:38.22stighenninganother issue. Put persons on hold. I have set up features.conf ... also include => parkedcalls in [default]. but still I'm not able to push #700. ??
11:38.54PatrickDKstighenning, put include => parkedcalls in [local]
11:40.10*** join/#asterisk cybersystem (sschwabbau@cybersystem-gentoo.staff.freenode)
11:40.43echo_bgbrc_ can I use the x-lite phone with ser ?
11:41.05brc_but you need to figure out EXACTLY what you want to do
11:41.05echo_bgsorry -
11:41.14echo_bgso I will describe
11:41.22brc_for example do you want to have voicemail from asterisk?
11:41.33brc_you said you wanted to use it as a sip proxy which is why we said use SER
11:41.34echo_bga few friends from different parts of the workl want to talk over SIP
11:41.38stighenning[local] ? you mean the sip.conf  context=local   ?
11:41.49brc_ser is a Sip Express Router...much better at being just a sip proxy then asterisk
11:41.50echo_bgbrc_ - dont need voicemail
11:41.53brc_echo_bg, okay
11:42.03brc_well if that is all then you probably want to use ser
11:42.08echo_bgso is SER Ok for that
11:42.16brc_and no, sorry I can't help you in any way with ser...never used it
11:42.28brc_yes from what I gather from their webpage that is exactly what it's designed for
11:42.51echo_bgcan SER be used with other SIP Gateways - like CISCO ATA or another SIP GW ?
11:43.15brc_again, I can't answer these questions
11:43.24echo_bgbrc_ - goting to read
11:43.25brc_taking a guess I'd say yes if everything supports SIP
11:43.44brc_google's yer friend :)
11:45.15echo_bgbrc_ :)) allready reading a manual -
11:45.28echo_bgmaybe later will run asterisk also -
11:45.43echo_bgI just dont like LINUX
11:47.08stighenningecho_bg, then Mandrake is for you :)
11:51.10*** join/#asterisk Xander7 (
11:52.08RoyKstighenning, mandrake is a desktop distro...
11:52.56brc_I would not reccomend mandrake for somebody coming from bsd
11:53.10brc_echo_bg, the most bsd like linux distro is gonna be gentoo
11:53.21brc_it has 'portage' ...similar to ports....
11:53.24*** join/#asterisk wasim (~wasim@
11:53.37wasimhola brc_
11:53.44brc_where is my phone?
11:54.03wasimbe patient grasshopper
11:54.07wasimwe haven't ordered the PCB yet
11:54.44brc_buh buh buh I thought you did that weeks ato
11:54.59wasimthis week for sure
11:55.17wasimi don't want to order the PCB untill our US and EU sales/distribution points are on line
11:55.27wasimthat way we can ensure our customers have local presence
11:55.42wasimi expect to have those inline today, and should order soon
11:55.52wasimso we can ship near end-Oct at the latest
11:56.28wasimyeah, i know
11:57.50_Vilewhat phone?
11:58.07*** join/#asterisk BuzzBud (
11:59.30_Vilecool, im setting up my new PC:
11:59.56stighenningI'm trying to shutdown asterisk. Login in with -r. Then stop now.. but nothing happens.
12:00.02*** part/#asterisk brc__ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
12:00.03stighenningdo I have to killall -9 asterisk ?
12:00.36brc_stop now should work...
12:00.43brc_if it's not tiz crashed
12:01.05stighenningtiz crashed... what now ?
12:01.23wasimkill -9
12:01.25_Vilekillall -9 asterisk; asterisk
12:01.43_Viledepending on os
12:02.09stighenning_Vile, killall it is..
12:02.19manipuraHave any of you guys used the IAXy?
12:04.34_Vilewasim, datasheet pdfs aren't there fyi
12:04.42_Vilebut nice looking phone
12:06.13wasim_Vile: hmm ... yeah, new datasheets are enroute
12:06.22wasim_Vile: this is just a temporary casing, we'll make better ones
12:06.34wasim_Vile: the insides are the real beauty ... IAX2 galore
12:06.50wasim_Vile: and the real power of * revealed
12:06.51*** join/#asterisk NoRemorse (
12:08.43ZX81what time astricon start?
12:11.17ZX81yno fair
12:11.28ZX81ytake note for DAILY ASTERISK NEWS
12:11.34*** mode/#asterisk [+o brc___] by brc_
12:12.11ZX81so so unfair...the next Astricon should be in New Zealand
12:13.27stighenningpushing # does not work, is there any other button that are similar ?
12:13.31*** join/#asterisk glm2k (
12:14.29ZX81what for
12:14.40ZX81* is kinda similar so is 0123456789
12:14.59ZX81for parking?
12:16.17ZX81ZX81 debates sleeping
12:16.46wasimdamn this cricket team, they can't bat worth anything
12:16.55FuzzyCatyes then can...
12:16.56ZX81better than New Zealand tho
12:17.05FuzzyCatoh you mean your tesm
12:17.24ZX81wasim your team=?
12:17.35ZX81yah thought so
12:17.48ZX81who they playing?
12:18.21wasimall out for 131
12:18.41stighenningZX81, treading..
12:18.43wasimlost 6 wickets for 30 runs
12:18.59stighenningreading about parked calls
12:19.02FuzzyCatbbc scorecard is a big behind
12:19.05ZX81okay yup
12:19.38ZX816 for 30 lol
12:19.46FuzzyCatmy keyboard has moves up 1 cm :P
12:20.08stighenning# is not working.. but R button is working as the #.. why ?
12:20.11ZX81and right a bit
12:20.18ZX81what phone ?
12:20.33FuzzyCatr= flash
12:20.55stighenningZX81, that's right..
12:21.06stighenningbut why doesn't the # work the same way ?
12:21.12FuzzyCatsaviour of the universe
12:21.13ZX81in dial option
12:21.31stighenningZX81 dial option on my hardware-ipphone ?
12:21.35*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
12:21.50ZX81no in asterisk
12:22.05ZX81show application dial
12:22.08ZX81in asterisk console
12:22.09_Vilewasim, did you ever put much more thought into bigger LED phones... onscreen softkey programmable scripting? was reading the forums
12:22.17stighenningZX81 ok.. looking..
12:22.28sudoeri suppose * 1.0 r will be out during astercon
12:22.43wasim_Vile: yes, we're working on a 320x240 touch screen
12:22.48FuzzyCatI thought Kram was doing rc3 @ astricon
12:23.01wasim_Vile: the phone is very modular, and we can customize it for pretty much any depoynebt
12:23.05ZX81t=allow the called user to transfer the calling user by pressing #
12:23.37ZX81T=allow the calling user to transfer the call by hiiting # (BE VERY CAREFUL - UNLIKELY YOU WANT THIS)
12:23.39*** join/#asterisk ecd (
12:23.51*** join/#asterisk _tekati_ (
12:24.16ZX81I so hope that people take notes as Astricon and send them to me for the asterisk news....I wish I was there
12:24.38*** join/#asterisk mitchel (
12:25.09*** join/#asterisk doctorCTI (
12:26.43ZX81go split
12:26.54ZX81nope only a few
12:27.08FuzzyCatprolly their wifi access point
12:27.09_Vilewasim, on the 320s, controllable what displays on the screen from *?
12:27.42*** join/#asterisk cybersystem (sschwabbau@cybersystem-gentoo.staff.freenode)
12:27.43_Vilethat you're working on..
12:27.46stighenningZX81, ok...
12:27.47*** join/#asterisk ixx (
12:27.49stighenningI'm using t
12:28.03*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
12:28.20brc___wasim mmmmmmmmmmmmm
12:28.35stighenningwhere does the # defined ?
12:28.41stighenningI cant use the #.. only R
12:28.56ZX81flash always works on zap interfaces
12:28.59wasim_Vile: pretyy much anything you want, text, graphics etc ... we're gonna code up app_mms soon
12:29.02wasimbrc___: oui
12:29.07ZX81you don't need t or T for that
12:29.14*** join/#asterisk cdegroot (
12:29.27ZX81wasim, rock on!!!!
12:29.28wasimcdegroot: are your stats still up?
12:29.46_Vilecustomized logo printing for the molding? :D
12:29.54ZX81i like m&m's
12:29.54brc_sure if you order enough
12:29.59brc_wasim, what stats?
12:30.02wasim_Vile: absolutely
12:30.08cdegrootwasim: not really. I moved to Win2k so my xchatlogs aren't written on the same box as the stats script. need to fix that sometime...
12:30.11wasimbrc_: #asterisk stats
12:30.14stighenningZX81, but why does not asterisk recon #..
12:30.17_Vileluff it, will ttyl wasim
12:30.21stighenningit only takes the R
12:30.21brc_ahh for the chan?
12:31.28ZX81debug channel Zap/2-1
12:31.35ZX81or whatever channel you pick up
12:31.40ZX81then when you press buttons
12:31.46ZX81if will say on the console
12:31.48FuzzyCatbrb phone
12:32.26*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
12:33.18stighenninglocalhost*CLI> sip show channels
12:33.18stighenningPeer             User/ANR    Call ID      Seq (Tx/Rx)   Format
12:33.19stighenning10.0.0.12        03          10a5c6cc170  00102/00140   ALAW
12:33.31stighenningdebug channel ??
12:33.48ZX81does debug channel work on sip
12:34.01ZX81sip debug
12:34.12ZX81ydo sip debug
12:35.05*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
12:35.27ariel_Good morning all.
12:35.55WonkaWed Sep 22 14:35:55 CEST 2004
12:36.24ZX81Thu Sep 23 12:36:05 NZT 2004
12:37.48manipuraWed Sep 22 06:36:22 PST 2004
12:38.01*** part/#asterisk Zaffa (
12:38.02manipuraThought i'd put in my two cents
12:38.08_Vilewasim, one other thing... in your design specs, would it possible to design in an rj11 for routing pstn 911 calls?
12:39.06ZX81Anyone know what's happening at Astricon Today?
12:39.25*** join/#asterisk HiTech69 (
12:39.28ZX81nah they like voip
12:39.39_VileZX81, I imagine they're talking about voip
12:39.46_Viletoday anyway
12:39.48ZX81specially my new 827364827364827346bit encryption
12:39.55ZX81designed on the trusty ZX81
12:40.07ZX81_Vile ya reckon?!
12:40.27_Vilethe 1980s called, they want their ZX81 technology back
12:40.46ZX81mine mine mine
12:41.15ZX81did you read the BOFH article on the IP of shit?
12:41.17ZX81so funny
12:41.24_Vilenot yet
12:41.34*** join/#asterisk zoa (
12:41.39ZX81guy sues company for stealing his crap and using it to make food
12:43.59ZX81ah no that is the second one
12:44.20ZX81here is 1st