irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040916

00:00.48Supaplexknight_: you know, I used a hacktackular script to strace and reassemble the audio stream sent to /dev/dsp for that kinda thing...
00:01.05Supaplexthen use sox to convert to a normal format (but that script is long gone)
00:02.03SupaplexI guess you don't code hum?
00:02.21knight_OI do
00:02.40knight_Just have so many projects on my plate
00:03.09*** part/#asterisk gus (
00:03.20SupaplexI know the feeling
00:03.38knight_Yeah, it's getting really hard to finish ANY of them :(
00:03.50Supaplexa programmers job is never done!
00:03.58knight_And it seems like each project needs me to build another project, which ends up needing another custom, etc etc
00:03.59Kb1_Kanobknight_: got a Windows box handy?
00:04.47festr_hmm.. when i push TRANFER on my SIP phone: SIP/SDP Request: INVITE sip:800123456@, with session description
00:05.01knight_kanob, i dont actually
00:05.03knight_just OSX and Linux
00:05.05festr_i think, this should be REFER
00:05.16festr_maybe thats the problem
00:08.45Kb1_Kanobknight_: perhaps mplayer? see:
00:09.17hardwireoh lord
00:09.20hardwireI want the OJO!
00:11.55hardwireoh sweet jesus.
00:11.59hardwiredon't show this to my boss
00:12.22Kb1_Kanobhardwire: lol!
00:12.39hardwirejesus mitel has some kick ass phones
00:13.20AAcooler than polycom?
00:13.41hardwireI think I found the phones I wanna buy.
00:13.43hardwireholy hell
00:13.47hardwirethese are amazing.
00:13.56hardwireand probably more for 2 of them than I make in a year.
00:14.15AAwhich model you liking?
00:14.40*** join/#asterisk mhlvrs (
00:14.45hardwirethey have built in ipsec.
00:15.41hardwireso far that one
00:15.55hardwirethat option
00:16.08hardwirethat for me
00:16.17hardwirethat one is for HAL
00:16.27mhlvrsnewbie here - both it linux and asterisk - got it installed and samples made...need help with connecting to my sip provider and registering my Pulver WiSIP anyone game?
00:17.28*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
00:17.28brc_~seen wasim
00:17.30jbotwasim is currently on #asterisk (15h 18m 9s).  Has said a total of 144 messages.  Is idling for 1h 43m 58s
00:17.48hardwireoh well
00:17.49hardwireits Mitel.
00:17.55hardwirea true source of evil.
00:19.49AA~seen jbot
00:19.50jbotjbot is currently on #ipaq (4d 22h 26m 48s) #how (4d 22h 26m 48s) #bzleague (4d 22h 26m 48s) #gct (4d 22h 26m 48s) #newircd (4d 22h 26m 48s) #storm (4d 22h 26m 48s) #orkut (4d 22h 26m 48s) #uphpu (4d 22h 26m 48s) #asterisk (4d 22h 26m 48s) #nslu2-linux (4d 22h 26m 48s) #botpark (4d ...
00:20.58Supaplex~seen lunch
00:20.59jbotlunch <~lunch@> was last seen on IRC in channel #tomcat, 239d 8h 9m 14s ago, saying: 'brb'.
00:21.54AAheh.. ironic last thing to say
00:22.19*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
00:27.30Kb1_KanobCan anyone explain the implications of the DEBUG message " chan_iax2.c:5659 socket_read: Sending VNAK" ?
00:27.38*** join/#asterisk cybersystem (sschwabbau@cybersystem-gentoo.staff.freenode)
00:31.05Supaplexpoke at the source. that's what I always do...