irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040915

00:00.24ariel_hardwire, I don't know never tried it from mozilla.
00:01.13JessterHeya - My PRI stopped working earlier and I had kill asterisk (CLI was unresponsive to stop and restart cmds) All PRI calls in were failing until Asterisk restarted. The CLI had this error: Sep 14 16:36:19 WARNING[213005]: chan_zap.c:7209 pri_dchannel: Ring requested on channel 0/1 already in use on span 2.  Hanging up owner. Im running CVS-HEAD-08/09/04-20:09:56 it's happend twice now, once yesterday and then a few minutes ago
00:02.17pfnmess with voicecap some more
00:05.07*** join/#asterisk Stealth_Man (
00:05.36xantusok, i just spoke with ben @ voicetronix, the openline4 only supports 5v pci
00:05.53Stealth_Manevening all
00:06.54michael12345I have got my license code from digium for my g.729 how do you load it in
00:07.05pfnuse the register command
00:07.12pfnyou download it from the digium ftp
00:07.55michael12345pfn: what directory
00:08.01Syncroslooking for an ANAC that reads ANI II, ARU ID etc++
00:08.10Stealth_Manin /pub
00:08.12pfnbrowse, I don't recall
00:11.40*** join/#asterisk mutilator (~animenodv@
00:11.41dnc/lib/modules/2.4.20-24.9smp/misc/zaptel.o: kernel-module version mismatch
00:11.50dnchow do i compile zaptel for a new kernel then?
00:11.54michael12345Stealth_Man: How do you work out what version of libc you are running
00:14.03*** join/#asterisk paulc (
00:14.19*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
00:14.21michael12345paulc: Mate how do you tell what version of libc you are running
00:15.03paulc2 secs
00:18.03agronquirpm -qa glibc
00:18.05agronquior ls -l /lib/libc.*
00:22.43*** join/#asterisk sudoer (
00:23.20sudoerhi all, could someone help me deub why on a local network, i can call from a iax2 softphone to a sip hardware phone , but when sip phone calls to iax2, it disconnects after 3 seconds?
00:24.52michael12345lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           14 Apr 28  2003 /lib/ ->
00:24.52michael12345-rw-r--r--    1 root     root       563068 Feb  5  2002 /lib/
00:24.53michael12345lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           13 May 18 20:23 /lib/ -> libc-2
00:25.30michael12345ooops sorry
00:25.30ariel_sudoer, in the sip.conf do you have canreinvite=no for the users?
00:25.46DuraServerRequesting help VPB drivers, and Openswitch-6.  Is there a specific ordr that the VBP driver must be compiled with the other components, when compiling Zaptel, Libpri, and Asterisk?
00:26.43sudoeri have it for each phone
00:28.22xantusDuraServer you could call voicetronix, they are open now
00:28.54xantus+61 8 8415 5108
00:34.35xantussudoer no idea
00:36.35tessierThe Cisco 7960 can only put two calls on hold when using 729. We need more. Is Valet Parking a good alternative?
00:36.49tessierI can't find any good docs on exactly how it works.
00:37.00tessierRegular call parking isn't terribly convenient since you have to remember who is on what number.
00:37.12DuraServerXantus?  call did not go through 011 61 8 8415 5108
00:37.28xantusfrom usa?
00:37.56xantusi got off the phone with him 20 mins ago
00:38.16xantustry again
00:38.59ariel_quick question on why this is not working in queues.conf when doing exten => 1,1,Queue(admin|H) it will not let the person exit like the document says what is wrong here.
00:39.05xantusi can't seem to find the voltage info on pci 2.2
00:39.16xantusis it 3.3, 5 or both
00:39.30DuraServertried again. recording, call did not go thru. check the number and try again
00:39.41JessterHeya - My PRI stopped working earlier and I had kill asterisk (CLI was unresponsive to stop and restart cmds) All PRI calls in were failing until Asterisk restarted. The CLI had this error: Sep 14 16:36:19 WARNING[213005]: chan_zap.c:7209 pri_dchannel: Ring requested on channel 0/1 already in use on span 2.  Hanging up owner. Im running CVS-HEAD-08/09/04-20:09:56 it's happend twice now, once yesterday and then earlier today
00:41.17xantusDuraServer, try 110 instead
00:41.46DuraServernope, 110 gives me a fast busy signal
00:42.43*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (
00:42.51xantusmy call just went through
00:43.04xantusmight be international blocked
00:43.26xantusmay have to dial 8+number instead of 9
00:43.55markitkernel 2.6, anyone that can tell me how preventi hisac to be loaded? I'm using capi avm drivers
00:44.47DuraServerOk, my stupid LD carrier doesnt provive international connectivity.
00:44.51DuraServerwhat a joke.
00:46.21DuraServerhey, I got thru on my SIP line
00:47.08sudoerwhat does this mean:  WARNING[135372800]: chan_sip.c:498 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call 9ce55fb796568f14@ for seqno 28535 (Response)
00:47.10Godseyariel_ do you have the context set in queues.conf?
00:47.17sudoermy call keeps  getting disconnected after 5 seconds
00:47.20GodseyI was just working w/ that the other day
00:47.28ariel_what context?
00:48.43xantussudoer are both phones on the same lan
00:49.00sudoeri get it doing local and external calls
00:49.56Godseyariel_ one sec.
00:50.34Godsey;context = mainmenu
00:50.37Godseyin queues.conf
00:50.56Godseyit lets the caller press 1 digit (only) and will send them to that extension in the context defined
00:51.02ariel_Yes actuall each queue has it's own context.
00:51.37GodseyI setup [mainmenu] in extensions, and made 1....0 Goto(main,s,1)
00:51.38ariel_also if there is no one to pickup does it send them to that context?
00:51.40Godseyor something like that
00:51.54GodseyI have joinempty set to no
00:52.03Godseyand it just continues on through extensions.conf list
00:53.18ariel_ok I got that too. hummmm
00:53.48cursorThe last chan_sip.c CVS update wasn't tested
00:53.58cursor-int themisfrom;
00:53.58cursor+char *tag2 = ""
00:54.04cursorNote the missing ";"
00:55.16*** join/#asterisk robf (
00:55.17Godseyariel_ the one thing I don't care for so far is it gives them "you are the first caller in the queue" message even though there are no agents logged into a joinempty=no queue
00:55.42GodseyI wish there was an if(AgentCount(support)>1),Queue(support)
00:56.00Godseymaybe that can be something I can contribute when I get more comfortable w/ asterisk :)
00:56.01robfany bug marshals here?
00:56.21cursor(robf) why?
00:56.30cursorDo you have a bug to report?
00:56.51robfI just reported one -- marster prolly wants to act on it quickly...  #2438
00:56.56SlowMoly little niece is a bug can I report her
00:57.27cursor(robf) yes - I found that too
00:57.57cursorThe person who updated that in CVS obviously didn't test (or even try to compile) first
00:58.25robfOk, just wanted to try to get it to Mark as quickly as possible...  Didn't know if assigning it would get it to him faster...
00:58.29robfMark did the commit...
00:58.38cursorit seems so
00:58.58robfProlly a sloppy cut 'n' paste from another working copy...
01:00.12cursorThat commit was in response to bug #2422
01:00.18cursorso you could add a note there
01:00.21*** join/#asterisk glm2k (
01:00.46cursorI've been asked not to suggest patches on the bug tracker, otherwise I'd have reported it myself
01:01.32robfWhy's that?
01:01.40cursorNo disclaimer
01:01.51robfWhy no disclaimer?
01:02.10cursorNo authority to disclaim
01:02.13cursorThey understand
01:02.18Godseyyou a minor?
01:02.33cursorFlattery will get you nowhere :-)
01:02.59robfI'm sounding like a minor asking 'why' so many times, but why no authority to disclaim?
01:03.05robfBad employer contract?
01:03.16cursorno, I'm not a minor
01:03.36cursorNo contract issues
01:03.42robfThen why no authority to disclaim?
01:04.06cursorThe disclaimer would have be signed officially from the company
01:04.10*** join/#asterisk jr99 (
01:04.20jr99This digium hardware is driving me nuts!
01:04.45SlowMowatch out for squirls jr99
01:05.00cursorWhat hardware do you have?
01:05.18jr99a T400M? with 4 FXS ports..
01:05.45tessierThe Cisco 7960 can only put two calls on hold when using 729. We need more. Any way to do some other call holding in the pbx instead of in the phone?
01:05.49robfI don't remember that being necessary for me...  Why is that, with no contract issues?
01:05.57jr99The FXS modules are so tempermental.. some times they don't initalize, and if I take out the one which fails they work,
01:06.17cursor(tessier) the 7960 probably only has two G.729 licenses
01:06.20cursorSwitch to ulaw
01:06.51cursoror park the call
01:07.08jr99but then later on anoter one will fail, and I swap it out with the one which previously failed and it works again.. and now one is giving a bad dialtone like all shuttered or something.. digium support says to load the driver with lowpower=1.. I can't imagine anyone use this stuff for real world applications.. maybe I just have a bad card or something..
01:07.37robfooh...  and asterisk goes from 729 passthrough mode to providing music on hold...  Wouldn't work if * box isn't licensed...
01:07.42tessiercursor: That is exactly the problem. Switching to ulaw isn't really practical. We need the compression. Looks like parking the call is going to be the way to go.
01:08.10Godseyspeex!! :)
01:08.34cursoryes - use a compressed codec other than G.729
01:08.40cursoriLBC, GSM, SpeeX etc.
01:08.46jr99Maybe I should just try and go to a 2.4 kernel...
01:08.59Godseyjr99 that's where I'm at right nwo :)
01:09.08Godseyre-building my system from 2.4
01:09.11jr99Godsey: what 2.4 kernel?
01:09.22Godsey2.4.26 right now, I'm using gentoo
01:09.30jr99I need 2.6 for SATA drives, so I would need to build another box.
01:09.32cursor(jr99) would an ISDN line be cheaper than four POTS lines?
01:09.43cursorget two ISDN lines if you need four channels at once
01:09.48jr99it's FXS.. internal extensions..
01:09.57cursorotherwise, you may be able to get away with one ISDN line (two channels)
01:10.29jr99cursor: only one FXO PSTN line..
01:10.29cursorI thought you said FXO
01:10.30cursormy mistake
01:10.37jr99does anyone really think that puttting these cards in a 2.4 box will work?
01:10.46jr99vs a 2.6 box?
01:10.53cursorI prefer the Sipura SPA-2000 (two ports each)
01:11.07cursorSo approx. $200 for four ports
01:11.16GodseyI'm actually installing under win2k server w/ vmware gsx
01:11.22Godseyjust to see if they build right :)
01:11.34cursorAsterisk on Win2k?
01:11.47cursorSo you're not looking for reliability then
01:11.56*** join/#asterisk MiXi^ (
01:12.05cursorAnd security is of no concern
01:12.12SlowMocursor... I am running it off a SAN Server
01:12.13Godseyyou can't reach the win2k host :)
01:12.20cursorjust as well
01:12.30cursorYou wouldn't want a Win2K server on a public inet
01:12.39Godseyand before upgrading to 3.1, it had been up for over a year
01:12.41cursorWell, I wouldn't
01:12.52GodseyI use litepc to rip IE and other components out of windows :)
01:12.58cursorA year - wow - did you use it in that time?
01:13.32cursorSo you didn't attempt to install any software in that time either (no reboots for minor installs etc.)
01:13.41Godseyin windows? no
01:13.53cursorand no security updates in a year either
01:13.57Godseyno need
01:14.00*** join/#asterisk jmhunter (
01:14.00*** mode/#asterisk [+o jmhunter] by ChanServ
01:14.10Godseythere is no way to reach windows from outside console
01:14.11cursorConfidence is always good
01:14.42jmhunterused 7960, tdm 400p (with one fxs) and 7905g for sale
01:14.53jmhunter7905g is nearly brand new
01:14.54cursorHow much for the 7960?
01:15.30jmhuntercursor.. open PMs
01:15.50cursorhold on...
01:15.58pfnman, capi cards are expensive
01:16.06cursorAck - how did I do that... :-)
01:16.18jmhunterya i just saw
01:16.35jr99so, no-one has heard of probelms with digum FXS cards?
01:16.44pfnwhat sort of problems
01:16.53jr99calibration probelms...
01:16.56jr99@ startup.
01:16.59jmhuntermine works perfect
01:17.05GodseyI'm having good luck w/ using our Cisco as5400 for in/outbound calls
01:17.06pfna lot of people have problems initializing the cards on 2.6
01:17.21jr99pfn: yea. I guess that could be my problem then.. 2.6...
01:17.43*** join/#asterisk twisted (
01:17.43*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
01:17.45jr99need 2.6 for sata..
01:17.58jr99so, any suggestions for a small * only box?
01:18.23*** join/#asterisk Cyberchen (
01:19.40tessierchan_sip.c: In function `find_call':
01:19.40tessierchan_sip.c:2400: error: syntax error before "callid"
01:19.40tessiermake[1]: *** [chan_sip.o] Error 1
01:19.45tessierIs CVS broken?
01:20.25Mocwoohoo got the 24 ringtone to work in thr budgetone
01:20.54Godseylooks like I'm not going to get ztdummy working under vmware
01:21.28michael12345how do you tell if the license is working for g729A is working
01:21.40jr99you don't get a phone call from an attorney?
01:21.57Godseyif that's all I'd go w/ out :P
01:21.59cursorthe attorney might be using G.729
01:22.01Godsey(and run asterisk in china)
01:22.05cursorso that's not a good test
01:22.36Cyberchenis G.729 very bether then gsm?
01:23.04Cyberchenand why they sell it?:)
01:23.13cursorbecause they can't give it away
01:23.16jr99anyone running a mini-atx motherboard for a dedicated asterisk box?
01:23.27michael12345what is gsm on asterisk
01:23.32michael12345sorry sipura
01:23.33Cyberchena codec
01:23.56tessierknoppix is awesome
01:24.06Godseytessier, knoppix-asterisk?
01:24.19tessierGodsey: No.
01:24.35michael12345does gsm have another name
01:24.51Cyberchenis there a solution do blick hookflash on msn basis?
01:26.00michael12345how do see if  your licenses are working
01:26.16cursormake a phone call
01:26.21Godseycursor you use gentoo?
01:26.26Godseytoday is my first run at it
01:26.28Cyberchenthen; show <> channels <>
01:26.43Godseydoes USE="~x86" emerge asterisk-oh323 let you unmask things?
01:26.55michael12345cursor: when I use g729 it rings busy
01:27.08michael12345but I have run the register program
01:27.22cursorThere are no USE flags on our Asterisk server
01:27.25cursorthere's no need
01:27.38GodseyI want to emerge asterisk-oh323
01:27.41Godseyand it says Masked
01:27.42cursorAnd we use Asterisk from CVS
01:27.50GodseyI'm just using it from portage for now
01:28.05cursorLinux andromeda 2.6.8-gentoo-r3 #1 Thu Aug 26 21:50:57 UTC 2004
01:28.09michael12345cursor any pointers
01:28.15GodseyI started w/ that this morning :)
01:28.21Godseycouldn't get zaptel to compile
01:28.33GodseyI changed the .ebuild to make linux26 but no go
01:28.34cursorYou should use the CVS version
01:28.39cursorjust make
01:28.40GodseyI KNOW I KNOW :)
01:28.43cursornot make linux26
01:28.57Godseythe Makefile said to use make linux26
01:29.25cursorThen either it's wrong, I'm wrong or your version is very old
01:29.41cursorbut just "make" works for me
01:30.18jr99what is a good processor for a dedicated asterisk box.. <10 extensions on it.. under 6 outgoing lines.. typically like 2-3 calls at once? not much is needed right?
01:30.32cursorWhat codecs?
01:30.37jr99you tell me.. :-)
01:30.37twistedlouisana is under manditory evac.
01:30.45twistedwell, parts of it
01:30.51jr99new orleans is going to drown..
01:30.56twistedoh yea.
01:31.02jr99isn't it like way under sea level?
01:31.12dougheckayea, like, thousands of feet
01:31.41dougheckaonly thing holding back the water is a force field powerfull enough to hold back a barrage from space
01:31.47cursorI'd suggest a P4, but our PIII 800 works ok
01:32.02jr99ok.. Wonder if I can do fanless?
01:32.20cursorask ozzy osbourne
01:32.27jr99? don't get it..
01:32.30jr99ohh.. he has no fans...
01:32.31jr99got it.
01:32.34cursorNeither does he :-)
01:33.08jr99I am just going to build a dedicated * box.. I've decided..
01:33.13cursorYou could possibly do fanless
01:33.27cursorBut I'd suggest a machine with lots of fans and fault tolorance
01:33.36jr99yea, your right..
01:33.41cursorIt'd be slightly pesky to loose a phone system
01:33.58jr99what does your PIII 800 do througput wise? where is it deployed?
01:33.59*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
01:34.08jr99how many extensions/concurrent calls?
01:34.15cursorseveral of each
01:34.17cursornot a lot
01:34.49cursoralso mostly incoming, with no exten->exten calls (usually)
01:35.11cursorapart as part of a transfer
01:35.34dougheckaisnt it law that I have to submit my patches or something
01:35.45cursorNot law, no
01:36.01cursorBut you have to comply with the GPL if you distribute Asterisk
01:36.02jr99I think only if you distribute what you have done.. like with Tivo, etc.
01:36.10cursorso you'd have to reveal your patches then
01:36.12jr99what he said.
01:36.25dougheckamy patch is cheap anyway :D
01:36.51cursorI'll probably put up a website to publish our stuff
01:37.00cursorWhen I get a moment
01:37.10ariel_ok I have nother stupid thing that is not working When I dial the extension I setup to get your voicemail like exten => 8500,1,Voicemailmain(s{CALLIDNUM}) this does not want to take the caller id.
01:37.13Stealth_Mandoughecka :)
01:37.20jr99man.. it's hard to spec out a system which is not high end..
01:37.26jr99easy to get the best..
01:37.30dougheckajr99: whatcha lookin for
01:37.34dougheckaI just got a nice dell server
01:37.34GodseyI'm getting stuck on a cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory error
01:37.40dougheckafor like 895
01:37.42jr99yea? that might be the cheapest way to go..
01:37.46jr99your right..
01:37.53Godseydoughecka, we get 400sc systems for $329
01:38.01cursor(ariel_) Perhape you mean to use VoiceMail instead of VoiceMailMain
01:38.03Godseynot NICE but CHEAP :)
01:38.09dougheckait was a single 2.8 pentium 4 with dual 80 GB drives, 1 GB of ram...
01:38.12jr99good enough for my home * server...
01:38.17dougheckawell, I sorta maxed mine out a little :)
01:38.24ariel_cursor, no I don't want to leave a message I want to get to my box.
01:38.30dougheckafor home?
01:38.43Godseyis there a way to tell asterisk to tell me what shared object file No such file or directory it's looking for? :)
01:38.43dougheckause a really cheap one cause who cares about uptime? :P
01:38.46Stealth_Mandough: for 329$ ?
01:38.56Godseydoug: what model dell?
01:38.57dougheckaStealth_Man: 895