irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040913

00:00.10PatrickDKjust put it next to one of the other noload lines
00:00.13davep_infoseekerhumm using debian with modutils dir
00:00.46davep_infoseekerno section labeled [modules] or [global] at all
00:01.22PatrickDKhmm, what are you doing?
00:01.29PatrickDKmodules.conf in /etc/asterisk
00:02.04davep_infoseekerI guess i donno what im doing ;)
00:02.10drumkillait's all good
00:02.17brc_~seen wasim
00:02.19jbotwasim is currently on #asterisk (1d 1h 57m 10s).  Has said a total of 129 messages.  Is idling for 33m 53s
00:02.28drumkilla~seen drumkilla
00:02.29jbotdrumkilla is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 43 messages.  Is idling for 1s
00:02.47davep_infoseekerahhhh . . . . CLI prompt
00:02.50davep_infoseekerno errors
00:02.56Drukenanyone want to take a stab?
00:03.07davep_infoseeker:) thanks for the help Patrick
00:03.10PatrickDKhmm, druken, I already tried
00:03.11Drukeni can paste either privately, or in a pastebin
00:03.26Drukeni loaded the server up verbose
00:03.39Drukenand have what it spits out.. but it doesn't give any errors...
00:03.42PatrickDKwhat os?
00:03.49Drukenslackware linux
00:03.58PatrickDKyou did install mpg123 right?
00:04.02PatrickDKand delete the mpg123 link
00:04.36PatrickDKdo a ls -l /usr/bin/mpg123
00:05.12Drukenlrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           21 Sep 12 19:29 /usr/bin/mpg123 -> /usr/local/bin/mpg123*
00:05.19PatrickDKinstall mpg123
00:05.27SlowMoSomeone got a min to help me....
00:05.29PatrickDKhmm, it's linked to local?
00:05.40PatrickDKls -l /usr/local/bin/mpg123
00:05.54Druken-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       152976 Sep 12 19:28 /usr/local/bin/mpg123*
00:06.01PatrickDKwhat version is it?
00:07.08SlowMoSomeone got a min to help me.... no rela hard work I need someone to call and go into queue to see if crahsing
00:07.38SlowMoI just want to see if fixed
00:09.25Drukenis there a way to tell the version? without the tarball ?
00:10.27Drukeni dun see a version...
00:10.44PatrickDKwell it should print one out
00:10.49PatrickDKsecond line
00:10.58PatrickDKdunno what mpg123 you have installed
00:11.04PatrickDKbut must not be the right one
00:11.13DrukenVersion 0.59r (1999/Jun/15). Written and copyrights by Michael Hipp.
00:11.18Drukenyup.. didn't see it my bad
00:11.46PatrickDKwhat is the problem?
00:11.49PatrickDKyou still haven't said
00:12.00Drukeni don't get music...
00:12.26PatrickDKis mpg123 running?
00:13.19Druken3 times
00:13.30jack2341Is there anyway to use a sound card for music on hold?  or to stream live audio to music on hold
00:13.36PatrickDKyou have the right context defined for moh?
00:13.53PatrickDKyou can steam it
00:13.57Drukendefault => quietmp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
00:14.24PatrickDKyou are using default as the moh context in your other files?
00:15.57Drukennot sure what ya mean...
00:16.00Drukeni'm sorta new.. hehe
00:16.37SlowMoSomeone got a min to help me.... I need to check this queue
00:18.18DrukenJunk at the beginning 49443302
00:18.18DrukenWarning, flexibel rate not heavily tested!
00:18.18DrukenRFC3389: 5 bytes, level 4...
00:20.57PatrickDKhmm, vbr mp3's?
00:21.00*** join/#asterisk mstocco (~mstocco@
00:21.07PatrickDKuse cbr 128kbps or something like that
00:21.26*** join/#asterisk Death_INC (
00:21.55SlowMothose are default mp3 that came with install
00:22.13Drukenyes they are
00:22.27PatrickDKdunno, I never used the default
00:23.08Drukeni got this too
00:23.10DrukenSep 12 20:21:02 NOTICE[49155]: res_musiconhold.c:306 monmp3thread: Request to schedule in the past?!?!
00:23.21SlowMoPatrickDK... can I get you to do me a favor... I just need to test a queue... can I get you to call number and go into queue
00:23.26PatrickDKthat is just your computer is too slow or doesn't have a timer source
00:23.37PatrickDKslowmo, maybe
00:23.40mstoccoany suggestions? I am trying to run a AGI script when a call ends.
00:23.58PatrickDKmstocco, deadagi :)
00:24.18iCEBrkrDoh! I gotta rebuild asterisk to get spandsp working??
00:24.21SlowMojust I setup MOH on queue and when 2 or more in queue and first one hangs up asterisks crashes
00:24.21Drukenwell, it's a 2.4... so i dun think it's too slow...
00:24.28iCEBrkror do I just have to build the app?
00:24.44mstoccoPatrickDK: yeah, I am trying that but it fires the script before hangup
00:24.53Death_INChey anybody have any idea why my iaxy keeps constantly re-downloading the firmware? I just updated everything and it's still doing it
00:24.58PatrickDKdunno, I stay away from agi
00:25.17Death_INCiCEBrkr, whats your prob w/ spandsp?
00:25.17iCEBrkrmstocco: Sounds like your priorities are wacked.
00:25.30Death_INCyou shouldn't have to rebuild *
00:25.35iCEBrkrDeath_INC: Nothing yet. *Grin*  the README claims I have to rebuild asterisk/Patch
00:25.41Death_INCapply its patch and run make, it should work
00:25.44iCEBrkrDidn't think so..
00:25.48Death_INCmake sure you run make from the top level tho
00:26.07Death_INCbut rebuilding is safer ;_
00:26.21mstoccoiCEBrkr: I have used DeadAGI as the first and last priorities and I am still getting no where
00:26.49iCEBrkrmstocco: pastbin your extension definition.
00:26.54mstoccoiCEBrkr: ok
00:29.18SlowMoto devices or to server
00:30.16mstoccoiCEBrkr: exten => s,1,Answer
00:30.16mstoccoexten => s,2,Background(welcome)
00:30.16mstoccoexten => s,3,Queue(default|tTn)
00:30.16mstoccoexten => s,4,DeadAGI(endcall)
00:30.23mstoccoah sorry
00:30.54JerJer[mobile]Death_INC: turn on debugging to see if it is failing
00:31.04iCEBrkrmstocco: You're not running an AGI to begin with.
00:31.10iCEBrkrBut.. I see what you wanna do.
00:31.33iCEBrkrDepending on the context, I'd put the DeadAGI in the h extension
00:31.55Death_INCJerJer[mobile]: it didn't look like it
00:32.04Death_INCthe iaxy says it has firmware version 19 now
00:32.06Death_INCused to be 18
00:32.18mstoccoiCEBrkr: ok, I'll try that, thanks
00:32.49Daminmstocco: That's not a pastebin. ;)
00:33.28iCEBrkrDamin: hehe
00:37.25iCEBrkrSep 12 20:35:18 WARNING[16384]: loader.c:423 load_modules: Loading module failed!
00:38.44Death_INCiCEBrkr, /etc/
00:39.01iCEBrkrahh yah
00:39.11JerJer[mobile]echo "/usr/local/lib" > /etc/ ; ldconfig
00:39.34Death_INCJerJer[mobile]: any other ideas, it firmware is being upgraded but the server keeps telling the client it needs to update
00:39.40Death_INCat least thats what it looks like to me
00:39.51JerJer[mobile]it has to be something with that iaxy
00:40.00iCEBrkrhrrm, it's already in there.
00:40.05Death_INChmm, k... too bad my others are all at home heh
00:40.12JerJer[mobile]i have quite a few out there and they upgraded just fine
00:40.16manipuraanyone know of a site that will tell me what all this garble is when I do 'sip debug'
00:40.33JerJer[mobile]~google sip rfc
00:40.40JerJer[mobile]pick one
00:40.45Death_INCJerJer[mobile]: does it send a checksum of the image or something besides the version number?   the version number is right
00:40.52JerJer[mobile]not sure
00:41.20iCEBrkrchrome*CLI> show application txfax
00:41.20iCEBrkrSend a FAX file
00:42.50*** join/#asterisk glm2k (
00:42.50Death_INCI guess I'll figure it out when I get back to hawaii :\ thanks
00:49.18Death_INCgotta run, thanks
00:49.26*** join/#asterisk gregwood (
00:49.53manipurais there any way to log whats going on in the CLI? Too much is going on and I can't see it all, most of it gets push up and out of view.
00:53.56JerJer[mobile]man script
00:55.37manipurashift+pgup doesn't work, I'm using putty
00:56.00*** join/#asterisk mutilator (
00:56.21PatrickDKuse a better ssh
00:57.24mutilatorssh secure shell client
00:57.36iCEBrkrIt's free.. and 300k
00:57.36mutilatorputty blows..
00:57.43mutilatorso is secure shell
00:57.58drumkillahe said he was using putty
00:58.00iCEBrkrPutty runs from my USB minidrive..
00:58.20iCEBrkrIf you can't figure out page-up there's other issues.
00:58.21mutilatordoesn't mean it doesn't suck :P
00:58.31iCEBrkrIt gets the job done. *grin*
00:58.32manipurascript works fine.. Thanks JerJer
00:58.54iCEBrkrscript is cool to..
01:05.35*** part/#asterisk gregwood (
01:08.57WilliamKExt: 1  Cause: Message not compatible with call state (101), class = Protocol Error (6) ]
01:11.18Darwin35Life  is a protocal full of bugs and bad coding
01:11.24*** join/#asterisk MiXi (
01:13.30freewillychange the buffer size in putty
01:14.33*** join/#asterisk scrubb (~scrubb@OCI-19-40.OneCall.Net)
01:22.57*** join/#asterisk Carp1 (
01:23.03SlowMocheck this.... Comic Page about phones
01:24.53Carp1I just setup a phone system with VoIP....the person on the other end hear's echo
01:24.59Carp1any idea how to fix that?
01:25.48PatrickDKother end analog or digital?
01:26.07PatrickDKwhat is your end?
01:26.17Carp1I have an GS IP phone
01:26.20PatrickDKphone analog or sip?
01:26.27Carp1my phone is sip
01:26.56Carp1like if I call someone that has standerd analog lines in their house
01:27.01Carp1they head edho
01:27.02PatrickDKjust the one person? or have you tried other people?
01:27.12Carp1I tried other
01:27.20*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
01:27.20*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkw_] by ChanServ
01:27.32PatrickDKmust be the phone probably
01:27.53Carp1on another note, i cant get asterisk to detect its keypress properley
01:27.58PatrickDKpress mute and test again
01:28.00Carp1i used to work fin
01:28.06Carp1then I moved thre network up to a friends house
01:28.20Carp1and now i can get it to detect double keypress
01:28.29Carp1or like if I hit 83, it thinks I hit 833 or something
01:28.34Carp1or it wont reconize at all
01:33.47mishehuis polycom just as anal about licensing the firmware on their phones as cisco is?
01:33.48*** join/#asterisk ball (
01:36.22ballIs it practical to interface asterisk with an ISDN BRI circuit?
01:37.46PatrickDKmeaning usefull, meaningfull, yes
01:37.52PatrickDKeasy, not to sure about that
01:38.03PatrickDKexpense wise, in the us, nope
01:38.26ballIs that just because ISDN BRI is overpriced in the U.S?
01:38.56PatrickDKya, it was never really developed and deployed on a mass scale
01:39.05PatrickDKcause other stuff popped up instead
01:39.30ballPatrickDK: I think the telcos over here (I'm in the U.S.) don't really understand ISDN.  The techs do obviously, I'm on about management.
01:40.35ball...which is a damn shame, because I could really use BRI here at home ;-)
01:41.30ballPatrickDK: assume for a moment that I can get one at a fair price... what would I use to interface it to asterisk?
01:42.35PatrickDKan isdn card
01:44.06Carp1any way to get my GS ot not freeze?
01:44.09Carp1it does it like 3 times a day
01:44.23PatrickDKget working firmware
01:45.09Carp1i havnt upgraded in like 4 months lol
01:45.10ballPatrickDK: then I'd have to convince my telco to 'provision' just two channels... wouldn't a PRI card be more expensive too?
01:45.16Carp1I dont even know where to get the firmware
01:45.26ballPatrickDK: I suppose it would give me more scope for expansion though.
01:45.52PatrickDKball, hmm, in my looks at it, isdn costs alittle more than pri hardware wise
01:45.55PatrickDKor maybe the same
01:47.14ballPatrickDK: sounds like PRI might be the way to go then.
01:47.26ballPatrickDK: would I find a choice of PRI cards?
01:47.45PatrickDKlook under T1 :)
01:47.59Cyberchen1x X100P 1x CAPI avm (TEmode) 1x hfc card (Ntmode) ... what is the best solution?
01:48.37ballPatrickDK: thanks
01:49.22*** join/#asterisk robf (
01:50.33ballHello robf
01:51.19robfCan I help you with something?
01:54.44rene-is ppp over ssh a compelling vpn solution for voice? or im behind the ages? can anyboady assess if the overhead of vpn on already not-so-fast dsl links is viable for 2-4 simultaneous calls?
01:56.03Cyberchenwhats no so fast?
01:57.46Carp1I have the new firmware for my phone, how do I put it on?
01:58.16Stealth_Mangs phone ?
01:58.27Stealth_Manput image to tftp server
01:58.51Stealth_Manenter tftp ip address inside configuration webpage
01:58.52Carp1whats a good tftp server?
01:58.52rene-IPsec seems quite complicate for me now
01:59.05Cyberchenuse vtund
01:59.29rene-Cyberchen can i pm message you?
01:59.38Stealth_Mando you run linux ?
01:59.54Carp1i am windows at this computer
02:00.01Cyberchenrene- you can ;)
02:00.14Cyberchenrene- but you just have one cigarette time ;)
02:00.32rene-k then
02:00.34Stealth_Manwell you need tftpd
02:02.15Stealth_Manhold on i will give you link for small tftpd windows soft
02:04.52Stealth_Mancheck file called TFTPD deamon
02:06.05Stealth_Manno probl
02:06.35Carp1that doesnt look like the right date for the newest firmware for GS does it?
02:06.49Stealth_Manit's not firmware
02:06.55WilliamKweeeeee... they finally are resetting the ports on the switch
02:07.44Stealth_ManCarp ?
02:07.56Stealth_Manwell this is official GS website
02:08.07Stealth_Manlink which i posted shows you latest firmware
02:08.24iCEBrkrI have a TFTPD setup for the latest GS
02:08.41Stealth_ManCarp, you asked me about TFTPD software
02:09.12Stealth_Manif you need latest firmware, you can get on same site
02:09.20ballIs it hard to interface conventional PSTN style telephones to Asterisk?
02:09.29iCEBrkrMy GS wouldn't update from their site.
02:09.37iCEBrkrI had to setup my own TFTPD site.
02:09.45Stealth_Manso best thing is download it to your own TFTPD
02:09.48Stealth_Manand them to run from it
02:10.33iCEBrkrIf you wanna use it.. It's still up.
02:10.34Carp1so where do I get the newest firmware?
02:10.35WilliamKto make the Digium card time from the line (switch at the telco), would you use 0 or 2?
02:10.41Stealth_ManCarp, read link ....
02:10.54iCEBrkrCarp1: Point your GS at
02:12.31Carp1icebreaker, is that your server?
02:12.36Cyberchengn8/goodmoring ;)
02:13.18Carp1I have the BT 100
02:13.24iCEBrkrCarp1: I set that up last night.
02:13.31iCEBrkrSo it's the latest off their site.