irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040907

00:00.38Sivanastart of that context
00:00.38Sivanaor extension
00:01.44Sivanamr_monkey:  check out
00:02.05Deggystart of the call
00:02.32tessierAnyone know how many people you can have waiting on hold at the same time with a Cisco 7960?
00:03.37mr_monkeydoes every context may contain a 's' ?
00:04.26Sivanamr_monkey: if you read that example, you'll see how it works
00:04.27*** join/#asterisk rowter (~Drake@
00:05.14Bentley42For some kinds of connections — such incoming calls from an outside telephone line — the user has not dialed an extension. In that case, Asterisk behaves as if the user had dialed a special extension named "s" (for Start). Asterisk will look for an extension "number" s in the definition of the context for that channel for instructions about what it should do to handle the call.
00:07.51*** join/#asterisk [dpb] (
00:08.33*** join/#asterisk sd-tux ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:08.33*** join/#asterisk malcolmd ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:08.33*** join/#asterisk sneak (~sneak@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:11.11*** part/#asterisk chamba1 (~Chamba@
00:11.19epochgood old freenode
00:16.27*** part/#asterisk ColinH (
00:17.59*** join/#asterisk ctooley (~ctooley@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:17.59*** join/#asterisk dealing_death ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:17.59*** join/#asterisk macTijn ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:18.52*** join/#asterisk cp5 (
00:19.03cp5is there any way to see exactly why asterisk -r isn't connecting?
00:19.27JunK-Ycp5: asterisk -c ?
00:20.10cp5-r..i need to connect to one that's already running
00:20.59JunK-Ybut if ya say isnt connecting. it causes isnt running, probably due to an error, no?
00:22.06JunK-Yare ya sure safe_asterisk is running ?
00:22.07JunK-Y# ps aux|grep safe_asterisk
00:22.18Moccp5 you maybe run * as another user
00:22.35cp5no, it's running
00:22.37cp5and working
00:22.49*** part/#asterisk mr_monkey (~admin@
00:22.53cp5and i'm running asterisk -r as the same user
00:23.29*** join/#asterisk Alric (
00:27.22Sivanacp5: have you checked the asterisk logs?
00:27.29JunK-Yand which error are ya getting with the -r ?
00:28.18cp5Unable to connect to remote asterisk
00:28.19JunK-Ytry asterisk -c and see if ya're getting any error.
00:28.55cp5....Sep  6 17:28:35 WARNING[1076253312]: chan_mgcp.c:4055 reload_config: Failed to bind to Address already in use
00:29.00cp5i get all the address in uses
00:33.48JunK-Ywhat happen if ya do: asterisk -rx "restart now" ?
00:34.27*** join/#asterisk iCEBrkr (
00:34.46cp5same error
00:34.58cp5note, i am running asterisk as a non-root user
00:35.09twistedthere should be no problem there
00:35.09JunK-Yhaaaaaa maybe that's the problem
00:35.23twistedas port 1024 and below are ports that only root can dish out
00:35.25JunK-Ytwisted: there's no problem with this ?
00:35.48twistedi bet something's bound to port 2727 already
00:36.11JunK-Ycp5: kill -9 ur safe_asterisk and try it again
00:36.26*** join/#asterisk OloBola (
00:37.05cp5what needs to be owned by the user? /var/run/asterisk.[pid|ctl], /var/log/asterisk, /var/lib/asterisk, /var/spool/asterisk -- all owned by the user
00:37.52cp5/usr/sbin/safe_asterisk: line 44: /dev/tty9: Permission denied
00:38.05cp5asterisk -cvvv works fine
00:38.07cp5loads fine
00:38.09cp5runs fine
00:38.10a888hey there,
00:38.32JunK-Ycp5: kill it as root.
00:38.51cp5no, i'm running it
00:38.53cp5i already killed it
00:39.07twistedyou have to be the root user to use a tty device that's not mode 777
00:39.09cp5running safe_asterisk errors out, asterisk -c works fine however
00:39.14twistedor somethin
00:39.42cp5then i won't use safe_asterisk
00:39.43*** join/#asterisk greendisease (
00:39.59twistedsafe_asterisk will restart * if it crashes
00:40.08twistedit's almost a must-have in production
00:40.10cp5i can live without that
00:40.12JunK-Yya should use safe_asterisk
00:40.21*** join/#asterisk n0where (
00:40.37cp5i am not setting any tty's to 777 or chowning's ridiculous to do so
00:41.17a888I've got a simple DialPlan that works find on the lan but when I call in from the pstn line it no longer works right. In particular, the 1 background(generic-welcome) audio file starts playing but you can't hear it right away but it kicks in somewhere between 1/4 of the way through the greeting and 3/4 through the greeting. Aswell, when I type in extensions from the pstn line keypad nothing happens. Any ideas??
00:41.17JunK-Ycp5: get the latest safe_asterisk version, it should run perfectly
00:42.08JunK-Ytwisted: do ya've any idea who coded astxs ?
00:42.20epocha888: you might want to put a Wait command in before your Background command
00:42.35epocha888: as for the dtmf issues, that could be anything...
00:42.42twistedJunK-Y, yes, anthm
00:44.14cp5regardless of if i use safe_asterisk or not
00:44.20cp5i need to be able to connect to it!
00:45.15JunK-Yya said ya don't care to run it with -c
00:45.39epochcp5: what's wrong with -r?
00:45.48cp5epoch, it will not connect
00:46.09JunK-Ywhen ya start it with -c, ya're connected to ur CLI.
00:47.54*** join/#asterisk aslhk (
00:48.19cp5yes i know
00:48.21cp5but i don't want to
00:48.24cp5i want to run it
00:48.28cp5then come back later and reconnect
00:48.47epochso run it in screen
00:49.30JunK-Ythe better solution is to run safe_asterisk (in my mind)
00:49.43cp5that's kinda stupid to use screen if it already had the functionality built in
00:49.51cp5junk-y, how does safe_asterisk help at all?
00:50.30JunK-Ycp5: its running asterisk in the background
00:50.33JunK-Yso ya can do -r
00:50.47JunK-Yget the latest safe_asterisk version
00:51.17cp5listen, i can run asterisk in the background
00:51.19cp5that is no problem
00:51.22cp5i cannot reconnect!
00:51.24cp5that is the problem
00:51.41JunK-Y[20:36:55] <cp5> /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk: line 44: /dev/tty9: Permission denied
00:51.45JunK-Ywhats that ?
00:52.15cp5that's when i try to run safe_asterisk to start asterisk as you recommended
00:52.32JunK-Yso there's a problem with safe_asterisk
00:52.34cp5i can run `asterisk` and it will run in the background fine
00:52.38cp5no, there's no problem
00:52.44JunK-Yif ya say so.
00:52.45cp5forget about safe_asterisk for a moment
00:52.49*** join/#asterisk rowter (~Drake@
00:53.01cp5all i want to do is reconnect to asterisk
00:53.03cp5it's already running
00:53.09cp5the problem is reconnecting
00:53.18epochand -r isn't working?
00:53.31epochthat shouldn't be
00:53.33cp5asterisk is running fine in the background, i can make calls and all
00:53.39cp5you are correct epoch
00:53.42cp5which is why i'm here
00:53.45epochI'm a big help