irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040906

00:00.18bkw_it off?
00:00.20bkw_who is it
00:01.30nextimei have an issue when i call my zaptel E1 pri on * from a old analog phone. It seem to loose the last 2 numbers of the called extension. Any idea on this problem?
00:04.00pulpwow it works :)
00:04.05pulpthanks for nothing.
00:10.56bkw_what an asshole
00:11.03bkw_"thanks for nothing."
00:11.53file[laptop]bkw_: 42.
00:12.06bkw_ya really
00:12.09bkw_42 you too
00:12.56bkw_someone send me 500 bucks
00:13.46wasimsephen: you really do need to go read that whitepaper
00:14.33wasimsephen: you did add the extension priorities, right? like exten => 1,1,Dial(blah)
00:15.07sephenwasim: I figured it out... =) I had a typo - no closing ')' on the line. =)
00:15.53wasim"it used to be that 90% of all problems were wire related, now its a close match between the wire and typos" (tm)
00:17.10sephenwasim: =) thanks for the help... I'm going to get out of here and eat some dinner.
00:17.25file[laptop]bkw_: you and your silly money
00:17.56*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
00:20.53bkw_file[laptop] haha
00:24.02*** join/#asterisk synipswc (
00:26.29wasimKumbang: is it cold yet in nepal?
00:30.27*** join/#asterisk aster-node (
00:37.45*** join/#asterisk brent21 (
00:37.47Mocbkw_, it national vacation day in canada...
00:39.14*** join/#asterisk Alric (
00:39.31brent21does anyone know what: WARNING[1076208256]: chan_sip.c:595 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x81
00:39.31brent21101dc (len 412) to returned -1: Bad file descriptor
00:47.04*** join/#asterisk aslhk (
00:49.32brent21Anyone here?
00:49.57wasimno, just us bots
00:51.03justinnnnnni think it means something in ur sip.conf isnt happy
00:51.24justinnnnnnwhen u load asterisk are there any errors ?
00:51.42justinnnnnnabout sip.conf etc ?
00:51.43brent21i just upgraded CVS again to latest version and am now getting this error (didnt used to)
00:51.53AlricRestart *?
00:52.05brent21just trying to figure it out so I can reproduce another bug, so i can give mark more details
00:52.15AlricDoes that do anything to the problem?
00:52.31brent21i deleted all the asterisk directories and then did a make clean; make install
00:52.36brent21no, still the same hosts
00:52.44brent21out of 15 phones, three have problems
00:52.54brent21with that same error message (different hex though)
00:53.07brent21its during the SIP Seeding part of the startup
00:53.13justinnnnnnits the config
00:53.34justinnnnnni did that and it was stuffed cause the localnet or something command had changed
00:53.35justinnnnnnin the cvs
00:54.05brent21figured it out
00:54.19justinnnnnnwat was it ?
00:54.27brent21all phones are on a LAN, however there all on three different switches (there are three floors here)
00:54.35brent21so for each floor, I have one phone set to:
00:54.51brent21just so I can see the switch diagnosis quickly
00:55.05brent21however, any phones that I have qualify=yes, i get that error message
00:55.09justinnnnnnchange it to
00:55.11brent21definitly should not be getting that
00:55.13justinnnnnnor something
00:55.18justinnnnnni didnt no u could do yes ?
00:55.26justinnnnnnthought its nat=yes and qualify=xxx
00:55.50brent21in the docs, it says yes?
00:55.54justinnnnnni dunno
00:55.57justinnnnnntry with a number..
00:55.59justinnnnnn100ms or something
00:56.06brent21ill try 100
00:56.14*** join/#asterisk TheLostOne (
00:56.47brent21Same result
00:57.09brent21the phone must not like the qualify statement that * is sending out
00:57.14justinnnnnnand qualify=300
00:57.15brent21there not behind NAT
00:57.21justinnnnnndoesnt matter
00:57.24justinnnnnntry it anyways
00:57.44justinnnnnnu could d
00:57.52justinnnnnncome to think of it heh
00:57.57justinnnnnnit shouldnt have issues with that
00:58.30brent21same result, i definitly think this is a bug
01:00.09brent21yeah, anytime qualify=yes is on, the error is reported
01:00.14brent21or qualify=###
01:00.23brent21if set to yes, qualify defaults to 200
01:01.35justinnnnnni got cvs from umm
01:01.37justinnnnnnfriday nite..
01:01.42justinnnnnnis alrite for me..
01:01.54justinnnnnnalso using the one from umm july..
01:01.55justinnnnnnsame thing
01:02.10justinnnnnncopy/paste ur sip.conf for one of the users
01:02.15bkw_this was the exact reason i'm not on the users mailing list everyone is fucking pricks
01:02.40brent21bkw_, was this directed to me?
01:02.56bkw_Are you Karl Brose?
01:03.03brent21nope, Brent Franks
01:03.04justinnnnnnno but i am ?
01:03.34bkw_chan_phone is so fucking broken
01:03.36bkw_its not even funny
01:03.55justinnnnnni edited something in chan_sip.c once :)
01:04.00justinnnnnnto be quite honest im quite proud
01:04.04brent21<-- totally confused
01:04.20justinnnnnnbrent21 copy/paste sip.conf for the user
01:04.32*** join/#asterisk pdk (
01:04.50brent21callerid="Tiny Conf. Room" <2125>
01:05.05justinnnnnnbrent21 u need nat=no as well
01:05.06brent21sorry, will use pastebin in the future
01:05.07Mocpeople, use a paste bin ..
01:05.35brent21justinnnnn, i have a peer with nat=no, and same result
01:05.52justinnnnnnthere not the last 3 users in sip.conf r they ?
01:06.04brent21no, first, fifth, and last
01:06.20wasimya know, a 240x128 backlit graphic lcd does have its charms
01:06.26brent21it appears to have nothing to do withy anything other than the qualify statement
01:06.40wasimand since we're overshooting on cost all over the place, might as well get something good in, no?
01:06.43pdkwhat is the problem?
01:07.21pdkwasim, why stop there, 2048x1024 backlit lcd :)
01:07.36brent21pdk, that fixes the problem, however with the latest version of CVS
01:07.39brent21if qualify=yes
01:07.58brent21(going to pastebin)
01:08.11pdkI only use qualify on my iax links
01:08.22wasimpdk: size, power
01:08.38brent21the peers that have qualify=yes, report the sip xmit error
01:09.30pdkcvs as of how long ago?
01:09.37brent21this problem did not occur with June 24 CVS
01:09.48brent21im looking up what changed in chan_sip.c
01:09.55wasimcolor might be fun though
01:10.15justinnnnnnwas working alrite on friday
01:11.34brent21justinnnn, it might be a combination of the phone / *
01:13.23brent21hmmm.. Minor SIP cleanup for poking on startup (bug #2331)
01:13.26wasimugh, -12V and expensive, no, no
01:13.47Moccolor is processor intensive generally
01:17.02brent21Trying to revert back to the sip_poke_peer that was in previously to see if error still exists now
01:18.10sudoerwhy do calling certain local numbers  get a charge on your phone?
01:18.31brent21sudoer, phone company should be able to help with that
01:18.39sudoerthere is this calling card number I call sometimes, and it charges to the accounteven though it is local
01:18.45sudoerit happens from any phone i dial from
01:18.57sudoerso i just want to understand how the concept works if it is local
01:19.13brent21Anyone here a bug marshall?
01:19.29brent21I know some of you are, but not sure if you guys are currently here or not
01:19.41AlricWhat can we do for you?
01:19.51pdkbrent21, I'm not having a problem
01:19.55pdkdid qualify=200
01:20.26brent21pdk, i just put the sip_poke_peer(p);
01:20.26Mocok... why not make my 4th patch for the day..
01:20.37brent21statement back to where it was, and the problem went away
01:20.47twisted[OT] FYI - Mountain Dew Pitch Black is out if you haven't heard.. and it's GOOOOOOD
01:20.52pdkheh, I'm doing todays cvs
01:20.52brent21so the problem I am seeing is a result of the Fix of bug 2331
01:21.05brent21pdk, what type of phones are you using?
01:21.20pdksnom and sipura
01:21.28OloBolawhich os would be the simplest to get asterisk up and running on?
01:21.34pdkalso cisco 1760
01:21.35file[laptop]snom, such an interesting name
01:21.36bkw_twisted bitch black is CRAP
01:21.40bkw_its nasty tasting crap at that
01:21.46twistedbkw_, i disagree
01:21.47brent21well its killiny my Polycom IP 500's
01:21.47bkw_hhaha er pitch black
01:21.51bkw_you're on crack
01:21.58bkw_its nasty
01:21.58twistedbkw_, no, i just have good tastes
01:22.01brent21err, not killing, not a fair assessment, but am seeing that error message
01:22.19Mocbrent21, what problem your having É
01:22.22OloBolaredhat? debian?
01:22.44bkw_why do people feel the need to be such assholes
01:23.30brent21Moc, after I undid this:
01:23.37brent21the error message went away
01:24.11MocIm running cvs of CVS-HEAD-09/05/04-00:22:49, and arnt having the problem
01:24.20Mocoh 2772 hold
01:24.28bkw_god I only point out that how shit shoudl work and and even say chan_phone is broken
01:24.35bkw_and took two seconds to check out and maybe find a soltuion
01:24.37bkw_I give the fuck up
01:25.15Mocbrent21, im not having this problem over here
01:25.19Mocyour running 1.3.1 É
01:25.24brent21Moc, i understand that a lot of ppl are running this fine, however something is broken with the interaction between the Polycom
01:25.30brent21I know, I know, i should have bought cisco
01:25.30file[laptop]what beeped..
01:25.40Mocbrent21, I got a soundpoint ip 500
01:25.41brent21but, regardless the Polycom doesn't like it
01:25.49bkw_doesn't like ehat?
01:25.59brent21Moc, and you have qualify=yes for some peers?
01:26.06Mocurm nope
01:26.14brent21Moc, set qualify=yes
01:26.22brent21and then restart asterisk, and you should see the problem
01:26.23bkw_turn it off brent
01:26.31bkw_its the polycomm's fault I suspect
01:26.43brent21bkw_, did and the error message went away
01:26.52bkw_what is the error again?
01:27.04Mocwhy would I want the qualify É
01:27.04brent21003 Sep  5 21:01:05 WARNING[1076208256]: chan_sip.c:595 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x811250c (len 412) to returned -1: Bad file descriptor
01:27.17bkw_And you have a bug open on this?
01:27.20bkw_and a sip debug
01:27.26brent21bkw_, it was bug 2331
01:27.41bkw_and you're running latest cvs?
01:27.42brent21I changed chan_sip.c back from this fix:
01:27.48brent21(yeah CVS as of 45 mins ago)
01:27.58brent21and the problem went away with qualify=yes still being left on
01:28.00bkw_I dont' see where where that would cause it
01:28.02MocI dont see the need of the qualify setting
01:28.05bkw_in any case I can see where that would break it
01:28.17bkw_if your're on the same network.. dont qualify
01:28.36brent21bkw_, right, but what about for the people that aren't on the same network
01:28.37Mocfor X reason, soundpoint qualify with asterisk without the qualify setting..
01:28.43Mocyou dont need the qualify to yes
01:29.04MocI donno why, but remove qualify, and do sip show peers
01:29.05brent21Moc, I understand, however it is nice to see the response times across my switches
01:29.10Mocyou will see OK (xxms)
01:29.29brent21moc, I see: Unmonitored
01:29.43Mocstrange, I dont, your running SIP 1.3.1 É
01:29.56brent21Moc, the qualify statement is on for 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3
01:30.10brent21each of those phones is running the three flavors of the sip version, that was the first thing i checked
01:30.25brent21*brent been round long enough to check that first, haha*
01:30.36Mocha sorry, didnt saw my config right, qualify=300 on my end
01:31.09brent21I solved the problem, by moving sip_poke_peer(p);
01:31.25brent21back to where it was, but just wasn't sure if I should report that this was occuring or not on the bug tracker
01:31.45Mocwell Im not having your problem
01:31.50Mocso I donno
01:32.35Mocanyway, gota do my other meetme patch ... bbsoon
01:32.36brent21Moc, so you have Polycom IP 500's, and qualify=yes for peers, and am running a CVS after Tue 31 Aug 2004
01:33.12bkw_he has qualify=300
01:33.17bkw_try that
01:33.28bkw_the default qualify is like 2000ms isn't it?
01:33.31bkw_when you set yes
01:33.34bkw_maybe its going away too fast
01:33.38brent21ok, let me change chan_sip.c back to the way it was, and then recompile
01:35.50brent21*while * is compiling*, thinks things would be much easier if I worked at where I installed *
01:36.07brent21I installed it for a friend starting a business, so i have to travel 3 hours just to test things that are broken
01:36.16*** join/#asterisk KryoStoffer (
01:36.55brent21bkw_, same problem with qualify=300
01:39.20brent21bkw_, any way you can reopen 2331 so I can just add these comments?  Then whoever can deal with it however they wany, I have a fix for myself (im not concerned about me) but rather just giving feedback on my install incase it helps with any other issues...
01:40.34bkw_its reopen
01:40.39brent21thank you
01:40.41bkw_post your comments and bug the hell out of kram abou tit
01:41.33brent21haha, not going to bug the hell out of him, but just putting the feedback in there to let him know about it
01:41.41brent21he's a busy busy man
01:46.09Mocha damnit... houston, I got a problem lol !!!
01:46.33Mocdamnit, I knew that marked user flag in meetme was bad ... just trouble ..
01:48.00bkw_brent21 you don't understand.. if you don't atleast remind him or get his attention he might forget about it or over look it
01:48.19Mocthat sound like me ;)
01:48.50bkw_brent21 any nat involved in this poke?
01:49.03Chujibkw_ : That SQL app is only for sqlite?
01:49.18brent21bkw_ nope
01:49.19bkw_Chuji yes
01:49.32bkw_Chuji its a nice package
01:49.38bkw_go write one that works with ODBC
01:49.40bkw_it shoudln't be hard
01:49.45Mocthat moh thing to replace mpg123 look like a GOOD thing to see..
01:49.45bkw_then it will work with anything
01:49.52bkw_Moc it kicks ass
01:49.57bkw_and get this format_mp3 is in asterisk-addons
01:50.06bkw_which removes the mpg123 dependancy
01:50.12Moci know someone else did something like it, but didn't use format ..
01:50.21Mocbkw_, bah, I'll convert my stuff to ulaw.
01:50.35MocI dont mind, space aint an issue..
01:50.41ChujiOlle needs to send out a new email detailing all of the new apps in the past couple weeks
01:50.46Mocbut... ;) does that format_mp3 can take MP3 stream ?
01:51.05twistedChuji, Olle is not the only one that can do that, you know.
01:51.08twistedANYONE can
01:51.21Mocok back to my meetme patch
01:51.28twistedMoc, bah
01:52.33Moctwisted, hey, meetme is my playground so .. let me have fun hehe
01:52.54twistedMoc: hehe... ;)
01:54.03ariel_Hello all?
01:55.06ChujiHey Ar
01:55.18twistedhi ariel_
01:55.22twistedgood to see ya back :)
01:55.23bkw_twisted did you resgister?
01:55.30twistedbkw_, yes, this morning
01:55.31TheLostOnehow was the storm
01:55.43twistedbkw_, i had no idea I needed to
01:56.34ariel_storm was not as bad as people said it was. But it stayed too long and gave us allot of water and messed up the streets alittle.
01:56.59ChujiDid you lose power at all ariel_ ?
01:57.21synipswcWhere are you at ariel_? (If you mind me asking, what city?)
01:59.03twistedariel_, maybe not where you are
01:59.09twistedbut some places got the shit beaten out of then
01:59.10Mocanyone good in C & * and borred at the moment ?
01:59.16Chujisynipswc: /whois arial_
01:59.20Chujilol's been awhile since i've been back in the IRC realm..... (4+ Years)
02:00.54ariel_I am in Miami. We did not get the storm directly but did get allot of rain and squal bands of up to 80 mph. We had some funky power problems but there all fixed in this area now.
02:01.46synipswcWere up in the Tallahassee/Panama City Area, getting ready to get hit soon... Dunno if its going to strengthen or not.
02:03.59ariel_synipswc, the good thing about her is she is now traveling faster. We had her in our area for 2.5 days. It's was kazy here.
02:06.14Mochow does the format_
02:06.29Mochow does the format_*.c get selected from Background or playblack for example ?
02:06.34Mocthe file extension ?
02:08.53*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
02:09.58brent21Why don't people just use .gsm for MoH rather than MP3?
02:10.01*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
02:10.30Moci ratter use ulaw, gsm aint good for music