irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040901

00:00.03implicitis there a signal or something that asterisk sends to an app if the call that went into it disconnects?
00:01.56dantimplicit, what sort of app ?
00:02.08impliciti have something called app_phonecard
00:02.15JustBeHas anyone had delay issues with the MeetMe service?
00:02.15implicitthat i am almost finished writing
00:03.10implicitif the calling party disconnects
00:03.30impliciti want to just go to the part where i disconnect, instead of looping to ask for another #
00:04.39jmhunterimplicit... thers an extension, h, t or i, cant remember
00:04.49implicitnot in the extension
00:04.51impliciti am in the app still
00:05.00impliciti don't want to do anything in dialplan
00:05.05impliciti am in C
00:05.15dantimplicit, won't your wait for digit fail if the line has gone?
00:05.59implicityes, but that is not nice
00:06.08impliciti don't want the app to run for an extra 30 seconds for no reason
00:06.22implicitor maybe even a minute? cause it loops 3 times
00:06.27implicit20 secs each time
00:07.25implicitand also i have a flag to set the card 'in use'
00:07.37implicitso if someone wants to call back and use the card again
00:07.42implicitthey have to wait 60 seconds
00:07.43implicitthat is not good
00:07.47Darwin35Zoa you there
00:08.00*** join/#asterisk Stealth_Man (
00:08.01dantimplicit, you could check the channel status
00:08.29impliciti am confused about the channels
00:08.38implicitcause i use the chan for the incoming call & the call i dial too ?
00:08.45pfnI hate writing parsers
00:08.47implicithow do i know which status it talks about?
00:12.39jmhunterparsers=cake w/ perl
00:12.48pfnI'm not writing in perl
00:12.55jmhunternot my fault
00:13.52jmhunteranyone tried VPC's new server
00:13.59jmhunterit seems better so far
00:14.22*** join/#asterisk carbon60 (
00:18.09ariel_hello jmhunter and yes I have been using there new setup since sunday. It's been working just fine.
00:20.11*** join/#asterisk GizmoTech (
00:21.18ariel_jmhunter, wow all of those things rolled into one..
00:22.19*** join/#asterisk tessier_ (
00:25.21GizmoTechI have a question about IAX tunnels. Correct me if what I'm about to say is wrong
00:26.54GizmoTechI have a central server, with an iax entry [iaxcentral] in the iax.conf. I then have a client which has this same entry listed in its iax.conf. I can use Dial(IAX2/iaxcentral/${EXTEN}) and it should dial the central server and authenticate and process the call according to context right?
00:27.31*** join/#asterisk jake__ (~jake@
00:30.20GizmoTecherr... that description was wrong.
00:30.23GizmoTechone moment
00:31.25ariel_GizmoTech, it should be Dial,IAX2/iaxcentral/${EXTEN}
00:32.42*** join/#asterisk vonBraun (
00:32.50ariel_GizmoTech, or it might be Dial,IAX2/@iaxcentral/${EXTEN}  I have not tested it but one or the other should work.
00:32.50vonBraunwhy am I such an asterisk master?
00:33.09vonBraun2wks and a fully functional system
00:33.56vonBraunwith sub-average docs
00:33.57ariel_vonBraun, 2wks.. Ok good job.
00:34.25vonBraunone problem left.. how to add fax
00:34.33vonBraunany suggestions?
00:35.02ariel_get a fax machine plug it into the fxs port and make the exten rules..
00:35.47vonBraundon't have an fxs port.. and I am wondering if there is a way not to go analog->digital->analog
00:36.26vonBraunfor example.. is there a way to decode the fax transmission in software?
00:36.45nextimevonBraun : try spandsp
00:36.59bkw_today was a very very bad day
00:37.11GizmoTechariel_ should it? ok...
00:37.13ariel_There are 2 other ways. 1) you get a sipura device set it up for ulaw and plug the fax to it. 2) you try spandsp and hope for the best. 3) well there are many other ways to do fax.
00:37.31bkw_It started off with T1's dead, I blew away all my .conf files by accident.. ZERO backups.. I blew up two asterisk boxes trying to upgrade the kernel... YAY for me
00:37.36vonBraunI'll take a look at spandsp
00:37.39nextimeariel_ : 3) hylafax
00:37.43ariel_bkw_, yes your very correct in that.
00:37.49vonBraunthanks for the help anyone who helped me over the past two weeks
00:37.57bkw_I'm not usually that fucking stupid
00:37.57nextimevonBraun : i use spandsp at home, and it work great
00:38.22ariel_Hylafax requires a fxs port of some type.
00:38.43Umarobkw_, would now be a bad time to ask about any progress on app_controlplayback? :)
00:38.51nextimeariel_ : uhmm, no, hylafax require only a serial or internal v90 or k56 modem
00:39.23GizmoTechariel_ ; nope... same result. Interesting. Must continue testing.
00:39.39GizmoTechI don't suppose someone has an example iax.conf pair for servers client/master iax tunnel config eh?
00:39.44ariel_nextime, he wants it via asterisk asterisk has to talk to it via a fxs port. or if you use a brooktrout t1 card via a t100p
00:40.35ariel_GizmoTech, the wiki has a setting for 2 servers via iax you will need to use peer and user settings.
00:40.38nextimeariel_ : you sure?
00:41.06nextimeok, i don't use hylafax with *, so, i dunno
00:41.09ariel_<vonBraun> for example.. is there a way to decode the fax transmission in software?
00:41.43nextimeariel_ : yep, totally software spandsp is the only one way with * i think
00:41.51ariel_it sounds like he wants it via asterisk. Hylafax still has to connect to a phone line.
00:42.06ariel_via a fax/modem device.
00:43.17bkw_quicker than a ray of light I fucked up two asterisk boxes..... laaa dee dahh
00:43.36ariel_bkw_, are they back up and running?
00:43.41bkw_pfft no
00:43.54tessier_Still can't get Cisco phones to work with * :(
00:43.55bkw_gotta send out the droid with a USB cd drive and a boot disk
00:44.09bkw_thank god they were not in production
00:44.10tessier_I knew there was more than just the firewall in the wya last time.
00:44.32nextimetessier h323 or sip cisco phone?
00:44.40tessier_nextime: It's running SCCP
00:44.46tessier_I'm trying to flash it to sip
00:44.46bkw_fun fun fun
00:44.54bkw_what SCCP you got?
00:44.55tessier_Aug 31 17:45:09 localhost atftpd[10341]: Serving P0S30200 .bin to
00:44.56letholif i am getting this while starting up: loader.c:242 ast_load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: __use_ast_pthread_create_instead__
00:44.58tessier_The worst part of cisco phones.
00:45.02tessier_See the space?
00:45.11letholshould i look for the string on loader.c?
00:45.16vonBraunnextime, ariel: yes .. fax via asterisk.. so spandsp is the only way?
00:45.24bkw_lethol NO you should get a clue. and check out a fresh copy
00:45.35tessier_PC030300 is the SCCP firmware
00:45.43nextimevonBraun : i think yes, anyway, for me it work great
00:45.48tessier_Version: 3.1(1.2)
00:46.06tessier_Any ideas
00:46.09bkw_tessier is the load below 400k
00:46.21tessier_The firmware I am trying to load it with?
00:46.21bkw_-rw-r--r--   1 root root  367506 Jul 25  2001 P0S30200.bin
00:46.21bkw_-rw-r--r--   1 root root  392214 Nov  5  2001 P0S30202.bin
00:46.30*** part/#asterisk JustBe (
00:46.42tessier_-rw-r--r--  1 root root 367506 Aug 27 12:32 P0S30200.bin
00:46.49letholbkw: ok.. forgive us newbs
00:46.50tessier_My file matches
00:47.00pfnif ((*buf >= 'a' && *buf <= 'f') || (*buf >= '0' || *buf <= '9'))
00:47.04tessier_[root@localhost tftpboot]# cat OS79XX.TXT
00:47.05pfndamnit, I suck, why is that catching commas
00:47.17tessier_pfn: This is related to the problem I was having last week. Still haven't been able to flash these phones.
00:47.30bkw_lethol I am very forgiving
00:47.43tessier_Some of them are running SIP but refuse to get the upgrade, the rest are still running SCCP and try to get the SIP image but the filename is corrupted
00:47.49*** join/#asterisk zamsler (
00:48.09pfnoh, duh
00:48.27pfnyeah, I put in the wrong ones
00:50.19nextimei'm tired to fight with h323 on * and some buggy devices...
00:50.30nextimei HATE h323.
00:51.21ariel_Dam I can't find the script for this installation of there custom accounting app. I hate viruses.
00:53.04*** join/#asterisk Legend` (~Legend@
00:53.50*** join/#asterisk bjoerns (~bjorn@
00:54.01letholany vpb channel users around?
00:54.11GizmoTechThere has to be an easier way to interconnect 3 asterisk boxes....
00:54.37nextimeGizmoTech : iax2 trunking?
00:54.43tessier_IAX2 rocks
00:54.52GizmoTechI'm trying to get that running seamlessly... but it's just all going over my head.
00:54.58nextimetessier_ agree
00:55.08bjoernshi there, i'm having some problems getting incoming calls from iconnecthere to *.  i can use iconnecthere's PCPhone app to receive calls, and * can register with iconnecthere, but no calls are ever forwarded correctly to *.
00:55.47GizmoTechI understand how to connect 2 boxes together via the IAX2 protocol, but connecting 3 together isn't going as well as the 2 were.
00:56.24bjoernsi'm not sure if my sip.conf is set up properly:
00:56.24bjoerns- register =>
00:56.24bjoerns- [iconnecthere] with type=friend, secret, username, host, etc corresponding to iconnecthere account
00:56.44ariel_GizmoTech, for 3 boxes your going to have to change the auth to inkey
00:57.22ariel_sorry rsa key
00:58.18bjoernsanyone got phone# call forwarding working for any IPCSP's?  (like iconnecthere, ..., i guess even fwd)
00:58.33nextimeok, time to go to "morfeo's kingdoom"
00:58.44GizmoTechmaybe I just need to start fresh tomorrow...
00:58.44nextimeseeya, goodnight all
01:01.28Chotairemorning kram and all..
01:01.35pfnwhy do I have to fgetts twice in order to get the next line...
01:02.37kramgreets chotair
01:03.42dantI have beaten chan_zap! :)
01:04.27kramnow you get to play the boss level
01:04.47kramhope you've collected lots of ammo!
01:05.30dantIt has been fighting a good battle, successfully thwarting my repeated attempts to make it work 'properly' with UK callerID, but it has finally fallen
01:05.44kramso we're getting close to merging UK callerid support in?
01:05.58Mocwait till you get to oh323... I heard that level was hard..
01:06.06implicitkram: I hope, otherwise i will be sad if i ever move to the UK and want to use chan_zap
01:06.23implicitMoc: i heard it was not a fun level either
01:06.26dantI've merged the euro DTMF cid patch with the UK CID patch I did, both work off the polarity reversal changes...
01:06.28krami think jerjer is the only person to beat the h323 level
01:06.41krami don't even dare to go there
01:06.41dantbug 1719 & 9(!!)
01:06.50kramall nicely disclaimed etc?
01:07.00Mocimplicit, nope, I think no one got to really finish it
01:07.04dantyep, I'm signed up for that :)
01:07.16Mocdid he... damn..
01:07.20kramyay, are they merged?
01:07.25GizmoTechJust wait till you get to the iax level... that bastard will warp your mind before making mince meat of you.
01:07.30Himekodoes dtmf detection trigger on voices a lot?
01:08.09dantone patch with both in... needs some testing, especially distictive ring stuff.... but.....
01:08.37*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (
01:08.50kramOMG 21k!
01:09.15implicitkram: i got the stuff for app_phonecard working with the trunks finally using pbx_helper_getvar or whatever its called
01:09.19dantit's not terribly elegant :/
01:09.38dantbut it works for me :)
01:12.07letholcan someone explain the ast_pthread_create issue.. iam still getting the use "ast_pthread.." issues even though all .c channels have ast_pthread_create
01:12.20letholjust dont get mad like bkw :S
01:12.52*** join/#asterisk drumkilla_ (
01:13.02bjoernscan anyone help debug a SIP problem?  (can't get iconnecthere to forward calls to *)
01:13.17Mociconnecthere is evil..
01:15.18Mocanyone got to put ringtone onto a barbietone ?
01:15.42Mocok found the wiki
01:15.46Mocdamn wiki rock..
01:15.55ariel_bjoerns, when you make a call via iconnecthere what does the CLI say?
01:16.08bjoernsit doesn't say anything
01:16.18ariel_even if you use sip debug
01:16.35bjoernsbut 'sip show registry' shows that iconnecthere is sucessfully registered
01:16.45*** part/#asterisk mattjive_ (~mattjive@
01:17.16Umarobjoerns, you have it going to the right context?
01:17.43bjoernsi believe so, but how can i test it?
01:18.49Umarobjoerns, I had a funny problem, was sending one of my zap channels to a different context, but that context didn't exist. I wasn't getting any output on the CLI, probably because I mucked with config files I shouldn't have.. Anyway, have you tried tail -f /var/log/asterisk/full ?
01:18.56ariel_in your sip.conf your setting for iconnecthere has a context=????? is all the information there correct? can you your sip settings?
01:20.01*** join/#asterisk Moc___ (
01:20.23ariel_if you got to you can post your sip.conf and other infor there then tell us the number. Remove your passwords and give us the link and we can see what it looks like.
01:20.58ariel_remove them by putting xxxxx in there place.. dont remove the line.
01:20.59Darwin35ok got callwake working for the most part
01:20.59bjoernsariel: okay, i'll do that then
01:21.50bjoernsumaro: i have a /var/log/asterisk/messages (i'm on a debian box)...  it has a few warnings: Context 'default' and  'local' tries includes non-existant context 'meetme' and 'voicemail' respecitvely
01:22.05bjoernsumaro: don't know if those are very significant, or if they're just ignored
01:23.27Umarobjoerns, that's your problem, right there
01:23.33Umarowell, wait
01:23.47Umarojumped the gun, lol
01:24.05Umarobut still, you should fix that. :)
01:24.15UmaroAre there any other messages?
01:24.20bjoernsokay, i commented out them :)
01:24.29bjoernsa reload just gives me:
01:24.40bjoernsSep  1 09:24:32 WARNING[1262603184]: Ignoring port for now
01:24.40bjoernsSep  1 09:24:32 NOTICE[1262603184]: Removed default indication country 'us'
01:26.30bjoernswhen i try to call the iconnectnumber (from a normal POTS phone), * doesn't show anything in the log file or in the CLI (with SIP debug on)
01:26.40JerJerbjoerns:  cvs update
01:26.59bjoernsbut i get messages regularly about SIP registrations with iconnecthere (that seems to be successful)
01:27.39bjoernsjerjer: i'm using the * debian package (debian version=testing) :-|
01:28.30bjoernsjerjer: version 0.9.0
01:32.33letholwhat version of gcc are you using to compile?
01:33.11bjoernsi'm using a precompiled version :$  (debian testing)
01:34.43letholmy gcc is whats fuxoring up my last asterisk install
01:35.01*** join/#asterisk twisted (
01:35.01*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
01:35.15letholcan someone confirm this?
01:35.16letholchan_sip.c: In function `sip_park':
01:35.16letholchan_sip.c:6879: warning: implicit declaration of function `__use_ast_pthread_create_instead__'
01:35.24bjoernssip.conf file is
01:35.24bjoernsextensions.conf file is
01:38.05bjoernsi wanted to configure a very standard office PBX solution; auto-answer for people calling in from the outside, asking caller to type in extension or 0 for the operator.  SIP handsets can dial 9 for external line.  iconnecthere is kind of an outgoing line (trunk?), acting both for sending calls out and for receiving calls (i have a "broadband phone" subscription)
01:43.06hacimI'm trying to do a phrase recording, but when I hit that item it doesn't work, and I get this in the logs: Aug 31 21:35:37 WARNING[-1268778064]: app_record.c:100
01:53.51implicitsinem esoop
01:58.06*** join/#asterisk slePP ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:58.08*** join/#asterisk nottakenalready (~undef_ref@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:58.38Legend`nice nick
01:58.41*** join/#asterisk scud ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:58.45*** join/#asterisk Himeko ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:01.43*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
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02:03.29Darwin35now just to get more feature working and I have a sellable  PBX  system for sip
02:03.50Darwin35yes I got the new flash to work on the custom mb
02:04.02Darwin35and it boots up a 10 ext pbx setup
02:06.23Darwin35so this mb works grea
02:06.31Darwin35nice small fast
02:08.05ariel_Darwin35, what mb and system are you using?
02:08.27*** join/#asterisk Moc___ (
02:08.28rootwzrdDarwin35   where are you located ?
02:08.51Darwin35now P{ittsburgh
02:09.05Darwin35pittsburgh pa
02:09.18rootwzrdI'm up in Boston area  I'm doing the same thing...   hehe
02:09.53rootwzrdwanted to make shure you wern't right in my back yard...
02:09.58Darwin35well I just got a custom board made
02:10.05Darwin35and now that I know it works
02:10.28rootwzrdlike a pci board ?/
02:10.40Darwin35I can hit dad up for funding to roll out a feww hundered units to get more testers
02:11.02*** join/#asterisk Chuji (
02:11.08Darwin35nut I am going to have them add a single modem to it
02:11.16Darwin35onto the board
02:11.27Darwin35the intel  chip
02:11.29rootwzrdk   that goes into 1U server units  right?
02:11.56rootwzrdoh like a cisco wic
02:12.14Darwin352 deck of cards side by side
02:12.45Darwin35it has 2 1 ghz cpus
02:13.10rootwzrdk   what kind of  Main board do you need?
02:13.14Darwin35has 2 mem slots
02:13.28Darwin35no its a custom mb
02:13.29rootwzrdoh it a stand alone
02:13.47cp5is there a DND mode for sip?
02:13.55rootwzrdlike a pc 104  only faster
02:14.05Darwin35it is the mb with 2 cpu and 2 mem slots and a single ata 100 and 1 cf drive socket
02:14.24Darwin35cp6 yes
02:14.30Darwin35its in the wiki pages
02:14.40cp5i saw, but it did not specify SIP
02:14.43rootwzrdk  thanks....
02:14.55rootwzrdthat might be a seller   uh
02:14.56cp5i grepped the source and only saw *78 in chan_zap and some others, but not chan_sip
02:14.56Darwin35its for all extensions
02:15.12snewpyis there a way to have something like "mailbox=all" to indicate that a particular SIP user wants to know about *all* VM message waiting notifications, without having to specify each mailbox individually?
02:16.05Darwin35now to make a few changes and case it
02:17.21pfnsnewpy that's a pretty silly request....
02:17.35snewpypfn: why's that, exactly?
02:17.44pfnwhat is the practical application of that?
02:18.12Darwin35root  this is going to be a soho project
02:18.18pfnespecially when you have no clue which mailbox it's going to be in
02:18.24Darwin35to small office soloution
02:18.45snewpypfn: asterisk as a voicemail system with SER handling registrations and proxy, I want to send a NOTIFY to <mailbox>@ip.addr.of.ser
02:19.41snewpyassuming that <mailbox> is a valid alias for the user who cares about that NOTIFY
02:19.54pfnthat makes more sense
02:20.06snewpynot so silly any more? :)
02:20.51pfnshouldn't be too hard to hack that...
02:20.54pfnanyway, time to go home
02:21.00pfnif it isn't there already
02:22.11snewpyyeah... seems harder because mailbox is part of each channel type's private struct, and it doesn't look like there's a clean way to enumerate every mailbox on the system because the linked list of mailboxes is private to app_voicemail...
02:22.25Darwin35so if it has 1 fxs/fxo ort it shoul dbe fine
02:22.26boaw_yeah, go home pfn
02:22.45boaw_everytime I come here, I see you online
02:23.09snewpyhmmm.. maybe i could hack up an external app to send the message, and use the externnotify option in app_voicemail
02:24.39nottakenalreadyany suggestions on where i can start looking for how to expose my customer's phones as sip addresses?  e.g.
02:25.35rootwzrdDarwin35   was reading..   a SOHO system  a 10 line system ( I think I over heard)
02:30.22*** join/#asterisk pooh_ (
02:32.58*** join/#asterisk tessier_ (
02:33.07tessier_Damn I have WAY too many problems to solve. :(
02:33.33tessier_Does anyone here have an H323 gateway I can point my t38modem at for a test?
02:33.50tessier_Our provider is driving me nuts. We can't negotiate a connection with them and I really doubt it's t38mdodem.
02:34.27tessier_This and the Cisco firmware problem are going to drive me out of my mind.
02:36.04*** join/#asterisk Q-At-Home (
02:36.26Q-At-Home4 port FXO showed up!
02:37.20ariel_Q-At-Home, a tdm04b?
02:37.23*** join/#asterisk bonbon-home (
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02:43.28rootwzrdtessier   I'd like to help you. but I don't have the h323 configured yet
02:44.22rootwzrdstill working on the sip stuff then I got to beef up the dial plan
02:48.11Q-At-Homeariel_: yep
02:48.21Q-At-Homenow I need to find a "good" online fax service
02:49.26tessier_Q-At-Home: We would be one if we could get t38 working. Our provider is jerking us around I suspect.
02:49.49Q-At-HomeI just need something either toll free or in alberta
02:49.58Q-At-Homecus my vonage fax line is sucking hard
02:50.04Q-At-Homeanyone used efax?
02:50.56tessier_What's wrong with vonage?
02:53.18Q-At-Homeno matter what I do, it wont send or receive
02:53.27Q-At-HomeI have a HP 1020 fax
02:53.34Q-At-Homeit wont "lock" at 9600
02:53.38Q-At-Homeit always trys 14400
02:53.52Q-At-HomeI also tried winfax
02:54.01Q-At-Homeand a USR 56k fax modem external serial
02:54.03Q-At-Homesame deal
02:54.08Q-At-Homeit can however, send...
02:54.16Q-At-HomeI cant specify 9600 or lower on receive
02:55.05Q-At-Homemay have to get a phone number in my colo, and use the hylafax box