irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040831

00:05.40*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
00:06.06*** join/#asterisk Gunnar ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:06.06*** join/#asterisk dspdavel ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:06.12cdavisi cannot seem to pass the flash tone from a sip phone through asterisk to my televantage's pots port, i think i could do a macro but can't seem to get it to work, anyone have any advise?
00:06.34cdavisthis is what I am currently trying:  Exten = _*.,1,Flash(yourzapchannel)
00:06.34cdavisExten = _*.,2,Dial(yourzapchannel/${EXTEN:1})
00:10.03*** join/#asterisk dealing_death ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:10.03*** join/#asterisk ManxPower ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:10.03*** join/#asterisk macTijn ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:10.32GizmoTech(sorry, was w/ a customer) The reason I ask, is from what I can tell to do multi site, each w/ their own extensions I need to define each site in each iax.conf file for the routing to work correctly.
00:11.37*** join/#asterisk dant (~dan@2001:618:480:0:204:76ff:fe1e:585e) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:14.55rootwzrdum  haha   I'mm lost now..  in the festival.conf the festivalcommand=(tts_textasterisk "%s" 'file) (quit)\n
00:15.20rootwzrdis that uncommected or do I leave it # out
00:17.27rootwzrdI get a SIOD ERROR: unbound variable : tts_textasterisk when I do :
00:17.37*** part/#asterisk HenryTheBIG (
00:19.24rootwzrdexten => s,5,Festival('Welcome to bla') (quit)\n
00:19.36rootwzrdthat's not right  is it ?
00:20.08|Vulture|cool never used it
00:20.27rootwzrdhehe   thanks     great
00:21.08rootwzrdya that's what I'm trying to follow...  I'm not doing a good job of thoe
00:22.08rootwzrdI was always told in Grade School "You don't know how to follow instructions"
00:22.23pfnyou and most of the other visitors to this channel
00:22.33rootwzrdI guess they were right...
00:22.43*** join/#asterisk jr99 (
00:22.46rootwzrdhehe  ya
00:22.58|Vulture|pfn: by "visitors" you mean the ones who pop in and out and don't wait for an answer ;)
00:23.08jr99ok.. so I am watching the ntp packets go back to the 7940, but no joy... no time display on the 7940? pfn?
00:23.17jr99never mind.. just showed up.
00:23.27pfnpatience is a virtue
00:23.34jr99I have no virtue.
00:23.46rootwzrdya  me first
00:23.53jr99go ahead.. give me the cluebat..
00:24.07rootwzrdI need to learn how to follow instructions...
00:26.39rootwzrdclient(4) <date> :accepted from localhost
00:27.08rootwzrdthat tells me that the festival daemon is up and ok ( I think )
00:28.26rootwzrdso I can't figure what  " SIOD ERROR: unbound variable : tts_textasterisk  "  means
00:31.55rootwzrdthoes are single quotes Not a back tic  in Festival('something to say')  right ?
00:34.15*** join/#asterisk OloBola (
00:36.03*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
00:38.08bkw_is it like a law that telcos fuck you for fun and profit?
00:39.21epochbkw_: well the fun's not mandatory
00:40.23*** join/#asterisk PhilM (
00:41.11GizmoTechepoch; I thought it was part of their employee satisfaction program?
00:42.06epochGizmoTech: sure, but it's not law ;)
00:42.23epochthough, I gotta say
00:42.34epochtelcos have _nothing_ on insurance companies :(
00:43.32*** join/#asterisk manipura (
00:49.52epochwould I gain much (any?) advantage by having hyperthreading enabled on my * server?
00:51.19rootwzrdwell you'd get a realy hyper machine that tangles it's self allup in thread
00:52.19rootwzrdok   just kidding...
00:52.49GizmoTechI think you'd be hard pressed to find speed improvement on * unless the box is doing multiple things.
00:59.56epochyeah, that was my impression
01:00.12epochI'd probably also have to be running 2.6 to get any decent sort of support for it too
01:00.32*** join/#asterisk twisted (
01:00.32*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
01:05.10GizmoTechWell, that's the interesting thing... I couldn't for the life of me get zaptel to compile on either the mdk 2.6 kernel, or the fc3 kernel.
01:11.08bkw_I hate this star38 buy
01:11.10bkw_er guy
01:11.14bkw_he's gonna fuck it up for EVERYONE
01:11.31bkw_that idiot
01:11.37bkw_I already emailed the author of it all
01:11.43bkw_"OH hackers discovered this"
01:11.49scudlol i hate that shit
01:11.57bkw_"NO you ass hat hackers didn't its a well known thing thats been around longer than I have!"
01:12.28scudwtf is a commerical caller id spoofing device?
01:12.55scudkey word  "launching technology"
01:13.37wsuffbkw_: moe than likely
01:13.59scudwhats up with the last 2 sentences about musicphone? lol
01:15.56twistedbkw_, i'd pay to see that
01:16.02bkw_not only fun... but sexual returns are a plus
01:16.34twistedasshat is one word
01:16.45bkw_yes but see he is an "ass hat" detached
01:17.15twistedit's not as funny seperated
01:17.27twistedimho, that is.
01:17.37bkw_in my homo opinion?
01:18.11bkw_shook it twice and sliped?
01:18.14twistedhey bkw
01:18.16twistedguess what
01:18.18bkw_yes dear?
01:18.25twistedwelcome to the club!
01:18.30bkw_what club?
01:18.34twistedthat club
01:18.38bkw_oh so thats what you call your member?
01:18.45bkw_quit waving that thing around at me
01:18.58scud"it might poke someone's eye out"
01:19.09bkw_ya really
01:19.10scudyou silly goose.
01:19.13twistedi can put an eye out with this thing
01:19.17bkw_scud that was GAY
01:19.26scudoh no it isnt. :P
01:19.32bkw_big gay al said that
01:19.35bkw_ITS GAY!!!
01:19.53scudits fabulous!
01:20.05twistedoh, that reminds me
01:20.07bkw_scud is gay
01:20.11bkw_I knew it
01:20.14bkw_he hangs with angler
01:20.19twistedi need to sparatically attack kram's car with a sticker i have
01:20.36angler-bkw_, did you really email that guy?
01:20.38twistedit's "I'm a super-duper programmer!"
01:20.39bkw_twisted what sticker might that be?
01:20.48bkw_angler what guy?
01:20.55bkw_oh the callerid guy
01:20.58scudangler and mark are wonderful people
01:20.59bkw_not him
01:21.00bkw_the reporter
01:21.05scudthey have rainbow personalities
01:21.05twistedscud, yes, they ar
01:21.12angler-lol stfu scud
01:21.24scudangler has a beautiful smile   XD
01:21.40bkw_my day has just sucked the donky ballz
01:21.43scudshiny teeth with a little drag   :^O
01:21.47twistedi've got my blinds pulled up right
01:21.56twistedi just saw this teacup poodle attack this big black man
01:22.04scudoh thilly, thop that.
01:22.06bkw_twisted ah really?
01:22.07twistedand he's got this look on his face like, "wtf?"
01:22.23scudtherisouly foks.
01:23.08scudthe iaxy is the size of a gerbil
01:23.15scud...mark told me
01:23.23twistedstfu now
01:24.01scudits the truth, its alot smaller than the sipura ATA
01:24.10scudi was just stating the obvious, what were you thinking of?
01:24.15twistedwell, either i'm an extreme pervert, or i'm just way out of line
01:24.39twistedi'm gonna have to buy a gerbil now
01:24.43twistedfor two reasons
01:24.50twisted1) name it iaxy and take it to visit kram
01:24.56twisted2) let my cats play with it
01:25.20scudwhatst he deal with male geeks and cats
01:25.41twistedcats rock
01:26.00PilotPTK-Homecats suck
01:26.05PilotPTK-Homehell, all pets suck
01:26.05twistednobody asked you
01:26.09PilotPTK-Hometoo much frigin work.
01:26.11scudits almost like a subconscious substitution for pussy
01:26.17twistedno it's not
01:26.18florznope, vi is much better, really!
01:26.21twistedwomen love cats
01:26.40scuddogs are better
01:26.56twistedi'd rather not have a large beast who likes to hump my leg and drool on my shoose
01:26.58twisteder shoes
01:27.06*** join/#asterisk ivlok (
01:27.51scud"i'll drink a beer with you guys after I feed my kitty  wendy, brb k."  or  "dude lets see if we can get my great dain drunk"
01:28.22twistedthat's the difference between sophistication and drunken frat boy
01:28.33twistedand it's great dane
01:29.12scudthank you for that correction
01:29.52twistedno problem
01:30.09florzAs quite a few of you seem to have become alive only recently: Is there any way one can make * setup a call (across protocol boundaries, if that makes a difference, SIP and IAX2 in this case) such that no recoding of the signal is necessary - and only fall back to recoding if it cannot be avoided?
01:31.52mishehuI do not believe so, as sip handles the voice stream differently.
01:31.55*** join/#asterisk carbon60 (
01:32.01carbon60Evening all.
01:32.10carbon60Anyone switched their VPC config yet?
01:32.21mishehuflorz: you probably just want to use the same codec for both channels.
01:32.32mishehucarbon60: vpc?
01:32.43carbon60VoicePulse Connect!
01:32.58twistedcarbon60, yes.
01:33.02carbon60They sent out an email with some new configs.
01:33.39mishehuI don't use voicepulse...  so donno
01:34.06carbon60twisted: I noticed the config they suggest has only a type=user. I need two type=peer entries as well, right?
01:34.32*** part/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
01:34.32twistedcarbon60, read the email. it's for ORIGINATION ONLY
01:34.42OloBolaare softphones and headsets generally a bad idea? I'm getting echoes and poor sound quality outgoing, excellent incoming
01:35.14carbon60twisted: Yeah, but I'm cleaning up my config at the same time.
01:36.19florzmishehu: Yep, I want to use the same codec on both channels, of course, but not the same for every call. Think of a SIP client connected to *, with * being configured so it can connect to iaxtel and to several other *s in order to reach their clients. iaxtel allows GSM only, however for the other connections I'd like to use ILBC.
01:37.01carbon60Either way, Asterisk is denying the connection.
01:38.15mishehuI wonder if the reason there is no ogg-on-hold support is licensing...
01:38.56carbon60twisted: Everything worked as advertised for you?
01:39.11twistedafter the sent the second email,yea.
01:39.14scudi'm not sophisticated :(   but seriously though about the cat thing, its just something i've noticed after the years that I thought was one weird oddity
01:39.22florzmishehu: As (1) the client knows both GSM and ILBC and (2) the machine running asterisk is too slow to do ILBC in realtime, recoding would be better avoided ...
01:39.44ivlokOloBola: I've used w/out problems
01:40.02pfnhmm, how do you concat \0 to a unicode string....
01:40.34mishehuflorz: most of these codecs deal with such small bitrates to begin with (i.e. g711ulaw is ~8kbyte/sec), it's almost hard to imagine that there's machines in use that can't handle the transcoding for them.
01:41.44florzmishehu: Yep, that probably is the problem. Higher bitrates wouldn't be a problem as they require less CPU power - after all, it's a lack of CPU power, not of I/O capability
01:42.48florzmishehu: To be exact, it's a Cyrix 686, 133 MHz
01:43.09mishehuflorz: how many active channels do you have going thru it at any given time?
01:43.23florzmishehu: 1 (One that is :-)
01:43.26mishehudon't you mean a cyrix 586 133?
01:43.45florzmishehu: /proc/cpuinfo says: model name      : 6x86 2x Core/Bus Clock
01:43.54mishehuflorz: I don't see how a 133 mhz (even a cyrix) can't handle transcoding 2 separate channels...
01:44.27*** join/#asterisk Moc__ (
01:45.08florzmishehu: Well, it really is the case. 1 call, GSM -> ILBC and ILBC -> GSM, and I get jitter because of the CPU being at full load
01:45.23*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
01:45.48florzmishehu: Erm, I even tried G711 <-> ILBC, still too slow
01:46.45mishehuflorz: it must be the ilbc that's doing it.  why you so set on using ilbc?
01:46.50mishehuany reason in particular?
01:47.21sizbandood ... my dial timeout is so borked ... it works from calls originated from my normal phone but not from calls originated from my cell phone ... any ideas/!
01:47.21mishehubtw, does anybody know if the most recent cisco 7960 firmware has a simple toggle button for DND ?
01:47.24florzmishehu: 56 kbps modem connection, and I'd like to have a little free bandwidth :-)
01:47.31mishehuflorz: ouch!
01:48.24florzmishehu: And, yep, G711 <-> GSM is no problem - dunno how much CPU load it causes, but there was no jitter at least ...
01:50.06carbon60florz: Wow, and that works?
01:50.19florzcarbon60: You mean ILBC over 56 kbps modem?
01:50.39carbon60Yeah, I'm amazed you can get it working at all.
01:51.07florzYep, works fine - needs only ~ 25 kbps per direction
01:51.41*** join/#asterisk ellery (
01:51.52elleryi have a question about iax
01:51.54florzthe only problem that's left is that when talking to a friend over it, delay from me to him increases over time
01:52.07*** join/#asterisk netghost (
01:52.17florzbut it seems that's a problem of kphone or his sound driver
01:53.07elleryi have never had this happen but i have a problem with downstream voice upstream is clear and no pops but downstream drops about 80% of the voice
01:54.06florzof course, it's not toll quality and you easily get jitter when there is other traffic on the connection, but otherwise you can talk without problems
01:55.19ellerynot between the two boxes if i link to the main box with sip its a little better. but iax its just not usable.
01:55.35ellerythe main box have a 100mb connection in a colo