irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040829

00:01.22*** join/#asterisk heison (
00:01.46heisondoes anyone remember the bloody command for raidmanager GUI?
00:03.40JerJerrm -rf /
00:04.08heisonrm6, but i don't remember the stupid path...
00:04.24enzo123dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/hda1
00:09.13enzo123got fwd to do 729
00:09.14enzo123apollo*CLI> sip show channels
00:09.14enzo123Peer             User/ANR    Call ID      Seq (Tx/Rx)   Format
00:09.14enzo123192.246.69.223   428366      02a7b8c0621  00104/00000   G729A
00:10.22pfnhmm, libiptc is going away...
00:14.55*** join/#asterisk JoeGuru (
00:16.06JoeGuruAnyone seen Markster?
00:16.15KalD|Workdoes IAXy really support upgrading or is that a typo?    If it does - how do you upgrade it?
00:17.42JerJerKalD|Work:  the IAXy can be provisioned over IAX
00:17.48JerJerso yes it will upgrade itself
00:18.45*** part/#asterisk gnoob (
00:19.05KalD|WorkJerJer: does it run linux?
00:19.28*** join/#asterisk altamic (~altamic@
00:21.19heisonenzo123: how you do that? g729 with fwd
00:21.19JerJerno the IAXy runs a ubicom microcontroller
00:21.28KalD|WorkJerJer, is it possible to setup different ringtones depending on incoming caller w/ iaxy?
00:22.00heisonKalD|Work: iaxy doesn't ring, your phone does...
00:22.23pfnheison it's pass-thru
00:22.27pfnfwd itself isn't doing g729
00:22.29KalD|Workheison, yes - but Iaxy does provide the ring voltage - can you change the caidence like you can on a FXS card?
00:22.56heisonKalD|Work: it doesn't have the guts to do that... as far as i know
00:22.59enzo123did sip pass from my * box
00:23.08heisonpfn: oh
00:23.24enzo123i have 729 on my box setup my other fwd account to do sip
00:23.25*** join/#asterisk jammcq (
00:24.45KalD|Workwill IAX bind to multiple ports if you put multiple port entries in the iax.conf ?
00:24.54jammcqI want to setup a system, where I can be anywhere in the world, with my laptop and a headset, and get on the internet and phone home, is that something that asterisk is useful for ?
00:25.08KalD|Workjammcq, yeah
00:25.26enzo123jammcq.. start your reading now..
00:25.35KalD|Workjammcq, you can use sip or iax to do that...  make sure your home router is setup to pass the traffic to your asterisk box
00:25.51jammcqat home, I have 3 phone lines, would I also be able to make phone calls going out one of those lines ?
00:25.59KalD|Workjammcq, yeah
00:26.05*** join/#asterisk gaba (
00:26.21jammcqok, my laptop is running debian, I assume there is a client for that ?
00:26.39KalD|Workjammcq, get a Wildcard X100P from digium and put it in your * box
00:26.46enzo123run through
00:26.49KalD|Workjammcq, check out
00:27.39jammcqok, and my daughter is away at college, she has a laptop running XP, is there a client for that ?
00:28.06enzo123will do iax
00:28.10enzo123and sip
00:28.13KalD|Workjammcq, yeah - they have clients for win32, osx, linux, and even zaurus (tho it wont work w/ older firmware)
00:28.20jammcqI saw on the site some pci cards to interface with my phone lines, is that the way to go ?
00:28.36KalD|Workjammcq, yeah - it is the best
00:28.53KalD|Workjammcq, if you get a digium card it will work.
00:29.02jammcqyeah, that's what I was looking at
00:29.32jammcqthanks guys, I appreciate the quick answers.  If you ever need help with Thin clients on Linux, drop by #ltsp where I live
00:29.57jammcqi'll be playing with this stuff over the next 30 days or so, and see how it all works
00:30.08enzo123you got that right
00:30.52*** join/#asterisk altamic (~altamic@
00:33.14heisonKalD|Work: what do you mean by multiple ports?
00:34.04KalD|Workheison, I want to bind to 4569, 9999, and 32767
00:34.56KalD|Workheison, lets say:  on I listen on 4569, on 9999 and on 32767 - can I do that?
00:36.35Total-Netok.. I have looked everywhere..  Wiki, bug tracker, docs etc..  anyone who knows please look at and tell me where I am going wrong..  thanks
00:40.05enzo123anyone have and comments on a good web cdr interface ?    :P
00:40.40enzo123that one is good =>
00:40.59enzo123ive got the mysql module installed
00:41.09enzo123just need to find a good front end
00:41.36|stefan_|how can i change the normal ring tone ?
00:42.15heisonKalD|Work: i don't think so, but you may be able to redir from another box... but what exactly are u trying to accomplish?
00:45.26enzo123holly crap:
00:45.27enzo123Yes, you read that right: Asterisk now runs on Windows, sort of. Or rather, a project called "AstWind" does
00:45.54jbotfrom memory, asterwind is Asterisk running under Co Linux on the Windows Platform. The package by Damin is at
00:46.50enzo123haha i can fire it up at work on my company laptop =>
00:47.19wsuffya but why though
00:47.30enzo123no reason
00:47.42wsuffif u have a asterisk box on the network or remotely u can reach no really need for 1
00:47.56enzo123yeah ive been using firefly from work
00:48.16enzo123goes right through the firewall
00:48.58enzo123couldn't see much uptime on a winblows box that you have to reboot twice a day
00:54.02*** join/#asterisk brett_ (
00:56.04*** join/#asterisk LennyT (
00:59.36*** join/#asterisk twisted (
00:59.36*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
01:00.11*** join/#asterisk amer (
01:01.02amerDoes any one have any experince in getting a quintum gateway to work with asterisk?
01:02.01pfnthere's the areski cdr tool
01:02.05pfnwhich works ok, I guess  :p
01:02.11pfnbut I refuse to run php....
01:02.39[zt]antipfn: whys that?
01:02.50pfnI'm anti php and anti mysql
01:03.02[zt]antiI can understand mysql
01:03.35nextimei  user php and postgressql
01:03.36pfnI'm anti-php because it doesn't cleanly distinguish business logic from display
01:03.54[zt]antipfn: eh, thats up to the developer. I have business logic and display 100% split in PHP just fine :)
01:03.55wsuffpfn: u can though if the developer choices to
01:04.11wsuffas w/ any other scripting language
01:04.12pfnhow is that?
01:04.12[zt]antipfn: It just doesn't hold your hand and do it for you.
01:04.20wsuffit's up to the coders shitty habits
01:04.34[zt]antiOf course I've been developing using PHP professionally since 1998.
01:04.35pfnwell, php has evolved over the years, I suppose
01:04.37*** part/#asterisk jammcq (
01:04.42pfnwhen I first saw php, it was mostly a markup language
01:05.02[zt]antiIts a lot more like java now, especially php 5.. a little too like java for my tastes now.
01:05.04pfnI despise php much in the same way I despise jsp and asp
01:05.27wsuffit fits a need for many people
01:05.41wsuffif u don't want to use it fine =)
01:05.41pfnthey can use it
01:05.41pfnI won't
01:05.41[zt]antipfn: what do you write web applications in?
01:05.45_Vile"for a company directory"......
01:05.46pfndepends on the need
01:05.53pfna lot of j2ee
01:06.00pfna lot of perl cgi
01:06.06wsuffdenon: oh god i hated my 1 asm class
01:06.20denonapache mod_asm <G>
01:06.24wsuffdenon: i should have failed for not doing my work but teacher thought i did all of it =)
01:06.29pfn there's my cdr tool...
01:06.37[zt]antiI love assembly, but more just in a nostalgic way
01:06.49denon[zt]anti: same
01:07.30enzo123pfn thats tight
01:08.33pfn corresponding xml to that...
01:09.04VoIPMastalooks amazing
01:09.17enzo123its is out for use ?
01:09.34pfnnot really, I'm gonna pack up a distribution tonight, but extremely limited support
01:10.01VoIPMastawill it be released under the GPL?
01:10.04enzo123can i get one with no support ?
01:10.13pfnenzo good luck figuring out how to get it setup  :p
01:10.23enzo123haha.. hummm
01:10.34pfnI'll include some basic basic instructions
01:10.50pfnvoipmasta open-source, not free-reign like GPL allows, though
01:10.55enzo123maybe i dont need to spend any more hrs trying to figure something out
01:11.03wsuffpfn: bsd =)
01:11.08VoIPMastapfn: .ok
01:11.27pfnthe areski cdr gui looks cool, too, if you want to run php
01:11.40pfnit has graphing and some other metrics I'm not supporting yet
01:11.51wsuffpfn: i think it sucks but just my opinion
01:12.06wsuffmost of the functions didn't work right when i played w/ it
01:12.09wsuffconcept is good
01:12.10twistedwsuff, you're not entitled to an opinion
01:12.26wsufftwisted: ok i'll remember that
01:12.34twistedwsuff, i'm just kidding mang ;)
01:12.41pfnif I ever figure out a decent interface for configuration, I'll change my text-based config to more form-based
01:13.58enzo123pfn when do you think that will be out ?
01:14.07pfnwhat will be out?
01:14.09wsuffenzo123: same time as half life 2 when it's done
01:14.22pfna form-based config?
01:14.26pfnwhen I find a use for it myself
01:14.28wsuffenzo123: couldn't pass that up
01:14.29pfnor someone pays me to do it  :p
01:14.30enzo123your distro
01:14.35_Vileoooh purty
01:14.51pfna distro, I'll put together tonight
01:14.53_Vilewhat's this pfn?
01:15.00pfnsince some people have been emailing me about it
01:15.05_Vilethat's just nice
01:15.17wsuff_Vile: it's pfn's way to spend way too many hrs coding instead of doing the other joys of life
01:15.36pfnseeing as to how much time I spend on the phone, coding is obviously very low on my list  :p
01:15.52wsuffpfn: code and talk on the phone that's where i'm at
01:15.55wsuff12 hrs a day
01:16.25enzo123so we can pick it up off of in a few days ?
01:16.37pfnI guess so
01:16.55wsuffenzo123: not like u can  manage to install it unless pfn writes some good info for that =)
01:17.48_Vileany good reasons anyone can think of for not getting rid of a 9 prefix for outbound calls via an almost all-sip phone office?
01:18.12wsuff_Vile: cause most offices have always required 8 or 9 for an outside line
01:18.13enzo123dumbass users ?
01:18.15wsuffwhy change it now =)
01:18.33_Vileim being told to change it
01:18.41enzo123" why cant i get a outside line ? "
01:18.43wsuff_Vile: i'm going w/ 11 digit dialing though
01:18.52wsuffjust going to lcr the dial out
01:19.04wsuffvs using different prefixes for different carriers as i do now
01:19.10pfn9 makes it easy to distinguish 'tween internal and external calls
01:19.13_Vilewhich is what im doing
01:19.14pfnit allows for a faster dialplan
01:19.16_Vilepfn true
01:19.28wsuffpfn: well internal calls don't have to start w/ 1 either
01:19.31pfnjust as forcing a 7 and 11 digit external dial plan allows for faster dialing
01:19.45pfnwith 7 and 10 there is ambiguity
01:19.58wsuffmy problem is redial on my 7960
01:20.07wsuffsince all inbound calls don't include the prefixes
01:20.17enzo123yeah i have that issue too
01:20.19pfnyeah, I don't do prefixes
01:20.24pfnI just hit the dial button
01:20.25wsuffusally 10 digit cid
01:20.27pfnor wait for digittimeout
01:20.28wsuffon inbound
01:20.38wsuffand w/ my current dialplan i can't redial
01:20.43pfnon the 7960 you can rewrite 10 digit to 11 digit...
01:20.55wsuffpfn: ya haven't learned dialplan.xml yet though
01:21.02wsuffi can just do it on asterisk side too
01:21.26pfnwell, you can enforce timeouts with dialplan.xml, though
01:21.32pfnyou can't do that with an asterisk-based dialplan
01:21.44wsuffwell i use a wide range of devices
01:21.53wsuffso if i do it on the asterisk side
01:22.02wsuffit would cover the GS 7960 and soft phones
01:22.58*** join/#asterisk doughecka (~rooot@doughecka.registered)
01:23.21pfnbut then you get stuck with a crappy timeout
01:23.26pfnunless you just say * timeout=3 or something
01:23.46wsuffcatch 22
01:23.54wsuffdamned if u do damned if u don't
01:25.16enzo123anyone got a iax tell number i can call and you can tell me what number you see comming in ?
01:25.45wsuffenzo123: if i wasn't so lazy i'd let ya use mine but don't think i ever set it up
01:26.10enzo123ive got one , but kinda deleated the email with my number in it
01:26.23enzo123so mine is setup just dont know what my number is
01:26.25pfnneed an easy-to-use, IM-like softphone
01:26.31pfnso the person can sign on and sign off easily
01:26.59wsufffirefly isn't too bad either
01:27.00pfnif that ran in windows, it'd be a possibility
01:27.08pfnI need easy sign-on-off
01:27.13pfnsomething that doesn't store passwords
01:27.19pfnso I don't get freaking flooded with sip registrations
01:27.22wsuffpfn: haha
01:27.38wsuffpfn: SIP DOS
01:31.37pfnnot a DOS, just irritating registration messages
01:31.48pfnand they've started already....
01:31.56pfndamn computers that have it set to run on boot
01:32.03pfnpos software that does run on boot
01:32.16wsuffhack asterisk not to show the msgs
01:32.23pfnI can drop a -v
01:32.27pfnand that'd take care of that
01:32.42pfnor yeah, I could hack it to not display those messages
01:32.44wsuffseems easier to change what u can control vs what u can't
01:32.50pfnbut there's another problem, I can't call x-lite with this
01:33.08pfnI can't reliably call the remote party with multiple agents registering
01:33.20*** join/#asterisk lethol (~lethol@
01:33.26lethollo all
01:33.27wsuffso ban all but the right 1
01:33.46letholcan anyone help me debug this msg:
01:33.48letholug 28 20:34:08 WARNING[19475]: app_voicemail.c:1442 play_and_record: No audio available on vpb/1-1?
01:33.53VoIPMastaAsked to transmit frame type 1, while native formats is 256 <-- does anyone know what does this mean?
01:34.17pfnwsuff indeed, I could just drop the packets, but that's a pita
01:34.43pfnvoipmasta means you were requested g723 while you only have g729 natively
01:35.35VoIPMastahow do I force it to request only g729?
01:35.47VoIPMastaor at least to use the same codec that the other end is using
01:36.16pfnthe problem is the remote end is requesting g723
01:36.22wsuffspend mad bucks and get g723.1b for asterisk
01:36.22pfnI wonder why that occurs, though
01:36.30pfnespecially if you don't have g723 in your offer
01:36.35pfner, answer
01:36.36wsuffwhat is the end points u are using VoIPMasta
01:36.41VoIPMastaThe remote end is supposed to support g729 and g723
01:36.43pfnI wonder how good g723.1 sounds
01:36.52pfnI'd like to try it out...
01:37.10VoIPMastaI've enabled both
01:37.19wsuffVoIPMasta: u should be able to disallow g723 and only allow g729
01:37.25wsuffand error should go bye bye
01:37.27pfnhow have you enabled both if you don't have g723
01:37.31VoIPMastabut the sip phone on this end does only support g729
01:37.39VoIPMastaI enabled both in asterisk
01:37.47VoIPMastamy sip phone does only support g729
01:37.53wsuffg723 in asterisk is only pass thru at this point
01:38.00VoIPMastaand the other end is supposed to support both
01:38.08VoIPMastayes, as well as g729
01:38.17VoIPMastaboth are being used as pass thru
01:39.06pfnhow have you enabled both if you only have g729?
01:39.16VoIPMastaI allowed both on asterisk
01:39.27VoIPMastamy sip phone does only support g729 though
01:39.27pfndo you have g723?
01:39.44pfnthen why are you allowing both
01:39.50VoIPMastaI allowed g723 because I do also use an ATA with g723
01:39.51pfnfor your sip phone's peer/user don't allow g723
01:39.59pfnin pass through?
01:40.29VoIPMastaI use: Cisco ATA (g.723) and X-Pro (g.729)
01:40.43VoIPMastaThe termination provider supports both
01:40.43pfnso for your sip phone's peer/user disallow=g723.1
01:41.15wsuffVoIPMasta: but asterisk doesn't play nice w/ both
01:41.26pfndo what I say and your problem is solved
01:42.18wsuffVoIPMasta: listen to pfn he spends way too much time playing w/ asterisk and solving those type of issues
01:42.21VoIPMastachannel.c:2074 ast_channel_make_compatible: No path to translate from SIP/icg-3c19(1) to SIP/666-7716(256)
01:42.27VoIPMastathat's what I get now
01:43.03wsuffpfn: it's 6:46pm there right?
01:43.38wsuffpfn: strange question i know but writing the monitoring schedule when to harass me and when to harass my cali employees
01:44.03wsuffand i hate time zones
01:44.14wsuffmy boxes are in CST i think
01:44.17pfnjust think of gmt offsets, much more convenient  :p
01:44.17wsuffyet i'm in EST
01:44.25wsuffit's just ug
01:44.29pfnyou know, you can specify TZ in your environment
01:44.34pfnand just run all system stuff in GMT
01:44.39wsuffi could
01:44.49wsuffmight actually
01:44.56wsuffAZ is my favorite
01:45.06wsuffsince they don't follow Daylight savings
01:45.14wsuffjust another thing to screw up my schedule
01:45.35wsuffis it 2 hrs behind or 3 now
01:45.46wsuffpart of the yr it's only 2
01:45.49wsuffother part it's 3
01:45.54wsuffwhere' brc
01:46.32pfnyeah, not following DST is a pita
01:46.47wsuffi think my zaurus will tell me
01:48.43wsuffya 3 hrs
01:49.08*** join/#asterisk andreg (
01:52.12heisonwhere do i get latest BETA for barbietone?
01:57.13*** join/#asterisk AnubisPHP (~sajkdh@
01:57.56AnubisPHPcould anybody recommend a good voip provider, that I could access using SIP?
01:58.15wsuffdepends what u need
01:58.17wsuffwhere u are located
01:58.24AnubisPHPwell, First of all
01:58.26wsuffnot a real catch all yet in this market
01:58.30AnubisPHPI need a business account
01:58.34wsuffeach has flaws
01:58.39wsuffor weaknesses
01:58.41AnubisPHPand I need it to support unlimited logins
01:58.50AnubisPHPthrough one account
01:59.01wsuffok per min?
01:59.02AnubisPHPI want to implement a "web push to talk" service
01:59.11AnubisPHPusing PHP+asterisk
01:59.17AnubisPHPwell, yeah
02:02.53pfnkram why do we answer with codecs that we are not offered?
02:04.26*** join/#asterisk Tili (
02:04.31*** join/#asterisk netghost (
02:04.56pfnhaha, you want unlimited, multiple logins, and used in a web environment?
02:05.00pfngood luck  :p
02:05.14*** part/#asterisk netghost (
02:09.48AnubisPHPpfn, I would pay for that service
02:11.11krampfn: so that native transfers can be optimized
02:21.03LennyTkram, send you e-mail at digium regarding some consulting we'd like you to do...
02:25.11*** join/#asterisk Tili (
02:26.13kramlennyt: got it, if you don't hear from sales on Monday let me know
02:28.00VoIPMastakram: does digium ship equipment to Mexico?
02:30.35AnubisPHPVoIPMasta, you could buy from other online shops
02:38.11*** part/#asterisk nick125 (~nick@nick125.registered)
02:40.57LennyTkram, thx.
02:44.18silugso i have a fresh install of asterisk on a box with 2 fxo modules on a tdm400p
02:44.34silugztcfg seems to be happy, but asterisk bails out when i try to start it
02:44.44silugAug 29 05:42:51 ERROR[-151024992]: chan_zap.c:5894 mkintf: Unable to open channel 1: No such device
02:44.44silughere = 0, tmp->channel = 1, channel = 1
02:44.44silugAug 29 05:42:51 ERROR[-151024992]: chan_zap.c:8798 setup_zap: Unable to register channel '1'
02:45.18silugoops, missed the first line
02:45.20silugAug 29 05:42:51 WARNING[-151024992]: chan_zap.c:765 zt_open: Unable to specify channel 1: No such device
02:47.55silugi have a feeling the problem is something silly, but i can't seem to find it...
02:48.02silugany suggestions for where i should look?
02:48.13VoIPMastaAnubisPHP do you know about any online shop that sells digium hardware and ships to Mexico? I haven't been able to find one
02:48.46*** join/#asterisk jsmith (
02:49.02silugjsmith: getting annoyed by the bugzilla mails yet?  :)
02:56.47jsmithsilug: Nope... not at all...
02:56.59jsmithI was gonna ask you the same thing...
02:58.07*** join/#asterisk paulc (
02:58.49silugi'm this -> <- close to having everything working well enough
02:59.43silugopen("/dev/zap/channel", O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK) = 17
02:59.43silugioctl(17, 0x40044a26, 0xfeed3c08)       = -1 ENODEV (No such device)
02:59.51silugthat's not right.
03:00.21jsmithsilug: Well, I've got a fresh new crash-test-dummy box to try it on :-)
03:01.15silugshould install from there just fine.
03:01.41silugalthough it's not quite actually working
03:01.41twistedfuckin sweet
03:01.45twistedi found my new camera phone!
03:02.07|Vulture|twisted: you should sell those on ebay
03:02.37twistedi could make a fortune
03:04.56|Vulture|it needs to have racing stripes and a wing
03:05.02|Vulture|and have jap letters down the side of it
03:05.20paulcLOL - that's funny as fuck! :-)
03:05.29*** join/#asterisk derek_d (
03:05.45|Vulture|only thing better would be seeing someone using it with it duct taped to their head
03:07.48*** join/#asterisk Pkunk (~Pkunkage@
03:17.07pfnmmmm ribs
03:17.14pfntime to watch stargate
03:17.48pfnkram so that native transfers could be optimized?  I don't get it...
03:18.35_Vilehey here's a scenario ---- I've got a single line coming into asterisk via a channel bank... the single line has call waiting.. am I able to take advantage of that?
03:19.00_Viledidnt think so
03:19.14pfnsending a flash is an unsupported practice
03:19.23pfnalthough, I don't see how it can be so hard....
03:19.31pfnwould have to write an app for it, and use the api's in chan_zap
03:21.05_Vilethat would be a good feature
03:21.08_Vilemust I code ? :(
03:21.14denonpfn: stargate rule!
03:21.16denoner, rules
03:22.01pfnyou could always pay for it....
03:22.32pfnwhere've you been hiding?
03:22.52*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
03:23.42KalD|Workcan you provision a iaxy from win32?
03:23.54krampfn: just trust me, if you come to astricon i'll draw it for you
03:23.59kramkald: not that i know of
03:24.06kramand i'd be careful.
03:24.17denonpfn: you a stargate fan?
03:24.25KalD|Workkram, is it a tftp upload or something?
03:24.56KalD|Workkram, also - will future versions of the iaxy support multiple lines on the FXS side?
03:25.11silugkram: asterisk is blowing up in a weird way on me.  got scrollback?
03:25.31kramno tech support tonight, please
03:25.51wsuffkram: go out on the town and relax =)
03:26.03paulcand by relax.. we're talking beer.. lots of..
03:26.18silugok.  i'll keep beating my head against it for a while then.
03:26.20krami've been fighting with FedEx DirectCOnnect
03:26.29kramsilug: you can get tech support on Monday
03:27.46kramsilug: is it zap?
03:28.58silugkram: the thing that's really messing with my head is this (strace'd asterisk -vvvgc startup):
03:29.01silugopen("/dev/zap/channel", O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK) = 17
03:29.01silugioctl(17, 0x40044a26, 0xfeed3c08)       = -1 ENODEV (No such device)
03:29.01silugclose(17)                               = 0
03:29.14silugand asterisk fails to find any channels
03:29.42silugperhaps it is some goofy 2.6.x problem
03:29.49kramyah that's a basic config problem
03:33.51KalD|Workkram, will future versions of IAXy support multiple FXS lines?
03:34.07silugargh.  i found the problem.
03:34.12silugi have 2 fxo modules
03:34.19silugthey are on 3 and 4, not 1 and 2
03:35.09silugs/1/3/;s/2/4/ on zaptel.conf and zapata.conf fixed it.
03:35.58silugat least i only spent an hour or so on that particular stupid problem.
03:36.00*** join/#asterisk PatrickDK (
03:38.02silugkram: a bit PAY ATTENTION TO WHERE YOU PUT THE MODULES in red letters on the tdm400p might be a good idea.
03:38.15silugerr...  big, even..
03:38.22silugapparently i can't type today.
03:46.09silugcaffeine would probably work better at the moment.
03:47.11wsuffpaulc: gimme
03:47.29paulcdrink away - I'm not in the mood for booze tonight
03:47.51wsuffpaulc: i am but can't handle much b4 i become utter useless
03:48.08paulclike my mate Chris? 1 drink and he's tipsy.. 2 and he's drunk.. 3 drinks and he's out for the count..
03:48.09|Vulture|silug: luckily the TDMs that were drop shipped to my offices had the FXOs allready installed
03:48.20wsuffpaulc: something like that ya
03:48.28|Vulture|I would have hated to walk a non-techie through more than installing a PCI card into a Dell Server
03:49.13paulcwsuff: I didn't have you down as a lightweight ;-)
03:49.28wsuffpaulc: don't drink enuf to have any tolerance
03:49.38paulcwhat's your poison?
03:49.47wsuffwhatever my family drinks
03:50.01wsuffcheaper that way
03:50.52wsuffmy dad drinks grand marnier
03:51.14wsuffor vodka mainly
03:51.31paulcI got a lot of time for vodka :)
03:51.37wsufffound it much cheaper to drink what's already in the liquor cabinet
03:52.00paulcI can count on one hand the number of times I've had beer.. just don't like it.. or wine.. or tea or coffee, although I'll drink coffee to be polite.. I also don't like football or cricket.. so much for being British eh?
03:52.18wsuffcoffee isn't bad
03:52.47wsuffjsmith: wow  what a party animal u must be
03:52.54wsuffhow did u pick up your wife then =)
03:52.58jsmithwsuff: Yeah... well... uh.
03:53.11paulcmail order? ;-)
03:53.16jsmithHey now!
03:53.24paulcjoshin' wiv ya :-)
03:53.27wsuffpaulc: =)
03:53.29jsmithI know...
03:53.51paulcs'funny.. friends of mine back home.. got married this time last year.. and I didn't realise at the time (cos I was drunk), but apparently she didn't touch a drop of booze.. and doesn't generalyl.. or at all even..
03:54.13wsuffpaulc: nothing wrong w/ that
03:54.17wsuffi don't drink much either
03:54.25wsuffbut i don't see the need to not drink at all
03:54.27paulcI'm not a huge drinker but it's fun to get pissed every once in a while.. but she doesn't drink AT ALL..
03:54.32paulceach to their own I guess..
03:54.41wsuffi know a few people who don't drink at all too
03:54.46jsmithMy wife doesn't drink either, so we're happy together...
03:54.50wsuffbut most i know only drink to get wasted
03:54.54wsuffnot to be social
03:54.57paulcI probably drink a lot less here than I used to back home.. and even then it wasn't that much.. but it's more in the culture in the UK.. It's the weekend! What shall we do? Ahh.. let's go to the pub eh?
03:55.07wsuffpaulc: hell ya i noticed that
03:55.11paulcthat's like the UK mentality - drink to get wasted, rather than to be sociable.. weird eh
03:55.12wsuffbeen meaning to go over there
03:55.32wsuffi could have been legal over there already
03:55.34PatrickDKcompany picnic
03:55.53PatrickDKwell, company beerfest
03:56.08wsuffbeer sucks
03:56.22wsuffi guess when u drink it by the keg or pitcher it doesn't matter much
03:56.38PatrickDKna, I was drinking rum
03:56.46wsuffthere ya go
03:57.08PatrickDKok, got to get to bed
03:57.17PatrickDKhave an all day job running network wire
03:58.35paulcwsuff: How old are you then?
03:58.40wsuffpaulc: 21
03:59.13paulcs'always cracked me up, that 21 legal age thing in the US.. you can vote, get married, go to war etc.. but can't have a beer at the end of it all?!
03:59.41wsuffpaulc: pretty much my friends were sent to war b4 they could drink
03:59.57paulcseriously? wow.. like drafted? or did they choose to sign up?
04:00.09paulc(and of course, none of 'em drank while they were away, right?) ;-)
04:00.28wsuffwell us requires all to register for selective service
04:00.39wsuffor they threaten to put ya in jail
04:00.51jsmithBut they haven't drafted anyone since 'nam...
04:01.09wsuffjsmith: well what pissed me off is they got bitchy when i didn't register
04:01.23wsuffyet i'm disabled
04:01.31KalD|Workanyone use the Sipura SPA-2000 ?
04:01.40wsuffso i'm not possible to get called in anyway
04:01.49jsmithYou still gotta register...
04:01.49*** join/#asterisk sudoer (
04:01.51sudoerhi all
04:01.54wsuffyet they still pestered me
04:01.58jsmithHowdy sudoer
04:02.03paulcreally.. wow.. I didn't know that..
04:02.08wsuffrecruiters as well as the gov't
04:02.24wsuffpaulc: they call all junior/senior hs males about joining too
04:02.28paulcI met a friend of my other half last night.. Canadian but going for dual citizenship with the US cos that's where his family are.. I was wondering how that worked with the military and stuff..
04:02.30wsuffit's rather crazy
04:02.34sudoercan someone help me to debug my incoming calls to FWD, i can my calls out, but i cant figure out whats wrong with incoming calls
04:02.36jsmithwsuff: Recruiters are fun... they'll do almost anything just to keep from hearing "no"
04:02.39paulchs males?
04:02.46wsuffhigh schole
04:02.54wsuffand i haven't even been drinking
04:03.02paulcnor me  o:-)
04:03.11wsuffjsmith: ceribal palsy shut them up real quick
04:03.16paulcso what's with the disability? or shouldn't I ask?
04:03.34wsuffpaulc: seen forest gump?
04:03.53paulcYou're retarded and you like scoffing chocolates?
04:03.55jsmithwsuff: Yeah... but you should have got some good work out of them before saying that.  My cousin had them washing his car, etc.
04:03.56paulcor you run like a girl?
04:04.10wsuffpaulc: leg braces etc
04:04.39paulcsudoer: should be as simple as a register line in sip.conf and some stuff in a context in extensions.conf - pvt me and I'll give you a hand
04:04.58paulcwsuff: gotcha..
04:05.19wsuffpaulc: i can walk now but still not fit for military service
04:06.25paulcbet you don't lose much sleep over that though..
04:06.50paulcI was in Europe for the last 3 weeks.. in Berlin we saw loads of guys going off to do their military service.. including a few who looked totally unsuited to it..
04:06.52wsuffpaulc: well it makes alot of other things harder too
04:06.59wsuffand that's what does get to me
04:07.06paulcscares me shitless, that stuff.. I'm dead grateful that we don't have it in the UK or Canada
04:07.46jsmithpaulc: Don't have what?
04:08.48paulcmilitary service
04:08.50paulclike mandatory
04:09.05paulcyou can be in the TA - the Territorial Army.. like the Army Reserves here I think..
04:09.12paulcbut no one forces you to do all that shit..
04:09.16jsmithpaulc: It's not mandatory... just thre registration part is.
04:09.24paulcalthough I guess you could probably still be drafted in times of war...
04:09.34jsmithpaulc: Yes, and I'll bet you could too.
04:09.37paulcyeah - I got that.. I was talking more about in Europe where it is mandatory
04:09.44wsuffpaulc: tits and ass =)
04:10.11wsuffpaulc:  all your fault u said the magic word TA =)
04:10.31jbotpastebin is probably a place to paste all your conf/debugs/logs for other people in the chatroom to view without flooding the channel. We suggest
04:10.59paulcLOL.. not quite what they had in mind I don't think..
04:12.40wsuffpaulc: all about interpretation
04:17.27paulcZzz... I need to clean, tidy, sort etc.. but can't be arsed..
04:23.12twistedjust a friendly reminder,
04:28.35jsmithI've got the guns...
04:28.52KalD|Workis there anyway to have asterisk run an AGI script when a call is connected w/ dial() and still remain in the dial command?
04:33.06paulca resounding silence would suggest not :-(
04:34.39silugheh...  just got my first wrong number on the asterisk box.  :)
04:34.47jsmithsilug: That quick, huh?
04:35.04silugour new phone number is 1 digit off one of the pizza places
04:35.06jsmithsilug: Time to add their Caller*ID to the blacklist :-)
04:35.11jsmithsilug: Doh!
04:35.23silugand 1 other digit off of one of the hospitals
04:35.31silugwe've been getting lots of wrong number calls
04:35.36jsmithDouble ouch!
04:35.50KalD|Worksilug:  Welcome to <pizza place name>'s new automated system.  Please enter your order followed by your cc# ... then you add 5 bucks to the order and call it in to the real pizza place?
04:35.55jsmithTime to setup an auto-attendant... "For pizza, press 1.  For emergency room, press 2"
04:36.06KalD|Worksilug, nevermind - what I just suggested is bad
04:36.07jsmithKalD|Work: That would work too...
04:36.29silugwe thought about "for pizza press $foo" and redirecting the call to the pizza place we like
04:36.57jsmithsilug: Yeah, as long as it doesn't keep your phones line tied up...
04:37.07silug(we *intensely* dislike the pizza place in question)
04:37.41silug"computer room.  this is steve."  "is this imo's?"  "no"
04:37.56silug"computer room.  this is steve."  "is this the hospital?"  "no"
04:38.05silug^ lots of that going on here
04:38.05jsmithsilug: Or you could say "For pizza, press 1", and then go to a recording saying "If you are trying to order pizza from imo's, tell them to fix their phones"
04:38.16paulc"Do you know who you're talking to?"    "Uh, no..?"    "WELL FUCK OFF THEN!"
04:38.18jsmithAnd imo's will wonder what's wrong with their phones.
04:38.42KalD|Worksilug, We are sorry - we have been temporarly shutdown due to health concerns.
04:39.10jsmithOr even worse... "You have dialed 555-1212.  If you meant to dial 555-1213, press 1.  If you meant to dial 555-1221, press 2."
04:39.20*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
04:39.35jsmithThat'd confuse them...
04:40.33*** join/#asterisk TheLostOne (
04:40.37|Vulture|silug: do you really have that many people who need the hospital?
04:40.51silugwe're probably just going to put a mini-infomercial on the asterisk box so the wrong numbers will be advertising.
04:40.57|Vulture|oooh I see your # is close to theirs
04:40.58KalD|Work|Vulture|, maybe he does due to the pizza?
04:41.05silugnot many...  one a day, give or take.
04:41.16silugand they don't sound like emergencies.  :)
04:41.31|Vulture|KalD|Work: I figured the computer room had a lot of need for medical emergencies, and pizza
04:42.03jsmithsilug: Make sure you have a couple of extensions setup so that when people call for the pizza place, you don't even have to talk to them... just say "please hold" and transfer them to your "You're an idiot, so buy our stuff" recording
04:42.42silugblackhole list for repeat offenders?  probably not a bad idea.
04:42.44KalD|Work|Vulture|, I got kicked out of a lot of computer rooms :-)  One for pizza being near a > $1 mil computer
04:43.22silugbah, i used to set my Coca-Cola(R) on the hpux servers at caterpillar all the time...  :)
04:43.30|Vulture|KalD|Work: I got kicked out of a computer room filled with macs once because it wasn't working so I hit it
04:43.38|Vulture|told them "Thats how you fix these POSs"
04:43.52|Vulture|yet I did all the tech work on their IBMs
04:44.02KalD|WorkI figured if your gonna have a cray - sit on it and eat pizza... WRONG
04:44.11KalD|Workalmost got kicked outa college for that
04:44.13silugso, i'm *really* going after that caffeine now.  brb.
04:44.18|Vulture|yea I can immagine
04:44.34|Vulture|better if you spilled a coke on it
04:44.46KalD|Workit was the only cool room in the whole wing...
04:45.03|Vulture|of course they wanted to protect their 1m investment
04:45.26KalD|Workwhat's funny is they could have put it outside and got a few more MIPS outa it
04:45.36|Vulture|what state?
04:45.37KalD|Workit was -50 at the time
04:45.56|Vulture|I think we have a supercomputer here on campus
04:45.57jsmithKalD|Work: Condensation is a beast at that temp...
04:46.07|Vulture|but I switched out of Computer Engineering I got sick of that crap
04:46.22KalD|Workjsmith, yeah but it is so dry - at that temp it is too cold...
04:46.32jsmith|Vulture|: Carefully what you're calling crap... :-)
04:46.38KalD|Workjsmith, at -30 you can race down glare ice like your on pavement
04:46.47|Vulture|lol I knew it would offend people
04:47.17|Vulture|I got through the pre-req and I just thought... I don't want to do this
04:47.53|Vulture|so I joined up with the flocks of Buiss. Majors and picked up some T&A classes
04:53.42wsuffnite all
04:53.52jsmithg'night wsuff
04:54.10paulcnite wsuff
04:55.27Kumbanghmmmm i think the option m on apps dial doesnt work, cant hear any music
04:55.46paulcif you setup/dial a MOH extension directly, does it work?
04:55.55wsuffwhy do all these ticket systems use email piping
04:55.58wsuffi hate it
04:55.59pfnpaulc yes
04:56.10pfnemail piping?
04:56.15paulclike RT does?
04:56.33wsuffpaulc: just asking for abuse in my case
04:56.39paulchow else is it supposed to create tickets from an email?
04:56.47paulcI guess you could say jsut go to a certain URL to create a ticket?
04:56.48pfnwell, how do you manage tickets created over the phone?
04:56.52wsuffwho said tickets should be entered by email
04:57.00pfnor over the web?
04:57.11Kumbangexten => 3883,1,Dial(SIP/3883,20,tTm) if i dial this exten no music even ring tone for the caller
04:57.21paulcthere's some RT thing that'll let you create tickets from Asterisk.. records a voicemail which gets attached to the ticket or something
04:57.24wsuffpfn: for security reasons the ssl'd website ver have worked better for me
04:57.28pfnkumbang you can only get it if you answer first...
04:57.58wsuffpaulc: well that still could be done in a webbased ver as well
04:58.04jsmithKumbang: You might have to setup moh.conf, etc. to get it working... Does MOH not work at all?
04:58.12wsuffno reason i can write my own hooks to the backend
04:58.40Kumbangjsmith: moh run ok
04:59.02file[laptop]if all goes well I will be at Astricon next year if there is one.
04:59.04wsuffpaulc: for example if u email support at 1 of the providers i use and know my email they will assume it's me since their system don't verify who u are since no login/pass is required due to the email piping
04:59.17file[laptop]it would be nice to meet everyone
04:59.38paulcwsuff: ah, I get it.. like if I spoofed the email addy you used when you emailed them you mean?
04:59.40wsufffile[laptop]: we need to make a cheap ver so more people can afford to come
04:59.47file[laptop]wsuff: indeed
04:59.51pfnis astricon that expensive?
05:00.07file[laptop]$400 USD off the bat for full conference :)
05:00.09wsuffpfn: $400 for the conf + lodging + flight
05:00.18wsuffexpensive for my budget
05:00.32pfn$400 is rather cheap for a conference....
05:00.36pfndepends on what you get out of it, though
05:00.46wsuffwell that's the unknown
05:00.53wsuffhow good is it going to be
05:00.56paulcfree hookers and booze for all?
05:01.04wsuffand are u going to be able to make all the speakers u want
05:01.45pfnman, is still down
05:04.53pfnis something up with sprintlink today?
05:04.56pfntheir ping times are horrible
05:07.23pfnhmm, going cross country is horribly slow tonight...
05:07.45KalD|Workwhy doesn't HANGUPCAUSE etc get passed to AGI?
05:08.04paulcoh pfn, you're a mardy bloke tonight aren't you? grumble grumble!
05:12.37|Vulture|hahaha Escape from LA is on
05:13.13file[laptop]oh wow I found a really nice place to book airplane tickets for Canada
05:13.40file[laptop]Expedia said $1300 to fly to Atlanta, they say $650
05:13.44file[laptop]very nice
05:14.04paulcwell come on - share with the group! WHERE?
05:14.21file[laptop]I wonder about hotels too
05:14.21paulchehe.. yeah - they're not bad, I've used them before..
05:14.43paulcwhen they launched, they were doing $1 = 1 aeroplan point as opposed to their usual $3 = 1 point
05:14.53paulcdid I use them when I went to Vegas? I think I did..
05:15.01paulcgot to say though, I was impressed with Expedia for all my europe trip hotels
05:16.14file[laptop]must have more info... ie: how long for layovers...
05:17.02paulcwhich airline?
05:17.21file[laptop]Air Canada
05:17.52file[laptop]haha, 2 hour layover at Toronto
05:18.37wsufffile: that means  u can spend atleast an hr in the bar at the airport
05:19.25wsufflets just hope they don't keep u from flying out for being too smashed
05:19.31file[laptop]I must bookmark this site.
05:19.40paulcI love that Airline show that has all that kinda junk on it
05:19.48wsuffhell ya
05:20.34file[laptop]let's see the restrictions and stuff...
05:20.58wsuffif name = file u can't go u are on the internet hacker watch list
05:21.35wsuffif have a laptop w/ u u are a danger to the plane and the crew force passenger to take grayhound
05:21.51file[laptop]you scary scary person
05:22.31wsuffif all else falls just take your money for the ticket and bump ya until u get pissed and assault the police officer and end up in jail
05:22.47file[laptop]ooh jail
05:22.54wsuffno it's assault the bitch at the checkin
05:22.54file[laptop]but then I couldn't code ;(
05:22.58wsuffthen end up in jaul
05:23.20wsuffi mean can u get worse people to deal w/ people
05:23.25wsuffit's pretty bad
05:24.58file[laptop]wth? Aeroplan for kids?
05:26.18*** join/#asterisk enzo123 (
05:26.25enzo123anyone still up
05:26.44enzo123anyone using vpc
05:27.23enzo123trying to rewrite there fucked up callerid they are sending
05:27.54*** part/#asterisk chamba1 (~Chamba@
05:28.00enzo123its pissing off LookupCIDName()
05:28.46|Vulture|I think twisted was saying that last night
05:29.00nottakenalreadyi think it just started working again though
05:29.36*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
05:29.49enzo123not as of about 5 min ago
05:30.06nottakenalreadywhat about right now?
05:30.13twistedit does that
05:30.19|Vulture|wow the VPC quality is great right now
05:30.29enzo123you still seeing it jacked twisted ?
05:30.33enzo123it is on my end
05:30.49enzo123and its fucking up all my localcid lookups
05:30.52twistedi didn't even get the caller id that time
05:31.06twisteddidn't even fucking show up
05:31.17enzo123all my phones on ata's just show unaval
05:31.38twistedit's not passing cid anymore at all
05:31.45DaminAnyone up for a rousing Call Of Duty Death Match
05:31.55|Vulture|1s Ill check mine
05:32.07enzo123i just called mine again.. asterisk asterisk
05:32.33|Vulture|yea its sending "asterisk"
05:32.38twistedfuckin voicepulse pulled cid
05:32.46|Vulture|'\"asterisk\" <asterisk>','asterisk','s'
05:32.49enzo123i just sent vpc another nasty gram
05:33.03|Vulture|well they did fix their voice quality so...
05:33.09enzo123had to send one last night because i couldn't reg
05:33.11|Vulture|that was more important to me
05:33.19twistedoh wait
05:33.20twistedthey did?
05:33.25twistedon incoming?
05:33.36|Vulture|yea twisted Im running RC on incoming its clear as anything
05:33.39enzo123incomming BLEW before
05:33.40pfnheh, I see, new mesage from voicepulse
05:33.47twisted|Vulture|, on a 7960?
05:33.51twistedthe 7960 is uber picky
05:33.55twistedpfn, eh?
05:33.58|Vulture|its great on the 7960
05:33.59enzo123pfn email ?
05:34.02pfnyeah, email from vpc
05:34.05pfnwith their public key
05:34.09pfnand saying they fixed dtmf and shit
05:34.17|Vulture|but broke CID
05:34.19enzo123does that go to all users ?
05:34.23pfnit should...
05:34.36|Vulture|twisted: Im running SIP with VPC right now Ill switch to IAX2 and see if the quality is still good
05:34.44twistedi just got the email too
05:34.46twistedchanging now
05:34.51enzo123Changes Require for Receiving Incoming Calls via IAX2
05:35.11enzo123wtf they just make massive changes on the fly
05:35.21pfnwhat's on the fly?
05:35.29|Vulture|guess I better check my email
05:35.33pfnwho said anything about on-the-fly?
05:35.55enzo123they just seem to break alot of shit with there changes
05:36.08|Vulture|oh they removed the in-account....
05:36.13pfndamnit, why is iptables ignoring my -j QUEUE
05:36.13enzo123or should i say " upgrades "
05:36.16scudJerJer: you awake?
05:36.49enzo123vpc support must be up late tonight
05:36.53enzo123Hello Jason,
05:36.53enzo123Thank you for contacting VoicePulse.
05:36.54enzo123The issue should now be resolved.  Please check if you are still experiencing problems.
05:37.46twisteddude check this out
05:37.49twistedi switched like they said
05:37.50twisted66.234.228.170:4569   in-bLV15zB  <Unregistered>             60  Rejected
05:38.07twistedoh wait
05:38.12twistedthat's the old-one
05:38.58twistedi think i fixed it
05:39.27twistednow my did doesn't work
05:39.28twistedat all.
05:39.34scudis VP BPS good service?
05:39.45*** join/#asterisk derek_d (
05:40.09enzo123you copy the key in twisted ?
05:40.17enzo123guess thats just for incomming tho
05:40.24twistedi'm only doing incoming
05:40.29twistedand yes
05:40.31twistedi did
05:40.47twistedbut i'm not even getting rejected
05:40.53twistedor rejecting the call
05:40.55twistedit's just not coming.
05:41.01enzo123humm vpc does allow=ilbc
05:41.22|Vulture|twisted: seems like IAX2 voice quality is fixed too
05:41.25|Vulture|time for echo
05:41.55twistednah dude
05:41.56twistedget this
05:42.01twistedi can't get my calls from vpc anymore
05:42.04twistedmy fucking did's stopped working
05:42.35enzo123one sec ill see if mine works
05:42.35*** join/#asterisk justinnnnnn (
05:42.36twistedwhat part of that doesn't make sense?
05:42.37|Vulture|wtf now mine is busy
05:42.40scudthose assholes for breaking service 1am CT
05:42.48justinnnnnndoes anyone no howto do seperate call parking groups
05:42.54justinnnnnnlike the valetparking thingy bkw made
05:43.17|Vulture|twisted: my DID is getting a busy signal now...
05:43.35twistedmine isn't even turning up busy
05:43.41twistedthe call just dies
05:44.28file[laptop]oooooooh say can you seeeeeeeeee broken Dee Eye Dees
05:44.37|Vulture|twisted: sip is working
05:44.59twisted|Vulture|, i don't use sip with vpc
05:45.04twistedsip blows
05:45.15twistedfor wan
05:45.42|Vulture|yea I know but if its the only thing that works....
05:45.44enzo123<Unregistered>             60  Rejected
05:46.24enzo123rejected: Registration Refused
05:46.40enzo123fucking bone heads
05:48.14pfnyou guys followed their directions and it didn't work?  heh
05:48.29|Vulture|it did
05:48.30|Vulture|1 time
05:48.50enzo123wonder if the key is bad ?
05:49.00twistedmy calls are working now
05:49.04twistedbut un-authenitcated
05:49.09twistedi think we beat voicepulse to the punch :P
05:49.43KalD|Workwhat does 'No authority found' really mean when I try to call w/ a registerd iax client into my asterisk box?
05:49.46|Vulture|mines working now
05:49.47enzo123so you went back to the old setup
05:50.17|Vulture|but dtmf didnt seem to work
05:50.24twistedenzo123, take the in- off
05:50.32|Vulture|          60  Registered
05:50.34enzo123one sec
05:50.49twistedgive it a few
05:50.54twistedand that's not the right ip
05:51.06|Vulture|it works
05:51.13|Vulture|just the dtmf doesn't is an alias for has address
05:51.39twistedwrong ip
05:52.05pfnkald it means you messed up your credentials somehow
05:52.21enzo12366.234.228.170:4569          60  Registered
05:52.30enzo123guess they left that out of the docs
05:52.34twistedno they didn't
05:52.36nottakenalreadyenzo123, no they didn't
05:52.46twistedote for customers prior to Sept. 1, 2004:  We no longer use the
05:52.46twisted; "in-xxxxxxxxxx" convention for the login.  Use the 10 digit
05:52.46twisted; login without prepending it with "in-".
05:52.49KalD|Workpfn: :(
05:52.52pfnwtf is up with citibank's website, garbage
05:52.55enzo123or i cant read
05:52.58pfnI need my online access goddamnit
05:53.07file[laptop]it's late... I should probably sleep
05:53.39*** join/#asterisk plungerboy (
05:55.02justinnnnnnanyone at all ??
05:55.04justinnnnnncall parking... ?
05:55.09enzo123why are the calls trying to come in on the guest account ?
05:55.16twistedenzo123, because the rsa key is busted
05:55.35|Vulture|twisted: you get yours working?
05:55.40twisted|Vulture|, pay attention
05:55.45plungerboycan it be busted?
05:55.50twisted[00:49] <twisted> my calls are working now
05:55.50twisted[00:49] <twisted> but un-authenitcated
05:55.50twisted[00:49] <twisted> i think we beat voicepulse to the punch :P
05:56.18enzo123someone already email their support ?
05:56.29twistedjesus christ
05:56.31twistedgive it a few minutes
05:56.59nottakenalreadytwisted, did you use the key in the email or use that wget command?
05:57.13twistedas they said to do
05:57.20enzo123i used the email attached one
05:57.45|Vulture|enzo123: is it working?
05:57.59|Vulture|yea I used dloaded one and nothing here
05:58.08|Vulture|shows registered, but nothing under peers
05:58.08twistedlike i said
05:58.18twistedthe rsa key is either 1) busted, or 2) not enabled on their end yet
05:58.45plungerboyhow long this voicepulse problem happening?
05:59.12plungerboywhenever i log in is voicepulase seems to topic of choice
05:59.32enzo123guess ill just copy some exten stuff out of the vp one into the guest
05:59.46plungerboyjesus they do not have any guy log in this chat room?
06:00.09|Vulture|SIP still works bahahaha
06:00.20enzo123sip off a ata ?
06:00.26|Vulture|sip with VPC
06:00.42*** part/#asterisk DrRighteous (
06:00.48nottakenalready|Vulture|, is it supposed to show under peers? i don't think it's a peer anymore
06:01.05|Vulture|oh true its a user
06:01.22|Vulture|still dtmf isn't working at all
06:01.40nottakenalreadyit's working on one of my DIDs but not the other
06:01.42enzo123got mine working
06:01.53enzo123no callerid tho
06:01.54nottakenalreadyseems more like a CLEC problem than VPC
06:02.09enzo123its still unauthen but works
06:02.26|Vulture|enzo123: you have the same config as in the VPC email?
06:02.42enzo123moved my vpc context into the guest context
06:03.45enzo123they are still doing ulaw tho
06:03.57nottakenalreadyenzo123, did you read the iax.conf part of the email too? ;)
06:06.12*** join/#asterisk nottakenalready (~undef_ref@
06:06.26enzo123yeah did i miss something ?
06:06.54pfnugh, goddamn auto-start at boot option
06:09.08enzo123are you guys getting caller id ?
06:09.45enzo123yeah kinda how this whole thing starte
06:10.16enzo123maybe its just time to go to bed
06:10.25enzo123maybe their shit will work in the am
06:12.42file[laptop]into an unconcious state I dive
06:14.09|Vulture|enzo123 so your dtmf is working now?
06:14.29*** join/#asterisk NirS (
06:14.33NirShello all
06:14.37NirSanybody home ?
06:14.39enzo123yeah still no key
06:14.49enzo123still no caller id
06:15.03|Vulture|enzo123: strange I have no callerid but I don't have dtmf either
06:15.22enzo123is there a better way to dial so that your passwds dont end up in cdr
06:16.43justinnnnnnanyone at all.. seperate call parking groups.. do i hear any offers.. ?
06:17.23twistedjustinnnnnn, valetparking has that
06:17.35twistedbut dont' ask me where to get it
06:17.43twistedit was a bkw_(tm) invention
06:18.17justinnnnnnya ive tried it
06:18.21justinnnnnnits cool
06:18.22pfneh, why can't I call any citibank 1800 numbers from nufone
06:18.30justinnnnnnonly problem is it doesnt tell u the line number..
06:18.33justinnnnnnwhen u park the call
06:18.39justinnnnnnonly displays it on the console
06:23.02twistedbkw says you can stick it anywhere that you want to, so you should know where you put it
06:24.07*** join/#asterisk IRCMuppet (
06:24.15IRCMuppetI keep getting this error message:  Aug 29 08:22:38 NOTICE[1085246384]: res_musiconhold.c:289 monmp3thread: Request to schedule in the past?!?!
06:24.27justinnnnnnwat does that mean twisted.. ?
06:24.31IRCMuppetI am on SuSE Linux, sound card disabled, no X Server running, thinned down OS.
06:24.43IRCMuppetNothing else running at all, so system running at nearly idle CPU.
06:24.45bkw_exten => _8XX,1,ValetParkCall(${EXTEN}|mylot|0|${EXTEN:1}|1|default)
06:24.45bkw_exten => _*8XX,1,ValetUnParkCall(${EXTEN:1}|mylot)
06:24.49bkw_USE SOME CLUE BOI
06:24.53justinnnnnnbkw ya it works..
06:25.00IRCMuppetHow do I stop this?  As my music on hold sounds quite bad.
06:25.09bkw_you transfer a call to 800.. and use *800 to pick said call up
06:25.20scudIRCMuppet: hang up
06:25.20bkw_if you transfer a call to 856 you use *856 to pick said call back up
06:25.23bkw_its very simple
06:25.26IRCMuppetI have alsy tried to run without any verbosity, but same problme.
06:25.27justinnnnnnyes i understand :)
06:25.35bkw_ok whats the malfunction :)
06:25.38justinnnnnnbut if u keep transfering to e.g 111
06:25.46justinnnnnnu goto line 1, then line 2, etc etc
06:25.47bkw_YOU CAN'T
06:25.48bkw_it won't let you
06:25.56justinnnnnnu cant..?
06:26.02justinnnnnnit wasnt telling me the line number
06:26.04justinnnnnnbut it was doing it..
06:26.20bkw_NO it is impossible to do with what I posted above
06:26.33bkw_valet parking was written to disallow that
06:26.48bkw_the only way to bridge a call to an existing call is to transfer it to *XXX
06:27.12bkw_valetparking is BLIND parking
06:27.17bkw_just like cisco call manager does it
06:27.41bkw_it doesn't announce anything
06:27.48justinnnnnni believe  u.. cause i no u made it
06:27.53justinnnnnnheh but im sure i made it say line 2..
06:28.10bkw_you might have used the autoparking and hte parklist
06:28.10justinnnnnnlike i had it running like the asterisk parking
06:28.16justinnnnnnthats wat i did
06:28.23bkw_exten => _8XX,1,ValetParkCall(${EXTEN}|mylot|0|${EXTEN:1}|1|default)
06:28.23bkw_exten => _*8XX,1,ValetUnParkCall(${EXTEN:1}|mylot)
06:28.23justinnnnnnlike its all working call.. seperate parking groups etc..
06:28.25bkw_use that
06:28.43bkw_thats what I use...
06:28.44justinnnnnnonly probs is tho.. with the auto park u dont no which number it is...
06:28.59justinnnnnnit ses it on the console..
06:29.07bkw_thats the point.. you use the unpark with fifo,lifo
06:29.20bkw_so you can unpark calls via fifo,lifo methods
06:29.25bkw_kinda like a call stack
06:29.41justinnnnnnya i get u mean
06:30.03justinnnnnnbut wat if sya for e.g a receptionist.. 5 ppl ring up.. for diff staff..
06:30.21justinnnnnnand she ses like u no.. john smith on line 3..
06:30.55justinnnnnnshe wont no its line 1,2,3 etc etc
06:31.03justinnnnnnlike u could mentaly keep track..
06:31.09bkw_you could
06:31.17bkw_how many lines?
06:31.18bkw_do you have?
06:31.30justinnnnnnfor the sake of this conversation more than i can keep track off hehe
06:31.44bkw_are your extensions 2 or 4 digits?
06:31.58bkw_ok this is simple
06:32.08bkw_exten => _8XXXX,1,ValetParkCall(${EXTEN}|mylot|0|${EXTEN:1}|1|default)
06:32.17bkw_exten => _*8XXXX,1,ValetUnParkCall(${EXTEN:1}|mylot)
06:32.24bkw_you have exten 1023 has a call
06:32.35bkw_park that bitch on 81023
06:32.41bkw_and pickup using *81023
06:32.45bkw_easy as pie
06:32.59justinnnnnncould i park 2 calls in 81023 for e.g ?
06:33.08bkw_like bridge them?
06:33.24justinnnnnnnah like a queue..
06:33.28justinnnnnnbut its probs easier to use a queue heh
06:33.29bkw_can't do it
06:33.37justinnnnnnthis last method u spk of..
06:33.42justinnnnnnlike the sounds of it
06:34.08justinnnnnnbe cool if i could make the phone light up hehe
06:34.14justinnnnnnbut we'll leave that till next week :P
06:34.18justinnnnnnone last thing :)
06:34.19bkw_want want want
06:34.33justinnnnnnid do it.. but i cant program :P hehe
06:34.41justinnnnnnits the thought that counts :)
06:34.50bkw_gib us time :)
06:34.56bkw_just takes time
06:35.01bkw_ok back to teevee
06:35.32justinnnnnnhold on
06:35.36justinnnnnn1 sec.. :P
06:35.42justinnnnnnwat if 2 calls get transfered to 81111 ?
06:35.50justinnnnnnand u havnt unparked the first 1 yet ?
06:35.55pfnit gets queued
06:36.09pfnit's a fifo or lifo
06:36.19pfntalking about valetparking, right?
06:37.50justinnnnnngoing by my way of wanting to do it heh
06:37.52justinnnnnnin theory..
06:38.03justinnnnnni could setup a script to keep track of everytime u press xx to transfer
06:38.10justinnnnnnand then keep track of when a calls unparked
06:38.14justinnnnnnand get it to tell u the parking number..
06:38.22justinnnnnnmy incompetancy is the only thing that restricts me :(
06:38.53*** join/#asterisk Sephen (
06:40.10SephenAnyone know how to correct this: When calling from Asterisk to a cell phone, sometimes when the cell's connection is bad, and there is a few seconds of silence, Asterisk thinks the caller has hungup, and drops the call.
06:40.26twistedi bet the cell dropped the call
06:40.32twistedwhen the cell's connection is bad
06:40.36twistedcalls drop
06:40.51twistedit's quite a common occurance with cell phones
06:42.47Sephentwisted: So you don't think it was something Asterisk did because there was a few seconds of silence?
06:43.04scudlol no
06:43.05twisted* doesn't drop the call due to silence.
06:43.45Sephentwisted: I wasn't sure if it had any kind of detection for stuff like that.
06:44.08twistedheh. no.  that's why we have signalling
06:45.07pfnhmm, sounds like libipq is worthless for doing sip connectiont racking as well
06:45.15pfnonly real solution is to do it as a conntrack module
06:45.16pfnhow lame
06:45.21SephenCan the X100Ps do faxing?
06:45.26pfnI don't want to parse sip/sdp in the kernel
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