irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040826

00:00.47scudi know what you were asking, not sure havnt tried it
00:00.59nitramDulak: yes
00:01.33*** join/#asterisk implicit (
00:01.35nitramDulak: but you will have to live with the two builtin ringtones
00:01.37Dulaknitram: anything special I need to do?  it seems to hang forever looking for the application if it can't get tftp
00:01.42implicitpfn: you in?
00:02.12nitramDulak: the phone stores the last configuration
00:03.14nitramdamn... only 4h to sleep
00:03.16nitramgotta go
00:04.22pfndulak you can run 6.x w/o tftp, 7.x requires tftp
00:04.48scudinterview with  jenna jameson  on CNBC
00:05.01*** part/#asterisk sniffe (
00:05.04pfnjenna jameson retired, bleh
00:05.25Inv_Arpwonder if there are any sip based ACD programs out?
00:05.28scudwow she said she was gang banged after a football game
00:05.41jake__checking for in_addr_t... no
00:06.02implicitpfn, you know how to do connection tracking in ipf on openbsd?
00:06.24Dulakpfn: thanks.
00:06.46decodeslowly getting my configs how i want em