irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040825

00:01.08Moc__Anyone offer 514 DID ?
00:01.54ManipuraHow do I get asterisk to use the g711 codec?
00:02.08Manipura**with SIP
00:02.09Moc__Manipura, g711 = ulaw
00:02.21ManipuraDamn..... So it is....
00:02.53ManipuraI'm getting lots of delay in speech and lots of dropped calls.. Any ideas?
00:03.03Moc__your on dialup ?
00:03.07JunK-YMoc_: if you find something, please let me know, i wanna take one too.
00:03.21ManipuraNo, the server is in a datacenter
00:03.41drumkillawhat ftp is AstWind hosted on?
00:03.44Moc__JunK-Y, well I found 1 available, but hard to get answer... the other he will have it in 4 week
00:04.43wsuffMoc__: no kidding
00:04.51JunK-Ymoc: which company?
00:05.02Moc__stealth telecomunication
00:05.10Moc__the other one is voipsomehting
00:05.36ManipuraI have a DID pointing to my server, and from there it forwards the call to a cisco which is TDM connected to termination using g711,g729r8 primarily
00:06.11JunK-Ymoc: i'll try to get one with stealth telecomunication
00:06.11ManipuraDon't ask me.. Thats just what the cisco guy sent me
00:06.32pfnr8 is 8kbps
00:06.34pfnthat's all it means
00:06.42pfnmeans nothing about the codec itself
00:06.52pfnthat's implicitly the case when you say g729
00:06.52PatrickDKmanipura, what you trying to do?
00:07.14ManipuraSo any ideas on what I should look into to stop the speech delay and droped calls
00:07.20Moc__JunK-Y, I got 1 rightnow, looking to get more
00:07.32scudeveryone is welcome.
00:07.33pfnmanipura use a more robust route  :p
00:07.45PatrickDKmanipura, how is it setup?
00:07.49JunK-Yby stealth telecomunication ?
00:07.55PatrickDKhow many dropped packets do you get
00:08.03ManipuraWhat do you want to know.... Sorry I'm new at this
00:08.25Manipurahow do I find out how many packets are dropped?
00:08.25PatrickDKmanipura, every computer/router it goes through, what speed it has
00:08.38PatrickDKlike, did provider -> cisco router, or what
00:09.17*** join/#asterisk bedboi (
00:09.21bedboihi all
00:09.59ManipuraYeah, DID, from a cisco. Our server, 800mhz celeron 256mb and then back to the people that provide us with the DID
00:10.15bedboii would like to set up an interphono system over ip (a wifi lan) and someone pointed me to asterisk
00:10.35PatrickDKso, DID is coming from a cisco machine, then to your asterisk celeron machine, then back to the cisco DID
00:10.45bedboianyone knows some guide to set up this simple thing?
00:10.47ManipuraIt worked perfectly when we had our DID coming from somewhere else, what would have changed?
00:11.02PatrickDKthe path from your machine to the did machine
00:11.13PatrickDKhave you tried traceroute and packetloss tests to the did machine?
00:11.14bedboi(i just need each computer to be able to call each other over a LAN)
00:11.43PatrickDKbedboi, depends what software your using, if the computers are behind firewalls andwhatnot
00:12.35ManipuraYeah, works fine. I think there are more hops inside the datacenter, but its shorter time, when I do it from here Its less hops, but more ms
00:13.03PatrickDKso you don't have any packet loss?
00:13.19PatrickDKheh, don't care about ms or hops
00:13.24PatrickDKms is for lag
00:13.32PatrickDKpacket loss is for choppy audio
00:13.33ManipuraSo when I do traceroute It'll show me packet loss?
00:14.06bedboiPatrickDK: computers are linux boxes
00:14.08ManipuraIts not exactly choppy, just a delay, I say something and it takes a few secs for them to hear it
00:14.11PatrickDKyou could try mass pings, but they might get mad
00:14.26PatrickDKmanipura, hmm, aout half a second?
00:14.30bedboiPatrickDK: there's some PDA too
00:14.35bedboiwith linphone
00:14.47PatrickDKdunno, I don't do softphones
00:14.58ManipuraMinimum.. Sometimes More
00:15.00DefrazAnyone one get get the Zaptel drivers working with Fedora Core 2
00:15.10DefrazI am having some troubles and I am upgrading the kernel now.
00:15.20implicitanyone dumb enough to be using fedora core 2?
00:15.29JunK-Yimplicit: run debian :)
00:15.36implicitJunK-Y: gentoo
00:15.38scudrun astwind!
00:15.45implicitscud: stfu
00:15.50PatrickDKmanipura, it's just the round delay of your ms times, plus packing time, plus codec compression, plus codec decompression, plus unpacking time, plus jitterbuffer on both sides
00:15.54bedboii got to use SIP protocol
00:16.03PatrickDKturning off jitterbuffer can help some
00:16.16PatrickDKif you trust your path over the inet
00:16.32implicitPatrickDK, turning it off is good
00:16.57ManipuraHow do I turn off jitterbuffer? And how well should I trust it? Whats not to trust?
00:17.04PatrickDKI don't think you can turn off cisco's jitterbuffer though
00:17.08implicitManipura: trust it not to jitter
00:17.26PatrickDKif it jitters, you will have dead spots in the audio
00:17.36PatrickDKlook in sip.conf
00:20.50*** part/#asterisk Defraz (
00:20.54tzangerwhy are all the FTP search engines in easetrn europe heh
00:21.10tzangerI can't find DS3ATM.BGZ (part of the CE150/CE200 DSLAM upgrade)
00:21.29bedboii started asterisk with -C /etc/asterisk/sip.conf
00:21.40bedboibtw if i nmap localhost i don't see sip port open
00:21.49bedboii just see 1720 port
00:22.27PatrickDKheh, that is wrong
00:22.34PatrickDKit wants asterisk.conf
00:22.38pfnwhy with -C
00:22.41PatrickDKasterisk -C /etc/astersk/asterisk.conf
00:22.48pfnand there's a bug out people ever compress TDM lines?
00:22.57tzangertessier: ??
00:23.01pfnasterisk.conf isn't the final-word on location of files
00:23.02JunK-Ywhy -C ?
00:23.04pfntessier why?
00:23.13tessierI've got a DS3 behaving oddly and one of my colleagues thinks they might be running compression.
00:23.23tessierHe said it has happened to him before.
00:23.27tzangerI have *never* heard of that
00:23.29tessierI have never heard of such a think.
00:23.33tessierMe neither!
00:23.36xantushahah "Using a Macintosh is like picking your nose: everyone likes to do it, but no one will admit to it"
00:23.41PatrickDKheh, you don't do compression on DS3 lines
00:24.04PatrickDKbesides ulaw
00:24.05tzangerxantus: I heard something similar...  fucking a fat chick is like riding a moped... it's fun until your friends find out
00:24.05tessierPatrickDK: I wouldn't think so. I don't know what he's talking about. But he has been doing telecom stuff for it makes me wonder.
00:24.24pfnthere's nothing wrong with riding a moped....
00:24.30pfnunless it's your *only* means of transport
00:24.33pfnand you're 25
00:24.35pfnwith a job
00:24.42pfnor something like that
00:24.56yrufwhat? delivering pizzas?
00:25.04xantusif it flys, floats or fucks, its better to rent it
00:25.13xantusi like that one...
00:25.27xantusoh, "than own it"
00:27.20tzangerme too
00:27.23tzangerI love living in the country
00:27.57pfnthe boondocks ain't is for me
00:28.31tzangerpfn I'm 4km out of a town of 5300 people
00:28.48xantusi'm in hunters, wa
00:28.50pfn'cept for reasonable real estate prices
00:28.55pfnI don't like being in the boondocks
00:29.00xantusheh, pretty fuh king boondocks
00:29.34scudtheres something about rubbing 500 dollars on your dick that you cant get anywhere else
00:29.43ManipuraRFC3389 support incomplete.  Turn off on client if possible?????????? Whats this?
00:29.47carrarthese make great cheap asterisk servers
00:29.55scudnow only give it to the hot teller at the bank tomorrow
00:29.55pfnmanipura it's nothing, only a warning
00:29.59*** join/#asterisk isamar (
00:30.01isamarHi flks..
00:30.07pfner, only a notice
00:30.08isamarI have a doubt about extensions.conf
00:30.09pfnnot even a warning
00:30.09ManipuraDoesn't affect Quality at all?
00:30.21pfnmanipura it just means you don't get CNG
00:30.29pfnturn off VAD in your client
00:30.47xantusits a good thing i make way more than the median
00:30.50isamarhow do I make a "if CHAN=ZAP/2 goto 20" ?
00:30.51pfnCNG would be cool if it could sample the bg noise during the active portion
00:30.59ManipuraLike I said, I'm new... Turn off VAD?
00:31.02PatrickDKpfn, cisco does that
00:31.05isamaris that possible
00:31.12PatrickDKmnipura, turn vad off on the cisco device
00:31.15PatrickDKno vad :)
00:31.26pfnisamar sure, GotoIf... ${CHANNEL} = Zap/2
00:31.28PatrickDKhave to add that to the dial-peer voice ??? voip
00:31.30pfnisamar but that isn't completely it
00:31.37pfnpatrickdk does it?  neat
00:31.57pfnI wonder how well it works, then
00:32.00PatrickDKpfn, well, so it claims, I have't tried it
00:32.05xantusculture index, 61, national 93.57, ll
00:32.06isamarpfn... what do you mean?
00:32.07pfnhow disturbing it is 'tween active/inactive
00:32.13pfnisamar I mean go read the wiki
00:32.20pfnI told you the framework, you figure out the rest  :p
00:35.10isamarpfn.. no graphic term here to go to wiki...
00:35.20isamarI already did a show application gotoif
00:35.30isamarthe gotoif syntax I already know...
00:35.47isamarthe problem now is about the condition syntax...
00:35.53isamaranybody can help..
00:36.05isamarI need: ${CHAN
00:36.15isamar} = Zap/2 inside of Gotoif
00:36.25pfn$[${CHANNEL} = Zap/2-1]
00:36.35isamarpls, just copy and paste.
00:37.09pfnjust copy and paste what?
00:37.11nottakenalreadypfn, can you set outgoing callerid with broadvoice?
00:39.46isamarpfn: the wiki rule for me ;-)
00:39.50isamarif possible...
00:39.58isamartrying now to get through lynx...
00:43.37isamarwhere do I find the pre-defined extensions variables?
00:44.30xantusThe internet, Where men are men, women are men, and children are FBI agents... and they're MEN!
00:45.19tessierSometimes the women are men too.
00:45.21bedboiis interphono some english word ? :)
00:45.22tessierYou gotta be careful.
00:45.24bedboii need to google
00:45.26tessierAnd nobody knows you are a dog.
00:45.36tessierbedboi: Down the hall, second door on the right
00:46.09isamareven the wives dont know we're dogs...
00:46.38isamarneed to know which variables corresponds to the cHannel name inside of extensions.conf
00:46.46isamarany1 knows??
00:46.55bedboiok. thanks
00:46.56*** part/#asterisk bedboi (
00:47.15isamarjust it... and I leave...(I promisse ;=)
00:48.00isamarfound README.variables... thanx
00:48.11*** part/#asterisk stonefly (~stonefly@
00:48.15isamarlets see if this shit works...
00:48.42pfnI told you it's CHANNEL already, loser  :p
00:49.33xantustime to go home i guess
00:49.35isamarpfn...  no you didnt...
00:49.44pfn<pfn> $[${CHANNEL} = Zap/2-1]
00:49.51pfn<pfn> isamar sure, GotoIf... ${CHANNEL} = Zap/2
00:49.56pfnman, you are blind
00:50.01xantusscroll up!!
00:50.04xantusnow down!
00:50.07xantusthere it is!
00:50.10isamarhehhe... I am in fucking text terminal...
00:50.30xantusthey build scrollback buffers in those nowadays
00:50.33*** join/#asterisk Legend` (~Legend@
00:50.49xantusbut in MY day, we had to ask people to repeat stuff
00:50.51*** join/#asterisk twisted (
00:50.51*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
00:50.52isamaryep.. gotcha.
00:50.56*** join/#asterisk Guest^DJ (~guy@
00:51.05isamaryou guys are lazy.. ;-)
00:51.09xantusand up both sides
00:51.14xantusin the snow
00:51.17isamarbut helped me a lot. thank you!
00:51.37*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
00:51.50twistedI was around before ssh!
00:52.12xantusI was around before 9600baud modems
00:52.17twistedme too
00:52.20twistedkeep going
00:52.23Legend`i was around before rocks
00:52.26xantuswhen 2400 baud the bomb
00:52.29twistedLegend` is legendary
00:52.34twistedxantus, yep... i remember those times
00:52.46xantusand bbs's were the INTARWEB
00:53.00twistedi ran a bbs back then
00:53.13twistedcalled 'Absolute Zero'
00:53.20xantusi ran an iniquity
00:53.26twistedi tried iniquity
00:53.29twisteddidn't like it too much
00:53.41xantusi like the telnet/port thingy
00:53.50xantusyou could telnet into the board when you got internet
00:54.00xantusrenegade,  i tried that
00:54.13twistedi tried RA, iniquity, wildcat, and tons more
00:54.13xantusi eventually switched to majorbbs, then worldgroup
00:54.17twistedbut i liked renegade
00:54.21xantusworldgroup was the shit
00:54.28twistedworldgroup was pretty good, ya
00:54.43xantusno bbs'
00:54.57twistedi've seriously thought about bringing my 486sx25 back online
00:55.03twistedand bringing up a bbs ;)
00:55.10xantusthat would be cool
00:55.16xantusnot really...heh
00:55.17twistedhell, if my floppies have survived
00:55.22twistedi still have the backups from my old board
00:55.34xantusall 10 disks of warez
00:55.39xantus300 disks of porn
00:55.50twistednah, mine were mainly messages
00:55.51xantuslol, hehe
00:56.04xantusmine was a 4 line chat board
00:56.05twistedthere were a few porn files, but not many
00:56.10xantussome files, ect
00:56.20denonadmit it, you always got ascii pr0n cause it compressed so well
00:56.22twistedmy file bases considered mostly of board mods
00:56.31xantusdenon has a point
00:56.41twistedno way man
00:56.45twistedi was using ansi porn
00:56.58xantusin color!
00:57.01denonwonder if there was ever RIP pron
00:57.04twistedthere was
00:57.05xantusin my day...nevermind
00:57.15denonRIP? man, those would be ugly chicks
00:57.18PatrickDKrip :) that was short lived
00:57.19twistedit was nasty
00:57.27twistedRIP was a cool idea
00:57.28xantusrip was some wierd stuff
00:57.30twistedHORRIBLY implimented
00:57.34twistedbut a good idea
00:57.36denonbut a good idea for the structure it was in
00:57.41xantusmoving ansi
00:57.51xantusthat was cool
00:58.01twisteddamn i'm old
00:58.08denonrip is new man ..
00:58.13denonnot so long ago even
00:58.14xantusand i'm only 27
00:58.18denonI think I still have some rip editors on disk
00:58.22twistedi'm only 25
00:58.25twistedbut i got started early ;)
00:58.38xantusback in my 80808 days
00:58.44xantuswe had 10mb harddrives
00:58.49xantusIF YOU WERE LUCKY
00:59.00xantus20mb ones were $2000
00:59.01denonup hill, both ways, in the snow..
00:59.02twistedi didn't have a machine with a hard drive until 286's hit
00:59.13xantusdenon, twice sometimes
00:59.16denon286 MFMs were pretty much the end all
00:59.28denonno need for anything larger than 40 meg and a 286/12
00:59.30twistedbig ass drives
00:59.31*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
00:59.31twisted3 cables
00:59.47twisteddamned edge connectors
00:59.54xantusthose huge floppy disks they used in mainframes
01:00.00xantuswhat a fucking nightmare
01:00.03twistedthe 8"
01:00.31twistedi'm still dying to put * on punchcards
01:00.43twisted(not really)
01:00.51xantusno, i think they were bigger
01:00.59xantus12" or 16" maybe
01:01.14twistedhaha the largest I remember was the 8" floppy
01:01.53twistedmy buddy dru had a 12" reel-to-reel
01:01.58*** join/#asterisk RealLost1 (
01:02.30xantusIn the late 1970s some IBM mainframes also used a 12-inch (30 cm) floppy disk, but little information is currently available about their internal format or capacity.
01:02.45twistedwell, i was like 1-2 years old then
01:03.04xantusyeah, but people were still using them later on
01:03.16xantusmainframes stayed around in banks forever
01:03.25xantustoo scared to change
01:03.29twistedoh gawd.. i turn 26 in 2 months
01:04.34*** join/#asterisk menger (
01:10.18*** join/#asterisk Damin (
01:12.02*** join/#asterisk DrRighteous (
01:12.08letherglovhey now, I program on mainframes
01:12.22DrRighteousAnyone having problems with nufone dids inbound?
01:12.31pfnI don't think so
01:13.17xantusthis 'fake a wish' thing is funny
01:15.28xantuslike this:
01:15.36*** join/#asterisk Moc___ (
01:15.46pfnwhy is broadvoice so stupid, they advertise that they do g711u only
01:15.47xantusfake news story about me dieing
01:15.50pfnyet they send g729 to my server
01:16.18xantuscan you deny g729 from them
01:16.19pfnlike wtf
01:16.27xantusso they can't neg that
01:16.40pfnyeah, I can do that next, I want to allow g729 from other folks, though
01:16.51pfn'cuz I don't want to create 4 broadvoice peers to catch all of them
01:16.52xantusthat isn't in * yet
01:17.03xantusi asked for that like a year ago
01:17.07pfnno, 'cuz broadvoice can come in on any of 4 IP's
01:17.28pfnso in order to match their IP, I'd have to create 4 peers
01:17.38pfnso that I could force my disallow/allow on them
01:17.47pfnotherwise, they go into the "guest" config
01:17.51pfnand take the defaults
01:19.53pfnhmm, I wonder why I have to punch a hole in my firewall for rtp ports
01:19.57pfnnat should take care of it automatically
01:20.07pfn10106 -> 12318 and vice versa
01:21.01pfnthat should work w/o nat just fine
01:21.18pfnalthough, I guess if the other end is behind nat
01:21.26pfnand the srcport is natted
01:21.38pfnthen the rtp packet never makes it to * for * to do nat=yes on
01:24.00*** part/#asterisk DrRighteous (
01:26.14xantus(libby hoeler)++
01:31.09*** join/#asterisk IOscanner (
01:32.38IOscannerAnyone play with sethdlc with T100P?
01:33.59pfnwhy does asterisk always reply with SPEEX, not speex
01:43.09Kumbangguys, how i can use switch => in extension.conf
01:45.32pfnyou put it in a context and use it
01:45.36pfnread the sample
01:45.42pfnwhy is speex 110 in asterisk
01:45.46pfnfor the rtp payload type
01:46.15*** join/#asterisk mshades (~mirrored_@
01:51.23xantushaha, lockout:    so you can get work done
01:56.24xantusBACK TO WORK SLAVE!
01:56.56xantuswelp, gotta go
01:58.11IOscannerhas anyone setup t100p for t1 support only?
02:04.08sungholy shiznit.
02:12.06pfnooooh, I see why x-lite always negotiates speex
02:12.21pfncuz * sends out the rtp request as 97/iLBC
02:12.26pfnand 97 is the magic number for speex
02:13.08pfnso x-lite takes it as being speex and tries to transmit speex
02:15.11dougheckawell DUH
02:15.15dougheckaI put that patch in
02:15.22pfnput what patch in
02:15.26pfnshoulda patched asterisk
02:15.27dougheckayou win a free inflatable monkey!
02:15.33pfnnot the registry settings for x-lite  :p
02:15.39pfnfix in one place, not hundreds
02:17.33pfnwhy it works on the outbound call... *shrug*
02:17.52pfnoh, cuz I have spx disabled
02:18.12pfnsure it's also a bug in x-lite
02:21.50RealLost1anyone running tdm400p on suse 9.1 ?
02:23.03scudkram: whats up dawg
02:23.13kramnot much scud, u?
02:23.30scuddoing laundry and ircing in my boxers talking to my girl
02:23.35scudmy left nut itches too
02:23.45scudvery much discomfort
02:23.52scudbut i will live
02:25.19*** join/#asterisk cgill27 (
02:26.15pfnkram how were the magic numbers for speex and ilbc determined?  I'm curious
02:26.21pfnfor rtp payload type
02:28.29cgill27I've got a strange asterisk problem, asterisk is plugged into my pots line and I have an x-lite client running all the time, when somebody on a regular pots phone is using the lines, from the x-lite client I will hear a ringing 2 or 3 times and then it stops, this repeats itself several times during that pots phone call, any idea's?
02:28.46pfnfxo ports aren't meant to share the line with other phones
02:29.00pfnyou can try increasing the pegcount in wcfxo.c but that isn't guaranteed to help
02:29.09cgill27ah k, so that is just something I'll have to get used to?
02:29.20pfnyou can reduce it a little by upping pegcount
02:29.33pfn(up it too high and you won't receive any rings on the fxo anymore at all)
02:32.49*** join/#asterisk Qorky (
02:32.52denonwhere the heck do you live?
02:33.27Qorkywhy do my grandstream budgetone phone keep loosing registration.
02:33.36denonyou're commuting to work at 7p?
02:33.40denongraveyard shift?
02:33.44pfnno, commuting home
02:33.54denonthat I can understand .. (im still at the office :)
02:33.56denon9p here
02:33.59Qorkyis there a fix for them? does anyone know ?
02:34.41IOscannerI am stuck...anyone have t100P working with zaptel network support?
02:37.29DaminWhat is "zaptel network support"
02:37.42DaminIOscanner: Do you mean PPP?
02:37.50IOscannerno hdlc
02:37.57IOscanneror ppp
02:38.00DaminI don't have one, but maybe I can help..
02:38.17DaminWell.. I have a T100P, but I don't have it doing PPP or HDLC...
02:38.18IOscannerI don't care at this point want to use 1-24 for data to a cisco router
02:38.43IOscannerYou have to build in network support to use it for data
02:39.43IOscannerI have done that but still nothing.  I see the card in ztcfg and it shows all channels but I can't find the device name to use sethdlc to asign an IP.
02:39.58IOscannerthis is not very well documented that I have seen
02:40.31DaminIOscanner: Did you check this page?
02:41.03IOscannerit doesn't work
02:41.15DaminWhat kernel version?
02:41.29IOscannerI have everything setup correct, I think something is broke in the hdlc stuff
02:41.46IOscannerI have x100p working on that kernel.
02:41.46DaminTry 2.6.7
02:42.01IOscannerthe DID will work on the T100P but no data
02:46.10IOscannerI don't think they made any hdlc changes in that version
02:46.17IOscannerI didn't see any
02:46.37IOscannerI have tried both and old branch of zaptel and the current
02:46.42IOscannerneither work
02:54.09DaminCan you go back to 2.4?
02:57.31*** join/#asterisk Vulture- (
02:57.40*** join/#asterisk Connor_ (
02:58.08Connor_~seen kram
02:58.13jbotkram is currently on #asterisk (23h 17m 57s).  Has said a total of 6 messages.  Is idling for 35m
03:03.35mixi^_erm, does zaptel have a own log file?
03:26.40*** join/#asterisk artmeister24 (
03:27.24IOscannerI have a few new things that have to have 2.6 kernel
03:27.52JunK-Ymixi: why ya wanna log zaptel?
03:28.09*** join/#asterisk tfonik (
03:29.01mixi^_junky: i've got a problem with zaptel, a hoped for further information in a special log file or sort of
03:29.01tfonikanyone have experience compiling libiax with VC++??
03:29.46RealLost1I want to take an incoming sip call and dial out an fxo line, how do I do that?
03:30.28RealLost1or where is there docs on it.
03:31.40wsuffRealLost1: assuming u get your dial plan to accept that call it's just a dial statement really to dial out the fxo
03:31.53wsuffbe it a sip fxo like sipura or zap channel
03:31.57JunK-Ymixi: what kind of problem?
03:33.03RealLost1wstuff: I'm looking through the dial commands right now, would D(digits): be the right option?
03:33.16mixi^_junky: my frist is, that won't start with asterisk when i add a load entry to modules, but work if i issue load from asterisk cli
03:33.43*** join/#asterisk luckyali (~lukyali@
03:34.16wsuffRealLost1: depends exactly what u are after
03:35.06luckyalihi all
03:35.19mixi^_junky: when i try to load it via modules.conf, it complains that of: undefined symbol: ast_etrieve_call_to_death
03:35.41mixi^_junky: curiously not, when it do a load from asterisk cli
03:37.17JunK-Ythen isnt zaptel
03:37.21JunK-Yits probably asterisk
03:37.34JunK-Ywhats ur output when ya type ztcfg -vvvv ?
03:37.57mixi^_you really wanna know?
03:38.15JunK-Yno im asking just for fun, too much time to waste...!
03:38.23mixi^_i get four spans and 12 channels
03:39.14luckyalimy Dial ( zao/g2) take 5 secs to give me dial tone on one of the 2 two lines in the g2
03:39.35luckyalianyone noticed this delay ?
03:40.08JunK-Ywhy so many D channel ? but who cares. ur problem is probably other thing.
03:40.30*** join/#asterisk sskyles (
03:40.50mixi^_mom, i paste another thing
03:43.17luckyalianyone has any idea about why Dial(zap/g2) takes 5 secs to give me dial tone on 1 of 2 outgoing line in g2
03:43.32sskylesDoes anyone know how to answer a call waiting that's coming in on the Zap that you are calling out on? I just realized that flash now only works for internal stuff.
03:43.44pfnluckyali 5 seconds from what?
03:43.56pfnsskyles only if you use a zap fxs
03:44.01pfnyou can flash*0 to get to the other line
03:44.02luckyaliafter I hear the dial tone
03:44.04pfnor was it #*0
03:44.10luckyalifor the outgoing line
03:44.17pfnafter you hear the dial tone, you wait 5 seconds to hear the dialtone
03:44.19pfnwtf does that mean
03:44.32sskylesI have a couple of Sipuras. Not sure if that will work, but I will give it a try.
03:44.37luckyalinot the Dial command takes 5 secs
03:44.39pfnsskyles it won't work
03:44.42*** part/#asterisk cblackbu (
03:44.44pfn*what* takes 5 seconds
03:45.07sskylesHow can I answer the call then?
03:45.17pfnyou can't
03:45.25pfnget rid of callwaiting
03:45.26JunK-Yso errors in while loading ur
03:45.29mixi^_junky: and as mentioned, asterisk cli command: "load" works fine
03:45.39JunK-Yworks fine ?
03:45.45mixi^_junky: yes
03:45.47JunK-Yisnt fine, see errors into logs ?
03:45.52sskylesTheres got to be a way to send a flash though. It would be wierd if you couldn't.
03:46.03pfnno flash
03:46.12mixi^_junky: thats when i add load => to modules.conf
03:46.23pfnwhy do you ever need to use flash in a pbx
03:46.28pfnalmost never
03:46.31sskylesBecause it
03:46.40sskylesBecause it's used in my home.
03:46.45sskylesI have only 2 lines.
03:46.53mixi^_junky: via cli command it works fine, but via modules.conf it fails to load
03:46.54JunK-Ymixi: do unload
03:46.58pfndon't use pots w/ * then
03:46.58luckyalipfn: anything on Dial delay ?
03:47.01sskylesThey don't roll over.
03:47.02JunK-Yand after, load
03:47.11JunK-Yya'll see.
03:47.24pfn*what* takes 5 seconds
03:47.30mixi^_junky: at the cli or in modules.conf?
03:47.38JunK-Yin the CLI
03:47.53luckyalito hear the dial tone on one of the outgoing lines I dial
03:48.01pfn*what* takes 5 seconds
03:48.12pfnfrom when you pick up the phone
03:48.24mixi^_junky: works fine, no errors
03:48.34pfnyou pick up the phone and hear nothing for 5 seconds?
03:48.45luckyaliI have 9 for Direct Dial Access
03:48.55pfnthen wtf does Dial have to do with it
03:49.06luckyaliafter I dial 9 it takes 5 secs to give the Dial tone
03:49.41pfnit's because your dial plan waits for more digits
03:49.56pfnyou have another exten
03:50.19JunK-Ymixi: i can't help then.
03:50.31JunK-Ypfn should be able to help ya more then me.
03:50.41JunK-Yhe's a senior. :)
03:50.45pfnmixi's doing bri, I can't help
03:51.00JunK-Ymaybe that's why, dunno.
03:51.15mixi^_junky: i've got to correct, it sends no erros, but the lines are dead
03:51.23JunK-Ydead ?
03:51.35mixi^_junky: dead
03:51.54JunK-Ywhen ya're calling, * isnt detecting ur call ?
03:52.00mixi^_junky: zaptel kernel module is also unloadable, takes while till i can
03:52.50JunK-Yasterisk -rx "stop now";rmmod wcfxo;rmmod zaptel;modprobe zaptel;safe_asterisk should be okay
03:52.56JunK-Yif isnt working, then ive no idea.
03:53.43mixi^_ahh, i could simply issue a "asterisk -rc "load" and it should work fine
03:54.15JunK-Y-rc ?
03:54.20JunK-YRC1 ?
03:54.33mixi^_sry, i meant -rx
03:54.39JunK-Yisnt just i said ?
03:55.21pfnbristuff uses wcfxo?
03:55.34JunK-Yits for my X100P, dunno what using BRI
03:55.47mixi^_junky: oh, i thought that would be shutdown instructions
03:56.07JunK-Ystop now ? yes it is
03:56.18JunK-Yrmmod is to unload ur kernel drivers
03:56.22JunK-Yjust do a lsmod before
03:56.30JunK-Yand rmmod ur kernel drivers
03:56.35JunK-Ymodprobe them again
03:56.39JunK-Yand restart asterisk
03:56.45*** join/#asterisk MustDie (
03:56.45JunK-Yur line will come back to life
03:57.19mixi^_but i don't have any trouble with my kernel modules
03:57.35JunK-Yur lines is dead or not ?
03:57.35mixi^_only if i load and load multiple times
03:57.54mixi^_load and unload
03:57.56mixi^_i mean
03:58.26muirAnyone know what would cause the following error: "Aug 24 20:56:59 WARNING[7421968]: channel.c:1838 ast_request: No translator path exists for channel type IAX2 (native 0) to 4"?
03:59.13mixi^_junky: thank you, works perfect, added little sleep 5 before :-)
03:59.38JunK-Yim doing this with my cards.
03:59.54JunK-Yimagine, i was rebooting all the machine when i was getting that trouble before.
04:00.11JunK-Ywhere did ya added ur little sleep ?
04:00.25mixi^_in my init script
04:00.29mixi^_wanna see?
04:01.32pfnwhat's codec 0
04:01.47*** join/#asterisk Guest^DJ (~guy@
04:02.14JunK-Ypfn: the quality with g729 codec is it better then the gsm ?
04:02.35pfnmuir it sounds like you have disallow=all but no allow=
04:02.59muirIn my iax.conf:
04:02.59muirdisallow=all                    ; Icky sound quality...  Mr. Roboto.
04:03.32pfnmaybe it's the remote side then
04:03.45muirThe remote side is voipjet.
04:03.54pfnwhat version are you running?
04:04.04muirStable from Aug 21.
04:04.27muirErr, whatever I get with a cvsup...  I'm not really sure.
04:04.28pfnstable is a dead branch....
04:04.39pfnand why do you have port=5036 then....
04:05.04muirI've got a sup directory that will tell me the version number for all the files.  What file's version number is important?
04:05.38muirI think the port=5036 was something I found in the default version of the file.
04:05.47pfnno way...
04:05.57pfndefault version of the file never says 5036, unless it's *old*
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04:06.30muirIt could be.  Which file's version is important?
04:06.38pfnjust cvs update -A
04:07.17muirI've been using cvsup.  I'll need to go figure out how to set up for csv...
04:10.44muircvsup seems to have a user limit put on it -- it's slow.  cvs is much faster :-)
04:10.55pfnpay attention to the startup messages
04:11.00pfnare there any errors when you start?
04:11.04pfnespecially with iax
04:11.39JunK-Ywhats the diff between cvs and cvsup?
04:13.00muirThat question doesn't have a simple answer.  Cvsup is a hack to send compressed diffs from a cvs tree.  The behavior and interface ends up being quite different.
04:13.14muirI think I see a problem:  Parsing '/etc/asterisk/iaxprov.conf': Not found (No such file or directory)
04:13.19luckyalipfn I checked my dial plan its exten => 9,1,Dial(zap/g2,,tTL(30000:60000)
04:14.02pfndo you have any other extensions in your context
04:14.09pfnyou also seem to be missing a )
04:14.25luckyaliI am calling a macro for this
04:14.46luckyalithere are no other extension but there are contexts included
04:14.53RealLost1How do I trunk two asterisk boxes over IAX and have the phone call go out the FXO card on the far end?
04:15.05luckyalino it not missing
04:15.40*** join/#asterisk xai (
04:15.59luckyaliI missed typing it here
04:16.18xaiAnyone having problems seeing broadvoice's website? some pages get 401'd on me.
04:16.30luckyaliI checked it directly without the macro and still it takes 5 secs
04:16.52*** join/#asterisk heison (
04:17.19luckyalipfn you got it ?
04:17.35pfnluckyali other contexts included means you are hitting them in your dialplan
04:17.40JunK-Ymuir: cvsup is just for sending our diff ?
04:18.13luckyalibut there is only one 9 extension
04:18.21pfndoesn't matter
04:18.29pfn* will wait if it detects another extension match is possible
04:18.34pfne.g. if you have _XX
04:18.37pfnasterisk will wait
04:19.09luckyalibut there is none like that
04:19.14luckyalistarting with 9
04:19.31pfndo you have *any* _X or _Z or _N at all
04:19.40pfnif you have *any* then you have to wait 5 seconds
04:20.00pfnpastebin your whole extensions.conf
04:20.00luckyalijust direct numbers
04:20.34pfndoes * respond right away when you press 9?
04:20.40pfnor does it wait 5 seconds before you hear anything
04:22.27luckyaliit waits for 5 sec and then gives the dial tone of the outgoing line in g2
04:22.37pfnno, you're not answering my question
04:22.41pfnin the CLI
04:22.52pfndo you see * respond right away, or does it wait 5 seconds before doing anything
04:23.20muircvsup is just a way to do most of what cvs does.  It does it by sendings diffs rather than whole files.
04:23.21pfnanyway, hurry up and pastebin already
04:23.56luckyalino I don't see anything in the CLI right away
04:24.11luckyaliit take like 4 secs for the CLI and 5 for the tone
04:24.36pfnthen it's because of your dialplan
04:24.39pfnhurry up and paste it already
04:25.27JunK-Ygoing to bed. ttyl guys.
04:26.22pfnwhat device are you calling from, what do you have set as your context
04:26.26luckyalisee the first line in [AK]
04:27.01luckyaliZap to Zap
04:28.00pfnyou're including out-infomax somehow
04:28.10denonman .. any of you guys claim to like regexp?
04:28.11xaidoes anyone use broadvoice?
04:28.19denongot an expression that's beatin the heck outta me
04:28.23muir Oh one note about cvsup.  The way the asterisk makefiles work, if you use cvsup, the "show version" command does not work.
04:28.31luckyalibut in ac-idream I don't
04:28.34denonmuir: yes it does, do a make update
04:28.50xaidenon: let's see it.
04:28.53pfnit's getting included somehow
04:28.55pfntrack it down
04:29.11denonxai: privmsg, dont wanna paste in the chan
04:29.27muirWell, one more bit of magic.  I'm using cvs now...
04:31.16*** part/#asterisk JunK-Y (
04:31.42luckyaliout-infomax is included in ac-infomax only which is starting context for some extensions
04:32.14luckyalibut the extensions in ac-extensions donot include out-infomax
04:32.41pfnwhat context is your zap in
04:33.31luckyaliand uses out-1 for outgoing dial
04:35.33*** join/#asterisk NirS (~NirS@
04:35.37NirShello all
04:35.39NirSanybody home ?
04:36.13NirS~seen jerjer
04:36.15jbotjerjer <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 22h 19m 15s ago, saying: 'not DIDs'.
04:36.24file[laptop]what do you want?
04:36.26luckyalimost of the time one of the lines is busy in outgoing group
04:36.39NirSanyone has experience with Festival /
04:36.48luckyaliso * has to look for available line
04:38.20pfngoddamn you have too many includes
04:38.24pfncan't tell wtf is where
04:38.53muirWell, after all that I'm still getting the same error.   I reconfigured all my iax stuff using the current config samples.  My version is: CVS-HEAD-08/24/04-21:23:54.  This is frustrating.  The errors are: "Aug 24 21:38:06 WARNING[294928]: channel.c:1838 ast_request: No translator path exists for channel type IAX2 (native 0) to 4" followed by "Aug 24 21:38:06 NOTICE[294928]: app_dial.c:714 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'IAX2'".
04:38.54luckyaliok just see the [AK] context
04:39.28luckyaliI have written the 9 extension direct
04:40.20pfndon't include anything else and it will work if you go directly into AK
04:40.40luckyaliI start directly into AK
04:40.49pfndo not include anything from AK
04:41.28luckyalihow will I make the other extension availble to AK
04:41.42pfnfix yourincludes
04:41.50pfnI'm telling you, it's your includes that's fucking it up
04:42.11luckyaliok let me check by commenting them
04:42.56Guest^DJ~seen essobi
04:42.58jbotessobi <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 45d 22h 26m 44s ago, saying: 'Freak. ;)'.
04:43.49*** join/#asterisk alegh (
04:44.08Kumbangilbc on xlite terrible
04:44.44luckyalipfn: you are right I commented the includes and it take 2 secs now
04:45.03pfnright, so track down your includes and fix it
04:45.08luckyaliwhat do you suggest I do about the includes ?
04:45.09*** join/#asterisk ErikN|WORK (
04:45.13ErikN|WORKhi all
04:45.46ErikN|WORKI have a FXS quad span card and it isnt being listed in /proc/pci -  is there anything I can do?
04:45.55pfnit's cuz you include LCR
04:45.58pfnLCR has _9....
04:46.40luckyaliya it has
04:46.49luckyalibut it has its own pattern
04:46.55pfndoesn't matter
04:46.59pfnyou punch in 9, it'll wait for the rest
04:47.02*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
04:47.24pfnwhat do you think will happen
04:47.36pfnif you punched in 9 and it went right away, LCR/out-singX would never work'
04:48.06luckyaliright I check it again by using some other digit for Direct Dial
04:48.18*** join/#asterisk mixi (
04:49.47mshadesCannon76: "Mobiiiiile Operator?"
04:50.33pfnso now you get to fix your messed up dialplan  :p
04:52.38mshadesCan you use IAX2 protocol on the "regular" VoicePulse plans (not VoicePulse Connect)?
04:52.48RealLost1grr..  Google isn't helping any.
04:52.58luckyalipfn: its better now
04:53.21luckyalijust less than 2 sec
04:53.45drumkillaRealLost1: which part of your application are you having problems with?
04:53.59RealLost1just the dial command I think.
04:54.03luckyalipfn: it worked !
04:54.12pfnof course  :p
04:54.19drumkillaRealLost1: alrighty.  Let's see what you have that isn't working
04:54.20*** part/#asterisk Guest^DJ (~guy@
04:54.29luckyaliyou were gr8
04:57.12luckyalipfn: there is one more thing when I dial the outgoing line with Direct Dial sometimes I hear on the incoming caller on it
04:57.15RealLost1drumkilla, I think I have it now.  I was looking for the wrong thing.
04:57.22drumkillaalright, great
04:57.33RealLost1drumkilla, do you know much about IAX trunking though?
04:58.01*** join/#asterisk ErikN (
05:00.00NirSanyone has knowladge with festival ?
05:01.17ErikNanyone using the tdm400p ?
05:02.34NirSI have one of those Erik
05:02.39NirSwhat seems to be the problem ?
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05:03.03ErikNNirS: It is not being listed in /proc/pci
05:03.15NirShad that problem
05:03.19NirSwhat motherboard are you using ?
05:04.24ErikNit is an amd board
05:04.27NirSI encountered a similar problem on an Intel XEON board, when the TDM card was plugged into a wrong speed slot
05:05.05NirScheck the configuration of each of the slots on your motherboard, and plug the card into the one that supports 32Bit with a slow clock rate
05:05.25NirSThe TDM400P is an old card, which is not fully supported by all new motherboards
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05:22.56CMikemorning all
05:24.38*** join/#asterisk plungerboy (
05:25.02plungerboyanyone using adtran850 with asterisk?
05:25.05Odieous_floconso who here has a running Asterisk system.
05:25.37plungerboyi have
05:26.35Odieous_floconI want to integrate an astrisk system with an automation system
05:28.31plungerboyautomation system?
05:29.10Odieous_floconi've got an alarm system I want to integrate with asterisk.
05:29.16plungerboydescribe it for me what your automation systme is
05:29.28Odieous_floconand X10 stuff.
05:29.49*** join/#asterisk andreg (
05:29.50plungerboyis it soemthing u built cusom?
05:30.21plungerboyhave source code all that?
05:30.29Odieous_floconyeah, i've got some hardware that lets me see current Dry contact switches.
05:30.42Odieous_floconand will let me turn other things on and off.
05:30.53Odieous_floconyeah I have source.
05:30.57CMikeAnyone from Denmark or Scandinavia in here ?
05:31.20plungerboyok so u want to asterisk to notify or call, page when some event happens.
05:32.04plungerboythat is something duable but it might need custom coding.
05:32.11Odieous_floconand or be able to lets say turn off lights when you call in and dial a certain extension.
05:32.32Odieous_floconI can code it.
05:32.44plungerboyif u are not scared of c api, yes it is doable totally.
05:32.53Odieous_floconnot at all.
05:33.07plungerboythen go for it.
05:33.09Odieous_floconI just need to find out more info on the C api... fairly new to asterisk.
05:33.14wsuffOdieous_flocon: i would just call a remote agi app in whatever lang u want
05:33.24plungerboyu might look at like call manager api.
05:33.29wsuffthen just tie dialplan logic around it
05:33.40plungerboythere might be event hook point u can link.
05:33.48Odieous_floconthat's what I was thinking of
05:33.55wsuffplungerboy: little much don't ya think
05:34.10wsuffjust match 900 and run 900
05:34.33drumkillayou can call any system app in the dialplan
05:34.53wsuffas long as u can write a linux app to perform that function
05:35.02Odieous_floconnow Can i write an app. that will tell Asterisk to Call a phone # and play a preformatted message.?
05:35.05wsuffu can use the dialplan logic to control when it's called
05:35.08plungerboybut he wants to system app -> astkerisk
05:35.16drumkillawell, you don't have to write your own app for that
05:35.17Odieous_floconmore like a shell script.
05:35.26plungerboynot asterisk-> systemapp
05:35.32wsuffOdieous_flocon: ya create a call file in the spool
05:35.49Odieous_floconI remember reading something about that. :D
05:35.51wsuffand make a context that has a play or background(yourmsg)
05:35.53plungerboyya that will be easies
05:36.02plungerboywsuff is right
05:36.08wsuffplungerboy: thank you
05:36.16wsuffplungerboy: take over i'm going to bed =)
05:36.20plungerboysorry i was going nuts
05:36.20Odieous_floconanybody here thought about
05:36.23Odieous_floconhey wstuff.
05:36.38wsuffOdieous_flocon: yes?
05:36.45Odieous_floconanybody thought about doing a Doorbell system with asterisk?
05:36.56wsuffOdieous_flocon: that just came up on the mailing list this wk
05:37.10NirSany here using festival ?
05:37.11wsuffintercom at a door
05:37.11Odieous_floconany solutions¿
05:37.25wsuffOdieous_flocon: crap sip phone or pstn phone + ata
05:37.27Odieous_floconI've got an Idea of how to make it work.
05:37.36wsuffgut it and put it in a nice case to mount out side
05:37.36NirSflocon, you using festival ?
05:37.41plungerboythat is interesting idea dor bell ivr
05:37.51Odieous_floconno I'm not using festival.
05:38.01Odieous_floconI've been studying astrisk for a long time.
05:38.09NirSi see
05:38.15NirSanyone used festival here ?
05:38.19Odieous_floconbut I have just setup a system for myself to test.
05:38.30Odieous_floconwhat is festival?
05:38.38NirSa test to speech engine
05:38.39wsuff"do you know anyone who lives here?" press 1 for yes 2 for no if 2 Play(Goaway-cops-coming(
05:38.44plungerboyspeech enginge
05:38.47plungerboyit works
05:39.02plungerboyi am using one ivr with festival
05:39.07NirSplunger, I can't seem to compile it with the patch for gcc 3.x
05:39.09Odieous_floconumm I had someone looking for a doorbell system.
05:39.11plungerboyjust feed back prompt though
05:39.22wsuffplungerboy: can't seem to get it to install properly on my core 2 box
05:39.41plungerboyrunning on redhat 9
05:39.51Odieous_floconand I was thinking of taking a crap phone and ripping it apart. for the speaker and mic.
05:40.02plungerboyhave not tried 2.6
05:40.19Odieous_floconI've also figured out how to make it work.
05:40.22NirSplunger, what version of festival are you using ?
05:40.23wsuffOdieous_flocon: u can make it look alot cleaner if u take it apart and mount it in piecs
05:40.32wsufflike the keypad
05:40.32Odieous_floconthat was my goal.
05:40.38Odieous_floconbut no keypad.
05:40.39plungerboyhold on i have to look at it
05:40.40Odieous_floconjust one button.
05:40.49wsuffOdieous_flocon: take a gs apart
05:40.55wsuffand use the speaker button
05:41.06Odieous_flocontoo expensive.
05:41.08wsuffgot the big speaker button
05:41.17NirSgrandstream are wonderful
05:41.23wsuffnot really that expensive
05:41.25Odieous_floconare they sip phones?
05:41.25NirSI have a dozen of those in the office
05:41.27wsuffin comparison
05:41.39Odieous_floconthe only problem is.
05:41.50Odieous_flocona doorbell has 2 wires running to it.
05:42.04Odieous_floconso I either have to run a network jack out to it.
05:42.20Odieous_floconor I do a regular telephone with 2 wires.
05:42.38NirSflocon, there is a simpler way
05:42.44wsuffata + pstn phone will be more costly
05:42.59wsuffNirS: oh
05:43.03Odieous_floconhmm yes true.
05:43.29Odieous_floconI was going to make the pstn phone stay off hook all the time.
05:43.37NirSyou can get a door phone, that's actually a keypad with a speaker and a microphone, which has a 2 wire connecting, simply connect it to a grandstream, and walla, instant door-bell
05:43.55NirSwe have something similar in our office, which was connected to our Panasonic PBX, but I converted it
05:44.13wsuffNirS: pictures =)
05:44.13Odieous_flocononly problem is I don't really want a keypad.
05:44.14drumkillawhy does it need to be connected to a grandstream?
05:44.37wsuffrj11 to rj45/sip ?
05:44.43NirSwell, I don't have pictures here, as I'm in the philipines right now
05:44.51drumkillawhy not just an fxs interface?
05:44.56wsuffdrumkilla: cost
05:45.16drumkillahm ... well ... you're not saving much there
05:45.26wsufftdm + fxs  or ata vs gutting a $65 GS
05:45.27NirSyou can get those unit from any electronics shop that sells traditional PBX's
05:45.35Odieous_floconyou can buy imitation FXS interfaces for like 19.00
05:45.49drumkillaand no you can't watches the fxo vs fxs debate go on
05:46.18Odieous_floconI dont' know if it's possible. but
05:46.29Odieous_floconwhy a debate.
05:46.32jbot*WHACK* *WHACK* *WHACK*
05:47.00Odieous_floconfxo accepts dialtone, and fxs provides dialtone.
05:47.04wsuffOdieous_flocon: in any event have fun w/ it and don't burn down the house
05:47.05NirSkran, have I seen you just enter the room ?
05:47.10NirSor was that my imagination ?
05:47.19wsuffNirS: seeing things
05:47.21Odieous_floconwsuff. just quick tho
05:47.27Odieous_floconis it possible
05:47.35NirS* kram has returned.
05:47.39*** join/#asterisk af_ (~af@
05:47.41wsuffit how i hate pronouns
05:47.54Odieous_floconto setup a FXS port to be forced into a confrence room all the time.
05:47.54drumkillaha, everybody has to pounce on kram as soon as that message comes up   :p
05:48.00NirSwell, time to pack up
05:48.09NirSc'ya laters aligators
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05:48.13wsuffOdieous_flocon: no reason not to
05:48.14Odieous_floconto setup a FXS port to be forced into a confrence room all the time.
05:48.14NirShey plunger
05:48.24NirSdid you find what version you are using ?
05:48.31plungerboyi am running festival 2.0 on redhat 9
05:48.34wsuffbut u sure u don't want it to be in use whenever they press a big intercomm button
05:48.38NirS2.0 ?
05:48.38drumkillaOdieous_flocon: yes, you can do that
05:48.39Odieous_floconand then when it sees a hook flash run an external agi script
05:48.46luckyalikram are you there >
05:49.18NirSlsat version is 1.95
05:49.20Odieous_floconthen dump the extension back into the confrence
05:49.23NirShow can you use 2.0 ?
05:49.38luckyalianyone has noticed hangup delay with T100P on Analog
05:50.41plungerboyfestival 2.0 betat
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05:51.28plungerboythey released on july
05:51.35Odieous_floconthere is sooo much I need to learn about asterisk
05:52.56PoWeRKiLLhow can I force a specific codec for a specific dial ?
05:53.35luckyaliis that possible ?
05:56.28CMikeI need some help on testing my connection..   It seems like the Telco, or some other carrier have missed some numbers.  Can somebody testdial a number (Sweden)  and see if my Asterisk answers with an Echotest ?
05:56.33*** part/#asterisk n0where (
05:56.44CMikeFor some strange reason doesn't international calls get through.. :(
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05:57.18CMikeI have to tell my Telco which countries that cant dial in.
05:57.52PoWeRKiLLCMike what is you number ?
05:58.23CMike+46 8 50006120
05:58.42CMikejust an Echotest on that number,.
05:59.14CMikeBut it would be great to know if you can reach it, and which carrier/provider you have
05:59.20PoWeRKiLLno answer :(
05:59.49CMikeshould work..
05:59.52CMikeWork domestic..
06:00.08CMikeI didn't even se an incoming on my E1's
06:00.23CMikewhich carrier do you have.. and from where where you calling ?
06:00.47CMike-h even
06:01.01*** join/#asterisk nowork (
06:01.21PoWeRKiLLit's ringing but nothing
06:02.04CMikewell, the call doesn't reach my AXE here..
06:02.07PoWeRKiLLit's work
06:02.16CMikeso some carrier "in the middle" losses the call
06:02.21CMikeit does ?
06:02.21PoWeRKiLLi'm in the echo test
06:02.28plungerboytry that any adtran950 users with asterisk
06:02.45plungerboyi mean any adtran850 users with asterisk?
06:02.53PoWeRKiLLCMike you have g729 license :)
06:03.07CMikePoWeRKiLL: nope ? why ?
06:03.29PoWeRKiLLNo sorry, I think it was a peer to peer i forgot it's by pSTN
06:03.42PoWeRKiLLOk I hangup it's work
06:03.47CMikeit goes via my Cisco AS5350 GW
06:03.52CMikeThanx a lot..
06:04.01CMikefrom where did you place the call ?
06:04.08noworkanyone can provide unlimited NorthaAmerica account?thx.
06:04.28PoWeRKiLLCMike from France
06:04.28CMikePoWeRKiLL: from the US ? or ?
06:04.49CMikePoWeRKiLL: who do you have as carrier / Telco ?
06:05.15CMike<-- gotta report which are working , and not working telcos..
06:05.43CMikeApperently ppl from Denmark can dial me at all for some strange reason ..
06:05.58CMikegotta try to find someone from Denmark later on  :)
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06:08.53Odie_floconhey all.
06:09.24Odie_floconsorry BRB.
06:10.48*** part/#asterisk r1_ (
06:11.39luckyaliis there a way to redirect a call on a SIP phone to a zap phone , if SIP phone has no connection ?
06:12.34CMikejust add the zap phone after the sip phone in the dialplan as the next hop
06:12.48CMikeif the sipphone cant be reach the asterisk will go on to the next...
06:13.00pfnluckyali dial the sip first and fail over to zap
06:13.35|Vulture|damn my ISP is dropping the ball bigtime, they still have 2-6% PL on their backbone
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06:14.57|Vulture|luckyali: _9,1,Dial(SIP/);_9,102,Dial(ZAP/g1)
06:15.06|Vulture|{EXTEN} of course etc.
06:18.54luckyaliok it works
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06:20.12luckyaliI have one more problem with T100P
06:20.20luckyaliit detects hangup late
06:20.36|Vulture|how late?
06:20.37luckyalilike 3 secs
06:21.32|Vulture|hmm, and this is after you hangup the phone, not on like an auto-attendant right?
06:22.03luckyalinot with autoattendant
06:22.15|Vulture|this is on latest CVS  release?
06:22.38luckyalinear latest
06:22.49luckyalilike 2 weeks may be
06:22.57|Vulture|yea that should be fine
06:23.09|Vulture|its it a bother though that it takes 3 sec?
06:23.17luckyaliya it is
06:24.03|Vulture|try a 0.9.0 install if the problem persists then its something in the extensions.conf probably
06:24.04luckyalippl have to wait 3 secs to hangup on a call and get a dial tone again
06:25.15luckyaliwell pfn had a good look at my dialplan
06:26.04|Vulture|oh if pfn cleared it then there is nothing I can do hehehe
06:26.18luckyalibut it was something else
06:26.25luckyalinot this problem
06:26.34luckyaliits on the pastbin
06:27.27|Vulture|seems like a big system
06:28.06luckyali24 lines 16 in 8 out
06:28.27|Vulture|yea much bigger than my 4 line systems
06:28.42luckyaliusing Adit 600
06:28.57|Vulture|looks like you got all the hangups there.. very strange
06:29.10|Vulture|I was thinking it might be using a timeout hangup and not a regular hangup
06:30.22luckyaliboth are there
06:30.31plungerboyi how is adit 600?
06:30.40plungerboydo u have any echo problem?
06:30.46luckyaliI had many
06:30.51luckyalibut now its clear
06:31.02luckyali0 echo
06:31.07plungerboyi am using adtran750
06:31.07luckyalion Analog lines
06:31.23plungerboyhow did u solve it?
06:31.42plungerboyi head adit 600 has some built in echo cancellation stuff
06:32.05plungerboyi mean i heard
06:32.19luckyaliya it was not Adit
06:32.35plungerboyi am considering either buy adit or adtran 850 model.
06:32.45luckyaliI changed the code and enables the MMX and Agressice_Supperessor options
06:32.47plungerboybut ppl seems to like adit 600
06:33.05plungerboyi see. i did that. no help at all for me
06:33.25luckyaliused EchoCancel=32 and Echotraining = yes
06:33.34plungerboyya i did that
06:33.37luckyalimontored it with ztmonitor
06:33.41luckyalino echo now
06:33.51plungerboytweak with rx and tx gain.
06:34.16luckyaliI noticed higher values make it worse
06:34.50luckyalibut Adtran has echo problems
06:34.52plungerboyya but I am at the borderline if i turn it up they hear echo and turn down too much they can not hear.
06:35.22plungerboyya i think adtran 850 has echo cancellar.
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06:35.48plungerboyso I am looking for someone acutally using it. see if they have problem.
06:36.01plungerboyi might go with adit one.
06:36.44luckyaliI wonder whats causing the delay in detecting hangup
06:36.59luckyaliis it T100P or the Adit
06:37.12plungerboycheck all the siganlling stuff.
06:37.31luckyaliI checked it with zttool it gives immediate change of state on a channel
06:37.44plungerboyi had that problem and switched to kwelstart or something.
06:38.13luckyaliI used kwelstart earlier but no use
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06:38.27luckyalinow I am using ls but its the same
06:38.59luckyalidigium guys say that nothing can be done about that ....
06:39.42luckyalibut all other PBX I have seen don't have such problem on analog lines
06:41.00plungerboyI am starting to get annoyed with this almost work setup.
06:41.52luckyalidid you check the wiring ?
06:42.06pfnjwhoa, just called xlite, couldn't hear shit through speex, *sigh*
06:42.14pfnI wonder if it's 'cuz it negotiated it as ilbc or something
06:42.21luckyaliis it old ?
06:42.34plungerboyya it is old wiring
06:42.44luckyalireplace it if you can
06:42.46pfnluckyali 3 seconds to hang up is pretty normal
06:42.48tobjonpfn: did you do the xlite patching required?
06:42.52pfn2-3 seconds after you place the phone on-hook
06:42.55pfnscrew patching x-lite
06:42.58pfnmuch easier to patch asterisk
06:42.59plungerboyand not much i can do unless i have to pull all the wiring.
06:43.05luckyalinormal ?
06:43.37pfnluckyali need that long to determine you're not doing something like a hook flash for call transfer, etc.
06:43.41luckyalitake it one by one
06:43.46pfnsounds perfectly normal
06:44.02pfncan you do flash transfers?
06:44.06luckyalibut 3 secs is too much
06:44.10pfnif you can do flash transfers then the 3 second delay to hangup is normal
06:44.13plungerboyluckya;o: is your issue is something similar like this?
06:44.21luckyalia hook flash doesn't take less than a sec
06:44.36pfnit's normal
06:45.33PoWeRKiLLif I have disallow=all then allow=g729 then allow=ulaw and i want to force to use ulaw and not transcoding how can i do that ?
06:45.46pfndon't allow=g729
06:46.14PoWeRKiLLyes but I want g729 when calling from peer to peer and ulaw when calling to pstn
06:46.36PoWeRKiLLhow can I force ulaw ?
06:47.15luckyaliplungerboy: ya something like that
06:47.55luckyalithough I didn't check it with GroundStart
06:49.11tessierAny of you following the OpenSS7 project?
06:49.30pfn8 seconds vs. 3 seconds
06:49.34pfn3 seconds is normal
06:49.36pfn8 seconds isn't
06:50.25knight_tessier, what about it?
06:50.25plungerboyi think i originally used ground start
06:50.27luckyalipfn is it a standard ?
06:50.32plungerboyand had problem with hangup
06:50.36tessierknight_: Just wondering how useful it is at this point and if Asterisk has any plans on integrating with it.
06:50.40plungerboythen changed to kwelstart
06:50.55pfnluckyali is what a standard?
06:51.01knight_tessier, the openss7 guys said they would persue development for asterisk if there was more demand.
06:51.09knight_tessier, that was in like 2000.
06:51.12luckyalilike an ITU standard
06:51.15tobjonpowerkill: i would like to do that as well but i do not think * supports it yet
06:51.24pfnluckyali I dunno about being an ITU standard
06:51.27tessierknight_: I see. I think there will be more demand as asterisk grows. I already have a use for it.
06:51.33h3xss7 is sort of useless with quad t1 cards :P
06:51.37knight_tessier, I recommend teaming up with twisted
06:51.45luckyalihow does your local Telco behave ?
06:51.51tessierknight_: twisted?! The python guys?
06:52.02pfnluckyali 2-3 seconds to hangup
06:52.02tessieroh, twisted on this channel
06:52.14pfntakes about 2 seconds for * to hangup my fxs port
06:52.21tessierI keep getting confused because I am doign some python coding using a module called twisted.
06:52.24pfna little less than 2 seconds
06:52.35luckyalithats better
06:52.50snewpyh3x: why do you say that?
06:52.53pfnbetter than 3 seconds?
06:52.56pfn3 seconds is pretty damn normal
06:52.56luckyaliI want that too
06:53.01pfnare you sure it's not longer than 3 seconds?
06:53.04pfncuz 3 seconds ain't bad
06:53.09h3xbecause most people these days using ss7 is on ds3's
06:53.34luckyalippl using other PBXs are not used to this much delay
06:53.54knight_pfn, I actually think three seconds is long :)
06:53.55pfnwhen does this delay come into effect?
06:54.02pfnwhere are they experiencing this?
06:54.19luckyalieven on my internal extensions
06:54.29pfnthat doesn't mean anything
06:54.35pfn*WHERE* are they experiencing this
06:54.39luckyaliforget about outgoing line
06:54.42pfnwhat do they have to do to encounter this problem
06:54.53pfnwtf does it mean to take 3 seconds to hang up
06:55.12pfnif you take the phone off hook, on-hook and off-hook immediately you don't get a dialtone again?
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06:55.18snewpyh3x: there's lots of advantages of SS7 even in smaller environments... 8 circuits per chassis on ss7 gives you 14 extra bearers per chassis compared to euroisdn if you use a single signalling link
06:55.22luckyali3 secs to hangup a running call and hear dialtone again
06:55.37pfnhow do you get a dialtone again
06:55.38snewpyh3x: plus all the extra network facilities of isup
06:55.44pfnmake the user hang up the phone and pick it up again
06:55.47pfnor flash it
06:55.48h3xzaptel supports nfas now
06:55.52h3xmaybe not in euroisdn but
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06:56.10h3xit will sooner than ss7 being supported
06:56.24luckyalibut flashing it initiates 3-way call not hangup
06:56.51pfnluckyali so make the user actually hang up the phone
06:57.10luckyaliya but he has to wait 3 secs
06:57.15snewpyh3x: isup has a bunch more cool features than just shared signalling, though
06:57.21luckyaliafter he get the line clear again
06:57.24pfnyou mean he hangs up the phone and *then* waits 3 seconds
06:57.28h3xand you know it would take forever to make asterisk support any of them
06:57.39snewpyhaha true
06:57.47pfnyou need to be more clear about the problem  :p
06:58.14h3xif anything, someone should work on supporting more pri features as it is
06:58.43h3x2 B channel transfer, network side hold, etc
06:58.50luckyaliIf I hangup on a call I see * responding the hangup on CLI after 3 secs
06:59.26snewpyh3x: and aside from the software, all that C7 conformance testing for the boards is not going to happen any time soon, I imagine.... I use Aculab boards for ISUP
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06:59.37pfn* responds to me after 2 seconds after I hang up
06:59.39h3xhehe i have aculab boards
06:59.42pfnbut I can immediately off-hook and get a dialtone
06:59.52pfnI dunno, I haven't tooled around with a channel bank
06:59.57luckyalinot in my case
06:59.58h3xit would be a lot easier to make asterisk support aculab boards :P
06:59.59pfntry kewlstart signalling on the fxs ports
07:00.03snewpyh3x: very cool boards
07:00.07snewpyh3x: bayonne :)
07:00.15h3xyeah i started programming stuff back in 2000 for aculab
07:00.15luckyaliI can't hear the dialtone again utill * hangsup
07:00.16plungerboyi would rather use dialogic
07:00.23h3xi was the first mofo in north america with their boards running on solaris
07:00.27h3xso all the ulaw shit didnt work
07:00.28snewpyplungerboy: heh... suit yourself :)
07:00.36snewpyh3x: haha
07:00.48luckyaliI was using Ks before switching to ls
07:01.06h3xhow dare they sell me a $13,500 card and i cant use ulaw for any of the algorithyms for 8 months
07:01.38tobjonh3x: they already are in bristuff, aren't they?
07:01.43snewpyfeh... i bet they offered you a nice protocol convertor you could buy, right? :)
07:01.47luckyalibut they are the same
07:01.56h3xno i didnt need protocol conversion
07:02.06h3xthey dont have much for bri
07:02.07pfnhmm, I thought RTP was supposed to ignoremagic numbers if they don't match....
07:02.13zoaaculab ?
07:02.15pfnand fall back onto RTP mime type
07:02.15zoagimme an url ?
07:02.23zoai might sponsor development
07:02.47Odie_floconanybody thought about doing a centrex type of setup with *?
07:02.58plungerboyluckyali:do u have any intterrupts problem?
07:03.05h3xzoa: its an awfully expensive board to "sponsor development" on
07:03.30luckyaliI used the zttool it immediately show change of state on channels
07:03.33zoah3x: what does it cost ?
07:03.42plungerboyi played dialogic and d4j. not bad
07:03.53h3xalmost 10 grand for a useful quad t1 card.
07:04.08h3xin the 6's for a single t1 with dsps
07:04.10Odie_floconwhy doiuldn't you buy a Digium card.
07:04.20Odie_floconit's a whole lot less.
07:04.23h3xOdie_flocon: to get ss7 support sooner
07:04.43h3xalthough, i guess i'd sell my aculab boards
07:04.46pfnI still have to ask, how many people can take advantage of ss7 support in asterisk?
07:04.50h3xto anybody that wants to develop stuff with it
07:04.53Odie_floconI know where you can get an isdn to ss7 conversion box.
07:05.09Odie_flocononly 80K
07:05.23h3xits just so much more economical to buy something that already does ss7 -> voip
07:05.26h3xlike the cisco AS5800
07:05.41tobjonwhy do you want ss7 instead av isdn?
07:06.01Odie_floconI think Siemens has a product for that as well.
07:06.29Odie_floconand why would you want ss7 on * anyhow?
07:06.48h3xfor various reasons
07:06.55h3xeuroisdn in zaptel dosent do nfas yet
07:06.57snewpyOdie_flocon: see a few screens above :)
07:07.08Odie_floconmissed the few screens above.
07:07.12h3xsome telcos around the world dont wanna do pri
07:07.13Odie_floconjust logged in again.
07:07.26h3xsome telcos charge a fortune for pri D channels but SS7 is free
07:07.29Odie_floconlike what ones.
07:07.38h3xglobal crossing gets $275/month for pri
07:07.38denonh3x: well .. its sorta free
07:07.41Odie_floconFree SS7 I doubt it.
07:07.51h3xmci is $25 per D channel per month
07:07.52denonlook at the investment
07:07.54Odie_floconyou need to have a switch
07:08.15h3xPRI is just a lite ISUP
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07:08.44Odie_floconand most telcos do offer PRI, or MEGAlink etc.
07:09.17Odie_floconpri is only American.
07:09.17Odie_floconsorry North American
07:09.17Odie_floconthe Real countries use E3
07:09.18Odie_floconor Megalink etc.
07:09.34Odie_flocon30 voice channels.
07:09.46denonheh .. "real countries
07:09.56Odie_floconPri Sux
07:10.06denonOdie_flocon; what country are you from?
07:10.23Odie_floconI've supported PRI / SS7 networks for the past 5 years.
07:10.35Odie_floconand I'd rather support E1 in a second.
07:10.53h3xyou dumbass.
07:11.01h3xeuroisdn is PRI/PRA
07:11.24h3xand more countries use T3 to encapsulate E1's than using a E3
07:11.31h3xbecuase a T3 is larger
07:11.38Odie_floconI meant E1
07:11.39denonOdie_flocon: last I checked, the USA is a "real country", we've got a dec of independ, consitution, et
07:12.00Odie_floconbut they do things ass backwords
07:12.07denonand Canada doesn't?
07:12.14Odie_floconcanada does too.
07:12.19Odie_floconlike cell phones
07:12.27plungerboyat least they let moron run coutry
07:12.34Odie_floconwhy are we not using GSM.
07:12.50denonGSM is ancient .. I'd rather have a cdma network any day.
07:13.16Odie_floconancient yes.
07:13.31tobjonIn Sweden ISDN is about $275/month (pri, 30 B channels) or $25/month (bri, 2 B chans).
07:13.36Odie_floconbut very standard in most of the world.
07:13.40h3xcanada copies all the us telco standards
07:13.43h3xand other laws for that matter
07:13.45h3xand mexico dosent
07:13.46h3xgo figure
07:13.49Odie_floconyes they do
07:13.55denonOdie_flocon: many coutries are moving from analog+gsm to CDMA as quickly as they can ..
07:13.59Odie_floconIt doesn't mean I have to like it.
07:14.05denonwhy should we go out of our way to move back to what they're getting away from?
07:14.30denonplungerboy: yes
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07:14.59Odie_floconPri in canada is about 1200/month
07:15.09plungerboyshould have bought qualcommn stock
07:16.12tobjonodie_flocon: 1200 USD/month? ouch!
07:16.19Odie_floconyeah ouch
07:16.27Odie_floconand that's only 23 voice channels.
07:16.53plungerboywhat is partial t1?
07:16.54tobjonhow much is an ordinary analogue PSTN connection then?
07:17.21Odie_floconpartial T1's not sure.
07:17.29Odie_floconbut BRI is approx 120/mth
07:18.02Odie_floconsee CLEC's have just started in the last 5 years.
07:18.14denonso get a PRI in the US and voip it home. :)
07:18.33Odie_floconusing * of course.
07:18.46tobjonHere it's cheaper to have one bri than having two analog lines...
07:18.54Odie_floconI wish
07:18.55plungerboycanada has monopoly telco regulations like us
07:19.25Odie_floconbut we are finally opening to competitive local exchanges
07:19.41plungerboybut canada boradband is a lot moving fast than us for penetration.
07:19.42Odie_floconthe Clecs boomed for about 1 year.
07:19.57Odie_floconyeah Alberta Supernet is awesome.
07:20.36Odie_floconI setup a Microwave T3 link earlier this year. Man was that ever nice.
07:20.48Odie_flocon155 Mb backhaul.
07:20.56Odie_floconfor a wireless internet provider.
07:21.22Odie_floconrunning 3.5Ghz
07:21.44Odie_floconi read that the US has opend 3.6 for free use.
07:21.50tobjonhere it is almost-monopoly (Telia own most of the cabling to the houses) but they are very strictly regulated - it's the same rules for all big-enough players.
07:22.10*** join/#asterisk otaku42 (
07:22.32Odie_floconin the US the clecs get paid for all the calls that terminate on their switch
07:23.14Odie_floconisp's 3 years ago could make tonnes of $ if they were to put a switch in using SS7 Alinks
07:23.20af_anyone in uk that could test an 0870 number, please?
07:23.56Odie_floconhey where can I find more info on writing agi scripts?
07:25.08*** join/#asterisk r1_ (
07:25.14otaku42Odie_flocon: what kind of information do you need?
07:25.46Odie_floconI want to start running external scripts when certain things happen in \*
07:26.56snewpyaf_: dial it thru nufone or something
07:27.08plungerboygo to sourceforge
07:27.12plungerboytype asterisk
07:27.26otaku42Odie_flocon: hmm, wait... i had two sites that explained agi commands... /me digs them out of his bookmarkfile
07:27.26plungerboythere will be many projects.
07:27.40plungerboysome will be using agi interface
07:27.52plungerboylook at code and samples, that is one way.
07:27.52tobjonDoes anyone have a program to compress a dialplan? I have lots of numbers that can be compressed, for example I if the file contains all the 1230,1231,1232,...,1239 it should be converted to 123X
07:27.57af_snewpy: I have only teleappliant account, from where I am unable to test it
07:31.05otaku42Odie_flocon: that's it... hope that helps
07:31.17Odie_floconlooks good
07:31.31Odie_floconI want to build X10 support with the AGI scripts
07:31.58h3xOdie_flocon: data calls are expressly forbidden from reciprocal compensation
07:31.59h3xat least now
07:33.09Odie_floconall I want to do is dial an extension and have it turn off a light.
07:33.36Odie_floconor dial another extension and have it give me the status of an X10 device.
07:34.41otaku42is there srtp-support or something else that allows to encrypt voip calls available (or in the queue)?
07:34.44*** join/#asterisk ErikN (
07:34.57ErikNNirS: still here?
07:35.16ErikNAnyone have a TDM400P ?
07:35.22denonOdie_flocon: a "Microwave T3" .. running 155Mbps?
07:35.32zigmanis there a way to check if a sip phone is registered in the dialplan ?
07:35.42Odie_floconsorry let me specify
07:35.50zigmanso i can take call some zap device if its not registered ?
07:35.55Odie_floconthe microwave link had a capacity of 155MB
07:36.28*** join/#asterisk Jas_Williams (
07:36.29Odie_floconthey were using it for 100MB networking.
07:36.54denonso where's the "T3" come in?
07:37.14Odie_floconthe unit had T3 support built in as well.
07:37.40Odie_floconit would transmit anything till it filled it's 155MB
07:38.05Odie_floconcuz that's all the allocated Bandwidth of the Microwave Frequencies they had.
07:38.15h3xin other words.. telcos dont get paid when a modem call terminates on them
07:38.48denonh3x: actually, afaik, that varies a bit by state
07:39.26Odie_floconbut modems are still considered Voice calls.
07:39.28tobjonzigman: You could try if ChanIsAvail is enough for your
07:39.51denonI think that's taken a bit lower priority now, with the advent of broadband
07:39.54Odie_floconthat's why the 56k modems are only 52k approx.
07:40.30CMikeanybody in the US here, that can help me verify that a call gets through to my Asterisk here in Sweden ?  (I have an Echotest setup)
07:40.44Odie_floconif they were true 56K they go into a different set of regulations
07:40.45CMikeMy telco blames the US telco for not routing the calls right..
07:41.02denonCMike: you're asking someone to call sweden from the us?
07:41.25h3xi realize that but the clecs dont get paid anything
07:41.31h3xwhen a modem tone is detected
07:41.37CMikesort just to se the the cals gets through..  I just need to verify .. no need to spend time off-hook... :)
07:41.38h3xin many areas of the US
07:41.40Odie_floconthat's strange.
07:41.49h3xwhich is why the CLECs charge way more for ISP PRI's
07:41.55tobjonCMike: What are you testing? (Tobias, Lund SE)
07:42.07h3xXO gets $700/mo + loop for ISPs here
07:42.11denonCMike: I suppose I could do that for ya ..
07:42.13Odie_floconcuz a DCO can't detect if it's a data call.
07:42.15h3xXspedius is similar
07:42.34CMiketobjon: It seems that there maybe an international provider/carrier that may have forgotten some numberseries to my telco..
07:42.52CMikesome of my customers said that it was impossible to call from US, .dk etc
07:43.01CMikeI need to verify and find where the problem is.
07:43.06denonCMike: privmsg me the # and I'll give it a shot
07:43.21pfnhmm, * rtp behavior is broken...
07:43.21denonsweden is 46 isnt it?
07:43.23pfnor is it sip
07:43.25pfnone of those
07:43.40Odie_floconman it's hard trying to figure out dialplans in the US. let alone Internation dial plans.
07:44.07Odie_floconwhat is broken pfn
07:44.17Odie_floconwhat exaclty is it doing?
07:44.31pfnwhen the magic codes differ for the same codec
07:44.31tobjonCMike: Okay. I have heard that some Swedish telcos think +4675 numbers are cell phones and charge for that..
07:44.36ErikNanyone know the hardware requirements for a tdm400p?
07:44.48pfnrtp rfc says that the UA should ignore that the magic #'s are different
07:44.56pfn* doesn't
07:45.08pfnso xlite negotiates iLBC, while * thinks we want to talk speex
07:45.19CMike+4675 are local rates..
07:45.30pfnall I get on this end is garbage after that
07:45.32Odie_floconok, yuck.
07:45.43pfnthere's that registry patch
07:45.45pfnbut it's a hack
07:45.48Odie_floconRFC 3265?
07:45.50pfnit's * that's broken, not x-lite
07:45.54Odie_floconor something lilke that.
07:46.11pfnwell, it's the SDP that sends rtpmap
07:46.19tobjonCMike: exactly, but I have heard there are telcos that have mistaken themselves on that. Glocalnet is my only known example.
07:46.24pfnrfc 3550
07:46.31tobjonCMike: What telco are you using?
07:47.03CMikeone of the telcos I'm using are rix
07:47.33tobjonCMike: I'm using rix as well. It's not rix' fault. Its the same for all +4675
07:47.43Odie_floconpfn so your not looking at the Sip frc then. ok.
07:47.56otaku42is there srtp-support or something else that allows to encrypt voip calls available (or in the queue)?
07:48.59Odie_floconhere's a stupid question
07:49.07manipurapfn do you ever leave?
07:49.37denonpfn wont take a hint :)
07:49.58Odie_floconI want a phone to be sitting in a confrence. and if the extension does a hookflash I want it to run an AGI script?
07:50.06manipuraAll day long, everytime I look in here, there he is typing away
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07:52.03pfnbe happy with the free help you get  :p
07:52.46*** join/#asterisk dercol (
07:54.57mixihas some made a doorbell via asterisk?
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07:58.51denonmixi: yep
07:59.10mixidenon: how did you made it?
07:59.21denonI didn't.
07:59.29denonyou asked if someone did .. Ive heard people talking about em
07:59.40mixidenon: can you give me further information?
07:59.40*** join/#asterisk coppice (
08:00.38denontook all of 10 seconds to hit google and find that. :)
08:00.51mixidenon: oh, sorry *giggle*
08:01.11denons'ok, nobody bothers to search before they ask
08:01.30mixidenon: but i thought about a serial solution
08:02.11mixidenone: just reveice a signal on ttyS0 and a special ringsound should signal that someones on the dorr
08:02.18denonserial solution would be easy .. write a little app that hooks * and calls a macro
08:02.54mixihow does this hook work?
08:03.03denonshrugs .. lotsa ways you could do it
08:03.06mixior such a hook
08:03.09denonhave your app telnet to the manager interface
08:03.14denonhave it drop a file into the spool dir
08:03.34mixiahh, i see
08:03.45mixipropably most simple via a c api call
08:03.45denonyou could also write a * module
08:04.00mixiyes, that would work fine
08:04.15mixii should have a look how simple that could work
08:04.28denonthe telnet or queue file would be the EASIEST by far ..
08:04.37denon10 lines of perl would probably do it
08:04.47denonbut the module would be the cleanest
08:05.02mixiand most solid, imo
08:05.07denonwell ..
08:05.10denonthat's hard to say
08:05.16denona poorly written module could take down your whole * box
08:05.34denonwheras when your perl scripts freaks out on the other interfaces, it probably wont hurt anything else
08:05.35mixiyou think even in this small functionality?
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08:05.44denonim just saying in theory
08:06.05mixispiekey, are you also on quakenet?
08:06.10spiekeyi get tons of error messages on the asterisk console: WARNING[245775]: dsp.c:1465 ast_dsp_process: Inband DTMF is not supported on codec G.711 u-law. Use RFC2833
08:06.18spiekeymixi: not really, why?
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08:06.40mixispiekey: theres also somone who calls himself spiekey
08:06.58spiekeymixi: sure its not spikey? ;)
08:07.03denonspiekey: so use rfc2833 ..
08:07.24denondtmfmode=rfc2833 in sip.conf
08:07.32spiekeyah, thx!
08:08.23mixidenon: i evaluate the possibilites and tell you my resulst
08:08.50denonmixi: you may as well make life interesting ..
08:08.56denonstick a biometric sensor out there ..
08:09.02denonthen asterisk can announce WHO is at the door
08:15.06justinnnnnnbuy an intercom!
08:15.31spiekeyi have some trouble with an IVR menu and phone.
08:15.40spiekeythis is my extensions.conf:
08:15.56spiekeyand i dont know why it wont hang up as soon as i press 1
08:16.13mixidenon: i will also evaluate that :-d
08:17.20spiekeyits avery very short extentions.conf, so worth a look ;)
08:17.36justinnnnnnit looks fine..
08:17.47justinnnnnnhangup() is the same hangup ?
08:18.29spiekeyhuh? same what?
08:18.31pfndamn thing is misbehaving
08:18.45justinnnnnntake  the digittimeout thing out and see if she works
08:19.16spiekeyyou meant "exten => s,2,ResponseTimeout(5)" ?
08:19.31decode<3's his * config
08:20.04justinnnnnnor change it to like 10000
08:20.06justinnnnnnor something
08:21.45spiekeyjustinnnnnn: nope. still the same.
08:22.17justinnnnnntry without that line
08:22.20justinnnnnnso u just have
08:22.28justinnnnnn2 lines i mean
08:23.28justinnnnnnive got this in mine
08:23.28justinnnnnnexten => s,1,Answer
08:23.29justinnnnnnexten => s,2,Background(welcomemenu)
08:23.29justinnnnnnexten => 1,1,Goto(sales,s,1)
08:23.29justinnnnnnexten => 0,1,Goto(mainmenu-welcome,s,2)
08:23.32justinnnnnnso urs should work..
08:23.42pfn* -> xlite, ilbc payload type = 97, xlite -> * ilbc payload type = 98, codec = ilbc, xlite->* payloadtype = 97
08:23.46pfnI wonder if that's correct behavior
08:23.50pfnthe rfc doesn't say much about this
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08:24.19pfnpayload type adapts to that of the remote sender, doesn't it?
08:25.11spiekeyjustinnnnnn: thats my config now  and that nice woman wont shut up :P
08:25.24ac9312745Is there a way from an AGI script after a Dial command returns to find out the BILLSEC value from the CDR?
08:25.29spiekeyis there a debug modus for this kinda menu?
08:26.00justinnnnnnhold on
08:26.12justinnnnnnis dtmf and all that set correctly
08:26.16justinnnnnnthat might affect it i think ?
08:26.52justinnnnnnac93.. u could make it grab the data from mysql.. once its put in
08:27.35justinnnnnnspikey i think ur pressing one but asterisk doesnt relise it or something ?
08:27.40ac9312745I already though of thet however I want to see it it put into any of the channel vars
08:28.17ac9312745spiekey are you using the xten client?
08:31.01spiekeyi am using kphone
08:31.06*** join/#asterisk Centaur^6 (
08:31.13Centaur^6hi all
08:31.49spiekeyhi Centaur^6
08:32.02Centaur^6just wonding if somone could point me inthe right direction for a GUI to configure asterisk preferably web based
08:32.07ac9312745I was having the problem that * did not recognise my key presses turned out that I had to add the line dtmfmode= rfc2833 in the sip.conf