irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040824

00:01.19*** join/#asterisk EternalKnight (
00:01.21*** part/#asterisk EternalKnight (
00:01.52pfncuz I think my fiancee can hear me, but I forget
00:01.57pfn(in reference to speex from earlier)
00:06.43*** join/#asterisk uNKy (~uNK@
00:07.15letherglovyou forgot about your fiancee?
00:10.27J_Bullet44100Unexpected frequency
00:10.40J_BulletUnabled to open fd on /filename.wav
00:11.22J_BulletUnable to open welcome-mainmenu
00:11.27J_Bulletformat ILBC
00:11.41J_BulletI thought you said wav was ok?
00:12.04ManxPowerJ_Bullet: Don't put the extension on
00:12.12Kumbangguys, where can i get g729 codec for *
00:12.19ManxPowerAlso give it a full path
00:13.04J_BulletManxPower: it's finding the full path
00:13.21ManxPowerfilename.wav is in /
00:13.32ManxPowerThat's a silly place to put it!
00:13.38J_Bulletno it's not
00:13.44ManxPowerWell Asterisk thinks it is.
00:13.53J_BulletI just couldn't be bothered copying out the whole path
00:13.57ManxPowerWHAT is the actual Playback or Background line in extensions.conf?
00:14.01ManxPowerPASTE it.
00:14.11J_Bulletexten => s,2,Background(welcome-mainmenu)
00:14.12ManxPowerJ_Bullet: Lazy pasting slows things down.
00:14.23jmb-ctanyone got sample config to get icecast working with asterisk MOH ??
00:14.37J_BulletI can't paste the output of a console on another machine
00:14.49ManxPowerand welcome-mainmenu.wav is in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds ?
00:15.04tz-afka true Canadian story
00:15.08tz-afknow THAT is newsworthy
00:15.13ManxPowerI have no more suggestions
00:16.04J_Bulletit doesn't seem happy about the frequency
00:16.14J_Bulletis 44.1khz too high?
00:16.21letherglovtz-afk: I wonder if the driver is passed out drunk in some ditch on the side of the road
00:16.31letherglovtz-afk: with 56,000 cans of beer at his side
00:16.32ManxPowerGenerally 8khz is telephony default
00:17.03tz-afkletherglov: :-)
00:17.13J_Bullet8 or 16bit?
00:17.26tzanger8-bit 8000Hz (NOT 8192Hz)
00:17.59tessierpfn: bah...the clients firewall is being really weird and dropping SOME udp packets but not all. Very strange.
00:18.11tzangerIf all the salmon caught in Canada in one year were laid end to end
00:18.12tzangeracross the Sahara Desert, the smell would be absolutely awful.
00:18.24tessierpfn: Also, they ARE doing nat but the phones can only make basic calls if I turn OFF nat support in the phone and in *. How bizarre is that?!
00:19.46letherglovtessier: I gave up with that crap and bought an IAXy for my remote extensions
00:19.52pfntessier is it a checkpoint firewall?
00:20.00pfnsome firewalls have SIP support
00:20.01tessierpfn: No. Sonicwall.
00:20.05pfnvery fucked up sip support but they do
00:20.10pfncheckpoint is utterly pissing me off with that
00:20.11tessierletherglov: That won't do in this case.
00:20.17pfncuz you can't turn off the goddamn sip support in the firewall
00:20.22letherglovtessier: why?
00:20.23tessierFirewalls and nat are the bane of my existance
00:20.25pfnat least I haven't been able to figure it out by browsing the config yet
00:20.32tessierletherglov: Because they want Cisco 7960's?
00:20.38letherglovtessier: gotcha
00:20.39pfntessier so look it up and see if sonicwall does any SIP support
00:20.41*** join/#asterisk easydone (
00:20.46*** join/#asterisk jmhunter (
00:20.46*** mode/#asterisk [+o jmhunter] by ChanServ
00:20.48letherglovtessier: do they have IPv6 firmware for those phones yet?
00:20.50tessierpfn: Didn't see it in the firewall config, googling it now
00:21.04tessierletherglov: Dunno. Not that anyone would switch their whole network to ipv6
00:21.06letherglovtessier: you could just run an IPv6 tunnel across the IPv4 nat ... hah ;-)
00:21.36letherglovtessier: actually, I laugh, but I had that working a few years back with a 6509 and a 2621
00:21.56pfnipv6, bleh
00:21.58pfnnat is fine  :p
00:22.08pfnwho the hell can memorize an ipv6 address
00:22.09letherglovgood nat is fine
00:22.25letherglovthe first ::/64 is easy
00:22.32tzangerpfn haha
00:22.46J_BulletSIP and NAT is hell :-(
00:22.47letherglovit's the rest of it that sucks
00:22.57pfnSIP and NAT is easy
00:23.03pfnjust need basic firewall connection tracking support
00:23.07letherglovI've been pleased with OpenBSD's NAT
00:23.10jmhunterits easy.. just dont fuck with much once its working
00:23.12letherglovit's quite configurable
00:23.13jmhunterthen it is hell
00:23.28pfncould probably hack up a conntrack_sip in a matter of hours if I really felt like it
00:23.36letherglovI found this nifty shell, authpf, that creates firewall rules for the source ip address of the authenticating user
00:23.39letherglovpretty slick
00:23.55jmhunterwhois using sip/asterisk through  nat?
00:23.56*** join/#asterisk DrRighteous (
00:24.12ManxPowerI have phones behind nat.
00:24.20letherglovI tried setting up X-Lite behind NAT
00:24.20ManxPowerNo Asterisk servers behind nat
00:24.23DrRighteousGreetings all
00:24.26letherglovI uninstalled it and got firefly
00:24.26pfnworks fine for me
00:24.30J_Bulletjmhunter: me
00:24.31ManxPowerpfn: You're so butch.
00:24.47pfnI don't use it as my primary mode of communicating 'tween the * servers
00:24.49|Vulture|anyone here ever use "ulimit" in linux?
00:24.50pfnit was done as a test-case
00:24.57J_Bulletpfn: how the fuck did you get that working?
00:25.00pfncuz I couldn't get broadvoice incoming
00:25.02pfnhave a clue
00:25.17|Vulture|I just had someone send mail through my server and it loaded the server to 15 and Im trying to limit it
00:25.20letherglovyou opened all the ports > 1024 to the opposing machine ;-) ?
00:25.28pfnalthough, checkpoint fucked me over and I wasted like 8 hours trying to figure out wtf was going on
00:25.39J_Bulletis there any easy way to keep externip updated when the external is dynamic?
00:25.45pfnj_bullet no
00:25.50pfnj_bullet easily hackable, though...
00:26.14pfnjust do a gethostbyname everytime externip is referenced in chan_sip
00:26.34pfnor you could use ast_get_ip, whatever
00:27.04pfnasterisk api
00:27.12J_Bulletthe asterisk box isn't on the border
00:27.20pfni.e. go hack chan_sip.c
00:28.48pfnnuclear power would be cool if it ran clean (contained waste)
00:28.56pfnand were more efficient
00:28.56jmhunterno shit
00:29.02pfnand didn't have to happen at like 10000C
00:29.44dougheckawell, my server keeps running when I unplug the primary drive..
00:29.48dougheckabut nothing works
00:29.56pfnyou don't say  :p
00:29.57dougheckaits a mirror, isnt it supposed to keep running
00:29.59jmhuntertheyre talking about pebble bed reactors and how china will have to throw thousands of these together in the next 20 to supp[ort their growing economy
00:31.20letherglovjmhunter: or they could get 500,000,000 people to walk on treadmills
00:31.35dougheckaisnt a mirror supposed to keep an OS running?
00:31.37jmhunterPFN: evidently pebble bed outputs hydrogen, enought to power a billion cars
00:31.38letherglovjmhunter: while the other 500,000,000 million use the power and then switch
00:31.43dougheckait runs, but nothing really works
00:32.15pfnpebble bed, pebble bed as in?
00:32.23pfnI dunno wtf pebble bed is
00:32.23dougheckayabba dabba dooo
00:32.26pfnI think of river bed
00:32.35letherglovI think of rabbit droppings
00:32.37jmhunterfuel pebbles// billiard size
00:32.39*** part/#asterisk binar_ (
00:33.12*** join/#asterisk menger (
00:34.46pfnuranium pebbles
00:35.01dougheckayum yum
00:35.50pfnwe just need cold fusion
00:35.59pfncold fusion would solve the problem of nuclear waste
00:36.15dougheckaby making crappy websites
00:38.24pfntree huggers suck
00:38.27pfnnuclear power is good
00:40.39pfnonly unedumacated louts say nuculer
00:40.48mishehuthe problem with being a tree hugger is you get slivers on your genitals from trying to fuck a knothole.
00:45.48J_BulletI've managed to get my menu to answer and play the greeting
00:45.56J_Bulletbut pressing buttons does nothing :-/
00:46.55pfnwhat are you using for a phone?  which codec?  which provider?
00:48.06J_Bulletusing x-lite to make a call routed from xlite to gossiptel, to asterisk
00:48.27pfnyou didn't answer all the questions
00:48.46pfnyou need to turn off inband dtmf on x-lite
00:49.18J_Bulletforce send inband is off already
00:49.35pfnthen you need to do the same appropriate thing on the gossiptel <-> asterisk side
00:49.57J_Bullethow? where?
00:50.55mengerwho? when?
00:51.35dougheckaand why
00:51.50pfndtmfmode=rfc2833 in asterisk
00:51.59pfnand you have to make sure gossiptel supports that
00:53.23JunK-Ydtmfmode=rfc2833 has to be in which file ? sip.conf ?
00:53.40JunK-Ycause i've this warning:
00:53.41JunK-YAug 23 20:06:50 WARNING[753683]: dsp.c:1465 ast_dsp_process: Inband DTMF is not supported on codec G.711 u-law. Use RFC2833
00:54.05mutilatori use inband dtmf with ulaw..
00:55.10pfnjunk-y is messed up some how  :p
00:56.01wsuffJunK-Y:  for sip peers sip.conf
00:57.11JunK-Ywsuff: wait, gonna make a test after i'll hangup.
00:57.26*** join/#asterisk sudoer (
00:57.33sudoerhi all
00:59.31J_Bulletpfn: setting dtmfmode=rfc2833 in gossiptel section of the sip.conf seems to have broken incoming calls completely
00:59.45bkw_define broken?
00:59.48bkw_as in not working totally?
00:59.56dougheckaor just "broken"
00:59.56J_Bulletas in not working totoally
00:59.59bkw_you're full of it
01:00.06bkw_that setting HAS nothing to do with that
01:00.17bkw_sip show peers
01:00.20bkw_see if anything is listed
01:00.20mutilatoryou just got told!
01:00.31*** join/#asterisk fskfsk (
01:00.36bkw_I bet you have an extra char in front of [general] in sip.conf
01:00.42dougheckahow much
01:00.50bkw_if that broke it.. I bet something that silly is the reason
01:01.13tzangerhmm that doesn't seem right
01:01.25fskfsk~seen voipjet
01:01.26jbotvoipjet <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 22h 33m 45s ago, saying: '~seen voipjet'.
01:01.28J_Bulletit was working untill I added that line and restarted asterisk
01:01.32tzangera computer drawing 250W 24/7 for an entire month consumes about 186kWh... is that right?
01:01.34bkw_but dtmfmode won't totally break inbound calls
01:01.35bkw_no way
01:01.39pfnj_bullet sip reload and pay attention
01:01.50pfnthere is an error there
01:02.04J_Bulletthere's tons of shit in the console now about critical requests and registration failures
01:02.25pfntzanger 1KWH every 4 hours, 24 * 30... ~180KWH
01:02.50tzangeryup okay so I did to it right
01:02.57tzangerI took 31 days for a month
01:03.15tzangerI always get screwed up when yo ucall it kwh...  I mean it draws 1kW in 4 hours
01:03.16pfnwhere do you get 182.5
01:03.24tzangernot 1kWh in 4hrs
01:03.33tzangerunless kW == kWh
01:03.54pfnwell, KWH is a unit of work
01:03.58dantpfn, 24hrs per day for an average month (average month being 365/12)
01:04.01tzangerkW is a unit of work too
01:04.07pfnkw is a unit of power
01:04.13tzangerthere is the different
01:04.15tzangerer difference
01:04.18tzangerpower*time = work
01:04.20pfner, not unit of work, unit of energy, my bad
01:04.32sudoeris there a good tutorial online for setting up asterisk that someone can point me to, google seems to not be able to find good results
01:04.34tzangeryes... I forget my phsics :-)
01:04.53jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
01:04.53tzangerjbot tell sudoer about asterisk documents
01:05.14sudoerthanks, i am loking at voip-info now!
01:05.28tzangerwell at 186kWh for a month of usage at 4.3 cents/kWh that computer only cost 60 cents for the entire month
01:05.33tzangerer 80 cents rather
01:06.03danttzanger, got your decimal places correct?
01:06.12sudoerand the digium links is dead from here:
01:06.25tzangerwell 186kWh for the month, 4.3 cents/kwH...  186 * 0.043
01:06.25pfn186 * .04 is more than 60
01:06.26tzangerahh 8 dollars
01:06.34pfnyou sure get some cheap power
01:06.47pfnit's ~10c/KWH here in cali
01:07.07pfnand more like 13c/KWH over baseline
01:07.23pfnso yeah, I estimate it's $20/mo per computer I run
01:07.27pfnI should start turning off computers
01:07.38dougheckahow much is that in btu per fortnight?
01:07.39pfnor getting more optimized power supplies
01:07.39implicitdoughecka: lol
01:07.44bkw_fuck no wonder my power bill is so high
01:07.45tzanger4.3 cents here but it's being subsidized
01:07.49doughecka~convert 13 KW
01:07.59tzangerpfn your power supply is already about 98% efficient
01:08.12tzangerlose the 40W AMD chip :-)
01:08.20doughecka~convert 13 KWH to btu per fortnight
01:08.24J_Bullettzanger: most PSUs are only about 75%
01:08.43tzangerJ_Bullet: hmm mabe it's power factor I'm thinking of
01:08.49tzangerswitchers draw almost unity power factor
01:08.56doughecka~convert 2 lightyears to miles
01:09.07pfntzanger I run a p3-1200
01:09.09dantneed some wind turbines, solar panels and a few other power generating toys that can be used to run the computers and sell the left over back to the power company
01:09.12pfnrelatively power efficient, 30W
01:09.15pfnplus nothing else on the board
01:09.22pfnok, so I guess maybe that box is drawing 40W
01:09.27pfnmy linux box probably draws 50W
01:09.30dougheckaare you sure its using 250 watts from the outlet?
01:09.33tzangerdant actually I plan on doing that... small ~5kW generator on an old farm-style windmill to pump heat into the house
01:10.00pfnKWH doesn't convert into btu nicely
01:10.07tzangerkW does though
01:10.16dougheckaanyone know software raid in linux?
01:10.18dougheckaI need help
01:10.21tzangerdoughecka: yup me
01:10.35J_Bulletme too
01:10.36dougheckaok, I have 2 IDE drives
01:10.45pfnah, so power = energy/time, so power*time = energy, indeed, I was right  :)
01:10.46dougheckathe raid is a mirror
01:10.51pfner, damnit
01:10.54pfnI'm getting messed up
01:11.00pfnJoules is an unit of work?
01:11.03tzanger1 BTU = 292.8W I think
01:11.05tzangerJoule is energy
01:11.10epochI once knew a stripper named joules
01:11.16dougheckathe raid was working fine
01:11.18pfnI thought coloumb was energy....
01:11.22tzangercoulomb is charge
01:11.23pfnoh, that's a unit of charge
01:11.31pfnbeen way too many years since physics
01:11.35epochno dude, coloumb is a tv show
01:11.40dougheckabut I moved one of the drives over to another IDE bus
01:11.50pfnthat and I got like C- in that class for every semester for 2 years  ;-)
01:11.56dougheckanow the raid cant find the second drive
01:12.07tzangerdoughecka: sounds like you didn't have persistent superblocks
01:12.14pfnonly to end up with like a .8 on the last year
01:12.18dougheckaPersistent superblock?      Yes
01:12.22tzangerdoughecka: hmmm
01:12.23dougheckait says its enabled
01:12.27tzangerdid the drive geometry change?
01:12.34dougheckaI just moved busses
01:12.46tzangerdoughecka: I'd try a raidhotadd but not sure if that'd work
01:12.59dougheckaI did
01:13.05JunK-Ywsuff: im still getting this: Aug 23 21:10:26 WARNING[851986]: dsp.c:1465 ast_dsp_process: Inband DTMF is not supported on codec G.711 u-law. Use RFC2833
01:13.05dantcheck /etc/raidtab ?
01:13.07dougheckait asked me for parimeters
01:13.19J_Bulletyou need to specify a device
01:13.20tzangerthe other thing you can do is wipe the second drive (dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/drive/to/die bs=512) and then try raidhotadding it
01:13.22wsuffJunK-Y:  strange
01:13.33J_Bulletraidhotadd /dev/hdb
01:13.40tzangeryeah the incantation is something like raidhotadd /dev/md0 /dev/hdb
01:13.43J_Bulletor whatever
01:13.59dougheckano such device
01:14.01tzangerraidhotadd what_raid_to_add_to what_physical_drive_to_add
01:14.06pfnjunk-y change that line to include the codec number
01:14.22J_Bulletwhat is the raid device called?
01:14.26pfn-               ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Inband DTMF is not supported on codec %s. Use RFC2833\n", ast_codec2str(af->subclass));
01:14.26pfn+               ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Inband DTMF is not supported on codec %s (%d). Use RFC2833\n", ast_codec2str(af->subclass), af->subclass);
01:14.46JunK-Ywsuff: its fixed now
01:14.47J_Bulletand the drive you want to add?
01:15.10JunK-Ywsuff: i had dtmfmode=inband into my channels
01:15.16J_Bulletraidhotadd /dev/md0 /dev/hdb1
01:15.20JunK-Yoverwriting my general settings
01:15.20dantdoughecka, you said you changed it to a different channel?
01:15.24dougheckaide device C
01:15.26dougheckayea, I did
01:15.35JunK-Yany suggestion for a good channel banks ?
01:15.38dantwhat was the drive called before?
01:15.38J_Bulletso what's the new device name?
01:15.48dougheckaI think
01:16.05*** part/#asterisk DrRighteous (
01:16.06J_Bulletthen you have to use the new device name, duh
01:16.26dougheckain raidtab?
01:16.42bkw_CALLING ALL CARS
01:16.43|Vulture|anyone else having problems with BV outbound?
01:16.44bkw_where is jets
01:16.46bkw_jets dear
01:16.48bkw_WAKE UP
01:16.59dougheckaits allready set
01:17.02dougheckaI dunno how it changed
01:17.10dantdoughecka, hda would generally be master on the first channel, hdb would generally be the slave on the first channel, hdc would generally be the master on the second channel and hdd, slave on the second channel
01:17.17J_BulletI think I've worked out what the sip problem is...
01:17.24dougheckalet me try that
01:17.39dougheckano errors
01:18.02J_Bulletbkw_: it appears gossiptel is down, heh :-)
01:18.09pfnj_bullet loser  :p
01:18.14J_Bulletbkw_: was just unfortunate timing
01:18.19dantdoughecka, check /proc/mdstat to see the status of the sync
01:18.32dougheckaits resyncing
01:18.59dougheckanext question :D
01:19.11dougheckalets say the primary drive just dies
01:19.21dougheckawill everything keep running?
01:19.28J_Bulletshould do
01:19.28wsuffdoughecka: hammer does a nice job killing drives
01:19.34J_Bulletthat's the point of raid
01:19.36dougheckawsuff: uh huh
01:19.43dougheckaJ_Bullet: ok
01:19.43dantprobably not
01:19.53dougheckawhy not
01:19.59dantthe raid will preserve the data
01:20.01doughecka2 diferent answers
01:20.22dantbut the hardware probably can't handle the loss of a device very elegantly
01:20.45J_Bulletdepends by how dead you mean dead
01:20.53dantremove the dead disk and reboot and you should be fine
01:20.54dougheckaas in not responding
01:21.09dougheckadant: lets say the server is 500 miles away
01:21.11dougheckalocked up
01:21.11J_Bulletwell the machine will probably lock up
01:21.14jack2341~seen jerjer
01:21.15jbotjerjer is currently on #asterisk (10h 36m 19s).  Has said a total of 10 messages.  Is idling for 8h 57m 36s
01:21.33dougheckaJ_Bullet, ok, lets say I unplug an IDE drive
01:21.35jack2341I am getting echo with nufone over a cisco 7960 any ideas?
01:21.54dougheckalinux keeps running
01:21.56J_Bulletdoughecka: the machine will lock
01:21.56dougheckabut nothing works
01:22.02dougheckacant even reboot
01:22.17J_Bulletyou might try magic sysrequest key
01:22.36dougheckacommand doesnt exist
01:22.51scudjerjer around?
01:22.52J_Bulletyou unplug the drive it can possibly damage the controller, IDE isn't very fault tolerant
01:22.52dougheckabut I could still SSH into the server
01:23.10dougheckaJ_Bullet: yea yea, allready got yelled at about that
01:23.26dougheckaJ_Bullet: but I could
01:23.29dougheckathe OS still ran
01:23.35dougheckajust all the commands didnt work
01:23.39dantthe power of caching
01:23.42dougheckainit 6 didnt do anything, etc
01:23.44pfnyou can't unplug an IDE drive
01:23.51pfnunless the controller specifically supports it
01:23.55pfnthe driver will hang
01:24.03pfnwaiting for timeout from the drive
01:24.08dougheckatheres the answer
01:24.18dougheckabut lets say the drive still exists
01:24.21dougheckaand can TALK
01:24.22pfnand it'll constantly hang everytime it responds
01:24.26dougheckabut nothing can go in or out
01:24.42dantdoughecka, if you really really need it to keep working through a disk failure, you need to look at a more expensive solution
01:24.42dougheckawill the software raid see that and switch drives?
01:24.46pfnif you want to hotplug, you need a controller that's capable of hotplugging
01:25.01dougheckapfn: yea yea :D
01:25.06pfngenerally, linux md is incapable of hotplug
01:25.34jack2341assumeing i have lots of bandwidth what is the best codec
01:25.42dougheckajack2341: ulaw
01:25.43pfndoughecka you have no guarantees with md
01:25.49pfnsometimes a crashed drive will take down the system
01:25.58dougheckais there a replacement to md?
01:26.01pfnsometimes it can failover
01:26.04dougheckaor would that be hardware?
01:26.06pfndoughecka a real hardware raid controller
01:26.08dantdoughecka, hardware
01:26.13pfnit can't be done in software
01:26.14bkw_I LOVE THE NIGHT LIFE....
01:26.18|Vulture|wtf my VPC and BV is down that doesn't make any sense
01:26.30bkw_|Vulture| sounds like local network issues
01:26.35pfnbroadvoice/5104       5060     OK (140 ms)
01:26.40pfn140ms is cuz I'm dling pr0n
01:26.42sivanawhat's the diff between playback and background?
01:26.49dougheckapfn: share? :P
01:26.51pfnsivana playback does not accept dtmf
01:26.55Corydon76-homebackground interrupts on DTMF
01:27.00bkw_ya what they sayd
01:27.02pfndoughecka get your own acct on torrentbits
01:27.08bkw_er said
01:27.23pfnactually, I guess I'm seeding currently
01:27.38bkw_pfn what kind of porn are you getting?
01:27.43pfnbroadvoice/5104       5060     OK (107 ms)
01:27.49pfna little faster switching to the LA server
01:27.58pfnit's like 30-50ms when I'm not downloading pr0n
01:28.06pfnbkw stuff from wicked videos, normal gonzo stuff
01:28.11J_Bulletif you want pr0n you need empornium
01:28.16pfnanything straight and non-anal
01:28.28dantbkw_, naked cisco phones
01:28.31pfnempornium, don't they have a "closed" membership
01:28.32mengerpfn: you need qoa
01:28.36pfnI do have qos
01:28.50pfnbut qos can only do so much when your mtu is a certain size, etc.
01:29.03J_Bulletwell it was open when I joined :-), they have an invitation system now
01:29.05mengershape the traffic :P
01:29.14pfnmy traffic is shaped, you tool
01:29.18sivanapfn: is Kram adding your patch to the head?
01:29.22dougheckayou tool?
01:29.34pfnsivana which, the empty voicemail?  *shrug*
01:29.48scudwhat is the duration measurement on nufone?
01:29.56J_Bulletpfn: where you downloading from?
01:30.06pfnscud 6/6, 15/15 for intl, 30/30 or 60/60 for mexico
01:30.12pfnI'm not sure on the latter
01:30.16pfnj_bullet torrentbits
01:30.22scudlike cents?
01:30.26wsuffscud: for billing? it's in the terms and conditions
01:30.29pfnscud that's the interval
01:30.36wsuffscud: second intervals
01:30.55pfnj_bullet I have a decent ratio on torrentbits, 2:1
01:31.06scudso duration is showing about many  6/6 there were?
01:31.15J_BulletI look on empornium or filesoup
01:31.22pfn6 seconds minimum, 6 second billing interval thereafter
01:31.25dougheckawhats a recommended ide raid card?
01:31.31pfntorrentbits has more raid than I can download
01:31.31scudSun Jul 25 23:28:44   12345678   2343535345   US - Continental   132   $0.0440
01:31.33wsuffJ_Bullet:  empornium is invite only i see now
01:31.33scudahh ok
01:31.34J_Bulletempornium is fantastic, the speed is always great
01:31.35dougheckathats cheap
01:31.36pfndoughecka anything nice from 3ware
01:31.40scudi was confused on the 132
01:31.42wsuffscud: that's 132 seconds
01:31.56scudahh ok
01:31.59pfnj_bullet I often get 300KB/s from torrentbits
01:31.59J_Bulletpfn: you dealt with 3ware cards before? I've been thinking abouy getting one
01:32.02wsuff2 mins and change
01:32.09pfnnope, never played with any 3ware cards yet
01:32.09impliciti have used 3ware before
01:32.12implicitthey are quite nice
01:32.17impliciti just bought 2 more
01:32.18pfnI wanted to get one a few years back, but couldn't dump my promise card
01:32.19J_Bulletpfn: holy crap, what connection you got?
01:32.30pfnj_bullet 3mbps/384kbps dsl
01:32.35implicitpfn: i got 550KB/s last night on bittorrent
01:32.46J_Bulletwsuff: yeah, well it's better than signups just being plain closed
01:32.49dougheckahow about that one? :D
01:33.08J_Bulletpfn: mmm, I wish, I've only got 512kbps
01:33.19tzangerblech I do not like hardware RAID
01:33.22pfndoughecka get SATA board
01:33.30J_Bullettzanger: why not?
01:33.30pfnhardware raid is *the* way to go
01:33.32dougheckadont have sata drives
01:33.36dougheckatzanger: hahaha
01:33.36bkw_guys have you heard whats going on with atacomm?
01:33.40tzangerget the RAID card for the ports but leave the RAID itself in the software
01:33.40pfnhaving 8 drives with 8 ribbons=>ass
01:33.47pfnbkw anything new?
01:33.54dougheckaand heres tzanger... totaly diferent than everybody else
01:34.04bkw_he sold a snom system and the customer was too dumb to install it.. now cusotmer is suing him
01:34.08pfnraid shouldn't be left in software
01:34.11bkw_for amazing amounts of money
01:34.11pfnbkw right, that's old news
01:34.15tzangerJ_Bullet: because now your SPOF is the card...  so yo have 2 cards (1 hot spare) but then you run into the card either becoming EOL'd or whatever else as time goes by and then you find yourself migrating anyway
01:34.16pfnlike $50K
01:34.18bkw_its stupid
01:34.18dougheckatzanger: so, you tell me how to keep my server running even if the primary fails
01:34.21J_BulletI used to have 10mbps... it was like a-line crack, the Internet was mine on that...
01:34.23tzangerhell even my UW3 SCSI systems are software RAID
01:34.33pfnsoftware raid1 may be ok
01:34.34tzangerdoughecka: boot from CF
01:34.41tzangeryeah I only use RAID1
01:34.47pfnsoftware raid5 is ass
01:34.54dougheckaboot from a CF card?
01:35.00bkw_well at the very basic level all raid is software
01:35.01tzangerdoughecka: or USB, or whatever...
01:35.05bkw_even when you have a raid card
01:35.09bkw_it has software the drives it
01:35.09dougheckathis is a web/email/dns/etc server
01:35.21pfnbkw not entirely true
01:35.26bkw_oh but it is
01:35.34dougheckatzanger: it boots off the raid device
01:35.36bkw_you can't have raid with out some form of firmware/software driving it
01:35.37tzangerdoughecka: so?  my firewalls are all CF... if they need to web serve or whatever you mount the data volumes off NFS :-)
01:35.43tzangerdoughecka: bad idea IMO
01:35.47pfnbkw of course, but it isn't entirely true  :p
01:35.48tzangeryou are mixing OS with data
01:35.52dougheckaNOW someone tells me :P
01:35.53pfnit isn't *only* software driving it
01:36.06pfnthere are also accelerator chips, for the parity processing
01:36.09bkw_host basted software vs. ?
01:36.10pfne.g. the intel i960
01:36.12pfnwhich is garbage
01:36.13bkw_er based
01:36.18bkw_any hostbased raid sucks
01:36.23bkw_thats a better way to say it
01:36.34bkw_dedicated hardware raid is just better
01:36.40sivanaanyway to default a macro argument?
01:36.43tzangerbkw_: feh.  whatever.  :-)
01:36.49pfnsivana yeah, do it by hand  :p
01:37.02sivanameaning, fill it in :P
01:37.02bkw_ya pfn has been doing it by hand since his fiance is gone
01:37.04tzangerbkw_: I have numerous bonnie++ testing results that show it no faster than software RAID (at least RAID1, RAID5 I am inclined to agree, especially in degraded mode)
01:37.09pfnbkw indeed
01:37.17pfnmust be the reason behind the RSI in my left hand  :p
01:37.23bkw_har har har
01:37.29bkw_pfn is a sexy boi
01:37.29pfntzanger right
01:37.40tzangerright what
01:37.41bkw_SHAKE IT SHAKE
01:37.49pfntzanger raid1 in software is perfectly fine
01:37.49sivanaso.. is there an answer to that? :P
01:37.49bkw_shave your groove thing
01:37.55bkw_not shave
01:37.57tzangerpfn: that's what I said
01:37.58|Vulture|yea my registry shows fine
01:38.01bkw_but I have done that too
01:38.08pfntzanger that's why I said *right*  :p
01:38.09bkw_I have had a LONG day
01:38.13bkw_and not in the good long way either
01:38.16mutilatorwhat gives the Lag stats for my sip show peers?
01:38.27mutilatorbecuase there is a call going on right now with a peer
01:38.27sivanaI'll have what bkw_ is having
01:38.27bkw_its notify response times
01:38.29pfnmutilator qualify=yes
01:38.31sivanabetter make it a double
01:38.32mutilatorand it;s saying unreachable
01:38.32JunK-Ymutilator: ur network ?
01:38.33tzangerpfn: ohhhhhh I thought you were being sarcastic
01:38.34pfnnot notify, sip OPTIONS
01:38.41bkw_ya ya that
01:38.42|Vulture|this is very strange
01:39.01mutilatorwhy would it do that..
01:39.02bkw_[angler_(~angler@] slob it
01:39.10bkw_angler stop coming on to me
01:39.18pfnmutilator because it's unreachable  :p
01:39.19bkw_wait till astricon
01:39.22angler_bkw_: what you up to
01:39.27bkw_not much
01:39.27angler_bkw_: lol
01:39.33bkw_trying to get my brain back in order
01:39.33mutilatorif the person is talking on it right now how can it be unreachable
01:39.38bkw_I OD'ed on sinus meds
01:39.41JunK-Ypfn: sometime, im getting this too, but my client is still available.
01:39.45bkw_a bit loopy
01:40.00pfnmutilator then the peer isn't responding to OPTIONS messages like it's supposed to
01:40.03J_Bulletis torrentbits just pr0n or everything?
01:40.09pfntorrentbits is everything
01:40.19pfnalthough, they try to be "leet"
01:40.23pfnand have like new shit only
01:40.26sivananot sure it's the meds
01:40.41bkw_shake your groove thing
01:41.14fileno thanks, don't think I will
01:41.31pfnshaving... I need to shave my fiancee when I see her next, *ahem*
01:41.56bkw_so do I
01:42.02pfnindeed  :p
01:42.04bkw_nothing like unsighly over growth
01:42.15pfngoing off to VN next week, yay
01:42.19bkw_plus it makes it look bigger
01:42.20J_Bulletthey sound a bit over zealous, "if you send our downloaded torrents anywhere else you'll get killed"
01:42.41pfnj_bullet because doing so encourages leeching
01:42.45pfnbut yeah, a lot of their policies are lame
01:42.50pfnlike they won't allow default BT ports
01:42.55pfnstupid stupid stupid
01:43.02*** join/#asterisk Guest^DJ (~guy@
01:43.14pfnbut yeah, I get massive speeds downloading from TB
01:43.15J_Bulletisn't it a registered tracker system like empornium?
01:43.28pfnyeah, it's registered trackers
01:43.55J_Bulletthen what's the prob? even if they post it elsewhere, they can't connect
01:44.05pfnoh, it's not registered to IP
01:44.10pfnit's registered to login
01:44.15J_Bulletoh, well I see then
01:44.19wsuffpfn: that's the weakness there
01:44.29pfnI like it that way
01:44.36pfnI'll often download trackers while at work
01:44.37wsuffkeeping ips in a permit list would kill leeches
01:44.42J_Bulletempornium picks up your ip address when you login
01:44.43pfnbut will run the trackers at home
01:44.46wsuffwell so do i just have to log in to my acc
01:44.51wsuffand it adds that ip
01:44.52wsuffto it
01:45.00pfnright, but have to log in from home  :p
01:45.16pfnyeah, I've tried a bunch that use the IP of your last login, x logins, etc.
01:45.17wsuffpfn: go to VN and get the real thing and stop complaining
01:45.18pfndidn't care for 'em
01:45.29pfnI download more than just pr0n  :p
01:45.50wsuffwell even so if u got the real thing u could cut back on the porn
01:45.57Darwin35Porn drooool
01:46.00|Vulture|this is strange on both my * servers and my 7960 stanalone Ive lost BV and VPC
01:46.07pfnanbu needs to hurry up and finish 'em
01:46.11*** join/#asterisk nords (
01:46.16bkw_|Vulture| check DNS
01:46.24pfnvulture your intarweb sucks
01:46.25bkw_asterisk gets very pissy when it can't resolve shit
01:46.44|Vulture|that shouldn't matter its a server in miami, stlouis, and orlando
01:46.48|Vulture|its pretty spread out
01:46.54atacommanyone here want to help my legal cause and buy a ton of product from a company and then return it all?
01:47.08bkw_atacomm you're evil.. I LOVE IT
01:47.09wsuffatacomm: ??
01:47.12tzangeratacomm:  if you're supplying the funds, sure
01:47.14wsuffbuy it then return it?
01:47.20bkw_atacomm has this ASSHAT suing him..
01:47.23bkw_its quite funny
01:47.23atacommwsuff: i'm getting sued by a customer
01:47.24pfnbuying it and just returning isn't that good...
01:47.35atacommbkw: sure funny to you, you aren't having to pay to defend me
01:47.38pfnatacomm the one that couldn't get it setup?  the one with snom also as a defendant?
01:47.39bkw_its just like me trying to sue best buy because norton AV fucked up my computer.
01:47.55wsuffatacomm: ok but i don't see how buying shitloads of products and returning em will help
01:47.56atacommpfn: yeah that one, well Snom wasn't listed, but their distributor was
01:48.07|Vulture|bkw_: just used BV's web interface to try and dial a call and got "Call Failure"
01:48.09pfnstupid fuckers
01:48.14bkw_atacomm in all rights SNOM should be listed too
01:48.20pfnvulture their click2call interfaces rings your box
01:48.22atacommpfn: my lawyers came back today saying because of Utah laws we couldnt seek to change jurisdiction
01:48.26pfnvulture so of course you'd get a call failure
01:48.27bkw_thats like suing the tirestore for selling goodyear
01:48.34bkw_instead of goign after the ones that really created the product
01:48.37bkw_they HAVE NO CASE
01:48.39bkw_go look at findlaw
01:48.42pfnatacomm so what does that mean?  you have to go fight in the customer's state?
01:48.46atacommpfn: and that UT lawyers would need an additional $2500 just to start defending us, we've already spent $2000 on the case
01:48.50bkw_atacomm OH OH OH OH
01:48.59pfnhow lame
01:49.08bkw_atacomm contact pj at groklaw
01:49.12pfnatacomm you can countersue for legal fees, can't you?
01:49.13bkw_make it a public case on there
01:49.25pfnso you'll get your money back anyway
01:49.31pfnsince there's no real way you can lose this case
01:49.32bkw_I bet those wipersnapers can drum up case law that save your ass
01:49.33atacommthe customer offered to settle.... for $25,000
01:49.44pfnlaugh in their face and make them pay up more money
01:50.00wsuffatacomm: 25k so cause they couldn't get their shit to work?
01:50.26bkw_wsuff its really stupid .. They will get laffed out of court when they show up
01:50.28bkw_I just know it
01:50.32atacommwsuff: exactly.... all their claims are that we misrepresented the isntall, misrepresented the product, sold product that was unsuit for purpose, etc
01:50.34bkw_the judge can't be that stupid
01:50.52bkw_dont know SCO is there and those judges let this shit go on for far too long
01:51.16atacommand they claim we told them no one else could isntall it other than us...... we never told them WE WOULD install it....... we told them we knew of no one in UT that knew how, thats different than saying no one coudl do it
01:51.23mutilatorthings like that just blow my mind
01:51.29mutilatori can't imagine..
01:51.41wsuffatacomm: best of luck w/ it
01:51.48atacommthey could easily put us, a 3 person company, and ABP snoms distributor, a 4 person company, out of business
01:52.07pfnatacomm you do have written (email) records of all this?
01:52.08bkw_atacomm I say you both team up and put them out of business first
01:52.09atacommvoip isn't that high of margin on hardware resell... its better than computers, but it aint that great
01:52.33wsuffatacomm: i know all too well how that can happen in the same boat here 1 lawsuit and the budget is pretty much toast
01:52.37bkw_atacomm I'll fly up and be a witness for ya...
01:52.40mutilator.. who is doing the sueing.. a company?
01:52.41atacommpfn: i have an email from their hired tech saying everythings working great.... after the 3 months i helped them out.... 3 months later they said it all went to hell and wanted to return
01:52.57bkw_atacomm thats all you need
01:53.01bkw_you can win with that
01:53.03atacommmutilator: yes
01:53.15atacommbkw: how would you be a witness?
01:53.15pfnbuncha clueless fuckers
01:53.23pfnneed to learn how to hire someone with a clue
01:53.31pfnI think I'm gonna go home soon
01:53.34jbot*WHACK* *WHACK* *WHACK*
01:53.40mutilatorpfn: college graduate with a BS i;m sure
01:53.41bkw_atacomm I could bring clue to the table
01:53.43pfnthen gym, then hack on codec_speex.c, try and figure out why it doesn't work with x-lite
01:53.57bkw_speex works with xlite
01:54.02pfndoesn't work for me
01:54.03bkw_if you apply the .reg's included in CVS
01:54.07pfnnope, doesn't work for me
01:54.09bkw_you must apply the .reg fixes for xlite
01:54.12bkw_it works fine here for me
01:54.16bkw_you must be smokin something
01:54.17pfnAug 23 09:27:44 WARNING[19470]: codec_speex.c:166 speextolin_framein: Out of buffer space
01:54.20pfnI get that 50 times a second
01:54.30mutilatoryou can count fast..
01:54.54bkw_pfn you're gonna make me prove you wrong aren't you
01:54.55atacommbkw: is it pj@ as the email, or is it something totally different?
01:55.03bkw_atacomm not sure
01:55.04bkw_worth a shot
01:55.08dougheckahows life
01:55.10sivanaif someone goes into a queue, and there are no agents, can it go to voicemail?
01:55.17atacommdoug: horrible
01:55.31pfnbkw what version of speex are you using?
01:55.38pfnbkw and of course
01:55.38mutilatorim out
01:55.49pfnbkw call x-lite from your 7960, make sure it's speex
01:55.59pfnI'm using speex 1.0.4
01:56.20pfnhappens regardless of whether I have the reg's applied or not
01:56.37pfnthe only thing the reg did for me is made x-lite honor my allow=ilbc request
01:56.52pfnwithout the .reg, x-lite will always default to speex for incoming calls
01:56.52*** join/#asterisk cwj (
01:57.42pfnand as for counting fast
01:57.56pfnit's easy, ast_log outputs h:m:s
01:58.04pfnyou can count 50 messages in :s pretty easily
01:58.38bkw_asterisk*CLI> sip show channels
01:58.38bkw_Peer             User/ANR    Call ID      Seq (Tx/Rx)   Format
01:58.38bkw_65.38.28.149     17          0413B96B-A1  00101/62454   SPEEX
01:58.40bkw_works fine here
01:58.43bkw_with the .reg applied
01:59.02pfnhmm, I applied the .reg, only got out of buffer space
01:59.18pfnwhat version of speex?
01:59.25bkw_65.38.28.157     10          000dbcd9-2c  00101/00102   ULAW
01:59.25bkw_65.38.28.149     17          0413B96B-A1  00101/62455   SPEEX
01:59.30bkw_1.03 I think
01:59.59*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
02:00.01bkw_and 1.1.1
02:00.07bkw_and 1.1.2
02:00.10bkw_odd but it works
02:00.14pfnI have 1.2.0
02:00.18PoWeRKiLLJerJer you here ?
02:00.23pfnjerjer also has 1.2.0 and he said it worked for him
02:00.31pfnwell, I dunno about working with x-lite
02:00.33bkw_ah I see
02:00.34pfnbut it worked in general
02:00.40|Vulture|anyone here using BV? and can verify they are able to make outbound calls?
02:00.44pfnI'll have to try 1.1.x and see how it behaves
02:00.49bkw_its not asterisk
02:00.50bkw_its xlite
02:00.52pfnvulture I don't need to verify that, just need to look at the ping
02:01.08pfnbroadvoice/5104       5060     OK (80 ms)
02:01.17|Vulture|it says its registered for me too
02:01.22pfnnot registered  :p
02:01.24pfnthe peer
02:01.28pfndoes it qualify?
02:01.46sivanaanyone know where I can find a list of north american NXX?
02:01.47|Vulture|broadvoice/3056  5060     Unmonitored
02:01.58pfnvulture qualify=yes  :p
02:02.15pfnI do not
02:02.19pfnand I use the SRV record
02:02.30bkw_I see pfn it seems to be something to do with going from speex to something else
02:02.34bkw_I have never seen that before
02:02.36|Vulture|k Ill try that
02:02.53pfnbkw ?  it's going from speex -> lin -> ulaw
02:02.58pfnthat's the typical conversion process
02:03.08sudoeri, im testing asterisk for the first time and im doing it on freebsd, is it normal to run console mode and see constant lines of: ug 23 21:52:38 WARNING[135280640]: chan_sip.c:458 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit  Bad file descriptor
02:03.10pfnvulture you need to apply a diff to use srvlookups on the peer
02:03.23sivanahow do you get it monitored?
02:03.42|Vulture|broadvoice/3056  5060     OK (201 ms)
02:03.44sivanaI thought it took a numeric
02:03.58pfnbkw for some reason, speex_decode is returning too much data
02:04.06pfnyou can do qualify=numeric as well
02:04.12sivanai c
02:04.17JunK-Ysivana: ya can do qualify=yes too
02:04.28pfn=numeric means the remote side must respond in that many ms
02:04.30bkw_pfn well I see why
02:04.35sivanaqualify=yes defaults to what?
02:04.36bkw_but the question is how the fuck did that start taking place
02:04.41JunK-Ysivana: 1000 i think
02:04.42pfnbkw ?
02:05.20sivanabroadvoice-in2       5060     OK (88 ms)
02:05.20sivanabroadvoice-in1       5060     OK (66 ms)
02:05.20sivanabroadvoice/3105        N  5060     OK (72 ms)
02:05.20sivana3030/3030        (Unspecified)    D   N  0        UNKNOWN
02:05.31bkw_becuase the quality settings in xlite can change the datalen
02:05.32sivanacool... nice pings too
02:05.32pfnyeah, I'll be hacking on it later
02:05.44*** join/#asterisk MarkieII (
02:05.44JunK-Ysivana: yes
02:05.52pfnand see what's happening
02:05.56MarkieIIis broadvoice like broken
02:05.57pfnwhy speex_decode is returning too much data
02:06.03MarkieIIi cant evne call their support #
02:06.04pfnis it?
02:06.13sivanaMarkieII: been working great now for a couple of weeks straight
02:06.16bkw_the codec settings
02:06.19sivanafor me anyways
02:06.19pfnbv is ringing for me
02:06.19MarkieIIsivana, hrm
02:06.21bkw_can cause the datalen to be too big
02:06.30MarkieIIi get:  -- Got SIP response 403 "Forbidden" back from
02:06.34pfnwhat kinda lame shit is that
02:06.35MarkieIIwhen i try calling out
02:06.42*** join/#asterisk reni (
02:06.48sivananot registered maybe?
02:06.51MarkieIIand i tried calling their main support # on my cell phne and got a "number is not in service"
02:07.04bkw_pfn in slite their is a complexity setting and quality setting that can make the datalen go all over
02:07.05MarkieII147.135.8.129:5060              7169541499        1184 Registered
02:07.06bkw_its very odd
02:07.14*** join/#asterisk ScythelX (
02:07.24pfnbkw I'll look at it tonight and see what I can muck up
02:07.26MarkieIItheir web site login is down too
02:07.42sivanahrm.. you got firewall blocking calls maybe?
02:07.54MarkieIIhavent changed a thing.
02:07.55pfnthat part is fine
02:08.00MarkieIIall just stopped working today
02:08.08sivanaI dunno
02:08.16MarkieIIeven my dial-in number..when i try dialing it from my cell phone: 716-954-1404
02:08.20MarkieIIdoesnt even ring.
02:08.25MarkieIIjust silence.
02:08.41JunK-YMarkie__: which client ?
02:08.46*** join/#asterisk dealing_death (
02:08.58ScythelXhey all
02:09.03MarkieIIJunK-Y, asterisk
02:09.13atacommbkw_: I emailed
02:09.19ScythelXhey all quick question - i just upgraded to the cvs head for asterisk on a gentoo system - when I run asterisk -vvvvg it boots up, but crashes without error - last thing it says is == Destroying any remaining musiconhold processes, the message log states - WARNING[16384]: Unable to open pseudo channel for timing...  Sound may be choppy. - is this due to zaptel?
02:09.24JunK-YMarkie__: i mean which client ? not ur server.
02:09.33pfnmarkie I can call my DID just fine
02:09.51JunK-YMarkieII: x-lite ?
02:10.10pfngoddamnit, why is broadvoice doing g729 now
02:10.17mengerScythelX, the timing watning is yes, but it does not stop asterisk loading
02:10.22*** join/#asterisk twisted (
02:10.22*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
02:10.30ScythelXugh wtf then
02:10.39pfngoddamnit, broadvoice is fucking up again
02:10.46atacommbkw: i wrote lucent's patent licnsing division an email 3 weeks ago, never got a response.... that means I can use their patents for free right? lol
02:10.59mengertwisted: what happened to your domain on irc?
02:11.28pfnwell, not broadvoice is fucking up
02:11.31pfnbut I can't do inbound dtmf
02:11.32ariel_Hello everyone how are you doing tonight?
02:11.34pfner, inband
02:11.36twistedmenger, hmm?
02:11.36pfncuz it's doing g729
02:11.42twistedmenger, what are you talking about?
02:11.44mengerScythelX, can you load ztdummy?
02:11.54twistedhi ariel
02:11.59twistedmenger, yeah, what about it?
02:12.01bkw_atacomm hahaha
02:12.05scudanyone know anything about  asterlink?
02:12.13bkw_scud yes why?
02:12.18mengertwisted: it ain't real: Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
02:12.18dealing_deathi'm gettin ready to order myself an asterisk system... what does everyone think of Polycom Soundpoint IP 600 phones?
02:12.18scudgood service?
02:12.23atacommbkw:  the only positive in my life right now
02:12.24twistedmenger, no shit sherlock
02:12.26bkw_scud its not even deployed yet
02:12.28twistedmenger, ;)  it's called a cloak
02:12.29scudi liek this prepaid voip shit
02:12.31scudahh ok
02:12.34scudis it yours?
02:12.34atacommPolycom 600 works well, I've used the 300 and 500
02:12.58twistedbkw_, not everyone knows your real name
02:13.14scudbkw_: i noticed it was in rainbow colors
02:13.16scudso sorry
02:13.17dealing_deathatacomm: thanks, have you loaded any contacts in using an xml file?
02:13.19bkw_i'm the coder formerly known as bkw_
02:13.29bkw_scud I just work there
02:13.37atacommdeath: nope, only have used the web UI to setup basic sip connectivity
02:13.38scudahh ok cool
02:13.57ScythelXi'm new to linux - is it lsmod to list loaded modules?
02:13.57MarkieIIso i FINALLY get broadvoice on the phone via my cell phone
02:14.00MarkieIIjust now
02:14.02ScythelXI'm freebsd native
02:14.05MarkieIIthey tell me to try it again.
02:14.08MarkieIIworks fine :)
02:14.10ariel_atacomm do you sell the plycom 300? what's your current price and do you have some in stock?
02:14.17MarkieIIi guess they just fixed some problems they said
02:14.22pfnRADUIS billing system
02:14.23dealing_deathmy plan in to integrate them with my LDAP directory by using a script to export xml... looks easy enuf from reading the plycm manual
02:14.49atacommariel: $179, not in stock, some on the way... new product, this will be our second shipment from polycom
02:15.04ariel_ok thanks.
02:15.04dealing_deathatacomm: how about the 600s?
02:15.16atacommariel: actually MGCP version is available, but i've enver tried a MGCP to SIP upgrade
02:15.38pfnI can't do my dialout stuff over that
02:15.43pfnand none of my other DIDs work with dtmf
02:15.49pfnah, need to try and see if my vpc did supports dmtf yet
02:15.53atacommdeath: $399 -- includes powersupply
02:16.00dealing_deathatacomm: thanx :)
02:16.28nordsAnyone using the meetme2 application.  I can't seem to get it to kick out users, or change their talk mode
02:16.31pfngoddamn vpc
02:16.36pfncan't do DTMF on my DID
02:16.38pfnPOS POS POS
02:16.47|Vulture|pfn: when I changed to it worked
02:16.53twistedpfn, i can
02:16.56twistedpfn, works just fine for me
02:17.01pfnmine still doesn't
02:17.11pfnI think I'll cancel my did, request a refund from vpc
02:17.17pfnor ask american express to charge those fuckers back
02:17.26wsuffpfn: charge back =)
02:17.37|Vulture|what doesn't work pfn?
02:17.39twistedpfn: from gw5?
02:17.43pfnyeah, gw5
02:17.48ariel_pfn funny I got my vpc number because of you and mine works.... neet ....
02:17.54twistedall my calls from gw5 work perfectly
02:18.02sivanapfn: BV has inbound from 129 as well?
02:18.11ariel_yes that is what I use gw5
02:18.30pfnsivana yep, apparently so
02:18.32ariel_pfn what if you change over to gw5 and see if that works for you?
02:18.41pfnariel that ip is gw5 is an alias for has address
02:19.02bkw_haha this is funny
02:19.15twisteder chlorine
02:19.23twistedsomeone spilt a little into the gene pool over there
02:19.25ariel_voicepulse  (S)  4569      Unmonitored
02:19.33|Vulture|this is strange
02:19.38pfnariel I'm talking DID, not outbound
02:19.44pfnI don't utilize vpc for outbound, much...
02:21.16ariel_let me see what they use for my inbound...
02:21.40ScythelXok, I guess I cant load the ztdummy driver
02:21.52wsuffScythelX: bsd?
02:21.54ScythelX- /lib/modules/2.4.26-gentoo-r9/kernel/drivers/usb/host/usb-uhci.o: init_module: No such device
02:22.09ScythelXthats from modprobe ztdummy
02:22.12wsuffshould work on linux
02:22.35pfnmy fiancee needs to turn off the "start x-lite when windows starts" option
02:22.42ScythelXwsuff: its gentoo
02:22.45pfnit can only get worse
02:22.53pfnthat shit just shows up every 60 seconds, very irritating
02:23.00wsuffpfn: haha
02:23.28wsuffpfn:  just hitch the knot and live together and u don't gotta worry about it =)
02:23.34pfnwe will
02:23.40pfnjust waiting for bcis to approve our petition
02:23.42pfnthen get her a visa
02:23.53ariel_Accepting AUTHENTICATED call from, requested format = 4, actual format = 4
02:24.08ariel_looks like they send me the call from gw5 as well.
02:24.17pfnmust be something wrong iwth my ratecenter
02:24.25pfnor are you running 0.9 like vpc recommended?
02:24.44wsuffpfn: why should be listen to vpc =)
02:24.50ariel_well its a few weeks old but it's head.
02:25.00pfnso their rate center that services my DID is broken
02:25.01wsuffsounds like run this cause we dunno how to support anything else
02:25.03pfnor their connection to it
02:25.07ariel_Asterisk CVS-HEAD-08/13/04-23:33:32 built by root@localhost.localdomain on a i686 running Linux
02:25.13pfnanyway, gonna have to cancel my DID
02:25.16pfnget them to refund me my money
02:25.24wsuffpfn: have fun
02:25.25pfnand then pursue the matter with amex
02:25.33wsuffworth the hassle for 10 bucks?
02:25.35JunK-Ypfn: which company?
02:25.35pfnnah, I have to give them a chance in good faith to refund my money
02:25.42pfnwsuff it's worth it to stick it to those fuckers
02:25.52pfnthe satisfaction of knowing I went back and shoved it up their ass
02:25.57pfnthe $10 is irrelevant  :p
02:26.16J_Bulletgod I want to cry
02:26.19wsuffpfn: perhaps they might like it =) strange bunch there from what i heard
02:26.37pfnbut the whole reason I want a DID is so I can bounce myself off for DISA-like purposes
02:26.40pfnthat's my primary use of it
02:26.43J_Bulletthere is a guy in #linuxhelp asserting that it's a good idea to run swap space in a ram disk
02:27.24J_Bullet'cus it's quicker that way
02:27.37wsuffand u believe everything u hear
02:28.16J_BulletI'm telling you because it's so far beyond stupid I can hardly believe the guy serious thinks it's a good idea
02:28.26JunK-YJ_Bullet: ask him if its quicker to have 32 mb of ram and 2G of swap :P
02:28.49J_BulletI've been trying to explain to him the point of swap space for 10 mins now
02:29.41wsuffJ_Bullet: just remember i'm not responsible if you kill him =)
02:29.41pfnbut it's running in a ramdisk cuz I don't have a physical hard drive for the machine
02:29.47pfnand it's really shm more than swap
02:30.29J_Bulletwsuff: believe me, I really want to prevent this guy from ever having kids
02:30.44J_Bulletpfn: yeah well that's different
02:31.16wsuffpfn: which exchange u have w/ vpc
02:31.34pfnbleh, I can't show you my numbers I was hitting earlier
02:31.43pfnwsuff 722 LATA
02:32.00J_Bulletwell it's half 3 I suppose I should be in bed
02:32.06J_Bulletnight guys
02:32.12|Vulture|this is strange all of a sudden my dtmf is not working right on VPC
02:32.29pfnvpc sucks
02:32.34pfntheir support is pretty much non-existent
02:32.43*** part/#asterisk J_Bullet (~jbullet@
02:33.01|Vulture|what do you use pfn?
02:33.06pfnfor what?
02:33.09pfnfor DID, nothing good so far
02:33.13pfnbroadvoice is the only one that works for me
02:34.54*** join/#asterisk surfer22nz (
02:34.58surfer22nzHi guys
02:35.25*** join/#asterisk xeet2 (
02:35.45surfer22nzAny 1 played with Micronet phones? or is there a way to setup / tweak Message LED to work on different phones?
02:35.54xeet2anyone heard of this?  cisco ip phone <> * <> cb <> pots
02:35.57surfer22nzI cant get the message LED to work... :(
02:36.02xeet2outbound calls work, inbound calls have no audio whatsoever
02:36.11xeet2and no audio is being delivered to the pots lines
02:38.27xeet2channel bank
02:38.43wsuffwell in any event it seems to be a 1 way audio issue
02:38.54xeet2but no audio is working in either direction
02:38.59wsuffeven worse
02:39.09xeet2trying to figure out if its the cb or *
02:39.32wsuffi would test it w/o each segment like just cisco to asterisk and back
02:39.53wsuffuntil u can pin point it
02:40.26xeet2we did
02:40.33ariel_xeet2 is cisco sip and do you have canreinvite=no?
02:40.35xeet2its either the t1 card (zaptel)
02:40.39xeet2or the chyannel bank
02:40.46xeet2hmmm, no, I have it to yes
02:40.57ariel_set to no no no no.
02:41.02xeet2would that cause it to work on outbound but not on inbound?
02:41.06ariel_both sides to test.
02:41.37ariel_what happens allot is the cisco will try to go direct and you might have codec's not the same or nat issue.
02:41.51xeet2its not through nat, but like
02:41.56xeet2when I run a ztmonitor on the zap channel
02:42.01xeet2I see noise
02:42.08xeet2er, ztmonitor -v that is
02:42.11xeet2going out
02:42.14xeet2nothing coming in
02:43.19*** join/#asterisk chap (
02:43.44ariel_xeet2 what cb do you have?
02:43.55xeet2cac adit 600
02:43.59xeet2with an fxo-8
02:44.08xeet2I/m starting to think its the cb doing it
02:44.28scudjerjer herE?
02:44.31scudguessn ot
02:45.25surfer22nzany one know any good cheap ISDN BRI card that works with Asterisk?
02:45.48ariel_xeet2, see if you upgrade the firmware first. I have had some small problems with adtrans and most get shipped with basic firmware. like 10 and there now on 36. CAC I don't know but should be the same way.
02:46.04xeet2I did upgrade the fw on it
02:46.07xeet2about a month ago
02:46.10xeet2to 8.0.09
02:46.37xeet2it just started happening today
02:50.34xeet2anyone have any ideas
02:51.14xeet2I do notice a weird clicking on the lines
02:51.18*** join/#asterisk letherglov (
02:51.19xeet2just on the phone that calls in from the pstn
02:55.45ariel_how are the lines setup to the cb. via a punch down block?
02:55.46surfer22nzany one know any good cheap ISDN BRI card that works with Asterisk?
02:55.52xeet2punch down
02:56.08ariel_do they have metal clips
02:56.14xeet2I don't think its cabling, calls work fine on the outbound
02:56.23xeet2metal clips, where?  on the block?
02:56.30xeet2yes they have metal teeth
02:56.53ariel_not metal teeth clips that jump the two sides?
02:57.15JunK-Yxeet2: do ya've a channel bank too?
02:57.40xeet2they have metal teeth that connect two together
02:57.55xeet2one tooth goes to the telco-25 cable that has an rj-21 connected to the cb
02:58.03xeet2the other goes to the pots line
02:58.21xeet2could reversed polarity do this?
02:58.29Guest^DJlooking for a developer to do * billing, anyone ?
02:58.33ariel_there jumping it directly? not smart.
02:58.50*** part/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
02:59.05xeet2what do you mean jumping direclty?
02:59.15*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
02:59.25xeet2the pots lines are punched on one side, the rj21 is punched on the other
02:59.27xeet2er, actually
02:59.29letherglovthey make clips to go onto 66 blocks of you want to junk one side to the other
02:59.33xeet2sorry, the block has an rj-21
02:59.41letherglovit depends on how many "fingers" you have in the set
02:59.52xeet2its only two teeth per set
02:59.56letherglovfour across?
02:59.58xeet2there's 4 rows
03:00.11letherglovbring the connection in on the left
03:00.17letherglovjump the middle two using 66 blocks clips
03:00.27letherglovand take the other side to the rj21
03:00.33xeet2I don't have block clips
03:00.40xeet2why would that make it better?
03:00.45letherglovyou *could* use small pieces of cable
03:00.49xeet2I could jump the two sets with cable, but why
03:00.53letherglovbut it's just asking for trouble
03:00.55xeet2I mean, calls work fine outbound from *
03:00.56letherglovand line noise
03:01.08letherglovit's a connection
03:01.14letherglovnot a big ass metal plate
03:01.27letherglovobviously there's more room for decay and whatnot
03:01.36xeet2but it would be going through two then instead of one if I did that
03:01.53letherglovyou're using the clip on the other side of the pair?
03:02.04letherglovthat's good too
03:02.10letherglovit's just hard to use the other side of the block in that case
03:02.24xeet2yeah, the other half of the block is basically unused
03:02.32letherglovsounds like you got it then
03:02.39letherglovare you having trouble with it?
03:02.46xeet2outbound calls work fine
03:02.50xeet2inbound calls, however
03:02.53xeet2don't pass any audio
03:02.55xeet2in either direction
03:03.03xeet2but call control works (hangups, etc..)
03:03.06letherglovdoesn't sound like an analog issue
03:03.10xeet2its really, *really* strange
03:03.12letherglovyou're going from the phone to a channel bank?
03:03.18xeet2correct, it oesn't sound like an analog issue
03:03.26letherglovelectrically if you're ringing
03:03.27xeet2well kidn of
03:03.28letherglovyou're good
03:03.38xeet2sip <> * <> cb <> pstn <> ext phone
03:03.42letherglovcan you run the echo app and all that crap?
03:03.52xeet2echo app?
03:04.03letherglovgives you a feel of the round-trip delay
03:04.18letherglovat least it's a loopback of some sort
03:04.20letherglovto see where it's failing
03:04.31letherglovoh, gotcha
03:04.35letherglovyour CB has FXO ports
03:04.39xeet2yeah, sorry
03:04.47letherglovI'd run the echo app
03:04.50letherglovfrom asterisk to the pstn
03:04.52xeet2I plugged a phone in to the block pins
03:04.54xeet2and listened
03:04.55letherglovso you call in and try to run it
03:04.56letherglovor demo
03:04.59xeet2audio is coming from the pstn fine
03:05.00*** join/#asterisk brc_ (
03:05.02xeet2no audio comes from *
03:05.03letherglovand then run it from the sip phone to asterisk
03:05.06xeet2er, the cb
03:05.15xeet2but only on inbound calls (from pstn)
03:05.25xeet2and from the sip phone to * it works
03:05.29*** join/#asterisk sudoer (
03:05.32letherglovcontext issue?
03:05.32xeet2yes, quite
03:05.43xeet2everything looks fine, I mean I get a bridged call
03:05.49sudoerhow can i tell if my sip phone is registered to the * box?
03:05.58xeet2cisco 7960's
03:06.10bkw_ulaw isn't a protocol
03:06.16*** join/#asterisk suma (
03:06.16bkw_its a codec
03:06.16xeet2protocol is sip
03:06.16letherglovit's an encoding
03:06.18letherglovthey're sip
03:06.30xeet2hey bkw
03:06.37sumahow can i remove a person from a conference
03:06.41sudoeri though tit mihgt be: sip show users but that just shows all users in config file i think
03:06.47JunK-Ysuma: kick ?
03:06.54letherglovdo you have any non-sip devices?
03:06.58wsuffmeetme kick
03:07.05xeet2no, I don't
03:07.09wsuffit should be punt from the aol proggie days
03:07.13sumayou mean on the cli prompt ??
03:07.26letherglovwhat about a soft phone app?
03:07.33sudoerfrom anywhere
03:07.38xeet2I've done this on 5 different cisco phones
03:07.53letherglovand they're all equally busted?
03:07.58JunK-Ydebian*CLI> meetme kick
03:07.58JunK-YUsage: meetme  (un)lock|(un)mute|kick|list <confno> <usernumber>
03:08.01JunK-Yuse that.
03:08.05xeet2and tcpdump shows me traffic going correctly between the ips
03:08.37letherglovJunK-Y: your hostname is debian?
03:08.48JunK-Yletherglov: ya, so what ?
03:08.49surfer22nzI am having lots of problems with Red Alarms and IVR going funny when someone dial's in?? any idea... desperate...
03:09.08JunK-Ysurfer22nz: red alarms on ur channel 1 ?
03:09.12|Vulture|does the BroadVoice BYOD lite have unlimited incoming?
03:09.14wsuffsurfer22nz: get drunk and worry about it in the morning
03:09.31wsuff|Vulture|: i'd guess so
03:09.37sumaJunK-Y!!!! where you got that commands to go with cli
03:09.40jbotMy owner thinks you could focus more time on useful factoids
03:09.41surfer22nzyeah... I am using X100P i am thinking it's the CARD
03:09.46ariel_suma find out what channel he is on and soft hangup that channel
03:09.52JunK-Yi've this kind of problem too with my analog line, i think its by our telco.
03:09.54bkw_who removed that
03:10.00bkw_~spanish moose
03:10.01jbotPENE DEL ALCE!!!
03:10.12bkw_jbot moose is MOOSE PENIS!!!
03:10.13jbotI think you lost me on that one, bkw_
03:10.17*** join/#asterisk denon (
03:10.17*** join/#asterisk NirS (NirS@
03:10.18bkw_jbot forget moose
03:10.18jbotbkw_: i forgot moose
03:10.20bkw_jbot moose is MOOSE PENIS!!!
03:10.21jbotbkw_: what are you talking about?
03:10.27twistedjbot: moose
03:10.28jbottwisted: wish i knew
03:10.35xeet2is digium tech support open this time of night?
03:10.37twistedjbot: moose is <reply> MOOSE PENIS!!!!
03:10.38jbotokay, twisted
03:10.40bkw_xeet2 no
03:10.40scudxeet2: yes
03:10.43twistedjbot: moose
03:10.44jbotMOOSE PENIS!!!!
03:10.44sumaariel: do i need to do that outside the conference ?
03:10.45JunK-Ysuma: in ur CLI
03:10.51surfer22nzJunk-y: how did u fix it???
03:10.52sizbanhoose menis!
03:10.53bkw_twisted thanks
03:10.59sizbanerr ... moose, even :)
03:10.59bkw_poose menis boi
03:11.04surfer22nzjunk-y: changed telco???
03:11.07JunK-Ysurfer22nz: ya cant, are ya dealing with BELL too ?
03:11.13wsuffwow we went a whole day w/o moose penis
03:11.15twistedbkw_, it's wearing off on people
03:11.20sumaJunKY: are you serious ? I could not see that help what you are seeing there
03:11.22brc_got my g729 licenses today :)
03:11.41ariel_suma you do it on the cli of asterisk.
03:11.51JunK-Ysuma: im getting red alarms for like 6-7 sec like twice a day
03:11.54JunK-Ywhat about ya ?
03:12.10surfer22nzjunk-y: eeeeeerrrhhhhhh it's annoying... do they clear up automatically???
03:12.18JunK-Yya, not ya ?
03:12.32sumaIt says like this only  MeetMe(confno[,[options][,pin]]): Enters the user into a specified MeetMe conference.
03:12.33*** join/#asterisk Raslo (
03:12.35JunK-Yi mean, after 6-7 sec. its auto. cleared.
03:12.53JunK-Ysuma: ya need to specify who ya wanna kicks.
03:13.08surfer22nzAug 24 15:10:33 WARNING[12300]: chan_zap.c:5375 handle_init_event: Detected alarm on channel 1: Red Alarm
03:13.16RasloAnyone used "DeadAGI" ?
03:13.18surfer22nzand now the line is engaged
03:13.41surfer22nzwonder if it will clear out outomatically... normally i have to reboot it
03:13.55NirS~seen jerjer
03:13.56jbotjerjer is currently on #asterisk (12h 29m).  Has said a total of 10 messages.  Is idling for 10h 50m 17s
03:14.06JunK-YRaslo: im always using DeadAGI
03:14.22JunK-Ysurfer22nz: and after ?
03:14.38JunK-Ysurfer22nz: reboot what ? the whole machine?
03:14.48JunK-Yya can just reload ur drivers
03:14.50JunK-Yjust rmmod
03:14.53JunK-Yand modprobe it
03:15.00JunK-YX100P card ?
03:15.02surfer22nzwhile asterisk is running?
03:15.10RasloI am havinbg trouble with * carrying the channel over into the DeadAGI script and trying to connect just about anything to it, obviusly failing. Any Suggestions ?
03:15.13JunK-Ystop asterisk.
03:15.15surfer22nzyeah X100P, could it be a problem with a card?
03:15.23JunK-Ybut im not rebooting my whole machine for this.
03:15.27JunK-Ysurfer22nz: dunno.
03:15.31JunK-Yim pretty new with *
03:15.43ariel_surfer22nz, you might just run ztcfg -vvvv that sometimes will get you back with out rebooting.
03:15.48JunK-YRaslo: i dont understand ur question,.
03:15.56surfer22nzso are you still having the problem or it's gone? lol
03:16.09JunK-Yariel_: im getting this too like twice a day
03:16.11surfer22nzok oh thanks Aeiel :)
03:16.29ariel_red alarm on what hardware?
03:16.47JunK-Yariel_: a simple ztcfg will clear that warning ?
03:17.01JunK-Yariel: into my 2 X101P cards
03:17.10JunK-Ynow the test machine has 2 of these cards.
03:17.26RasloInbound call drop hangs up, I run a script from the 'h' ext int he context, say try to dial out toa another number for notification, after the outbound channel connects, * attempts to bridge the new channel to the one that dropped
03:17.27ariel_JunK-Y, are lines direct from pstn or from a pbx?
03:17.49JunK-Yariel_: from our centrex pbx, which are directly from BELL.
03:18.13JunK-Yits normal
03:18.24JunK-YDial takes ur current channel and dial to another one.
03:18.39JunK-Ytry it with NoOp, ya should see ur notif.
03:19.01surfer22nzareal: hmmmmmmm.... ztcfg -vvvv that didn't work it's annoying...i paid like $300 for this card... and it's causing problems
03:19.09ariel_Then there seems to be a time out on the lines. red alarm mostly means cable not connected.
03:19.27JunK-Ysurfer22nz: 300$ for a X100P ?
03:19.35ariel_surfer22nz, what card is it?
03:19.39JunK-Ysurfer22nz: whats ur output of ztcfg -vvvv ?
03:20.20surfer22nzyesh X100P $50 for the int delivery
03:20.22RasloJunk, the idea is to divorce the new script from the previously dropped channel and do whatever, I can do it using a file into /outgoing, but this get into a a real headache for more than one dial out. Ever come across a way around this ?
03:20.41RasloThe inbound call is effectively a trigger
03:20.44surfer22nzZaptel Configuration
03:20.45surfer22nzChannel map:
03:20.45surfer22nzChannel 01: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)
03:20.45surfer22nz1 channels configured.
03:21.24JunK-Ysurfer22nz: ya're notified get cleared now?
03:22.35surfer22nznop still engaged
03:22.56JunK-Ysurfer22nz: rmmod wcfxo;rmmod zaptel;modprobe zaptel
03:23.00JunK-Yand restart *
03:24.19surfer22nzyeah that worked
03:24.38surfer22nzbut if it happens when you are not there... it's like no phones lol
03:24.44surfer22nzback to analog
03:25.23JunK-Ysurfer22nz: feel free to email the mailing list, i would like to know how to solve that problem too.
03:25.26surfer22nzjunk-y: are you still getting those red alarms?
03:25.54surfer22nzyeah i will :)
03:25.59JunK-Ysurfer22nz: yes, but its automatiquely cleared 6-7 sec. after.
03:26.14surfer22nzkool :)
03:26.29JunK-Ywho ur telco ?
03:26.46surfer22nzare you using X100P aswell ( i am using Telecom NZ )
03:28.24|Vulture|Anyone know why the first tier of DTMF detection would work, but then it stops?
03:28.55JunK-Yvulture: no idea.
03:29.05surfer22nzsorry i ment what hardware are you using?
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03:41.21twistedholy shitfire batman