irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040822

00:00.51*** join/#asterisk |Blaze| (
00:01.45Prowler1try FWD webbased activex to call a FWD nuber
00:02.06ariel_ok I see we have been talking about stanaphone. I have a account with then but have never gotten it to work behind my nat server.
00:02.30Prowler1and if your asterisk is registerd with FWD you can receive calls from a webpage
00:03.29pfnI'd be interested in fwd if those fuckers would support more than just ulaw
00:04.23wsuffpfn: never realized it was that  bad i mean if they don't stay in the media stream why  enforce 1 codec
00:04.34denonfwd doesnt do much to pstn do they?
00:04.40pfnwsuff they have to stay in the media stream
00:04.51denonjust like tollfree or whatever
00:05.19wsuffdenon: only that as far as i know regularly they did a few to pstn promos but don't think it's a regular offering
00:05.22Marlowwsuff : they don't enforce it ..
00:05.23ariel_I don't think they ever got that project running they talked about offering pstn calls via fwd but it never happened.
00:05.35Marlowwsuff : it's only when you use their services or their iax gateway
00:05.37denonyeah, over Christmas they did
00:05.43denonbut they were blocking asterisk from using it
00:05.56wsuffdenon: do u blame em =)
00:07.06*** join/#asterisk voipjet (
00:07.08ariel_I have my 800 being sent via iaxtel and so far they have been ok.
00:07.41wsuffariel_: depends how much u dial 800's i've noticed the free gateways can be hit or miss
00:08.06Marlowariel_ : usually they are ...
00:08.41ariel_if you use there gateways do the get a kickback for the 800 call?
00:08.56Marlowariel_ : however ... the 800 gateway on and fierymoon enum stinks
00:09.27wsuffMarlow: depends how is sponsoring the gateways and how much vol they can afford to do properly =)
00:09.31pfnhmm, I need me a copy of the eyep softphone activex control
00:09.38pfnto try it out
00:09.42ariel_does nufone charge for 800 number calls with an there account?
00:09.42Marlowwsuff : yeah .. i just had trouble ...
00:09.59twistedariel_, no
00:10.00pfnis there an 800 gateway on e164?
00:10.02wsuffariel_: outbound no
00:10.11wsuffthat i'm aware of
00:10.15twistedoutbound no
00:10.22Marlowpfn : yeah
00:10.25wsufforiginations well duh =)
00:10.32pfnI see
00:10.33ariel_ok than for now I need to move my setup from iaxtel use to nufone.
00:10.34pfnwho's that
00:10.34Marlowpfn : both and fierymoon list the same
00:10.57pfn13 (  55.663 ms  55.565 ms  55.787 ms
00:10.57pfn14 (  55.615 ms  56.011 ms  55.223 ms
00:11.05pfnisn't that the same colo as jerjer?
00:11.15wsuff1 of nufone switches is also there
00:11.38pfnswitch-2 is there
00:12.42wsuffseems internet 123 inc owns the block that gateway is on but dunno who actually runs the toll free gateway
00:13.20ariel_I ate too much.  I need some of that pop pop bizz bizz stuff..
00:14.24voipjetPop, pop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is.  (sigh)
00:14.31CoaxDQuick Trivia:  What does Alec Baldwin, Ringo Starr, and George Carlin all have in common?
00:14.41Marlowpfn : can't see a problem there ..
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00:14.53wsuffpaying for em anyway
00:14.56Marlowpfn : if you are a paying customer ..
00:15.02CoaxDc'mon, ONE of you guys has to know this
00:15.12Marlowpfn : why not also terminate those there ..
00:15.56ariel_voipjet, do you get a kick back if 800 numbers are run via your service? just wondering.
00:16.19voipjetI have heard this but it depends on who the carrier is
00:16.30Marlowthey didn't pick up on iaxtel :)
00:16.31voipjetSo not for all numbers
00:16.45ariel_voipjet, do you allow 800 via your servers and do you charge a connection fee?
00:17.03voipjetThey'll ban me
00:17.14wsuffCoaxD: u smartass
00:17.19CoaxDvoipjet: I guarantee you 1 thing
00:17.23voipjetThis channel is very pro Nufone
00:17.27CoaxDvoipjet: They will not ban you, given that it was me who said it :P
00:17.35voipjetYou would be surprised
00:17.41voipjetCompetition scares people
00:17.47CoaxDvoipjet: Who would ban you? seriously.
00:17.57CoaxDvoipjet: I'll make sure it doesnt happen. :P
00:18.04ariel_I feel there is a need for more then one good provider of iax2 out there.
00:18.08voipjetI've had my share of warnings.
00:18.10CoaxDvoipjet: In short, i'll twist twisted's arm
00:18.26CoaxDvoipjet: i mean, who gives a shit if nufone is here or not
00:18.30voipjetNo!! Don't mention names.  Now they'll really get mad
00:18.42wsuffwell your nick is the name of your biz
00:18.44CoaxDvoipjet: There are many voip providers here.. some hang out here and there, some hang out a lot
00:18.59wsuffya like gafachi
00:19.13twistedCoaxD, huh?
00:19.14ariel_i am on pfn side...
00:19.22wsuffpfn: just like any other consumer
00:19.22CoaxDtwisted: hehe. dont worry. just go back to what you were doing. *g*
00:19.49heragdoes broadvoice ever show up here? i've got half a mind to scream at them...fricken quick busy tones  : /
00:19.51pfnthe warning comes from the heavy pushing of your service the last few weeks
00:19.54CoaxDvoipjet: There's really only a limited market of folks who would immediately buy your service here.
00:19.57twistedvoipjet, we won't ban you for answering questions...
00:20.04twistedvoipjet, in fact, not even warn you
00:20.08pfnheraq quick busy probably is because of your misconfiguration  :p
00:20.13heragpfn: it's not
00:20.13CoaxDvoipjet: and as long as you're not standing up spamming your shit, nobody is gonna mess with you
00:20.17twistedvoipjet, the warnings you got were because you were spamming shit
00:20.25pfnherag and how are you sure of that?  :p
00:20.27voipjetYou guys sound like clones.
00:20.31heragpfn: ip to ip works, and even if I go straight from my sipura i get the same problem
00:20.46pfnthat doesn't mean your config isn't buggered
00:20.56heragpfn: and what's worse is, only half the time someone calls does it show up quick busy
00:21.17heragpfn: call once, busy, call immediately after, it rings
00:21.33pfnyou should try to pastebin the console output :p
00:21.40pfnjust saying quick busy means nothing
00:21.47pfnI bet you have in your peer defn
00:21.50heragpfn: that's the horrible part, when it goes quick busy, there is NO console output
00:21.54twistedvoipjet, we have nothing against you, just don't spam the channel ;)
00:21.57pfnthere's always console output
00:22.29pfnunless you don't -vvv
00:22.37heragpfn: i alwys -vvv  : P
00:22.57voipjettwisted: I'm relieved to hear that.
00:23.10Marlowjust for fun
00:23.11ariel_ahh that felt good.. They sure work fast.
00:23.17pfnherag then stuff shows up in console
00:23.38heragpfn, i wish it would  : /
00:23.43patdkset verbose 9 :)
00:23.44pfnit does
00:24.06heragok, i'll try 0 v;s
00:24.18pfnno, with -vvv, stuff will show up in console
00:24.28pfnI'll use voipjet as soon as they give me a decent rate  :p
00:24.30ariel_or just do sip debug
00:24.42CoaxDpfn: hehe
00:24.48Marlowpfn : to where ?
00:24.51pfnall there is to it
00:24.53CoaxDpfn: Well, the only reason you dont get a decent rate is that you're calling VIETNAM!#$
00:25.08CoaxDpfn: in short, some asian lady has to physically PLUG IN A CORD TO CONNECT YOU
00:25.11Marlowpfn : nah ... you don't wanna call vietnam ...
00:25.17pfnI already do  :p
00:25.21pfnthe budget is $200/mo  :p
00:25.24ariel_Vietnam, Cuba and philippines have all around shitty rates.
00:25.24CoaxDpfn: "I'm sorry. we're not in service. our phone tower was blown up again by war.  Sorry!"
00:25.28Marlowpfn : that's scary :o)
00:25.48heragno literally is half the time...when it goes quick busy...nothing registers in the console, even at verbose level 9, and with sip show debug
00:25.59MarlowCoaxD : that's only for the north ..
00:26.05pfnif nothing's showing up in console, you're blind
00:26.05heragi called broadvoice, they're's probably a problem with our telephony side
00:26.06CoaxDMarlow: Heh
00:26.08Marlowpfn : you are calling south or north ?
00:26.29heragpfn: an sip: call will work just fine, every time
00:26.34ariel_south north is all the same now.
00:26.39heragpfn: don't you think that's a little suspicious?
00:26.44pfnherag not at all
00:26.48Marlowpfn : so you should only have a quarter as many outages as on the calls to the north
00:27.00heragpfn: an sip: where it ands in that is
00:27.07Marlowariel_ : no .. maybe on the price
00:27.13twistedariel_, you're thinking of korea
00:27.19Marlowariel_ : but not on the outages due to "blow ups" :o)
00:27.25pfnherag huh?  again, then your config
00:27.33CoaxDpfn: I mean, man, this vagina is really tiny.  it doesnt even live on the same continent as you.
00:27.42CoaxDpfn: Is it really worth $.35/min?
00:27.57pfnif pussy were all I were after, I have no hard time getting some
00:28.02CoaxDpfn: Yeah dude
00:28.05pfnthat's all there is to say about that
00:28.10twistedCoaxD, pfn is a sexy biaotch
00:28.17CoaxDpfn: I suggest saving 100min worth and buying yourself a 35.00 whore
00:28.18twistedi don't think he has pussy problems.
00:28.27ariel_hey my wife calls the philippines at $.24/min to her mom and dad. that just .11 less..
00:28.29heragpfn: if I call sip:<phonenum>, it will ring the * server every time
00:28.29CoaxDpfn: You'd be a lot better off
00:28.43CoaxDariel: ya but thats family. not a sex source
00:28.46heragpfn: but if I just dial the number from my cell, it will work only, and exactly half the time
00:28.59CoaxDherag: 'set verbose 5'
00:29.07CoaxDherag: dial. voila. debug info
00:29.46MarlowCoaxD : i think i know, why herag isn't getting any output ..
00:30.02MarlowCoaxD : he's not dialing out of his box .. he's dialing in ... or tries to
00:30.15heragCoaxD: I did set verbose 9, dialed once, it rang, saw a whole bunch of output...hung up, waited 10 seconds, dialed again, nothing, quick console output
00:30.18MarlowCoaxD : since they give him fast busy before they even terminate to him
00:30.26pfnI don't often get busies on my call to asterisk
00:30.29MarlowCoaxD : that wont change with -vvvv
00:30.36heragthank you...someone sees it my way  ;)
00:30.39pfnmarlow you can get fast busy when * is misconfigured
00:30.47pfneasy, set context=bogus in general
00:30.48Marlowpfn : sure ..
00:30.51pfnyou'll get fast busy all day long
00:31.04Marlowpfn : but what he is saying that calls work .. he get nottin ..
00:31.06heragpfn, that's just it though, it was working for the last couple days
00:31.27heragpfn: just magically midday yesterday, something died on me
00:31.35heragpfn: i hadn't even touched the * server
00:31.41Marlowherag : what happens if you do a "sip debug" ?
00:31.44CoaxDmarlow: Suckage
00:31.51Marlowherag : nothing either ?
00:32.05heragMarlow: tons of output when the call connects...nothing when it rings quick busy
00:32.14CoaxDyeah, the call aint even getting to him
00:32.23pfnI just made 4 consecutive calls to broadvoice
00:32.24Marlowherag : then complain or scream at some of their support team :)
00:32.31pfnthey worked fine
00:32.32heragMarlow: i did  :P
00:32.35wsuffMarlow: pm
00:32.45heragi think they have something borked with my terminating box
00:32.58heragor whatever kind of switching thing they have for the la area
00:33.11pfntheir rate center
00:33.30pfnit's possible
00:33.41Marlowherag : or switch carrier :oP
00:33.42heragwouldn't be the first time either
00:33.47pfnbut I'm still guessing it's your config
00:33.52bkw_file dear
00:33.54bkw_where are jew
00:33.54CoaxDpfn: Dude
00:33.56pfnyou were the one that couldn't get your dialplan right, right?
00:34.01bkw_CoaxD whats up ho
00:34.08CoaxDpfn: how on earth could be his config when it doesnt even show him an error but shows him debug output when it connects
00:34.13CoaxDbkw: nada, sir
00:34.17pfncoaxd could be anything
00:34.20heragpfn: yes, I have had some trouble getting it going...but I'm not incompetent
00:34.24CoaxDbkw: You?
00:34.24bkw_what are we all bitching about now?
00:34.31bkw_not much here boi
00:34.33pfnherag *shrug*
00:34.35CoaxDbkw: oh, pfn's not getting enough vagina.
00:34.44bkw_or he has sand in his vagina?
00:34.49CoaxD(oh. excuse me. We're not supposed to be talking about porn or vagina on #asterisk)
00:35.03filebkw_, YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
00:35.09bkw_file wasabi
00:35.16fileoh nothing
00:35.28ariel_what we are not adults here?????
00:35.28CoaxDtwisted: Sorry about my x-rated conversations here.  I just can't seem to stop. you'd better ban me.
00:35.32bkw_waiting to pack up a laptop and ship it off to canada
00:35.47fileI'm sorry Dear Brian, that'll have to wait till tomorrow!
00:35.55bkw_its ok
00:36.01bkw_I have to go dig out the box for it
00:36.13filemaybe you'll come across some other things too!
00:36.13CoaxDbkw: You were supposed to pack up another one for me.  file said so
00:36.22pfnasterisk=# delete from cdr where src = '5103012295' and dst = 's';
00:36.23pfnDELETE 70
00:36.27pfndidn't mean to delete that many
00:37.23epochthat's why you select before deleting ;)
00:37.40pfnnah, next time begin ; delete ; rollback/end  :p
00:37.41*** join/#asterisk amer (
00:37.46filebkw_, what's the case like for it? :p
00:37.51filehalf decent?
00:39.14ariel_pfn don't get the roast beef with mash. It's too good and will give you gasssssss..
00:39.25pfngas, the gift that keeps on giving
00:40.03pfnI had fried chicken last on monday, no good getting that again
00:40.05pfnmust eat something else
00:40.12amerhey guys
00:40.44amerwho provides the best service to connect * to the PSTN?
00:41.06wsuffamer: depends who u ask where u call and the services u require
00:41.15pfnherag well, your experience is uncontrolled, how about you let someone else register your # and see if you can terminate calls to it
00:41.46*** join/#asterisk jmhunter (
00:41.46*** mode/#asterisk [+o jmhunter] by ChanServ
00:41.54amerwsuff: North America
00:41.54jmhunterthank you mr. chanserv
00:42.09jmhunterwsuff: vpc picked up my area
00:42.17wsuffjmhunter: good for ya
00:42.20pfnvpc still sucks, no incoming dtmf
00:42.22ariel_amer, north america is so large. ...
00:42.43pfnmust open a cc dispute to get my DID money back
00:42.47pfnsince the number is utterly useless
00:42.50jmhuntervpc has shitty sound on ilbc/gsm incoming too.. and its not from latency
00:42.56amerI want to use someone like Iconnecthere or voiceplus
00:43.21ariel_amer, do you need did numbers or just ld.
00:43.33voipjetamer: You mean termination?
00:43.33amerjust ld
00:43.35pfnjmhunter ilbc sounds ok for me on incoming
00:43.40voipjetamer: Me!
00:43.43jmhunterits variable
00:43.52pfnok, shitty right now
00:43.54amerwhat are your rates?
00:43.57pfnI haven't tried it much lately
00:44.03ariel_Well nufone seems to be the best here. you can also try a test to voipjet but there still testing.
00:44.03pfnvoipjet see, that's bad  :p
00:44.07wsuffamer: take it up in private msg w/ him =)
00:44.12jmhunterhey voipjet.... u need to layoff on the service pushing a lil.... this isnt an advertising chan
00:44.21voipjetHe asked
00:44.27pfnso take it in private
00:44.39voipjetCome to # voipjet
00:44.49pfnwhen I was shopping for termination, people didn't just blurt out their own service
00:44.51wsuffvoipjet: ever hear of private msg
00:44.57file[laptop]unbiased responses are best.
00:45.12pfn(when I say people, I mean jerjer and gafachi)
00:45.19patdkunbiased? is that possible?
00:45.51pfnyes, apparently voipjet has not yet mastered the irc  :p
00:45.51wsuffpatdk: here never
00:46.05jmhunterMr. Gafachi hags out here constantly.. if anyone is interested in his services he contacts them directly... therefore he is generally respected in the community its very easy to get the * community to turn against u by spamming the chan...
00:46.08ariel_there is nothing unbiase here... we all have our opions there just like ass....holes...
00:46.39patdkheh, I have vpc, nufone, and gafachi connect to my box right now
00:46.48pfnI haven't tried gafachi
00:46.53jmhunterall the same for me pat
00:46.53wsuffjmhunter: gafachi  isn't his name though but yes i agree w/ the rest of it
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00:47.08jmhunteri know its adam.. i was just refering him by nick
00:47.23wsuffjmhunter: then why use mr.
00:47.26patdkI have noticed, I can't call my wifes cellphone from gafachi
00:47.37jmhunterwsuff, seemed like the thing to do
00:47.41patdkdunno way, I blame the cellphone company though, cause I get some odd recorded message from them
00:48.16patdkpfn, ya, it costs about 130g a year to have good competing international rates though
00:48.25jmhunterive noticed different providers dont like sbc customer svc 8-- numbers
00:48.30CoaxDoh god.
00:48.33CoaxD]i just realized
00:48.40CoaxDI'm dating a geek chick
00:48.48jmhunterdude the web dev?
00:48.51patdkcoaxd, bad thing?
00:48.54CoaxDya her
00:49.01CoaxDpatdk: it doesnt appear so
00:49.16wsuffCoaxD: have her work for me and u sleep w/ her for payment =)
00:49.26CoaxDmother of a 9mo kid, loves pie, loves to surf at my house given that her situation doesnt permit her an inet connection atm
00:49.54wsuffCoaxD: how long til she lives w/ u =)
00:49.55CoaxDwsuff: Now why on earth would i do that - when i get that for free? :)
00:50.01MarlowCoaxD : so she visits you to check her mail ?
00:50.05CoaxDwsuff: God, i hope not long
00:50.10CoaxDMarlow: hahahaha no
00:50.14wsuffCoaxD:  help a bro out
00:50.15CoaxDmarlow: but she sure loves to
00:50.49MarlowCoaxD : have a friend that has that kind of relationship :)
00:51.05CoaxDmarlow: Which kind?
00:51.06MarlowCoaxD : couldn't help it laughing, when i heard that ..
00:51.08bkw_I have a cisco Aironet 340 AP for sale
00:51.11bkw_anyone want/need one
00:51.12CoaxDmarlow: Hehe
00:51.24MarlowCoaxD : she visits him to check her mail .. that's basically it ..
00:51.25wsuffbkw_: u are a regular auction
00:51.27bkw_I also have a 2.26GHZ P4 chip for sale... 80 bucks with free shipping
00:51.29CoaxDthe funny thing is..
00:51.34bkw_ANYONE ANYONE
00:51.36CoaxDwhen she and i first got naked..
00:51.48Marlowbkw_ : USonly ?
00:51.55bkw_Marlow what country you in?
00:51.59jmhunterwsuff, are you used to paying or somethign?
00:52.02CoaxDi had to ask her.. "You're half the size of any chick i've dated in the last 10 years! Where do I hold on?"
00:52.03Marlowbkw_ : outside americas :)
00:52.12bkw_you pay shipping i'll send it
00:52.18bkw_80 includes shipping in the US
00:52.19Marlowbkw_ : nah .
00:52.19tzangerCoaxD: hahahahahha
00:52.26CoaxDShe laughed... I said "No, seriously!" - she firmly planted my hand on a specific place on her hips, and said "THERE!"
00:52.37dbsrbkw_: is that aironet b, a, or g?
00:52.38CoaxDi did, too. Worked great!
00:52.39jmhunterwhats bkw sellin?
00:52.42bkw_er a
00:52.43CoaxDshe really laughed then
00:52.48jmhuntero airnet
00:52.49CoaxD(and then moaned uncontrollably.)
00:52.53bkw_its a damn nice unit
00:53.17bkw_email if you're interested
00:53.32dbsrok.  i'll ask at work
00:53.54wsuffbkw_: if i had any money left i'd buy more but under 1k to my name
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00:54.31heraghow do I control the length of time that I keep an sip lease?
00:54.52dbsrbkw_: is that the 350 series?  or something that is EOL'd?
00:54.53mitcheloci think it's called "maxepirey"
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00:54.57mitcheloccheck the wiki under sip settings
00:56.39Marlowit's gettin freakin late
00:57.18ariel_no it's not it's only 8:55 pm... lots of time left in the night.....
00:57.57Marlowariel_ : sorry .. 2 am here
00:58.04Marlowariel_ : nearly
00:59.52mitchelocdo people in a timezone that is say 3 hours ahead, die on an average 3 hours before people in the timezone thats 3 hours behind?
01:01.21ariel_mitcheloc, soon you will be asking for the meaning of life too....hehehehehe
01:01.57patdkthat is easy, 42
01:02.04mitchelochey well...if you know the answer then why not share it
01:02.08ariel_no 2
01:02.17mitchelocactually 3
01:02.34cjk_hi, what do you recommend for sending faxes, i have * running connected to an E1
01:02.52mitchelocthat fax machine
01:02.52ariel_a fax machine.
01:02.54mitchelocwhats it called
01:03.01mitchelocit never works
01:03.08mitchelocbut probably worth trying
01:03.26patdkheh, doesn't work that great
01:03.28cjk_well if it never works ....
01:03.33patdkI think it needs a developer
01:03.38cjk_what about hylafax ?
01:03.46patdkif you have idsn lines
01:03.53ariel_hylafax works
01:04.22mitchelochylafax won't work with a t100p will it?
01:04.36mitcheloci access to one of the lines
01:04.51mitchelocin so much as not needing asterisk/sip/h323 or something to communicate to do it
01:04.55mitchelocsort of modem like?
01:05.18cjk_yeah, but well its a feature people could need
01:05.23cjk_still need
01:05.36cjk_i dont know why, there is email an scanner but however
01:07.09mitchelocdamn, anyone here try compiling h323? its taking forever one this one line
01:07.39mitcheloci'd say it froze...but i tried it again and same problem
01:10.30cjk_bye people, time to sleep
01:10.36JunK-Ylater cjk_!
01:11.30heragcan I set maxexpirey for a specific device? or is it only for the [general] section?
01:12.07*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
01:13.37*** join/#asterisk ScythelX (
01:14.59PoWeRKiLLdoes * support SIP TEXT MESSAGING ?
01:15.52denonhmm .. anyone know a bootable linux cd that has writeable nfts support? and could do some kinda chkdsk? :)
01:16.01denonand would have drivers for a crappy Promise Raid controller
01:16.09JunK-Ybrc_: go take some sleep, tomorrow would be better.
01:16.13heragdenon: knoppix maybe?
01:16.17brc_denon, iirc knoppix
01:16.21brc_has the captive drivers
01:16.27brc_know what those are?
01:16.28denonoh, it has read/write? coo, didnt know
01:16.30amerwho provides the best service to connect * to the PSTN? with DIDs
01:16.35denonnah, I dont follow linux ntfs much.
01:16.45denonoh, captive drivers for raid
01:16.51heragdenon: i don't think it has read/write out of the may have to fiddle with it a little
01:17.02heragdenon: i think initially it only mounts read only
01:17.22heragdenon: after all, writing to ntfs is still "unstable"
01:18.02denonherag: not according to captive ..
01:18.13denon"Involvement of the original driver files was chosen to achieve the best and unprecedented filesystem compatibility and safety.
01:18.39heragya, those are the ones that require that you write over the exact file sector or something...i forget the details
01:19.13heragsomethings still don't work I believe, new file creation or something like that...
01:19.24denonwell .. I need to do a chkdsk on a drive ..
01:19.29denonbut its mounted on a promise raid controller
01:19.45denonI could yank the whole array, and toss it in an xp box or something ..
01:19.47heragthe drive? partition, or filesystem?
01:19.50denonbut that'd be a fair amount of work
01:20.15brc_haven't read above...but way captive works is, it uses native ntfs read (which works) to search for the windows ntfs dll driver
01:20.17denonherag: presumably a filesystem or bad sector issue .. could be driver, but doubtful
01:20.39brc_then if it finds it it uses it for (mostly) reliable write support
01:21.08decodeparagon owns it now
01:21.14*** join/#asterisk DrRighteous2 (
01:21.16denonthe 2k box boots .. but 3/4ths of the way through, it INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICEs
01:21.22brc_greets DrRighteous
01:21.23decode0.4 was the last public rel, but 0.5 is floating around, a PITA to find tho, fwiw
01:21.27denonI'd say thats drivers, except that the box hasnt been touched in months
01:21.36denonso I assume there's a filesystem issue
01:21.42DrRighteous2brc: how are you my sexy beast!
01:21.46decodeDrRighteous2: sup?
01:21.48file[laptop]I had that happen once
01:21.48brc_tried the recovery console from a winxp cd?
01:21.59file[laptop]I also had Win2k suddenly not support the ACPI
01:22.00denonbrc: I need Promise RAID drivers
01:22.14denonI assume the linux stuff has that
01:22.16file[laptop]it just flat out refused to boot anymore, even after a reinstall
01:22.18denonjust by default
01:22.33brc_well just go try knoppix n see if'n it'll work
01:22.34decodewhile cutely eating dorritos
01:22.43jmhunterwork time
01:22.47denonbrc: waitin for the DL
01:22.51*** part/#asterisk DrRighteous2 (
01:22.52decodeSleepin all.. stayin up all.. nightt!!
01:22.55*** part/#asterisk jmhunter (
01:23.06denonslow as hell mirrors for knoppix
01:23.12heragknoppix is's like a really really fat swiss army knife  ;)
01:23.18brc_denon, yeah most of them are REALLY slow
01:23.42denonbrc: getting 10kbps from Purdue's mirror
01:23.49dbsrdenon: what type of raid and was it trying to do any of windows cheesy virtual raid stuff or dynamic or whatever the hell they call it?
01:23.56brc_I usually use flashget and get from 3 or 4 mirrors at once
01:24.02brc_or getright
01:24.08_Vileecho cancellation @#$@#@#$
01:24.11denondbsr: no software raid stuff .. just the Promise raid controller
01:24.12brc_no clue if there's anything like it for windows
01:24.41denonbrc_: tons of stuff for win32, but I dont like to clutter up my workstation with that kinda crap :)
01:25.00brc_s/for windows/for linux
01:25.15denongetting it at 200k from ufl
01:25.16denonthat'll do
01:25.54brc_wish ibibiiibilo mirrored it
01:26.42brc_what'daya know...they do
01:27.00dbsrdenon: best of luck.  i hate wintendo fs problems. =[
01:27.15dbsrmay be best to mount it as read only, get your important data off of it, format and reinstall
01:27.18PoWeRKiLLdoes * support sip text messaging ?
01:27.30denondbsr: it's not win32 thats really the problem. . its that crappy promise raid
01:27.57brc_promise raid is worse then no raid
01:27.59brc_it SUCKS
01:27.59dbsrahh, heh.
01:28.10dbsrmy experience with raids involve 3ware cards
01:28.13denonbrc_: yeah .. this sucker's old .. SX6000 ..
01:28.20brc_windows software raid is better then 99.274% of promise's raid cards
01:28.22ariel_brc_, you did some flying did you enjoy your self..
01:28.27denonone of the first IDE raid cards we used .. and it just stayed in the server back then I guess
01:28.35brc_ariel_, yeah it was great fun
01:28.37denonwe use mostly 3ware for IDE as well
01:28.48ariel_I need to go flying soon..
01:28.48brc_went to 3300agl
01:28.54brc_feet hanging over the side
01:29.04wsuffariel_: come pick me up in NJ
01:29.12brc_never been in a ultralight before
01:29.15wsuffi need a vacation
01:29.17twistedme in AL
01:29.18twistedi'm closer
01:29.25brc_used to fly all the time in my grandpa's kitfox
01:29.27wsufftwisted: good point less gas
01:29.31brc_ariel_, what'chya fly?
01:29.32ariel_I don't have enough for the gas....
01:30.02denonhmm, there's an official knoppix bittorent
01:30.05scudmark is a rockstar
01:30.16scudbkw is just a cockstar
01:31.12brc_^^^that's like what I flew in
01:31.15tzangercockstar hahaha
01:31.29brc_ariel_, you own a plane?
01:31.54BentleyI just read the whitepaper on XTunnels.  Has anyone tried this in conjunction with *?
01:32.10ariel_yes I do it's a koliber 150a
01:33.17brc_ever try a ultralight?
01:33.51heragcan I set maxexpirey for a specific device? or is it only for the [general] section?
01:34.26brc_look in the sample...everything you can set per user/peer is listed
01:37.20pfndenon I have a promise raid controller yeah, it's slow as hell
01:37.57PoWeRKiLLsomeone know how to send SIP MESSAGES from a sip phone to another one via * ?
01:42.25ariel_here are some pictures of my plane...
01:43.09MustDieariel: stop teasing everybody
01:43.53denonman .. google doesnt seem to think Knoppix will see a promise raid controller :\
01:44.09ariel_MustDie, it's not a tease it's a real hobby
01:45.36Yashaxariel_:  Very NICE!!!
01:45.53YashaxI have 40 hrs on Piper Warrior! :)
01:46.09CoaxDdenon: um well you could always recompile a kernel that would.
01:46.35CoaxDcuz thats. you know. the beauty of running an open source operating system
01:46.41denonCoaxD: yeah .. but I bet thats a fairly indepth process on a Live CD
01:47.02CoaxDdenon: Um. why the hell would you be running anything useful on LiveCD?
01:47.08denonCoaxD: scroll up
01:47.22denonim trying to chkdsk a win32 drive thats not boot properly
01:47.41denonso im using a live cd, cause the drive is on a promise raid controller
01:47.55denonI could yank the array and toss it into an XP box or such .. and I might end up doing that
01:47.58CoaxDthere's really just no point in running a promise raid
01:48.03denonbut it'd be a big job, physically
01:48.05CoaxDplug the damn thing into a dumb promise controller
01:48.08denonyeah yeah its an old box, spare me the lectuer
01:48.08CoaxDuse swraid1
01:48.11CoaxDor swraid5
01:48.18CoaxDyo'll get better performance right off the bat
01:48.33CoaxDi love lecturing on the grounds that you have to listen to me
01:48.38denonI just need to get the box back up
01:48.43CoaxD...becuase someday, you might actually offer me a good price on facilities
01:48.51denonwe use 3ware and SANs for everything else
01:49.25CoaxDcuz 3ware is so much better and everything
01:49.47denonthe 9000s are fast and stable
01:49.49denonworks for me.
01:49.51denonand cheap
01:50.13file[laptop]ooh sharpie
01:50.42CoaxDmy damn girlfriend has to go home tonite. argh.
01:50.52decodei got rid of my gf today
01:50.53mitchelocdoes anyone here use chan_h323?
01:50.57CoaxD<-- wants some lovin
01:50.59denonCoaxD: parents wont ease up on her curfew?
01:51.06CoaxDdenon: yeah dude. she got grounded
01:51.09decodei got some comin' over in a bit
01:51.12CoaxDdenon: (or rather, I'm grounded)
01:51.21CoaxDdenon: My kid is here. *g*
01:51.25CoaxDher kid is over there
01:51.38CoaxDand so she cant come here, and i cant go there. heh
01:52.16decodei avoid chicks with kids
01:52.34*** join/#asterisk voipjet (
01:52.35decodeit increases the chances of a relationship being more than a few days
01:52.37decodeand i dont like that
01:53.00wsuffdecode: could increase it too though if they need the support for the kid and all
01:53.16wsuffdecode: wouldn't u want your kids having coaxd as a step dad
01:53.27decodea long term relationship to me is waking up beside the girl
01:53.56decodeheh actually, the test results came back and i don't have a kid
01:53.59decodemy ex is a slutpuppy
01:54.54decodebbl, erin's here with alcohol!
01:55.02decodetime to drag laptop to the deck
01:55.13decodefinish up nagios over a bottle of crown
01:56.23chujiwell, that was a mistake
01:56.28chujidon't go to I think
01:57.10chujiever try sjphone on pocketPC?
01:57.24denonchuji: yeah, worked well
01:57.47chujiI'm about to give it a try
01:57.59chujiover 802.11 first
01:58.02chujithen CDMA
01:58.11chujiCDMA will probably suck
01:58.18decodeGPRS :)
01:58.27decode<3 my gprs
01:58.48chujiWho's that with?
02:01.37decodechuji: AT&T
02:02.14chujiwhat do you pay per month for it
02:02.21decodei dont know
02:02.21chujiI need to recommend a solution for my office
02:02.30decodei'd have to ask dad
02:02.41decodeit's his phone i use it when i'm out and about
02:02.45chujiI know cingular is going live with theirs soon
02:02.57chujiI hate to go with sprint if GSM starts getting big
02:03.08decodeGSM is awesome
02:11.49*** join/#asterisk _Eagle_ (
02:12.44_Eagle_anyone know where i can get a low profile heatsink/fan for an AMD Athlon XP 2700+ that will fit in a 1u rackmount case?
02:14.31ariel_chuji, I have Cingular and it has GPRS and it works ok here.
02:15.43chujiwonder how much better it is than CDMA?
02:17.44decodeAhoy, i'm being packeted again
02:22.08*** join/#asterisk JohnWayne (
02:22.26*** join/#asterisk gober (
02:24.07*** join/#asterisk rcam (
02:24.39rcamLong time no see everyone.
02:25.53rcamseen jerjer
02:26.00decodeprefix a ~
02:26.07rcamO yeah.
02:26.17rcam~seen jerjer
02:26.19jbotjerjer is currently on #asterisk (19h 53m 34s).  Has said a total of 22 messages.  Is idling for 17h 58m 5s
02:27.41voipjet~seen voipjet
02:27.41jbotvoipjet is currently on #asterisk (35m 8s).  Has said a total of 1 messages.  Is idling for 0s
02:30.49rcamWhat has been up with NuFone?
02:32.25wsuffno idea
02:33.36jack2341Using Broadvoice can you make more then one outgoing call at a time?
02:36.07chujijack2341: Yeah
02:36.17chujiand receive multiple
02:39.54*** join/#asterisk Frawg (~Mr_foo@frawg.registered)
02:40.01Frawghey all
02:40.11*** join/#asterisk Bentley42 (~Bentley@
02:40.16Frawganyone here had problems with a tdm400p having screaching/static ?
02:40.35Frawgreload the module it's ok, but start's happening again after around 12-18hrs
02:41.06denoncrontab it then ;)
02:41.18Bentley42Hey...anyone here have a good small-office config that they'd be willing to share?
02:41.21wsuffevery night off peak
02:41.31Frawgdenon: but it can happen at anytime
02:41.32denonwsuff: hourly -- to heck with the users
02:41.48Frawgeg it could happen only 30mins after a reload
02:41.48denonFrawg: yeah, I was just kidding .. I havent heard of a prob, but I dont use tdm400ps
02:42.01Frawgand reloading the module causes all calls to be dropped
02:42.18brc_<rcam> What has been up with NuFone? how do you mean?
02:42.57decodeBentley42: got paypal?
02:43.29wsuffdecode: haha what happened to being a good sport
02:43.38decodewsuff: *innocent look*
02:43.47decodeI've made about $500 this year via paypal
02:43.54decodeexcluding ebay transactions
02:44.02Bentley42so you've given out your config like 500 times?
02:44.06decodeBentley42: No
02:44.23decodeI've billed myself out at $300/hr for about an hour and a half. Then i went to sleep.
02:44.39decodeemergencies are fun
02:45.42Bentley42Frawg..we've seen (heard) the same scratching on our 400p with 2x2 ports..only if we have a line plugged into one of the fxo ports
02:46.11goberre "Asterisk now running on Windows" how well and are binarys avaliable for download?
02:48.28JunK-Ygober: astwind
02:50.20goberJunk-Y: googled astwind with no result .... another clue prehaps?
02:53.14goberthanks for that
02:53.39wsuffasterwind is Asterisk running under Co Linux on the Windows Platform. The package by Damin is at
02:54.02jbot*WHACK* *WHACK* *WHACK*
02:54.23wsuffjbot: asterwind is Asterisk running under Co Linux on the Windows Platform. The package by Damin is at
02:54.24jbotwsuff: okay
02:54.30jbotasterwind is, like, Asterisk running under Co Linux on the Windows Platform. The package by Damin is at
02:54.39wsuffclose enuf
02:56.46*** join/#asterisk Moc (
02:57.28jbotextra, extra, read all about it, jbot is ibot's stupid cousin
03:02.06mitcheloc***anyone here live between  san francisco (or in) and has a pool table and wants to give a fellow asterisk user a good deal on it?
03:02.47mitcheloc*** heh i mean between san francisco and orange county/los angeles
03:02.59Daminjbot: AstWind is a collection of software (coLinux, Debian, Asterisk) that lets you run Asterisk at the same time as windows. AstWind can be downloaded from
03:03.00jbotokay, Damin
03:03.13jbotextra, extra, read all about it, astwind is a collection of software (coLinux, Debian, Asterisk) that lets you run Asterisk at the same time as windows. AstWind can be downloaded from
03:03.49mitchelocanyone on that pool table? this is really urgent! =)
03:04.59wsuffmitcheloc: sorry not something that is just a phone call away
03:05.05wsuffbesides a pool hall
03:05.15Daminmitcheloc: I can't help you.
03:06.07jbot*WHACK* *WHACK* *WHACK*
03:07.30twistedmitcheloc, you deliver it?
03:08.17twistedoh wait
03:08.34twistedwhy do you need a pool table so urgently?
03:09.04mutilatorso anyone around could help me write a perl script to read/edit the asterisk database?
03:09.09mutilatorcause i can'
03:09.15mutilatorcan't seem to get it to even open
03:12.41Damintwisted: He'd got an urgent porn shoot..
03:14.56mitcheloclol no
03:14.59mitchelocwell my brother is up in san francisco with a moving truck
03:15.03mitchelocabout to drive all the way back here
03:15.28mitchelocso i figure theres a chance he might pass a few * users houses, and maybe one or two of them have a pool table they want to sell cause the wife wants the room to do knitting or something like that
03:16.29mutilatorstop by northern michigan
03:16.33mutilatori'll give ya mine
03:17.04twistedDamin, ahh
03:17.13mitchelocmutilator: you sure? i'll do it if you meet me half way
03:17.28twistedmitcheloc, so she wants the room to do knitting
03:17.32twistedso you want to put a pool table in there?
03:17.36*** join/#asterisk voipjet (
03:17.40mutilatori'm not going to meet ya half way to give ya a table
03:17.45mutilatori don't even have anything to carry it with
03:18.16mitcheloccar? mule? horse?
03:18.27mutilator'tis a slate top bar style table
03:18.34mutilatormule would die
03:18.41mutilatorhorse might do it
03:19.17mitchelocwhy would a mule die? it's supposed to be better then a horse and a donkey
03:19.34mutilatorand slower
03:19.37*** join/#asterisk Legend` (~Legend@
03:19.43mutilatori'de kill it trying to reach ya by the time ya got halfway
03:19.57mitchelocin case some people didn't know, i didn't either till recently, a mule can't breed, it's what happens when a donkey gets with a horse or the other way around
03:20.19twistedmule is the sterile offspring of a horse and a donkey
03:21.06mitchelocactually not completely sterile
03:21.09mutilatori could borrow one of the amish horse and buggeis down the road
03:21.10mitchelocjust low sperm count
03:21.14*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
03:21.32Legend`mutilator: where are you from?
03:21.50Legend`mutilator: amish in michigan?
03:22.10mutilatorlike the whole northern half
03:22.40mutilatorthats all thats around me is amish farms
03:23.02mitchelocdo amish people have pool tablesr?
03:23.09mitcheloctell them i'll give them my goat if they bring it to me
03:23.19mutilatorheh ok
03:23.25mutilatori'll see what i can do
03:23.46[zt]antianyone with cisco 7960 experience? I have broadvoice setup on it, oddly I can call into it, but when I try to make calls from the cisco, it just beeps and prints "Reorder" ...hmm
03:24.03denonfix your dialplan
03:24.27mitchelocmake sure you use your prefix
03:24.44mitchelocalso that means there is not an extension in asterisk
03:24.45mitchelocthat it's finding
03:25.37mutilatork if no one can help me interface witht he * db directly.. is there a reason why a system command call is so slow? right now i'm using `asterisk -rx 'database put blah\blah\blah blah'`;
03:25.40mutilatoronly twice
03:26.00mutilatortwice then looped 15 times
03:26.08mutilatorand it takes it like 40 seconds to execute
03:26.22denonmutilator: the * db is just berkely db
03:26.30wsuffya that too
03:26.32denonmutilator: but you can use the management interface to tie to it
03:26.34mutilatorthats what everyone keeps telling me
03:26.40mutilatorbut when i try to use it it doesn't work
03:27.08denonyou telnet in ..
03:27.09denonset values
03:27.23mutilatori'de rather do it directly
03:27.31denonId rather have the * process do it ..
03:27.33denonless file locking etc
03:27.37denonand you know its gonna hit the right place
03:31.41*** join/#asterisk chuji (
03:37.00*** join/#asterisk zer0db (
03:38.32zer0dbI have just burned the livecd and  rebooted..I am faced with a login prompt and am lost as to what to login as. Can someone point me in a good direction as to get pass this?
03:40.10[zt]antiwtf, broadcast changed my unlock password on my 7960...
03:40.14[zt]antierr broadvoice.
03:40.26twistedno, they can't just do that
03:40.36twistedunless you point your phone's tftp at them
03:40.45filewhich is stupid.
03:40.49[zt]antitwisted: yeah, thats what I did to test the broadvoice stuff
03:40.57[zt]antithats what they said to do!
03:41.08[zt]antihow was I suppose to know they were going to do something malicious like that.
03:41.22twistedwhy would you do that in the first place?
03:41.43[zt]antitwisted: its what their setup instructions say.
03:41.57mitchelocso thats a no on a pool table then? =/
03:42.20mitcheloclol anti
03:42.24mitchelocthats bad luck
03:42.32mitcheloctry "1234" knowing them
03:43.21[zt]antiwell how can I reset this phone to factory defaults? any ideas?
03:43.35mitchelocum well try this instead
03:43.39twisted[zt]anti, you're outta luck, it's now locked to them ;)
03:43.45mitchelocno thats not true
03:43.50mitcheloctake you rnetwork off the net
03:43.52twistedshhh mitcheloc
03:43.53mitchelocset up your tftp server
03:43.58mitchelocthen use their ip address as your servers
03:44.04[zt]antiyeah I guess thats an idea
03:44.06mitchelocso your faking an internet connection
03:44.13twistedthat's one way to do it
03:44.19mitchelochehe i came up with a good idea! =)
03:44.25twistedor just set up a static route on your router
03:44.29twistedto route their ip to your server
03:44.31mitchelocanti: now you owe me a pool table
03:44.40mitchelocblah twisted, thats too easy
03:45.05mitchelocanti: so how about that table?
03:45.52twisted[zt]anti, i'd call them any bitch anyway
03:46.00twistedand ask them for the unlock password
03:46.20file"You locked my Cisco and I want it back... NOW ANSWER ME!"
03:46.22mitcheloc* and
03:46.41twistedwhat file said :P
03:46.50*** join/#asterisk ardor (
03:47.05mitcheloc"Huh sorry, your speaker phone on the cisco is breaking up, damn ciscos.....(hang up)"
03:47.32mitchelocor they could say "Sorry sir, but your going to have to send it to us in the mail..."
03:47.39ardorAnyone here good with awk? I'm looking to print the 4th value in a file spreated by return lines
03:47.50twisted[zt]anti, btw, how do they know who is using what phone anyway?
03:48.09rcam~seen jerjer
03:48.11jbotjerjer is currently on #asterisk (21h 15m 26s).  Has said a total of 22 messages.  Is idling for 19h 19m 57s
03:48.49rcamAnybody that knows me on?
03:48.55mitchelochow hard is it to program a tftp server?
03:49.06mitchelocwould be nice to make a dynamic one that interfaced with asterisk'
03:49.21denondoubtful that'll ever happen
03:49.48denonsince that's pretty phone-specific stuff
03:49.48denonasterisk is all about following standards
03:50.15ardorawk '{FS="\n"}{print $2}' /www/lists/102.txt  **thought that would print the 2nd value in the file but doesn't =(
03:56.50mitcheloceh no i don't mean actually reprogramming asterisk
03:57.10mitchelocjust an asterisk-addon thats a tftp server, and you can do a "file->extension" relationship or something
03:57.20mitchelocand it can auto look it up from extensions.conf
03:57.42Bentley42Question..when using macros to define extensions....I want to have it so that when I dial my extension FROM my extension it goes to my do I write that macro in extensions.conf?
04:00.16mutilatorwell that goes fast enough for now
04:00.48mutilatorthx denon 'n wsuff
04:01.31mutilator~seen mutilator
04:01.32jbotmutilator is currently on #asterisk (8h 3m 52s).  Has said a total of 64 messages.  Is idling for 1s
04:02.20mutilatori'm out
04:21.38fileJerJer, how... unhealthy!
04:22.44trelane (I'm doing a freematrix stream tonight which will contain an asterisk/nufone call in capability, anyone interested in listening/participating tune in
04:22.49FrawgBentley42: we have 4xFXO
04:23.04FrawgAug 22 14:21:07 WARNING[8200]: chan_sip.c:590 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x80e7e1c (len 453) to returned -1: Bad file descriptor
04:23.14FrawgAug 22 14:21:09 WARNING[8200]: chan_sip.c:673 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call 0145a97a062f8a163d4cfa0b7d4a3808@ for seqno 102 (Non-critical Request)
04:23.18Frawganyone got any ideas
04:23.25Frawgbeen running around on google
04:23.29Frawgnot found anything usefull
04:23.36Frawgeverything was working fine,
04:23.38Frawgbox hardlocked
04:23.42Frawgrebooted the machine
04:23.46Frawgand now get that when asterisk start
04:40.57Frawghow do you clear asterisk's cache of clients?
04:41.08denonreboot <G>
04:41.32Frawgthe asterisk daemon
04:41.40Frawgstill has the cache after a restart
04:42.09bkw_Frawg it says Non-critical Request
04:42.14bkw_it also says WARNING
04:42.19bkw_you can IGNORE IT
04:42.30bkw_it means nothing that you should be worried with
04:42.42twistedif you're that concerned with it
04:42.42bkw_well excpet for that bad file descriptor part
04:42.45twistedyou can remove them from the db
04:42.48Frawgjust trying to figure out why the phones aren't registering
04:42.50twisteddatabase show
04:42.55bkw_sounds like nat
04:42.57twistedand you'll see SIP/Registry/blah
04:43.01twistedyou can remove those entries
04:43.02twistedbut yes
04:43.04twistedit sounds like nat
04:43.05bkw_is asterisk behidn nat?
04:43.07*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by bkw_
04:43.11Frawgbkw_: no
04:43.29Frawgbkw_: all of the clients have + asterisk are configured with NAT=>Yes
04:43.40bkw_is asterisk behind nat?
04:43.54Frawgwell asterisk talks directly to the clients
04:44.01bkw_is asterisk behind nat?
04:44.10bkw_yes or no
04:44.43twistedcircle one
04:44.46twistedwith your light pen
04:44.46Frawgthe box is multi-homed, one link to the phones, one to the net. so no it isn't
04:45.00bkw_does the box that asterisk is on run NAT?
04:45.04*** join/#asterisk denon_ (
04:45.09Frawgbkw_: no
04:45.16*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon_] by denon
04:45.25bkw_do you have the bindaddr set in sip.conf?
04:45.32bkw_to the internal facing address?
04:45.39bkw_and do you have bindaddr in rtp.conf setup also?
04:45.54bkw_accually rtp doesn't do that yet
04:46.44bkw_so this box isn't acting ad a router in any way shape or form?
04:47.09*** join/#asterisk diegoTNT (diego@
04:47.37*** join/#asterisk lwc (~Leon@VDSL-130-13-79-92.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
04:47.58diegoTNTHi this is my first time here, somebody can help me with a codec problem in asterisk??
04:48.09bkw_diegoTNT ask the question
04:48.13file[laptop]diegoTNT: be specific, we only know if we can help if you ask the question
04:48.18bkw_Frawg did you fall off the planet?
04:48.30bkw_file call back in boi
04:48.42file[laptop]bkw_: ugh why
04:48.50bkw_file so I can phone sex0r you
04:49.08file[laptop]but fine :p
04:49.09file[laptop]for a few minutes
04:49.19bkw_just lay there.. sleep boi sleep
04:49.21decodei keep getting packeted
04:49.22decodeand im sick
04:49.41decodei go off to puke and i hear the alarm sound on the firewall
04:50.02Frawgok back
04:50.15filethere, problem solved
04:50.20filenext... world hunger!
04:50.32denonunplug the firewall
04:50.35bkw_sally struthers .. stop her.. and world hunger is sovled
04:50.36denonproblem solved, and it's secure
04:50.38decodedenon: lol
04:50.47diegoTNTok. look I have a sip phone with alaw codec and my voip provider work with g729 codec so i try to call over and I gert a error. I like to know if is posible convine this 2 codecs?
04:50.48decodebut i colour codes connections and incoming traffic
04:50.56decodebased on trust-levels of the machines
04:51.00bkw_Frawg does that box act as a router in any way?
04:51.04decodeand underlying auth (pop3/etc)
04:51.18twisteddiegoTNT, yes
04:51.25bkw_diegoTNT you need g729 lic. for asterisk
04:51.28twistedyou need to buy g729 licensing to transcode
04:51.38Frawgbkw_: no
04:51.49Frawgbkw_: at least not to my knowledge
04:51.49diegoTNTahh ok so what mind passthrou?
04:52.06bkw_setup the bindaddr in sip.conf
04:52.09bkw_to the internal one
04:52.25bkw_you can't have a call from inside to outside on the same box
04:52.27bkw_it will barf on you
04:54.07bkw_restart and see what she does
04:54.25Frawgjust did
04:54.36Frawgwhat's the easiest way to get a 7960 to reload?
04:54.44diegoTNTtwisted ok so what mind passthrou?
04:54.52twisteddiegoTNT, i don't understand your question
04:54.53bkw_give it the three finger salute
04:55.04filediegoTNT, he wants to know about passthrough... how to do it probably
04:55.08bkw_diegoTNT you can't do passthru when both legs speak diffrent codecs..
04:55.11filewhat it is maybe...
04:55.28bkw_to do passthru both sides of the call MUST speak the same codec
04:55.43fileunless your asterisk is on crack and trys to native bridge a ULAW and G729 call
04:55.49Frawgbkw_: nice :)
04:55.50bkw_which could happen
04:55.58fileand then goes oops, and everybody goes insane
04:55.59bkw_Frawg did that fix you?
04:56.07Frawgbkw_: don't know yet
04:56.15decodeim still wondering why suddenly i had to do dtmfmode=inband for my sipura
04:56.20Frawgi was referring to being able to easily reboot the phone
04:56.20diegoTNTtwisted there is a pass-thru mode in asterisk. What mind that?
04:56.24Frawgrather than pulling the power
04:56.33bkw_Frawg ah
04:56.33Frawgstill not registered
04:56.37bkw_sip debug?
04:56.39twisteddiegoTNT, pay attention
04:56.43twisted[23:55] <bkw_> to do passthru both sides of the call MUST speak the same codec
04:56.52bkw_diegoTNT pay attention boi...
04:57.06diegoTNTsorry I undertand
04:57.09bkw_YOU can't do passthru if one leg speaks ulaw and one leg speaks g729
04:57.11bkw_it just won't work
04:57.19bkw_ULAW != G729
04:57.21diegoTNTso I have to buy the licences
04:57.30bkw_diegoTNT DING DING DING
04:57.33bkw_yes you must
04:58.09bkw_i'm just giving you hell ... think nothing of it.. I mean it with all the love in the world :)
04:58.30diegoTNTso when I buy the licences I will get some files also?
04:58.43twisted~useful asterisk docs
04:58.44jbotuseful asterisk docs is probably it has been said that useful asterisk docs is (BOOKMARK THEM!): (look at the "Unnoficial Links") and (the Wiki), and (ManxPower's site), and, also, read all files in ...
04:58.52twistedyes, you have to download the codec.
04:58.58twistedthen you install it
04:58.59bkw_enter the regkey
04:59.00twistedthen you register it
04:59.21LennyTtwisted: I patched tonight with the take18 on
04:59.26twistedLennyT, cool
04:59.30filesince I'm in SUCH a helpful mood... here's the URL to G729 @ Digium
04:59.36Frawgthe granstream phones are now registering fine
04:59.42LennyTand I uncommented the ## in features.conf, but couldn't get it to work... any ideas?
04:59.42Frawgmy cisco on the other hand won't :|
04:59.51LennyTI'm at -HEAD as of today
05:00.04LennyTI had the "T" option in the Dial()
05:00.38JerJerman i wish i could get my -HEAD today
05:00.41diegoTNTthanks you!
05:00.50twistedLennyT, need a little more detail.
05:01.00LennyTOK, what could I provide you..?
05:01.16twistedlike, for example, be a little more specific on the 'but couldn't get it to work' statement
05:01.30LennyTI pressed ## and all I heard was the DTMF ## on the remote end.
05:01.37LennyTNo "Transfer"
05:01.50*** join/#asterisk DEVILoper (~email@
05:01.57twistedLennyT, the default digit timeout is .5 sec
05:02.01DEVILoperHi ALL
05:02.08LennyTIt was pressed pretty quickly...
05:02.21DEVILoperkram u there ?
05:02.34LennyTI guess I could crank it up with the digittimeout and try again...
05:02.35JerJer-kram- I left 8h 35m 40s ago it is 10:48PM right now. info: Not here right now, sorry...
05:02.56twistedLennyT, yeah, try that, because it works fine for everyone else that's tried it.
05:03.21LennyTOK, was using X-Pro (soft client) if that helps... I'll try with my 7960 too.
05:03.33twistedi have an idea
05:03.50twistedwhat codec and dtmf modes were u using?
05:03.58LennyTrfc2833, g711
05:04.17twistedhm... should have worked then... but xlite is known for dtmf issues..
05:04.31LennyTalright... might be it... I'll try with my Cisco and Polycom
05:04.34twistedxpro is the same as xlite except for a couple more features
05:04.41LennyTthx.  any idea if this'll get into CVS anytime soon?
05:04.47twistedno idea...
05:04.50LennyTtwisted, right...
05:04.51JerJerbkw_:  infrared camera?
05:04.53twistedbug markster about it ;)
05:04.57LennyTok :)
05:04.58bkw_OK FOLKS what do we call grandstream phones????
05:05.01bkw_how many nick names?
05:05.12bkw_shit stream
05:05.24twistedlife preserver for a mouse
05:05.31twistedpaper airplane
05:05.34filetwisted: excellent
05:05.34twistedtarget practice
05:05.59twistedi also like
05:06.01bkw_hell it doesn't even make a good paperweight
05:06.03bkw_its so light
05:06.09twistedFisherPrice "My First VoIP phone"
05:06.18JerJerlol  hell yes
05:06.27bkw_Tickle Me Elmo Phone
05:06.27filetwisted: they should advertise it as that... then again, the copyrights would get 'em
05:07.23bkw_I have no respect for any copyrights
05:08.11JerJeri can't wait to go to australia...  I have a box of Quicknet cards I am going to take to use as target practice with Craig and Robert (Open H.323 guys)
05:08.20FrawgJerJer: heh
05:09.46JerJerif you didn't know Quicknet bought Robert and Craig's company Equvialnce for a decent sum of money sure then 8-10 months later just basically pushed them aside and stopped paying them like they agreed to
05:10.18JerJerthey dont' talk details so i don't know the real story
05:10.34bkw_its called HELL BOI HELL HELL HELL
05:10.41fileA MUFFIN OF DEATH
05:11.04bkw_Use the blueberrys file
05:11.13bkw_the blueberrys are strong
05:11.18JerJerI have some trowser snake here, with its own tartar sauce
05:11.20filevery true
05:11.29bkw_JerJer that can work magic
05:11.44bkw_tube steak rocks
05:12.03JerJeri'll stick with the fish
05:12.13bkw_haha you do that :)
05:12.30bkw_Silly faggot.. dicks are for tricks!
05:12.32JerJerspecifically this 17 year old one I'm workin on
05:12.33filedear me I do believe my internet is going toast
05:12.44JerJerSilly rabbit, dicks are for chicks
05:12.45decodeits all going to hell
05:12.49filemy phone! it crashed!
05:12.55bkw_file poor boi
05:13.36filecrummy ISP
05:13.53filelemme see here
05:14.54filenothing like an ADSL modem reset that doesn't drop your connection
05:16.11fileah ic why
05:16.17filemy ISP's nameservers are toast
05:24.12Frawgcan have you multiple bindaddr
05:24.24Frawgin sip.conf
05:24.49JerJerdon't believe so
05:26.19*** join/#asterisk _asr (
05:31.15*** join/#asterisk kentster_ (
05:35.44denonnever trust anyone else for name servers methinks
05:35.53JerJerhell no
05:36.06JerJeri wish i could be my own registrar  :)
05:36.15denonwe run boxes on 6 subnets for our primary stuff
05:36.21denonmakes me feel all warm and fuzzy
05:37.17denonJerJer: you can, its not that expensive, if you already have a support staff in place
05:37.34denonletter from your bank, 100k in escrow, and a few grand for the APIs
05:37.36JerJersupport staff?
05:37.43JerJeras in customer service?
05:37.46JerJerthat's funny
05:37.52JerJerthat's real funny
05:37.58denonso you put up the money, and we'll do the support for ya
05:38.10JerJermy customer service is yelling at people when they screw up
05:38.19denonjust another tick in the call records
05:38.58denonhmm .. whats a good linux disk performance tester
05:39.09JerJerrm -rf /
05:39.35JerJeri bet you could not ctrl-c out of that fast enough :)
05:40.30denonnice and clean install?
05:40.35denon(ie: its not gonna make me get X or somethin)
05:40.45pfnit's a cli binary
05:40.48pfnold school and simple
05:40.50pfnnothing fancy
05:40.52denonNeed to get 45.6kB of archives.
05:41.03pointer-gaimbonnie is more accurate
05:42.13pfnyour system should come with hdparm....
05:42.30denonLennyT: apt-get oens
05:42.39denonI already installed both
05:42.44Frawgbindaddr= causes asterisk to NOT listen on
05:42.53Frawgso it just doesn't listen
05:42.59pfnfrawg what does it cause asterisk to listen to?
05:43.07pfnit has to listen to
05:43.12pfnunless it's already bound....
05:44.18Frawgnetstat -anNp | grep 5060
05:44.21Frawgreturns nothing
05:44.32pfnwhat's N
05:45.05pfn-N is anti -n
05:45.28Frawgwell -anp still gives the same :P
05:45.46pfnare you sure chan_sip is even loading?
05:46.32Frawgpfn: with bind set to the ip of one of the interfaces it's fine
05:46.39kentster_for disk benchmarking
05:46.41Frawgset to does nothing
05:46.42kentster_use iozone
05:46.47kentster_it rocks!!
05:47.24pfnfrawg read your logs, it's probably complaining somewhere
05:47.31decodeanyone got asterisk *70 and such (vertical service codes) working w/ a sipura spa-2000?
05:47.58FrawgAug 22 15:43:44 WARNING[1024]: Unable to get IP address for voip1, SIP disabled
05:48.01Frawgthat would be it?
05:48.13file[laptop]it can't lookup voip1?
05:49.06decodepfn: you never told me how to make it work? :P~
05:49.19pfnnot answering you
05:49.34decodedont like me suddenly?
05:49.40pfnno, my answer isn't directed at you
05:49.50decodepfn: no no, i asked you earlier :)
05:49.55Frawghostname != /etc/hosts
05:50.00pfnI didn't have an answer for you
05:50.07pfnI don't have a sipura
05:50.11decodeahh you said to remove them from somewhere and i was confused lol
05:50.20decodenevermind :)