irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040819

00:00.31aejlumIf I use database configuration for iax.conf, what kind of authentication method is used? md5? plaintext?
00:01.12pfnaejlum whichever you specify in your configuration  :p
00:01.45aejlumpfn: I actually don't specify any.  I just have the database information in sip.conf
00:01.50aejlumi mean iax.conf
00:02.17iCEBrkrIt's fixed.
00:02.56aejlumpfn: the fields in my table are name, secret, context, ipaddr, port, regseconds
00:03.10*** part/#asterisk stonefly (~stonefly@
00:03.23*** join/#asterisk brc_ (
00:08.17aejlumpfn: here's my iax.conf;  attempt from
00:08.17aejlumAug 18 17:09:04 NOTICE[131080]: chan_iax2.c:5251 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from
00:08.17aejlumAug 18 17:09:09 NOTICE[131080]: chan_iax2.c:5251 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from
00:08.17aejlumAug 18 17:09:12 NOTICE[131080]: chan_iax2.c:5251 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from
00:08.17aejlumAug 18 17:09:16 NOTICE[131080]: chan_iax2.c:5251 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from
00:10.22wsuffthat's better aejlum
00:10.52|stefan|how do i use the queue ? =)
00:11.37JerJerne1 ever play with the iax2 provision stuff in asterisk?
00:11.41*** join/#asterisk suma (
00:11.54aejlumwsuff: sorry about the mess, I pasted wrong =P
00:12.24aejlumJerJer: I'm experimenting on it..... are you stuck on anything?
00:12.29*** join/#asterisk sauber (
00:12.33pfnaejlum iax2 debug
00:12.38pfnaejlum that just says rejected but not why
00:12.41*** join/#asterisk HiTech69 (
00:13.19aejlumpfn: it says 'No authority found'
00:13.29pfnaejlum are you sure your username is correct, etc.
00:13.30JerJerthen create some authority
00:13.37aejlumpfn: I'm wondering if the authentication method doesn't match.
00:13.40JerJeraejlum:   have you figured out what the 'template' is ?
00:13.43sumawhen i ask asterisk to make a call to a sip user to connect to another local sip user on the same server with sip, it gives me    -- Got SIP response 482 "Loop Detected" back from  May i know how can i rectify this errir
00:13.57pfnsuma dial SIP/peer
00:14.02pfnnot SIP/user@localmachine
00:14.27aejlumjerjer: no, I'm trying to use database configuration.
00:14.36sumathis is a scheduled call using spool in asterisk
00:14.46aejlumpfn: can it be that iax2 doesn't support database config?
00:14.51pfnsuma make sure the local user doesn't also dial that user again
00:14.51sumai use and placed in the asterisk directory
00:14.54pfnaejlum no
00:15.05sumait actually lands in a extension
00:15.29aejlumJerJer: have you provisioned your iaxy's?
00:15.33pfnsuma paste your dialplan and sip.conf
00:15.37sumaand from where the user needs to dial a extension to reach the local user
00:15.38ManxPowersuma: As far as I know you can't run a sip client on asterisk when asterisk runs sip
00:15.45sumagive me a minute
00:16.02JerJeraejlum: yes its online now... i wana see if i can make a codec change remotely
00:16.11pfnyou need to specify another port # then
00:16.13pfnor something
00:16.20pfnI can't dial my enum entry
00:17.03sumasip.conf :
00:17.17aejlumJerJer: ah, ic..... I looked at that too and didn't know what to put for template.
00:17.24pfnis anything wrong with that sip message?
00:17.51sumaextensions.conf:   exten => 441517000303,1,Dial(SIP/441517000303)
00:17.57pfnnot here
00:18.30pfnsuma what is 441517000303
00:18.46pfnI sent my 7940 that sip message, I see no request for syncinfo.xml
00:18.48sumait is the local sip user connected to asterisk
00:19.03sumathat is the username of the sip user as you can see from sip.conf
00:19.10pfnwhat is local sip user connected to asterisk?
00:19.18pfnwhat local sip user connected to asterisk
00:19.19pfnwhat is it
00:19.30pfnI know what it is from your isp.conf entry, duh
00:19.32sumais it a ata 186 sip cloent
00:19.37ManxPowersuma: is that user ALSO [441517000303]
00:19.47pfnsuma sip show peers
00:19.53pfnpaste the line from 44157000303
00:20.35suma441517000303/44     D  5060     Unmonitored
00:20.41pfnwhat IP is your asterisk machine?
00:21.09aejlumJerJer: have you tried storing iax.conf configuration in a database?
00:21.13pfnwhat happens if you dial that yourself
00:21.19pfnaejlum iax2 debug!!!
00:21.22pfnwhen will you listen
00:21.23dnci always try to use 441517000303,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}) wherever possible
00:21.26sumait works fine when wi dial manually
00:21.35pfnwhaddya mean when you dial manually
00:21.51sumawhen i dial with another sip user
00:22.53aejlumpfn: I did! Keeps on saying 'No authority found'
00:23.02pfnthere is more to it than that
00:23.10pfnpaste the output of iax2 debug to
00:23.21blitzrage"because .ca is better"
00:23.26pfnno shit it's no authority found, there's an underlying cause
00:23.55dncthat'll be your authorisation for the incoming call then
00:24.05wsuffcause is owned/run by people part of #asterisk
00:24.16dnccheck iax.conf entries and stuff... do a reload if you havent in a while
00:24.17aejlumpfn: here's the debug
00:24.30dnckill a chicken, sprinkle its blood around the server
00:24.46pfnthere's much much more to the debug than that
00:24.51sumapfn: i solved that, it gos to another pattern matched extension, thanks for your help it really helped me
00:24.54pfnyou only pated the reject
00:25.41aejlumpfn: that's what it's showing.... let me try again.
00:25.48pfnand then after that, you're only pasting the regreq->regack->ack
00:25.50pfnthere's more to it
00:26.31aejlumpfn: sorry, I missed the top portion
00:28.15pfnaejlum pastebin your iax.conf entry for this user
00:28.25pfnor the config values from db
00:29.14aejlumpfn: ok, hold on..
00:29.55pfndamnit, I can't make my 7940 read syncinfo.xml
00:30.41pfnthat's what my NOTIFY message looks like
00:30.49pfnbut substitute with my phone's IP
00:31.09pfnI've tried 100@ as well, no dice
00:31.35aejlumpfn: here it is
00:34.19Legend`jr99: nope
00:34.29brett_i'm sure many people here can email it to you
00:34.55jr99yea, ok. and it's not actually loaded on the phone but booted from the network when the phone boots, right?
00:35.07brett_it's flashed on the phone via tftp
00:35.25jr99so could it be that some of the phones on ebay have the sip firmware already?
00:35.30brett_it only gets loaded over the network to flash a new ver
00:35.32brett_could be
00:35.43brett_sorta doubtful ;)
00:37.13pfnjr99 6.3 can be loaded on the phone
00:37.25pfn7.xx must be booted off of tftp which contains at least a *part* of the firmware
00:38.21jr99and 6.3 vs 7.xx is just more features? I'm really interested in doing the display stuff.
00:38.34*** join/#asterisk ivesti (
00:38.38*** join/#asterisk C4thY (
00:38.47pfnaejlum iax2 show users/peers
00:38.49pfniax2 show users
00:38.51pfnpaste that
00:39.05Legend`jr99: display stuff? like what?
00:39.13pfnXML services can be done with any version
00:39.16|Vulture|anyone having problems getting onto the * FTP?
00:39.20pfn7.2 fixed bugs, dunno what 7.1 did vs. 6.3
00:39.43jr99Legend`: like paitients waiting, or patients in each room or chair.. stuff like that.. whatever data I want to display..
00:39.45*** part/#asterisk Bobby_Ewing (~Chat@
00:39.55jr99Legend`: the weather..
00:39.55Legend`jr99: you can't push data
00:40.09aejlumpfn: it shows nothing.....
00:40.13Legend`jr99: the user will need to choose what to display
00:40.30jr99Legend`: yea, thats fine.. just want to see what is possible really...
00:41.02ivestihello,is it possible to forward fwd to an sip provider?
00:41.09pfnaejlum then your config from db is *not* working
00:41.16*** join/#asterisk burton27_ (
00:41.55aejlumpfn: hmmm, but I'm able to call the phone from a sip phone.
00:42.27aejlumpfn: do you want to see a debug of that?
00:43.39*** join/#asterisk xyxz (
00:43.59ivestiis it possible to access my sip provider account using a voip gateway like
00:44.27pfnaejlum iax2 show peers should list the iaxy then
00:44.37Legend`ivesti: turkey?
00:44.57ivestiLegend`: burundi
00:44.58pfnaejlum your config is messed up
00:45.12Legend`ivesti: nevermind
00:46.07aejlumpfn: ok, but if I go sip show peers it shows nothing too.  Maybe it's because I'm using database configuration where the users aren't loaded into memory.
00:46.16pfniax2 show peers
00:46.20pfnnot sip show peers
00:46.22ivestiwhere is asterisk available for windows?
00:46.22pfnI guess maybe not
00:46.56aejlumyes, I'm saying both that sip and iax2 show peers show nothing.  However my sip is working fine.
00:47.14aejlumoh well.
00:48.11file[laptop]the MySQL stuff built into sip and iax2 don't work like that
00:48.20file[laptop]it's all realtime lookup, it's not loaded into the internal database
00:48.43aejlumyes, and that's why it shows nothing when you go iax2 show peers
00:49.30jr99this can't be legal, right?
00:49.50Legend`jr99: hehehee
00:50.01pfnthe show peers/show users command should be made to dig into the db to find them
00:50.11file[laptop]pfn: it doesn't
00:50.19pfnI didn't say it does
00:50.22pfnI said it should be made to
00:50.29file[laptop]I suppose so
00:50.32pfnoh well, I don't use it so it doesn't matter to me  :p
00:50.45ivestiis it possible to set up a fwd account with the intent of forwarding the incoming call to another sip provider account?
00:51.13aejlumpfn: mysql should be more scalable, that's why I chose it.
00:51.24pfnmysql suckass  :p
00:51.29aejlumpfn: now it's a pain to setup =P
00:51.39aejlumyes, it's not even a real database.
00:52.24ivestianyone can help me?
00:52.41pfnivesti forward it yourself
00:52.54ivestipfn,how can I do that?
00:53.22ivestipfn,where can I find asterisk for windows?
00:53.30pfnyou run it on colinux
00:55.24tzangerI'm running tcpdump on host A
00:55.32tzangerand host A makes an arp request for host B
00:55.40tzangerhost B replies (I see the reply on the TCPdump output)
00:55.49tzangeryet the arp table for host A is not updated... still shows <incomplete>
00:55.58pfnsame subnet?
00:56.18tzangerpfn yes
00:56.27pfnthat sounds bizarre
00:56.46tzangereth0:5    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0D:87:FF:6F:EA
00:57.00tzangereth2      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:05:5D:6D:A9:EF
00:58.15tzangerI don't have rp_filter on or any thing like that
00:59.22pfnso host A and B are the same machine?
00:59.34bkw_hyper threading is nice
00:59.59jr99quick should I go for it?
00:59.59pfnI hope my power brick is waiting for me when I get home tonight
01:00.03pfnso many new toys to play with  :)
01:00.09tzangerpfn no
01:00.12tzangertwo different machines
01:00.25tzangerhost A is the router which is why it has so many subinterfaces
01:00.44pfnno running iptables on it?
01:00.50pfnjr99 kinda expensive, imo
01:00.53pfnoh, with 1:22 left
01:00.57pfnbid if you like....
01:01.01tzangeryes there is iptables but the only thing in there is a mangle filter which marks P2P
01:01.04tzangerno blocking or anything
01:01.07pfnoh, mint, not new
01:01.12jr99yea, not new.
01:01.14jr99i'll pass then.
01:01.19ivestipfn,to do the forwarding from fwd to another sip provider through asterisk,do I need an fxo card?
01:01.19jr99some scratches too.
01:01.20pfnkeep watching
01:01.27pfnjr99 check the prices of closed auctions to get an idea
01:01.29jr99jbidwatcher baby...
01:01.29pfnivesti no
01:02.07ivestithank you pfn
01:02.25ivestiis any manual for the asterisk which runs on windows?
01:02.34*** join/#asterisk shaug (
01:02.36pfnivesti, you have to keep in mind, even though you're running on windows, you'll still need a thorough knowledge of linux in order to run asterisk
01:02.40pfnno manual
01:02.47tzangerivesti: you're running it under colinux anyway why not just run the real thing and avoid the hassles?
01:02.49pfnand it only runs on windows 2000+
01:03.03pfntzanger some people can't spare the resources to run a separate linux machine?
01:03.26tzangerpfn: I suppose...  I doubt it though
01:03.32ivestipfn,what about win xp?
01:03.40pfnxp counts as 2000+
01:03.56pfntzanger for many people it's not worthwhile (end-user/consumer types)
01:04.09pfnI leave 3 or 4 computers running 24/7 at home, and my power bill reflects that  :(
01:04.15pfn~$90/mo in power
01:04.22tzangerpfn pah
01:04.28tzangermy fridge and freezer consume more power
01:04.48tzangermy badass server consumes less than 360W
01:04.49pfnlets say a computer takes up 100W
01:05.03pfnok, you run a badass server, 300W, 24/7/30
01:05.28pfn1KWH every 3.3hrs
01:05.44pfn5040 / 3.33
01:05.44pfn1513 * .13
01:05.49tzanger300Wh * 24h a day is 7.2kWh per day
01:06.00pfnoops, too many hours
01:06.05pfnI did 24 * 7 * 30 heh
01:06.23pfn216 * .13
01:06.33pfn$30/mo to run a 300W server
01:06.36tzanger7.2kWh * 31 days is 223kWh
01:06.43jr99I was gonna say.. $170?
01:06.48tzangersay 225
01:07.03pfnanyway, I rounded down already, 216KWH @ .13/KWH = $28
01:07.10tzanger225kWh * 0.043 is $9 for the month
01:07.19pfnit's .13/KWH here
01:07.29jr99$0 if you run an extension cord to the neighbors...
01:07.29tzangeryeah we will probably hit 9 or 10
01:07.34tzangerjr99: ;-)
01:07.44pfncalifornia... whoop....
01:07.46tzangermy closest neighbour is 500 feet away
01:08.00tzangerthe loss in the cable would be significant
01:08.02pfnit's .13/KWH if you're over baseline