irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040817

00:00.03atacommi purchased and last night :)  I suppose we'll have some announcements in upcoming months
00:00.07DulakI'm thinking about going back to 6.x just so I don't have to have the tftpserver accessible for remote phones.
00:00.09pfnI don't have a changelog from 6.x to 7.x
00:00.13pfnI just have it up to 6.x
00:00.22pfndulak oh, so 7.x can't boot without tftp
00:00.26pfnthat's what I thought....
00:00.28DulakIt boots
00:00.29grumpielos_boys ... go to this URL and follow the instructions from the point "Obtaining Asterisk PBX"
00:00.40DulakBut it hangs at requesting configuration
00:00.41grumpiethe URL is
00:00.49pfndulak that's practically not booting  :p
00:00.58Maveric7.x fixed the rtp problem with icsco
00:00.59Dulakpfn: yeah, semantics I guess
00:01.09grumpiejust skip past the CVS point (you already have it)_ and go from there
00:01.21pfnhrm, how do you downgrade to 6.x?
00:01.25pfnI don't see a .loads file...
00:01.26Dulakpfn: I don't like having tftp open to the world for 2 remote phones, when 6.x didn't have a problem with it.
00:01.53Dulakpfn: just switch OS79XX.txt and your Default.cnf and it'll downgrade.
00:02.00DulakSIPDefault.cnf even
00:02.20pfnbut when you specify image_version it looks for a .loads file, doesn't it?
00:02.31*** join/#asterisk ResQuad (
00:02.39DulakI just downgraded my test phone just switching back to the old configs
00:02.57pfnhmm, I'll mess with it when I get my phone
00:02.59DulakI didn't sniff it to see what it was doing, since it worked.
00:03.16pfncuz I just upgraded to 7.2, and it never even looked for OS79XX.TXT
00:03.28grumpieatacomm ... how about the BudgetTone 102? looks a lot more affordable than the cisco/polycoms
00:03.30pfnit just read sipdefault.cnf and immediately grabbed the 7.2 loads file
00:04.02Dulakpfn: maybe I didn't need to change OS79XX.txt then...
00:04.57Dulakpfn: I just set it all back to the way I had it for 6.x and my test phone (7960) downgraded
00:05.04pfnI see
00:05.25pfnI'll mess with it when I get my phone
00:05.33pfnI'm waiting on my PoE injector to arrive
00:05.46DulakI got a POE switch
00:05.54pfnI only got 1 phone
00:05.57pfndon't need a poe switch
00:06.05DulakWe've got 15
00:06.48pfndecode what are you tooling with?
00:07.20decodepfn: just various parts leftover and project boxes
00:07.31pfndulak yeah, just 1 phone so I just want 1 poe injector
00:07.48decodemostly keystone jacks, tiny project boxes, rj-11 + rj-45 ends
00:07.59decodeI've made up a few dozen such adaptors