irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040813

00:00.03sizbandoes your sip register?
00:00.04sizban(my broadvoice is working right now)
00:00.18jmhunterit reg's
00:00.22jmhunteru cant make calls out
00:00.31jr99broadvoice/9543  (Unspecified)    D   N  0        UNKNOWN
00:00.37*** join/#asterisk [Outcast] (
00:00.46jr99I get status unknown...
00:01.02sizbanwhat do you get from a sip show registry?
00:01.11sizbanasterisk -r; sip show registry
00:01.17[Outcast]anyone seen asterisk core dump  when it tries to load the IAX2 channel
00:01.25sizbanoutcast; nopers
00:01.38sizbanoutcast; at least not on 1.0 RC2 :)
00:01.47jr99yep, I'm registered but not up.
00:01.58[Outcast]i am compiling from the cvs head
00:02.19sizbanhmm ... lemme try an outgoing call, jr
00:02.35[Outcast]which service are you having problems with?
00:03.12sizbanjr; works for me
00:03.33[Outcast]sizban: what service are you talking about?
00:03.35sizbanjr is having trouble w/ broadvoice
00:03.38sizbanmine works just fine, tho
00:03.56[Outcast]i know that they were haveing an issue about an hour ago
00:04.05[Outcast]it should be resolved by now
00:04.06sizbando they have a network status page somewhere ?
00:04.34[Outcast]yea i tell me about it
00:04.52dalaberaGuys I had to disable the in order to load Asterisk!! What does this module does???
00:05.08[Outcast]well iam just going to try to install the binaries on this box
00:05.16sizbandala; sql something (re the TDS part) ?
00:05.18jr99I think it controls the dingle arm.
00:05.19[Outcast]since compiling is not doing it
00:05.43sizbanyeah, looks like it's FreeTDS / SQL for the call delivery logging
00:07.23mr_monkeyI'm trying to use postgresql with asterisk, but when i try to start asterisk, it says me that he can't find a file I have such a file in /usr/local/pgsql/lib. someone knows where I need to put this file to permit asterisk to found it?
00:08.10sizbanadd /usr/local/pgsql/lib to /etc/ and then run ldconfig, mr_monkey
00:08.56[Outcast]or create a symbolic link to it in the /usr/lib directory
00:09.10*** join/#asterisk dant (~dan@2001:618:480:0:204:76ff:fe1e:585e)
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00:11.39mr_monkeythanks for the answer
00:17.39DenyMeh323 not support video?
00:17.45DenyMeit's sucks
00:18.50dbsrhasn't sip become the de facto standard for future development at this point?
00:19.12dbsr(or rather: hasn't everyone gotten the memo that sip is the de facto standard for future development yet?)
00:19.14PatrickDKpretty much
00:19.25PatrickDKh323 is ok, but a pain to tie everything together
00:19.31PatrickDKsip overcomes that, but has it's own problems
00:20.04*** join/#asterisk Matthew_I (
00:20.41bkw_poose menis
00:21.01dbsrhi bkw.  i hear mike wallace still wants your body.
00:21.03PatrickDKif only I had some :)
00:21.09cp5when i do an INVITE, which portion of the message says what port i want incoming audio to come on?
00:21.14*** join/#asterisk laureen (
00:21.37cp5or does the sip server specify that, even though i do the invite
00:22.20loko_is there a keypad combo that is used to restart the Cisco 7960 without having to kill its power? I know there is in CCM, I assume sip has something?
00:22.49OfficeNomadI never knew that...
00:23.00laureenhello, can someone help me with authorization errors when connecting to Douglas Telecom via SIP?
00:23.22OfficeNomado... there we go... gotta hit em all at the same time
00:23.30OfficeNomadthats a cool trick bkw_
00:23.37bkw_its just like alt+ctrl+delete
00:24.03cp5the three amigos
00:24.39OfficeNomadthats what I told the secretary
00:24.41OfficeNomadas she did it
00:24.53bkw_if I ever have kids.. i'm gonna have three.. name them alt ctrl and delete
00:25.01OfficeNomadoh god
00:25.12cp5whatever bkw
00:25.51OfficeNomadhmmm strange....
00:26.06dbsrstill better than naming them espn
00:26.36OfficeNomadanyone used SuSE to run Asterisk?
00:26.38TheCritichas anyone had any luck putting asterisk inplace of their cisco for Vonage?
00:27.10laureendoesn't help asterisk to run suse???
00:27.15jr99TheCritic: I've love too.. let me know if you figure it out.. from other here Id on't think it's possible..
00:27.23loko_bkw - I assume you are running sip 7.1 on your 7960?
00:27.40OfficeNomadwhats that laureen ?
00:28.03TheCriticyes about Vonage?
00:28.20laureenproblems with suse?
00:28.22loko_bkw, why is the bin named, P003-07-1-00.bin and not P0S3-07-1-00.bin
00:28.27filenot calling NuFone...
00:28.36OfficeNomadnew naming sceeme loko_
00:28.36loko_and which do I want to use in my .cnf and OS79XX.TXT ?
00:28.42bkw_hold please
00:28.51bkw_asterisk tftpboot # cat OS79XX.TXT
00:29.06OfficeNomadI dunno laureen , I was just wondering if anyone had done it
00:29.10bkw_then in .cnf P0S3-07-1-00
00:29.10*** part/#asterisk laureen (
00:29.12loko_ok thats what I have for OS79XX.TXT
00:29.16loko_same with .cnf
00:29.18bkw_thats the UAL
00:29.27bkw_downgrade them upgrade
00:29.32bkw_you did it wrong right off the bat
00:29.45bkw_7.1 changed alot of shit
00:29.51OfficeNomadoooo yes it does
00:29.54loko_so I need to go from 6.3 to 7 then to 7.1 ?
00:29.57bkw_if you tried to go to 7.1 the wrong way
00:30.01bkw_you have to feed it 6.3 again
00:30.10OfficeNomadI had to do that one on phone around here
00:30.12bkw_P0S3-07-1-00 in cnf
00:30.18bkw_P003-07-1-00 in txt
00:30.22bkw_notice the one char diff
00:31.24bkw_it should load the UAL
00:31.41bkw_then reboot
00:31.43OfficeNomadI hate the UAL... It makes the phone twice as slow to boot up
00:31.56bkw_no the UAL is kick ass
00:31.58bkw_no it doesn't
00:32.02bkw_you're on major crack
00:32.03OfficeNomadwhy do you say that bkw_ ?
00:32.08OfficeNomadthats possible
00:32.25bkw_the UAL totally rocks when you switch back and forth between SIP/MGCP and SCCP firmware
00:32.33bkw_its like magical
00:32.42OfficeNomadOk, understandable.... But I only use SIP... so.. doesnt help me
00:32.43loko_UAL ?
00:32.49OfficeNomadUniversal Application Loader
00:32.51[Outcast]has anyone seen this before:
00:32.55bkw_it doesn't make it slower
00:33.04bkw_either way.. dont know how or what you talk about
00:33.14bkw_shit I get 40-60 days before rebooting my 7960's
00:33.16OfficeNomadIt just seems like the UAL, takes its time to start, then starts the firmware
00:33.19[Outcast][] => (Inter Asterisk eXchange (Ver 2))
00:33.30[Outcast]== Registered channel type 'IAX2' (Inter Asterisk eXchange Driver (Ver 2))
00:33.31[Outcast]Illegal instruction (core dumped)
00:33.32OfficeNomadoh yea...  bkw_ , I have no problem with uptime, its just the actual reboot time
00:33.33bkw_[Outcast] yes dear?
00:33.40bkw_[Outcast] on C4? via?
00:33.51bkw_OfficeNomad whats 20-30 seconds?
00:33.57bkw_[Outcast] you didn't read the make file did you
00:34.06OfficeNomadbkw_, no... more like a min or two...
00:34.06bkw_and recompile
00:34.08[Outcast]guess no
00:34.08loko_can anyone test my TFTP, to see if you can connect to it
00:34.27bkw_[Outcast] go read the make file it clearly says IF YOU HAVE VIA C3 do X
00:34.34*** join/#asterisk sastr (
00:34.43[Outcast]bkw_: I feel silly
00:34.56bkw_its ok
00:35.07bkw_OfficeNomad then you have issues
00:35.12OfficeNomadas always
00:35.21bkw_mine kick ass and reboot in like 30 seconds
00:35.22[Outcast]bkw_: thanx
00:35.26OfficeNomadmmm wow
00:35.51OfficeNomadput it this way bkw_ , right now in the office ... our VoIP server is hacked all together, its not even running any management software
00:35.59decodesighs rather
00:36.12wsuffsicks good 1
00:36.14OfficeNomadI cant even figure out how the Phones connect to the server, there is no services running for the SIP connections
00:36.15loko_bkw did you ever get a PRI?
00:36.48sivanabkw: why do I have to open a new line to enter an extension? lmao
00:36.54cp5fonality added ilbc
00:37.08decodeExpected arrival time: by 12:00pm EDT
00:37.11cp5and they already have g729 apparently
00:37.26bkw_sivana because you have a bum xlite install
00:37.33bkw_because Grant_A says he has to do the same thing
00:37.38bkw_to which I say you both are on crack
00:37.45bkw_and I mean that with love
00:37.59sivanano.. that's not it..
00:38.02wsuffbkw_: did u convert my governor?
00:38.18sivanawrong monitor
00:38.51*** part/#asterisk sastr (
00:41.31*** join/#asterisk PatrickDK (
00:41.58*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
00:43.50*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
00:44.22loko_is there a trick to getting the 7960 to download an upgrade over TFTP? I set the phone for DHCP on, then shut it off, editted my IP for TFTP, save, but it still does not connect
00:44.42loko_status says timeout
00:44.51OfficeNomadtime out on TFTP or dhcp?
00:45.05OfficeNomadhave you tested to make sure your TFTP is working?
00:45.25loko_im 99 % sure it is
00:45.39loko_i cant get my phone to connect to it for the life of me
00:45.53OfficeNomaddoing this over LAN I hope?
00:46.01loko_care to try connecting?
00:46.14OfficeNomadjust a sec. phone
00:46.35loko_I can connect just fine using a linux client,
00:46.35loko_Aug 12 20:40:43 gambit atftpd[1094]: Serving OS79XX.TXT to
00:46.40loko_but no one seems to be able to
00:49.10OfficeNomadhmmm... that requires me setting up another IP phone... lol
00:49.41OfficeNomaddo you have the config file for that indavidule phone on the TFTP share loko_ ?
00:50.22*** join/#asterisk Legend` (~Legend@
00:50.58ingeniusLegend`: !!
00:51.07loko_192.217.247.72 is my TFTP server
00:51.11ingeniusLegend`: i recive today new documentation
00:51.23OfficeNomadhmmm, thinkin
00:52.25MustDieis it possible to run asterisk on colinux ?
00:53.03ingeniusMustDie: yes
00:53.17bkw_MustDie how do you think the whole windows asterisk thing is being done
00:53.22Legend`ingenius: cool, forward it to me ;D
00:53.30Legend`ingenius: is the phone up and going yet?
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00:53.54OfficeNomadloko_, double checked that the TFTP server  setting in the phone is still the right setting?
00:54.11loko_yep it is
00:54.14MustDiebkw: what do i select, debian or gentoo ?
00:54.24ingeniusyes, we found some tips, for explample .. you need config 1 global user and 1 user per line total 5 users