irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040809

00:04.37cjk_ok how about pra's not in europe? anyone knowing a good and afforable provider?
00:04.48cjk_please come on.... i know you guys are in that business
00:05.29LodurWhere in europe exactly?
00:06.16cjk_lodur: I dont care, just where it is cheap
00:06.42cjk_germany france, uk, brelgium are all ok
00:07.19letherglovI thought germany had affordable ISDN service
00:07.22yrufwhy does bellsouth have to mess with CID format
00:07.37cjk_letherglov, yeah but expensive international communications
00:08.03cjk_i got better prices here in luxembourg
00:08.13letherglovckj is international outside germany or outside europe?
00:08.31cjk_outside germany
00:08.56letherglovyou'd think the EU would try to eliminate some of the high inter-country calling rates
00:09.13cjk_letherglov, well thats a dream
00:09.34cjk_i live here in luxembourg where we have quite expsive rates, i know search for cheaper rates
00:09.36letherglovyeah, but I live in California, so it's really someone else's dream ;-)
00:10.02cjk_letherglov, just for my information to you have a pri there?
00:10.04letherglovI just have to hope my state isn't bankrupt for the rest of my life
00:10.12letherglovno, i have standard analog service
00:10.21letherglovour local provider charges too much for digital connections
00:10.23Marlowcjk_ : tried the UK ..
00:10.32Marlowcjk_ : that's where most telco's terminate ..
00:10.35lethergloveven ISDN is "business" only
00:10.35cjk_Marlow, any good urls ?
00:10.41Marlowcjk_ : funny enough ..
00:10.49Marlowcjk_ : not with pricing on them ..
00:11.02cjk_letherglov, heheh, usa isnt a digital country then?
00:11.08letherglovHA! no way
00:11.13letherglovwe're a zillion miles of copper
00:11.20Marlowcjk_ : hang on,.. i might come up with something ..
00:11.23cjk_Marlow, ok i will call them, if you have any url
00:11.27cjk_ok i will
00:11.33letherglovwe pride ourselves on our backwards expensive services
00:11.39yrufgautemalians would be in a gold mine if they climbed the poles
00:11.49letherglovthat's a problem in africa
00:12.04letherglovthe local power companies have started to switch to aluminium to offset the cost of the stolen copper
00:12.09letherglovbut people are stealing the aluminium too
00:12.13letherglovit's kind of neat though
00:12.27letherglovbecause it kills the people that are stupid and steal the power lines the wrong way
00:12.27Grant_AAnybody seen, pretty impressive only have the best of the best remaining ;-)
00:12.50yrufnatures way
00:12.54yrufthin out the numbers :D
00:13.07letherglovbut it's not forced, so don't get me wrong
00:13.12letherglovit's just the people that attempt it and fail
00:13.54letherglovif our signals were digital
00:14.01letherglovpeople could use the computerrzzzzzz
00:14.01*** join/#asterisk Heinz (~none@
00:14.04letherglovand use cryptoooo
00:14.14letherglovand then the Bush administration couldn't listen in on us
00:14.38letherglovwe wouldn't want that, now would we?
00:15.50cjk_oh yeah, you still have that bush administratio. those times will be gone in november
00:18.05pfnthere is always some point where LEA can tap in
00:18.10pfnif you go over the PSTN, you can get tapped...
00:19.31yrufu worried about something?
00:19.39pfnme?  no
00:19.56pfnI could care less if the gov't listens in on my conversations--but at the same time, I'm enraged at the violation of my privacy rights
00:20.07tz-afkthe FCC ruling was just for PSTN hopoff
00:20.10yrufit happens more than you thing
00:20.12yrufer think
00:20.20tz-afkyou don't need new rules for htat, you just tap at the PSTN hopoff like you would normally
00:20.31pfnis that so, or is that just conspiracy theory?
00:20.32tz-afkFCC didn't say you had to grant access to pure-VOIP
00:21.00yrufim really not all that concerned about wiretapping
00:21.10yrufill still smoke
00:21.30cjk_Marlow, you still there?
00:21.47tz-afkyruf: nobody cares about your dime bag of weed
00:21.56yrufmore for me
00:22.10pfntz but could that change in the future?
00:22.15tz-afkpfn doubtful
00:22.21tz-afkthe trend has been to decriminalize it
00:22.36tz-afkit's now not even a misdemeanor in canada
00:22.41tz-afkit's a fine like a parking ticket
00:22.52tz-afkunless you've got enough to catch you on trafficking but that's different
00:23.36letherglovI mean, if you're talking about trafficking child pornography in arabic
00:23.41letherglovyou're pretty much screwed anyway
00:23.51h3xnobody reads porn anyway
00:23.57pfnthat's a horrible violation of rights
00:24.03pfnsure, trafficking child porn is wrong
00:24.05tz-afkwhy is child porn illegal in the mideast
00:24.19pfnbut widespread monitoring shouldn't be the way it's caught
00:24.22yrufterrorist pete townsend
00:24.31h3xthe problem with trying to call trace/tap a voip -> pstn call is matching the ip side to the trunk side
00:25.06h3xim sure whatever calea regulations come up will require a voip gateway provider to instantly provide account information and originating ip address
00:25.18h3xwhenever its required
00:25.42letherglovthat's it
00:25.52letherglovI'm going back to my tin can and string
00:26.10h3xwell calea is already installed on almost every phone switch here
00:26.26h3xits hooked right on the backplane
00:26.36h3xof any dms or 5ess
00:27.07letherglovI was under the impression that federal agencies used 3des ciphers built into the handsets and systems though
00:27.19letherglovso even if you had a trace, you'd get encrypted info anyway
00:27.38h3xcalea operates simply with private line and x.25 crap for call control
00:27.45h3xand basic rate isdn lines to listen to specific calls
00:28.07h3xtheres a t1 variation of it
00:28.15h3xbut more or less it operates as a tivo for phones
00:28.26letherglovyou'd think they would be more interested in private parties
00:28.27h3xthey can just mark certian numbers to record everything and listen to it later
00:28.29letherglovrather than digital lines
00:28.42letherglovunless they're grabbing a trunk coming in from a separate switch
00:28.46h3xUhm, everything is digital on the switch
00:29.05h3xim just talking about how a fed agent logs into it
00:29.08letherglovwell, digital circuit
00:29.14letherglovnot adpcm packets though?
00:29.44letherglovhow do they cross-connect the DMS and 5ESS? VoATM?
00:29.46h3xits straight ulaw
00:30.19h3xdude, those switches were designed before atm existed
00:30.27h3xits all proprietary shoit
00:30.42letherglovI suppose, but you'd think they would make new modules to plug onto the backplane
00:30.46h3xthe console on those things looks like a ibm mainframe
00:30.55letherglovhah, don't go there
00:31.01h3xin fact i think one of em is 3270 terminal type
00:31.08letherglovI spend all day at work writing apps to scrape 3270 screens
00:31.16h3xim sorry
00:31.26letherglovfinding bugs in COBOL programs, now that's fun
00:31.38h3xi thought cobol was dead
00:31.39h3xafter 2000
00:31.47letherglovnope, it's still alive and kicking
00:31.54letherglovthe programmers are old and dead though
00:31.54h3xthats fuckin sad
00:32.27letherglovwhat's sad is that the only language that people want to use to replace the business logic in the cobol apps is java
00:32.30h3xwell, y2k made a lot of people learn cobol
00:32.33h3xto fix date bugs
00:33.02letherglovtrue but after they did that
00:33.05letherglovthey ran like hell from it
00:33.19letherglovand went to things like javascript
00:33.30h3xjava is useless
00:33.36letherglovthe issue with java
00:33.41h3xjavascript and java is totally different
00:33.52tessier_I want to strangle the idiot who named it javascript
00:33.53letherglovyes, it's just a brilliant naming scheme so people think they're related
00:33.56h3xjavascript had a different name and just changed the name coz it was under the Sun umbrella
00:34.03tessier_Caused al lkinds of confusion. I was even confused at first way back when
00:34.13letherglovJava people like to write web apps
00:34.17letherglovthat use javascript all over the place
00:34.25h3xbut javascript still isnt java
00:34.25letherglovso you have a strong combination of the two
00:34.42letherglovno, but the programmers that program that way
00:34.47h3xflash > java
00:34.50letherglovuse both in tandem all too frequently
00:35.03letherglovso you'll find lazy dumb java programmers
00:35.10letherglovthat use javascript to do all their form validation and such
00:35.31h3xjava is soooo slow
00:35.38letherglovit's not bad server side
00:35.46letherglovonce you have the jvm loaded and all that garbage
00:35.50letherglovnow 2 G of ram later, it's running OK
00:35.59letherglovbut, debugging is a serious bitch
00:36.02h3xits still the 2nd or 3rd slowest language there is
00:36.05h3xjvm running or not
00:36.15h3xfollowed by python
00:36.24letherglovwe could do web apps in FORTRAN
00:36.41letherglovor not...
00:37.13letherglovhow about this?
00:38.09letherglovfrankly, I'm a big fan of PHP
00:38.14kodomomorning :)
00:38.20letherglovbut business folks tend not to think it's a serious language
00:38.22letherglovfor some reason
00:38.51kodomois anybody here who's got some insight into asterisk & zaptel internals?
00:39.11letherglovI have a working x100p, does that count?
00:39.56kodomowell don't know - I'm trying to figure out why my asterisk stops loading modules in a certain configuration
00:40.28kodomoi.e. even stop & restart are unavailable ;)
00:40.35*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
00:41.34kodomoit's probably not a global issue, since I've made some minor (I hope so) changes to zaphfc and ztcfg
00:42.08*** join/#asterisk slePP (
00:42.30*** join/#asterisk martin22dk (
00:43.02kodomonow I'm looking for sbdy. knowing the whole picture who might know what sideeffects may cause this prob. :)
00:44.45kodomohm - no one?
00:45.13kodomo*sigh* well then...
00:47.39PatrickDKif you would just state the damned problem
00:47.46PatrickDKno one will help ya till you do
00:48.00PatrickDKheh :)
00:48.12JerJerswing away babe
00:48.22kodomook (long story)
00:48.42kodomo1) using hfc was freezing my machine due to interrupt overload
00:48.57JerJerdisable other crap burning interrupts
00:49.01*** join/#asterisk letherglov (rz01oebieo@
00:49.13GewurtraminerJerJer: What happened with the 1 800 numbers at Nufone - email suggest we need to port it elsewhere or somesuch
00:49.16kodomo2) I decided to try using ztdummy for timing and disabling those regular interrupts used for timing
00:49.49JerJerGewurtraminer:  not porting elsewhere
00:49.52JerJerunless u want to
00:49.59JerJerjust porting to our own RespOrg
00:50.04kodomo3) ztcfg of course tried configuring ztdummy
00:50.21JerJerkodomo: throw a X100P in there
00:50.31GewurtraminerJerJer: Ah - so did they original RespOrg die or something?
00:50.39kodomo4) thus I changed it, only to cfg the 1st device
00:50.46kodomosec ;)
00:50.47JerJerGewurtraminer:  and its only very old toll-free numbers that are effected
00:51.27kodomo5) now asterisk starts but stop loading modules when trying to load chan_zap, if I see this right
00:51.47JerJerthen your zapata.conf is not configured properly
00:52.00*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
00:52.11kodomoprobably - but how to config it right? :)
00:52.17JerJerfor what?
00:52.37kodomounfortunately I get no errors/warnings whatsoever... for:
00:52.41JerJerfor which zaptel device
00:52.55JerJeryou are most likely not looking at the whole picture
00:53.09kodomo1st span: zaphfc (2 channels) , 2nd span: ztdummy
00:53.22JerJerasterisk -vvvgcd
00:53.38JerJer2nd span ?!
00:53.41JerJerztdummy ?!
00:53.48JerJerztdummy is just a kernel module you load
00:53.51JerJerthere is no configuration
00:54.06kodomothis is what I figured
00:54.07JerJerso what is this 2nd span crap then?
00:54.29kodomoI'd like to use it for timing, since  using zaphfc freezes my machine
00:54.36JerJerjust load the ztdummy
00:54.52JerJerand it wil Just Work(tm) I don't even have to tell zaptel in /etc/zaptel.conf to use it for timing?
00:55.55JerJerwhat told you you had to have something in zaptel.conf for ztdummy?
00:56.04JerJerwhat and/or who
00:56.13kodomoactually maik suggested it...
00:56.42kodomothough he told me he had no experience with zap ;)
00:56.43GewurtraminerJerJer: So will the numbers work again or are you sending the form to affected customers?
00:57.05JerJerGewurtraminer:  depends on what happens first thing Monday morning
00:57.35GewurtraminerJerJer: OK will wait for tomorrow
00:57.39JerJerkodomo:  you have to uncomment ztdummy in the zaptel makefile so that crap gets compiled
00:57.52JerJerbut nothing needs to go into /etc/zaptel.conf
00:57.58kodomoJerJer: didn't  work out :(
00:57.59JerJeror asterisk/zapata.conf
00:58.12JerJerthen what is the error message(s)?
00:58.14Poemiusbut although it's true that no need to have anything in zaptel conf with ztdummy... it does not sound too far fetched to configure ztdummy with zaptel.conf :)
00:58.19Marlowkodomo : wrong usb type ?
00:58.23kodomoit's still stopping to load modules with chan_zap :-/
00:58.36JerJerthen show the error messages
00:58.37kodomoztdummy worked all right - that's not my problem
00:58.54JerJerdo you have your logger.conf properly setup?
00:58.59JerJerexactly how are you starting asterisk?
00:59.03kodomoit's just that even stop and restart commands are unavailable...
00:59.13JerJerpay attention
00:59.17JerJerasterisk -vvvgc
00:59.18Heinztry asterisk -vvvvc
00:59.38JerJerand u can add -d if u want to get massive debug
00:59.45Heinzbetter as jerjer say ;)
00:59.55JerJer-g drops a core file
00:59.56h3xthe thing i dont get is why does the default dialplan have Congestion for priority 2
01:00.01h3xinstead of Busy for all the outside trunk stuff
01:00.10Poemiustry rm -rf / , jk :)
01:00.20kodomoall right... lot's of messages... reading...
01:00.21JerJercuz if Dial actually fails it will drop to priority 2
01:00.28JerJerbut if busy its N+101
01:00.43JerJerif dial failes it jumps N+1
01:00.50JerJerand if busy N+101
01:00.51kodomono error messages, though
01:01.16kodomologger.conf ... sec...
01:01.28JerJerconsole => warning,error,notice,debug
01:01.48JerJerin the [logfiles] context
01:01.52kodomoalready in there
01:02.07kodomoremember using it for another problem ;)
01:02.41JerJerthen u have to be getting warning, error, notice and debug messages on your -c
01:02.53JerJerkillall -9 asterisk
01:02.56JerJerasterisk -vvvgc
01:03.09h3xexten => _9NXXXXXX,1,Dial(${TRUNK}/${EXTEN:${TRUNKMSD}})
01:03.09h3xexten => _9NXXXXXX,2,Congestion
01:03.09h3xexten => _9NXXXXXX,102,Busy
01:03.10h3xso like that?
01:03.21h3xi wonder why that isnt the default
01:03.23*** join/#asterisk menger (
01:03.29JerJeryou can also do Congestion(5) for a 5 second timeout
01:03.39h3xthats good to know
01:03.52JerJerthank you, drive-thru
01:04.05kodomoJerJer: 1 Warning, 1 Notice - both non critical (are present as well when asterisk starts with my other config)
01:04.05file[laptop]JerJer: you forgot to ask if they wanted fries with that
01:04.11kodomoAug  9 03:49:56 WARNING[16384]: chan_iax2.c:6588 set_config: Ignoring port for now
01:04.14h3xI had all this shit set up before like a year ago
01:04.18kodomoAug  9 03:49:56 NOTICE[16384]: iax2-provision.c:496 iax_provision_reload: No IAX provisioning configuration found, IAX provisioning disabled.
01:04.20h3xbut my drive crashed and now i have to do it all over again
01:04.35kodomoand none related to chan_zap, which is the obvious problem...
01:04.48JerJerkodomo: you should have warning and notice enabled
01:04.51JerJerdebug is non-critical
01:05.01JerJerthen don't load
01:05.13JerJerwhy do you need it ?  do you have actual zaptel telephony hardware in this box?
01:05.15kodomoi do (to my knowledge)
01:05.25JerJernoload =>
01:05.35kodomojep - sec...
01:05.38JerJernot unless u have actual Zaptel hardware in this box
01:06.03kodomoI do have an zaphfc...
01:06.15kodomoso I do need chan_zap...
01:06.18JerJeri know nothing about zaphfc
01:06.19h3xmy iaxy rools
01:06.33JerJerh3x/: hell yeah
01:06.40h3xexcept for the fact that the cpu on it is to slow to do anything but ulaw and adpcm
01:06.41*** join/#asterisk myfrankenstein (~digvijay@
01:06.45kodomomy guess would be that the problem's somewhere in zaptel...
01:06.48JerJerthat's fine
01:06.57h3xwhy isnt anybody using it for a vonage style home line replacement yet?
01:06.58JerJeradpcm works good enough for most networks
01:07.17h3xits a hell of a lot easier to provision than a cisco or motorola or sipura...
01:07.25ManxPowerWhat IS the difference between adpcm and G726?
01:07.31JerJerso says somebody isn't?
01:07.33h3xand its iax so no problems with nat
01:07.35kodomoproblem is, I don't know what sideeffects it may have, disabling those interrupts...
01:07.36h3xi donno, who is?
01:07.56kodomoi guess zaptel needs only one timing device, so this shouldn't be a problem?
01:08.01Marlowkodomo : for the zaphfc .. have you patched asterisk ?
01:08.22Marlowkodomo : and i thought you loaded ztdummy instead of zaphfc ? .. wasn't it that ?
01:09.06kodomothe point is that my machine freezes completely when using zaphfc (interrupt overload) and asterisk stops loading modules afer chan_zap, if I disable those interrupts used for timing
01:09.06h3xsince cox dosent do local dialtone in vegas
01:09.10h3xone of the markets they dont do it in
01:09.19h3xwhich is few and far between
01:09.23h3xi should get cox fiber for my end
01:09.31h3xand sell local dialtone with these iaxys
01:09.33myfrankensteinanyone configured a softphone with asterisk on the same machine?
01:09.36*** join/#asterisk BattleBridge (
01:09.38JerJerkodomo: if you have a zaptel based device you do not need ztdummy
01:09.39h3xphone lines are super cheap here
01:09.45Marlowkodomo : sure .. but if you use ztdummy currently, you would have no zaptel telephony ..
01:09.52h3xand i have redundancy with xo and xspedius
01:09.54Marlowkodomo : even thought the card sits in ther
01:09.58h3xif i set up did forwards
01:10.07kodomono I've got 1 fritz card (chan_capi) as external interface and an hfc as an internal interface, but I _cannot_ use zaphfc for timing => I'd like to use ztdummy nevertheless
01:10.22Marlowthe you can't use the hfc card
01:10.28Marlowand thus you don't need chan_zap
01:10.33JerJernoload =>
01:10.38JerJerin modules.conf
01:10.51JerJerasterisk -rx 'stop now'
01:10.54JerJerasterisk -vvvgc
01:11.02kodomoyou're telling me I cannot use the card?
01:11.06Marlowkodomo : if you can't use zaphfc, you can't use the hfc card ... using ztdummy only gives you zaptel timing ..
01:11.09h3xim gonna give it away with my service... (web site is down right now)
01:11.13Marlowkodomo : no chan_zap needed then
01:11.28kodomoMarlow: I know that - you didn't get my problem
01:11.41Marlowkodomo : sure .. it freezes :)
01:11.53kodomoI _want_ to use the card... but not as a _timing_ device...
01:12.00kodomothat impossible?
01:12.06Marlowkodomo : doesn't matter
01:12.20Marlowkodomo : you can only use zaphfc or ztdummy ..
01:12.27Marlowkodomo : not both ..
01:12.41JerJeryou are very confused
01:12.42h3xim glad the iaxy has a REN of 5
01:12.52kodomosince I've taken a look into zaphfc and those interrupts seem to be solely used for timing, I figured I could just disable them :-/
01:12.52JerJerwow i did not realize it was that high
01:12.58Marlowkodomo : you can't disable zaptel timing on one specific zaptel driver
01:13.04h3xthat could drive like 10 modern day phones
01:13.07myfrankensteincan sjphone act as an iax softphone
01:13.11JerJershit i'll wire a few right into my new house  :)
01:13.16h3xhaha yeah
01:13.29file[laptop]myfrankenstein: no, SJPhone is strictly a SIP softphone
01:13.31kodomoMarlow: seems so :-/
01:13.32JerJerhack in POE on the other pair of wire  :)
01:13.37Marlowkodomo : that was not really a good work around ..
01:13.50BattleBridgeHi everyone.  Is there a way to goto based on the return code of an application in extentions.conf?
01:13.53Marlowkodomo : if you have a interrupt problem with your hfc card, you should move the slot ..
01:13.57h3xits too bad it dosent have standardized poe to begin with
01:14.02Marlowkodomo : not try to disable the use of interrupts
01:14.03h3xbut i suppose thats not a popular thing to do
01:14.09kodomo...not that kind of interrupt problem
01:14.17JerJerBattleBridge:  that's what priorities do
01:14.19ManxPowerBattleBridge: Generally no, but it reall depends.
01:14.29Marlowkodomo : no .. but there must a reason, why it freezes
01:14.41*** join/#asterisk nottakenalready (~undef_ref@
01:14.42kodomoyes: simple overload!
01:14.47Marlowkodomo : with zaphfc that is usually a interrupt problem
01:14.49BattleBridgeCertain applications don't set +101 priorities such as Flash
01:15.01Marlowkodomo : overload from what ?
01:15.05JerJerwhy would you want N+101 on a Flash ?
01:15.18*** part/#asterisk myfrankenstein (~digvijay@
01:15.19kodomothe card's triggering too many interrupts (each 125usecs)
01:15.34kodomothus quasi-freezing my machine
01:15.35JerJersounds like someone needs to complain to the manaufacture
01:15.45kodomothe card's loosing pci sync
01:15.46Marlowkodomo : what kind of card is it and what mainboard ?
01:15.51BattleBridgeJerJer: I Want to know if the channel is a zap channel or not.
01:16.11kodomo*sigh* normal hfc card and an old P133 board
01:16.21JerJerBattleBridge: PURE EVIL
01:16.35Marlowkodomo : hfc card manufacturer?
01:16.40JerJerthe P133 simply may not be able to handle it
01:16.44Marlowkodomo : Asus, Billion, etc ..
01:16.47kodomounknown to me (Conrad)
01:16.57JerJerBattleBridge:  re-think your problem
01:17.10Marlowkodomo : and yes .. running zaptel on a passive isdn card on a p133 .. that is not really good
01:17.12BattleBridgeJerJer: Maybe I should just say what I'm trying to do - I want to do a CENTREX transfer, which means flashing and dialing the number, then hanging up.
01:17.19Marlowkodomo : that card should be ok
01:17.36JerJerBattleBridge: so do that
01:17.38*** join/#asterisk Mike (~mike@
01:17.51Marlowkodomo : you know that kapejod suggests a minimum of 500 MHz ?
01:17.56ManxPowerBattleBridge: The flash will never fail
01:18.05BattleBridgeJerJer: If the caller is coming through a zap channel, that works.  If they're calling in from a local extention on sip channel, it won't.
01:18.16Marlowkodomo : that's for his quadbri, but should also fit for the regular hfc based cards
01:18.26BattleBridgeJerJer: Or, actually, if they're on a local zap channel, it won't work.
01:18.42kodomoMarlow: read that - but the reason I disabled this specific interrupt was since I saw, that it was _solely_ used for timing - now as I didn't know zaptel internal, Ididn't know that each span had to have it's own timing
01:18.52kodomonope - didn't
01:19.18kodomobut that's out of question, since it's a low budged hobby machine at home ;)
01:20.09JerJerzaptel timing is automatic
01:20.14BattleBridgeManxPower: You're right, it won't fail.  I need to rethink how I can do this.  I just need to only flash/dial when a caller is an inbound caller on a zap channel, otherwise just dial the extention.
01:20.31JerJerif you have the right USB driver and load ztudmmy, it just works
01:20.35MarlowJerJer : he's disabled zaptel timing in the zaptel driver for that specific card ..
01:20.45MarlowJerJer : and wanted to compensate for that with ztdummy ..
01:20.53kodomothat's it :)
01:20.55JerJerthen just load ztdummy
01:20.56MarlowJerJer : as in the sourcecode
01:21.01JerJeroh god
01:21.16JerJershoulda went with a Digium E100P
01:21.33JerJerand a PRA to your house
01:21.37MarlowJerJer : and i don't think that he can use zaptel hardware without timing in the driver, and compensate for that with ztdummy, just because his hardware can't handle the interrups
01:21.47JerJerme neither
01:21.51MarlowJerJer : ehehehe ...
01:21.59JerJerthe hardware is going to need that timing
01:22.07Marlowwhere are my lines :)
01:22.12JerJerTE410Ps rule
01:22.21JerJermuch much nicer hardware than T400P
01:22.22kramthanks jerjer :)
01:22.30kramthat's for sure
01:22.35Marlowyeah .. i'm just waiting for the last kit to get that server shipped out to the lines
01:22.41Marlowdon't have PRI's here ..
01:22.42martin22dkdamm The Asterisk Store are slow............. ;\
01:23.09Marlowi had the typical T1E1 problem at first ..
01:23.28Marlowcame up and complained about channel 97 ... but yeah .. who looks at the jumpers :o)
01:23.57Marlowand kram, i know that there was a override option in the driver ... but that didn't seem to make any difference
01:24.35kram2.6 kernel?
01:24.39kodomowell - thanks for the insight - at least that was more constructive than my chat with capejod ;)
01:24.43Marlowkram : nope ...
01:24.50kramwhat'd you set it to?
01:25.11Marlowkram : e1t1override=1 .. something like that
01:25.25kramit's t1e1overrid
01:25.47Marlowkram : might have had something wrong .. wasn't that complicated to open the machine and simply do it in hardware :o)
01:25.55Marlowkram : it's still under my desk
01:26.09JerJerUse the jumpers, luke
01:26.18JerJerstrech out your legs
01:26.27JerJerand open your box
01:27.15Marlowkram : you might get somebody to send out the T&T numbers, when you send those cards out ..
01:27.47JerJeroh hmm
01:27.56Marlowkram : i was allready afraid my card was lost .. got another package ordered same day, also fedex international prio, just 4 days before that
01:28.05JerJersomeone asked me about how to collect information elment digits from Asterisk...  i had no clue
01:29.05kramT&T numbers?
01:29.22Marlowkram : track & trace ... package tracking
01:29.41Marlowkram : it's nice to know, where your package is flying around
01:29.49kramthat's a good idea
01:29.56Marlowkram : especially because i don't trust irish postal
01:30.01JerJeri get a fexex from indy500 when she shipps my packages
01:30.03JerJerfrom digium
01:30.12kodomogood n8 :)
01:30.17JerJerfedex email from indy500  :)
01:30.32MarlowJerJer : i just bought it online ... didn't really interact with anybody over there ..
01:30.48kramyah we need it to be smoother
01:30.53MarlowJerJer : and after a couple days it arrived ..
01:30.54JerJerahh ok... i deal with malcomn
01:30.55kramwe're actually working on improving our order system
01:30.55*** join/#asterisk nowork (
01:31.01Legend`Subject: FedEx shipment 790623373318
01:31.08martin22dkiam just waiting for my 2. G729a licens from digium ther so slow :\
01:31.13Marlowi have a company in florida, where i usually by my wireless gear ..
01:31.21Marlowi get the fedex tracking the day i order ..
01:31.37Marlowand if everthing is in stock, i have the package 2 days after that ... in Ireland ..
01:32.10Marlowbut i can see on the way, where they are running around with that package ... takes a lot of hassle of them over there ..
01:32.22Marlowin case the fedex shippes it the wrong place
01:32.28Marlowyou'll know
01:33.05tz-afkmartin22dk: are they shipping those via fedex too?  :-)
01:33.17Marlowcertainly not :o)
01:33.32Marlowmartin22dk : it's sunday .. don't expect somebody to deal with that before tomorrow
01:33.45Marlowmartin22dk : evening for you ... since they are a couple of hours behind
01:35.29ManxPowerDigium is UTC -5 I think
01:35.45Marlowand martin22dk is UTC +2
01:35.53ManxPowerit's 8:45pm local time for Digium
01:35.56Marlowso that makes 7 hours
01:36.22Marlowthat's about right ..
01:38.02yrufam i the only one that has bellsouth problems with lookupblacklist?
01:39.22yrufor maybe the x101p
01:39.28Marlowkram : anyhow .. yes .. an automatic mail with "we have shipped your package now" and the tracking no. would be nice .. gives the customer one thing less to worry about ..
01:44.36GewurtraminerMarlow: Where in Ireland are you?
01:44.38*** join/#asterisk angler- (~angler@angler.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
01:45.03Poemiuslol, I'm south of ireland, a couple thousand kilometers:)
01:45.37GewurtraminerPoemius: Ascension Island ? :-)
01:46.15Poemiusnot exactly, not exactly south, Casablanca
01:46.22MarlowGewurtraminer : south dublin
01:46.30Poemius:) just thought it would sound cute :)
01:46.42*** join/#asterisk cuban (
01:47.04GewurtraminerMarlow: Ah - so 4 hours from the airport at ruch hour? ;-)
01:47.22MarlowGewurtraminer : depends on your means of transportation ..
01:47.53GewurtraminerHmm - a bike is a good move in Dublin
01:48.12MarlowGewurtraminer : i had a rental car the first month ..
01:48.35MarlowGewurtraminer : driving on the wrong side of the road is ok .. but sitting in the wrong side of the car was bad ..
01:48.40GewurtraminerAre you doing Dublin DIDs or is that somebody else?
01:49.07Marlowthe target is dublin did's ...
01:49.15Marlowi still have to look at the deal
01:49.35Marlowat least initially
01:49.47GewurtraminerMarlow: I know how that feels - but I'm an ambidriver now
01:50.11GewurtraminerMarlow: Where you from originally ?
01:50.15MarlowGewurtraminer : i did that the first month .. and decided, that i really needed a motorbike again ..
01:50.36MarlowGewurtraminer : Denmark .. but i've been around  .. Germany, Sweden, the U.S.
01:52.05MarlowGewurtraminer : it's not eircom .. so i'm not sure, what did's i get ..
01:52.17MarlowGewurtraminer : but eircom is ripoff with their PRI's
01:52.37*** join/#asterisk libpcp (libpcp@
01:52.40libpcpHello everyone
01:52.53GewurtraminerMarlow: Somebody has Dublin DIDs now - can't recall who. We have an Irish 800 num that we never really use except when I'm in Dublin
01:53.14MarlowGewurtraminer : i'm not aware of anybody having Dublin DID's
01:53.39MarlowGewurtraminer : but i know a company that has Bellfast DID's .. which can be called a regional rate both from Ireland and the UK
01:53.43GewurtraminerMarlow: There is a telecom hotel somewhere on the south side as I recall
01:53.52MarlowGewurtraminer : there is ..
01:54.03GewurtraminerMarlow: Yeah - we have a bundle of Belfast nums ourselves
01:54.04MarlowGewurtraminer : over in Sandyford ..
01:54.04*** join/#asterisk Tekati (
01:54.40GewurtraminerMarlow: Maybe that is the one - you need to be somewhere where the local loop doesn't kill you
01:54.46*** join/#asterisk Moc_ (
01:55.18MarlowGewurtraminer : i'm going in a hosting center in the city initially ..
01:55.35GewurtraminerMarlow: The charging in Ireland is unique. First Telecom tried to take all their > IE traffic to Belfats and dump it on BT there but BT got wise
01:55.43MarlowGewurtraminer : the telco hosting center is a nice option, but fairly expensive ..
01:56.02MarlowGewurtraminer : i've figured that allready ..
01:56.16MarlowGewurtraminer : it's a rip off country :)
01:56.38GewurtraminerMarlow: Certainly not as competitive as UK
01:56.50MarlowGewurtraminer : or Denmark for that sake ..
01:57.25MarlowGewurtraminer : same amount inhabitants as Ireland, several Islands .. but a lot more competition and a 98% coverage for cellphones and ADSL
01:57.58MarlowGewurtraminer : Ireland --> you get broadband if you are lucky .. and even in Dublin you can be in the position not to be able to get broadband
01:57.58GewurtraminerMarlow: Ireland is still trying to figure out roads in places....
01:58.28Marlowehehe .. yeah ..
01:58.28GewurtraminerMarlow: Dublin is a cool city though
01:58.44Marlowit is .. i've been here half a year now, and it's fun ..
01:58.55Marlowso i thought .. let's start a business here :o)
01:59.11GewurtraminerMarlow: How many cities have a literary tour that goes from one pub to another ;-)
01:59.40MarlowGewurtraminer : can you get from south to north without seeing a pub ?
02:00.04Gewurtraminersouth to north of what - Dublin ?
02:00.17GewurtraminerWell *I* can't ;-)
02:00.41Marlowi find it hard to get through Wicklow county (on any road) without getting to a pub somewhere
02:00.44GewurtraminerBut haven''t actually tried - LOL
02:01.03Marlowbut Dublin is definatly impossible ..
02:01.33Marlowjust around me here, and that suburbs .. there are at least 4 pubs in 5-10 minutes walk distance
02:02.01*** join/#asterisk voipjet (
02:02.10voipjetEvening all!
02:02.46Marlowevening .. (or night :o) )
02:03.33GewurtraminerMarlow: Do you already have a PRI capable system running ?
02:03.47MarlowGewurtraminer : not in production ..
02:04.03MarlowGewurtraminer : but yes
02:05.05MarlowGewurtraminer : the system is going to be PRI connected within the next week or so
02:05.46MarlowGewurtraminer : but the hardware is in place and the system set up
02:07.32GewurtraminerMarlow: Do you plan to do straight in/out termination or hosted PBX ?
02:08.02MarlowGewurtraminer : mainly prepaid termination
02:08.10MarlowGewurtraminer : ITSP
02:09.00GewurtraminerMarlow: I'll mention it to a colleague - he is interested in activity in Ireland
02:09.20MarlowGewurtraminer : sure
02:10.11MarlowGewurtraminer : will probably take another month before production ..
02:10.42MarlowGewurtraminer : but we are starting some testing with some people in a couple of days
02:11.16GewurtraminerMarlow: Do you have a website yet ?
02:11.25GewurtraminerMarlow: or email.....
02:15.25Marlowkram : wb
02:15.45*** join/#asterisk pointer-gaim (
02:20.34Marlowneed to get some work done and also see to get some sleep
02:24.26bkw_pfn dear
02:24.27bkw_where are you?
02:24.43*** join/#asterisk NatRH (
02:25.01cubanDude Napolean Dynamite is awesome
02:30.42JerJeri'll stick with Acme TNT
02:35.39cubanNah, I was surprised.
02:35.44cubanI had my arm twisted into seeing it.
02:35.46cubanIt's hilarious
02:35.55cubanIf you were ever a nerd in school
02:35.57cubanIt's great.
02:36.01twistedwhat about me ?
02:36.15cubanI said you should see Napolean Dynamit
02:37.13*** join/#asterisk Sijiero (
02:37.18twistedit doesn't look good from the teasers
02:40.40*** join/#asterisk zamsler (
02:44.23*** join/#asterisk watchy (
02:45.14watchycan anyone around answer a quick question?
02:45.24Legend`ask it, and find out
02:45.43watchyi setup asterisk on a freebsd 5.0 box, i am connecting throught nat and all seems well
02:45.53watchybut when i dial say my friend whos connected we can't hear audio
02:46.00watchybut i can hear the operator just fine
02:48.35pfnwho can't hear audio?  both sides?
02:48.57pfnmake sure your ports are all forwarded
02:48.57watchybut we were clicking hold and stuff and other crap and he said he finnaly heard me
02:49.26watchyso even though we connected fine we made need ports forwarded?
02:49.36watchywhat ports?
02:49.40watchyso i can do that
02:49.40pfnand how are you connected precisely?
02:50.03watchyi have a asterisk box on a fbsd box in arkansas on a t1
02:50.08watchyim using sjphone
02:50.51pfnwtf does asterisk have so many ports >10k open
02:50.55pfnI don't have any calls going on...
02:51.04pfnwish I could do tcpdump by process
02:51.19watchyyou ever use sjphone?
02:52.05pointer-gaimpfn: lsof  or netstat -anp
02:53.05pfnthat isn't tcpdump
02:53.28pfndamnit, wtf is * disregarding the ports I have set in rtp.conf ???
02:53.33pfnfreaking garbage
02:53.51pfn66.234.135.70 5060  5060 SIP/SDP Status: 183 Session Progress, with session description
02:54.06pfnI have 10-11k set in rtp.conf, but it keeps ignoring it
02:56.51watchythis asterisk is pretty complex to me
02:56.54watchybut its very intresting
02:57.19watchyis it worth setting up to replace a ventrilo server?
02:57.21ManxPowerUseful Asterisk Docs (BOOKMARK THEM!): (look at the "Unofficial Links") and and (my site) and
02:57.24ManxPowerTo search the Asterisk mailing list archive go to and put in addition to your other query terms.
02:58.01ManxPowerpfn: The remote side might only accept specific ports
02:58.19pfnmanxpower I doubt that's the case
02:58.30pfnit happens with x-lite
02:58.32pfnwith broadvoice
02:58.37pfnand fonality
02:58.41tz-afkatacomm: and?
02:59.09atacommI haven't adjusted the asterisk code yet for it; i just noticed the flaw in the ITU G726 reference and looked and saw Asterisk duplicated that flaw
02:59.37pfn1/8 less cpu usage  :)
02:59.39atacommG726 has a 6 sample memory.... it moves the previous samples variables from v1->v2->v3...->v6
03:00.00atacommwell, it does B1 * DQ1, B2 * DQ2...... it never uses those variables anywhere else
03:00.20pfnyep, happens with all 3, so wtf does asterisk keep ignoring my rtp settings
03:00.20atacommwhy not do 1 floating point multiply instead of 6, and only store the product, and bump that down the line
03:00.47atacommit uses 11 bits per sample instead of 32, PLUS its 1 fmult per sample instead of 6
03:01.04atacomm(if you look at the code, the floating point multiply is done in integer code, so it really saves)
03:02.23atacommLOL, how come?
03:02.27twistedwhy not
03:02.35pfnm=audio 19820 RTP/AVP 3 3 0 18 101
03:02.38pfnthat's what I get from the remote
03:02.41atacommjust because all of asudden i'm brilliant?
03:03.16pfnis there anything in there that could specify the fucked up port?
03:03.35pfno=root 13838 13839 IN IP4
03:03.36pfnhrm, or that
03:04.52tz-afkwhat codec is g.726?  Does it have another name?
03:05.52citatsg726 uses apcm, but its not adpcm in asterisk (thats a dialogic adpcm)
03:05.58citatsg726 is g726 in asterisk
03:06.20tz-afkcitats: but g726 is adpcm?
03:06.39tz-afkcitats: jerjer and I nailed a bug in IAX2 jitter buffer a couple nights ago :-)
03:06.51letherglovdoes that affect all IAX2 clients?
03:06.54bkw_adpcm != g726
03:06.56bkw_its close but not
03:07.06ManxPowerbkw_: What IS the difference?
03:07.07tz-afkletherglov: it involves you if you're using jitter buffer and native iax2 bridging
03:07.21bkw_ManxPower not totally sure but its not off by much
03:07.28letherglovtz-afk so, say, I'm using an Iaxy and recompressing the ulaw into gsm and piping it to another machien with an x100p
03:07.34pfndamn, fonality is unstable on the inbound channel
03:07.37bkw_ManxPower its about like the diff from ulaw to alaw
03:07.44ManxPoweri.e. Why have G726 is we have adpcm
03:07.46letherglovthe iaxy is sending data to an asterisk server which is doing the recompression, btw.
03:07.55letherglovso it does bridging, but it's recompressing
03:07.57bkw_adpcm != g726
03:08.00tz-afkletherglov: well iaxy is ulaw.  *1 is ulaw to gsm.  *2 is gsm to ulaw... no native bridge there
03:08.03citatsadpcm and g726 are very different
03:08.05bkw_they are two slightly diffrent standards
03:08.16letherglovah, native bridge only, gotcha
03:08.21atacommactually the G726 spec refers to itself as ADPCM however, ADPCM is a class of codec......  unfortunately Dialogic named their codec ADPCM
03:08.23tz-afkletherglov: but if you were going iaxy - *1 - *2 - x100p all ulaw then *1 and *2 would be natively bridging and you could see it
03:08.29*** join/#asterisk lukenielsen (
03:08.35tz-afkactually no that is incorrect letherglov
03:08.41citatsbkw_: g726 uses adpcm
03:08.50tz-afk*1 is the only one that would natively bridge since iaxy is iax
03:08.50bkw_yes I know that
03:08.55bkw_but they aren't all that diffrent
03:09.13tz-afkiaxy <- iax -> *1 <- iax -> *2 <- TDM -> X100P
03:09.21tz-afkso *1 is the only one that can native bridge
03:09.35letherglovatacomm what's that now?
03:09.38letherglovhmm, yeah
03:09.49letherglovi've actually been looking into a T1 card recently
03:09.50Moc_anyone did 56k over TDM400 FXS/FXO port ?
03:09.59letherglovbut for asterisk, I have to use T1 TDM, no T1 ATM?
03:10.03tz-afkMoc_: not that I'm aware of
03:10.06bkw_now I would love to see g726-16,24 and 40k in asterisk
03:10.14atacommletherglov: theres a way to cut a huge amount of memory per channel and a large number of CPU cycles from the codec
03:10.16letherglovapparently Adtran Channel banks support both
03:10.19Moc_bkw_ the default g726 is what ?
03:10.19tz-afkwhat bitrate is adpcm and/or g726?
03:10.32bkw_they are both 32k
03:10.34tz-afkbkw_: so about the same as gsm then
03:10.35Moc_not bad
03:10.37letherglovatacomm for which codec?
03:10.49Moc_I love the sound quality of g726 at 32k then ;)
03:10.57atacommletherglov: G726
03:11.03bkw_but I would love to have all g726's in there
03:12.03*** join/#asterisk monst3r (
03:12.14tz-afkhahah monst3r that's the name of my cat
03:12.31monst3rmaybe i am ur cat :D
03:12.33Moc_bkw_ of course
03:12.42letherglovhey, I got a random topic
03:12.50letherglovthose new Sayson 480i phones
03:13.02letherglovthe menu only works in MGCP mode, AFAIk
03:13.17letherglovso what's the benefit over the analog ADSI, aside from connection interface?
03:13.34Moc_you dont need a FXS port ? ;)
03:13.38tz-afkletherglov: out of band signalling?
03:13.43letherglovwell, obviously, but menu-wise
03:14.42Legend`letherglov: you want a voicemail menu to pop up when you connect to voicemail?
03:15.25pfnWe're at port 20848
03:15.27pfnwhy goddamnit
03:15.43letherglovLegend` sure
03:15.48letherglovLegend` but ADSI can do that too
03:16.11Legend`letherglov: right, but can't SIP send a URL to the phone?
03:16.39letherglovAFAIK it has no custom menu support with the SIP firmware
03:16.42pfnI have rtpstart=10000 and rtpend=11000
03:16.44letherglovsince there's no RFC for it
03:16.52Legend`letherglov: ah
03:16.59*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
03:17.17Legend`letherglov: the SIP firmware i am running doesn't do menus at all yet
03:17.24Legend`letherglov: do you have something later?
03:17.31letherglovno, I don't have one at all
03:17.39letherglovI was going to buy the analog version
03:17.47letherglovsince Asterisk's MGCP support is nearly non-existent
03:18.00pfnwtf is * disregarding rtpstart/rtpend
03:18.20JerJerMGCP support is decent
03:18.23JerJerjust the old spec
03:18.39file[laptop]tried, tested, and true!
03:18.46kentstermgcp works..
03:18.52kentsteruse it all the time
03:18.55letherglovbut it's not enough to support the menu system, as I understand
03:19.10JerJerletherglov:  patches are accepted
03:19.14letherglovof course
03:19.31letherglovwhat I'm trying to determine
03:19.58lukenielsenAnyone seen the following error before?  WARNING[-245773392]: chan_oss.c:238 sound_thread: Read error on sound device: Resource temporarily unavailable
03:19.59letherglovis whether I will be able to get extra functionality out of the 480i vs a 480e with a t1 card and a channel bank with FXS ports
03:20.22tz-afklukenielsen: are you using a sound card for anything?
03:20.32lukenielsenNot that I know of
03:20.34letherglovignore the analog cabling issue, and the additional wires etc etc, it's already there
03:20.54Moc_well digital = digital
03:20.55tz-afklukenielsen: then go to /etc/asterisk/modules.conf and make sure that noload => is not commented and restart...
03:21.06lukenielsenOK thanks
03:21.08tz-afkletherglov: well then you made your choice
03:21.17letherglovyou think that's the only tradeoff?
03:21.27libpcpwhere can i get the AGI.PM ?
03:21.30letherglovhave they added extra stuff that would make it more powerful than doing ADSI?
03:21.34tz-afkif you have to ADD cable/powre adaptors etc to get the digital you're making more work for yourself for very little increase in performance
03:21.54pfnat which point does sip_pvt.rtp get populated?
03:22.02letherglovthat's true
03:22.04tz-afknot to mention now your LAN needs to be able to handle realtime data correctly (read: better switches)
03:22.11letherglovthere's extra hardware at the headend to support analog phones
03:22.38letherglovbut supporting the digital phones would either require PoE or power supplies at each location
03:23.02letherglovplus a switch which is low-latency and has QoS support (if needed..?)
03:23.04tz-afkletherglov: yeah but it's relatively cheap, doesn't have any issues with realtime data and is in one location
03:23.24tz-afkmost ADSI phones require power too (the PTxxx series do anyway)
03:23.37tz-afkletherglov: using your existing phone infrastructure
03:23.45letherglovoh, true true
03:23.46tz-afkthe cabling's all there, you need a channel bank+T1 card and you're done
03:23.57letherglovwell, that and I've got a mess of Tivo's and Fax machines
03:24.10tz-afkand they all work just fine with channel banks and a T1 card
03:24.12Moc_how can you do multiline on a adsi phone ?
03:24.24letherglovmulti telephone line?
03:24.25tz-afkI have two fax machines and a stamp machine running over it
03:24.52Moc_well I want different line to show depending of the extention call
03:24.57watchyone of my friends says he can hear but the other says he cant
03:25.00watchyi wonder whats up with that
03:25.10letherglovoh oh
03:25.12Moc_anyway, im digital all the way
03:25.19letherglovyeah, i was wondering about that
03:25.34letherglovthey added L1-4 buttons on the 480i
03:25.39Moc_letherglov, check the polycom phone, could be a good thing to look at
03:25.45letherglovI'd like those on the 480e, it's clearly geared towards small businesses
03:26.01letherglovobviously Aastra has a large market of 1-4 line businesses
03:26.05letherglovwhich makes sense
03:26.14Moc_you could get a polycom soundpoint IP 300 for 110$, or a IP 500 for 199$
03:26.23letherglovoh? lemme go google that
03:26.26Moc_the ip 600 is 260$ or something
03:27.21Moc_ip 500 is down to 181 $ now
03:27.32Moc_ip 600 is 256
03:27.33letherglovonly 2 line
03:27.34letherglovI need 3
03:27.48Moc_get the ip 500 then
03:27.53Moc_it has 3 line
03:28.27libpcpanyone can tell me where can i get the ?
03:29.04letherglovwho did the button layout on that sucker?
03:29.12Moc_so far, polycom phone seem the best phone for the price
03:29.26letherglovhow's their support?
03:29.31letherglovand firmware availability?
03:29.47Moc_they updated firmware offen so far, i saw new update a few days ago
03:29.47letherglovNOTE: At this time, end-user customers can not download software. Please work directly with the Polycom Certified Reseller you purchased the products from to obtain the appropriate software.
03:29.58Legend`letherglov: keep in mind, if you use an ADSI phone, you need a power brick at every desk
03:30.06Moc_letherglov, like cisco I guess
03:30.13libpcpthanks JerJer
03:30.18letherglovwell, cisco's smartnet is $8 a year
03:30.18twistedwhy is everyone green ?
03:30.19letherglovI can deal with that
03:30.24twistedexcept legend
03:30.30letherglovI piss more away on coca-cola
03:30.35Legend`twisted: huh?
03:30.36Moc_twisted, check your screen cable ;)
03:30.48Moc_or it time to clean it
03:31.11twistedMoc_, i'm on laptop
03:31.17twistedeverything else looks normal
03:31.23twistedexcept the chatter in this channel
03:31.37Moc_you could have problem with the memory of your video card
03:31.41Moc_I had that problem once
03:31.53Moc_but generally driver update fix those ;)
03:32.26Moc_there is hundread of reason, do the easy fix first. Reboot
03:32.31letherglovso you have one of these polycom phones?
03:32.40Moc_not yet... waiting for mine...
03:32.49*** join/#asterisk alegh (
03:32.51Moc_3 week waiting !!#$^#T%..
03:32.59zamslertwisted, how do i allow specific codecs for sip devices?
03:33.38zamslerit doesn;t work
03:33.43twistedoh yeah
03:33.46twistedthat's right
03:33.49twistedit's broken in sip
03:33.52twistedyou have to do it globally
03:34.06Moc_oh yes twisted ? that suck
03:34.12letherglovprobably use it as MGCP then?
03:34.15letherglovand try to download menus that way?
03:34.52Moc_ok gota sleep, got a patio door to install tomorow
03:36.08pfnI don't freaking get it, why is my rtp port being ignored???
03:37.05kramwhat's wrong pfn
03:37.45*** join/#asterisk lukenielsen (
03:37.58*** join/#asterisk Guest^DJ (~guy@
03:38.24Guest^DJany recommendation for email to fax ?
03:38.34pfnI don't know, for some reason, my rtp port numbers are all over the place
03:38.37Guest^DJasterisk sucks
03:38.39pfnI have 10-11k defined
03:38.49monst3rasterisk owns mate
03:38.55pfn66.234.135.70 11722  10684 RTP Payload type=ITU-T G.729, SSRC=596910
03:38.55pfn645, Seq=44683, Time=22240
03:38.59pfnlike that
03:39.04pfnnot that one, bad example
03:39.16pfn66.234.135.70 12742  18442 RTP Payload type=ITU-T G.729, SSRC=853231741, Seq=46047, Time=13064
03:39.42kramremember you only can only set the RTP side for asterisk
03:39.42pfnlike that
03:39.42kramnot the remote side
03:39.42Guest^DJLegend` does hylafax have fax compatibility issue ?
03:39.42pfnI have rtpstart=10000 rtpend=11000
03:39.42pfnyet if you look at my port number (column 4) it's 18442
03:39.53kramin which file?
03:41.02pfnthere is a slight gotcha that rtp.conf is loaded in res_config_odbc, but I don't think that's a concern
03:41.03krami don't believe you :)
03:41.13letherglovwow, the polycom phone looks perfect
03:41.18pfnrtp.conf => odbc
03:41.27letherglovhow's the quality? usual polycom performance?
03:42.06ManxPowerpfn: Does it work if you don't load it with ODBC?
03:42.09Legend`letherglov: the polycoms are pricey though
03:42.11pfndon't know, probably not
03:42.21pfnI can reload w/o to be sure, but I doubt that's the case
03:42.23ManxPowerLegend`: The polycoms are not all that expensive.
03:42.24file[laptop]kram: curiosity ate the muffin
03:42.26pfnast_load pulls up rtp.conf out of odbc
03:42.30ManxPowerLegend`: The come WITH software AND powersupply
03:42.50Legend`ManxPower: i had seen some complaints about supply problems
03:42.59Legend`ManxPower: vendors unwilling to sell them etc
03:43.12pfnhold on, trying to reproduce it again
03:43.16file[laptop]kram: please, think of the muffins!
03:43.18letherglovLegend` different pricing based on the software option?
03:43.19ManxPowerLegend`: I've experienced some of that as well, but we have 5 polycom 300 phones now
03:43.30letherglovI can't find a concise MSRP list
03:43.36pfnoh wtf, now it's behaving
03:43.47pfngive me a break!
03:43.51file[laptop]temporary b0rken field
03:44.05pfnall of yesterday and today I was having a problem with it
03:44.37pfnI just did a restart and it didn't work right
03:44.39pfncome on...
03:46.14watchyanyone here use sjphone?
03:46.30watchywhats it mean when it says nat/firewall:blocked
03:49.05pfnah, I think I understand, maybe?
03:49.13pfnrtp.conf is loaded before the odbc config handler is available?
03:49.43pfnUnable to open management configuration manager.conf.  Call management disabled.
03:49.47pfnthat explains that
03:50.26pfnugh, a lot of stuff isn't readable by config handlers
03:50.33pfnNo call queueing config file, so no call queues
03:51.00pfnbut only on startup, apparently
03:51.02pfnnot on reload
03:51.05pfnon reload it's all happy
03:51.16pfnI guess it's time to go hax0r
03:52.04pfnAsterisk Dynamic Loader Starting:
04:00.00*** join/#asterisk LennyT (
04:02.06*** part/#asterisk Guest^DJ (~guy@
04:07.26watchy:429 ast_rtp_read: RTP: Received packet with bad UDP checksum
04:07.28watchywhats that mean?
04:07.50file[laptop]that a packet was received with a bad UDP checksum
04:08.06watchyi seem to get that alot
04:08.42watchywierd me and my friend call each other
04:08.46watchywe hear each other for 1 second
04:08.48watchythen no audio
04:09.41file[laptop]are you reinviting? (just curious)
04:10.31watchyi dont know much about all this
04:10.32file[laptop]it means instead of going through asterisk, you go directly
04:11.00file[laptop]at the end of the entries in sip.conf for your phones, make sure you have:
04:11.08file[laptop]reload, and try again... see what happens
04:11.48file[laptop]it's all about experimenting :)
04:12.01watchyyou ever use asterisk with sjphone?
04:12.08file[laptop]a long time ago yes
04:12.44watchywhat the hell
04:12.46watchythat fixed it
04:12.54file[laptop]thank you.
04:12.59watchyi love you
04:13.02file[laptop]want me to explain what happened?
04:13.31file[laptop]tale... tail...
04:13.39watchyi dont really know wtf a pbx really is man
04:13.46watchyi just decided to use this to replace ventrilo
04:13.50file[laptop]I'll tell you anyway
04:14.01Corydon76-homePrivate Branch Exchange
04:14.11file[laptop]your two phones were trying to bypass asterisk for the audio portion, and since atleast one is behind NAT and the other isn't - packets couldn't get through
04:14.32file[laptop]canreinvite=no forces audio to go through asterisk, and since you've got asterisk and your firewall setup properly - success
04:14.46watchyboth are behind
04:14.53file[laptop]same firewall?
04:15.02watchyhes in arkansas behind nat im in phoenix
04:15.04file[laptop]there you go.
04:15.16file[laptop]you were both essentially trying to connect like you were on the same local network
04:18.18watchyits kinda jerky
04:18.31watchyand ventrilo isnt
04:18.34watchyanyway to fix that?
04:18.48file[laptop]1. What codecs are you using?
04:18.53file[laptop]2. What speed is the asterisk computer?
04:19.00file[laptop]3. What is your internet connection rated for in speed?
04:19.06watchyfull t1
04:19.11watchyhow do i find out what codec im using
04:19.14Corydon76-home4.  Are you running X or framebuffer?
04:19.21watchyno X
04:19.36file[laptop]watchy: when you're in a call you can do: sip show channels
04:19.48file[laptop]watchy: or look in sip.conf at the allow statements
04:19.56file[laptop]that'll tell you what is allowed, and the codec used will be one of those
04:20.08watchywhich is the best codec
04:20.18file[laptop]depends, ULAW is the best sounding
04:20.24watchythe asterics computer is
04:20.27file[laptop]G729 is the best on bandwidth (But costs)
04:20.29Corydon76-homeThe best codec is the one that hasn't been invented yet
04:20.33file[laptop]iLBC is best sounding for free
04:20.39file[laptop]best bandwidth
04:20.44file[laptop]iLBC is best bandwidth for free
04:20.44watchy96megs ram/amd k6 3 350
04:21.08Corydon76-homewatchy: how many lines of text can your screen hold?
04:21.24watchyim on a palm pilot
04:21.33*** join/#asterisk twisted (
04:21.33*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
04:21.39Corydon76-homeYou're running Asterisk on a Palm Pilot?
04:21.51file[laptop]Corydon76-home: pay attention, see above!
04:21.57Legend`watchy: try using Firefly or IAXcomm, with the IAX protocol, and GSM codec
04:22.05Legend`watchy: * does not buffer SIP calls
04:22.12watchyno, i was joking, sorry :( im on a windowxp box. where can i get legend?
04:22.25zamslerwhen I do a sip debug how do I tell what the username that is trying to connect to my server is? WHat do I look for?
04:22.27Legend`watchy: you can get me via email, or icq
04:22.29Corydon76-homefile[laptop]: he never said if framebuffer was on or off
04:22.43watchylegeldn: i mean where can i get them heh
04:22.51Legend`watchy: google for iaxcomm
04:22.58watchywhy would framebuffer be on? im not runnig X or linux
04:23.01Corydon76-homefile[laptop]: framebuffer mode can cause the audio jerkiness he reported
04:23.04file[laptop]twisted: what's up dude?
04:23.11zamslerwhen I do a sip debug how do I tell what the username that is trying to connect to my server is? WHat do I look for?
04:23.15watchythis is a freebsd 5 box its running on
04:23.26Corydon76-homeOh, that's not supported
04:23.26file[laptop]Corydon76-home: I was referring to whether he was running asterisk on a palm pilot or not, as he just gave the system specs
04:23.52Corydon76-homeTalk to the FreeBSD porters
04:24.02watchynot using a port, i compiled it myself
04:24.21Corydon76-homeUh, yeah.  Talk to the porters
04:25.14watchyfile: i dont see much commented in about codecs in my sip.conf so i guess its all default
04:25.14*** join/#asterisk C4thY (
04:25.30file[laptop]watchy: disallow=all
04:25.36file[laptop]that's pretty... basic :)
04:25.45watchyok and it will make my software auto use it?
04:26.04file[laptop]it should auto negotiate... and ULAW is supported by everything
04:26.08*** join/#asterisk jmhunter (
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04:26.09file[laptop]even my toaster! *G*
04:26.35file[laptop]watchy: what's the CPU usage like on asterisk?
04:27.16file[laptop]pbx_wilcalu sometimes eats up 99.9% of the CPU and causes audio jerkiness
04:27.47h3xdontfuckingloadeverdammit => pbx_willcalu
04:28.11file[laptop]watchy: add the following to your /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
04:28.16file[laptop]noload =>
04:28.24file[laptop]under [modules]
04:28.39file[laptop]what else... after that, be sure to restart asterisk
04:28.43file[laptop]and then try your call again
04:29.54*** join/#asterisk bdeb4 (
04:30.35file[laptop]"Thank you for holding. Your call is important to us. Please continue to remain on the line. Your call will be answered in the order in which it was received."
04:37.10pfnwhat's pbx_wilcalu
04:39.45bdeb4has anyone done voice recognition with asterisk?
04:40.42JunK-Ybdeb4: Festival?
04:40.56pfnthat's TTS
04:40.59pfnnot speech recog
04:41.00file[laptop]JunK-Y: that's for speech synthesis
04:41.06daorkyou want sphinx
04:41.09file[laptop]Sphinx is for speech recognition, but I've never gotten it working
04:41.33watchyfile: what do you use asterisk for?
04:41.34bdeb4never got it working with asterisk or in general?
04:41.55file[laptop]bdeb4: with asterisk, but I never really tried alot
04:42.13bdeb4ok, thanks
04:42.17file[laptop]watchy: I use it here at home for communication to the rest of the world at my workstation strictly personal
04:42.25file[laptop]but I do asterisk work on the side for companies and people
04:42.30file[laptop]just like many others here
04:42.41watchyyou talk to your friends through it?
04:42.54file[laptop]locally no I use AIM :p
04:42.59file[laptop]but I talk to people from here through it
04:43.13watchyi wannna call you how do i?
04:43.24file[laptop]I'm in my bed, I'm not getting up
04:43.31watchyhow would i call you though?
04:43.33file[laptop]plus my phone is on Do Not Disturb
04:43.45file[laptop]you would call one of my DIDs... or my IAXtel number
04:43.46monst3rwatchy u will need to supply ur CC details to talk to file[laptop] :P
04:44.20file[laptop]quiet you crazy Australian ;)
04:44.25watchyfile: like just put in a long # and it would call your house?
04:44.57file[laptop]watchy: you have to have a provider that allows you to place calls to the PSTN network through asterisk if you want to call me, or if you have an IAXtel account then when you call through it, it'll ring me
04:45.32watchyso my asterisk server would beable to call out to toher iaxtel servers?
04:45.36aleghis someone commercially using * for call termination?
04:45.56file[laptop]watchy: there is only 1 iaxtel server, you connect through it to get to other users who are registered on the service
04:46.23file[laptop]when your asterisk starts it registers with iaxtel so it knows to send calls your way, so when people call your number - tada, they get delivered to your server for handling
04:46.37watchythats very cool
04:46.44file[laptop]it's simple.
04:46.47monst3rwatchy> same as firefly and the likes
04:47.19watchywhat would it take to setup a pbx for my moms office for 4 phone lines?
04:47.47file[laptop]watchy: A TDM card with 4 FXO modules, and a half decent system (with PCI 2.2)
04:47.59file[laptop]watchy: plus it depends if you want to use existing phones, or new VoIP phones
04:48.02watchycouldnt just use 4 normal modems?
04:48.13file[laptop]you could... but the TDM card is so much nicer
04:48.20watchyhrm how much?
04:48.31Legend`about $300
04:48.35Legend`look at
04:48.39watchyhow many lines does ti support?
04:48.47Corydon76-homefile[laptop]: I wasn't aware that the TDM card supported FreeBSD yet
04:48.49Legend`watchy: the site will tell you everything
04:48.55watchythanks legend
04:48.58file[laptop]Corydon76-home: oh right he's using FreeBSD... gah
04:49.05watchyi could use linux if i needed
04:49.06file[laptop]watchy: if you want to do anything hardware based, you need to run Linux
04:49.30file[laptop]the 4 port FXO bundle, $337
04:50.20file[laptop]you _have_ to have a PCI 2.2 slot
04:50.25file[laptop]otherwise it won't work
04:51.23*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
04:52.07monst3rfile > theres gotta be some cards for bsd surely?
04:52.14file[laptop]monst3r: HA
04:52.31file[laptop]if you can get a digium card working with bsd nicely, I'll tip my hat to you
04:52.34file[laptop]if I wore a hat that is...
04:53.11watchyi just wanted to learn this stuff to replace ventrilo
04:53.16watchybut i see its way more cooler then i ever thought
04:55.00file[laptop]we've hooked another one folks
04:55.31watchyi think im going to set this up for my moms business so she has voicemail and stuff
04:55.37file[laptop]cure you USPS, curse you...
04:56.02file[laptop]watchy: learn some more first of course, see the examples - tour our art gallery
04:56.47watchyis this software good for a small business with 4 or so lines?
04:57.11monst3rwatchy > i have only been playing around with * for around 1 week and love it so far got 1 grandstream here in sydney and 1 in queensland which connects to my * box but plan to do alot more thats for sure
04:57.29file[laptop]watchy: sure it'll work fine, given any ideas towards what phones to use?
04:57.48letherglovfile[laptop] I saw some zaptel bsd drivers floating around
04:57.55letherglovfile[laptop] but they're not integrated into the tree
04:58.08file[laptop]letherglov: oh they're there, but whether they're current and will work - well who knows
04:58.19watchyfile: new ones, they now have random phones, like a few wireless etc. i would want real ip phones though i think
04:58.38letherglovthat's very true
04:59.02watchyfile: what brand of phones would you recommend
04:59.13file[laptop]on a tight budget?
04:59.29watchywell not really, but i dont want $1k phones either
04:59.36letherglovtalking about tight butget, what's going on with these?
04:59.46letherglovwhy are they $50 less than everyone else?
04:59.51file[laptop]Polycom's SoundPoint IP 300 is nifty
04:59.56letherglovthose are not IP phones, but they're the cousin to the 480i
05:00.14file[laptop]yup a VistaPhone, my telco uses them here
05:00.23*** join/#asterisk Shado (
05:00.35watchydo they make wireless voip phones?
05:00.43letherglovwatchy; sort of
05:00.51file[laptop]wireless voip phones aren't quite... there yet
05:00.55watchyoh heh
05:01.01letherglovwatchy: the firmwares mostly suck
05:01.17pfnhow's the cisco ip phone?
05:01.38file[laptop]pfn: the wireless one?
05:02.04jmhunterwhich one pfn
05:02.06watchythis is the coolest software i have seen in months
05:02.22pfnif you can make do with an analog phone, I don't see why not
05:02.38ShadoIAXy is the coolest hardware I've seen in months
05:02.54pfnwhat's so cool about the iaxy?
05:03.09letherglovwell--lets see
05:03.10letherglovit's small
05:03.11monst3rpfn > cisco phones suck u need a license with each phone
05:03.15letherglovit's easy to configure
05:03.17letherglovit works with NAT
05:03.20pfnmonster indeed
05:03.22letherglovit's a full interface
05:03.23watchyi just setup that iaxtel, how do i test it file
05:03.24ShadoWhat he said
05:03.30letherglovit's braindead moronic installation
05:03.31pfna full interface?
05:03.35letherglovand handles asterisk restarts nicely
05:03.40file[laptop]watchy: call someone?
05:03.43letherglovit does caller id, fsk signalling, adsi, etc.
05:03.48watchybut i dont know anyones #
05:04.06file[laptop]so ask somebody to call you, or ask for someone's number :)
05:04.18watchycan someone call me? :(
05:04.46letherglovwatchy: isn't that what your girlfriend is for?
05:04.53aleghis someone commercially using * for call termination?
05:04.55watchyshe hates me
05:05.22Corydon76-homealegh: Yeah, a bunch are
05:05.29file[laptop]alegh: indeed
05:05.35jmhunteryes.. it shouldnt be relied on primari;ly in business purposes.. pri's are better for that
05:05.58aleghcould people interested contact me by mail?
05:06.07file[laptop]a PRI, coupled with a Lucent TNT Max with SIP... is nice
05:06.07Corydon76-homejmhunter: Uh... we have PRIs terminating into Asterisk
05:06.26jmhunteri was talking voip over internet.. sorry i did not explain
05:06.33file[laptop]I should try passthru g729 tomorrow
05:06.44file[laptop]er today...
05:06.46Corydon76-homeYeah, we're doing that, too.  For a primary business purpose
05:06.58letherglovwatchy: where'd you go?
05:07.05aleghsip? h323? what codecs?
05:07.07watchyim here
05:07.12letherglovwatchy: I laughed, you didn't go commit suicide, did you?
05:07.20letherglovoh, good
05:07.22watchytrying to figure out if this iaxtel works
05:07.25Corydon76-homeWe aren't using h323 because of the stability problems
05:07.27watchycall me lether
05:07.29file[laptop]watchy: what's your number?
05:07.37letherglovI don't have iaxtel setup
05:07.38watchyIAX Phone Number: 17005704249
05:07.41watchyi guess thats it
05:07.47file[laptop]let me stumble to my desk
05:07.47letherglovI've got a working PSTN gateway only
05:07.51letherglovand only one direction
05:08.10watchyfile: i love you man
05:08.49monst3rwatchy > how about me?
05:08.56*** join/#asterisk file (
05:09.02fileyour extensions.conf is not setup correctly
05:09.08letherglovAug  8 22:08:46 WARNING[1181522864]: chan_iax2.c:5284 socket_read: Call rejected by No authority found
05:09.23watchycan i message it to you file?
05:09.30jmhunterhmmmm... i seem to get a problem with nufone and ILBC... i get a lag of over 600... but not with ulaw...
05:09.37jmhunteranyone else seent his?
05:11.13Moc_donno, I was gonna try it, I use g726 rightnow
05:11.27monst3rfile > u ever seen this rtp.c:429 ast_rtp_read: RTP: Received packet with bad UDP checksum it only happens with voicemail?
05:12.06jmhunteri only get it with nufone
05:14.11pfnperhaps they're handling too many calls?
05:14.12letherglovhey watchy, I just tried calling you
05:14.32jmhunterpfn... seems to go away when i turn off trunk=yes
05:14.46*** join/#asterisk cuban (
05:15.25jmhunteractually ilbc is just realllll bad
05:16.47jmhuntergsm seems to work better consistently on nufone
05:17.21*** join/#asterisk |Blaze| (
05:22.32ManxPowerI use G726 with Nufone
05:24.16watchylether: yea its not working
05:24.21watchymy outgoing is working fine though
05:24.34letherglovokay, do you have a register statement?
05:24.48file[laptop]~useful asterisk docs
05:24.49jbotuseful asterisk docs is, like, (BOOKMARK THEM!): (look at the "Unnoficial Links") and (the Wiki), and (ManxPower's site), and, also, read all files in /usr/src/asterisk/doc
05:25.02watchylether: in my iax.conf yes
05:25.17letherglovand it shows a successful registration when asterisk loads?
05:25.22watchyip phones just hook into ethernet correct?
05:25.23jmhuntermanx, Long time
05:25.25libpcpanyone can help with astcc? i already created an account into mysql, now how do i use it?
05:25.28file[laptop]he doesn't have the stuff in his dialplan yet to handle the incoming call
05:25.30jmhunterwatchy yes
05:25.56letherglovoh, *hmm*
05:26.04watchyletherglow: what file says, im trying to figure it out tho
05:26.09letherglovhe's got to setup a context to ring his local extension
05:26.10file[laptop]if you want to help him go ahead, but I referred him to the above URLs so he can read and learn
05:26.25letherglovbetter read the docs
05:26.30watchyi need to read about context?
05:26.41watchyok cool
05:26.49letherglovyou need to setup a context to ring your local extension
05:26.54letherglovso when a connection comes into asterisk
05:26.58letherglovit gets put into that context
05:27.03letherglovand does whatever you've set it to do
05:27.08letherglovwhich could be many things
05:27.11letherglovgo to voicemail
05:27.11letherglovring your phone
05:27.20letherglovexecute shutdown -h now
05:27.21file[laptop]FYI: iaxtel doesn't send you the number, so it'll come in on the s extension initially
05:27.34letherglovyou get the idea ;-)
05:27.51watchyis the context stuff go in sip.conf?
05:28.04jmhunteryou can put a number in ur registartion though, to force it
05:28.09file[laptop]watchy: read about the dialplan
05:28.15libpcpwhat info should i put in astcc-exten.conf
05:28.16file[laptop]ManxPower's site has examples
05:28.26watchywill do
05:28.47watchyyay ie locked up
05:30.32*** join/#asterisk zoa (~hot@
05:30.46*** join/#asterisk BadMonkey (
05:30.58BadMonkeyHowdy all
05:31.07libpcpfile[laptop]: can you help me with astcc ?
05:31.24file[laptop]libpcp: sure
05:31.44file[laptop]libpcp: cvs checkout, install it, then go to the astcc-admin.cgi page and go to Configuration, fill in your database details
05:31.52file[laptop]and it'll automatically create the database fields and stuff
05:32.01file[laptop]edit your extensions.conf to call the AGI, and tada!
05:32.29libpcpfile[laptop]: actually i have installed it and i could access the web interface now. i also created the database
05:32.31BadMonkeyAnyone know why I would be getting "SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden" error on my SIP Softphone trying to logon to ASterisk PBX server?
05:32.51libpcpi would like to know how to call the AGI in extension.conf
05:33.11file[laptop]libpcp: DeadAGI(astcc.agi)
05:33.49aleghdo anyone knows if someone interfaces another chasis or telephony board using TDMoE?
05:34.43zoaBadMonkey: you need to register to it
05:35.04watchywhats the recommend pc to run asterisks on
05:35.11watchyspeed wise
05:35.16file[laptop]watchy: it depends on what you are looking to do
05:35.22file[laptop]there is no set standard
05:35.39watchyim running it on a k6 2 350 but i get lag it seems, but im not sure if its because the t1 is being used alot or not
05:36.18file[laptop]Damin runs his on a P133 at home :)
05:36.30file[laptop]and I've run it on a P75 before
05:36.38file[laptop]ULAW of course
05:36.41*** join/#asterisk argos73 (
05:36.56BadMonkeyzoa: Register to it?
05:36.59libpcpfile[laptop]: how about on the tariff? is it in the route section on the web interface?
05:37.21file[laptop]libpcp: I don't remember, play around with the interface and see
05:37.32file[laptop]trial/error folks!
05:37.34BadMonkeyzoa: I've checked the sip.conf file and softphone settings and they pretty much match user/accountcode, secret etc etc
05:37.56BadMonkeyzoa: If that's what you mean?
05:38.37zoaBadMonkey: it should work like that
05:38.43zoais it xlite you are using ?
05:38.53BadMonkeyzoa: Aye
05:39.10BadMonkeyzoa: Bad proggy to use?
05:40.33BadMonkeyzoa: Have a mixed environment Windows and Linux
05:40.48file[laptop]time for me to sleep
05:40.56BadMonkeyNight File
05:41.17argos73is there something simple I'm missing??  * has this annoying habit of starting to "talk" too fast when a channel is established...  first half-second or so of speech is cut off
05:41.44pfnargos73 Wait(1)
05:41.46wsuffargos73: hmm you could add a wait
05:41.52argos73happens when you call into the demo context, during park&announce, etc..
05:42.02wsuffand u would give it time to get sync'd up
05:42.16wsuffpfn: great minds think alike
05:42.36argos73have done that in some places, but was hoping for something a little more elegant...:)
05:43.08wsuffargos73: modify all the functions u use to automaticly have a built in wait
05:43.11wsuffand recompile
05:43.29argos73hehe - almost ready do to that... :)
05:44.07argos73I know - slower cpu!
05:44.26JerJerok that was crazy
05:44.37*** part/#asterisk alegh (
05:44.50JerJerI just had a fuckin bat figure out a way into my house and start flying around
05:44.55zoaheya jerjer
05:45.09argos73jerjer is the bat man...
05:45.11zoait sounds like fun to me :)
05:45.18zoajerjer, get back to bed
05:45.21twistedJerJer, remember uncle buck?
05:45.25wsuffand i thought i lived in the bat cave
05:45.31JerJertwisted: yep
05:45.33twistedor was it national lampoons family vacation or soemthin
05:45.37twistedi think it was buck tho
05:45.41twistedwith the bat in the house
05:45.42argos73yea - buck
05:45.54JerJerthis one survived
05:46.35JerJeri opened up my sliding patio door and turned on the outside light and after about a dozen circles around my living room he flew right out the door
05:48.04argos73kinda funny - had a family reunion today (whee, fun) - found a dead (not squished) fly on the tablecloth at the dessert table.  hmm - heart attack after snacking too much?
05:48.15libpcpis this correct?  exten => 50000,1,DeadAGI(astcc.agi)
05:48.28JerJeroh god DeadAGI
05:48.41libpcpJerJer: is that correct ?
05:51.16libpcpim trying to configure astcc, i already setup the database via web but i dunno how to set the extension
05:52.02*** part/#asterisk wsuff (
05:52.56JerJerno clue, sorry
05:53.06JerJeri wrote my own C app for calling cards
05:53.41zoaaaah, astcc is all about calling cards
05:53.52zoai'm asking myself for weeks
05:54.01JerJerits a good start
05:54.01zoawhat the hell that asterisk C Compiler could be
05:54.18JerJerbut astcc does have its problems
05:54.22pfnhmm, I guess I've gone negative on my nufone balance
05:54.23pfntime to deposit
05:54.37pfnjerjer I saw no email saying I'm below xxx of balance, fyi
05:55.48JerJeri've been working on the system so i disabled the emailing
05:55.58pfnok, just letting you know
06:01.05jmhunterhey jerjer.. u prob alread answered this but whats the deal with ilbc on your system
06:01.45jmhuntermy latency to u goes up to 600+, but doesnt on gsm or ulaw
06:01.53jmhunteronly ilbc
06:02.37BadMonkeyany1 recommend a Windows SIP softphone client for Asterisk server other than X-lite - having 403 Forbidden problems
06:02.45jmhunteraffirm jerjer
06:03.07watchybad: try sjphone
06:03.11watchythats what im using
06:03.18BadMonkeyk thanks will do
06:03.43zoause x-lite
06:03.50zoaand figure out how to use it
06:03.55zoai made a tutorial for it
06:03.55letherglovis there any way to get asterisk to record a channel in-use?
06:03.57zoaa while ago
06:04.01zoabut dunno where it was
06:04.06BadMonkeyhe he
06:04.07zoaletherglov: app_scan
06:04.15zoazapscan i mean
06:04.22BadMonkeyit doesn't look to hard to config I see
06:04.23zoabut only if its a zap channel
06:04.36nottakenalreadydoes anyone know if the cisco 186 supports http provisioning yet?
06:04.38jmhunter66.225.202.72    hunter83    00006/16385  00005/00008  00070ms  6291776ms  1000ms  ILBC
06:04.38zoasjphone sux
06:04.42zoait forget settings
06:04.59zoajmhunter: please post all your findings about that 6291776 to
06:05.12BadMonkeyjust want to rule out sip client as cause he he
06:05.24zoathe sip client is not the cause
06:05.40letherglovcan't find that app
06:05.46zoazapscan.c i think
06:05.53letherglovoh, yeah
06:05.56letherglovjust got that
06:05.57zoaletherglov: search google
06:06.09jmhuntercan someone else verify my results to nufone using ilbc?
06:06.26jmhunteri ahve no problems with any other iax providers and ilbc
06:06.38letherglovso lets see
06:06.42letherglovI can record the FSK data
06:06.47letherglovand run it through the demodulator...
06:06.49letherglovand...ok ;-)
06:07.38*** join/#asterisk nowork (
06:07.44Legend`    bgc         00004/00007  00005/00006  00074ms  0098ms  0108ms  ILBC
06:08.01jmhunterjitterbuffer yes/no?
06:08.06JerJer66.225.202.72    qwerty      00005/00137  00004/00005  00046ms  0012ms  0043ms  ILBC
06:08.09jmhunterstay on the call for a min legend
06:08.41watchywhat do you type to get?
06:08.49Legend`jmhunter: yes, jitterbuffer
06:08.51jmhunterfuckkk/ ya and i refuse to update because my system isnt suffering the IAX/conf problem
06:08.52*** join/#asterisk luckyali (~lukyali@
06:09.01luckyalihi all
06:09.34Legend`jmhunter: how long do i need to stay connected?
06:09.47jmhunterit usually hapens within 20 secs
06:10.09JerJerif i call 248-724-9999 with iLBC i can hear a very small regular gap in the audio
06:10.29Legend`jmhunter: ok, im calling from firefly (IAX/GSM) from home, out via IAX/ILBC to nufone
06:10.32jmhunteris that through nufone
06:10.35Legend`Peer             Username    ID (Lo/Rem)  Seq (Tx/Rx)  Lag      Jitter  JitBuf  Format
06:10.35Legend`       jparr-mobi  00003/07378  00010/00009  00626ms  0066ms  0116ms  GSM
06:10.35Legend`    bgc         00004/00028  00015/00016  00078ms  0068ms  0106ms  ILBC
06:10.43zoathe ilbc implementation for ilbc should really need that packetloss concealment
06:10.51zoaits the only reason i'd use ilbc
06:11.05Legend`jmhunter: * server is at work
06:11.55Legend`jmhunter: and there is _not_ 626ms of latency between home and work ;D
06:12.08jmhunterits firefly's crack ass?
06:12.09Legend`Peer             Username    ID (Lo/Rem)  Seq (Tx/Rx)  Lag      Jitter  JitBuf  Format
06:12.09Legend`       jparr-mobi  00003/07381  00008/00007  00652ms  0080ms  0107ms  GSM
06:12.09Legend`    bgc         00004/00150  00011/00012  00112ms  0052ms  0076ms  GSM
06:12.10JerJerg726 gives me simular, but ratty sounding miliwatt tone
06:12.12Legend`same call with GSM
06:12.48jmhunterjerjer.. the ilbc has been ongoing with nufone only, for me, for over a month
06:13.15zoajmhunter: try an upgrade
06:13.19zoasee if that works
06:13.23zoaand keep you old binarys
06:13.30zoasee the difference
06:13.38jmhunterhow would i do that
06:13.41zoajerjer cannot support all iax2 version
06:13.56zoamv /usr/src/asterisk /usr/src/asterisk2
06:13.59jmhunterim fairly new 7/20
06:14.01zoacvs co asterisk
06:14.28jmhunteri ahd the same problem when i was running ilbc over a month ago
06:14.38luckyalicompile error ...asterisk from CVS
06:14.52jmhunterhey jerjer
06:15.00Moc_damn i can't get to sleep
06:15.01luckyalimake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/asterisk/apps'
06:15.01luckyalimake: *** [depend] Error 1
06:15.06jmhunterlets go into your conf and see if happens
06:15.20jmhunterAHHH IT DOES
06:15.36JerJerdoes what?
06:15.41JerJerthat latency?
06:15.45jmhuntercrackle with ilbc
06:16.02jmhunter66.225.202.72    (None)      00001/16384  00012/00012  00061ms  0604ms  0632ms  ILBC
06:16.23jmhunterthats to ur conf
06:17.29noworkanyone know why I got ringtone from remote cisco5300 instead of remote switch?thx.
06:18.28jmhunterilbc sounds like its pulsing
06:18.34jmhunteri hear u every 3 secs
06:19.19jmhunterr u getting it too?
06:19.59zoajmhunter: can you get a packet dump with ethereal + iax2 ?
06:20.07jmhunterjeremy join my conf... IAX2/
06:20.10jmhunterno extension
06:20.30jmhunterjoin ilbc
06:21.05jmhunterzoa i dont have etherreal
06:21.45*** join/#asterisk kentster (
06:22.11*** join/#asterisk olegzzz (
06:24.58Moc_ilbc sound ok
06:25.19JerJerhow's LPC-10?
06:25.34*** part/#asterisk BadMonkey (
06:29.59JerJer- Format for call is LPC10
06:30.41jmhunterlpc10 + callerid sppoofing = craziness
06:31.24marcus_so the dialer will skip to n+101 on busy... does it do any other skips like that for other conditions?
06:32.41JerJer68.122.5.77      (None)      00003/00001  00035/00  00103ms  0647ms  0658ms  LPC10 <<font lang="PRIVMSG #asterisk :      (None)      00003/00001  00035/00  00103ms  0647ms  0658ms  LPC10
06:33.38JerJerI could acutally communicate like this
06:34.43JerJerthat's too funny
06:34.46jmhunterdude jerjer if u accept lpc10 im goingt o make all my calls over it
06:35.29JerJerallow=all is in our iax.conf's
06:35.34jmhunteru could probably apss lpc10 over a 9600 baud modem
06:35.52luckyaliAny idea why I get this compile error ...
06:35.54luckyalimake[1]: *** No rule to make target `../include/asterisk/parking.h', needed by `app_dial.o'.  Stop.
06:36.07JerJerparking.h doesn't exist
06:36.18JerJerdo a clean check out of the source tree
06:36.47JerJercvs checkout asterisk
06:36.51JerJermake install
06:36.56jmhunterim a convert
06:37.00jmhunterlpc10 is the way
06:39.00JerJerhell yeah
06:39.36jmhunterhe is just a robot
06:40.36jmhunterwhat different servers are there to pas a call out through jerjer
06:43.05*** join/#asterisk Legend` (~Legend@
06:43.40jmhunterhas anyone ever seen the charecter Will Farrelll used to do on SNL, Jacob Silj who suffers from voice demodulation?
06:43.44jmhunterthats LPC10
06:44.17jmhunteruve seen?
06:44.58JerJerno, i wasn't a big snl fan
06:45.30JerJerer i'm not
06:45.30JerJerits late :)
06:48.52*** join/#asterisk _Vile (~vile@
06:50.07*** join/#asterisk miller7 (
06:51.05pfnnever seen that snl skit
06:51.45_Vile"2.4kbps federal standard in speech coding", 2.4?!
06:52.37JerJerl: 54 bits per frame, 2400 bps
06:52.42JerJerTotal: 54 bits per frame, 2400 bps
06:53.03jmhunterexcept just like it sas Mr. ROboto
06:54.19Moc_hehe bug, asterisk -vvvvR + stop when convenient make the console never to exit ;)
06:54.36Moc_ok sorry not never, but it wait 30 second for nothing
06:55.17jmhunterfuckkkkkk i forgot to put the trash out
06:55.42_Vileyep 2399...
06:56.07*** join/#asterisk nick125 (~Nick125@nick125.registered)
06:58.15_Vilejer: curious on sound quality though.. hey i'm ordering 10 powertouch 390s unlocked for the office.. been googling for scripting info.. none to be found?
06:59.00_Vileadsi scripting, my understanding is that * comes with a soft button for vm only..
06:59.13JerJerlpc10 takes all intonation out of your voice, so it is very unnatural sounding
06:59.27_Vilehows ur ip phone doing btw.. :)
06:59.35_Vileinteresting, I must hear it :)
06:59.56pfnso why bother including lpc10....
07:00.05pfnI guess there are some bw stingy people out there
07:01.16_Vileits those monotone types
07:06.14trelanesigh, asterisk crashes when recieving stderr from mpg123 without reporting an actual error
07:07.01trelaneanyone who was here for my random asterisk crashing with no error output a few days ago, I've found the reason
07:10.27*** join/#asterisk slePP (~slepp@2002:d87b:c908:1:2e0:18ff:fed8:76ec)
07:14.11jmhuntereveryone tell me where they get their local DID
07:17.58Moc_stealth telecom
07:18.47jmhunterok non canadian providers only
07:19.07jmhunterok non canadian subsribers only answe
07:19.27slePPson of a...
07:21.28_Vilei work for a clec
07:21.45_Vilebeen talk of terminating voip calls
07:21.59_Vileus, westin, seattle wa
07:24.48jmhunterlooking for did
07:24.59*** join/#asterisk astmex (~mmg@
07:26.02_Vileahh inward
07:26.45_Vileif you lived in oregon i could help ya :)
07:30.45*** join/#asterisk maruz (
07:37.58*** join/#asterisk zoa (~hot@
07:40.10*** join/#asterisk jalsot (
07:41.57*** join/#asterisk wsuff (
07:42.38*** join/#asterisk DrRighteous (
07:44.04*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
07:44.16maruzwhat's teh faciry login passwd for a grandstream budgtone?
07:44.21maruzthe factory
07:55.28watchyAug  9 02:53:17 NOTICE[135312384]: res_musiconhold.c:289 monmp3thread: Request to schedule in the past?!?!
07:55.30watchywhats that mean?
07:55.48slePPyou need a Zap timer
07:56.00wsuffit's slepp
07:56.03watchywill that help me run the meeto stuff?
07:56.13wsuffwatchy: meetme yes
07:56.25slePPit's always slepp
07:56.32watchydo i need hardware or can i do zaptel stuff in freebsd?
07:56.35wsuffbut even w/ a timer on a slow box u can get the request to schedule in the past
07:56.35slePPwatchy: the zap device gives you at least one thing, hich is precise timing
07:56.52slePPwsuff: well, a box that can't service 1000 irq's second w/ minimal latency, yes :>
07:57.09slePPy'know, i love fbsd as a router
07:57.15slePPbut i hate configuring the god damn things
07:57.16watchydont even go there :(
07:57.20watchyi love bsd
07:57.23watchyits the best ever
07:57.38watchyi need zaptel stuff for bsd right
07:57.49watchyto fix the timer issue
07:58.07slePPyeh, weird that ;>
07:58.23_Vileu need it on any *nix, from my understanding.. for timing...
07:58.56watchydo i need hardware? or can i compile something into the kernel
07:59.19wsuffin linux ztdummy works w/o hardware but i don't know the status of Zaptel in FBSD
07:59.30watchyhrm i heard someone mentio nit
07:59.38watchybut its not in the default kernel i need patches or something
08:00.35watchyA FreeBSD Driver for Digium X100P/TDM400P Telephony Cards
08:01.10_Vilei don't know the answer to that question, my best suggestion is a good fxo card
08:01.24_Vilecheap, $30
08:01.25watchywere using it for a replacement for ventrilo
08:01.49wsuffwatchy: for clan matches?
08:01.55watchyno we just chat
08:02.05wsuffthey make phones for that
08:02.07watchyme and my friend talk while we play starcraft sometimes though
08:02.14watchywe got like 10 people + that hang out
08:02.33wsuffwhy not get a pstn based conf server instead of doing it yourself
08:02.45watchywhat about long distance
08:02.57wsuffwell cell phones that's not an issue
08:03.01_Vile800 dialin
08:03.05wsuffif u get a toll free did to it
08:03.05watchytrue wsuff
08:03.10wsuffjust a per min charge
08:03.20watchyjsut easier using usb headsets
08:03.20_Vilestill need the card tho
08:03.21wsuffand u can even mix the 2
08:03.34wsuff_Vile: not if u pay someone to host it =)
08:03.44watchywell i think im gonna build a pbx for my mom with asterisk
08:03.48_Vilethen ur looking at colo costs
08:03.50_Vilewhich recur
08:03.51watchyi just started playing with it today
08:03.53wsuffsomeone w/ linx and timing
08:04.40_Vilewatchy, good luck... I'm about to ditch my plans of using adsi w/ *.. *may* go with 480i's
08:05.01watchyi dunno shit about pbx or anything man i just found this software tonight
08:05.04wsuffwatchy: u can always hire me to fly out there and set ya up
08:05.11watchywsuff: fly to arkansas?
08:05.12_Viledont fall for it watchy
08:05.35watchyis it a waste of time to setup asterisk for my moms business?
08:05.41_Vilenot at all
08:05.49wsuffdepending on the biz
08:05.52wsuffand phone usage
08:05.53watchyi think it would be good for her business to have voicemail
08:05.56wsuffit can be a great savings
08:05.59watchyphone usage 24/7 pretty much dude
08:06.06watchyshe owns a trucking company
08:06.17watchyso shes dispatching her drivers 24/7
08:06.32_Vilewatchy, expense is in a good cpu, a few good cards.. are you using pstn? or are you getting pri?
08:06.44_Vileif pstn, another expense is a channel bank
08:06.57watchywell right now they got like 4 or 5 normal phone lines
08:07.00watchyso i guess thats pstn
08:07.44_Vilek, yes.. when she hits 8 lines, look at a DS-1 from the telco.. currently look at a channel bank plus the ~400-500 T card for the good cpu box
08:07.56wsuff_Vile: no need
08:08.07wsuffiax2 term to a location w/ pris already
08:08.12wsuffor 1 toll free did
08:08.42_Vileper min usage costs would override the cost of a one time channel bank
08:08.48_Vileplus colo costs
08:08.56_Vileplus pri costs
08:09.06wsuffnoo if they  pay per min
08:09.07_Vilebut good solution i use it for an ivr app
08:09.08watchyi take it u dudes sell pbx's for a living?
08:09.15_Vileno i program
08:09.18wsuffit's another person's problem
08:09.22_Vileand am a bookkeeper
08:09.42watchywould a PIII 1ghz be overkill for a asterisks server
08:09.44_Vilewsuff true
08:09.48_Vilewatchy no
08:09.54_Vileunderkill depending on the application
08:10.04_Vileand the traffic
08:10.05watchyi got a 1ghz 512megs of ram dell box doing nothin
08:10.11wsuffwell start w/ that
08:10.13_Viletry it out
08:10.13watchymy moms phones constantly ring
08:10.16wsuffthen if it runs like shit
08:10.17wsuffupgrade it
08:10.23_Vilelisten to wsuff
08:10.27_Vileexcept for the iax2 idea
08:10.35_Vileunless u have multiple locs :D
08:10.41watchyjust 1 location for now
08:10.51wsuffwell there is alot to consider
08:10.59wsuffand it's hard for me or vile to tell ya what's best
08:11.03*** part/#asterisk miller7 (
08:11.06wsuffsince we really don't know the situation
08:11.15watchywell im moving back to arkansas the 17th
08:11.16wsuffu really need to get the bills for what she has now
08:11.21wsuffand what they use
08:11.27watchyso once i get back ill get some help and stuff
08:11.38wsuffthen u can see if it's a worth while savings
08:11.42watchybut i want my mom to have voice mail and stuff
08:11.48wsuffof course
08:11.48watchyso her company seems profesional u know
08:11.56wsuffbut u can do asterisk w/ the pot lines she has now
08:12.00watchyshe runs a decent sized business but deosnt have any of that
08:12.05wsuffor go to a more advanced level
08:12.12wsuffdepends on $$
08:12.17wsuffin the end
08:12.28watchywell if i pay some bitch to do it all and sell her a pbx
08:12.38watchyit will be alot more $ then if i do it myself right?
08:12.45wsuffwatchy: depends
08:12.50watchyon what?
08:12.51wsuffyour time is money too
08:12.56*** join/#asterisk inspired (
08:12.56watchyim jobless
08:12.56*** join/#asterisk jannic (~jan@gasko.hitnet.RWTH-Aachen.DE)
08:12.58wsuffand if u haven't used asterisk
08:13.03watchyim moving home to help with my parents business
08:13.06wsuffu can spend wks on trying to do it
08:13.13watchywell ive been using it for 5 hours total now
08:13.14wsuffwell fly me to PHX and i'll do the pbx for free
08:13.24watchyits arkansas haha not phx
08:13.31watchybut i live in phoenix now
08:13.36*** join/#asterisk oej (
08:13.40wsuffi know but all i need is ssh to a linux box to do the asterisk install
08:13.41watchyill fly you to arkansas and take you fishin
08:13.50wsuffu can handle the onsite crap
08:14.03wsuffwatchy: i don't have a GF in arkansas though
08:14.10watchyyou got one in phoenix?
08:14.32watchywell if i was stayin here id fly ya here
08:14.35watchybut im leaving the 17th
08:14.37watchyfor good
08:14.50watchyno job :(]
08:14.54wsuffme either
08:15.01watchybut i think if i pick this astricks stuf up
08:15.03wsuffhence why i haven't flown out yet
08:15.07watchyimma sell phone systems in my town
08:15.11watchywhen i move back to arkansas
08:15.25watchyi love learning new stuff
08:19.46watchyi loaded that zaptel driver
08:19.53watchyim not getting anymore time error things
08:20.59watchybut it wasnt constant either it would just randomly happen but it seems fine now
08:28.54monst3rwatchy > u still here dude havent u got a home :D
08:29.08watchyim at home
08:29.25monst3ri think that flew over ur head mate :P
08:29.49watchyim pretty tired
08:35.31watchywhats a zaptel driver
08:36.58watchyoops thats retarded
08:37.01watchywhats a zaptel?
08:37.27_Vilezappata telecommunications
08:38.06watchya type of interface for phones and stuff?
08:38.07*** join/#asterisk miller7 (
08:38.38*** join/#asterisk altamic (~Michele@
08:40.57*** join/#asterisk gmc2000 (
08:41.25watchyhey vile
08:41.35watchywhere can i get one of those things to stop that timer issue
08:44.41inspiredyou need a SWATCH
08:46.04*** join/#asterisk RoyK (~roy@
08:46.51_Vileebay for fxo
08:47.00_Vileit looks like a modem
08:47.03_Vileit is a modem
08:47.08watchycant i just use a normal modem? :(
08:47.08_Vilebut special
08:47.27wsuffwatchy: only a certain chipset is supported
08:47.29watchythat ztdummy and zaprtc is for linux :(
08:48.18watchywhats fxo stand for
08:48.46watchyi need a digium fxo right?
08:49.20_Vileno you dont, but id advise buying one anyway
08:49.56watchyonly 1 digium on ebay
08:49.56wsuffdigium x100p is a modem w/ special drivers for asterisk
08:50.18watchythats the only digium on ebay
08:50.20wsuffthere are clones as well but don't always work w/o problems
08:50.30wsuffwatchy: x100p is about 100 from digium's store
08:51.07watchyhow about that
08:51.57*** join/#asterisk dercol (
08:52.17wsuffwatchy: the info is out there take some time to research to avoid buying something that won't do what u want
08:52.30watchyi need it for a freebsd box
08:52.36watchythats not gonna be connected to the phone line
08:52.44watchyits to replace our ventrilo box haha
08:52.50_Vilewatchy, my best advice is to use asterisk on redhat linux
08:52.55_Vileyou will experience less issues
08:52.58wsuffcheapest too
08:53.13watchythis box is fbsd 5 and already installed :(
08:53.23wsuffpull the hd
08:53.24watchyi just need to get rid of that timer issue
08:53.25wsuffand get another
08:53.29watchyim anti linux
08:53.34wsuffwatchy: so am i
08:53.43wsuffbut asterisk is not nearly as progressed on bsd as linux
08:53.46watchybut i guess asterisk is linux shit for now
08:53.48_Vileme too.. watchy, you will experience more issues than you think
08:53.49wsuffso if u want to run asterisk properly
08:53.57_Vilei run openbsd
08:53.58wsuffit is adviced
08:53.59_Vileand freebsd
08:54.00watchyif i had a linux box
08:54.04watchyi guess i could use ztdummy
08:54.05_Vileand only use linux for rh
08:54.05wsuffnot to rely on the bsd port
08:54.09watchyinstead of buying a car
08:54.11wsuffwatchy: yup u could
08:54.20watchycuz i just need to get rid of that timing issue
08:54.27watchyi dont really need a freakin fxo
08:54.33wsuffwatchy: that's the only issue u see of yet
08:54.39watchyyea im sure ill see more
08:54.40wsuffothers will appear as u use it
08:54.51watchyimma just setup another box
08:54.54_Vilethe timing issue is the fxo card, as far as ztdummy, i've never heard of it
08:55.05_Vilebut bsd + asterisk = probs, I know that
08:55.09wsuffwell occured in the past
08:55.09watchyztdummy is a fake driver vile