irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040807

00:00.11Zeeekmiller7 ya still there?
00:00.20miller7still here
00:00.27Zeeekmay I ask where you are?
00:00.36miller7I'm stiiiiiiiiil working :P
00:01.08ZeeekEU or eastern
00:01.14Zeeeknot Swiss.....
00:01.21miller7southeastern part of EU
00:01.36Zeeeknot .ro
00:02.05miller7just do a whois in my name :)
00:02.36Zeeekok happy olympics
00:03.43Zeeekwhat are you working on at 2AM?
00:04.10miller7looking at some software actually
00:04.18miller7and it's 3 am here :)
00:04.25Zeeekme too - it's an IRC client I'm talking to you on
00:04.46Zeeekby the sun, only midnight tho
00:05.43miller7so, how can I help you? You called me before but you didn't tell me anything :)
00:05.44Grant_ACan anyone teach me how to Spoof ANI/CID through a nix pBX running asterisk and a VOIP provider I will pay for consultation fees
00:05.45Grant_AMsg me
00:05.53Zeeekfunny that everyone here is in similar time zones or asia/nz/au
00:05.58miller7Grant_A: booooooooring
00:06.33miller7Grant_A: isn't that being taught in warez/exploits/kiddo stuff school?
00:06.51Poemiusyep, you'd think that most people here would be at this time in gmt - zones :)
00:06.52Zeeekmiller7 I was just wondering since you mentioned eu providers earlier
00:06.57*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
00:07.23ZeeekI would have expected the US guys to be on - some of them must have discovered girls or something ;)
00:07.33miller7Zeeek: LOL
00:07.44ZeeekFriday nite and all
00:08.01ZeeekSaturday around this time it's usually MAJOR horny talk time
00:09.15*** join/#asterisk twisted (
00:09.15*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
00:11.03Poemiusmaybe on some of the s*x channels :)
00:12.26Poemiusmaybe trying to nail down some moose penis :)
00:13.21Zeeekwow that image doesn't play well at this hour :)
00:13.25Umarohow do I get a call queue to timeout and go to the next priority after a certain amount of time?
00:13.54UmaroI am trying Queue(queue|t|||30)
00:14.09Umarooh, n
00:15.44*** join/#asterisk Shido6 (
00:16.22dougheckaYO SHIDO!
00:16.26dougheckahows it going?
00:16.31Shido6Avoiding IAX destroy deadlock
00:16.35Shido6is whats going
00:16.43Shido6thats not kewl
00:18.45*** join/#asterisk MicroChip32 (
00:18.57Zeeekas allison would say, "good-bye"
00:19.03*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (
00:19.11file[laptop]POOSE MENIS!
00:22.26*** join/#asterisk sob0l (sobol@
00:27.15*** join/#asterisk jdg (
00:27.59dougheckahrm, laptop is only a 500 mhz
00:32.34bkw_MOOSE PENIS
00:32.47PoemiusSOOPE SIMEN?
00:33.01dougheckaSOOPE SEMIN?
00:33.10*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by bkw_
00:33.16dougheckaop me too
00:33.43Himekoso, is the disfference between g711 and g729 audible?
00:33.54Himekoer difference
00:33.59Shido6if you are an audiophile
00:34.22Himekoaudiofool is more like it
00:34.26Shido6I can tell but Ive been at it for just a few yrs
00:35.30Himekoi was just emailing with primus voip tech support
00:35.47Shido6primus india?
00:35.49Himekobut apparenty i have reach the limit of his knowledge and he can't help me
00:38.21DrRighteousOk, I currently have a Cisco 7960 behind a WRT54G router. The RTP/SIP ports are forwarding to the internal IP of the Cisco. But I now want to add two Sipura-2000's, but how can they also receive inbound calls? I can't forward the inbound RTP packets to all of them... Help pls.
00:38.44file[laptop]DrRighteous: specify different RTP ranges?
00:38.53twistedDrRighteous, use different port ranges
00:39.29DrRighteoushow do I do that within the SIP contexts? whats the directive
00:39.53file[laptop]set different RTP ranges on the Sipuras and the Cisco we mean
00:41.14*** join/#asterisk RageKage (
00:42.43*** join/#asterisk kenb (ken@moe.vpsn.NET)
00:42.56*** part/#asterisk kenb (ken@moe.vpsn.NET)
00:43.35dougheckaDrRighteous: I wish those supported vpns.. would be alot more simpler
00:46.30RageKagehrm, got a question, pretty sure it's config but my ip phone rings whenever someone is on another line :)
00:49.48robert_wwlRageKage: is that phone part of a queue?
00:50.33RageKageyou mean like part of a ring around?
00:51.01*** part/#asterisk MicroChip32 (
00:51.26RageKageyeah, i have it so when a call is placed incoming (i assumed) it would ring all my ip phones
00:52.38robert_wwlSo does the ringing in question only occur when the all the phones are in use, or does it always happen
00:53.13*** join/#asterisk mutilator (
00:53.37dougheckaor does it..
00:53.47dougheckaring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone
00:53.57RageKagei know for sure i'm not running this in an ideal way, i've got the pc with the fxo card hooked into my existing phone line, while there's other regular phones on the same line
00:53.58mutilator^ even better
00:54.19RageKageright now the wife is using hte phone and the IP phone rings periodically
00:54.37RageKagethe caller id lists "From asterisk" :)
00:55.45robert_wwldoes the IP phone ring randomly or just when your wife gets a beep?
00:55.59RageKagerandomly, we don't have call waiting
00:56.15RageKageit'll ring for maybe 2 rings and stop.. ring for 4-5 times.. stop..
00:57.04RageKagei'm thinking it may have something to do with my 'incoming' context, i have 2 's' lines, s,1,noop then s,2,Dial(SIP)
00:57.14RageKageit's how i got my IP phone to ring when someone phones here
00:57.41Jesse-asterisk is killin me
00:57.49Jesse-k buffers
00:57.53Jesse-Mem:    903892k total,   896516k used,     7376k free,    63496k buffers
00:58.00robert_wwlso what is the logic you use to make your regular phone ring?
00:58.35robert_wwlor does it just ring because it's connected?
00:59.05RageKageyeah, rings cause it's connected
00:59.48robert_wwlso if someone calls, and she picks up on the analog phone, the IP phone will start ringing randomly
01:00.05RageKageor if she makes a call on the analog phone does the same thing
01:01.41robert_wwlok, you know how if you have two analog phones plugged into the same line, you can make or receive a call from one and listen in on the other?
01:02.29robert_wwlI think that asterisk is seeing that call happening, and isn't really sure what it's supposed to do
01:02.39robert_wwlso it's ringing your IP phone
01:02.53robert_wwlis there any way you can hook the analog phone into the asterisk box?
01:03.28RageKagenot yet, i plan on doing that though
01:03.29surfer22nzhey zeeek I am in New Zealand, sorry i went to try out the tx rx gain
01:03.30robert_wwland set aside a channel for it and some dialplan logic for incoming calls to access it?
01:03.37robert_wwloh, ok
01:04.02RageKagethis is my first time playing with voip and pbx's and this very odd thing happened :)
01:04.21robert_wwlyeah, the same thing happened with me
01:04.35robert_wwlbut, I wasn't using IP phones
01:04.57Jesse-oh well
01:05.00Jesse-99 days was a good uptime
01:05.09RageKagehehe.. thanks for the help.. bbias though
01:07.38*** join/#asterisk pointer-gaim (
01:08.47tzangerwith Nufone can i switch between IAX2 and SIP or do I have to notify them to change the account "type" ?
01:18.07Shido6just ask for sip when u sign up or ask for both
01:19.11tzangerShido6: yeah I'm trying to work around an RC1 bug that's been plaguing me
01:19.28tzangerat least I think it's an RC1 bug, the list seems to confirm that htere's *something* wrong wiht RC1 and IAX2
01:19.32tzangerand nufone's running RC1
01:20.40Jesse-every call that comes in on my second t1 gets a "check the number"
01:20.53tzangerJesse-: that comes *in* on the T1?  Is it up?
01:21.15tzangerwell what's the console say
01:21.18tzangerwhen a call comes in
01:21.19Jesse-asterisk is producing this recordin
01:21.33tzangermatching the # wrong?
01:22.15Jesse-but it only does this on second t1
01:22.26tzangerget your provider to send you the right digits
01:22.34tzangerit's receiving '5' as the CNID and you don't have a 5 extension
01:22.50tzangerdo this for example (this is what I have as my default:
01:23.04Jesse-i don't understand why this happened it was fine a minute ago
01:23.07Jesse-all i did was reboot my server
01:23.13tzangerexten => _29220XX,1,Wait(1)
01:23.13tzangerexten => _29220XX,2,Playback(vm-num-i-have)
01:23.13tzangerexten => _29220XX,3,SayDigits(${EXTEN})
01:23.13tzangerexten => _29220XX,4,Playback(vm-goodbye)
01:23.13tzangerexten => _29220XX,5,Hangup
01:23.24tzangerI get 7 digits coming in and my DID block starts with 29220
01:23.33Jesse-nothings changed
01:23.36Jesse-all i did is reboot the server
01:23.43Jesse-now calls only succeed on the first t1
01:25.19*** join/#asterisk nodelink-FL (
01:25.21tzangerwell something happend... you likely changed your dialplan and iddn't realize it and then on the next reload... boom
01:25.28tzangerwhat context is the second T1 coming in to?
01:26.39*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
01:27.25ariel_Hello all.
01:27.46JerJerok ppl nufone is cricital at the moment, if you didn't knotice
01:28.09ariel_JerJer, cricital?
01:28.12mutilatorget out your hazard suits!
01:28.20JerJerwe just lost our TDM network in chicago
01:28.23JerJertotally down
01:28.24mutilator.. k i'm done
01:28.30JerJereven redundancy went down
01:28.31h3xhow did that happen
01:28.35JerJeryeah someones gettin sued
01:28.41JerJercan't talk
01:28.42JerJermust work
01:28.47JerJerjust wanted to FYI
01:29.02ariel_JerJer, good luck wish you the best.
01:29.20JerJerif anyone has a DID on switch-1 it is now down
01:29.32JerJerwe are working to get it back
01:29.40fileJerJer, that's beachy
01:31.48*** join/#asterisk aSi-KuRT (~AA@
01:33.32h3xi guess its a good reminder of why i decided to use 5 different networks with switches in different cities :)
01:33.49*** join/#asterisk jero (
01:34.02*** join/#asterisk Granamear (
01:34.18JerJerinternationnal calling is down for a bit
01:34.44filebad day for you.
01:35.07JerJeroh we are back up
01:35.17JerJerjust my CDRs are all screwed up now
01:35.26jerohow comes?
01:35.28tzangerJerJer: did you move to a different version?
01:35.46JerJerand i've gota revamp how international calls go out (backup system doesn't do international)
01:35.55JerJernope rc1
01:36.12ariel_Wow I guess JerJer, your having a major bad hair day.. Good luck. Is there anything we can do for you?
01:36.15*** join/#asterisk voipjet (
01:36.23voipjetHi all!
01:36.39voipjet(Previous aliases of mine were Valentines and PureIAX)
01:36.59h3xhaha voipjet probably pulled your cords :)
01:37.03voipjetGreat news: testing of the new Iax termination service is going well.
01:37.12tzangerJerJer: I normally seem to connect to chicago (judging from the traceroutes) -- I've been on the phone 5 minutes now and no gappy text, but an hour ago it was gappy...    I wonder if RC1 has issues under certain situations only
01:37.24tzangerJerJer: good luck with the repairs...
01:38.19tzangeryeah I'm definitely on a differnet nufone serer now :-)
01:38.27tzangerNO gappy audio with it
01:38.31voipjetTo all: Free IAX termination during the testing phase.  Instant account activation (will credit you money so you can make calls).
01:38.34JerJereverything is being pushed thru southfield now
01:38.37JerJerbut its rc-1
01:39.11tzangerJerJer: I understand, I'm just saying with chicago's * server I'd get it easily... I haven't had it happen yet... anyway I'll make note of that in the list for later
01:39.48tzangerdamn 17 hops to this nufone server :-)
01:39.59JerJerwell the audio problem may have been TDM related, due to how everything just blew up
01:40.13h3xyeah ive seen it
01:40.26tzangerJerJer: understood.  Good luck :-)  If I can do anything to help just ask
01:47.30ariel_voipjet, good luck. I just booked marked your site. I need to setup my own asterisk server this weekend.
01:48.01voipjetariel_ Thanks very much!  Please do try out the service.
01:48.18voipjetLet me know how you like it
01:48.39h3xwhen did nufone go from .029 to .02/min
01:49.04ariel_voipjet, as soon as I get it up I will set your service up.  Got to get that server going.
01:49.21ariel_Boy it sure takes along time to download distro's.
01:49.53voipjetVoipJet is 1.9 cents/min, less with volume, BTW.
01:51.04h3xwhats your billing precision
01:52.27h3xwow i have 25 cents!
01:53.01h3xi like how you use md5 secrets
01:56.17tzangerh3x: a few months ago
01:59.50*** join/#asterisk surfer22nz (~surfer22n@
02:00.03surfer22nzhi Guys,
02:01.15surfer22nzi am getting this "chan_zap.c handle_init_event: Detected alarm on channel 1: Red Alarm" on my fxo card... anyone know's what's a Red Alarm?
02:02.09Jesse-means its unplugged
02:02.10Jesse-or no signal
02:02.47surfer22nzoh ok, i am on the same line as DSL using filter... would it cause that?
02:04.45*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
02:06.37surfer22nzcould it be indication.conf file which could cause that?
02:12.13voipjetTo all testing VoipJet: I'll be right back.  Please continue to message me comments.  To others: make some free calls and help test out. instant signup.
02:18.13*** join/#asterisk kram (~mark@kram.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
02:18.13*** mode/#asterisk [+o kram] by ChanServ
02:18.16kramsup all
02:18.25dougheckayo kram man!
02:18.40twistedhow was your trip?
02:18.44kramnot bad, how about you?
02:18.52twisteddoing okay
02:19.40dougheckakram: you feel like answering a question? :)
02:20.21tzangerman bluetooth support is spotty on win32 and linux
02:20.38dougheckatzanger: heh, you just ruled out 90% of the OSes that use bluetooth
02:20.42tzangerI mean it works but the headset button has no support at all, no flip-open-auto-answer, nada
02:20.47tzangerdoughecka: I know
02:20.59tzangerlinux has practically no support for bt audio
02:21.11tzangerand win32 audio's ok but has little to no support for the headset model (the buttons part of it)
02:21.42tzangerI can't, for example, take my motorla headset and whenI hear the computer ringing flip it open and put it on my ear
02:21.52tzangerI have to go to the computer, mouse around (wake up the screen saver) click answer and then talk
02:22.11tzangerit's ok but not what I expected
02:22.21tzangerand I'm using craptastic xlite
02:22.37tzangersince iaxphone and diax both go absolutely fucking nutty on XP
02:22.38dougheckadoo :P
02:25.17ariel_tzanger, are you having one of those days...
02:25.28tzangerariel_: nah day went alright actually
02:25.50tzangertook the morning to go to the local Black's (photography store) to use the kiosk and get 211 prints ordered
02:25.50ariel_ok it just sounded like it...
02:25.53tzangerthat took forever
02:27.03kramso you wanna hear a couple of fun things?
02:27.29dougheckaany of it involve blonds or beer?
02:27.37kram1) I added a "mpg123" target in the Makefile
02:27.41ariel_kram, anything sure.
02:27.46tzangerI've sworn off blondes, going for brunettes now
02:27.50tzangerand the odd redhead
02:27.54tzangerwhen I feel like playing with fire
02:27.56dougheckakram: whats that mean?
02:27.58kram2) I have Asterisk running on my Windows box w/out VMware
02:28.10dougheckakewl beans
02:28.15kramdoug: if you don't have mpg123 it will download/compile/install it for you
02:28.22dougheckakram: aw, thats neat
02:28.24tzangerkram: nice...  to both
02:28.28bkw_YOU LIAR
02:28.29bkw_show me
02:28.30ariel_argh there goes the life as we know it.
02:28.30tzangerI have a guy who'd be very interested in #2
02:28.34bkw_kram you're fuckin with me
02:28.38tzangerwell he wants digium hardware to work there though
02:28.40bkw_TOTALLY FUCKING with me
02:28.41krami'll point the cam to it
02:28.50twistedi'm on the way :P
02:28.52twisted(via internet
02:29.05bkw_kram did you use cygwin/
02:29.07pfnso is kram ever gonna make his announcement on -users?
02:29.15h3xkram any ideas on my bug #2219
02:29.19bkw_kram what did you use?
02:29.20kramcolinux :)
02:29.24dougheckacool beans!
02:29.29dougheckakram: aw
02:29.31pfnwhat was the announcement supposed to be?
02:29.32twistedshoulda known
02:29.33h3xit only does it when i call from a channelbank on fxo_ks
02:29.35tzangeryeah that is a cheat
02:29.48dougheckabut does it run zaptel?
02:29.50bkw_linux is still there
02:29.53dougheckaif it runs zaptel..
02:29.54kramno of course not
02:29.59kramno zaptel presumably
02:30.01kramthey'd need a 2.6 kernel
02:30.14tzangermark you look stoned
02:30.15twistedwe all know what that means..
02:30.23twistedMark: "I haven't made it work yet"
02:30.26kramsee, i announce i have asterisk on windows and what do i get?
02:30.31filecheater cheater cheater
02:30.31kram"What about 2219"
02:30.40bkw_kram I still love you
02:30.50h3xwe all love kram
02:30.52dougheckakram: I would start leaving now.. :P
02:30.53tzangerwtf is that tower of boards behind you
02:30.53krami can try to login and lok at it
02:30.54bkw_even if you bastardized asterisk on windows
02:30.57tzangerand what kind of cam do you have
02:31.02kramcanon vc-c3
02:31.04dougheckatzanger: iaxy beowule cluster
02:31.15tzangerdamn those iaxys are big
02:31.29dougheckano, its about 1000 really small ones
02:31.35dougheckaits a iaxy super cluster
02:31.36tzangeryup mark definitely looks stoned
02:31.40tzangerespecially with that badass cross on
02:31.47twistedthat's not mark
02:31.51tzangerI feel like I'm watching a priest in a rectory
02:31.54dougheckahe looks bored
02:32.09dougheckawhos the dood behind him
02:32.27tzangeriaxy super cluster?   you mean that's how we have to set it up to get 120 simultaneous calls :-)
02:32.29fileI dunno but he's using a Danger Hiptop I do believe
02:32.33dougheckatzanger: yea
02:32.34twistedthat's matt
02:32.37twistedi do believe
02:32.42dougheckaI talked to matt yesterday
02:32.47dougheckahi matt
02:32.48tzangerhe looks like a matt I know up here
02:32.49twistedone of the 3, dough
02:33.05tzangerok who the fuck is focusing on his crotch?!
02:33.07dougheckathats STUPID, I mean, rename your employees for once
02:33.30kramyou guys can call him "Mog"
02:33.33tzangerahh there's mark
02:33.39tzangerwearing the 10 types of people shirt
02:33.42dougheckagrinning like a monky
02:33.46tzanger"part man, part dog, I'm my own best friend"
02:33.56dougheckahah, saved that photo!
02:33.57kramthe monkeys!  the monkeys!
02:34.00tzangerso long as he's not spankin it it's ok
02:34.08tzangerfuck your office is messy
02:34.19twistedtzanger, you should see mine.
02:34.23dougheckalooks like mine
02:34.27twistedmy desk looks like a telco exploded on it
02:34.41fileI should clean my desk up
02:34.46dougheckakram: why would an IAXY just up and die on people?
02:34.50filepapers, papers, papers!
02:35.02twisteddoughecka, i'll answer that one... because you touched it in it's no-no spot.
02:35.06twistedback on topic
02:35.21dougheckaooh, kram has LCDs
02:35.27pfntopic shmopic
02:35.38tzangernice robot
02:35.41kramdoughecka; dunno
02:35.43tzangerand nice dual lcd screen
02:36.01tzangeroops I think I hti a stop
02:36.24kramit's 3 actually
02:36.29twistedkram has NICE lcd's
02:36.52DrRighteousangry robot!
02:36.55tzangerhahaha the robot's mad
02:37.06tzangerI'm trying to read the white board
02:37.17kramthis is #asterisk
02:37.17twistedoh yea
02:37.25tzangerhmm nic ezoom of a cieling tile
02:37.31tzangerwha'ts bug 782?
02:37.32dougheckakram: ok, splain the zapped iaxy
02:37.43kramdetails, doug?
02:37.47kramor am i supposed to use ESP?
02:37.54dougheckalook up RMA 7960
02:38.03dougheckaI got the 7960 rma numba
02:38.05kramokay we'll see it when it gets here
02:38.25dougheckakram: its just odd that it would totally go dead...
02:38.31kramyes, indeed
02:38.37kramit would be good to see what happened to it
02:38.53filekram is just evading the issue
02:38.53tzangerwhat's LSS?
02:39.05dougheckaall I did was hit flash and joined 2 people in
02:39.50DaminWell, they kind of melt when you put them in the microwave
02:39.54dougheckahung up, and picked up, and hung up again, and it was dead
02:40.07*** join/#asterisk klicTel (
02:40.09klicTelhi all
02:40.11dougheckaDamin: oh, maybe I shouldnt have put mine in one
02:40.19dougheckaooh, a real person, be on topic!
02:40.19kramLSS is "Linux Support Services" our old name
02:40.30tzangerlook the robot's a spider now
02:40.33dougheckakram: which explains the LINUXME number
02:40.46fileI dream of a world where asterisk has no bugs
02:40.49voipjetHi klictel
02:40.55filecrazy? I think not.
02:40.58voipjetHey file!
02:41.05tzangersix eyes ... it won't let me do 8
02:41.07filebuenos dias
02:41.16dougheckaI dream of a world where there are about 30 kram clones
02:41.36kramfile: it's getting closer
02:41.37tzangerwould you guys quit looking at matt's crotch
02:41.38Daminkram: Can you make it say "Moose Penis" ?
02:41.44klicTelcan someone help me compile libiax2? i just co it and when i compile it fails because LIBIAX is not defined... is there a reason for that?
02:41.44tzangerthere we go...  close tnough to a smiley spider
02:41.50dougheckaI erased it
02:41.55filekram: nifty
02:42.15klicTelor should I simply remove the #ifdef?
02:42.26pfnwhat's up with this on-topic obsession
02:42.46klicTelsomeone? anyone?
02:42.51ariel_hello pfn how's it going?
02:43.03dougheckaklicTel: I dont program, so I cant help
02:43.06pfnsame ol', glad it's friday, but I gotta work tomorrow, bleh
02:43.10ariel_klicTel, what is the error?
02:43.32tzangerthe robot's got eyebrows
02:43.34Poemiusmmm, just got back... moose penis and mat's crotch :)
02:43.46dougheckaiaxy on whiteboard
02:43.47klicTeliax.c: In function `iax_session_new':
02:43.47klicTeliax.c:421: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type
02:43.47klicTeliax.c: In function `iax_xmit_frame':
02:43.47klicTeliax.c:516: structure has no member named `session'
02:43.48Poemiuslooks like you guys are having fun :)
02:43.48tzangereither that or he's looking out from under a nice set of knockers
02:43.59dougheckaits a todo list
02:44.13dougheckaFXO ring detect
02:44.27dougheckaI dont see ilbc
02:44.28kramwhere did the 2219 guy go now that i have his bug open?
02:44.38twistedh3x to isle 3
02:45.00klicTelthe reason is
02:45.01klicTelstruct iax_frame {
02:45.01klicTel#ifdef LIBIAX
02:45.06dougheckabloody hell, stop moving the camera
02:46.04klicTelmy fear is that i don't know the implications of removing the #ifdef...there must be a reason for it, i guess
02:46.19dougheckalol, asterisk 1.0... unchecked
02:46.28klicTelthe code above is from iax2-parser.h
02:46.34kramI have decided the name for asterisk for windows
02:46.42kramit shall be called: "AstWind"
02:46.47tzangerI think afu would be better
02:46.55dougheckaAKA astCheeseCutter
02:46.57tzangerAsterisk For Windows -- AFU  :-)
02:47.12tzangerAlthought AssWind isn't bad :-)
02:47.23klicTelam i the only one tryong to do some work around here :P
02:47.27*** join/#asterisk Mike (~mike@
02:47.27dougheckakram isnt smiling
02:47.31dougheckaoh, hes dancing now
02:48.17dougheckakrams hair
02:48.19dougheckaI see lice
02:48.27tzangeryup AssWind... perfect name
02:48.43dougheckathey are not humored
02:48.54dougheckano smiling
02:49.01dougheckakram: I think its a GREAT name
02:50.12ariel_klicTel, what distro are you installing on?
02:50.31klicTelariel_ rh9
02:50.35dougheckawhat are those phones?
02:50.44dougheckaADSI phones?
02:50.54dougheckacan ADSI phones plug into an iaxy and work the same?
02:51.17dougheckakram's not watching is he
02:51.17tzangerdoughecka: I would think so
02:51.21tzangerit's an audio-level protocol
02:51.24dougheckatzanger: howzit work?
02:51.27ariel_klicTel, argh I don't know if you installed system from scratch it should work fine.
02:51.53tzangerdoughecka: * squeeks and squacks at the phone, and the phone does it back
02:51.54ariel_klicTel, I use RH 9 mainly and they work just fine.
02:52.16dougheckatzanger: interesting, how much do adsi phones cost?
02:52.17kramdoug: it generally does yes
02:52.27ariel_Shit baby is crying got to go and see why..
02:52.28tzangerdoughecka: depends on the phone
02:52.36tzangeryou can get PT390s for like $60
02:52.48klicTelariel_ if i define LIBIAX myself it compiles fine...
02:52.49dougheckathats IT?
02:53.02tzangerdoughecka: that's for a basic LCD ADSI phone
02:53.08tzangerI have one (long before I used * even)
02:53.24dougheckawow, its looks far better than a grandstream
02:53.25*** join/#asterisk shmooz (
02:53.38tzangeryeah it's pretty nice
02:53.41tzangernot great but nice
02:53.50*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
02:53.52dougheckacould I technically use it over the POTS (plug it in at home type of thing)
02:54.12pfnadsi is compatible with pots
02:54.14krami'm making a zip now
02:54.16klicTeladsi is annoying
02:54.36kram152MB download
02:54.38twistedkram: are you gonna put it on
02:54.42kram(including full devel environment in support of it)
02:54.49krami don't have even remotely enough bandwidth
02:55.04pfnit's kram making?
02:55.07kramsomeone should test it
02:55.14dougheckakram: I can test it
02:55.15kramit was remarkably easy actually
02:55.28kramit took < 20 mins
02:55.37tzangerwtf does this mean?
02:55.39tzangerAug  6 21:04:17 NOTICE[163850]: chan_iax2.c:2149 auto_congest: Auto-congesting call due to slow response
02:55.52krammeans you have a qualify and it took too long for the other end to respond
02:55.56tzangerdoes that mean * is giving out a fast busy because it can't find the othe rend?
02:56.05dougheckakram: if you waited a few weeks I could have mirrored it :)
02:56.07krambecause it didn't respond within the timeframe you specified in qualify
02:56.15Daminkram: Want me to put it on our FTP cluster?
02:56.26tzangerkram: so that's the new way to say "peer "blah" is unreachable (1009ms) ??
02:56.26kramsure i suppose so
02:56.30kramas long as i can keep it updated
02:56.41twistedkram: is it in cvs?
02:56.55krami just need to be able to ftp this file
02:56.58kramand a few others
02:57.00kramincluding a readme
02:57.03Daminkram: It's 5 backend machines managed through a Linux IPVS cluster.
02:57.04kramand then we'll need people to test
02:57.15dougheckakram: I can test monday :)
02:57.18twistedkram: i bet Crippled will test it for ya ;)
02:57.28tzangerkram: what do you need to upload?
02:57.35krama giant zip file
02:57.37Daminkram: Give me a couple of minutes and I'll get you an account setup.
02:57.47kramdamin: great
02:57.56tzangerhmm looks like Mark got chicago back online
02:58.04tzangerswitch-1 is resolving ot the chicago IP again
02:58.13twistedtzanger, Mark?
02:59.12pfnwhat's this file that kram keeps talking about
02:59.20pfnand you people keep talking about being on topic  :p
03:01.18pfnprivate chatter isn't "on-topic"  :p
03:01.50twistedkram is talking about asterisk on windows
03:01.55twistedwhich is quite on topic :)
03:02.02*** join/#asterisk jacee1234 (
03:02.29pfnI tihnk it's time to pack my bags
03:02.39*** topic/#asterisk by kram -> The Asterisk Open Source PBX || Please register with nickserv to join #asterisk || 100 bugs == no more new bugs permitted || Asterisk now running on Windows
03:02.54tzangergappy audio is back
03:03.07twistedit's the end of the world as we know it...
03:03.19bkw_that is so not true
03:03.24bkw_its not pure windows
03:03.38kramit works!
03:03.43kramthe windows machine now can run asterisk
03:03.46tzangerGAPPY AUDIO WHEEEE
03:03.48kramdoesn't matter that it's linux on asterisk
03:03.54twistedwith a little help from colinux
03:04.05kramtzanger: gappy audio with what?
03:04.26tzangerIAX2 it is buggy with RC1 I think
03:04.28pfnso when's empty voicemail ever going to get fixed?
03:04.31*** join/#asterisk jr99 (
03:04.41kramtzanger: let me guess, with a 7960?
03:04.42jr99how can I make call-waiting work?
03:04.54jr99FXO -> * -> 3 x FXS..
03:05.05pfncall waiting on the fxo?
03:05.06jr99call waiting on FXO I get the beep, click over and I get a dial tone..
03:05.08pfncall waiting on the fxo sucks
03:05.10pfnyou can't click over
03:05.19pfn*0 will slick over
03:05.22jr99wife is gonna kill me.
03:05.23pfnor was it #0
03:05.25pfnor was it #*0
03:05.27pfnsomething like that
03:05.27tzangerkram: nope
03:05.35pfnoh, flash *0
03:05.39pfnwhatever, it's ass either way
03:05.43Damintzanger: Are you referring to the two reports (Andrews and Scott or Steve's?) on asterisk-users?
03:05.49tzangerDamin: yes
03:05.53tzangerI am Andrew
03:05.58Damintzanger: HI! ;)
03:06.09tzangergetting Steve's debugging data now
03:06.17*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
03:06.18sivanadang.. why can't you just flash over to call waiting
03:06.22tzangerI wonder
03:06.37pfnwhat's worse is that flash *0 only works from a zap fxs
03:06.46pfncan't even do that from anything else
03:07.17sivanaI see... talk about re-training the public
03:07.59tzanger1:02 into the call it dies
03:08.28tzangerit must be nufone's TDM circuits
03:08.28tzangerbefore it was gappy
03:08.28jr99I think the asterisk use in the house is gonna stop before it even begins..
03:08.29tzangernow every call dies (silence received) 1:02 in
03:08.42jacee1234hey, why would I be getting a Unable to create channel of type 'Zap'?
03:08.49pfnjr99 don't do POTS
03:08.52tzangerjacee1234: because you didn't configure your zap hardware correctly?
03:08.54jacee1234i have a x100p
03:08.58pfnjr99 do purely voip and it's not a proble
03:09.06tzangerjacee1234: that's yoru first mistake... x101P sucks
03:09.15jacee1234well it's cheap
03:09.22jacee1234and so am i
03:09.27tzangerjacee1234: yup and it doesn't work worth a shit
03:09.41jacee1234well, you know what would cause that?
03:09.57tzangerno, I gave up on it ages ago
03:10.10jacee1234anybody else have any ideas?
03:10.11pfnmy x100p works well
03:10.18sivanajacee1234: did you do modprobe?
03:10.23jr99pfn: yea, but I need the PTSN line... for DSL.. and the alarm..
03:10.29kram91 bugs
03:10.29kramcome on
03:10.31sivanajacee1234: did you reboot? :P
03:10.41krami give you * on doze
03:10.42jacee1234changed irq's
03:10.47kramnow, give me some loving with the bug tracker
03:10.51sivanajacee1234: is it plugged into power outlet
03:10.58jr99So, how do you flash back and forth?
03:11.05pfnjr99 flash*0
03:11.13tzangerkram: hahaha
03:11.40sivanajacee1234: I dunno.. maybe check for IRQ conflicts
03:11.40jacee1234it dies whenever I try to make a call
03:11.48jacee1234they aren't conflicting
03:11.53jacee1234I changed them
03:12.00jacee1234and it is on its own now
03:12.08pfnjacee are you *certain* the board has been configured correctly
03:12.16pfnzaptel and wcfxo are loaded
03:12.17jacee1234but everytime I ry to make a pstn call it gives me that error message
03:12.29pfnztcfg executes without error
03:12.35jacee1234I am certain the modules are loaded
03:12.37pfnand zapata.conf has correct channel definitions
03:12.39pfnhow are you certain?
03:12.49jacee1234I am unable to do a zap show channels in asterisk, reasons?
03:12.56pfnread the above
03:13.09pfnunable to do zap show channels
03:13.11jacee1234ztcfg runs fine
03:13.13pfnno such command
03:13.24pfnrebuild asterisk
03:13.31pfnzaptel must compile and install before asterisk
03:13.41tzangerjacee1234: set up /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf properly
03:13.41jacee1234ohh I bet that's it
03:13.58jacee1234i compiled asterisk first
03:14.01sivanadid you read the instructions that came with the X100P card.. it says that
03:14.03*** join/#asterisk drumkilla (
03:14.24kramwb drummy!
03:14.36jacee1234well that would have helped
03:14.39twistedkram is in a good mood tonight :)
03:14.58jacee1234i guess i just ass-umed
03:15.08sivanalol.. jumped right in with both feet :)
03:15.08jacee1234that it didn't matter
03:15.30jr99theres gotta be a way to hack that..
03:15.32sivanaif all else fails, read the instructions
03:15.33jacee1234well i am gonna save my configs and re-compile
03:15.34jr99*0 thingie..
03:15.48pfnjr99 not without breaking everything else
03:15.52pfnjr99 get a programmable phone
03:15.59pfnflash sends flash*0, not just flash
03:16.00jacee1234i'll be back if it doesn't work
03:16.02jacee1234thanks guys
03:16.15jr99why aren't the chicks never interested in cool stuff.
03:16.25pfncuz they want shit to work and be easy
03:16.25*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
03:16.41jr99damn them.
03:16.47jr99it is easy.. just *0
03:18.40*** part/#asterisk jacee1234 (
03:20.08jr99well, she will just have to deal with it.. I'll hang up some signs..
03:20.14jr99pfn: I spoke with the owner of fonality today.. seemed like a cool guy..
03:20.37pfnindeed, they just need to get some problems fixed
03:20.38sivanadoes * work with Vonage at all or are they limited?
03:20.55*** part/#asterisk RageKage (
03:20.58pfnsivana not at all
03:21.17jr99pfn: yea. funny that he owned an ISP which verio tried to buy a few times.. but he still sold it for millions..
03:21.22sivanathey were hyping VoIP on CNBC yesterday
03:22.00sivanaor day before
03:22.00*** join/#asterisk Jammy` (thes@
03:22.35jr99So, I have an *ized house now..
03:22.45jr994 extensions.. and 1 FXO to bellsouth..
03:22.54sivanathey don't want us using * with Vonage I guess
03:23.10jr99yea, I'd sign up for vonage if they supported *.
03:24.05pfnok, time to rewrite my outbound dialplan
03:24.32voipjetpfn: Make sure it has voipjet in it =)
03:26.27*** join/#asterisk lwc (~phxlc@VDSL-130-13-79-92.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
03:27.06bkw_voipjet STOP IT.. and STOP IT NOW
03:27.13bkw_you stop msging people asking them to test your service
03:27.22bkw_this is a support channel
03:27.26bkw_not a sales channel
03:27.53bkw_their is an asterisk-biz list
03:27.59voipjetbkw_ It's FREE
03:28.38jr99... for now
03:29.02voipjetLive in the present.  =)
03:29.03bkw_25 cents is hardly worth my time to set it up
03:29.28voipjetbkw_ The point is to help test it.  Not use it as a way to get 25 free cents
03:29.41bkw_HELP test it?
03:29.48bkw_are you not able to test it yourself?
03:30.01voipjetWell, people have come up with all sorts of suggestions
03:30.08bkw_you should pay people to test... people with the clue to give good feedback should be paid.
03:30.26voipjetbkw_ Take it easy, man.
03:30.59bkw_i'm easy.. just dont use this as a sales channel please
03:31.10voipjetI'm not.
03:31.15bkw_ok keep it up :)
03:31.24jr99cough, kick-ban..
03:31.31bkw_no i'm not that big of a prick
03:31.38bkw_god what do you think...
03:31.44voipjetPeople have made some great suggestions
03:31.52voipjetAnd it's getting better
03:32.23voipjetKinda dissapointed YOU didn't try it, Brian.
03:32.46jr99pulling out the first names now..
03:39.38bkw_I swear do they not make a remote that does EVERYTHING?
03:39.41bkw_I'm sick of this shit
03:40.06drumkillathe goal is to eventually not have to move ... at all ... ever
03:40.41kramthat reminds me of my friend rick...
03:40.48gambolputtythe remote might as well fix your food
03:40.50gambolputtypay your bills
03:40.55gambolputtyhave sex with you
03:40.58kramhe had a bizarre spontaneous spinal problem
03:41.08kramafter surgery
03:41.15drumkillacould he control things with his spine?
03:41.17drumkillathat would be cool
03:41.21kramthe doctor told him "I'm afriad you'll not be able to walk again"
03:41.52gambolputtywhat kind of surgery was it?
03:41.56kramhe told the doctor "I'm an engineer.  I don't need to walk."
03:42.08kramthis *is* a true story, no joke
03:42.12twistedkram, let's get on topic please :)
03:42.17kramas it turns out he's actually able now to walk more or less
03:42.23lilwookieyeah but no walking makes it hard to "get some"
03:42.26drumkillakram got told!
03:42.26kramalthough definitely not mormally
03:42.26jr99bkw: a remote? like IR remote?
03:42.33bkw_I need a good remote
03:42.34file[laptop]I should make up my bed *sigh*
03:42.35jr99Da Pronto!
03:42.36bkw_i'm sick of 6 remotes
03:42.47twistednah, kram didn't get told
03:42.47jr99bkw_: The phillips pronto..
03:42.53twistedi was just pullin his chain
03:42.54Shido6thats what kids are for
03:42.55bkw_i'm lookin at a few
03:43.05jr99bkw_: it's awesome.. but be prepared to spend some serious time programming it..
03:43.06drumkillayeah, i know, but i had to laugh at it anyway
03:43.08bkw_Shido6 i'm gay.. no kids here
03:43.22Shido6can u train the dog?
03:45.27mishehualright, I don't know why I didn't start storing the cdr logs in mysql before...
03:46.40lilwookiebkw_, here is a good remote, that also learns
03:51.49twistedsomeone send me $150 bucks so I can buy this remote
03:51.51twistedi WANT IT
03:52.07pfnalthough, I get tempted by an HTM MX700 on occasion
03:54.55drumkillaha ... happy anniversary honey!  i got you a domain!
03:55.34decodeim just tired of having to hear her bitch about her subdomain ;P~
03:58.17*** join/#asterisk bentley (
03:58.32tzangeris the Dial command ofr SIP not SIP/user:pass@peer/extension?
03:58.57twistedSIP/exten@user:pass@peer i believe
03:59.52tzangerit's different than iax
04:00.10pfnyou can do SIP/peer/exten
04:00.14pfnor SIP/exten@peer
04:00.54pfndunno if you can do SIP/user:pw@peer/exten, though
04:00.57pfnI never dial SIP that way
04:01.05*** join/#asterisk _Eagle_ (
04:01.41_Eagle_hey people
04:01.45bentleyany uip200 users here?
04:02.31pfnmaybe I should just distinguish domestic vs. international
04:03.58twistedthat's generally a good idea ;)
04:04.18decodedont pull any shit either cuz i carry a .45 in my car and i wouldnt hesitate to end your shit
04:04.22decodeshit, wrong tab
04:05.18brc007OMG TERRORIST!
04:05.27brc007I HAVE UR IP!!!!!!!
04:05.27decodeno, im meeting someone from IRC in a few
04:05.32brc007WE CAN TRAKE U!
04:05.37decodebrc007: no you dont
04:05.46decodeyou have a box in another place that i 0wned.
04:05.57decodefrom another box that i owned via a doxen proxies
04:06.56decodeshe's cutre
04:07.56_Eagle_you met a girl and you're threatening to shoot her?  wow.. thats a line i havent tried yet
04:08.12decode_Eagle_: im meeting someone from IRC
04:08.15twisted_Eagle_, gotta keep them in line
04:08.19*** join/#asterisk martin22dk (
04:08.21decodeand i was warning him if he tries anything stupid :)
04:08.24twistedback on topic
04:08.36decodebut my stupid tabbythingies are borkified
04:09.05pfnthat's really mature...
04:09.34martin22dkHi, will G729 codec work without license from Digium,?
04:09.43decodemeeting people from IRC who live across town and have drugs? :P~
04:09.53twistedthat too
04:09.56brc007buy me a remote
04:09.57twistedreturn to it
04:09.58_Eagle_why are you meeting someone in person, at night, that you don't trust enough to not threaten to shoot? :-)
04:10.09pfnthe topic will return to its natural course in time
04:10.16pfnmoderation is irritating
04:10.24twistedwould you rather we +m?
04:10.27pfngo ahead
04:10.35decode_Eagle_: alcohol? :)
04:10.37pfnif you really think that helps the asterisk cause
04:10.40twistednah... that'd take an act of congress anyway
04:10.44pfnI don't particularly care  :p
04:11.54_Eagle_as geragos would say, "asked and answered"
04:11.56martin22dkpfn: is this a answer to my Q:
04:11.59file[laptop]if it worked without it, why would you need a license?
04:12.14drumkillafile[laptop]: ha - that's deep!
04:12.23bkw_file 996 please
04:12.25*** join/#asterisk mitchel (
04:12.31bkw_calling file to the 996 phone
04:12.42file[laptop]bkw_: gimme 'da host... I need to update my entry
04:12.56martin22dkpfn: how meny licens do i need for a private server only one call at a time.
04:13.00pfnare there any interesting environment variables passed to MONITOR_EXEC?
04:13.09pfnmartin22dk it's clearly stated, 1 license per channel
04:13.21tzangerwhat does a 404 mean with SIP?
04:13.26pfnsame as http 404
04:13.34tzangerwhat wasn't found though -- my username/pass?
04:13.40mitcheli don't believe he bought
04:13.43pfnthe target extension
04:13.48martin22dkpfn: Tnx, ;)
04:14.04drumkillatzanger: i thought nufone was only iax ...
04:14.10pfnbasically means the context you're in does not know of extension 14124920943
04:14.42tzangerI dunno jerjer just set me up with sip
04:14.53tzangerI'm trying to figure out if this is an iax problem or what
04:15.00martin22dktwisted: once again tnx for yesterday my boos went happy it all came to work again, my irc name was mydrif ;D
04:16.02twistedmartin22dk, oh, heh. cool :)  no problem
04:16.02*** join/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
04:16.18twistedmartin22dk, if you want to share your happiness, feel free :)
04:16.56martin22dktwisted: hehe, i overlook't updating that damm Capi driver
04:17.27twistedmartin22dk, yeah.... glad i could point you in the right direction
04:20.54martin22dktwisted: Do u know if use of codec G729 with licens will help out one of my users he has around 500-600ms to our server
04:21.19Legend`martin22dk: what codec are you using now?
04:21.28*** join/#asterisk jsimmons (
04:21.28martin22dktwisted: Alaw
04:22.02Legend`martin22dk: try GSM or iLBC
04:22.09Legend`if low jitter, try G726
04:22.32jsimmonsCan asterisk operate behind a NATing firewall?
04:22.33martin22dkLegend`: We use Sipura spa-2000 i dosent support iLBC
04:23.00martin22dkjsimmons: yes u just need to open some ports
04:23.08Legend`martin22dk: what about GSM or 726?
04:23.25jsimmonsmartin22dk: Using SIP?
04:23.31martin22dkLegend`: 726 il think i has
04:23.59martin22dkjsimmons: Iam running a asterisk service from behind nat
04:23.59Legend`martin22dk: how much jitter do you see on the link?
04:24.16*** join/#asterisk jmhunter (
04:24.16*** mode/#asterisk [+o jmhunter] by ChanServ
04:24.51jsimmonsmatin22dk: thanks. back to packet dumping.
04:24.52martin22dkright now his good around OK (64 ms
04:26.02Legend`it would sound best with GSM/iLBC over IAX
04:26.16Legend`* doesn't buffer SIP channels afaik
04:26.27martin22dkLegend`: IAX is not supported ind the Sipuras ;)
04:26.44Legend`martin22dk: i know, im just making a statement
04:27.06Legend`and IAXy only talks ULAW
04:27.23martin22dkLegend`: cool, iam gonna try out G729A just need that damm licens forgot my Visa at home hehe
04:27.35PatrickDKI just use asterisk to convert ulaw sip to gsm iax
04:27.58martin22dkPatrickDK: En dansker ;)
04:27.58Legend`PatrickDK: i do that as well, but he would need a box at the remote site
04:28.18Legend`PatrickDK: there should be a box the size of the IAXy, that proxys SIP ULAW to GSM IAX
04:28.23PatrickDKheh, ya, taking awhile for me to backread all that
04:28.47PatrickDKhmm, wrt54gs :)
04:29.12Daminwrt54gs ROCKS!
04:29.19DaminROCKS I SAY!
04:29.24PatrickDKI have 4 of them
04:29.30Legend`i've thought about building an embedded * box, but the development is so fast, compilation would suck
04:29.33DaminI bought a case of themm :)
04:29.50DaminLegend`: Cross compile it. :)
04:30.04jmhunteru get my shit figured out damin
04:30.05Legend`Damin: yeah, but its still more trouble than a large, fast box
04:30.06file[laptop]it's not _that_ hard to cross compile stuff
04:30.17DaminLegend`: It would be cool to have a "make wrtg" command in the * Makefile
04:30.28martin22dkwhats a wrt54gs ?
04:31.26jmhunter~google wrt54gs
04:31.28martin22dkarhh Linksys: WRT54GS - Wireless-G Broadband Router
04:31.36bkw_Aug  6 23:18:34 WARNING[475155]: app_meetme.c:955 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel: Success
04:32.05twistedcan you turn on debug?
04:32.50PatrickDKheh, looks like the problem I have with meetme on fbsd
04:32.59twistedthat's the same thing
04:33.10twistedit's avoiding a deadlock, but it's on meetme instead of iax
04:33.22twistedbecause we've hit a null channel pointer
04:33.37twistedwrite frame to channel: %s\n", strerror(errno));
04:33.56twistednot channel pointer
04:36.56pfn147.135.8.128    "Perry Ngu  SD6gji301-2  00101/465842303   G729A
04:36.56pfn147.135.8.128    1510400010  2e19ab4a6dd  00102/00000   G729A
04:37.05pfngoddamn broadvoice, have they added g729 to their stable now?
04:37.19klicTelgood night all...gotta get some sleep my wife will probably be delivering tomorrow :)
04:37.24*** part/#asterisk klicTel (
04:37.24twistedOH SHIT
04:37.26jmhunterwhgat about oob
04:37.28twistedi didn't realize i pasted that in here
04:37.41twistedi meant that to go into #moosepenis
04:37.48pfnwill find out shortly
04:37.49twistedjmhunter, you should've
04:38.21pfnwow, so there you go
04:38.29pfnthere's oob dtmf...
04:38.30*** kick/#asterisk [twisted!] by twisted (BAD TWISTED, NO COOKIE)
04:38.33*** join/#asterisk twisted (
04:38.33*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
04:38.33pfnok, now time to try from my cellphone
04:38.39pfnand see if it's not just cuz I'm calling BV to BV
04:39.03jmhuntero pfn ya... they told me they do all kind of gcodecs bv to bv
04:39.14pfnoh, it was cuz it's bv to bv
04:39.17pfnfucking POS
04:39.52jmhunterhmm pfn.. im using a diff server than u.. im using .129
04:40.56pfnjmhunter no, .128 is the proxy they send calls inbound from
04:40.59pfnwhen youd ial out it's .129
04:41.10pfnor something like that
04:41.43pfndo any variables get passed in the environment to MONITOR_EXEC?
04:41.54jmhunterno Dial("SIP/", "ZAP/1&SIP/210|35|t")
04:42.38pfnI'm reworking it right now
04:49.18jmhunter/needs to hit the range
04:51.19pfndoes enumlookup support zap?
04:51.43pfnI should aggregate my sbc local numbers into another enum domain
04:51.43jmhunterwhy wouldnt it
04:51.54pfnI already have defined
04:52.14pfnthat could work for me
04:55.21pfnI'd do it all in the same domain, but asterisk doesn't support retrieving multiple entries for the same number
04:56.49pfnjmhunter oh yeah, if you want my changes to chan_sip, it's
04:59.27pfndamnit, I wish some varialbes could get passed to MONITOR_EXEC
04:59.30pfnlike DIALSTATUS
04:59.39pfnso I could delete stuff if status = NOANSWER, etc.
04:59.58pfnjust slap it in the environment....
05:02.48file[laptop]kram: you're rather active tonight sucks
05:05.23pfnit does nothing for me
05:05.27Corydon76-homekram:  that sound like fun
05:05.28jmhunterthats not what he is doing
05:05.32pfnalthough, it's in my search path
05:05.43pfnspeaking of which, I need to fix my entry in
05:05.49PatrickDKheh, it's another iaxtel,fwd,...
05:06.02jmhunterthats not what he is doing
05:06.11PatrickDKI know :)
05:06.17jmhunterdude.... i just wanna know if i got this house
05:06.22PatrickDKbut still along the general theme
05:06.39*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (boris@
05:06.47PatrickDKyou buy a house? or attempting I guess
05:06.55pfne164 is beyond iaxtel
05:06.59pfnor fwd at least forces people to validate their phone numbers when they register them
05:07.45pfnand yes, if I fall through to
05:08.08pfnif my own e164 fails, then I fall through
05:08.26PatrickDKI wonder if I could get really complex with that, suppose I could
05:08.36PatrickDKlookup using e164 first for external calls
05:08.44PatrickDKthen fall back to normal stuff if it fails
05:08.48pfnthe biggest bummer with enum, imo is that * doesn't support multiple levels
05:08.52pfnthat's what I have set now....
05:08.56jmhunterwhats with new term providers that bring nothing to the table except 1/10 of a cent in savings per minute'
05:09.02PatrickDKmultible levels?
05:10.53pfnpatrick naptr records are like mx records
05:10.58pfnthey allow for a certain level of redundancy
05:11.18pfnjmhunter when the rate is 1-2c/min there's not much you can do to cut the rate
05:11.45PatrickDKoh heh, priority :)
05:11.59jmhunterim just saying they do nothing special.. like provide DID to a region... or what not
05:13.01PatrickDKhmm, I wonder if I could do that with my phones
05:13.09jmhunteror west coast colo... they they promise it
05:13.18PatrickDKall e164 lookups route to servers, dns rr
05:13.32PatrickDKthen have server (asterisk) do it's thing
05:13.33jmhunteri put something up on bbr about it.. everyone seems to be an idiot there.. who just wants their vonage
05:14.09PatrickDKhmm, wouldn't solve the incoming call problem though, but maybe
05:14.17pfnpatrickdk do what with your phones?
05:14.56PatrickDKhave the phones use e164 to contact asterisk
05:15.06PatrickDKhaving multible asterisk machines
05:20.52jmhunter~seen slepp
05:20.53jbotslepp is currently on #asterisk (2d 6h 59m 50s).  Has said a total of 38 messages.  Is idling for 1d 7h 15m 5s