irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040803

00:04.42twistednew toys
00:04.55deddwhat did u get twisted
00:05.08twistedbug id 2208
00:05.12twistednew toy
00:05.15twistedto you ppl
00:05.16twistedby me
00:05.25twistedability to make app_directory() read first or last names
00:05.32twistedsimple flag in the dialplan :)
00:06.53deddhaven't used app_directory yet but nice addtions
00:06.55twistedsimple patch, too.
00:07.15deddsimplest things in life are some of the best
00:07.43jerocan I plug asterisk on my ldap server ?
00:08.41jerofor defining sip accounts f.e
00:08.58pfnthere's nothing currently written to do it I'm sure
00:09.00jerobecause some phones do names lookup in ldap
00:09.07jeroright ?
00:09.15pfnI don't know if any phones do ldap lookups
00:09.28pfnbut asterisk is open source, you can write a way to connect to ldap  :p
00:09.36jerogood idea
00:09.59jeroi'll start tonight
00:10.59jeroargh my T68i just died
00:12.29^ClaSsYjero ; how?
00:12.50jerono idea, i received a call, it was ringing but I was unable to get the call
00:13.04jerothen it was frozen, I unplugged the battery, now nothing
00:14.21jeroits evil
00:15.25*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
00:15.41pfnasides from looking good, the t68i doesn't have much going for it
00:16.02jeroit was full featured
00:16.36*** join/#asterisk Blade` (
00:16.54Blade`anyone know how to dial international, currently using nufone
00:17.17jerogprs, bluetooth, pop+imap clients, great directory, amazing camera module, mine was 3 years old
00:18.49jeroconfirmation : cisco phones do lookup numbers/names in a ldap directory
00:19.07jerofunction name : corporate directory
00:19.45jerosame for Snom
00:21.21pfnblade 011.
00:21.30pfnblade but your account has to be enabled for international dialing
00:21.51pfnjero slow and buggy
00:21.54pfndespite the great feature set
00:22.35jerowhat is buggy /
00:22.42jerooh you mean the phone
00:23.14jeroslow yes, buggy not too much
00:26.25DarkFlibso how do you request that it be enabled?
00:27.10^ClaSsYis there any way , in * , that an admin can listen/ record an ongoing call?
00:27.46pfnyou can do it with zapbarge
00:27.50pfnfor zap channels
00:27.59pfncan't for sip/iax
00:28.03^ClaSsYpfn , i need it for zap channels, is there any info on it?
00:29.49*** join/#asterisk gpled (
00:30.46^ClaSsYthis is cool
00:31.58^ClaSsYanother question : is there any operater panel / flash panel for asterisk?
00:32.06pfnyou mean dss/blf?  no
00:32.51^ClaSsYi need something like operator panel for patching calls
00:33.18^ClaSsYall incoming channels -> operator -> some front end for transfering calls to anyone on extensions
00:33.43pfnnot in the traditional sense, no
00:34.28^ClaSsYi've heard of a panel made in flash ... will that do this feature to some extent?
00:35.27gplediv been looking over docs, but missing the minimum hardware requirements to run astrisk.  how much: cpu, ram, hd space, do i need to setup asterisk?
00:35.37pfnit depends on what you're doing
00:36.55jerocan Asterisk do Realtime, Store&Forward or Both FAX modes ?
00:38.00jerothe fax is stored on the hard drive then the user gets it on a fax > s&f
00:38.16litnimaxjero: yes,
00:38.17jerothe fax is realtime-transmitted to the according fax > realtime
00:38.27pfnthat's not english
00:38.33Corydon76-homeYou barely need more than 233/64/4GB for a minimal system
00:38.46pfnI bet you could squeeze it under a gig
00:38.49pfnhell, under 100mb
00:39.03jerothis was an itemized list :)
00:39.07Corydon76-homepfn:  let's be realistic
00:39.13pfnrealistic?  that is
00:39.17pfnif you don't need voicemail
00:39.21pfnyou could easily do it under 100mb
00:39.25pfnno voicemail or monitoring
00:39.26litnimaxjero: BUT ! the most reliable way is to save fax, ftp/mail it on ather * box in other region, and there send directly (i am completing now such a project)
00:39.34*** join/#asterisk HiTech69 (
00:39.35pfnor hell, if you do, do it with wav49 and you'll still have plenty of room
00:39.35Corydon76-homeYou'll spend more time cramming the base OS into 100mb
00:39.49pfncorydon people do it all the time
00:39.49^ClaSsYyou dont even need that , get a asterisk bootable cd :D
00:39.52pfnmy firewall is 20mb  :p
00:40.01pfnhand-picked list of files
00:40.02jeromy firewall is 4mb
00:40.09Corydon76-homeBesides, how many people here have a 100mb or less hard drive that still works?
00:40.10pfnjero but mine is more fully featured  :p
00:40.24pfnmy firewall is a p3-1200mhz running a 16mb cf card
00:40.31jeroi have no doubt it is :) i have everything i need btw
00:40.31pfnway overkill
00:40.38pfnjero you have tcpdump?
00:40.56Corydon76-homepfn:  you're insane if you try to run a development system on that little disk space
00:40.56pfnyou have iptraf?
00:41.04jeroof course
00:41.11pfncorydon used to back before the explosion of these huge drives
00:41.13jeroiptraf no, everything is web-based
00:41.13Corydon76-homeBesides, you're being pedantic
00:41.25pfnthe question is minimal hardware
00:41.28pfnand it can easily be done
00:41.29^ClaSsYjero: what distro do u use?
00:41.40jeroit runs a custom freebsd on a soekris board
00:42.00jerowith a 8mb compact flash
00:42.02pfnbah, web based, screw that  :p
00:42.07jerono fan, no disk
00:42.21jeroas big as a cd jewel case
00:42.22*** join/#asterisk jsharp (~jsharp@
00:42.23pfnmy firewall has a fan... stupid power supply
00:42.30pfnI need to get a wrap board
00:42.44pfnsoekris is too expensive
00:42.50pfnwrap board costs half as much including an enclosure
00:42.57Corydon76-homeOr wait... I betcha pfn runs his firewall on a Commodore 64 with 32k of RAM
00:43.01atacommsoekris is expensive, we bought a demo board from them
00:43.06jeroCorydon LOL
00:43.15pfnwrap board is $140 for 3port LAN + mini-pci
00:43.20pfnsoekris equivalent is like $250
00:43.27gpledlitnimax: thanks for the url
00:43.31jerolinksys is < $100
00:43.35litnimaxgpled: URW
00:43.38pfnlinksys sucks
00:43.41atacommso, i keep looking into these guys's trademark claim against us...... if Atacomm infringes on @COMM, then why does Atcom have a trademark?  *scratches head*
00:43.54jerodepends on what its running :)
00:44.03jeromy linksys runs asterisk
00:44.24Corydon76-homeatacomm: because that other company has more money and can defend itself
00:44.39pfnactually, I guess the soekris net4501 is only $20 more than the wrap board
00:44.41atacommprobably...... what do you think i should do?
00:44.57pfnchange your legal name to atacomm
00:44.58atacommnet4501? oh, we used the 4801
00:45.04atacommpfn: LOL, thought about that
00:45.17Corydon76-homeI'm not a lawyer, and I'm not about to give you advice on this
00:45.41atacommother than hope the old cranky CEO over there gets a heart attack
00:45.55gpledanyone hooking asterisk to a toshiba strata key system?
00:45.58atacommanyone here ever hear of @COMM?  they do call accounting software and hardware
00:46.00jerois there a buffering delay on sip ?
00:46.06pfn$157 for the wrap 1d-2
00:46.12pfn3lan, 1 minipci, 128mb ram
00:46.23Corydon76-homeNah, their CEO probably has nothing to do with it... probably just a corporate lawyer who was told to justify his position or be fired
00:46.24pfnI'd run a firewall on that, mmmmm
00:46.45atacommCorydon: Um, actually last november their CEO called me direct and was a complete ass to me
00:47.03atacommCorydon: like just because a domain name was available doesnt mean you can use it, and i demand you stop using it now
00:47.04Corydon76-homeIf you can afford it, countersue
00:47.06pfnthe soekris net4801 is about equivalent
00:47.42Corydon76-homeatacomm: What's the forum?
00:47.49pfnI guess net4801 has a pci slot
00:48.20atacommwe've used the name for 4 years, they've used it for 5 years.... but of course @Comm is the trademark, not Atcomm, so it makes it hard to say Atacomm is overlapping
00:48.27atacommCorydon: What do you mean?
00:48.55Corydon76-homeatacomm: state court, federal court, WIPO arbitrator?
00:49.38atacommso far just a cease and desist that I received today.... saying they are aware that we have filed for a trademark on ATACOMM and that they are going to fight it, and saying that we need to cease operation under the name Atacomm immediately
00:50.15Corydon76-homeatacomm: find another company that has been around longer and make them aware of @comm's actions
00:50.29atacommAtcom had their trademark first i beleive
00:50.43Corydon76-homeatacomm: and get yourself a lawyer to get yourself real legal advice
00:50.54pfnatacomm already has a lawyer, heh.....
00:51.22atacommAtcom was issued their trademark 2 months before @COMM applied for theirs
00:51.57litnimaxi need 8 PCs with redhat 9 installed
00:51.58Corydon76-homeA well-placed call to Atcom may do wonders
00:52.10atacommlol, like get me hit with another suit?
00:52.23*** part/#asterisk gpled (
00:52.34Corydon76-homeNo, don't tell them who you are, just make them aware of @comm
00:52.46Corydon76-homeas a "concerned citizen"
00:53.12pfnI'm curious what they'd do, though
00:53.31pfnexcept for being a very good person, I don't see them bothering to do anything, as it takes money to sic lawyers on someone
00:53.42pfnand doing this won't make them any money....
00:54.17Corydon76-homeNo, but if they're made aware that @comm are sue-happy, then that could do major damage to Atcom's good name
00:54.20*** join/#asterisk chuji (~b@
00:54.36atacommLOL, but Atacomm and Atcom are Polycom authorized vendors
00:54.43atacommwho would have thunk it
00:54.53chujihmmm, so why set us up for news (topic) and not release it?
00:55.11chujiOr did I miss it?
00:55.12Corydon76-homeAnd as a concerned citizen and Atcom customer, you're concerned for their good name
00:55.46atacommhow do i tell them that @COMM is suing Atacomm without bringing my name to their attention?
00:55.54nisbois anyone here good with asterisk and isdn?
00:55.55Corydon76-homechuji: I'm not even on the -Users list, so...
00:56.17trelaneatacomm, insane :)
00:56.18pfnindeed, what's the news
00:56.18atacommi mean god, the only thing i can see thats bad about this whole thing is @COMM gets my customers if they leave an a out while typing my domain name.....
00:56.26Corydon76-homeatacomm: be creative.  Are you the first company they've sued?
00:56.40atacommI dont know, wouldnt know where to look
00:56.41trelaneatacomm, try to find a prior use of the @comm name
00:56.47trelanebefore they trademarked it
00:56.53trelanetrademarks only set a beginning of use date
00:56.59trelaneif someone was using it at that time the trademark is void
00:57.03Corydon76-homeatacomm: suits filed are public record
00:57.10trelaneas are trademarks
00:57.21trelanewhich gives you a DATE where they claim they started using the @COMM name
00:57.31atacommand there are like 5 ATCOMMs listed in D&B, but only 1 ATACOMM
00:57.49trelaneatacomm, figure out which one was started first
00:57.52trelaneif it's not the one sueing you
00:57.59Corydon76-homeatacomm: Do your and @COMM's markets overlap?
00:58.03trelaneyou already have "prior use" on the trademark
00:58.16trelanesue for fees and costs for frivilous lawsuits
00:58.23trelanehell maybe you can take the @comm name too :)
00:58.45atacommCorydon: @COMM makes and sells call cost accounting software and hardware for call centers & hotels
00:59.03trelaneatacomm, what does atacomm do?
00:59.19atacommatacomm is a distributor of voice over IP telephony products
00:59.20Corydon76-homeatacomm: I meant geographically
00:59.33trelaneCorydon76-home, doesn't matter :)
00:59.35trelaneor shouldn't
00:59.37trelanenot anymore at least
00:59.38Corydon76-homeYeah, I don't think your markets overlap
00:59.40atacommCorydon: *shrug* we sell nation wide, i dunno
01:00.04trelaneatacomm: you are atacomm I assume?
01:00.05Corydon76-homevoip vs call center software
01:00.14atacommtrelane: yes
01:00.25trelaneCorydon76-home, I think that's sufficiently close ie telecoms
01:00.36atacommactually, i've seen @COMM employees working on Asterisk documentation projects before
01:00.38trelanebut I doubt with six or seven companies doing business as atcomm
01:00.52Corydon76-hometrelane: if he can establish that they're two different niches, he'll have a chance on the merits
01:00.52trelaneatacomm, you're in the same industry
01:00.57trelaneor at least the court would find that way
01:01.03trelaneI think he'd be splitting hairs on that one
01:01.25Corydon76-homeWell, good luck, anyway
01:01.29trelaneI'm doing some research
01:01.34trelanegive me a moment please :)
01:04.48pfnit still boils down to needing a lawyer
01:05.52chujiatacomm: What's an * guy doing running his site on IIS?
01:06.06atacommlol, its all .net based
01:06.11chujiI see that
01:06.11pfniis?  eww
01:06.17chujiC# I hope
01:06.25chujiWe'll excuse you thne
01:06.32pfnwhat excuse is that?
01:06.49chujiIt's just java for dummies
01:06.57atacommna, i like it over java
01:07.10atacommand i've done C, x86 asm, etc, so i'm no dummy
01:07.37chujiMost of our development at my company is done in dot net
01:07.42chujiI'm just giving you a hard time
01:07.50pfnI don't think we have an iota of .net going on here
01:07.58chujiI knew I'd get a response from pfn about it too
01:08.20pfndevelopment here includes a whole lot of shit
01:08.39pfnjava, c++, smalltalk, linux stuffs, rdbms, etc.
01:09.12*** join/#asterisk nowork (
01:10.04*** join/#asterisk mr_monkey (~farfan@
01:11.05mr_monkeyhello i-ve got a question about network performance tools and the simulation of 10 ten calls at the same time,  do you know any tool to measure performance of VoIP ?
01:11.40*** part/#asterisk Mjkeay (
01:12.34*** join/#asterisk Mjkeay (
01:13.35*** join/#asterisk twisted (
01:13.35*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
01:16.02litnimaxmr_monkey: SIP tools
01:16.02litnimaxCallflow: Generates SIP Call Flow diagrams
01:16.02litnimaxSIPbomber: SIP proxy testing tool
01:16.02litnimaxSipp: SIP performance tester
01:16.02litnimaxSipsak: SIP testing tool load balancer: SIP Load Balancer
01:16.04litnimaxPROTOS Test-Suite: SIP Testing tools
01:17.13*** join/#asterisk cursor (
01:17.56*** join/#asterisk jimkou (~jimkou@
01:18.37DaminAnyone used a VegaStream w/ Asterisk?
01:18.44mr_monkeythere is something for IAX2 ?
01:18.51cursornot me
01:19.17DaminIt's a SIP gateway..
01:19.31cursorok, then it should work
01:19.34deddmr_monkey: u can the outgoing call files to generate calls to a nd from the system
01:19.44deddcursor: yummy
01:19.49litnimaxmr_monkey: use .call files. Just place a hundred of files and see what will be
01:19.58cursorI should switch that off :-)
01:20.05cursorIt doesn't get tripped that often
01:20.10cursorI have loads of those
01:20.19cursorsay monkeys
01:20.21cursoror banana
01:20.25derrickred-butted monkey-love
01:20.40derrickman, i used to have tons of those...
01:21.00cursorIt should be off now
01:21.09cursorin theory
01:21.52deddno banana waaa
01:22.03cursornope, "monkey" is off
01:22.11cursorbanana is still on :-)
01:23.44cursorSo, what's the topic this hour then?
01:24.04chujipaypal chuji $50
01:24.27chujicursor: You must have just got here, everyome else has done it
01:24.56chujioh yeah, forgot you were in UK :P
01:25.07chujishould have done the conversion for you
01:25.40cursorI think George Dubbya's managed to achieve a USD:GBP exchange rate record
01:26.42cursorWith the current exchange rate, I could probably move to the USA as a multi-millionaire
01:29.11twistedwhen you do
01:29.21twistedyou can buy me a new car and some rack space
01:29.44dedd1 mil USD is only 547,855.03 GBP
01:30.08epochhaha, "only"
01:30.31twistedderrick, the exchange rate is that high to keep us out
01:30.33cursorI wouldn't get out of bed for £547,855.03
01:30.37deddderrick: i thought u are in the TX slave labor camp for lfie now
01:30.49derricknot for life....leaving the country is my best option tho
01:30.56twistedlet's get back on topic
01:30.57derricki'll move to mexico and be king
01:31.08IBM1620is everyone receiving the Asterisk mail list, or is it broken at my end?
01:31.10derricktopic being registering w/ nickserv?
01:31.10dedd300 MXN is like 20 bucks
01:31.15twistedIBM1620, it's just slow right now
01:31.17cursorThe mail list works for me
01:31.38IBM1620my IP changed over the weekend--would they have the old address?
01:31.44cursorThe last users' article was dated 12 mins ago
01:31.59cursorand just arrived in a batch of 6
01:32.05twistedIBM1620, uh, unless you're doing dynamic dns and hosting your own mailserver, no.
01:32.09cursorone dated over 2 hours ago
01:32.35IBM1620yes, dhcp and own mail server--will get my static IP on Wednesday
01:32.48twisteddynamic DNS
01:33.01twistedunless your MX was/is pointed at the wrong IP
01:33.05*** join/#asterisk HiTech69 (
01:33.15IBM1620no. MX is ok
01:33.36IBM1620i've gotten about six messages today, normal is hundreds
01:33.45twistedit's kinda slow today
01:34.11twistedbut not THAT slow
01:34.22*** part/#asterisk mr_monkey (~farfan@
01:36.48IBM1620Qwest wouldn't give me a static IP until after the DSL was installed
01:37.02IBM1620and running
01:37.34twistedqwest is funny like tha.t
01:41.38pfnso where's kram's announcement?
01:41.40pfn1.0 is out?
01:41.45pfnor what is, rather
01:42.01twistedwell, we *THOUGHT* he was going to make a special announcement last night
01:42.07twistedbut apparently, he's delayed
01:42.42pfn*what* is the special announcement
01:42.50pfnI don't see anything special going out to users, except for 1.0
01:44.40*** join/#asterisk [FoLkS] (~isianto@
01:46.48cursorFree T-Shirt
01:46.58cursorFree beer :-)
01:47.24twistedi cannot tell you the contents of said announcement
01:47.41twistedfor i haff been sworn to secrecy
01:47.53twistedask bkw
01:47.56twistedhe was there too
01:48.05cursorI believe you
01:48.09cursorthousands wouldn't
01:48.16*** join/#asterisk jero (
01:48.22cursorI still think it's free beer
01:48.38cursorand you want to drink as much of it before the announcement
01:50.26*** join/#asterisk Sijiero (~AA@
01:51.22twistedcursor, have you filed a disclaimer?
01:51.39twistedwhen can/will you?
01:51.46cursorI can't
01:51.49cursorbut that's ok
01:51.57chujiHe works for SCO
01:51.59cursorI've been asked to just not post patches
01:51.59sumatwisted: is your typing power is too high, i could see your nick the whole window
01:56.08pfnmeans you've been typing too much  :p
01:56.33pfnso tell kram to hurry and make the announcement already
01:57.08*** join/#asterisk mrmags (
02:01.58chujigambolputty: /topic
02:02.50pfnyeah, but what's the announcement
02:04.52*** join/#asterisk constfilin (~cf@
02:06.00constfilingreetings, I have submitted several bugfixes to * CVS - like sending HTML emails for voicemail. What do I do to have them put in CVS?
02:06.16cursorHTML emails
02:06.21cursorNo nonononon no no no
02:06.35cursorDid I mention nooooo
02:06.44*** part/#asterisk mrmags (
02:06.51constfilinwhat is so bad about them?
02:07.03Legend`emails should not be HTML
02:07.07Legend`it is the 11th commandment
02:07.14cursorNo, it's the first
02:07.26cursorit got erased when the muppet dropped the tablet
02:07.46twistedconstfilin, if you put them on the tracker, that's the correct avenue.
02:07.48chujihow am I supposed to read them in pine?
02:08.04constfilinit is already on the tracker for about a month. Check out
02:08.24constfilinActually, these are not "just HTML" messages. These are "
02:08.54cursorIt'll be seen as a feature "enhancement", so it won't be looked into until later
02:08.59cursorProbably after 1.0
02:09.02constfilinalternative" messages. That is both text/plain and text/html are sent. The E-mail client can choose which part it is going to present to the user.
02:09.30cursorYes, but both are transmitted, wasting bandwidth
02:09.49cursorand a lot of email clients don't give you the choice - they just display the HTML
02:10.18twistedconstfilin, didn't you read the subject that has been changed?
02:10.22cursorand HTML emails on mail lists clutter up the digest and archives (not relevent here, of course)
02:10.33twistedit's been flagged for post-1.0 release review
02:10.34constfilinwell, they were certainly needed for the service we are doing and so I hoped that someone else might find it useful.
02:11.23chujiconstfilin: We're just giving you a hard time, thanks for contributing!
02:11.24cursorDid you include a html=yes parameter into voicemail.conf?
02:11.33cursoror individually for the recepients?
02:11.59constfilincursor: both plain/text and plain/html parts are configurable by means of voicemail.conf.
02:12.13constfilinYou can aslo omit any of them.
02:12.35cursorI don't email VM anyway, so I don't really care :-)
02:12.55cursorSomeone else will decide its fate
02:13.12constfilinno, it is not per indivuidual recipients. It is voicemail.conf-wide configuration setting.
02:13.40cursorperhaps you should do both
02:13.45cursora master setting
02:13.49cursorand a user override
02:13.52constfilinall I care about that my submissions are in the right place and in the right shape and sooner or later I will see them in CVS.
02:14.05cursorYour patches are in the right place
02:14.06constfilinpreferably sooner
02:15.20cursorTwo of my six bug tracker patches are in CVS, and a couple of patches posted to the mail list (before I was pointed to the tracker)
02:15.46twistedi've got several patches from the bugtracker in too
02:16.45deddconstfilin: gotta control what's included though since you don't want to change too much at once
02:17.17cursorNon-essentials will have to wait until post-1.0
02:17.20constfilindedd: ok, thanks for the tip :)
02:17.42cursorAlthough I haven't seen a code freeze request
02:17.47cursorPerhaps that's the announcement
02:18.06deddcursor: speculating is bad
02:20.50*** join/#asterisk Alric (
02:21.48*** join/#asterisk Vulture- (
02:21.54cursorReading the bug notes on that HTML report...
02:21.55cursorPlease read the instructions on the front page... You need to add a "cvs diff -u" output of the changes to app_voicemail.c to this bug report.
02:22.04cursorwhere does it specify diff -u on the "front page"?
02:22.21cursorI got tripped by that one when I posted a standard diff -c
02:22.32cursorI thought the person asking for a -u was joking
02:23.45ariel_Is there any bug master here? I would like to know if you can close bug 2114 for me.
02:24.20constfilincursor: actually all m patches come in "cvs diff -u" format.
02:24.51cursorI have "diff -c" in my .cvsrc file
02:25.03cursorluckily, I can override with cvs diff -u
02:25.12cursorwhich actuallu does a diff -c -u
02:25.21cursorand luckily warns and uses the second arg
02:27.21*** join/#asterisk sneak (~sneak@
02:27.57cursorWho's that sneaking in
02:27.59cursorI see you
02:28.58ariel_Hope everyone is well. It's been a long day.
02:29.10twistedhi ariel_
02:29.15cursorI like to keep my days to a standard 24 hours
02:29.16pfndiff -c is ugly  :p
02:29.19pfndiff -u all the way
02:29.26ariel_twisted, hello bug 2114
02:29.29cursorAny longer and my clock crashes
02:29.31pfnand when are those 2 irking bugs in voicemail gonna be fixed?
02:29.32*** join/#asterisk Halog3n (~Halo@
02:29.40sneaki have iax2 over wifi across the detroit river working
02:29.41pfnthe press 3 for advanced options
02:29.43sneak<- suprised
02:29.49ariel_2114 got resolved by upgradeing firmware on adtran 750's.
02:29.56twisted2114 has been resolved...
02:29.56pfnand not sending out a vm notification when the vm is empty
02:30.13Halog3nsomeone had mentioned some good windows voip software, like x-wine or something, I forget what they had said
02:30.35ariel_twisted, yes it was not really a problem with asterisk but with the adtran unit's getting the fxs signal.
02:30.53twistedariel_, no, it's been resolved in the tracker
02:30.54cursorSet the silence length and max message length to surpress empty VMs
02:30.55twistedAlric did it
02:31.05AlricYeah, done.
02:31.08ariel_twisted, yes he just pm me with it. Thanks.
02:31.33cursorShould it be "resolved"?  Isn't there a "cancelled"?
02:31.34ariel_I don't like seen bugs... But with marks help we found a fix...
02:32.14twistedAlric, read my reason for re-open/close
02:32.20twistedAlric, just an FYI
02:32.26ariel_cursor, we should make notes somewhere that we need to upgrade the firmware.
02:32.28Halog3nno one has any clue what that would be eh?
02:33.59cursorI was just questioning the closure status
02:34.17cursorI see twisted has changed it to "closed" instead
02:34.49ariel_twisted, and Alric thank you for help.
02:35.13AlricAnother one bites the dust...
02:37.23cursorThis message probably won't change while you're staring at it.
02:37.58*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
02:38.33JerJer[mobile]hell yeah
02:38.47JerJer[mobile]gprs for the moment, soon wi-fi
02:39.02JerJer[mobile]ssh lamer
02:39.13JerJer[mobile]i only have text mode linux fired up
02:39.14cursorWhich IRC client?
02:39.25cursorI used to use ircII
02:40.24JerJer[mobile]so anyone mention the latest bitchout about NuFone?
02:40.35cursorwhere was that?
02:40.45cursorI don't read that
02:40.55cursorI thought I'd missed something on the mail list
02:41.11deddonly 1 i noticed
02:41.13DaminJerJer[mobile]: No.. people are too busy bitching about VoicePulse and Broadvoice! ;)
02:41.17cursorvoxilla seems to be a /. wannabe
02:41.24JerJer[mobile]i fired him, now he's bitching
02:42.05Vulture-does nufone do g726?
02:42.14*** join/#asterisk cloos (
02:42.57cursorjerjer, I saw your name against the speex codec in the credits file
02:43.08cursorso I tried it against your service
02:43.19cursorI think you may have taken it out
02:43.44cursorI'm happy using 726 though
02:44.05Damin|Vulture|: It works when I make calls to Nufone w/ 726.
02:44.06cursorso I don't really care
02:44.22|Vulture|Damin: thanx
02:44.23cursoryes, I use 726 to/from nufone
02:44.57cursormuppetmaster is an appropriate name
02:45.16deddl8r fellas
02:46.05JerJer[mobile]cursor: we allow speex... i have a few wireless systems using speex
02:46.24cursorI didn't look into it
02:46.31cursorI just tried because I saw your name :-)
02:46.44cursorAs I said, I'm happy with 726
02:46.53JerJer[mobile]i bought mark a DVD or something to get speex
02:46.56JerJer[mobile]can't remember
02:47.08cursorAh, that's the secret :-)
02:47.13JerJer[mobile]a long time ago
02:47.17JerJer[mobile]over a year
02:47.20JerJer[mobile]by now
02:47.28JerJer[mobile]oh i smell wifi
02:48.16*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (
02:48.21JerJer[mobile]ahh much betta
02:49.59cursorI just switched to speex
02:50.14cursorI dialled a 1800 number and got "the call cannot be completed as dialled"
02:50.22cursorThe message was sent using speex :-)
02:51.07cursorbut not a biggie
02:51.50JerJer[mobile]fun this guy is only driving more customers to us
02:55.14*** join/#asterisk jmhunter (
02:55.14*** mode/#asterisk [+o jmhunter] by ChanServ
02:57.01bkw_JerJer[mobile] who's driving more customers to ya?
02:57.22JerJer[mobile]seriously we've had 18 ppl sign up after mentioning his posts on voxilla
02:57.37JerJer[mobile]bkw_: i fired a customer and he's now bitching
02:57.59bkw_what did he say on voxilla?
02:58.01*** join/#asterisk Jufineath (
02:58.02bkw_got a link?
02:58.07dedd,10935301~mode=flat is this the same 1?
02:58.14jmhunteri read about the firing
02:58.47*** join/#asterisk libpcp (libpcp@
02:58.50libpcpHello everyone
02:58.54jmhunterguy is a nut.. he wants vonage
02:59.07jmhunterbut he is using asterisk
02:59.19*** join/#asterisk scud (
02:59.23JerJer[mobile]his whole atitude was odd
02:59.31JerJer[mobile]i sorta feel played, acutally
02:59.48JerJer[mobile]he was buggin the piss out of me with email after email after email
02:59.50jmhunterit was pretty confusing post
03:01.15jmhunterhe was like "theyre great but they sucked...
03:01.17bkw_I must agree most people are idiots
03:01.25bkw_this is why I don't talk in here much
03:01.36bkw_because most people that come running in here have no sense of humor
03:01.42bkw_and have a huge stick up their butt
03:01.46jmhunteri did some posting back to the idiot on bbr
03:01.59sneak'sup jj?
03:02.04bkw_so I don't talk much in here or help anyone because apparently since I don't wanna hand hold for free they get all pissy
03:02.06bkw_and made
03:02.07bkw_er mad
03:02.10bkw_and blame me for everything
03:02.31*** join/#asterisk Damin (
03:02.47jmhunteri hate looking for a new home... i have to prequal it for dsl.. argh
03:02.57file[laptop]jmhunter: dejavu
03:03.10jmhunterlast night
03:03.20sneakjmhunter: the place i just moved into is directly across the street from a switching office (like literally 100 feet) and has 27 unencrypted APs accessible from my windows.
03:03.27bkw_jmhunter whats wrong?
03:03.41bkw_moving? why?
03:03.42sneakthe AP i've been making iax2 calls on all night is actually located in canada on cogeco cablemodem (i live right on the detroit river)
03:03.43jmhunteri think my landlord is trying to sell form under me
03:03.52bkw_no option to buy
03:03.57bkw_or rent from the new owners?
03:04.09jmhunteri can buy.... its too much for me
03:04.22jmhunterbut new owners will be residents
03:04.31jmhuntertheey want 600k+
03:04.38jmhunteri have like 10k for a down
03:04.43cursorAck, it's 26^C in here
03:04.52cursorAircon switched on at 4am
03:05.03cursorI thought it was warm
03:05.09cursorIt'll cool down soon
03:06.22bkw_ya baby ya
03:06.44bkw_are they running out of movie ideas?
03:06.48jmhunterand i still wanna move to bc... life is a bitch sometimes
03:06.49bkw_freddy vs jason
03:06.52bkw_alien vs predator
03:07.43cursor"Indeed, they have threatened to 'fire' me as a customer of their service"
03:07.57jmhunterhe did get fired
03:08.00deddwell i'm off to bed
03:08.13cursorSorry - I have only just had a chance to read it past the second para
03:08.47JerJer[mobile]hell yes, I fired him
03:09.09scudJerJer[mobile]: lucky 225 is so fucking gay, the fag was at defcon and did a 'phreaking' panel
03:09.29JerJer[mobile]i almost flew myself out there for sunday
03:09.43JerJer[mobile]but i couldn't find a free comp and the moron wanted 40 bucks for the day
03:10.18cursorthey sent me an email that simply said:
03:10.18cursor"Your fired"
03:10.24cursorI like it
03:10.33cursor~fire jerjer
03:10.35jbotI'm sorry, jerjer, but it just isn't working out.  Pack up your stuff.
03:10.37scudJerJer[mobile]: he called "a person calling you back on your voip service" an exploit b/c it shows the callerid no matter what
03:10.39drumkillai hope it said "You're", hehe
03:10.40cursorYou should have used that one
03:10.49scudJerJer[mobile]: then talked about voip and setting the callerid was an "exploit"
03:10.59scudit was very laughable, i was going to call him on nufone but decided not too
03:11.20scudlike ask why he named nufone for whatever reason he did
03:11.26JerJer[mobile]i disabled the setting and receiving of caller*id friday 4pm eastern
03:11.41JerJer[mobile]until 9am monday morning est
03:11.48scudi took some pictures of him to see how goofy and retarded looking he is
03:12.13fileI didn't notice either, nor do I care
03:12.15scudJerJer[mobile]: he looks like a 14 kid
03:12.19bkw_same here
03:12.24bkw_I do NO care
03:12.32fileit's a feature, not a guaranteed thing
03:12.54bkw_not a right... but a privilage
03:12.58bkw_kinda like spandex
03:13.22fileyeah yeah we all mean the same thing
03:13.33scudpeople act like spoofing callerid is untraceable
03:13.42scudits alot diff then spoofing ip packets
03:13.48bkw_haha yep
03:13.56bkw_those people that said it was an "exploit" are FUCKING IDIOTS
03:13.59bkw_looking for fame
03:14.07JerJer[mobile]yeah call any anac number the ANI always reports some crazy nuumber, which can be associated to nufone's clec
03:14.15bkw_and in real life.. they need to be bloody with a metal ball bat
03:14.28jmhunteri wish callerid spoofing didnt keep hitting the news or theres going to be a lw against it soon
03:14.35scudthe funny thing was everyone was like ohhhhhhh ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
03:14.42jmhunterand bkw will get a proby violation
03:14.53bkw_i'm not on probation you ninny
03:15.00bkw_er ya I am
03:15.01bkw_damn it
03:15.07bkw_I wish I wasn't
03:15.14jmhunteri didnt say parole you ninny
03:15.47bkw_jmhunter you can pay a crack head to beat someone to death
03:15.47bkw_its 20 bucks
03:15.47jmhunteri ran you through NCIC in car when i was bored the other day
03:15.48bkw_i'm there
03:15.50jmhunterit was down, i couldnt get anything back
03:15.54cursorWhen you said you fired someone and they were complaining, I thought you meant a member of staff :-)
03:16.06bkw_cursor no I have fired customers before too
03:16.11cursorme too
03:16.14bkw_they are the ones YOU CAN NOT please no matter how hard you try
03:16.18bkw_so I tell em to fuck off
03:16.22jmhunterbkw did u do the lil hand thing
03:16.30bkw_lil hand thing?
03:16.38mishehuyou can only fire employees or contractors.  you cannot fire customers.  but you can drop them like rocks.
03:16.42mishehuor a bad habit.
03:16.48*** join/#asterisk CaNaBuS (
03:16.48jmhunteru fired... and it looks like he slaps the person
03:16.54bkw_no I fire customers
03:17.06cursorwith a flamethrower
03:17.10jmhunteraccording to bbr. u can fire customers
03:17.16bkw_on fire
03:17.34jeroyou can get the callerid static, too
03:18.39cursorsend that to the next one :-) boi
03:18.41bkw_use it
03:18.47cursorI did
03:18.51cursorI posted it there too
03:19.00cursorbut it doesn't work properly with my MSIE 5.5
03:19.08cursorI should use a different workstation
03:19.15cursorThis one only has 5.5
03:19.17cursoron purpose
03:19.22cursorall of them have different versions
03:19.24*** join/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
03:19.25cursorfor testing
03:19.46jeroare you in canada bkw_ ?
03:19.50Wi_Finice bkw
03:20.22jmhunterif slepp is the cto of the company who is the ceo
03:20.31bkw_his ass
03:20.45cursorcto, cta, cat
03:21.03cursorwhich company?
03:21.52jmhuntercan i be the FAT at netmonks slepp?
03:21.55bkw_no i'm not in canada
03:22.00bkw_but slePP runs
03:22.05jeroI see, thanks
03:22.58bkw_eye dee ten tee
03:23.16Wi_Finow thats good
03:23.50jsharpEr, no.
03:24.05jmhunterstop flooding with bs
03:24.47cursorno bs here
03:24.51slePPsleppy sleppy doo
03:25.10jeroany voice interface to so we can paste voice quotes through sip ?
03:25.20slePPthat's an idea
03:25.34cursorthat's a good idea
03:25.47cursorcall a #, leave a message and get a ref#
03:26.02cursorpeople download the mp3 from pastebin with the ref#
03:26.13jerosomeone will go to bed late this night
03:26.34bkw_be you could collect some funny shit
03:26.45bkw_slePP if you finish up the ivr prompts we can put that in the mix
03:26.56jeromoosepenis ?¿
03:27.07bkw_call 877 YO MOOSE
03:27.19*** join/#asterisk Techieb0y (
03:27.20bkw_i'm not kidding
03:27.21bkw_call it
03:27.38jerowho ?
03:27.44bkw_call it
03:27.47bkw_its funny as hell
03:27.50bkw_its slePP's voice
03:27.56jerois it free of charge ?
03:28.05jeroeven from canada ?
03:28.10bkw_dont know
03:28.14slePPdoesn't work from canada
03:28.35JerJer[mobile]no i don't think canada is enabled
03:28.43slePPno, it's not
03:28.44jsharpBwah.  That's hysterical.
03:28.47jeroi'm new to this country i dunno anything here :)
03:28.59AlricNice slePP.
03:29.08slePPjerjer should enable it, though ;>
03:29.13jeroany mp3 transcription please ?
03:29.27JerJer[mobile]yeah the cock-suckers at NuFone won't call me back
03:29.38jsharpCan't call US 800 numbers through iaxtel anymore?
03:29.40cursorslepp, when you first go to pb, you should be taken to the 'new post' page, rather than the most recent post
03:29.49JerJer[mobile]jsharp: you should be able to
03:29.51Wi_Fia quick question for ya guys
03:29.56cursorI would have thought that people either go there to post, or follow a link
03:30.24jsharpWho paid Allison to go "Moooo!"?
03:30.28litnimax*CLI> Aug  3 11:30:18 WARNING[1200825920]: channel.c:1860 ast_request: No channel type registered for 'ZAP'
03:30.28litnimaxAug  3 11:30:18 NOTICE[1200825920]: app_dial.c:714 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'ZAP'
03:30.35jmhunterargh trying to get my credit report
03:30.36cursorAh - there it is, I thought I'd lost that...
03:30.47cursorThat's something I'm trying to fix
03:30.48Wi_Fiinstalled asterisk on laptop with debian  ... what would cause the sound to buzz when asterisk is running
03:30.56litnimaxwcfxo                   9376   0  (unused)
03:30.57litnimaxzaptel                178144   0  [wcfxo]
03:30.58JerJer[mobile]litnimax:  chan_zap doesn't seep to be loaded
03:31.00jerolitnimax: zapata.conf? zap.cfg ?
03:31.02JerJer[mobile]or configured properly
03:31.11litnimaxi dont have file
03:31.42litnimaxroot@localhost zaptel]# ztcfg -vv
03:31.43litnimaxZaptel Configuration
03:31.43litnimaxChannel map:
03:31.43litnimaxChannel 01: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)
03:31.43litnimaxChannel 02: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 02)
03:31.45litnimaxChannel 03: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 03)
03:31.47litnimax3 channels configured.
03:31.56cursorYour config file doesn't specify fxsks=1, or whatever
03:32.08litnimaxchan_zap does is not compiling
03:32.14slePPcursor: yeh, i've thought about that
03:32.26cursorSee your /etc/zaptel.conf
03:32.30cursorif you have one :-)
03:32.36litnimaxi have
03:32.42litnimaxthis is a line from there
03:33.07cursorwhich OS/distro/kernel?
03:33.24drumkillaand what is your dial string
03:33.43litnimax[root@localhost asterisk]# find . -name chan_zap*
03:33.53litnimaxno .o file :-/
03:33.58litnimaxwill try to compile by hand
03:34.25cursorIt won't build unless zaptel is compiled and installed
03:34.37Wi_Fianyone able to get Actos to compile in debian?
03:34.55cursorDebian - spit
03:35.00litnimaxcursor: ok, i installed it with common prefix, and * did not find it
03:35.12slePPcursor: like that?
03:35.18cursorcommon prefix?
03:35.23litnimaxi will specify now CFLAGS and LDFLAGS.
03:35.26Wi_Fispit ... and thats it
03:35.44cursoryes - I'll try to piss on it later :-)
03:35.48cursorI can't at the moment
03:36.00Wi_Fiand why
03:36.16cursorThe Makefiles need a lot of patching to get the INSTALL_PREFIX to work properly
03:36.22cursorI'll send you the patches if you like
03:36.35cursorI use /opt/asterisk
03:36.45cursorso I have /opt/asterisk/etc/asterisk
03:36.45litnimaxpatches for what?
03:36.51cursorzaptel's Makefile
03:37.03pfnonly the makefile needs to be modified for install_prefix?
03:37.05litnimaxwhat are the most importnat or intresting pathes for * ?
03:37.13Wi_Fiok anyone besides cursor get actos to run
03:37.32litnimaxwhat is actos?
03:37.43pfnthat sounds easy enough
03:37.51cursorwhat is actos?
03:38.04cursorgoogle != actos
03:38.07jerowhat is google ?
03:38.11pfn~google actos
03:38.20pfnok, no idea
03:38.27cursorI can't be bothered to research it right now :-)
03:38.29Wi_FiAsterisk Configuration Tool Open Source
03:38.44cursornever used it
03:38.54pfnnever heard of actos
03:39.10litnimaxroot@localhost asterisk]# cvs checkout actos
03:39.10litnimaxcvs server: cannot find module `actos' - ignored
03:39.15cursorThat looks like a contrived acronym that's been shoehorned into the word
03:39.27Wi_Filookin for a web based configuration for *
03:39.37pfnthere's destar
03:39.40cursorIt would be better as just ACT
03:39.52cursoror ACT! to annoy the MS application people
03:40.06Wi_Fii will seek it out then
03:40.39jerolooks nice at least
03:40.48pfnso what's actos
03:41.26cursorIt's not an OS
03:41.28cursorit seems
03:41.41jeroits a gui for editing .confs
03:41.46pfnno shit
03:41.48pfnwhat's the url
03:42.00jerocursor: -lol-
03:42.25slePPcursor: there. how's that?
03:42.51slePPpb mainpage
03:43.01pfnthat ifrance site is no good
03:43.21jeroits full of ads
03:43.29cursorywp - better
03:43.38pfnno, I can't even get to it
03:43.46jeroreally ?
03:44.45*** join/#asterisk sudhir492 (
03:44.51sudhir492Hi all
03:45.12pfngod, that site is so slow
03:45.26sudhir492How does the transfer work in SIP phones? I have GS-486s
03:45.27cursorGod?  Did someone call?
03:45.43*** join/#asterisk sremington (~sremingto@
03:46.07cursorDoes your phone have a transfer button?
03:46.51cursorIf not then configure your Dialplan to allow you to press "#" to transfer
03:47.02cursorsee the Dial() docs in the Wiki for more info on the "#" transfer
03:47.11cursorSee the "T" and "t" args
03:47.24cursorHaving a transfer facility on the phone is best
03:47.40jero#transfer sucks everytime you speak to another IVR
03:47.48cursorI don't use #
03:47.59cursorAnd I don't speak to IVRs
03:48.17jeroi do :)
03:48.33pfn# transfer isn't supposed to xmit #
03:48.54pfnor it shouldn't
03:49.07cursorIf a company can't answer with a person, or allow a quick exit to a person then I don't deal with them
03:49.09jerothat's why it causes a problem when the voice says "enter your pin code, followed by #"
03:49.22cursorquick exit == "dial 3 for none of the above"
03:49.31sudhir492The problem is that I have 2 phones, one of them is GS BT-100 and another GS ATA-486, on BT-100 transfer works fine but on 486 it does not
03:49.37cursoror "Press * if you have a touch tone phone" and then just wait
03:49.59jerowould be nice
03:50.06jerothe worse ever
03:50.07cursorWhat happens on the 486?
03:50.15pfnyou can't flash transfer on the 486?
03:50.19cursorIs that one of those handytone 486s?
03:50.20jerois companies with a voice recognition interface
03:50.34jerothat does not recognize voice properly
03:50.46jeroand does not allow dialing tones
03:50.53sudhir492no, flash gives me another call appearance, puts first call on hold and lets me dial another.
03:51.17sudhir492then I can switch between the calls but cannot make a 3-way call either
03:51.21slePPcursor: damn you!
03:51.27cursordial another, say "I have a call for you" and hangup
03:51.57sudhir492cursor: Yes Handytone 486
03:51.59cursortake that
03:52.02cursorand that
03:52.21cursortry what I said
03:52.36cursorflash, announce the call to the person you dial
03:52.44cursorhangup and it'll probably transfer
03:53.02cursorThat's the way it works on the SPA-2000
03:53.05pfnsudhir when you hang up it should transfer
03:53.07sudhir492cursor: Unfortunately, hang up kills both the calls
03:53.30cursorthen you will have to use the '#' transfer facility in Asterisk
03:53.34pfnthen # transfer is your only choice
03:53.38cursorSee the Dial() command in the Wiki
03:53.39pfnsince apparently, the ht486 sucks
03:53.56cursorIt doesn't suck
03:53.58cursorit blows
03:54.07JerJer[mobile]ok i'm hiding again
03:54.23sudhir492pfn: tell me about ht-486. Unfortunately I havent found an economical substitute for ht486
03:54.25pfnwow, jerjer came back?
03:54.25cursorRight, you'te free to talk about jerjer again
03:54.45cursorHow much is a 486?
03:54.58sudhir492I get them at $60 apiece
03:55.08cursorThe SPA-2000 is $95 and you get two ports
03:55.19cursorThe SPA-1000 is one port and is close to your $60
03:55.36sudhir492I have to try them then
03:56.54cursorspa-2000 at atacomm
03:57.44cursorThe SPA-1000 is more than I thought - I'd just go for the 2000 anyway
03:58.23sudhir492yes, SPA-2000 is good value. However what do I do if I need only 1 extension :-(
03:58.41cursorThen you have 3 choices
03:58.47cursor1. HT-486
03:58.50cursor2. SPA-1000
03:59.05cursor3. (best choice) SPA-2000 and only use one of the ports for now
03:59.17*** join/#asterisk digilord (
03:59.32cursorA PBX with one extension is a bit of a waste of space
03:59.39cursorYou may as well buy an answering machine
04:00.19pfnI only have 1 real extension.....
04:00.20sudhir492cursor, actually it is for remote office setup. Employees have 1 extension at home
04:00.40cursorIf you have only one exten then you don't need to worry about transfers :-)
04:00.49digilordIf I want a * box to use analog lines to dial out will they dial out in roundrobin if I put them in the extensions file in the same context?
04:00.49sudhir492there are around 40 extensions.
04:00.49cursorHow about an IAXy
04:01.11cursorA single port IAXy costs slightly more than a dual port SPA-2000
04:01.22sudhir492cursor: Are you kidding me. they are $100 a piece and do not support G729
04:01.30sudhir492consume a lot of bandwidth
04:01.33cursorbut I hear that they can be useful if you're behind a NAT at home
04:01.49cursorWho needs G.729?
04:01.51pfnnat=yes is wonderful
04:01.53sudhir492Even SIP phones work fine behind a NAT
04:02.14cursoroooo k
04:02.34cursorThat really depends upon a lot of factors
04:02.36sudhir492we do. Some of them have just 128Kbps connection. No cable there and only idsl
04:03.18cursorthe Sipura supports 726
04:03.23sudhir492I dont think IAXY supports ilbc or 726
04:03.32sudhir492I can check though
04:03.43cursorI don't have one, so I can't confirm or deny
04:04.05sudhir492is GSM same as PCMA?
04:04.18sudhir492what is it then?
04:04.24cursorIt's GSM-FR
04:04.33cursorLike you get on a GSM phone
04:04.43cursorFull Rate
04:04.55cursorGSM-HR - half-rate
04:05.04cursorGSM-EFR - enhanced full-rate
04:05.11cursorAsterisk supports GSM-FR
04:05.26sudhir492Another question, I have the folliwng line in my extensions.conf
04:05.38JunK-Ywb guys
04:05.55cursorWarner Bros?
04:06.30sudhir492exten => *123,1,voicemailmain(s${CALLERIDNUM}@default)
04:06.45sudhir492why doesnt it go to the mailbox of the caller?
04:06.51pfnsudhir492 it does
04:06.53cursorRemove the *
04:07.02pfnno the * is irrelevant
04:07.10pfnsudhir492 make sure CALLERIDNUM is correct
04:07.13pfnand what's s?
04:07.19Legend`s is no password
04:07.23sudhir492dont check the password
04:07.31cursors is 'no shite'
04:07.33pfnoh, no password
04:08.07cursorso you don't get the Alison prompt after yours
04:08.16*** join/#asterisk digilord (
04:08.20sudhir492pnf: actually, I want them to dial *123 for voicemail, hence * is relevant
04:08.36cursorDo as pfn said and check that the callerid is correct
04:08.41cursorAdd this...
04:08.52sudhir492it does go to the voicemail application however it still asks for the mailbox and password
04:08.53cursorexten => *123,1,NoOp(ID is ${CALLERIDNUM})
04:08.59cursorand change the existing ,1, to ,2,
04:09.16digilordI got bumped off the net...Did anyone answer my question about multiple ZAP channels and dialout
04:09.22cursorthe look at the Asterisk console mode while dialling
04:09.38cursor(digi) what question?
04:09.40pfnno, the * is not relevant to that
04:10.02cursorI was thinking it was some sort of attempt at a wildcard :-)
04:10.17cursorI forgot that * is valid
04:10.18digilordIf I have multiple ZAP channels will * round robin them if I put them in the dial out context?
04:10.29Legend`digilord: you want to use groups
04:10.30pfndigilord uh, what?
04:10.32cursorput them in the same group
04:10.36pfnyou need to use groups
04:10.40cursorand Dial(ZAP/g1/1234)
04:10.43Legend`digilord: its all documented on the wiki
04:11.07digilordI couldn't find it...Maybe I was using the wrong wording
04:11.10sudhir492So you are suggesting to have:
04:11.10sudhir492exten => *123,1,NoOp(ID is ${CALLERIDNUM})
04:11.10sudhir492exten => *123,1,VoicemailMain(s${ID}@default)
04:11.19cursorchange the ,1, to ,2,
04:11.26cursorfor voicemail
04:11.29Legend`digilord: i just searched for "round robin" to get that ;p
04:11.29cursorso 1=noop
04:11.32cursorand 2=voicemail
04:11.37sudhir492sorry about the. cut and paste
04:11.41sudhir492let me try that.
04:11.44cursorIt won't round-robin
04:11.49cursorit'll use the first available zap channel
04:12.14Legend`cursor: you get set it however you want
04:12.17cursorRound-robin means that they all get to play
04:12.26cursorfor for outbound Zap dials you don't
04:12.27digilordOk perfect
04:12.40digilordSorry I didn't use that in my searches
04:12.43cursorYou're probably thinking of queues
04:12.48Legend`#  g: select the lowest-numbered non-busy Zap channel.
04:12.48Legend`# G: select the highest-numbered non-busy Zap channel.
04:12.48Legend`# r: use a round-robin search, starting at the next highest channel than last time.
04:12.48Legend`# G: use a round-robin search, starting at the next lowest channel than last time.
04:13.10digilordNope...What Legend`posted is what I was looking for
04:13.19pfnugh, I hate not being the only fxo connected to the telco
04:13.19pfnthe single pots line
04:13.27Legend`cursor: thats the problem with rapid development
04:13.34JunK-Yis there any URLs for * benchmark realised on different machines?
04:13.50Legend`JunK-Y: wiki
04:14.05cursorNo two asterisk configs are alike
04:14.12cursorso benchmarks are irrelevent
04:14.16cursorunless someone upgrades
04:14.21cursorand runs the same tests before and after
04:14.33cursorand posts their config etc.
04:14.36cursorand usage
04:15.07JunK-YLegend`: do ya've a specific URL ? i've already searched for benchmark, without success :(
04:15.46Legend`JunK-Y: "asterisk dimensioning"
04:16.51digilordThanks all...Off to set that up!
04:16.54*** part/#asterisk digilord (
04:20.07*** join/#asterisk brent21 (
04:21.13*** join/#asterisk menger (
04:21.52brent21I love Polycom Support, In a request to not have the volume reset after each call (a function of the phone, because of ADA): 2) We don't support the Asterisk IP-PBX and you should not be calling Tech Support for assistance.
04:23.04pfnheh, assholes
04:23.31pfnshould just lie and say you're using something else
04:23.59jsharpSome SIP PBX that runs on Windows.  That should land somewhere in their tech support scripts.
04:24.53brent21haha yeah, funny thing is after we requested this in March, they fixed it in April
04:24.58brent21then I just get this email tonight
04:25.05pfnheh, assholes
04:25.08bkw_what did they fix?
04:25.11pfnbrent which phone are you using
04:25.19brent21The IP 500
04:25.26bkw_well they'll never get any of my business
04:25.28brent21the volume reset after every call, so everyone would complain
04:25.37brent21old people liked the volume loud
04:25.43brent21young office staff likes it low
04:25.56brent21but due to ADA, it said a function should allow the volume to persist
04:26.00litnimaxactos... my be implement Zope product to manage * configs?
04:26.16brent21well a function didnt exist until sip 1.2, previously to that, they just rammed it down your throat and said chew on that
04:26.38brent21Part of my response back to Polycom:
04:26.39bkw_what the heck does volume have to do with the ADA?
04:26.39brent21Also, the request was not for support of the Asterisk IP-PBX.  I understand Asterisk quite well, and to me, one of the 8000 users on the Asterisk Mailing List (with rapid growth) Polycom’s attitude towards the fastest growing Soft Switch platform is a huge disappointment (and lost business opportunity).
04:26.49brent21American w/ Dissabilities Act
04:26.51Legend`thats why you guys should be using Sayson phones, they are * friendly ;D
04:26.55bkw_yes I know what it is
04:27.00bkw_but why would the volume have anything to do with that
04:27.14cursorAny act with "American" in it doesn't apply to me :-)
04:27.21bkw_ya really
04:27.31brent21Basically stipulates that an ADA compliant phone returns the volume to the original level
04:27.51bkw_I want it to stay ALL the way up
04:27.56pfnoriginal level?  why???
04:28.02bkw_ya really
04:28.05bkw_I don't like a phone to do that crap
04:28.08bkw_stay at one level
04:28.10bkw_or fuck off
04:28.17pfnit should be set at what you want it to be and stay there
04:28.22sudhir492does sipura let you make 3way call?
04:28.26pfnI'd imagine ADA would do the same, too
04:28.27bkw_sudhir492 yes
04:28.33brent21I wonder if they'll respond to this:  When the volume is not held at a consistent level, I feel that an inquiry is certainly warranted, unless Polycom wants to make your source code available so we can compile our own sip versions. J  Believe me, I avoid calling you guys at all costs.
04:28.40sudhir492GS-486s dont ?
04:29.28cursorWhat's the difference between a GS-486 and a HT-486?
04:29.32DaminHot Chicks on Fear Factor! :)
04:29.37cursorIs it a GS HT-486?
04:30.00jsharpHot Chicks on Joe Schmoe!
04:30.16brent21Finally got my Tellabs Echo Canceller installed and working today... Going to post something up on the wiki after measure the results this week.. im stoked.
04:30.20cursorThere was a hot chick in my microwave oven earlier
04:30.40DaminI think they are going to eay horse rectum.
04:31.06DaminEat even..
04:31.47cursorAmerican TV is for idiots.
04:32.15pfnI wonder what is replacing angel this season
04:32.33pfnalthough, I have 2 tv cards
04:32.36pfnand a projector
04:33.14JohnWayneok, why does my polycom ip 600 keep thinking that I have 7 new messages
04:33.34cursor500 channels full of rubbish
04:33.36cursorand adverts
04:33.44brent21cursor, where you from?
04:33.56cursorLondon, England
04:34.03brent21haha nice, yeah i lived in london
04:34.05brent21love the BBC
04:34.14cursorNo adverts on the BBC
04:34.26bkw_ya I watch maybe 10 channels
04:34.30brent21The Office, favorite series
04:34.30bkw_the rest can just go away
04:34.41cursorThe Office was good :-)
04:35.01cursorNo canned laughter to tell the muppets when they're supposed to laugh
04:35.51*** join/#asterisk |Blaze| (
04:36.04brent21true, I hope to be able to go back in live in London some day. I was just there on a student visa, it's hard to get a work permit though
04:36.23cursorUpdate to one of my bug reports by twisted:
04:36.23cursorspoke with cursor on IRC, he stated he will be unable to file a disclaimer.
04:36.23cursorand close it.
04:36.43bkw_cursor no disclaimer?
04:36.55cursorYou asked and I told you that already
04:37.11pfnso why can't you file a disclaimer?
04:37.13*** join/#asterisk [FoLkS] (~isianto@
04:37.17bkw_oh that means we close out everything and anything you post on the bug tracker.. which is sad. :(
04:37.28bkw_unless its a bug
04:37.32cursorI don't have the authority to do so
04:37.33bkw_but all patches are hopeless
04:37.37cursorThey're all bugs
04:37.42bkw_cursor what bug number?
04:37.43cursorand all have patches
04:37.52pfncursor why?  you didn't write the patches?
04:38.07cursorI did write them
04:38.19pfnspent company time writing them, did ya
04:38.19bkw_you dont have the authority to allow digium to use them?
04:38.20pfnshame on you  :p
04:38.21cursorI patched the system because I wanted it fixed
04:38.27slePPthere aren't any bugs in the pastebin :P
04:38.33cursorDigium can use them if they want
04:38.37cursorthat's why I posted them
04:38.41bkw_cursor not without a disclaimer
04:38.50cursorIf I didn't want to share then I would have kept them to myself
04:38.56cursorAccepted into CVS
04:39.21pfncursor so why can't you disclaim the work?
04:39.22bkw_must have been trivial patches on the two that made it
04:39.30cursorThey were
04:39.35cursorthey all are
04:39.49bkw_I think this disclaimer thing need to change
04:39.59bkw_"If you post it on its automatically disclaimed"
04:40.23|Blaze|or maybe new features need to be disclaimed rather then bug fixes
04:40.24bkw_I sent in one disclaimer.. that said "Anything I posted was here by disclaimed"
04:40.25pfncursor I'm just curious why you can't--job reasons?
04:40.30brent21This whole mess wouldn't have started without SCO
04:40.43bkw_digium has to watch its ass
04:40.51bkw_otherwise something gets in and were all fucked
04:41.00bkw_F U C K E D
04:41.17cursorI run some open source projects and we accept anything given (if sensible etc.)
04:41.31cursorWell, I co-run :-)
04:41.53pfnthe same applies to any other product
04:41.55brent21I always thought if people didn't like the Digium model, Don't use the stuff
04:41.57bkw_well asterisk is a dual lic.
04:42.03pfnwe don't have crazy disclaimer stuff there
04:42.06bkw_so they have to have a disclaimer onfile
04:42.13pfnno big deal, I use what works, I don't have political motivations
04:42.14cursorI'll just have to set up a website to host my patches
04:42.28cursorpossibly under my domain
04:42.51bkw_you need to talk to mark
04:43.05bkw_if you put them in the "public domain" then they can go in
04:43.14pfnthat's the same as disclaiming the code
04:43.15bkw_and make sure its clear they are in the public domain
04:43.17cursorI can't do that - policy
04:43.49cursorWe don't release code into the PD because we don't want it in closed source apps
04:43.56brent21i thought only american corporate policy did this
04:43.59axiumlots of projects can operate strictly on GPL
04:44.00cursorLike MS and Apple using BSD code
04:44.14cursoryes - Cursor Software is a GPL company
04:44.20axiumasterisk cannot...  G.729 is certianly not GPL
04:44.22cursorIt's just policy
04:44.30cursorbut I'm ok with the Asterisk policy too
04:44.32bkw_axium asteriks has a dual lic.
04:44.40bkw_thats the ONLY way we can have g.729
04:44.45cursorIt just means that I have to stop sharing bug fixes
04:44.48bkw_unless someone was to release one into the public
04:44.49axiumthat is the core reason... If Digium has other motivations, so be it
04:45.02bkw_axium digium has ZERO other motives
04:45.03bkw_trust me
04:45.11bkw_you should call into the conf call when mark is there
04:45.12axiumbkw_: that's the misconepction... it cannot be publicaly released
04:45.25axiumG.729 has been awarded at least one patent
04:45.25cursorI don't really care what Digium's plans are
04:45.26bkw_misconception about what?
04:45.37bkw_axium that doesn't apply in every country
04:45.43cursorSoftware patents are not legal in England
04:45.54JunK-Ycursor: really ?
04:45.59cursorwe are free :-)
04:46.14cursorOtherwise we'd have to check every line of code with a lawyer
04:46.22bkw_mark himself said asterisk will stay OPEN and FREE
04:46.25brent21I dont understand, if people have a problems with Digium's motivations (actually there are none, but even if there were) no one is forcing them to use the software.. find something or build something else
04:46.39*** join/#asterisk brc_ (
04:46.39JunK-Ybkw_: i hope so ;)
04:46.41cursorI don't have any issues with Digium at all
04:46.50axiumi think some people just like to complain
04:47.00bkw_cursor I think you need to talk to mark
04:47.04axiumi never feed, i just read
04:47.04bkw_I wanna see your bug fuxes in CVS
04:47.09Jufineathcursor: are you really worried about your patches being put into a closed source product? is the code to them that substantial and asterisk-independent?
04:47.26bkw_well if he would just disclaim then the it wouldn't be an issue
04:47.27pfnif cursor can't disclaim the code it can't be considered public domain
04:47.47cursorNo, the patches are reasonably truivial
04:47.54cursortake a look
04:47.55bkw_if they are trivial
04:47.59bkw_then they should go in
04:47.59axiumtivial is a jugement call
04:48.01Jufineathi understand... but he said the reason he can't is his policy, and policy can change, especially since he seems to have a controlling interest.
04:48.09pfnthen someone can just go and rewrite the patches
04:48.11bkw_we need to have a peer review of patches that are "trivial"
04:48.11cursoryes, I don't get to draw the line
04:48.43bkw_I personally get sick of this disclaimer crap on a weekly basis
04:48.43DaminLet me look at the patches. :)
04:49.02bkw_Damin was there lastnight or was it the night before last when mark was talking about this stuff
04:49.19DaminIt was last night..
04:49.27bkw_thats right...
04:49.59DaminAnd he was saying that he is adamant about making sure that Asterisk remain open to retain credibility with the developers community.
04:50.23DaminHis model for Asterisk is the same as what MySQL does..
04:50.28DaminAnd has done.
04:50.39brent21Is mark the owner of Digium?
04:50.45bkw_you could say that
04:50.49DaminOne of them..
04:50.57bkw_mark is DA man
04:51.09cursorMark == Digium, I think
04:51.15bkw_for the most part yes
04:51.17DaminFirst and foremost, Mark is a developer before being a businessman..
04:51.19bkw_but digium is an inc
04:51.25brent21or is there VC behind him that could override what he wants to do
04:51.30Damincursor: Digium has about 15 employees.
04:51.33brent21VC companies can get greedy
04:51.48JunK-YDamin: just 15 ?
04:51.49bkw_note its GPL it can't be taken out
04:51.53Daminbrent21: They have been very very cautious about VC funding and have turned away a lot of offers.
04:52.23JunK-Yi thought they were like 100 ;)
04:52.41brent21I think the growth from when I started working with Asterisk in September 03 to today has gorwn tremendously
04:52.49brent21gorwn = grown
04:53.11brent21It will be interesting to see where * / Digium stands in 5 years.. they sure have a good market/product
04:53.13Daminbrent21: It's one of the fastest growing open source communities that I've seen lately.
04:53.18brent21i'd invest
04:54.18brent21yeah, i wish I could offer something up that is in need, unfortuantely not that much of a C coder
04:54.33bkw_brent21 I didn't know C when I started with asterisk back last august
04:54.46bkw_since then I have picked up alot.. even submited alot of stuff
04:55.12brent21nice, yeah I ordered a couple of books from Amazon
04:55.20Jufineathhe's learned so much c that he's almost at d.
04:55.25brent21I just need to get through my senior year, and I will have a lot more time to devote to *
04:56.18bkw_cdr_odbc.c is one of my first things to commit
04:57.11brent21cool, yeah I need to start doing CDR's in a DB, need to get another box
04:57.35cursor<bkw_> you should call into the conf call when mark is there
04:57.38cursorwhich conf?
04:57.46JunK-Ybkw_: where do ya study ?
04:57.48brent21I'd really like to see an Approved Hardware list, however it would be a nightmare for Digium to support/maintain.. all those support calls coming in stating well this is supported
04:57.48bkw_its usually
04:57.51bkw_keep that handy
04:57.54bkw_that is one hopping conf
04:58.25cursorI'll set up an exten for it
04:58.43bkw_check it alot from 6pm CST to midnight CST
04:58.53cursorany pin, or is it just open?
04:58.54Daminbrent21: It's not digium's responsibility to ensure compatability with anything other than their own hardware.
04:59.09Daminbrent21: That is the community's job.
05:01.06brent21Damin, I understand that
05:02.23cursor<Damin> Let me look at the patches. :)
05:02.26cursorDid you look?
05:02.49brent21good night all
05:03.15Damincursor: No.
05:04.02cursorI was looking for a "trivial" judgement call
05:04.28cursorThe important ones are the transfers
05:04.39cursorthe others are even more trivial
05:05.03cursorWe're happy here because this system has the patches :-)
05:05.19cursorIf Asterisk gets replacement patches later then that's fine too
05:05.24cursorWe'll switch
05:05.50cursorBut it just seems like a waste of time to me
05:06.04cursorAnyway, I'll shut up now :-)
05:08.26JunK-Yi'll goto bed soon
05:08.39cursorSleep is for the weak
05:08.59JunK-Yheheh i've sleep from 20h30 to 0h00
05:09.04cursor6:08am - the start of a brand new day
05:09.16JunK-Ywoke up an hour ago
05:09.37*** join/#asterisk chuckieau (
05:09.53*** join/#asterisk sudhir492 (
05:10.19Jufineathcharlottesville, va?
05:11.04litnimaxgcc -O2 -g  -Iinclude -I../include -c -o  app_txfax.o app_txfax.c
05:11.04litnimaxIn file included from app_txfax.c:14:
05:11.04litnimax../include/asterisk/lock.h: In function `ast_mutex_init':
05:11.04litnimax../include/asterisk/lock.h:300: `PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE' undeclared (first use in this function)
05:11.04litnimax../include/asterisk/lock.h:300: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
05:11.07litnimax../include/asterisk/lock.h:300: for each function it appears in.)
05:11.09litnimaxmake[1]: *** [app_txfax.o] Error 1
05:11.11litnimaxmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/aster/asterisk/asterisk/apps'
05:11.13litnimaxmake: *** [subdirs] Error 1
05:11.15litnimaxhelp pls
05:12.10cursorthe app probably wants an update
05:12.23cursormatch the app with your Asterisk version
05:12.36cursorupdate one or the other
05:12.37cursoror both
05:13.00cursorIt's probably your Asterisk that is out of date
05:13.06litnimax--- Makefile.orig2004-03-16 22:36:31.000000000 +0800
05:13.07litnimax+++ Makefile2004-03-16 22:14:09.000000000 +0800
05:13.14litnimaxwhat this could be * version?
05:13.16sudhir492Is there a way to increase the max number of voicemail messages that a mailbox can have?
05:13.19litnimaxin this time
05:13.28cursorThat's a Makefile version :-)
05:13.29sudhir492right now it is 100
05:13.33cursorMost projects have a Makefile
05:13.39cursorIt could be anything
05:13.42litnimaxi know that it is Makefile
05:13.56litnimaxi have to guess what * version does it expect
05:14.14cursorget the latest Asterisk from CVS and start from there
05:14.22litnimaxthis is spandsp app
05:14.26cursorthen if the app doesn't work then you can complain to the author
05:14.28litnimaxi have latest cvs version
05:14.32cursoror submit a patch
05:14.55cursorthen the app needs an update
05:15.02cursorI don't have the app, so I can't really tell from here
05:16.24cursor../include/asterisk/lock.h:300: `PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE' undeclared
05:16.32cursorThe latest Asterisk version doesn't have that on line 300
05:16.39cursorIt has this:
05:16.46*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (
05:18.04cursor#define AST_MUTEX_KIND                  PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE_NP
05:18.44cursor#define PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE_NP                                      PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE
05:18.55cursorAre you using an Apple?
05:20.49litnimaxi searched googlw
05:20.52litnimaxno use
05:21.14cursorWhich OS/Distro do you have?
05:21.19litnimaxred hat 9
05:21.31cursorDo as bkw_ said
05:21.44litnimaxdid already
05:21.44cursor<bkw_> -D_GNU_SOURCE
05:22.05cursorWhere can I find the src to the app?
05:22.47litnimaxgcc -O2 -g  -Iinclude -I../include -c -o  app_txfax.o app_txfax.c
05:22.48litnimaxIn file included from app_txfax.c:14:
05:22.48litnimax../include/asterisk/lock.h: In function `ast_mutex_init':
05:22.48litnimax../include/asterisk/lock.h:300: `PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE' undeclared (first use in this function)
05:22.48litnimax../include/asterisk/lock.h:300: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
05:22.48litnimax../include/asterisk/lock.h:300: for each function it appears in.)
05:22.51litnimaxmake[1]: *** [app_txfax.o] Error 1
05:22.52litnimaxmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/aster/asterisk/asterisk/apps'
05:22.54litnimaxmake: *** [subdirs] Error 1
05:23.06bkw_GOD DAMN this has been covered on the mailing list 1000000 times
05:23.27litnimaxok moment
05:23.35cursoryes - Add that src define to the CFLAGS
05:23.35litnimaxi will try to define it in lock.h
05:23.40litnimaxnot in export CFLAGS
05:23.50cursorPut it in the Makefile ;-)
05:24.32litnimaxonly when put in lock.h
05:24.35litnimaxit owrked
05:25.04litnimaxbefore i put it in makefile and no use
05:25.09cursorAs long as you're happy :-)
05:25.09brc_bkw_, wikiize it please
05:25.15JunK-Ywho wants grape juice in tha house ? :)
05:27.20Moc_Hi all
05:28.12JunK-Ylater twisted
05:28.31Moc_going to do the same here.. I might get fired tomorow ;)
05:29.47mengerMoc_: what did you do?
05:29.55JunK-YMoc_: huh?
05:32.04cursor~fire Moc_
05:32.07jbotI'm sorry, Moc_, but it just isn't working out.  Pack up your stuff.
05:32.16JunK-Ycursor: mouhahaha
05:32.33JunK-Yim making no joke about this, that can occurs to everyone.
05:33.37*** join/#asterisk sivana (~richard@
05:34.29grynwhat's up.
05:35.33cursorEngland - if you're in Australia
05:35.55*** part/#asterisk PilotPTK-Home (
05:35.56jmhuntermmm grape juice
05:36.00sivanaeveryone - if you're in antarctica
05:36.02JunK-Yaustralia - if ur in England :P
05:36.25JunK-Yjmhunter: wanna some ? hurry up, im drinking like hell
05:36.32grynjmhunter: did your patch get in yet?  I wrote one for the digit timeout in features that got in. why aren't they taking yours?
05:37.57bkw_accually coppice would know
05:38.07sivanaanyone successfully using a calling card app?
05:38.11cursorAlgorithms cannot be patented in the UK
05:38.16cursorThey are classed as mathematics
05:38.31cursorIn fact, you can only patent tangible items
05:38.54cursorIt used to be required that you give a demonstration of your invention before a patent was required
05:39.10cursorIf you just drew it on a blackboard then that was unacceptable
05:39.40cursorSo Software, algorithms, business practices, ideas, DNA etc. are all not patentable in the UK
05:39.52bkw_all of which shouldn't be something you can patent in the US
05:40.01cursorNot unless the muppets in Europe make it so
05:40.05JunK-Ycursor: do ya cant have patents about bio-genetics and stuff like this ?
05:40.06*** join/#asterisk Beave (
05:40.11Beavehello all.
05:40.40cursorYou can patent the machinery used to make a drug
05:40.52cursorBut you can;t patent a formula
05:41.02cursorIt's protected by copyright anyway
05:41.15cursorSo anyone who copies the formula gets a kick in the arse
05:41.21JunK-Ydo ya've a lot of bio-pharmaceutic company ?
05:41.30cursorQuite a lot
05:42.07*** join/#asterisk clive- (
05:42.11cursorJonson & Jonson
05:42.29*** join/#asterisk Beave (
05:42.35cursorSoftware and algorithms are definately not patentable
05:42.45cursorNot yet
05:42.48sivanawhat about potions
05:42.55sivanalike magic potions
05:43.06cursorSome of the large international companies are trying to change that
05:43.21brc_how much is CallerIDName service on a PRI usually cost a month?
05:43.24JunK-Yjohnson and johnson, didnt know they were in UK.
05:43.42cursorBut they're facing fierce opposition - mostly from Open Source groups
05:43.46gryn70 here :(
05:44.12sivanadoes the callerid get sent from *?
05:44.22grynthat's different.
05:44.31grynthis is 70$ incoming.
05:44.32BeaveI'm running the patched festival (1.4.3) with CVS 06/22/04 and I can't get the damn thing working.  I keep "Festival returned ER".  Anyone have any good pointers/docs/refs?
05:44.44sivanawhen you're using a PRI.. do you get to set the callerid that everyone else sees?
05:45.22grynsivana: yes. but some providers can filter what you are allowed to set.
05:45.28sivanaI see
05:45.30Beavesivana:  Depends on who give you the PRI (from what I understand).  I've never been able to do it with Sprint.
05:45.57grynsivana: cbeyond let's us set it to domino's if we want to.
05:46.11gryn(of coures i'm sure it's probably illegal to do so).
05:46.29sivanahrm.. are there guidelines to what you can set it to?
05:46.55grynsivana: how about your own names and numbers? common sense? :P
05:47.41cursorTest with this:
05:47.41cursor(202) 456 1414
05:47.55cursorI'm sure George Dubbya won't mind
05:48.59cursorIf he does then he'll let you know with a little note
05:49.04Beaveno festival people.  dang.
05:49.04cursorattached to a large cruise missile
05:50.11gryni get too depressed even thinking about that...
05:56.38sudhir492cursor: did you say that call '#' call transfer works for you
05:57.43cursorWell, not any longer because I disabled it
05:58.03cursorBut if I was to add it back as a Dial() arg then I'm sure it'd still work
05:59.30cursorThe 2.6.8 kernel should be out soon
05:59.35Beaveok - so the default /etc/asterisk/festival.conf was tweaked.  I commented out usecache/cachedir/festivalcommand  (noticed that app_festival.c check for this/set it anyways).
06:07.32atacommgosh, the company that sent me a cease and desist for the name Atacomm today........ (They go by @COMM or AT COMM), they filed for bankrupcy in 2001 after taking in 5 million in 2000 and losing 26 million
06:10.17slePPi want that.
06:10.25BeaveAug  3 02:10:03 NOTICE[770066]: chan_iax2.c:2246 iax2_read: I should never be called!
06:10.34slePPatacomm: nice. does that give them any right to the name? :>
06:10.38JunK-Yy0 slePP
06:10.42slePPbtw, can i hav e 5 SPA-2000's for $200? :>
06:10.49slePPlo junky
06:10.54atacommslePP....god I wish I could get this resolved....
06:11.03JunK-Yhow are ya ?
06:11.10atacommlol, well i do have a stack of returned SPA-2000s that I'm looking at selling as-is
06:11.31slePPreally? why're they returned? :>
06:11.39slePPJunK-Y: not bad. waiting for the stove so i can cook dinner :>
06:11.41sudhir492cursor: I just tried with sipura also. Here is what I am getting. If I set ATA to send dtmf as SIP info, call transfer does not work, but the digits including '#' for IVR work fine. On the other hand, if I set send dtmf as 'audio', transfer works fine but the digits are not recognized properly for IVR
06:11.55slePPatacomm: and as for getting it resolved, i think that if they're bankrupt and out.. do you do similar business or no?
06:11.59JunK-YslePP: i wanna c screen like taht :)
06:12.04slePPJunK-Y: me too :>
06:12.04atacommslepp: various reasons, we've never gotten around to testing them out, some dont have power supplies
06:12.11atacommslepp: vs
06:12.24slePPdomain names. oh well. company name though?
06:13.05clive-I am curious about 2B transfer...has anyone done this in asterisk ?
06:13.13atacommours is Atacomm, they have At Comm, but they have a trademark on @COMM  (Not ATCOMM, because ATCOM is trademarked by someone else, heh)
06:13.23slePPso then atacomm should be fine
06:13.37slePPsince atcom already exists, and they can't have atcom
06:13.41slePPer. atcomm
06:13.45slePPso atacomm is fine too :>
06:13.48atacommslepp: I dunno, they sure are putting the pressure on, I'm hoping the fact that ATCOM exists and they dont have ATCOMM that i'm fine
06:14.00slePPshouldn't be too hard to win out.
06:14.08atacommit doesnt help i'm in another lawsuit from last week, i dont do that much business, lol.....
06:14.08slePPif asked, explain yours stands for something
06:14.10*** part/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
06:14.12atacommit does too
06:14.18slePPas opposed to theirs, which doesn't
06:14.29slePPand that means something, when it can be ATAComm
06:14.31atacommAtaractic Corporation is our corporate name, Ata Comm
06:14.57slePPyeh, i think you'll do fine
06:15.08slePPit's obvious you're not going in to steal business based on the name
06:15.15slePPand because they lost whacks of money, you probably didn't steal their business :>
06:15.25atacomminfact, the USPTO is asking us to tell them why they should let us have a trademark.... all the examples they stated were like ATA Engineering and ATA Technology.... i was like no no no, one word, one word, not letters/abbrviations
06:15.31atacommthey lost it before we started
06:15.58slePPnot At Comm
06:16.02slePPor @COMM
06:16.05*** join/#asterisk DrRighteous (
06:16.26atacommreminds me of SCO, grr
06:17.14atacommAtacomm being sued... please buy from Atacomm to protest corporate america and the USPTO's poor laws and shit
06:17.27JunK-Ylater guys.
06:17.31atacommyup, later
06:17.38DrRighteousbeing sued over what atacomm?
06:17.58JunK-Ygood luck with ur lawsuit atacomm.
06:18.04atacommthanks junk
06:18.44atacommdrR: trademark.... not sued yet, but threated.... then we are also being sued over merchandise a customer couldnt figure out....$7500 for the merchandise, $2000 for their tech, and $40,000 for their lost business due to dropped calls
06:19.07slePPwill that help?
06:19.34clive-wow, americans seem to love suiing
06:19.39DrRighteousatacomm: did you simply sell hardware, or also offer a service with it?
06:19.49clive-thats crazy,,,the guy couldnt get the phone to work, so he sues you?
06:19.50atacommDrR: just sell hardware
06:20.19DrRighteousthe customer already knew the hardware to buy, or asked advice on which hardware to purchase
06:21.29atacommasked what to buy for a complete system........ hired a MS certified tech to put the system together..... never got it working right......
06:21.53slePPuser error isn't your fault
06:21.56DrRighteoushmm, only opening to liability is the fact that you reconmended the config
06:22.08slePPbut they hired an outside tech to set it up
06:22.09DrRighteoushas the same config worked for other customers?
06:22.12slePPit is thereby the tech's fault
06:22.23atacommsure it has - Record created on 18-Mar-1998. - Record created on 26-Feb-1998.
06:22.55cursorLooks like you win
06:23.12slePPisn't he?
06:23.28atacommthere is an atacom too, lol
06:23.49DrRighteousatacomm if you want I can talk to you tomorrow voice. I have a great deal of legal experience and training and might be able to help.
06:24.19slePPatacomm didn't exist until 2001
06:24.41cursorThere's an too :-)
06:24.46JunK-Ywireless IP phone, pretty cool.
06:24.52atacommyeah, is the company thats mad at me
06:25.07slePPAtaractic corp
06:25.34slePPescape yer . ;>
06:25.35cursoryes - with a \
06:26.11atacommlol :-)
06:27.00cursorNot to mention all of the .net and .org etc.
06:27.38cursorPerhaps you lot should all get together to sue the muppet :-)
06:27.53atacommlol, it would be interesting
06:28.15slePPclass actions go a long way :>
06:28.28atacommi am hesitant to bring anything up with similar named companies
06:28.51slePPwell, keep in mind, it's likely those other companies have also been contacted
06:28.55slePPthere isn't a good reason to single you out :-)
06:29.06cursorIt's endless
06:29.18slePPsince is a larger threat
06:29.30atacommwell, except we for sure do telcom, does computer products
06:29.33cursorDid they buy something from you that got lost in the post? :-)
06:29.41cursoror did you prank call using their #
06:29.51atacommatcom does have a trademark ......  whereas AT COMM only has a trademark on @COMM
06:30.04cursorTrademarks only apply to the trademark
06:30.08slePPatcomm is @Comm Corporation
06:30.10cursornot to anything else
06:30.17cursorunless you're trying to impersonate
06:30.26slePPa subsidiary of Xiox
06:30.30atacommi still cant beleive they grossed 5 million in 2000 and lost 26 million
06:30.32cursorWhat's the legal term for that?
06:30.35*** join/#asterisk NeonLevel (
06:30.35cursorPass off
06:30.44cursorTell them to pass off :-)
06:31.21atacommCursor: they are @COMM CORP, with  They have the trademark on @COMM (2646202) but none at AT COMM
06:31.24sudhir492Is there a way to have asterisk transfer on '*' rather than '#'
06:31.37slePPatacomm: be sure to point all that out. show that their domain is the only reference to At Comm
06:31.49sudhir492or better still, a combination or * and #
06:31.50cursorsue for damages :-)
06:32.14atacommwell, that and their stock symbol and their state of California registration..... everything else uses @COMM, and they cant tell me i'm violating their trademark if its 3 letters different
06:32.29slePPand looks nothing alike?
06:32.38atacommlook up ATCM.PK on Nasdaq
06:32.44slePPa trademark on * doesn't mean you're no entitled to 'star'
06:32.47slePPand all derivatives
06:32.51atacommi want to buy millions of shares
06:33.02slePPbut they lost 26 mil is an Italian company :-)
06:33.35atacommit was pulled off nasdaq... its last price was 0.001 per share
06:33.40cursorThey can't go after them
06:33.55slePPquick! go offshore!
06:34.20atacommyou know, @COMM has employees helping on one of the Asterisk open documentation projects
06:34.46slePPconflict of interest! fire them all!
06:34.49cursorso they are
06:34.52slePPk, i gotta go heck on my pizza.
06:35.08cursorwith their COMM trademark?
06:35.42slePPthey're gonna sue people that use @comm* in their e-mails
06:35.48cursorPerhaps they should go after
06:35.51cursorand etc.
06:35.58slePPsince isn't them, would be a direct violation of copyright
06:35.59cursorThey don't seem to own any of those
06:35.59slePPfucking idiots.
06:37.06cursorPerhaps even two fingers, if I feel generous
06:37.27atacommanyone think i have a legal chance?
06:37.35cursorYou would in the UK
06:37.42cursorJustice is expensive in the USA
06:37.52cursorthe one with the most money wins
06:37.59atacommif they are going thru chapter 11 do they have much money to spare?
06:38.05cursorand the winner doesn't automatically get legal costs back
06:38.21cursorBuy them a bigger book
06:38.28cursorThe Sendmail book has more chapters
06:38.35cursorIt'll buy you time :-)
06:38.56slePPyou have right to the name that they can't claim, just because their dns is translates
06:39.04atacommlol, well they filed in 2001 for chapt 11, so i dont know if they are out or not.....
06:39.08cursorfile a counter claim, so at least you get damages when you win
06:39.20cursorwhat is chapter 11?
06:39.21atacommhow do i file a counter claim? lol
06:39.33atacommchapter 11........ bankruptcy protection, restructuring of the company
06:39.40atacommthey lost $26 mill the previous year
06:39.44cursorfile a suit alleging nucience
06:40.00cursorloss of business while fighting the case
06:40.01atacommhell, Nasdaq kicked them off the stock market this spring
06:40.04cursorexpenses fighting
06:40.07cursorgood will
06:40.23cursorOr just play for time
06:40.32cursorPerhaps they'll go away if they're in trouble
06:40.49cursoryou never know - they might have sent a letter to everyone with a .com
06:40.54atacommthey havent updated their website since january 03
06:41.51cursorI'm sure I've bought something from you...
06:41.56cursorI just can't think what it was
06:42.04cursorI recognise the website
06:43.02cursorCan't find anything
06:43.05cursorI'm sure I did
06:43.10cursorPerhaps it was my Sipura
06:43.15cursorI think it was
06:43.16atacommif you did it would be from
06:43.20cursorThe one at home
06:43.29*** join/#asterisk olegzzz (
06:44.21cursorI don't keep email receipts for long, which is probably why I can't find you in that mailbox
06:44.27cursorUnless I misfiled it
06:44.44cursorAh well
06:44.49cursorI'll let you know if I find it
06:44.58cursorWhen I find it :-)
06:47.20libpcpanyone knows a site where i could create a sound file for my ivr? i know a site before and its free but i already forgot the site
06:49.03grynlibpcp: just record it on the phone
06:51.16grynJust goto(record-menu,s,1),
06:51.28grynthen press 1-7 on your phone to record sounds.
06:52.24grynYou can press 8 to switch to 'playback mode', then pressing 1-7 plays back the recorded sounds.
06:52.33grynPressing 9 switches back to 'record mode'.
06:52.41grynEasy as pie.
06:53.26*** join/#asterisk lele (
06:53.29libpcpgryn: the problem is my voice, my voice is something like a dog barking :)
06:54.00libpcpgryn: how about text to speech, i have here festival but the sound is something like a robot
06:54.04grynlibpcp: ok well then:
06:54.17cursorI have this exten:
06:54.19grynlibpcp: that's pretty cheap voice work right there.
06:54.31cursorIt'll record a sound and then play it back
06:54.38cursorkeep redialling until you're happy
06:54.43cursorand then move the sound file somewhere
06:54.48gryncursor: i like mine better :)
06:55.04gryncursor: let's me build the whole menu at once.
06:55.30cursorI don't have any menus :-)
06:55.37grynlibpcp: it's better to have a dog-bark voice up there than a computer generated one.
06:56.05cursorMy cat records all of my prompts
06:56.10gryncursor: :P
06:56.12cursorSounds better than a dog
06:57.31gryncursor: ugh i feel awful, had about 5 hours of sleep after staying up till 8am yesterday.
06:57.43gryncursor: and now it's 2am.  and i have this nasty headache from it.
06:57.49cursorLightweight :-)
06:58.04gryncursor: all for a stupid online game!  blah!
06:58.27grynglad i play on a friends computer, or else it'd be every night like that.
06:58.56grynof course there is always nethack....
06:59.12cursorI've not played that
06:59.28grynheh it's got a big learning curve, but it's pretty addictive.
06:59.41cursorI've played hack
06:59.46cursorjust not nethack
06:59.51cursorIt's probably similar
07:00.00gryner... trying to think.
07:00.10grynno i think hack is a different sort of game.
07:00.15cursorAlthough I haven't played that in years
07:00.15libpcpcan i have your cat
07:00.31cursorThat's my laptop
07:00.35gryngryn: i'm thinking of games along the lines of moria and rogue.
07:01.17grynlibpcp: use that context i sent you and record yourself some prompts.  if you don't like it, then go buy the prompts from digium.
07:01.51cursorI just found an old email from someone at :-)
07:02.04libpcpokay ill do it :)
07:02.05cursorThere's another
07:02.18grynwho else?
07:02.22grynlibpcp: good luck! :)
07:02.45grynworldcom, that's mci.
07:04.19brc_how do cisco 7905 bitmap values work exactly?
07:04.45grynbrc_: what bitmaps?
07:04.54cursorI know how the 7960 BMs work
07:05.13grynthey grayscale it down to 3 colors, hilarious.
07:05.19brc_I mean the config files
07:05.26cursor4 colours
07:05.32brc_trying to turn 'silent suppression' OFF
07:05.37cursorblack, white and two greys
07:05.50cursorI think
07:05.54brc_that's for 7960
07:05.59brc_05's are totally different
07:06.00brc_they suck
07:06.08cursorThrow it in the bin
07:06.12cursoror post it to me
07:06.31cursorAll donations greatfully received
07:06.38gryncursor: only one grey here.
07:06.39cursorBut entirely undeserved
07:07.00brc_nevermind I'll figure it out
07:07.03cursorI get 2 greys
07:07.10brc_ghey grey?
07:07.14cursorin the Cursor logo on my 7960
07:07.40atacommwith machine guns?
07:07.49gryncursor: you must have a super 7960.
07:07.56brc_atacomm, who is sue'en you??
07:08.07cursoryes - it's a 7960GS
07:08.13cursor7960G (super edition)
07:08.14gryncursor: well see.
07:08.19grynnever said that.'s site sux
07:08.30brc_impossible to find the right docs
07:08.32gryni have the regular 7960, but i have 10 of them :)
07:08.36gryner 8.
07:08.40gryncan't count.
07:09.28gryni would have made it 0-negotiated, 1-inband, 2-out of band.
07:10.01cursorfor DTMF?
07:10.06grynbrc_: the dtmf
07:10.14brc_yeah...but are you talking to me?
07:10.18grynthat order would make sese.
07:10.20cursorYou can't negotiate DTMF
07:10.32cursorOtherwise there'd be no option
07:10.34grynbrc_: yeah, cause you paste bin'd it :)
07:10.44gryncursor: it says there is an option.
07:10.45cursoreverything would default to OOB and negotiate from there
07:10.48brc_yeah but dtmf works...I'm trying to get VAD turned off
07:11.09grynbrc_: i'm saying if i design the spec. i would order it that way.
07:11.33brc_AudioMode:0x00000021 doesn't work
07:11.40cursorThat's why Darth VADer sounds the way he does
07:11.47brc_cursor, that is for a 7960
07:11.57brc_doh nevermind :p
07:12.00gryn16+4+1 sholudn't work.
07:12.22brc_anyway yes vad is bad...
07:12.36cursorYou wouldn't make a good Blackjack dealer
07:13.01gryncursor: Blackjack dealers have to hold on 16.
07:13.09grynor 17.
07:13.27grynin anycase that means 16+4+1 wouldn't work :)
07:13.33cursorI only know because I wrote a blackjack module for the SlimServer jukebox
07:14.02cursorand it's GPLed, of course, so feel free to download it :-)
07:14.06grynbrc_: try 0x17 that makes more sense.
07:14.28gryncursor: blackjack is the best game to play at casinos if you don't mind thinking.
07:14.38gryncursor: gives you the closest to 50% odds.
07:14.40cursorI've never been to a casino
07:14.41brc_that doesn't make sense
07:14.45brc_unless I'm stupid as to how this works
07:14.53grynbrc_: doh
07:15.02brc_doh me or doh you
07:15.04grynbrc_: i was reading 0x21 as a decimal number :(
07:15.17grynbrc_: i'm sleep deprived.
07:15.24grynbrc_: i'll just go to bed now.
07:15.26brc_so the 0's after 0x don't count right?
07:15.48grynbrc_: they don't count, but the guy who reads the file may complain.
07:15.55grynbrc_: but the 0x does count.
07:15.59brc_right far as I can tell if you want to set bit 3 to 1 and bit 1 and 2 to 0 you'd use 0xff1
07:16.42grynbrc_: so yeah 0x21 makes sense now that i remember to read it as hex :P :)
07:16.59cursorHow can you set bit 1 to 2? doesn't work
07:17.09grynyou can't set a bit to 2
07:17.14gryna bit is 0 or 1.
07:17.45*** join/#asterisk Dobaj (
07:17.50grynbit's 4-5 can be set to 2. but that means bit 4 and bit 5 together form a 2.
07:18.05gryncursor: balanced trinary is awesome.
07:18.38gryncursor: you get all the fun of one and zero, plus negative one!
07:18.38grynbrc_: what do you want to set?
07:18.38brc_how's this work
07:18.38brc_bit 4-5  (value after #)  DTMF Transmission Method # 0 = Always inband # *1 = Negotiated via SDP # 2 = Always out-of-band
07:18.54grynso 00 is 0, 01 is 1 and 10 is 2.
07:18.54cursorBut usually that's 00, 01, 10 or 11
07:18.59brc_AH :)
07:19.03cursorLike in the postal system bar codes
07:19.12brc_    I'm trying to set VAD to off
07:19.17brc_so I guess I use...
07:19.28grynor more properly 00b is 0, 01b is 1 and 10b is 2.
07:19.36grynwhich one is VAD?
07:19.46cursorthe one on the left
07:20.19brc_Silence Suppression == vad
07:20.33grynso if you want negotiated via sdp,
07:20.41grynbut not silence suppresion
07:20.43grynthat's 0x10
07:21.24brc_you sure?
07:21.28gryneach hex character represents 4 bits.
07:21.37grynso that's 00010000b
07:21.40grynso yeah.
07:21.53brc_gawd this is hard
07:22.06grynbrc_: you need a firm grounding in base math :)
07:22.12cursorJust set 0x00
07:22.20cursorand be done with it
07:22.36cursordisables VAD (bit 0=0)
07:22.46brc_I've gotta figure it out cauz there's some other values I want to change
07:22.54cursorinband DTMF (bits 4-5=00)
07:22.55gryncursor: in balanced trinary something like 24 would be:  (1)(0)(-1)
07:23.01brc_yeah I gotchya now
07:23.08gryncursor: it's hard to write balanced trinary in a chat room.
07:23.11cursor1-3 + 6-31 must be zero
07:23.16cursortherefore the result is 0x00
07:23.51grynyeah 0x00 for inband, 0x10 for negotiated, and 0x20 for out of band.
07:24.11cursoryou want oob
07:24.13cursorof course
07:24.13brc_I see now
07:24.14atacommso cursor, think i have any chance?
07:24.17gryncursor: opps (1)(0)(-1)(0)
07:24.30brc_no wait... i don't
07:24.50gryn27ths, 9ths, 3rds and ones.  so 27-3 is 24!
07:24.51brc_I thought you couldn't set a 2 but rather had to use 11
07:25.13*** join/#asterisk advorak (
07:25.14gryn0x18 isn't valid.
07:25.22grynthat sets bit 3
07:25.28brc_it does?
07:25.31grynit's: 00011000b
07:25.50grynit said 1-3 must be 0.
07:26.08grynok that's not valid either.
07:26.17gryncause it's not defined.
07:26.25grynthat's 0011000b
07:26.34cursorwhat's not defined?
07:26.42grynbut value of 3 is not defined in the list of DTMF transmission methods.
07:26.50gryn11 is three in binary.
07:27.04gryner 11b
07:27.05cursor1-3 are reserved and must be set to zero
07:27.16cursor4-5 are for DTMF
07:27.21gryner and i meant to write 00110000b a bit ago.
07:27.27cursorand 11b in 4-5 are oob
07:27.33brc_how do you set to zero? do you just 0x000?
07:27.37grynbut DTMF says 10b is OOB.
07:27.40brc_or is it 0xfff
07:27.44grynbrc_: 0x00
07:27.46cursor110000b == 0x30
07:27.54gryncursor: right.
07:28.09gryncursor: but 11b is not defined for bits 4-5
07:28.16grynonly 00b 01b and 10b.
07:28.19brc_110000b is binary right?
07:28.24grynbrc_: right.
07:28.25brc_and then 0x30 is hex
07:28.30grynbrc_: right
07:28.32cursor017 # 4-5 DTMF Transmission Method
07:28.33cursor018 # 0 = Always inband
07:28.33cursor019 # *1 = Negotiated via SDP
07:28.35cursor020 # 2 = Always out-of-band
07:28.37grynbrc_: they are easy to convert to.
07:28.43gryncursor: right.
07:28.57gryncursor: so 2 is out of band and 2 is 10b in binary.
07:29.13grynso 00100000b
07:29.21grynor 0x20
07:29.37brc_lost again
07:29.38grynbrc_: it's easy to convert just group into 4 bits for each hex character.
07:29.43grynbrc_: ok so:
07:29.58gryn0xf3 is 1111,0011b
07:30.05gryn(comma's to illustrate grouping).
07:30.29gryn0x1a is 0001,1010b
07:30.38brc_yeah okay
07:30.45grynsee that you can just treat each character as four separate bits.
07:30.48grynmakes things easy.
07:31.16brc_yeah I see
07:31.51avizionthis reminds me of my time as dev. in voip/mgcp/v5.2. I used to decode/encode it by heart :)
07:31.52grynok so we are all in agreement? only valid valuse are:  0x00, 0x01, 0x10, 0x11, 0x20, 0x21
07:32.20cursorAs long as 0x (hex) is valid
07:32.25slePPwhat's the vote?
07:32.28cursorand you don't have to specify binary
07:32.31cursoror sanscript
07:32.36grynwhich are inband, novad/vad.  neg. novad/vad, and oob novad/vad.
07:32.37slePP'sanscrit' :>
07:32.41cursorthat too
07:32.47*** join/#asterisk [Ice]COOL (
07:32.48slePPthat's twice, mr. cursor
07:32.56cursor~fire cursor
07:32.58jbotI'm sorry, cursor, but it just isn't working out.  Pack up your stuff.
07:33.01jbotMy owner thinks you could focus more time on useful factoids
07:33.29cursorI'll start my campaign next time
07:33.31brc_thanks for 'splaining it gryn!
07:33.47grynok so i can go to bed and be sure you all aren't going to confuse a poor computer with mislabeled hex numbers?
07:33.52grynbrc_: np :)
07:33.58gryntime for some needed rest :)
07:33.58brc_well I'm gonna try
07:34.10jbotfrom memory, muppet is strange and interesting puppets created by Jim Hensen, also a very good TV show. (see also 'Dark Crystal', 'Labyrinth')
07:34.15brc_cisco's default values are VERY confuzling
07:34.15cursorremember that 0x00 is 0y00on Cisco kit
07:34.18jbotmethinks muppet is strange and interesting puppets created by Jim Hensen, also a very good TV show. (see also 'Dark Crystal', 'Labyrinth')
07:34.22brc_cursor, uh...
07:34.23[Ice]COOLHi all, just wanna ask if any have run Asterisk on IBM pSeries b4?
07:34.33cursoronly joking
07:34.34slePPoh god. labyrinth
07:34.40brc_I realized that too late
07:34.54jbotwell, zzzz is "sex", as defined by Microsoft Word 6.0 for Windows.  It suggests "sex" as a replacement for "zzzz".
07:35.05cursorWhat's a pSeries?
07:35.09jbotrumour has it, pastebin is post logs and configs here
07:35.16[Ice]COOLIt is a computer with POWER cpui
07:35.30brc_~no pastebin is slepp has some lame pastebin at or something
07:35.31jbotokay, brc_
07:35.33[Ice]COOLsimiliar to those found in a Mac
07:35.49jbot"if you dont believe in the existance of evil, you have a lot to learn"
07:35.50slePPdamn it
07:35.51brc_~revert pastebin
07:35.53jboti guess pastebin is slepp has some lame pastebin at or something
07:35.54voidptropteron forever! :P
07:35.56cursornope - mine has a dial PIII MB
07:35.59slePPi like that though. :>
07:36.06brc_there's a goback command
07:36.09brc_~remember pastebin
07:36.11jbotHow can i forget about pastebin ? That person is the greatest <fill in whatever is appropriate> in the whole wide world !
07:36.23slePP~touch cursor's naughty bits
07:36.25jbotThis is Fendor's pleasure only
07:36.33[Ice]COOLoh....... ok, thx!
07:36.37cursor~remember cursor
07:36.39jbotHow can i forget about cursor ? That person is the greatest <fill in whatever is appropriate> in the whole wide world !
07:36.47brc_slePP arrives on the scene and everything goes to hellinahandbasket
07:36.47cursorboring bot
07:37.02gryn~kick gryn
07:37.04jbotbugger off sod!
07:37.10grynok zzzz
07:37.14brc_we were having a intelligent conversation about hex/binary/howlamecisco is
07:37.17cursor~kick jbot in the generals
07:37.19jbotbugger off sod!
07:37.35slePPoh yah baby
07:37.41cursorA little more important than privates
07:38.05cursorWho pays for all of these moose calls?
07:38.10slePPi must wonder why i put my name and company in that
07:38.12slePPjerjer so far
07:38.40slePPwe may lose our very cool number
07:38.56slePPit was fluke to get YO in the beginning of it
07:38.57cursor"What's this, a bill for $1,000,000?"
07:39.04slePP'who called.. cursor.. hmm...'
07:39.07cursor"Why, that's almost £0.00000000000000000000003"
07:40.00cursorYou need a Happy Hacker keyboard then
07:40.19cursorall keys in the correct place
07:40.26cursorNo stupid "function" keys
07:40.38cursorno rediculous windows keys
07:40.45cursorNo lazy arrow keys
07:40.57cursorNumeric keypad?  What's that then
07:41.20cursorCaps lock?  Who needs one of those anyway
07:41.37cursorMy HH keyboard is great
07:42.18cursorHas anyone seen this article in the mail list?
07:42.18cursorRe: [Asterisk-Users] G729 Codec+packet loss concealment
07:42.30cursorTalking about iLBC and packet loss
07:42.49cursor>From what I have heard, Asterisk does not allow for iLBC to
07:42.49cursortake advantage of the lost packet concealment.
07:43.12slePPit may not
07:43.26slePPbut not always _quite_ so bad. sometimes it'll do it's proper slur, but not often
07:43.26cursorme too
07:43.30clive-cursor that me
07:43.42cursorhas anyone looked into the problem?
07:43.58cursorand does it go away with the JB switched off?
07:44.08clive-steve davies wrote an email after that, explainninng the technical reaosn why it doesnt work
07:44.33*** join/#asterisk RoyK (~roy@
07:45.39cursorAsterisk should not rely upon external systems for its time source
07:46.17clive-interesting stuff:)
07:46.36cursorIt should use the timestamp for incoming RTP and send the stream on its way out with a fresh timestamp
07:47.37clive-cursor, and for iax as well
07:47.46cursorfor all protocols
07:47.48DrRighteouswho here is a 7960 expert?
07:47.55cursorand for gatewaying between them
07:48.11cursorI have 7960 knowledge
07:48.27DrRighteouscursor: I just got a new 7960 wo/SIP
07:48.32DrRighteousbut I have the firmware files
07:48.39DrRighteousI upgraded to SIP 3.2 fine
07:48.41cursorWe could probably get around that concealment issue
07:48.42DrRighteousthen to 5.2 fine
07:48.45cursormake a note of the timestamp
07:48.50cursorpass in a NULL if required
07:48.56clive-cursor, i am sure its possible
07:48.57cursorthen reset the timestamp later
07:49.08cursorand interleave if necessary
07:49.18cursorbased upon the diff between two timestamps
07:49.22DrRighteousbut when upgrading then to 7.1, its looking for P003-7-1-00.loads while the zip contains P0S3-7-1-00.loads
07:50.02*** join/#asterisk maruz (
07:50.08clive-cursor the thing is, what to do when a packet is missing....
07:50.21clive-at the momnet asterisk does nothing
07:50.23cursor-r--r--r--    1 kevin    cursor     124552 Jul 13 09:08 P003-07-1-00.bin
07:50.24cursor-r--r--r--    1 kevin    cursor     124956 Jul 13 09:08 P003-07-1-00.sbn
07:50.24cursor-r--r--r--    1 kevin    cursor        459 Jul 13 09:08 P0S3-07-1-00.loads
07:50.24cursor-r--r--r--    1 kevin    cursor     585938 Jul 13 09:08 P0S3-07-1-00.sb2
07:50.36clive-what should happen is it should send an empty packet to the decoder
07:50.41maruzgod save kevin :)
07:50.57cursorwhat's about to happen?
07:51.15DrRighteouscursor: yes, thats what I have, but the phone is looking for P00....loads not P0S....loads
07:51.36DrRighteousand it says on the screen ProtocolApplicationInvalid
07:51.49DrRighteousit keeps trying to load the p00 file from tftp
07:52.12cursorWhat do you have in your SIPDefault.cnf file?
07:52.17cursorP00 or P0S?
07:52.30cursorimage_version: P0S3-07-1-00
07:52.35cursorcheck it
07:53.06DrRighteousahh ok
07:54.58*** join/#asterisk usam (~alx@
07:55.12DrRighteousdamn... still getting Protocol Application Invalid
07:55.19DrRighteousits getting the right file now, however
07:55.25DrRighteousmaybe I should try 7.0?
07:55.32cursor7.1 works
07:55.47*** join/#asterisk JohnJacob (
07:55.59JohnJacobgrr. I hate that we have to identify.
07:56.01usamroyk - faar du tak i norsk telefon nummer via IAX ?
07:56.18JohnJacobMy client disconnect and doesn't identify properly
07:56.49cursorboop be urp no ise ploop bat ke IAX ?
07:57.05RoyKusam: snart - fra oss :D
07:57.35cursorRho srapped mg kegtops awound?
07:57.51*** join/#asterisk altamic (~Michele@
07:58.15usamroyk - btw, telio can provide it for 159NOK pr month, but im not sure if they support iax or not
07:58.25cursorIt's all Greek to me
07:58.29cursorThis text is [umop apisdn].
07:58.39cursorstand on your head and read it
07:59.24DrRighteousyeah working
07:59.27cursortype this:
07:59.28cursorperl -e 'print q^Asterisk!!!^^qq^\f\034\033\026\027I#\016OHR\n^'
08:02.20RoyKanyone heard of a "Jensen" ISDN card?
08:02.22*** join/#asterisk af_ (~af@
08:02.56RoyKseems it's Cologne...
08:03.00RoyKthat sucks
08:05.24clive-royk you can use bristuff
08:05.40RoyKfor Cologne??
08:05.49RoyKisn't cologne != HFCPCI?
08:06.43RoyKseems it's hfc pci anyway...
08:08.07RoyK-me kicks slePP
08:08.24slePPwhy are you so mean to me?
08:09.38slePPc'mon. hurt me more..!
08:09.56slePPthe ultimate insult has been provided
08:10.58cursorYou'd probably have to call it SAM
08:10.59*** join/#asterisk rgunn (
08:11.13cursorNow you know what "uncle sam" is really all about
08:11.15RoyKFORMAT slePP: /s /q /u
08:11.19cursorUncle SAM wants YOU!
08:11.52cursormkfs /dev/slepp
08:12.04slePPyou're not even going to enable support for unformat??
08:12.16cursormount /dev/slepp /pole
08:12.19RoyKslePP: exactly!
08:12.25slePPbtw, i have a /dev/slepp kernel module i wrote when i was 14
08:12.28slePPjust for reference
08:12.42cursorWhat did it do?
08:12.44slePPit was an autosizing block device
08:12.47slePPjust to tinker with stuff
08:12.50rgunnhey all, don't want to be rude, but can anyone on here possibly help me obtain the latest firmware for a 7940  without me purchasing a maintenance contract with Cisco ??
08:12.52cursorand what will you write for your 15th?
08:12.56slePPas you wrote past boundary, it got bigger, it never shrunk
08:12.59slePPcursor: your obits? :>
08:13.43cursorThe Cisco maintenance is $8
08:14.00cursorand you can take whatever you like once you have that
08:14.14slePPforever and ever too
08:14.22cursorBut you have to jump through Cisco's hoops to get it
08:14.27slePPcursor, dont' make me send you child pr0n of myself!
08:14.41cursorI don't like prawns.  I'm glad I don't because if I liked them, I'd eat them, and I just hate eating prawns.
08:15.08slePPdamn it!
08:15.10slePPthere goes that idea
08:15.11cursorThe FBI will have to swim
08:15.14cursoror get on the phone
08:15.15slePPwell, enjoy me when i was 12.
08:15.35slePPthat was a groan of enjoyment?
08:15.37slePPsick perv.
08:15.46slePPunique, yet painful
08:15.48rgunnits a pain, have to wait a couple of days, sign up with cisco, wait for a reseller to charge me $12 dollars AUD
08:15.58slePPrgunn: but it'll happen
08:16.05slePPso take the hit like the rest of us
08:16.11slePPyeh. like the rest of us. yeh.... ;>
08:16.12cursorThe upgrade can't be urgent, can it?
08:16.17cursorOtherwise you'd have it by now
08:16.18slePPMGCP -> SIP?
08:16.31rgunnits already ordered (belive it or not) I'm just eager to play with the new phone...
08:16.33slePPthat's the only urgent one i could see
08:16.39slePPyou're already sip?
08:16.54rgunnwanting latest SIP image
08:17.12cursorWhich version do you have?
08:17.21slePPif you just want the latest, then don't worry about it. it'll come, it'll work in the meantime
08:17.42rgunnno - its factory default at the moment..
08:17.47cursorWhich version do you have?
08:17.49rgunnmgcp ?
08:17.56slePPfactory had a default?
08:18.19rgunnwell i thought so but then again its the first Cisco i've used
08:18.44rgunni'm the proud owner  of several budget tones...
08:18.49slePPdoes it show Sip in the top right corner? or some weird M?
08:18.58cursorBudget Tone?
08:19.02cursorSame sentence?
08:19.05slePPcursor: let him be. he's confused. :>
08:19.10slePPhe got a cisco after all
08:19.17slePPhe/she, should've asked first :>
08:19.27cursorThe 7960 is great
08:19.42slePPbut no one will give me one
08:19.46slePPso i can prove it is true or false
08:19.48cursorask bkw_
08:19.52cursorhe'll give you one
08:20.01slePPno, he wants to give me something else that starts with 7 and ends in inches
08:20.25rgunni'm a he and I'm confused, pls not one of them though !
08:22.04cursorback in a moment
08:22.28slePPaw :<
08:22.42slePPrgunn: so are you sure it's MGCP and not SIP on the phone?
08:22.48slePPis it booting at all to the point where you can get into menus?
08:23.10rgunnno - its cycling
08:24.04rgunnand i've read the gumpf on voip-org so i thought i had to get the SIP image onto it
08:24.58rgunnso i thought its trying to use Cisco Call Manager to set itself up
08:27.22Dobajanyone know how to get call parking working... I followed and example and all I get is the woman telling me there is no call on that extension
08:29.34rgunnhave u checked parking.conf ?
08:30.36Dobajyes... put in parkext => 101 and parkpos => 102-120 also set the context
08:31.02maruzDobaj: try to add this
08:31.13maruzDobaj: to your extension.conf
08:33.20libpcphi all
08:33.33rgunnDobaj: i've got include => parkedcalls in my [default] section in extensions.conf
08:33.40libpcpi would like to ask how to play a wav file for dialing an extension
08:33.43slePPcursor: come back. i'm lonely.
08:33.48slePPcursor: you're my only friend.
08:33.55libpcpor so i need to convert the wav file to gsm ?
08:34.49slePPwav file for dialing?
08:34.51slePPhow do you mean?
08:34.54slePPlike, play it before it dials?
08:35.00slePPor they dial an exten, and it plays?
08:35.44DrRighteousahh... I just installed 7.1 on my 7960 and now theres a unlock code for settings? anyone know what it is?
08:36.21rgunnor dial an extension which is a permanent music extension ?
08:36.59Dobajrgun: in your paste what in english does line 3 do?
08:37.13slePPcursor: an inflatable banana?
08:37.17slePPinteresting. very interesting.
08:37.34libpcpslePP: play a wav file before dialing
08:38.18DrRighteousanyone know the default pass?
08:38.25cursorfor what?
08:38.39DrRighteousyeah cisco Unlock Pass for 7960
08:38.41cursor7960 defaut pass is 'cisco'
08:38.45DrRighteousahh thanks
08:38.48cursorchange it!
08:40.14*** join/#asterisk foo8ar (
08:40.33foo8aris any chan_sip coders around?
08:40.52cursorThat depends upon what you need done
08:40.53libpcpim just wondering how to play wav file in Background()
08:41.17rgunnDobaj: have you included the parked calls context in your extensions.conf ?
08:41.20foo8ari wonder why lastms never gets updated wen using mysqlfriends
08:42.02cursorSorry, I don't have any mysqlfriends
08:42.40cursorI don't know what that does
08:42.41foo8arwhat's the general idea when to update/poke lastms?
08:42.46Dobajrgunn: I get an error when I try and transfer... I've used 101 rather than 700
08:42.55libpcpcursor: can you give me an example how to play a wav file let say exten => s,2,Background(wavfilehere)
08:45.03cursorThat's how you do it
08:45.12cursorOr use Playback()
08:45.38cursorBackground() can be interrupted with DTMF
08:45.44cursorPlayback() can't
08:46.57cursorlastms cannot be updated from outside of chan_sip
08:47.22maruzwavfile is a .wav file converted to a .gsm with sox, or it can be a .wav directly?
08:47.49cursorModify chan_sip.c and add a function that does this:
08:47.52maruzdoes background or playback support .wav?
08:48.04cursorThat'll update all of the lastms values
08:48.12cursorin theory
08:49.05cursoryes, it does
08:49.15cursorIt supports any of the format Asterisk knows about
08:49.43cursorIt'd be better if you converted the file to ulaw or something
08:49.51cursorless work at playback time
08:49.56*** join/#asterisk tla (
08:49.59rgunnDobaj: u don't happen to have a features.conf file as well ?
08:50.26cursorI do
08:50.27*** join/#asterisk flavour (
08:50.42cursorMine is five lines long
08:50.46Dobajrgunn: Yes I do
08:51.50slePPexten => 69,1,Playback(cursor)
08:51.57slePPexten => 69,2,Playback(badbadbad)
08:52.00cursorThat'll work
08:52.00rgunnparking.conf is now features.conf as of 7/17/04 isn't it, so its probably still using 700 as the parking extension ??
08:52.24slePPcursor, you know any canadian ladies?
08:52.36cursoryes - parking.conf is now in features.conf
08:52.40Dobajrgunn: That would explain why vi parking.conf was blank and there was no file there
08:52.42libpcp<maruz> wavfile is a .wav file converted to a .gsm with sox, or it can be a .wav directly?
08:52.49rgunnDObaj: yep
08:52.51cursor(slePP) no
08:52.57slePPwell ok
08:53.01cursorWhy?  Were you hoping I'd set you up?
08:53.03slePPwhen did features.conf come into being?
08:53.25slePPright, UK.
08:53.26slePPlike us.
08:53.30slePPthe right way around
08:53.37slePPanyhow, 17/7/04. i thought i did a CVS since then
08:53.38slePPbut maybe not
08:53.43cursorday/month/year <-- in order
08:53.47rgunndd/mm/yy ! the right way here is Aus too
08:53.52slePPthe yankees are the only ones that do it backwards
08:54.05slePPConnected to Asterisk CVS-HEAD-07/18/04-19:27:22 currently running on proso (pid = 21501)
08:54.09slePPi'd vote no on the features.conf thing?
08:54.48cursorI don't really see the point of features.conf
08:55.01rgunnyeah - parked.conf tis abit more specific aint it ?
08:55.08slePPbut parking.conf for 3 lines?
08:55.13cursorI have 5
08:55.17slePPjust one more file to look in
08:55.20DrRighteousGetting real close here... I provisioned a line in the 7960, and set the proxy to the IP of my asterisk box, but asterisk isnt authenticating off of the username, its seeing the internal IP not the nat public IP...
08:55.21slePPwhen [parking]
08:55.23cursorset and forget
08:55.26slePPcould be good
08:55.48Dobajrgunn: do I need to enable 3-way calling as well?
08:55.51cursorparking.conf was nice and compact
08:55.59cursorSo compact, if it was any smaller it'd occupy negative space and someone would collect a Nobel prize for atomic physics.
08:56.12libpcpcursor: can i play a wavfile directly or i need to convert it to gsm? and what should be the correct frequency of a wav file so i could play it on asterisk, 16000kHz got an error
08:56.14foo8arcursor: I see, but when *normally* would a connection get poked or get its foo->lastms set?
08:56.28slePP-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           62 Jul 15 02:55 rtp.conf
08:56.28slePP-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           57 Jul 15 02:55 meetme.conf
08:56.28slePP-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           52 Jul 15 02:55 res_config_odbc.conf
08:56.29cursorYou can play any format you like
08:56.35cursorAsterisk will transcode if required
08:56.36slePP-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          263 Jul 15 02:55 parking.conf
08:56.47cursorthat's why ulaw or gsm are best as source formats
08:56.55cursoras they don't take a lot of CPU to transcode
08:57.11slePPbut gsm is icky
08:57.16libpcpAug  3 17:00:38 WARNING[19472]: format_wav.c:155 check_header: Unexpected freqency 16000
08:57.46slePPlibpcp: must be 8kHz single channel
08:57.49slePPcursor: why?
08:58.08slePPall my PBX waves are in: 8kHz, 16 bit, one channel
08:59.14cursorIt dosn't use a lot of CPU and the sound quality is reasonable
08:59.46slePPwith VoIP or outside of it
08:59.49slePPit's a bit... grainy/mushy
08:59.53cursorI assumed it was using the packet reconstruction
09:00.02cursoriLBC is better than GSM
09:00.18cursorbut suffers the same as GSM because of the lost packets and non-reconstruction
09:00.32cursorI didn't realise it wasn't doing reconstruction
09:00.37cursorI'm looking into that now
09:00.47voidptr"better" :)
09:00.54voidptrit soakes cpu though
09:00.58slePPif you make it better, then okay :>
09:01.07slePPilbc has worked well for me, but it does skip.
09:01.08libpcpit works with 8khz
09:01.12slePPi would love to see full blown speex in asterisk
09:01.23slePPi can understand speex to 60% packet loss
09:01.25cursorI tried to use speex with NuFone
09:01.28cursoryesterday and today
09:01.30cursorno luck there
09:01.41voidptrjust get a decent connection ;)
09:01.47cursornot the connection
09:01.53cursorulaw and g726 work
09:02.11slePPno, speex has issues in asterisk
09:02.13voidptrso what is the problem then?
09:02.14cursoreven g729 (sssh)
09:02.18slePPlike.. if it's not exactly what it expects, it goes toasty
09:02.25slePPwhere? wut?
09:02.28slePPyou made that up
09:02.35foo8arcursor: I see, but when *normally* would a connection get poked or get its foo->lastms set?
09:02.39voidptrcodecs don't bring magic packetloss
09:02.39cursorIt connects with SPEEX and then I get a recorded message
09:02.46voidptrwell atleast not gsm
09:02.47cursorsaying the number cannot be completed as dialled
09:02.52voidptrand ilbc neither
09:03.02cursorI think I'm being switched to another box with no SpeeX
09:04.24slePPcursor.. will you speex with me?
09:04.40slePPno, i'm not bored, i just play like that on irc.
09:04.46slePProyk wants in
09:04.51slePPsorry roy.. go ahead. you can speex me too
09:05.11cursorand then runs
09:05.55cursorYou can't catch a SIGSEGV :-)
09:06.02voidptrcursor : i think you can
09:06.04RoyKcursor: you can indeed
09:06.09cursorWell, you can, but you can't do anything useful
09:06.11voidptrlook at *
09:06.24cursorYou can just report the fact and exit
09:06.27RoyKcursor: you can at least kill()
09:06.28voidptr(although thats a bad example)
09:06.41cursorIf you try to do anything fancy then you could loop
09:06.53voidptrcursor : basicly you can do anything, but you cannot trust the old data anymore
09:07.10slePPno one told me that, when i first did signal handling
09:07.13cursoryes - you can catch, but what's the point?
09:07.15slePPso i'd catch sigsegv
09:07.16slePPand return
09:07.23slePPand wonder why it would go into a sig loop
09:07.26*** join/#asterisk neoneurone (
09:07.35slePPso i put in a 'if(sigsegv_count++ > 5) { exit(0); }'
09:07.41voidptrcursor : enhanced debugging...
09:07.58slePPit was neat, cuz sometimes, it'd only seg 3 times
09:08.00slePPthen continue as normal
09:08.04slePPbut usually, it went right away
09:08.30slePPprintf("cursor told me this wouldn't work. he was right. crashing. thanks.\n"); abort();
09:08.50cursorprintf("MOOSE PENIS!\n");
09:08.59slePPProgress: B1A00000-00000007-00000000-00000000
09:09.04cursorI think Asterisk should have a muppet config
09:09.06slePPi'm brute forcing a TEA crypto
09:09.08cursormuppet = yes
09:09.13cursorhidden somewhere in the config
09:09.15*** join/#asterisk CMike (
09:09.24cursorThe README should explain how to remove it
09:09.24slePPcursor: like gnugk?
09:09.35cursorand asterisk should refuse to start with it set
09:09.45slePPnot the readme
09:09.47slePPthe wiki
09:10.05cursorif (muppet) {
09:10.05slePPbut embed the word muppet in all pages except 'how to remove mu pp et' :>
09:10.31slePPRTFM and STFW
09:11.32*** part/#asterisk rgunn (
09:11.44cursorSlepp's Tent Flew Westward?
09:12.04slePPwell, it tends to hang downwards unless bkw is around. but...
09:12.08slePPsee/search the fucking wiki
09:13.24*** join/#asterisk Scannachiappolo (
09:14.09slePPcursor, are you a ham?
09:14.11slePPor just at parties?
09:14.31slePPamateur radio
09:15.03slePPwhy not?
09:15.09slePPisn't that the only way to talk to people off the island?
09:15.15cursorNo, the question is why?
09:15.20slePPfair enough
09:15.28slePPand uhm. barely used it since
09:15.33cursorwhy not?
09:15.36slePPbut since it's licensed for 99 years or death, whichever comes first, it doesn't really matter
09:15.43slePPcuz my radio keeps falling off it's velcro on the dash
09:16.02cursorNow, that is amateur radio :-)
09:16.23slePPexactly :>
09:16.34slePPa $300 linear amp under the seat
09:16.37slePP$30 in cables
09:16.46slePPand a $25 radio velcro'd to the dash, with a $60 headset
09:17.39cursorheadset, i a car?
09:17.44slePPhell yah
09:17.51slePPever try using a mic for 2 hours on the highway?
09:17.53slePPget hand cramps
09:18.59slePPanyway. :> it's a nice little headset
09:19.45slePP13207 slepp     19   0   292  288  244 R 65.0  0.0 302:24.47 aolcrack
09:19.45slePP13210 slepp     20   0   304  300  256 R 62.8  0.0 294:30.52 aolcrack
09:19.45slePP13347 slepp     20   0   292  288  244 R 59.9  0.0 272:14.10 aolcrack2
09:19.53slePPonly a couple trillion years to go
09:20.05CMikewhere can I find the latest Grandstream Firmware ?   anyone ?
09:20.20slePPCMike: ask cursor. he likes grandstreams
09:20.38slePPenglish tea?
09:20.43slePPor green tea?
09:20.46slePPearl grey?
09:21.09slePPvoidptr: wut? VOX as in voice actuated?
09:21.11cursornone of that girly fancy stuff
09:21.15slePPwell then
09:21.19slePPgreen tea is far from fancy :>
09:22.10slePPoh dear god no.
09:22.11slePPplease no.
09:22.13slePPoh wait
09:22.17slePPi like quiche.
09:22.19slePPthanks :>
09:22.36slePPdid you know broccoli didn't exist like 30 years ago?
09:22.53cursorI didn't know that
09:23.01slePPit's a hybrid plant entirely man made
09:23.10slePPthere is no wild broccoli plant.
09:23.24slePPwell, they didn't... they ended up merging into one solid mass of green fluffy veggie
09:23.27slePPand were never separated again
09:23.29slePPpoor things
09:23.37*** join/#asterisk shmooz (
09:23.45slePPas shmooz joins
09:23.47slePPnice timing
09:24.04slePPthe japanese really scare me most of the time.
09:24.13slePPshmooz: how's weather over there?
09:24.42cursorThey scare everyone - they glow in the dark, thanks to the Americans
09:24.55slePPit's not so much the glowing, as it is the anime
09:24.58slePPand hello kitty
09:25.08shmoozslePP: good good, little hot, how bout u
09:25.09slePPshmooz: is it pleasant in TO?
09:25.13slePPtoo hot
09:25.15slePPand windy
09:25.40slePPcursor: though i have suspicions the anime and hello kitty both derive from the same causes as the glowing...
09:25.48slePPkind of like an exceptionally prolonged acid trip
09:26.36cursorLight travels faster than sound.  This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
09:26.47shmoozI got this problem with queuing, how do I setup the channels for members, those members phones work with sip at the moment, and when I call from pstn it tries to queue, but doesn't ring any internal phones...
09:26.50shmoozWARNING[1105755056]: channel.c:1831 ast_request: No channel type registered for 'AddQueueMember(supportq|SIP'
09:26.50shmoozAug  3 05:59:54 NOTICE[1105755056]: app_queue.c:699 wait_for_answer: No one is answering queue 'supportq'
09:27.23slePPshmooz: i think you missed something in the agents.conf
09:27.33slePPlike, the proper format sort of thing
09:27.37shmoozoh, yes, never even looked at it yet
09:27.40shmoozgood idea
09:27.43slePPlook at agents.conf
09:27.45slePPand in queues.conf
09:27.54slePPdo you have AddQueueMember in either of those?
09:28.25DrRighteous20 bucks via paypal to anyone who can get my 7960 to work with asterisk ;)
09:28.31DrRighteoustime is money after all
09:28.36slePPmake it $25 and  you've got a deal
09:28.48slePPhost to ssh/telnet to?
09:28.53shmoozI have member => AddQueueMember(supportq|SIP/100) .. and more
09:28.53slePPand all that jazz
09:28.57shmoozin queues.conf
09:29.00slePPit's $35 if i can't login remotely :>
09:29.13slePPschmooz: just use: member => SIP/100
09:29.15slePPi think :>
09:29.40slePPmember => SIP/100
09:29.43slePPdo that, do a reload
09:29.45slePPthen try your queue
09:31.15libpcpive created an ivr menu, is it possible while waiting for users input for the extension they want to call, it will play an music from musiconhold?
09:31.45pfnneat, so I've got myself a 7960 to dick with for a bit
09:31.47shmoozslePP: well that did it! :) , thanks budz
09:31.50pfnneed to load up the SIP images
09:32.10slePPno problem.
09:33.23pfnoh, nevermind, it's a 7940
09:34.02*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
09:35.02*** join/#asterisk kiso79 (kiso79@
09:35.11cursorDon't let your mind wander -- it's too little to be let out alone.
09:35.40*** join/#asterisk Jas_Williams (
09:36.09cursorWe need to be sure to delete any patches by cursor_software in
09:36.09cursorthe bug tracker to make sure they don't inadvertantly find their way into
09:36.09cursorAsterisk since he will be unable to file a disclaimer.
09:37.45slePPwhy was it again?
09:37.46slePPthat you cant?
09:37.53cursorI just can't
09:38.16kiso79Has anyone got some exp with stun??
09:38.17slePPinteresting :>
09:38.24cursorwave goodbye to the forwarding fixes
09:38.36slePPnah, send me the forwarding fixes for assistance
09:38.39slePPand i'll steal your code
09:38.55cursorI'll send to anyone who asks
09:39.13cursorand will most likely set up a website to show a list and allow patch downloads
09:39.27slePPbut it can't make it into main code trunks
09:39.35cursorApparentlt not
09:39.51slePPthat's stopped a few things from making it in thus far, unfortunately
09:40.00slePPthey need like the Netscape/Mozilla partnership
09:40.04slePPAsterisk and AsteriskFree
09:40.09cursorIf I didn't want to share then I wouldn't have posted the enhancements in the first place
09:40.19cursorAsterisk is a (tm)
09:40.39cursorAsk atacomm about TMs :-)
09:40.40slePPno more tm talk for tonight :P
09:41.04kiso79~seen mattbridges
09:41.05jbotmattbridges <~mattbridg@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 22d 17h 39m 7s ago, saying: 'Hi anyone give me some help with MySQL + SIP Friends?'.
09:41.22slePPcursor: here's one for you
09:41.40slePPon my 7940, do i need one peer/user per line, or one only, and identify when i call it like SIP/100@peer?
09:41.42litnimaxjbot: what'is the roblem?
09:41.43jbotwish i knew, litnimax
09:42.22cursorI use 'friend' for local SIP phones
09:42.33cursorand peer/user pairs for anything non-local
09:42.37slePPk, well friend then
09:42.40slePPbut the same question. :>
09:42.44slePPtwo friends? like. 801 and 802
09:42.46cursorone per line
09:42.55kiso79cursor: isn't friend borh user and peer?
09:42.59slePPit'd be useful to have one friend, all 2/6 lines if you wanted
09:43.01cursorit is
09:44.00kiso79Hmm, Does no one have any STUN experience?
09:44.24cursorI'm sure someone has
09:44.43kiso79Well, it's a very simple question I have
09:45.15kiso79Do I need a STUN server if only the client is behind a NAT?
09:45.23kiso79the server is on a public IP
09:45.51cursorThat's the idea
09:46.05cursorso that people behine a NAT can connect to your service
09:46.10cursorthat's what STUN is for
09:47.06kiso79But someone told me that I didn't need it
09:47.16kiso79Hmm, obviously they were wrong
09:47.50slePPcursor, will you adopt me if i move to england?
09:48.03slePPor be my sugar daddy at least
09:48.13kiso79cursor: Can the STUN run on the same IP/server as the * then?
09:48.37cursorit can
09:48.41cursoruse a different port
09:49.32cursoror move Asterisk's SIP to a different port and put STUN on the SIP port
09:49.53kiso79have you ever set up a STUN? And how difficult is it?
09:50.06cursorno, and no idea :-)
09:50.23cursorAsterisk will probably get built-in STUN support after 1.0
09:50.38kiso79So Unless I set up a STUN only the users who are not behind a NAT can use our service?
09:50.50cursoror IAX2 users
09:51.22kiso79Well, not a whole lot of phones support IAX2
09:51.32kiso79At least at an affordable price
09:51.53kiso79We use GS and Xlite
09:52.01kiso79And they support STUN
09:52.15kiso79But obviously I need to implement the STUN first :D
09:53.33kiso79S..., more work then
09:54.44cursorSomeone't gotta be kidding here
09:54.45cursor[Asterisk-cvs] asterisk ChangeLog,1.67,1.68 HARDWARE,1.3,1.4 asterisk.c,1.111,1.112 muted.c,1.4,1.5 pbx.c,1.142,1.143
09:54.52cursorsee the asterisk.c change
09:55.30cursorI don't think I'll point out the obvious error this time
09:55.35cursorMy version works
09:55.53cursorThe "cleanroom" version will duplicate the last line of the history file every time, I suspect
09:56.29cursorActually, I'll back out my patch and add the one in CVS to see if I'm right
10:03.26cursorActually, it doesn't fix any of what my bug reported
10:03.36cursorYou still get blank lines in the history
10:03.47cursorand you still get a repeated last command when you load the history
10:04.20cursorThis is too funny
10:04.34cursorand it ends my involvement with the project on a coding basis
10:04.43cursorI'll just be a user from now on
10:06.49cursorI re-applied my changes and it all works properly now
10:06.55cursorSo I'm happy with that
10:15.04*** join/#asterisk jalsot (
10:15.35slePPit ends your assistance at coding?
10:20.09cursorI think I can see why the iLBC/SpeeX stuff doesn't get passed the info it needs to do lost frame reconstruction
10:20.31cursorThe place I'm looking at would need a 5-6 line addition
10:20.59cursorand the codecs would need to signal that reconstruction is required
10:21.15cursorin SpeeX, you just pass in a NULL and it does all the work for you
10:21.21cursorI'm not sure about iLBC
10:21.33slePPpossibly similar?
10:21.34cursorbut I'm sure there's info on that in their docs/google/test program
10:21.39cursorNot similar
10:21.48cursorit dereferences the pointer passed in
10:21.52cursorso you can't pass in a NULL
10:22.12cursorbut there's likely to be a 'lost frame' marker
10:22.23cursorI'll take a break and then fix this up
10:22.45cursorand then my Asterisk will sound better than yours :-)
10:23.13kiso79cursor; do you by any chance have a good beat on the sipfriends/iaxfriends part?
10:23.44cursorI don't put friends etc. in a database
10:24.04kiso79cursor: how then?
10:24.16cursorThat's what I use
10:24.34kiso79cursor: I imagine you dont have a lot of users then
10:24.51cursornot a lot
10:25.01cursorand the number won't change very often
10:25.03kiso79cursor: hmm, we need to have something like a 1000 or more
10:25.08cursorso the conf is fine for me
10:25.29kiso79So a db is needed for us
10:26.03cursorSorry, if I used the DB config then I'd be able to help
10:26.09kiso79cursor: But I did get our billing part down to something like a 1 line statement :D
10:26.46kiso79In MySQL
10:27.01kiso79cursor: I think thats a place to start, eh??
10:27.48kiso79But it still sucks that I have to get into STUN also
10:28.04kiso79And the doc on it is hard to find
10:28.04cursorIt can't be too difficult to set up
10:28.17kiso79cursor: I got it downloaded
10:28.18cursorlots of service providers use SER/STUN with Asterisk
10:28.44cursorgood luck
10:29.10kiso79cursor: I don't need luck, just an update of my skills :D
10:29.40cursoremerge --update skills
10:30.00pfnwow, getting the 7940 up and running is relatively easy
10:30.13cursorshould be the same as the 7960
10:30.18*** join/#asterisk liversmudge (
10:30.32liversmudgemorning guys
10:30.39liversmudgewhos awake today?
10:30.50pfnwhat does the x in the line appearance mean on the 7940
10:30.57liversmudgeI have a strange problem that I guess is very common ...
10:30.57slePPit didn't register
10:30.59Jas_WilliamsNot registered
10:31.05pfnwhy doesn't it register....
10:31.10cursorthe x?
10:31.14liversmudge2 machines peering with iax
10:31.21Jas_Williamssip.conf error
10:31.40liversmudgethe host terminats pstn calls .. the salve makes all calls through the peer to the host
10:31.53pfnoh, I have register with proxy = no
10:31.59Dobajanyone got moh to work with parked calls?
10:32.02liversmudgeI can make 1 call off the slave outside and everything is ok .. clear call
10:32.11*** join/#asterisk morlac (~morlac@
10:32.31liversmudgethe second is jittery .. the show channels shows a very high lag and or vay high jitter
10:32.52Jas_WilliamsDobaj: Only works if the call comes over a Zap channel does not work with sip channels
10:32.56liversmudgeis this a timing error
10:33.22liversmudgeif so who dictates the timing of a call
10:33.32morlacwho can tell me why my TE410P switch all lights off once the module/driver is loaded on Redhat 9 standard? or what to check?
10:33.33liversmudgeis it the host end or the slave end
10:33.40*** join/#asterisk Bobby_Ewing (~Chat@
10:33.44DobajJas: Thanks... hopefully my X100 card should be here today... then I have the fun of installing it with Fedora Core2
10:34.03*** join/#asterisk Dr-|KEIN| (~xMANx@
10:34.58*** join/#asterisk maruz (
10:35.01liversmudgecursor ... your a man who normally knows .. what is the problem with my peering ... please tell me oh *gurn
10:35.49Dr-|KEIN|anyone can help me with this problem ... Aug  3 12:25:33 WARNING[98311]: chan_sip.c:673 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call 71cea1558b728643@ for seqno 40946 (Non-critical Response)
10:36.22Bobby_Ewingcould anyone help me with a quick exten i'm trying to setup?  I'm trying to make it so by dialing "8 01723 366666" it would dial on nufone "011 44 1723366666" - a UK number.  I'm using exten => _80[1-9].,1,Dial(IAX2/USER@NuFone/01144${EXTEN:1}) but it doesn't work - am I missing something obvious?
10:37.36liversmudgeBOB: you will have an extra 0 in there from the original exten
10:38.20Bobby_Ewingliversmudge: how should i remove it?
10:39.38*** join/#asterisk sbashton (
10:39.39DobajBob: Use ${EXTEN:2} I think
10:39.43liversmudgeBOB: make the EXTEN:1 to EXTEN:2
10:40.06liversmudgethe :X removes the 1st X digits off the EXTEN variable
10:41.01Bobby_Ewingoh ok.. i'll try that.  Cheers liversmudge
10:42.14liversmudgeany help on this jitter peer I have?
10:43.27Bobby_Ewingliversmudge: it's still not working.  It's actually sending this to nufone: Called USER@NuFone/01723366666 instead of /011441723366666
10:45.09*** join/#asterisk afoldo (~arbrandes@
10:45.09pfnsip debug ip is so broken
10:45.14pfnit only shows outbound messages but not inbound
10:45.24*** part/#asterisk DrRighteous (
10:48.09pfnwhy is the cisco being stupid and not registering
10:48.13pfnit's not sending authentication
10:49.40liversmudgeBOB : _80[1-9].,1,Dial(IAX2/USER@NuFone/01144${EXTEN:2})  this should work ...
10:51.11cursor<liversmudge> cursor ... your a man who normally knows .. what is the problem with my peering ... please tell me oh *gurn
10:51.16cursordescribe the problem
10:51.34cursorand I'll try to be a *gurn
10:51.44cursorwhatever that is :-)
10:52.22Jas_Williamspfn: what version of cisco software are you using ?
10:54.50Jas_Williamspfn: What is the contents of the cnf file
10:55.00Jas_Williamspfn: Post it to pastebin
10:55.02*** join/#asterisk folsson (~filip@
10:55.04pfnmodified defaults
10:55.15pfnuno segundo
10:56.05liversmudgeCursor : ok 1 master serving pstn calls the slave connecting via iax2 .. 1st call from slave to master is clear low lag low jigger ... second call jitters to hell and the lag goes sky high ... like 7 digits sky high ..
10:57.23cursortrunked IAX2?
10:57.23liversmudgeCursor : IF voip-voip call are made through the peer they seem ok .. it only seems to happen when a call is made externally to a PSTN line
10:57.33liversmudgeCursor Trunk has been turned off
10:57.46cursorwhat about the jitter buffer?
10:58.13liversmudgeCursor : truned off .. as the lists seem to indicate that the jitter buffer dont work
10:58.28cursorthey only fail in trunked mode
10:58.32cursorwhich why I asked that first
10:58.36cursorswitch the JB on
10:58.44liversmudgebugger .. I wanted the trunk on
10:58.45Bobby_Ewingcursor / liversmudge.  I have exactly that above in my extensions.conf, but asteris still says: Called USER@NuFone/01723366666 not 011441723366666
10:59.11liversmudgeSo if trunk is on .. does jitter buffer fail ... or only sometimes?
10:59.22maruzJas_Williams: 10x for having helped on ml :) nevertheless it doesn't worjs :(
10:59.24cursorit's broken in trunked mode - apparently
10:59.26*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
10:59.30cursorbut works without
10:59.44cursor11:59am - morning
11:00.01pfn3:59 here
11:00.07puzzledhehe, timing is everything :)
11:00.10cursorone step ahead - as usual
11:00.19decodepfn: i wish i was back in PST :)
11:00.20liversmudgeCursor : what settings show I start with ?
11:00.48cursorI use these:
11:00.50cursorjitterbuffer = yes              ; enable the jitter buffer
11:00.50cursordropcount = 2                   ; default 3
11:00.50cursormaxjitterbuffer = 500           ; default 500
11:00.50cursormaxexcessbuffer = 80            ; default 100
11:00.51cursorminexcessbuffer = 20            ; default 10
11:00.53cursorjittershrinkrate = 1            ; 1 = 50ms per second shrink (or enlarge) rate
11:00.53*** join/#asterisk afoldo (~arbrandes@
11:02.25Jas_Williamspfn: just checking your config
11:02.47pfnI keep getting register -> trying -> unauthorized -> register
11:02.56pfnthe last register does not try to authenticate, it sends w/o authentication
11:03.53Jas_Williamsdo you have auth=md5 in your sip.conf
11:03.54*** join/#asterisk dnc (
11:04.03puzzledmorning dnc
11:04.54Jas_Williamsplace auth=md5 for the peer 400 and try again also you could post the sip.conf for that peer
11:05.16cursorApparently, my patches will be deleted off the bug tracker soon
11:05.27cursorso if anyone wants them then grab them quickly
11:05.39Bobby_Ewingwhich patches cursor
11:06.05Bobby_Ewingdid you get caller id to work with BT?
11:06.18liversmudgeCursor : putting the jitterbuffer on .. now makes all the calls jitter .. even when there is only 1 channel open
11:06.18liversmudgePeer             Username    ID (Lo/Rem)  Seq (Tx/Rx)  Lag      Jitter  JitBuf  Format
11:06.18liversmudge217.14.176.134   client3018  00010/16390  00006/00006  -35323901ms  0004ms  0018ms  GSM
11:06.28cursor  <-- patches
11:06.29liversmudgethis is the weird thing I get .. notice the lag
11:06.54cursorI'll consider maintaining them elsewhere
11:07.30Jas_Williamspfn: add username=400 as well
11:07.45pfnthat shouldn't make a diff, but ok...
11:07.57liversmudgeCursor : any ideas why the lag is negitive .... always wanted low lag .. but neg lag is weird
11:08.33pfnnope, no diff
11:08.57pfnit's not responding to authentication requests
11:08.59cursorI've seen a -ve lag once
11:09.06cursorbut have never been able to reproduce it
11:09.57liversmudgewithout jitterbuffer on the 1st call is ok .. 15ms lag 3 jitter ... the second call has either lareg amounts of lag and high jitter or neg lag low jitter
11:10.00Jas_Williamspfn: Is nat involved ?
11:10.35pfnno nat involved
11:10.35Jas_Williamspfn: then why is nat=yes
11:10.40pfncuz it makes no difference in this case
11:11.13liversmudgeI know a time source is needed ... how you you dictate which source is used ....
11:11.33cursorThe caller provides the timing
11:11.37Jas_Williamspfn: then remove it, can you post a sip debug your configs look fine
11:11.48liversmudgenow then
11:11.48cursorso it'll be the remote IAX connection
11:11.53cursoror your PSTN card
11:11.55cursoror whatever
11:11.56pfninteresting, perhaps nat=yes did fuck stuff up
11:12.31cursoronly set nat=yes if the phone is configured with that as well
11:12.34liversmudgeso .. if the slave hasnt got a card "working" init and makes a call how does it get the timing
11:13.05liversmudgethis is the thing ... host to slave .. clear calls everytime ... slave to host .. problems ... I am lead to think this is a timeing error then
11:13.16cursor"some other method"
11:13.51cursorpossibly a zap driver
11:13.57cursorlike the USB driver
11:14.02cursoror the RTC driver
11:14.02pfnjas_williams I removed nat=yes and it seems to have fixed it, thanks
11:14.08pfnI'll investigate why that's the case later
11:14.15pfntime to go to bed
11:14.29liversmudgeWell this might be it .... its onf FC2 .. which has some issues compiling the drivers stc
11:14.45liversmudgeI did what the lists say ... but I wonder if its not worked
11:16.32libpcpis there any configuration aside from setting up a callgroup and pickupgroup to a sip users to make call pickup work or do i need something to configure?
11:20.31liversmudgedoes anyone have the correct procedure for compiling zaptel under Fedora Core 2 with a 2.6 kernel?
11:20.43liversmudgeI knows its in the lists I just cant find it
11:20.48gambolputtyI found out from someone that
11:20.56gambolputtyjust follow the source code only
11:20.58gambolputtyfor zaptel
11:21.05gambolputtyignore the wiki in that case
11:21.26gambolputtymake clean
11:21.28gambolputtymake linux26
11:21.31gambolputtymake install
11:21.57Bobby_Ewingcursor: do you have a sec?
11:22.00cursor<gambolputty> make linux26
11:22.05cursorjust make
11:22.11gambolputtyI also changed my udev config so entries would appear in dev
11:22.18cursorunless you have a very old version
11:22.35cursoryes - you have to change the udev config
11:22.57gambolputtyIt kept complaining, could not find /dev/zap/channel
11:23.20Jas_WilliamsBobby_Ewing: What is your problem ?
11:23.58*** join/#asterisk gonzo- (
11:24.11Bobby_EwingI just can't get this exten line to work properly, I know i've used similar to this before for another providor and it works fine, but * is not producing the number I want and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong: exten => _80[1-9].,1,Dial(IAX2/USER@NuFone/01144${EXTEN:2})
11:25.00Bobby_EwingBasically, i'm typing 8 01723 366666 and hoping it'll send to nufone, 011 44 1723 366666
11:25.08Bobby_Ewingbut it just sends 01723 366666 the number i dialed
11:25.58Jas_WilliamsBobby_Ewing: can you post your full extensions.conf to I think you are not getting to that line in your config
11:27.20*** join/#asterisk Deggy (~graham@
11:29.21zoa1,5second roundtrip times
11:29.25zoawhat an isp
11:29.39Bobby_EwingJas: it's in the dialing_out context, from line 076
11:29.40zoait only costs 6 or 7.000 $ a month :/
11:30.59Jas_WilliamsBobby_Ewing: Look at line 89 onwards this catches the 8 anything before the 80
11:31.15Bobby_Ewingso should i perhaps move the 80 stuff above it?
11:31.57*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
11:34.38Bobby_Ewingdarn, the _8 still caught it.  I've commented it out, but now the one below it doesn't work for 001-US48 to just dial 1-US48
11:34.58PatrickDKcan you just post it to
11:35.14PatrickDKoh, heh, I didn't see the link
11:35.37PatrickDKheh, the _8. will always catch it
11:35.44PatrickDKcause it's in he dialing_out context
11:35.56PatrickDKit does the stuff in the current context before it goes to the includes
11:36.01Bobby_Ewingeven if the _80 etc is before it int  he context?
11:36.10PatrickDKit's an include
11:36.14PatrickDKso it's done last
11:36.35PatrickDKjust make that stuff a new context
11:36.40PatrickDKand include it into dialing_out
11:36.41Bobby_EwingAny work arounds you know of?
11:36.50Bobby_Ewinghow do you mean
11:36.58PatrickDKmake dialing_out only have includes
11:36.59Bobby_Ewingokay, but wont it still be the same issue
11:37.10Bobby_Ewingbecause i'm trying to do a few things
11:37.15PatrickDKif it would, I wouldn't tell you to do it
11:37.35PatrickDKyou only put stuff in dialing_out that you want it to catch no matter what
11:37.46PatrickDKif you want it to catch the _8. last
11:37.53PatrickDKso it shouldn't be in there
11:38.07Bobby_Ewing1) dial 8 then any number and follow it strictly, 2) dial 80[1-9] and dial 011 44 [1-9] number, and 3) dial 8001-number and send 1-number
11:40.44PatrickDKnow look at the pastbin you posted
11:40.58Bobby_Ewingor for simplicities sake, should i just make it so that if you dial 8 then you just dial the US number and send the 1 anyway, and dial 7 to dial a UK number
11:41.01Bobby_EwingOkay.. 1 min
11:41.35PatrickDKopps I forgot to include the other one
11:41.53PatrickDKinclude => catch_first
11:42.01PatrickDKbefore include => catch_general
11:43.28Bobby_Ewingthe only problem now is that line 123 doesn't seem to be listened to, just line 122
11:43.43*** join/#asterisk DEVILoper (~x@
11:44.00DEVILoperHI ALL
11:44.06Bobby_Ewinghi DEVILoper
11:44.22PatrickDKyou daled 8001?
11:44.26PatrickDKcause it should
11:44.33Bobby_Ewinghold on, i'll try once more
11:47.48Bobby_Ewingshoot, now it's saying annot find extension context 'local-access'
11:47.54Bobby_Ewingbut it's definately there
11:51.13Bobby_Ewinglooks like it's doing the context above maybe?  or, do i need to perhaps strip some more characters
11:51.17Bobby_Ewingso exten:3 or 4
11:51.49PatrickDKya, strip 4
11:52.04Bobby_Ewinggreat, that's done it :)
11:53.13liversmudgeCursor : FYI it looks like the zaptel drivers are the problem .. they compile, but then complain about being the wrong kernel etc for the drives ... for me due to the problem of the headers not being right on the kernel from FC2 and then when you remake them it calls the kernel by a differnet name ... so you realy need to compile a new kernel from scratch then the zap drivers compile
11:54.21*** join/#asterisk HiTech69 (
11:54.46puzzledliversmudge: check /usr/src/linux/Makefile. It may have a version with "custom" added to it so the resulting drivers indeed expect a different running kernel. Remove custom from the version, rebuild the drivers and you should be set
11:55.55puzzledliversmudge: dunno for sure but maybe you'll hve to redo those steps in /usr/src/linux outlined on the wiki
11:56.27liversmudgeI didi look there .. but .. you see I have a viaC3 chip set
11:56.39liversmudgeso it changed from the default 686 to viac3 :)
11:56.47DobajI've got the same problem as liversmudge... I can't compile zaptel... I've linked /usr/src/linux-2.6.5-1.358 to linux-2.6 and it errors... any helpers?
11:56.55liversmudgeI removed the custom bit in there at first
11:57.01puzzledDobaj: link it to /usr/src/linux
11:57.42liversmudgeDobaj : you on FC2
11:57.55Dobajyes running FC2
11:58.45cursorYes, you need to recompile Zaptel every time you upgrade your kernel
12:04.14liversmudgeor your whole kernel with a viac3  :(
12:06.17morlaccan anybody help me please? my TE410p switch all LEDs off when drivers are loaded...I use RedHat 9 SMP kernel
12:07.16DEVILoperWhat is the MEaning of Yellow Alaram  in PRI ?
12:08.15DEVILopermorlac: would u please tell the whole scenario.
12:08.17*** join/#asterisk mlittle (
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12:13.04DEVILoperWould anyone help i m having this error and calls hangup immediately zt_pri_error: PRI: Read on 50 failed: Unknown error 500
12:17.24DEVILoperanybody HOME ??????????//
12:17.52hackit25nope... I am at work
12:17.52puzzleddunno, try google
12:26.02*** join/#asterisk Merlin23 (
12:29.43DEVILoperjust as This Room, no one broke the ice on Google too
12:29.59DEVILoperand after goolging i send this query
12:31.17puzzledperhaps this one?
12:32.08morlacDeviloper: The card was running perfectly, then I was told that there are no lights at all
12:32.28morlacDeviloper: Problem is the site is 200 miles away and I have to go and see it
12:34.12morlacDEVILoper:> I tried rebooting, rmmod and modprobe and nothing, still no red or green light
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12:35.15dncmorlac: you did load it with modprobe and then ztcfg didnt you?
12:35.48DEVILoperseen it i've the same settings
12:35.59DEVILoperit happens once in a blue moon
12:36.04morlacdnc: yes
12:36.30morlacdnc: actually, to install, I did make config
12:42.58*** join/#asterisk RoyK (~roy@
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12:44.27blitzrage_workmorning all
12:44.39puzzledmorning blitzrage_work
12:44.49blitzrage_workpuzzled: g'morn
12:44.56*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
12:45.09ScaredyCat"This manual complements the Administrator Manual" - "ADMINISTRATOR MANUAL This manual has not been complete yet."
12:45.29puzzledScaredyCat: thou shall read the code at all times
12:46.01ScaredyCatpuzzled: errm, yah, but you'd expect the admin manual first
12:46.34ScaredyCat"At this point unixODBC has been installed by your System Administrator" - using the nonexistand admin manual i suppose
12:46.35JunK-Ymorning all.
12:47.41Merlin23ScaredyCat: the nonexistant manual is always best
12:47.47Darwin35so whats going on this am ?
12:47.59ScaredyCatwell, there'd be no errors Merlin23 ... only omissions
12:48.12Darwin35Merlin ?
12:48.28Darwin35the voicemail ?
12:48.33Merlin23yes Darwin?
12:48.47Darwin35sorry was readiing what he said wrong
12:48.51Darwin35dont mind me
12:49.05Merlin23actually i just came in so i'm not really in tune with the current conversation :)
12:49.23Darwin35nore am I
12:49.29Darwin35I just woke up
12:50.23puzzledit's about a nice B&B in Florance, Italy
12:52.50ScaredyCateven if it does look a bit leathery
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13:07.29*** join/#asterisk Markie (
13:07.50Markieanyone know of any asterisk friendly voip providers that do LNP?
13:08.05Markiei'm about to dump broadvoice because of their lack-of-getting-anything-done
13:09.50Darwin35broadvoice is doing alot
13:10.05Darwin35but did you read the clause when you signed up to use * wiith them
13:10.44Darwin35it says they can not openly support your device  yyou use. but they give basic support to get it setup and woring
13:10.51Darwin35with web page info
13:11.10Darwin35and they have been doing alot to upgrade thier service
13:11.20Darwin35they are trying to add ilbc
13:11.48Darwin35and maybe iax. they have to  discuss it a little more
13:12.19Darwin35I have had btter service with broadvoice the anyone else for getting a local nmbr and srvice
13:12.26Markiethats fine.
13:12.36Markiebut they still dont have online billing or LNP
13:12.50Markiei'd understand if they dont say they have it.
13:12.53Darwin35they provide the connection and the nmbr to you and you do the rest with *
13:13.06Markiebut thats the majority of what they advertize on their web site.
13:13.09Darwin35online billing for what ?
13:13.17Darwin35thats what your cdr is for
13:13.19Markieonline CDR
13:13.22Darwin35to track calls
13:13.33Markienot when they AVERTIZE it.
13:13.36Darwin35are you on the 19.95 plan
13:13.39Markieadvertize it.
13:13.45Markiedoesnt matter.
13:13.53Markietheir web page evne has directions for it.
13:14.30Markieit's about saying you have something and not even coming close ot having it.
13:14.39Markieimnsho, it's fraud.
13:14.52Markie"Simply login to the BroadVoice web Portal and click on ACTIVITY or BILLING to access this information.
13:15.17Markiethey dont have either.
13:16.28deddMarkie: what more do u want they are new and like many companies didn't finish sorting all their offerings before it went publicly available
13:16.39cursorSo, what's good about Broadvoice then?
13:16.45cursorThe unlimited plans?
13:16.49Markiededd: dont say you have it when you dont.
13:17.00*** join/#asterisk chrisfairey (
13:17.02Darwin35and if they have it and your doing it wrong you will donate extra money
13:17.03Markiededd: it's pretty simple. a simple HTML change to not put in that link.
13:17.24MarkieDarwin35: absolutely. as soon as they have it, i'm signing up 2 additional accounts
13:17.28Markieand 5 DID numbers.
13:17.48mlittleDoes anyone know of any -reliable- consultants for * or can anyone help me figure some things out?  I have emailed/called a number of consultants, but no one has got back to me.
13:17.50deddMarkie: suit yourself i found more reliable ways to get what i want
13:17.58deddmlittle: sure
13:18.02Markiededd: how so?
13:18.39MarkieDarwin35, right now i'm just testing it at home. as soon as it's OK, i'm going to move all of our offices to it.
13:18.41file[laptop]I even got one addressed to another person regarding asterisk and I still answered their e-mail
13:19.25cursor(mlittle) what is it that you need - perhaps you're asking for something strange and nobody can help
13:20.00mlittleI am not sure if my request can be completed, but I want to replace my existing voicemail system with *.  I am running a Toshiba Strata with a TOshiba Stratagy voicemail.
13:20.09Darwin35they have it
13:20.18Darwin35you did not fallow the instructions
13:20.22deddmlittle: that should be doable
13:20.29Darwin35go reread and login to your account
13:20.30cursoryes - that sounds doable
13:20.41cursorI'm not an Asterisk consultant, by the way
13:20.45cursorI was just interested
13:20.54MarkieDarwin35, they do? then how come when i emailed them about it last wednesday, they replied and said they didnt have it and there is not ETA for it.
13:20.54mlittleMy manager wants to use the automated attendant, so ALL calls with be directed to the * machine.
13:20.59Darwin35and fallow the instructions you have to choose a range of dates you want th einfo on
13:21.03cursorIt sounds like the sort of thing consultants would do all the time
13:21.15JunK-Yif i've added one more X100P into a machine, how can i've 2 channels configured to use both?
13:21.19deddmlittle: sounds like quite a bit of work
13:21.32deddJunK-Y: in theory if u have a spare pots line for it
13:21.46Markiedarwin35: choose a range of dates from WHERE?
13:21.49cursorIt doesn't sound like an outlandish requirement
13:22.00deddJunK-Y: make a macro to dial out and try 1 line then the other
13:22.11file[laptop]or you could use a group
13:22.35deddfile[laptop]: true
13:22.42Darwin35hold a min trying to get back to the page
13:22.56mlittleI have * up and running, but I need to finalize one last item.  If someone calls our company, they are prompted to enter an extension.  What command/app would I use to transfer the call to the extension, BUT if there is no answer I want the call to go to voicemail.
13:23.00Darwin35I logged oitu   and now cant get back to the page
13:23.14drumkillamlittle: Goto
13:23.15Markieyou have to close your browsers
13:23.17deddmlittle: pattern matching  in the extensions config
13:23.19Markieand log back in.
13:23.25deddmlittle: and gotos can do it
13:23.27Darwin35yes I am doing that
13:23.29Markieit wont let you log in if you still have browsers open
13:23.34mlittleIf I use Dial, it appears to take up 2 ports.
13:23.55MarkieDarwin35, i dont seem to have ANY links/menus/options for selectig a range of dates for calls.
13:24.11drumkillamlittle: what do you mean?
13:24.11MarkieDarwin35, in fact the ONY calls i can even see are through the "call manager"
13:24.18mlittleI will continue testing to see if it uses 2 ports for the entire call or if it hands off the call.
13:24.34Markieby clicking on "Call Log" in the call manager.
13:24.41*** part/#asterisk Merlin23 (
13:25.33drumkillamlittle: two ports of what
13:26.25mlittledrumkilla: if you call my company, you would come in to the * box on an analog port (analog on toshiba/fxo on tdm04b).  Once you enter an extension, * calls that exten on another analog port.  This causes 2 ports to be used.  If I pick up the call, does * transfer the call or does the call continue to use the 2 ports.
13:26.27JunK-Yi'll recompile zaptel,libpri and * to see what,s happen
13:26.51drumkillamlittle: it has to use both
13:27.11drumkillamlittle: one port to your phone, one back to the PSTN
13:27.32mlittlehow can i have it use 1 port, but still be able to drop the call in voicemail if no one answers at the exten?
13:27.47deddmlittle: get ip phones =)
13:27.57deddthen only 1 pot line would be in use
13:28.00drumkillaif you ring the phone, the port is being used
13:28.10drumkillano way around it ...
13:28.21drumkillawhat bothers you about that?
13:28.23mlittleI was trying to find a way to use a timeout.  if the call rings the exten for xx seconds, it goes to the next priority.
13:28.31drumkillayeah, you can do that
13:28.32deddjust put a timeout in dial
13:28.38drumkillam hm
13:29.10drumkillawhere 15 is your timeout
13:29.27MarkieI think i lost Darwin35
13:30.02mlittlethe stratagy is being replaced because it only has 4 ports.  If I use 2 tdm04b cards, it still would only allow 4 simultaneous connections.
13:30.30mlittleUsing Dial uses 2 ports.
13:30.38drumkillawell that's just the way it works
13:30.46drumkillai mean ... physically, you can't get around that
13:30.51dedddial doesn't have to use pot lines if u had ip phones or another method for it to dial
13:31.09drumkillait's going to take 2 if you use analog lines
13:31.16dedddrumkilla: agreed
13:31.28mlittleok.  I just wanted to hear that from someone.  digium claims it can be done, but no one knows how or is willing to assist.
13:31.43drumkillamaybe you misunderstood them ...
13:32.02deddmlittle:  sure anything can be done but to fix your concern would would have to change how you configure your system
13:32.28drumkillait takes an fxo to communicate with the PSTN, and an fxs to communicate with your phone
13:33.27mlittleI am still in the testing phase, so i am willing to make configuration changes.  unfortunately, I am not connecting any phones to *.  All the phones are digital toshiba phones.
13:33.58deddwell that creates most of your problem
13:34.01deddright there
13:34.14mlittleThis was the reason that I was trying to find a consultant.  I even told the support dept at digium that we are willing to pay someone to work on this with me.
13:34.25deddtrying to leverage what you have which may or may not be the best fit
13:34.40deddmlittle: i already msg'd u =)
13:34.50mlittleI have a "special" situation, but I was hoping that there was a way around it.
13:35.14deddmlittle: from the looks of it no due to the nature of the resources u have to interface w/
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13:35.32deddwithout replacing equipment that u'd be more than reluctant to do
13:36.09deddariel_: thought u had a good job?
13:36.14mlittleI like the idea of using * for everything, but my manager wants to use live communications server
13:36.31Dobajanyone got a X100P working with FC2 and willing to help me out?
13:36.34deddmlittle: tough spot to be in
13:36.47MarkieDarwin35 ?
13:36.53mlittlewhat is the maximum number of tdm04b cards that I can successfully put in to a server?
13:37.02deddcause management gets what they want if you value your job
13:37.27deddno reason u couldn't do 2 * boxes linked by iax2 on the local lan though
13:37.53deddreally depends how many ports do u need
13:38.06deddand when does it become effective to just get a t1 card and a channel bank
13:38.18mlittleI would like more than 8 since I use 2 per call.
13:38.36mlittleI was going to try installing 3 tdm04b cards.
13:39.13litnimaxDobaj: I got X100P working :)
13:39.27mlittleI will check on the pricing for a t1 card and channel bank
13:39.47[Sim]hey is the website down ?
13:39.50deddmlittle: costs q uite a bit but if u need a large # of ports it probably will be better fitting
13:39.54[Sim]I'm only getting blank pages
13:40.34sivana~seen jerjer
13:40.36jbotjerjer <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 7d 15h 54m 13s ago, saying: 'RT'.
13:41.44chujimlittle: you need to have the asterisk box hookflash, dial the extension on the switch, then release. Then the call leaves asterisk all together
13:41.52sivanaanyone else not able to route through BroadVoice right now?
13:42.35chujisivana: Mine is fine
13:42.50*** join/#asterisk Blackthorn (blackthorn@
13:42.52mlittlechuji:  I guess there is no way to have the caller go into voicemail if there is no answer.
13:42.53sivanaAug  3 09:42:57 WARNING[-192963664]: chan_sip.c:673 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call 25db8ba056c260b16fefbd555ba6b926@ for seqno 102 (Critical Request)
13:43.01sivanaI get that on my screen when I try to dial out
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13:43.16BlackthornCan you control the codec used to place calls to nuphone via your * box?
13:43.40chujimlittle: sure, the toshiba phones will be forwarded back into the * box
13:43.54chujithey just need trailing digits programed
13:44.00deddBlackthorn: yes disallow all in the nufone context in your box and just allow what u want in the order u prefer
13:44.01chujiSame way you do with the Stratagy
13:44.19chujiYou will setup * exactly like you have the Stratagy
13:44.34chujiIf you are just wanting to replace voicemail
13:44.53BlackthornThere is 12 hops between myself in nuphone the ping being bout 20-30ms each hop. Do you think any particular codec will work better?
13:45.07mlittlethat is the goal.  replace the stratagy and use the automated attendant
13:45.21chujimlittle: You shouldn't have any problem with that
13:45.35Darwin35ok back
13:45.41chujiNot done a hookflash on a zap channel, but I know it should be possible
13:45.48mlittlewhy do i need trailing digits?
13:46.16chujimlittle: When the toshiba transfers the call back to asterisk, it has to tell it what voicemail box it is going to
13:47.34mlittlethat is going to be the tricky part.  all phone are setup CF-BN:xxx-770, where xxx is the exten and 770 is the hunt group for the voicemail ports
13:47.41RoyKcan someone help me with zapata.conf for configuring a TE410 with asterisk, 4 PRIs, in norway?
13:49.02Blackthornwhat is the proper way of "allow=g726/40" or g726-40 ?
13:49.17mlittleI will take a look at the system and reconfigure.   Thanks everyone for your assistance.
13:49.20maruz4 pri?? only?!? ;)
13:49.40Blackthornand when you make your allow statements is it one codec per allow statement or is it allow=codec1,codec2 ?
13:50.06RoyKmaruz: yeah
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13:53.23JunK-Yanyone have ideas ?
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13:54.13oelewapperkeJunK-Y : leo ?
13:56.28PatrickDKjunky, you in us or france?
13:56.49U_Got_MailBlackthorn: I do mine one codec per line... seems to work haven't tried the other way
13:56.54JunK-Yin quebec,Canada, so that's why i've added both language.
13:56.58*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
13:57.07PatrickDKthose aren't languages
13:57.11PatrickDKyou can only do one
13:57.18PatrickDKdo you use us signaling?
13:57.22tzangerwhat is the RJ "name" of those "small" 4 pin jacks that connect a headset to the phone itself?  RJ11 is the normal-sized one, is it RJ11C?
13:57.26JunK-Yyes, us signal.
13:58.04JunK-Yso which lines i should remove exactly ?
13:58.16PatrickDKyou didn't post your zapata.conf though
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13:59.23JunK-YPatrickDK: wait, i'll modify my post
14:00.34PatrickDKothers should work ok how youhad it, depending on the fr setting
14:02.25PatrickDKah, y ou only have one channel configured in there
14:03.09Markiewheres the cheapest place to get a sipura ata adapter?
14:03.16Markieor are they all $99 everywhere?
14:03.19deddspa 2000?
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14:03.29dedd95 at atacomm
14:03.34JunK-YPatrickDK: cause i didnt know what to add exactly into that file.
14:03.46Markiei think i'll get it from pulver.
14:03.52Markiei like him.
14:03.55Markiehe's nice.
14:03.57JunK-Ychannel => 2
14:03.58deddu asked
14:04.03JunK-Yive added that line
14:04.12PatrickDKna, you have to duplicate everythin
14:04.22MarkieMMmmm.......or do i get a grandstream?????
14:04.33Markie$65 for a GS
14:04.48JunK-YPatrickDK: *CLI>     -- Starting simple switch on 'Zap/2-1'
14:04.51deddMarkie: do u want to commit suicide or end up smashing it w/ ahammer
14:04.54JunK-Ywith only my line
14:04.59PatrickDKya, it will
14:05.18PatrickDKactually I think it keeps the settings
14:05.20JunK-Ybut i should copy everything ya've pasted in 671 right ?
14:05.23Markiededd: SPA it is :)
14:05.28PatrickDKit would keep it cleaner
14:05.34deddMarkie: do u have a nice pots phone?
14:05.36Markiededd: GS is that bad?
14:05.38PatrickDKif you had to just make adjustments to one line
14:05.42deddthen spa is probably the better choice
14:05.48Markiededd: umm...i got an ok normal pots phone.
14:05.48PatrickDKspa is nice
14:05.56Markieyea, i got spa at home..i like it.
14:05.59PatrickDKjust alittle harder to do some things
14:06.03deddand  u will find the GS is a cheap phone
14:06.19deddgot a cisco now
14:06.20Markiegonna order 2 spa's
14:06.31deddgoing from the ghetto to royality
14:06.32Markienow all i need is a freeken voip provider that does LNP!
14:06.39Markiefriggen voip.
14:06.41deddMarkie: easier said than done
14:06.46Markiededd: tell me about it.
14:07.04AlricLocal Number Portability
14:07.08deddMarkie: don't mind if i do spent better part of the last wk getting suppliers for dids and such
14:07.16AlricBasically you keep your number.
14:07.21Markiewhat i think i'm going to do is transfer our work # to my cell phone...
14:07.21PatrickDKah, heh, I just need a reliable outgoing provider
14:07.30Markie(easier to transfer to a cell provider)
14:07.36Markiethat'll "keep" our work #
14:07.43Markiethen just get a new voip did #
14:07.49Markieand tell people our new #
14:07.58Markiebut our old # will go to my cell if need be.
14:08.02Blackthornwhat you set your allow statemetns up is it one allow per line or do you do allow=codec1, codec2?
14:08.29Markiei'll end up losing my personal cell # but i cna live with it.
14:08.41JunK-YPatrickDK: and now, if i wanna dial to another extension(not the 2nd one, another one) when im dialing the 1st extension, i can do Dial(5912) ?
14:09.22deddMarkie: that's 1 option
14:09.51Markiededd: any other suggestions? (besides getting a PRI just to save the one phone number!! :) )
14:10.01PatrickDKfor second it's Dial(ZAP/2/NUMBER)
14:10.04PatrickDKI believe
14:10.06DEVILoperfrom where i'll get the Zttool i recently checkout the CVS but didn tfind it
14:10.14PatrickDKif you set group
14:10.18JunK-Yk, gonna make some tests.
14:10.21PatrickDKyou can let it autoselect
14:10.26PatrickDKcheck out
14:10.29JunK-Yi didnt set group.
14:10.31deddMarkie: pm
14:11.38sivanais anyone using a prepaid calling card module?
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14:13.20DEVILoperfrom where i'll get Zttool ?
14:13.35The_Dukeit comes with zaptel
14:13.47The_Dukedownload the latest zaptel sources from cvs
14:14.40RoyKAug  3 15:34:06 NOTICE[1225991360]: app_dial.c:706 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap'
14:15.32RoyKand none of the 4 PRIs are in use
14:16.41litnimaxsurem you did not compile zaptel/zapata
14:17.02litnimaxor did not define channels in zapata.conf
14:17.20litnimaxyou have in modules?
14:17.39*** join/#asterisk Bobby_e (
14:18.01RoyKlitnimax: ?
14:18.15litnimaxRoyK: yes
14:18.38litnimaxcvs checkout zaptel
14:18.43litnimaxcvs checkout zapata
14:18.45RoyKI have chan_zap, and I've done my best to onfigure them
14:19.04litnimaxok, did you load the modules ? :)
14:19.05Bobby_eWe're having bad problems at the moment with outbound calls breaking up, but inbound is fine.  Could anyone advise how we can go about debugging the problem?
14:19.39Bobby_easterisk -> asterisk providor
14:19.41BlackthornDoes anyone know what codecs nuphone supports?
14:19.59cursorall of them
14:20.07PatrickDKnufone? I use ulaw and gsmwith them :)
14:20.15cursorAlthough I can't get SpeeX to work via them
14:20.19Blackthorni'm using the ulaw right now and i'm breaking up pretty bad
14:20.31Bobby_eBlackthorn: i'm having the same issue just now
14:20.42cursorTry G.726
14:20.45Blackthorni tried using "alow=g.726" but * balked at it
14:20.55cursor56k instead of 80k
14:21.00cursornot g.726
14:21.03Blackthorn:) thanks
14:21.10file[laptop]only allows 32 right now...
14:21.17cursorI thought it did 40
14:21.32tzangerBlackthorn: nufone supports pretty much all codecs
14:21.38Bobby_ewe dont have any bandwidth issues - our line for asterisk is totally clear - but call quality is really bad with two providors so we think it's something our end - is there any way to debug the jitter setup to tweak it?
14:21.41tzangergsm, ilbc, ulaw and g729 I've tested
14:21.47file[laptop]cursor: last I checked we only did 32... could have changed I suppose
14:21.55tzangerBobby_e: are you doing any kind of traffic shaping or prioritisation?
14:22.01cursorYou're probably right
14:22.02Bobby_etzanger: no
14:22.04tzangerBobby_e: also what kind of uplink have you got
14:22.29Bobby_etzanger: it's on it's own line - just a little 256 up
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14:22.36Bobby_epings are fine, but calls are breaking up
14:22.37Blackthornok tired that and it did work a bit better
14:22.40Blackthorner tried
14:22.41cursorwhat about down?  256 too?
14:23.17BlackthornI havea  3 meg line, but i'm 12-16 hops from nuphone
14:23.19Dobajideas??? loader.c:242 ast_load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_pickup_call
14:23.19DobajAug  3 15:22:54 WARNING[-150540160]: loader.c:374 load_modules: Loading module failed!
14:23.24Blackthornmost all pings are 20-30ms though
14:23.49Bobby_eour latency to one providor is 20ms, and to nufone is about 100ms or so - both are breaking up
14:23.56bkw_Dobaj make clean then update then install again
14:23.59cursorI get 123 ms to NuFone
14:24.05cursorand 9ms to my local provider
14:24.23tzangerBobby_e: latency is nothing
14:24.27tzangerjitter and packet loss is everything
14:24.35cursor123ms is fine
14:24.43*** join/#asterisk RoyK (~roy@
14:24.44cursorbecause the jitter is acceptable
14:24.46Bobby_ethere isn't any icmp packet loss
14:24.50Bobby_ebut how can i debug the jitter
14:24.57tzangerDobaj: your zapata.conf or zaptel.conf files are either broken, you didn't run ztcfg or your zaptel modules aren't loaded
14:25.05cursortype iax2 show channels
14:25.07tzangerBobby_e: you don't, really :-)
14:25.08cursorwhile on a call
14:25.15cursorto see the jitter stats
14:25.19cursorwell, a snapshot
14:25.25tzangerBobby_e: what kind of DSL modem are you using
14:25.37cursorlag, current jitter and jitterbuf size
14:25.42tzangerit has been my experience that 99% of DSL modems out there are absolute crap
14:25.45Bobby_eit's a router - we've never had any issues with it until recently calls are breaking up - but the line is clear
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14:26.05tzangerthe three I tested go to shit if I try sending more than 50% of my upload rate... they start buffering and VOIP takes a big stinky shit
14:26.13BlackthornI curious about two possible bottlenecks. I'm using a Cisco 2501 router with a 3m connection which could be droping packets, or could be my asterisk box isn't powerfull enophe? Thoughts?
14:26.15tzangerBobby_e: what kind of router
14:26.33tzangerBlackthorn: your 2501 gets to the 3M line how
14:26.37Bobby_ewe've been setup for a few months or more but in the last 2/3 weeks calls - only outbound i might add - have gone down
14:26.46Bobby_einbound calls are perfect
14:26.47Bobby_edont break up
14:26.49tzanger2501 is a weak router but it handles a T1 without any problem
14:26.52Bobby_eonly calls we place outbound
14:26.54tzangerBobby_e: yes I know it's your uplink
14:27.01Blackthorntzanger: bonded t1's
14:27.16Bobby_ethe customer hears us fine when they calls, and vice versa
14:27.19tzangerBlackthorn: when you're having issues what does "sh proc" and "sh cont t1" show
14:27.20Bobby_ebut when we call, calls break up
14:27.28tzangerBlackthorn: also take a look at sh int e0
14:27.42tzangerBobby_e: your outgoing audio is crap?  (i.e. the other end complains) ?
14:28.15Bobby_eand we can't hear them either properly
14:28.18Bobby_eit jitters / breaks up
14:28.30Bobby_ebut when we go out via the pstn line it's fine
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14:28.47Bobby_eand when anyone calls us, via iax2 providors too, its fine
14:28.59tzangerBobby_e: try this first before we get too far -- unplug your network from the router -- just have *, the router and your provider
14:29.06tzangerno internet, no email, nothing but VOIP
14:29.11Bobby_eThis is what iax2 show channels shows:    user     00009/00187  00003/00004  00000ms  0024ms  0055ms  GSM
14:29.20Bobby_etzanger: it's on a seperate subnet - no one else uses this router
14:29.26Bobby_eall our other computers / servers use a seperate router
14:29.27tzangeryeah 24ms lag, 55ms jitter, that's not bad
14:29.37tzangerBobby_e: no I am talking about the link itself
14:29.50tzangermake it such that ONLY VOIP traffic is using the link -- nothing else
14:30.08Blackthorne1 stats
14:30.37Bobby_etzang: it is only voip traffic on that line - nothing else is plugged into the router - seperate ip address etc
14:30.58tzangerBobby_e: there is ONLY voice traffic there?  you are 100% positive
14:31.13Bobby_ei am sure - everything else runs through our main router
14:31.14tzangerthat's not good
14:31.20Bobby_ewe had that line installed just for asterisk
14:31.23tzangerand hyour main router is on a totally separate internet connection
14:31.35Blackthornand then the multilink interface
14:31.46zoatzanger: 55ms jitter
14:31.48zoathat is BAD
14:32.21tzangerzoa: I don't fully trust iax2 show channels to give me decent numbers -- I have had calls that supposedly have 655ms lag, 300ms jitter and they're perfect
14:32.27tzangerthe numbers seem to climb as the call duration goes on
14:32.27Bobby_e66.225.202.72    user     00002/00076  00006/00006  115540128ms  0134ms  0240ms  GSM
14:32.44zoabobby_e: thats still a minor bug
14:32.50Bobby_ehow do you mean
14:33.03zoatzanger: latest cvs'es should improve that
14:33.06tzangerhahah what is that, interplanetary calls :-)
14:33.18Bobby_eyeah , any idea why that's happening?
14:33.21tzangeryeah I haven't updated CVS in a while, I don't want to break everything here since you went to services.conf or whatever it was
14:33.28cursorI'm trying to find my way through chan_iax2.c
14:33.29tzangerBobby_e: don't worry about that
14:33.32Bobby_ePeer             Username    ID (Lo/Rem)  Seq (Tx/Rx)  Lag      Jitter  JitBuf  Format
14:33.32Bobby_e66.225.202.72    b3group     00002/00076  00033/00029  115474589ms  0016ms  0044ms  GSM
14:33.37tzangerBobby_e: what DSL modem do you have
14:33.42Bobby_eit's a thomson router
14:33.43tzangeror does your DSL line plug directly into the router
14:34.03tzangercan the router be configured to proioritise packets?
14:34.20Bobby_emost likely yes, but this is the only traffic on the line
14:34.34tzangerIf not, pick up a WRT54G for like $80, put openwrt or sveasoft's stuff on it and go to town
14:34.44Bobby_eso i've never seen any reason to go into any configs
14:34.45tzangerBobby_e: agreed but I am wondering if the router is going bonkers
14:34.57*** join/#asterisk PatrickDK (
14:35.00Bobby_ewhy would it only just start happening?
14:35.04tzangerBobby_e: as I said I've run itno some really craptastic systems where they seem to delay packets for no reason whatsoever
14:35.08cursorI anyone here familiar with chan_iax2.c?
14:35.10tzangerBobby_e: have you rset the router?
14:35.12tzangercursor: no
14:35.21tzangerBlackthorn: that's a lot of collisisons
14:35.23zoacursor: someone on the mailinglist is
14:35.30Bobby_eyes - the other day infact after it started happening.  I could try resetting it again justnow
14:35.31zoaask it on the asterisk-dev mailinglist
14:35.38tzanger1.6mil collisions in 10 days
14:35.46cursorIt's ok - I can find my way through
14:36.10Blackthorncollisions on the local ethernet is that what your seeing?
14:36.11vaewynThat many collisions you have a SERIOUS wiring issue
14:36.26cursorI just wanted to run something by someone if there was a chan_iax2.c person here
14:36.37tzangerthat was the T1 wasn't it?
14:36.47cursorIt'll take me longer to email and wait for the reply than to work it out
14:37.17Bobby_e4 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=52 time=138 ms - that latency doesnt seem too bad
14:37.25Blackthornno it was the ethernet side that was the collections.
14:37.39Blackthorner collisions
14:37.41tzangeruse a switch not a hub
14:37.49tzangeror turn off fdx on the switch port since the 2501 can't do it (IIRC)
14:38.12Blackthorni'm using two swtiches on each side of the server room. one cisco and one netgear
14:38.33tzangerturn off autonegotiate -- go to 10/half
14:38.41Blackthornok willdo
14:38.41tzangerwell try 10/full and see if the 2501 can do it
14:38.44tzangerconf t
14:38.45tzangerin e0
14:38.51Bobby_eokay I rebooted the router:    b3group     00001/00148  00027/00018  115409076ms  0170ms  0189ms  GSM
14:38.53tzangersee if it can do it
14:39.41tzangerBobby_e: how are outgoing calls
14:39.46Bobby_estill bad
14:39.54*** join/#asterisk Blackvel (
14:40.09Markiewhy the heck is everythign by defualt autonegotiate...but thats like the WORSt thing
14:40.09tzangerconfigure ONE computer to go through this connection and grab a copy of PingPlotter
14:40.17Markieand it should be manually full or half duplex
14:40.18tzangerMarkie: because it's Easy For the User :-)
14:40.20Markiesuch a pain in the butt
14:40.40Markiei have 2 dozen switches. had to change them all to 100M/full
14:40.43MarkieEVERY port
14:40.50tzangerMarkie: yeah it's a pain
14:40.52Markiefriggen pain in the ass
14:41.01Markieand it's not like 100M/full is new
14:41.02tzangerI have a bunch of BayStack 450/24s
14:41.13Markiealmost everything in the past 10 years is 100M/full
14:41.15Bobby_eis there any jitterbug configs i can put in iax.conf that may help or not?
14:41.22tzangerbobby disable jitter buffer
14:41.28Bobby_eis it disabled by default
14:41.29zoabobby its not 100% jitter safe yet
14:41.33zoaalthough its getting better
14:41.45tzangerjitterbuffer=no rather
14:41.52tzangerzoa I can't use it with trunking :-)
14:42.15zoatzanger: i can here
14:42.30zoatzanger: report it on the mantis then please
14:42.35zoaand try again with latest cvs
14:42.39tzangerzoa well like I said I'm using older cvs
14:42.41zoaas davis changed something
14:42.49tzanger*CLI> show version
14:42.49tzangerAsterisk CVS-HEAD-06/29/04-16:28:09 built by root@wanderer on a i686 running Linux
14:43.04zoathats not a big upgrade !
14:43.10tzangernufone has jitter buffer turned off too IIRC
14:43.17tzangerzoa: it's big enough... services.conf :-)
14:43.28Bobby_eokay jitterbuffer is off - still the same call quality
14:43.33tzangerdid you reload *?
14:43.38zoarestart it
14:43.39tzangerer not reload, restart
14:43.45zoai'm not sure it works fine with a reload
14:43.49Bobby_e00010/00181  00038/00029  23267877ms  1602ms  0500ms  GSM
14:43.49tzangerno it doesn't
14:43.59tzangeriax.conf is a restart-read only
14:44.15Bobby_e00010/00181  00038/00029  23267877ms  1602ms  0500ms  GSM
14:44.21Bobby_ekeeps getting worse
14:44.26Blackthornthis 2501 is using an aui port and in the int e0 i don't see anywhere to set full/half or auto
14:44.29JunK-YTransfer use the current channel to transfer the call ?
14:44.39tzangerwhat are the three times?
14:44.39vaewynaui port?  egads!
14:44.47tzangermy copy of * only reports two -- lag and jitter
14:44.51Bobby_eLag      Jitter  JitBuf
14:44.58Bobby_ei'll restart asterisk as you say
14:45.00tzangerjitter buffer's still turned on Bobby_e
14:45.03Blackthorngot aui-rj-45 adapter on it
14:45.26vaewynegads... this is the 2000s... get some new hardware  :P
14:45.50Blackthornsounds like i need to buy a bit better router
14:45.52tzangerBlackthorn: :-)
14:45.53sivanawhat's a good script for mIRC?
14:46.06tzangersivana: irssi :-)
14:46.14tzangerBlackthorn: oh yeah I forgot the 2501s used that
14:46.21sivanathanks t :)
14:46.27tzangerconf t
14:46.28tzangerin e0
14:46.37tzangerare there any errors in that set of commands?
14:46.40*** part/#asterisk Mjkeay (
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14:46.45Bobby_etzang: it's still saying there is a jitterbuffer
14:46.46Bobby_e-300285812ms  0080ms  0202ms
14:47.00Blackthornyes it errors, not such command when you do a help
14:47.01tzangerBobby_e: pastebin your iax.conf (remove any passwords)
14:47.04sivanatzanger: does it work with mIRC?
14:47.12tzangersivana: it's an irc client
14:47.15Bobby_ebut it's definately =no in iax.conf.  i also stop now'd, then started it again
14:47.26sivanatzanger: I see.. I just need a shell for mIRC :)
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14:47.29tzangerBobby_e: iax.conf doesn't have any OTHER jitter buffer settings anywhere?
14:47.40tzangersivana: :-)  I haven't used MIRC in over 7 years now
14:47.58tzangernot since you could clikc on mardem-bey's nose and get a squeak
14:48.11tzanger29ms lag to nufone... awww yeah
14:48.13sivanatzanger: ya, kinda old school.. used them way back in the day when the internet was free
14:48.19Bobby_etzang: not as far as I can see, but i'll paste away
14:48.46tzanger:-) indeed
14:49.06Blackthorni do have a cisco 5300 access server with t1 ports.. maybe i should try it that way
14:49.22tzangerBlackthorn: let's see what we can get the 2500 do do
14:49.42Blackvelis queueing = turning loop ? can be music on hold be used for it ?
14:49.42tzangerok so you can't do full duplex with the 2501 -- make sure the switch the AUI's plugged in to does not have that port set to FDX..  force 10/half
14:50.01JunK-Ywhats the difference between transfer and dial (if both are used for extensions) ?
14:50.46Blackthornwish i could but this netgear switch seems to be unmanaged
14:50.51tzangerBobby_e: hmmm that loos fine
14:50.54tzangerer looks fine
14:50.58tzangerBlackthorn: ugh
14:51.08Blackthornso i need to get some equipment upgrades i can see
14:51.12Bobby_etzang: what would you like me to try next?
14:51.40tzangerjitter buffer definitely looks disabled
14:51.52tzangerunless the jitterbuffer= command has changed in recent CVS
14:51.55tzangerzoa?  do you know?
14:52.02Bobby_e-300220259ms  0062ms  0073ms  GSM
14:52.15Bobby_eI'm using CVS-HEAD-07/16/04-
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14:52.41Bobby_eit keeps getting worse: 1239ms  1001ms
14:52.56tzangerand nothing's changed on the router since it was working
14:52.59zoatzanger: it changed recently
14:53.03Bobby_eyeah, nothing's changed
14:53.05zoachanges were made to the jitter buffer
14:53.08tzangerzoa: what's the new command?
14:53.10zoajitter buffer is a lot better now
14:53.11tzangeror is it still jitterbuffer=
14:53.14zoano new commands
14:53.20zoaoh well, some extra commands
14:53.23tzangerBobby_e: for shits and giggles try jitterbuffer=0
14:53.23JunK-Ywhats wrong with this: exten => s,3,Transfer(5912); ???
14:53.26tzangerinstead of =0
14:53.27zoacvs co new cvs
14:53.28tzangerer instead of =no
14:53.38tzangerzoa I know but my usb drive with the code on it's at home
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14:53.48tzangerand issue "restart when convenient"
14:53.58zoaare the options
14:54.27file[laptop]JunK-Y: you don't put a semi colon at the end?
14:54.29tzangerzoa yeah the only one there I see that's new is the shrink rate
14:54.38tzangerwhich you'd want fairly small so as to make it not "jump"
14:54.44Blackvelany cvs junkies here ? i need some help to find out in what best way i can find files which i have to patch (i dont know what files Mark has patched to bugfix sip hangup workaround)
14:54.47tzanger50ms per second is still fairly fast
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14:55.14zoablackvel: there is a logfile
14:55.17JunK-Yfile: it doesnt make a difference in the extensions.conf
14:55.18zoasomewhere on the web
14:55.20zoawith cvs logs
14:55.45file[laptop]JunK-Y: it's still good not to :p cause you're the first person I've seen to ever use one
14:55.54JunK-Yreally ?
14:56.06Blackvelwell, i know he did patching app_dial.c + chan_sip.c but is there any way to find more files he checked in with a special comment ?
14:56.24Blackvellike i want to find all files which have been checked in on 07/28/04 and have comment "x"
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14:56.41JunK-Ydo i need to answer before call the application Transfer ?
14:56.43Blackvelits almost impossible for me to find out what files i have to manually patch
14:56.51Bobby_etzang: it's absolutely terrible now
14:58.05Blackthorni have an older 10 meg managed switch here.. i could put that online. do you tin the 10 meg vers the 100 would make any differance in performance? and should i set all ports to half duplex to avoid collisions?
14:58.32Blackthornthink the 10 meg versus
14:58.37*** join/#asterisk liversmudge (
14:59.00tzangerBobby_e: what's the "iax2 show channels" show now?
14:59.09tzanger0ms jitter buffer?
14:59.45Bobby_e28050268ms  0387ms  4748ms  GSM
14:59.53liversmudgehey I get that
15:00.05Bobby_eno, it's still listing for jitterbuffer
15:00.07liversmudgehigh lag
15:00.16liversmudgesame here
15:00.27tzangerBobby_e: wtf
15:00.34tzangertha'ts gotta be a bug
15:00.41Bobby_etzanger: i know.. i dont know what it is
15:00.46liversmudgebobby_e tzanger .... can you fill me in on the problem?
15:00.51Bobby_eshall i update asterisk at all?
15:01.01Bobby_eliversmudge: all our outbound calls are screwey
15:01.11Bobby_ebreaking up, real bad jitter, even with jitterbug disabled
15:01.16Bobby_ebut inbound is fine
15:01.21Bobby_evia iax2 for both
15:01.29liversmudgeare you peering accross iax to term on a host then out bound ?
15:01.31tzangeralong with your 7 hour lag :-)
15:01.46liversmudgeexactly what I have
15:02.00liversmudgewhat switches you using .. dont laff
15:02.10Bobby_eit's a Dlink switch
15:02.46Bobby_ethe router has some spare network ports - i could plug the phone server straight into it, then another ethernet drop to the switches where the phones are connected to
15:03.03Bobby_eit's only when we're going iax2 -> iax providor -> outbound
15:03.05Bobby_enot the other way around
15:03.16liversmudgeif you plug int the router ... are your calls ok?
15:03.18Bobby_eand all internal calls - or voip to say the other office are fine
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15:03.35Bobby_eI haven't tried yet, but i think it will be the same - the switch doesn't look lagged out or anything
15:03.49Bobby_ei can try that now
15:04.20liversmudgeright here is what I have
15:04.34steveccccan anyone spare a min to discuss the voip and cisco telephones - i am interested in knowing the basics
15:05.05liversmudgewe have a basement with an * box and adsl router ... this conncts to 1 netgear switch .. from this it flys up 2 floors to another netgear switch
15:05.51liversmudgein the basement we can make calls ... CLEAR calls
15:05.58liversmudgeupstairs we cannot
15:06.52liversmudgenow I have had my man in the basement directly connect the * box to the upstairs switch .. and CALL are CLEAR
15:07.00*** join/#asterisk Xander7 (
15:07.56Bobby_ewe have a 1m cable from the * box to the switch
15:07.59Bobby_ethen 1m to the router
15:08.00liversmudgesorry no we can make 1 call out clearly other calls are jittery
15:08.15tzangerliversmudge: are you using trunking?
15:08.21*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
15:08.24Bobby_ephone is only 3m away
15:08.30Bobby_ei've just plugged * directly into the router
15:08.33*** join/#asterisk expousr (~expousr@
15:08.36Bobby_enow i'm going to see how it works now
15:09.04Bobby_enope, it's just as bad
15:09.06expousrmorning all.
15:09.07JunK-Yif i've to dial 9 to get out of the current local phone systems, i've dialexten => s,3,Dial(Zap/2/94993655)
15:09.12JunK-Ywhats wrong ?
15:09.43Xander7when asterisk (acting as a SIP client) registers with a sip server, how do you tell it to use another IP for itself? As in, asterisk is behind NAT so must register with its external IP
15:09.46tzangeryou're using it in an 's' extension for starters
15:09.58BlackvelXander7: externip + localnet
15:10.16JunK-Ytzanger: so whats ive to do exactly ?
15:10.22Xander7how do you specify them in the 'register =>'... line?
15:10.40*** join/#asterisk |omni| (~rob@
15:10.41tzangerJunK-Y: who's your voip provider
15:10.42BlackvelXander7: you dont, you use them in [general] section
15:10.45liversmudgewhat phone you using bobby
15:10.56Xander7Blackvel: ok cheers
15:11.01JunK-Ytzanger: i dont have one, its my own asterisk box.
15:11.45expousranyone having any good pricing on 7960's (looking for ~3 for a product demo, then 100-150 to start :) )
15:11.48Bobby_ethey are gs phones, but i have tried from software phones and they are the same
15:14.54liversmudgewe have gs phones
15:14.59liversmudgesome seem to work some dont
15:15.26DEVILoperHi I  m having this Error any help pri_dchannel: PRI got event: 4 on span 2 and ongoing call hangup
15:15.41DEVILoperany help
15:17.39avtech-mjcHi all - does anyone know if it is possible to use the LED buttons on the SNOM 200 to show the status of call parking slots?
15:18.02sivanaload -rs afternight\dalnet.mrc
15:18.22zoaavtech-mjc: i heard its possible
15:18.54tzangerJunK-Y: so what mulitple calls are you having
15:19.24JunK-Ytzanger: i dont understand ur question, my installed my second card this morning
15:19.48tzanger... what card?
15:20.05tzangeroh sorry JunK-Y I was confusing you riwth someone else :-)
15:20.41*** join/#asterisk wizhippo (
15:20.47JunK-YExecuting Dial("Zap/1-1", "Zap/2/93449490") in new stack
15:21.00JunK-Yi need to press 9 to get out of our local phone system
15:21.13JunK-Yi wonder why 9 with my number isnt working.
15:21.55liversmudgeright I have 2 out of 7 (new) gs phones working fine on out going calls
15:22.02liversmudgeall the other jitter to F**K
15:22.09Bobby_ejzangler: do you recommend anything else to try and resolve our issue?
15:22.33DEVILoperany help
15:22.43cursorI've sent in my iax2/codec question to the dev list
15:23.35cursorI would normally just write the code and present that instead, but I won't this time
15:24.03*** join/#asterisk hotgrits (
15:25.43Bobby_eliversmudge: do you think it's the phones in my case, or * - because when they jitter and i check on *, the times are way up compared to when everything's fine
15:26.16Bobby_eit's fine when it goes out via our pstn line
15:26.30Bobby_eand when we Receive calls - via iax from our providor
15:26.49DEVILoperjunky Show ur extensions.conf
15:28.31Bobby_eshould I try updating asterisk to the latest cvs at all?
15:28.49maruzcursor: may you give a look to ?
15:29.49cursorin a moment
15:29.49maruzcursor: the second check should be against "0", isn't it?
15:30.07*** join/#asterisk flewid (~none@
15:30.09maruzit's an excerpt of chan_capi
15:30.17RoyKanyone used zaphfc with 2.6?
15:31.24gr0miti abandoned it
15:31.57tzangerBobby_e: that is odd that receiving calls is fine from your IAX provider... but sending to them isn't... they're noth two-way calls
15:32.55Bobby_ei know, that's what has me stumped!
15:33.11Bobby_ei thought it was them at first, but then two are doing the same, so I dont think it can be
15:33.18bkw_first who is the provider?
15:33.43Bobby_enufone and voiptalk
15:33.59bkw_what asterisk version?
15:34.02*** join/#asterisk twisted (
15:34.03*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
15:34.07Bobby_efrom 07/16
15:34.12Bobby_ei'm updating it now
15:34.24gr0mithi - anyone using the L command to hang up a Local channel?
15:34.27Bobby_ebut i updated a few weeks ago when this first started happening, before 07/16
15:34.29liversmudgebobbyits not just you bobby .... to add a further stump
15:34.54bkw_god damn it
15:34.56bkw_one nick
15:34.57liversmudgeI have 7 phones all on the same firmware ... and 2 work on outgoing calls
15:35.00bkw_THATS ALL ANYONE needs
15:35.20bkw_Bobby you have a local issue if you have problems... thats all it can be
15:35.24gr0mitI call out on a Zap chan, then send the call to a Local/xxx chan with a L() parameter to kill the call after n ms
15:35.26bkw_i'm not seeing any issues with nufone
15:35.50Bobby_eyes, i know it's something to do with my setup, but I dont know what.. i didn't change anything before it started happening, and only updated asterisk to try and resolve it last month
15:35.56gr0mitbut * seems to kill the second call and hand the dest over to the local channel.
15:36.01bkw_describe the problem again
15:36.11Bobby_eoutbound calls placed via iax jitter badly
15:36.18Bobby_einbound via the same iax providors are absolutely fine
15:36.18bkw_via nufone?
15:36.24bkw_or voiptalk?
15:36.26Bobby_ecalls in/out on pstn line are fine
15:36.27bkw_which one will jitter?
15:36.34bkw_disable your jitter buffer
15:36.39bkw_totally turn it off
15:36.42bkw_you have no need for it
15:36.45zoabkw_: he tried it
15:36.47zoadidnt help
15:36.48Bobby_ewe have - tzanger has been working with me on it for a while now
15:36.51zoaand with 55ms he does need it
15:36.57bkw_you have shit hardware then.
15:37.02bkw_no the jitter is totally WRONG
15:37.06zoano you have a shit provider
15:37.12Bobby_eit was going all the way upto 1000/2000 etc
15:37.12zoabkw: the jitter buffer is getting better
15:37.16zoaafter davies changes
15:37.23Bobby_enothing has changed our end
15:37.26Bobby_ethat i know of
15:37.38zoabobby: you probably just don't have enough bw
15:37.41Bobby_eand our telecom providor is great
15:37.44Bobby_eit's on it's own line
15:37.44zoatry measuring your bandwidth
15:38.16tzangerbkw_: damn must be one hell of a nic ejob :-)
15:39.03bkw_tzanger it sure as hell is better then arguing with a fence post :P
15:39.03zoabkw_ is make an inventary of his tools
15:39.05zoait has to be done
15:39.14Bobby_easterisk is the only thing connected to the router for that connection
15:39.44zoabut what is your bandwidth
15:39.50Bobby_e256 up, 512 down
15:39.58zoadid you measure it ?
15:40.25tzangerzoa: I went through these checks wiht him, the only thing I can think of is that router's being bitchy but it doesn't make sense that incoming calls from nufone are clear but outgoing calls through nufone aren't
15:40.30tzangeroh wait
15:40.36tzangernufone DIDs come through a different IP than switch-1
15:40.49zoatry to iperf it
15:40.49Bobby_ei have done in the past, i'd have to hook up a machine to the router and try again now if you think we need it - but why would inbound using the same bandwidth be fine?  and calls between two locations are fine too
15:41.10zoatzanger: that is what i get with an overused ADSL too
15:41.25zoabecause inbound is usually better
15:41.26tzangerzoa: really, that is odd
15:41.34zoabecause you have better download speed
15:41.35tzangerzoa: it's the same bandwidth in both directions
15:41.36zoano its not odd
15:41.39tzangeryes it is
15:41.40zoano its not
15:41.43tzangerheh yes it is :-)
15:41.46zoahe only has 256 up
15:41.49zoa512 down
15:41.50tzangerzoa doesn't matter
15:41.56zoaso if his 256 is actually 32
15:41.59zoahe has a problem
15:42.01tzangerhe is STILL consuming the same bps/pps on an inbound call as he is outbound
15:42.13tzangera call takes up the same bandwidth regardless of which direction it was made
15:42.30zoai don't talk about the call taking up more bandwidth in one direction
15:42.41zoabut i suspect the link of not being symmetric enough
15:42.52bkw_that has shit to do with it
15:42.53zoawell i suspect he has a problem with upstream traffic
15:42.57bkw_I have 1.5x384k
15:42.57zoaits what i see very often
15:43.02zoawith belgian adsls
15:43.02bkw_and we host a conf on it every night
15:43.07zoabkw yes
15:43.13zoabut eg in belgium we have only 128kbit
15:43.19bkw_it has shit to do with the symmetry of the line
15:43.21zoanot reservec
15:43.24zoanot reserved
15:43.25bkw_its crap providers
15:43.27liversmudgebobby are your phones new?
15:43.27zoawhich means
15:43.36zoai sometimes only get 40kbit
15:43.43Bobby_ethey are about 4/5 months old now
15:43.47zoabut i have 3,3mbit down
15:43.54bkw_then you need to hang your provier by their fingernails till its fixed
15:43.54puzzledbkw_: unless either up or down is maxxed out. then it will take a toll on the other direction
15:43.58tzangerzoa I still don't follow
15:43.58zoaso even it that is only 1mbit true traffic
15:44.05zoai still have enough downstream
15:44.12tzangerif it takes 40kbps upstream and 40kbps downstream, it's the same
15:44.15bkw_puzzled riiight.. I can max my DSL out either way while on the phone and it works fine
15:44.16bkw_no jitter
15:44.17bkw_no fuckup
15:44.31zoabkw: belgian providers don't give guarantees on the bandwidth
15:44.33Bobby_ewell, shall i prove the bandwidth somehow on the line?
15:44.33tzangerwhy would a 40/40kbps incoming call be different than a 40/40kbps outoging call
15:44.35bkw_this is exactly why I hate this channel
15:44.36maruzsomeone knows what's early B3?
15:44.37zoaunless you pay like ten times the call
15:44.39*** join/#asterisk xyxz (
15:44.42zoaincoming call ?
15:44.45puzzledbkw_ and that is without shaping/tos/mpls etc.?
15:44.46zoanot incoming audio ?
15:44.50tzangerincoming *CALL* not audio
15:45.01bkw_puzzled limited tos now.... but yes some
15:45.26zoai just lost you 10 minutes of  your time
15:45.31xyxzyeah... only the hot water faucet
15:45.34Bobby_ewell, does anyone have a minute - to connect to my asterisk and experience what i am?
15:45.40tzangerthe only thing I can figure is that his connection to switch-1 is buggered
15:45.42Bobby_ecalls to my house via sip are perfect
15:45.51tzangerbecause IIRC nufone's incoming service is NOT through switch-1, but outgoing is
15:45.54tzangertherefore two different machines
15:45.55Bobby_eeven when my home connection is maxed out
15:45.58tzangertherefore (possibly) two different routes
15:46.06zoabobby_e how about we call you from another server ?
15:46.08Bobby_eit's not just nufone's incoming that's fine, voiptalk is too - who we use mainly
15:46.20zoabobby: how is voiptalks outgoing ?
15:46.28tzangerBobby_e: so that to me says that your connection to switch-1 is shitty for some reason
15:46.32zoado you only have the problem with nufone outgoing ?
15:46.41zoayeah it sounds like that
15:46.48kiso79Anyone here with some STUN experience?
15:46.52liversmudgethis is not down to a specific provider
15:46.59tzangerBobby_e: are your outgoing calls through other providers shitty?
15:47.02zoakiso: yes, i tried it, i don't like it
15:47.22Bobby_etzangler: yes
15:47.26kiso79zoa: i will probably have some clients that will connect from behind a NAt
15:47.29*** join/#asterisk cuban (
15:47.42liversmudgeits down to gs phones
15:47.45kiso79zoa: Is there any other "simple" way of solving this?
15:47.58afoldokiso79, they say stun won't do because it doesn't tunnel UDP.
15:48.23Bobby_ehold on - i've just updated asterisk
15:48.34Bobby_ethe jitter has improved
15:48.45kiso79afoldo: All the people I have asked about the User behing NAT issue pointed to STUN as being the solution
15:49.01afoldokiso79, CIPE and VTUN are recommended for voip tunneling, aside plain and "old" IPSec.
15:49.04kiso79afoldo: Any other suggestions?
15:49.28DEVILoperpri_dchannel: PRI got event: 4 on span 2
15:49.36kiso79afoldo: We are providing GS phones and Xlite for our clients and they have STUN implemented
15:49.54cursorseems not
15:50.08Bobby_eActually, problem still exists just not as bad:  0163ms  0322ms  GSM
15:50.22afoldokiso79, I haven't actually used any of them, just repeating what I heard.
15:50.25tzangerBobby_e: outgoing through other providers are crap too...
15:50.30cursoroops - wrong window :-)
15:50.33pointer-gaimis there any way to get comedian to send mode codes (ie #1{ext} to enable MWI or *1{ext} to disable it) over a PRI to a legacy PBX?
15:50.54*** join/#asterisk Jackfiber (Jackfiber@
15:51.32Jackfiberis it possible to connect two asterisks, one behind NAT the other on the Internet side using IAX?
15:52.14Jackfiberis it NAT=yes
15:52.16zoathe register statement
15:52.27Jackfiberwhich should register to other?
15:52.36zoayou don't have a lot of choice :)
15:52.36drumkillathe one behind NAT should register to the other
15:52.36Jackfiberbehind Nat should register with outside
15:52.45maruzcursor: have you read teh pastebin?
15:53.01cursorcan you post the URI again for me
15:53.16maruzyes sir :)
15:53.20JackfiberNAT=yes for IAX is required?
15:53.32kiso79Nobody have given me a straight answer with firsthand experience
15:53.37cursorIAX doesn't have a nat directive
15:53.37maruzit comes from chan_capi.c
15:53.40tzangerin iax.conf the proper command to disallow bridging/transfers is "transfer=no" correct?
15:54.07Jackfibercursor, thank you but how does it detect it's behind NAT
15:54.09maruzelse if (!strcasecmp(v->value, "ptm") || !strcasecmp(v->value, "1")) => else if (!strcasecmp(v->value, "ptm") || !strcasecmp(v->value, "0"))
15:54.15Jackfiberport forwarding is necessary?
15:54.26tzangercursor: yes it does
15:54.39cursorWhy would it?
15:54.44tzangerit does
15:54.47cursorIAX2 doesn't care about NATs
15:54.47*** join/#asterisk jr99 (
15:55.12Jackfiberso is it bossible * (NAT> <-->  * (Internet)
15:55.12*** part/#asterisk flewid (~none@
15:55.25drumkillaJackfiber: yes
15:55.26cursorNope - no nat keyword in chan_iax2.c
15:55.40Jackfiberbossible -> possible
15:55.47*** join/#asterisk phantomdata (
15:56.21Jackfiberwhich ports should be forwarded: 5036/udp and 4569/udp ?  or 10000 to 20000 /udp are also required?
15:56.30drumkillawell, none actually
15:56.34axiumno ports need to be forwarded
15:56.35axiumjust register
15:56.39zoajust register
15:56.42tzangercursor is there a transfer or notransfer command in iax.conf
15:56.49drumkillathe NATd server registers with the one on the outside
15:56.58axiumnotransfer=yes stops iax native briging
15:57.01drumkillathen, when the one on the outside has a call for the NATd server ...
15:57.04Jackfiberthanks all you are all great
15:57.08drumkillait already has an established connection with it
15:57.25cursormuch like SIP's canreinvite=no
15:57.34Jackfiberspecial thanks to:  drumkilla, zoa, curso
15:57.47*** join/#asterisk dalabera (~Dalabera@
15:59.00cursor(drumkilla) what am I looking at here?
15:59.22drumkillai was talking to Jackfiber
15:59.46drumkillaabout how registration makes his situation work
15:59.52cursorI meant maruz
16:00.00cursorwith the pastebin
16:00.06drumkillait's all good
16:00.54cursorIt's all average
16:01.09cursorThere is no good and no bad
16:01.13cursorit's all average
16:02.55tzanger"reload when convenient" just pops up the help for the reload command now
16:03.06tzangerreSTART when convenient
16:03.09tzangerjesus I'm stupid :-)
16:03.58zoatzanger: guess it was your turn now
16:04.03zoai'm next in line to be stupid again
16:04.07zoamaybe i should go home
16:06.32drumkillai saw that on the National Geographic channel recently
16:06.49drumkillasounds gross, but the idea behind it makes good sense
16:08.15maruzcursor: what average?
16:08.31cursorWhat am I looking at on that pastebin?
16:08.37*** join/#asterisk neoneurone (
16:09.11maruzcursor: according to me, the check against 1 in the 4th line shoul de fixed to "0"
16:09.18maruzshould be
16:09.18*** join/#asterisk heison (
16:09.24cursorthe second if can be removed
16:09.32cursorjust do if (...)  and then else
16:09.40cursorset 0 in the else
16:10.11cursorunless there are other values
16:10.14maruzyes :)
16:10.16cursorother than 1 or 0
16:10.31maruzno, isdn con be ptp or ptmp
16:10.35maruzand nothing else
16:10.51maruzanyway, that line is broken
16:10.54cursorthen just check for one of them
16:10.57cursorand then do an else
16:10.57maruzi post it on dev...
16:11.03cursoror set to zero
16:11.06cursorand check/set for 1
16:11.13cursorand have no else at all
16:12.13cursorisdnmode = (!strcasecmp(v->value,"ptp") || !strcasecmp(v->value,"1")) ? 1 : 0;
16:12.19maruzcursor: should i post in dev-ml or is there a bugzilla?
16:12.51cursortest first and raise a bug if you're happy
16:14.10maruzcursor: are u not part of Bug Marshal?!?!
16:14.18maruzincredible but true :)
16:14.31cursorIn fact, I'm not allowed to post patches any more :-)
16:14.52cursorSo there's not a lot of chance of me becomming a bug marshal
16:15.00cursorNot that that was a dream of mine anyway
16:15.18deddcursor: banned from posting patches?
16:15.26cursorPolitely asked
16:15.49dedd\patches were that bad or employer requirements
16:16.12cursorI'm not going to go over it again :-)
16:16.21cursorOtherwise I'll just get the same questions as before
16:16.29denonhe was building trojans into his patches. <G>
16:16.40cursoryou noticed
16:17.23cursorthey bounced
16:17.28DaminAnyone using the astapi driver?
16:17.33cursorNever write your cheques on a condom
16:17.43cursoryes - the author is
16:18.00cursorYou did say 'anyone' :-)
16:18.02pfnPlease let me know when you are ready to sell it as part of a solution. We are looking to sell the Asterisk PBX to small customers with more or less of a static configuration. 4 lines and 8 extensions.
16:18.02Damincursor: Thanks. That was really helpful. :)
16:18.04deddcursor: nice 1
16:18.08pfna potential customer for my web config
16:18.36deddpfn: u want too much or i'd buy it too instead i'm coding 1 myself
16:18.51pfnheh, you never asked me how much I wanted  :p
16:19.02pfnI actually haven't determined pricing yet
16:19.04deddregardless any price is more than i can afford
16:19.07cursorIf you have to ask, you can't afford it
16:19.32*** join/#asterisk mrgoby (
16:20.03denonpfn's gonna open source it, then we can all make it 10x better, and he can sell his solution for 10x more
16:20.12pfnthere's that
16:20.12cursorI've been here for 16 hours so far
16:20.27*** join/#asterisk Blackthorn (blackthorn@
16:20.35mrgobyis there a way to set the number of rings an x100p waits before it picks up the line on an incoming call ?
16:20.49pfnmrgoby it doesn't pick up until you Answer
16:20.51denonjust wait() longer before you answer()
16:20.52pfnunless you do immediate=yes
16:21.06mrgobyi C
16:21.10pfnthen it'll pick up as soon as it gets callerid if you have that turned on
16:21.17mrgobyso, it must be done in extensions.conf and not zapata.conf
16:21.27denonpfn: does immediate=yes pick up any faster than just answering on 1?
16:21.38pfndenon I don't think so
16:21.40cursorMy answer was more concise and addressed the specific question
16:21.53denoneither way, I guess the callerid spill is the bottleneck
16:22.13denonmrgoby: right
16:22.28denonunless you have immediate=yes, which you'd want to remove
16:22.50mrgobyi thought that only applied to fxs devices ?
16:23.00denondunno, I never use it
16:23.10denonwould make sense that it'd work on fxo as well though
16:23.12*** join/#asterisk ingenius (~syntax@
16:23.15*** join/#asterisk citats (
16:23.26FuzzyCatGet ready......
16:23.31denonmornin james
16:23.32mrgobyok, thanks for the info
16:23.35denonmrgoby: np
16:23.59cursorShhh - stop talking about citats - he's here
16:26.05neoneuronehelp, why does Asterisk use the default context when I pick up the phone connected to the FXS port ?
16:26.15BlackthornI was talking to some people in here ealier, but I have put my older managed switch back online (just finshed updating it's software as well) reason for doing this is that was getting collisions on the network, which i'm still getting.
16:26.25Blackthornany suggestions what to check as to why i'm getting the colliions?
16:26.57cursorWhich context did you specify?
16:27.06vaewyna switch should NEVER have collisions unless you have a SERIOUS wiring fault or are trying to talk   HD/FD cross
16:27.37Blackthornthere is no hd/fd cross
16:27.44cursorDo you have hubs connected to the net too?
16:27.51cursorlike hanging off the switch?
16:28.04Blackthornactually yes. i do, and it's a cheap one too. let me go pull that sucker
16:28.11cursorThat'll be it
16:29.41*** join/#asterisk kivi (
16:30.24kiviAnyone else having trouble compiling chan_capi with latest stable?
16:30.35Himekothat shoudl cause the switch to have collisions though
16:30.59*** join/#asterisk netghost (
16:32.39Blackthornseems a little slower at 401 collisions in 3 minutes now, but still seems to be a prolbem i guess
16:34.52Blackthornwhen i do a graph on the individual collisions it only shows collisiosn on the port that the router is connected to.
16:35.47*** join/#asterisk brc_ (
16:35.49Blackthornrouter is also sending a lot of multicasts
16:36.04Blackthornok well looks like i better go check in the cisco channel thanks
16:36.50bkw_ok guys I have a TDM board I need to sell....
16:38.08bkw_I have a 1FXO and 3FXS TDM board.. msg me if you wanna buy it.. good price... me fix jew up good. :P
16:38.56denonbkw_: 5 dolla
16:39.14bkw_you are crrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrazy
16:40.13brc_nono put some more
16:40.22JunK-Ywhen i do a show translation, is it relative to that machine?
16:40.36bkw_and you can recalc them
16:40.42bkw_show translation recalc 10
16:40.49brc_chinese salesman in shenzen 'no no more u put some more in!' *shoves oversized calculator in my face*
16:41.02JunK-Ywhat means 10 ?
16:41.03jr99ok.. so check this. just called digit networks. card which was "in stock" wasn't really in stock. just shipped yesterday. so, now they said they will credit me for the card and I can just keep it.. so, maybe they aren't such a bad company after all?
16:41.16brc_what kind of card?
16:41.25brc_that sounds like a good racket
16:41.29bkw_JunK-Y just do it.. :)
16:41.34jr99TDM400P w/ 1 FXO and 1FXS module.
16:41.42JunK-Yi did.
16:41.51bkw_what I have is 1FXO and 3FXS for 225.00 plus shipping
16:42.02bkw_jr99 you buy it from me :)
16:42.06jr99I should.
16:42.11bkw_you in the US?
16:42.13brc_yes you should
16:42.13jr99that is a good deal.
16:42.15xyxzjr99: not surprising... they have pretty good customer service
16:42.17jr99yea, in the US.
16:42.24bkw_jr99 225 and i'll pay shipping
16:42.34jr99xyxz: I was suprised when they said this.
16:42.48brc_he'll do it for 224
16:43.01JunK-Yi've order one more card, a digit networks to test this time.
16:43.03jr99bkw_: ok, but I want it tomorrow.
16:43.06brc_I'll give ya $49.9999492871 and that's my FINAL offer
16:43.06xyxzjr99: they have gone way beyond what they need to for me too
16:43.26cursorAnd you want it delivered in person too :-)
16:43.45cursorVia horse-drawn carriage
16:43.46jr99xyxz: well that is good.
16:43.47JunK-Yand he needs ur gf for a night too :P
16:44.31cursorPeople are so quick to change their opinion
16:44.35deddjr99: well gotta keep in mind all the clients they have to screw to have the money to be nice to u =-)
16:44.40AlricPalm trees in the wind...
16:44.42skrustycan anyone speculate as to why i might get a scartchy sound on outgoing zaptel (e1) calls?
16:44.49jr99dedd: yep. maybe so..
16:44.53cursorYou could work for the US foreign office
16:44.55brc_I'd say rather that people are quick to dis a company
16:44.58cursorThey're bad guys
16:45.06cursorno, now they're good again
16:45.15brc_because they sell so called 'clone' ia-92 modems?
16:45.15cursorthey did something bad
16:45.24brc_*roll eyes*
16:45.27skrustyit's only scratchy for the destination phone (mobile pstn etc)
16:45.34cursorWhat's an IA-92?
16:45.43dedd10 dollar modem
16:46.11cursorI'll take one and struggle for a year trying to use it as an FXO :-)
16:46.30brc_cursor, HAHAHAHAH
16:46.35cursorI'll make it do voice - dammit
16:46.36brc_it's the SAME DAMN THING
16:46.46xyxzi don't struggle with them much
16:47.34brc_what on earth would you need to struggle with?
16:48.08xyxzecho maybe?
16:49.02*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by bkw_
16:49.09bkw_thanks for nothing denon :P
16:50.34denonbkw_: I got the bidding started!
16:50.38*** join/#asterisk ^ClaSsY (~^ClAsSy@
16:50.39denonthats gotta be worth somethin
16:50.43^ClaSsYhello everyone
16:51.09*** join/#asterisk sipper (~andy@
16:51.37^ClaSsYi bought an asterisk lisc. The readme says i can only register it 2 times ( with machines with diff macs i.e if i change ethernet card ) what about after that , am i stuck with that card for life ? or can i change it?
16:52.00dedd^ClaSsY: digium can fix it after that point
16:52.13deddbut u would have to contact them after registering it twice
16:52.14^ClaSsYdedd: they will ? for free?
16:52.39deddI been told you just have to contact them and have them verify you are the legit owner and they will sort it
16:52.46*** join/#asterisk Jesse- (
16:52.49Jesse-anyone here in canada?
16:53.01deddof course not me though
16:53.20Jesse-can yo ucall 866-700-3245 and tell me if it works
16:53.25Jesse-anyone in canada
16:54.21JunK-YJesse-: nope
16:54.33JunK-Yconnection couldnt be etablished
16:54.44Jesse-is there an operator recording
16:55.31JunK-Yit doesnt work.
16:56.43cursorWho's your provider?
16:56.57JunK-Ywhat about ya ?
16:57.05*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
16:57.10cursorI have a 1-877
16:57.28cursorWhat does Bell do for you?  SIP?
16:57.34deddcursor: i was under the impression nufone toll frees were blocked from being called from canada
16:57.35cursoror forward to another number
16:57.40JunK-Yno, basic phone service.
16:57.45*** join/#asterisk wizhippo (
16:57.58cursorI don't care
16:58.08cursorNuFone will open to Canada
16:58.11cursorwith a surcharge
16:58.28cursor"French tax" :-)
16:58.34file[laptop]your number goes to like 10 cents a minute in US and Canada
16:58.49cursorIt's 2c per min now
16:58.53file[laptop]that's for US only
16:58.54cursorwith no monthly charge
16:59.00cursorthat's all I need
16:59.15JunK-Ycursor: implicit called me 2 weeks ago, it was 2cents/min
16:59.19JunK-Yand im in canada
16:59.37deddJunK-Y: calling out is different than toll free inbound
16:59.38cursorI have a Seattle number and a New York number
16:59.45cursorso the French can call one of those
17:00.07cursorI == Cursor
17:00.10file[laptop]Farscape time!
17:00.36cursorI'm in charge of the phone system :-)
17:00.42cursorWhat I say goes around here
17:01.39*** join/#asterisk zainPunk (~aa@
17:01.54*** join/#asterisk expousr (~expousr@
17:02.14expousrAnyone having trouble with joinempty on queues not working?
17:02.29zainPunkAsterisk Developer Kit asks for PCI 2.2, How do I know which version of PCI I have?
17:02.41zainPunkgood night
17:02.57file[laptop]zainPunk: you look at the manual for your motherboard
17:03.19zainPunkI got no manual! Is there any way I can see using my OS?
17:03.29|Blaze|zainPunk: look it up on the web
17:03.34expousrzainPunk: or sometimes there are bios settings that are useful in determining this.
17:03.41file[laptop]web would be most useful
17:03.44file[laptop]Google is good.
17:05.29JunK-Yif im making a dial into my 1st channel, the dial will use the 2nd channel, transfer will keep the current channel?
17:06.11file[laptop]JunK-Y: what, if I dare ask, are you trying to do?