irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040802

00:00.10jerowhat is your native language ?
00:00.25wasimyou can have asterisk control which phones to send what page to when
00:00.31wasimme? eengrish
00:00.43litnimaxme russian :)
00:00.58jerogreat for icm
00:01.00jerookay :)
00:01.01litnimaxi guess intercom function depends on phone?
00:01.08wasimlitnimax: yeah, and protocol
00:01.23litnimaxFasterRaster: how do you think?
00:01.33*** part/#asterisk binar_ (
00:01.40jeroI suppose this requires ICM/page compatible phones
00:01.44litnimaxprotocol? IAX/IAX2/SIP?
00:02.10wasimlitnimax: farfon does it with IAX2
00:03.07litnimaxwasim: how much costs farfon?
00:03.07jerothanks FasterRaster
00:03.39FasterRasterno ruckin-furries mate.
00:05.34wasimlitnimax: depends on the qty ...
00:06.22litnimaxso, the answer on intercom is no? :-/
00:06.32wasimno, its a yes!
00:06.47litnimaxauto answer function?
00:07.19litnimaxon dial command you can request immediate answer.
00:07.22wasimyou name it, we have it (other than a graphic touch screen, just yet)
00:07.23FasterRaster"For overhead paging, you can make an Asterisk Extension go to the sound card, and wire its output to a traditional external paging system"
00:07.26litnimaxis it what is needed?
00:08.19wasimsome cats here want a graphic LCD
00:08.36litnimaxand you can plug standart FXO/FSX card and user it for intercom i think
00:09.13litnimaxWhat you guys think about future of IAX2 in 2005?
00:09.56FasterRasterIAX2 will become better than SIP and gain the respect of OEM manufactures who routinely rip linux source.
00:10.41wasimhail IAX2!
00:10.58litnimaxstandart VoIP companies can not compete with plenty of services a company like can offer!!
00:13.29*** join/#asterisk skornn (
00:16.39*** join/#asterisk |Blaze| (
00:16.51Legend`|Blaze|: get your phone working at home?
00:17.21skornnCan anyone help me out with an issue with a generic x100p? The issue I am having is only happening with one of my pots lines that has caller id. Asterisks works during first call, but after it hangs up and another caller calls, asterisk picks up and instead of IVR it's a loud screaching noice then hanges up. Asterisk also says it has cleared an alarm everytime.
00:18.06Legend`skornn: where did you get the card?
00:18.23|Blaze|Legend`: yup
00:18.32Legend`|Blaze|: good stuff
00:18.49Legend`i emailed sayson, and forwarded my comments to the -users list, have any additions?
00:19.34skornnI've had it for awhile, this just started happening... not sure where I got it, I used to use it as a modem.
00:20.21|Blaze|I still need to catch up on the list
00:20.36Legend`|Blaze|: heh, ok
00:20.48Legend`i've found a few oddities
00:25.11skornnI should also metion that it did not start happening until I updated to the newest cvs as of a few days ago.
00:29.46Legend`skornn: so go back to the older CVS, and see what happens
00:31.01jerowhat do you do when your asterisk's hard disk crashes on a production box ?
00:32.57litnimaxjero: do everyday backups and have a sparse HD for the case
00:32.58jerouse an auto-activated backup server ?
00:33.24litnimaxyou can also user linux virtual server project, where 2 servers share 1 ip
00:33.37jero2 servers 1 ip
00:33.37Bobby_Ewingjero: run a raid array, then just swap the disk and rebuild the array on teh fly
00:33.51litnimaxjust plug e1/t1 into new box and go on
00:34.17jeroah, the problem is still plugging the e1 to the other box :|
00:34.27jeroany way to automate this ?
00:34.42litnimaxyou can have 2 asterisks plugged to the station
00:35.13litnimaxdepends on PBX caps
00:35.37litnimaxcan it use another PRI connection only when the first fails..
00:35.50*** join/#asterisk iguy (
00:35.56jeroi see
00:36.42litnimaxanyone did prepaid calling card services using asterisc?
00:36.54*** join/#asterisk FuzzyCat (
00:37.39jeroalmost sure yes
00:38.11litnimax(just did festival extension - how fun :))
00:39.05litnimaxI work in a prepaid calling card voip company.. All the information is kept in billing, and fetched from there by radius. What with * ?
00:39.26litnimaxhow keep PINS unique?
00:39.50litnimaxkeep iax/sip users in database?
00:39.56*** join/#asterisk DrRighteous (
00:40.24litnimaxhow to control call duration!? Is there is smth like  h323-cretit-time?
00:40.45litnimaxFuzzyCat: hysterics is over? :)
00:41.04FuzzyCatthe topic litnimax
00:43.04*** join/#asterisk decode (mikael@
00:46.19*** join/#asterisk iguy (
00:53.34*** join/#asterisk Guest^DJ (~guy@
00:53.57Guest^DJneed consultancy service for hylafax. anyone please?
00:54.21visik7I'm going crazy
00:55.08litnimaxGuest^DJ: what is the problem?
00:55.30litnimaxvisik7: why :)
00:55.49visik7Looking for test in default
00:55.49visik7Reliably Transmitting (no NAT):
00:55.49visik7SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
00:55.54visik7no way to solve it
00:56.56visik7if you are behind a nat it doesn't work
00:57.31atacommROFL......grrr, stupid *..... if you specify random mode on the MoH application, it can play the same song twice in a row.....grrrr
00:58.26Legend`atacomm: that is mpg123, not *
00:59.53jerohow comes there are so many mpg123 processes ?
01:00.07atacommLegend: I've setup a 2 person queue for our sales line.  How do I get rid of this constant call-waiting beep?  Do I just setup one line on the cisco phones to be SIP users that accept call queue calls?
01:00.23Legend`atacomm: dunno
01:00.35Legend`never done queues
01:02.07*** join/#asterisk Moc (
01:03.40*** join/#asterisk usam (~alx@
01:05.00usamany1 can provide norwegian local number via asterisk here?
01:08.20*** join/#asterisk chap (
01:13.00usam!seen jerjer
01:15.23*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
01:16.20pfn~seen jerjer
01:16.26jbotjerjer <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 6d 3h 30m 3s ago, saying: 'RT'.
01:16.48pfnatacomm disable call waiting by setting a macro to limit incoming calls on that extension
01:17.21pfnof course, if you use member => SIP/xxx you can't use checkgroup to limit incoming
01:17.28pfnand incominglimit is getting phased out, hrm
01:17.32pfnthat's an issue, isn't it...
01:17.58pfnqueues should use extensions not channels...
01:19.13pfnbut I guess if it used extensions and not channels, can't tell who to ring?  *shrug*
01:19.39deddpfn: wouldn't groupcount work
01:19.45pfnno, it wouldn't
01:19.59pfnbecause groupcount works at an extension level?
01:20.04pfnrather, checkgroup does
01:20.17deddhaven't looked into it myself
01:20.42usam~seen tholo
01:20.43jbottholo <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 121d 8h 49m 30s ago, saying: '-O6 does the same thing as -O3, and _nothing_ more.'.
01:24.25deddfile[laptop]: yummy
01:25.27bkw_where is tholo
01:25.34file[laptop]but nope
01:25.34bkw_121 days is a LONG time
01:25.38mag``anyone interested in two snom105's? cheap...
01:25.45bkw_2 dollah?
01:25.46atacommgrr, who decided to get rid of incominglimit for the stupid SetGroup command?  If you tell a queue to ring a sip channel, it ignores groups.... you need channel level control to turn off call waiting
01:25.58deddmag``: how cheap
01:26.17mag``hmmmm! $200 for both, includes power and shipping
01:26.41usambkw_ I palyed with my asterisk after a 1 year "pause" ;)
01:28.05atacommatleast incoming limit still works, so it does what i want, but I will kill if its removed
01:32.03*** join/#asterisk HiTech69 (
01:33.16*** join/#asterisk DrRighteous (
01:34.50*** join/#asterisk jero (
01:38.02*** join/#asterisk daryl (
01:38.38*** join/#asterisk soulsurfer (
01:45.13epocheasy, set up a randomised call queue, and whoever picks up the phone when it rings has to drink!
01:45.29decodei'd always answer really fast :)
01:45.54Legend`auto-answer ;D
01:45.54epochso, you're an alcoholic then ;)
01:46.07decodeso? :)
01:46.14DarkFlibthought about just going on whenever someone in the channel you drink
01:46.16epochain't nothin' wrong with that!
01:46.37mag``voip drinking game... whenever your vonage phone services you drink
01:46.48mag``be the most boring sober game out there
01:46.58mag``service *Works*
01:46.59mag``that is
01:47.26pfnatacomm no, incominglimit won't work
01:47.29pfnyou need outgoing limit
01:47.31chapmag: No happy with vonage service?
01:47.33decodei need good drinking games too
01:47.52chapdang keyboard. I spilled some water on it a month ago, and it is still a bit flakey.
01:48.07atacommpfn: oh, hmm, well its working, LOL
01:48.08*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
01:48.24bkw_poose menis
01:48.25ZX81how many tdm400p cards can you put into a pc?
01:48.26mag``I recommended the vonage small business package to a few guys who didn't have the technical skills to figure out the whole NAT end of it, Vonage of course is no help
01:48.27decodeLets play IRC drinking games, anyone?
01:48.29pfnbkw mmm, clay mask  :p
01:48.30bkw_bkw needs money
01:48.35*** join/#asterisk booyeah8 (~booyeah@
01:48.43bkw_everyone paypal
01:48.51booyeah8anyone know what is up with cvs
01:48.52epochwhat for, bkw?
01:48.57decodepfn: #drinkinggames, i have a bottle of jose cuervo
01:48.58booyeah8or is it just me
01:49.00pfnget a job
01:49.03booyeah8i can't check out right now
01:49.03atacommpfn: but still, i dont see why they are EoL the commands.....  a call queue won't listen to the SetGroup/CheckGroup commands, if you put a SIP channel as a member you have to have a way to limit it to a single call..... if they EOL those commands you wont be able to do that anymore
01:49.04bkw_I need a new desktop computer
01:49.06pfnI need to go out to dinner in a few minutes
01:49.22pfnatacomm because SetGroup/CheckGroup are generalized across all channels
01:49.29ZX81anyone know how many tdm400p cards can you put into a pc?
01:49.32pfnthe problem is that queues use channels instead of extensions
01:49.33epochbkw_: you busted your current one?
01:49.35file[laptop]bkw_: I've got $20
01:49.38pfnqueues should be modified so that they ring channels
01:49.40bkw_its only 1.1ghz
01:49.46pfninstead of channels directly
01:49.52atacommpfn: they can ring extensions?
01:50.00pfnshould be modified  :p
01:50.06pfnI don't think it can ring extensions currently
01:50.07Legend`bkw_: my primary workstation is 500mhz/256mb, my fastest workstation is 800mhz/512mb
01:50.13Legend`bkw_: what are you complaining about?
01:50.18atacommpfn: well see, flaw in design in one way or another
01:50.27file[laptop]my workstation is 1.7GHz/512MB RAM/36GB SCSI HD
01:50.33epochbkw_: I'm running a PII-233 as my workstation at work
01:50.45epochso uh, suck it up! ;)
01:50.47pfnatacomm right
01:51.03pfnso get a new dev box  :p
01:51.04bkw_how many here recompile asterisk 100 times a day?
01:51.12ZX81please does anyone know how many tdm400p cards you can use in a pc max? Like is 4 ok 5? I'm trying to put together a quote for a customer
01:51.19pfndon't do full recompiles unless necessary  :p
01:51.25pfnthere's a reason why there's dependencies
01:51.25chapA hundred? yowsee.
01:51.26atacommpfn: because using agents at times is just a pain, for a 2 person operation you just want it to try the two phones.. but you dont want the stupid call waiting indicator to drive you crazy
01:51.33*** join/#asterisk MustDie (
01:51.35pfnatacomm yep
01:51.37Legend`ZX81: you COULD put in as many as you have free IRQs, but you are better off with a T100P and a channel bank
01:51.38pfnatacomm I agree
01:51.59chapI compiled it three months ago. It is working, I ain't touching it.
01:52.00ZX81Legend`: Problem is telepermitting here in NZ, TDM400P will be done shortly
01:52.00atacommwoot... someone agrees with me for once
01:52.01*** join/#asterisk dshin (
01:52.09Legend`ZX81: move
01:52.16ZX81gee thanx
01:52.30ZX81soz for y....too much CS
01:52.42atacommdoes anyone know, are the G726 patents only expired on 32kbps or is there another reason mark only did 32kbps?
01:52.42Legend`ZX81: you need FXO or FXS ports?
01:52.43chapbkw: I realize you are a developer, bug fixer, etc.. You need to compile.
01:52.49decodeVote Satan for president, 2004.
01:52.56ZX8113 lines, 24 extensions
01:53.03mag``anyone had success with the FreeBSD drivers for zaptel?
01:53.10Legend`ZX81: on the FXS side, there shouldn't be any regulatory issues, as its not talking to the PSTN
01:53.22pfndamnit, jar command needs an exclude argument
01:53.23chujidecode: Satan = Bush?
01:53.26ZX81yeah but telecom here is stupid
01:53.31Legend`ZX81: on the FXO stuff, i would hope there is at least one channel bank that is certed
01:53.36decodechuji: no, satan is satan.
01:53.36ZX81you even have to telepermit softphones
01:53.44atacommis it sad that I am putting my phone on hold just to listen to music?
01:53.46Legend`yeah, like i said, move
01:53.49ZX81- the y
01:53.59Legend`atacomm: i am doing that now :-0
01:54.00chapZX81: So don't tell them.
01:54.09soulsurferhas anyone here gotten asterisk to work with festival?
01:54.12ZX81yah thats what i have
01:54.16pfnfestival sucks
01:54.18pfndon't bother  :p
01:54.20ZX81T1 channel bank to 24 phones
01:54.23soulsurfer:) what should i use?
01:54.37chapI did not get festival to work, but that is the longest thing I think I have ever compiled.
01:54.38pfnrecord the voiceprompts yourself
01:54.45litnimaxZX81: may be you'd better user second * box and not put 100 cards in one?
01:54.53pfnunless you have a *really* good database, speech synthesis will sound like utter ass
01:55.15soulsurferyeah. i was thinking of using real voice for prompts and stuff but using festival for functions like reading email
01:55.25litnimaxchap: i did festival today to work for about 1 hour including compile and download time
01:55.26pfnit'll sound really bad
01:55.27soulsurferor whatever text needs to be read
01:55.33atacommjust record every commonly used word
01:55.36ZX81litnimax, yeah just trying to decide how many boxes
01:55.45pfnI need to install
01:55.48pfnsince I call x-lite
01:55.49pfnit's a pita
01:55.57ZX81think there was some thing about some motherboards only offering pci three irqs
01:56.17chujiit crashes
01:56.20atacommpfn: what codecs should i support natively on my gear?  i've got 726 nearly complete....then i'm working on gsm
01:56.34pfnI only want speex cuz asterisk can't call speex if spx is enabled on x-lite
01:56.35Legend`atacomm: what are you building?
01:56.36pfnfucking irritating
01:56.42pfnatacomm what's "your gear"
01:57.21atacommquad and oct T1/E1 cards with onboard DSP.. but its hard wired codecs, meaning its not a programmable dsp like a TI.... faster for the dollar... but it means we need the codecs pre-built before mfg
01:57.39pfncompatible with *?  :)
01:57.50pfngood price?  heh heh
01:57.50atacommthats the plan, we'll need drivers made though
01:58.11atacommand channel drivers
01:59.00litnimaxZX81: i heard asterisk dont manage to do with 4E1
01:59.17atacommso we are doing the fpga programming now, and have an EE consultant coming onboard to do the circuit layout
01:59.44pfnsounds cool
02:00.00bkw_atacomm so you ready to pay to get your cards certified?
02:00.13soulsurferhas anyone gotten asterisk to work with sphinx?
02:00.30pfnpay to get it certified?  as in pci certified or asterisk certified?
02:00.48ZX81litnimax:  8P I'm only trying for the TDM400P cards which do 4 lines each!  :-)
02:00.49bkw_certified to connect to the PSTN
02:01.29pfnstupid thing
02:01.33ZX81it'd be nice to have the digium cards certified here
02:01.36pfnno wonder it's running out of disk space when it runs
02:01.55atacommbkw: of course
02:02.08pfnworks on windows cuz windows apps typically do exclusive locking
02:02.14pfnvery irritating....
02:10.35bkw_there spitting cobras you moron....
02:11.42atacommwho was moron referring to?
02:11.50bkw_the crock hunter
02:11.50atacommoh ok
02:24.06tessier_Can someone explain to me what the difference between NXXNXXX is and XXXXXXX ?
02:24.21tessier_Because I can't dial out with NXXNXXX but I can with XXXXXXX
02:24.38tessier_ie. NXXNXXX does not match the number I am dialing out that should be handled by that part of the dialplan
02:32.06*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
02:33.57tessier_hmm...that doesn't really explain what the difference between N and X is...
02:36.53drumkillaX is any digit
02:36.58drumkillaN is [2-9]
02:37.29twistedZ is [1-9]
02:38.21twistedasterisk fun fact #192:  the system extensions are s, h, i, t, and T
02:38.34twistedoh yea, and fax
02:39.08drumkillatessier_: that answer your questions?
02:41.09MustDietwisted: that what it is, i think i can call myself s.h.i.t. master :P
02:41.24|Vulture|whats T?
02:41.32twistedT is absolute timeout
02:44.37*** join/#asterisk daryl (
02:46.47pfntwistd there's more than shit now
02:46.57pfnthere's o and a
02:47.08*** join/#asterisk hackit25_home (
02:47.36MustDiepfn: what's o and a ?
02:47.46MustDieoops and ahhshit ?
02:47.49pfno is operator
02:47.52hackit25_homeHey guys... I have come across this weird problem. After a while my asterisk box just doesnt pick up incomming calls from the PSTN line and I have to reboot it to get it working again
02:47.54pfnand a is when you press *
02:47.54twistedT o s h i t a fax
02:47.58pfndoesn'[t make sense to me, either
02:48.03MustDieYeah ;)
02:48.14twistedTo shit a fax
02:48.24MustDietwisted: good one
02:48.30drumkillasomebody write that down!
02:48.37twistedeasy way to rememner
02:48.43twisteder remember all the system extension :)
02:48.58mag``hackit..... PSTN connection being, FXO X100p or something?
02:49.20hackit25_homeIll have the CLI up to monitor the incomming call.. while I am testing
02:49.26hackit25_homeand it will work for a while
02:49.34*** join/#asterisk Moc_ (
02:49.36hackit25_homeill come back a couple hours later.. dial back in again and nothing happens
02:49.39Moc_hi all
02:49.44hackit25_homejust rings and rings.. nothing comes up on the CLI
02:49.46drumkillarunning the latest CVS?
02:49.50Moc_~seen Stealth_man
02:49.50jbotstealth_man <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 18d 12h 52m 31s ago, saying: 'kram : are you around ?'.
02:49.58hackit25_homemaybe 2 weeks old. the cvs
02:49.59Moc_damn stealthman !!!
02:50.44mag``have you tried compiling an older release to see if you still have the issue?
02:51.00hackit25_homenah... because the box is like a 350mhz machine.. takes a good chunk out of my work day
02:51.14mag``or swapping hte pci slot?
02:51.17hackit25_homegood call
02:51.31hackit25_homecause ill reload asterisk, modules and everything and that wont fix it. only a reboot does
02:51.34pfnso what does the cli say when you can't receiv calls?
02:51.49mag``betting on pci slot
02:52.05hackit25_homethats what I think too... THese machines are not that reliable. they are the old workstations for the company
02:52.21hackit25_homeJust wanted to field this problem before i went to work tommorow
02:52.29hackit25_homecause I couldnt sleep with it on my mind. heh
02:52.52mag``good luck!
02:53.13hackit25_homeheh... thanks a lot
02:53.19hackit25_homeill c ya all tommorow at work
02:53.21hackit25_hometa ta
02:54.45*** join/#asterisk klicTel (
02:54.48klicTelhi all
02:55.15|Vulture|69 UDP is all tftp need, right?
02:55.54klicTelwhere can i find info on asterisk's capabilities if storing configs in a database?
02:56.05klicTelof storing (sorry)
02:56.14drumkillachecked the wiki?
02:56.55klicTelthey mention iax... but what about queues.conf and agents.conf?
02:57.20klicTelsame page i was on
02:58.31klicTelso not all configs are storable in a database?
02:58.45drumkillai'm not sure about those
02:59.36deddsip and iax tend to work as well
02:59.44deddbut dunno if extensions would work properly
02:59.49klicTelwhat i am trying to do is find out if i can avoid editing conf files when i add/remove an iax2 agent
02:59.49dedddue to the complexity of it
03:00.14klicTelwhich involves editing iax.conf, agents and queues
03:00.17deddklicTel: u can load iax queues and agents by that i think w/o problems
03:00.28deddklicTel: automate it
03:00.50drumkillatessier_: well ... it has to be rining before it can detect ringing
03:00.54klicTeldedd: what do you mean? youmean from a database?
03:00.58*** join/#asterisk cuban (
03:02.40tessier_drumkilla: Right...but it's ringing for three times before it picks up
03:02.48tessier_er..before it starts ringing my phone that is
03:03.44drumkillausing caller id? did say something about an error regarding caller id
03:04.59drumkilladoes your line support it?
03:06.47tessier_ah, it may not...lemme test for that...
03:06.59pfnuh, don't you know if you have callerid or not???
03:07.44tessier_No, because these aren't my lines. Just tested with a normal phone plugged into the lines and no caller id came through.
03:08.12*** join/#asterisk cuban (
03:08.30|Vulture|anyone know why my remote TFTP wont be read by my 7960, keeps timing out. I tried taking down the firewall, and still nothing, local 7960s see the TFTP fine
03:08.44*** join/#asterisk mag`` (mag__@
03:08.49pfncuz your firewall still sucks
03:08.51drumkillatessier_: disable it in the conf
03:08.52tessier_I just turned off trying to use callerid. let's see if that helps...
03:09.17pfnyou need to restart
03:09.19pfnnot just reload
03:09.39|Vulture|pfn: I turned it off :(
03:09.44|Vulture|service apf stop
03:10.12kramcan anybody help me try to figure out what #2200 is trying to talk about?
03:10.13ddougghey, anyone not get a chance to check out my request for a contractor?
03:10.34ddougg/msg me with bids...
03:10.47deddddougg: no bids yet
03:10.58drumkillafile not found ...
03:11.07ddouggi've got 3 so far.
03:11.09ddouggoh, wait.
03:11.10ddouggcd pub
03:11.12mag``someone buy these snoms so I dont have to ebay them
03:11.15|Vulture|pfn: its strange cause the server doesn't see the connection attempt but I can connect to BV's TFTP
03:11.19kramurl seems to be dead
03:11.30ddouggnow try.
03:11.41tessier_mag``: How much do you want for them? I need some.
03:11.52ddouggdoes it work now?
03:11.53mag``$200 for 2 Snom 105's, toss in shipping and power brick
03:11.58mag``great condition, barely used
03:12.02mag``$200 total
03:12.03tessier_ah...I need 200's
03:12.32pfnatacomm I wonder when they're gonna get smart about that
03:12.50mag``how is your lawsuit with that one dude going atacomm?
03:13.13tessier_atacomm: You interested in selling off a couple of them?
03:13.16|Vulture|I bought 4 7940s off ebay and its been 25 days with no contact from the seller... time to file
03:13.16atacommmag: looking to settle probably, ABP authorized us to take back the Snom 4S software for full refund, which was like half of their purchase
03:13.29*** join/#asterisk libpcp (libpcp@
03:13.32libpcpHello everyone
03:13.33atacommtessier: probably will be, we are going to wait another month or two though.....we've had them exactly 31 days
03:13.48atacommVulture: who was the seller?
03:13.49tessier_Where is the best place to buy Snom's at the moment?
03:14.00atacommme ;) i'll take care of you, rofl
03:14.03deddtessier_: atacomm
03:14.10tessier_I need to order a couple and the place I was buying them from before seems to have disappeared...chagres.
03:14.11deddatacomm: take care of me and read your e-mail
03:14.20|Vulture|atacomm: networktec or something like that, says he lives in Orlando... where Im from trying to find out his info Ill pay him a visit
03:14.32atacommdedd: i did read it, not sure what to do...without the 3rd party affiliate company we currently can't do online commission systems
03:15.21deddatacomm: come up w/ something
03:15.21deddatacomm: just gimme credit toward my own orders w/ ya
03:15.43atacommlol, well, we need to be able to track who referred, thats the problem :)  out of several hundred orders a month I can't do it by hand
03:16.08drumkillaer... oops
03:16.51ddouggokay, i've got bids of $300 and $200...
03:17.00ddouggthat's just for the work, not the hardware.
03:17.08deddwell not bad
03:17.25pfndamn lowballers
03:21.07bkw_perl -e 'install Butt::Plug' -MCPAN
03:21.31|Vulture|hmm how do I allow remote clients with *? because its reading the remote phones LAN IP address and they it auto destroy's its registration
03:22.34|Vulture|thats under sip.conf [general] right?
03:22.34pfnno, per peer/user
03:23.10Daminatacomm: You should install and run Interchange.
03:23.35Daminatacomm: It'll track referrals and a ton of other shit. It'll even track inventory.
03:25.13|Vulture|hmm still auto destroying my calls
03:25.33pfnhrm, battery is dying
03:34.46bkw_export USE="cups"
03:34.58bkw_emerge -pv samba
03:36.33|Vulture|Im getting "check_user_full: Setting NAT on RTP to 1" 4 times then "Maximum retries exceeded on call bla@remotelocalip for seqno 101"
03:36.58|Vulture|this is when a NAT phone is connecting to a remote NAT * server with ports forwarded to it
03:37.28|Vulture|any suggestions?
03:48.46Damin[2004/08/01 23:43:24, 1] smbd/ipc.c:api_fd_reply(292)
03:50.13*** join/#asterisk MustDie (
03:50.34|Vulture|anyone seend this "Setting NAT on RTP to 1" problem?
03:51.12|Vulture|I added externip and localnet to [general] and nat=yes under its context
03:54.53*** join/#asterisk lmhart (
03:55.56lmhartG'day folks
03:56.25lmhartWondering if anyone here would be happy to chat briefly about setting up Asterisk as a conference server without any zaptel hardware?
03:58.11lmhartno takers?  :-)
03:58.27lmhartg'day mark :)
03:58.28kramlmhart: certainly not from me
03:58.53lmhartor alternatively tell me what hardware to buy :)
03:58.58kramthat's easy
03:59.03kramany zap card at all
03:59.14gambolputtysipura 3000
03:59.16pfnI dunno, ztdummy behaved very weirdly for me  :(
03:59.19atacommlol, so, does that include that cheap FXO nockoff?
03:59.21kramalthough you can do it without any hardware, but that's left as an excercise for the reader
03:59.23tzangerkram: the TE410/405 are the only digium cards that do bus-mastering, correct?
03:59.23lmhartIf I understand what I've read on the wiki/etc the card is purely a timing source for the meetme, yes?
03:59.24pfnI was getting like 5-10 second lag in meetme with ztdummy
03:59.39*** join/#asterisk menger (
03:59.41kramtzanger: All our cards are bus mastering
03:59.51tzangerkram the TJ320 can bus master?!
03:59.55kramThe TE410/405 are the only ones which burst
04:00.06CoaxDmmmm. bus mastering.
04:00.09tzangerwow I learned something today
04:00.12atacommme too
04:00.21Corydon76-homeCorrection, all the current cards are bus mastering
04:00.28atacommi've always heard they were the only ones that bus mastered
04:00.32tzangerI'm unfamilliar with bursting, I thought that was just part and parcel with PCI
04:00.40CoaxDGod, has the day gone so fast?  I was busy crocheting doilys and watching tv all day.
04:00.41lmhartWe're in the process of installing a nice big softswitch solution here and were looking for bolt-ons for value added services (voicemail/conferencing)
04:00.46Corydon76-homeThe T400P was a Digium card that did not.
04:00.57kramyes but we don't make it anymore
04:01.03kramand i don't think we'll ever make another slave design
04:01.11atacommbursting just means you ask for x number of bytes, instead of pulling the card for a byte (or a word-length) at a time
04:01.19kramjust look at the performance comparison
04:01.45atacommsaves read/write cycles
04:01.46tzangerkram: second question:  Zap hardware uses a 1000Hz interrupt and transfers 8 samples per interrupt, so that's 8 * # of channels * 8 bits in each direction, on every interrupt?
04:01.49Corydon76-homeIndeed.  I suppose I'm being pedantic, but the distinction needed to be made
04:02.03kramtz: yes
04:02.20tzangerkram: and it only transfers data on active channels?
04:02.28kramnope, it does it on all channels
04:02.37kramthere's no real advantage to trying to do it on only active channels
04:02.46kramwell, it doesn't do it for non-configured spans
04:02.48lmhartOk so we've established that the right way to get conferencing to work is to send Mark some money for a card :)
04:02.48CoaxDya. the check itself takes more time
04:02.50krambut any configured span it does
04:02.55tzangerkram: ahh so a TE405P will transfer 8*96*8bits each interrupt?
04:03.03kramtzanger: yes
04:03.10tzanger(well that number sending and receiving) :-)
04:03.12Corydon76-homeYes, but isn't the PCI bus a parallel bus architecture, which means that the data transfer doesn't need to be bitwise-fast?
04:03.12kramthat's not that much when you think about it
04:03.16lmhartHappy to do that.
04:03.17tzangerhmm I didn't know that
04:03.20pfnthat's a whole lot of data @ 1000HZ
04:03.22kramit's not reading over the PCI bus
04:03.29kramit's reading off system ram
04:03.33atacommits not transfering at 1000HZ though
04:03.35kramthat's why bus mastering is so much better
04:04.01CoaxDatacomm: Yes, it is.
04:04.11CoaxDatacomm: well, thats the amount of transfers per second
04:04.11tzangerit's not sending and receiving 768 bytes in each direction 1000 times a second?
04:04.18CoaxDtzanger: Yessir, it is.
04:04.20atacommCoaxD: no, it transfers at 33MHz
04:04.33CoaxDatacomm: I got your pointer after i said 'yes, it is.'
04:04.35lmhartIs the X100P an appropriate card for the job, Mark, or will I need one port per conference participant?
04:04.37atacommtheres a difference, it does it 1000 times per second
04:04.49lmhart(sorry to barge in on the wonderful technical discussion btw)
04:04.57CoaxDatacomm: yes. but the speed at which the transfer occurs is the speed the pci bus can go.
04:05.12CoaxDatacomm: Tho keep in mind, the transfers happen asynchronously from the cpu
04:05.14tzangerheh ok I get atacom's statement now
04:05.17atacommright, hence 33MHz or 66MHz....
04:05.17CoaxDatacomm: DMA rocks.
04:05.22kramlmhart: you just need 1000hz timer basically
04:05.34Corydon76-homekram:  when the card transfers data to the system ram, does it transfer each byte individually (i.e. upper 3 bytes all zero), or does it line up 4 bytes of data into a word for the transfer?
04:05.35pfnfuck, I'm sleepy
04:05.45tzangerit's not transfering 768 bytes at a 1000Hz clock, it's transfering 768 bytes at 33Mhz :-) nice pedantic statement :-)
04:06.04pfn768 bytes @ 33mhz is considerably worse
04:06.10pfnunless it's dma
04:06.11pfnof course
04:06.11atacommyup, dword is the PCI word size, aka 32 bits
04:06.25tzangerconsiderably worse?
04:06.28pfnwell, you can't squeeze 768bytes @ 33mhz over the bus  :p
04:06.31tzangerfor CPU utilization perhaps
04:06.35kramcorydon: the tjnet based ones do 4 bytes at a time (minimum PCI word size), the 405/410 burst 4 quad words at a time
04:06.36*** join/#asterisk eightman (
04:06.46CoaxDpfn: why not?
04:06.59lmhartJust trying to work out if the X100P has that timer or not - the datasheet doesn't mention timers.
04:07.03pfncoaxd cuz the bus is 32bits wide
04:07.09CoaxDpfn: its only 768000bits/sec
04:07.28CoaxDpfn: Er. bytes. duh
04:07.35tzangerthe X100P doesn't use a TJ320 IIRC
04:07.39tzangeroh wait
04:07.40tzangeryes it does
04:07.50tzangerit's been a while since I've used one
04:08.01CoaxDpfn: isnt 33mhz pci something like 133mbyte/sec transfer capability?
04:08.14tzangerCoaxD: 32 bits each clock IIRC
04:08.21pfnyes, 33mhz @ 32bits
04:08.27pfnvice versa
04:08.34CoaxDi forget this stuff. never cared much.
04:08.41pfnI'm just saying, it's not transmitting 768 bytes 33 million times a second
04:08.48CoaxDthing to remember, tho, is that you can easily get a system with 3 pci busses these days
04:08.50tzangerno it's not
04:08.58CoaxDpfn: No, definitely not
04:09.04pfnbecause you're saying 768bytes @ 33mhz
04:09.11CoaxDoh god. semantics!#$
04:09.12pfnjust semantics
04:09.20pfnit's 768 bytes 1000HZ
04:09.21tzangerit's transmitting 768 bytes 4 bytes at a time, and 4 bytes takes whatever clock period 33Mhz ends up being
04:10.13Corydon76-homeWouldn't it be half that, considering that you can only move data in one direction at a time?
04:10.38pfngoddamn paris hilton is hot
04:10.44tzangerwell that 768 bytes is only one direction's worth of audio
04:10.49eightmananyone know where I can find calculators in plain english for spec'ing out an asterisk server?  I'm interested more in CPU requirements than bandwidth.
04:10.54tzangerpfn you're on crack... she is not hot at all
04:10.59Corydon76-home(unless you have dedicated parallel buses, to move data each in opposite directions)
04:11.04tzangereightman: stop trying to put the bare minimum in
04:11.06Legend`eightman:, "asterisk dimensioning"
04:11.07lmhartJust trying to work out if the X100P has that timer or not - the datasheet doesn't mention timers.
04:11.10pfntzanger she's completely hot
04:11.13pfnaside from the 'tude
04:11.15tzangereightman: start with a P4/2GHz or something and see what it's like
04:11.18tzangeryou can always scale back
04:11.18drumkillashe's hot.
04:11.57Corydon76-homeRight, we're only talking about a fully loaded PCI bus, which doesn't happen all that often.
04:12.21cubanhilton is NOT hot.
04:12.25pfnhilton is hot
04:12.25tzangereightman: I mean really you can't buy anything really UNDERpowered these days anyway that's new -- try it and see...  it depends ENTIRELY on codec translators used, channels active, etc., etc., tec.
04:12.31Corydon76-homeNearly every I/O component is slower than the PCI bus
04:12.37pfnshe's got a body, boobies, ass, and a decent face
04:12.43pfnthat's enough for ht
04:12.49cubanno body, no ass, weird face
04:12.55deddpfn: small tits in the vid i saw
04:12.58pfnwell, you're cuban
04:13.04pfnnatural, decent B's
04:13.08*** join/#asterisk Vulture- (
04:13.10pfnI don't need porno tits
04:13.21cubani love natural too
04:13.22Corydon76-homeNah, if you want hot, try twisted on for size...  Weeeoooo!
04:13.24Vulture-anyone here into digital photography? Im trying to find a good place to get hard prints
04:13.39deddVulture-: jpgs to photo prints?
04:13.44twistedCorydon76-home, please stay on topioc.
04:13.46twisteder topic
04:13.46Vulture-dedd: yes
04:13.51deddVulture-: i used for mine
04:14.03twistedpfn, you too.,
04:14.09Corydon76-hometwisted: yeah, Paris Hilton is on topic, and you aren't?
04:14.10Vulture-you guys ever get B&W photos done?
04:14.16pfnheh, indeed
04:14.18twistedno guys.
04:14.22twistedAsterisk is the topic
04:14.27twistedwe have other channels for OT discussion
04:14.30pfnand moose penis is on topic???
04:14.35tzangerso with PCI, bursting just refers to the card's ability to transfer multiple dwords without the processor/DMA setting up each individual dword transfer?
04:14.46twistedpfn: we have a channel for that, and that's where we talk about that now.
04:14.47tzangerwhat are these other channels?  :-)
04:14.48Vulture-pfn: MP is always on topic
04:14.57pfnon-topic is foolish
04:15.09pfnwork sucks
04:16.07Corydon76-homehrm, what's the S400P?
04:16.32pfnno idea
04:16.36tzangerthat's the sexed-up version of the T400P
04:16.47Corydon76-homeSounds like a combination of TDM400P and S100U
04:17.05Corydon76-homesexed-up how?
04:17.10tzangerheh I dunno :-)
04:17.13citatsi believe S400P was the original name for the TDM cards
04:17.19*** join/#asterisk rgunn (
04:18.02Corydon76-homeSounds like somebody on the -dev list needs to send in his for the free upgrade to a revision F
04:18.04tzangerkram: do you know if the zap drivers set the PCI latency timer correctly for the hardware?
04:18.19kramtzanger: i don't think we diddle with it
04:18.54tzangerkram: ok so whatever the BIOS set it to
04:19.25tzangertechnically though the TE405P can handle full PCI bandwidth :-)
04:25.59*** join/#asterisk groz (
04:31.24*** join/#asterisk rumba (
04:32.47ddouggso i got one $200 bid, and one $300 bid on my project
04:32.57atacommwhat is the project?
04:33.14ddouggmy home phone setup
04:35.07*** join/#asterisk pattieja (
04:35.07*** join/#asterisk Gunnar ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
04:35.07*** join/#asterisk wgordon ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
04:35.07*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (~MWoodJ@hyper-eye.digium.sponsor.pdpc) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
04:38.02dedddamn lag
04:38.26pfndduog and a $600 bid  :p
04:38.31*** join/#asterisk advorak (
04:38.42DarkFlib£500 if I was to do it
04:38.44lmhartmark - I know you're a busy bloke, so I'll keep it brief - my objective is to establish what I need to buy/install to take a nice big box and turn it into a SIP based conference/voicemail server without any legacy interfaces (ie: no requirement for FXS/FXO/TDM - but if I need a card for timers/MOH, which one please)
04:39.03*** join/#asterisk menger (
04:39.09*** part/#asterisk advorak (
04:39.10lmhartI've spent countless hours on the wiki/website/other links and I can't find a definitive answer
04:39.32deddlmhart: x100p or ztdummy can be used for timing
04:39.33DarkFliblmhart: you in uk?
04:40.22lmharteveryone seems to be plugging some legacy interface into their boxes so
04:40.27lmhartaustralia flib
04:40.33lmhartg'day mate :)
04:40.36*** join/#asterisk advorak (
04:40.43advoraki am
04:41.33lmhartI'm running FC2 2.6 kernel btw
04:41.41lmhartbut not attached to it in any respect :)
04:42.38pfnI'm running fc2 2.6 'cuz I need s-ata support, heh
04:43.27lmhartthat's a good point - the box I'm using is using sata 10k drives
04:43.29*** topic/#asterisk by twisted -> The Asterisk Open Source PBX || Please register with nickserv to join #asterisk || 100 bugs == no more new bugs permitted, better get moving guys! || Stay tuned to the asterisk-users list for important information from your Commander-in-Cheif
04:44.27DarkFlibjust the word bloke suggested your non-americanness
04:44.28bkw_well if you want me act that you gota pay me by the hour...
04:45.23DarkFlibchief is the correct speeling
04:46.00pfnwhat important message
04:46.03pfnand just put it in the topic
04:46.10bkw_you gotta READ da list boi
04:46.11*** topic/#asterisk by twisted -> The Asterisk Open Source PBX || Please register with nickserv to join #asterisk || 100 bugs == no more new bugs permitted, better get moving guys! || Stay tuned to the asterisk-users list for important information from your Coder-in-Chief
04:46.13Legend`pfn: altigen bought digiam
04:46.15Legend`digium even
04:46.21bkw_well i'm a wild one
04:46.26pfnI'm guessing that's tongueincheek
04:46.44bkw_Legend` dont start such evil rumors
04:46.48*** join/#asterisk joeel1 (~joeel1@
04:47.07lmhartMaybe I need to ring a certain sales dept to get an answer.
04:47.29joeel1anyone will be kind enough to help me on assisting me?...
04:48.04lmhartwhussup joeel1?
04:48.13lmhartI don't know anything but I'm happy to help :)
04:48.21joeel1thanks for replying...
04:48.38joeel1i would like to develop an application..
04:48.39bkw_I just want your extra time.. and your kiss!
04:48.50lmhartit's quite hard to get an answer - understandably, folks being busy and all.
04:48.57joeel1that may connect to asterisk through socket connection...
04:49.36joeel1and then, be able to monitor the status for each connected agent, ie: is it busy, available, etc...
04:49.55joeel1any idea?..
04:50.22pfnjoeel1 look at the manager interface
04:50.53bkw_manager interface baby
04:50.53lmhart(starting to feel for kram right now *g*)
04:51.30twistedlmhart, no, it's kinda hard to get an answer as it's 11:30pm here :P
04:52.19bkw_DaRude - SandStorm
04:52.23twistederr... 10 till midnight
04:54.14lmhartdamn us aussies being awake during the middle of your night!
04:54.18*** join/#asterisk LegendTop (~Legend@
04:55.38joeel1<pfn>: i did... but there's not much info about how do you use it...
04:56.15joeel1<pfn>: any idea, where can i get guide for using manager interface?...
04:58.19KryoStofferHi, Is it possible to play a anoncment before the pickup acknowledge '#' on the Zap og Agent channels.
05:00.44twistedKryoStoffer, not by default, but see this link:
05:02.13KryoStoffertwisted: Thanks.
05:02.22twistedKryoStoffer, no problem
05:14.40lmhartoff to either get zaptelrtc working on a 2.6 kernel or off to buy a card.  Wish me luck.
05:14.50*** part/#asterisk lmhart (
05:17.22*** join/#asterisk lmhart (
05:17.53joeel1any suggestion for manager interface guide?...
05:18.52*** join/#asterisk jmhunter (
05:18.52*** mode/#asterisk [+o jmhunter] by ChanServ
05:20.30twistedjmhunter, hit the clock so i can go to bed
05:20.41jmhunteri hate looking for houses, because I have to DSL qualify them all
05:20.51file[laptop]jmhunter: the sign of true geekness :p
05:20.51jmhunterhit the clock?
05:21.03jmhuntero punch in
05:21.38Mocif Im looking for a house, it need to be at MAX 2km from the Telco for DSL... I want SPEED ;)
05:21.42jmhunteri wonder if i could get cable internet out there
05:22.04pfnout there = ?
05:23.03jmhunterahhh life w/o sbc would be nice
05:23.17pfnyou mean out here
05:23.33jmhunteroy at the house im looking at pfn
05:23.36jmhunterout there
05:23.41pfnwhere the hell is out there
05:23.53jmhunterim saying out there because its near the beach, seems much more outside than where i am at
05:23.59jmhunterlaw selva beach]\
05:24.05jmhunterla selva
05:24.20pfngonna ditch your 6m/512k eh
05:24.35jmhunterwell if i move i would lose it anyhow
05:24.54jmhunterim going to cry with my 3000/256
05:25.29jmhunterfuck i forgot to take the trash out
05:25.47pfn3000/384 on sbc
05:26.25jmhunteri dont think i can get dsl at this house
05:26.57jmhunteri bought a new cell today
05:28.07pfnwhat'd you get?
05:28.16jmhunterlg vx3200... boring
05:29.08jmhunterkorean blandness/tackiness
05:29.41jmhunterthe fucking ringtones jeez.... but i paid $100 for the phone w.o contract, so cant complain there
05:30.06pfnditched the nokia?  why?
05:30.29jmhuntermy kid bit off the antenna months ago, so my reception sucked.. the lg has a stubby
05:30.44pfnthe antenna on the nokia was irrelevant....
05:30.49pfnsince it also has an internal
05:30.53jmhuntermy does cdma still spec extendable antennas
05:31.02pfnnot cdma, vzw
05:31.26jmhuntermine it actually helkped.. i put it into field test a few times... it usualle made about 7 db difference...
05:31.47jmhunterwhy does not my does...
05:32.11jmhunterwhy does vzw want extendable.. theyre selling this thing.. no exendable.. it was the only one w/o
05:32.24pfnvzw wants extendable to claim "best reception of all carriers"
05:32.33jmhunterahh looks like comcast serves this address
05:32.42jmhunterfucking vzw
05:33.02pfnthe stubby is forced because of design issues
05:33.17jmhuntercdma tends to have extendable where tdma gsm do not tho... even sprint mostly has extendable
05:33.34jmhunterno room.. ya where the battery is and everything
05:34.45pfnbut in general, all phones that vzw order must have extendables
05:34.58jmhunterits annoing
05:35.13jmhunteranyway the 3200 works and it was cheap
05:35.25jmhunterno web or gt it now.. but it does 1x which is strange
05:35.35jmhunterand it ahs a speakerphone function
05:35.41jmhunteri love iden phones
05:36.23pfnno wap?  bizarre
05:37.18jmhunterhmm loooks like this address may not be servicabble fro broadband intenert
05:38.20*** join/#asterisk eightman (
05:40.07jmhunterdamn cant live on the fucking beach and have internet
05:40.18tessier_Why not?
05:40.25jmhunternot at this one house
05:40.29tessier_Get wireless
05:40.30LegendTopjmhunter: what state?
05:40.59jmhunterget wireless ok... have wirless.. NO PROVIDERS
05:41.22LegendTopno, wireless to your provider
05:41.58jmhuntertheres no providers near la selva beach
05:42.12pfnany starbucks within line of site of that place?
05:42.17LegendTopwell, then start an isp ;p
05:42.21jmhunterits secluded
05:42.29jmhunterstart an isp
05:42.36jmhunter... fund me and will do
05:42.41pfnif starbucks is within line of site, you could build a directional antenna
05:42.44pfnsign up for t-mobile wifi
05:42.56jmhunterya no starbucks w.i 5-10 miles
05:43.03jmhunterits rural woodsy/beachy
05:43.15pfn5-10 miles doesn't  mean it can't be line of sight
05:43.30pfnwell then
05:43.39pfnscratch that off the list
05:43.48jmhunteri live in santa cruz county.... the least flat county in CA
05:43.58jmhunter(i think)
05:44.31jmhunterewwwwww... sbc is going to start doing sticky IP
05:44.46pfnsticky ip?
05:44.56jmhunterstatic over pppoe
05:45.07jmhunterfor static customers like urself
05:45.12pfnthey can't change it
05:45.22pfnthey can't change it for me
05:45.29jmhunterthey can when ur contract is up
05:45.33pfnI have no contract
05:45.36jmhunteror when u change something
05:45.37pfnmy plan is grandfathered
05:45.48jmhunterya as long as u dont change anything they dont
05:45.57*** join/#asterisk miller7 (
05:46.02jmhunteru still have a pbi account?
05:51.08LegendTopjmhunter: email these guys, and see if they know of anyone in your area:
05:51.46*** join/#asterisk clive- (
05:53.11jmhunterthx legend
05:59.44libpcpi bought a Wildcard X101P from digium. i did modprobe zaptel, modprobe wcfxo and ztcfg without any errors
06:00.25*** join/#asterisk kilobit (~sam@
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06:01.02Mochi all
06:01.34libpcpi plug a telephone handset to the port but i didnt hear any dial tone
06:02.22libpcpanyone can help me how to properly configure wildcard FX0: wildcard X101P
06:02.33LegendTopwhat does your zapata.conf look like?
06:03.56jmhunterjust shot off a post the SBC direct prequals on DSL reports
06:03.59jmhunterwe'll see
06:04.06jmhunteri think im SOL
06:04.39libpcpchannel => 1
06:04.46pfnfxo ports don't have a dialtone
06:05.01jmhunterthey expect a dialtone
06:05.45libpcpis Wildcard X101P a 2 ports FX0 ?
06:05.51LegendTopno, single port
06:06.00jmhunteri need to update my broadvoice review
06:06.21libpcpmine has 2 ports here, one is for line and other one is for phone
06:06.31bkw_because its a modem
06:06.34libpcpthe pci card has 2 slos
06:06.36libpcpthe pci card has 2 slots
06:06.48pfnbecause it's a modem
06:06.54pfnone of the lines is for pass-thru
06:07.07CoaxDpfn: Why are we answering the same question over and over and over?
06:07.08LegendToplibpcp: the X100P is a modem hardware design, that was modified slightly to be used for voice
06:07.17CoaxDpfn: 2 months later, same question.
06:07.30CoaxD"THE X100P HAS 2 PORTS ON IT! CAN IT DO FXS?!#$"
06:07.30jmhuntercoax long time no talk
06:07.35LegendTopCoaxD: welcome to irc/mailing lists/helpdesk ;p
06:07.36CoaxDjmhunter: heh :)
06:07.41CoaxDjmhunter: how areya?
06:07.49jmhunterim ok.. hows th kid
06:07.49libpcpic, sorry i was expecting to be an fxs :)
06:07.56CoaxDjmhunter: He's good
06:08.08jmhunterwell it is an fxs technically
06:08.28bkw_NO THE x101p CAN NOT DO FXS
06:08.30CoaxDjmhunter: Dont get pfn started
06:08.42CoaxDbkw: Brian, thank you for that valuable info!!! I didnt know that!!
06:08.45CoaxDbkw: *smack*
06:09.05jmhunteri know i know, i was being a smart ass
06:09.17jmhunterhey bkw do u have access to sbc prequal tools?
06:09.39libpcpokay ill be back guys ill try to check my X101P
06:10.44rgunnhi all, any Australian asterisk users on here ?
06:10.55kilobithi, can i call AGI script (with args) in a call file?
06:12.19rgunnI'm looking for an asterisk compatible Austel approved E1 card
06:12.24file[laptop]I'm asleep, please don't make a peep or sound a beep! Goodnight.
06:13.32jmhunterBrovocies dslreports rating has dropped 10% in 2 weeks
06:14.05*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
06:19.53pfnNo changes are being made to existing Static accounts nor PPPoE accounts or existing true DHCP accounts. Unless you make changes to your account. I'm not sure if they will still grandfather your static or dhcp if you upgrade/downgrade your speed package.
06:20.10clive-rgunn I think digium cards are approved
06:22.16MustDiecllive: i think they are not
06:22.21rgunnthanks Clive - only its their quad span E1 which is four times too many circuits and four times too expense
06:22.41rgunnas I need ;-)
06:22.54rgunnjust looking for a single E1 interface
06:27.09Corydon76-homeAustel are really SOBs with their approval
06:27.47Corydon76-homeIn a nutshell, you have to bribe them in order for you to get their approval.
06:28.20rgunnyep - the E100P should work here even though there's no Austel approval, but I don't want to find out after paying for it !
06:28.31Corydon76-homeAren't government-approved monopolies great?
06:29.17Corydon76-homeWhy?  The E100P is only 500 US
06:30.28Corydon76-homeOoops, bedtime
06:31.06rgunn$900 AUD is a bit of a waste - i was hoping there might be some other users that could confirm success with it first
06:31.58LegendTopcould you not get a drop and insert device that is certed? and put that between the E100P and the telco?
06:32.32rgunnhave to look around a bit more
06:32.48rgunnthere's aculab and dialogic but I don't know if they'll work with asterisk
06:35.05rgunni'm a bit of a newbie at this, only in the last few weeks got a 4 port TDM FXO card system working with asterisk at our office using IP phones
06:38.12*** join/#asterisk jmhunter (
06:38.12*** mode/#asterisk [+o jmhunter] by ChanServ
06:39.31jmhunteri hate people who sleep with their tv on
06:44.27jmhunteri probably just aleniated the entire room
06:44.52pfnnot really
06:44.56pfneveryone's probably just sleeping
06:44.59pfn... with their tv on
06:45.01jmhunterdude this disney trip planner thing takes a yr to return results
06:45.07blitzrageI'm not sleeping yet... but soon
06:45.15jmhunterwith ur tv on?
06:45.17blitzrageactually.. like now.  g'night! :)
06:45.24blitzragenope... I don't watch tv
06:45.31jmhunterna i just have house guests who sleep with their tv on 24 hours a day
06:45.40blitzrageI used to be like that actually
06:45.42jmhunteri should put a meteter on their room and give them a bill
06:45.42pfntell them to pay the power bill
06:45.55blitzragetvs don't use that much power really though.
06:45.56jmhuntermy wife was too
06:45.59blitzrageunless they are big tvs
06:46.03jmhunteri broke her of it
06:46.21pfnuh, 200-300W isn't a lot of power?
06:46.37jmhunterits a 27" tv too
06:47.09jmhunteri hate fucking lazyyyy houseguests
06:47.12jmhunteri wanna kill em
06:47.21Legend`lemme guess
06:47.24Legend`they are your in-laws?
06:47.37jmhunterall our family is local
06:47.54citatsjmhunter: x10 :)
06:48.02jmhunterthis is my wifes old friend and her internet boyfirend... fucking shes a big ol bitch.. pathelogical lazy fat ass bitch
06:48.16jmhunterexcellent idea
06:48.27jmhunteror i have a seperate breaker for my guest room too
06:50.50*** join/#asterisk jorist (
06:55.38jmhunteri font know why couldn't read username on the voicemail app is a WARNING
06:59.55*** join/#asterisk gmc2000 (
07:05.07jmhunterloks like jerjer is playinh with switch-1
07:07.14*** join/#asterisk schurig (
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07:17.00*** join/#asterisk bit123 (~denzel@
07:18.25bit123hi everyone! I need to deliver a message to a FAX/SMS terminal but the deliver mode should change to the correct one after detecting the other end. Can we do this... ?
07:19.12bit123call txfax for a fax terminal or else call SMS for an sms terminal
07:21.29*** join/#asterisk tafazzi (~Dario@
07:23.38tafazziHi all
07:27.31zoageud meurning
07:29.17tafazziGood morning to all
07:41.31*** join/#asterisk miller7 (
07:42.19zoaheya miller7
07:42.23miller7hey zoa
07:42.29miller7long time no talk
07:45.02grozI'm tryhing to get monitoring going thru the manager interface
07:45.11grozi can get it to monitor a call just fine
07:45.21grozbut i cant seem to figure out the parameter to change the filename it records to
07:45.37grozanybody done this before, i cant find anything documenting the paramters thru manager interface
07:45.55*** join/#asterisk flavour (
07:47.24jmhunternight all
07:47.27*** part/#asterisk jmhunter (
07:50.33brc_what sample rate does mpg123 like?
07:51.21*** join/#asterisk kbb (
07:52.42Kumbangerrrrrr ....8000hz
07:53.33*** join/#asterisk X-Gen (
07:53.34*** join/#asterisk Jas_Williams (
07:53.41Jas_Williamsmorning all
07:59.41clive-hi jas, hi x-gen
08:01.43bit123hi everyone! I need to deliver a message to a FAX/SMS terminal but the deliver mode should change to the correct one after detecting the other end. Can we do this... ?
08:03.07avizion(this is an automated msg - please leave your number and we'll get back to you) ?
08:09.18*** join/#asterisk gmc2000 (
08:11.01Jas_Williamsbit123: Not currently