irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040713

00:00.00pfnoh sweet, that's the correct syntax
00:00.02pfnI was doing it wrong
00:03.15Pkunkwhat FXO cards does asterisk support ?
00:03.29blitzragedant: hrmmm.. welp... setting to Full 10 doesn't help...
00:03.29blitzragedant: will have to play later.... thanks for the idea's
00:03.50salimfadhleyHi people - is anybody on the asterisk voice chat forum at the moment?
00:04.14dantblitzrage, full duplex on a hub?
00:05.28bkw_I SEE
00:05.31Daminbkw_: He's a wanka! :)
00:05.37bkw_"Brian K West"
00:05.51bkw_"Brian K. West"
00:06.11Daminbkw_: The Hacker! :)
00:07.20znoGpunk0: cual es el problema?