irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040709

00:00.04Moc_bkw_, exactly, people keep trying to push on one, it never worked perfectly, and it will never will.. anyway gota filter those people out
00:00.19Derkommissarwhat is b/w ?
00:00.20bonbon-homewho writes sip.conf.sample? It talks about you being able to relate register directives to sip entities, but it's not possible
00:01.08FuzzyCatbandwidth Derkommissar
00:01.21therealadepthow much are these bounties?
00:01.31FuzzyCatused 50% of my allowance in 9 days
00:02.07jmhunterwhat do u mean bon bon?
00:02.16therealadeptI'm sorta busy but if I can earn some VOIP hardware doing it then maybe its worth it
00:02.38DerkommissarFuzzyCat, for what a server ?
00:02.46DerkommissarFuzzyCat, i have a whole ds3
00:02.58Derkommissarwhat do you need?
00:03.02*** join/#asterisk acosgrov (
00:03.33bkw_FuzzyCat I can hook jew up with a place for some of the larger things
00:04.14DerkommissarFuzzyCat, Move to USA.
00:04.24Derkommissarthis is a money making country.
00:04.35Derkommissarwith a lot of unused bandwith all over the place
00:06.48FuzzyCatit's not the size of stuff (iso's are hosted elsewhere) it's the number of hits...
00:08.07unabongeranybody know any good auto-dialer config examples (for announcements about school closures and stuff) for asterisk?
00:08.40ManxPowerSomeone sent me a donation!
00:08.55unabongerwhat's your donation URL?
00:09.10Moc_having a bad day ManxPower
00:09.21ManxPower  look at the top of the page.
00:10.05ManxPowerMoc: Not even CLOSE to how bad the next 4 days will be
00:10.36dgonthanks for res_perl discussion folks
00:10.37Moc_your girl gonna have a baby ?
00:10.54Moc_ha yes, that more than 4 day ;)
00:11.32ManxPowerQuitting smoking
00:11.36Moc_ok McLeine... Beer... Smirnoff
00:12.44MustDieManx: stop killing yourself, smoke as ussual
00:13.13a999uh ManxPower I was curious and had a look  ....  in fear of seeming blind I've checked the page top tp bottom 6 times and there is no donation link to be found. yeah , had to check it again and no link
00:13.48a999wow cool its invisible
00:14.02a999all white on a awhite back ground
00:14.16a999good trick though
00:14.57a999no shitten yeah
00:15.03a999must be a browser version thing
00:15.38a999mozilla 1.5
00:15.57*** part/#asterisk dercol (
00:15.59pfnhas manxpower gotten any donations?
00:16.18a999so rarely it causes him to faint
00:16.35a999rather I hope it was a biggy that made him pass out
00:17.42a999yeah it shows in microsoft explorer
00:17.52a999not mozilla 1.5
00:21.06TestMasTerQuestion for the ASterisk h323 all i need is openh323 and pwlib right
00:22.32ManxPowerpfn: Usually about $30/month.
00:22.43pfnmanxpower wow, that's pretty good
00:22.55ManxPowerpfn: It's terrible.
00:22.57pfnI guess that's all IRC tech support is work
00:23.01pfnbetter than nothing
00:23.07pfnI've been on irc for years and I ain't got shit to show for it
00:23.08ManxPowerpfn: *nod*
00:24.32*** join/#asterisk spphreak (
00:24.35spphreakhello all!
00:24.37machinehdso are you doing all this irc tech support while at work?
00:24.44pfnmore or less
00:25.03spphreak@ work myself ;)
00:25.13*** join/#asterisk cuban (
00:25.53ManxPowerpfn: It would but 15mins of my time at my current consulting rate
00:26.04machinehdsame ;) wasting time on irc... heh. Actually I just leave this program open 24x7 and pop in occasionally to see what's happening or to ask a stupid question
00:26.09pfnmanxpower of course
00:26.11cubanSBC was supposed to turn on Caller ID on my line. They said it'd be working by now but my incoming calls still say "asterisk". I wonder if they just haven't turned it on yet or if my config sucks..
00:26.18pfnmanxpower but it's practically money for nothing, since you'd be on irc anyway
00:27.51spphreakis it possible to setup asterisk to work with vonage?
00:27.58pfnspphreak not economically
00:28.10pfnit'd cost you $25/mo minimum to setup with vonage
00:28.15pfnand that's only 1000 minutes total
00:28.59pfni'd cost you at least $35/mo to get on an unlimited plan and in that case, you'd only have 500 minutes direct access through asterisk
00:29.08pfnthe unlimited minutes go through the ATA
00:30.14spphreakI currently am running vonage, want to play with asterisk.  Was wondering if I could set it up some way to dial out and such.
00:30.23pfnyou'd need to use an fxo port
00:30.28pfnit sucks
00:30.47pfnbecause, it's so limited compared to anything else out there
00:31.01spphreakwhat else is there available?
00:31.12pfna lot
00:31.13spphreakfor roughly the same amount
00:31.28pfntry shopping around
00:31.33pfnyou'll see there's a lot
00:31.51spphreakwhat do I look for though, I thought vonage would've been a good thing for this.
00:32.34pfnyou can take a look at broadvoice, voicepulse connect or nufone
00:33.03pfnif you're reading about asterisk, there's the wiki at voip-info
00:33.17|Vulture|so far, so good with broadvoice
00:33.27|Vulture|kinda dissapointed about the CID though
00:33.36pfnwhat's to be disappointed about
00:33.39pfnthat's a known fact....
00:33.43CoaxDspphreak: You can't hook up to vonage's service directly from asterisk
00:33.55CoaxDspphreak: Basically, you get an ATA and hook a phone to it. And it connects directly to their service.
00:33.58|Vulture|pfn: wasn't to me but Im not heart broken
00:34.00pfnwhat's disappointing about broadvoice is the lack of support for codecs other than g711
00:34.12pfnI only use broadvoice for DID
00:34.13CoaxDspphreak: If you like that sort of thing, great. If you don't, go for it
00:34.27twistedsmoking crack
00:34.29CoaxDpfn: You know, its quite frightening
00:34.39CoaxDpfn: You'd think they'd be a hell of a lot more willing to offer gsm or ilbc or somesuch
00:34.50CoaxDpfn: (On account of the fact that bandwidth costs are as high as they are.)
00:34.52twistedi'm off to see the wizard.
00:34.55CoaxDtwisted: Hello, lamer.
00:34.57fileI'd settle for IAX.
00:34.59CoaxDtwisted: Goodbye, lamer.
00:34.59pfnthey likely use off-the-shelf hardware (cisco, etc.)
00:35.05CoaxDpfn: Oh, of course
00:35.10pfnso they probably support g729 and g723, g726
00:35.13pfnthey just don't know how to turn the shit on
00:35.16filethey need an asterisk box
00:35.28CoaxDfile: Do you have any idea how stupid it would be for them to run with asterisk?
00:35.38CoaxDfile: The cisco hardware is cheaper. this i guarantee.
00:35.41fileCoaxD: no I meant not mainly
00:35.48filelike Voicepulse Connect
00:35.52CoaxDfile: yeah, for sure
00:35.53spphreakWell, I'm a noob when it comes to asterisk, so I guess I could start with the FXO right?
00:35.56CoaxDfile: THAT would be useful.
00:36.00spphreakwhat would you recommend?
00:36.07CoaxDspphreak: If you have a POTS line to connect
00:36.09pfnI just gave you 3 options
00:36.11CoaxDspphreak: Then yes
00:36.18pfnbroadvoice, nufone or voicepulse connect
00:36.41CoaxDfile: heh
00:36.55spphreakCoaxD, what's POTS
00:37.05Himekoplain old telephone system
00:37.06paulcPlain Ordinary Telephone Service/System
00:37.11spphreakno POTS
00:37.18spphreakVonage is it
00:37.30pfnit's very silly to run vonage with asterisk
00:37.32CoaxDspphreak: Get rid of vonage dude.
00:38.05CoaxDspphreak: Hooking an ATA to an X100P with asterisk is about the dumbest way to go about it
00:38.31spphreakso you suggest I open a broad voice account.
00:38.33CoaxDyou lose the whole point of why one would go with asterisk in the first place
00:38.38CoaxDspphreak: Yes. Or somesuch.
00:38.53cubanHm, where the hell is the caller id stuff in the wiki?
00:38.56spphreakdo they send me a modem, or can I use my vonage one?
00:38.57CoaxDspphreak: $19.99/mo unlimited == broadvoice
00:39.05CoaxDspphreak: Dude. you dont need one. you use asterisk.
00:39.10pfnyou don't use a modem with asterisk
00:39.13pfnasterisk is the modem
00:39.14cubanI'm not even sure my callerID is working from bell. Does the name/number show up in the CLI when you see a call come in?
00:39.15CoaxDspphreak: And they're not sending you a "modem'
00:39.21spphreakI just config asterisk to point to it.
00:39.26CoaxDspphreak: They're sending you an analog telephone adapter
00:39.27spphreakand use my login info
00:39.33CoaxDspphreak: Correct. :)
00:40.00CoaxDspphreak: You have to tell them when you sign up that you'd like their plan - with BYOD.  They offer a JUST BYOD plan, which is $5.95/mo.  But *ALL* their plans can be used with BYOD
00:40.09CoaxDspphreak: "Bring your own device"
00:40.59|Vulture|pfn: do you know if Broadvoice plans on allowing CID passthrough?
00:41.25pfnoutbound?  you cann't set outbound CID
00:41.38CoaxDpfn: You cant spoof callerid?
00:41.44CoaxDpfn: With broadvoice?
00:41.54spphreakhow many ports does asterisk use then?
00:42.04CoaxDapphreak: What kind of ports?
00:42.07pfnthey tie down the outbound CID to the number on your account
00:42.12jmhunterwhy does h323 suck?
00:42.19CoaxDpfn: Oh. well, thats a major minus
00:42.23pfnjmhunter because it's not nat aware, it's not extensible, etc.
00:42.27CoaxDpfn: I'd never give that number away
00:42.30pfnI have broadvoice purely for the DID
00:42.39pfnI don't make outbound calls with it, really
00:42.41cubanCan someone point me to CallerID config info on the wiki? I can't seem to find anything...
00:42.47CoaxDpfn: I'd want to set it to something like the callforward number of my biz
00:42.48jmhunter<~has broadvoice for the same reason as pfn
00:43.01CoaxDso what, you pay $5.95/mo for a DID?
00:43.05|Vulture|what do you guys use for outbound?
00:43.11pfnI use nufone
00:43.12CoaxDVulture: I use NuFone.
00:43.16CoaxDvulture: Good shit.
00:43.19pfnthe primary use of nufone is for international dialing
00:43.25pfnI don't make domestic calls
00:43.29spphreakCoaxD:  I mean, if it's behind a firewall, I would need to forward ports right?
00:43.32pfniaxtel and fwd don't count
00:43.37CoaxDspphreak: No.
00:43.42pfnspphreak read the wiki
00:43.52CoaxDspphreak: Read about NAT on the page
00:43.54pfnthat easy
00:44.01pfnread first, ask later
00:44.15cubanHm. So usecallerid=yes is all I need I guess.
00:44.26spphreakI want to build while I read, but wanted to see if I could use my vonage, but if this is better, so be it.
00:44.29cubanI guess bell still hasn't got this thing working.
00:44.41jmhunterspeaking of, pfn can u call me and tell me if there is echo?
00:44.45spphreakso 6 bucks gets me a phone provider for asterisk?
00:45.20jmhunterspphreak, where r u what area code.. what city state
00:45.21*** join/#asterisk cursor (
00:45.49cursorHello all
00:46.38*** join/#asterisk gabb_00 (~gabb3444@
00:47.03|Vulture|anyone know of any in-depth explanations on SIPMAC.cnf files for 7960s?
00:47.17spphreakjmhunter, 614
00:47.22jmhunterhmm vulture.. can u call me and tell me if there is echo
00:47.29|Vulture|sure, want me to dial?
00:47.34cursorI have a PDF from Cisco that explains the config in some detail
00:47.55cursorI probably got it from their website
00:48.07|Vulture|o 1s cant use fwd I guess
00:48.33spphreakthat's awesome man
00:48.44spphreakdude, where'd you get the 866 #?
00:48.55|Vulture|jmhunter: pickup from answering machine, kinda garbled though
00:49.09cubanGod dammit, Asterisk incoming DTMF detection is seriously suckin'. It only gets about 50% of all tones
00:49.13jmhuntertheres no answering machine?
00:49.43|Vulture|I got a "Thank you for calling....please leave a msg"
00:49.49jmhunteri need to toy with zap
00:50.01cursorDTMF detection works for me
00:50.01jmhunterwhen did u get that?
00:50.02gabb_00hello, I need help with this x100p fxo card, I can't make it to work with fxsgs signaling (groundstart), can somebody help please
00:50.14|Vulture|jmhunter: when I just called the 866 # you posted
00:50.19spphreakjmhunter, what is DID ?
00:50.33jmhunterdirect in dial.. a phone number
00:50.52cursorI use fxsks
00:50.59spphreakPSTN or VOIP conference?
00:51.02CoaxDcursor: If you have kewlstart, that'll do
00:51.03spphreakhow man ppl can you get?
00:51.18CoaxDspphreak: As many as your box can handle.
00:51.35cursordo you have the appropriate zaptel drivers up?
00:51.36spphreakwhat's ur connection?
00:51.44FireRabbitcan I transfer a call to another extension from the console?
00:51.47CoaxDspphreak: To do it in any real fashion, however, you need to have a timing source installed
00:51.57CoaxDspphreak: You can use the uhci usb timer, but it isnt quite right
00:52.04CoaxDspphreak: an x100p can provide a good timing source for meetme
00:52.18eadzcan a x100p be used as an FXS card?
00:52.23CoaxDeadz: no.
00:52.32cursorX100P is FXO
00:52.33CoaxDeadz: The other port on that thing is lifeline only. it doesnt really work.
00:52.54cursorit only works when the power fails
00:53.03CoaxDcursor: Works even if the power hasnt failed.
00:53.05cursorit joins the tel to the line
00:53.13cursorI've never tried it
00:53.21CoaxDcursor: Its directly wired into the line
00:53.21|Vulture|is there a way to set the ringtone in the .cnf on a 7960?
00:53.23cursorI assumed it'd only work on powerfail
00:53.30bkw_|Vulture| no
00:53.36CoaxDcursor: nahh, its just a lame wiring trick
00:53.50CoaxDcursor: Works even if power has not failed.  It is directly wired to the inputs
00:53.52|Vulture|bkw_: any way to make it so users cant change it? other than removing all the other ringtones?
00:54.01spphreakcan I run vonage and nufone at the same time?  like, play with nufone for a while
00:54.07cursorchange the ringtone using the menus
00:54.08pfnspphreak sure
00:54.16CoaxDspphreak: Yo ucannot configure vonage in your asterisk
00:54.20bkw_|Vulture| nope
00:54.20pfndamnit, I don't have any dollar bills
00:54.20*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt-gv (
00:54.21spphreaksame for broad thing...
00:54.30CoaxDspphreak: So, its equiv to buying both services concurrently
00:54.32pfnspphreak to use vonage would require additional hardware
00:54.33spphreakCoaxD, right, vonage would be seperate
00:54.35cursorI have a phone bill if that'll work
00:54.50|Vulture|then I shall have to remove all the other ringstones... I just know my employees with change it they mess with anything
00:54.51pfnman, where does my money go everymonth
00:54.53pfnso many bills....
00:54.59CoaxDpfn: Mine too
00:55.14pfnI need to save up to get married next year and shit
00:55.27cursorYou should shit more often
00:55.47cursorIt's not good to hold it for a year
00:55.57gabb_00has anybody used groundstart signaling on fxo lines ?
00:56.10cursornot me
00:56.12CoaxDgabb: Do you have any idea what those things are?
00:56.12cursorI use ks
00:56.19CoaxDgabb: You dont use what you dont have
00:56.36jmhuntertry again vulture
00:56.36gabb_00CoaxD: it is how the lines from the phone company are configured
00:56.37CoaxDgabb: Do you want a quick way to test what you *DO* have?
00:56.45gabb_00they don't have a dialtone
00:57.03cursordial tones are overrated :-)
00:57.10jmhunterspphreak.. by the way there is no monthly charges on toll free incoming on nufone... only 2 cent a minute
00:57.18pfnno monthly?
00:57.23pfnthere's a monthly for the DID isn't there?
00:57.27gabb_00CoaxD: you can get a dialtone only if you "ground" either wire for a sec.
00:57.29jmhunteronly for MI local
00:57.33jmhunternot for toll free
00:57.43pfnI think I'll have to get a toll free # then
00:57.51cursorI've ordered an 877 number from NuFone
00:57.54cursorand I'm in England
00:57.59CoaxDgabb: If you'd like to know how to test for kewlstart, let me know.
00:58.27Connor_when do you use kewlstart and groundstart and stuff... what are normal everyday phone lines?
00:58.30pfnAvailable Funds:  $127.902
00:58.36pfnnope, nufone funds are dwindling fast
00:58.51grynyo CoaxD, thanks for the help yesterday things are looking great overhere.
00:59.03bkw_I use 3-4 bucks /mth
00:59.32cursorI hardly ever make toll phone calls
00:59.39cursorMost of my calls are incoming
00:59.40gabb_00CoaxD: on regular lines it is working fine, these lines they don't have dialtone ... I changed the signaling in zaptel.conf but it doesn't work, it gives me an error (ztcfg)
00:59.45pfnVietnam - Mobile/Special Services    3420    $23.8659
00:59.51cursoror outgoing to other switchboards with VoIP
01:00.06pfnbkw I burn through that much in under a month....
01:00.09spphreakI'm sold on BYOD for boadvoice, woot :)
01:00.11spphreakthanks guys :)
01:00.21spphreaknow all I need is....IP Phones heh
01:00.22gabb_00Connor-: I took these lines from a altigen pbx
01:00.22pfnyou're gonna start cursing us soon  :p
01:00.37spphreakNah, exited to learn about this stuff
01:00.42*** join/#asterisk salimfadhley (~sal@
01:00.45spphreakexcited even :)
01:00.50|Vulture|spphreak: thats what I use
01:00.59Connor_I'm just wondering why their is different kinds, and what advanage/disavange one has over the other..
01:01.11salimfadhleyNewbie support required: I've just got my Asterisk compiled and running - the demo is set up.
01:01.14spphreakdo you guys recommend any certain ip phone? (cheap is good ;) )
01:01.19salimfadhleyI could dial 1000 okay and it worked
01:01.32spphreakI want hardphones
01:01.33|Vulture|spphreak: soft phones are really cheap
01:01.35salimfadhleyBut now I want to set up an extention for my first handset, and I do not really understand the syntax
01:01.40|Blaze|spphreak: sipura boxes are cheap, and you can plug an existing phone into it
01:01.47cursorIf you want cheap then get a two-port Sipura SPA-2000 and plug any old analogue phone into that
01:02.00salimfadhleyI got given a Grandstream Bugetone 100 - looks liek a business phone and works okay
01:02.03|Vulture|but if you want sexy..... 7960 :)
01:02.04gabb_00Connor-: don't know, I hear the payphones are also using groundstart signaling ...
01:02.16mtpthe budgetone firmware can have issues....
01:02.19pfnsalim, you're the first to say that
01:02.26pfneveryone here says BT-100's are garbage
01:02.30salimfadhleyI've not tried out any others.
01:02.39salimfadhleygood for what I paid for it (?0)
01:02.47pfnI want a 7960, but I've got no use for a corded phone at home
01:02.49bkw_those are nice
01:03.02pfncordless all the way....
01:03.04salimfadhleyAnyway my Bugetone is for learning... which is why I am here.
01:03.09salimfadhleyAre you using a Zyxel cordless?
01:03.16CoaxDgryn: You're welcome :)
01:03.17mtpthey're not GARBAGE
01:03.17pfnanalog cordless
01:03.17cursorI have a couple of cordless phones plugged into a Sipura
01:03.18bkw_those sucks
01:03.20mtpbut they're not great either
01:03.29CoaxDgryn: That was some whacky shit man
01:03.30mtpi mean, i'd rather have a softphone.
01:03.34salimfadhleyI want a 802.11b/g SIP handset
01:03.35pfnI run my cordless phones into my tdm20b
01:03.44cursorI don't really want a WiFi transmitter next to my head
01:03.46salimfadhleyI have boosted 802.11g in my home
01:03.52pfnI always hear bad things about siemens cordless phons
01:03.52CoaxDgryn: Never stopped to think that your asterisk might've not been compiled with support
01:03.58pfnalthough, the ones they don't sell in the US are so hot
01:04.00|Blaze|cursor: WiFi is lower power then cell
01:04.01pfnI'd love one
01:04.10CoaxDgryn: (In fact, up til then, i didnt know asterisk could BE compiled without zaptel support.)
01:04.20salimfadhleyYes, a cellphone can go up to 1W of power in the UK (think of frying)
01:04.21cursorpower is not the issue
01:04.21denonpfn: I dunno, most of the people that say bad things about em, have really shitty WAPs close by
01:04.24cursorit's the pulsing
01:04.33denonpfn: Ive run mine with Cisco APs right next to em, and its fine
01:04.39pfndepends on the channel
01:04.49pfnmy phone knocks my WAP offline if it's on certain channels
01:04.52denonof course
01:04.53spphreakhow much was the grandstream bugetone?
01:05.03CoaxDspphreak: they're $65 from fwd
01:05.16grynCoaxD: heh yep.
01:05.23salimfadhleyI got this grandstream free with some crappy voip serivice for a friend.
01:05.24CoaxDspphreak: I'd suggest however - to buy a sipura 2000 for $95
01:05.29grynCoaxD: but it's my fault for not noticing the compile error :P
01:05.30salimfadhleyHe never used it, so I got it back
01:05.40CoaxDspphreak: Free World Dialup
01:05.54CoaxDspphreak: But again, i'd suggest buying a Sipura 2000
01:05.58salimfadhleyCan somebody give me an exmple of how to set up an extention line in extentions.conf
01:06.02cursoryes - Sipura
01:06.04CoaxDspphreak: Its an ATA, which means you can plug in whichever phone you want
01:06.15CoaxDspphreak: I consider it $30 extra dollars well spent
01:06.16salimfadhleyIf my channel is called salimfadhley1 , and I want to make extntion 6001 go to it?
01:06.21spphreakwhichever, you meen analog?
01:06.27cursorsalim: there are examples on the WiKi
01:06.36salimfadhleyWell I am looking at it now
01:06.39*** join/#asterisk heison (
01:06.40salimfadhleyI just dont get it...
01:06.48CoaxDspphreak: Yes. with a sipura 2000, you get 2 fxs (telephone handset) jacks - and you can configure them separately
01:06.59heisonbrain fart... how do you reset the 7960's again?
01:07.04cursorSet up the extensions in sip.conf
01:07.06CoaxDspphreak: And you can plug in a cordless or something that is actually useful, as opposed to having 1 phone that all you can do is use
01:07.08denonheison: telnet in or pull the plug
01:07.14cursorand then use Dial() in extensions.conf to call them
01:07.27heisondenon: no, no... from the keypad...
01:07.30pfnsuch beautiful cordless phones
01:07.32grynheison: *6menu
01:07.40cursor(heison) * 6 settings
01:07.48CoaxDgryn: BTW, dude, we all make mistakes that way
01:07.52heisongot it thanks :)
01:07.57CoaxDgryn: Espeically if we dont necessarily know what we're doing to start iwth
01:08.05*** join/#asterisk dougles (
01:08.07CoaxDgryn: (been there, done that.)
01:08.23grynheh yeah. thanks
01:08.48*** join/#asterisk twisted (
01:08.48*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
01:08.54CoaxDgryn: Hell, i still dont know what the hell i'm doing with asterisk
01:09.05|Blaze|Anyone deal with the sayson stuff at all?
01:09.11CoaxDgryn: I can do stuff. but my extensions.conf gets more and more complex. and every time i have to go back and look at it, i forget what the hell i did
01:09.26cursorput comments in the file
01:09.27twistedHONNNNNK EEEE!
01:09.31cursor; this is a comment
01:09.36grynCoaxD: we are writing a program to generate ours for us :P :)
01:09.41slePPanyone know what's up with 'tos_media' in SIP configs for these cisco's?
01:09.44twistedslePP, !!!!!!!
01:09.44CoaxDgryn: Scarey
01:09.46slePPwhat's '5' supposed to mean?
01:09.52douglesis GSM the best codec?
01:09.53CoaxDgryn: better open source it when its done
01:09.55grynslePP: something between 4 and 6
01:09.57CoaxDgryn: :) :)
01:10.03slePPgryn: hmm... makes sense :>
01:10.10CoaxDgryn: Or better yet, open source it to start with
01:10.12bkw_the best codec is ulaw
01:10.16grynCoaxD: yeah, if _its_ legible :)
01:10.18CoaxDbkw: In what way?
01:10.19bkw_the lowest bandwidth codec is g729
01:10.21dougleshow much bandwidth does it us
01:10.22CoaxDgryn: hehe
01:10.32bkw_ulaw is 64k
01:10.33spphreakcool, thanks
01:10.34CoaxDbkw: I always use alaw for my sip shit when i need non-lossy. why ulaw?
01:10.35bkw_g729 is 8k
01:10.35twistedulaw is also the largest codec :)
01:10.36gryndougles: the least.
01:10.42bkw_you must add overhead
01:10.47cursoriLBC is a very low bandwidth codec
01:10.55CoaxDcursor: Sounds really...tinny
01:10.57cursorand you don't need to pay the tax to use it
01:10.58pfncoax ulaw is US standard, alaw is european
01:10.59douglesGSM is like only 13kbps
01:11.00bkw_CoaxD ulaw and alaw are the same damn thing
01:11.00CoaxDcursor: has that whacky...sound
01:11.03CoaxDpfn: Oh
01:11.05cursorGSM is good too
01:11.07bkw_they differ by 2 bytes
01:11.08eadzI'm having trouble getting my H.323 hardware phone to connect to asterisk.. my phone is and asterisk is .1, i have gatekeeper disables, the phone is set to P2P mode, and i have [eaden]type=user,host=, context=default, in my h323.conf. I have h.323 debug on in the console, and i get the following when i dial in ( my dialing on the phone, it's a Planet VIP-101T ) Received SETUP message \n Setting up Call \n Call token:  [ip
01:11.09CoaxDbkw: Oh
01:11.13bkw_if you're in the use use ulaw
01:11.15CoaxDbkw: I really didnt know that
01:11.15spphreakI'll get my asterisk server up and running, test stuff with the softphones, then if I likey still ;) I will buy the SPA-2000
01:11.26bkw_same damn codec
01:11.26spphreakand axe vonage :)
01:11.29bkw_2 bytes diffrent
01:11.31CoaxDbkw: I see. okay
01:11.36bkw_ulaw is standard in us
01:11.38CoaxDbkw: Were they developed separately?
01:11.40cursorI mostly use ulaw
01:11.42bkw_alas is standard in euro land
01:11.48cursorexcept for when I use iLNC
01:11.52CoaxDbkw: or did the europeans require changing it just so they could appear different?
01:11.59douglesdude 64kbps
01:12.00salimfadhleyAll the dialplan examples are way more complex than I need...
01:12.00douglesthats so much
01:12.02bkw_I think they just wanted to be diffrent
01:12.14salimfadhleyJust trying to map 6001 to a sip channel called salimfadhley1
01:12.15twistedeuropeans always want to be different than us
01:12.16douglesis the kbps the same for both your down and upstream
01:12.18pfndougles not really
01:12.19bkw_its the responsibility of the ulaw side to translate to alaw when needed
01:12.22twistedbecause we're stinky inbred idiots :P
01:12.25pfndougles in each direction
01:12.26bkw_just an FYI
01:12.41bkw_CoaxD so you learned something today?
01:12.54douglesGSM is only 13kbps why not use it?
01:12.54Connor_anyone have a copy of dantz retrospect express backup ?? (comes with maxtor one touch extrenal drive)
01:13.18bkw_gsm is 13.2kbps
01:13.18pfnI wanna try g729
01:13.18douglescompared to the 64kbps
01:13.18bkw_gotta be exact people
01:13.18pfnI'm curious if I can make it usable for my calls to VN
01:13.22bkw_ulaw with overhead is about 100k both ways
01:13.23twistedbtw, iax2 trunking overhead is about 2.9k
01:13.24bkw_you have to count overhead
01:13.27spphreakis g729 processor intensive?
01:13.28pfnilbc performs so poorly when the input is garbled
01:13.48spphreakwhat codec do you guys typically use?
01:13.58twistedi'm a g729 whore
01:14.01pfn'cuz broadvoice won't support anything else, fuckers
01:14.09pfnif broadvoice supported g729, I'd buy like 5 licenses
01:14.18bkw_g729 is cheap
01:14.20twistedit's not a tax
01:14.22spphreakoh, they only support g729?
01:14.23twistedit's a licensing fee
01:14.24cursorbecause it only encourages them
01:14.35pfnbroadvoice doesn't support g729, only g711
01:14.35cursorstandards should be open
01:14.40bkw_g726 is nice
01:14.40spphreakso is it cpu intensive?
01:14.49bkw_its ulaw like quality at half the price
01:14.55CoaxDcursor: its a patent, sir.
01:14.58pfnspphreak when you're handling >40-50 channels it's cpu intensive
01:15.20cursorSoftware patents are not legal in England
01:15.23spphreakI'm not sure I have the bandwidth for even the first channel
01:15.32spphreakI'm capped
01:15.53CoaxDcursor: And sorry to burst your bubble, but patents get royalty fees when they're used.
01:16.04spphreakwho lets you use g729?
01:16.16CoaxDcursor: Too bad its patented in USA.
01:16.19cursorSo as not to encourage monopolists
01:16.21twistedspphreak, nufone, for one :)
01:16.35CoaxDcursor: In what way does a software patent encourage monopolists?
01:16.38dougleswhy would use wanna waste 64kbps when u can use a free GSM codec for soo much less bandwidth
01:16.51CoaxDcursor: A patent only works for 20 years
01:17.04CoaxDcursor: After 20 years has lapsed, its open knowledge to all, and completely free.
01:17.09cursorThat's long enough for a monopoly, I think
01:17.21jmhunteri think im going to get one of those uniden 2.4 ghz 3 packs from costco
01:17.35BoRiStwisted=always a whore!
01:17.40pfnjmhunter yeah, sounds like a good deal
01:17.50pfnI paid like $110 for my motorola cordless...
01:18.03jmhunter3 phones one base.. $99, $10 coupon this week
01:18.08pfnthat's cheap
01:18.16pfnalthough, kinda sucks
01:18.28twistedBoRiS, but of course :)
01:18.37jmhunteri have a vtech 2.4 expandable.. but its reallly hard to find the expansion units now
01:18.48jmhunterwhy sucks pfn?
01:19.01douglesi need to get a fxo card
01:19.08douglesstill havent done that
01:19.08cursorGet one
01:19.13cursorThey're cheap
01:19.19dougleswhich is good one for cheap
01:19.22jmhunterive got a genuine x100p for sale... if u give me 45 its urs
01:19.36grynok first patents used to be 7, and now they are 20, just like copyrights, the monopolies want the patents to last longer.  patents do encourage monopolies.
01:19.40douglesi need to plug my phone in my asterisk box
01:19.42douglesjust i havent needed to
01:19.49douglesi use it as VMBs/conf/call in line
01:19.55denongryn: patents also encourage development
01:20.02twistedanyone wanna get rid of a channel bank?
01:20.03gryndenon: i don't agree.
01:20.09cursorAsterisk boxes like it when phones are connected
01:20.27denonI do, companies invest a lot more energy in a product, if they know it wont get ripped off in 5 years
01:20.45evilbunydenon, opensource hasn't discouraged software developments
01:20.54|Blaze|denon, name me a single product that hasn't been ripped off in 5 years
01:21.11|Blaze|if it's worth selling, someone will find a way to make something close enough that avoids the pattent
01:21.15cursorpatents discourage open source
01:21.17denon|Blaze|: but if it weren't for the patent, how many MORE times would it be ripped off
01:21.23cursorthey create a legal minefield
01:21.30cursoryou'd have to check every line of code
01:21.34gryndenon: i agree that for some industries that would not exist without monopolies (or at least 'big firms') patents are they way they survive.  that's my original statement though, patents encourage monopolies.
01:21.35cursorIt'd be a nightmare
01:21.36denonif it werent for the patent, any schmuck could steal the idea and market it
01:21.42cursorFree countries are not affected
01:22.04gryndenon: not many.
01:22.09cursorRelease the software open source and let people use it
01:22.19gryndenon: but it's just an idea.
01:22.50gryndenon: i'm a service based economy supporter.  not an idea based enconomy supporter.
01:23.04cursorAn implementation's source would be protected by copyright
01:23.06|Blaze|patents just restrict inovation for the most part
01:23.15|Blaze|everything we have around us is based off something that came before it
01:23.15cursorbut patenting an algorithm is stupid
01:23.33|Blaze|and if we keep getting put back 20 years after every invention, we are just shooting ourselves in the foot
01:23.38denongryn: yeah, I dunno .. if I have a really, really good idea. . I want to be able to keep some rights to it before I give it away
01:23.39evilbunycursor: IBM proved that
01:23.44gryndenon: but i'm not saying that pham. comp.s could do what they do without patents. it's neccessary there.  but i do think there are alternatives for situations like that.
01:24.00evilbunythey managed to patent an algorythm for deciding who gets to use a toilet next
01:24.17denongryn: yeah, im not real hard convinced one way or the other
01:24.24twistedyou do realize that even toilets are patented, right?
01:24.26denonbut I dont think they're a totally bad thing
01:24.32evilbunydenon: i saw a good article on why nothing should be patented
01:24.34cursorWheel patent:
01:24.40gryndenon: well if you want to. but it's just an idea.  look how many -documented- cases there are of people inventing the same things at nearly the same time.
01:24.45evilbunythen universities would be funded to do the research
01:24.49denonevilbuny: imho, nothing is a word that should be used very infrequently
01:24.53evilbunyand the public wouldn't get stiffed with sugar pills
01:25.21cursorThere are companies that don't produce anything and only exist to extract license fees from the patents they've bought
01:25.31cursorHow is that protecting the author?
01:25.49gryndenon: well it's just perposterous to me to even think you can say 'this is my idea', so what you are saying that you didn't talk or read anything else in your entire life that enabled you to think about this idea?  everything is based on your and others past expereinces.
01:26.16*** join/#asterisk Pkunk (~Pkunkage@
01:26.42cursorI'm just glad I don't have to worry about it.  I still won't pay a G.729 tax on principal
01:26.43CoaxDGuys, think about patents in another way
01:26.47Pkunkdo the cdr logs in asterisk store the STOP time or the start time in the calldate field ?
01:26.49CoaxDPatents only cover *THE PRODUCT*
01:26.54pfnIBM puts out a lot of patents....
01:27.02CoaxDIf information held in a patent allows you to come up with a NEW IDEA
01:27.04evilbunyCoaxD: no, not in the US
01:27.06CoaxDIts YOURS to patent!
01:27.08grynalso, we have only had patent laws for less than 200 years.  but we managed to go through most of the industrial revolution without them.
01:27.09cursorSome patents cover an idea, which is stupid
01:27.22mitchelocpkunk: i think it's the starttime plus the length in another field
01:27.35CoaxDOkay. so if someone patents a codec that can do 6kbit/sec today
01:27.39pfnpkunk in cdr_odbc?
01:27.41bkw_some cover a process
01:27.48cursorSoftware moves to fast to be crippled with patents
01:27.49CoaxDand i go "Wow. this codec thing is cool." and develop a codec that can do 4kbit/sec
01:27.51CoaxDI CAN PATENT IT
01:27.59pfnspeaking of which, is that patch in yet?
01:28.03bkw_cdr_odbc.c now stores the start time in calldate
01:28.04bkw_as of today
01:28.16bkw_yes its in cvs
01:28.29bkw_cdr_odbc is the only one that does it correctly
01:28.34pfnyep, it is
01:28.43bkw_all the rest calc the calldate as the time the record is posted to sql
01:28.46bkw_so you talk for 45 min
01:28.52bkw_the calldate is off by 45 min
01:28.53pfnyep, pretty lame
01:29.05BoRiSlets fix cdr_pgsql :)
01:29.13bkw_you have a mouse in your pocket?
01:29.15bkw_fix it
01:29.30BoRiShmmm, lets look at your patch!
01:29.33cursordo you need a mouse for cdr_pgsql?
01:29.37*** join/#asterisk [g2] (~[g2]
01:29.42pfnretrieving revision 1.14
01:29.42pfnMerging differences between 1.13 and 1.14 into cdr_odbc.c
01:29.42pfncdr_odbc.c already contains the differences between 1.13 and 1.14
01:29.42pfnU cdr_sqlite.c
01:29.45bkw_BoRiS its a simple fix
01:29.53bkw_you use cdr->start
01:30.02bkw_which is the "right" thing to do
01:31.11bkw_ya 3 line fix for cdr_pgsql
01:31.59Connor_what are you all "fixing" with the cdr stuff ?
01:33.01bkw_BoRiS I have a diff
01:33.50BoRiSSo now all my logs are screwed?
01:34.06*** join/#asterisk Marlow (
01:34.06bkw_cdr_sqllite.c does it right also
01:34.19pfnI wrote a script to update the cdr's to the correct date
01:34.26bkw_pfn give it to BoRiS
01:34.44cursorI run the Asterisk server using UTC
01:34.50cursorso all the dates are 'correct'
01:35.12cursoreven when moving to/from daylight time
01:35.22pfnthe timestamps have TZ info in them
01:35.24pfnso that's taken care of
01:35.41Pkunkpls don't update pgsql to post the correct time
01:35.42pfnhell, I wrote something to load my Master.csv cdr-csv into pgsql, too
01:35.48cursorI do the TZ when presenting the info
01:35.51bkw_cdr_mysql does it wrong also
01:35.56Pkunkcoz i'm modifying my billing to adjust for it
01:36.00pfnI have my Master.csv loaded into there now
01:36.04bkw_cdr_odbc and cdr_sqllite do it right
01:36.23pfnpkunk you mean you deduct duration from calldate to get start time?
01:36.27pfnthat's weak...
01:36.27[g2]If I buy an IAXy do I need an asterisk server, or will by VOIP bb provider be the server ?
01:36.30pfnjust update it to be right
01:36.43pfng2 you can run off of the iaxy providers