irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040702

00:00.06pattiejajmhunter: I'd like to use IAX[2] since it doesn't have any issues going through NAT
00:00.26filebut I'm modifying the audio component to actually work :)
00:00.41fileversus looping in ZiaxPhone
00:01.30tommmmmmoc if it's the same as in Europe, you always pay yearly membership, based on the number of addresses you requested
00:01.41jmhuntereveryone likes the snom... but it doesnt evn do sip
00:02.20jmhuntertru pattieja... psudo cell phone
00:02.37tommmmmmoc there are a few categories here, and registries pay between 2000 and 6750 eur per year, depending on the number of IP ranges
00:03.11pfnsnom doesn't do sip?
00:03.23jmhunteri think its a h.323 clent pfn
00:03.33pfnsnom 200 does SIP
00:03.36pfnand h323
00:04.05tommmmmmoc if you are a start-up, you pay 2500 start-up fee and 2500 for the first year, so 5000 in total, which is too much for me
00:04.06jmhunterthey just seem overprices... unable to mass produce probably
00:04.14pattiejajmhunter: I tried using X-Lite Pro for PPC devices.  Totally nasty
00:04.27pfnjmhunter ?
00:04.27pattiejaof course, I was connecting it through SynCE under Linux
00:04.47jmhunterthe snom seems over priced pfn
00:04.49pfnjmhunter their pricing seems pretty normal
00:04.55pattiejaapparently it cannot work through ActiveSync under Windows, as ActiveSync only transparently ports TCP/IP connections, not UDP connections
00:04.57pfnplenty of softkeys
00:05.07pfn2 lines?
00:05.18pfnsounds like it competes at about the same level as the cisco 7940
00:05.21pfnsmaller screen
00:05.24pfnbut just as professional looking
00:05.44jmhuntercan u send me a fax fn...
00:05.51jmhunterno xml on snom tho pfn
00:05.57pattiejafile: will your iaxclient thingy work on GPE and Opie?
00:06.02pattiejaor just one or the other?
00:06.02pfndunno what good the xml is...
00:06.11jmhunteru can do fun stuff with it
00:06.12filepattieja: I'm writing for Opie
00:06.20pfnlemme see if I have anything to fax
00:06.21jmhunterfeed anything.. rss, and what not into it
00:06.23pfnI'll send you some fax spam
00:06.34jmhuntersomething thats full of deatil
00:06.39jmhunteri have a scrunch problem
00:07.27mitchelxml is good
00:07.30mitchelyou can write programs
00:07.32mitchelthat the phone can use
00:07.38mitchelwithout needing a computer
00:07.43jmhunterthats why i like the 480i
00:07.51jmhuntereven the 7905G will do some xml too
00:07.59jmhunterthx pfn
00:08.01filepattieja: I just got a new hardrive in yesterday for my Linux devel box... so I can start work on the GUI
00:08.36mitcheljm it'll do the same thing as the 40/60
00:08.44mitchelthe 05 is cool. at least the sip image is
00:08.49mitchelit has an http server =)
00:08.52mitchelwhich makes me happy
00:08.53jmhunterstupid rxfax , its shrunk me thinks
00:09.38jmhunterty again pfn
00:09.46jmhunterdid it fail?
00:10.00mitcheljmhunter: you got the spandsp to work?
00:10.12Moc___rxfax is great, but still need alot of owkr
00:10.18mitcheldamn you  heh
00:10.20*** join/#asterisk scythelX (
00:10.22jmhunterit doesnt like being 65ms away from nufone i dont thiunk
00:10.27srdWould someone mind helping me with: ? I'm having a problem receiving inbound calls via iax
00:10.29scythelXdoes anyone use actos by anychance?
00:10.32mitcheli still can't even get my sipura to work with g711 and a real fax machine
00:10.40Moc___rxfax need to be sure the file is being written on the HD BEFORE telling remote fax that fax was complete..
00:11.02mitchel* written correctly
00:11.02pfnyeah, it failed
00:11.10*** join/#asterisk Ridgeback (
00:11.14jmhunter=( im on ilbc.. stupide
00:11.16scythelXtrying to get it to work on a freebsd 4.10 machine but its not running
00:11.44pfnno wonder it wouldn't recognize
00:11.48pfnit wouldn't negotiate
00:12.06Ridgebackhello,, anyone here ever use an ata-486 device with asterisk? just curious about it's performance and any issues you may have had with it...
00:12.09jmhunter1more? =)
00:12.20jmhunterworks fine ridgeback
00:12.31jmhunterif i did it over.. id get a sipura
00:12.33*** part/#asterisk scythelX (
00:12.45Ridgebackjmhunter: ok cool.... I get my first ata-486 boxes here soon to play with...
00:12.51Ridgebackjmhunter: really why is that?
00:13.05jmhunterim selling mine on ebay... im going to get a tdm400p
00:13.10jmhunteri dunno.. just not a fasn
00:13.25jmhunteri bought it unlocked right
00:13.44Ridgebackjmhunter: oh ok....  but they(ata486) are pretty easy to setup via web interface?
00:14.00jmhunter~google manxpower
00:14.28jmhunter is a greeat page for ata-186 setup
00:14.50jmhunterfailed again?
00:14.56mitcheljm why not a t100p + adtran, 24 fxs =)
00:15.06jmhunterbecause its for my house
00:15.09pfnno good
00:15.18mitchelso you would need that much then
00:15.21mitchelnot 24
00:15.24mitchelbut 5 rooms maybe
00:15.29mitchelthats 3 sipura
00:15.30mitchelheh nevermind
00:15.31mitchelnot worth it
00:15.48mitcheli bought my t100p for $240 so it's worth it to me because i also have an extra adtran i got for free
00:15.49pfnjmhunter didn't negotiate again
00:15.49jmhunterdude.. this is my plan
00:15.58mitchelso it's $240 for total cost =)
00:15.58pfn$240 for a t100p?  cheap
00:16.00jmhunterya figures
00:16.12mitchel* total cost for 24 fxs ports
00:16.14jmhunter1 7905G
00:16.20brett_anyone awake run a pri on a cisco router that talks to asterisk via sip?
00:16.31jmhunter1 7940 in bedroom
00:16.39*** join/#asterisk menger (
00:16.42jmhunter1 480i in office
00:16.43mitcheljm i suggest you switch the two
00:16.48pfnjmhunter all this money could be going towards a mortgage  :p
00:16.52jmhunterand my tdm400p w/ cordeless
00:16.56jmhunteri know
00:16.57mitchelthe 05 doesn't have speaker, in the kitchen it's more useful
00:17.04jmhunteri only spend my on * i earn with ebay
00:17.17pfnI should go dig through my room to see what else I can ebay off
00:17.26jmhuntermy wife doesnt use speaker
00:17.28mitchelheh how are you earning money, share the secret to ebay
00:17.29*** join/#asterisk cfutfut (
00:17.36jmhunterselling shit i dont need
00:17.42jmhunterfor more than i paid for it
00:17.43pfnit's pretty easy to make some money on ebay
00:17.48pfngo to discount stores
00:17.51pfnlike marshall's and ross
00:17.52cfutfutI have some huge problems with pri interface on *
00:17.56pfnbuy last season's stuff
00:17.57mitchelheh i know
00:17.58pfnand go resell it on ebay
00:18.06mitcheli've got this one book that i bought for $10 brand new
00:18.07pfnyou'll often make like 25-75% profit that way
00:18.11cfutfutAfter libpri update it comes out with a bunch of errors
00:18.12mitcheland i can sell it easy for $150 on ebay
00:18.19mitcheland i can get more for $10-$20 each
00:18.22cfutfutPRI: Don't know how to U/A on a type -1 node
00:18.22cfutfutUrgent handler
00:18.22jmhunteri sold my 9700 pro (ati) i bought for 100 in december for $150 a few days ago
00:18.26pfnwhat book is this?
00:18.37mitchelnot telling =p
00:18.39jmhunteror ata-186 i paid $55 for, for $101
00:18.50cfutfutSorry: this is the message-> PRI: Don't know how to U/A on a type -1 node
00:19.36cfutfutCould someone please help
00:20.40Ridgebackcfutfut: man I wish I could help you... thats out of my league, I'm a noob... any one else have any ideas for this person?
00:21.11*** join/#asterisk Snakez (
00:21.48Snakezhas anyone gotten vonage working with asterisk? it seems to work, but i can't send or receive calls
00:21.57jmhuntermee i te;ll everyone, im luicky i get dialtone
00:21.57pfnusing the softphone?
00:22.05cfutfutThe problem is that it won't initialize the interface anymore. So all incoming and outgoing PSTN lines are dead
00:22.23pfncfutfut google turns up nothing?
00:22.41cfutfutnothing at all
00:23.06pfncfutfut what driver is this with?
00:23.13pfnerm, nevermind
00:23.16pfnI don't know anytihng anyway
00:23.20cfutfutcase PRI_NETWORK:
00:23.20cfutfuth.h.c_r = 1;
00:23.20cfutfutcase PRI_CPE:
00:23.20cfutfuth.h.c_r = 0;
00:23.24cfutfutpri_error("Don't know how to U/A on a type %d node\n", pri->localtype);
00:23.28cfutfutThis is what the code states
00:23.42cfutfutSo it doesn't know that is a PRI_CPE interface
00:24.13ariel_cfutfut is this a new install or you updated and then got this error?
00:24.27cfutfutupdated and error occured
00:24.39ariel_cfutfut have you rebooted?
00:24.52ariel_what does zttools says
00:24.52Ridgebacksee ya guys....
00:24.56cfutfutsee ya
00:25.02*** part/#asterisk Ridgeback (
00:25.09cfutfutjust a sec
00:25.26pfnwhat code is that?
00:25.38ariel_cfutfut I am doing this from memeory I do not have my system in front of me. So please bare with me as well.
00:25.51Moc___damn half of internet is down ?
00:26.08mitchellol no moc
00:26.14Moc___can't get to openoffice/opengroupware
00:26.18ariel_Moc____ yes my home took a dive I am at work but 1/2 the system is not running strange?
00:26.27Moc___even slashdot
00:26.39mitchelnot working for me either
00:26.52Moc___:/ something strange
00:26.54cfutfutWell zttools doesn't report any problems
00:26.58mitchelnvm it's working i mistyped it
00:27.08cfutfutztmonitor, zttest
00:27.22ariel_cfutfut which board?
00:28.25ariel_wct1xxp? I don't know that board. is it like the E100p?
00:28.51cfutfutit is a E100P sorry
00:28.59cfutfutactually two of them
00:29.34ariel_check your zaptel and zapata to make sure there the file is not set wrong.
00:30.36cfutfutI've checked the doc for any configurations changes in the files, but there are none.. And the systems has been working great for about 4 weeks
00:30.59ariel_files are not corrupted?
00:31.27cfutfutloadzone = no
00:31.27cfutfutdefaultzone = no
00:31.28ariel_cfutfut next roll back then there might be an error in the builds
00:32.18ariel_you have timing set for both boards as same?
00:33.02ariel_I have to go and swap 2 Digium boards on my server here I will be back in a few..
00:34.15cfutfutis that a problem?
00:37.01cfutfutthat was it. Thanks
00:42.38bkw_that works too
00:42.43bkw_just an FYI to make the configs smaller
00:48.48ariel_ok next.
00:49.28*** join/#asterisk lancey (~bobiNkAaA@
00:49.30ariel_OK I swapped out my two servers T400P to TE410P cards... Now lets test to see if they work. The 3rd already has the TE410p in it..
00:49.32lanceyany cisco guys around?
00:50.03pfnwhat's improved in the t400p to the te4xxp cards?
00:50.20ariel_pfn it suppose to be a better DSP
00:50.22lanceyanyone here able to help me with cisco 5350 frame-relay connection?
00:50.37bkw_their are NO dsp's on those cards
00:50.55bkw_go read the thing on it will tell you
00:50.57ariel_bkw_ other then the Bus master what then.
00:51.09bkw_they have a PDF that shows it
00:52.44ariel_Bus master and improve I/O 10 times better.. That is what it says..
00:53.26bkw_but it has no DSP's thats all in software
00:53.56*** join/#asterisk Eadz (~eadz@Eadz.student.supporter.pdpc)
00:54.25ariel_So what's the Xilan Spartan chip on them for?
00:54.38lanceye1/t1 encoding, i guess
00:54.59pfnoh yeah, looking at the ports reminds me, what are the LEDs onthe tdm400p for?
00:55.11pfnI have 2 fxs modules, but only 1 of the LEDs lights up
00:56.34ariel_Google says its a FPGAs chip.
00:56.42Eadzhi.. whats the best codec to use for a local PBX, where overhead/size isn't imporntant, best voice quality?
00:56.59pfnmuahahahahah, I was first
00:57.00pfnyou people suck
00:57.05ariel_no no
00:57.13tommmmmulaw :D
00:57.18ariel_look again pfn
00:57.25pfnI can't look again
00:57.28pfnmy client shows it as first
00:57.30Eadzthanks :)
00:57.36lanceyariel_ it might look different on his client
00:57.39Maveric<ariel_> ulaw
00:57.39Maveric<pfn> ulaw
00:57.39Maveric<Maveric> ulaw
00:57.41lanceybut on mine you are first
00:57.43tommmmmEadz I think it is ulaw :p
00:57.43pfnI guess that means ariel was first
00:57.45lancey<ariel_> ulaw
00:57.45lancey<pfn> ulaw
00:57.45lancey<Maveric> ulaw
00:58.02lanceyARIEL   ARIEL   ARIEL ~!!!!
00:58.16lanceyeveryone shout ARIEL :))))))
00:59.03tommmmmyou're all lagging. I was first :P
00:59.17ariel_ok ok next.
00:59.39pfnthat's the thing about irc as a protocol, it doesn't echo what you enter, so you can't tell for sure if you're first or not
00:59.57ariel_You can get the spartan chip for 2.49 each in bags of 1000...
00:59.59Mavericwow thats a flood and a half
01:00.57Mavericpfn if it did echo what type then that'd be really annoying when your lagged to shit
01:00.58ariel_It's a type of DSP but it says it's faster and has less instruction code.. Based on RISC chip Design...
01:01.02lanceyariel_ you are gonna produce digum fakes ;00
01:01.11ariel_no no no..
01:01.15pfnmaveric well, then you'd know you're lagged to shit
01:01.24ariel_I just swapped my T400p to t410p's
01:01.25Maverictrue enough but still man
01:01.31pfnhow many times have you been chatting, and it takes 5 minutes for you to realize you're lagged?
01:01.33Mavericeven if it did echo
01:01.43Mavericyou wouldn't beable to tell
01:01.51pfnyeah, it's local server echo
01:01.51Mavericyour not lagged to the local server
01:02.10ariel_argh one server not coming up. got to check it out...
01:02.18Maverici'm glad we are a buncha geeks talking about irc echo
01:02.23MustDiePeople, who runs a bunch of 7960 behind nat ?
01:02.24pfnhot plug pci boards
01:03.05Mavericspeaking of servers gone wrong
01:03.13Maverici had a disk bounce off a raid mirror today
01:03.27Mavericwe rebuilt the mirror and it was fine
01:03.32Mavericvery strange indeed
01:04.05Mavericthink a 3 disk mirror array is too much for an asterisk server?
01:04.38pfn3 disc mirror?
01:04.49Mavericyes all 3 disks are mirrors of eachother
01:05.11pfntalk about redundant
01:05.27Maverici work at easynews thats how they are about things
01:05.58Mavericwe have whole switch blades that are just dedicated to redundancy
01:06.09Mavericso if a switch blade should fail it will fail over to another
01:06.11pfnbut it's just nntp....
01:06.18Mavericand things keep trucking
01:06.26Mavericwe do a lot more then just nntp my friend
01:06.41Mavericpuregig = biz isp
01:06.46pfnbut it's just nntp
01:06.53Mavericnntp = nasty protocol
01:07.06pfnI swear innd is overly complicated
01:07.17brc_how's things going at easynews mav
01:07.22Mavericdon't use it
01:07.25Mavericthey are good brc
01:07.34Maverici'm killing time so i don't have to drive home in traffic
01:07.56Maverici should be getting my new asterisk servers soon
01:08.58Mavericdo any of you guys know of a really nice im client that supports pgp cyrpto?
01:09.11tommmmmhmmmm I think I better go to sleep. 3AM already and got to get up at 7AM
01:09.13Maverichopefully for both linux/windows
01:10.01*** join/#asterisk Coren_ (
01:11.14Coren_Hey all.  Asterisk newbie here.  I'm having a hard time making the console work with ALSA (oss disabled, asla not, but I can't figure out what to stuff in alsa.conf).  Pointers?
01:11.45Mavericyou got me there Coren_
01:12.40Coren_OSS whines loudly when misconfigured.  The only thing the ASLA module says is 'found alsa.conf'.  Big help.  :-)
01:13.34*** part/#asterisk cfutfut (
01:14.10Coren_Erp.  Never mind me.  The reason it doesn't whine is because it actually works.  I just need to Answer before I Playtones.
01:14.41Eadzit would be really cool if there was a skype channel driver in asterisk :)
01:15.00MavericEadz i think they might be working on that soon
01:15.18Eadzwho's they? skype? they use asterisk?
01:15.40Mavericskype doesn't
01:15.46Mavericbut its been talked about here before
01:16.20Eadzshame it's not an open protocol but hey, if they make a asterisk channel driver then that won't matter to me anymore
01:16.53Mavericmaybe not an open protocol but it can be reverse engineered :D
01:17.13Eadzyeah but isn't the codec they use commercial?
01:17.19Maverici dunno
01:18.59Maverici'm a sip/iax man myself
01:19.03Mavericraise on asterisk
01:19.08Mavericraised on asterisk
01:19.15Moc___can vonage connect to * ?
01:19.21Moc___in SIP direct ?
01:19.30MavericMoc___ not really
01:19.37Mavericit would be possible
01:19.45Mavericbut vonage = ghetto gay like that
01:19.54Mavericno offense bkw and manxpower
01:20.46Coren_Erm.  Playtones remains silent, even though Background works right.
01:21.21Moc___and we can't use * as a MCGP client ?
01:21.30Maverici dunno moc
01:22.32Moc___it hard to have something I want over here !!1
01:24.10pfnI don't see why * can't connect to vonage through the softphone, though
01:24.15pfnvonage just rebrands x-pro
01:24.16pfnI think
01:24.28jmhunteri like trunking
01:25.28jmhunteraffirm pfn
01:25.49*** join/#asterisk lancey (~bobiNkAaA@
01:25.59lanceyno cisco frame-relay guy here?
01:27.13jmhuntersomeone else is on Twisted's Nick
01:27.17Coren_Okay; I'm stumped.  The Congestion app works, so does Background, but Playtones just stays quiet (with explicit tone list or tone name from indications.conf)
01:27.27Coren_That should work, yes? :
01:27.32Coren_exten => 79,1,Answer
01:27.32Coren_exten => 79,2,Playtones(!950/330,!1400/330,!1800/330,0)
01:28.03jmhunteru got him to get off
01:28.08jmhunteri got*
01:28.09Coren_-vvv says the command is executed, too.
01:30.07jmhunterthe bad twisted is back
01:31.00*** part/#asterisk mitchel (
01:31.42Mavericany digium guys around?
01:33.02pfnI should be working, heh
01:33.44jmhunterpfn hook it up with the src code.. is that running off the .csv or db?
01:33.47lanceysomeone help me
01:33.55lanceywith cisco to frame relay connexion
01:33.57pfnrunning off of db
01:34.02pfnI refuse to read .csv and parse it out
01:34.15pfnI need to pretty my shit up first
01:34.19jmhunterset it up for me pLS!!!!!!!!!!!
01:34.31Legend`pfn: there are pretty ones already
01:34.44pfnI need to go looking for them
01:35.13jmhunterGMAIL is lasgged the last couple days
01:36.20*** join/#asterisk BigChief (
01:36.47jmhuntersomebody bought my audigy now, earlier today, and i havent got the email yet
01:37.00*** join/#asterisk twisted (
01:37.00*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
01:37.07BigChiefhello, everyone
01:37.25jbotMOOOOSE PENIS!!!
01:38.04pfnjmhunter oh yeah, there are prettier ones out there than mine....
01:38.09pfnjmhunter I'm just hacking shit together
01:38.17twistedpfn, prettier what?
01:38.29pfnwrote up some cdr scripts real fast
01:38.33BigChiefI'm having a strange problem... can you guys help me?
01:38.43twistedBigChief, don't know, what's the problem?
01:38.45jmhuntertoo bad gmail ivvites arent like currency anymore
01:38.54pfnjmhunter yeah, I'm bummed I missed out on that
01:38.59BigChiefI'm trying to get my WC X100P to work
01:38.59twistedpfn, heh.. there are MUCH prettier ones out there :p
01:39.03pfnI wouldh ave pushed my friends to give me gmail invites earlier
01:39.10pfntwisted indeed, that's what I said  :p
01:39.13twistedpfn, hehehe
01:39.23BigChiefand when I plug it into the phone line and try to dial out, it crashes my phone line
01:39.25pfnbut I refuse to run php
01:39.27twisted"honey, where are my socks?"
01:39.28pfnI absolutely refuse to
01:39.37jmhuntertwisted i got a camper off ur nick for u
01:39.38*** join/#asterisk expousr (~expousr@
01:39.43pfnI'll probably do it all in XSL::Sablotron
01:39.51pfnwrite up a dtd
01:39.52twistedjmhunter, doubtful, as i'm registered
01:39.55pfnand send xml all around
01:39.57BigChiefmeaning, that if I later try to call that number, I get a phone system message
01:40.02jmhunterhe wasnt in the room
01:40.05BigChiefanyone ever have that problem?
01:40.15twistedjmhunter, uhhhh
01:40.17jmhunteri was PMing him and hes like wtf.. and i said get off!
01:40.21pfnjmhunter twisted is a registered nick on freenode
01:40.32pfnso once twisted comes on and idents, the other guy gets kicked off
01:40.32jmhunterso the gmail backup script broke today... 7/1
01:40.58twistedi got that msg earlier
01:41.05twistedi was online
01:41.12twistedmost of the day
01:41.14Eadzjmhunter: they use quite a bit of javascript trickyness eh
01:41.36twistedit's raining buckets outside
01:41.55Eadzi have an invite btw if anyone wants it. raining here too. whoops got to go
01:42.49*** join/#asterisk ebrady (
01:44.40Moc___Anyone offer 1800 that work from canada or 514 area code number ?
01:46.33Coren_Hey, in MTL, Moc__?
01:48.14Coren_Moc, I can give you 800 from here as soon as I'm done with the config.  :-)  I'm setting up for work, but at home.
01:48.34Coren_Err, wait, if you're in mtl, why do you need 800 from here anyways?
01:48.46Legend`is there any way to show the name of the extension you are _calling_ on a 7940/60?
01:48.54Coren_(As opposed to just picking you your phone, that is)  :-)
01:49.16*** join/#asterisk newbie35 (
01:49.25Moc___well I want VoIP base 514 area code DID and/or 1800
01:49.34*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
01:49.54newbie35request for help regarding MGCP
01:50.01pfnrequest denied
01:51.56newbie35how do I configure asterisk to allow SIP to MGCP calls?
01:52.40Moc___well nothing special needed..
01:52.54*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
01:53.00Moc___just configure SIP and configure the MGCP and make your dialling plan do the routing
01:54.16newbie35moc___ :  you'll have to be a bit more specific than that.  i can show you my mgcp.conf and sip.conf files if you'd like
01:54.52newbie35sip to sip works fine.  mgcp to mgcp works fine.  but sip to mgcp doesn't work
01:56.13*** join/#asterisk chap- (
01:57.29Coren_Aha!  Found why Playtones() doesn't work, I think.  "channel.c:1621 ast_set_write_format: Unable to find a path from UNKN to SLINR".
01:57.58Coren_Why the fsck would Playtones() be UNKN?
01:58.29jmhuntertwisted... rain, what is taht
01:59.33newbie35more:  a call from a sip phone will ring an MGCP phone, but as soon as it's answered, the call is dropped.
01:59.39jmhunterhows the budgetone for a kitchen the budgetone usable, or is it real bad?
01:59.51Moc___newbie35 what does the console say ?
01:59.57Legend`if i ping my SIP phones across the lan, i get less than 1ms latency, but if i qualify= in sip.conf, it shows times >60ms
01:59.59Legend`any ideas?
02:00.05Moc___you got canreinvite=no on sip ?
02:00.12bkw_qualify isn't a ping
02:00.24Legend`what does qualify do?
02:00.25newbie35Attempting native bridge of SIP/6155-92cf and MGCP/aaln/1@
02:00.27bkw_qualify is how fast the devices respond to sip messages
02:00.34bkw_ie notify
02:00.46newbie35Jul  1 19:56:00 NOTICE[1125329600]: chan_mgcp.c:2270 handle_response: Terminating on result 502 from aaln/1@
02:01.03jmhunterso is the budgetone workable at all?
02:01.17Legend`jmhunter: buy me one, and i will tell you
02:01.17Moc___donno that error, normal since I never played with mgcp
02:01.34JerJerjmhunter: as a kids toy?   sure
02:02.01jmhunteras a wife only kitchen phone
02:02.08Moc___jmhunter, it work, but dont except much
02:02.51jmhunteri dont
02:03.19newbie35canreinvite=no fixed it.
02:03.21Legend`bkw_: so IAX qualify is just a ping?
02:03.52*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
02:04.14ariel_my rsa keys are not working.. Argh...
02:04.36bkw_Legend` its the same thing pretty much
02:04.50twistedit's a protocol-specific ping
02:04.55twistedit's like me poking you
02:05.15Legend`cause my `iax show peers` status is about the same as `sip show peers`, my sip peers are in the same office, my iax peers are nufone and voicepulse