irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040628

00:10.03iMediaxany way to see errors on mysql cdr? asterisk -cvvv shows no errors, but it's not being added to the database
00:11.20iMediaxbah nm.. Unable to load module
00:12.27denonhaving some problems getting zaptel running on a new box, anyone care to throw me some ideas?
00:15.39denonI'm guessing there's somethin hosed with my kernel headers
00:15.46denonat a bit of a loss though
00:16.13cubanAnyone usin' gentoo and KDE? :)
00:19.30baffledDenon, are drivers not compiling?
00:19.59denonbaffled: right
00:20.20baffledWhat is the error?
00:21.06*** join/#asterisk h3x (
00:21.12|Vulture|Anyone use VoicePulse Connect for incoming?
00:22.09file|Vulture|: many people do, just say your statement/question
00:23.26|Vulture|do they have number portablility?
00:23.48|Vulture|I know they do for their broadband service but I didnt hear anything about their connect service
00:24.08*** join/#asterisk mandraw (
00:24.10fileI highly doubt it
00:25.01|Vulture|yea I figured since they would want you using it for outgoing mainly
00:27.52baffledDo you have the kernel installed from source or by package?
00:28.26denonbaffled: I got the source package..
00:29.30denonand the headers
00:29.55baffledWell, then you could cheet and move /usr/include/linux aside and make a symlink to the linux directory in the include dir of the source tree.
00:31.16baffledI don't know how debian links their kernel header packages with their kernel source packge because I always build from
00:32.34denonso /usr/include/linux should be linked directly to the include dir?
00:32.43denonor to include/linux?
00:34.03baffledln -s /usr/src/linux-2.4.25/include/linux /usr/include/linux or wherever your tree lives.
00:34.55denonso do the headers need to be linked at /usr/src/linux?
00:35.49baffledI don't understand your question the /usr/include/linux link points to /source/tree/linux-2.4.25/include/linux.
00:36.50baffledso when you do a ls /usr/include/linux/ it shows you the contents of /source/tree/linux-2.4.25/include/linux.
00:37.53denonyeah - I think I was misinformed on somethin else, cleaning i up now
00:38.27denondo the kernel *headers* need to be linked differently than the kernel source/
00:39.36baffledWell, debian keeps their kernel header package seperate from their kernel source because loads of programs use the includes other than just the kernel.
00:39.45BoRiSYou still need to do  ln -s /usr/src/linux-2.4.25/include/asm-i386 /usr/include/asm
00:40.02baffled.yeah that will help as well.
00:40.16BoRiSI always use kernel headers.
00:40.56denonsomethin got hosed.
00:41.06denon-bash: /usr/bin/make: No such file or directory :)
00:41.12BoRiSwhich make
00:41.21denonwhatever testing is shipping
00:41.23BoRiSdenon: Scary
00:41.44BoRiSI hate it when Makefiles have hardcoded paths
00:41.45denonno doubt
00:42.05denonwell .. no ..
00:42.09denonits not a busted Makefile
00:42.14denonits make itself
00:43.04denonbroke after those two ln -s :
00:43.10*** join/#asterisk DenyMe (Mr_Pride@
00:43.28DenyMegood morning
00:43.44*** join/#asterisk ionixLaptop (
00:43.52denonln -s  /usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.25/include/linux /usr/include/linux
00:43.52denonln -s  /usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.25/asm-i386 /usr/include/asm
00:43.55denonthose looks sane, right?
00:44.14denonwonder what about that would break make
00:44.15BoRiSand make sure you have ln -s /usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.25 /usr/src/linux
00:44.22*** join/#asterisk MaxInux (
00:44.50DenyMehow do i use auth as plaintext?
00:45.10denonhmm .. /usr/include/asm  is already a dir ..
00:45.18denonwhen I did an ln .. surely that wouldnt have hosed anything
00:45.50BoRiSno, it shouldn't
00:47.05denonthere actually is no /usr/bin/make
00:47.09denonlots of other stuff in there though
00:47.18BoRiSdo a "which make"
00:47.23BoRiSor a locate make
00:47.31denonin process
00:47.48denonactually, I did a find . | grep make
00:47.56BoRiSif you find it... symlink it in /usr/bin
00:48.00denonI didnt..
00:48.02denonits gone.
00:48.13denonfriggin weird
00:49.34*** join/#asterisk af_ (~af@
00:49.57*** join/#asterisk Isaiah (
00:50.28xystdenon- if linux/ and asm/ already existed, you would have made asm/asm a symlink, etc
00:51.02denonaptitude claimed it wasnt installed at all
00:51.16BoRiSalso after you have created the 3 symlinks... Make sure to do a "make dep clean" in linux/
00:51.21baffledThen how did you build the drivers earlier?
00:51.21hardwireI finally got 4 channel banks to my nortel system over the t100p
00:51.24hardwirefxo style
00:51.29hardwirewhat a pain in the ass
00:51.30denonbaffled: I *was* installed
00:51.32denonmoments ago
00:51.39hardwiretoo bad its not programmed to recognize these ports
00:52.56baffledWell, I have to crash so good luck denon.
00:53.13denonthanks baffled, looks like I'm gonna need it